



















《管理会计学》MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING教学大纲第一部分:教学要求一、授课对象《管理会计》的讲授对象为会计系会计学专业的本科学生。


















4、控制经济过程 5、考核评价经营业绩 三、管理会计的基本内容 1、预测决策会计 预测分析 销量预测
利润预测 成本预测 资金预测
决策分析 长期投资决策
2、规划控制会计 全面预算 成本控制 产品成本控制 销量成本控制 存货控制
3、责任会计 各部门责任预算 业绩考评 编制责任报告
第三节 管理会计假设与原则
• 六、导学提纲 • 第一章 • 第二、三、 四章 • 第五、六、七、八章 • 第九、十章 • 第十一章 • 第十二章
总论 基本理论 预测、决策分析 规化与控制会计 责任会计 不确定分析
第一章 总 论
第二节 管理会计的形成与发展 一、管理会计的历史沿革 1、1922年第一次提出“管理会计” 2、1952年伦敦会计师大会正式提出 3、1972 CMA 二、管理会计形成与发展的原因
一、管理会计的基本假设 1、多层主体假设 2、理性行为假设 3、合理预期假设 4、充分占有信息假设
二、管理会计的基本原则 1、最优化原则 2、效益性原则 3、决策有用性原则 信息相关性 信息可信性 可靠性 可理解性 4、及时性原则 5、重要性原则 6、灵活性原则
第四节 管理会计与财务会计的关系
一、管理会计与财务会计的联系 1、同属现代会计 2、最终目标相同 3、相互分享部分信息 4、财务会计的改革有助于管理会计的发展
• 二、教学总体目标和要求 • 变动成本法,本量利分析,短期决策,
• 三、课程学分 • 本课程4个学分,一学期课程。
• 四、考试
• 期末中央电大统一出题闭卷考试。
• 平时作业占20%,期末考试占80% • 五、课程要求 • 记录课堂笔记、课前预习、课后复习 • 成立学习小组 • 上课时间不接听电话











四、需前置课程:1. 基础会计2. 财务会计3. 成本会计五、教学内容:第一章管理会计概述管理会计的产生和发展;管理会计的含义;管理会计内容与特点;管理会计与财务会计的区别;管理会计的职能与任务。






《管理会计》(Management Accounting)课程教学大纲制定人:崔秀梅、殷俊明 审核人:杨 政第一部分 课程概述一、基本信息(一)课程代码:02110090(二)课程属性、学分、学时《管理会计》是会计学、财务管理学、审计学等专业(本科)的一门专业必修课,主要讲授管理会计的基本理论和基本方法,阐述以提高经济效益为最终目的的会计信息利用系统,是为培养学生基本理论知识和应用能力而设置的一门专业课。


学分:3 学时:48(三)适用对象适用于会计学、财务管理、审计学等专业的本科生。



Management accounting, as accounting for internal reporting, integrates modern management and accounting, providing accounting information to managers of enterprises to facilitate their management, decision-making, enterprise activities planning and evaluation scheme, for the purpose of realizing enterprise value.This course is divided into four parts. The first part is the fundamental knowledge of management accounting, including overview of accounting management, analysis and application of cost behavior, cost-volume-profit analysis andvariable costing. The second part deals with forecasting and decision-making, mainly including the segment reporting, system of decentralization, and short-term business decision. The third part is concerned with planning and control, covering comprehensive budgeting management, control of standard cost, and activity-based costing management.The last part is about responsibility and evaluation, including the responsibility accounting and performance evaluation.三、教学目标通过本课程的教学,使学生系统掌握现代管理会计的基本理论和基本方法,掌握预测、决策、全面预算、成本控制、责任考核评价等内容的技术方法和相关知识,并能将所学知识和操作技能,在社会主义市场经济条件下和现代企业制度环境中,应用于企业经营管理活动中,提高分析和解决企业经营管理问题的能力,为走向社会,加强企业管理、提高企业经济效益等方面发挥积极作用。




























管理会计学教学大纲1. 引言1.1 学科背景和定义1.2 学习目标和重要性1.3 教学方法和评估方式2. 教学内容2.1 管理会计基础知识2.1.1 管理会计的概念和作用2.1.2 管理会计与财务会计的区别2.1.3 管理会计信息的特点与需求2.2 成本管理与控制2.2.1 成本概念与分类2.2.2 成本核算方法与成本驱动因素2.2.3 掌握成本控制技术与方法2.2.4 成本分析与决策2.3 经营预算与控制2.3.1 预算概念与分类2.3.2 预算编制与执行2.3.3 预算控制与管理2.3.4 预算与绩效评估2.4 经营绩效评估2.4.1 绩效概念与指标体系建立2.4.2 绩效测量与评估方法2.4.3 绩效改进与激励机制2.5 法律、伦理与可持续发展2.5.1 管理会计与法律的关系2.5.2 伦理和企业社会责任的重要性 2.5.3 可持续发展与企业管理3. 教学方法3.1 讲授与课堂讨论3.2 个案分析与小组讨论 3.3 实践项目与案例分析3.4 学生报告与批判性思考4. 评估方式4.1 个人表现评估4.2 小组项目评估4.3 期末考试5. 教学资源5.1 教材5.2 参考书目5.3 电子资源和期刊6. 参考要求6.1 阅读教材6.2 完成课堂作业6.3 参与小组讨论6.4 准备并参与评估项目7. 课程安排7.1 第一周:管理会计基础知识介绍 7.2 第二周:成本管理与控制7.3 第三周:经营预算与控制7.4 第四周:经营绩效评估7.5 第五周:法律、伦理与可持续发展8. 总结8.1 教学成果评估8.2 学生反馈与改进措施8.3 未来发展与研究方向本教学大纲旨在通过教授管理会计的基本理论和实践知识,培养学生分析和解决企业管理问题的能力。




《管理会计》课程教学大纲课程编码:英文名称:教学对象:学时学分:先修课程:执笔人:修订时间:1109306Management Accounting会计学、财务管理专业本科学生共 54 学时(其中实验 8 学时) ,3 学分基础会计学、中级财务会计、成本会计、财务管理等审校人:一、课程简介管理会计是会计学、财务管理专业学生的限选课,开设于第五学期。







课程总成绩由平时成绩 30%+实验成绩 10%+期末考试成绩 60%组成。

五、课程教材与主要参考书1、课程教材:王郁茹、冉铖主编,《管理会计学》,上海交通大学出版社, 2012.2、主要参考书:[1] (美)威廉.罗奇主编,《管理会计与控制系统案例》,东北财经大学出版社, 2000.[2]贺颖奇、陈佳俊主编,《管理会计》,上海财经大学出版社, 2008.[3]孙茂竹、文光伟、杨万贵主编,《管理会计学》,中国人民大学出版社, 2009.六、教学环节及学时安排本课程的教学环节包括:课堂讲授、讨论课、课外作业。



Management AccountingModule syllabusUnit Name: Management AccountingUnit Code: ACCT 103Credits: 31. Unit descriptionThis course tends to train the students for fundamental skills in management accounting, accompanies with the applications in management decision making, devising planning and performance management. You will be expected to develop the expertise in financial reporting and control to assist management in theformulation and implementation of an organization's strategyOn the completion of the course, you will become familiar with the basic terminology of management accounting. You will be exposed to the contemporary enterprises management accounting practice to enhance the problems-solving ability.On successful completion of the module, learners will be able to:●Explain the key theories of Management accounting, such as cost-volume-profitanalysis, performance evaluation, etc.●Apply the basic theories of management accounting to solve the practicalproblems of enterprises differentiation analysis and product pricing in particular.●Be familiar with the modeling the organization's costs based on the relationshipbetween the inputs and outputs of the resources involved in the production of products and services it provides.●Use inductive and deductive reasoning about past and future outcomes forcontinuous optimization efforts in management.2. Pre-requisite units and assumed knowledgeThe courses of Principles of Accounting and Cost Accounting3. Learning outcomesLearning outcome 1Explain the basic knowledge about the management accounting.ASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Classify costs as variable costs, fixed costs, and mixed costsb. Compute the contribution margin, the contribution margin ratio, and the unitcontribution margin.c. Determine the break-even point and sales pitch necessary to achieve a target profit.Learning outcome 2Make tactical decisions and determine the selling price of a product for a manufacturing companyASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Make tactical decisions for a manufacturing company in a variety of businesssituations.b. Determine the selling price of a product, using the concept of total costs, productcosts, and variable costs.c. Compute the relative profitability of products in bottleneck production processes.Learning outcome 3Prepare master budget and responsibility accounting report for a manufacturing company .ASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Prepare the basic income statement budgets for a manufacturing company.b. Prepare balance sheet budgets for a manufacturing company.c. Compute and interpret direct materials variances, direct labor variances, factoryoverhead controllable and volume variances.d. Compute and interpret the rate of return on investment, the residual income, and thebalanced scorecard for an investment center.4. Teaching methodsLectures, discussions, case study, presentations, etc.5. Weight of final gradeGrades will be assigned on the basis of the following percentages:6. GradingThe University has had a uniform grading policy based on 100-point scale. The conversion of 100-point grades into A-F scale is as follows.100-90 = A; 89-80 = B; 79-70 = C; 69-60 = D; 59-50 = F.7. PoliciesAttendance PolicyAttendance in class is mandatory for all students enrolled in the course. Any excused absence must be discussed directly with the teacher. Being late to class within 15 minutes will be recorded as 1 LATE and being late over 15 minutes will be recorded as 1 ABSENCE. 3 LATES equal to 1 ABSENCE. 20% absences of the totalteaching hours will cause an F (a failing grade) directly. However, students are still welcome to continue to attend class. F students have no right to drop this course anymore. Each unexcused absence will result in the lowering of the attendance grade by 1 point. Each excused absence will result in the lowering of the attendance grade by 0.5 point.Participation PolicyStudents should participate in their chosen classes actively and effectively. The Participation Grade is related to the Attendance Grade. Students’ final attendance grade is the maximum of their participation grade.Participation grade will be based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to taking part in class discussions and activities, completing assignments, being able to answer questions correctly, obeying class rules, and being prepared for class, frequent visiting your instructors and chatting in English during their office hours is highly recommended.Policy on Assignments and QuizzesStudents should finish their assignments completely and punctually. Assignment should be submitted on the date appointed by the instructor. If a student cannot hand in the assignment on time, the reasonable excuse will be needed. Late assignments will receive a maximum grade of 80. An assignment that is late for 3 days will be corrected but receive 0.Students should finish the assignment in the uniform format in hand written or printed ones.Students should finish the assignment independently with no cheating.Students should keep all their paper assignment and hands them to the teacher at the ending of the semester.PlagiarismAny form of cheating is NEVER tolerated. Any student ONCE caught cheating on a quiz, assignment or examination will receive a 0 for that particular work of the wholesemester. At the beginning of the semester the definition of plagiarism will be carefully explained. When any thoughts or writings of another person are used, the sources must be clearly identified (using quotes, bibliography and giving reference).Classroom Policies●No eating, cellular phones, smoking, chatting or drowsing in class. Studentsshould turn off their cellular phones before the class.●Students are not allowed to attend class without textbooks.●Respect classmates’ ideas, opinions, and questions of your classmates.●Please speak in English as possible as you can.●Students should do the assignment in English.8. Texts and other recoursesThe primary textbook:James M.Reeve (2011), Principles of Accounting (Twenty-Third Edition), 23th edition, Renmin University PressThe supplementary textbook:Anthony A.Atkinson,Robert S.Kaplan (2013), Management Accounting, 6th edition, Tsinghua University Press9. Teaching methodsLectures, Discussions and Homework10. Session Plan。

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Management AccountingModule syllabusUnit Name: Management AccountingUnit Code: ACCT 103Credits: 31. Unit descriptionThis course tends to train the students for fundamental skills in management accounting, accompanies with the applications in management decision making, devising planning and performance management. You will be expected to develop the expertise in financial reporting and control to assist management in theformulation and implementation of an organization's strategyOn the completion of the course, you will become familiar with the basic terminology of management accounting. You will be exposed to the contemporary enterprises management accounting practice to enhance the problems-solving ability.On successful completion of the module, learners will be able to:●Explain the key theories of Management accounting, such ascost-volume-profit analysis, performance evaluation, etc.●Apply the basic theories of management accounting to solve the practicalproblems of enterprises differentiation analysis and product pricing in particular.●Be familiar with the modeling the organization's costs based on therelationship between the inputs and outputs of the resources involved in the production of products and services it provides.●Use inductive and deductive reasoning about past and future outcomes forcontinuous optimization efforts in management.2. Pre-requisite units and assumed knowledgeThe courses of Principles of Accounting and Cost Accounting3. Learning outcomesLearning outcome 1Explain the basic knowledge about the management accounting.ASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Classify costs as variable costs, fixed costs, and mixed costsb. Compute the contribution margin, the contribution margin ratio, and the unitcontribution margin.c. Determine the break-even point and sales pitch necessary to achieve a targetprofit.Learning outcome 2Make tactical decisions and determine the selling price of a product for a manufacturing companyASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Make tactical decisions for a manufacturing company in a variety of businesssituations.b. Determine the selling price of a product, using the concept of total costs, productcosts, and variable costs.c. Compute the relative profitability of products in bottleneck production processes.Learning outcome 3Prepare master budget and responsibility accounting report for a manufacturing company .ASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Prepare the basic income statement budgets for a manufacturing company.b. Prepare balance sheet budgets for a manufacturing company.c. Compute and interpret direct materials variances, direct labor variances, factoryoverhead controllable and volume variances.d. Compute and interpret the rate of return on investment, the residual income, andthe balanced scorecard for an investment center.4. Teaching methodsLectures, discussions, case study, presentations, etc.5. Weight of final gradeGrades will be assigned on the basis of the following percentages:6. GradingThe University has had a uniform grading policy based on 100-point scale. The conversion of 100-point grades into A-F scale is as follows.100-90 = A; 89-80 = B; 79-70 = C; 69-60 = D; 59-50 = F.7. PoliciesAttendance PolicyAttendance in class is mandatory for all students enrolled in the course. Any excused absence must be discussed directly with the teacher. Being late to class within 15 minutes will be recorded as 1 LATE and being late over 15 minutes will be recorded as 1 ABSENCE. 3 LATES equal to 1 ABSENCE. 20% absences of the total teaching hours will cause an F (a failing grade) directly. However, students are still welcome to continue to attend class. F students have no right to drop this course anymore. Each unexcused absence will result in the lowering of the attendance grade by 1 point. Each excused absence will result in the lowering of the attendance grade by 0.5 point.Participation PolicyStudents should participate in their chosen classes actively and effectively. The Participation Grade is related to the Attendance Grade. Students’ final attendance grade is the maximum of their participation grade.Participation grade will be based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to taking part in class discussions and activities, completing assignments, being able to answer questions correctly, obeying class rules, and being prepared for class, frequent visiting your instructors and chatting in English during their office hours is highly recommended.Policy on Assignments and QuizzesStudents should finish their assignments completely and punctually. Assignment should be submitted on the date appointed by the instructor. If a student cannot hand in the assignment on time, the reasonable excuse will be needed. Late assignments will receive a maximum grade of 80. An assignment that is late for 3 days will be corrected but receive 0.Students should finish the assignment in the uniform format in hand written or printed ones.Students should finish the assignment independently with no cheating.Students should keep all their paper assignment and hands them to the teacher atthe ending of the semester.PlagiarismAny form of cheating is NEVER tolerated. Any student ONCE caught cheating ona quiz, assignment or examination will receive a 0 for that particular work of thewhole semester. At the beginning of the semester the definition of plagiarism will be carefully explained. When any thoughts or writings of another person are used, the sources must be clearly identified (using quotes, bibliography and giving reference).Classroom Policies●No eating, cellular phones, smoking, chatting or drowsing in class. Studentsshould turn off their cellular phones before the class.●Students are not allowed to attend class without textbooks.●Respect classmates’ ideas, opinions, and questions of your classmates.●Please speak in English as possible as you can.●Students should do the assignment in English.8. Texts and other recoursesThe primary textbook:James M.Reeve (2011), Principles of Accounting (Twenty-Third Edition), 23th edition, Renmin University PressThe supplementary textbook:Anthony A.Atkinson,Robert S.Kaplan (2013), Management Accounting, 6th edition, Tsinghua University Press9. Teaching methodsLectures, Discussions and Homework10. Session Plan。
