1下列哪两种网络设计功能需要生成树协议 (STP)来确保正确的网络操作?(请选择两项。
)静态默认路由实施 VLAN 以包含广播第 2 层交换机之间的冗余链路提供冗余路由的链路状态动态路由消除多个第 2 层交换机的单点故障答案 说明 最高分值correctness of response Option 3 and Option 5 are correct. 22第 2 层环路有什么特征?广播帧转发回发送方交换机。
答案 说明 最高分值correctness of response Option 123第 2 层广播风暴的结果是什么?交换机拥塞时,路由器将接管转发帧的角色。
CSMA/CD 将使每台主机继续传输帧。
ARP 广播请求返回发送方主机。
答案 说明 最高分值correctness of response Option 224哪种信息包含 BPDU 中的 12 位扩展系统 ID ?MAC 地址VLAN IDIP 地址端口 ID答案 说明 最高分值correctness of response Option 225下列哪三个部分可以组合形成网桥 ID ?端口IDIP 地址扩展系统IDMAC 地址网桥优先级开销答案说明最高分值 correctness ofresponse Option 3, Option 4, and Option 5 are correct.36哪个 STP 优先级配置可以确保交换机始终是根交换机?spanning-tree vlan 10 priority 0spanning-tree vlan 10 priority 61440spanning-tree vlan 10 root primaryspanning-tree vlan 10 priority 4096答案 说明 最高分值correctness of response Option 127下列哪种协议提供多达 16 个 RSTP 实例,能将具有相同物理和逻辑拓扑的多个 VLAN 结合为实例,并为 PortFast 、BPDU 防护和 BPDU 过滤、根防护和环路防护提供支持?STP快速PVST+PVST+ MST答案 说明 最高分值correctness of response Option 428由于假设整个桥接网络中只有一个生成树实例,哪两种生成树协议可能导致不理想的数据流?项。
思科网院D4考试题 第五章 答案
![思科网院D4考试题 第五章 答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/148f271fc5da50e2524d7fdf.png)
1 执行网络设计安全要求时应该遵循哪项准则?始终对所有业务需求使用通用的安全计划。
尽可能使用 IDS 来保护用户免受垃圾邮件侵害。
标题描述最高分值1 correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option 2此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Discovery: 计算机网络设计和支持5.1.5 安全性需求2 2960 交换机具有什么局限性,使其无法提供分布层所需的服务?它只能使用铜缆连接。
它不支持 QoS。
它不支持语音 VLAN 功能。
标题描述最高分值1 correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option 2此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Discovery: 计算机网络设计和支持5.2.2 设计分布层拓朴3 当考虑融合网络设计时,必须确定相应的服务需求。
当准备适用于此环境的网络设计时,需要考虑下列哪项因素?根据对噪音的敏感度进行业务数据补偿防火墙的位置和布置语音级服务质量安全策略要求标题描述最高分值1 correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option 2此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Discovery: 计算机网络设计和支持5.1.4 网络性能需求4请参见图示。
在图中所示的两台交换机间连接两条链路有什么好处?可在一台交换机发生故障时提供冗余性当通向服务器的链路发生故障时提供通向 Switch1 的连接在交换机之间的一个连接发生故障时提供连通性在另一台交换机失去交流电源时为其供电标题描述最高分值1 correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option 2此试题参考以下领域的内容:CCNA Discovery: 计算机网络设计和支持5.1.3 可用性需求5 哪三项设计要求在接入层实施?(选择三项。
第五章 RIPv1 CCNA2 Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (2010-12-15 18:07:13) 转载▼标签: 杂谈 分类: 2010|CCNA2官方试题--路由 1窗体顶端ERouting Chapter 7 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (版本 4.0)以下行显示在 show ip route 命令的输出中。
R [120/3] via, 00:00:30, Serial0/0该路由度量的值是什么?3122030120 窗体底端2窗体顶端下列关于 RIPv1 特性的陈述中,哪两项是正确的?(选择两项。
RIP 消息的数据部分封装在 TCP 数据段中。
RIP 消息的数据部分封装在 UDP 数据段中。
它每 15 秒广播一次更新。
它最多允许路由域中存在 15 台路由器。
不久前其中添加了192.168.10.0/24 网络,该网络将只包含最终要防止向新网络中的最终用户设备发送RIPv1 更新,同时允许将此新网络通告给其它路由器,应该在Rou 什么命令?Router1(config-router)# no router ripRouter1(config-router)# network no network passive-interface fastethernet 0/0Router1(config-router)# passive-interface serial 0/0/0窗体底端4 窗体顶端请参见图示。
参加考试 - ERouting Final Exam - ${COURSENAME} (版本 ${VERSION}) 窗体顶端剩余时间:窗体底端1窗体顶端请参见图示。
路由器 B、C 和 D 无法访问 Internet。
路由协议进程未通告通往 ISP 的链路。
窗体底端3 窗体顶端请参见图示。
所有路由器都运行 RIPv1。 和 这两个网络无法互相访问。
此问题的原因可能是什么?因为 RIPv1 是无类协议,不支持该访问。
RIPv1 不支持不连续网络。
RIPv1 不支持负载均衡。
RIPv1 不支持自动总结。
路由器 R1 和 R2 通过其串行接口直接相连,并且都在运行 EIGRP 路由协议。
R1 和 R2 可以 ping 通其邻居的直连串行接口,但无法与邻居建立起EIGRP 相邻关系。
配置 EIGRP 以发送定期更新。
在路由器之间配置相同的 hello 发送间隔。
使用相同的 EIGRP 进程 ID 配置两台路由器。
对于发往 的数据包,R2 会采取什么操作?它会丢弃数据包。
它会通过 S0/0/0 接口转发数据包。
它会通过 Fa0/0 接口转发数据包。
它会将数据包转发给 R1。
为实施 RIPv2 协议,网络管理员运行了所示命令。
但是, show ip protocol 命令未显示任何输出。
管理员应如何解决该命令没有输出的问题?添加 default-information originate 命令。
实验 3.5.3:子网划分场景 2 拓扑图地址表学习目标完成本实验后,您将能够:•确定所需子网的数量。
场景在本实验中,为您指定了一个网络地址,您将对它划分子网,并为拓扑图中显示的网络分配IP 地址。
该网络的编址需求如下:•Branch 1 的 LAN 需要 100 个主机 IP 地址。
/26•Branch 2 的 LAN 需要 100 个主机 IP 地址。
/26•Branch 3 的 LAN 需要 100 个主机 IP 地址。•Branch 4 的 LAN 需要 100 个主机 IP 地址。•West 的 LAN 需要 400 台主机。
/24•East 的 LAN 需要 400 台主机。
/24•HQ 的 LAN 需要 500 个主机 IP 地址。
/24•各个路由器间的链路的两端各需要一个 IP 地址。
(注意:请记住,网络设备的接口也是主机 IP 地址,已包括在上面的编址需求中。
)从 HQ 路由器到 ISP 之间的链路已分配好了 IP 地址。
HQ 路由器的 Serial 0/2 的 IP 地址是209.165.200.226/27(.。
ISP 路由器的 Serial 0/0 的 IP 地址是。
任务 1:分析网络需求。
切记每个 LAN 接口都需要 IP 地址。
需要多少个子网?__________单个子网最多需要多少个 IP 地址?__________每个分支 LAN 需要多少个 IP 地址?__________所有路由器间的连接需要多少个 IP 地址?__________总共需要多少个 IP 地址?__________任务 2:设计 IP 编址方案。
CISCO第二学期期末考试 答案
![CISCO第二学期期末考试 答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e5e864976edb6f1afe001f5a.png)
客户向 ISP 技术人员反映连通性问题。
技术人员就相关问题询问客户之后,发现除了 FTP 外,所有网络应用程序都正常。
技术人员怀疑出现了什么问题防火墙配置有误 /交换机或集线器端口损坏客户工作站上的 IP 地址配置有误客户工作站上的 DNS 服务器配置有误客户工作站上的默认网关配置有误请参见图示。
)数据会话由客户端所运行的 HTTP 应用程序进程启动。
/数据会话由客户端的 TCP 端口 80 标识。
Internet 服务器的 IP 地址是。
Internet 服务器将把数据发送至客户端端口 8547。
这一过程中哪项安全措施保护了网络IDSIPS /基于主机的防火墙Anti-X 软件属于哪一类地址主机地址网络地址广播地址 /组播地址在图中所示的其中一台路由器上执行 show ip route 命令,显示下列输出:C is directly connected, Serial0/0R [120/1] via 00:00:19, Serial0/0R [120/2] via 00:00:20, Serial0/1R [120/2] via 00:00:20, Serial0/1C is directly connected, Serial0/1此命令是从哪一台路由器执行的ABC /D请参见图示。
网络管理员使用以下命令在 RTB 上配置了一条默认路由:RTB(config)# ip route fa0/0PC3 可以成功 ping 通 RTB。
思科第二学期 第五单元 考试及答案
![思科第二学期 第五单元 考试及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72033655f01dc281e53af0da.png)
1 哪一个是将路由器主机名配置为 "LAB_A" 的正确命令序列? ARouter> enableRouter# configure terminalRouter(config)# hostname LAB_ARouter> enableRouter# hostname LAB_ARouter> enableRouter# configure routerRouter(config)# hostname LAB_ARouter> enableRouter(config)# host name LAB_A2 口令可用于限制对 Cisco IOS 所有或部分内容的访问。
) ABEVTY 接口控制台接口以太网接口加密执行模式特权执行模式路由器配置模式3 某位网络管理员需要配置路由器。
下列哪一种连接方法需要用到网络功能? C控制台电缆AUXTelnet调制解调器4 使用命令历史记录功能可以完成哪些任务?(选择两项。
) CD查看在上一个会话中输入的命令列表。
默认最多可以调出 15 条命令。
5 某台路由器具有有效的操作系统,且 NVRAM 中存储有配置。
当该路由器启动时,将显示哪种模式? D全局配置模式设置模式ROM 监控模式用户执行模式6哪项功能是图示中 DCE 设备的特有职责? C数据的传输数据的接收同步链路的时钟功能所传输数据中的杂信消除7 SDM 与 IOS CLI 在哪两方面有所区别?(选择两项。
) ADSDM 仅用于带内管理,而 IOS CLI 可用于带内和带外管理。
SDM 通过 Telnet 应用程序访问,而 IOS CLI 通过 web 浏览器访问。
SDM 可以在所有路由器平台使用,而 IOS CLI 只可以在有限的几种 Cisco 设备上使用。
思科第二学期答案1-4章(总10页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--第一章路由和数据包转发介绍1.哪两项说法正确描述了路由器的组件(选择两项)(B、D)A.RAM 永久存储着在启动过程中使用的配置文件 B.ROM 含有硬件模块所执行的诊断程序C.NVRAM 存储着在启动过程中使用的 IOS 的备份副本 D.重新启动时闪存中的内容不会丢失E.ROM 包含最新而且最完整的 IOS 版本 F.闪存包含用于标识 IOS 位置的启动系统命令2.图中的哪些接口可用于租用线路 WAN 连接(选择两项)(A、D)A.1B.2C.3D.4E.5F.63.如果路由器在启动时无法找到有效的配置文件,将发生什么情况(B)A.启动过程将重置 B.路由器将提示用户进行响应,以进入设置模式 C.启动过程将停止,直到获得有效的配置文件D.路由器将根据上次的有效配置生成默认配置文件 E.路由器将监控本地流量,以确定路由协议配置要求4.以下哪一项正确描述了路由器启动时的顺序(A)A.加载 bootstrap、加载 IOS、应用配置 B.加载 bootstrap、应用配置、加载 IOSC.加载 IOS、加载 bootstrap、应用配置、检查硬件 D.检查硬件、应用配置、加载 bootstrap、加载 IOS5.加载配置文件时的默认顺序是怎样的(C)A.NVRAM、FLASH、ROM B.FLASH、TFTP、CONSOLE C.NVRAM、TFTP、CONSOLE D.FLASH、TFTP、ROM6.在启动过程中,路由器可以从哪些位置加载 Cisco IOS(选择两项)(B、E)A.RAM B.TFTP 服务器 C.NVRAM D.设置例程 E.闪存 F.终端7.下列哪些是路由器的功能(选择三项)(A、C、D)A.分组交换 B.网段扩展 C.广播域分段 D.根据逻辑编址选择最佳路径 E.根据物理编址选择最佳路径8.当路由器收到从一个网络发往另一个网络的数据包时,它会执行哪三个过程(选择三项)(A、D、E)A.通过解开第 2 层帧报头来解封第 3 层数据包 B.通过 IP 报头中的目的 MAC 地址在路由表中查找下一跳地址C.解封第 3 层数据包时将第 2 层帧报头保持原样 D.通过 IP 报头中的目的 IP 地址在路由表中查找下一跳地址E.将第 3 层数据包封装成新的第 2 层帧,并将该帧从送出接口转发出去F.将第 3 层数据包封装成特殊的第 1 层帧,并将该帧转发到送出接口9.网络管理员需要通过路由器的 FastEthernet 端口直接连接两台路由器。
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 5 A篇练习答案及课文翻译
![新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 5 A篇练习答案及课文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f32fa82da32d7375a417802c.png)
When children leave the nest, their parents are living alone without children in their empty houses.
Warming Up
Scripts Some unusual words describe how a person spends his or her time. For example, someone who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television is sometimes called a “couch potato”. A couch is a piece of furniture that people sit on while watching television. Robert Armstrong, an artist from California, developed the term couch potato in 1976. Several years later, he listed the term as a trademark with the United States government. Mister Armstrong also helped write a funny book about life as a full-time television watcher. It is called the Official Couch Potato Handbook.
Warming Up
the way that some people enjoy 4 nesting / cocooning spending a lot of time in their homes to make them nice places to live
思科 cisco 课后习题答案
![思科 cisco 课后习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ad96556448d7c1c708a145f0.png)
18. 身份验证(PAP 或 CHAP) : 如果只想使用密码进行身份验证,使用命令 ppp authentication pap 配置 PAP; 如果要进行挑战握手,使用命令 ppp authentication chap 配置 CHAP,它更安全。 可减少 PPP 帧需要通过链路传输的数据量,从而提高有效吞吐量;
中心局(CO) :
数据终端设备(DTE) :
传送来自客户网络或主机计算机的数据以便通过 WAN 传输的客户设备; DTE 通过 DCE 连接到本地环路。 在物理上,分界点是位于客户室内的接线盒,用于将 CPE 电缆连接到本地环路,并将客户设 备和服务提供商设备分开; 分界点是连接责任由用户转向服务提供商的临界位置。
核心层(也叫主干) :
企业远程工作人员架构: 该模块允许在家里使用宽带服务(如有线电视调制解调器或 DSL)连接到公司网络以使用企业的 网络资源; 通常采用远程接入 VPN 实现。 企业边缘架构: 该模块充当园区模块和企业架构中其他模块之间的联络员。 18. 用户室内设备(CPE) : 位于用户室内的设备和内部布线,连接到运营商的电信信道; CPE 可以是用户购买或租用的。 本地服务提供商的设备间或设备大楼,本地电缆在此通过交换机和其他设备系统连接到全数 字长途光纤通信线路。 本地环路: 常被称为“最后一公里” ,它将用户室内的 CPE 连接到服务提供商中心局的铜缆或光纤电缆。 也叫数据电路终端设备,DCE 由将数据放到本地环路的设备组成; DCE 主要提供一个接口,用于将用户连接到 WAN 网络云中的通信链路。 数据通信设备(DCE) :
1下列哪三项是RIPv1 路由协议的特征?(选择三项。
)支持使用VLSM使用跳数作为度量将16 视为无穷度量默认管理距离为110路由更新中包含目的IP 地址和子网掩码使用贝尔曼-福特算法计算度量2哪一条(或一组)命令可以停止RIP 路由过程?RouterB(config)# router ripRouterB(config-router)# shutdownRouterB(config)# router ripRouterB(config-router)# network no no router ripRouterB(config)# router no rip3请参见图示。
图示中的所有路由器都运行RIP v1。
网络管理员在路由器 A 上发出show ip route命令。
)R [120/1]C [120/1]R [120/0]C [120/1]R [120/2]R [120/3]4以下行显示在show ip route命令的输出中。
R [120/3] via, 00:00:30, Serial0/0该路由度量的值是什么?31220301205以下哪项是RIP v1 的局限性?RIP v1 在更新中不会发送子网掩码信息。
许多网络硬件厂商不支持RIP v1。
RIP v1 使用D 类地址多播路由更新,消耗了过多的带宽。
RIP v1 需要性能较高的路由器处理器和大量RAM 才能有效运作。
RIP v1 不支持在等价路径上实现负载均衡。
RIP v1 验证很复杂,配置也很麻烦。
6要在路由器 B 上为所有相连网络启用RIP,正确的命令是怎样的?RouterB# router ripRouterB(router)# network network network router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network network configure router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network network router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network network router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network network 7请参见图示。
II. Listening Skills1. M: The police gave a few tickets out last week along Highway 15.W: In fact, quite a few tickets were given on that road.Q: What does the woman mean?2. M: Who do you think is the smartest student in the class?W: Mary is second to none.Q: What does the woman say about Mary?3. W: What are you so happy about?M: Instead of being given an even dozen, we’ve been given a baker’s dozen.Q: Why is the man so happy?4. M: We have had a lot of rain over the last few years.W: But nothing like this.Q: What does the woman mean?5. M: What effect has the booming economy had on interest rates for loans?W: The interest rates have skyrocketed!Q: What does the woman mean?1. A2. B3.B4.D5.CIII. Listening InTask 1: Dogs aren’t allowed here!Manager: I’m sorry. Miss, but dogs aren’t allowed in this theater.Mary:But I have a ticket for him.Manager: I’m very sorry, but animals aren’t permitted.Mary:You don’t understand. This is a special case. My dog is so well trained and so intelligent that he’s almost human.Manager: I see that you have an exceptional animal, but…Mary:I promise you that if there is any problem we’ll leave the theater immediately. I promise you that this dog isn’t like any other dog you’ve ever seen.Manager: Well…all right. I’ll let you go in, since the theater is almost empty tonight. But your dog will have to behave himself, or you will have to leave.Mary:Thank you very much.1. allowed movie theater2. a ticket3. well trained intelligent human4.any problem leave the theater any other dog seen5. almost emptyTask 2: Put the cat out!A couple was going out for the evening to celebrate the wife’s birthday. While they were getting ready, the husband put the cat out. The taxi arrived, and as the couple walked out of their home, the cat ran back into the house. Not wanting their car to have free run of the house while they were out, the husband went back upstairs to chase the cat out. The wife, not waiting it known that the house would be empty, explained to the taxi driver, “He’s just going upstairs to say goodbye to my mother.” A few minutes later, the husband got into the car, and said, “Sorry it took it so long. The stupid old thing was hiding under the bed, and I had to poke her with a stick to get her to come out!”4-1-3-5-2-6 D) She was ill-treated at home.Task 3: A Sudden Change in the Parrot’s AttitudeA young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of this bird’s mouth was rude. John tried every method to change the bird’s attitude by constantly saying polite words, playing soft music, and anything he could think of to set a good example. Nothing worked. Finally, John got fed up and he yelled at the parrot. And the bird yelled back. John shook the parrot, and the bird got angrier and ruder. Finally, in a moment of desperation, John put the bird in the refrigerator freezer. For a few minutes, John heard the bird scream and kick. Then suddenly there was silence. Not a sound for over a minute. Fearing that he’s hurt the bird, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out and said, “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I am truly sorry, and I will do everything I can to correct my poor behavior.”John was greatly surprised at the bird’s change of attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had caused such a sudden change in his behavior, the bird continued, “May Ii ask why you put the chickens there and what they did wrong?”1.C2.D3.B4.C5.AIV. Speaking OutModel 1 The dog will be company for her.John: Se-Jin, come shopping with me. I’m buying a present for my mother.Se-Jin: What are you getting her?John: I’ve got just the perfect idea. A dog.Se-Jin: A dog? Would she like that?John: She’ll love it. My dad works long hours each day, and I think with me away at school, she is a bit lonely. And I’ll just get a small one, a Pekinese.Se-Jin: Good idea! The dog will be company for her.Now Your TurnA: Hi, come shopping with me. I want to buy a gift for my neighbor.B: What for?A: His wife died a couple of weeks ago, and he is feeling lonely. He’s been kind to us. I want to buy something to cheer him up.B: What do you want to get for him?A: I’m thinking of buying a bunch of flowers for him.B: But I’ve got a perfect idea. A dog.A: A dog? Why?B: He’ll be crazy about it. He’s so lonely; he needs company rather than beautiful flowers.A: Good thinking! The dog can keep him company.Model 2 Where to walk dogs?Bob: There’s some talk of a businessman building a dog park in Shanghai.Laura: Really, what on earth for?Bob: Apparently there is a law against having dogs on the streets.Laura: Does it mean that the dogs have to stay inside apartments at all times?Bob: It sounds pretty cruel, doesn’t it? Maybe the park is a good idea.Laura: Maybe they should just allow people to walk their dogs on the streets.Bob: But in many large cities where dogs can be walked, the streets are a mess. I heard Paris is the worst.Laura:Couldn’t people just clean up after their dogs?Bob:Would they?Now Your TurnA: Have you heard the city has passes a law against walking dogs in the streets?B: Sure, it’s published in the newspapers.A: It means that dogs have to be kept inside all the time.B: It’s rather cruel, isn’t it? We shouldn’t be so cruel to dumb animals.A: But dogs often leave a mess from their dogs.B: But owners can clean up the mess from their dogs.A: Would they?B: Perhaps the best solution is to build a dog park. Then people can walk their dogs there.A: Sounds too good to be realistic. The city is already too crowed without the dogs.Model 3 What does having a few fish do for you?Philip: Wow! I see you’ve bought an aquarium. Nice!Peter: You should get one too. I highly recommend it.Philip: Why? What does having a few fish do for you?Peter: I find it relaxing just to sit down and watch tropical fish at the end of a tiring day.Philip: I can understand. I like to take it easy after work , too.Peter: There’s more than that. They’re really fascinating. They give you hours of entertainment, believe me.Philip: Perhaps I should give it a try.Peter: OK, I can lend you a couple of good reference books.Philip: Great! Any other tips on getting started?Now Your TurnA: Wow! You’ve bought a discman! It does look nice!B: You’d better buy one as well. I strongly recommend it.A: Why? What can it do for you?B: I find it relaxing to listen to music on it.A: I can understand. After a day’s work I like to relax a bit myself.B: Not only that. Some music cheers you up and makes you forget all your troubles.A: Maybe I should have a try, but I don’t know how to use the diskman.B: OK, I can lend you this manual.A: Wonderful! Any other tips on getting starded?V. Let’s TalkAn Intelligent DogA black dog walked into a butcher’s shop with a five-dollar bill in his mouth. He spent several minutes looking at the meat on display. He finally fixed his eyes on the lamb chops and barked, showing that he wanted to buy some of them. The butcher, thinking the dog wouldn’t know the difference, picked out the worst chops. The dog barked angrily and continued to bark until the butcher selected the finest chops. After the butcher took the money from the dog’s mouth, the dog picked up the chops and left the shop.The butcher was deeply impressed and decided that he would like to own a clever dog like that. He closed up shop and followed the dog to see where it went. The dog entered an apartment house, climbed to the third floor, and began to scratch on the door. With that, the door opened and an angry man started yelling at the dog. As he did so, the butcher stepped forward to ask the man to stop. “What are you doing?” That’s the smartest animal I’ve ever seen! Surely it doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment.” The butcher then went on to explain how the dog had bought the best lamb chops in the shop. The man looked at the butcher from the corner of his eye and said, “I don’tVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: A Birthday PresentMary: David, how did your mom like the dog you gave her for a birthday gift?David: Oh, Mary, she was delighted. It licked her hand and wagged its tail and she was hooked. Mary: What did she call it?David: She’s calling it “Brian”, after a friend of hers.Mary: Your mom always did have a sense of humor. I read somewhere that dogs can become very close to their owners.David: I’ve heard that. I saw an interview on TV with a man who had epileptic attacks, and his dog would warn him before he would have an attack.Mary: Really? I wonder how they can do that1David: It ahs something to do with the dog’s sense of smell. It’s very keen.Mary: Do you think Brian will be able to foretell when your mom is going to roast a chicken?After David gave his mom a dog as a birthday present, she was very pleased, for the dog licked her hand and wagged its tail. She called it Brian after one of her friends. Mary read an article which says that dogs can be faithful to their owners/masters. David agreed, for he saw a TV interview which introduced a dog that could warn its master of an epileptic attack. He explained that this ability of the dog’s has something to do with its keen sense of smell. Jokingly, Mary said she wounded whether the dog Brian can foretell/predict when David’s mom is going to roast a chicken.Task 2: 100 Percent Polar BearOne afternoon in the Arctic, a father polar bear and his son polar bear were sitting in the snow. The son turned to his father and asked, “Dad, am I 100 percent polar bear?”“Of course, son, you’re 100 percent polar bear.”A few minutes passed, and the bear turned to his father again and said, “Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. Am I 100 percent polar bear? No brown bear or panda bear?”“Son, I’m 100 percent polar bear and your mother is 100 percent polar bear, so you’re certainly 100 percent polar bear.”A few minutes passed, and the son polar bear again turned to his father and asked, “Dad, don’t worry. But it’ll hurt my feelings if it’s not true. I really need to know…am I really 100 percent polar bear?”Somewhat angered by this continued questioning, the father polar bear yelled at his son, “Why on earth do you keep asking is you’re 100 percent polar bear?”“Because I’m freezing to death out here!”1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FTask 3: An Introduction to Advertising“Are you ready to go to work?” a woman asks her dog Sydney. The dog was her tail. Then she starts sniffing around inside the house. Sydney is hunting for mold. When she sits down, that means she smells mold nearby. Usually mold is found within three or four feet. A boy who lives inthis house has epileptic attacks. It could be from mold. His mother wanted to find the mold. She tried other ways to find it, but they didn’t work. She said she trusted the dog more than the other ways. Workers found mold near where Sydney sat. Nobody had thought to look for mold there before. Now it can be cleaned out and the boy will feel much better.Sydney is very special. Only about ten animals in the U.S. can do this. She spent hundreds of hours with a police dog trainer in Florida to learn how. In the U.S., people have used dogs to find drugs and bombs for a long time, but dogs that find mold are something new.People in Europe have used mold-sniffing dogs for many years. Dogs are cheaper to use than human trackers and can find exactly where the mold is. They also do it quickly and for less than %500. Other methods may cost thousands of dollars and take many weeks.1.D2.C3.B4.A5.DSpeakingA Funeral for a Dead FishNancy: Westerners often take pets as their friends, even their family members. Especially dogs They think dogs are man’s best friends.Michael: What pets do people usually keep?Nancy: A lot. Fish, cats, horses… anything could be a pet.Michael: Do you have a pet?Nancy: I have three fish. One day, the fish called Susan died. We even had a funeral for her. Michael: A funeral?Nancy: Yes, usually it’s a ceremony for dead people. But we had a funeral for the dead fish. Michael: Sounds interesting.Nancy: Well, I need to go back to feed my fish. Talk to you later.Michael: OK, bye.。
B2 U5-ExSection AIII.1. hardened2. shelter3. slim4. weaken5. Literally6. noticeable7. bunch8. drag9. grateful 10. hookedIV.1. leaned on2. close at hand3. die of4. are starved of5. coupled with6. is directed … at7. are … dressed in8. grateful to9. struggling to 10. a bunch ofV.J G K M E O D H A CVI.1.Under the present situation the property prices are just beginning to harden again.2.In the past few years, theses inside conflicts have weakened the government’s position.3.Every Sunday the father takes his child to libraries, museums, exhibitions or natural parks, ashe believes that this helps to broaden the children’s mind.4.The days are lengthening as summer approaches.5.As she was waiting for the result to come out, her excitement heightened.6.The taking on of a new secretary lightened his workload considerably.7.As he listened to his assistant reporting on the process of the project, the manager’s facedarkened with anger.8.Before night fell, the setting the sun redden the clouds.VII.1. arrival2. expectations3. understandable4. Visitors5. freedom6. profitable7. lucky8. gatheringVIII.1.John went to the cinema with his brother, which surprised me.2.The boy broke the window, for which he was criticized by the teacher.3.He tore up my photo, by which I was angered very much.4.It was raining hard, for which the team stayed indoors.5.Connie changed her mind for the second time, which came as no surprise to us.IX.1.The teacher spoke so quietly that the students could hardly hear her.2.The lecture was so boring that many listeners fell asleep.3.The student has so many books that he does not know what to do with them.4.The old man was so ill that his neighbors had to send for a doctor.5.Her remarks are so funny that everyone laughs to tears.X.1. He spoke confidently, which impressed me most.2. My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.3. I’m very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.4. The bad light, coupled with the wet ground, made driving very difficult.5. Being starved of funds, they had to cancel their plan to start a business.6. They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.XI.1.飞机可能会晚点几个小时,要是那样,我们等着就没什么意义了。
技术人员正在处理网络问题,需要验证路由器的LAN 接口。
要确认路由器接口工作正常,应该从此主机ping 哪个地址?下列哪三项陈述说明了传输层协议的特征?(选择三项)应用层协议使用TCP 端口号和UDP 端口号。
TCP 使用端口号提供可靠的IP 数据包传输。
UDP 使用窗口和确认获得可靠的数据传输。
TCP 使用窗口和定序提供可靠的数据传输。
TCP 是面向连接的协议。
UDP 是无连接协议。
5OSI 模型的哪两项功能在第2 层实现?(选择两项)物理编址编码路由布线介质访问控制6由于发生安全规规事件,必须更改路由器口令。
)Router(config)#line vty 0 3Router(config-line)# password c13c0Router(config-line)#login这些配置项对远程访问指定了三条Telnet 线路。
这些配置项对远程访问指定了四条Telnet 线路。
这些配置项将控制台口令和Telnet 口令设置为"c13c0"。
因为Telnet 配置不完整,所以Telnet 访问将遭到拒绝。
允许使用"c13c0" 作为口令访问Telnet。
电缆1 和电缆2 的两端分别按照特定的物理层要求接线。
根据给定的数据回答,哪些网段的电缆安装正确?(选择三项)网段1网段2网段3网段4网段58下列哪种提示符代表适合copy running-config startup-config命令使用的模式?Switch-6J>Switch-6J#Switch-6J(config)#Switch-6J(config-if)#Switch-6J(config-line)#9请参见图示。
1When the destination network is not listed in the routing table of a Cisco router, what are two possible actions that the route (Choose two.)The router sends an ARP request to determine the required next hop address.The router discards the packet.The router forwards the packet toward the next hop indicated in the ARP table.The router forwards the packet to the interface indicated by the source address.The router forwards the packet out the interface indicated by the default route entry.2W hat are the key factors to consider when grouping hosts into a common network? (Choose three.)gatewayspurposephysical addressingsoftware versiongeographic locationownership3In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to anodestination network addresssource network addresssource MAC addresswell known port destination address4W hat are three common problems with a large network? (Choose three.)too few broadcastsperformance degradationsecurity issueslimited management responsibilityhost identificationprotocol compatibility5Which portion of the network layer address does a router use to forward packets?host portionbroadcast addressnetwork portiongateway address6Refer to the exhibit. Using the network in the exhibit, what would be the default gateway address for host A in the 192.133.2192.135.250.1192.31.7.1192.133.219.0192.133.219.17If the default gateway is configured incorrectly on the host, what is the impact on communications?The host is unable to communicate on the local network.The host can communicate with other hosts on the local network, but is unable to communicate with hosts on remoteThe host can communicate with other hosts on remote networks, but is unable to communicate with hosts on the locaThere is no impact on communications.8W hat is the purpose of a default gateway?physically connects a computer to a networkprovides a permanent address to a computeridentifies the network to which a computer is connectedidentifies the logical address of a networked computer and uniquely identifies it to the rest of the networkidentifies the device that allows local network computers to communicate with devices on other networks9What type of routing uses information that is manually entered into the routing table?dynamicinteriorstaticstandard10Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting a connectivity problem and needs to determine the addres to forward network packets out the network. Using the netstat -r command, the administrator would identify which addres address to which all hosts send packets that are destined for an outside network? IP packet field will prevent endless loops?type-of-serviceidentificationflagstime-to-liveheader checksum12W hat is a component of a routing table entry?the MAC address of the interface of the routerthe destination Layer 4 port numberthe destination host addressthe next-hop address13Which intermediary devices could be used to implement security between networks? (Choose two.)routerhubswitchfirewallaccess pointbridge14W hat information is added during encapsulation at OSI Layer 3?source and destination MACsource and destination application protocolsource and destination port numbersource and destination IP address15Refer to the exhibit. All devices shown in the exhibit have factory default settings. How many broadcast domains are repre topology that is shown?3457811Which three statements are true about routes and their use? (Choose three.)If no route to the destination network is found, the packet is returned to the previous router.If the destination network is directly connected, the router forwards the packet to the destination host.If multiple network entries exist for the destination network, the most general route is used to forward the packet.If no route exists for the destination network and a default route is present, the packet is forwarded to the next-hop router.If the originating host has a default gateway configured, the packet for a remote network can be forwarded using that routeIf a host does not have a route manually configured for the destination network, the host will drop the packet.17I n a connectionless system, which of the following is correct?The destination is contacted before a packet is sent.The destination is not contacted before a packet is sent.The destination sends an acknowledgement to the source that indicates the packet was received.The destination sends an acknowledgement to the source that requests the next packet to be sent.18Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator notices that there are too many broadcasts on the network. What two steps ca administrator take to resolve this problem? (Choose two.)Replace S2 with a router.Place all servers on S1.Disable TCP/IP broadcasts.Subnet the /24 network.Disable all unused interfaces on the switches.19Refer to the exhibit. The network in the exhibit is fully operational. What two statements correctly describe the routing for that is shown? (Choose two.) is the next-hop address that is used by R3 to route a packet from the network to the is the next-hop address that is used by R1 to route a packet from the network to the n192.168.0.1 is the next-hop address that is used by R1 to route a packet from the network to the 172.1172.16.0.1 is the next-hop address that is used by R3 to route a packet from the to the network. is the next-hop address that is used by R2 to route a packet from the network to the 192.168192.168.0.2 is the next-hop address that is used by R2 to route a packet from the network to the 192.16820What two characteristics are commonly associated with dynamic routing protocols? (Choose two.)require no device configurationprovide routers with up-to-date routing tablesrequire less processing power than static routes requireconsume bandwidth to exchange route informationprevent manual configuration and maintenance of the routing table21W hat statement describes the purpose of a default route?A host uses a default route to transfer data to another host on the same network segment.A host uses a default route to forward data to the local switch as the next hop to all destinations.A host uses a default route to identify the Layer 2 address of an end device on the local network.A host uses a default route to transfer data to a host outside the local network when no other route to the destination。
禁用TCP/IP 广播。
对192.168.0.0 /24 网络划分子网。
如果使用图示中的网络,下列哪一项将成为192.133.219.0 网络中主机A 的默认网关地址?请参见图示。
图示拓扑代表多少个广播域?34578116哪种路由使用的信息需要手动输入路由表中?动态内部静态标准7OSI 第3 层封装期间添加什么信息?源MAC 地址和目的MAC 地址源应用程序协议和目的应用程序协议源端口号和目的端口号源IP 地址和目的IP 地址8如果主机上的默认网关配置不正确,对通信有何影响?该主机无法在本地网络上通信。
交换机为主机执行连接到VLAN 5 的路由。
如果 PC 从 Internet 访问 Web 服务器,那么在哪个点上会向该帧添加一个 VLAN 编号点 A点 B点 C点 D点 E无 VLAN 编号添加到此设计中的帧。
答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 622哪种类型的 VLAN 间通信设计需要配置多个子接口单臂路由器通过多层交换机路由管理 VLAN 的路由传统 VLAN 间路由答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 123使用单臂路由器 VLAN 间路由的缺点是什么不支持 VLAN 标记的数据包比传统 VLAN 间路由要求使用更多的物理接口规模扩展不超过 50个 VLAN需要将配置的多个路由器接口用作接入链路答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 324在多层交换机的多个 VLAN 之间,流量如何路由流量通过物理接口路由。
流量通过内部 VLAN 接口路由。
答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 225规模较小的大学的教室网络使用 VLAN 10,办公室网络使用 VLAN 20。
在使用传统 VLAN 间路由时,需要使用什么来启用这两个 VLAN 之间的通信应使用至少有两个 LAN 接口的路由器。
需要两组交换机,每个端口配置一个 VLAN。
需要有一个 VLAN接口的路由器连接到交换机的 SVI。
答案答案最高分值correctness of response Option 126下列哪种说法正确描述了使用路由器子接口进行 VLAN 间路由的缺点比起使用单个路由器接口,费用更为昂贵。
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1 请参见图示。
交换机为主机执行连接到VLAN 5 的路由。
如果 PC 从 Internet 访问 Web服务器,那么在哪个点上会向该帧添加一个 VLAN 编号点A 点B 点C 点 D点 E无 VLAN 编号添加到此设计中的帧。
答案答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 622哪种类型的 VLAN 间通信设计需要配置多个子接口单臂路由器通过多层交换机路由管理 VLAN 的路由传统 VLAN 间路由答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 123使用单臂路由器 VLAN 间路由的缺点是什么不支持 VLAN 标记的数据包比传统 VLAN 间路由要求使用更多的物理接口规模扩展不超过 50 个VLAN需要将配置的多个路由器接口用作接入链路答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 324在多层交换机的多个 VLAN 之间,流量如何路由流量通过物理接口路由。
流量通过内部 VLAN 接口路由。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 225 规模较小的大学的教室网络使用 VLAN 10,办公室网络使用 VLAN 20。
在使用传统 VLAN 间路由时,需要使用什么来启用这两个 VLAN 之间的通信应使用至少有两个 LAN 接口的路由器。
需要两组交换机,每个端口配置一个 VLAN 。
需要有一个 VLAN 接口的路由器连接到交换机的 SVI 。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 126下列哪种说法正确描述了使用路由器子接口进行 VLAN 间路由的缺点比起使用单个路由器接口,费用更为昂贵。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 227请参见图示。
如果显示的每个 VLAN 都需要路由,并且每个 VLAN 都有自己的子接口,那么应在路由器上创建 多少个子接口12345答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 428请参见图示。
网络管理员已使用上述命令配置了路由器 CiscoVille ,从而提供 VLAN 间路由。
连接到路由器 CiscoVille 的 Gi0/0 接口的交换机上需要哪条命 令,才能允许 VLAN 间路由switchport mode accessno switchportswitchport mode trunkswitchport mode dynamic desirable答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 329请参见图示。
路由器 RA 收到一个数据包,其源地址为 , 目的地址为 。
路由器会将该数据包从接口 FastEthernet 0/ 转发出去。
路由器会将该数据包从接口 FastEthernet 0/ 转发出去。
路由器会将该数据包从接口 FastEthernet 0/ 转发出去。
路由器会将该数据包从接口 FastEthernet 0/ 和接口 FastEthernet 0/转发出去。
答案答案最高分值correctness of responseOption 3210请参见图示。
VLAN 之间没有通信。
Gi1/1 交换机端口不处于中继模式。
默认网关没有针对每个 VLAN 进行配置。
答案答案最高分值correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option211学校特定大楼中没有发生 VLAN 间通信。
在实施单臂路由器设计方法时,网络管理员 可以使用哪两条命令来验证路由器与第 2 层交换机之间的 VLAN 间通信正常运行 (请选择两项。
)从路由器上发出 show ip route命令。
从路由器上发出show interfaces trunk 命令。
从路由器上发出 show interface interface 命令。
从交换机上,发出 show vlans 命令。
从交换机上发出 show interface trunk 命令。
从交换机上发出 show interface interface 命令。
答案答案最高分值correctness ofresponse Option 1 and Option 5 are correct. 1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.212请参见图示。
网络管理员正在检验 VLAN 间路由的配置。
用户抱怨不同 VLAN 中的 PC 之间无法通信。
根据输出,交换机接口 Gi1/1 有哪两个配置错误(请选择两项。
)Gi1/1 处于默认 VLAN 中。
语音 VLAN 未分配给 Gi1/1。
Gi1/1 配置为中继模式。
Gi1/1 打开了中继协商。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 1 and Option 3 are correct.213请参见图示。
网络管理员正在检验 VLAN 间路由的配置。
用户抱怨 PC2 不能与 PC1 通信。
根据输出,可能导致此问题的原因是什么Gi0/0 未配置为中继端口。
interface GigabitEthernet0/ 命令输入有误。
Gi0/0 接口未配置 IP 地址。
子接口中没有输入 no shutdown 命令。
Encapsulation dot1Q 5 命令包含错误的 VLAN 。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 5214请参见图示。
在尝试输入路由器 RTA 中显示的配置后,管理员收到一个错误报告,而且VLAN 20 的用户报告说他们无法联系到 VLAN 30 的用户。
原因是什么Dot1q 不支持子接口。
Fa0/0 上没有用作默认网关的地址。
RTA 为 VLAN 20 和 VLAN 30 使用相同的子网。
Fa0/ 和 Fa0/ 中应该已经发出了 no shutdown 命令。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 3215请参见图示。
根据 show running-config 命令输出,为 VLAN 15、30 和 45 实施单臂路由器配置。
使用 /24 网络的 VLAN45 上的 PC 无法连接 /24 网络中 VLAN 30 上的 PC 。
哪种错误可能导致此问题在 GigabitEthernet 0/ 上配置了错误的 VLANGigabitEthernet 0/ 上缺少 no shutdown 命令GigabitEthernet 0/0 接口缺少 IP 地址。
在 GigabitEthernet 0/ 上配置了错误的 IP 地址。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 4216请参见图示。
网络管理员正在配置 RT1 进行 VLAN 间路由。
交换机正确配置并可 正常工作。
主机 1、主机 2 和主机 3 无法互相通信。
根据路由器配置,导致此 问题的原因什么Fa0/0 接口缺少 IP 地址配置信息。
子接口的 IP 地址与 VLAN 匹配不正确。
Fa0/0 的每个子接口需要单独的 no shutdown 命令。
路由器不支持在子接口上进行 封装。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 2217需要什么条件才能进行第 3 层交换第 3 层交换机必须启用 IP 路由。
参与的所有交换机必须具有唯一的 VLAN 编号。
路由的所有子网必须处于同一个 VLAN 中。
第 3 层交换的 VLAN 间路由必须使用单臂路由器。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 1218请参见图示。
管理员可以发出哪条命令来将 VLAN10 状态更改为最新Switch1(config)# interface vlan 10 Switch1(config-if)# no shutdownSwitch1(config)# interface vlan 10 Switch1(config-if)# ip addressSwitch1(config)# interface vlan 10 Switch1(config-if)# ip address Switch1(config-if)# no shutdownSwitch1(config)# vlan 10 Switch1(config-vlan)# exit答案答案 最高分值答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 4219在多层交换机上配置 VLAN 间路由时,网络管理员在连接到另一台交换机的接口上发出 no sw令。
此命令的用途是什么为单一网络创建一个路由端口提供静态中继链路 创建交换虚拟接口提供标记 VLAN 流量的接入链路答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 1220为 VLAN 间路由使用多层交换机的缺点是什么多层交换机对第 3 层路由有更高的延迟。
将多层交换机限制为对第 3 层路由使用中继链路。
答案 答案 最高分值correctness of response Option 2221使用缩写填空。
在多层交换机上配置 VLAN 间路由时,用作虚拟路由 VLAN 接口。
正确答案: svi22 填空题。
网络工程师正在对网络上新的 VLAN 配置进行故障排除。
哪个命令用于显示交换机上存在的表正确答案: show vlan23 The PT initialization was skipped. You will not be able to view the PT activity. 第 3 层交换机中缺少哪个可以恢复 PC1 与 Web 服务器之间完全连接的命令正确答案: ip address。