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【摘要】Objective To provide reference and offer recommendations for future physical examinations for selection of junior school student aviation cadets by analyzing the courses of elimination due to eye problems during the recruitment physical re-examination for the first-batch of junior school student aviation cadets. Methods By reviewing the records on elimination during the first recruitment physical re-examination for junior school student aviation cadets in Shandong and Henan Province in 2015, the number of teenagers eliminated and the types of diseases were recorded, while the elimination rate of eye diseases and composition ratio of eye diseases were calculated. Results There were a total of 1152 students subjected to the physical re-examination of ophthalmology, 461 of whom were eliminated, so the elimination rate was 40.02%. The top three courses of elimination were vision debility (14.41%), latent deviation (6.16%), and high diopter (4.43%). Other courses included retinal diseases (4.34%), lens diseases (3.56%), vitreous clouding (2.17%), corneal diseases (1.22%), macular diseases (0.87%), iris cyst (0.69%), color vision defects (0.52%), too large C/D (0.43%), ptosis (0.43%), orthokeratology lens (0.35%), persistent pupillary membrane (0.26%), and choroid defect (0.17%).
Conclusion Substandard eyesight is the main cause of elimination during the recruitment physical re-examination for the first batch of junior school student aviation cadets,and the eye diseases responsible for elimination are varied and complicated, which deserves attention.%目的通过分析首批初中生招飞体检复检中眼科疾病淘汰情况,总结经验,为今后的初中生招飞选拔提供参考借鉴.方法通过查阅2015年鲁豫两省首批参加初中生招飞体检复检的淘汰记录表,记录淘汰人数及淘汰疾病,并计算出眼科疾病淘汰率及眼科疾病构成比.结果眼科共1152人,淘汰461人,淘汰率为40.02%,淘汰率占前3位的是视力不达标(14.41%)、隐斜视(6.16%),屈光度偏高(4.43%),其他淘汰原因及淘汰占有率依次为视网膜疾病(4.34%),晶状体疾病(3.56%),玻璃体混浊(2.17%),角膜疾病(1.22%),黄斑疾病(0.87%),虹膜囊肿(0.69%),色觉异常(0.52%),C/D偏大(0.43%),上睑下垂(0.43%),角膜塑形镜(0.35%),瞳孔残膜(0.26%),脉络膜缺损(0.17%).结论视力不达标是首批初中生招飞体检复检中淘汰的主要原因,淘汰病种复杂多样,应引起重视.【总页数】3页(P296-298)
【作者单位】250031 济南,解放军第456医院眼科;250002 济南,空军招飞局济南招飞中心体检队眼科;250031 济南,解放军第456医院眼科;250031 济南,解放军第456医院空勤科
1.1989~2002年招飞大体检眼科淘汰情况分析 [J], 高原;彭秀军
2.首批初中生招飞体检对象复检眼科淘汰原因分析 [J], 刘艳红;鲍莉;顾吉琼;潘维恩;;;;
3.空军招飞体检脊柱影像学检查152例淘汰原因分析 [J], 朱岳龙;朱巧枝;刘进;赵子源;
4.2019年西部地区招飞复选眼科淘汰原因分析 [J], 熊万里;刘聪慧;刘少山;刘永
5.2123人招飞体检眼科淘汰情况分析 [J], 贾明
