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1. A large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creature.(一种巨大、丑陋且吓人的想象中的生物。
2. A person who is extremely cruel, wicked, or abnormal.(一个极其残忍、邪恶或不正常的人。
1. 作名词:“The monster in the movie had huge claws.”(电影里的怪兽有巨大的爪子。
2. 可以用于复合词,如“monster - truck”(大脚车)。
1. Beast(野兽):“That beast in the forest is as terrifying as a monster.”(森林里的那只野兽和怪兽一样可怕。
2. Creature(生物):“The strange creature could be considered
a kind of monster.”(这个奇怪的生物可以被看作是一种怪兽。
1. Monster movie(怪兽电影):“I love watching monster movies on weekends.”(我喜欢在周末看怪兽电影。
2. Monster hunter(怪物猎人):“He dreams of being a monster hunter one day.”(他梦想有一天成为一名怪物猎人。
1. I was so scared when I saw the monster lurking in the shadows. It was like a nightmaree to life!(当我看到怪兽潜伏在阴影里时,我吓坏了。
2. “Oh no! There's a monster under my bed!” cried little Tom. His eyes were wide with fear.(“哦,不!我床底下有个怪兽!”小汤姆喊道。
3. The hero in the story fought bravely against the monster. He was like a fearless knight.(故事里的英雄勇敢地与怪兽战斗。
4. That guy is such a monster! He never shows any mercy to others.(那个人真是个恶魔!他对别人从不留情。
5. In the game, the monster has different attack patterns. You need to be careful.(在游戏里,怪兽有不同的攻击模式。
6. Look at that huge monster over there. It's so hideous that I can't bear to look at it for long.(看那边那个巨大的怪兽。
7. The monster roared loudly, shaking the whole forest. It was as if the forest itself was trembling in fear.(怪兽大声咆哮,震得整个森林都在颤抖。
8. “A monste r? I'm not afraid! I'll just give it a good whack with my sword,” said the brave warrior.(“一个怪兽?我不怕!我就用我的剑好好揍它一顿,”勇敢的战士说。
9. My sister is terrified of monsters. Every night she checks under her bed and in the closet for them.(我妹妹特别害怕怪兽。
10. The movie about the sea monster was really exciting. I felt like I was on the ship with the characters.(关于海怪的那部电影真的很刺激。
11. That monster - like building stands tall in the city center. It looks so out of place.(那座像怪兽一样的建筑高高地矗立在市中心。
12. “Do you think monsters are real?” asked Jack. “I don't know, but they sure make great stories,” replied Ben.(“你认为怪兽是真实存在的吗?”杰克问。
13. The little girl drew a picture of a friendly monster. It had big eyes and a big smile.(小女孩画了一幅友好怪兽的画。
14. The monster's eyes glowed in the dark, like two burning coals. It was really spooky.(怪兽的眼睛在黑暗中发光,就像两块燃烧的煤。
15. I'm not going into that old house. There might be monsters
in there. Who knows?(我不会进那座老房子的。
16. The monster in the fairytale was finally defeated by the magic of love. How amazing is that?(童话里的怪兽最终被爱的魔法打败了。
17. “If I meet a monster, I'll run as fast as I can,” said the cowardly boy.(“如果我遇到怪兽,我会尽快跑掉,”胆小的男孩说。
18. The monster costume for Halloween was really cool. I got so manypliments when I wore it.(万圣节的怪兽服装真的很酷。
19. Some people think that deep - sea monsters might exist. It's like a mystery waiting to be solved.(有些人认为深海怪兽可能存在。
20. The monster made a strange noise, a bit like a growl and a hissbined. It sent shivers down my spine.(怪兽发出一种奇怪的声音,有点像咆哮和嘶嘶声的混合。
1. A weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt, used for fighting or in ceremonies.(一种有长金属刃和柄的武器,用于战斗或仪式。
1. 作名词:“The knight drew his sword and charged at the enemy.”(骑士拔出他的剑向敌人冲去。
1. Blade(刀刃;刀片):“The blade of the sword was sharp as a razor.”(剑的刀刃像剃刀一样锋利。
2. Weapon(武器):“The sword is an ancient weapon.”(剑是一种古老的武器。
1. Sword fight(剑斗;剑术比赛):“The y had a thrilling sword fight in the movie.”(他们在电影里有一场惊心动魄的剑斗。
2. Double - edged sword(双刃剑):“Technology can be a double - edged sword.”(技术可能是一把双刃剑。
1. I found an old sword in the attic. It was rusty but still looked cool.(我在阁楼里发现了一把旧剑。
2. “With this sword, I will protect the kingdom!” shouted the prince. His voice was full of determination.(“用这把剑,我将保卫王国!”王子喊道。
3. The swordsman's sword flashed in the sunlight as he practiced his moves.(剑客在练习招式时,他的剑在阳光下闪闪发光。
4. Be careful with that sword. It's not a toy. You could hurt someone.(小心那把剑。
5. The legend says that the magic sword can only be wielded by the chosen one.(传说这把魔法剑只能由被选中的人使用。
6. I watched a movie about a samurai and his trusty sword. It was so inspiring.(我看了一部关于武士和他那把可靠的剑的电影。
7. He held the sword tightly in his hand, ready to face any danger.(他紧紧握住剑,准备面对任何危险。
8. The sword was passed down from generation to generation in his family. It was a precious heirloom.(这把剑在他的家族里代代相传。
9. My friend collects swords. He has some really unique ones from all over the world.(我的朋友收集剑。
10. The hero used his sword to cut through the thick vines in the jungle. It was like a hot knife through butter.(英雄用他的剑砍断丛林里厚厚的藤蔓。
11. “I wish I had a sword like that,” said the young boy, looking at the shiny weapon longingly.(“我希望我有一把那样的剑,”小男孩渴望地看着那把闪亮的武器说道。
12. The sword - making process is veryplicated. It takes a lot of skill and time.(制剑的过程非常复杂。
13. In the story, the evil wizard stole the king's sword. What a devious act!(在故事里,邪恶的巫师偷走了国王的剑。
14. The warrior's sword was engraved with his family crest. It was
a symbol of his honor.(战士的剑上刻着他的家族徽章。
15. She was amazed by the beauty of the ancient sword in the museum. It was a work of art.(她对博物馆里那把古剑的美丽感到惊叹。
16. The knight's sword got chipped in the battle, but he still fought bravely.(骑士的剑在战斗中崩了个口,但他仍然勇敢地战斗。
17. I can't imagine fighting with a sword. It must be really difficult.(我无法想象用剑战斗。
18. The sword - master taught his students the art of swordsmanship with great patience.(剑术大师非常耐心地教他的学生剑术。
19. “A sword is only as good as the person who wields it,” said the old sage.(“剑的好坏取决于使用它的人,”老智者说。
20. The sword's hilt was made of gold and decorated with precious stones. It was fit for a king.(剑的柄是由黄金制成的,并镶嵌着宝石。
1. Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.(准备好面对和忍受危险或痛苦;表现出勇气。
1. 作形容词:“The brave firefighter rushed into the burning building.”(勇敢的消防员冲进了着火的大楼。
1. Courageous(有勇气的):“The courageous soldier fought heroically.”(有勇气的士兵英勇战斗。
2. Fearless(无畏的):“The fearless explorer ventured into the unknown.”(无畏的探险家冒险进入未知领域。
1. Brave heart(勇敢的心):“He has a brave heart, always ready t o take on challenges.”(他有一颗勇敢的心,总是准备迎接挑战。
2. Brave new world(美丽新世界;美好的新世界):“We are living in a brave new world of technology.”(我们生活在一个充满科技的美好新世界里。
1. You are so brave to stand up to that bully. I don't think I could have done it.(你真勇敢,敢反抗那个恶霸。
2. The little boy was brave enough to go into the dark cave all by himself. How astonishing!(小男孩足够勇敢,能自己走进黑暗的洞穴。
3. “Brave men don't cry,” said the old general. But deep down, he knew that even the bravest had emotions.(“勇敢的人不哭,”老将军说。
4. The brave sailors sailed across the stormy ocean without hesitation.(勇敢的水手们毫不犹豫地驶过波涛汹涌的海洋。
5. She gave a brave smile in the face of difficulty. It was like a ray of sunshine in the dark.(她在困难面前露出勇敢的微笑。
6. I admire those brave astronauts who explore outer space. They are like modern - day adventurers.(我钦佩那些探索外太空的勇敢宇航员。
7. The brave rescue dog searched for survivors in the rubble. It was a heroic act.(勇敢的救援犬在废墟中寻找幸存者。
8. “Are you brave enough to try this new roller coaster?” asked my friend. “Sure! Let's go!” I replied enthusiastically.(“你有足够的勇气尝试这个新的过山车吗?”我的朋友问。
9. The brave resistance fighters never gave up their struggle for freedom.(勇敢的抵抗战士从未放弃为自由而斗争。
10. He made a brave decision to leave hisfortable job and start his own business.(他做了一个勇敢的决定,离开他舒适的工作去创业。
11. The brave knight in the story was always ready to defend the weak. What a noble character!(故事里的勇敢骑士总是准备好保护弱者。
12. My sister was very brave during her operation. She didn't even flinch.(我妹妹在手术期间非常勇敢。
13. The brave young man jumped into the river to save the drowning child. He was like an angel.(勇敢的年轻人跳进河里去救溺水的孩子。
14. I want to be as brave as those heroes in the movies. They are my inspiration.(我想和电影里的那些英雄一样勇敢。
15. The brave journalist reported the truth in the face of danger. It was a risky but important job.(勇敢的记者在危险面前报道真相。
16. The brave climber reached the summit of the mountain despite the harsh conditions.(勇敢的登山者不顾恶劣的条件到达了山顶。
17. “You need to be brave and face your fears,” my dad told me. And he was right.(“你需要勇敢,面对你的恐惧,”我爸爸告诉我。
18. The brave paratroopers landed in enemy territory without fear. They were the vanguard of the attack.(勇敢的伞兵毫无畏惧地降落在敌方领土上。
19. The brave athlete overcame his injury and won thepetition. It was a remarkable achievement.(勇敢的运动员克服了他的伤病并赢得了比赛。
20. The brave protesters demanded their rights peacefully. They were an example of non - violent resistance.(勇敢的抗议者和平地要求他们的权利。