


( 一) 主 旨题 — — 如 何 抓 住 主 题 思 想
主 题 思 想 是 作 者 在 文 章 中要 表 达 的 主要 内 容 .是 贯 穿 全 文 的 核 心 。作 者 在 文 章 中努 力 通 过 各 种 具 体 的 细 节 阐 明 主 题 思 想 。因 此 ,把 握 主 题 思 想 对 于 全 文 内容 的理 解 具 有 重 要 意 义。 熟 悉 四级 测 试 的 人 都 知 道 , 这 类 问题 常 被 列 于 5 题 之首 。 然 而, 如 何 找 出主 题 常 使 考 生 倍 感 棘 手 。因为 他 们 总 希 望 通 过 某 个 词 或 某 句 话 就 能 找 到 答 案 ,但 是 找 主题 往 往 需 要 通读 全 文

4 3 4 0 2 5 )

考 纲 变 化
国 家 教 育 部2 0 0 5 年3 月 出台的《 全 国大 学 英 语 四六 级 考 试 改革 方 案 ( 试行 ) 》 指 出, 大 学 英 语 四 六 级 考 试 改 革 的措 施 主要 包 括 以下 几 个 方 面 : 全 国改 革 计 分 体 制 和成 绩 报 导方 式 : 考 试 内 容 改革 : 考务管理体制改革。 其中, 阅读理 解 部分 的 变化 比较大 , 阅读 理解 部 分在 整 套试 卷 中 的 比例 由 以前 的4 0 %调 整 为 3 5 % ,原 来 的考 查 方 式 是单 一 的, 即“ 文 章+ 选 择题 ” , 而 现在 变成 了仔 细 阅读 部分 ( 占2 5 %) 和快 速 阅读部 分 ( 占1 % ) 0 。其 中 , 仔 细 阅读 部分 由旧题 型 中 的 四篇 篇 章 阅读 理 解( 每篇 阅 读 文章 后 有5 道 选择 题 , 共2 O 题, 共 占总分 值 的4 O 变 为现 在一 篇篇 章词 汇理 解 和两篇 篇 章 阅读理 解 。 二、 篇 章 阅 读 理 解 大 学 英 语 四级 考 试 篇 章 阅读 理 解 的 题 型 主 要 有 五 大 类 : 主 旨题 ( 询 问主 旨) ; 词汇题 ( 询 问词汇 、 短语或 句子含 义 ) ; 细 节题 ( 询 问 文 中具 体 细节 ) : 态度题( 询 问作 者 或 他 人 对 某 物 的 态度 ) ; 推断题 ( 对段 落或 全 文 进 行 推 理 ) 。




Lecture 1第一讲5大线索帮助解题篇章词汇侧重考查考生对连贯性、一致性、逻辑关系等语篇、语段整体特征的理解以及在实际语境中对单词含义的把握,因此,考生要时刻记住不能孤立地看待每一个空格,要注意联系上下文进行综合分析,利用空格前后的线索来解题。



【例1】(09 6 47)【原文】Every year in the first week of my English class, some students inform me that writing is too hard. They never write, unless assignments 47 it.【选项】[D]enhance[G]hinder[M]require[O]urge 【解析】选[M]。



[O]urge(敦促)为强干扰项,从汉语意思上看似乎符合语义要求,但该词后面一般跟to do,而不直接接名词作宾语,故排除。




大学英语四级篇章词汇理解二、篇章词汇理解1. 篇章词汇理解题型的特点作为近几年出现在阅读理解中的新题型———篇章词汇理解,实际上是介于阅读理解和完形填空之间的一种新题型,而篇章词汇理解的英语名称为“Blanked Cloze”,属于较高层次的“完形填空”。









2. 学生对篇章词汇理解的作答情况对于篇章词汇理解这类新型的阅读理解学生的作答情况如何呢?首先我们来看一组数据,目前四级考试总分为710,阅读理解占35%,而考试题型较之前增加了快速阅读、篇章词汇和仔细阅读。





英语四级考试词汇理解复习题及答案解析英语四级考试词汇理解复习题及答案解析There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的英语四级考试词汇理解复习题及答案解析,希望能给大家带来帮助!1.The _______ Court is the highest court in the United States.A. VitalB.ThunderC.ReverseD.Supreme2.He ________ of me the best way to go.A. investigatedB.inquiredC.frightenedD.resorted3. If our ______ is correct, then the space-craft should reach the moon on Monday.A. calculationB. compositionC. communicationD. vision4. The ______ of jet travel has made the world seem smaller.A. remarkB. relationshipC. removalD. innovation5. San Francisco's Chinese community, comprising 67, 000 ______ is the largest concentration of Chinese outside of Asia.A. visitorsB. workersC. adultsD. inhabitants6. I could see that my wife was ________ having that fur coat, whether I approved of it or not.A. intent onB. adequate forC. short ofD. deficient in7. The ________ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.A. commonB. averageC. usualD. general8. As an excellent shooter, Peter practised aiming at both ________ targets and moving targets.A. stationaryB. standingC. stableD. still9. In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible ________ and many jobs on campus sre reserved for students.A. scalesB. ranksC. gradesD. patterns10. The insurance company paid him $10000 in ________ after his accident.A. instalmentB. compensationC. substitutionD. commission 答案与解析:1.D Vital 维持生命所必需的;至关重要的;生死攸关的;生气勃勃的;Thunder 雷霆一击;Reverse 反向的;Supreme 最高的;至高的,无上的;最重要的.;(程度)很大的。



大学英语四级:词汇解析大学英语四级:词汇解析1. ability (人)做某事的能力,后常接带to的不定式capabilitycapacity2.accumulate 意为"积聚,堆积",指逐渐地、而且通常是无意地、使数量越来越大gathercollectassemble答案:capability (人所具有的) 从事某工作或达到某目的的能力,后接of 或forcapacity (人或物) 接受,容纳,理解或完成某事的能力,后接of 或forgather 和collect均表示" 收集",但collect有区别挑选之意,表示收藏某类物品时多用此词.gather则强调将散乱的东西集中起来assemble 用于人时,表示"集合,聚集",用于物时,表示"装配"1.A lorry请选择_____Jane's cat and sped away.A.ran overB.ran intoC.ran throughD. ran down2.What he told us about the affair simply doesn't make any 请选择_____A.senseB.ideaC.meaningD.significance3.By 1929,mickey Mouse was as popular请选择_____children as Coca-Cola.A.forB.inC.toD.with4.Finding a job in such a big company has always been 请选择_____his wildest dreams.A.underB.forC.withoutD.beyond5.A healthy life is frequently thought to be 请选择_____with the open countryside and homegrown food.A.tiedB.boundC.involvedD.associated答案:A,A,D,D,D1.考纲短语: run over 在....上驶过run into 遭遇,偶然碰见run through 贯穿,普遍存在于,匆匆阅读run down 说...坏话,耗尽,减少,查找,撞倒2.make sense 讲得通,有意义3.固定搭配be popular with4.beyond one's wildest dreams 做梦也想不到5.固定搭配be associated with大学英语四级必备单词分类记忆One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.人们往往在逃避命运的路上,与之不期而遇。



大学英语四级考试考点词汇及真题解析(2)E1.economic economical两者都是形容词,但词义不同。

economic意为“经济上的”,“经济学的”;而economical意为“节约的”,“节省的”,常用于“be economical of”结构。

例如:economic growth经济增长an economical person节俭的人典型考题:Being of money,she managed to save enoughfor a holiday.A.economic B.economical C.economics D.economies答案为B。



2.efficient effective形容词efficient与effective都表示“有效的”。


如:a very efficient production manager 一位非常得力的生产经理effective teaching 效果好的教学典型考题:A lawyer needs an secretary.A.inefficient B.efficient C.effective D.sufficient 答案为B。



3.electric electricalelectric与electrical均作形容词用,但前者用来指“用电来驱动的”,“由电产生的”,后者为“与电有关的”。


例如:an electric torch(generator)电筒(发电机)an electrical engineer电机工程师典型考题:His speech had aneffect on the crowd;they all cheered him.A.electric B.electrical C.electronic D.elastic答案为A。












例如2009年1月的四级真题:While enriching their imagination,books ?摇55?摇their outlook,develop a fact-findingattitude and train them…这里就是缺少一个谓语动词,再根据上下文发觉时态是大凡现在时,因为这个谓语动词的并列动词(develop,train)都是大凡现在时,所以时态肯定是大凡现在时。



英语四六级考试内容及相关资料全国大学英语四级口试(CET-SET4)四六级翻译常用表达被取代be replaced by;give way to 被用于be used for;be used to do 被引入be introduced into被视为be regarded/considered/seen as传说、据传说according to the legend 据报道It is reported/according to the report/as the report goes越来越多的more and more/an increasing number of/an growing number of越来越多的游客more and more tourists/an increasing number of tourists越来越流行more and more popular;increasingly popular对这一问题持有不同态度hold different attitudes towards this issue有其自身的优缺点has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons保障社会稳定和繁荣guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society沿线各国繁荣发展the prosperity of the countries along the Silk Road不同文明交流互鉴exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations水、陆、空交通的枢纽a hub of water, land, and air communications文化、工业、教育中心a cultural, industrial, and educational center;a center of culture, industry, and education 几千年的发展several thousand years of development得到空前的发展gain unparalleled/unprecedented development提高整个国家的运动技能improve the sports skills of the country as a whole;improve the whole country’s sports skills 科举制Imperial Examination for recruiting civil servants薪火相传be passed down from one generation to another;be passed down from generation to generation农历七月初七the 7th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar;the 7th day of the 7th lunar month儒家的思想体系the Confucian ideology;the Confucian system of thought被广泛应用come into wide use; be widely used重要的工商业城市a city of industrial and commercial importance深圳经济特区Shenzhen Special Economic Zone思想和艺术的完美结合an idealcombination of thoughts and art;a perfectcombination of thoughts and art老子和庄子的道家哲学T aoist philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi在魏晋南北朝时期during the Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties广泛存在于中国人的生活中widely exist in the life of Chinese people扮演重要角色play an important role;play a significant role世界经济发展the development of global economy;global economic development起源于. derive from/stem from/originate from/spring from..一位杰出的艺术家a prominent/distinctive artist对身心大有裨益的be highly beneficial to both the body and mind促进地区间的经济和文化交流promote regional exchanges in economy and culture给读者留下深刻印象leave deep impression upon/on readers历史和文化发展的舞台an arena for historical and cultural development中外/国内外at home and abroad;domestic and foreign取得大的成就achieve great success/make great achievement重视pay attention to/attach importance to/lay stress on在工作和娱乐之间取得平衡strike a balance between work and entertainment人类文明进步的象征a symbol of human civilization progress印刷术/活字印刷术:printing/movable-type printing随着人民生活水平的显著提高with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard 为我们日常生活增添了情趣add much spice / flavor to our daily life我同意前者(后者)观点I give my vote to the former / latter opinion利远远大于弊The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages竞争与合作精神sense of competition and cooperation复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility / achievement人们普遍认为It is commonly believed that在人类生活的方方面面in all aspects of human life大大方便了人们的生活Sth has greatly facilitated people's lives.理论和实践相结合integrate theory with practice日益激烈的社会竞争the increasingly keen social competition交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas / emotions / information眼前利益immediate interest/ short-term interest 长远利益long-tem interest有其自身的优缺点has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons可降解的/可分解的材料degradable / decomposable material代替replace / substitute / take the place of增进相互了解enhance / promote mutual understanding承受更大的工作压力suffer from heavier work pressure适应社会发展adapt oneself to the social development主要理由列举如下The main / leading reasons are listed as follows我们还有很长的路要走We still have a long way to go正如谚语所说As the proverb goes:双方的论点argument on both sides有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to...开阔眼界widen one's horizon broaden one's vision学习知识和技能acquire knowledge and skills可靠的信息源a reliable source of information 宝贵的自然资源valuable natural resources扩大知识面expand one's scope of knowledge东南角/东南部:southeastern corner/southeastern part华北:North China/northern China/northern regions of China山东省中部:in the center of Shandong Province美不胜收:too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once衣食住行:clothing, meals, accommodation, transportation糖/盐/醋/酒/油:sugar/salt/vinegar/wine/oil色/香/味/行:color/aroma/taste/appearance酸/甜/苦/辣/咸/淡:sour/sweet/bitter/spicy/salty/light煮/炸/熏/烤:boil/fry/smoke/bake(roast, grill)素质教育:quality-oriented education 应试教育:exam-oriented education德智体美劳全面发展:all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education 课外活动:extracurricular activity/ after-school program顺差/逆差:favorable balance/adverse balance技术密集型产业:technology-intensive industry 劳动密集型产业:labor-intensive industry维持外交关系:maintain diplomatic relations 维护世界和平:safeguard world peace尖端技术:state-of-the-art technology/cutting-edged technology建设国家创新体系:develop a national innovation system改造传统:renovate conventional industries应用型科研机构:application-based research institution环境恶化:environmental degradation/deterioration 废水/废气:waste water/waste gas开发可再生资源:develop renewable resources机械/机械化:machinery/mechanizationtell apart people with near-identical appearances辨别外貌几乎相同的人四六级考试中常考的固定表达…have/has a great influence on …对...有很大的影响It is universally acknowledged that + 句子全世界都知道...consistent with sth,in accord with sth, square with sth 与...保持一致be apt to do sth,be prone to sth/doing sth,have a tendency to do sth 易于做某事,有做某事的倾向draw one's attention to sth 将某人的吸引力吸引到某事物wrestle with sth 努力解决某事wrestle with solutions to work problems 努力寻求解决问题的方案There is no doubt that + 句子毫无疑问,...intimidate sb into doing sth 恐吓/威胁某人做某事With respect to如果...将怎么样resistant a. (to) 抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的have something to do with…和…有点关系have nothing to do with…和…毫无关系be characterized by…以…为特征be composed of…由…组成be determined to do something决心做…adapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to…使自己适应于…deprive somebody of something剥夺某人某物inform somebody of something通知某人某事make full use of /take advantage of....... 充分利用attribute…to…把…归因于…,认为…是…的结果do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to对…有害focus one's time and energy on…把时间和精力放在…上exert positive / negative effects on…对…产生有利/不利的影响keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of…跟上…的最新发展due to/with the continuous improvement of.. 随着.......的不断改进differ from/be different from与……不同be famous as/be known as/be noted as作为……而出名either way,regardless of 无论如何,不管怎样fall short of one's expectations 未能满足某人的期待foot the bill,pick up the bill,bear the cost of doing 付账,负担...的费用believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / view that可以替代think的词四六级写译高频词考虑consider/ think about / take into account / think over平稳地:steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly因此:so,therefore,thus,as a consequence,accordingly,as a result,because of this,as a result of this 与……相比:compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison to展示:show,reveal,illustrate,demonstrate,depict,present,represent,describe波动:fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation。


题 型 分 析 篇 章 词 汇 理 解 题 即 选 词 填 空 题 是 大 学 英 语 四 级 考 试 阅 读 题 的 必 考 题 型 , 类 题 型 所 占分 值 不 高 , 此 限定 时 间太 短 , 学 对 生 的英 语 词 汇 量 、词 汇 的 使 用 能 力 和 英 语 语 法 的 综 合 运 用 能 力 要 求 较 高 , 想 在 规 定 时 间 内全 部 做 对 题 目难 度 很 大 。 要 二 、 生 的 困 难 学 非 英 语 专 业 学 生在 做 此 类 题 目时 遇 到 的 问题 主 要 是 : 1 () 词 汇 量 不 够 ,5 供 选 生 词 很 大 一 部 分 不 熟 悉 甚 至 不 认 识 : 1个 ( ) 语 语 法 底 子 差 , 能 在 选 词 前 对 填 此 处 进 行 初 步 的 词 性 2英 不 和 成 分 的 判 断 ;3 对 词 汇 的 使 用 水 平 很 有 限 , 然 认 识 该 单 () 虽 词 的基 本 意 思 , 是 不 会 熟 练 使 用 该 词 , 了解 该 词 使 用 的 固 但 不 定 搭 配 和 使 用 场 合 三 、 题 技 巧 解 针 对 学 生 的不 足 ,笔 者 总 结 出解 答 此 类 题 目的 一 套 便 捷 方 法 ,帮 助 学 生 最 大 限 度 地 利 用 自 己现 有 的词 汇 和 语 法 能 力 来 做 对 题 目, 高 做 题 的 效 率 提
21 c 3 0 4g 5 2  ̄考 试 周 刊
大 学 英 语 四 级 考 试 篇 章 词 汇 理 解 题 简 析
周 曼 丽 周 里 静
( 江 苏 海 事 职 业 技 术 学 院 外 国语 言 系 , 苏 南 京 1 江 2 1 7 ; 南 京 师 范 大 学 外 国语 学 院 , 苏 南 京 1 10 2 江 209 ) 10 7



英语(yīnɡ yǔ)四级考试考点词汇及真题解析A absorb vt.吸收(xīshōu);使专心【搭配(dāpèi)】be absorbed in专心于【考题(kǎo tí)】She was so in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking atthe door.A)attracted B)absorbed C)drawn D)concentrated(1996.1/25/B)【译文】她工作如此专心(zhuānxīn)以致于没听见有人敲门。

abuse vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用【考题】It has been revealed that some government leaders their authority andposition to get illegal profits for themselves.A)employ B)take C)abuse D)overlook(1996.6/34/C)【译文】据透露,一些政府官员滥用职权为自己谋取非法利益。

accomplish v.达到;完成【考题】The project, by the end of 2000,willexpand the city's telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.A)accomplished B)being accomplishedC)to be accomplished D)having been accomplished(1999.6/68/C)【译文】预计在2000年前完成的这项工程将扩大该市的电话网至 1,000,000用户。

account n.账;账户v.说明……原因【搭配】on account of 为了……的缘故,因为take...into account 考虑到【考题】I'd his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.A)take into account B)account forC)make up for D)make out(2000.1/63/A)【译文】我得向社区的其他的农户和商人们了解他的信誉,然后再决定是否同意他的贷款请求。






首先,让我们来看一下一道典型的四级题目:1. The word "automotive" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________.A) advancedB) mechanicalC) nativeD) related这道题目考察的是对词汇的准确理解。





因此,这个词与机械有关,排除了选项C "native"。

进一步观察文章上下文,我们可以看到第二段提到了"automotive industry",这表明它是与汽车行业有关的。

因此,选项D "related"是正确答案。



接下来,让我们来看一道稍微复杂一点的题目:2. The phrase "by and large" in paragraph 3 is closestin meaning to __________.A) in detailB) in generalC) in particularD) in fact这道题目考察的是对词组的理解。


新四级题型 篇章词汇理解

新四级题型 篇章词汇理解
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In the West Pacific, there are droughts affecting Australia and Indonesia. So while some parts of the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face droughts, poor crops and __. El Nino usually lasts for about 18 months. The 1982-83 El Nino brought the most__ weather in modern history. Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billion pounds__ of damage. The 1990 El Nino lasted until June 1995. Scientists__ this to be the longest El Nino for 2,000 years.
Nowadays, weather experts are able to forecast when an El Nino will__, but they are still not__ sure what leads to it or what affects how strong it will be.
包括两方面:1.根据上下文辨认考点需要 积极意义还是消极意义的词;2.辨认词 库中的词是积极意义还是消极意义.上 下文可以为判断考点所说的某事物是优 点还是缺点,优势还是劣势提供线索. 特定的介词短语 abandon oneself to(沉溺于) adhere to(粘着, 坚持, 追随) stick to cling to admit to(承认, 让...进入) confess to

















Whether or not to tell the seriously ill about their true condition has long been a ___1___ for medical professionals. Many doctors believe that ___2____the facts from those patients will benefit them psychologically and may help them recover. But new studies show that ____3____ to this widespread belief, the overwhelming majority of patients want to be told the truth, even in the case of ___4___ illnesses. If they are not, they feel ___5___ and misled. As it is, lying makes it difficult for patients to make choices ___6___ their own health. And keeping a dying patient in the dark prevents him from making decisions about the end of his life. Lying can also cause doctors to lose their integrity and credibility and do harm to ___7___ who are honest with their patients. In the long run, lying hurts the entire medical ___8___. As a ___9___ of the current concerns, many hospitals have adopted patients’ bills of rights, but patients still need to be wary because the days of physicians ___10___ patients are certainly not over yet and may never be.Passage 2Most people ___1___ work with punishment or think of it as a necessary burden. But the truth is work provides people with personal satisfaction and, individual pride, a sense of accomplishment. Aside from offering ___2___ support, work can keep us healthy not only physically but also mentally. For example, patients suffering from depression could often be ___3___ when provided with gainful employment. The ___4___ is also true. Retirement and ___5___ can be harmf ul to one’s health. People with no chance to work and derive ___6___ from a job may suffer from the symptoms of acute illness even though they are not physically sick. While at work, people tend to enjoy the company of other ___7___ because the relationships among them are not so complicated as those in other ___8___ of life. Besides, people want to work with a winner --- a best work group or in a well-known ___9___ --- rather than a loser, for a successful unit can bring us ___10___ as well as self-confidence.Author Mortimer Adler argues that we should mark books---but only when they are our own ___1___. As we all know, we have to “read between the __2___”, but we should also write between them. He points out that we are not really in full owning of a book until we have done so. However, we should not do this to all books. Not, for example, to rare editions or expensive volumes with ___3___ binding or printing, nor to works of popular fiction, which we might pass time for an evening of ___4___ reading. But we do it to great books, which are rich in ideas and raise and try to answer fundamental questions. He says we do not ___5___ ideas from an important thinker the way we do the songs of a ___6___ singer. As far as great books are concerned, therefore, reading should be active. And the physical act of writing in books brings the words and sentences before our minds and ___7___ them better in our memory. We do this by making ___8___ notes. As we read we record our thoughts and the questions we have, pints of agreement, disagreement, doubt and ___9___. If we should stop reading and continue a week later, there are all the points we made before and we can begin where we ___10___ off. Above all, he expects that active reading is a conversation between author and readers.Passage 4How do we get more people to increase their consumption of iron-rich foods? Many nutritionists __1__ the increase of a number of foods. This may help, but I contend that we should also _2__ our efforts in nutrition education among our young people. I simply do not buy the argument that it is __3___ to try to change eating habits. Once an intelligent person----and this includes adolescents----understands the need for a healthy diet, I think he or she will act __4___. As for specific actions, I suggest that blood should be checke d as a __5__ part of a youngster’s yearly physical examination. It should contain at least 11 grams iron per 100 milliliters of blood for a girl and at least 12 grams for a boy. If it is any lower, the physician probably will __6___ an easily absorbed iron supplement. Adolescents ---and everyone else---should cut out highly processed foods and drinks, which may be low in iron and other nutrients. Read the labels for iron ___7___. Especially make sure that all bakery products are made with ___8__ flour or whole grains. Try adding liver (chicken, beef or any other variety) to the weekly ___9___. Finally, even when you are trying to lose weight, always eat a __10___, well-balanced diet made up of a variety of flesh or very lightly processed foods. This way, you stand a good chance of getting not only enough iron, but also adequate amounts of all the other essential nutrients.Passage 5Many of today’s college students are suffering from a form of shock.Lisa is a good example of a student in shock. She is an attractive, intelligent twenty-year-old college__1___ at a state university. Now, only three years later, Lisa is miserable. She has __2___ her major four times and is forced to hold down two part-time jobs in order to pay her tuition. She suffers from sleeping and eating disorders and has no ___3___friend. Sometimes she bursts out crying for no ___4___reason.What is happening to Lisa happens to millions of college students each year. As a result, roughly one-quarter of the student population at any time will suffer from ___5___ of depression. Half of them will experience depression intense enough to call for __6___help. But many of them ___7___the idea because they don’t want people to think there’s something wrong with them.There are two reasons today’s college students are suffering more than those in earlier generations. First is a weakening family support___8___. Today, with high divorce rate, the traditional family is not always available for support. Another problem is ___9___ pressure. In the last decade tuition cost rose about sixty-six percent at public colleges and ninety percent at private schools. ___10___, most students must work at least part-time. It can be depressing to students to be faced with the added tuition costs.Keys:Passage 11. M2. E3. L4. J5. G6. D7. A8. N9. C 10. I Passage 21. E2. A3. I4. L5. C6. O7. K8. H9. D 10. F Passage 31.I2. F3. N4. M5. A6. H7. E8. L9. J 10. C Passage 41. J2. M3. C4. K5. E6. I7. H8. N9. A 10. L Passage 51. E2. B3. I4. F5. G6. K7. J8. D9. M 10. L。


conclusion, destruction, expression, correction 9) –ism: socialism, criticism, heroism 10) –ity: purity, reality, ability
11) –ment: treatment, movement, judgment, punishment, argument
1)字数: 200-250 2)题材:相当 3)难度: “集库型完型填空”(banked cloze),
即一篇留出空白的短文,后面给出一堆提 示词和干扰词 (gapped text with a box containing prompts and distracters)。
以ize, ise, fy 结尾的大都是动词;
以ive, ent, ant, ful, ous, able, ary, ic, cal, less结尾 的是大都是形容词; 以ly, wards, wise 结尾的大都是副词。
a. 名词主要做主语、宾语。 b. 空格前的冠词 ,形容词和限定词也可作为判断所填词为名词的依据。 c. 介词后面必有名词。
C) deliberately I) completely
I) completely
4.解题步 骤
时间: 25 – 18 = 7分钟
第一步:通读全文 read through (0.5分钟)
提醒:通读要先居高临下,把短文各个自然段的段首扫一 遍。短文第一句是不出题的,它对全文起概括、提示的作 用。所以,一定要认真看懂第一句。
第二步:整理选项 classify the options (1分钟)



篇章词汇理解专项扫雷训练Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices・ Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre・ You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once・Passage 1 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.Americans are proud of their variety and individuality, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform. Why are uniforms so 47 in the United States?Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they superiorlook more 48 than civilian (百姓的)clothes. People have become conditioned to 49quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to 50 more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the 51 of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What an easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to 52 professional identity (身份)lhan to step out of uniform? Uniforms also have many 53 benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes.Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of 54 experienced by people who must wear them・ Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without 55 , until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act 56 , on the job at least.A) skill B) popular c) get D)change E) similarlyF) professional G) character H) individuality 1) inspire J) differentlyK) expect L) practical M) recall N)lose 0) ordinaryPassage 2Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage*What is it about Americans and food? We love to eat, but we feel 47 about it afterward.We say we want only the best, but we strangely enjoy junk food・ We^re 48 with health and weight loss but face an unprecedented epidemic of obesity. Perhaps the 49 to this ambivalence lies in our history. The first Europeans came to this continent searching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop wasn't eaten but smoked ・ The n there was Prohibition, in tended to prohibit drinking but actually encouraging more 50 ways of doing it.The immigrant experienee, too, has been one of in harmony. Do as Romans do meanseating what "real Americans^ eat, but our nation^ food has come to be 51 by imports-pizza, say, or hot dogs. And some of the country's most treasured cooking comes from people who arrived here in shackles.Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that food has been a medium for the nation's defining struggles, whether at the Boston Tea Party or the sit-ins at southern lunch counters. It isintegral to our concepts of health and even morality whether one refrains from alcohol for religious reasons or evades meat for political 52 •But strong opinions have not brought 53 > Americans are ambivalent about what they put in their mouths. We have become 54 of our foods, especially as we learn more about what they contain.The 55 in food is still prosperous in the American consciousness・ ITs no coincidence, then, that the first Thanksgiving holds the American imagination in such bondage(束缚).It's what we eat——and how we 56 it with friends.A) answer B) result C)share D) guilty E) constantF) defined G) vanish H)adapted 1) creative J) beliefK) suspicious L) certainty M) obsessed N) identify 0) idealsPassage 3Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go furthe匚The way you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually 47 you money or can add to the cost. Take the 48 example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might think that you are making the 49 buy if you choose one whose look you like and which is also the cheapest 50 price. But when you get it home you may find that it takes twice as long as a more expensive 51 to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity your time could well make your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.So what principles should you 52 when you go out shopping? If you keep your home,your car or any valuable 53 in excellent condition, yoif 11 be saving money in the long run. Before you buy a new 54 . talk to someone who owns one .If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular purpose・ Before you buy an expensive 55 . or a service, do check the price and what is on offer. If possible, choose 56 three items or three estimates・A) possession B)save C) best D) appliance E) materialF) from G) simple H) with 1) in J) elementK) model L) item M) easy N) easy 0) reas on ablePassage 4Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage*Videoconferencing is no thing more tha n a television set or PC mon itor with a camera. Through the videoconferencing, not only your voice but also your face, the surroundings and any other graphic and physical 47 can be captured and transmitted through the communication system with or without wires. Of course, when you go into the details, the technology involved is very 48 and the subject matter littered with jargon. Such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or the 49 behind bandwidth, latency and isochrones which are used to explain how videoconferencing works. Good people communication is 50 in any business, and the more interaction you can achieve, the more likely it is that your 51 will be the right ones・Videoconferencing not only allows you to speak to people in different locations, but also note 52 expressions and gestures that let you know what the other person is really thinking.Meetings are made more 53 by sharing documents and computer applications that a simple telephone cannot 54 . 55 . organizations are discovering the competitive advantages andthe power of videoconferencing. With advances in performance, economical pricing, the ability to 56 essential meeting tools and connectivity to global telephone networks and standardized videoconferencingprotocols, videoconferencing is now a practical reality for any organization.A) fortunately B) effective C) images D) articulate E) facialF) man age G) decisions H) connect 1) advaneed J) integrateK) progressive L) concepts M) pictures N) increasingly 0) importantQuestions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.Nowadays, is it possible to tell a person's class just by looking at him? Physical details 47_ tell us about health, diet and type of work done・ A hundred years ago the working class very often looked unhealthy, small and were either too thin or too fat. The upper classes were often 48 , sporting types who were used to a good diet and looked healthy・ Today living and workingconditions have improved, and such 49 would no longer be so true・ The clothes people choose to wear, however, do provide information about their 50 ・ The most obvious way in which is for the amount of money spent on lhem. Expensive clothes look expensive and show their wearer had money・ Clothes can provide other 51 as well. The upper classes 52 to be less interested in fashion and wear good quality clothes in non-bright colors, made of natural material like wool, leather or cotton. Lower working class people often choose clothes in bright colors, made of man-made material・A sociological explanation for this would be that color and interest are missing from their lives, and therefore any opportunity to introduce this is 53 ・ Clothes are 54 at a price within most people's reach. New clothes make the wearer feel good, and show some 55 of wealth to the outside world・ Today some new fashions are started by the lower working class people who want to look 56 and feel important. They want people to look at them.A) available B) background C) different D)tall E) totallyF) taken G) descriptions H)degree 1) clues J) aloneK) appear L) consider M)full N)hobby 0) fetched【篇章词汇理解专项扫雷训练】答案与解析Passage 147. B.从文章的第一句they love and respect few things more than a uniform “他们又无比热爱和崇尚制服”,说明了制服在美国很受欢迎。




1. Question 1:The new regulations have been _______ in order to improve road safety.A) enactedB) enlargedC) endorsedD) extended解析:本题考察动词词义辨析。

选项A) enacted表示"制定",符合语境。

选项B) enlarged表示"扩大",选项C) endorsed表示"认可",选项D) extended表示"延长",均与语境不符。

因此,正确答案为A) enacted。

2. Question 2:Jack has been _______ by his employer for his excellent performance this year.A) awardedB) attractedC) affectedD) achieved解析:本题考察动词词义辨析。

选项A) awarded表示"授予",符合语境。

选项B) attracted表示"吸引",选项C) affected表示"影响",选项D) achieved表示"取得",均与语境不符。

因此,正确答案为A) awarded。

3. Question 3:The novel has received _______ reviews from both critics and readers.A) favorableB) fancifulC) frequentD) fragile解析:本题考察形容词词义辨析。






一、词汇选项解析1. Synonym:同义词题Synonym题要求考生从四个选项中选出与原词相同或近义的词语。


2. Antonym:反义词题Antonym题要求考生选出与原词意思相反的词语。


3. Definition:词语定义题Definition题要求考生选择与原词意思相近或相同的定义。


4. Explanation:词语解释题Explanation题要求考生选出与原词的解释相同或近义的词语。


5. Synthesis:词语综合题Synthesis题要求考生根据给出的词义解析选项,判断哪个选项与其他三个选项不属于同一类。


二、解题技巧1. 上下文语境理解对于同义词、反义词、词语定义和词语解释题,我们需要仔细阅读原文上下文,并理解原词在语境中的意义,以便准确选择答案。

2. 词义词根分析当遇到陌生词汇时,我们可以通过词根、词缀和上下文的线索来猜测词义。


3. 同义词联想同义词题中,我们可以使用联想记忆法来辅助解答。


4. 划掉可选项在选择答案时,如果确定某个选项与原词不相关或与上下文语境不符,可以先将其划掉,减少选择范围,增加答题准确性。

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例如2009年1月的四级真题:While enriching their imagination,books ?摇55?摇their outlook,develop a fact-findingattitude and train them…这里就是缺少一个谓语动词,再根据上下文发觉时态是一般现在时,因为这个谓语动词的并列动词(develop,train)都是一般现在时,所以时态肯定是一般现在时。















这类题目我把它单独列出来说,因为该题目属于送分题,考查的方法也既简单,一般形式就是a ?摇?摇of,因此,学生在平时记牢这类表示数量的短语即可做对题目。








A)alter标记为a B)associated在ed下画线
C)attracting在ing下画双线D)cling标记为vE)continuing在ing下画双线F)definitely标记为adG)different标记为a H)efficiently标记为adI)formally标记为ad J)function标记为n/v
M)sufficient标记为a N)tend标记为vO)younger标记为a(比较级)第二步,逐题解题。

1. While elderly people ?摇47?摇to sleep for fewerhours...
本句少一个谓语动词,因此47必定是个动词,而且该动词后跟不定式,D、J、N都是动词,N)tend to do表示往往,易于做某事,正合此处的意义。


2. This has a(n)?摇48?摇effect on their brain’sperformance...
本句前面是不定冠词后面是名词,因此48句必定是形容词,A、G、L、M 都是形容词,L表示积极的,正合此处的意义。


3. While younger people are better at sleeping ?摇49?摇straight through the night.


4. More sleep in old age,however,is ?摇50?摇withbetter health...

5. most older people would feel better and more ?摇51?摇...

6. but the amount of sleep we need to ?摇52?摇welldoes not change...

7. It’s ?摇53?摇a myth...

8. the more they sleep like they did when they were ?摇54?摇.

9.olderadultswouldbenefitfrom?摇55?摇togetasmuch sleep...

10. That’s ?摇56?摇from person to person,此句前为be动词后为介词,此处必定是形容词,可选择的有G、M、G表示不同,正合句意,故而选择G,然后划去G。



