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关键词:生物力学等效仿真软质材料 力学物理参数 弹性模量 超声检测
Analyze and Research on Mechanical Properties Test Methods of Biomechanical Equivalent Artificial Soft
mechanical parameters test methods of biomechanical equivalent artificial soft materials including static test, SHPB test and ultrasonic test were studied. The main results obtained are as the following:
分析了微位移等应变生物力学等效仿真软质材料静态测试系统的设计以实现材 料应力应变关系的准静态测量。通过对仿真软材料在弹性变形区的准静态加载卸载实验数据的分析和拟合,得到了仿真材料的静弹性模量。
3) 论文通过对材料 SHPB 实验的研究,提出了针对仿真软质材料 SHPB 测试 的改进措施和方法。通过合理设计 SHPB 实验,实现对生物力学等效仿真软质材 料的 SHPB 测试分析。建立了基于 Ogden 模型和考虑松弛函数影响的仿真材料的 本构关系。通过模型计算结果与 SHPB 实验分析数据的对比,证明了上述本构关 系能较准确的反映生物力学等效仿真软质材料在高应变率条件下受单轴压缩载 荷的力学行为。
5) 对 超 声 回 波 信 号 中 包 含 的 不 同 信 号 成 分 在 基 于 Labwindows/CVI 和 MATLAB 的平台上进行了分析,对其中无用噪声信号采用了多种方式来消除和降 低,对有价值的信号进行了分析和提取。在此基础上计算得到了仿真材料的声 速、弹性模量、衰减率和损耗角正切值。并分析了仿真材料的力学性质与上述 测量结果之间的关系和测量频率的变化导致测量结果变化的原因。在分析超声 检测所得动弹性模量与静态测得弹性模量之间关系的基础上,证明了采用论文 所述方法测量仿真材料衰减系数和损耗角正切是可行的,所得结果也是较准确 的。并利用超声的衰减和损耗角正切与仿真材料粘弹性性质之间的关系,研究 了仿真材料的粘弹性松弛行为。
博士研究生 陈 爽
指导教师 袁中凡 教授
生物力学等效仿真软质材料是研制各种动态仿真假人所急需的皮肤肌肉等 效材料,要求其与真人的皮肤肌肉具有力学等效性及仿真性,包括硬度,弹性 模量,阻尼,摩擦力等。动态仿真假人代替真人进行各种试验,进行人—机— 环境能量传递及参数的检测是十分重要的,而对生物力学等效仿真软质材料测 试方法和测试系统的研究又是保证等效仿真材料研制的必不可少的条件。目前 国内力学参数的测试主要是指对硬性的金属材料的测试,或邵氏硬度较高的高 分子聚合物的测试,对于象生物力学等效仿真软质材料(邵氏硬度小于 7)等这 类的软质材料的力学性能的测试存在试样制作困难,数据偏移大的问题,对其 测试系统的研究尚未见报导。故研究生物力学等效仿真软质材料测试方法并建 立起简便有效的测试系统不但对动态仿真假人的研制有着重大的意义,对于其 他软质材料的力学等效性能的研究也有重要的参考价值。论文以生物力学等效 仿真软质材料为研究对象,分析了影响生物力学等效仿真软质材料力学性能的 主要因素,对生物力学等效仿真软质材料力学参数的静态测试方法、SHPB 测试 方法和超声检测方法进行了研究,取得了如下成果:
1) 完成了生物力学等效仿真软质材料与人体皮肤、肌肉的宏观力学等效性 的分析。针对仿真效果较好并已在国产假人中获得成功应用的硅橡胶基复合材 料进行了研究。讨论了影响这类等效材料力学性能的主要因素,并用有限元方 法分析了硅橡胶材料在弹性变形区基于 Mooney-Rivlin 模型的应力应变关系。
2) 针对生物力学等效仿真软质材料试件尺寸不均匀、硬度低的特点,对部 分影响等效仿真软质材料力学响应的静态参数的测量提出了具有较高精度且适 合工程应用的方法。在用容栅尺测量等效仿真软质材料邵氏硬度系统的基础上
4) 通过对超声波在仿真材料中传播性质的研究,分析了超声测量仿真软质 材料力学参数的检测原理。在此基础上论文对超声测量等效仿真软质材料力学 性能的硬件和软件的设计进行了分析。针对生物力学等效仿真软质材料的特点 对其声速、声衰减的测量提出了相应的解决方法,并对三种不同密度等效仿真 材料的声速,弹性模量和声衰减、声阻抗等量进行了测算。
2) Aimed at the uneven dimensions and low hardness specialized equivalent artificial materials samples, to some static physical parameters that have great effect on mechanical response of biomechanical equivalent artificial soft materials, the test methods which with fairly high precision and suit for engineering application were proposed. Based on the equivalent artificial materials hardness test system which used capacitive gate transducer, the design of micro feed and equivalent strain static system for equivalent artificial soft materials measurement was analyzed, to achieve the static test for relationship between stress and strain of equivalent artificial materials. By analyzing and fitting the test results when materials working at elastic-deformation area under load and unload compress test conditions, its’ elasticity modulus were attained
Major: Measurement Technology and Instruments
Ph.D.Candidate Chen Shuang
Supervisor Yuan Zhong-fan
Biomechanical equivalent artificial soft materials are urgent needed materials to substitute skin and muscle equivalently when developing dynamical experiment dummies. It requires equivalent properties of mechanical and emulation comparison with human skin and muscle, mechanical parameters include hardness, elasticity modulus, damp and friction etc. It is important to transfer energy among human-machine-environment and test parameters in the experiments by using experiment dummy substituting human.The research on test methods and systems of equivalent artificial soft materials is an important prerequisite condition to develop equivalent artificial materials. At present, the mechanical parameters test referred in our country mainly aims at hard metal or some polymers with high Shore hardness. Some remarkable problems, such as difficulties of sample making and big results excursion problems occur in testing soft materials like biomechanical equivalent artificial soft materials(Shore hardness less than 7), and the research on test system of thus materials has not been reported yet.
So the researches on mechanical properties test methods of biomechanical equivalent artificial soft materials and development of handy convenient test system are definitely valuable not only to the development of experiment dummy but also the research of other soft materials. The biomechanical equivalent artificial soft materials were researched on as object in this thesis. The main factors which impacted on the mechanical properties of equivalent materials were analyzed, the
1) Macro-mechanical equivalence between biomechanical equivalent artificial soft materials and human skin and muscle was analyzed; the silastic compound materials which had preferably simulate effect and applied in Chinese dummy successfully was studied. The dominating factors impacted the character of silastic compound materials were discussed. By using Finite Element Analysis method and based on Mooney-Rivlin model, the relationship between strain and stress of silastic which working at elastic-deformation area was analyzed
题 目生物力学等效仿真软质材料力学性能测试
方法的分析研究 陈爽 完成日期 2008 年 4 月 20 日
培养单位 四川大学
研 究 方 向 人机系统测试技术
授予学位日期 年 月 日
生物力学等效仿真软质材料力学性能测试方法的分 析研究