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第 34 卷 第 1 期 2018 年 1 月
Байду номын сангаас
Vol. 34 No. 1 Jan. 2018
利用间歇浸没植物生物反应器进行半夏组培快 繁的研究
张 杰1 ,张本厚2,3 ,贾明良3 ,胡燕花2 ,金磊磊3 ,陈集双2,3*
( 1. 杭州职业技术学院,杭州 310018; 2. 南京工业大学 大丰海洋产业研究院, 江苏 盐城 224145; 3. 南京工业大学 生物与制药工程学院,南京 211800)
02 韩松昊. fbd
第 34 卷
week was the turning point,from which the pH value gradually started to increase,in compare with that it had been decreasing during culture before this time. It indicate that the major changes,including nutrient consumption and accumulation of metabolism products were taken during the forth week. It also indicates that the forth week is the best tie to change or add new medium for supporting seedling production of Pinellia in TIS. The advantages of using TIS and conventional plant tissue culture with solid medium,the seedlings obtained from TIS liquid culture is found to be stronger and bigger in compare with those obtained from solid culture,according to the propagating ratio,morphological characters,and bioactive substances. The TIS bio-reactor have obvious advantages against that of solid medium in production of Pinellia seedlings. We have now provided a new system and an effective methodology for production of Pinellia seedlings by plant tissue culture,which could be useful for other conventional plants. Based on the results,the possibility of using TIS for mass production of seedlings,selection of resistant varieties, especially salt-tolerant plants,and also the potential to use plant reactor to produce bioactive substances, has been discussed. Keywords: Pinellia ternata ( Thunb. ) Breit; tissue culture; plant bioreactor; temporary immersion bioreactors; advantage
Industrial Institute,Nanjing Tech University,Dafeng,Yancheng 224145,China; 3. College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211800,China)
收稿日期: 2017 - 02 - 13 基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金项目( BK20141265) ; 江苏省科技支撑计划( BE2014408) 。 作者简介: 张杰( 1982 - ) ,男,硕士,讲师,研究方向: 药用植物资源开发与产业化应用研究。 * 通信作者: 陈集双,教授,博士,研究方向: 植物生物反应器与天然活性物质研究,E-mail: biochenjs@ 163. com
Abstract: The mass production of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant,Pinellia ternata ( Thunb. ) Breit. was tested by using a temporary immersion system ( TIS) ,developed by ourselves. The immersion frequency was firstly studied,by testing 9 treatments by orthogonal experimental design. During 8 week’ s obzervation,a immersion frequency of 5min /12 was found to be the best treat,according to the multiplication ratio,biomass and the morphological characters of the seedlings. At the same time,the pH values were tested during the process of continuous culture in the bio-reactors. It was found that the forth
Zhang Jie1 ,Zhang Benhou2,3 ,Jia Mingliang3 ,Hu Yanhua2 ,Jin Leilei3 ,Chen Jishuang2,3* ( 1. Hangzhou Vocational & Technical College,Hangzhou 310018,China; 2. Dafeng Marine
摘 要: 研究了一种自主开发的间歇浸没式植物生物反应器进行三叶半夏( Pinellia ternata ( Thunb. ) Breit. ) 的组 培快繁。首先考察了反应器的浸没频率对半夏培养的影响,利用正交试验设计了 9 组不同的浸没频率,经过 8 周 的培养,对增殖倍数、生物量、组培苗外观形态进行考察,确定反应器培养半夏的最优浸没频率为 5 min /12 h; 其次, 在反应器连续培养的过程中,检测培养液中 pH 值的变化,发现第 4 周是节点,在此之前 pH 逐渐降低,之后逐渐升 高,说明营养消耗和代谢产物积累主导地位的变化发生在第 4 周,也可以说明在培养的第 4 周更换新鲜的培养基 或进行培养基添加能够更好的培养半夏组培苗; 最后,比较了反应器和固体培养在半夏组培快繁中的特点,通过对 增殖情况、外观形态和组培苗活性成分含量考量,发现反应器培养的组培苗更加健壮。显示在半夏的组培快繁中 能够即时换气和间歇浸没的液体培养方式比固体培养更有优势。本文为半夏的组培快繁提供一个新的技术和方 法,为半夏和其它药用植物组培苗的规模化扩繁提供了借鉴。根据实验结果,对间歇浸没式植物生物反应器在种 苗扩繁、抗性( 耐盐) 品种筛选和次生代谢产物研究方面的用途,进行了分析讨论。 关键词: 三叶半夏; 组织培养; 植物生物反应器; 间歇浸没培养; 优势
中图分类号: Q819
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10. 13774 / j. cnki. kjtb. 2018. 01. 018
文章编号: 1001 - 7119( 2018) 01 - 0095 - 06
Rapid Propagation of Pinellia ternata Using Temporary Immersion Bioreactors
Байду номын сангаас
Vol. 34 No. 1 Jan. 2018
利用间歇浸没植物生物反应器进行半夏组培快 繁的研究
张 杰1 ,张本厚2,3 ,贾明良3 ,胡燕花2 ,金磊磊3 ,陈集双2,3*
( 1. 杭州职业技术学院,杭州 310018; 2. 南京工业大学 大丰海洋产业研究院, 江苏 盐城 224145; 3. 南京工业大学 生物与制药工程学院,南京 211800)
02 韩松昊. fbd
第 34 卷
week was the turning point,from which the pH value gradually started to increase,in compare with that it had been decreasing during culture before this time. It indicate that the major changes,including nutrient consumption and accumulation of metabolism products were taken during the forth week. It also indicates that the forth week is the best tie to change or add new medium for supporting seedling production of Pinellia in TIS. The advantages of using TIS and conventional plant tissue culture with solid medium,the seedlings obtained from TIS liquid culture is found to be stronger and bigger in compare with those obtained from solid culture,according to the propagating ratio,morphological characters,and bioactive substances. The TIS bio-reactor have obvious advantages against that of solid medium in production of Pinellia seedlings. We have now provided a new system and an effective methodology for production of Pinellia seedlings by plant tissue culture,which could be useful for other conventional plants. Based on the results,the possibility of using TIS for mass production of seedlings,selection of resistant varieties, especially salt-tolerant plants,and also the potential to use plant reactor to produce bioactive substances, has been discussed. Keywords: Pinellia ternata ( Thunb. ) Breit; tissue culture; plant bioreactor; temporary immersion bioreactors; advantage
Industrial Institute,Nanjing Tech University,Dafeng,Yancheng 224145,China; 3. College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211800,China)
收稿日期: 2017 - 02 - 13 基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金项目( BK20141265) ; 江苏省科技支撑计划( BE2014408) 。 作者简介: 张杰( 1982 - ) ,男,硕士,讲师,研究方向: 药用植物资源开发与产业化应用研究。 * 通信作者: 陈集双,教授,博士,研究方向: 植物生物反应器与天然活性物质研究,E-mail: biochenjs@ 163. com
Abstract: The mass production of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant,Pinellia ternata ( Thunb. ) Breit. was tested by using a temporary immersion system ( TIS) ,developed by ourselves. The immersion frequency was firstly studied,by testing 9 treatments by orthogonal experimental design. During 8 week’ s obzervation,a immersion frequency of 5min /12 was found to be the best treat,according to the multiplication ratio,biomass and the morphological characters of the seedlings. At the same time,the pH values were tested during the process of continuous culture in the bio-reactors. It was found that the forth
Zhang Jie1 ,Zhang Benhou2,3 ,Jia Mingliang3 ,Hu Yanhua2 ,Jin Leilei3 ,Chen Jishuang2,3* ( 1. Hangzhou Vocational & Technical College,Hangzhou 310018,China; 2. Dafeng Marine
摘 要: 研究了一种自主开发的间歇浸没式植物生物反应器进行三叶半夏( Pinellia ternata ( Thunb. ) Breit. ) 的组 培快繁。首先考察了反应器的浸没频率对半夏培养的影响,利用正交试验设计了 9 组不同的浸没频率,经过 8 周 的培养,对增殖倍数、生物量、组培苗外观形态进行考察,确定反应器培养半夏的最优浸没频率为 5 min /12 h; 其次, 在反应器连续培养的过程中,检测培养液中 pH 值的变化,发现第 4 周是节点,在此之前 pH 逐渐降低,之后逐渐升 高,说明营养消耗和代谢产物积累主导地位的变化发生在第 4 周,也可以说明在培养的第 4 周更换新鲜的培养基 或进行培养基添加能够更好的培养半夏组培苗; 最后,比较了反应器和固体培养在半夏组培快繁中的特点,通过对 增殖情况、外观形态和组培苗活性成分含量考量,发现反应器培养的组培苗更加健壮。显示在半夏的组培快繁中 能够即时换气和间歇浸没的液体培养方式比固体培养更有优势。本文为半夏的组培快繁提供一个新的技术和方 法,为半夏和其它药用植物组培苗的规模化扩繁提供了借鉴。根据实验结果,对间歇浸没式植物生物反应器在种 苗扩繁、抗性( 耐盐) 品种筛选和次生代谢产物研究方面的用途,进行了分析讨论。 关键词: 三叶半夏; 组织培养; 植物生物反应器; 间歇浸没培养; 优势
中图分类号: Q819
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10. 13774 / j. cnki. kjtb. 2018. 01. 018
文章编号: 1001 - 7119( 2018) 01 - 0095 - 06
Rapid Propagation of Pinellia ternata Using Temporary Immersion Bioreactors