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粗纱Rough yarn
针洞Needle hole
色差Color shade
色纱Color yarn
单毛Single yarn
毛头Yarn end
线头Thread end
线仔毛Yarn thinness
粗细毛Uneven yarn
杂毛Mixed yarn
花毛Shade yarn
错花Wrong pattern
花针Tuck stitch
走字码Uneven tension
起横Uneven course
字码不均Uneven knitting tension
混毛不均Uneven twist yarn
混毛不均,起横纹Uneven yarn and show horizontal stripe
挑撞Hand stching
错缝线Wrong linking thread
夹缝线起蛇Puckering at armhole seam
胸贴不平均Placket not balance
笠错横行Incorrect course
粘边Selvage not straight
缝骨不对齐Seam not match
脚边起豆角Hem wringing
缝线太紧Linking tension too tight
缝线太松Linking tension too loose
侧骨手挑太紧,欠水平Hand stitch too tight at side seam not level 锁眼起蛇Interline zig-zaging
断锁眼线Broken interline
铡骨起蛇Over locking line zig-zaging
缝法埋堆Linking peaking
缝线松紧Uneven linking tension
挑撞欠佳Poor hand stitching
领子口不均匀Uneven seam of collar
落坑Run off
锄歪眼Wrong position of needle and point
领内子囗不均匀Uneven seam allowance inside neck
珠路不均Uneven stitch density
铡骨散囗Over- locking seam open
起耳仔Pull loop
领起耳仔Loose loop at neck
拆纱不清Unclear finishing yarn
断毛Broken yarn
袖囗脚收囗欠佳Poor stitching on cuff or bottom
食针Overlapped stitch
甩间纱Loose finishing yarn
铡骨线露面Wrong tension of over- locking
领口不能过头Narrow neck opening
单缝线Mis-linking yarn
夹花不对称Unmatch armhole fashion mark
挑贴跳线Stitching placket skipped stitch
膊骨止口太厚Too much seam allowance in shoulder
V 领嘴挑线太松Hand stitching tension too loose inside V neck point 侧骨图案不匹配Pattern not match at side seam
膊骨和侧骨止口太厚Shoulder seam and side seam too bulky
膊带不留子囗No shoulder tape allowance
不对坑(支)Unmatched rib
挑贴Stitching placket
挑脚线不牢Insecure blind stitches
挑脚线漏挑Blind stitches not securely caught inside
断缝线Linking yarn breakage
驳线欠佳Poor overlapping stitches
坼纱后没拉眼Loops on collar stitch out of trimming
V 领不对支Rib collar of "V" point not match
领内包止口厚Thick seam inside on neck
领谷起Bulky at neck
哈须flat lock
夹缝线色不对衫身色Armhole linking thread color off body color
缝毛与衫身色不对Used wrong sewing color
空边.边缘缺棉Empty hem
棉絮不均Padded cotton is uneven
夹位露缝线Linking seam at armhole is too much visible
缝线松紧不均匀Uneven yarn tension
锄高Stitch on the higher position
崩边Broken selvedge
边不直Selvage not straight
对位不符Poor matching on cuff or bottom
锄歪眼Wrong position of needle and point
上领扭纹Twist collar
缝线起蛇Puckering at seam
漏鈒骨线Missing over-locking
爆口Open seam
针数不对Stitch not as specified
线色不配身色Mismatch of thread
领边缝线松紧不均匀Uneven linking at neckline
挑错针数Incorrect hand stitch count
v领尖不对支Rib collar of v-point not match
拆纱不良导至抽筋Poor trimming
拆纱线没拉眼Loose on collar stitch out of trimming 收漏线头Absence trimming
粉笔痕Chalk mark
洗水效果不均匀Uneven washing effect
色差/缸差Different lots of shade
洗水痕Water streak / Streak mark
颜色斑点Color stain
油污Oil stain
污渍Dirty mark
枪水印Cleaning mark
有气味Odor smell
手感太硬Handfeel too harsh
太软Too soft
洗水过度Excessive wash
洗水不够软Handfeel not soft enough
手感太软Handfeel too soft
手感比批办稍软Handfeel slightly softer than approved sample 染色横痕Uneven dying stripe
染色不均/ 有染色印Uneven dye color marks
臭味Bad smell
阴阳色Shaded parts
去污痕Stain removing mark
起毛不够Poor hairy effect
霉点Mildew stops
手感不够软The handfeel not too soft
手感比较鞋Handfeel is slightly harsh
手惑太削Thinness handfeel
手感不够滑Handfeel not smoothly
什么色手感太鞋Handfeel not too harsh of ….color
前后幅不同缸Shade lot at front panel and back panel
前幅阴阳色Found shade with in front panel
袖与衫身不同缸Color shading between body and sleeve
洗水后脱色Staining after washing
同一件衫内有色差Color shading within one garment
配件与衫身之间有色差Color shading between trims and body
颜色与批核办不同Shade differs from approved standard
纸朴颜色不配合,引起色差Shading caused by poor color interlining matching 锈渍Rust mark
甩色color fading
颜色太哑/闪color too dull/bright
错缸wrong dye-lot
件染Piece dye
吊染Dip dye
脱色Poor color fastness
领尖高低Asymmetric collar point
领面松Wrinkles at top collar
领面紧Top collar appears tight
领面起泡Crumples at top collar
领外口松Collar edge appears loose
领外口紧Collar edge appears tight
底领伸出Collar band is longer than collar
底领缩进Collar band is shorter than collar
底领里起皱Wrinkles at collar band facing
底领外露Collar band lean out of collar
倘领偏斜Collar deviates from front center line
领窝不平Creases below neckline
后领窝起涌Bunches below back neckline
领卡脖Tight neckline
领离脖Collar stand away from neck
歪领uneven collar
领不平衡Unbalance collar
领位不对称Asymmetric collar
左右领活不一致Uneven collar width
领尖不对称Uneven collar point
左右前领嘴形状不一样Uneven lapel shapes
前领囗溶位太多Too much easing at C.F. neckline
后颔中太紧Collar too tight at CB
领座扭曲不平顺Collar band is twisting
领及前领咀不平顺Fullness at front collar and lapel
领圈不元顺Neckline is not smooth
领子装得不平顺Neck setting not smooth
后领圈有高低High /low back neck
领尖长短不一Uneven length of collar point
领尖太钝/ 不平滑Collar point too blunt / not smooth
领尖距太活/ 太窄Collar spread too wide / narrow
高低领尖Hi-low collar point
领歪/领扭曲Crooked / twisted collar
领面布浮Fullness of top collar
领内藏杂物Some residues inside collar
领甩毛The wool of neck fall down
樽领领贻扭曲Turtle neck collar twisted
错领尺寸Collar size incorrect
反领不对称Collar points not uniform
反领谷起Collar fullness or puckering
高低领High/low collar ends
领尖高低collar points high/low
领形差Poor neck shape
领形差Poor collar
V领边左右不对称Uneven "V"-neck sides
领卷边大细不均Uneven rolled edge of neck hole
领形不平服Neck shape not smooth
V领底挑囗欠佳Poor hand stitching at "V" point of neck 领口起波浪Neck hole linking is wavy
领形欠元顺Neck hole opening are slant
领边内卷Edge of neck is rolled in
V 领不够V "V" neck point is not "V"enough
领底分针不均Uneven linking at bottom of neck
左右领边有大细Neck R/L is not same length
领垃力太紧Neck stretch is too narrow
后领缝起皱Puckering at back neck seam
领下有疏吼Loose knitting under neck
领卷边缝止口太厚Neck seam knots is too big
领两边起角The neck opening sides is stick out
领拉必须超30cm Neck hole stretch M/B over 30cm
V 领咀不够尖Maze nice sharp finishing of V neck shape 卷边不好poor bowing
领贴过松collar too loose
领贴过紧collar too tight
领顶过紧(无弹性) Collar edge is not too inelastic
膊位扭骨Twist shoulder seam
膊位太平.膊斜不够Shoulder seam too flat
膊带太紧- Shoulder tapes are too tight
导致膊位起啄pulls upward and create a point angle
膊骨缝线太松Shoulder seam linking thread is too loose 后膊缝线起蛇Back part linking is wavy
膊骨走前Shoulder seam forward
膊骨大细Shoulder head magnitude
大细膊Uneven shoulder width
膊位起啄Puckering at shoulder point
高低膊Misaligned shoulder
高低肩位High/low yoke
膊骨太平Too flat at shoulder seam
膊骨太斜Too slant of shoulder seam
膊线弯曲不直Shoulder seam not smooth
膊头拱起shoulder head not smooth
膊骨起蛇Shoulder seam wavy
膊两边不对称Shoulder yoke not balance
膊头缝线不平直Shoulder seam should be straight 膊骨左右不对称Unbalanced R/L shoulders
飞机袖Sleeve raise up
袖骨走前Underarm seam shown at front
袖走后Sleeve running to back
袖走前Sleeve running to front
前袖骨拉松Too loose at front sleeve seam
后袖骨过紧Too tight at back sleeve seam
卡夫装得不好Poor cuff setting
袖叉装得不好Sleeve placket is not set well
袖底缝被拉松Underarm seam was stretched
袖缝骨扭Twisted sleeve seam
袖扭纹Ribs of sleeve is twist
长短袖Uneven sleeve length
袖子偏前Sleeve leans to front
袖子偏后Sleeve leans to back
前袖缝外翻Inseam leans to front
袖口起皱Wrinkles at sleeve opening
袖里拧Diagonal wrinkles at sleeve lining
扭袖底骨Twisted underarm seam
袖肚太大Enlarge sleeve
袖咀卷边不均Uneven rolled edge at sleeve
袖顶起啄Top sleeve cap pulled inward
袖位起镜Pressing mark on sleeve
高低袖咀Misaligned at sleeve bottom
袖骨哨牙Open seam at sleeve seam
袖咀囗挑线太松Loose stitching at sleeve cuff
袖咀囗挑线太紧Tight stitching at sleeve cuff
袖咀扭曲Knit sleeve cuff twist
袖起波浪The sleeve shape is wavy
袖尾凹入Sleeve tail concave into
袖尾起啄Puckering at sleeve end
袖褶距离不平均Uneven distance of sleeve pleat 袖囗没埋口Cuff assembles to sleeve not closed
袖摺Pleated seam on sleeve
袖错位Sleeve misplaced
扭袖Twisted sleeve
袖摺Pleated at sleeve joining
袖山起皱Diagonal wrinkles at sleeve cap
袖口边不平齐Cuff edge not level
袖底骨扭骨Twisted underarm
袖(膊头位)啄起Sharp point in sleeve head
袖扭骨Twisting sleeve
夹边过紧Tighten armhole tension
高低夹Unmatched armhole seam
夹位有疏吼Hole at armhole
夹底有疏吼Hole at underarm
夹位爆缝Open seam at armhole
夹位不直Armhole not straight
夹位要顺直Pls keep straight on armhole
夹缝不可拉开烫Avoid pressing out of armhole seam
夹形两边要对称Keep symmetrical straight on both side of armhole 夹顶起啄Pulling cut stitch on top armhole
夹位两边不对称Both side of armhole asymmetrical
夹圈太紧Tight armhole
夹骨起蛇Zigzag seaming at armhole
夹骨弯曲起蛇Wavy armhole seam
左右夹圈不对称Uneven left / right armhole
左右夹圈有溶位不平服Puckering at left / right armhole
袖孔不圆顺Armhole setting not smooth
夹圈起皱Puckering at armhole
夹缝线哨牙Armhole seam is stretched out by ironing
夹顶起啄Top of armhole seam creates a point angle
夹圈底的布太多.不平均Uneven fullness at armhole
夹圈起皱armhole pucker
夹底缝线松Loose linking threads at under armhole
夹位起蛇Puckering at armhole
夹圈散口Armhole fraying
夹底松Loose stitch at underarm
袖夹太拱Armhole seam runs arched
夹骨起皱缩埋Puckering at armhole linking
骨位没有完全熨开Seam not fully pressed open
缝骨起皱Puckered seam
前幅横骨不对称Front horizontal seam not leveled
底骨露面Under seam visible
骨位起波浪Wavy on seams
扭骨Twisted seams
侧骨扭Twisting at side seam
骨位结尾不平均Seam closures uneven
骨位太谷,不平服Fullness on seams
骨位末完全拔开间纱线Seam not fully opened before stitching
公主骨拉松起泡Too loose at princess seam
后公主骨起皱Puckering at back princess seam
侧骨车线太紧或太松Too tight or too loose at side seam
前中/后中骨太松Too loose at CF/CB seam
侧骨起蛇Side seam is wavy
侧骨缝线太松Side seam threads is too loose
侧骨烫得太开,请补烫Side seam is stretched out by ironing and stick out please re-ironing 侧骨扭骨Side seam twist
侧骨不顺Uneven side seam
侧骨位要顺直Straight at side seam
哨牙Bare linking yarn
不对骨位Seam parts at seam not match
骨位谷起Seam pucker
骨位不对称Mismatched seam
骨位外露Raw edge shows
处骨走位Out seam run off stitch
嵌骨不均匀Uneven cover-locking
嵌骨线太松loose stitch tension
嵌骨线不配色Cover-locking thread not match
嵌骨线不直Cover-locking not straight
缝骨露线Seam grin
下裆十字骨错位Unmatched crotch cross
骨位打摺Pleated seam
水平缝骨(左右)不对称Horizontal seam not leveled
脚弯位不圆顺The bottom curve is not smooth
左右开又长短不一Vent length uneven
长短脚Uneven leg length
衫脚不平均,不对称Uneven hem line
脚边不平.起皱Puckering at hem linking
衫脚拉得太紧Bottom hem stretch a bit tight
衫脚起波浪Bottom hem is wavy
衫脚卷边欠平均Uneven rolled edge of bottom hem
脚叉不平齐Slit are extremely gaping
脚边啄出Hem edge stick out
脚纹不顺Wavy hem rib
前后脚叉长短Front /back slits is not same length
衫脚套针线太紧The hem stretch have a bit tight
衫脚套针线起耳仔The hem edge show the yarn loops is linking
衫脚罗纹边线太松The hem edge knitting tension is too loose
脚罗纹太紧.没有弹性Hem ribs tension is too tight and not elastic enough 衫脚不直Bottom not straight
脚边不齐Uneven bottom hem
衫脚戚起Bottom stretch up
下摆丝带太紧,Seam binding stitch tension is too tight
使下摆不平顺Causing bottom not smooth
折车1/2"脚围活窄Uneven folded width at bottom sweep 1/2" hemming
衫脚扭Twisted bottom
高低脚Uneven edge on cuff or bottom
挑脚线露面Bhnd stitching visible
严重长短脚Misaligned conspicuous
下脚不够直Bottom hem is not straight
下脚扭纹起豆角Twisting hem puckering at hem
高低脚Uneven hem
横条起波浪Wavy stripes
不对格/不对条Mismatched stripe check
间条/格仔未对好Pattern matching is not well
条纹必须保持同一宽度Little ring stripe must always be of same breadth
前幅间色不对称R/L stripe is unmatched at front part
间色不平均Uneven stripe
侧骨间色不对称Stripe not match at side seam
间色两边不对称Unbalance stripe
直条不对齐Mismatched plaids
横间不对齐Mismatched stripe
前后幅间色不对齐Front body stripe not match back body stripe
对格不良checks not match
间色/格子不对称Stripes / flailS misaligned
颜色组合错误Wrong combo
烫工差Poor pressing
衣服烫过头以致起光痕GMT press too hard cause shiny mark
摺痕印Crease mark
烧焦印Burn mark
水斑点Water spot
烫痕Over pressing mark
烫衣欠佳,引致有拉链痕,钮痕Zip/button mark made by improper pressing
烫朴/压朴效果不佳Poor pressing /fusing of interlining
烫斗印Iron mark
衫身起镜Mirror effect on body
起镜Glaze mark
起镜Pressing mark
后幅起镜Pressing mark on back part
尺寸偏差太大Measurement out of tolerance
前中吊起Hiking up at central front
后中吊起The back part is pulls upward at center
衫身坑条不够直Ribs of body is not straight enough 衫纹不直Run of meshes is uneven
前幅吊起Hiking at front
前中太短CF facing too short
后幅吊起Hiking at back
前幅左石不对称Uneven R/L side of front part
前中戚起Front is pulls upwards at front center
左右前长不一致Front length uneven
罗纹要有弹性Ribs must stay stretch
Deviation 偏差.误差
前中拉链弯曲Curve at CF zip
前中拉链溶位太多Too much fullness at CF zipper 拉链插位方向错误Wrong way insertion of zipper 拉链顶高低Unmatched zipper top
露拉链Zipper show out
露拉链牙Zipper teeth appeared
胸贴露拉链Visible zipper at placker
车拉链跳线Skipped stitches at zipper of placket
拉链谷起Wavy at zipper
拉链不顺Zipper not smooth
错拉链Wrongly used zipper
拉链贴摺Pleated seam on zipper facing
拉链错码Wrong size zipper
拉链车不到顶Zipper cannot reach at top
拉链车线不直Zipper stitching thread not straight
拉链顶/尾有洞Hole at zip top/end
拉链装得扭曲Zipper setting is twisting
拉链拉不动Zipper not movable
拉链尾处吊起End of zipper is pulls upward
拉链尾处扯开End of zipper is stick out
面布车得太贴近拉链fabric too close to zipper
双头拉链Two way zipper
拉链不露牙Hidden zipper
拉链头Zipper puller
隐形拉链Conceal zipper
烂钮门Damaged buttonhole
工字钮生绣Rusted stud
工字钮颜色脱落Paint peel off on stud
钮及钮门位置不配合.引致谷起Button and buttonhole not aligned cause bulge 钮门太细,钮不能顺利通过Bottonhole too small to allow button to pass through 钮门未开Uncut buttonhole
钮门未开尽Partially cut buttonhole
钮门纱线不清Ragged edges at buttonhole
钮门断线Broken buttonhole stitches
钉钮线容易拉脱Button thread easily pulled out
吸钮容易拉脱Snap easily pulled off
撞钮容易拉脱Rivet easily pulled off
钮冂与钮大小不相配Buttonhole is not match button size
钮门位置不对Buttonhole misplaced
钮扣未钉牢Button is not sewing security
钮扣钉得太紧Button is sew too tight
钮门有毛囗Buttonhole is fray
凤眼钮门线太疏Key buttonhole density is too loose
凤眼钮门位置不对Key buttonhole is misplaced
揿钮位置不对Snap misplaced
揿钮扁带安装不好Snap tape setting not well
钮洞周围有气泡There is bubble on buttonhole area
漏钮Missing button
钮门开得太小Buttonholes are little bit too small
钮门线必须配线Buttonhole yarn must be tone in tone to the knit
坏钮Defective button
欠钮A button is missing
错钮位Button misplaced
欠钮门Buttonhole omitted or uncut
钉钮位置有偏差Improper button position setting
钮同钮门位置有偏差Misplaced button / buttonhole
钮线松Button stitch is too loose
钮门线松Buttonhole stitch is too loose
线钮要配色Color matching of thread /button
甩钮Insecure button
钮距不均Distance between buttons
钮门散口Open edge buttonhole
漏打早Missing bar-tack
钮位不成直线Button out of line
筒边钮门位不顺直Bump at placket edge
钮与钮门位置欠配合Button position not well match buttonhole
钮的底面倒置Button inside out
点钮笔痕没有清除Button marking not removed
烂钮Damaged button
筒边钮门位凸起bump at placket edge
线不配钮色Thread not match
不配色Poor matching color
hook 蝴蝶扣
前幅底幅细.面幅松(内里) Front panel is bigger than under panel
里布太大,短,小,长Lining too big,too short ,too small, too long.
前后幅布纹不相称Grain lines are not match at front and back panel
底松,面松,向外反Too loose at shell,Too loose at back,/ Lining, Turn insider out
里布太短Lining too short
里布太松Lining too full
里布太紧Lining too tight
袋不平服Pocket not smooth
袋不正方Pocket not squared
袋盖不正中Pocket flap not centered over pocket
左右囗袋形状不一致Both pocket shapes are uneven
囗袋下部下垂Bottom part of pocket is sagging
囗袋位置不对Pocket is misplaced
袋囗开得不吻合Pocket is smiling
囗袋变形Pocket shape distorted
囗袋尺寸及形状未按实样做Pocket size and shape is not follow sample exactly 上下袋唇不均匀Pocket welt is uneven
囗袋装得不好Poor pocket setting
大细袋Uneven pocket
袋口斜Slanting pocket mouth
袋盖线露Pocket marker not covered
错袋贴位置Wrong placement of pocket flap
袋长不对称Uneven pocket length
袋布太短Too short pocket bag
袋盖反翘Top flap appears tight
袋盖反吐Flap lining leans out of edge
袋盖不直Flap edge is uneven
袋口角起皱Creases on two ends of pocket mouth
高低袋High-low pocket
左右囗袋高低不一Both pocket set uneven
袋“笑口”Smiling pocket
歪袋Slanting pocket.
袋盖反翘Flap stricking up.
口袋外露Pocketing show out
斜袋slanted welt pocket
无盖暗袋piped pocket
插袋side pocket
小口袋tiny pocket
帽顶缝线起蛇Top of hood linking is wavy
帽顶缝线起皱Puckering at hood linking (top)
帽弯位不元顺The hood curve is not smooth
帽面骨位起皱Puckered seam at hood facing
hat 有帽沿的帽
hood 兜帽
筒脚张开Placket bottom spread open
筒顶起皱Neck drop pucker
前筒吊脚Hiking at bottom of placket
筒活欠平均Uneven placket width
筒弯曲Crooked placket
胸贴起泡Bubbling of placket
前筒不能到尾Front placket not down to hem
胸贴两边不对称Unbalance placket
胸贴起蛇Placket panel runs as "S" line
胸贴上下不对称Placket is dissymmetric
前贴织得太紧,扯起前幅衫脚Front panel too tight, front part pulls upwards on hem 前贴吊起The placket end is pulls upward
胸贴卷边不均匀Uneven rolled edge at placket
胸贴底起皱Puckering at placket ends
胸贴底疏吼Found loose holes at placket ends
前贴长短不对称Uneven length of front placket
长短贴Uneven length of placket
胸贴不直Placket not straight
鸡英边高低Cuff edge not leveled
胸贴缝工不好Poor placket linking
胸贴衫脚位做工不好Poor under placket of bottom
胸贴两边不对称Unbalance placket
贴底布不均匀Uneven woven patch at placket
露底贴Unclose under placker
底筒外露under placket exposed
烂贴Broken placket
缝线太紧或太松Uneven yarn tension.
驳线欠佳Poor join stitching
驳线不良Bad joined stitches
线步太松Stitches too loose
线步太紧Stitches too tight
车线不直Distorted stitches
落坑线外露Expose stitch
线步不一致Inconsistent stitching
双线宽窄不均Uneven width on double stitching
缝线密度/松紧度不平均Uneven stitching density /tension
1/4 面线有宽窄1/4 top stitch not even
保险线外露Expose safely stitch
内缝线不井齐Inseam is uneven
反缝的接线不好Overlap stitch is not well
底面线力不相符Top/ under stitch tension not match 内拔边线弯曲不直Uneven merrow seam
漏车加固线步Missing reinforcement stitches
线步比标准少Stitch count less than standard
所有面线不均匀All top stitch is uneven
筒针有断线现象Blind stitch is broken
筒线弯曲不直Blind stitch is wavy
线步不到尾Incomplete seam stitching
下脚车线不直Uneven for hem closure stitching
下脚车线不直Uneven stitch at hem
裙头/腰头见坑线Exposed waistband running stitches 裤钮牌车线不顺直Not straight at front fly
后坦干车线不直Not straight at back yoke
车线起耳圈Looping stitches
车线不直Stitching not at straight line
车线高低Stitch density too high/low
错色线Wrong thread color
浮线Float thread
漏回针Back stitching missing
车线起蛇Wavy stitching
漏内线Inseam skipped stitch
针洞Needle hole
错误接缝incorrect linking
破洞Broken hole
断纱Broken yarn
回针不佳Poor back stitches
(车缝)落坑Run off stitches
车缝时混有杂物Sewn in waste
散囗Raw edge
藏色线Trapped color thread
底线露出Under stitches visible
针步密度不均匀Uneven stitching density
线路偏移stitch seam leans out line
双轨接线stitch seam is uneven
袖隆缝起皱puckers at underarm seam
间棉线步太松Loosened quilting stitches
下层外露Under layer exposed fullness
爆口Open seam
车缝打褶pleated sewing
车缝时混有杂物sewn in waste
驳口不良Poor done of mending
用错色纱Wrong color to mend
线头未剪Untrimmed thread ends
跳线Skipped stitches
露线Exposed stitching
断线Broken stitches
间线落坑Run off stitches
线步弯曲Crooked stitches
印花裂痕Printing scrim
绣花线未收Emb thread not trimmed
珠片不可过汽Do not press tee position of beads
印花起泡Printing bubble
印花污点Printing blot
露白Color out
车线和纸朴未清Untrimmed sewing thread and backing
车花起皱Puckering at logo
车花线松Loose stitches at logo
松珠Loosing bead
甩珠Broken stitching of beading
车花不可出界Emb cannot be out of boundary line
车花线太紧Emb stitching is too tight
车花线太松Emb stitching is too loose
车花散囗Raw edge of embroidery
字迹,图案模糊Illegible letters or symbols
绣花线太疏Hand embroidery too loose
绣花线太松Hand embroidery tension too loose
绣花线太紧Hand embroidery tension too tight
车花断线Broken embroidery thread
钉珠线太松Beading thread too loose
珠子破裂Breach bead
绣花线未收Embroidery thread not close
错色珠Wrong beading color
钉珠欠平均Uneven beading position
漏部份绣花Missing part of emb
图案错误Wrong pattern
车花位太高Embroidery position too high
车花位置太低Embroidery position too low
车花缝线不净Embroidery unclean thread end
车倒花Embroidery upside down
车花线疏密不符要求Density not as specified
去掉车花稿纸Clean inside workmanship from embroidery 烫石Crystal modification
印花不好Poor print recistation
两节色Set marks
有额外印花印在衫脚上/ 袖咀Poor recovery of bottom / cuff
手勾hand crochet
手绣花(machine emb.车花)hand embroidery
前襟止口反吐(里料外露)facing leans out from front edge
止口活窄不均Uneven seam allowance
突咀Excess extension
串口不直Gorge line is uneven
驳口不直Lapel roll line is uneven
子口大细Uneven allowance
子口太窄Seam allowance too narrow
子口太活Seam allowance too wide
止口不直,不均front edge is uneven
止口缩角front edge is out of square
止口反翘front edge is upturned
止口反吐facing leans out of front edge
止口豁split at front edge
止口下部搭叠过多crossing at front edge
见到子囗Raw edges visible
驳口起皱wrinkles at top lapel
驳口反翘Top lapel appears tight
驳头外口松Lapel edge appears loose
驳头外口紧Lapel edge appears tight
衫身有线圈露面Yarn loops coming out
衫内线头太长Too long thread ends inside garment
衫身起毛粒(袖/领边)Pilling at garment(Sleeve/neck edge)
藏色线Trapped color thread
外来物藏于后领/担干/介英Foreign matter sewn inside the finished collar /yoke/cuff 补衣痕Mending mark
线头未收Thread not trimmed
浮线未Loose thread hanging
藏结露面Concealed loose thread showing inside
漏眼/漏针Drop stitch
剪烂衫Holes formed by cutting
漏补Miss mending
补衣欠佳Poor mending
未撕烟治Not remove the size label
漏半支眼Dropped partial loop
疏吼Holes formation
烂边Faulty edge
爆吼Broken hole
加错针位置Wrong adding location
漏加针Miss adding stitch
面料上有杂色纱线color fibre woven in
杂色纱color yarn
明显线头Visible knot
摺痕crease mark
物料不配色Mismatch of trimming
杂质Impurities of yarn
线头未清Untrimmed thread
飞毛未清Untrimmed flyer
杂毛Mixed yarn
没价钱牌Bulk omit price tag
漏价钱牌Missing price ticket
漏挂牌Missing hang-tags
漏唛头Missing label
价钱牌错位置Wrong placement of price ticket 少出货Short ship
挂牌错位置Wrong placement of hangtag
请分色包装Pls pre packing color
错码Wrong size
颜色分配错误Wrong color in assortment
摺法不正确Improper folding
胶袋污渍Dirty polybag
烂外箱Broken export carton
外箱过重Carton over weight
外箱尺寸不合规格Incorrect carton size
主唛贴纸Main shipping label
摺衫欠佳Poor folding
错胶袋Wrong polybag
错横头纸Wrong packing slip
错价钱牌Wrong price tag
错比例Wrong ratio
错数量Wrong quantity
错色Wrong color
QC贴纸“鸡纸”Qc sticker
错箱唛Wrong carton printing
错烟治Wrong size label
漏烟治Missing size label
错挂牌Wrong hang-tags
甩牌子Loose fastened tags
超重Over weight
标签内容Label in formation
箱数Ctn vs
装箱单Packing list
箱唛不清楚Unclear shipping marks
错包装方法Wrong packing method
单色Solid color
单码Solid size
总箱数Total carton
检查箱数Inspected carton quantity
箱唛Carton printing
士啤钮Spare button
拷贝纸Tissue paper
内箱Inner box
错码搭配wrong size scale
纸箱太松/ 太紧carton too loose / tight 重量weight