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New words

1.calculate vt&vi

Have you calculate the result?计算

Can you calculate the cost?估计

Be calculated to do打算做…

We were not calculated to hurt you.


Calculating adj(贬)会算计的,精明的

A calculating businessman

2. universal adj.普通的,通用的,宇宙的

A universal problem

Soft wares are universal.

Universal rays宇宙射线

Universally adv.全体地,一致地,共同地

Universe n宇宙

3.simplify vt 简化,使简明

simplify the problem/ task

a simplify text简易读本

simple adj.简单的,简朴的

simplification n 简化



The sum of two and five is seven.

A large sum of money

vt (summed,summed) sum up总计,合计’概括,总结

sum up the figures

sum up the text

The story can be summed up in one sentence.

In sum= in a word总而言之

Summary n.总结,概括

5.logical adj.合逻辑的,合情合理的

a logical conclusion

a logical end

logically adv. 有条理地,有逻辑地

Argue/ think logically

Logic u.n.逻辑

6.technology u.n.工艺,科技,技术

science and technology

new advances in medical technology医疗技术方面的新成果technological adj.科技的,技术的,工艺的

technique 技巧,技艺

7.revolution 革命,革命运动

a socialist revolution 社会主义革命

a bourgeois revolution资本主义革命

a revolution in technology

8. artificial adj. 人造的,假的;不自然的,娇柔造做的

Artificial flowers

Artificial cotton

An artificial limb假肢

Artificial smiles假笑

9.intelligence 智力,聪明,智能

I.Q.= intelligence quotient

A person of high/ average/ low intelligence

Artificial intelligence人工智能

Intelligent adj. 智能的,聪明的

An intelligent boy

An intelligent machine

10.solve vt解决,解答

Solve all the problems

The problem is hard to solve.

Solve these sums解出这些算术题

Solution n.解决,解答,解决方法

11.from … on …从…时起,从…时开始

from then on = from that time on

from now on

from yesterday on


face reality

bring … back to reality使…面对事实

in reality = in fact

This is not imagination but a reality.

It became a reality.

13.personal adj.私人的的,个人的,亲自的

one’s personal affairs私事

one’s personal beliefs个人信仰

one’s personal life私生活

a personal car私家车

His personal appearance encouraged us.

I shall give the matter my personal attention.

Personally = as far as I am concerned就个人而言,亲自

I don’t know him personally, but I have read his books. Personally, I don’t like him at all.

The president will praise him personally.

14.as a result of结果,因此

I was caught in the rain on my way home. As a result I had a bad cold. The student was lazy. As a result, he failed in the final exam.

As a result of = because of由于,因为

As a result of the storm, the meeting was put off.
