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基于语料库的HAPPEN 语义韵的对比研究
马 拯
提 要:本文采用 中间语对比分析 法,通过在线检索和AntConc3.2.1w 软件检索,比较了美国当代英
语语料库(CO CA)和中国学习者英语语料库(CL EC)中HAPP EN !的搭配词及其语义韵倾向。

重点分析了在两个语料库中同时出现的高频搭配词w hat 和thing(s)。

结果显示:1)HAPPEN 在COCA 中的搭配词远远少于CL EC,两个语料库中的语义韵倾向不同;2)当HAP PEN 和两个词项搭配时,学习者过度使用中性语义韵,对HAPPEN 和thing (s)搭配的掌握没有对HAP PEN 和what 搭配的掌握好;3)HAPPEN 和what 共现的构式具有语义韵倾向,在两个语料库中也不同。

语义韵是语料库语言学迄今为止发现的重要语言运作机制之一(卫乃兴,2006),它是指节点词的搭配词在其语境里营造的一种语义氛围,有积极语义韵(positive prosody )、消极语义韵(negative prosody )和中性语义韵(neutral prosody)三种。





Sinclair(1991)发现,Break out,HAPPEN,SET in 有消极语义韵。

Louw (1993,2000)发现,bent on,build up of,END up verbing,GET oneself verbed,a recipe for 有消极语义韵,BU ILD up 有积极语义韵。

Stubbs (1995,1996,2001a,2001b)的研究表明,ACCOST,CAUSE,FAN the flame,signs of,underage,teenager (s)有消极语义韵,而PROVIDE,career 有积极语义韵。

Partington (1998)通过研究发现,COM MIT,PEDDLE/peddler,dealings 有消极语义韵。

Channell(2000)发现,ROAM the streets 有消极语

H unston (2002)发现,SIT through 有消极语义韵。

Schimitt 和Carter (2004)发现,bordering on 也有消极语义韵。

这些研究大多以英语为研究对象,也有研究比较了英语和葡萄牙语、英语和意大利语、英语和汉语中语义韵的差异(Sardinha,2000;Tognini Bonelli,2001;Xiao &McEnery,2006)。

基于语料库的 中间语对比分析 (Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis )(Granger,1998)是近年兴起的一种研究方法。


王海华、王同顺(2005)比较了中国学习者英语语料库(CLEC)和英语国家语料库(BNC)中CAU SE 搭配词的语义倾向,发现学习者同本族语者在使用CAUSE 时,语义韵有明显差异。


卫乃兴(2006)比较了comm it,effect,cause 在两个英语本族语语料库COBU ILD 、JDEST #和中国学习者英语语料库中的语义韵特征,发现学生英语中有大量中间语搭配实例,它们虽然符合语法规则,但是违背了搭配规约,语义韵较弱。

!∀#CO BU IL D 是柯林斯出版社和伯明翰大学共建的国际语料库,JDEST 是上海交大学术英语语料库。



例如bent on,通过语料库检索,研究者发现它与消极意义的词语共现的比例远远高于另外两种情况,因此认为它具有消极语义韵。


本文中的HAPPEN 是指该词的词根词,包括该词的所有屈折变化。


本研究得到上海交通大学文科科研创新基金项目(编号09QN 07)资助。


可见, 中间语对比分析有助于发现学习者的语义韵使用情况,将对外语教学产生启示,并有助于学生学到地道的英语。

已有研究(Sinclair, 1991)表明,HAPPEN有消极语义韵。


本研究以美国当代英语语料库(the Corpus of Contemporary American English-COCA)的一部分和中国学习者英语语料库(the Chinese Learners English Corpus-CLEC)为基础。




本研究将采用数据与数据驱动相结合的方法(卫乃兴,2002),通过在线检索和AntConc3.2. 1w软件检索,提取出两个语料库中有HAPPEN (包括happen,happens,happening,happened)用法的索引行。

当M I%3时表明该词与节点词之间有较强的搭配力(Church&Hanks,1990; Hunston,2002;Stubbs,1995)。

因此,用共现次数%5次,跨距为&5,相互信息值M I%3的标准来提取显著搭配词。


节点词H APPEN在COCA和CLEC中的观察频数分别为28840次和418次。




搭配词predict,bound, waiting,supposed,anticipate的出现频率很高,表示人们对将要发生事情的期待或判断。

此外,things, what,something,anything的出现频率也很高,但是没有明显的语义倾向,需要观察其扩展语境。

频数M I值频数M I值accidents173 5.57accident110 3.37 miracles60 5.17something1568 3.33 ov er nig ht157 4.84collisions10 3.30 things2367 4.28w aiting316 3.30 worst278 4.14terrible101 3.19 anytime40 4.00w hat5935 3.19 happen427 3.98supposed195 3.17 going2794 3.95horrible36 3.11 predict80 3.69anything666 3.10 sooner58 3.57ant icipate19 3.08 bound99 3.55disasters16 3.07
表1 HAPPEN在C OCA中的搭配词
表2列出了CLEC中的前22个搭配词(根据M I值排序)。

实际上,在全部的147个搭配词中, 140个有中性涵义,4个有消极涵义,3个有积极涵义。


搭配词knew,asked,told,see, know表示人们对已经发生或者将要发生事情的了解或看法。


在两个语料库中同时出现的是w hat,things和happen。

其中,w hat和things都是代名词,没有明显的语义倾向。


在COCA中,HAPPEN和w hat的共现次数为5935次,不必全部提取。

由于建立语义韵至少需要100行索引(卫乃兴,2002),我们从COCA 中随机提取100行索引。

频数M I值频数M I值accident59.13pr ev ent67.21 what1358.94thing277.01 every day88.17told8 6.99 crimes88.08happening46 6.99 war97.99changes6 6.98 why157.94things27 6.83 story117.67see21 6.73 ago117.58case5 6.61 knew77.55meet5 6.58 asked127.52something13 6.40 every where57.48know35 6.23
COCA频数M I值CLEC频数M I值what5935 3.19happened215 5.74 going2794 3.95w hat1358.94 things2367 4.28happen126 5.51 something1568 3.33that68 5.38 anything666 3.10happening46 6.90 happen427 3.98things27 6.83 waiting316 3.30thing277.01 worst278 4.14see21 6.73 supposed195 3.17would18 6.00 accidents173 5.57years17 5.80
表3 COC A和C LEC中的10个高频搭配词


消极语义韵表示不好的事情,如defeat,droug ht,ex haustion等。



说明HAPPEN和w hat共现时,在COCA中通常表现出消极的语义韵倾向。


由检索行可见,H APPEN和w hat搭配时,句子中通常有消极涵义的词语。

例如,show the w hites of(her eyes)(3),accidents,bumping (5),street braw l(8),w orry(14),w arned(15), fear(16),killers(18),terror(19)和couldn∋t bear(20)。





例(3)为索引9的扩展语境,出自题为T he State o f BL ACK WOM EN∋S HEA LTH的文章。


(1) Well,w e∋ll have to w ork together to rebuild.I w ant to offer the former rebels the hand of friendship.I smiled a little,thinking what was likely to happen to a hand so extended.But I said diplomat ically, Aw ay with t he past!Let us liv e for the future!
(2)F or instance,we try to imag ine w hat would happen if we accepted a job at a certain company:W hat good things-and bad t hings-might happen to us as a result of taking the job?
(3)W omen are leaders in what is g oing to happen in health car e in the future)Women have the pow er to move the Black family to a higher level of health care.
(4)A r eporter from the new spaper comes around within hours of the murder and asks Juan what he wants to see happen to his br other∋s killers. I want to see them saved,he says.T hat,my friend,is the pow er of Jesus Christ.



这体现了语义韵的冲突,为故事后文讨论 耶稣的力量提供铺垫。


消极语义韵表示人们不希望发生的、可怕的事情(如theft,burning, punishment,fighting,attack,accident,divorce, death等)。

中性语义韵通常表示国内外的情况,大多出自题为Getting to K now the Wor ld Outside the Camp us的作文。


总的说来, HAPPEN和w hat共现时,在CLEC中表现出消极的语义韵倾向。

1.n told his brother what had happened.His brother heard that and thou
2.o I wanted to see what had happened.W hen I got go[wd5,3-1]
3.-∗fast.Do you know what happened?A tr affic-policeman
4.w indow to see what had happen.w hen he came near
5.ask the professor what had happened.T he professor ex plained t
6.o ice.What∋s t he[w d5,1-1]happen?Jack asked.O ur enemies--the
7.[sn8,s]He new what had happened.just now.T he time passed
8.ng.He wondered what had happened.So he w ent up and
9.t hing[pr5,2-5]what had happened in our class on F riday,
10.ound the road.What had happened?I wondered.I lifted
11.[p3,2-1]understood what∋s happen.He would take
12.ur homes to see what had happened.O h!T he accident was M r L is∋
13.idn∋t understand what had happened.T he lady did w rong
14.sk the professor what had happened.T o their surpr ise,the
15.ownstairs to see what had happened.W hen I tur ned on the light.
16.ut any trouble.But what happened w as that he w as caught o n the
17.ese,we can know what is happening in the w orld.
18.o us,but what made these happen?W ith the development o f the
19.ourse,you all know what happened later:Feng stoke on the pile of
20.tplace.He knew what had happened:T he governor who was sent

在索引1的扩展语境中(例5),w hat是指fighting,具有消极语义韵。

在索引17的扩展语境中(例6),w hat是指things in the world,具有中

在索引18的扩展语境中(例7),w hat是指increase in life expectancy,具有积极语义韵。

(5)T hen the box er taugh[fm1,-]him a lesson.When the man w ent back,his br other didn∋t recognize him at once.
T he man told his brother what had happened.
(6)But ho w can we do it?F irst,w e watch T V,read new spaper and other[wd5,2-2]books o r magazines.T houg ht [fm1,-]these,w e can kno w what is happenning[fm2,-]in t he world.
(7)In1990,things ar e better,the life expectancy has increased to60years old)T he changes are grateful[w d3,s-]to us,but what made these happen?


中性语义韵表示普通的事情(如hike, lunch和g ames)。



1.he allow s things like this to happen.Why does he let innocent people
2.e terr ible things he allows to happen to his believers.
3.bout such things,Jim w ould happen in and say, Hm!W hat you know
4.ut,some things t hat can not happen in classical physics can occur in
5.you kids?Things don∋t just happen,tiiere are
6.ost embarrassing thing that∋s ever happened to me w as.M y favorite par t of my
7.says these things tend not to happen,but it actually happened.
8.ide these things;they w ould happen as if by magic.A nd they
9.ngs like diabetes would never happen if we continue to do like this.
10.g ood things are supposed to happen to them,said
11.ll me t he negative things that ar e happening,Brian said. It∋s∋All r ight,g et∋em
12.bad things are still g oing to happen.#Charles Figley,
13.so me things you didn∋t let happen if you could do
14.certain things that justdon∋t happen,that mig ht otherwise happen,
15.silly things,like what would happen if M ama Bear got me.
16.things like this actually do happen.I w as struck by such strange coinci
17.things have been know n to happen,When people are meant to be toge
18.better things are not gon na happen fo r this franchi se.For
19.se,things suddenly seemed to be happening,more things t han I could r eg ister
20.ive things t hat she w ished to happen in her life.

在索引1的扩展语境中(例8),things表示hurt by some selfish people,具有消极语义韵。

在索引4的扩展语境中(例9),things表示physical phenomenon,具有中性语义韵。

在索引8的扩展语境中(例10),things表示good changes in community,具有积极语义韵。

(8)I wonder why he allo ws thing s like t his to happen.Why does he let innocent people g et hurt by the selfishness of others?
(9)Classically,the probability that two positively charg ed par ticles get very close together is zero.But,so me things that can not happen in classical physics can occur in the real world,w hich is described on a microscopic scale by quantum mechanics.
(10)Adam Smith∋s insight w as t hat the interests o f each of our individual selves could add up,almost in spite of themselves, to social good-to longer lives,fuller tables,w armer houses.Suddenly the communit y w as no longer necessary to provide these things;they w ould happen as if by mag ic.And they did happen.And in many ways it was good.

消极语义韵表示不好的事情(如pollution,fake com modities),或者

中性语义韵表示国内外的情况,大多出自题为Getting to K now the World Outside the Camp us的作文。

积极语义韵表示有趣的、令人难忘的事情,大多出自题为T he Most I mp ressive Thing in My Lif e的作文。


1.ses this w eek,many things happened.It w as important that we have
2.g applies to the things that happen in our lives.T ype writting[fm2,1-]
3.your eyes if some things happen,and you must keep the w onderfu
4.But the unfortunate things happened.T he bo y was drowned.W hen
5.an know[vp1,-3]many things happen in the world.So I think T V,
6.d recognize the things that happen ar ound us,in that w ay we
7.know[vp1,-3]many things happen in the world.So I think T V
8.we know many things that happened in[wd5,s-]home and abr oad.
9.1,1-6∗so many ug ly things happened ar ound.So,to prevent crimes
10.y[w d5,1-0]unfair things happen to the Chinese abroad.T he
11.an∋t understand the thing s happening to us.But how to know about
12.things also will[wd1,1-]happen.In order to avoid waste,w e s
13.-1∗think things[wd4,-s]happened in1967,[sn9,-s]in China.
14.that this kind of accident happened in our country.Things develop
15.v er y unhappy things was happened in this week-my little
16.of salt.When these things happen,she[fm3,-]must do it again.
17.N ews items about things happening domestic[w d2,-]and abroad
18.things w ould never hav e happened.A year later,new s came that
19.ssive things to write.T hat happened long before when I w as nine
20.a lot of interesting things happened ar ound me through communicat

在索引1的扩展语境中(例11),things表示low marks,具有消极语义韵。


在索引2的扩展语境中(例13), things表示improvement in speed,具有积极语义韵。

(11)T hough w e had three day∋s classes t his w eek,many things happened.It was important t hat we have[vp6,s-]three exams.T he mar k was published.M ine was so low that I was greatly worr ied.Because my results has[v p3,2-]never been so low before.
(12)Because the day∋s[w d3,s-]communication is developed,so we can know[vp1,-3]many thing s happen in the wor ld.So I think T V,radio and newspaper ar e w indows for us to get to know the world.
(13)T he famous saying applies to the things that happen in our lives.T ype writt ing[fm2,1-]is a hand work which need
a lot of practice[fm1,-],you can impro ve your speed through a lot of pract ice[fm1,-].



此外, COCA中的搭配词大多具有中性或消极涵义,而CLEC中的搭配词大多具有中性涵义。




国内大部分的大学英语教材没有说明HAPPEN的语义韵倾向,通常将其直译为 发生!。


!国内大多数大学英语教材的课文中没有提供HA PPEN的汉语解释,而在学习者使用的配套参考书中,多将课文中出现的HAP PEN解释为 发生,而不考虑其语义韵特征。



汉语中的 发生没有明显的语义韵倾向,可以具有积极、消极或中性语义韵。

如: 成功的婚姻不会自动发生,而是由人创造出来的(积极); 村里发生了一件奇怪的事(消极); 一切都在发生(中性)。



语义韵冲突是 本族语者凭借丰富的语言、文化知识和语言使用经验,驾轻就熟地创造性使用语言的结果(杨惠中,2002:293)。





此外, HAPPEN和thing(s)搭配时两个语料库的差异相对较大,说明学习者对该搭配的掌握没有对HAPPEN和w hat搭配的掌握好。

通过观察,我们发现COCA中H APPEN和what的搭配出现在这样的结构里:What has/have/had happened, what is/w as going to happen,w hat w ill/w ould happen。


相比之下,在CLEC中,What has/have/had happened出现较多,通常具有消极语义韵;w hat is happening和w hat will/would happen出现较少,通常具有积极或中性语义韵。

HAPP EN和w hat搭配HAP PEN和t hing(s)搭配
COCA CL EC COCA CL EC 消极70(70%)90(67%)57(57%)33(61%)中性21(21%)38(28%)13(13%)11(20%)积极9(9%)7(5%)30(30%)10(19%)总数100(100%)135(100%)100(100%)54(100%)表4 HAPPEN与what和thing(s)共现时的语义韵倾向
三种结构出现频率上的不同,可能和CLEC 中的作文题目有关。






我们由此推断,学生将What has/have/had happened的结构视为具有消极语义韵的构式。

由于构式实现了语言形式和意义的统一,更容易被掌握,因而学生对HAPPEN和w hat的搭配的使用情况较好。


本研究采用 中间语对比分析法,比较了本族语语料库和中国学习者英语语料库中HAPPEN一词的语义韵特征。

结果发现:1) HAPPEN在COCA中的搭配词远远少于CLEC,在COCA中具有中性或消极的语义韵倾向,而在CLEC中具有中性的语义韵倾向。

2)当HAPPEN与w hat和thing(s)搭配时,消极语义韵在两个语料库中均占主导地位。

但是,学习者过度使用了中性语义韵,对H APPEN和thing(s)搭配的掌握没有对HAPPEN和w hat搭配的掌握好。

3)在COCA中,What has/have/had happened,w hat is/w as going to happen,w hat will/w ould happen的构式具有消极语义韵。

在CLEC中,What has/have/had happened的构式具有消极语义韵。


这些差异体现了母语迁移的影响,和先前研究结果一致(王海华、王同顺,2005;卫乃兴, 2006)。








首先,由于搭配词的共现频数相对较低,本研究用M I值作为提取搭配词的标准。

但是,M I值的可信性受到了一些学者的质疑(他们建议采用z值)。






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From SLA to SLD:A Dynamic Perspective
Tao Wang
Abstract:T he dynamic perspective of lang uage bridges second language acquisition and second language development,combining them into a continuum.Its sig nificance lies in the fact that language becomes a process,that is to say,a developmental process from isolated to open,from static to dynam ic, from normative to chang ing,from stable to variable,from g radual to emergent,from independent to interconnected,from linear to nonlinear,and so on.It is just in this process that the dynamic systems theory starts from self organization,and,under internal and ex ternal impacts of cognition and society, constructs a dynamic and developmental complex adaptive system.
Semantic Prosodies of HAPPEN:A Contrastive Study
Zheng M a
Abstract:Adopting the method of Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis,this paper com pares the semantic prosodies of HAPPEN in the Corpus of Contemporary American English(COCA)and the Chinese Learners English Corpus(CLEC).Tw o frequently occurring collocates,w hat and thing(s),are also analyzed.The results show that the collocates in COCA are few er than in CLEC,and differences ex ist in semantic prosody of HAPPEN betw een two corpora.When HAPPEN collocates w ith w hat and thing(s), Chinese learners of English overuse neutral semantic prosody.When HAPPEN collocates w ith w hat,their co occurring patterns are treated as a w hole construction that have different semantic prosodies.。
