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第一篇How to be Happy 如何获得幸福 (2)
第二篇City Design 城市设计 (4)
第三篇Population 人口 (6)
第四篇Earthquake 地震 (7)
第五篇The Aftermath of BP Fulf Oil Spill----英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏 (9)
第六篇Green Computers“绿色’’电脑 (11)
第七篇Cell Phones手机 (12)
第八篇Touch Tech触屏技术 (13)
第九篇Fossil Fuels and Our Life化石燃料与我们的生活 (15)
第十篇Carbon Emissions碳排放 (16)
第十一篇Marine Pollution海洋污染 (17)
第十二篇China's Growth and the Clean Energy Tech中国的经济增长与清洁能源技术 (18)
第十三篇Market Economy市场经济 (19)
第十四篇CPI消费者物价指数 (20)
第十五篇The Internet互联网 (21)
十六篇Apple Expands its Touchy-Feely Vision苹果公司用iPad延续梦想 (22)
十七篇3G Technology技术 (23)
十八篇Carbon Capture and Storage碳捕获和储存 (24)
十九篇GlobaIWarming全球变暖 (25)
二十篇Alternate Energies替代能源 (26)
二十一篇Biofuels生物燃料 (27)
二十二篇Coal Chemicallndustry煤化学工业 (28)
二十三篇Resource Curse资源诅咒 (30)
二十四篇Company Management公司管理 (31)
二十五篇Recruitment Drives Take Talent from Wide Pool人才库 (32)
二十六篇Tips for Job Seekers找工作的秘诀 (33)
二十七篇Chinese Oil Market中国石油市场 (34)
二十八篇0il Trade石油贸易 (35)
二十九篇How I Lost My Head in the Volcanic Ash Cloud令人发疯的火山灰 (36)
三十篇Project Management项目管理 (37)
第一篇How to be Happy 如何获得幸福
In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive_psychologist Martin Seligman, where H(happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary_choices you make). 过去两周我们研究了一项幸福公式,这是由乐观心理学家马丁·塞利格曼定义的。


This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient.本周我们将着眼于能提升幸福指数的生活状态。

Step l: Peace and quiet 第一步:平和宁静
Jonathon Haidt in his excellent book, The Happiness Hypothesis, notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. 乔纳森·海迪在他的优秀著作《幸福假说》当中提到,研究调查显示,我们不可能完全适应噪音污染,无论是新近的还是长期的。

Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. 巨大噪声会引发我们面对恐惧的某种本能反应(另一种是对于坠落的恐惧),如果周遭噪音喧闹,我们不可能完全放松。


If you are unfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council.Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to have some respite. If you need your TV,radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good.如果你不幸生活在比较嘈杂吵的环境中,请一定要坚持去居委会投诉。



Step 2: Relationships 第二步:人际关系
This is the most important of all the extemal conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. 这是增加幸福指数的一条至关重要的外部条件。


A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery . 与搭档或者爱人的关系陷入激烈的冲突中,会让我们产生遭到背叛和遗弃的感觉。


When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or leam to moveon.当我们面临这类问题时,最好的办法就是直面难题,修复关系,或者学着继续前行。

Step 3: Share 第三步:分享
If you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing, remember to share them with friends. Passing on what works is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others. 如果你发觉生活状态或者做的某项决定对幸福生活有重大帮助的话,记得与你的朋友们分享。


1. What's the happiness formula according to the passage?
答案:The formula refers to H(happiness)=S(your biological set point for feeling happy)+C(the conditions of your life)+V(the voluntary choices you make).
2. Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution?
答案:Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses aIld we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intruslve noise.
3. How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good?
答案:If we need our TV, radio or muslc up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates our kindness and consideration to our neighbors.
4. Where does the unhappiness come from?
答案:Our unhappiness often comes from poor relationships with others.
5. What is the positive way to face with the cruelly conflictual relationship?
答案:What you can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or leam to move on.
第二篇City Design 城市设计
When I'm being driven through a city from our hotel to a conference center, I couldn't help but note the overwhelming presence of cars and parking lots. The world's cities are in trouble. In hundreds of cities, the life of daily life is deteriorating. Breathing the air in some cities is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes per day. The number of hours commuters spend going nowhere sitting in traffic-congested streets and highways climbs higher each year, raising frustration levels.当我从旅馆乘车穿行城市前往会议中心时,映入眼帘的是无处不在的汽车和停车场。




In response to these conditions, we are seeing the emergency of a new urbanism. In just a few years, many cities banned the parking of cars on side walks, created or renovated more parks, introduced a highly successful bus-base rapid transit system, built hundreds of kilometers of bicycle paths and pedestrian streets, reduced rush hour traffic, planted more trees and involved local citizens directly in the improvement of their neighborhoods. The quality of urban life in these cities has been greatly enhanced with the vision of a city designed for people.针对上述情况,我们可以看到一种新城市主义的理念正在兴起。



Now govemment planners everywhere are experimenting, seeking ways to design cities for people not cars. Cars promise mobility. But in an urbanizing world there is an inherent conflict between the automobile and the city. After a point, as their numbers multiply, automobiles provide not mobility but immobility. 现在,各地政府的规划者们都在尝试寻找为了人而不是为汽车设计城市的方法。




Based on this perspective, some cities in industrial and developing countries alike will dramatically increase urban mobility by moving away from the car. Let me remind you once more, cities are built for people, not for cars. A city full of cars is like what the horrifying sci-fi depicted - all mechanism and no human. In order to avoid this disaster, we'd better start designing sustainable cities. 基于这个观点,无论在发达的工业国家还是发展中国家,一些城市将会通过远离汽车来极大增加市区的通畅。




1. What means of transportation does the author take to the conference center?
答案:(He takes)a bus.
2. According to the first paragraph what is happening in cities where there are more cars?答案:Cars not only do harm to people's health but also cause heavy traffic jam.
3. What does the last sentence “the vision of a city designed for people”in paragraph 2 mean? 答案:Design cities for people not (for) cars.
4.Why is there an inherent conflict between the automobile and the city in urban
areas?答案:Because people depend largely on cars.
5.How would a city look like if cars were everywhere?
答案:There would be all cars (mechanism) no human.
第三篇Population 人口
A very important world problem is the increasing number of people who actually inhabit this planet. The limited amount ofland and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population ifit continues to grow at its present rate. 在我们这个星球上居住的人越来越多,是一个很重要的全球问题。


So why is this huge increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of what is becoming known as "Death Control".那么为什么会出现人口的大量增长呢?这的确是因为知识的广泛传播和众所周知的“死亡控制”的结果。

You have no doubt heard of the term "Birth Control". "Death Control" is something rather different. 毫无疑问,你肯定听到过“生育控制”这个术语。


It recognizes the work of the doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would have died of a variety of then incurable diseases. 它承认了医生和科学家的工作,现在他们能够留住那些患有各种各样绝症的病人的生命。


Through a wide variety of technological innovations that"include farming methods and the control of deadly diseases, we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. However, this success is the very cause of the greatest threat to mankind.通过大围的技术创新,其中包括耕作方法和对绝症的控制,我们已经找到降低死亡率的方法。


If we examine the amount ofland available for this ever-increasing population, we begin to see the problem. If everyone on the planet had an equal share of land, we would each have about 50,000 square meters. This figure seems to be quite encouraging until we examine the amount of usable land we actually have. More than three-fifths ofthe world's land cannot produce food. 如果计算一下维持不断增长的人口所需的土地量,我们就能意识到这个问题。




Obviously, with so little land to support us, we should be taking great care not to reduce it further. But we are not! Instead, we are consuming its "capital" - its nonrenewable fossil fuels and other mineral deposits that took millions of years to form but which are now being destroyed in decades(3). We are also doing the same with other vital resources not usually thought of as being nonrenewable, such as fertile soils, groundwater and the millions of other species that share the earth with us. 显然,能够养活我们的耕地如此之少,我们就应该想方设法不要让耕地继续减少下去。



1. What can be learnt about the population growth at present?
答案:It continues to increase/grow at its present rate.
2. According to the article, what contributes to the population increase?
答案:Death Control
3. What is the doctors'job according to paragraph ?
答案:They keep people who suffer from incurable diseases alive.?
4.Why isn't there enough land to support human beings
答案:Because the world's land has already been taken up/occupied by the ever-increasing population.
5.In paragraph 4 the fertile soils are considered as____.
第四篇Earthquake 地震
Earthquakes may be ranked as one of the most devastating force known to men; since records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have numbered in millions and that earthquake-related destruction has been beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss oflife has been due to collapse of buildings and effects of rock slides, floods, fire, disease and other phenomena resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quakes themselves. 地震是人类所知的最具有破坏力的自然灾害之一。



The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses. The other extends from the East Indians to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey and the Alpine regions. They may happen anywhere at any time. 大多数地震发生在两个独特的地理位置。



This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dread and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake prediction may be possible. By analyzing changes in animal behavior, pattems of movements in the earth's crust, variations in the force of gravity and the earth's magnetic field and the frequency with which minor earth tremors are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in anticipating when and where earthquakes will strikecl). As a result, worldwide earthquake waming network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected. 几个世纪以来,这种对于地震的未知性更大增加了地震的可怕和恐惧性。




It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and eliminate their destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen become better understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their potential devastation before it occurs. 人类是否能完全控制地震并消除它的破坏力还未可知。


1. What are the causes ofthe great part ofthe damage and loss oflife?
答案:Collapse ofbuildings and the effects ofrock slides, floods, fire, disease and other phenomena from earthquakes.
2. Where are the two most active earthquake belts in the world?
答案:The area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses, East Indians to the Atlas Mountains.
3. What fact does "element ofthe unknown" in paragraph 3 refer to?
答案:It refers to the fact the earthquakes can happen anywhere at any time.
4. What four ways are used to anticipate earthquake activity?
答案:a) analyzing changes in animal behavior b) pattems ofmovements in the earth's crust
c) variations in the force of gravity and the earth's magnetic field
d) observation of the frequency ofminor earth tremors。

5.What is the author's attitude toward the possibility of earthquake predictions? 答案:Earthquake prediction is becoming more and more possible.
第五篇The Aftermath of BP Fulf Oil Spill----英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏
In the aftermath of the BP oil spill, President Obama voiced the concems of countless scientists. environmentalists(l). and Gulf Coast residents when he declared."We're dealing with a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster." The sheer size of the oil spill - 210,000 gallons a day contaminating the Gulf of Mexico - has many people worried about the short and long-term environmental harm it is causing (2) 英国石油公司原油泄漏事件之后,奥巴马总统的一次公开讲话表达出了无数科学家、环保主义者以及墨西哥湾居民的心声。



The oil spill could severely damage fragile ecosystems for years, possibly decades. Beaches fouled by oil spills are very difficult to clean up. To make matters worse, the spill threatens beaches just as shorebirds are nesting and sea turtles are coming ashore to lay their eggs. 这次原油泄漏事件对脆弱的生态系统带来的严重破坏会持续很多年,甚至数十年。



Even worse is the effect the oil spill could have on sensitive salt marshes and mangrove coastlines, which would be practically impossible to clean and that some fear might be permanently destroyed (3) These wetlands are considered the nurseries for the fishing and seafood industry and are a vital habitat and breeding ground for many species of wildlife. Because they cover much more land area than beaches, the risk oftheir exposure to damage is greatly increased. 还有更糟的事情,石油污染还可能影响敏感的湿地和红树林海岸,而这将是几乎不可能被清理干净的,有些人甚至担心这将是永久性的毁坏。



Fully 98 percent of the fish and shellfish harvested in the Gulf of Mexico depend on estuaries, which are coastal waters where freshwater from rivers and streams mix with sea water. Estuaries are dependant on wetlands for their water quality and to provide a basis for aquatic food chains. Many species depend on wetlands for food, shelter and breeding. 在墨西哥湾捕获的鱼类和贝类中足有98%依靠河口生存,这些河口就是江河与海水汇合的地方。



The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are homes to hundreds of species of aquatic1ife. The longer the oil fouls the water, the more polluted the food chain becomes, which could result in large fish kills and seafood too contaminated for consumption. 墨西哥湾水域也是成百上千种水栖动物的家园。


1. In the first sentence "President Obama voiced the concems ofcountless scientists..." what does the word "voice" mean?
答案:Voice here means“to express an idea of…”
2.How long could the damage to the ecosystem last?
答案:The damage to the ecosystem could last decades.
3.How important are the wetlands to the wildlife?
答案:The wetlands are a vital habitat and breeding ground for many species of wildlife.
4.Why are estuaries dependent on wetlands?
答案:Estuaries are dependant on wetlands for their water quality and to provide a basis for aquatic
food chains.
5.How will the oil spill affect the seafood in the Gulf of Mexico?
答案:Many fish will die and the seafood will be too contaminated for consumption.
第六篇Green Computers“绿色’’电脑
Computer manufacturers, chipmakers and software companies are developing"greener' products for environmentally conscious consumers. While some tech companies are developing more energy-efficient product lines,others are releasing software to make existing computers consume less. And -electronics manufacturers are expanding ways to make -new computers out- of recycled materials, as well as encourage customers to recycle old machines. Consumers'may pay a slight premium for some eco-friendly electronics, but .many prices will be comparable with traditional offerings. 目前,电脑生产商、芯片制造者和软件公司都纷纷开发“绿色”产品来满足那些环保意识强烈的消费者的需求。




Several factors are pushing companies to be greener. Many want to stay ahead of environmental legislation and to gamer favor with green investors. And with energy prices high, they are trying to appeal to people who are looking for ways to chip away at expenses. 有几大因素推动着电脑公司更注重环保。



The computer industry has been working on improving energy consumption for years. The newer focus has been on toxins and recycling. For example, Lenovo Group Ltd. uses 10% t0 25% recycled plastics harvested from water bottles. Last month, Intel Corp. introduced new chips that it says will speed up computing performance without sucking up additional power. The company also developed technology, called Remote Wake, to keep computers in a low-energy mode until users need them for retrieving files over the Intemet. Hewlett-Packard Co. has developed a new feature called Auto-On / Auto-Off that puts inactive printers into a sleep mode and can quickly power back up once they are used again(1). This feature has been added to HP's personal desktop laser printers in 2009. Attention to manufacturing materials is a priority. HP introduced an ink-jet printer that is made of 83% recycled plastics. 计算机工业多年来一直致力于减少能源消耗,新焦点已经放到了毒性和循环利用上来了。







Experts say that keeping your old computer out of the landfill is better for the environment than buying a new one. 专家表示,就对环境的影响而言,对旧电脑再利用,让其避免流入垃圾场填埋比买台新电脑更好。

1、Why are computer manufacturers considering developing greener products?
答案:Because they want to meet the requirements of environmentally conscious consumers. pared to the old computer, the price ofthe greener machine is____.
答案:A little/slightly/a little bit more expensive.
3.From the three examples, Lenovo, Intel and HP, we can know that____.
答案:Companies want to stay ahead of environmental legislation and to get good impression from (gamer favor with) green investors. On the other hand they are trying to appeal to people who want to save their expenses because of high energy price(或With energy prices high, they are trying to appeal to people who are looking for ways to chip away at expenses).
4.What is the function ofAuto-On /Auto-Off?
答案:It can put inactiVe printers into a sleep mode and can quickly powerback up once used again.
5.What does the last sentence in the last paragraph mean?
答案:Don't throw your old computer away as trash in order to keep the environment clean.
第七篇Cell Phones手机
What would life look like without cell phones? Today's hottest selling mobile phones are now loaded with features such as MP3 music players, TV, music and wireless photo printing. Cell phones have changed so much in the past few years that with every new product launch comes another big dilemma for the cellular manufacturers cl) How do you create the next big hit? How does the manufacturer separate the hits from the gimmicks, while trying to decipher what cell phone users really want or need in the near future? Industry insiders say the most popular phones will have advanced functions that are simple to customize for individual tastes. 没有手机的生活会变得怎么样呢?今天畅销的手机都有MP3播放器、电视、音乐、无线相片打印等功能。



Manufacturers believe that the success of the cell phone lies in the building and development of high-speed networks to deliver services like video, music and high speed Intemet. While these networks are now in operation, the industry insiders are considering radical redesigns to phones, displays and services to ensure the new features are simple to use. Such developments, combined with software that allows users to customize their cell phone browser for services such as sports scores or news, could replace PDAs and other gadgets. Cellular companies are also betting consumers will soon use phones for everything from watching TV to studying and writing school exams. Developers should now concentrate on designing exciting new looks for phones, since few things have more direct influence over a consumer's fickle buying behavior than the emotional response that the shape, color or look ofa phone evokes (2) 制造商相信手机的成功取决于高速网络的构建和开发以提供如影像或视频、音乐、高速互联网的服务。





1、What are the features oftoday's mobile phones?
答案:They are loaded with (features such as) MP3 music players, TV, music and wireless photo printing.
2、What will manufactures face ifthey produce a new product?
答案:They will face a big dilemma.
3、What should the most popular phones have?
答案:The most popular phones should have advanced functions to customize for individual tastes.4、What will people do with cell phones in the future?
答案:People will use phones for everything from watching TV to studying and writing school exams.
5. Why does the writer mention "the emotional response" in the last sentence?
答案:Because he thinks that it affects customers' buying behavior.
第八篇Touch Tech触屏技术
For mobile touch technology, it's only the beginning. Apple Inc.'s phone revolutionized the mobile phone with easy-to-use touch-screen technology that allows users to surf the Web, tap out messages or control any number ofinventive applications. 就移动触摸技术而言,现在只是刚刚开始。


Developers are working on new applications for "multi_touch- screens. These screens can process commands the user gives with more than one finger, which broadens the possibilities for applicationc”. Other developers are wo rking on advances in "haptic" feedback - vibrations and other physical sensations that are now used, for instance, to let a gamer know she's reached a new level, but that can also be used to communicate emotions and may soon give a touch-screen keyboard the feel of a physical keyboard (2) And for those who still prefer to work with keys
on their phones, even some traditional keyboards will perform certain functions in response to touch commands. 开发人员正致力于新“多触点”屏幕的应用研究。




Software developers set to work on multi-touch applications. Some, for instance, allow users to play virtual musical instruments on the phone. But multi-touch developers have largely focused on games. 软件开发人员开始研发多触点应用软件。



Haptic technology already has many non-mobile applications. In videogames, for instance, it can give gamers the sensation of actually steering a car they're controlling on the screen. In medical training, it can make procedures like endoscopy performed on a simulator feel real, so that medical personnel can develop a better sense of how to perform them. The use of haptics in mobile phones is still in its infancy, but the wider deployment of haptic enabled phones will open the door to new applications. 触觉技术已经在非移动领域得到了广泛应用。




For now, at least many mobile users prefer the accuracy of a physical keyboard rather than a touch screen. A new technology is being designed to allow the best of both worlds: a keyboard that can also respond to touch commands. 目前看来,至少还有许多手机用户仍然偏爱物理键盘的准确性,他们对触摸屏并不十分感兴趣。


1、Why do we say Apple's iPhone is a revolution?
答案:Because Apple is the first to develop a new technology called easy-to-touch-screen.
2、What is the advantage ofmulti-touch screen?
答案:The screens can process commands the user gives with more than one finger.
3、What is the haptic feedback technology?
答案:It is vibrations and physical sensations.
4、What do gamers feel if they use haptic technology in 'v.ideogames?。
