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Writing skills
e the information(内容) discussed if necessary . 2. Use transitional word (过渡词)、 conjunctions(连词)and clauses if
necessary. 3. Pay attention to the grammar and
hard-working persistent(坚持不懈的)
determined responsible
Anything is possible if you put your heart into it.
• The Chinese scientist,YuanLongping,
the Republic
Yuan Longping
father of hybrid rice 杂交水稻之父
袁隆平荣获世界粮食奖 World food prize
The Student Who Asked Questions
Match the main idea of each part.
Part 1(Para. 1)
A. His school life and how he
discovered hybrid rice.
Part 2(Paras. 2--4) B. How important his discovery
50,000 square kilometres of rice
fields were converted tRoicge rcoonwveinrsgion
vegetables and cash crops.
• 3. Yuan Longping’s rice waRisceeexxppoorrtted to other countries.
• After many________(yyeeaar)rhsar’d work, he produced a new plant______ crossing dibffyerent species
of rice plant,_______could give a________(high)
yield than weithhiecr hof the original plant. higher
of rice plant,_______could give a________(high)
yield than weithhiecr hof the original plant. higher
This breakthrough in rice breeding has made great
___________ (contribute)
to both China and othceornctoruinbturietiso. ns
In my view,....
How to write a biography(传记)?
Personal information
Efforts & achievemg
• After many 6.________(yyeaera)hrasrd’ work,he produced a
new plant 7.______ crossing different species of rice
plantb,8y._______could give a 9._______(high)yield than either of the original plawnth.Tichihs breakthrough in rice breehdiingghhears made great 10.______________(contribute)to both
中国女药学家屠呦呦在2015年获得了诺贝尔医学奖,中 国 人都为她感到骄 傲。请根据提示介绍屠呦呦的故事。
1、屠呦呦,女,药学家。1930年12月30日生于浙江 宁波。1951年考入北 京大学,主修制药专业。毕业后,她投入到治疗疟疾的研究中。
2、她非常地刻苦,谦虚。 因为发现了青蒿素,她在2015年被授予诺贝尔 医学奖,成为中国第一个获得诺贝尔的女性科学家。
• (educate)in many schools.He studied
agriculture in college. • After ____g_r_a_d_u_a_ti(nggraduate)from
caoglrliecguelt,uhreeheadsuEdcfeafvotioorttnesda&n_Ad__chr_ieh_m_si_see_eavtlforecmh eevnetrs
Fill in the blanks • The Chinese scientist,YuanLongping, is considered to be a 1.____le_a_d__in_g figure in the
rice-growing world.He was born and brought up in China.As a boy, he 2._w__a_s_e_d_u_c_a_t_e_d (educate)in many schools.He studied agriculture in college.After 3.__g_gr_ar_ad_du_ua_at_it_oinng (graduate)from college,he has devoted 4._h_i_m_s_e__lf_to agriculture education and research ever since.He thought that the key to 5.__fe__e_d_in_g(feed)people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.
Part 3(Paras. 5--6) C. Yuan Longping is a leading
figure in the rice-growing world.
Careful reading
What did he do? (complete the sentences)
As a boy, he liked asking questions. As a college student, he studied agriculture . As a teacher,he began experiments in crop breeding. In 1966, the result of his experiment was published. In 1970, a naturally sterile male rice plant was
China and other countries.
• The Chinese scientist,YuanLongping,
is considered to be a ___l_e_a_d_i_n_g figure in
the rice-growing world.He was born and brought up in China.As a boy,he___w__a_s_e_d_u_cated
3、你对屠呦呦的评价。 要求:包括以上提示内容,可适当添加细节,字数不少于100字。 药学家 pharmacologist [,fɑrmə'kɑlədʒɪst]
疟疾 malaria [mə'leərɪə] 青蒿素 artemisinin [,ɑːtɪ'miːsɪnɪn]
诺贝尔医学奖 Nobel Prize for medicine
• (educate)in many schools.He studied
agriculture in college. • After ____g_ra__d_u_a_ti(nggraduate)from college,he has devoted ___h_i_m__s_etlfo agriculture education and research ever since.He thought that the key to___f_e_e_d_ing • (feed)people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.
since.He thought that the key to___f_e_e_d_ing • (feed)people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.
• After many________(yyeeaar)rhsar’d work, he produced a new plant______ crossing dibffyerent species
is considered to be a ____le__a_d_in_gfigure in
the rice-growiPnegrwsoornlda.lHienwfoarsmboartnioannd
brought up in China.As a boy,he___w__a_s_e_d_u_cated
4. Spell the words correctly. 5. Keep your paper tidy.
评价标准: A good composition
1.内容(the key information) (10’) 2.逻辑性(structure and conjunctions句型结构和 连接词)(5’) 3.语法运用(grammar and tense) (5’) 4.拼写与标点符号(correct spelling),书写 ( handwriting) (5’)
谦虚 modest
Chinese pharmacologist [,fɑrmə'kɑlədʒɪst]
◆Useful expressions
personal information ....be born in...studied /be educated /graduated from /be admitted into...被录取到...中 majored in 主修...专业 efforts & achievements experimented with/discovered ....be awarded/received/won the Nobel Prize for... ....devoted one’s efforts to.../made great contributions to.... opinion In my opinion/view, … As far as I am concerned, … Sb. is considered to be/as...;be regarded as... ....will always be remembered and regarded as a great...
Careful reading
What are the advantages of his
• 1. Chinese rice production rose by 47.5percent in the 1990R’icse .production
This breakthrough in rice breeding has made great ___________ (contribute)
to both China and othceornctoruinbturietiso. ns
What should we learn fromYuan Longping ? In my opinion/view, he is … As far as I am concerned,he is …