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【摘要】Objective:To investigate the efficacy of intracavitary Perfusion chemotheraPy combined with deeP ther-motheraPy in the treatment of cancerous ascites. Methods:All 56 cases of malignant ascites Patients diagnosed in our hosPital from January 2012 to October 2012,were randomly divided into 2 grouPs. The simPle grouP was treated with CisPlatin infusion chemotheraPy,the exPerimental grouP was given CisPlatin Perfusion chemotheraPy combined with deeP hyPerthermia treatment. Efficacy of 2 grouPs were evaluated after two courses. Results:The total efficiency of exPerimental grouP given CisPlatin Perfusion chemotheraPy combined with deeP hyPerthermia treatment was 64. 3% , significantly higher than the simPle grouP,P ﹤ 0. 05. eyPerthermia and chemotheraPy have good synergies,and it is safe,effective and low toxicity. Conclusion:The effect of hyPerthermia Perfusion chemotheraPy combined with deeP thermotheraPy in the treatment of malignant ascites is good. It is an imPortant means for the treatment of malignant as-cites.%目的:总结深部热疗联合热灌注化疗治疗恶性腹腔积液的疗效。
【作者单位】保定市第二中心医院,河北保定 072750;保定市第二中心医院,河北保定 072750;保定市第二中心医院,河北保定 072750;保定市第二中心医院,河北保定 072750;保定市第二中心医院,河北保定 072750;保定市第三医院,河北保定 071000
1.大剂量甘露聚糖肽腹腔注射联合深部热疗治疗恶性腹腔积液的临床疗效观察 [J], 陈维;魏涛
2.深部热疗联合腹腔热灌注化疗治疗卵巢上皮癌腹腔转移的疗效及对生活质量的影响 [J], 李琴;雷勇;曹晓明
3.热灌注化疗联合深部热疗治疗恶性腹腔积液的疗效分析 [J], 张焕明;倪栋梅;蔡守兵
4.腹腔热灌注化疗联合安罗替尼治疗结直肠癌合并恶性腹腔积液的疗效分析 [J], 张扬; 钱洪; 程小飞; 苏旭军; 吕杨; 钟诚; 周婷
5.顺铂腹腔热灌注化疗联合深部热疗治疗腹膜假粘液瘤的护理分析 [J], 姚琴;吴侃;张珂;唐荣军