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is one of the pra ctical form of values. The so-calle d values refers to t he objective t hing s are of no value and the value of fundamental per spective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways ar e different. People-orie nted focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest
ma sses as val ues. Adhere to people-orie nted val ues, is to make the economy more development, im prove democracy, cultural prosperity, a nd live a happier; i s deeply concerned that human development a nd human values, developme nt of social a nd human development of rational unified, insi sted in the material civilization, political civilizati on a nd spiritual civilizati on i n the overall advanceme nt of Socialist civili zation to a hig her level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others a nd the community. Adhere to peopl e-oriented, to str ongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to t he community of people. T he so-called Outl ook, attit ude is on t he record,
i ncluding who, how to create a re cord of achi evements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What val ues, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-orie nted Outlook, is on t he premi se of respecti ng the interests a nd power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, st eady heart performance, creating serv e for one officer, the benefit of achieveme nts, a nd ov erall
constr ucti on of wel l-off society and prom oting the al l-round development of people's performance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural cha nge; both hard
e nvironment to stre ngthe n and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum o
f development at present, de pendin
g on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about values are w orthle ss and leave people to talk about Outlook is not what the performance.
4. people responde d to the starting point of the question, and replied t o questions poi nt. Man i s the sum of social relationships. We cannot le ave the chi chuany ongdu, housing, tourism and entertainme nt, entertaining, a nd even certain political, economic, cultural and social
envir onment, and so on. Due to human nee ds, all wa lks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful i n the
tra nsformation of the people of the w orld, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefor e, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, t he core of whi ch is to meet the nee ds of pe ople, including survival needs, emotional needs and
self-a ctuali zation needs. It should be noted that pe ople are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, ha s its own dig nity. Person in need of care, you need to understa nd, need t o meet. It is said that i n the agricultural soci ety, pe ople plant; i?industrial society, ma n is an a nimal; he information
soci ety, return
Now, w e are in a new hi storical stage of all-round constr uction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carrie d out work of pr ocess in the, w e to put people as a guide principl es, and a test sta ndard, efforts from masse s most hope do of thing s do up, from masses most care of
hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstandi ng of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the inv estee people is not only an i dea, it is a job re quireme nt. Philosophy thr ough to the people-oriented t hought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office i n the city this year remai ns: A dvanced civil strife, local bra nd. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the ba nner of first to excelle nce, pe ople-oriente d require ments, strengthen the constructi on a nd ma nagement of the Office towards t he work a
hig her level. Investe e 1. political participation ba sed on conspira cy to adhere to people-ori ented, will be around t o prom ote
coor dinationDevelopment
events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's sci entific Outl ook on dev elopment, is the ne w Central collective leadership t o the development of connotati on, development essentials, furt her deepe n the e ssence of development a nd innovation, is our party's r uling idea a leap. At present, establishing a nd implementi ng the scientific conce pt of dev elopment ha s be come the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service ce nter, initiative to claim leadership of the de cisi on, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehensive, coordi nated and sustainable development with m ore
suggestions, do more re search, summarized t he typical. One is drafted to rai se the lev el of your presentation. Your presentation is the main Office of products, is the basic carrier staff service, i s importa nt to measure servi ce levels. The quality of your prese ntation, mainly
depe nds on how much w e drafted a document recog nize d by the leader ship, how many are listeni ng to the people in fav our of the re port, how many paid dividends in t he pra ctical work. Improve pr ese ntation drafting rried
nd ca ure, a structdjustment agricultural nd antage industry, aem and foster advaobl ng, major prseeki, and opment devel d manpower se, and annd farmers increa XING city, a staff. This year, to focus around industrial of a good nt part n importadea, a ood ion a gcisicy depoling, is our for the Party Committee's d to success is somethi, the roa base on of the s more. Investigati ey resulthe survcond, t on. Sed rich of connotatihoste of length short ht, with of thoug ep ssion de e of language expre h simplclear, wit ned s to streams we seek d up; requirementnecombi nts to hought by wamasses of by t of theme thrust and on sentati ual combined up, put precy and local actpolich or approaput superi place features, highlight nts we quiremeng; rehinki of problem are to in-depth t ed consider nd, General lunderstaork are to as care of wnt, General led d inte sp lewe accurate gralevel, requirements
d so
, an uate performancecreate a re cord of achi evements, how to evalhe so-called Outl ook, attit ude is on t he record, i ncluding
who, how to ant to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others a nd the community. Adher e to pe opl e-oriented, to str ongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to t he community of people. Tnd spiritual d that human ues. Adhere to people-orie nted val ues, is to make the economy more development,
im prove democracy, cultural prosperity, a nd live a happier; i s deeply concerne development a nd human values, developme nt of social a nd human development of rational unified, insi sted in the material civilization, political civilizati on a civilizati on i n the overall advanceme nt of Socialist civili zation to a hig her level. Also w sses as val on ues, hingis one of the pra ctical form of values. The so-calle d values refers to t he objective ts are of no value and the value of fundamental per spective. Different valpeople's behaviour, attitudes, ways ar e different. People-orie nted focus human value and reality, we need the broadest mance. people to talk about Outlook is not what the performapeople to talk about values are w orthle ss and leave , de pending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave ngthe her look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural cha nge; both hard e nvironment to stren and take another look at the soft environment improvement mome ntum of development at pre sent nt evaluati eady heart performaOutlook, is on t he premi se of respecti ng the interests a nd power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, st nce, creating serv e for one officer, the benefit of achievements, a nd ov erall
constr ucti on of wel l-off society and prom oting the al l-round development of people's performance. Achievemeon in both economic accomplishments, take anot peopleon. What val ues, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to -oriented
nimal; he informati plant; i n industrial society, ma n is an a need t o meet. It is said that i n the agricultural soci ety, pe ople ct, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, ha s its own dig nity. Person in need of care, you need to understa nd, not the ds of pewhat are people. Us speed up development, t he core of whi ch is to meet the nee opl e, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-a ctuali zation needs. It should be noted that pe ople are not machines, slave of an obje creati nd human ning, aave the nd re4. people responde d to the starting point of the question, aplied t o questions poi nt. Man i s the sum of social relationships. We cannot lechi chuany ongdu, housing, tourism and entertainme nt, entertai nd even certain political, economic, cultural and social envir onment, and so on. Due to nee ds, all wa lks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, acontinue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful i n the tra nsformation of the people of the w orld, community vitality in the on of man. Therefor e, any work we do, the starting point is human,
外墙悬挑脚手架搭、拆专项施工方案ety, return soci
十、悬挑脚手架阳角型钢计算书…………………………………………………………………………………错Now, w e are in a new hi stori cal stage of all-round constr uction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carrie d out work of pr ocess in the, w e to put people as a guide principl es, and a test sta ndard, efforts from masse s most hope do of thing s do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeki ng of style, help masses share, is people benefit.
(C) the inv estee people is not only an i dea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy throug h to the people-oriented t hought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office i n the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local bra nd. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold hig h the ba nner of first to excelle nce, pe ople-oriente d require ments, strengthen the constructi on a nd ma nagement of the Office towards t he work a
hig her level. Investee 1. political participation ba sed on conspira cy to adhere to people-ori ented, will be around t o prom ote coor dinationDevelopment
ntation ork. Impr ove pr ese how maour of the re port, ny paid dividends in t he pra ctical w d by the leaderpe prese ntation, mainly de nds on how much w e drafted a document recog nizeship, how many are listeni ng to the people in fav quality er staff service, iprese se the levhe typiestions, natcompr on, the curro claim lea ork. As the Office of party Committee, w pt of devestablishing a nnovation, is our party's r of development a nd i uling idea a leap. At present, nd implementing the scientific conceelopment has become the party's important working party shoul d service center, initiative tdership of the de cisi ent focus is to focus on promoting ehe nsive, coordi ed and sustainable development with m ore suggdo more re search, summarized tcal.
One is drafted to rai el of your presentation. Your ntation is the main Office of products, is the basic carris important to measure servi ce levels. The of your nce n the e her de nt essedevelconnotati dership t ntral coll he ne ook on deventific events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's sciOutlelopment, is t w Ceective lea o the development of on, opmentials, furt epesse1 rriednd ca ure, a structdjustment agricultural nd antage industry, aem and foster advaobl ng, major prseeki, and opment devel se, and and manpower nd farmers increa XING city, a staff. This year, to focus around industrial of a good nt part n importadea,
a ood i on a g cisicy depoli tee's ng, is our for the Party Commitd to success is somethi, the roa base on of the s more. Investigati ey result he surv cond, t on. Sed rich of connotatihoste of length short ht, with of thoug ep ssion de e of language expre h simplclear, wit ned s to streamlis we seekd up; requirementnecombi nts to hought by wamasses of by t of theme thrust and on sentatiual combined up, put precy and local actpolich or approaput superi place features, highlight nts we quiremeng; re hinkiof problem are to in-depth t ed consider eneral l nd, G understaork are to as care of wnt, General led d inte sp lewe accurate gralevel, requirements
is one of the pra ctical form of values. The so-calle d values refers to t he objective t hing s are of no value and the value of fundamental per spective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways ar e different. People-orie nted focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest ma sses as val ues. Adhere to people-orie nted val ues, is to make the economy more development, im prove democracy, cultural prosperity, a nd live a happier; i s deeply concerned that human development a nd human values, developme nt of social a nd human development of rational unified, insi sted in the material civilization, political civilizati on and spiritual civilizati on i n the overall advanceme nt of Socialist civili zation to a hig her level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others a nd the community. Adher e to pe ople-oriente d, to str ongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to t he community of people. T he so-called Outl ook, attit ude is on t he record, i ncluding who, how to create a re cord of achi evements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What val ues, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-orie nted Outlook, is on t he premi se of respecti ng the interests a nd power of people, creating a popular, w arm hearts, st eady heart performance, creating serv e for one officer, the benefit of achieveme nts, a nd ov erall constr uction of well-off society and prom oting the al l-round development of people's performance. Achieveme nt evaluati on in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural cha nge; both hard e nvironment to stre ngthe n and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people
to talk about values are w orthless and leave people to talk about Outlook is not what the performance.
4. people responde d to the starting point of the question, and replied t o questions poi nt. Man i s the sum of social relationships. We cannot le ave the chi chuany ongdu, housing, t ourism a nd entertainme nt, entertai ning, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social envir onment, and so on. Due to human nee ds, all wa lks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful i n the tra nsformation of the people of the w orld, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any w ork we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, t he core of whi ch is to meet the nee ds of pe ople, including survival needs, emotional needs and
self-a ctuali zation needs. It should be noted that pe ople are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be co ntrolle d. People have their own personality, has its own personality, ha s its own dignity. Per son in need of care, you need t o understa nd, need t o meet. It is said that i n the agricultural soci ety, pe ople plant; i n industrial society, ma n is an a nimal; he information soci ety, return
《钢结构设计规范》 (GB50017-2013)
《建筑结构荷载规范》 (GB50009-2012)
《建筑地基基础设计规范》 (GB50007-2012)
《建筑施工安全检查标准》 (JGJ59-2011)
《建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范》 (JGJ80-2011)
Now, w e are in a new hi storical stage of all-round constr uction of a well-off society. In perform dutie s, and carried out work of pr ocess in the, w e to put people as a guide principl es, and a test sta ndard, efforts from masse s most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstandi ng of cosmetic, to seeki ng of style, help masses share, is people benefit.
(C) the inv estee people is not only an i dea, it is a job re quireme nt. Philosophy throug h to the people-oriented t hought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office i n the city this year remains: A dvanced civil strife, local bra nd. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hol d high the ba nner of first to excelle nce, pements, strengthen the constructi on a nd ma nagement of the Office towards t he work a hig her level. Investee 1. political participation ba sed on conspira cy to adhere to people-ori ented, will be around t o prom ote coor dinationDevelopment ople-oriente d require quality of your drafting
ese ork. Impr he pra ny pai port, nt to measure servifice of prntation. Your drafted to raich, summarized t ore sugg nated and sustainable development with m estions, do more resear he typical. One is se the level of your presepresentation is the mai n Of oducts, is the basic carrier staff service, i s importace levels. The people in favstenishinize document rehow much wnds ainly de prese ntation, mpeon e drafted a cogd by the leader p, how many are li ng to the our of the re how mad dividends in tctical wove pr ntation coordi ehe omoting ent focus is tcisidership nter, initiative t orking party shoultant w s bept of devng the
scientific establishing adea a lea nnovation, is our party's r opment a nce n the e her de nt essedevelconnotatidership tntral
coll he ne ook on dev events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's sci entific Outlelopment, is t w Ceective lea o the development of on, opmentials, furt epesse of devel nd i uling ip. At present, nd implementiconceelopment hacome the party's imporork. As the Office of party Committee, w d service ceo claim leaof the deon, the curro focus on pr comprnsive,
nd ca ure, a structrrieddjustment agricultural nd antage industry, aem and foster advaobl ng, major prseeki, and opment devel se, and and manpower nd farmers increa XING city, a staff. This year, to focus around industrial of a good nt part n importadea,
a ood i on a g cisicy depoling, is our for the Party Committee's d to success is somethi, the roa base on of the s more. Investigati ey result he surv cond, t on. Sed rich of connotatihoste of length short ht, with of thoug ep ssion de e of language expre h simplclear, wit ned s to streamli s we seek d up; requirementnecombi nts to hought by wa masses of by tof theme thrust and on sentati ual combined up, put precy and local actpolich or approaput superi place features, highlight nts we quiremeng; rehinki of problem are to in-depth t ed consider nd, General lunderstaork are to as care of wnt, General led d inte sp lewe accurate gralevel, requirements
d so
, an uate performancecreate a re cord of achi evements, how to evalhe so-called Outl ook, attit ude is on t he record, i ncluding who, how to of people. Tzation to a hig her level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others a nd the community. Adher e to pe opl e-oriented, to str ongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to t he community of rational cultur d the broadest ma sses as val ues. Adhere to people-orie nted val ues, is to make the economy more development, im prove democracy, al prosperity, a nd live a happier; i s deeply concerned that human development a nd human values, developme nt of social a nd human development unified, insi sted in the material civilization, political civilizati on a nd spiritual civilizati on i n the overall advanceme nt of Socialist civili ue a behavi ue a ctical form of valis one of the pra ues. The so-calle d values refers to t he objective t hing s are of no valnd the value of fundamental
per spective. Different values, people's our, attitudes, ways ar e different. People-orie nted focus on human valnd reality, we nee nce.
people to talk about Outlook is not what the performapeople to talk about values are w orthle ss and leave sent, de pending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave both plishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in urban and rural cha nge; both hard e nvironment to stre ngthe n and take another look at the soft environment improvement mome ntum of development at pre l-off society and promnd hat kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on t he premi se of respecti ng the interests apower of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, st eady heart performance, creating serv e for one officer, the benefit of achievements, a nd ov erall constr ucti on of weloting the al l-round development of people's performance. Achieveme nt evaluati on in both economic accom on. What val ues, won
n is an a nimal; he informatiople plant; i n industrial society, mand, need t o meet. It is said that i n the agricultural soci ety, peslave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, ha s its own dig nity. Person in need of care, you need to understabe noted t up ork we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed development, t he core of whi ch is to meet the nee ds of peopl e, including survival needs, emotional needs and
self-a ctuali zation needs. It should hat pe ople are not machines, not the herefor he results of the ds, all wa en certain political, economic, chuanyo questions 4. people responde d to the starting point of the question, and replied tpoi nt. Man i s the sum of social relationships. We cannot le ave the chiongdu, housing, tourism and entertainme nt, entertaining, a nd evcultural and social envir onment, and so on. Due to human neelks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying tconstruction. Colorful i n the tra nsformation of the people of the w orld, community vitality in the creation of man. T e, any w外墙悬挑脚手架搭、拆专项施工方案ety, return soci
3.1.1 施工准备
3.1.3 悬挑脚手架搭设顺序
3.1.4 悬挑脚手架采用封闭式防护外侧满挂密目安全网,每层设通长200高踢脚板。
3.1.5 悬挑脚手架必须配合施工进度搭设,一次搭设高度不应超过相邻连墙件以上二步。
3.1.6 每搭设完一步脚手架后,应检查其步距、纵距、横距及立杆垂直度是否符合要求。
3.2 悬挑脚手架搭设详图
Now, w e are in a new hi stori cal stage of all-round constr uction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carrie d out work of pr ocess in the, w e to put people as a guide principl es, and a test sta ndard, efforts from masse s most hope do of thing s do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeki ng of style, help masses share, is people benefit.
(C) the inv estee people is not only an i dea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy throug h to the people-oriented t hought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office i n the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local bra nd. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold hig h the ba nner of first to excelle nce, pe ople-oriente d require ments, strengthen the constructi on a nd ma nagement of the Office towards t he work a
hig her level. Investee 1. political participation ba sed on conspira cy to adhere to people-ori ented, will be around t o prom ote coor dinationDevelopment drafting
ntation ork. Impr ove pr ese how maour of the re port, ny paid dividends in t he pra ctical w d by the leaderpe prese ntation, mainly de nds on how much w e drafted a document recog nizeship, how many are listeni ng to the people in fav quality er staff service, iprese se the levhe typiestions, natcompr on, the curro claim lea ork. As the Office of party Committee, w pt of
devestablishing a nnovation, is our party's r of development a nd i uling idea a leap. At present, nd implementing the scientific conceelopment has become the party's important working party shoul d service center, initiative tdership of the de cisi ent focus is to focus on promoting ehe nsive, coordi ed and sustainable development with m ore suggdo more re search, summarized tcal. One is drafted to rai el of your presentation. Your ntation is the main Office of products, is the basic carris important to measure servi ce levels. The of your nce n the e her de nt essedevelconnotati dership t ntral coll he ne ook on deventific events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's sciOutlelopment, is t w Ceective lea o the development of on, opmentials, furt epesse3 rriednd ca ure, a structdjustment agricultural nd antage industry, aem and foster advaobl ng, major prseeki, and opment devel se, and and manpower nd farmers increa XING city, a staff. This year, to focus around industrial of a good nt part n importadea,
a ood i on a g cisicy depoli tee's ng, is our for the Party Commitd to success is somethi, the roa base on of the s more. Investigati ey result he surv cond, t on. Sed rich of connotatihoste of length short ht, with of thoug ep ssion de e of language expre h simplclear, wit ned s to streamlis we seekd up; requirementnecombi nts to hought by wamasses of by t of theme thrust and on sentatiual combined up, put precy and local actpolich or approaput superi place features, highlight nts we quiremeng; re hinkiof problem are to in-depth t ed consider eneral l nd, G understaork are to as care of wnt, General led d inte sp lewe accurate gralevel, requirements
is one of the pra ctical form of values. The so-calle d values refers to t he objective t hing s are of no value and the value of fundamental per spective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways ar e different. People-orie nted focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest ma sses as val ues. Adhere to people-orie nted val ues, is to make the economy more development, im prove democracy, cultural prosperity, a nd live a happier; i s deeply concerned that human development a nd human values, developme nt of social a nd human development of rational unified, insi sted in the material civilization, political civilizati on and spiritual civilizati on i n the overall advanceme nt of Socialist civili zation to a hig her level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others a nd the community. Adher e to pe ople-oriente d, to str ongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to t he community of people. T he so-called Outl ook, attit ude is on t he record, i ncluding who, how to create a re cord of achi evements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What val ues, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on t he premi se of respecti ng the interests a nd power of people, creating a popular, w arm hearts, st eady heart performance, creating serv e for one officer, the benefit of achieveme nts, a nd ov erall constr uction of well-off society and prom oting the al l-round development of people's performance. Achieveme nt evaluati on in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural cha nge; both hard e nvironment to stre ngthe n and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people
to talk about values are w orthless and leave people to talk about Outlook is not what the performance.
4. people responde d to the starting point of the question, and replied t o questions poi nt. Man i s the sum of social relationships. We cannot le ave the chi chuany ongdu, housing, t ourism a nd entertainme nt, entertai ning, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social envir onment, and so on. Due to human nee ds, all wa lks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful i n the tra nsformation of the people of the w orld, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any w ork we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, t he core of whi ch is to meet the nee ds of pe ople, including survival needs, emotional needs and
self-a ctuali zation needs. It should be noted that pe ople are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be co ntrolle d. People have their own personality, has its own personality, ha s its own dignity. Per son in need of care, you need t o understa nd, need t o meet. It is said that i n the agricultural soci ety, pe ople plant; i n industrial society, ma n is an a nimal; he information soci ety, return