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金色的南迦巴瓦峰 Golden Mount Namjagbarwa
摄影:杨逸畴 拍摄时间:1984年4月 拍摄地点: 藏东南喜马拉雅山东端最高峰 海拔:7787米 Photo: Yang Yichou Time: April, 1984 Site: Highest peak of the east Himalayas, southeastern Tibet Height: 7787 m 简要说明:喜马拉雅东端最高峰南迦巴瓦峰, 世界第15高峰,世界第一大峡谷-―雅鲁藏布大 峡谷围绕它作马蹄形大拐弯而流。南迦巴瓦峰 的高山峡谷多雪崩,攀登难度极大,至今只有 中日联合登山队在1990年12月登顶成功。 Brief Introduction: Mount Namjagbarwa is the highest peak of eastern part of the Himalayas, also the 15th highest peak in the world. The biggest gorge of the world, i.e., the Great Yarlung Zangbo Gorge, presents a spectacular horseshoe bend here. There are many snowslips occurred in alpine gorges of Mount Namjagbarwa, so it is extremely difficult to take climb activities here. So far the only successful overcoming was carried out by a Chinese-Japanese Joint Climbing Team in December, 1990.
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 图书馆 2002年8月
珠穆朗玛峰和冰塔林 Mount Qomolangma and Forest of Seracs
摄影:杨逸畴 拍摄时间:80年代 拍摄地点:绒 布寺以上东绒布冰川 海拔:5800米 Photo: Yang Yichou Time: 1980s Site: The East Rongbuk Glacier, above Rongbuk Lamasery Height: 5800 m 简要说明:世界第一高峰 -― 珠穆朗玛峰,海拔 8848.13米,该北坡发育的东绒布冰川是典型的大 陆性冰川,冰川消融区有十分发育的冰塔林地貌。 Brief Introduction: The highest peak in the world, Mount Qomolangma (the Everest), is 8848.13 meters high. The East Rongbuk glacier, which developed on north face of the Mount, is a typical continental glacier, with forest seracs landform grown well on the ablation area of the glacier.
Passing through Forest of Seracs
摄影:杨逸畴 拍摄时间:80年代 珠穆朗玛峰地区 海拔:6000米 拍摄地点:
Photo: Yang Yichou Time: 1980s Site: Mount Qomolangma (the Everest) Height: 6000 m 简要说明:登山队员在攀登珠穆朗玛峰过程中, 经过绒布冰川消融区的冰塔林区。冰塔林是大陆 性冰川消融区的一种冰面地貌,我国主要在珠穆 朗玛峰北坡的冰川和喀喇昆仑山的冰川上有发育, 这是中低纬度地区太阳直射对冰面产生的差别消 融侵蚀,从而形成的一种似塔似林的奇特冰面地 貌。 Brief Introduction: On the way to Mount Qomolangma, mountaineers were passing by the forest of seracs in ablation area of the Rongbuk Glacier. Forest of seracs is a kind of ice-surface landform in ablation areas of continental glaciers, in China mainly developed in glaciers on north face of Mount Qomolangma and on the Karakorum Mountains. This kind of surprising tower-or-forestliked ice-surface landform is caused by different ablation erosion happened on ice surfaces with vertical sunrays in middle and lower latitude areas.
通过冰塔林区 Passing through Forest of Seracs
摄影:杨逸畴 拍摄时间:1983年5月 拍摄地点: 珠穆朗玛峰登山途中 海拔:5500米 Photo: Yang Yichou Time: May, 1983 Site: Mount Qomolangma Height: 5500 m 简要说明:登山队员在攀登珠穆朗玛峰过程中, 经过冰川消融区的冰塔林。冰塔林是大陆性冰川 消融区的一种冰面地貌,我国主要在珠穆朗玛峰 北坡的冰川和喀喇昆仑山的冰川上有发育,这是 中低纬度地区太阳直射对冰面产生的差别消融侵 蚀,从而形成的一种奇特的冰面地貌。 Brief Introduction: In the process of climbing Mount Qomolangma, mountaineers were passing by the forest of seracs in ablation area of the Rongbuk Glacier. Forest of seracs is a kind of ice-surface landform in ablation areas of continental glaciers. In China such landform is mainly developed in glaciers on north face of Mount Qomolangma and on the Karakorum Mountains. This kind of surprising tower-or-forest-liked ice-surface landform is caused by different ablation erosion onto ice surfaces from vertical sunrays in middle and lower latitude areas.
挺进南迦巴瓦 Marching forward to Mount Namjagbarwa
摄影:杨逸畴 拍摄时间:1983年4月 拍摄地点: 西藏东南南迦巴瓦峰西坡接近当嘎大本营 海拔: 3800米 Photo: Yang Yichou Time: April, 1983 Site: West face of Mount Namjagbarwa, southeast of Tibet, near Dangga base camp Height: 3800 m 简要说明:南迦巴瓦峰是喜马拉雅山东端最高 峰,海拔7787米,世界第一大峡谷--雅鲁藏布大 峡谷围绕它而流,高峰峡谷,地形陡峭,这是 1983年4月南迦巴瓦登山科考队员和国家登山队 员一起向南迦巴瓦峰挺进。 Brief Introduction: Mount Namjagbarwa, 7787 meters high, is the highest peak of eastern part of the Himalayas. The biggest gorge in the world, Great Yarlung Zangbo Gorge extends around the Mount here. With high peaks and deep gorge, landform is very steep. This picture shows members of a research team and a national mountaineering team were marching forward to Mount Namjagbarwa, in April, 1983.
谨以此片献给长期以来为我国 地理科学与自然资源综合考察 事业做出卓越贡献的科学工作 者和后勤工作人员
当全所职工都在为知识创新工程奋发图强再创辉煌的时候, 我们把我所科学家们长年在野外科学考察时拍摄的部分精彩照 片( 51 幅),陈列在所图书馆走廊两侧,同时配以简要学术说 明(中英文)奉献给大家。 在探索自然界奥秘的历程中,我所科学家们战胜了难以想 象的艰难险阻,克服了人类生理极限的考验。他们踏上了极地 的冰盖、登上高山冰川、穿过了可可西里的无人区、探寻着江 河之源…。 我们期望通过这次展示,让更多的人们认识自然,获得知 识,从而唤起更多学者到大地、森林、高山、海洋中去探索去 创新。今后,我们将不断地峰
Mount Qogir
摄影:杨逸畴、杜泽泉 拍摄时间:1990年8月 戈里峰山前高原面上 海拔:5500米 拍摄地点:乔
Photo: Yang Yichou, Du Zequan Time: August, 1990 Site: On plateau surface in front of Mount Qogir Height: 5500 m 简要说明:乔戈里峰是喀喇昆仑山主峰,位于中国与巴基斯坦 边境上,是世界第二高峰,海拔 8611 米,山巅呈金字塔型,冰 崖壁立,山势险峻。陡峭的坡壁上布满了雪崩的溜槽痕迹。山 峰顶部是一个由北向南微微升起的冰坡,面积较大。北侧如同 刀削斧劈,平均坡度达45°以上。从北侧大本营到顶峰,垂 直高差竟达4700米,是世界上8000米以上高峰垂直高 差最大的山峰。北侧的乔戈里冰川,地形复杂多变。冰川表面 破碎,明暗冰裂缝纵横交错。冰川西侧山谷为陡峭岩壁,滚石、 冰崩、雪崩频繁。此峰素以攀登难度大而著称,我国登山运动 员至今尚未登顶成功。 Brief Introduction: Mount Qogir is the highest peak of the Karakorum Mountains, and lies on the boundary between China and Pakistan. It is the second highest peak in the world (8611 meters). The Mount holds a pyramidal shape, and is extremely rugged, with ice cliffs standing erectly, marks of snowslips all over the surfaces of steep slopes. At the top of the Mount is an ice slope rising slightly from north to south, owning a relative big area. Many slopes on its north face are standing near verticaly, with an average grade of over 45°. From base camp on north side to the very crest, difference of vertical elevation reaches surprisingly to 4700 meters, the biggest figure in the world among all peaks over 8000 meters high. Qogir Glacier lies on the north side of the Mount, with extremely various landforms. The surface of the glacier is very fragmented, with ice cracks interveined each other visibly or invisibly. West of the glacier is a valley with frequent rolling rocks, icefalls and snowslips. For a long time the Mount is famous for its difficulty in ascending to. So far it has not conquered by Chinese mountaineers yet.