




托业七大题型详解(1)Photographs1.Sentences About PhotographsFormat------The first part of TOEIC consists of twenty numbered photographs that are in your test book. For each photograph, you will hear on the audio program four sentences that refer to it. You must decide which of the sentences best describes something you can see in each photograph.The photographs are pictures of ordinary situations. Aroundtwo-thirds of the photographs involve a person or people; aroundone-third involve an object or a scene without people.The sentences are short and grammatically simple. They generally deal with the most important aspects of the photographs, but some focus on small details or on objects or people in the background.Each item is introduced by a statement that tells you to look at the next numbered photograph. The pacing for this part is fast: There is only a five-second pause between items, and there is no pause between sentences (A), (B), (C), and (D).Tactics-------1. Always complete each item as quickly as possible so that you can preview the photograph for the next item. Dont wait for the statement that says, Now look at photograph number __.2. If you are previewing a photograph that involves a person or people, look for aspects of the photographs that are often mentioned in the sentences:_What are the people doing?_Where are they?_Who are they? (Is there a uniform or piece of equipment or anything else that indicates their profession or role?)_What distinguishes them? (Is there a hat, a mustache, a puree, a pair of glasses, a tie, or anything else that differentiates the people?)_What do the peoples expressions tell you? (Do they look happy? Unhappy? Excited? Bored? Upset?)3. If you are previewing a photograph of an object, focus on these aspects:_What is it?_What is it made of?_What -- if anything -- is it doing?_Where is it?4. If you are previewing a photograph of a scene, focus on these aspects:_Where is it?_What is in the foreground (the front of the picture)?_What -- if anything -- is happening?_What is in the background (the distant part of the picture)?5. Dont mark an answer until you have heard all four choices. When you hear a choice that you think is correct, rest your pencil on that oval on your answer sheet. If you change your mind and hear a sentence that you think is better, move your pencil to that choice. Once you have heard all four sentences, mark the oval that your pencil is resting on. (This technique helps you remember which choice you think is best.)6. Try to eliminate choices with problems in meaning, sound, and sound + meaning.7. Most correct answers involve verbs in the simple present (The furniture looks new.) or present progressive tense (The woman is riding a bicycle.). Be suspicious of answer choices involving any other tenses.8. Never leave any blanks. Always guess before going on to the next item.9. As soon as you have finished marking the answer, stop looking at and thinking about that photograph and move on to the next item._Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Sentences with Meaning ProblemsB. Sentences with Sound ProblemsC. Sentences with Sound and Meaning Problems托业七大题型详解(2)Questions/Responses2.Questions/ResponsesFormat------This part of TOEIC consists of thirty items. Each item consists of a question on the audio program followed by three possible responses (answers) to the question, also on the audio program. Your job is to decide which of these three best answers the question. Between each item is a five-second pause. Part II problems do not involve any reading skills; therefore, this part is considered a pure test of listening skills. Your test book simply tells you to mark an answer for each problem.Tactics-------1. There are no answer choices to consider before or while the item is being read. You should just concentrate on the question and the three responses on the audio program, and pay no attention to the test book.2. Try to identify the type of question (information question, yes/no question, alternative question, and so on). The correct response, of course, often depends on the type of question being asked.3. Try to eliminate distractors.4. Dont mark an answer until you have heard all three responses. When you hear a response that you think is correct, rest your pencil on that oval on the answer sheet. If you change your mind and hear a response that you think is better, move your pencil to that choice. Once you have heard all three responses, mark the oval that your pencil is resting on. (This technique helps you remember which choice you think is best.)5. If you hear all three responses and none of the three seems correct, take a guess and get ready for the next item.6. There is very little time (only five seconds) between items in Part II. You need to decide on an answer and fill in the blank quickly to be ready for the next item._Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Information QuestionsB. Yes/No QuestionsC. Other Types of QuestionsD. Recognizing Sound/Meaning DistractorsE. Recognizing Other Types of Distractors托业七大题型详解(3)Short Conversations3.Short ConversationsFormat------This part of TOEIC consists of thirty short conversations, either between a man and a woman or between two men. The conversations airs three-part exchanges: The first speaker says something, the second speaker responds, and the first speaker says something else. Two typical patterns airs given below:Speaker 1: Asks a question. Speaker 1: Makes a statement.Speaker 2: Responds to the question. Speaker 2: Questions the statement.Speaker 1: Comments on the response. Speaker 1: Responds to the question.In your test book, each question is written out, followed by four possible answer choices. Your job is to decide which one of these best answers the question. Then you need to mark the corresponding answer on your answer sheet.Tactics-------1. Between each conversation theirs is an eight-second pause. This may not sound like a long time, but you can actually accomplish quite a bit during this pause. You need to mark the answer for the item that you just heard and then preview the next item. Previewing the item consists of reading the question -- this tells you what to listen for -- and of quickly looking over the four answer choices.2. While listening to the conversation, keep your eyes on the answer choices. Dont close your eyes or look away. Try to evaluate the fourchoices as you airs listening.3. Remember that distractors are sometimes mentioned in the conversations but are not answers to the question. Dont choose an answer just because you hear a word or two from the answer in the conversation.4. If the correct answer is not obvious, try to eliminate answers that seem to be incorrect. If more than one answer choice is left, take a guess.5. Mark your answers as quickly as possible so that you can preview the next item.6. Never leave any answers blank. If you are not sure, always guess._Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Overview QuestionsB. Detail QuestionsC, Inference Questions托业七大题型详解整理一。











2.beabsentfrom….缺席,不在3.absenceormind(=beingabsent-minded)心不在焉4.absorb(=takeuptheattentionof)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):beabsorbedin全神贯注于…近:beengrossedin;belostin;beraptin;beconcentratedon;befocus edon;becenteredon5.(be)abundantin(berichin;bewellsuppliedwith)富于,富有6.access(to)(不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解7.byaccident(=bychance,accidentally)偶然地,意外.withoutaccident(=safely)安全地,8.ofone'sownaccord(=withoutbeingasked;willingly;freely)自愿地,主动地9.inaccordwith与…一致.outofone'saccordwith同….不一致10.withoneaccord(=witheverybodyagreeing)一致地11.inaccordancewith(=inagreementwith)依照,根据12.onone'sownaccount1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益2)(=atone'sownrisk)自行负责3)(=byoneself)依靠自己onaccount 赊账;onaccountof因为;onnoaccount不论什么原因也不;of…account有………重要性.13.take…intoaccount(=consider)把……考虑进去14.givesb.anaccountof说明,解释(理由)15.accountfor(=giveanexplanationorreasonfor)解释,说明.16.onaccountof(=becauseof)由于,因为.17.onnoaccount(=innocase,fornoreason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)18.accuse…of…(=charge…with;blamesb.forsth.;blamesth.o nsb.;complainabout)指控,控告19.beaccustomedto(=beinthehabitof,beusedto)习惯于.20.beacquaintedwith(=tohaveknowledgeof)了解;(=tohavemetsocially)熟悉21.acton奉行,按照…行动;actas扮演;actfor代理22.adaptoneselfto(=adjustoneselfto)使自己适应于23.adapt…(for)(=makesth.suitableforanewneed)改编,改写(以适应新的需要)24.inaddition(=besides)此外,又,加之25.inadditionto(=aswellas,besides,otherthan)除…外26.adhereto(=abideby,conformto,complywith,clingto,insist on,persistin,observe,opinion,belief)粘附;坚持,遵循27.adjacent(=nextto,closeto)毗邻的,临近的28.adjust……(to)(=changeslightly)调节;适应;29.admitof(=becapableof,leaveroomfor)…的可能,留有…的余地.30.inadvance(beforeintime)预告,事先.31.toadvantage有利的,使优点更加突出地.32.haveanadvantageover胜过.havetheadvantageof由于…处于有利条件havetheadvantageofsb.知道某人所不知道的事。



托业(阅读)练习试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 完成句子 2. 短文填空完成句子1.Essential safety _______ must be taken when attempting to patch up this electrical device.A.measuresB.prerequisiteC.calculationD.recommendation正确答案:A解析:复合名词(N1+N2)意义上相当于把N1作为宾语、N2作为动词,或者“为了N1的N2”。



2.In spite of a few strikes at the assembly plant during the first quarter of the year, the output remained constantly_______.A.steadilyB.steadinessC.steadyD.steadier正确答案:C解析:去掉空格前面的副词constantly,和空格有关联的是remain。

remain 是用于“S+V+P”形式的动词,后面可加形容词做表语。


3.The city’ s extraordinary resources_______ both the academic programs and the experience of living at New York University.A.honorB.enrichC.respectD.award正确答案:B解析:把握句子整体的意思是很必要的。











针对托业阅读理解部分,考生可以采取以下几个备考策略:1. 预习题目和文章结构:在做题之前,先浏览题目并获取整体了解。


2. 关注关键词:在阅读文章时,注意关键词和短语,这些词语通常与问题相关。


3. 提炼文章要点:通过阅读理解全文,并使用记笔记的方式,将文章要点进行提炼,有助于更好地掌握文章主旨和细节信息。

4. 分析问题类型:托业阅读理解部分的问题类型多种多样,包括主旨题、细节题、逻辑关系题等。


5. 划重点和关联信息:在阅读文章时,可以使用笔记或标记器划出重点信息和关联信息,方便回顾和查找相关内容。

6. 提高阅读速度和语感:托业阅读理解部分要求考生在有限时间内阅读大量文章并回答问题。







2020年托业考试(TOEIC)模拟阅读材料及分析1.Those second-hand pianos are selling like hot cakes, if you want one, you'd better buy one now before they're all gone. sell like hot cakes=sell very well or very quickly2.Whenever I have to make a speech I get butterflies in my stomach. get butterflies in one's stomach=get nervous3 He would do anything for his daughter. She was theapple of his eye. be the apple of one's eye=be very preciousto sb.4 Lend me ,please, Tom, I'm broke at the moment. be broke=doesn't have any money5 The accident was caused by a taxi driver jumping the green light. jump the green light=doesn't wait for thetraffic lights to change to green。

6.You didn't think I was serious, did you, Joe! Itwas a joke! I was pulling your leg, that's all. pull one'sleg=tease someone,逗某人玩7 Because the owner wanted a quick sale, the painting went for a song-only. If something "goes for a song", it is sold very cheaply8 There was a shortage of food; so you had to paythrough the nose for what you could find. To "pay through the nose " for something is to pay far more for something than it is really worth9 If he finds out what you did with the company's money,he'll hit the roof. hit the roof=get very angry10 The sky got very dark and soon the rain began to bucket down. bucket down = rain very heavily11 They all chip in for the benefit of Simpson's widow and little child. chip in=contribute money捐献12.He usually buys his clothes off the peg. It's cheaper than going to a dressmaker. Off the peg clothes =成衣13 Now stop beating about the bush and tell me what happened! beat about the bush=avoid saying directly what you mean14 I really must go and lie down for a while ;I've got a splitting headache. Splitting headache=painful headache代词题型:代词出现频度几乎占据26%左右,即每篇文章中有两题代词题目。



一托业考试题型结构 (1)二托业阅读题型高频考点总结 (1)三托业阅读理解解题技巧 (15)一托业考试题型结构以上题型为托业完整考试的阅读题型,实际本公司的考试中出现完成句子与阅读理解概率大,短文填空不一定有,以下对完成句子与阅读理解做重点讲解,尤其是阅读讲解。

二托业阅读题型高频考点总结题型一补全句子技巧skill 1 熟悉前缀skill 2熟悉后缀skill 3识别时间标识词skill 4 熟悉被动语态skill 5 辨别正确的介词用法skill 6 使用关系代词skill 1常用前缀1. after- 之后afternoon, aftermath,后果,再生草afterward2. ante- 之前antedate,较正确日期为早的日期,antechamber接待室,前堂antecedent 前例,先行者3. anti- 反antisocial, 不擅社交的,antibiotic抗生素antidote 解毒剂,矫正法4.auto- 自动automobile, automatic, autobiography 自传5. bene- 好benefit, beneficial, benign6. bi- bin- 两个bifocal, bicycle, binoculars7. circu- 绕circulate, circular, circus8. co- col- 一起cooperate, coworker, collect9. contra- 相反contradict, contrary, contrast10.counter- 对立counteract, counterfeit, counterpart11. dis- 缺少disagree, disgrace, dishonest12.hyper- 过多hypercritical, hyperbole, hypersensitive13.hypo- 太小hypoactive, hypodermic, hypoglycemia14.il- 不illogical, illegal, illegible15. in- 不incorrect, inhumane, inability16. inter- 之间international, interaction, interfere17. ir- 不irresponsible, irregular, irrelevant18. mal- 差malfunction, malpractice, malnourished19. mis- 错误misfortune, mistake, misplace20. multi- 多multilingual, multiple, multinational21. omni- 所有omniscient, omnivorous, omnipotent22. over- 太overactive, overflow, overdraw23. poly- 许多polyglot, polygon, polytechnic24. post- 之后postpone, postpaid, postscript25. pre- 之前prefix, prefer, prehistoric26. pro- 之前prologue, procedure, pronoun27. re- 重新rewrite, repeat, replaceskill 2 熟悉后缀常见后缀后缀含义词性例子1. –al 与。



托业考试题型和分数托业(Test of English for International Communication,简称TOEIC)是一种用于评估非英语为母语人士英语语言能力的国际英语考试。





1. 听对话和回答问题(Photographs)在这个题型中,考生会听到一段对话后回答几个问题。




2. 图片回答问题(Question-Response)这个题型中,考生需要根据听到的问题选择正确的答案。




3. 短对话理解(Short Conversations)考生需要听到一段对话后回答相关问题。




4. 短文理解(Short Talks)在这个题型中,考生需要听一段短文后回答相关问题。






1. 单项选择题(Single Passages)考生需要根据给定的文章内容选择正确的答案。




托业七大题型详解(1)PhotographsFormat------The first part of TOEIC consists of twenty numbered photographs that are in your test book. For each photograph, you will hear on the audio program four sentences that refer to it. You must decide which of the sentences best describes something you can see in each photograph.The photographs are pictures of ordinary situations. Around two-thirds of the photographs involve a person or people; around one-third involve an object or a scene without people.The sentences are short and grammatically simple. They generally deal with the most important aspects of the photographs, but some focus on small details or on objects or people in the background.Each item is introduced by a statement that tells you to look at the next numbered photograph. The pacing for this part is fast: There is only a five-second pause between items, and there is no pause between sentences (A), (B), (C), and (D).Tactics-------1. Always complete each item as quickly as possible so that you can preview the photograph for the next item. Don't wait for the statement that says, "Now look at photograph number __. "2. If you are previewing a photograph that involves a person or people, look for aspects of the photographs that are often mentioned in the sentences:* What are the people doing?* Where are they?* Who are they? (Is there a uniform or piece of equipment or anything else that indicates their profession or role?)* What distinguishes them? (Is there a hat, a mustache, a puree, a pair of glasses, a tie, or anything else that differentiates the people?)* What do the people's expressions tell you? (Do they look happy? Unhappy? Excited? Bored? Upset?)3. If you are previewing a photograph of an object, focus on these aspects:* What is it?* What is it made of?* What -- if anything -- is it doing?* Where is it?4. If you are previewing a photograph of a scene, focus on these aspects:* Where is it?* What is in the foreground (the "front" of the picture)?* What -- if anything -- is happening?* What is in the background (the "distant" part of the picture)?5. Don't mark an answer until you have heard all four choices. When you hear a choice that you think is correct, rest your pencil on that oval on your answer sheet. If you change your mind and hear a sentence that you think is better, move your pencil to that choice. Once you have heard all four sentences, mark the oval that your pencil is resting on. (This technique helps you remember which choice you think is best.)6. Try to eliminate choices with problems in meaning, sound, and sound + meaning.7. Most correct answers involve verbs in the simple present ("The furniture looks new.") or present progressive tense ("The woman is riding a bicycle."). Be suspicious of answer choices involving any other tenses.8. Never leave any blanks. Always guess before going on to the next item.9. As soon as you have finished marking the answer, stop looking at and thinking about that photograph and move on to the next item.* Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Sentences with Meaning ProblemsB. Sentences with Sound ProblemsC. Sentences with Sound and Meaning Problems(2)Questions/Responses2.Questions/ResponsesFormat------This part of TOEIC consists of thirty items. Each item consists of a question on the audio program followed by three possible responses (answers) to the question, also on the audio program. Your job is to decide which of these three best answers the question. Between each item is a five-second pause. Part II problems do not involve any reading skills; therefore, this part is considered a "pure" test of listening skills. Your test book simply tells you to mark an answer for each problem.Tactics-------1. There are no answer choices to consider before or while the item is being read. You should just concentrate on the question and the three responses on the audio program, and pay no attention to the test book.2. Try to identify the type of question (information question, yes/no question, alternative question, and so on). The correct response, of course, often depends on the type of question being asked.3. Try to eliminate distractors.4. Don't mark an answer until you have heard all three responses. When you hear a response that you think is correct, rest your pencil on that oval on the answer sheet. If you change your mind and hear a response that you think is better, move your pencil to that choice. Once you have heard all three responses, mark the oval that your pencil is resting on. (This technique helps you remember which choice you think is best.)5. If you hear all three responses and none of the three seems correct, take a guess and get ready for the next item.6. There is very little time (only five seconds) between items in Part II. You need to decide on an answer and fill in the blank quickly to be ready for the next item.* Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Information QuestionsB. Yes/No QuestionsC. Other Types of QuestionsD. Recognizing Sound/Meaning DistractorsE. Recognizing Other Types of Distractors(3)Short ConversationsShort ConversationsFormat------This part of TOEIC consists of thirty short conversations, either between a man and a woman or between two men. The conversations airs three-part exchanges: The first speaker says something, the second speaker responds, and the first speaker says something else. Two typical patterns airs given below:Speaker 1: Asks a question. Speaker 1: Makes a statement.Speaker 2: Responds to the question. Speaker 2: Questions the statement.Speaker 1: Comments on the response. Speaker 1: Responds to the question.In your test book, each question is written out, followed by four possible answer choices. Your job is to decide which one of these best answers the question. Then you need to mark the corresponding answer on your answer sheet.Tactics-------1. Between each conversation theirs is an eight-second pause. This may not sound like a long time, but you can actually accomplish quite a bit during this pause. You need to mark the answer for the item that you just heard and then preview the next item. Previewing the item consists of reading the question -- this tells you what to listen for -- and of quickly looking over the four answer choices.2. While listening to the conversation, keep your eyes on the answer choices. Don't close your eyes or look away. Try to evaluate the four choices as you airs listening.3. Remember that distractors are sometimes mentioned in the conversations but are not answers to the question. Don't choose an answer just because you hear a word or two from the answer in the conversation.4. If the correct answer is not obvious, try to eliminate answers that seem to be incorrect. If more than one answer choice is left, take a guess.5. Mark your answers as quickly as possible so that you can preview the next item.6. Never leave any answers blank. If you are not sure, always guess.* Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Overview QuestionsB. Detail QuestionsC, Inference Questions(4)Short TalksFormat------In Part IV, you will hear a number of talks on the audio program. There are two, three, and sometimes four questions for each talk. The questions are written in your test booklet. There are four answer choices following each question. You have to choose the best answer to the question based on the information that you hear in the talk. Before each of the talks, there is an introductory statement.Examples of introductory statements:Questions 80 and 81 are based on the following announcement:Questions 93 to 96 refer to the following lecture:Following each talk, you'll hear instructions to answer particular questions, with eight-second pauses between each of them. (You do not have to wait for these announcements to answer the questions.)Because this part of the test consists of both spoken material on the tape and written questions and answer choices, it tests both listening and reading skills.1. The talks: The talks are all monologues -- that is, they are delivered by one speaker. They are fairly short -- most are less than one minute long.2. The questions: Three main types of questions are asked about the talks: overview questions, detail questions, and inference questions.* Overview questions require a general understanding of the lecture or of the situation in which it is given. Overview questions ask about the main idea or purpose of the lecture, or about the speaker, the audience, or the location where the talk is given. Some typical overview questions:Who is speaking?What is the purpose of the talk?What kind of people would probably be interested in this talk?What is happening in this talk?Where is this announcement being made?* Detail questions relate to specific points in the talk. They begin with question words: who, what, where, why, when, how, how much, and so on. Some ars negative questions; they ask what was not mentioned in the talk:Which of the following is NOT true about... ?* Inference questions require you to make a conclusion based on the information provided in the talk. These questions often contain the word probably or forms of the verbs imply or infer:What is probably true about... ?What does the speaker imply about... ?What can be inferred from this talk?3. The answer choices: All the answer choices are plausible answers to the questions, in many cases, the distractors are mentioned in the talk. Just because you hear an answer choice mentioned in the talk does not mean it is the correct answer for a particular question.Tactics-------1. Listen carefully to the introductory announcement that is given before each talk. It will tell you what kind of talk you are going to hear (an announcement or a commercial, for example) as well as which questions to look at during that talk.2. Always look at the questions as the talk is being given on the audio program. Do not look away or close your eyes in order to concentrate on the spoken material. You must focus on both the talk and the written questions.3. Because the questions ars written out, you can use them to focus your listening for particular information.4. Do not mark your answer sheet while the talk is going on, even if you know the answer. The act of answering a question may cause you to miss the information you need to answer the question or questions that follow.5. Do not wait for the speaker on the audio program to instruct you to answer the questions. In fact, you should ignore those announcements. Begin answering as soon as the talk is over, and answer all the questions related to that talk as soon es you can. If you have a few seconds left before the next talk begins, preview the next few questions in your test booklet.6. Never continue working on the questions about one talk after another talk has begun.7. If you are not sure of an answer, eliminate unlikely choices and then guess.8. Always answer each question. Never leave any blanks.* Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Public AnnouncementsB. News, Weather, and Public Service BulletinsC. Commercial MessagesD. Business TalksE. Recorded Messages(5)Sentence CompletionFormat------This section consists of forty sentences, each missing one or more words. Below each sentence are four words or phrases. Your job is to decide which of these four choices produces a complete, grammatical, and logical sentence when it is put into the sentence.Tactics-------1. Begin by reading each item carefully. Try to guess what word or words are missing. Look for these words or similar words among the answer choices.2. The most common testing point in Part V involves word choice. You can identify these items because the four answer choices look alike or have similar meanings. Use the context of the sentence to help you choose the answer, and look for any grammar clues that help you eliminate distractors.3. The second most common type of item in Part V involves word form. You can recognize these because the answer choices are all forms of the same word. Use the endings of the words to determine which choice is correct in the context of the sentence.4. Verb problems are the third most common item type in Part V. The answer choices for these items are four forms of the same verb. Look for time words and other clues.5. If the correct choice is not obvious, eliminate choices that are clearly incorrect and guess. Put a mark by items that you found difficult so that you can come back to them if you have time. Never leave any items unanswered.6. Never spend too much time on any one item.7. As soon as you finish Part V, go on to Part VI.* Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Word ChoiceB. Word FormsC. Word Choice/Word FormsD. VerbsE. PrepositionsF. Connecting WordsG. Gerunds, Infinitives, and Simple Forms(6)Error RecognitionFormat------Section VI of TOEIC tests your ability to recognize mistakes in grammar or usage in written sentences. It consists of twenty items. In each item, four expressions -- usually one or two words each -- are underlined. You have to examine all four items and decide which one must be rewritten (it can't simply be omitted) to form a correct sentence. In other works you need to find the underlined expression that contains a mistake.Tactics-------1. Read each item word for word. Don't just look at the underlined portion of the sentences because the error is often incorrect only because of the context of the sentence.2. Don't read too quickly. If you do, your eyes may skip over errors, especially those involving "small words" (prepositions, pronouns, articles). Try to pronounce each word in your mind as you read. This will help you catch errors that "sound wrong."3. If you are unable to find an error after the first reading, look at the verbs in the sentence to see if they are used correctly, since verb errors are the most common errors in Part VI. Check the verb's tense, form, and agreement with the subject.4. If the verb seems to be used correctly, check for other common errors: word choice, word form, preposition use, and so on.5. If you still cannot find an error, eliminate choices that seem to be correct. If more than one choice remains, make a guess. Put a mark on your answer sheet next to items that you are not sure of so that you can come back to these items if you have time at the end of Section VI. (Be sure to erase all these marks before the end of the test.)6. Never spend too much time on any one item.7. Never leave any blank answers. Always guess.8. As soon as you finish Part VI, go on to Part VII. Keep in mind that Part VII (Reading Comprehension) takes more time to complete than either Part V or Part VI.*Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Verb ErrorsB. Word-Choice ErrorsC. Word-Form ErrorsD, Preposition ErrorsE. Errors with Gerunds, Infinitives, and Simple FormsF. Errors with PronounsG. Errors with Singular and Plural NounsH. Errors with Comparative and Superlative Forms of AdjectivesI. Errors with ArticlesJ. Word-Order ErrorsK. Errors with Connecting WordsL. Errors with Participial Adjectives(7)Short ReadingsFormat------Part VII is the longest part of TOEIC. It's also the last part, so you may be starting to get tired. However, you need to stay focused on the test for a little longer. (Of course, if you want, you may work on part VII before you work on parts V and VI.)Part VII consists of short reading passages followed by questions about the passages. There are four possible answer choices for each question. You must pick the best answer choice based on the information in the passage and then mark that answer on your answer sheet.The PassagesThere are from twelve to fifteen passages. Most are quite short. Some consist of only three or four sentences; the longest have around 150 words. The passages deal with a wide variety of topics and involve many different types of written materials.There are from two to five questions per passage for a total of 40 questions. They include these three main types:1. Overview questions2. Detail questions3. Inference questions* Overview questions occur after most of the passages. To answer overview questions correctly, you need a "global" (overall) understanding of the passage. The most common overview question asks about the purpose or the main topic of the passage:What does this article mainly discuss?What is the purpose of this letter?Why was this notice written?Some ask about the best title or heading of a passage:What is the best heading for this announcement?Which of the fo/lowing is the best title for the article?Other overview questions ask about the writer of the passage, the readers of the passage, or the place of publication:In what business is the writer of the passage?What is the author's opinion of ____ ?Who would be most interested in the information in this announcement?For whom is this advertisement intended?Where was this article probably published?* Detail questions, the most common type of Part VII question, ask about specific points in the passage. You will usually have to scan the passage to find and identify the information. Sometimes the answer and the information in the passage do not look the same. For example, a sentence in a passage may read "This process is not as simple as it once was." The correct answer may be "The process is now more complex."Some detail questions are negative questions. These almost always include the word NOT, which is printed in uppercase (capital) letters:Based on the information in the passage, which of the following is NOT true?Negative questions usually take longer to answer than other detail questions.* A few questions in Part VII are inference questions. The answers to these questions are not directly stated in the passage. Instead, you must draw a conclusion about the information that is given. Some typical inference questions:Which of these statements is probably true?Which of the following can be inferred from this notice?Answer ChoicesAll are believable answers to the questions. Incorrect choices often contain information that is presented somewhere in the passage but does not correctly answer the question.A Note About VocabularyMost of the vocabulary in the passages consists of relatively common English words and phrases, but there will certainly be expressions that you do not know. However, you can understand most of a reading and answer most of the questions even if you don't know the meaning of all the words. Also, you can guess the meaning of many unfamiliar words in the passages through context. In other words, you can use the familiar words in the sentence in which an unfamiliar word appears to get an idea of what the unfamiliar word means.Tactics-------1. First, look at the passage quickly to get an idea of what it is about.2. Next, read the questions about the passage. You should not read the answer choices at this time. Try to keep these questions in the back of your mind as you read the passage.3. Read the passage. Try to read quickly, but read every word; don't just skim the passage. Look for answers to the questions that you read.4. Answer the questions. For detail and inference questions, you will probably have to refer back to the passage. Use the eraser-end of your pencil as a pointer to focus your attention as you look for t he information needed to answer the question.5. If you are unsure of the answer, eliminate answer choices that are clearly wrong, and then guess.6. Don't spend too much time on any item. If you find a question or even an entire passage confusing, guess at the answer or answers and come back to these items later if you have time.7. If you have not answered all the questions and only a few minutes ere left, read the remaining questions without reading the passages, and choose the answers that seem most logical.* Types of Readings and Practice ExercisesA. ArticlesB. Business CorrespondenceC. AdvertisementsD. AnnouncementsE. Non-Prose Readings。



一托业考试题型结构 (1)二托业阅读题型高频考点总结 (1)三托业阅读理解解题技巧 (15)一托业考试题型结构以上题型为托业完整考试的阅读题型,实际本公司的考试中出现完成句子与阅读理解概率大,短文填空不一定有,以下对完成句子与阅读理解做重点讲解,尤其是阅读讲解。

二托业阅读题型高频考点总结题型一补全句子技巧skill 1 熟悉前缀skill 2熟悉后缀skill 3识别时间标识词skill 4 熟悉被动语态skill 5 辨别正确的介词用法skill 6 使用关系代词skill 1常用前缀1. after- 之后afternoon, aftermath,后果,再生草afterward2. ante- 之前antedate,较正确日期为早的日期,antechamber接待室,前堂antecedent 前例,先行者3. anti- 反antisocial, 不擅社交的,antibiotic抗生素antidote 解毒剂,矫正法4.auto- 自动automobile, automatic, autobiography 自传5. bene- 好benefit, beneficial, benign6. bi- bin- 两个bifocal, bicycle, binoculars7. circu- 绕circulate, circular, circus8. co- col- 一起cooperate, coworker, collect9. contra- 相反contradict, contrary, contrast10.counter- 对立counteract, counterfeit, counterpart11. dis- 缺少disagree, disgrace, dishonest12.hyper- 过多hypercritical, hyperbole, hypersensitive13.hypo- 太小hypoactive, hypodermic, hypoglycemia14.il- 不illogical, illegal, illegible15. in- 不incorrect, inhumane, inability16. inter- 之间international, interaction, interfere17. ir- 不irresponsible, irregular, irrelevant18. mal- 差malfunction, malpractice, malnourished19. mis- 错误misfortune, mistake, misplace20. multi- 多multilingual, multiple, multinational21. omni- 所有omniscient, omnivorous, omnipotent22. over- 太overactive, overflow, overdraw23. poly- 许多polyglot, polygon, polytechnic24. post- 之后postpone, postpaid, postscript25. pre- 之前prefix, prefer, prehistoric26. pro- 之前prologue, procedure, pronoun27. re- 重新rewrite, repeat, replaceskill 2 熟悉后缀常见后缀后缀含义词性例子1. –al 与。










题目1:According to the article, what is the main purpose of the event?A) To raise money for charity.B) To promote local tourism.C) To celebrate the city's anniversary.D) To showcase local cuisine.解析:通过定位关键词"main purpose",我们可以快速定位到问题的答案定位句。


仔细阅读定位句以及相关句子,我们可以确定A) To raise money for charity为正确答案。

题目2:What is the name of the company mentioned in the article?A) Swift TravelB) Global ToursC) Venture VacationsD) City Explorer解析:这是一道填空题。



托业考试(TOEIC )听力和阅读真题精选及详解(一)
托业考试(TOEIC )听力和阅读真题精选及详解(二)
弟早阅读(Reading Test)—炭成句子
第一童阅读(Reading Test)T豆文填空
阅读(Reading Test)— -阅读理解
第四章口语(Speaking Test)
第五童写作(Writing Test)





根据《TOEIC(托业)考试整体改革方案》的规定,托业考试自2006年5月开始实施新版托业TOEIC听力及阅读考试,并自2006年12月开始由考生选择性加考的TOEIC 口语及写作考试。


因阅读(Reading Test)的题型、考点较多,所以将阅读部分具体细分为:单项选择、短文填空、阅读理解3章。





2020托业阅读考试介绍题型详解Short ConversationsFormat------This part of TOEIC consists of thirty short conversations, either between a man and a woman or between two men. The conversations airs three-part exchanges: The first speaker says something, the second speaker responds, and the first speaker says something else. Two typical patterns airs given below:Speaker 1: Asks a question. Speaker 1: Makes a statement.Speaker 2: Responds to the question. Speaker 2:Questions the statement.Speaker 1: Comments on the response. Speaker 1:Responds to the question.In your test book, each question is written out, followed by four possible answer choices. Your job is to decide which one of these best answers the question. Then you need to mark the corresponding answer on your answer sheet.Tactics-------1. Between each conversation theirs is an eight-second pause. This may not sound like a long time, but you can actually accomplish quite a bit during this pause. You needto mark the answer for the item that you just heard and then preview the next item. Previewing the item consists of reading the question —— this tells you what to listen for —— and of quickly looking over the four answer choices.2. While listening to the conversation, keep your eyes on the answer choices. Don't close your eyes or look away. Try to evaluate the four choices as you airs listening.3. Remember that distractors are sometimes mentioned in the conversations but are not answers to the question. Don't choose an answer just because you hear a word or two from the answer in the conversation.4. If the correct answer is not obvious, try to eliminate answers that seem to be incorrect. If more than one answer choice is left, take a guess.5. Mark your answers as quickly as possible so that you can preview the next item.6. Never leave any answers blank. If you are not sure, always guess.* Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Overview QuestionsB. Detail QuestionsC, Inference Questions。



托业考试题型所谓托业(Test Of English for International Communication),是一项主要用于评估非英语为母语的人士在商业环境中使用英语的能力的国际标准化考试。



一、听力(Listening)1. 图片题:在这种题型中,考生需要根据听到的图片描述选择正确的答案。


2. 简短对话题:考生需要听一段简短对话后回答相关问题,考察考生对于简短对话内容的理解以及信息捕捉能力。

3. 短文理解题:考生需要听一段较长的短文后回答相关问题,考察考生对于主旨、细节和推理的理解能力。

二、阅读(Reading)1. 单项选择题:考生需要根据所给的文章内容选择最合适的选项,考察考生对于文章信息的理解以及词汇和语法的运用能力。

2. 完型填空题:考生需要根据文章内容填写空缺处的正确单词或词组,考察考生对于文章整体结构和上下文语境的理解。

3. 阅读理解题:考生需要阅读一篇文章并回答相关问题,考察考生对于文章主旨、细节和推理的理解能力。

三、口语(Speaking)1. 个人陈述题:考生需要回答和个人经验、观点或看法相关的问题,考察考生的口语流利度、词汇运用和语法的正确性。

2. 图片演讲题:考生需要针对一张图片进行演讲,说明图片中的内容和他们对该内容的观点,考察考生的口头表达和逻辑思维能力。

3. 情景对话题:考生需要进行一段情景对话,模拟真实的商务场景,考察考生的应对能力、语音语调和交际技巧。

四、写作(Writing)1. 图片作文题:考生需要根据一张或多张图片写一篇短文,描述图片中的内容或讨论相关话题,考察考生的写作表达和连贯性。

2. 独立写作题:考生需要根据给定的问题或观点,写一篇独立的论述性文章,阐述个人看法或观点,考察考生的写作逻辑和组织结构能力。










Part 1 (6道题)考试的形式主要是看一张图片,听四句描述图片的句子,选择最符合图片信息的句子。

例题:考生会听到4句话:(A)He's getting on the subway.(B)He's reading a notice on the wall of the train station.(C)He's strolling along the track.(D)He's standing alone on the platform. (正确答案)Part 2 (25题)在这个部分中,考试会先听到一个问题,比如说“Why did you get back from your trip so early?”,紧接着会听到3个回答,从回答中选择出最准确的选项。

例题:W hy did you get back from your trip so early?”(A)Because the meeting got canceled. (答案)(B)Next Friday at the earliest.(C)I'll be taking the train.Part 3 (39题)这部分题就和常考的听力选择题一样,以人物对话的形式出题,一段材料中有3道题。


例题:Part 4 (30题)Part4和Part3的考试形式非常类似,只是把人物对话换成了个人的直接陈述,依然是3道题为一组。



Statement(B), "They are sitting at a table," is the best description of the picture. So you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet.
1. 2.
3. 4.
Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.
) /200 ( 1'6J~ ) ) /200 ( 1'6J~ )
ACTUAL TEST IFra bibliotekLISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not writ your answers in the test book.



关于托业考试的介绍TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication),国际交流英语考试,也就是我们所说的托业考试,由美国教育考试服务中心组织,针对在国际工作环境中使用英语交流的人。



1.听力部分:听力部分共100道题, 分为4个题型,考试时间约45分钟,总分495分。








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2020托业阅读考试介绍:题型详解(一)Short Readings
Part VII is the longest part of TOEIC. It's also the last part, so you may be starting to get tired. However, you need to stay focused on the test for a little longer. (Of course, if you want, you may work on part VII before you work on parts V and VI.)
Part VII consists of short reading passages followed by questions about the passages. There are four possible answer choices for each question. You must pick the best answer choice based on the information in the passage and then mark that answer on your answer sheet.
The Passages
There are from twelve to fifteen passages. Most are quite short. Some consist of only three or four sentences; the longest have around 150 words. The passages deal with a wide variety of topics and involve many different types of written materials.
There are from two to five questions per passage for a total of 40 questions. They include these three main types:
1. Overview questions
2. Detail questions
3. Inference questions
* Overview questions occur after most of the passages. To answer overview questions correctly, you need a "global" (overall) understanding of the passage. The most common overview question asks about the purpose or the main topic of the passage:
What does this article mainly discuss?
What is the purpose of this letter?
Why was this notice written?
Some ask about the best title or heading of a passage:
What is the best heading for this announcement?
Which of the fo/lowing is the best title for the article?
Other overview questions ask about the writer of the passage, the readers of the passage, or the place of publication:
In what business is the writer of the passage?
What is the author's opinion of ____ ?
Who would be most interested in the information in this announcement?
For whom is this advertisement intended?
Where was this article probably published?
* Detail questions, the most common type of Part VII question, ask about specific points in the passage. You will usually have to scan the passage to find and identify the information. Sometimes the answer and the information in the
passage do not look the same. For example, a sentence in a passage may read "This process is not as simple as it once was." The correct answer may be "The process is now more complex."
Some detail questions are negative questions. These almost always include the word NOT, which is printed in uppercase (capital) letters:
Based on the information in the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
Negative questions usually take longer to answer than other detail questions.
* A few questions in Part VII are inference questions. The answers to these questions are not directly stated in the passage. Instead, you must draw a conclusion about the information that is given. Some typical inference questions:
Which of these statements is probably true?
Which of the following can be inferred from this notice?
Answer Choices
All are believable answers to the questions. Incorrect choices often contain information that is presented somewhere in the passage but does not correctly answer the question.
A Note About Vocabulary
Most of the vocabulary in the passages consists of relatively common English words and phrases, but there will certainly be expressions that you do not know. However, you can understand most of a reading and answer most of the。
