
Company SystemCisco Cisco UCS C240 M3 Rack Server Cisco Cisco UCS C250 M2 Extended-Memory Serv IBM IBM System x3650 M4 IBM IBM Flex System x240 IBM IBM System x3850 X5 Oracle SPARC T5-8 Server Oracle Sun Server X2-8 Company SystemBull Bull Escala PL6460R Bull Bull Escala PL860R Bull Bull Escala PL1660R Fujitsu PRIMEQUEST 580A 32p/64c Fujitsu PRIMEQUEST 540A 16p/32c Fujitsu PRIMEQUEST 580 32p/64c Fujitsu PRIMEQUEST 540 16p/32c Fujitsu PRIMEQUEST 480 c/s Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER 2500 HP HP ProLiant DL385 G7 HP HP ProLiant Blade BL685c G7 HP HP ProLiant DL380 G7 HP HP ProLiant DL580 G7 HP HP ProLiant DL585 G7 HP HP ProLiant DL380 G7 HP HP ProLiant DL385G7 HP HP ProLiant DL370G6 HP HP ProLiant DL370 G6 HP HP ProLiant DL580G5 HP HP ProLiant DL585G5/2.7GHz HP HP ProLiant DL580G5 HP HP Integrity Superdome-Itanium2/1.6GHz HP HP Integrity Superdome - Itanium2/1.6 HP HP Integrity Superdome 64P c/s HP HP Integrity rx5670 Cluster鈥揑tanium2 HP HP Integrity Superdome - Itanium2/1.5 HP HP Integrity Superdome-Itanium2/1.5 GH HP HP Integrity Superdome HP HP Integrity Superdome - Itanium2/1.5 HP HP Superdome Client/Server HP HP Superdome HP HP Superdome HP ProLiant DL760-900-256P IBM IBM System x3850 X5 IBM IBM Power 780 Server Model 9179-MHB IBM IBM Power 780 Server Model 9179-MHBIBM IBM System x3850 M2 IBM IBM System x3950 M2 IBM IBM Power 595 Server Model 9119-FHA IBM IBM Power 550 Express Model 8204-E8A IBM IBM System x3950 M2 IBM IBM System p 570 IBM IBM System p5 595 IBM IBM System p5 595 IBM IBM System p5 570 Model 9117-570 IBM IBM eServer p5 595 IBM IBM eServer p5 595 IBM IBM eServer p5 570 IBM IBM eServer pSeries 690 Model 7040-681 IBM IBM eServer pSeries 690 Turbo 7040-681 IBM IBM eServer pSeries 690 Turbo 7040-681 IBM IBM eServer pSeries 690 Turbo 7040-681 IBM IBM e(logo) xSeries 370 c/s IBM IBM e(logo) xSeries 370 c/s NEC NEC Express5800/1320Xf (16p/32c) NEC NEC Express5800/1320Xd C/S w/ Express5 NEC NEC Express5800/1320Xd C/S w/Express58 Oracle Sun Fire X4800 M2 Server Oracle SPARC SuperCluster with T3-4 Servers Sun Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Clus Unisys Unisys ES7000/one Enterprise Server (1 Company SystemtpmC1609186.391053100.3213200821503544301468485525235055888tpmC应用服务器可选应用服务608516657942860851666291595794286291591616162579428161616223820325794282382032135408657942813540862196268579428219626812385795794281238579792101.96579428792102595702.31579428595702.312079825794281207982126359957942812635991024380579428102438018073475794281807347119347257942811934728030685794288030687056525794287056526614755794286614756317665794286317666392535794286392535798145794285798146348255794286348254092799579428409279912314335794281231433108220357942810822031184893.3857942811848931008144.495794281008144786646579428786646824164.53579428824164.5707102579428707102707102.32579428707102.3658277.74579428658277.7658277.74579428658277.7709220.08579428709220.123080995794282308099103662545794281036625412000115794281200011684508579428684508120063257942812006326085166579428608516662915957942862915984180957942884180916161625794281616162403337857942840333784016222.1957942840162221025169.6957942810251701601784.9857942816017853210540.635794283210541809144.09579428809144.11025486.075794281025486768839.4579428768839.4763898.39579428763898.4680613.12579428680613.1688220.9579428688220.9688220.9579428688220.91245516579428124551668357557942868357560946757942860946748037185794284803718302496885794283024968876464865794287646486749839579428749839 tpmC数据库服务器可选数据库服务器11588566085166 11588561158856.4 11588561616162 11588562382032 11588561354086 11588562196268 11588561238579 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561207982 11588561263599 11588561158856.4 11588561807347 11588561193472 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588564092799 11588561231433 11588561158856.4 11588561184893.38 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588562308099 115885610366254 1158856120001111588561158856.4 11588561200632 11588566085166 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561616162 11588564033378 11588564016222.19 11588561158856.4 11588561601784.98 11588563210540.63 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588561245516 11588561158856.4 11588561158856.4 11588564803718 115885630249688 11588567646486 11588561158856.4。
Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220服务器数据手册说明书

DATASHEETFUJITSU SPARC ENTERPRISE T5220 SERVERSECURE, HIGH-PERFORMANCE WEB INFRASTRUCTURE: 2U HIGH FUJITSU SPARC ENTERPRISE T5220 HAS SCALABLE STORAGE FOR NET INTENSIVE APPLICATIONS. IT DELIVERS UP TO 64 SIMULTANEOUS COMPUTE THREADS & OVER 4 TERABYTES OF STORAGE.FUJITSU SPARC ENTERPRISE FOR WEB SECURITY, EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCEFujitsu SPARC Enterprise throughput computing servers are the ultimate in Web and front-end business processes. Designed for space efficiency, low power consumption, and maximum compute performance they provide high throughput, energy-saving, and space-saving solutions, in Web server deployment. Built on UltraSPARC T2 or UltraSPARC T2 Plus processors, everything is integrated together on each processor chip to reduce the overall component count. This speeds performance lowers power use and reduces component failure. Add in the no-cost virtualization technology from Logical Domains and Solaris Containers and you have a fully scalable environment for server consolidation. Finish it off with on-chip encryption and 10 Giga-bit Ethernet freeways and they provide the compete environment for secure data processing and lightening fast throughput. SPARC PERFORMANCE MANAGEABILITY ANDRELIABILITYFujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220 delivers up to 64processor threads which can support up to 64separate domains. This means excellent parallelthroughput management and high web traffic control.Fully supported by the top scalability and opennessof the Solaris Operating system, there is the ability tomaximise thread utilization, deliver applicationcapability, and scale across hundreds of platformnodes.Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220 also provides localstorage capability that scales to 2.4 or 4.8 terabytes.This ensures in-Web processes and applicationshave the local growth capacity that will delivermaximum transaction response times.The intrinsic service management in Fujitsu SPARCEnterprise T5220 combined with the SPARChardware architecture and Solaris operating systemenables predictive self-healing and simplerimplementation and operation. In addition, with fewercomponents and a low-power, low-heat design, theoverall incidence of server stress and componentfailure is well below equivalent systems. This furtherincreases operational reliability and reduces the needfor manual intervention. As a result Fujitsu SPARCEnterprise T5220 is a very cost effective and wellengineered system that mostly looks after itself.16 disk model8 disk modelFEATURES AND BENEFITS FLEXIBLE INVESTMENT PROTECTION⏹A range of 4 or 8 core UltraSPARC T2 processors⏹Many growth options by use of Logical domains, Solaris Containers, and space-saving server node addition⏹Able to install up to 8 or 16 internal disk drives ⏹Can choose the performance required at lowest cost of ownership⏹Able to grow the underlying hardware platforms while maximizing the use of all available resources; for best return on investment⏹Excellent growth capacity to keep up with Web application growth and fast transaction performance turn-around requirementsRELIABLE OPERATION⏹A broad range of RAS functions including cache protection mechanisms, thread and core offlining, register protection, cache scrubbing⏹Overall system management and service security from hot swap and redundant disk drives (software and hardware RAID), power supplies, and Fans, system environment monitoring and easy component replacement ⏹Minimizes the possibility of server failure and ensures application continuity by removing, correcting or isolating in-processor faults⏹Lower management and maintenance costs coupled with non-stop system operation.WORLD’S MOST ADVANCE D OS, SOLARIS 10⏹Solaris 10 is pre-installed⏹Supports Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) Solaris Zettabyte File System (ZFS), plus use and process rights management⏹The choice of the world’s most advanced developers ⏹Easy installation and upgrades with Solaris binary compatibility means software investment protection⏹The outstanding diagnostics and secure data handling makes high throughput operations simpler and more secure⏹Able to access the widest range of business applications availableFLEXIBLE INVESTMENT PROTECTIONThe choice of two, four and eight core processors reduces the cost of socket based application licenses as well as allowing more flexible and extensive use of Solaris Containers. High reliability coupled with low operating costs also delivers unrivalled investment protection. Not only will your Fujitsu SPARC EnterpriseT5220 servers have a longer and more useful life but they will also reduce your overall IT spends.The ability to load up to 8 or 16 disk drives also ensures longevity as the system is better able to keep up with Net application growth.Advanced high thread processor technology continues to provide additional performance at lower than average power consumption, less than 2 watts per thread. When used to the maximum in high throughput computing environments you achieve outstanding return on investment. Such low levels of power consumption will also save on cooling costs with high-density rack use in the data center.To ensure that all available performance can be fully used, Logical Domains and Solaris Containers let you quickly and dynamically reconfigure the system to support both existing and new processes concurrently. Fully compatible with all Solaris applications Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220 inter-works will all other Solaris and SPARC Enterprise systems to let you start small and grow as your requirements increase. RELIABLE OPERATIONThe hot swap and component redundancy in all Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise throughput computing servers, coupled with the high RAS functions embodied in UltraSPARC T2 processors, provides Web platform reliability second to none. The result is a stable self sustaining system that works well with all the applications it supports. Error checking and correction systems implemented directly in the hardware not only take the pressure off the OS and applications but it also ensure the platform really manages itself. This means less systems administration and many fewer diagnostic and recovery tasks are required. Once you own a Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise system you will soon forget the operational problems of the past.WORLD’S MOST ADVANCE D OS, SOLARIS 10Every Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise comes pre-installed with the latest Solaris operating system. This ensures the best in binary compatibility with the world’s most important application systems. It’s just one more i mportant factor in ensuring the maximum life of your IT investments. But equally importantly, Solaris is the only OS that has the scalability, security, and diagnostic features to fully and quickly respond if a major application problem occurs. That has directly led to Solaris having one of the world’s largest application portfolios and why it is the development platform of choice for many of the world’s major software developers.TECHNICAL DETAILSPROCESSORProcessor quantity and type 1 x UltraSPARC T2Processor options 1 x UltraSPARC T2 quad-core processor (1.2GHz, 24KB L1 cache on core, 4MB L2 cacheper chip)1 x UltraSPARC T2 eight-core processor (1.4GHz, 24KB L1 cache on core, 4MB L2 cacheper chip)1 x UltraSPARC T2 eight-core processor (1.6GHz, 24KB L1 cache on core, 4MB L2 cacheper chip)MEMORYMemory slots 16 slotsMemory slot type FB-DIMMMemory capacity (min. – max.) 8GB–128GBMemory protection ECCMemory modules 8GB Memory Expansion (4 x 2GB DIMM)16GB Memory Expansion (4 x 4GB DIMM)32GB Memory Expansion (4 x 8GB DIMM)DRIVE BAYSDisk bay configuration 8 disk model 8 x 2.5-inch hot-plug SAS/SATA16 disk model 16 x 2.5-inch hot-plug SAS/SATA (maximum 8 in 16 disk bays for SATA)Disk drives HDD SAS, 146GB, 10,000rpm, 2.5-inchHDD SAS, 300GB, 10,000rpm, 2.5-inchSSD SAS, 32GB, 2.5-inchOptical drive bay configuration 1 x 128mm bayOptical drives CD-RW, DVD+/-RW (8xDVD+/-R, 8xDVD+/-RW, 24CD-R, 24xCD-RW)INTERFACESLAN/Ethernet 4 ports (Gbit/s, RJ45)Serial 1 port (RS232C, DSUB9)USB 4 ports (2 on front, 2 on rear)Service LAN for ILOM 1 port (10/100Mbit/s, RJ45)Service serial for ILOM 1 port (RS232C, RJ45)SLOTSPCI Express 2 x PCI Express (x8, half-height, short)4 x PCI Express (x4, half-height, short)Note XAUI cards can be installed in predetermined PCI Express slotsNote Expandable to 16 slots (PCI Express) when using 1 x External I/O Expansion UnitsCONNECTABLE COMPONENTSSCSI/SAS controller Dual-Channel Ultra320 SCSI Card, PCI ExpressSingle-Channel SAS Card, PCI ExpressFibre channel controller Single-Channel 4 Gbps Fibre Channel Card, PCI ExpressDual-Channel 4 Gbps Fibre Channel Card, PCI ExpressSingle-Channel 8 Gbps Fibre Channel Card, PCI ExpressDual-Channel 8 Gbps Fibre Channel Card, PCI ExpressLAN controller Dual Gigabit Ethernet Card (10/100/1000Base-T), PCI ExpressDual Gigabit Ethernet Card (1000Base-SX), PCI ExpressSingle 10 Gigabit Ethernet Card, (10Gbase-SR), PCI ExpressSingle 10 Gigabit Ethernet Card, (XAUI: 10Gbase-SR/LR)Rack infrastructure Cable Management ArmRack rail kitSUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMSSupported operating systems Solaris 10 8/07 or laterOperating system release link /sparcenterprise/manual/notes/SERVER MANAGEMENTService processor Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)Supported software Enhanced Support FacilityServer System ManagerVIRTUALISATIONVirtualization features Logical DomainsSolaris ContainersRAS FEATURESProcessor RAS ECC protection for L2 cache and registers, Thread and core offlining Redundant components Hard disk drive redundant by software RAID and hardware RAID(RAID1)Solid state drive redundant by software RAIDFanPCI card (multi-path configuration)Power supply unit,Power systemHot-swap components Hard disk drive hot-replaceable by software RAID and hardware RAID(RAID1)Solid state drive hot-replaceable by software RAIDFanPower supply unit,Degradation features Dynamic degradation Processor (core)MemoryHard disk drive dynamic-degraded by software and hardware RAIDSolid state drive dynamic-degraded by software and hardware RAIDStatic degradation Processor (core)MemoryHard disk drive static-degraded by software and hardware RAIDSolid state drive static-degraded by software RAIDDIMENSIONS / WEIGHTRack-mount (W x D x H) 425 x 714 x 88 mm; 2U16.8 x 28.1 x 3.5 inches ; 2UWeight 25 kg (55 lb.)ENVIRONMENTSound pressure (LpAm) 63 dB (A)Operating ambient temperature 5–35°C (depending on altitude)Operating relative humidity 10–90%Operating altitude 0–3,000 mELECTRICAL VALUES AC POWER DC POWERRated voltage range AC 100–240V +/- 10% DC -48 V, DC -60VRated frequency range 50/60 Hz -Active power max. 8 disk model 845W 789W16 disk model 939W 877WApparent power max. 8 disk model 890VA -16 disk model 989VA -Heat emission 8 disk model 3,040 kJ/h 2,840 kJ/h16 disk model 3,379 kJ/h 3,156 kJ/hCOMPLIANCEEurope CERoHSRussia GOST-RUSA/Canada FCCICES-003UL/cULUL/DEMKOLVDUL/S-markJapan VCCIChina CCCChinese RoHSKorea MICTaiwan BSMIAustralia C-tickCompliance notes There is general compliance with the safety requirements of major countries. Nationalapprovals required in order to satisfy statutory regulations or for other reasons can beapplied for on request.WARRANTY AND SUPPORT SERVICESService link /supportIn addition to Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220, Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships.Dynamic InfrastructuresWith the Fujitsu Dynamic Infrastructures approach, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT products,solutions and services, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions, Managed Infrastructure and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. How much you benefit from Fujitsu technologies and services depends on the level of cooperation you choose. This takes IT flexibility and efficiency to the next level.Computing Products/global/services/computing/ - PRIMERGY: Industrial standard server - SPARC Enterprise: UNIX server- PRIMEQUEST: Mission-critical IA server - ETERNUS: Storage system - BS2000/OSD: Mainframe - GS21: Mainframe - ESPRIMO: Desktop PC - LIFEBOOK: Notebook PC - CELSIUS: WorkstationSoftware/software/- Interstage: Application infrastructure software - Systemwalker: System management software - Symfoware: Database software - PRIMECLUSTER: Clustering software - GLOVIA: ERP solutionLearn more about Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise T5220, please contact your Fujitsu salesrepresentative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website./sparcenterprise/Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is our worldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues of environmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environment/©Copyright 2010 Fujitsu Limited.Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, PRIMERGY, PRIMEQUEST, ETERNUS, BS2000/OSD, GS21, ESPRIMO, LIFEBOOK, CELSIUS, Interstage, Systemwalker, Symfoware, PRIMECLUSTER are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries.GLOVIA is a trademark of GLOVIA International LLC in the United States and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are trademarks orregistered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.DISCLAIMERTechnical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.CONTACTFUJITSU LIMITEDWebsite: 2010-09-14 WW-EN。

4 PCIe (1-internal 3external)per server
6x 10GbE
4U 2U Optional Storage Expansion Unit
No DVD Drive VGA (Fixed capacity system)
RHEL 5.8, 11gR2 EE, RAC, RAC One, Cluster, ASM
Sun Fire X64 Intel Servers
Sun Server X3-2
(Old name X4170 M3)
Max Socket
1X or 2X Intel Xeon (E5 - 4/6/8 cores)
Processor Type
4-core: 2.4(E5-2609) 6-core: 2.5(E5-2640) 8-core: 2.2(E5-2660) 8-core: 2.9(E5-2690)
ODA (Oracle
DataBase Appliance) (LOD 5/31/13)
4x Intel Xeon (X5675 - 6 cores) (X4370M2)
6-core: (24 cores total) (X5675) 3.06GHz
192GB (96GB per node) DDR3
16 DIMM slots (8/16/32) (8 per CPU) DDR3
Max Memory
Internal Disks
Up to 8 2.5” Drives SAS/SATASSD SAS: 300 GB/600GB SATA SSD: 100GB/300GB Or Up to 4 3.5” Drives SAS/SATA SAS 600GB SATA 3TB 4GB USB Flash Drive (Int) Up to 24 2.5” Drives SAS/SATASSD SAS: 300 GB/600GB SATA SSD: 100GB/300GB Or Up to 12 3.5” Drives SAS/SATA SAS 600GB SATA 3TB 4GB USB Flash Drive (Int) Up to 6 disks: SAS2: 300GB, 600GB SSD: 32GB
富士通SPARC M12-2服务器说明书

Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 Server The Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 server is a high-performance midrange server based on the latest SPARC64 XII processor, offering high availability for mission-critical enterprise workloads and cloud computing. Its SPARC64 XII processor core is up to two times faster compared to previous-generation SPARC64 cores. Innovative Software on Chip capabilities deliver dramatic performance increases by implementing key software functions directly in the processor. The Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 system has up to two processors and an expandable I/O subsystem. In addition, customers can enjoy the benefits of Capacity on Demand with core-level activation, as well as a suite of built-in virtualization technologies included at no cost. PRODUCT OVERVIEW The Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 server offers high reliability and outstanding processor core performance. It is available in single-and dual-processor configurations that can scale to 24 cores and 192 threads. It is an ideal server for traditional enterprise-class workloads such as online transaction processing (OLTP), business intelligence and data warehousing (BIDW), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and customer relationship management (CRM), as well as new environments in cloud computing or big data processing. The Fujitsu SPARC M12 servers incorporate the SPARC64 XII (“twelve”) processor that features improved throughput performance with eight threads per core, and significantly faster memory access through the use of DDR4 memory. Moreover, the Fujitsu SPARC M12 server delivers dramatic in-memory database performance increases by implementing key software processing functions onto the processor itself, a functionality called Software on Chip. These Software on Chip features Key Benefits •High performance for ERP, BIDW, OLTP, CRM, big data, and analytics workloads •High availability to support demanding 24/7 mission-critical applications •Fast and economical system capacity growth in small increments with no downtime •Dramatic acceleration of Oracle Database In-Memory performance with new SPARC64 XII processor’s Software on Chip capabilities •Higher levels of system utilization and cost reduction through flexible resource configurations.include single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) and decimal floating point arithmetic Key Featureslogical units (ALUs).Additional Software on Chip technology is implemented to accelerate cryptographic processing using the Oracle Solaris encryption library. This reduces the overhead of encryption and decryption dramatically.The Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 server entry configuration includes one processor. A minimum of two processor cores must be activated in a system. System resources can be gradually expanded, as needed, at increments of a single core by activations keys. The cores are activated dynamically while system remains operational.High Availability for Mission-Critical ApplicationsThe Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 server delivers high availability to support demanding mission-critical applications. It comes with mainframe-class reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features including automatic recovery with instruction retry, extended error-correcting code (ECC) protection, guaranteed data path integrity, configurable memory mirroring, and many more RAS capabilities. Furthermore, major system components are redundant and hot swappable for increased availability and serviceability.Oracle Solaris: the World’s Most Advanced Enterprise Operating System Only Oracle offers the Oracle Solaris binary application guarantee, with guaranteed binary and source-code compatibility for legacy applications. The Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 server supports Oracle Solaris 11 and 10, which offer the powerful Oracle Solaris ZFS file systems, and unmatched capabilities such as dynamic tracing (DTrace feature of Oracle Solaris), cryptographic infrastructure, user and process rights management, and the Oracle Solaris IP Filter feature. In addition, Oracle Solaris 9 and 8 are supported using Oracle Solaris Legacy Containers.Advanced Virtualization and ConsolidationSPARC-based servers are the industry’s best consolidation and virtualization platforms. The Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 server supports as many as 16 physical partitions, and Oracle VM Server for SPARC software enables as many as 256 logical domains to be deployed in each physical partition. Physical partitions or logical domains can be further virtualized with Oracle Solaris Zones, a feature of Oracle Solaris, which supports thousands of virtual machines, enabling massive server consolidation and virtualization.FUJITSU SPARC M12-2 SERVER SPECIFICATIONS •The SPARC64 XII processor core is up to 2.3 times faster than previous-generation SPARC64 X+ processorcores.•The system supports up to 24processor cores and 3 TB ofmemory.•Software on Chip instructions on the SPARC64 XII processors acceleratekey database functions.•Per-core activation allows granular and agile response to changes inbusiness requirements.•Layered virtualization includes Oracle VM Server for SPARC andOracle Solaris Zones technologies. •Server management is done through the independent service processor’seXtended System Control Facility(XSCF).ARCHITECTUREProcessor•12-core, 3.9 GHz SPARC64 XII processor•Dual-instruction pipeline per core•96 threads per processor (8 threads per core)•96 integer execution units per processor (8 per core) •96 floating-point units per processor (8 per core)• 1 random number generator (1 per processor) Cache per Processor•Level 1: instruction: 64 KB; data: 64 KB per core•Level 2: 512 KB per core•Level 3: 32 MB per processorSystem Configuration•Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 servers are configured with one or two SPARC64 XII processors•Up to 24 dual inline memory module (DIMM) slots per processor using 16, 32, or 64 GB DDR4 DIMMs• 3 TB maximum memory configuration with 64 GB DIMMsSystem Architecture•SPARC V9 architecture, ECC protectedINTERFACES•Network: Four 10 GbE (100 Mb/sec, 1 Gb/sec, 10 Gb/sec), IEEE 802.3an (10GBASE-T) standard, auto-negotiation•Disks and internal storage: Two SAS-2 controllers providing hardware RAID 0, 1, and 1E/10 (ZFS file system provides higher levels of RAID) •Expansion bus: 11 low-profile PCIe 3.0 (11 x8) slots•PCI Expansion Units: Up to 33 slots (with three PCI expansion units connected)• 1 CPU: Up to 51 slots (with four PCI expansion units connected)• 2 CPUs: Up to 91 slots (with eight PCI expansion units connected) •Ports: two external USB (one front USB 2.0 and one rear USB 3.0)•Administration interface: two 1000Base-T (RJ45) network ports, one RJ45 serial management port, two USB ports (for maintenance only)MASS STORAGE AND MEDIAInternal storage:•Up to eight 2.5-inch SAS-2 drives•600 GB or 1.2 TB hard disk drives (HDD)•400 GB or 800 GB solid state drives (SSD)External storage:•Optional external DVD drive•Oracle offers a complete line of best-in-class, innovative storage, hardware, and software solutions, along with renowned world-class service andsupport. For more information, please refer to /storage POWER SUPPLIES•Four hot-swappable AC 1,800 W redundant (2 + 2) power supplies•Voltage 200 to 240 VAC, frequency 50/60 Hz•Maximum operating input current at 200 VAC: 15.2 A•Maximum operating input power at 200 VAC: 2,974 WKEY RAS FEATURES•End-to-end ECC protection•Guaranteed data path integrity•Automatic recovery with instruction retry•Dynamic L1, L2, and L3 cache way degradation•ECC and extended ECC protection for memory, memory mirroring, periodic memory patrol, and Predictive Self Healing (a feature of Oracle Solaris) •Hardware redundancy in memory (when mirroring), HDD/SSD, PCI cards (multipath configuration), power system, power supply unit (PSU), and fan •Hot-pluggable HDD/SSD, PSU, PCI card, and fan•Live operating system upgrades•Firmware updates during system operationSOFTWAREOperating SystemOracle recommends the latest version of Oracle Solaris 11.4 for enhanced performance and functionality, including features enabled by Software on Chip technology•Control domain:•Oracle Solaris 11.4 + SRU11. or later•The following versions are supported within guest domains:•Oracle Solaris 11.1 or later•Oracle Solaris 10 1/13*•Oracle Solaris 10 8/11*•Oracle Solaris 10 9/10** Plus required patchesApplications certified for Oracle Solaris 9 or 8 only may run in an Oracle Solaris 9 or 8 branded zone running within an Oracle Solaris 10 domain.Software Included•Oracle Solaris 11.4 (latest version), which includes Oracle VM Server for SPARC•Oracle Solaris ZFS (default file system)VirtualizationBuilt-in, no-cost Oracle VM Server for SPARC provides the flexibility and power for running multiple logical domains in a single server. Multiple Oracle Solaris Zones may be run within a single Oracle VM Server for SPARC logical domain.ENVIRONMENTOperating temperature:•5° C to 35° C at 0 to 500 m (41° F to 95° F at 0 to 1,640 ft.)•5° C to 33° C at 501 to 1,000 m (41° F to 91° F at 1,641 to 3,280 ft.)•5° C to 31° C at 1,001 to 1,500 m (41° F to 88° F at 3,281 to 4,920ft.)•5° C to 29° C at 1,501 to 3,000 m (41° F to 84° F at 4,421 to 9,840 ft.) Nonoperating temperature:•-25° C to 60° C (-13° F to 140° F) (packed)•0 to 50° C (32° F to 122° F) (nonpacked)Operating relative humidity: 20% to 80% relative humidity, noncondensingNonoperating relative humidity: 8 to 80% relative humidity, noncondensingOperating altitude: 0 m to 3,000 m (0 feet to 9,840 feet)Acoustic noiseDESCRIPTION ONE CPU INSTALLED TWO CPUS INSTALLEDSound power level 7.8 B 8.2 BSound pressure level 62 dB 64 B REGULATIONS (MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS)Safety:•UL/CSA 60950-1, UL/CSA 62368-1, EN 62368-1, IEC 60950-1 and IEC 62368-1 CB Scheme with all country differencesEMC:•Emissions: FCC 47 CFR 15, ICES-003, EN 55032, KN32, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3, JIS C 61000-3-2•Immunity: EN 55035, KN35Certifications:•North America Safety (NRTL), CE (European Union), UKCA (United Kingdom), International CB Scheme, BSMI (Taiwan), RCM (Australia), KC(Korea), VCCI (Japan), EAC (Eurasian CU), BIS (India)European Union directives:•Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2011/65/EU as amended, Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU, and Eco design Directive 2009/125/ECAll standards and certifications referenced are to the latest official version. For additional detail, please contact your sales representative.Other country regulations/certifications may apply.DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT•Height: 175 mm (6.9 inches); 4U•Width: 440 mm (17.3 inches)•Depth: 800 mm (31.5 inches)•Weight: 60 kg (133 lb.)WARRANTYThe Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 server comes with a one-year warranty. Visit/us/support/policies/ for more information about Oracle’s hardwarewarranty.COMPLETE SUPPORTWith Oracle Premier Support, you will get the services you need to maximize thereturn on your investment in the Fujitsu SPARC M12-2 server. Complete systemsupport includes 24/7 hardware service, expert technical support, proactive tools,and updates to Oracle Solaris, Oracle VM, and integrated software (such asfirmware)—all for a single price. Learn more at /supportCONNECT WITH USCall +1.800.ORACLE1 or visit .Outside North America, find your local office at /contact. /oracle /oracleCopyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. 0120Disclaimer: This document is for informational purposes. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing。
10 20浪潮数据中心创新实践

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T5520 SPARC server Getting Started Guide

This guide describes the minimum steps you must perform to power on and boot your server for the first time using the preinstalled Solaris™Operating System (Solaris OS).Servers that use DC input power require you to build and connect the power cords to specific safety specifications.The specifications are described in the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120and T5220Servers Installation Guide that is available from /app/docs/prod/sparc.t5220FIGURE 1Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220ServerShipping ContentsBefore You BeginFor quick installation and configuration,follow these steps.For more detailed information,refer to the complete online product documentation set at:/app/docs/prod/sparc.t5220Understand the following information before you set up the server for the first time:■Do not apply power until instructed to do so –This system includes a service processor (SP)that is used to configure and boot the host server.To properly configure the host server and view SP messages,do not apply power to the server until the SP and host networking connections are made,as described in this guide.■Choose the best instructions for your situation –The quick setup instructions in this guide work for any networking environment,and require the use of a terminal device for connection to a serial port.If you have a networking environment running DHCP,you can configure your system using the Ethernet management port.To take advantage of the DHCP setup method,refer to the online installation guide in the online product documentation set at:/app/docs/prod/sparc.t5220QuantityItem1Server2RJ-45Ethernet cable1RJ-45to DB-25adapter (crossover)1RJ-45to DB-9adapter (crossover)1Wrist strap2DC power connectorsSun SPARC ® Enterprise T5220 Server Getting Started Guide(For Models That Run on DC Input Power)■Set aside sufficient time–Installation times vary,but if you are performing these setup instructions for the first time,plan to spend about45to75minutes to complete all of these instructions.Additional time might be required for installing optional hardware and rackmounting kits.■Obtain a terminal device–You configure this rackmountable server through the SP using the built-in serial and network management ports,and not through a graphical interface and Sun keyboard.To communicate with the SP,you will need a terminal device,which can be a terminal,terminal server,or laptop running terminal emulation software.■Gather your configuration information–During the configuration,you are prompted for time zone and networking parameters for your e TABLE1to record your configuration information. TABLE1Configuration InformationParameter Description Your Entry Language Select a number from the displayed language list.Locale Select a number from the displayed locale list.Terminal Type Select a terminal type that corresponds with your terminal device.Network?Select Yes.Multiple Network Interfaces Select the network interfaces that you plan to configure.If you are not sure,select the first one in the list.DHCP?Select Yes or No according to your network environment.Host Name Enter the host name for the server.IP Address Enter the IP address for the selected Ethernet interfaces.Subnet?Select Yes or No according to your network environment.Subnet Netmask(If subnet was Yes)Enter the netmask for the subnet for your networkenvironment.IPv6?Specify whether or not to use IPv6.If you are not sure,select No to configure the Ethernet interface for IPv4.Security Policy Select either standard UNIX security(No)or Kerberos Security(Yes).If you are not sure,select No.Confirm Review the onscreen information and change it if needed.Otherwise,continue. Name Service Select the name service according to your network environment.Note–If you select a name service other than None,you will be prompted foradditional name service configuration information.NFSv4Domain Name Select the type of domain name configuration according to your environment.If you are not sure,select Use the NFSv4domain derived by the system.Time Zone(Continent)Select your continent.Time Zone(Country or Region)Select your country or region.Time Zone Select the time zone.Date and Time Accept the default date and time,or change the values.root Password Enter the root password twice.This password is for the superuser account for the Solaris OS on this server.This password is not the SP password.Quick Setup Instructions1.Unpack the server,and check that you received all of the shipping contents(“Shipping Contents”).2.Place the server in its intended location for verification.For rackmounting instructions,refer to the instructions included with the rail kit,the service label on the server,and to the online Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120and T5220Servers Installation Guide.3.Connect a serial cable between the server’s SER MGT port(FIGURE2)and a terminal device.This connection provides your initial communication with the SP.The device must be set up to communicate using9600baud,8bit,no parity,1stop bit.A null modem configuration is needed,meaning the transmit and receive signals are reversed(crossed over)for DTE to DTE communications.You can use the supplied RJ-45crossover adapters with a standard RJ-45cable to achieve the null modem configuration.FIGURE2Server Connections4.(Optional)Connect an Ethernet cable between the server’s NET MGT port(FIGURE2)and the network towhich future connections to the SP and host will be made.After the initial configuration of the system using the SER MGT port,communication with the SP and host is usually performed through this Ethernet interface.5.Connect an Ethernet cable between one of the server’s NET ports(FIGURE2)and the network to which theserver will communicate.6.Build and connect your DC power cables into the server power supplies and into separate power sources.Instructions for building the DC power cables are in the SPARC Enterprise T5120and T5220Servers Installation Guide.To provide redundancy,plug both power supplies into separate power sources.Note that the system can operate with only one power connection,but there is no redundancy in this case.When power is applied,the SP initializes and power supply LEDs illuminate.After a few minutes,the SP login prompt appears on the terminal device.Note that the host is not initialized or powered on yet.7.At the terminal device,log in to the SP as root with a password of changeme.SUNSP00144FAC732F login:rootPassword:changeme. . .->After a brief delay,the SP prompt is displayed(->).At this point,there are many commands you can perform using the Integrated Lights Out Manager interface.For example,to create a user named admin,and to set the admin account role to Administrator and the CLI mode to alom,enter:->create /SP/users/admin role=Administrator cli_mode=alomCreating user...Enter new password: ********Enter new password again: ********Created /SP/users/adminNote that the asterisks in the example will not appear when you enter your password.Additional SP information,such as how to change the password and how to set up the SP networkparameters,is available in the online documentation set.8.Power on the server and redirect the host output to display on the serial terminal device:->start /SYSAre you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)?y->start /SP/consoleAre you sure you want to start /SP/CONSOLE (y/n)?ySerial console started. To stop, type #.. . .After you start the SP console,the server initialization takes approximately20minutes to complete.9.When prompted,follow the onscreen instructions and enter the configuration information.Refer to TABLE1for the list of configuration information and your entries.You will be prompted to confirm the configuration several times,enabling confirmation and changes.If you are not sure how to respond to a particular value,you can accept the default,and make future changes when the Solaris OS is running.When the configuration menus are completed,the server reboots and displays the Solaris login prompt.10.Log in to the server and explore the capabilities.The following commands provide information about the system:■showrev–Displays the hostname and system architecture e the-a option with this command to see the patches that are installed.■psrinfo–Displays information about the number and status of the processors and cores in the host.Review the Solaris OS man pages and documentation for more details.Accessing Additional InformationYou can view,print,and download additional information for this product from the following URLs:■Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220server documentation set,including important documents such as product notes:/app/docs/prod/sparc.t5220■A broad selection of Sun documentation,including localized versions:■Preinstalled Solaris OS information:/software/preinstall■CoolThreads™–Overview and access to Cool Tools:/servers/coolthreads/tnb/index.jsp■CoolThreads–CMT tuning and resources:/servers/coolthreads/tnb/t2.jspPart No. 820-5839-10v1, Rev. A October 2008Sun Microsystems, Inc.Contacting Sun Technical SupportIf you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document,go to:/service/contactingSun Welcomes Your CommentsSun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions.You can submit your comments by going to:/hwdocs/feedbackPlease include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:Sun SPARC Server Enterprise T5220Server Getting Started Guide (DC Models),part number 820-5839-10v1Copyright 2008Sun Microsystems,Inc.All rights reserved.FUJITSU LIMITED provided technical input and review on portions of this material.Copyright 2008Sun Microsystems,Inc.Tous droits réservés.Revue technique fournie par FUJITSU LIMITED sur des parties de ce matériel.。
Oracle SPARC T5-2服务器入门指南说明书

SPARC T5-2 Server Getting Started GuideThis guide describes how to install and power on Oracle's SPARC T5-2 server for the first time using the preinstalled Oracle Solaris OS.Before performing the procedures in this guide, review the following documents at the Oracle documentation web site: /goto/t5-2/docs.■SP ARC T5-2 Server Product Notes - For any late-breaking issues that impact installation requirements.■SP ARC T5-2 Server Installation Guide - For overview and more detailed installation information.■SP ARC T5-2 Server Safety and Compliance Manual - For safety and regulatory compliance information.For additional safety information, refer to the Important Safety Information for Oracle's Sun Hardware Systems, which is in the shipping kit.Shipping Kit1Server4Antistatic wrist strap2Cable management assembly (CMA)5Printed documents3Rackmounting kit6AC power cords (quantity 2)Install Optional ComponentsBefore installing the server into the rack, install any optional components you plan to use with the server that were not factory installed.For instructions on installing optional components, refer to the documentation for each component and to the SP ARC T5-2 Server Service Manual.Install the ServerFor quick installation and configuration, follow these steps. For more detailed information, refer to thecomplete online product documentation set.Caution - Do not apply power until instructed to do so. This server includes a service processor (SP) that configures and boots the host server. To properly configure the host server and view SP messages, do not apply AC power to the server until you make the SP and host networking connections, as described in this guide.1.Place the server in its intended location.For rackmounting and CMA instructions, refer to the SP ARC T5-2 Server Installation Guide.2.Connect a serial cable between the server's SER MGT port and a terminal device.This connection provides the initial communication with the SP. Set up the server to communicate using 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit. For DTE-to-DTE communication, use a RJ-45 cable that is set up for a null modem configuration, in which the transmit and receive signals cross over.3.(Optional) Connect an Ethernet cable between the server's NET MGT port and the networkto which future connections to the SP and host will be made.Configure the server for the first time through the SER MGT port. After the initial configuration, you can set up communication between the SP and host through this Ethernet interface.4.Connect an Ethernet cable between one of the server's NET ports and the network to whichthe server will communicate.5.Connect the power cords to the power supplies and to separate power sources.The server is equipped with two power supplies. Connect them to separate power sources (200 to 240 V AC) to provide power redundancy. The server can operate with one power connection, but having only one power source reduces the redundancy.When the power cords are connected, the SP initializes and the power supply LEDs illuminate. After afew minutes, the SP login prompt displays on the terminal device. At this time, the host is not initialized or powered on.Power On the ServerThe following section describes how to power on the host after installing the server.1.At the terminal device, log in to the SP as root with a password of changeme.After a brief delay, the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM) prompt (->) is displayed.For optimal security, change the root password. For more information about administration tasks such as changing passwords, adding accounts, and setting account privileges, refer to the SP ARC T5 Series Servers Administration Guide and the Oracle ILOM documentation at: /goto/ilom/docs By default, the SP is configured to use DHCP to obtain an IP address. If you plan to assign a static IP address to the SP, refer to the SP ARC T5-2 Server Installation Guide for instructions.2.Power on the server and redirect the host output to display on the serial terminal device.-> start /SystemAre you sure you want to start /System (y/n)? y-> start /HOST/consoleAre you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? ySerial console started.. . .Server initialization takes several minutes to complete.To cancel the server initialization, press the #. (Hash+Dot) keys to return to the Oracle ILOM prompt. Then type: stop /SystemNote - To use an OS other than the preinstalled version, refer to the SP ARC T5-2 Server Installation Guide.3.(Optional) Execute other Oracle ILOM commands while the server initialization continues inthe background.a. To display the Oracle ILOM prompt, press the #. (Hash+Dot) keys.b. To see information about available Oracle ILOM commands, type: helpTo see information about a specific command, type: help command-namec. To return to displaying host output from the server initialization, type: start /HOST/console4.When prompted, follow the onscreen instructions and type the configuration information foryour server.If you are not sure how to respond, accept the default and make changes later when the Oracle Solaris OS is running. After you confirm the configuration information, the server reboots and displays the Oracle Solaris login prompt.5.Log in to the server.You now can enter Oracle Solaris OS commands at the prompt. For more details, refer to the Oracle Solaris11 or 10 OS man pages and documentation at:/goto/solaris11/docs/goto/solaris10/docs6.Consider using Oracle virtualization and datacenter management software.■Oracle VM Server for SPARC is a preinstalled system virtualization feature that provides a discrete logical grouping with its own operating system, resources, and identity within a single computer system.You can run a variety of applications in different logical domains and keep them independent forperformance and security purposes.https:///en/virtualization/■Oracle Enterprise Manager is a data center management tool that provides many features, includinga comprehensive configuration solution for software provisioning, hardware fault analysis, andperformance management./en/enterprise-manager/Check for the Latest OS Updates, Patches, and FirmwareSome server features are enabled only when certain versions of patches or firmware are installed. Install the latest available versions for the best performance, security, and stability.1.Review the product notes for your server.This document describes important product dependencies and late-breaking information.See “Product Documentation Library” on page 6.2.Download the latest available versions from My Oracle Support at:https://Product Documentation LibraryDocumentation and resources for this product and related products are available at /goto/ t5-2/docs.FeedbackProvide feedback on this document at /goto/docfeedback. Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program web site at http: ///pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.Copyright © 2013, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Copyright © 2013, 2016, Oracle et/ou ses affiliés. Tous droits réservés.Part No: E28859-03Mfg. No: 7047746February 2016。
Oracle SPARC T5-2、SPARC T5-4、SPARC T5-8 和 SPARC T5-1B 服务器架构

Oracle SPARC T5-2、SPARC T5-4、 SPARC T5-8 和 SPARC T5-1B 服务器架构
Oracle SPARC T5-2、SPARC T5-4、SPARC T5-8 和 SPARC T5-1B 服务器架构
引言 ............................................................................................................................................................1 搭载 SPARC T5 的服务器的特性对比 ..................................................................................................2 SPARC T5 处理器 ...................................................................................................................................3
图 1. SPARC T5-1B、SPARC T5-2、SPARC T5-4 和 SPARC T5-8 服务器。
Oracle SPARC T5-2、SPARC T5-4、SPARC T5-8 和 SPARC T5-1B 服务器架构
搭载 SPARC T5 的服务器的特性对比
表 1 对比 SPARC T5-2、T5-4 和 T5-8 服务器以及 SPARC T5-1B 服务器模块。
(820-2912-11)Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 和 T5220 服务器产品说明

Sun SPARC® EnterpriseT5120 和 T5220 服务器产品说明Sun Microsystems, Inc.文件号码 820-2912-112008 年3 月, 修订版 A请将有关本文档的意见和建议提交至:/hwdocs/feedback请回收版权所有 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. 保留所有权利。
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对于本文档中介绍的产品和技术,Sun Microsystems, Inc. 和 Fujitsu Limited 分别拥有相关的知识产权,此类产品、技术及本文档受版权法、专利法与其他知识产权法和国际公约的保护。
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甲骨文发起服务器反击战作者:暂无来源:《计算机世界》 2013年第19期甲骨文日前正式推出了新一代SPARC T5/M5 服务器系列,借助新的服务器产品,甲骨文发起了一场服务器反击战。
本报记者邹大斌日前,甲骨文在中国正式发布了其新一代SPARC 服务器系列,其中包括搭载了甲骨文刚刚推出的SPARC T5 和SPARC M5 新处理器的两款服务器SPARCT5-8、SPARC M5-32,这是继3 月26 日甲骨文在美国首次发布最新一代SPARC服务器之后,这些服务器正式与中国用户见面。
SPARC T5-8、SPARC M5-32 这两款服务器代表了甲骨文在服务器方面的最新技术,特别是SPARC T5-8,被甲骨文CEO 拉里埃里森称为是全球最快的单体服务器,而SPARC T5 处理器也被拉里·埃里森称为全球最快的处理器。
不难预料,随着新一代SPARC 服务器的上市,肯定会对现存的中高端服务器市场带来冲击,一场新的较量在所难免。
“SPARC T5-8 创造了17 项世界纪录,是运行Oracle 数据库和Java 中间件最快的单体服务器。
而M5-32 则比上一代产品M9000 服务器快10 倍。
”甲骨文公司全球高级副总裁、亚太及日本地区系统事业部总经理Adrian Jones 在演讲时表示。
据甲骨文中国区系统事业部销售顾问总监肖淑男介绍,SPARC T5-8 搭载了8 颗SPARC T5 处理器。
SPARC T5 处理器采用了28 纳米的制程工艺、3.6GHz 主频,每个处理器支持16 个复杂的内核、128 个线程,每个内核独占128K二级缓存、共享8MB 三级缓存。
相比上一代的SPARC T4(40 纳米工艺、3GHz 主频、8 线程),其性能提升翻了一倍,支持的内核数量翻了一倍,T5-8 服务器整体性能比T4-4 服务器提升了4~5 倍。
浪潮英信服务器 SA5112M5 用户手册说明书

浪潮英信服务器SA5112M5用户手册文档版本V2.3发布日期2022-06-24版权所有© 2019-2022浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司。
Oracle SPARC T5-1B Server Module安装与启动指南说明书

This guide describes how to install and power on Oracle’s SPARC T5-1B server module for the first time using the preinstalled Oracle Solaris OS.If your server shipped with a drive,and you do not plan to use the preinstalled OS,use the instructions in the installation guide instead of these instructions.Before performing the procedures in this guide,review these documents at the Oracle documentation web site:/goto/T5-1B/docs■Sun Blade 6000Modular System Installation Guide –Install the Sun Blade 6000modular system before youinstall the server module.■SPARC T5-1B Server Module Product Notes –Determine if your modular system meets minimum required firmware versions and if any issues impact your installation requirements.■SPARC T5-1B Server Module Installation Guide –Use this guide if you want more detailed installation information .For additional safety information,refer to the Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems ,which is in the shipping kit.Shipment Inventory1Printed documents 2Server module 3Customer information sheet (provides a record ofshippeditems)SPARC T5-1B Server ModuleGetting Started Guide▼Install Optional Components♦Before installing the server module into the chassis,install any optional internal components that you plan to use with the server module.For instructions on installing optional components,refer to the documentation for each component and to the SPARC T5-1B Server Module Service Manual.▼Install the Server Module Into the ChassisThe server module is hot-pluggable in the chassis.The instructions in this guide assume that the Sun Blade 6000modular system is installed,and is up and running.Caution–Due to cooling restrictions,you must install the server module into the chassis within60 seconds of removing the filler panel.1.Unpack the server module.2.Remove the protective connector cover from the rear of the server module.3.Remove the filler panel from the desired server module slot in the chassis.4.With the ejector levers on the right,insert the server module into the chassis(panel1)until it is about1.5cm(.5in.)from the front of the chassis.5.Pinch the ejector levers to open them(panel2).6.Push the server module into the chassis and close the ejector levers(panel3).7.Verify the server module insertion(panel4)by checking the green OK LED on the server module.When the server module is plugged in,standby power is supplied to the service processor(SP).After about 10seconds,the front panel LEDs blink three times,then the green OK LED blinks for a few minutes.The server module SP generates messages as soon as the server module is connected to a powered modular▼Determine Your Connection MethodUse the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager(Oracle ILOM)software that runs on the server module SP to start,boot,and manage the server module.You can access the SP in several ways as shown in the following figure.♦Connect to the server module using one of the methods shown in the following figure and table.This guide describes methods1and2,but you can use other methods as described in the SPARC T5-1B Server Module Installation Guide.Method Connection Requirements1EthernetFrom:CMM NET MGT portTo:Your network •Know the IP address of the CMM.•Know the CMM Oracle ILOM user and password account information. Note–You can use the CMM Oracle ILOM web interface or CLI.See“Method1–Power On the Host Through the CMM(Web Interface)”on page4.2SerialFrom:Server module SP UCP portTo:Terminal device •A terminal device and serial cable.•Dongle cable.Note–You communicate directly with the server module SP using the Oracle ILOM CLI.See“Method2–Power On the Host Through the Front Panel(SP CLI)”on page4.3SerialFrom:CMM SER MGT portTo:Terminal device •A terminal device and serial cable•Know the CMM Oracle ILOM user and password account information. Note–You communicate through the CMM using the Oracle ILOM CLI. Refer to the SPARC T5-1B Server Module Installation Guide forinstructions.▼Method1–Power On the Host Through the CMM(Web Interface)In this procedure,you use the CMM Oracle ILOM3.1or3.2.1web interface to access the server module SP.If your CMM is instead running Oracle ILOM3.0,refer to the Oracle ILOM3.0documentation.1.Ensure that the CMM NET MGT port is connected and configured to communicate on your network.Refer to the modular system documentation for details.2.Access the Oracle ILOM web interface on the CMM.In a browser on the same network as the modular system,type:http://cmm_ip_addresswhere cmm_ip_address is your CMM IP address.The Oracle ILOM login page is displayed.3.Log into Oracle ILOM on the CMM by typing your user name and password.The factory default Oracle ILOM root password is changeme,but might have been changed in your environment.4.In the upper left corner of the window,change Manage Chassis to Manage Blade n,where n is the slot inwhich the blade is installed(starting from0).5.In the Actions panel next to Power State,click the Turn On button.6.Click OK to confirm the power on action.7.In the left navigation panel,click on Remote Control>Redirection.8.Select Use serial redirection,and click Launch Remote Console.If your server module has a drive,the host boots from the preinstalled OS.Messages are displayed in the host console.When the booting completes,you are automatically prompted for Oracle Solaris OSconfiguration information.Go to“Set Up the Operating System”on page5.▼Method2–Power On the Host Through the Front Panel(SP CLI)In this procedure,you use a dongle cable to connect directly to the front of the server mands are performed using the Oracle ILOM CLI.1.Connect the dongle cable to the UCP port on the server module front panel.A dongle cable is provided with each modular system(chassis).The dongle cable is intended for temporary installation and configuration.2.Configure and connect a terminal device to the serial connector on the dongle cable.On UCP-3dongles,use the RJ-45serial connector.On UCP-4dongles,use the DB-9serial connector.Set up the terminal device for8bits,no parity,1stop bit,9600baud rate,and no flow control.The Oracle ILOM login prompt is displayed on the terminal.3.Enter the following factory default user name and password:■User name:root■Password:changemeYou are now logged into Oracle ILOM on the server module SP.4.Power on the server module and start the host console.The server module initializes.If your server module has a drive,the host boots from the preinstalled OS.Messages are displayed in the host console.When the booting completes,you are automatically prompted for Oracle Solaris OSconfiguration information.▼Set Up the Operating SystemIf a local boot device is accessible and if the Oracle Solaris OS is preinstalled,you are prompted for OS configuration information in the host console.Otherwise,the host seeks a boot device on the network.♦Configure the preinstalled OS or reinstall a supported OS to suit your needs.For details on the Oracle Solaris OS configuration process,refer to the SPARC T5-1B Server Module Installation Guide and the installation guides for your version of the Oracle Solaris OS.Note –Consider using Oracle VM Server.Oracle VM Server is a preinstalled system virtualization feature that provides a discrete logical grouping with its own operating system,resources,and identity within a singlecomputer system.You can run a variety of applications in different logical domains and keep them independent for performance and security purposes.▼Check for the Latest OS Updates,Patches,and FirmwareSome server module features are enabled only when certain updates,patches,or firmware versions are installed.Install the latest available versions for the best performance,security,and stability.1.Review the SPARC T5-1B Server Module Product Notes.See “Related Documentation”on page 6.This document describes important product dependencies and late-breaking information.2.Download the latest available versions from My Oracle Support at:https:// ->start /SystemAre you sure you want to start /System (y/n)?y->start /HOST/consoleAre you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)?ySerial console started. To stop, type #.Related DocumentationFeedbackProvide feedback on this document at:/goto/docfeedbackSupport and AccessibilityOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support.For information visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=infoor visit /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.Documentation LinksAll Oracle products SPARC T5-1B server module/goto/T5-1B/docs Sun Blade 6000modular system/goto/SB6000/docs Oracle ILOM/goto/ILOM/docs Oracle Solaris 11OS/goto/Solaris11/docs Oracle Solaris 10OS/goto/Solaris10/docs Oracle VM for SPARC /goto/VM-SPARC/docsCopyright ©2013,Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.Copyright ©2013,Oracle et/ou ses affiliés.Tous droits réservés.Part Number: E35205-02Mfg. Number: 7046537February 2013。
SPARC T5-2 服务器产品说明书

SPARC T5-2 服务器产品说明文件号码: E40492-012013 年 4 月版权所有 © 2013 , Oracle 和/或其附属公司。
如果将本软件或相关文档交付给美国政府,或者交付给以美国政府名义获得许可证的任何机构,必须符合以下规定:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS:Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.本软件或硬件是为了在各种信息管理应用领域内的一般使用而开发的。
甲骨文发布SPARC T5服务器称世界最快

甲骨文发布SPARC T5服务器称世界最快作者:暂无来源:《计算机世界》 2013年第11期甲骨文发布SPARC T5 服务器称世界最快本报讯甲骨文3 月26 日发布了新一代的SPARC 服务器,包括搭载SPARC T5 处理器的入门级到中端服务器产品,和搭载SPARC M5 处理器的高端服务器产品。
据悉,甲骨文共推出了4 款T5 服务器,分别是1 款单插槽的刀片服务器和分别带有2、4、8 个处理器插槽的3 款机架式服务器。
甲骨文声称SPARC T5 是全球最快的微处理器,甲骨文表示搭载SPARC T5的服务器共创造了17 项全球纪录,是最佳的企业运算平台,能为数据库与企业应用程序提供最具性价比的支持。
甲骨文首席执行官拉力. 埃里森LarryEllisonn 对新的Sparc T5-8 服务器给予了最高的评价,他说该服务器要比甲骨文最高端的T4 服务器快5 倍,在运行甲骨文的数据库和中间件产品时,也要快于其他供应商的同类服务器产品,而从价格性能的角度来看,它又比IBM 的Power 780要便宜。
智能终端技术标准制定加速本报讯由全国音频、视频及多媒体系统与设备标准化技术委员会主办、小i 机器人协办的“中国智能终端技术与标准研讨会” 日前在京举行。
企业需要重构移动基因本报讯近日,IDC 与联想在北京发布了《2013 企业业务移动化整合管理白皮书》。
SPARC T5-4 服务器

操作系统 • 预装:Oracle Solaris 11.1
• 支持以下控制域方案:Oracle Solaris 11.1 和 Oracle Solaris 10 1/13
• 可作为来宾域的 Oracle Solaris 最低为以下版本:Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 + Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 SPARC Bundle
主要特性 • 采用全球速度最快的微处理器,其数
据仓库的数据库性能和成本效益是同 类系统的 2.1 倍
• 可采用 2 个或 4 个 SPARC T5 处理 器,因此可随未来发展升级为双处理 器系统
• 支持数据库层、应用层和 web 层的各 种负载,因此可通过扩展满足数据中 心不断增长的需求
四处理器系统支持两种内存配置: • 1 TB(64 个 16 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 DIMM) • 2 TB(64 个 32 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 DIMM)
• SPARC V9 架构,ECC 保护
• 网络:4 个 10 GbE 接口 (100 Mbps/1 Gbps/10 Gbps)
SPARC T5-4 服务器是基于 SPARC T5 处理器的高性能双插槽或四插槽服务器,且专门 针对数据密集型负载和企业负载进行了优化。SPARC T5-4 服务器采用结构紧凑的模块 化 5U 设计,可提供无可比拟的单线程和多线程吞吐性能,还内置零成本加密功能和 企业级可用性特性。对于需要最高可用性和性能的企业应用、服务器和应用整合以及 Oracle 数据库应用而言,SPARC T5-4 是最理想的服务器平台。
Oracle Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240服务器初次启动和引导指南说明书

This guide describes the minimum steps you must perform to get Oracle’s Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240server to power on and boot for the first time using the preinstalled Oracle Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS).FIGURE 1Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240ServerShipping ContentsQuick Setup InstructionsFor quick installation and configuration,follow these steps.For more detailed information,refer to the complete online product documentation set at:/app/docs/prod/sparc.t5240Understand the following information before you set up the server for the first time:■Choose the best instructions for your situation –These quick setup instructions work for any networking environment,and require the use of a terminal device for connectivity to a serial port.If you have a networking environment running DHCP,you can configure your system using the Ethernet management port.To take advantage of DHCP setup method,refer to the online installation guide instead of these instructions.■Set aside sufficient time –Installation times vary,but if you are performing these setup instructions for the first time,plan to spend about 45to 75minutes to complete all of these instructions.Additional time might be required for installing optional hardware and rackmounting kits.■Gather your configuration information –During the configuration,you are prompted for time zone and networking parameters that are specific to your environment.For a list of information you need,see Step 9.■Obtain a terminal device –You configure this rackmountable server through the service processor (SP)using the built-in serial and network management ports,and not through a graphical interface and Sun keyboard.For more information about the terminal device,see Step 3.■Do not apply power at this time –This system includes a service processor (SP)that is used to configure and boot the main host server.To properly configure the host server and view SP messages,do not apply AC power to the server until the SP and host networking connections are made,as described in this guide.QuantityItem1Server2RJ-45Ethernet cable1RJ-45to DB-25adapter (crossover)1RJ-45to DB-9adapter (crossover)2Power cords (packaged separately)Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 ServerGetting Started Guide1.Unpack the server,and check that you received all of the shipping contents.2.Place the server in its intended location for verification.For rackmounting instructions,refer to the instructions included with the rail kit,the service label on the server,and to the online Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140and T5240Servers Installation Guide .3.Connect a serial cable between the server’s SER MGT port (FIGURE 2)and a terminal device.This connection provides your initial communication with the service processor (SP).The terminal device can be a terminal,a terminal server,or a laptop with terminal emulation software running.The device must be set up to communicate using 9600baud,8bit,no parity,1stop bit.A null modem configuration is needed,meaning the transmit and receive signals are reversed (crossed over)for DTE to DTE communications.You can use the supplied RJ-45crossover adapters with a standard RJ-45cable to achieve the null modem configuration.FIGURE 2ServerConnections4.(Optional)Connect an Ethernet cable between the server’s Net MGT port (FIGURE 2)and the network to which futureconnections to the SP and host will be made.After the initial configuration of the system using the SP SER MGT port,communication with the SP and host is usually performed through this Ethernet interface.5.Connect an Ethernet cable between one of the server’s NET ports (FIGURE 2)and the network to which the server willcommunicate.Numbered cables correspond to setup steps.n(Optional)6.Plug the power cords into the power supplies and into a power source.Note-Only one power connection is required for e two power connections for redundancy.When power is applied,the SP initializes and power supply LEDs illuminate.After a few minutes,the SP login prompt appears on the terminal device.The host is not initialized or powered on yet.7.At the terminal device,log in to the SP as root with a password of changeme.SUNSP00144FAC732F login:rootPassword:changeme. . .->After a brief delay,the SP prompt is displayed(->).At this point,there are many commands you can perform using the Integrated Lights Out Manager interface.Additional SP information,such as how to change the password and how to set up the SP network parameters is available in the online documentation set.8.Power on the server and redirect the host output to display on the serial terminal device:->start /SYSAre you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)?y->start /SP/consoleAre you sure you want to start /SP/CONSOLE (y/n)?ySerial console started. To stop, type #.. . .After you start the SP console,the server initialization takes approximately20minutes to complete.9.When prompted,follow the onscreen instructions and enter the following configuration information.You will be prompted to confirm the configuration several times,enabling confirmation and changes.If you are not sure how to respond to a particular value,you can accept the default,and make future changes when the Solaris OS is running.When the configuration menus are completed,the server reboots and displays the Solaris login prompt.10.Log in to the server and explore the capabilities.There are many commands you can use to verify the functionality of the system.The following list describes a few of them:■showrev –Displays the hostname and system architecture e the -a option with this command to see the patches that are installed.■psrinfo –Displays information about the number and status of the processors and cores in the host.■prtdiag –Displays system configuration and diagnostic information.Review the Solaris OS man pages and documentation for more details.ParameterDescriptionLanguage Select a number from the displayed language list.Locale Select a number from the displayed locale list.Terminal Type Select a terminal type that corresponds with your terminal work?Select Yes.Multiple Network Interfaces Select the network interfaces that you plan to configure.If you are not sure,select the first one in the list.DHCP?Select Yes or No according to your network environment.Host Name Enter the host name for the server.IP Address Enter the IP address for this Ethernet interface.Subnet?Select Yes or No according to your network environment.Subnet Netmask (If subnet was Yes)Enter the netmask for the subnet for your network environment.IPv6?Specify whether or not to use IPv6.If you are not sure,select No to configure the Ethernet interface for IPv4.Security Policy Select either standard UNIX security (No)or Kerberos Security (Yes).If you are not sure,select No.Confirm Review the onscreen information and change it if needed.Otherwise,continue.Name ServiceSelect the name service according to your network environment.Note–If you select a name service other than None,you will be prompted for additional name service configuration information.NFSv4Domain Name Select the type of domain name configuration according to your environment.If you are not sure,select Use the NFSv4domain derived by the system .Time Zone (Continent)Select your continent.Time Zone (Country or Region)Select your country or region.Time Zone Select the time zone.Date and Time Accept the default date and time or change the values.root PasswordEnter the root password twice.This password is for the superuser account for the Solaris OS on this server.This password is not the SP password.Accessing Additional InformationYou can view,print,and download additional information for this product from the following URLs:■Oracle’s Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240server documentation set,including important documents such as product notes: /app/docs/prod/sparc.t5240■A broad selection of Sun documentation,including localized versions:/documentation■Preinstalled Solaris OS information:/software/preinstall■CoolThreads–Overview access to Cool Tools:/servers/coolthreads/tnb/index.jsp■CoolThreads–CMT Tuning and Resources:/servers/coolthreads/tnb/t2.jspTechnical SupportIf you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document,go to:/service/contactingDocumentation FeedbackSubmit comments about this document by clicking the Feedback[+]link at:/Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240Server Getting Started Guide,part number820-3521-11Copyright©2008,2010,Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.FUJITSU LIMITED provided technical input and review on portions of this material. Copyright©2008,2010,Oracle et/ou ses affiliés.Tous droits réservés.Entrée et revue tecnical fournies par FUJITSU LIMITED sur des parties de ce matériel.Part No. 820-3521-11, Rev. A July 2010Bar Code Area (Delete this text)。
Sun Oracle SPARC T3-2服务器 入门指南 说明书

本指南介绍第一次打开 Oracle SPARC T3-2 服务器的电源并使用预先安装的 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (Solaris OS) 引导该服务器时必须执行的基本步骤。
有关完整的安装说明,请参阅《SPARC T3-2 服务器安装指南》。
随附物品数量项目1服务器2交流电源线(如果已订购)1RJ-45 至 DB-9 交叉适配器1防静电手腕带1滑轨机架装配套件1理线架(如果已订购)各种文档SPARC T3-2 服务器入门指南开始之前有关快速安装和配置,请按照下列步骤操作。
首次安装服务器之前,请了解以下信息:■在要求通电之前不要通电-此系统包括一个用来配置和引导主机服务器的服务处理器 (service processor, SP)。
为了正确配置主机服务器和查看 SP 消息,请在建立了 SP 和主机网络连接后,再为服务器接通 AC 电源,如本指南中所述。
如果您的网络环境运行的是 DHCP,则可以使用以太网管理端口来配置系统。
要利用 DHCP 设置方法,请参阅联机产品文档集中的联机安装指南,网址为:/app/docs/prod/ sparc.t3.2#hic■留出足够的时间-安装时间因具体情况而异,但如果是首次按这些说明执行安装操作,请留出 45 到 75 分钟的时间来完成所有这些操作。
■获取终端设备-将使用内置的串行端口和网络管理端口,通过 SP 配置这个机架装配式服务器,而不是通过图形界面和键盘进行配置。
要与 SP 通信,需要一个终端设备,该终端设备可以是终端、终端服务器,也可以是运行终端仿真软件的膝上型电脑。
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SPARC T5-2 SERVERToday, IT organizations around the world are facing critical challenges due to the massive explosion of data and increased requirements to deliverapplication services to users faster than ever. Companies seeking to drive out cost and complexity in operation while delivering faster application responsetimes are choosing the SPARC T5-2 server as a fundamental building block of business computing today. In addition to delivering extreme performance and optimization across a wide range of Oracle database, business applications and middleware software, the SPARC T5-2 server helps lower TCO by offering virtualization, security and management technologies at no additional cost. Product OverviewThe SPARC T5-2 is an ideal platform for business-critical applications, middleware and database workloads that demand the highest levels of performance without draining strapped IT budgets. The SPARC T5-2 server represents the best combination of cost, performance, scalability, reliability and security in its class. Utilizing modular design architecture, the SPARC T5-2 server is powered by one or two SPARC T5 processors —Oracle’s most powerful SPARC processors ever—delivering exceptional single-thread and multi-thread performance. With 16 cores and 16 memory K E Y F E A T U R E S slots per SPARC T5 processor, the SPARC T5-2 server provides extreme compute • Uses the fastest microprocessor in density with up to 32 cores and 1 TB of system memory all within a 3U enclosure. An the world, delivering the best upgrade kit is available for the one processor server. performance for JD Edwards and Siebel, and claiming application Built-in virtualization capabilities with Oracle VM Server for SPARC allow the leadership in performance and consolidation of many servers onto one machine, reducing a data center’s physical price/performance over comparable competitor systems footprint as well as lowering power and cooling costs. The advanced SPARC T5 processor includes integrated on-chip cryptographic support that provides wire speed • Available with either one or two SPARC T5 processors, with upgrade encryption capabilities for secure data center operation -without paying a performance capability for the one processor penalty or having to acquire additional hardware. system All Oracle servers ship with full-function server management tools at no additional cost. technology with Oracle VM Server for Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM) utilizes industry-standard protocols SPARC and Oracle Solaris Zones • Built-in, no-cost virtualization to provide secure and comprehensive local and remote management. Oracle ILOM simplifies server consolidation, features also include power management and monitoring, fault detection, and improves utilization, and reduces operational overhead notification. The integrated Oracle System Assistant guides system administrators • Runs Oracle Solaris 11, through rapid server deployment, firmware updates, hardware configuration, and recommended by Oracle for operating system installation with Oracle certified hardware drivers. enhanced performance andfunctionality. Can also run Oracle Solaris 10, 9 and 8, with guaranteed binary compatibility and support for legacy applications• Designed for the highest levels of mainframe-class reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS) in a dual processor mid-range server• Smart and simple design offers greater energy and space optimization, increasing asset utilization while reducing operating costs• Provides the most comprehensive lifecycle management framework available today through a unified portfolio of tools for systems and cloud• Integrated on-chip cryptographic acceleration provides high levels of security without sacrificing application performance• Optimized to accelerate Oracle database, business applications, and middleware software with extreme performance, mission-critical reliability and scale The SPARC T5-2 server is part of Oracle's most powerful and efficient SPARC-based server family ever. Based on processors, which share the same core, the SPARC-based server family provides seamless scalability from 1 up to 32 processors and is designed with mission-critical applications in mind. All of the servers in the SPARC-based family run the Oracle Solaris operating system—the best UNIX system for Oracle deployments. They share the same virtualization capabilities through Oracle VM Server for SPARC and leverage the same systems management framework through Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. This leads to unprecedented simplicity in the deployment of all enterprise workloads, enabling reduction of business risk, delivering savings in management costs, and unlocking flexibility to grow your business to any scale, while maximizing reliability and uptime.Oracle’s Premier Support customers have access to My Oracle Support and multiserver management tools in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center, a critical-to-disk system management tool, coordinates servers, storage, and networking for a complete cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center also features an automated service request capability, whereby potential issues are detected and reported to Oracle’s support center without user intervention, assuring the maximum service levels and simplified support.SPARC T5-2 Server SpecificationsKEY APPLICATIONS∙Departmental business applications∙Specialized application for billing, supply chain, engineering, and manufacturing∙Middleware and multi-tiered applications∙Application consolidation and virtualization∙Web serving and Web services∙Security applications∙Database and analyticsARCHITECTUREProcessor∙ Sixteen-core 3.6 GHz SPARC T5 processor∙ Up to 128 threads per processor for a maximum of 256 threads per system∙ Sixteen floating-point units per SPARC T5 processor∙ Sixteen cryptography units per SPARC T5 processor∙ On-chip Encryption Instruction Accelerators with direct nonprivileged support for 16 industry-standard cryptographic algorithms plus random number generation in each of the sixteen cores: AES,Camellia, CRC32c, DES, 3DES, DH, DSA, ECC, Kasumi, MD5, RSA, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512Cache per Processor∙Shared 8 MB, 8 banked, Level 3 Cache; 128 KB Level 2 unified cache per coreMain MemoryThree memory configurations supported with a one processor system:∙128 GB (using 16 x 8 GB 1,066 MHz DDR3 DIMMs)∙256 GB (using 16 x 16 GB 1,066 MHz DDR3 DIMMs)∙512 GB (using 16 x 32 GB 1,066 MHz DDR3 DIMMs)Three memory configurations supported with a two processor system:∙256 GB (using 32 x 8 GB 1,066 MHz DDR3 DIMMs)∙512 GB (using 32 x 16 GB 1,066 MHz DDR3 DIMMs)∙ 1 TB (using 32 x 32 GB 1,066 MHz DDR3 DIMMs)System Architecture∙ SPARC V9 architecture, ECC protectedSTANDARD/INTEGRATION INTERFACES∙ Network: Four 10 GbE (100 Mbps/1 Gbps/10 Gbps) , full duplex only, auto-negotiating∙ Expansion Bus: Eight low-profile PCIe 3.0 (x8 wired) slots∙ Ports: Four external USB ports (two in the rear are USB 3.0; two in the front are USB 2.0), one RJ45 serial management port, Console 10/100 network port, VGA portMASS STORAGEPOWER∙ Two hot-swappable AC 2,060 W redundant (1+1) power supplies∙ Voltage 200 to 240 VAC, frequency 50/60 Hz∙ Maximum operating input current at 200 V AC: 9.8 A (Actual amperage draw may exceed rating by no more than 10%)∙ Maximum operating input power at 200 V AC: 1927 W Actual power draw may exceed rating by no more than 10%)KEY RAS FEATURES∙Hot-pluggable disk drives∙Redundant, hot-swappable power supplies and fans∙Environmental monitoring∙Extended ECC, error correction, and parity checking memory∙Easy component replacement∙Two integrated disk controllers with RAID 0, 1, and 1E/10∙Electronic prognostics∙Fault Management Architecture including Predictive Self Healing, a feature of Oracle Solaris SOFTWAREOperating SystemOracle recommends Oracle Solaris 11 for enhanced performance and functionality∙Oracle Solaris 11.1 and Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 plus patches∙Control domain: Oracle Solaris 11.1, Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 plus patches∙Guest domain:∙Oracle Solaris 11.1∙Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 *∙Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 *∙Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 ** Plus required patches∙ Applications certified only for Oracle Solaris 8 or Oracle Solaris 9 may be installed in an Oracle Solaris legacy zone in a Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 guest domainSoftware Included∙Oracle Solaris 11.1 which includes Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.0∙Oracle Solaris ZFS (default file system)Virtualization∙Built-in, no-cost Oracle VM Server for SPARC and Oracle Solaris Zones provide the flexibility and power of up to 128 virtual systems in a single SPARC T5-2 serverENVIRONMENTTemperature∙Operating temperature: 5° C to 35° C (41° F to 95° F)∙Nonoperating temperature: -40° C to 65° C (-40° F to 149° F)Relative Humidity∙Operating relative humidity: 10% to 90%, noncondensing, 27° C wet bulb∙Nonoperating relative humidity: 93%, noncondensing, 38°C (100.4° F) wet bulbAltitude∙ Operating altitude: 0 m to 3,000 m* (0 ft. to 9,840 ft.) maximum ambient temperature is derated by 1°C per 300 m above 900 m* Except in China markets where regulations may limit installations to a maximum altitude of 2,000 m ∙Nonoperating altitude: 0 m to 12,000 m (0 ft. to 39,370 ft.)Acoustic Noise∙7.7 B operating and 7.6 B idle (LwAd: 1 B = 10 dB)∙61.5 dB operating and 61.2 idle (LpAm: bystander positions)COOLING∙4,953 BTU/hr, 230 cfm maxREGULATIONS (MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS)∙ Safety: UL/CSA 60950-1 (2nd Ed), EN 60950-1(2nd Ed), IEC 60950-1(2nd Ed) CB Scheme with all country deviations, CNS 14336-1∙ EMI/EMC: EN 55022 Class A, 47 CFR 15B Class A, ICES-003 Class A, VCCI Class A, CISPR22 Class A, CNS 13438 Class A, KN22 Class A, EN 61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3∙Immunity: EN 55024 and KN24∙Regulatory markings: CE, FCC, ICES-003, C-Tick, VCCI, GOST-R, BSMI, KCC, cTUVus or cULus, S-Mark∙European Union directive s: Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2011/65/EU DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT∙Height: 129.85 mm (5.11 in); 3U∙Width: 436.5 mm (17.185 in.)∙Depth: 752.5 mm (29.63 in.)∙Weight: Approx. 36.28 kg (80 lbs.) max., without rackmount kitWarrantyThe SPARC T5-2 server comes with a one-year warranty. Visit/us/support/policies/ for more information about Oracle's hardware warranty.Complete SupportWith Oracle Premier Support, you’ll get the services you need to maximize the return on your Oracle SPARC server investment—our complete system support includes 24/7 hardware service, expert technical support, proactive tools, and updates to Oracle Solaris, Oracle VM, and integrated software (such as firmware) — all for a single price. Learn more at /support.C O N T A C T U SFor more information about SPARC T5-2 SERVER, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak toan Oracle representative.C O N N E C T W I T H U S/oracleCopyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and thecontents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other /oracle warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations areformed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any /oraclemeans, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and。