
LBI-38904BMaintenance ManualORION™UHFSCAN AND SYSTEMMOBILE RADIOTABLE OF CONTENTSSynthesizer/Receiver/Exciter . . . . . . . LBI-39033Power Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-39034PA Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38994Control Logic/IF Board . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38907Control Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38992Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38909Service Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38908Ericsson Inc.Private Radio SystemsMountain View RoadLynchburg, Virginia 24502ericssonz1-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711)Printed in U.S.A.Copyright© October 1993, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.SPECIFICATIONS*Frequency Range:403-440 MHz 440-470 MHz 470-512 MHzRegulatory ApprovalFCC (United States)AXATR-315-A2403-440 MHz 20/40 Watts AXATR-315-B2440-470 MHz 30/40 Watts AXATR-315-C2470-512 MHz 35 Watts AXATR-316-A2403-440 MHz 100 Watts AXATR-316-B2440-470 MHz 100 Watts AXATR-316-C2470-512 MHz 80 Watts DOC (Canada)TR-315TR-315403-440 MHz 20/40 Watts 440-470 MHz30/40 WattsBattery Drain:ReceiveSquelched 1.1 Amperes at 13.8 V oltsUnsquelched 3.0 Amperes at 13.8 V olts (15 Watts Output)Transmitter20 Watts 35/40 Watts 80/100 Watts12 Amperes at 13.2 V olts 14 Amperes at 13.6 V olts 25/28 Amperes at 13.4 V olts Frequency Stability:0.0002% depending on model Temperature Range:-30° C (-22° F) to +60° C (+140° F)Duty Cycle:100% Receive, 14% Transmit TransmitterTransmit Output Power:20W/35W/40W/80W/100W Conducted Spurious:-85 dB Modulation:±4.5 kHzAudio Sensitivity:55 to 110 millivoltsAudio Frequency Characteristics:Within +1 dB to -3 dB of a 6 dB/octave pre-emphasis 300 Hz and within +1 dB to -4.5 dB of a 6 dB/octave pre-emphasis 3000 Hz per EIA standards. Post-limiter filter per FCC and EIA.Distortion:Less than 2% (1000 Hz)Less than 5% (3000 Hz)Deviation Symmetry:0.3 kHz maximum Maximum Frequency Separation:403-440 MHz 37 MHz 440-470 MHz 30 MHz 470-512 MHz 42 MHz Microphone Load Impedance:600 OhmsPower Adjust Range:100% to 50% of rated power (U.S.A. Models)100% to 30% of rated power (Euro Models)RF Output Impedance:50 Ohms FM Noise:45 dBContinuedThis manual covers Ericsson and General Electric products manufactured and sold by Ericsson Inc.NOTICE!Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility designated by the supplier.Any repairs, alterations or substitution of recommended parts made by the user to this equipment not approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty.NOTICE!This manual is published by Ericsson Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Ericsson Inc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Ericsson Inc.The software contained in this device is copyrighted by the Ericsson Inc. Unpublished rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.NOTICE!LBI-389041DESCRIPTIONThe synthesized ORION mobile radio combinations are completely solid-state, utilizing microcomputer technology and integrated circuits to provide high-quality, high-reliabil-ity radios. Standard combinations may be equipped with:•Microcomputer Controlled Frequency Synthesizer•Up to 16 Channels•0.0002% Frequency Stability•Other Structured OptionsThe basic radio consists of three printed wiring boards mounted in a cast aluminum frame. The three boards are:1.The Control Logic/IF board2.The Frequency Synthesizer/Receiver/Exciter board3.The Power Amplifier boardThe radio is of double-layer construction with tuning ad-justments easily accessible from the top of the radio.The Control Logic/IF Board is located on the top of theradio, while the Power Amplifier and the Synthesizer/Re-ceiver/Exciter boards are located on the bottom of the radio.SYNTHESIZER/INTERCONNECTThe synthesizer consists of a microcomputer, E lectricallyE rasable P rogrammable R ead O nly M emory (EEPROM), afrequency synthesizer IC, transmit and receive V oltage C on-trolled O scillator’s (VCO) and associated circuitry. The fre-quency synthesizer under control of the microcomputergenerates all transmit and receive Radio Frequencies (RF).The EEPROM stores binary data for all radio frequen-cies, Channel Guard tones/digital codes and the timing func-tion of the C arrier C ontrol T imer (CCT). Themicrocomputer accesses the EEPROM and provides the correctW ALSH bits to the Channel Guard circuitry to generate thecorrect Channel Guard tone or digital code on a per-channelbasis.PROGRAMMINGThe EEPROM allows the radio to be programmed or repro-grammed as needed to adapt to changing system requirements.Radio Frequencies, Channel Guard tone and digital codes andthe CCT function can be reprogrammed.The EEPROM can be reprogrammed through the radiofront connector using a personal computer. This programmerallows all information to be loaded simultaneously.Programming instructions are provided in the respectiveProgrammer Maintenance Manuals.TRANSMITTERThe transmitter consists of the exciter, frequency synthe-sizer, transmitter VCO and a Power Amplifier (PA) assembly.The PA assembly consists of a PA board mounted on a heatsink assembly. The PA board also contains an antenna switch-ing diode and a low-pass filter.Audio and Channel Guard circuitry for the transmitter is lo-cated on the Control Logic/IF Board.RECEIVERThe receiver consists of the frequency synthesizer, RXVCO, injection amplifiers, front end, IF and limiter detector.Audio, squelch and Channel Guard circuitry for the receiver islocated on the Control Logic/IF Board.SYSTEM CONTROL FUNCTIONA microprocessor on the Control Logic/IF board controlsthe frequency synthesizer, the TX ON/OFF, the decoding ofCTCSS tones, the generation of CTCSS tones,... etc. The audioprocessor circuitry of the transmitter and the receiver are lo-cated on the Control Logic/IF board. Squelch circuitry and aconnection to the digital AEGIS circuit is also located on theControl Logic/IF board.OPERATIONComplete operating instructions for the ORION Two-WayRadio are provided in Operator’s Manual LBI-38888 for thecontrol unit used.MAINTENANCEThe Service Section in maintenance manual LBI-38908contains the maintenance information to service this radio. TheService Section includes:•Dissassembly Procedures•Replacement of IC’s, chip capacitors and resistors•Alignment procedures for the transmitter and receiver•Troubleshooting Procedures and wave formsA mechanical layout for the radio is found in ORION As-semblies Maintenance Manual LBI-38909.Figure 1 - ORION Mobile RadioSPECIFICATIONS* - Cont.ReceiverAudio Output:15 Watts with less than 3% distortion(To 4.0 ohm speaker)Sensitivity:0.35 µV (STD)/0.22 µV (PRE)12 dB SINAD (IEIA method)Selectivity:-85 dB (STD)-80 dB (PRE)EIA Two-Signal Method(25 kHz Channels)Spurious Response:-100 dB (STD)/-90 (PRE)Intermodulation 25 kHz:-85 dB (STD)/-80 dB (PRE)Maximum Frequency Separation:403-440 MHz .... 37 MHz440-470 MHz .... 30 MHz470-512 MHz .... 42 MHzFrequency Response:Within +1, -3 dB of 6 dB/octave de-emphasis from 300 to 3000MHz (1000 Hz reference)RF Input Impedance:50 OhmsHum/Noise ratio:Unsquelched-50 dBSquelched-70 dBChannel Spacing:30 kHz*These specifications are intended primarily for use of the service technician. Refer to the appropriate Specifications Sheet for the complete specifications.LBI-389042SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMLBI-38904 Array U.S.A. LOW POWER3SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM LBI-38904U.S.A. HIGH POWER4SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMLBI-38904 Array EUROPEAN5。
(GEC-UHF v1..1 DLL动态连接库使用手册V2.0

.DLL动态连接库GEC-UFH-V1.1.DLLGEC-UFH-V1.1使用手册V2.01.操作系统:...................................................................................................................................... (11)2.函数详单:...................................................................................................................................... (11)2.1)通用函数: (1)2.2)EPCC1-G2协议函数: (2)2.3)18000-6B协议函数: (4) (55)3.函数的描述:..................................................................................................................................3.1)通用函数: (5)3.1.1)AutoOpenComPort():自动连接串口 (5)3.1.2)OpenComPort():连接到指定串口 (6)3.1.3)CloseComPort():关闭串口连接 (7)3.1.4)CloseSpecComPort():关闭指定串口 (7)3.1.5)GetReaderInformation():获得读写器的信息 (7)3.1.6)WriteComAdr():写入读写器地址 (8)3.1.7)WriteScanTime():设置询查命令最大响应时间 (9)3.1.8)SetPowerDbm():设置读写器功率 (9)3.1.9)Writedfre():设置读写器工作频率 (9)3.1.10)Writebaud():设置串口波特率 (10)SetWGParameter()():设置韦根参数 (11)3.1.11)SetWGParameterSetWorkMode()():设置工作模式 (11)3.1.12)SetWorkMode3.1.13)GetWorkModeParameter():读取工作模式参数 (12)3.1.14)ReadActiveModeData():读取主动模式数据- (13)3.1.15)SetAccuracy():EAS检测精度测试- (13)3.1.16)SetOffsetTime():设置Syris命令响应偏置时间- (13)3.1.17)SetFhssMode():设置读写器跳频模式 (14)3.1.18)GetFhssMode():获取读写器跳频模式- (14)3.1.19)SetTriggerTime():获取读写器跳频模式- (15)3.2)EPCC1-G2协议函数: (15)3.2.1)Inventory_G2():G2询查命令 (15)_G2():G2读取数据命令 (16)ReadCard_G23.2.2)ReadCard_G2():G2写命令 (17)3.2.3)WriteCardWriteCard_G2_G2():G2块擦除命令 (18)EraseCard_G23.2.4)EraseCard_G2():G2设定存储区读写保护状态命令 (19)SetCardProtect_G23.2.5)SetCardProtect_G2():G2销毁卡片命令 (20)3.2.6)DestroyCardDestroyCard_G23.2.7)WriteEPC_G2():G2写EPC号命令 (21)3.2.8)SetReadProtect_G2():G2单张读保护设置命令 (22)3.2.9)SetMultiReadProtect_G2():G2单张读保护设置命令(不需卡号) (22)_G2():G2解锁读保护命令 (23)RemoveReadProtect_G23.2.10)RemoveReadProtect_G2():G2测试卡片是否被读保护命令 (24)3.2.11)CheckReadProtectedCheckReadProtected_G2_G2():G2EAS报警设置命令 (24)SetEASAlarm_G23.2.12)SetEASAlarm_G2():G2EAS报警探测命令 (25)3.2.13)CheckEASAlarmCheckEASAlarm_G2_G2():G2user区块锁命令(永久锁定) (25)3.2.14)LockUserBlockLockUserBlock_G2_G2():G2块写命令 (26)WriteBlock_G23.2.15)WriteBlock3.3)18000-6B协议函数: (27)3.3.1)Inventory_6B():6B寻查命令(单张) (27)3.3.2)Inventory2_6B():6B按条件寻查电子标签命令 (28)3.3.3)ReadCard_6B():6B读数据命令 (29)3.3.4)WriteCard_6B():6B写数据命令 (29)3.3.5)CheckLock_6B():6B锁定检测命令 (30)3.3.6)LockByte_6B():6B锁定命令 (30)32 (32)4.其他返回值定义............................................................................................................................33 5.错误代码定义................................................................................................................................ (33)上位机应用程序通过UHFREADER18CSharp.DLL操作EPCC1-G2、18000-6B 格式电子标签读写器。

UHF Reader User Manual2E-26562E-2657Contents1. Model Parameter: (3)2. Model Package: (3)3. Wiring Diagram: (4)3.1 Example with Anson Controller (5)3.2 Connect to Ground: (5)4. Installation: (5)4.1 Installation 1 example: (6)4.2 Mounting reader and height adjustment (6)4.3 Reader Installation Angle Adjustment (7)4.4 Installation Example-Parking Lot (7)4.5 Tag position in vehicle (8)5. Application: (9)6. Quick Start for Software (9)6.1 Connect reader With PC (9)6.1.1 RS232 Communication (10)6.1.2 TCP/IP Communication (10)6.2 Basic Settings: (12)6.2.1 Wiegand Parameter Input Zone: (12)6.2.2 Basic Parameters Input Zone: (12)6.2.3 Freq Parameters Input Zone: (14)6.2.4 Senior Parameter Input Zone: (14)6.2.5 Active Encrypt Function (14)6.2.6 . Get Parameter (17)6.2.7 Set Parameter (17)6.2.8 Default All (17)6.2.9 Net Initialize (17)6.3.10 WIFI Initialize (17)6.3 Senior Settings (17)6.4 EPC Read and Write (18)6.5 ISO1800-6B Read and Write (19)7. Notice (20)1. Model Parameter:2. Model Package:In the package include one reader, 1 RS232 Serial port , 12V adapter and the antenna bearer. When you open the box, please check the spare parts, if with any question, please contact distributor or sales department.See below picture for the inside package and separate products picture(2E -2656).RS232/485 RS232/4851-15mDescription PictureDeviceRS232 Serial PortCable12V AdapterAntenna Bearer3. Wiring Diagram:Description Model Wire No. Color Function1 Red DC9-15Positive 2E-2656/57V2 Black GND Negative 2E-2656/573.1 Example with Anson Controller3.2 Connect to Ground:In case you use the external power supply for the UHF reader, then you must have acommon ground with controller, or will cause unknown problems.4. Installation:In general there are two installation ways of UHF reader, see blow picture 1 and 2.7 2E-2656/572E-2656/57PIN58 Grey Trigger/ 2E-2656/57 9 Orange 485+ / 2E-2656/57 10 Purple 485-/ 2E-2656/57TCP/IP UHF reader without Grey, orange and purple cable. 4 Green Data0 Wiegand D0 5 Yellow TXD RS232 PIN26BrownRXDRS232 PIN32E-2656/577 Blue GND RS232 GND 3 White Data1 Wiegand D12E-2656/572E-2656/57(1) (2)Installation 1 will be easy for installation, but distance will be less than installation 2, installation 2 will be more difficult for installation.4.1 Installation 1 example:4.2 Mounting reader and height adjustmentFor installation 1, the mounting pole diameter should be 50-60mm, height should be 2.2m, we suggest to use the stainless steel material(thickness greater than 1.2mm), use the bearer inside the reader box to fix into pole top, and adjust the height from reader center position to road according to vehicle type, in general the height is 1.8-2.2m.For installation 2,the L type mounting pole diameter should be 60-80mm, the cross beam diameter should be 50-60mmmm, and we suggest to use the stainless steel material(thickness should be 1.2mm-2mm).Use the bearer inside the reader box to fix into pole top and adjust the height from reader center position to road according to vehicle type, in general the height is 3.5-4m.4.3 Reader Installation Angle AdjustmentSee below picture 3 and 4 for reference adjust angle for reader.3 44.4 Installation Example-Parking LotPrincipal to install the reader:(1)Reader and barrier gate linear distance no go across 1m.(2)Between reader and tag, no items covered.(3)Distance between reader and control panel or PC distance we suggest as closer as possible and install shielded communication cable.(4)For detailed installation please according to real situation.Reader close to barrier, and make sure the sensing area can cover the ground sensor,See below picture.4.5 Tag position in vehicleIn general, the parking devices are installed in the left side of the lane, then the tag should be stick in the position of below picture showed.For small vehicle, we suggest A, B and C position, for big truck or big bus, we suggest D, E and F position. The principal of the tagposition is not cover the eyesight of driver.Suggest Position: If reader install in left side, then suggest A and E position. If reader install in the top, then suggest B and F, if reader install in right side, then we suggest C and D position.Tag installation when vehicle windshield with metal UV film:(1) Original UV film: According to European standard, Position B willreserve2E-2656 is 1-6m, 2E-2657 is 1-15m. And the vehicle speed should less than 15km/h.120m*70mm space(no contain metal) for RFID stickers. When install the tag, just install in the B position.(2)Self-stick UV film: Cut a space 120*70mmm special for RFID stickers.We suggest B,D or E position.(3) Use anti-metal tags, install in the car license plate.(4) Manual hold the RFID card to read.Correct Hold Card Wrong Hold Card5. Application:(1) Transport Control:(2) Vehicle Management(3) Parking Management(4) Access Control Management(5) Product Anti-fake Detection(6) Anti-thief Management6. Quick Start for SoftwareThe UHF reader with software to read and write the tags and cards, as well to adjust the basic parameter of the reader.6.1 Connect reader With PCThere are two mode of reader, one is TCP/IP and RS232 communication, the other is RS232 communication only.6.1.1 RS232 CommunicationThere are two client in software package, on is RFIDDemo3203.exe other is Netconfig.exe. For RS232 communication device, just open RFIDDemo3203.exe client.See below.Please ensure serial port of reader connect with PC, and select correct port in PC, then select baud rate, then click connect.6.1.2 TCP/IP CommunicationFor TCP/IP communication, you need open two client, Netconfig.exe and RFIDDemo3203.exe. Netconfig.exe to get the IP address and port of connected UHF reader. You can open it by click broadcast.1.See blow procedure 1, click broadcast to get the IP of uhf reader.2.And input the detected IP, but make sure that your pc and the address at the same LAN, be simple, you can ping the IP, see procedure 2.3.Then click “Connect” to connect the reader.4. If communication OK, see below6.2 Basic Settings:6.2.1 Wiegand Parameter Input Zone:It is mainly related to Wiegand output interface. Only communication mode is Wiegand26 or Wiegand34 available.Byte Offset:The byte of card number to be offset, there is a initial position when read card number. To change the initial position, for example Wiegand 26,output 3 byte, but 18600-6B card number (E0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07) i s 8 byte, the parameter is this 3 byte, when the value is 0, it is (E0 01 02), when the value is 1, It is (01 02 03)... More details, please refer to Wiegand protocol.Output Period: It is frequency of Wiegand port. More details, please refer to Wiegand protocol. Pulse Width: It is the time length of Wiegand signal.Pulse Period: It is interval time that from first low pulse to next low pulse sending. For details, please refer to Wiegand protocol.Note: In general, user only need set byte offset, other setup is default.6.2.2 Basic Parameters Input Zone:Work Mode:It includes 3 items:Active , Passive and Response modeActive: Reader keep reading card, and transmit each of card number by communication port (apply to active upload data).Passive: Reader keep reading card, and each of card number store in reader, but do not upload card number,the max. storage is 100pcs (apply to passive upload). 3. Response: Reader do not read card, reader response according difference commands. For example, PC send a recognize card command, reader will read a time and reply card number to PC (apply to short distance read and write card, test).Output Mode:It includes RS232, TCPIP, CANBUS, Wiegand26 and Wiegand34.RS232: Serial port communication mode, It connects with PC serial port directly and point to point mode.TCPIP:Network communication mode, it communicate with PC by LAN or WAN. CANBUS:BUS communication mode, it is point to multiple mode.Wiegand26:It is standard reader communication mode, one-way communication mode. Wiegand34 :It is standard reader communication mode, one-way communication mode.Read Interval:The speed of reading card.Note: read card interval must more than 10ms. If read card interval is too short, it will short lift of the reader.Power Size: The max. value is 30.Trigger:1. Close: Close trigger mode to read card.2. Low Trigger: When trigger lead (gray wire) connect with low power (OV), reader power on, when trigger lead (gray wire) connect with high power (12V), reader power off.Note: When Trigger mode is Close, trigger lead must connect with high power or low power and can not be dangling.Same ID Interval:When reader read a same card continuously, reader only upload one data. The read interval can be set at here, and if the read time is over set interval, reader will upload continuously. Buzzer: When reader read card, the buzzer beep or not.Buzzer:It includes disable and enable, disable mean turn off the buzzer, when read card, no beep, enable mean turn on the buzzer, when read card, with beep.Card Type:1. ISO18000-6B:Only read ISO18000-6B protocol tag.;2. EPC (GEN 2 )Single – Tag :Only read EPC(GEN 2)protocol tag, read one tag one time. Reader hard to or not read multiple tags when put them in the effective range.3. EPC (GEN 2 )Multi – Tag:Only reader EPC (GEN 2 )protocol tag, multi-tag can be read.4. EPC (GEN2 )Multi –Data:Only read EPC (GEN 2 )protocol tag,except read default EPC area 12 bytes data, other area data can be read. (Select this type and set to read the length of other area data in senior parameter, the max. Is 12 bytes)5. ISO18000-6B + EPC (GEN 2 ): ISO18000-6B and EPC (GEN 2 )protocol tag can be read.Freq Parameters Input Zone It refer to 18000-6b and EPC card, normally hopping need be selected.6.2.3 Freq Parameters Input Zone:It refer to 18000-6b and EPC card, normally hopping need be selected.6.2.4 Senior Parameter Input Zone:It is used for multiple channel reader (split reader), integrative reader default is antenna 6.2.5 Active Encrypt FunctionFor this version software, the encrypt function is hided, to enable the encrypt function, please see below procedure.1) Press”F8” 5 Time s2) Choose then “Enabled”, and set password, then set Parameters [Set Para].3) Now, put the tag on the reader, the reader is not beep;4) Presses “Encrypt Tag”, until the reader beep, then enc rypt succeed;Note: when the encrypt tag, you can move the tag to accelerate the process of encryption;6.2.6 . Get ParameterClick “Get Para” button, parameter of the reader can be acquired. Acquire parameter succeed if display green in status bar; Acquire parameter failure if display red in status bar.(Do not read card when acquire parameter)6.2.7 Set ParameterWhen change parameter in demonstration area, click “Set Para” button, updated data will be set in currently reader. Setup succeed if display green in status bar; Setup failure if display red in status bar.6.2.8 Default AllClick “ Default All” button, basic parameter and senior parameter will recover to default. (Need to click “parameter setup”, updated parameter will be set in reader).6.2.9 Net InitializeNull6.3.10 WIFI InitializeNull6.3 Senior SettingsSenior settings is mainly setup the TCP/IP reader parameter, such as IP address, Syris config and time config etc.TCP/IP config: User can modify the TCP/IP uhf readerSYRIS Config: It is to set Syris SN and Syris ID.Time Config: It is to set reader time.Soft Config: In general can ignore the function, soft reset, is reset the device by software.6.4 EPC Read and WriteThe module is used to read and write the EPC card number. when you click the module, will show below picture interface.Identify:When click, the card in the reader Hex number will display here.Read: When click read, the related address and length Hex number will display, for example the card number is 01-02-03-04-05-06-08-09-10-11-12,Address 2, length 2: 01-02, length is 3, then 01-02-03Address 3., length 2:03-04Address 4, length 2: 05-06...Write: When click write, will write the related Hex to related address.For example the card number is 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-12-10Address is 2 and length is 2, and write 02-01 to the address, then the card no. Become 02-01-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12If write to address 3 and the length is 2.Then card number become 01-02-02-01-05-06-08-09-10-11-126.5 ISO1800-6B Read and WriteFor this module is to read and write 1800-6B card number.Identify:When click, the card in the reader Hex number will display here.Read: When click read, the related address and length Hex number will display, for example the card number is E0-04-00-00-3F-0B-22-07-00-00-00-00,Address 0, length 2: E0-04, length is 3, then E0-04-00Address 1., length 2:04-00Address 2, length 2: 00-00...Write: When click write, will write the related Hex to related address.For example the card number is E0-04-00-00-3F-0B-22-07-00-00-00-00,Address is 0 and length is 2, and write 01-02 to the address, then the card no. Become 01-02-00-00-3F-0B-22-07-00-00-00-00,If write to address 1 and the length is 2.Then card number become E0-01-02-00-3F-0B-22-07-00-00-00-007. Notice1. When reader is working, the operator should away from reader 30cm to satisfy the FCC RF requirement.2. Reader must away from the high he strong magnetic field3. When reader use external power supply, must connect the common ground with the controller or the device you connect with.4. For the reader, we suggest 9-15v power supply, you’d better use the power supply we supply or appropriate voltage power supply.5. Mount the reader on a round pole or flat surface when you do installation.6. Connect all the wire as wiring diagram suggest.。

UHF电子标签读写模块UHFReader86用户手册V1.10目录一、通讯接口规格 (1)二、协议描述 (1)三、数据的格式 (2)1. 上位机命令数据块 (2)2. 读写模块响应数据块 (2)四、操作命令总汇 (4)1. EPC C1 G2(ISO18000-6C)命令 (4)2. 读写模块自定义命令 (4)五、命令执行结果状态值 (5)六、电子标签返回错误代码 (9)七、标签存储区及需要注意的问题 (9)八、操作命令详细描述 (10)8.1 命令概述 (10)8.2 EPC C1G2命令 (10)8.2.1 询查标签 (10)8.2.2 读数据 (12)8.2.3 写数据 (14)8.2.4 写EPC号 (15)8.2.5 销毁标签 (15)8.2.6 设定存储区读写保护状态 (16)8.2.7 块擦除 (18)8.2.8 读保护设置(根据EPC号设定) (19)8.2.9 读保护设置(不需要EPC号) (20)8.2.10 解锁读保护 (21)8.2.11 测试标签是否被设置读保护 (21)8.2.12 EAS报警设置 (22)8.2.13 EAS报警检测 (23)8.2.14 询查单张标签 (23)8.2.15 块写命令 (23)8.2.16 读取Monza4QT工作参数 (25)8.2.17 设置Monza4QT工作参数 (26)8.2.18 指定掩码扩展读数据 (27)8.2.19 指定掩码扩展写数据 (28)8.2.20 带缓存询查 (30)8.3读写模块自定义命令 (32)8.3.1 读取读写模块信息 (32)8.3.2 设置读写模块工作频率 (33)8.3.3 设置读写模块地址 (34)8.3.4 设置读写模块询查时间 (34)8.3.5 设置串口波特率 (34)8.3.6 调整功率 (35)8.3.7蜂鸣器设置 (35)8.3.8 GPIO控制命令 (36)8.3.9 读取GPIO状态 (36)8.3.10 读写模块唯一序列号获取 (36)8.3.11 标签自定义功能设置 (37)8.3.12 设置缓存的EPC/TID长度 (37)8.3.13 获取缓存的EPC/TID长度 (37)8.3.14缓存数据获取 (38)8.3.15清缓存 (39)8.3.16 查询缓存区标签数量 (39)一、通讯接口规格读写模块通过UART或者USB接口与上位机串行通讯,按上位机的命令要求完成相应操作。

UHFREADER18.DLL动态连接库使用手册V2.01.操作系统: (1)2.函数详单: (1)2.1)通用函数: (1)2.2)EPCC1-G2协议函数: (2)2.3)18000-6B协议函数: (4)3.函数的描述: (5)3.1)通用函数: (5)3.1.1) AutoOpenComPort():自动连接串口 (5)3.1.2) OpenComPort():连接到指定串口 (6)3.1.3) CloseComPort():关闭串口连接 (7)3.1.4) CloseSpecComPort():关闭指定串口 (7)3.1.5)GetReaderInformation():获得读写器的信息 (7)3.1.6) WriteComAdr():写入读写器地址 (8)3.1.7) WriteScanTime():设置询查命令最大响应时间 (8)3.1.8) SetPowerDbm():设置读写器功率 (9)3.1.9) Writedfre():设置读写器工作频率 (9)3.1.10) Writebaud():设置串口波特率 (10)3.1.11) SetWGParameter():设置韦根参数 (10)3.1.12) SetWork Mode():设置工作模式 (11)3.1.13) GetWork ModeParameter ():读取工作模式参数 (12)3.1.14) ReadActiveModeData ():读取主动模式数据- (12)3.1.15) SetAccuracy():EAS检测精度测试 (13)3.1.16) SetOffsetTime ():Syris响应偏置时间设置 (13)3.1.17) SetFhssMode ():设置读写器跳频模式 (13)3.1.18) GetFhssMode ():获取读写器跳频模式。
(14)3.1.19) SetT riggerTime():触发延时设置。

UHF电子标签读写器LJYZN-RFID101用户手册v2.0目录一、通讯接口规格 (4)二、协议描述 (4)三、数据的格式 (5)1. 上位机命令数据块 (5)2. 读写器响应数据块 (5)四、操作命令总汇 (6)1. EPC C1 G2(ISO18000-6C)命令 (6)2. 18000-6B命令 (7)3. 读写器自定义命令 (7)五、命令执行结果状态值 (8)六、电子标签返回错误代码 (12)七、标签存储区及需要注意的问题 (12)八、操作命令详细描述 (13)8.1 命令概述 (13)8.2 EPC C1G2命令 (13)8.2.1 询查标签 (13)8.2.2 读数据 (14)8.2.3 写数据 (15)8.2.4 写EPC号 (16)8.2.5 销毁标签 (17)8.2.6 设定存储区读写保护状态 (18)8.2.7 块擦除 (20)8.2.8 读保护设置(根据EPC号设定) (21)8.2.9 读保护设定(不需要EPC号) (21)8.2.10 解锁读保护 (22)8.2.11 测试标签是否被设置读保护 (22)8.2.12 EAS报警设置 (23)8.2.13 EAS报警检测 (24)8.2.14 user区块锁 (24)8.2.15 询查单张标签 (25)8.2.16 块写命令 (26)8.3 18000-6B命令 (27)8.3.1寻查命令(单张) (27)8.3.2 按条件寻查标签 (27)8.3.3 读数据 (28)8.3.4 写数据 (29)8.3.5 锁定检测 (29)8.3.6 锁定 (30)8.4读写器自定义命令 (30)8.4.1 读取读写器信息 (30)8.4.2 设置读写器工作频率 (31)8.4.3 设置读写器地址 (32)8.4.4 设置读写器询查时间 (32)8.4.5 设置串口波特率 (32)8.4.6 调整功率 (33)8.4.7 声光控制命令 (33)8.4.8韦根参数设置命令 (34)8.4.9工作模式设置命令 (34)8.4.10读取工作模式参数 (36)8.4.11 EAS检测精度设置 (37)8.4.12 Syris响应偏置时间设置 (37)8.4.13 触发延时设置 (38)一、通讯接口规格读写器通过RS232或者RS485接口与上位机串行通讯,按上位机的命令要求完成相应操作。
玖锐技术UhfReader_DEMO 使用手册new

J IURAY U HF R EADER_DEMO使用手册深圳市玖锐技术有限公司深圳市南山区高新科技园区TEL:0755-********Web:目录Jiuray UhfReader_DEMO使用手册 (3)1 简介 (3)2硬件说明 (3)2.1硬件接口说明 (3)2.2 硬件使用说明 (4)2.2.1外部触发方式 (4)2.2.2串口控制模式 (5)3 软件驱动安装说明 (5)3.1 运行环境 (5)3.2 安装驱动程序 (5)4Jiuray UhfReader_DEMO软件界面说明 (7)4.1 读写器通讯 (7)4.2 参数设置 (8)4.3 EPC数据读/写 (8)4.4 Select操作 (9)4.5 其他操作 (10)4.6 帮助 (11)5Jiuray UhfReader_DEMO功能说明 (12)5.1 读写器通讯 (12)5.1.1 串口连接 (12)5.1.2 网口连接 (13)5.1.3 通讯类型 (13)5.2参数设置 (14)5.2.1 输出功率 (14)5.2.2 工作频率 (14)5.2.3 频率说明 (15)5.2.4 设备状态 (15)5.3 EPC数据读/写 (16)5.3.1 标签识别 (16)5.3.2 ACCESS操作 (16)5.3.3 写EPC (18)5.3.4 锁定操作 (19)5.3.5 销毁操作 (19)5.3.6 循环校验 (19)5.4 Select 操作 (20)5.4.1 【添加 Select】 (20)5.4.2 【删除 Select】 (20)5.4.3 【选择 Select】 (20)5.4.4 【读取 Select】 (21)5.5 其他操作 (22)5.6帮助 (23)5.7 界面操作 (24)5.7.1【保存记录】 (24)5.7.2【清空记录】 (24)5.7.3【退出】 (24)6Jiuray UhfReader_DEMO上层API 说明 (25)6.1 DemoPublic.cs文件说明 (25)6.2 PublicFunction.cs文件说明 (25)Jiuray UhfRead er_DEMO使用手册1 简介Jiuray UhfReader_DEMO是玖锐技术超高频读写器模块体验包的演示程序。

Impinj桌面式UH F读写器操作手册第1章引言该读写器是美国Impi nj(英频杰) 公司设计开发,内置小型线极化天线,支持EPCglobal UHF Class1 Gen 2 / ISO 18000-6C国际标准。
本文档用于说明读写器U SB驱动程序和Impinj D500软件的使用操作手册。
1.1 系统功能◆读取单个电子标签中的I D号或EP C码;◆对电子标签中用户数据区数据进行读写;◆良好的防冲撞性能,可同时读取多个电子标签中的ID号或EPC码;◆提供USB接口进行数据通信和对发卡器供电;◆LED灯指示读写器的电源情况以及工作状况;1.2 发卡器所需附件D500桌面式发卡器需要个人计算机系统及发卡器接口软件(USB驱动)和读写器演示软件(IMPINJ-D500)才能使用。
个人计算机系统的最低配置要求是:◆有USB接口◆存储器容量:128M或以上内存◆PIII400或以上◆Window s 2000/xp 或win 7软件平台◆需.net framework 2.0支持。
第2章安装本章介绍D500桌面式读写器的U SB驱动程序和IMP INJ-D500软件的安装。
(以下以WIN 7系统为例)2.1 USB驱动程序安装点击“计算机”属性,出现下图界面。
点击“设备管理器”在“其他设备”显示有未安装的驱动程序,右击扫描安装驱动,指定搜索安装的文件夹,系统自动搜索安装,下图为成功安装后(通用串行总线控制器——UsbHar ve.Sys for Impinj RFID MAC)。

UHFReader读写器演示软件使用指南v2.6一、读写器参数设置界面操作 (1)1.打开串口 (1)2.打开网口 (2)3.读写器参数设置 (2)4.工作模式参数设置 (2)二、必要的知识点 (4)1.EPCC1G2标签存储器 (4)2.000-6B标签 (5)3. 数据显示(EPC号、UID号、密码、存储数据都是16进制显示) (5)三、EPCC1-G2 Test界面操作(打开端口之后) (5)1.询查标签(需要选择标签的操作都需要先询查标签) (5)2.读写数据、块擦除 (6)3.修改密码 (8)4.写EPC号(不需要询查标签) (9)5.设置读写保护状态 (9)6.读保护 (10)7.EAS报警 (11)8.锁定用户区数据块锁(永久锁定) (12)9.销毁标签(永久毁灭) (12)10.EPC掩模 (12)四、000-6B Test界面操作(打开端口之后) (13)1.询查标签 (13)2.读写数据/字节块永久写保护 (15)五、标签频点分析界面操作(打开端口之后) (16)六、TCPIP配置 (17)一、读写器参数设置界面操作1.打开串口在打开端口之前,请将读写器与串口、天线正确连接,再接通电源。

点击“开始入库”,输入仓位货物条码,电脑界面和电子标签上会同时显示该货物的入库仓位,电子标签上显示“______”, 操作人员以此为根据将该货物放入货架,并按下确认键,入库完成。

UHFReader06读写器演示软件使用指南v2.0一、读写器参数设置界面操作 (1)1.打开端口 (1)2.读写器参数设置 (1)3.工作模式参数设置 (2)二、必要的知识点 (4)1.EPCC1G2标签存储器 (4)2.18000-6B标签 (4)3. 数据显示(EPC号、UID号、密码、存储数据都是16进制显示) (4)三、EPCC1-G2 Test界面操作(打开端口之后) (4)1.询查标签(需要选择标签的操作都需要先询查标签) (4)2.读写数据、块擦除 (5)3.修改密码 (7)4.写EPC号(不需要询查标签) (7)5.设置读写保护状态 (8)6.读保护 (8)7.EAS报警 (9)8.锁定用户区数据块锁(永久锁定) (10)9.销毁标签(永久毁灭) (11)10.EPC掩模 (11)四、18000-6B Test界面操作(打开端口之后) (11)1.询查标签 (11)2.读写数据/字节块永久写保护 (14)五、TCPIP配置 (15)一、读写器参数设置界面操作1.打开端口在打开端口之前,请将读写器与串口、天线正确连接,再接通电源。

UHF模块通信协议说明书1.通信协议结构 (1)1.1物理层 (2)1.2 数据链路层 (2)2.命令帧定义 (3)2.1系统设置命令 (3)2.2 ISO18000-6B标签操作命令 (4)2.3 EPC GEN2标签操作命令 (6)2.4 缓存管理命令 (8)3.技术支持 (9)4,附录:命令索引表 (9)一:模块说明引脚 1 2 3 4 5 6定义 VCC3.7V—4.2V GND TX(TTL)RX(TTL)GND指示信号(3.3V)高电平有效二:通信协议设计说明通信协议指PC机通过USB或者RS-232通信接口操作读写器的通信规约。
1 通信协议结构通信协议采用如下图的层次结构,包括物理层、数据链路层和应用层。
1.2 数据链路层数据链路层具体规定命令和响应帧的类型和数据格式。
1.2.1 命令帧格式定义命令帧是主机操作读写器的数据帧,格式如下表所示:Head Addr Len Cmd Parameter… Parameter Check 0x0A 1 byte n+2 1 byte Byte 1 Byte n cc z Head是帧头标志,定义为0x0Az Addr是读写器地址,一般地址从0~240,255(0xFF)为公用地址,254(0xFE)为广播地址。

首先说20M-72 M的PPM,很古老的方式了,用了很多年,出现问题基本是个玩模型的就遇到过,就是抖舵,信号一若就会抖舵,信号弱了,脉宽就不稳定,有干扰脉宽也不稳定。
但是72M 2.4G 这2个东西距离做远比较难,72M频率太低,如果要实现高灵敏度非同一般设备,飞利浦收音机芯片结构简单,灵敏度只有-70DB多,估计要是能做成接收机的话也就百十米,灵敏度高的设备有,拿ICOM短波接收机打个比方,看看什么价位,里面用了多少元件,重量多少。
EPC G2 UHF 中文说明书

2.1 电子标签的操作命令集
分体机,另一种是通过50 Ohm的同轴电缆与天线相连,称为分体机。
配电阻(50 Ohm)、接口类型等。用户在选用时,需根据自己的需要选用
如墨电子纸标签 GDIF075E 使用说明书

7.5寸电子纸标签GDIF075E电子纸标签产品说明书(V2.0版本)目录.......................................................................................2 前言 (3)第1章 产品架构……………………………………………………………… 1、系统配置 …………………………………………………………… 2、墙贴 ………………………………………………………………… 第2章 产品使用操作指南 ………………………………………………… 1、显示指南 …………………………………………………………… 2、APP 安装与注册指南 ……………………………………………… 3、APP 操作指南 ……………………………………………………… 4、云端服务操作指南 ………………………………………………… 5、会议议程显示操作方法(补充) ………………………………… 第3章 产品使用须知 ………………………………………………………4456771017 2225前言欢迎使用“如墨”电子纸标 签(无线蓝牙型),此标签以电子墨水屏为显示面板,替代传统的纸质标签和门牌,高科技感的外观设计,低功耗节能的显示方案,结合蓝牙网络和手机APP,为用户提供了更多的便捷。
第1章产品架构一、系统配置类别规格型号GDIF075ES(单面屏)GDIF075ED (双面屏)尺寸195.0x137.0x11.7mm7.68 x 5.39 x 0.46”195.0x137.0x13.0mm 7.68 x 5.39 x 0.51”可视区域161.0x96.0mm6.34x3.78”分辨率800x480DPI125产品类型颜色可选(黑白、黑白红、黑白黄)视角接近180°产品外观黑色外壳或白色外壳产品重量187g221g工作温度0℃ to 50℃存储温度-20℃ to 70℃功耗刷屏工作电流30mA,待机电流0.1mA 以下传图模式1通过显示屏正中央位置的NFC 传图。
Zebra Technologies IH21 UHF RFID 手持读取器配件手册说明书

IH21 HANDHELD UHF RFID READER Accessories GuideACCESSORIESIH21-EPL-CT40IH21-EPL-CT50ePop-Loq Snap-On Adaptor for CT40Snaps easily on or off the mobile computer. Compatiblewith the homebase for terminal charging.ePop-Loq Snap-On Adaptor for CT60Snaps easily on or off the mobile computer. Compatiblewith the homebase for terminal charging.IH21 RFID READERSIH21A0002IH21A0014IH21 Bluetooth®RFID ReaderWith ePop-Loq®, UHFAntenna, Trigger Handle,Battery, Battery Cover, noimager, red and black. ETSIIH21 BluetoothRFID ReaderWith ePop-Loq, UHFAntenna, Trigger Handle,Battery, Battery Cover, noimager, red and black. FCCIH21-EPL-EDA50IH21-EPL-D75EePop-Loq Snap-On Adaptor for ScanPal™ EDA50Snaps easily on or off the mobile computer. Compatiblewith the homebase for terminal charging.ePop-Loq Snap-On Adaptor for D75eSnaps easily on or off the mobile computer. Compatiblewith the homebase for terminal charging.IH21 Handheld UHF RFID Reader Accessories Guide | 2ScanPal is a trademark or registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. Bluetooth is a trademark or registered trademark of Bluetooth SG, Inc.ePop-Loq is a trademark or registered trademark of Technology Solutions (UK) Ltd.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.IH21 Handheld UHF RFID Reader Accessories Guide | Rev B | 06/19© 2019 Honeywell International Inc.For more informationHoneywell Safety and Productivity Solutions 9680 Old Bailes RoadFort Mill, SC 29707800-582-4263 IH21-CB-1IH21-QBC-1318-060-001IH21 Docking Homebase Kit includes power supply unit and mini USB lead. 4-Slot Battery Charger Must order 12V 4A power supply and power cord separately. Individual charge status LED for each battery slot in addition to a main power supply status LED.Spare Battery For IH21 RFID reader, 3.7V 2300 mAh.。

E l ec K i t sUHF RFID EPC Gen-2标准 ElecKits AS3992读写模块 使用手册(本文档支持Eleckits Roger、MIRCO 及Colt 模块)本手册是应用中远嵌入式ElecKits AS3992读写模块的操作手册。
将详细描述AS3991/AS3992读写模块的性能、UHF RFID 电子标签的存贮体系及操作、读写器的系统结构、命令码结构、动态函数库的使用说明。
用户在使用AS399X 读写模块开发项目时请先详细阅读本说明书。
E l ec K i t s前言 UHF RFID 无线射频识别系统是一种非接触自动识别技术,其基本原理是利用射频信号的空间耦合的传输特性,实现对识别物体所带信息的自动化读取和识别。
RFID 识别系统由三个部分组成:硬件部分、应用软件部分以及RFID 数据格式的标准与通信协议。
其中的硬件部份主要包括:RFID 读写器(阅读器,Reader)、电子标签(应答器,Tag)以及天线。
在使用中,RFID 读写器循环扫描(轮询)读取电子标签数据,一旦标签进入读写器的天线有效范围内,读写器就可以读取RFID 标签中的数据,从而完成对产品的信息收集。
RFID 系统的工作频率有多种,目前应用较为广泛的为125KHz、13.56MHz、920MHz。
在商品应用领域使用较多的是EPC UHF G2标准,它是应用900MHz 的UHF 甚高频作为无线传输媒介。
随着国内经济的快速发展,相信EPC 体系会有着广阔的前景。
AS3992读写器/读写模块不仅支持ISO18000-6C 协议,还兼容18000-6A/B 协议,可完成对符合这些协议的电子标签的所有操作,并提供完善的用户接口和用户端PC 机或自主的控制器的操作函数,方便用户可靠、快速地完成对UHF 电子标签的操作。

EPC G2 UHF RFID 860MHz-960MHz电子标签使用说明书本说明书是从用户使用的角度来描述EPC G2 UHF RFID 电子标签的定义及使用步骤。
如果用户需要详尽了解该标准,请参考有关EPC G2 UHF RFID 电子标签完整的标准资料。
524_FCD_18000_3.PDF:为EPC G2 UHF的相关的详细英文标准资料。
本说明书描述符合EPC G2 UHF RFID标准的电子标签的说明、标签操作命令集以及标签的响应数据格式。
在EPC G2的命令集包括对电子标签操作的基础命令集以及各厂商的提供的标签的可选用命令集。
本说明书包括如下部份:1)EPC G2 UHF标准的接口参数2)电子标签数据存贮结构3)几个重要的EPC标签的概念说明4)电子标签操作命令集第一章EPC G2 UHF标准的接口参数对于每间公司生产的符合EPC G2 UHF标准的电子标签,其性能均应符合EPC G2 UHF 相关无线接口性能的标准。
以下为EPC G2 UHF物理接口概念以及其简明说明,以帮助用户对该标准有一个了解。
详细说明请参考EPC G2 UHF标准文本。
. 系统介绍EPC系统是一个针对电子标签应用的使用规范。
. 操作说明读写器向一个或一个以上的电子标签发送信息,发送方式是采用无线通信的方式调制射频载波信号。
深圳市捷通科技 RFID UHF远距离读写器说明书

2 .....................................................................................................................................1 .....................................................................................................................................12
12) 工作温度:-20℃ ~ +65℃; 存储温度:-40℃ ~ +95℃; 1. 使用注意事项
A. JT系列读写器一般通过RS232数据接口与计算机连接,进行数据交换。由于JT系列读写 器只在收到控制器的控制命令后才能对电子标签进行读写操作,因此,我们会向客户提供SDK 开发包,用户可以做应用软件的开发。
捷通科技—915M RFID 读写器专业厂商
7) 8) 9)
天线增益:12DBI 尺寸:450*450*40MM 重量:4.5KG
外可以定制1路继电器信号输出。 10) 开 发 包: 提供SDK开发包,并提供C#,VC,VB,Java,Delphi Linux等开发例程 11) 软 件: 提供自动写卡、读卡DEMO软件,方便客户发卡和写卡
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UHF电子标签读写器LJYZN-RFID101用户手册v2.0目录一、通讯接口规格 (4)二、协议描述 (4)三、数据的格式 (5)1. 上位机命令数据块 (5)2. 读写器响应数据块 (5)四、操作命令总汇 (6)1. EPC C1 G2(ISO18000-6C)命令 (6)2. 18000-6B命令 (7)3. 读写器自定义命令 (7)五、命令执行结果状态值 (8)六、电子标签返回错误代码 (12)七、标签存储区及需要注意的问题 (12)八、操作命令详细描述 (13)8.1 命令概述 (13)8.2 EPC C1G2命令 (13)8.2.1 询查标签 (13)8.2.2 读数据 (14)8.2.3 写数据 (15)8.2.4 写EPC号 (16)8.2.5 销毁标签 (17)8.2.6 设定存储区读写保护状态 (18)8.2.7 块擦除 (20)8.2.8 读保护设置(根据EPC号设定) (21)8.2.9 读保护设定(不需要EPC号) (21)8.2.10 解锁读保护 (22)8.2.11 测试标签是否被设置读保护 (22)8.2.12 EAS报警设置 (23)8.2.13 EAS报警检测 (24)8.2.14 user区块锁 (24)8.2.15 询查单张标签 (25)8.2.16 块写命令 (26)8.3 18000-6B命令 (27)8.3.1寻查命令(单张) (27)8.3.2 按条件寻查标签 (27)8.3.3 读数据 (28)8.3.4 写数据 (29)8.3.5 锁定检测 (29)8.3.6 锁定 (30)8.4读写器自定义命令 (30)8.4.1 读取读写器信息 (30)8.4.2 设置读写器工作频率 (31)8.4.3 设置读写器地址 (32)8.4.4 设置读写器询查时间 (32)8.4.5 设置串口波特率 (32)8.4.6 调整功率 (33)8.4.7 声光控制命令 (33)8.4.8韦根参数设置命令 (34)8.4.9工作模式设置命令 (34)8.4.10读取工作模式参数 (36)8.4.11 EAS检测精度设置 (37)8.4.12 Syris响应偏置时间设置 (37)8.4.13 触发延时设置 (38)一、通讯接口规格读写器通过RS232或者RS485接口与上位机串行通讯,按上位机的命令要求完成相应操作。
三、数据的格式1. 上位机命令数据块2. 读写器响应数据块CRC16的C语言算法:#define PRESET_V ALUE 0xFFFF #define POLYNOMIAL 0x8408unsigned int uiCrc16Cal(unsigned char const * pucY, unsigned char ucX){unsigned char ucI,ucJ;unsigned short int uiCrcValue = PRESET_V ALUE;for(ucI = 0; ucI < ucX; ucI++){uiCrcValue = uiCrcValue ^ *(pucY + ucI);for(ucJ = 0; ucJ < 8; ucJ++){if(uiCrcValue & 0x0001){uiCrcValue = (uiCrcValue >> 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;}else{uiCrcValue = (uiCrcValue >> 1);}}}return uiCrcValue;}pucY是要计算CRC16的字符数组的入口,ucX是字符数组中字符个数。
四、操作命令总汇1. EPC C1 G2(ISO18000-6C)命令2. 18000-6B命令3. 读写器自定义命令五、命令执行结果状态值六、电子标签返回错误代码七、标签存储区及需要注意的问题A.EPC C1G2标签(简称G2标签)G2标签分4个区:保留区(又称密码区),EPC区,TID区和User区。
八、操作命令详细描述8.1 命令概述操作命令有三大类,一类是协议相关的;另一类是读写器相关的;还有一类是标签自定义命令。
如果上位机输入的命令是不可识别的命令,如不存在的命令、或是CRC错误的命令,则有两种命令读写器不会响应:1. 如果输入的命令的地址出错(地址不是0xFF,也不是读写器地址),读写器不会有任何响应。
2. 如果输入的命令是不完整的,即命令的Len域指示的命令长度大于实际的命令长度,则读写器将不会做出任何响应。
8.2 EPC C1G2命令8.2.1 询查标签询查命令的作用是检查有效范围内是否有符合协议的电子标签存在。
EPC ID:读到的电子标签的EPC/TID数据,EPC-1是第一张标签的EPC/TID长度+第一张标签的EPC号或TID数据,依此类推。
每个电子标签EPC号或TID数据高字(EPC C1 G2中数据以字为单位)在前,每一个字的高字节在前。
8.2.2 读数据这个命令读取标签的保留区、EPC存储区、TID存储区或用户存储区中的数据。
0x00:保留区;0x01:EPC存储区;0x02:TID 存储区;0x03:用户存储区。
0x00 表示从第一个字(第一个16位存储区)开始读,0x01表示从第2个字开始读,依次类推。
Num 不能超过120,即最多读取120个字。
Word1, Word2….:以字为单位。
8.2.3 写数据这个命令可以一次性往保留区、TID存储区或用户存储区中写入若干个字。