



I – La pauvreté:1、在发展政策方面,相对于城里,国家没有给予农村同样的重视。



















II – Le Sida1.根据联合国艾滋病规划署,在世界上15岁到49岁犯有艾滋病毒的3720万成年人中,女性占了一半。

口译证书考试 试题库答案

口译证书考试 试题库答案

商务英语口语参考答案I.From Chinese into English1、我坚信您的来访将促进我们双方的了解和友谊。

I’m sure your visit will help promote the friendship and understanding between us.2、这样大的订单,我们通常是在收到有关信用证后两个月内交货。

For such a large order, we usually make delivery within two months after receipt of the relative L/C.3、你们的报盘比你们在其它国家的竞争对手所报的一些价格要高Y our offers are higher than some of the quotations from your competitors in other countries.4、不过,按照惯例,除非你方要求,否则我们是不投保这些险种的。

But as a rule, we don’t cover them unless you want to.5、由于你方的价格偏高,目前我们很难推销你方的数码摄相机。

As your price is on the high side, it’s difficult for us to push the sale of your digital cameras nowadays.6、如有劣质货物交达,本公司就永远不会再下定单了。

If the goods of inferior/bad/poor quality are delivered, we will not place our order with you again.7、如一方未能履约,另一方有权终止合同。

If one side fails to honour the contract, the other side are entitled to cancel it.8、由于你方不同意降低价格,我们只好到他处订货。



英语口译教程答案英语口译教程答案【篇一:商务英语口译参考答案】se interpretinga1. to recover from the jet lag2. thoughtful arrangement3. hospitality4. souvenir5. accommodations6. to claim baggage7. to proceed through the customs 8. itinerary9. farewell speech 10. to adjust to the time difference1.倒时差 2.周到的安排 3.热情好客 4.纪念品 5.食宿6.提取行李 7.进行海关检查 8.活动安排 9.告别词 10.适应时差b1.为??设宴洗尘2.向??告别3.不远万里来到? 4.很荣幸?? 5.久仰大名 6.欢迎词 7.赞美 8.回顾过去 9.展望未来10.美好回忆1. to hold a banquet in honor of...2. to bid farewell to...3. to come all the way to...4. to be/feel honored...5. i have long been looking forward to meeting you.6. a welcoming address7. to pay tribute to 8. to look back9. to look ahead 10. happy memorydistinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,thank you very much for your gracious welcoming speech. china is one of the earliestcradles of civilization and the visit to this ancient nation has long been my dream. this visitwill give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. i wishto say again that i am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovelytown. i am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in china.as an american manager of a sino-american joint venture for two years, i have to saythat there are differences in business management practice between chinese and americans.we are more direct and straightforward than most chinese colleagues due to our differentcultural traditions. i cant say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. after all,there are strong points and weak points in both types of management. in recent years, moreand more american business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humaneway of chinese management.it is a great pleasure that i can exchange views andinformation with you, and reachcommon ground here. and i wish to share with you my thoughts on this topic in the days tocome. thank you!尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们:非常感谢你们热情友好的欢迎词。



.外事接待inexplicable 难以言表的第一篇set foot on 踏上⋯⋯的土地制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltdcosmopolitan city国际大都市副总经理 deputy managing directormaximize 充分利用研究生 graduate studentin no time 不久论文 paperrewarding有成效的研究成果 research findings实验助手 lab assistant参观访问市中心 downtown area第一篇假日酒店 Holiday Inn学位点degree program旅馆招待费 hotel accommodation fee国家级重点社科研究基地key social science 招待所 guesthouse research centers舒适如归 make sb. comfortable博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research 不尽如人意之处 inconvenience in life and work stations排忧解难 help sb. out国家级重点学科national key disciplines两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy第二篇of science and the Chinese academy of engineering Stanford University 斯坦福大学网络教育online educationa land of wonder充满奇观的国家科举制imperial examinationhead office 总部日月光华 ,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight magical power 神奇的魅力and the moonlight after night the day dawns again Oriental东方的人文精神humanistic spiritConfucianism 儒家思想披荆斩棘 , 筚路蓝缕negotiate various Taoism道家学说impediment精选范本.博学而笃志 ,切问而近思extensive scholarship第二篇with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry withVancouver温哥华close examinationCanada ’ gatewaysto the pacific加拿大通往太治学态度educational philosophy平洋的门户取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology ofThe Panama Canal巴拿马运河extracting the best and exploiting the greatestNatural ice-free harbor天然不冻港怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliantManufactured goods制成品scholarshipLumber and paper milling伐木、造纸高等教育发展的重中之重priority amongOil refining炼油institutions of high learningMetal fabricating金属锻造承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in thePrinted matter印刷future missionReal estate房地产精诚团结 ,共襄盛举strive together in goodTriple增至 3倍faithQuadruple 增至 4倍文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensiveQuintuple增至 5倍university with a complete range disciplines in liberalHigh-rise office building摩天办公楼arts, science, engineering and medicineBoutique时装礼品店全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence andEthnic group少数民族团体visibility in all dimensionsPlanetarium天文馆社会转型时期 a period of social transitionAquarium水族馆百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with aSkating rink溜冰场century-long academic tradition and intellectualBotanical garden植物园esteemConservatory of exotic plants异国植物花房精选范本.Maple tree 枫树domestic liquidity国内流动资金Sap树液precipitous move突然变动syrup糖浆stifle葬送workable measures of transition 可行的过度措施人物访谈stance姿态第一篇:国际清算银行行长president of the Bank for第二篇international settlements新千年the new millennium宏观经济 macroeconomic新纪元 the new age浮动汇率 floating foreign exchange rate精髓essenceworld economic projection 世界经济预计陶器potteryimpetus 动力京剧戏装 Costumes of Peking Opera reassuring 让人放心莫高窟复制品 the replica of the Mogao Grottoes command economy 计划经济青铜战车 the bronze chariotfiscal policy 财政政策战国早期的礼仪乐器ritual musical instruments surplus and deficit赢余和赤字produced early in the Warring States Period deterioration 最坏;最低点八音度 a range of octavewithout precedent第一次音域宽wide rangepact公约定音tone settingcurb deficits 防止财政状况恶化瑟,笙,箫,鼓 se, sheng, xiao, drums pension commitments 养老金投入整理collateyields on nominal bonds 名义收益率骨哨bone flutedeflation 紧缩摇篮cradleexchange rate appreciation 货币升值舞台服饰 performance costumes精选范本.夸张和象征的手法exaggeration and symbolic历史性跨越 a historic breakthroughmeans底子薄 weak economic basis名模 famous model全面建设小康社会 build a moderately prosperoussociety in an all-around way大会发言科学发展观the guideline of scientific 第一篇development20 国集团g 20(group of 20)Central Bank Governor 扩大内须 expand domestic demand央行行长科技含量高high scientific and technological 生物科技bio-technologycontent科技进步日新月异science and technology haave转变经济增长方式the transformation of the been making continuous progresseconomic growth mode金融风暴financial turbulence提高自主创新能力enhance innovative ability贸易壁垒trade barriers促进城乡区域协调发展facilitate a balanced 保护主义protectionismdevelopent between rural and urban areas取长补短make full use of favorable condition and以人为本people-centeredpromote complementarity顺应时代潮流as a response to the trend of our 注入新的活力inject new vitality totimes关税 tariff减免债务debt relief第二篇优惠贷款concessional load in an atmosphere of learning 在学术气氛中转轨国家countries in transition incubator孵卵器灵活务实flexible and pragmatic inception涌现由温饱到小康 a period of having only basic needs undergrad大学生met to a comfortable life reengineer 调整精选范本.reduce inventory缩短开发周期principles of the UN Chartercumulative日积月累善邻之道 live together in peacewith one another compound rate 复利率as good neighborsoperating margin 营业利率划时代意义epoch-makingturnover 周转次数里程碑 milestoneoutstanding receivable 未清应收帐人类社会沧桑巨变 stupendous changes in human strategic sourcing initiative 开源节流战略societycustomer-driven以顾客为驱动力国际舞台风云变幻vicissitudes in theservice-oriented服务型international arenaput a new premium on高度重视地区热点问题 regional hot spot issuemanagerial competence管理能力民族分裂势力regional separatistsFortune 500 companies财富 500 强极端宗教势力religious extremistexpertise专门技术毒品走私 drug traffickingwin-win thinking双赢思维传染性疾病communicable diseasegroup synergy 协作精神坚持多边主义uphold multilateralismhold sb. accountable for 让⋯⋯放手做摈弃冷战思维 abandon the Cold War mentality hold a grudge against 怀恨在心标本兼治 address both symptoms and root causes裁军与军备控制 disarmament and arms control国际关系防止核扩散prevent the proliferation of nuclear 第一篇weapons纪念⋯⋯成立⋯⋯周年包容精神the spirit of inclusiveness commemorate ⋯ .anniversary of the founding of文明多样性diversity of civilization恪守承诺commitment to兼容并蓄的和谐世界harmonious world where all 联合国宪章宗旨和原则the purpose and the精选范本.coexist and accommodate each other coercion高压政治休戚与共的命运interests and destinies tackle处理第二篇旅游观光subsequent endeavor 此后的努力第一篇humanitarian 人道主义者广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of refrain 不以the Chinese territorynon-intervention 不干涉绚丽多姿的自然景观gorgeous and varied domestic jurisdiction 内部事务natural scenerythe minimum doe of conduct 最起码的行为准则如诗如画poetic and picturesquethe Security Council 安理会名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic paralysis瘫痪beautyveto right否决权兵马俑 terra-cotta sodiers and horses incapacitate 无所作为故宫the Imperial Palacenuclear weapon proliferation 核武器扩散五岳之首the most famous of China's 5 great communicable disease 传染性疾病mountainsbuffer conflicts 缓解冲突峻拔突兀majestic and precipitous appeal enforcement 强制山外有山mountains beyond mountainsmeddle管闲事融自然与文化景观于一体embody natural manifold多种多样scenery and cultural heritagepermeate 渗透奇石 ,清瀑 ,古松 ,亭阁grotesque rock formation, practice tolerance 宽容忍让clear waterfalls,old-age pine trees and pavilions transcend differences 超越差异历代文人雅士书法家famous ancient convergence of interests 共同利益的汇合点writers,scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty精选范本.石刻碑文stone inscription caravan and cabin 汽车旅馆 ,公寓住所重峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another international cuisine 国际烹饪水准经典佳作great classics of ancient writers of ethnic restaurant 风味餐厅various dynasty departure tax stamp 离境印花税票华夏祖先Chinese ancestors American Express 美国运通信用卡吉祥之地propitious place科学报告祭祀天地offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth第一篇联合国教科文组织UNESCO(c=cultural,其他中国古代药王神农氏Shennong, the celebrated 不必说了吧 ?)herbal master of ancient China世界自然与文化遗产World heritage中医史上的萌芽阶段the embryo stage in the Commissiondevelopment of TCM第二篇战国时期 the Warring States Periodgeological accident 地质变化黄帝内经HuangDi ’ s Classic of internal the earth's crust 地壳Medicinetemperate cllimatic zone 热带地区神农本草经Shennong ’ s herbal classic unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇兽 ,奇花异草主治、功用和毒性primary treatments, functions Great Barrier大堡礁and toxic characterAyer's Rock阿叶尔斯石柱山药典 pharmacopoeiaKakadu National Park 卡喀杜国家公园救死扶伤 healing the sick and saving the dying Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院职业道德规范 professional work ethicskiing resort滑雪场食补保健food treatment approachgross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值延缓衰老defer senilitycamping park 野营公园相互作用、互为依存be of mutual influence and精选范本.interdependence hydrogen 氢有机的整体an organic whole oxygen氧气诊断疾病diagnose disease photosynthesis 光合作用阴阳对立制约 yin and yang are mutually opposing equilibrium平衡and constraining meteor流星互根互用be interdependent and mutually embedded埋植promoting carbon compound碳化合物消长平衡 proportionally change with the decrease hypothesis假设of one, resulting in, or from the increase of the other Antarctic南极的相互转化mutually transformational aesthetics审美观健康的要素be essential for the maintenance of the Leonid meteor showers 狮子座流星雨good health debris碎片指导思想guiding concept comet彗星临床治疗方法clinical treatment The Azores亚速尔群岛针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion Infrared spectrographs 红外线摄谱仪按摩推拿medical massage organic molecule有机分子气功疗法deep breathing exercises spectrographic 摄谱的赢得广泛赞誉win worldwide acclaim disseminate散布中医专业队伍TCM professionals prebiotic life前生物生命综合医院general hospital galaxy银河系第二篇礼仪祝辞astrobiology天体生物学第一篇nitrogen氮阁下your excellency...精选范本.建交 the establishment of diplomatic relations gracious hospitality友好款待近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration convey 转达积贫积弱 ,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,bosom friend 知己long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy thriving and robust 蓬勃向上of other countries megalopolis 特大型城市落后要挨打 lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to boast 以⋯⋯为自豪attacks unequalled 不能与⋯⋯相媲美刻骨铭心的教训 never-forgotten lesson miraculous rise 奇迹般地迅速崛起中华民族伟大复兴 the rejuvenation of China financial giants 金融业的巨头不懈努力 make unremitting efforts business community商业界与时具近 keep pace with the times manufacturing industry 制造业第一要务 the primary task IPR(intellectual property rights)知识产权发展是硬道理development is of overriding joint consultancy service 合资咨询服务机构importance transnational corportation 跨国公司科学发展观 scientific outlook last but not least 最后和谐社会 harmonious society at one's earliest convenience在其方便的时候,互利共赢 win-win尽早⋯⋯本着⋯⋯的精神 it is in the spirit of cherish 珍惜一贯奉行 in the persistent pursuit of economic recession 经济不景气双边关系 bilateral relations ensure a sustained growth 确保持续增长祝酒 join sb in a toast on the occasion of 请允许我借⋯⋯的机会⋯⋯第二篇商务谈判mission 代表团第一篇精选范本.进出口商品交易会 import and export commodities发盘/报盘offerfair折扣discount销售部经理 sales manager supplies 货物supply department 采购部free sample 免费样品brochure 宣传小册子inspection检验scope of business经营范围floor offer底盘machine tool 机床counter-offer 还盘workmanship工艺合同格式format of contractmake an inquiry询价规格specificationquotation 报价单价unit priceC.I.F Seattle西雅图到岸价保险费由贵方承担 the insurance premium should (*cost,insurance.freight)be born by your side调整价格 adjust the price business transaction 生意顺利成交competitive具有竞争力bulk 很大外交政策substantially大大地第一篇展台 exhibition stand外国使节 diplomatic envoy复杂而深刻的变化complex and profound第二篇changes经营的新品 new line of business各种问题相互交织 various threats are intertwined 汽车零部件auto parts指导国际关系的准则norms governing update 调整international relationsat the cost of不惜以⋯⋯为代价切实履行implement in real earnestour part我方精选范本以强凌弱的霸权主义bully the weak and pursue amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood hegemony奔腾不息的时代潮流irresistible tide of the times文明的多样性the diversity of civilizations第二篇万物并育而不相害all living creature growdiplomacy外交手段together without harming one anothermonetary structure 货币组织道并行而人不相悖ways run parallel withoutmilitary deterrence 军事威慑interfering with one anotherutmost purpose 最高宗旨相互借鉴、取长补短learn from each other insubordinate 服从于mutual emulationovershadow黯然失色相互包容、求同存异mutual tolerance, seekinitiative主动行动agreement while shelving differencesdownright distrust不信任的传统减免债务reduce and forgive debtsutility利用军事联盟military allianceauthorization授权动辄诉诸武力resort to use or threat of forcesponsorship操办摈弃冷战思维the Cold War mentality should beintervention干预done away withtake ⋯ into account考虑到核武器扩散nucleus weapons proliferationthe IMF国际货币基金组织跨国犯罪trans-boundary crimestrade deficits贸易赤字生态恶化environmental degradationcommitment致力于永远不称霸never seek hegemonywar-torn遭受战争破坏维护国家主权和领土完整safeguard nationalelite上层人物sovereignty and territorial integritymilitary alliance 军事联盟睦邻、安邻、富邻政策the policy of creating andemobilization/remobilization 遣散军队 / 重组军精选范本队国之宝箴treasured maxim第二篇文化交流millennium千年第一篇landmark标志性民为贵people being the most importantreclusive避世隐居巨大活力the immense vitalityDanish architect Jorn Utzon丹麦设计师钧恩乌生动写照vivid reflection特松生存权subsistence rightwith media access 有机会接触媒体立国之本the foundation to build the countryarchitectural icon 建筑业偶像不懈努力make unremitting endeavorin the pantheon of在⋯⋯的万神殿中相辅相成the two are complementary to eachpluck淘汰othera complete one-off 空前绝后民族先人ancestorwas quite at odds with 相去甚远初步繁荣昌盛initial prosperityrectilinear垂直式吸收和借鉴absorb and draw upon fruits ofmaverick genius 独树一帜的奇才祖国统一reunification of the countrypromontory海角繁衍multiplybackdrop背景伟大复兴the great rejuvenationin high dudgeon一怒之下先行者forerunnermanifold difficulties各种各样的困难区域自治regional autonomyseductive beauty 有魅力的纯美宪法保障protected by the Constitutionpatron资助人崇高目标lofty goal亲仁善邻benevolence and good-neighborliness信息时代精选范本.第一篇第二篇筹备会议preliminary meetingdon穿上处理程序性问题address procedure issuescaffold框架智能化intelligence computerizationthermostat恒温计多样化diversificationEKG心电图仪信息通信技术infocom technologytelemetric system 遥测系统结构调整architecture readjustmentemulate仿效升级换代upgradingsymbiosis 共生现象融语音、数据、图像于一体integrate voice datesoftware programmer 软件编程师and imagecollaborate合作宽带高速信息网high-speed broadbanddebug调试information networkneuron神经元全方位地满足业务需求meet various servicetackle解决requirements in all dimensionsinterstellar星际制约因素reasonmicroprocessor 微型处理器宏观调控macroeconomic controlad hoc特别的市场管制market regulationcell phone手机规避市场风险avoid market risksthe heftiest desktop 最先进的台式机创新的融资机智innovative financing mechanismfight off an attacking wasp 击退发起进攻的黄蜂资金的多元投入for more financing channelssimpleton傻子911 事件September 11 terrorist attackemergent behavior 突发性的行为应急系统emergency systemmischievous and sinister 恶意数字鸿沟digital divideantithetical对立的精选范本.resilience 应变能力industryseismic activity 地震活动生物医药产业the bioengineering and geomagnetic storm 地磁风暴pharmaceutical industrya worrisome spike麻烦支柱产业pillar industryreroute traffic 改变行动路线历史文物保护单位sites of historical interest and InterPlaNet 星际网cultural relics under protectionasteroid 小行星海派文化Shanghai regional culture unmanned probe吾人驾驶探测器美食家gourmetproprietary (信息 )专有清真authentic Muslimfeel tingles on one ’感s觉spine到脊椎的震颤万国建筑博览会exhibition of the world'sarchitecture宣传介绍第一篇地势平坦的冲积平原 a soil deposit plain land 常住居民permanent residents慈悬浮列车the maglev train长江三角洲Yangtze River Delta龙头作用play a leading role清朝乾隆,嘉庆年间during the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty石油化工产业the petrochemical industry精细化工产业the fine chemical家用电器产业the home electrical appliance 内环线高架道路elevated inner beltway野生动物园the Wildlife zoo迎新撞钟活动New year's Greeting Bell-striking庙会Temple Fair桂花节Sweet Osmanthus Festival海纳百川,有容乃大the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold乘骐骥以驰骋兮on your steed galloping来吾道夫先路on my road pioneering聪明,精明,高明bright,smart,wise第二篇British Commonwealth 英联邦精选范本.physically spread out 布局分散第一篇predominant 主导烹饪艺术 culinary artconglomeration 聚结民以食为天 food is the paramount necessity of the commute外来工作者peopleprominent landmark 显著的地貌标志推陈出新 creative effortsSaint Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂色、香、味 color, aroma and tasteWestminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂摆放layoutmonarchy君主政体冷盘cold dishescoronation加冕礼原料raw materialBuckingham Palace白金汉宫作料调配 the blending of seasoninghub中心调味艺术 the art of proper seasoningslum贫民窟食物质地 the texture of foodlavish豪华刀功slicing techniquephilharmonic orchestra 爱乐乐团乳猪suckling pigvenue场所点心pastriescornucopia各类黄酒yellow rice winesuccessive eras 各个阶段烈性白酒 strong white liquorchronologically 从历史上敬酒toast withrepository陈列馆小啜take a sippremier art collection最重要的美术作品馒头steamed breadstriking portraits of Britons 不列颠人逼真的肖像热卡calories主食staple food饮食文化第二篇精选范本.food style饮食习惯以人为本,执政为民put people first in solid diet丰盛的食物administrationhealth food保健餐着力搞好宏观调空concentrate on doing Little Italy小意大利城macro-regulatory work wellGermantown德国城激发创造活力stimulate creativitynative specialties 家乡特色菜实施稳健的财政政策 follow prudent fiscal policy Creole accent to the food 克里奥耳口味三农工作是重中之重work relating agriculture, physical well-being 身体健康rural areas and farmers remains top priorityironic 讽刺的加强农田水利建设intensify development of preservative防腐剂irrigation and conservancy projectcheese 奶酪多渠道转移农业富余劳动力transfer surplusrural labor to nonagricultural jobs中国改革推进产业结构优化升级optimize and upgrade the 第一篇industrial structure翻天覆地的变化earthshaking changes加强生态建设strengthen ecological improvement 面貌焕然一新 take on a brand-new look推进财税体制改革promote the reform of fiscal 出 / 入境旅游outbound/inbound travel and tax system村/ 居委会village committee/urban neighborhood加强精神文明建设promote social and ethnical committee progress解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and加强行政能力建设和政风建设improve the clothing government’administrative capacity and style of 落实科学发展观follow a scientific approach of workdevelopment建设服务型政府service-oriented government精选范本.意气风发in high spirits forerunner前驱同心同德、再接再厉united with one heart and dwarf让⋯⋯相形见绌one mind, continue our concerted and unyieldingefforts第二篇overstate 夸大turn one’ s back on对⋯⋯封闭anarchy政治混乱warlordism军阀割据make up lost ground 收复失地springboard跳板with gusto满怀热情subsistence farming 自然经济marginal productivity边际生产力tariff barrier关税壁垒bolster保持joint venture 合资企业incremental capital output ratio 资本产出比率reckon估计purchasing power parity 购买力平价capital accumulation 资本积累demographic forecasts 人口统计学上的预见hiccup磕磕碰碰精选范本。



1.I am very pleased to have this opportunity to speak in front of distinguished guests. My name is Eason, a Pepsi-Cola (China) Public Relations Manager. Today, I tell you about the Pepsi-Cola is the group with the hope that my presentation so that we can for Pepsi to have a clearer understanding of: PepsiCo is the world's largest convenient food and beverage companies around the world and employs over 168,000 people, products are sold in nearly 200 countries and regions. We aspire to make PepsiCo the world's leading, main convenience food and beverage consumer products company. Our strategy is to focus all its resources to develop business. We will improve the operational, investment and financing activities in an effort to enhance investor value.2.QSC & V guidelines representing the McDonald's business, they are "quality, service, cleanliness and value." "Quality" criteria means: they ensure that customers receive high-quality food; provide fast and friendly "service," McDonald's has been a great foundation for business success, they continue to improve service levels to meet or over to meet customer expectations and requirements; "clean "means having the cleanest, most refreshing of equipment - from the kitchen, dining hall, toilets to the parking lot;" value "is defined as: after you pay to get the" overall experience. "At McDonald's, "general experience" including quality food, friendly peopleClean environment and fast accurate service - and fun!3.150 years, Siemens has been the industry leader, maintained based on trust, on the basis of quality and reliable reputation. Over the years, we have relied on a strong partnership between our customers. Good partnerships rely on trust, mutual understanding and mutual knowledge required. Ultimately, is you - our customers and business partners determine our success, so we continue to innovate cutting-edge industries stand. In other words, you are also the beneficiaries of our cooperation. The most important thing is that in China I saw a new spirit is being generated. I see the times change, the situation is gratifying when the rising passion about the future. Let's create the next bar.4.Haier Group was founded in 1984 and headquartered in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Inception, Haier produced only a single type of refrigerators, Haier now has become the world's leading white goods manufacturer. In the Haier Group CEO Zhang's leadership has produced 96 area more than fifteen thousand different specifications of appliances. Haierproducts are now sold in more than one hundred countries around the world. In addition to producing high-quality home appliances, Haier off focus to provide consumers with quality service. Haier's service system throughout the entire production process, from product design to after sales. Since 2002, Haier has successfully established a network system by more than 5,000 professional providers to provide consumers in a timely manner to serve humanity.5.East Asiatic Company from doing business in China since 1900, China's trade partners with a hundred years of history, we are proud of the time. As in China, the idea that we are more familiar with China often and our psychological China's trading partners, we have a foundation to achieve a good start. We attach great importance to China's trading partners and we continue to develop good personal relationships and mutual understanding, so we work with our Chinese counterparts to communicate ideas, make them understand that we are sincerely to do seriously want to joint venture success. Joint venture success, both sides can benefit. We also hope that our Chinese friends to take the same attitude, which is why we selected trading partners in China to take a very cautious attitude.6.Chiang Kai-shek International Freight Group, through this experience accumulated over the years, to provide customers with a variety of freight services. Whether it is sea, air, land or sea and air transport, logistics and Chiang Kai-shek to meticulous service, to ensure that the customer's goods in the cargo of every aspect of getting the right treatment. We have already famous with the world's leading shipping companies to establish long-term friendly and cooperative relations, and finally the international freight industry customers to establish a good reputation. All this is mainly due to the quality service we provide. Regardless of what customers need to transport goods, regardless of the number and size of the Chiang Kai-shek International Freight Group will provide you with convenient, reliable, excellent service and price to meet the needs of what you expectations.7.International Chamber of Commerce already has 78 years of history, in 140 countries and has members, is an important global economic and trade organizations. It is in the promotion of international trade, economic cooperation, capital flows play an important role. It has a broad and pragmatic highly praised by the international community. Select the Shanghai city is full of vigor and vitality of the city holding an annual meeting of the InternationalChamber of Commerce fully expressed the importance of China's economic development, also shows that the international business community with a vision and broad development prospects of China is full of great interest.8.Mengniu Group was established in August 1999. Currently, liquid milk and ice cream from the market share point of view, Mengniu ranked first in the country. Mengniu's efforts, Mengniu was awarded "China's dairy industry competitiveness first." Enterprises are classified as "twenty key large enterprises," and one "key protection units." Chairman, president and Gensheng in recent years was named "Outstanding Entrepreneur" and "China Top Ten Business Person of the Year," one, and in 2005 was awarded "China Top Ten Green People" honorary title. Mengniu Group's commitment to consumers is: to provide green milk, spread health ideas. Commitment to its customers is: win-win cooperation and common development. Commitment of employees: education and training, success in life.9.Teamwork is essential for a company. In any project, not individual work. Whether in the company to do research, or engage in cooperation with other companies, a number of my colleagues need to draw on collective wisdom, work together to complete. If we compete with each other, blocking the message, do not tell others what they are doing, this will lead to duplication, waste of human and material resources. In this way, the individual, the company did not do any good. Our team performance: personal success is not the ultimate success, only the team's success is the real success.10.Excellent corporate culture is to obtain an important reason for the rapid development, through the influence of corporate culture of solidarity and cohesion arising will become a force to promote enterprise development. Konka Konka corporate culture is the endless pursuit of people. Konka made "for customers and employees create a healthy, happy life, excellent products and continued dedication to service" business philosophy, which emphasizes the company not only to provide high-quality products, but also serve the community, the pursuit of business and employees and grow together. This will be the period of the business and corporate culture closely together, resulting in the cohesion and attractiveness, and ultimately promote the development of enterprises.11.The personality of our company as the primary factor in selecting employees, employees of a noble character is absolutely trust. Second, although a company, the innovative ability are indispensable, but I think wisdom is more important. A wise person will be at the crucial moment to make informed choices, to know how to learn from the experience of others, and know how to innovate. And a lack of wisdom, created what is often not practical, and therefore of little use. In my case, I tend to hire a wise person, then go to develop his creativity.。



Why are girls not as good at maths and science?Girls don't do as well at maths and science as boys. There are several reasons for this. The first and most important reason is that they aren't encouraged to play with toys that build up interest in mat hs and science problems and that build skills for problem solving or understanding how things wor k. Girls are encouraged to play with toys that foster language and human relations skills. As a resu lt, they can grow up not knowing how an engine works or how to build a model from directions.Second, studies have shown that teachers don't expect girls to be good at maths. Even female m aths and science teachers pay more attention to boys in class and call on boys more often. Because teachers don't expect girls to excel, they don't try very hard, and soon girls are far behind boys in t hese studies.Finally, girls don't have many role models to look up to. Not very many maths and science teach ers are women, especially in the later grades. When the media picture mathematicians and scientist s, they usually picture men. As a result, girls aren't inspired to choose these fields as careers.In summary, several factors work together in the home, in schools, and in society at large to se nd a subtle message to girls. Girls almost always get the message; as a result, few girls excel at ma ths and science.有偿搭车“上班族”借助网络发帖联络搭乘“顺风车”,这种出行方式(trip mode, transportation)最近在北京、上海、深圳等一些大中型城市开始流行起来。



《口译与听力》课程口译资料答案Part One Chinese-English Interpretation (25%)Section A Sentences (10%)1.With its outstanding achievements in halting the population explosion, China wonhigh praise from United Nations experts.2.We are firmly opposed to any attempt to cr eate “Taiwan Independence”, “TwoChina”, or “One China, One Taiwan”.3.The Chinese government attaches great importance to development of the ITindustry and we are making great efforts to accelerate the information-based national economic and social development.4.The grotto was originally a Buddhist architectural form that was brought to Chinafrom India.5.An open China needs to absorb all the excellent elements from other cultures andbeneficial experiences of human beings. It also needs the maximum understanding and support of other countries.6.I would like to take this opportunity to extend my cordial greetings and goodwishes to all our guests from all over the country.7.We should persist in the appropriate development of future-oriented education toserve national economic and social development.8.To actively develop good-neighborly relations with the surrounding countries isan important component of China‟s foreign policy.9.Since the establishment of Shenzhen special economic zone, it has set upnationwide famous “Shenzhen speed” and “Shenzhen benefit”10.The Internet boom is playing an important role in facilitating the growth of theworld economy and interchanges between the peoples of all countries.11.Tourism has become an important source of non-trade foreign exchange revenue.12.In 1978, the Party Central Committee began to prepare for the establishment ofSpecial Economic Zone in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen.13.The degradation of grassland has several reasons. It is the result of combinationbetween natural and artificial factors.14.Ancient Chinese people used a dozen animals to symbolize the 12 EarthlyBranches. They are the rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.15.In heaven there is the paradise, and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou16.The latest statistics from the State Statistics Bureau shows that summer grainoutput of 2000 will decrease by 11 million tons from that of 1999.17.A player will never be able to conquer his opponents if he fails to conquer himself,or his own mental barriers.18.China is unified multi-ethnic country. Beside the majority Han Chinese, there are55 ethnic minorities.19.Economy sets the tune, whereas financial developments interact with economy.cation should meet the needs of modernization, the world and the future.21.The Web is changing every aspect of our lives.22.As the most populous country in the world, China has often been a focus ofattention in the international community.23.In fact without the inflow of foreign capital, China‟s economi c miracle wouldhave been difficult to achieve.24.The saving deposits in Chinese banks have been growing much faster thanChinese GDP in recent years.25.As the saying goes, …in nature there are unexpected storms and in life there areunpredictable vicissitudes.‟26.More Chinese people than ever are enjoying a fashionable sporting life style.27.Economic development should be coordinated with environmental protection..28.For many years, other countries have known little about China‟s human rightssituation, and much misunderstanding has existed.29.Continuous growth was obtained despite the adverse circumstance of theinternational market.30.China implements a family planning policy with the aim of promoting its socialand economic development, raising people‟s living standards and improving the quality of the population.31.China‟s poverty-relief policy has helped a large number of people escape povertyand move toward prosperity.32.Preliminary statistics indicated that the gross domestic product (GDP) of the yearwas RMB 7 477.2 billion, up by 8.8 percent over the previous year.33.As China‟s reform and opening up are deepened, its foreign trade has alsoprogressed remarkably.34.A large number of foreign investors have been attracted to Shenzhen by thefavorable investment environment.35.To strengthen the UN‟s role goes with the historical trend, meets the needs of thetimes and conforms to the shared aspiration of all people in the world.36.The financial industry can only develop in a healthy macroeconomicenvironment.37.Implementation of the strategy of developing China through science andeducation is a significant measure for China‟s economic revitalization and modernization drive.38.China is unified multi-ethnic country. Besides the majority Han Chinese, there are55 ethnic minorities.39.Known in ancient history as the …mother‟ of the Chinese nation, the Yellow Riverhas given life to hundreds of millions of Chinese.40.The Chinese government attaches great importance to development of the ITindustry and is making great effort to accelerate the information-based national economic and social development.41.Located in the western suburbs of Yangzhou, the Slender West lake in is famousfor its narrow shape and beautiful scenery.42.In 1997, China‟s foreign trade continued its rapid developm ent. Total volume ofexport and import of this year reached US$ 325.1 billion, an increase of 12.1% over the previous year.43.We should be fully aware of the great strength IT is generating and give a greaterimpetus to its growth.44.We insist that the aim of international space cooperation is to peacefully developand use space resources for the benefit of all mankind.45.There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part ofChinese territory.46.To actively develop good-neighborly relations with the surrounding countries isan important component of China‟s foreign policy.47.The IT industry has become the first major sector of national economy in manydeveloped countries.48.Half of the country‟s arable land is afflicted by a water shortage. Som e 43 percentof China‟s population lives in arid regions.49.Shenzhen has best environment for investment and offers most favorable policiesfor investors.50.The Chinese people aspire for friendship, especially friendship between Chinaand the US on an equal footing.Section B Passage (15%)1.The population of the world is increasing at an alarming rate. Now there are morethan 6 billion people on the earth. 1)∥Where might the people live in the future?More houses, blocks of flats and skyscrapers will have to be built. 2)∥Maybe man will have to build houses under the sea. Scientists are already working on this possibility. 3)∥Many people will probably go to live on other planets if life is found to be possible there. 4)∥Thus, there will possibly be regular flights in spaceships from the earth to these planets. 5)//2.In recent years, marine ecological tourism has been rapidly developed in coastalGuangdong Province. 1)// It is expected to become a new economic growth point at the beginning of the new century. 2)// Statistics show that the Pearl River Delta, with a population of more than 20 million, is the largest and most stable tourist market in this regard. 3)// For example, Dong‟ao Tourist Comprehensive Development Zone, in the central part of Wanshan Archipelago, covers an area of only 4.62 square km. 4)// However, the zone was visited by 50,000 travelers in the first nine months of 1998, earning an income of 20 million yuan from the tourist industry. 5)//3.The Shunde Eco-park, opened at the end of last year, is a new tourist attraction inGuangdong Province. 1)// It was built in line with ecological principles and displayed the local unique eco-agriculture. 2)// Built at a cost of 300 million yuan, the park covers nearly 2 million square meters and is the country‟s first theme park that centers on ecological environmental protection. 3)// It integrates the local natural eco-environment with sightseeing, holidays, culture, entertainment, production and environmental protection, 4)// the part that has been opened is thefirst-phrase projec t built with an investment of 9 million yuan. 5)//4.Today we enjoy this happy get-together and renew our friendship. The exhibitionis the result of Sino-British friendly cooperation. 1)// We sincerely hope that this activity can promote and strengthen educational exchanges and cooperation between China and the United Kingdom, 2) 2)// provide people of both Chinese and British educational communities with good opportunities for direct links and exchang e, 3)// and play a positive role in upgrading Sino-British educational links to a high level. 4)// I wish 98‟ British Exhibition complete success. At this point, I propose a toast to the health of all the guests present tonight. Cheers! 5)// 5.Anthropologists define culture as any human behavior that is learned rather thangenetically transmitted. 1)// They believe that culture is not necessarily high or low; it exists in any types or stage of civilization. 2)// In addition, the cultural patterns that are typical of a certain group communicate the essence of that group.3)// Culture distinguishes one group of people from another. 4)// Culture is all pervasive, including not only customs and habits, ideas and beliefs but also the artifacts made by humans. 5)//6.Since the end of the Cold War, the world has been moving toward multipolarityand the overall international situation toward relaxation. 1) // The maintenance of peace, the pursuit for stability and the promotion of development have become the common aspirations and demands of the people all countries. Nevertheless, th e harsh reality suggests that the world is still not so peaceful. 2) // The Cold War mentality still exists. Hegemonism and power politics have manifested themselves in new expressions. 3) // Regional conflicts and disputes caused by ethnic, religious and territorial issues keep cropping up one after another. 4) // The disparity between the North and the South has become ever more striking.The gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow. World peace issue is still far from being solved, and development problem is even more serious. 5) // 7.In order to guarantee its people‟s minimum living conditions and enable citizensto become better off, the only correct choice that China can make is to strive for economic growth, 1) // and adjust its population growth to the country‟s social and economic development.2) //When carrying out its family planning policy, the government has always given priority to publicity and education, 3) // and to make people realize that birth control, as a fundamental policy, has a direct bearing on the country‟s prosperity and people‟s happy family life. 4) //At the same time, the government has adopted some necessary economic and administrative measures as supplementary means. 5) //8.China is a unified multi-nationality country. It is in the fundamental interest of thepeople of all ethnic groups in China to consolidate ethnic unity and safeguard the unification of the motherland. 1) //Since the initiation of the reform and opening policy, economic development in ethnic minority areas has been accelerated, and social progress has been made on all fronts, contributing to the development of our country as a whole. 2) //We should continue the state‟s preferential policies for ethnic minorities and their areas, increase investment in those areas, 3) //) and strengthen the work of coordinated assistance, and promotethe economic and social development of ethnic minority areas. 4) // We must consolidate and further develop socialist ethnic relations characterized by equality, unity and mutual assistance, and promote common prosperity and progress for all.5) //9.Proceeding from its national conditions, China makes environmental protection abasic national policy, and regards the realization of sustainable development as an important strategy. 1) // China‟s modernization drive has been launched in the conditions of a population base, low per-capita resources, and backward economic development and scientific and technological level. 2) //The Chinese government has paid great attention to the environmental issues arising from the country‟s population growth and economic development, 3) // and has made environmental protection an important aspect of the improvement of the people‟s living standards and quality of life. 4) // In order to promote coordinated development between the economy, the society and the environment, China has enacted and implemented a series of principles, policies, laws and measures for environmental protection. 5) //dies and gentlemen, the International Symposium on World Human Right is arare opportunity for the Chinese people and the people of other countries to learn from each other, and promote mutual understanding and friendship. 1) // The Chinese government fully supports this significant activity. 2) //First of all, I, on behalf of the Information Office of the State Council, would like to extend my congratulations on the opening of this symposium and warm welcome to our distinguished guest coming from a distant land. 3) // The 20th century is a period which has witnessed great progress in world human rights, as well as a century when the Chinese people have profoundly changed their destiny. 4) // In the past century China‟s human rights conditions have undergone world-shaking changes.5) //Part Two English-Chinese Interpretation (25%)Section A Sentences (10%)1.要真正实现和平与发展,建立公正合理的国际新秩序,联合国的作用不可或缺。



口译英语考试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听录音,选择正确的答案。

A. 正确B. 错误C. 不确定录音内容:[录音材料]问题1:录音中提到的主要活动是什么?答案:A. 正确问题2:参与者需要提前多久到达?答案:B. 错误问题3:活动是否对所有人开放?答案:C. 不确定2. 听录音,回答问题。





二、口语表达(共30分)1. 根据所给情景,进行口译。



口译答案:We attach great importance to this opportunity for cooperation and hope to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with your company.2. 根据所给材料,进行口译。


English paragraph: The company has been dedicated to providing high-quality products and services to its customers for many years.口译答案:该公司多年来一直致力于向其客户提供高质量的产品和服务。

三、口译实务(共50分)1. 将以下对话从中文翻译成英文,并进行口译。




口译答案:A: Hello, nice to meet you.B: Hello, me too. The weather is really nice today. 2. 将以下对话从英文翻译成中文,并进行口译。



1. About six hundred years ago golf was invented in Scotland, so naturally Scotland has more golf courses per head than anywhere else in the world.2. Over-eating has become a serious social problem in the United States with over 300,000 Americans eating themselves to death every year.3. If you come to study in the UK, you will be asked to comment on the teaching performance at the end of each course.4. In order to treat the water pollution, 1.07 billion cubic meters of water has been diverted from the Yangtze River to Lake Taihu.5. Economic growth is closely related to the development of the information industry: the greater the Internet access, the faster the economic growth.6. Oils giants Shell and BP are expected to announce that profits are down by 30% for the third quarter of this years.7. Citibank became the first international bank to offer financial services to Chinese customers after China had its accession to the World Trade Organization.8. Bilateral trade between China and Russia has enjoyed fast development in recent years and is expected to reach US $11 billion this year.9. China’s reform and economics success over the past two decades has raised the living standard of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens.10. The Sino-EU relationship is one of the best relations of China, especially compared with the Sino-US and Sino-Japanese relations in the late 1990s.11. Founded in 1956, the Eurovision Song Contest aims at bringing the nations of Europe together in song and promoting peace and harmony.12. In recent years, lotteries have become a popular way for local and central governments to raise money for charities and other social projects.13. Many boarding schools have much experience of making special arrangements for international students, ensuring that they can improve their English if necessary.14. If the ecological environment in the western of the country is not improved, it is impossible to escape the threat of sandstorms.15. It is expected that artificial eyeballs using cells taken from frog will probably enable blind people to regain vision in the future.16. The new HP declared last week that the Chinese market would continue to be one of the most important in its global development.17. Analysts say that America’s massive trade deficit is weakening the US currency and dollar depreciation probably will be welcomed in the near future.18. China is now an essential trading partner for Asian countries while the US is becoming somewhat less important in the face of China’s rise.19. Citibank’s coming back to China was a significant step to open China’s financial sector to the outside world and its system to more competition.20. The Bush administration has hardened its stance toward China on the Taiwan issue, and makes no effort to hide its intention to interfere.21. The country enjoys a land perfect for trying every kind of outdoor sport imaginable, but one of its best sporting assets is its waves.22. According to the statistics issued, out of 3,000 graduates, 200 have already torn up the job contracts signed with their employers this years.23. A good lecturer will emphasize that the process of thinking and working together in learning is a valuable life skill for every student.24. Driven by the new laws on air pollution, the world’s leading automakers are competing in a race to create affordable eco-friendly cars.25. On May 14th, Nokia announced the first Multimedia Messaging Service Network in China, which was also the first GPRS-based MMS in Asia.26. The operating income of Disney dropped by 66% to US $22 million because of the poor box-office performance compared to last year’s strong quarter.27. It is predicted that the shape of the stock market is likely to be a big bad bear punctuated bya little rebounding bull.28. Both sides agreed to diversify the pattern of trade in order to realize the full potential of bilateral trade and economic relations.29. Land reform can get at the root cause of poverty in the country. But it seems that some officials have no interest in true reform.30. After September 11th there is a sharp contrast between the increasing US tendency ofunilateralism and the multi-lateral cooperation as advocated by Europe, Russia and China.。



历年英语翻译中级口译考试试题及答案(完整版)Spot DictationIn America there are no nobles or men of letters, and the common folk mistrust the wealthy; Consequently lawyers formthe highest political class and the most cultivated circle of society. They have therefore nothing to gain by innovation, which adds a conservative interest to their natural taste for public order. If I were asked where I place the American aristocracy, I should reply without hesitation that it is not composed of the rich, who are united together by no commontie, but that it occupies the judicial bench and the bar.When I started researching this topic, I found an interesting website “Legal Reform Now”. As the name suggests, this website is devoted to legal reform and it is definitely concerned about the dominance of lawyers in American government. There I read an article by a political science professor from the university of Wisconsin. One observation the UW article confirms is that the legal profession is the dominant profession of the people re-electto public office. For example, about half our representatives and two-thirds of our senators are lawyers. No otherprofession comes close to having the same the number ofpeople in political office. Effectively, lawyers form our nation’s most powerful organized political constituency in America. Lawyers make our laws and lawyers interpret our laws. When judges are appointed, the American bar association isthe only professional organization that is consulted to rate the fitness of potential judicial appointees. Our nation has been in existence for over 200 years and lawyers have beenthis nation’s aristocracy since its formation. Our system works, but do we really want to have a single profession in charge of our nation? Specifically, do we want to have the legal profession in charge? Next t ime you vote, that’s something to think about.评析:这篇文章是关于律师在美国的地位。



商务英语口译答案1到161、--Why are you late for school today?--I’m sorry. I didn’t catch the early bus and I had to _______ the next one. [单选题] *A. wait for(正确答案)B. ask forC. care forD. stand for2、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. inC. withD. on3、The relationship between employers and employees has been studied(). [单选题] *A. originallyB. extremelyC. violentlyD. intensively(正确答案)4、8.—Will she have a picnic next week?—________. And she is ready. [单选题] *A.Yes, she doesB.No, she doesn'tC.Yes, she will(正确答案)D.No, she won't5、94.—Let’s go out for a picnic on Sunday.—________. [单选题] *A.Nice to meet youB.Here you areC.The same to youD.Good idea(正确答案)6、79.–Great party, Yes? ---Oh, Jimmy. It’s you!(C), we last met more than 30 years ago. [单选题] *A. What’s moreB. That’s to sayC. Believe it or not (正确答案)D. In other words7、Look at those black clouds! Take ______ umbrella or ______ raincoat with you. ()[单选题] *A. a; anB. an; a(正确答案)C. an; anD. a; a8、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] *A. four-hour(正确答案)B. four hoursC. four-hoursD. four-hour's9、We _______ play basketball after school. [单选题] *A. were used toB. used to(正确答案)C. use toD. are used to10、She is _______, but she looks young. [单选题] *A. in her fifties(正确答案)B. at her fiftyC. in her fiftyD. at her fifties11、--I can’t watch TV after school.--I can’t, _______. [单选题] *A. alsoB. tooC. either(正确答案)D. so12、Li Jing often helps me ______ my geography.()[单选题] *A. atB. inC. ofD. with(正确答案)13、66.—How much meat do you want?—________.[单选题] * A.Sorry, there isn't anyB.I can't give you anyC.Half a kilo, please(正确答案)D.Twelve yuan a kilo14、This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. [单选题] *A. howB. whichC. that(正确答案)D. what15、I don’t like playing chess. It is _______. [单选题] *A. interestingB. interestedC. boring(正确答案)D. bored16、The bookshop is far away. You’d better _______. [单选题] *A. by the busB. by busC. take busD. take?the bus(正确答案)17、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] *A.come outB.get awayC.come true(正确答案)D.get out18、()it is to have a cold drink on a hot day! [单选题] *A. What a great funB. How great funC. What great fun(正确答案)D. How a great fun19、Amy and her best friend often ______ books together.()[单选题] *A. read(正确答案)B. readsC. is readingD. to read20、He is a student of _______. [单选题] *A. Class SecondB. the Class TwoC. Class Two(正确答案)D. Second Two21、The news is?_______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. exciting;?excited(正确答案)B. excited;?excitingC. exciting;?excitingD. excited;?excited22、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] *A. do youB. don’t youC. will you(正确答案)D. won’t you23、Customers see location as the first factor when_____a decision about buying a house. [单选题] *A.makeB.to makeC.making(正确答案)D.made24、—Can you play the violin at the art festival?—No, I ______. But I am good at playing the drums.()[单选题] *A. canB. can’t(正确答案)C. doD. don’t25、The organization came into being in 1 [单选题] *A. 开始策划B. 进行改组C. 解散D. 成立于(正确答案)26、_______ songs is my favorite. [单选题] *A. To Singing EnglishB. Singing English(正确答案)C. Singings EnglishD. Sing English27、You can distinguish the twins very easily, _____Tom is quite while Jack is active. [单选题] *A. soB. butC. for(正确答案)D. and28、41.—________ do you take?—Small, please. [单选题] *A.What size(正确答案)B.What colourC.How manyD.How much29、How I wish I()to repair the watch! I only made it worse. [单选题] *A. had triedB. hadn't tried(正确答案)C. have triedD.didn't try30、50.—The sweater is not the right ________ for me.—Well, shall I get you a bigger one or a smaller one? [单选题] *A.priceB.color C.size(正确答案) D.material(材料)。



2.1 Why are girls not as good at maths and science?为什么女生不擅长数学和科学呢?Girls don't do as well at maths and science as boys. There are several reasons for this. The first and most important reason is that they aren't encouraged to play with toys that build up interest in maths and science problems and that build skills for problem solving or understanding how things work. Girls are encouraged to play with toys that foster language and human relations skills. As a result, they can grow up not knowing how an engine works or how to build a model from directions.女生在数学和科学方面并不像男生那么好。




Second, studies have shown that teachers don't expect girls to be good at maths. Even female maths and science teachers pay more attention to boys in class and call on boys more often. Because teachers don't expect girls to excel, they don't try very hard, and soon girls are far behind boys in these studies.第二个原因,研究表明,老师并不希望女孩能够擅长于数学。



Lesson 11.3 美国副总统复旦演讲韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。









1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton UniversityLadies and Gentlemen,Good evening.I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people,Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that toda y’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好!欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!”公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。



大学英语口译教程答案第一单元Unit 1Dialogue 1 At the AirportA: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Boston?B: 正是。

A: I’m Frank Din from Hyatt Regency Hotel. I’ve come to meet you.B: 你好,Frank,谢谢你到机场来接我。

A: How are you, Mr. Smith? Let me help you with your luggage.B: 谢谢。

A: How was your flight, Mr. Smith?B: 好极了!食品不错,服务周到,而且飞机还准点。

A: Anyhow, it’s a long way to China, isn’t it?B: 噢,是的,确实很长,加上等待和转机的时间超过20 小时了。

A: Now, Mr. Smith, if all is ready, we’d better start for the hotel.B: 好的,走吧。

A: This way, please. Our car is in Parking Lot 6. Is this your first visit toShanghai, Mr. Smith?B: 不,是第二次,上次来是三年前。

这次机场看起来有些不一样,而且非常的高效!A: In the past couple of years, the government has done a lot to meet theneeds of the Shanghai World Expo.B: 噢,是的,世博会!难怪飞机这么满,我想有许多人都是冲着世博来的。


A: Y es. The airport terminals have been fully developed to receive thousandsof tourists and business travelers every day. But it’s more than that. Theairport is not only an efficient transport hub, but also features a widerange of facilities such as shopping, leisure and conventions.B: 对。



口译教程参考答案(雷天放主编)第一篇:口译教程参考答案(雷天放主编)1.3 美国副总统复旦大学演讲市长先生,非常感谢您。


(对应kind words,指的是中方官员介绍,切尼或者有关访问的情况时非常礼貌,非常友好)今天我们很高兴来到这里。

我和我夫人为有这次机会再次到中国访问感到荣幸!(请不要将travel 翻译成旅行,事实上,切尼肩负的是严肃的外教任务,他不是专程来旅行的,travel的意思要根据实际情况翻译)感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。



我听说贵校有极为严格的标准(对应extremely demanding),得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。


我钦佩各位老师为发扬复旦大学99年的优良传统付出的不懈努力(后面四个字是属于增译,根据原文的上下文做了补充性的延伸,又不影响原文且读之通顺完整)1.4 王光亚大使在普林斯顿大学的讲话开场白Ladies and Gentlemen:Good evening!I am honored to be invited to your seminar['seminɑ:](研讨会)tonight.For me , for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, PU has long beena familiar name.With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people,Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T.S.Eliot, the famous poet,to name but a few.As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebration for the 250th anniversary of PU: “At every pivotalmoment in American history, PU and its students have played a curtail role”托马斯·斯特尔那斯·艾略特(Thomas Stearns Eliot,通常为T.S.Eliot,1888.9.26-1965.1.4)是一位美国/英国诗人、评论家、剧作家,其作品在二十世纪乃至今日的文学史上影响极为深远。



(完整word版)口译基础教程对话练习答案--仲伟合Unit 1李颖:We are going to ascend the great wall tomorrow morning. So I’d like to go to bed early and have a good sleep this evening. You know climbing the great wall is not an easy job.明天早上我们计划去爬长城,所以我想今晚早点休息,好好睡一觉。


Jack: Great. The Great Wall is very famous and becomes a must for tourist in Beijing.Would you tell me something about it?好啊。


你能和我说一说长城么?李颖:OK. The construction of the great wall took altogether over 2000years.it started in the Zhou dynasty in the 7th century.B.C. And continued until Ming Dynasty in the 15th century A.D. The existing wall was built in the Ming Dynasty.好。



Jack: The Great Wall is indeed the crystallization of the industry and wisdom of the Chinese people and also a symbol of ancient Chinese culture. Then why the ancient people built the wall?长城的确是中国人民勤劳智慧的结晶,同时也是中国古代文化的象征.那么为什么古代人民要修建长城呢?李颖:It was constructed to guard against the invasion by nomadic tribes from the north.When enemy troops approached, guards on watch would send smoke signals from the beacon-fire towers as an alarm.修建长城是为了抵御来自北方游牧民族的入侵。



Lesson 11.3 美国副总统复旦演讲韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。









1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton UniversityLadies and Gentlemen,Good evening.I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好!欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!”公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。



Lesson 11.3 美国副总统复旦演讲韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。









1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton UniversityLadies and Gentlemen,Good evening.I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people,Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好!欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!”公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。

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Why are girls not as good at maths and science?Girls don't do as well at maths and science as boys. There are several reasons for this. The first and most important reason is that they aren't encouraged to play with toys that build up interest in mat hs and science problems and that build skills for problem solving or understanding how things wor k. Girls are encouraged to play with toys that foster language and human relations skills. As a resu lt, they can grow up not knowing how an engine works or how to build a model from directions.Second, studies have shown that teachers don't expect girls to be good at maths. Even female m aths and science teachers pay more attention to boys in class and call on boys more often. Because teachers don't expect girls to excel, they don't try very hard, and soon girls are far behind boys in t hese studies.Finally, girls don't have many role models to look up to. Not very many maths and science teach ers are women, especially in the later grades. When the media picture mathematicians and scientist s, they usually picture men. As a result, girls aren't inspired to choose these fields as careers.In summary, several factors work together in the home, in schools, and in society at large to se nd a subtle message to girls. Girls almost always get the message; as a result, few girls excel at ma ths and science.有偿搭车“上班族”借助网络发帖联络搭乘“顺风车”,这种出行方式(trip mode, transportation)最近在北京、上海、深圳等一些大中型城市开始流行起来。








1-中美两国生意人在商务沟通方式上的区别I think there are at least two differences in the way of business communication between Chinese a nd American businesspeople. First, Chinese businessmen tend to have business negotiations in a ra ther indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct manner of American businesspeople. The Chin ese take time to learn if their prospective business contacts are really reliable, for example, by invi ting them to a party and socializing with them. In contrast, American usually act with the “get-do wn-to-business-first” mentality. Second, the decision making process of Chinese companies is ge nerally slow and time-consuming. This is because most Chinese companies keep to the “bottom-up, then top-down and then bottom-up” decision-making principle which involves many people a t different levels. American companies, on the other hand, usually operate with quick decision ma de by the top management. I hope American businesspeople in China will understand these differences in business practices and adjust the Chinese way.2-中美管理模式的区别I would say the American-type, or the top-down, management emphasizes efficiency, and competition among workers, while the Chinese-type management gives priority to careful planning and encourages cooperation among workers, and between workers and the management. Thus, while the American-type management often frustrates many workers, the Chinese-type management gives workers a joy of participation and fulfillment, and s sense of pride in their work.3-中美员工的工作态度区别I think most Chinese view work as essential for having membership in a community. They believe that work allow them to have a sense of belonging in a community. In other words, work is necessary for them to gain social acceptance in the society. That is why many Chinese managers and employees work so hard to maintain their position in their company. Also, they see work as the most important thing in life. That is, they have tried to find the meaning of life through their jobs. While the Chinese work ethic is based on social pressure and community belonging, the American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented. Traditionally, we work because it is the will of God, and we often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process. By the way, I’m very impressed by the obvious strong sense of dedication to the jobs among the older Chinese employees.4-评价中美不同经营之道的利弊It is difficult to decide which is better than which, because there are some merits and demerits to both types of management. My suggestion is that people of both countries should learn from each other. I will say that in recent years, the merits of the Chinese way, or rather, the Oriental way, of management are beginning to be recognized by an increasing number of people in the West. This more humane Oriental way of management seems to offer a great deal to the executives of our American industries. 三种错误的饭后习惯医生提醒人们,随着人们生活水平的逐渐提高,人们的保健意识也随之增强了,许多人认为饭后吃点水果是现代生活的最佳搭配。
