



AnimalFarm(《动物农庄》英文书评)(推荐5篇)第一篇:Animal Farm(《动物农庄》英文书评)Man and Animal First I want to mention that it has been half a month since I had finished the book Animal Farm written by George Orwell.I had written something the day I finished the book, but I want to add something now.Many teachers have ever recommended this book to us, so I bought it online instead of borrowing it from the library.The novel was not difficult to read and I spent five days to read it.I was little proud of the progress of my reading speed and really learned much from it.I supposed it was an interesting and joyful novel before I read it, because I thought it was something like a fairy tale.However, it was really sarcastic and the ending made me angry and sad.The end is as follows:“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.” I recalled that the early life after the animal rebellion was quite good and peaceful, when Snowball was still there.However, everything changed when Napoleon took the power of Animal Farm.I couldn’t assure Snowball was the best one, but Napoleon was surely the most vicious one.He, together with other pigs and dogs, became vicious and cruel and they learned the Men’s behavior, which mad the whole story miserable.The situation was that they overthrew the human’s cruel rule but rebuild another cruel rule.How ironic it was!Those pigs were clever but very mean!They expelled Snowball away.They always told lies and excelled in turning black into white.They lacked of sympathy, compassion and love.They were totally selfish.After Snowball disappeared fora long time, the living conditions of other animals were harsh.They were obliged to work very hard for long hours without enough food.Many of them fought against the authority but remained dead.I remembered that Boxer, the loyal and hard-working horse, was sent to slaughter when he was badly hurt for falling from the working place.Other animals were cheated that they believed he was sent to the doctors before they saw the special cart.I couldn’t help crying for their miserable faith.I had imagined many endings myself.I hoped that Snowball was a virtuous pig as well as a good leader, and I believed he would come back one day to save the poor animals struggling in the farm.I believed all the time and still believe now.I don’t think it has ended like that.He would be back and lead the animals to fight against the pigs, dogs and vicious human beings.They would finally win like their first rebellion.And then they, all the animals, live equally and freely in their own farm, especially when the advanced windmill is set up to produce power, electricity.They work as well as learn together, so that they can invent something more efficient for work.There will not be master, but comrades.Before Clover and Benjamin pass away, they can see how peaceful and joyful Animal Farm becomes, and they will tell Boxer when they go to the heaven.Human will not be enemy, but they are not friends, either.Animal Farm just belongs to those who remember the purpose of the first rebellion and those who have the courage to fight against unfairness.Of course, for the author’s purpose, there is not be such an end, but I just believe it.Believing is enough.TanyaApr.1st, 2013第二篇:《动物农庄》读后感《动物农庄》读后感《动物农庄》初看是一个想象奇特的童话故事,实际上它给我们带来的感受与思考要远远超过如《白雪公主》这样的童话故事,它被评论家定义为政治寓言体小说。



动物庄园英语读后感300字I recently finished reading Animal Farm and I'm still thinking about it. It's such a powerful story, told in a simple yet profound way. The animals rising up against the farmer was so inspiring, but then the power struggle within the animals themselves was so sad. It really made me think about how easy it is for us humans to fall into the same traps. The pigs starting to walk on two legs and wearing clothes was a crazy turn of events. It showed how quickly things can change and how power can corrupt. Overall, Animal Farm is a must-read. It's not just a story about animals, it's a story about us all.The characters were so vivid and realistic. Old Major, the wise old pig, really spoke to me. His vision of abetter life for all animals was so hopeful. But then there were the other pigs, like Napoleon and Snowball, who showed how power and greed can destroy even the noblest of ideals. And of course, the other animals like Boxer and Clover, they just wanted to work hard and be happy. They remindedme of the common people, striving for a better life but often getting caught up in the politics.。




动物庄园英文读后感Animal Farm tells a story that one day the animals overthrow the farmer Mr. Jones, and found their own regime, called "Animal Farm” They adopt Seven Commandments of Animalism, of which the most important is "All animals are equal”。

Pigs are the leaders of the operation of the newly start-up farm.Thanks to the right lead of the pigs and selfless and hardworking of all animals, the Animal Farm develops good enough to their demands.However, the leaders separate into two factions soon after. As a result, Snowball is expelled by Napoleon as a betrayer. Although many animals remember that Snowball is a brave leader, they firmly believe they were wrong and Snowball is a bad animal indeed after brainwashing Napoleon offered. What’s more, the Seven Commandments of Animalism had also been changed. Finally, the Animal Farm becomes quite different from what they hope it to be at the beginning.From the novel; I expressively feel the great power of faith. With the faith of Animalism, they finally found their regime,and struggle the equal from humans. And because of the faith, Napoleon can still rule the wretched animals, even though Snowball has gone. In our daily life, faith is indispensable as well. Faith just as flame, guiding us and supporting us when we feel frustrated as well as every time we need power to keep going ahead. When the Animal Farm is in mess, the animals still believe in their faith and Animalism. As to us, this believing is needed. Sometimes we may think we are in a wrong road to our dream, or we lose heart of ourselves, considering we aren't as well as respect, we need believe. A strong faith just likes a protection, and we are protected by it from kinds of difficulties.感谢阅读,希望能帮助您!。



动物农场读后感AnimalFarm(合集5篇)第一篇:动物农场读后感 Animal FarmThoughts after Reading Animal FarmIt’s really a good luck to have the opportunity to read the well-known novel Animal Farm by the introduction of my English teacher Wang Ling and surfing the Internet.Although I only learned chapter two in my English book, I generally understood what the story wanted to tell us.Animal Farm is a political allegory fable.The story happened on a farm somewhere in England.In the beginning, the oldest pig Old Major called on the animals to rebel against their master Mr.Jones who maltreated them.During the revolution, the animals drove away Mr.Jones.The pigs, which acted as leaders, promised freedom and equality for all animals.But the most powerful pig Napoleon began to exercise a harsh rule, eliminating history and fooling the animals.In this way the pigs enjoyed privileges of the ruling class and suppressed and exploited other animals through various cunning means, which was sheer totalitarianism, while freedom and equality were nowhere to be found.When it comes to politics, I have got to refer to Chinese Communist Party and our government and our homeland, China.There is no doubt that our party liberated the Chinese from feudalism and imperialism.There is no doubt that our party left us away from war.There is no doubt that our party led the Chinese living in a rich way.But I still want to say something exist in our country in order to make my homeland much more democratic and trustworthy.Recently, we heard many reports about “the event of Wang”, most of these reports were untrue, which led us feel puzzled.At this time, the government spokesman told us all the reports about this event were not thereality.In my opinion, it was really a joke.Because from the spokesman, we could conclude that he knew the truth.Why didn’t you tell us the truth now that you knew all? Some officials said that we Chinese enjoyed making up rumour, I thought the government also had th e responsibility.Because we didn’t know truth, we had to guess.Two weeks ago, when I chatted with some friends in QQ group, I asked, “What do you think of Bo’s leaving of Chongqing?” Some suggested me not discuss politics.Then I asked “Why?” One of them sa id that I had to be careful because your QQ number might be closed forever when discussed politics.One guy said to me, “You are still too young.” which made me think a lot.As a university student, I think it is our responsibility and duty to concern our country and our politics.Now, we should fear talking about politics!That’s all the thought after I read Animal Farm.What I think of is to make our country much more democratic and much our government much more trustworthy.It seems I still too young daring write this kind of article.Frankly, I hope my beautiful, dear and respectful teacher not hand in this piece of paper to school. 第二篇:动物农场读后感《动物农场》读书报告姓名:班级: 学号:联系方式:一、作者简介:乔治·奥威尔(1903年6月25日-1950年1月21日),英国著名小说家、记者和社会评论家。

Animal Farm动物庄园英文读后感1000词

Animal Farm动物庄园英文读后感1000词

Impression of Animal FarmAnimal Farm is from Manor Farm, where all animals are subservient to a farmer named Jones. One night an aged boar called Old Manor held a meeting with his fellow animals, saying that one day they would rise up against the humans who enslave them. Old Manor suggests that once humans have been overthrown, no animal could have human-like behaviors such as sleeping in a bed. In the end, Old Major taught the animals a song called Beasts of England, which becomes their anthem. When Old Major dies, the pigs Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer become the leaders, and transfer Old Major's guidance into a system called Animalism.One day, Jones and his men neglect to feed the animals for an entire day, impelling the cows to break into the store shed. After the fighting, animals rename the farm Animal Farm, and paint the Seven Commandments of Animalism on the barn wall. Acting leadership roles, Napoleon and Snowball argue and disagree on almost everything, while Squealer is used for justifying policies that provide special treatment for the pigs.With news of the successful rebellion spreading, animals across England are singing Beasts of England, and other farmers are worried whether their animals may also do the same. Jones try to recapture the farm, but the animals finally win, which was known as the Battle of the Cowshed. Tensions between Snowball and Napoleon worsen because of their disagreement in policy. Snowball wants to build a windmill to create electrical power, but Napoleon manages to chase Snowball away from the farm. Then Napoleon uses Squealer to convince other animals that Snowball is a criminal and a traitor, and Napoleon takes control. Eventually revealing that the animals will indeed build the windmill, Napoleon uses his enforcing dogs and Squealer's advocate to begin disobeying the Seven Commandments. He engages in trade with men through a go-between named Whymper, and the pigs take up residence in the farmhouse, where they sleep in beds.When the windmill is in construction, a storm destroys it overnight. Napoleon blames this destruction on Snowball, and circulates rumors that Snowball visits at night to cause mischief, distracting the animals from their lack of food and long hours of heavy labor. Wanting to quash any voices of dissent, Napoleon orders an assembly in which his dogs execute four pigs who have vocally opposed him in the past, and drags confessions out of other animals - all claiming to have been in league with Snowball - who are also executed.After the windmill is completed, neighboring farmer Frederick invades the farm with armedmen, and the animals retreat into the buildings. While hiding, these people destroyed windmills with explosives, inspired animals to launch attacks, and finally drove them away, causing heavy casualties on both sides. When construction resumed, the Malaysian boxer took on most of the work, injuring his aging body. After Boxer being found collapsed one day, the pigs arrange to have him treated by a veterinarian in town, but the wagon coming to take him shows "horse slaughterer". Reading this, Benjamin raises alarm, but the other animals are unable to save Boxer, and he is too weak to escape. Several days later Squealer announces that Boxer has died peacefully in the hospital, with Squealer there at his side. He assures that the horse slaughterer sign was simply because the wagon used to be a carriage.Years pass, and Animal Farm has become profitable, but the animals continue to work very hard for minimal rations. Only the oldest among them remember the rebellion, and it seems a distant memory. The pigs begin walking on their hind legs, wearing clothes, and carrying whips. When Clover and Benjamin are confused by these developments, they go to read the Seven Commandments, and see that they now simply read: ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.In Animal Farm, Napoleon actually represents all kinds of ugliness in human nature, such as deception and greed. In fact, the Seven Commandments that Napoleon and Snowball have formulated is not intended to prevent the so-called totalitarian human beings, but to constantly distinguish the nature of the animals in the farm, including the enemies and friends, that is, they are engaged in internal struggle. This kind of struggle is formed by the ugliness of human nature in two aspects. On the one hand, Snowball and Napoleon need to maintain their ruling stability by these continuous internal struggles. Because other animals in the farm are busy fighting with each other, they could ignore Napoleon and Snowball's autocratic leadership over the whole farm. On the other hand, because of the cruel struggle between the two leaders, various animals began to form opposites. However, other animals don't realize that behind the struggle was actually the absurd greed of the two revolutionary leaders, to gather more forces.Though Snowball and Napoleon have their own greed, Snowball is somehow different from Napoleon. Snowball actually has its own revolutionary ideal, most of which are inherited from the previous revolutionary animals, such as Old Major, and even formed some new revolutionary ideas, such as having their own views on the management of the farm and the self-management of animals. Snowball also supports animals to pursue their own freedom, although it is also under hismanagement and control. By contrast, Napoleon is only concerned about his own interests, without any noble revolutionary sentiment. But Napoleon is wily and likes to play with all kinds of power, which is not reflected on Snowball.It is worth noting that in the novel, Napoleon has a very unique inspiring ability, knowing how to win popular support from other animals in various ways, which transcends the Snowball who is not skilled in power. It can be seen that Orwell believes human beings are not only greedy, but also prone to deception by lies, prefer some exciting words, tend to be sheltered by so-called leaders. Napoleon once used a lot of power of other animals to engage the windmill project, but every time encountered some technical problems, Napoleon would always put the excuse on Snowball that had gone away, as Napoleon pig said, "look, Snowball does it! "And he would often send out his heroic utterance to deceive others.In Orwell's Animal Farm, the greedy pig Napoleon finally became the leader of the animals. However animals being the leaders of animals did not change the fate of the animals. But for these enslaved animals, Orwell did not sympathize, but satirized their trust in lies. Although lies are sometime more beautiful than the truth, they are actually harmful. Animals don't know the essence of these problems at all, not only because they lack intelligence, but also because they rely on the despotic rule.Orwell criticizes the greed of human nature through Animal Farm. What can be concluded is that the restriction of human nature should be shared by more people, not controlled by the minority elite.。



动物庄园英文读后感_读后感_模板篇一:动物庄园英文读后感Animal farm is the first book I choose to read among the list of BBC Top 100 Novels. The book has aroused strong reaction and became famous since the date it was published. It reveals human reality by telling animals’ story in funny but extremely ironic way.The story begins with a meeting held in one night by the animals in farm. Because of the great dissatisfaction of their owner, animals decide to have a revolution, chasing away the farmers and realize the equ ality among animals. They make definitions about “friends” and “enemy”,elect the leader- an old pig, who died soon after the meeting and is taken place by two other pigs named “Snowball” and “Napoleon”,and enacted Seven Commandments. The days at the begi nning are harmonious. But soon there’s a split between two leaders- Snowball is declared enemy of the revolution. What’s worse, leader pigs abuse their powers and gain benefits for themselves, becoming exploiters as human.It seems ridiculous for animals to have a revolution and for pigs to govern the farm. But when we put it into human’s society, the story makes sense. In fact it reflects on the revolution happened in Soviet in 20th century. Animalism is similar to Socialism, which emphasizes equality a lot, but actually inequality at all. Extreme equality is tend to get into an embarrassing situation like “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Napoleon is also the reflection of Soviet’s leader Si Dalin, who was famous for his arbitrariness and toughness in the history and expelled Trotsky (Snowball reflects on Trotsky)。



B o o k R e p o r t o f A n i m a l F a r m动物庄园读后感集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]B o o k R e p o r t o f A n i m a l F a r mAnimal farm is the first book I choose to read among the list of BBC Top 100 Novels. The book has aroused strong reaction and became famous since the date it was published. It reveals human reality by telling animals’ story in funny but extremely ironic way.The story begins with a meeting held in one night by the animals in farm. Because of the great dissatisfaction of their owner, animals decide to have a revolution, chasing away the farmers and realize the equality among animals. They make definitions about “friends” and “enemy”, elect the leader- an old pig, who died soon after the meeting and is taken place by two other pigs named “Snowball” and “Napoleon”, and enacted Seven Commandments. The days at the beginning are harmonious. But soon there’s a split between two leaders- Snowball is declared enemy of the revolution. What’s worse, leader pigs abuse their powers and gain benefits for themselves, becoming exploiters as human.It seems ridiculous for animals to have a revolution and for pigs to govern the farm. But when we put it into human’s society, the story makes sense. In fact it reflects on the revolution happened in Soviet in 20th century. Animalism is similar to Socialism, which emphasizes equality a lot, but actually inequality at all. Extreme equality is tend to get into an embarrassing situation like “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Napoleon isalso the reflection of Soviet’s leader Si Dalin, who was famous for his arbitrariness and toughness in the history and expelled Trotsky (Snowball reflects on Trotsky).The revolution of animals is based on being treated unfairly by human. Because their enthusiasm and hatred, they success at the beginning. However, they do not know how to remain a steady regime. The key of keeping a regime is to set restrictions to the power. In other words, to legislate. The responsibility and rights of both government and citizens should be showed obviously in the law.Another opinion I have learnt from the book is that, we ought to be tough when tracing our goals. And we shouldn’t give up to our desires. In the book, in the end pigs become something very like human who they were against at first. And in reality, if we don’t keep a clear mind to control our desires and remember what kind of people we want to be, we will be lost and become people that we usedto hate.To make a conclusion, George Orwell makes the reveal of politics and humanity in a vivid and simple story, from which readers think much about the history and society.。



动物庄园读后感英文"Animal Farm" is a powerful allegorical novel that reveals the corrupting nature of power and the dangers of totalitarianism. Written by George Orwell, the book is a classic critique of the Soviet Union, using animals to represent different political figures and events during the Russian Revolution.One of the main themes of the book is the abuse of power. The pigs, who initially lead the rebellion against the human farmers, gradually become as tyrannical as their human predecessors. Led by Napoleon, the pigs oppress and exploit the other animals, rewriting the Seven Commandments to suit their own interests. This gradual shift from equality to dictatorship is a chilling portrayal of how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.Another theme explored in "Animal Farm" is the danger of ignorance and blind obedience. The animals, who have a strong desire for freedom and equality, initially overthrow their human oppressors. However, they lack the knowledge and education required to maintain a successful society. As a result, they become easily manipulated and deceived by the pigs' propaganda. Their lack of critical thinking allows the pigs to maintain their power and continue their oppressive rule.The character of Boxer, the loyal and hardworking horse, represents the working class and their exploitation by the ruling class. Despite his immense strength and dedication, Boxer is ultimately betrayed and sold to the glue factory, symbolizing the betrayal of the working class by their leaders. His tragic fate is areminder of the sacrifices made by the proletariat in the pursuit of a better society.Orwell also highlights the power of language and manipulation throughout the book. The pigs use language to control and deceive the other animals, changing the meaning of words and rewriting history to suit their own agenda. The phrase "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" perfectly encapsulates the pigs' manipulation of language to justify their own privilege and oppression."Animal Farm" serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the dangers of totalitarianism and the abuse of power. Orwell's depiction of the pigs' ruthless pursuit of power and the resulting loss of freedom and equality is a stark reminder of the potential for corruption within any political system.In conclusion, "Animal Farm" is a thought-provoking and powerful novel that provides a chilling critique of totalitarianism and the corrupting nature of power. Through its use of allegory and symbolism, the book explores themes of abuse of power, blind obedience, class exploitation, and the manipulation of language. As readers, we are reminded of the importance of remaining vigilant and questioning authority to ensure the preservation of freedom and equality.。



动物庄园读后感英文Animal Farm is a thought-provoking novel written by George Orwell, which tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. However, as the story unfolds, the animals realize that their utopian dream has turned into a nightmare, as the pigs, who initially led the revolution, become corrupt and oppressive rulers.One of the most striking aspects of Animal Farm is its allegorical nature. The animals on the farm represent different social classes and political figures, and the events that take place on the farm mirror the events of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent rise of Stalinism. The novel serves as a powerful critique of totalitarianism, and it raises important questions about power, corruption, and the nature of political systems.The characters in Animal Farm are also deeply compelling. From the idealistic and naive Snowball to the manipulative and ruthless Napoleon, each character represents a different facet of human nature and political leadership. The way in which these characters interact and evolve throughout the story is both fascinating and disturbing, and it serves as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked power.Furthermore, the themes explored in Animal Farm are timeless and relevant. The novel delves into the complexities of human nature, the corrupting influence of power, and the struggle for freedom and equality. These themes resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds, and they force us to confront the darker aspects of human society and politics.In conclusion, Animal Farm is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that continues to be relevant in today's world. Its allegorical nature, compelling characters, and timeless themes make it a must-read for anyone interested in politics, history, or human nature. As we reflect on the events of the story and the fate of the animals on the farm, we are reminded of the importance of vigilance, critical thinking, and the fight for justice and equality.。



动物庄园读后感英文版Animal Farm is a thought-provoking and impactful novel that delves into the complexities of power, corruption, and the human condition. Written by George Orwell, the novel is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds.The story is set on a farm where the animals, led by the pigs, stage a rebellion against their human owner, Mr. Jones. The animals, inspired by the idea of creating a society where all animals are equal, work together to overthrow their oppressor and take control of the farm. However, as time goes on, the pigs, led by Napoleon, begin to abuse their power and manipulate the other animals for their own gain. The novel serves as an allegory for the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism, but its themes are universal and applicable to any society.One of the most powerful aspects of Animal Farm is its exploration of the corrupting nature of power. As the pigsgain more control over the farm, they become increasingly tyrannical and oppressive, mirroring the actions of the human farmers they once despised. This serves as a stark reminder of the potential for corruption in any system of governance, and the dangers of unchecked authority. It also raises questions about the nature of power and the lengths to which individuals will go to maintain it.The novel also delves into the complexities of human nature, particularly our susceptibility to manipulation and our capacity for self-deception. The animals, in their desire for a better life, are easily swayed by the pigs' rhetoric and promises, despite the obvious signs of corruption and inequality. This serves as a reflection of the ways in which people can be blinded by their own desires and manipulated by those in power. It also highlights the importance of critical thinking and the need to question authority.Animal Farm is also a commentary on the cyclical nature of history and the ways in which revolutions can be co-opted by those seeking power. The animals' initialrebellion against Mr. Jones is ultimately betrayed by the pigs, who become the new oppressors. This serves as a cautionary tale about the potential for revolutions to be hijacked by those with ulterior motives, and the need for constant vigilance in the face of tyranny.In conclusion, Animal Farm is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that continues to be relevant in today's society. Its exploration of power, corruption, and human nature serves as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked authority and the need for constant vigilance in the face of oppression. As I reflect on the novel, I am reminded of the importance of questioning authority, standing up against injustice, and remaining vigilant in the face of tyranny. It is a timeless classic that serves as a stark reminder of the potential for corruption in any system of governance, and the dangers of unchecked authority. It also raises questions about the nature of power and the lengths to which individuals will go to maintain it.。



动物庄园英语读后感300字Animal Farm: A Reflection.George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is a profound political satire that explores the themes of revolution, power, corruption, and the loss of idealism. Set in a rural England where animals overthrow their human masters, the story seems innocent at first, a celebration of theanimals' freedom from oppression. However, as the narrative progresses, it becomes increasingly apparent that freedomis not as simple as it seems.The animals, led by pigs such as Snowball and Napoleon, rise up against their human masters, inspired by the idea of a utopian society where animals will live in harmony, free from hunger and exploitation. The Seven Commandments, which govern the new society, seem like a noble attempt to ensure fairness and equality. However, as the animals begin to settle into their new lives, cracks start to appear.Snowball and Napoleon's differing visions for thefuture of the farm lead to a split within the animal community. Snowball, the more radical of the two, wants to expand the farm, improve production, and share the wealth more evenly. Napoleon, on the other hand, is more cautious and concerned with maintaining control. This divide within the leadership eventually leads to Snowball's expulsion from the farm, and Napoleon's consolidation of power.As Napoleon's grip on the farm tightens, the animals start to notice changes. The Seven Commandments are gradually rewritten and reinterpreted to suit Napoleon's needs. The animals' original ideals of freedom and equality are eroded, and life on the farm becomes increasingly oppressive. This is particularly evident in the animals' treatment of Beast, a horse who challenges Napoleon's authority. Beast's tragic end serves as a warning to the other animals of the consequences of rebellion.What makes "Animal Farm" so compelling is Orwell's ability to draw parallels between the animals' society and human society. The farm animals' revolution echoes real-world revolutions throughout history, where initial ideals of freedom and equality are often sacrificed for the preservation of power. Orwell's subtle humor and irony add depth to the narrative, making it both entertaining and thought-provoking.The ending of the novel is particularly poignant. As the animals look back on the past, they remember the promise of a utopian society but are now resigned to a life of hard labor and oppression. The farm has become a parody of its original ideals, a bleak reminder of the fragility of revolution and the dangers of unchecked power.In conclusion, "Animal Farm" is a timeless tale that speaks to the永恒的重要性 of maintaining vigilance against the erosion of freedom and equality. It serves as a warning against the abuse of power and a reminder of the need for constant vigilance in safeguarding our freedoms. Orwell's masterful storytelling and profound insights into the nature of power and corruption make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in social and political issues.。



动物农场读后感英语Animal Farm: A Critique of Totalitarianism.George Orwell's allegorical novella, Animal Farm, presents a biting satire of totalitarianism, drawing parallels between the Russian Revolution and an animal rebellion on a fictional farm. The author's astute observations and skillful storytelling create a thought-provoking and enduring work of literature.Orwell meticulously exposes the mechanisms of totalitarian control through the characters and events of the farm. The pigs, initially portrayed as symbols of rebellion and equality, gradually morph into oppressive leaders who exploit and deceive the other animals. The pigs' manipulation of language and history, their use of propaganda, and their resort to violence are all classic tactics of authoritarian regimes.The gradual erosion of freedom and the suppression ofdissent are also central themes in the novel. The pigs manipulate elections, silence opposition, and rewritehistory to maintain their power. The animals, initiallyfilled with hope and optimism, become disillusioned and apathetic, their dreams of a just society fading away.Symbolism is a powerful tool employed by Orwell. The farm itself represents the Soviet Union, while the pigs symbolize the ruling elite. The windmill, a symbol of progress and modernization, becomes a source ofexploitation and misery. The characters of Old Major, the idealistic pig who starts the rebellion, and Boxer, the hardworking horse who endures hardships with unwavering loyalty, represent the lost promise of the revolution and the suffering of the masses.Animal Farm transcends its historical context to offera timeless critique of totalitarianism and its consequences. The novel serves as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked power, the importance of vigilance, and the need to resist oppression in all its forms.中文回答:《动物庄园》后感。



动物农场的英文读书报告animalfarm第一篇:动物农场的英文读书报告animal farmSoEReadingBook ReportCrystal Animal Farmstudent number: 1120113509 By: George OrwellDecember 3,2012The story happened in Mr.Jones’s Manor farm.The animals worked for the farm day and night.One night, a pig Old Major told the animals what he had dreamed.Then the animals realize that they were leading a miserable life and they were exploited by human being.Old Major encouraged them to get rid of man and the produce of their labor would be their ter, the battle really happened and Mr.Jones run away.They established “Animal Farm” and put forward “Seven Commandments”.At the beginning of “Animal Farm”, all animals were equal.It was a ne w life.Every animal bore hardship and work hard for a better life.However, the leaders--pigs took advantage of new system to benefit themselves.They slept on the bed and drunk milk.The two leaders-Snowball and Napoleon wanted to be the only leader.Snowball was driven out because Napoleon let some fierce dog to chase him.And then Napoleon declared Snowball was spy and the enemy of Animal Farm.In the past, Snowball put forward to build windmill and Napoleon push others to build it since Snowball’s departure.T hough it was wrecked twice but it finally was accomplished through years of hard work.As time went by, pigs1became the privileged stratum.They even revised “Seven Commandments” to satisfy their own desire.If animals complained about the ruling of Napoleon, they would be killed cruelly.Animals had no freedom and kept working much laborious work.They had less food but pigs always hadfeast.Animal’s miserable life was just like that in Manor Farm.At last, pigs even walked by two legs and had negotiation with people.Animal’s life did not change at all or maybe more miserable than bined with my knowledge of history, I can sense this book reflect the situation in the Soviet Union.Every animal has its own reflection.Napoleon was just Stalin.He was in charge of the whole country in an autocratic way.He killed those who were not willing to obey his ruling.Snowball was just like Trostsky.When people didn't need him, no one cared about his life though he dedicated his whole life to the country.What's worse,people blamed all evil things and bad results to him.He was the victim of politics.Boxer are those who lived at the bottom of society.They work the most laborious work and eat least.They were exploited everyday until death.Their lives were poor.Old Benjamin reflected those who wanted to save their lives and avoided being killed by not commenting on politics.They were not satisfied about2 the situation but they were reluctant to criticize.I am sure that everyone can see the totalitarianism among pigs.Why is there totalitarianism? I think first it's because of lacking supervision.Without supervision, no matter how heroic and wise he is,he will abuse the power, because complete power is bound to lead to complete corruption.Secondly, people are lazy.They think that there will be heroes leading them to a better life no matter he is Snowball or Napoleon, Stalin or others.They don’t want to take pains and to worry about the future.They all depend on heroes but not rely on themselves.That's totally wrong.Everyone must take responsibility for himself.People can't be so lazy to put all the responsibility and rights to the leader.When you overthrow a leader and uphold another leader,that's not democracy.Depending on leaders would not obtain democracy.The so-called “democracy” rulers give you is autocracy with the skin of democracy.Then I want to say people's patience to tyranny and misrule.This story reflected situation in the Soviet Union.However,we all know, history is always similar.I can also find miniature of China and Chine people at that time.Chinese people have a bad character of tolerating more autocracy, misrule than any Western people.No matter in the ancient time or during Chairman Mao's ruling, people can always tolerate corruption, tyranny and other evil3things.Why can we tolerate so much? Why didn't we criticize politics? Because we lacked legal protection and gurantee for our life.To avoid being killed, we close our mouth just like Benjamin.There is another thing worth mentioning--people's quality.Rulers want the citizen to be foolish.That's Obscurantism.There are some evidence.Boxer only knew some of alphabet and those animals born later even knew none of them.Squealer always said that “you were stupid so that you won't understand how great our plans were.” And then, animals thought they were not clever and they must follow Napoleon.Napoleon destroyed the school built for animals so that they could always stay foolish.Animals doubted that someone had changed “Seven Commandments”.When Squealer said it remained without any change, animals thought their memory were not clear.They didn't have their own thoughts and judgement.Rulers hope citizen are ignorant so they won't have advanced ideas to fight against their rule.No matter in China or in western countries, there were always rulers killing intellectual because they didn't want to see any potential threatening.Though rulers don’t want citizen to be well-educated, people must improve themselves or they can’t protect their own st I want to say something about Snowball.I suppose he was a good leader.At least he put forward to build windmill and he4got hurt during the battle against human being.It's just like Trostsky put forward to develop industry to enter modernization in Soviet Union.He devoted his whole life to the country but had a bad result.People blame all evil things to him.I think it's unfair.People must take responsibility for themselves and should not put all the rights and obligation to the leader.Faced with the results of the World War II, German did not only blame on Hitler.All the Germen rethought profoundly for their evil behaviors.As for the Iraq war, we can't only blame on President Bush.At least citizen voted and chose him!.So it's unfair to criticize Snowball.We don't know how he would rule the farm if he did not leave.Maybe he was democratic but without supervision he might also became autocratic.This book is sarcasm to the socialism of Soviet Union, especially those words “every animal is equal but some animals are more equal.” The author criticized autocracy in the Soviet Union.I agree that there are still many shortcomings of current socialistic society in China.There is some corruption but no autocracy.However, I am sure it will make progress because our government attaches great importance to people's education and people have their independent thoughts to analyze and have human rights to comment on politics.I am sure tomorrow will be better.I think if there is one more person to read Orwell’s book, there will be one more guarantee of freedom.6第二篇:动物庄园英文读书报告读书报告——《动物庄园》 ? 内容概要《动物庄园》是一本看似很薄却很有内涵的书,书中的内容看似荒谬却意味很深。

动物庄园英语英文读后感 作文 book report of reading animal farm

动物庄园英语英文读后感 作文 book report of reading animal farm

Book report of reading <Animal farm> <Animal farm> is one of the representative works of George Orwell. It is a successful anti Utopian work, which alludes to politics with simple and understandable language. George Orwell's creation of animal farm is not accidental, but closely related to his personal experience. Born in the British colony of India, George Orwell was full of sympathy for the oppressed people since his childhood. After witnessing the dark political disputes, he thoroughly saw the current situation of Spain under the rule of the Soviet Union. It was full of autocracy and persecution covered by the surface of democracy and progress. Therefore, he hopes to alert the world through his works. <Animal farm> was born in this period. ‘The creatures looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which is which. ‘For many years, the animals living in the farm had a dull life. They couldn't stand the days when they were enslaved by human beings and finally launched an uprising. They drove away the farm owner and became the owner of the manor themselves. At first, all the activities in the farm were in order. Under the leadership of Napoleon and Snowball (pigs), all the animals obeyed the rules and worked diligently. But Napoleon, who symbolizes a politician who always pursues power but loses its original intention, designed to get rid of snowball in order to gain power. From then on, everything changed completely. The life of animals began to be harder than in the past. Huge amounts of work worn them out and they can only barely get enough to eat. In order to consolidate his rule, Napoleon launched a campaign of cleansing and killed a numberof animals who tried to resist. In order to improve productivity, he let animals build windmills several times but never produce any food by his own labour. Napoleon has satisfied his ambition, but the animal farm no longer belonged to the animals. In the end, Napoleon and human were both sitting on the table playing cards. The author's sentence "pigs and men, can’t tell which is which" is really meaningful and worth thinking.Animals think that as long as they get rid of Jones, they can not only win freedom and equality but also live to their content. However, the real situation is that they have become the tools of Napoleon's dictatorship, and there is no freedom and equality at all. This is the same as human society.Every kind of animal in animal farm represents specific people, some are politicians pursuing fame and wealth, some are calm and objective wise men, some are hard-working models, some are talkative speakers. The author seemingly wrote about animals with different personalities but used them to reflect people in real society.Readers may have different understanding about this story. I highly recommend this book for its undoubtedly a classic novel. Although this is a seemingly simple story about the uprising of a group of animals, from the story of animals, we can see the human social phenomenon reflected in the story. Maybe we are similar in many places, whether animal or human.。



【最新】动物庄园读后感英文Animal farm is the first book I choose to read among the list of BBC Top _0 Novels. The book has aroused strong reaction and became famous since the date it was published. It reveals human reality by telling animals story in funny but e_tremely ironic way.The story begins with a meeting held in one night by the animals in farm. Because of the great dissatisfaction of their owner, animals decide to have a revolution, chasing away the farmers and realize the equality among animals. They make definitions about friends and enemy , elect the leader- an old pig, who died soon after the meeting and is taken place by two other pigs named Snowball and Napoleon , and enacted Seven Commandments. The days at the beginning are harmonious. But soon there s a split between two leaders- Snowball is declared enemy of the revolution. What s worse, leader pigs abuse their powers and gain benefits for themselves, becoming e_ploiters as human.It seems ridiculous for animals to have a revolution and for pigs to govern the farm. But when we put it into human s society, the story makes sense. In fact it reflects on the revolution happened in Soviet in _th century. Animalism is similar to Socialism, which emphasizes equality a lot, but actually inequality at all. E_treme equality is tend to get into an embarrassing situation like All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Napoleon is also the reflection of Soviet s leader Si Dalin, who was famous for his arbitrariness and toughness in the history and e_pelled Trotsky (Snowball reflects on Trotsky).The revolution of animals is based on being treated unfairly by human. Because their enthusiasm and hatred, they success at the beginning. However, they do not know how to remain a steady regime. The key of keeping a regime is to set restrictions to the power. In other words, to legislate. The responsibility and rights of both government and citizens should be showed obviously in the law.Another opinion I have learnt from the book is that, we ought to be tough when tracing our goals. And we shouldn t give up to our desires. In the book, in the end pigs become something very like human who they were against at first. And in reality, if we don t keep a clear mind to control our desires and remember what kind of people we want to be, we will be lost and become people that we used to hate.To make a conclusion, George Orwell makes the reveal of politics and humanity in a vivid and simple story, from which readers think much about the history and society.。

Animal Farm英文读后感 动物庄园

Animal Farm英文读后感 动物庄园

Animal Farm is a novel written by George Orwell in 1945.On the surface it is only a fairy tale,but actually the novel has a profound background,it is based on the historical events from the Russian October Revolution in 1917 to Stalin era,and every character is representing a real man in the Soviet Union.Thus the novel is regarded as a criticism on the politics and has been banned for many years.The story began with Old Major’s meeting.He was an old pig but also the spiritual leader of the farm,he said to all the animals that human was parasites who always oppressed them and therefore they should revolt,all animals were excited about these.After Old Major’s death,two young pigs,Snowball and Napoleon,became the new leaders,finally drove the owner,Mr Jones,away from the farm and changed it name to “Animal Farm”,made Seven Commandments.Since then animals here had a happy life,but it didn’t last long,soon afterwards,Snowball was declared to be the enemy of the farm and was expelled.So,Napoleon became the only leader,he began to purge the farm with his dogs,kill the animals who spoke ill of him,and no privilege he had promised before became reality.Animals remained thinking that they have a better life than the time of Mr.Jones,but in fact nothing has changed except the ruler.Years pass,pigs walked upright and wore clothes,they had no differences between human and even held a dinner party with them to celebrate abolition of revolutionary traditions.Everything went back to before.After reading the whole story,I think of the famous saying,”Power corrupts,absolute power corrupts absolutely.”Napoleon indeed had some political talent and he actually did good to the farm at the beginning,but once he got in thecenter of power,the weakness in his personality has been magnified and became more evident.In order to control the farm on his own,he used a merciless trick to chase his fellow,Snowball,away.After Napoleon became the dictator of the farm,he wanted to have a better enjoyment,so he broke all the commandments and exploited the laboring animals crueler.while doing these,he let his follower,Squealer, to tell the animals what the pigs do are beneficial to the farm.The most tragical character in the story is the horse,Boxer.He included all the good qualities in laboring class:strong,loyal,dedicated and devoted his whole life into the construction of the farm.But when he badly hurt because of overwork,Napoleon sold him for money to buy himself whiskey.The plot makes me feel despairing,a most devoted,long-suffering worker became the victim of the dictator’s material desire.Therefore,we could see that the bottom of society is so poor,these harmless people even become the opposite to the ruling class,as Mr. Pilkington said in the last chapter,”If you have your lower animals to contend with,we have our lower class.”In the end,the pigs who used to be the leader of the revolution,is as same as their enemy in the past,human,and maybe a new round of revolution will begin.。





动物庄园英语读后感1Animal Farm tells a story that one day the animals overthrow the farmer Mr. Jones, and found their own regime, called Animal Farm They adopt Seven Commandments of Animalism, of which the most important is All animals are equal。

Pigs are the leaders of the operation of the newly start-up farm.Thanks to the right lead of the pigs and selfless and hardworking of all animals, the Animal Farm develops good enough to their demands.However, the leaders separate into two factions soon after. As a result, Snowball is expelled by Napoleon as a betrayer. Although many animals remember that Snowball is a brave leader, they firmly believe they were wrong and Snowball is a bad animal indeed after brainwashing Napoleon offered. What’s more, the Seven Commandments of Animalism had also been changed. Finally, the Animal Farm becomes quite different from what they hope it to be at the beginning.From the novel; I expressively feel the great power of faith. With the faith of Animalism, they finally found their regime, and struggle the equal from humans. And because of the faith, Napoleon can still rule the wretched animals, even though Snowball has gone. In our daily life, faith is indispensable as well. Faith just as flame, guiding us and supporting us when we feel frustrated as well as every time we need power to keep goingahead. When the Animal Farm is in mess, the animals still believe in their faith and Animalism. As to us, this believing is needed. Sometimes we may think we are in a wrong road to our dream, or we lose heart of ourselves, considering we aren"t as well as respect, we need believe. A b faith just likes a protection, and we are protected by it from kinds of difficulties.动物庄园英语读后感2Animal farm is the first book I choose to read among the list of BBC Top 100 Novels. The book has aroused strong reaction and became famous since the date it was published. It reveals human reality by telling animals’ story in funny but extremely ironic way.The story begins with a meeting held in one night by the animals in farm. Because of the great dissatisfaction of their owner, animals decide to have a revolution, chasing away the farmers and realize the equality among animals. They make definitions about “friends” and “enemy”, elect the leader- an old pig, who died soon after the meeting and is taken place by two other pigs nam ed “Snowball” and “Napoleon”, and enacted Seven Commandments. The days at the beginning are harmonious. But soon there’s a split between two leaders- Snowball is declared enemy of the revolution. What’s worse, leader pigs abuse their powers and gain benefits for themselves, becoming exploiters as human.It seems ridiculous for animals to have a revolution and for pigs to govern the farm. But when we put it into human’s society, the story makes sense. In fact it reflects on the revolution happened in Soviet in 20th century. Animalism is similar to Socialism, which emphasizes equality a lot, but actually inequality at all. Extreme equality is tend to get into an embarrassingsituation like “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Napoleon is also the reflection of Soviet’s leader Si Dalin, who was famous for his arbitrariness and toughness in the history and expelled Trotsky (Snowball reflects on Trotsky)。



动物庄园英文版读后感One of the things that struck me the most about Animal Farm is the way it explores the corruption of power. At the beginning of the novel, the animals are united in their desire for freedom and equality. They work together to build a society where every animal is equal, and there is no exploitation. However, as the pigs gain more power, they bend and twist the commandments to suit their own needs. The pigs become more like the humans they rebelled against, exploiting the other animals and living a life of luxury while the other animals suffer.The character of Napoleon, the main pig in the novel, is a perfect example of the corruption of power. He starts off as a charismatic and idealistic leader, promising everyone a better life. However, as he gains more power, he becomes increasingly tyrannical and oppressive. He uses fear and violence to maintain control over the other animals, and anyone who opposes him is either silenced or eliminated. This is a stark reminder of how power can corrupt even the most well-intentioned individuals.Another theme that I found interesting in Animal Farm is the idea of the working class being exploited by the ruling class. The animals on the farm, who represent the working class, are initially led to believe that they are better off without humans and that all animals are equal. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that the pigs, who represent the ruling class, are exploiting the other animals for their own benefit. The pigs live a life of luxury while the other animals struggle to survive. This mirrors real-life situations where the ruling class exploits the working class for their own gain.In addition to exploring themes of power and exploitation, Animal Farm also raises important questions about the nature of leadership and the role of propaganda in maintaining control. The pigs, led by Napoleon, use propaganda and manipulation to control the other animals and justify their actions. They rewrite history, change the commandments, and spread lies to confuse and control the other animals. This highlights the power of propaganda in shaping public opinion and maintaining control over a population. Overall, Animal Farm is a thought-provoking novel that uses animal allegory to explore themes of power, corruption, and exploitation. It serves as a critique of totalitarianism and a warning about the dangers of unchecked power. The novel is a reminder that power corrupts and that it is important to question authority and challenge those in power. Animal Farm is a powerful and relevant novel that continues to resonate with readers today.。



动物庄园读后感英文导读: 动物庄园读后感英文Animal farm is the first book I choose to read among the list of BBC Top 100 Novels. The book has aroused strong reaction and became famous since the date it was published. It reveals human reality by telling animals’story in funny but extremely ironic way.The story begins with a meeting held in one night by the animals in farm. Because of the great dissatisfaction of their owner, animals decide to have a revolution, chasing away the farmers and realize the equality among animals. They make definitions about “friends”and “enemy”,elect the leader- an old pig, who died soon after the meeting and is taken place by two other pigs named “Snowball”and “Napoleon”,and enacted Seven Commandments. The days at the beginning are harmonious. But soon there’s a split between two leaders- Snowball is declared enemy of the revolution. What’s worse, leader pigs abuse their powers and gain benefits for themselves, becoming exploiters as human.It seems ridiculous for animals to have a revolution and for pigs to govern the farm. But when we put it into human’ssociety, the story makes sense. In fact it reflects on the revolution happened in Soviet in 20th century. Animalism is similar to Socialism, which emphasizes equality a lot, but actually inequality at all. Extreme equality is tend to get into an embarrassing situation like “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”Napoleon is also the reflection of Soviet’s leader Si Dalin, who was famous for his arbitrariness and toughness in the history and expelled Trotsky (Snowball reflects on Trotsky)。

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Animal Farm tells a story that one day the animals overthrow the farmer Mr. Jones, and found their own regime, called "Animal Farm” They adopt Seven Commandments of Animalism, of which the most important is "All animals are equal”。

Pigs are the leaders of the operation of the newly start-up farm.Thanks to the right lead of the pigs and selfless and hardworking of all animals, the Animal Farm develops good enough to their demands.
However, the leaders separate into two factions soon after. As a result, Snowball is expelled by Napoleon as a betrayer. Although many animals remember that Snowball is a brave leader, they firmly believe they were wrong and Snowball is a bad animal indeed after brainwashing Napoleon offered. What’s more, the Seven Commandments of Animalism had also been changed. Finally, the Animal Farm becomes quite different from what they hope it to be at the beginning.
From the novel; I expressively feel the great power of faith. With the faith of Animalism, they finally found their regime, and struggle the equal from humans. And because of the faith, Napoleon can still rule the wretched animals, even though Snowball has gone. In our daily life, faith is indispensable as well. Faith just as flame, guiding us and supporting us when we feel frustrated as well as every time we need power to keep going ahead. When the Animal Farm is in mess, the animals still believe in their faith and Animalism. As to us, this believing is needed. Sometimes we may think we are in a wrong road to our dream, or we lose heart of ourselves, considering we aren't as well as respect, we need believe. A strong faith just likes a protection, and we are protected by it from kinds of difficulties.。
