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给下面问题选择最佳答案: Unit 1 第 5 课时 Extensive Reading 导学案
I 阅读课本 P6Using language Reading, 1 Why didn't the writer know which subject she should choose to study at university? _____
A Because she did not do well in her study.
B Because she enjoyed English, biology, and chemistry.
C Because she was not interested in all the subjects ・
2 What methods did the writer use to do some research? ______
A Used a computer
B Read books
C Asked her teacher
3 What is Lin Qiaozhi ? _______
A A teacher
B An engineer
C A doctor
4 For whom did Lin Qiaozhi write a little book about how to look after babies? _____
A Women in the countryside
B Women in the city D Men in the countryside
5 What can be inferred from the passage? ________
A The writer gave up studying at college.
B The writer chose to study at medical college.
C The writer didnl like to study at medical college ・
II 阅读下面短文,选出最佳答案:
Helen Keller was born in America in June, 1880・ Everything was all right when she was bom. But when she was nineteen months old, an attack of fever left her blind and deaf for the rest of her life. She became blind so young that as she grew older, she did not remember being able to see ; and she became deaf before she had any idea of the importance of human speech. She lived in darkness and silence ・
As she grew older, she, too, wanted to express her ideas and feelings. But she realized that she was cut off from others.
Her parents were greatly worried. How could anyone get in touch with HelenVs mind and intelligence in darkness and silence without speech ? Helen was nearly seven before a teacher was found. Her name was Miss Sullivan.
Miss Sullivan had a lot of difficulties in teaching Helen Keller. As the child could neither see nor hear, she had to use manual alphabet. But Helen's energy and intelligence and strong spirit, combined with Miss Sullivan^ skill and patience, overcame all the difficulties. As Helen grew up, she became an able student, passed examinations and finally took a university degree in English literature. She then devoted all herself to helping the blind and the deaf. Her personal success, together with the work she has done for others, made her one of the greatest women in modern times. She wrote many books and “The Story of My Life,,is a remarkable one.
1Which of the following statement id TRUE? ______
A Helen Keller was born blind and deaf.
B She first became blind and then deaf.
C She became blind and then deaf in 1880・
D She became blind and then deaf sometime about January 1882.
2Which of the following statement is NOT true? _____
A Helen became blind and then deaf because she suffered from a high fever*.
B Helen became blind before she could see anything・
C Helen became deaf before she realized how important it was to be able to hear and speak.
D Helen, too, wanted to make contact with others with speech・
3Helen's parents were worried because __________ .
A she was growing older
B she was cut off from others
C she, too, wanted to express her ideas and feelings but she could not
D she was almost 7 years old and yet they were not sure whether they could find a suitable teacher for her.
4Miss Sulliva n had difficulties in teachi ng Helen because _____ .
A She could neither see or hear
B She didnY accept her.
C she was too naughty
D she was not clever.
5Helen was finally successful mainly because of _____ ・
A her parents* help・
B the manual alphabet Miss Sullivan taught her
C the help she got when she took a degree
D her hard work, cleverness as well as Sullivan's great continuous efforts.
As late as 1800, women,s only place was in the home・ The idea of woman in the business world was unthinkable・ Men were certain that no woman could do a good job outside her home・ This was such a widely accepted idea that when the well-known Bronte sisters began writing books in 1864, they had to sign their books with men's names instead・
Teaching was the first profession open to women soon after 1800・ But even that was not an easy profession for women to enter because most schools and colleges were open only to men. Oberlin College in Ohio was the first college in America to accept women.
Hospital nursing became respectable work for women only after Nightingale became famous. Seeing that she was not only a nurse but also a rich and well-educated woman, people began to believe it was possible for women to nurse the sick and still be "ladies”. Miss Nightingale opened England^ first training school for nurse in 186()・
The invention of the typewriter in 1867 helped to bring women out of the home and into the business world・ By 1900, thousands of women were working at real jobs in schools, hospitals and offices in both England and America・ Some women even managed to become doctors or lawyers. The idea that women could work in the business world had been accepted.
6The home was regarded as a woman,s only place _____ ・
A At the turn of the 19th century
B in the late 1800s
C before the typewriter was invented
D when the Bronte sisters began writing books・
7Oberline College was the first college in American _________
A where teaching was a profession only open to women.
B where girls could get advanced education.
C to train women to be teachers and nurses.
D to accept women only as professions and students.
8Which fact does the article lead you to believe? ________
A. The Bronte sisters thought that they were men.
B・ EnglancTs first training school for nurses was in Ohio.
C.There are more men than women in professional jobs.
D.Women find it necessary to work harder than before.
9Which of the following is TRUE? ________
A. The typewriter was made in the 197(Ts・
B・ Most women in England are doctors or lawyers・
C.People's ideas about women's work have changed.
D.The 18th century saw a changing world for women.
10The article is mainly about __________ ・
A. women are in the business world
B. the famous Bronte sisters
C. schools and colleges in America
D. rights for American women
