
目录收到订单 (3)收到订单后不付款 (3)客户询问有没有货 (3)客户询单,因为周末没有及时回复 (3)买家要求样品,我们不支持 (4)客户下订单后砍价 (4)付款后缺货 (4)客户催促发货 (4)发货后留言 (5)发货后无跟踪信息 (5)填单后原来的物流渠道出问题,需要更换渠道导致要改跟踪号 (5)知道出问题的时候先发一封 (5)正式换单号的时候再发第二封 (5)发货后发现漏发或错发 (5)30天后仍然没有收到包裹 (6)第一封主动告知安抚 (6)如果45天左右还没有到达,第二封:说发送的官方查单文件到对方海关 (6)如果2个月还没有到达,第三封:说我们正在等待回复,不要担心 (6)再5天左右,第四封,说再次发送查单 (7)再安抚 (7)如果客户发起了一个纠纷 (7)实在到不了,退款 (8)被中国海关退回 (8)包裹已到达对方海关 (8)货物到达对方邮局 (8)漏回了客户信息,客户没有收到货提交纠纷.要求客户取消纠纷 (8)客户收到包裹但未评价 (9)给客户评价时留言 (9)给客户评价时的模板 (9)好评客户留言模板: (9)中评客户留言模板: (9)差评客户留言模板 (10)推荐收藏或订阅............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
给新买家推荐. (10)给老买家推荐 (10)客户说材质不对,没有来得急及时回复提交纠纷 (10)客户投诉款式发错的模板: (11)第一封,叫客户发图片过来 (11)第二封:确认是发错了,给予补偿 (11)客户同意再买一件并给他优惠,操作步骤 (11)客户不喜欢,想退换 (11)七草速卖通客服流程要点:扯1.回复要及时、热情,要让客户觉得你主动为他着想。
速卖通快捷短语模板 -回复

1. 感谢您选择我们的产品,您的满意是我们的追求!
2. 亲爱的买家,您好!您的订单我们已经收到,我们会尽快处理并发货。
3. 对于您提出的问题,我们会在24小时内给予回复,请您耐心等待。
4. 很抱歉听到您对我们的产品不满意,我们愿意为您办理退货或换货服务。
5. 请您在收货后及时确认并给出评价,您的反馈对我们非常重要。
6. 关于商品的详细信息,您可以参考产品描述或者联系我们获取更多帮助。
7. 如果您对订单有任何疑问,欢迎随时联系我们,我们将尽全力解答。
8. 祝您购物愉快,期待您的下次光临!
9. 请注意,由于国际运输的原因,货物可能需要一些时间才能到达,请您理解。
10. 如果您对我们的服务感到满意,希望您能推荐给您的朋友和家人。
11. 对于快递延误的情况,我们深感歉意,我们会积极与物流公司沟通解决。
12. 请确保您的收货地址和联系电话准确无误,以便我们能顺利将商品送达。
13. 如果您收到的商品有质量问题,我们承诺无条件退换货。
14. 感谢您的耐心等待,您的订单正在打包中,即将发出。
15. 我们一直致力于提供高品质的产品和优质的服务,希望能让您满意。
16. 如果您在使用产品过程中遇到任何问题,欢迎随时联系我们的客服团队。
17. 为了保护您的权益,建议您在签收包裹时检查商品是否完好。
18. 您的满意是我们前进的动力,如果您对我们的服务有任何建议,欢迎提出。
19. 谢谢您的支持和信任,我们会继续努力提升产品和服务质量。
20. 在速卖通购物,享受全球直邮,轻松购买世界各地的好物。

下单已付款Dear friend,Thank you for paying for your order no. . We are preparing for your order. We will pay more attention to your order and send it asap. Any questions please feel free to contact us, we will help you within 12 hours.Thank you in advance. Have a nice day~Best Wishes~已发货的Dear friend,Thank you for your support. We had sent out your orderPlease trace it by onIt always takes 15-60 days to arrive. But as you know, now is shopping season, it may delay about 10 more days to arrive. Please understand us. Hope you will like it and offer us positive feedback. If you have any dissatisfaction, please give us the opportunity to resolve the problem before leave us a negative feedback. Thank you in advance. We look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Best Wishes~俄罗斯客户Dear friend,Thank you for your support. We had sent out your order no.Please trace it by onIt always takes 15-40 days to arrive. But as you know, now is shopping season, it may delay about 10 more days to arrive.But as you know, the China Post is very unstable to Russia, it may take 90 days to arrive.Please understand us. Hope you will like it and offer us positive feedback. If you have any dissatisfaction, please give us the opportunity to resolve the problem before leave us a negative feedback.Thank you in advance. We look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Best Wishes~俄罗斯仓Dear friend,Thank you for your support. We had sent out your order no.we have send it from our Russian warehouse.Please trace it byIt always takes 3-15days to arrive. But as you know, now is shopping season, it may delay about 10 more days to arrive. Please understand us. Hope you will like it and offer us positive feedback. If you have any dissatisfaction, please give us the opportunity to resolve the problem before leave us a negative feedback. Thank you in advance. We look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Best Wishes~下单未付款的Dear friend,Thank you for your order. We checked that your order is unpaid. Do you have any requirements on the goods? Any questions please feel free to contact us. we will help you within 24 hours. We will prepare for your order at once after you pay.Thank you in advance. Have a nice day~Best Wishes~Paypal account:缺货取消Hi,Would you please choose the first or second cause not by "out of stock" to cancel the order?Please check here:We really need your great help.After we check the cause, we will agree the canceling at once, and you will get the refund in 1-7 working days.Nice day^^Hi dearI'm sorry that it is difficult to purchase in marketing.Would you please choose the first or second cause not by "out of stock" to cancel the order?Please check here:We really need your great help.After we check the cause, we will agree the canceling at once, and you will get the refund in 1-7 working days.Nice day^^Dear friend,Thank you for your reply.Would you please choose the other cause to cancel the order?We knew it is our fault.But please offer us the big favor.We will offer you some discount in your new order.Hope you can forgive us and change the cause.Please check here:Nice day^^Dear friends,Thank you for your order.But it seems that the order had not still pay it.If there is anything I can help you, such as price, size, color etc.Please feel free to contact me. In terms of payment is confirmed after,We will deal with the order and shipment public as soon as possible. Thank you! Best Regards2.客人未付款邮件(针对无等级买家,客人可能不会付款)亲爱的X,我们感谢你从我们这里购买。

速卖通询盘回复文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-询盘回复模板询盘是买卖家的“第一次亲密接触”,在您的商品价格和详细描述吸引了买家之后,您就需要通过优质的服务增强买家下单决心,用服务赢得订单!1、回复及时——买家发送询盘的24小时内是黄金时间;2、内容专业——清晰、简洁、完整3、格式规范——别忽略问候语,结束语等细节催促下单,库存不多Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.Yes, we have this item in stock. How many do you wantRight now, we only have X lots of the X color left. Since they are very popular, the product has a high risk of selling out soon. Please place your order as soon as possible. Thank you!Best regards,(name)回应买家砍价Dear x,Thank you for your interests in my item.I am sorry but we can’t offer you that low price you asked for. We feel that the price listed is reasonable and has beencarefully calculated and leaves me limited profit already.However, we’d like to offer you some discounts on bulk purchases. If your order is more than X pieces, we will give you a discount of xx% off.Please let me know for any further questions. Thanks. Sincerely,(name)断货Dear X,We are sorry to inform you that this item is out of stock at the moment. We will contact the factory to see when they will be available again. Also, we would like to recommend to you some other items which are of the same style. We hope you like them as well. You can click on the following link to check them out.…Please let me know for any further questions. Thanks.Best Regards,(Your name)因为周末导致回复不够及时,先表示歉意,因为错过了最佳24小时回复时间所以可通过主动打折的方式赢取客户。

1、模版一:刚发货后,提醒买家注意收货及收货后留好评A.如果使用的挂号运输方式,如EMS或者DHL等Dear Valued Customer,We are happy to inform you that yourpurchase hasbeen dispatched! The typicaltime of arrival is between 7 and 10 days. Ifyouritem does not arrive within 10 days,please let us know.After your item has arrived, why nottake amoment to leave positive feedbackabout our products and service? It onlytakes a moment, and it’s a great way tohelp others make purchases like yours!Thank you for your custom, and welook forwardto providing you with thebest buying experience again onAliExpress!Yours sincerely,Seller NameB.如果使用的是挂号大小包Dear Valued Customer,We are happy to inform you that yourpurchase hasbeen dispatched! The typicaltime of arrival is between 14 and 39 days.If youritem does not arrive within 39 days,please let us know.After your item has arrived, why nottake amoment to leave positive feedbackabout our products and service? It onlytakesa moment, and it’s a great way tohelp others make purchases like yours!Thank you for your custom, and welook forwardto providing you with thebest buying experience again onAliExpress!Yours sincerely,Seller Name2、模板二:若物流已妥投或者已经到达目的国,可提醒买家确认收货及留评Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for shopping on our store– we hopeyou are enjoying your purchase!Your shopping experience is veryimportant to usand our business. Wewould like to invite you to leave positivefeedback on ourproducts and service. Itonly takes a moment, and it’s a great wayto helpothers make purchases like yours!If you are unsatisfied with any aspectof ourservice, please contact us first so wecan try to resolve your problem.Thank you for your custom, and welook forwardto providing you with thebest buying experience again onAliExpress!Yours sincerely,Seller Name3、模板三:已经确认收货后,提醒买家及时留评Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for shopping on our store– we hopeyou are enjoying your purchase!Your shopping experience is veryimportant tous and our business. Wewould like to invite you to leave positivefeedback onour products and service. Itonly takes a moment, and it’s a great wayto helpothers make purchases like yours!If you are unsatisfied with any aspectof ourservice, please contact us first so wecan try to resolve your problem.Thank you for your custom, and welook forwardto providing you with thebest buying experience again onAliExpress!Yours sincerely,Seller Name4、模板四:收到评价后A:如果收到好评,一定要对买家进行答谢,有助于买家再次转化:Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for your recent positivefeedback!Your satisfaction is hugely importantto us,and keeps us motivated to try harderfor our customers!You can check out more greatproducts from ourstore:We hope we’ll see you again on ourstore soon.Yours sincerely,Seller NameB:如果收到中差评,则一定要让买家说出不满意的地方及时弥补,并且可以引导买家修改评价:Dear Valued Customer,We are sorry to see that you leftnegative or neutralfeedback relating toyour recent purchase experience from ourstore.Please contact us at any time so wecan findout why you were unhappy andresolve your problems. We hope then youcan reviseyour feedback into a positivefeedback for us!Yours sincerely,Seller Name.如果以上为您推荐的几点您都做到了,那么恭喜您,您的店铺信誉和好评率马上就会提升咯!下载之前,这些资料也许你有兴趣:。

回复速卖通中差评的最终模板1 物流太慢2 没收到货3 色差4 质量不好,做工问题(有胶水,小挂件歪了之类的)5 不知道怎么使用6 短装7发错货8 尺寸不对9 跟想象中不一样,不满意10物流中产生的问题(破损,生锈等等)11 没收到但已开纠纷退款12 对货物很满意1物流太慢We are so sorry it took so many days, but we sent it to you very soon after you paid. Generally, most buyers get their items in time. But unluckily, it needs many days for customs clearance, and the post office was very busy days before, so it arrived later. However, we will not let any client suffer loss, please leave a message to me, and we will send a small gift to you as compensation. Have a good day~2 没收到货Dear, we are so sorry that you have not received the package, as the post office was too busy days before. We just checked that it already arrived in your country. Please contact the post office to confirm. If you still not receive the package in 15 days, we will resend you another. Wish you have a good day~ Dear, we are so sorry that you have not received the package, as the post office was too busy days before. We just checked that it already arrived in your country. could you contact the post office to have a confirm? Hope you couldtell us whatever you got or not, so that we can solve the problem for you, sorry for the inconvenience again,3 色差Dear, we are so sorry for the color difference, but due to the angle light and the different display screens, the color of the actual object and the picture may be slightly different, hope you can understand. Dear, if you have any doubt or problem, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will try our best to help you, wish you have a good day~4做工问题,残次品(有胶水,小挂件歪了之类的)Dear, I am so sorry that you got a defective product, and we will pay more attention to it. Customer's satisfaction is what we keep chasing for, and we always offer top quality products and customer service, all our customers love our product. We have already punished the employee who made the mistake. Thank you for your feedback, and we will contact our warehouse to avoid this situation next time. Now we will resend a good one to you if you agree. Wish you have a good day~4.1 质量问题Hi, dear, we are so sorry to see you leave negative/neutral star for us. Customer's satisfaction is what we keep chasing for, we always offer top quality products and customer service, many customers like our product. Thank you for your feedback, we will offer better product and customer service. If you have any problem or doubt, please don't hesitate to contact us,wish youhave a good day~5 不知道怎么使用Hi, dear, we are so sorry you do not know how to use this product. We will send you the video to show you how to use it. If you still can't understand, please don't hesitate to contact us, we will show you how to use it step by step. Customer's satisfaction is what we keep chasing for, wish you have a good day~6 短装Hi, dear, we are so sorry to see that, but we checked the package carefully before shipping out, it my lost during the long transit. Please do not worry, we will not let you suffer any loss. We will resend you the missing items with a gift as compensation. Also we can offer you a good discount for your next order. Wish you have a good day~7 发错货Dear friends, we are so sorry to bring you any inconvenience, and we have checked with warehouse. Because there are so many orders everyday, maybe they put wrong product in your parcel. We have already punished the employee who made the mistake. Could you please give us a chance and we won't let this mistake happen again. For this problem, In order not to let you have any loss , we can resend a new one to you. Hope you can forgive us, Thanks and have a nice day~8 尺寸不对Hi, dear, we are so sorry that you have left the negative/neutral feedback for us. We have already indicated the size of the product in the picture. Please check it again. Dear, if you need a big one or a small one, please contact us before purchasing. We will give you the best size for what you want. Wish you have a good day~ Thanks9 跟想象中的不一样,不满意Hi, dear, we are so sorry that you have left the negative/neutral feedback for us. Customer's satisfaction is what we keep chasing for. We are striving to improve ourselves in terms, service, quality, sourcing, etc. From now on, we will mention this and do better next time. Thank you for your feedback. Hope we can make business next time. Wish you have a good day~10 物流中产生的问题(破损,生锈等等)Hi, dear, we are so sorry that you have left the negative/neutral feedback for us. We checked the package carefully before shipping out. It may caused by long time transit. Don’t worry, dear, please contact us immediately when you see this message, we will give you a satisfied solution. We apologized to bring you any inconvenience, wish you have a good day11 没收到但已开纠纷退款Hi, dear, we are so sorry to bring you any inconvenience. The parcel may have a little delay. But we are responsible seller, customer's satisfaction is what wekeep chasing for. In order to make you satisfied, we have already refunded your money. Dear, We apologize again for any inconvenience, wish you have a good day~12 对货物很满意Dear buyer,Thank you for your order. If you like our items and service, could you please leave full 5 stars for us ? Your encouragement will keep us moving forward.We sincerely hope that we will have more chances to serve youBest Regards!。

1、询问产品详细信息 2、付款遇到问题以及确认库存 3、是否有优惠 4、物流问题
1、询问产品详细信息 针对买家的问题把我们产品的优势展示给买家 推荐店铺里面类似产品给买家 告诉买家我们的优惠政策 可以提供真实的产品图片给买家
提供跟踪号和查询该物流信息的网址 根据订单金额的大小可以把订单分类,金额大的订单实时
提供跟踪物流情况 确认收货时间快结束还未签收的订单主动延长收货时间 告诉买家有问题可以联系我们不要提纠纷
Dear $buyer, The item XXXXXXXXXXXXXX you ordered has already been?shipped
out and the tracking number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The shipping status is as follows: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. You will get it soon. Thanks for your support! Best Regards myname 译 文 : 订 单 号 为 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 的 货 物 已 经 发 货 , 发 货 单 号 是 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX , 运 输 方 式 是 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX , 订 单 状 态 是 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX。您将会很快收到货物,感谢您的支持和理解。 提示:请填写订单号、发货单号、运输方式和发货日期。
Dear friend, First of all, give my best wishes to you and your family. You have place an order in my store at many days ago.

如何回复速卖通站内信及买家留言,速卖通通用回复模版We are glad to inform you that your order has been XXX is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX。
You can track your package on the website of the shipping company。
If you have any ns or concerns。
please don't hesitate to contact us。
We will do our best to help you。
Thanks for your business!XXXmyname译文:我们很高兴地通知您,您的订单已经发货,货运单号为XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX。
客户投诉质量问题Dear $buyer。
We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the quality of the product。
Could you please provide us with some pictures or videos to show the problem。
We will XXX make you satisfied。
If the product is indeed defective。
XXX and will do our best to resolve the issue。
Thanks for your n.XXXmyname译文:很抱歉听到您对产品质量不满意。

已经发货hi my dear friendThe goods you need had been sent to you. It's on the way now.Please pay attention to the delivery and sign as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.regards在回复买家询盘时,一般可以分为四个步骤:跟买家打招呼、进一步介绍产品、告知买家付款同时应尽快发货、结束语。
以下为相关步骤的范例:1、当买家光顾你店铺, 询问产品信息时:重点:跟买家初次打招呼,要亲切、自然并表示出你的热情。
尽量在初步沟通时把产品元素介绍清楚,范例参考:Hello, my dear friend.Thank you for your visiting to my store, you can find the products you need from my store . If there are not what you need, you can tell us, and we can help you to find the source, please feel free to buy anything! Thanks again.2、鼓励买家提高定单金额和定单数量, 提醒买家尽快确认定单时可参考:Thank you for your patronage, if you confirm the order as soon as possible, I will send some gifts. A good news: Recently there are a lot of activities in our store. If the value of goods you buy count to a certain amount, we will give you a satisfied discount.3、交易进行中,通知买家去参看物流情况时,可参考:The goods you need had been sent to you. It's on the way now.Please pay attention to the delivery and sign as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.4、当完成交易,您表示感谢,并希望他下次能够再次回头时,可参考:Thank you for your purchase, I have prepared you some gifts, which will be sent to you along with the goods.Sincerely hope you like it. I'll give you a discount, if you like to purchase another products.5、推广新产品,采购季节期间根据自己的经验,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。

如何回复速卖通站内信及买家留言,通用回复模版是否有过未付款订单不知如何是好的情况?或者客户投诉质量问题而自己不知如何应对的情况?汇坚电商为您精心准备了很全面的询盘的回复模板,您可以找到各种情况下对海外买家的回复办法~如果遇到无法发送的情况请检查下是不是里面有中文输入法下输入的字符!!未付款订单Dear buyer,We have got your order. But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If theres anything I can help with the price, size, etc., please feel free to contact me. After the payment is confirmed, I will process the order and ship it out as soon as possible. Thanks!Best Regards译文:我们已收到你的订单,但订单似乎未付款。
已付款订单Dear $buyer,Your payment for item XXXXXXXXXXXXXX has been confirmed. We will ship your order out within XXX business days as promised. After doing so, we will send you an e-mail notifying you of the tracking number. If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know. Thanks!Best Regards$myname译文:您的订单编号为XXXXXXXXXXXXXX的款项已收到,我们将在承诺的XXX天内发货,发货后,我们将通知你货运单号。
速卖通快捷短语模板 -回复

速卖通快捷短语模板-回复1. 您好!我们的商品都是全新正品,有现货,支持快速发货。
2. 您好!我们提供全球直邮服务,可以快捷送达您的手中。
3. 您好!如果您有任何问题需要咨询,请随时联系我们的客服团队。
4. 您好!感谢您的关注和支持,请放心购买,我们会给您带来满意的购物体验。
5. 您好!我们提供优质的售后服务,如果您对商品不满意,可以随时联系我们进行退换货。
6. 您好!我们的商品价格实惠,品质过硬,欢迎您前来选购。
7. 您好!我们提供多种支付方式,方便您的购买。
8. 您好!我们承诺保护您的个人信息安全,绝不泄露给第三方。
9. 您好!我们的商品品种丰富,涵盖各类需求,欢迎您淘宝选购。
10. 您好!我们提供全球配送服务,无论您身在哪里,都可以享受到我们的商品。
11. 您好!我们提供购物返利政策,您购买越多,返利越高。
12. 您好!我们的商品质量有保证,如果出现质量问题,可以免费退换货。
13. 您好!如果您对商品有任何疑问,可以在商品详情页向我们提问,我们会尽快解答。
14. 您好!我们的商品价格透明,不会有任何额外费用,保证您购物无忧。
15. 您好!我们的商品均经过严格质检,确保卖的放心、买的放心。
16. 您好!感谢您的反馈,我们会不断优化商品和服务,提供更好的购物体验。
17. 您好!我们的商品售后保障期为30天,如果有任何问题,请及时联系我们。
18. 您好!我们提供专业的货运服务,确保商品在运输中的安全抵达。
19. 您好!我们会在第一时间回复您的查询,解决您的问题,为您提供最佳的购物体验。
20. 您好!我们有专门的优惠活动,敬请关注我们的店铺页面,不容错过哦!。

已经发货hi my dear friendThe goodsyou need had been sent to you. It's on the way now.Please pay attent ion to the delive ry and sign as soon as possib le. If you have any questi ons, please feel free to contac t me.regard s在回复买家询盘时,一般可以分为四个步骤:跟买家打招呼、进一步介绍产品、告知买家付款同时应尽快发货、结束语。
以下为相关步骤的范例:1、当买家光顾你店铺, 询问产品信息时:重点:跟买家初次打招呼,要亲切、自然并表示出你的热情。
尽量在初步沟通时把产品元素介绍清楚,范例参考:Hello, my dear friend.Thankyou for your visiti ng to my store, you can find the produc ts you need from my store. If thereare not what you need, you can tell us, and we can help you to find the source, please feel free to buy anythi ng! Thanks again.2、鼓励买家提高定单金额和定单数量,提醒买家尽快确认定单时可参考:Thankyou for your patron age, if you confir m the orderas soon as possib le, I will send some gifts. A good news: Recent ly thereare a lot of activi tiesin our store. If the valueof goodsyou buy countto a certai n amount, we will give you a satisf ied discou nt.3、交易进行中,通知买家去参看物流情况时,可参考:The goodsyou need had been sent to you. It's on the way now.Please pay attent ion to the delive ry and sign as soon as possib le. If you have any questi ons, please feel free to contac t me.4、当完成交易,您表示感谢,并希望他下次能够再次回头时,可参考:Thankyou for your purcha se, I have prepar ed you some gifts, whichwill be sent to you alongwith the goods.Sincer ely hope you like it. I'll give you a discou nt, if you like to purcha se anothe r produc ts.5、推广新产品,采购季节期间根据自己的经验,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。

点开今日订单,看到有选择快递的如DHL,UPS,Fedex 等,既然选择了更快的物流方式,卖家需要提供更好的售后服务。
二:订单留言分类及具体方法2.1资金审核未通过订单思路:可能买家第一次或者新买家在AE购物,资金审核不过Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for that,Just because you are the first time or a new buyer in Aliexpress,so they need check your account very carefully,Anyway donot worry that,They will refund you the money to your account ASAP.We suggest you can place an new order,it will be ok,try to test it,If you have any problem,try to leave me message,Best wish.2.2一下单催快点发货思路:产品发货前质检,突出对品质的管控,客户也会很理解Dear Valued CustomerThanks for your order,In fact we have received your money,Usually my company QC need test it carefully before we shipping,Because we need guarantee better quality and well package for you.Totally we need arrange your package within2days,Never worry that, Once we shipped,we need update the tracking number for you,and give you the racking website,so you can know your package where it is going on.If you have any problem,Leave me message here,we will reply you within24hours.best wish.2.3一填单号催物流信息思路:说明货物已经发出,但是仓库操作需要一点实际处理包裹Dear Valued CustomerThanks for your trust,in fact we have shipped the package to Aliexpress Warehouse,Never worry that,We ship it to you by Aliexpress Standard Shipping.But they need a little time to deal with the package,and will update the tracking information soon,Try to wait for little time,If you have any problem,try to leave me message,Best wish.2.4按照物流轨迹分析离开中国前无物流信息(对接物流查看是否有收货记录)如果缺货需要等2周思路:缺货第一说明到货时间,第二说明更好的售后服务Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for the inconvenience,Just because this model you buy is out of stock,But donot worry that,New stock will arrive about2weeks,Hope you can be a little patient,Once we have in stock,we need arrange your order package immediately.And i just apply the VIP price for you from my company,Next time we can give you$2discount if buy in my store,Wait your kindly reply,Best wish.如果未发问客户意见思路:漏发情况第一说对不起,第二征询客户意见是否补发或者退款Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for the inconvenience,I just check it carefully for your order, my warehouse make a mistake,and they forget to give my shipping company.in fact the package already packed well.We will send you package priority today is ok?and i just apply the VIP price for you from my company,Next time we can give you$2discount if buy in my store,Wait your kindly reply,Best wish.有物流信息停止1~2周没更新(大促期间)思路:第一说明原因,第二解决客户情绪Dear Valued CustomerThanks for your understanding,In fact we have send it to my Post Office already,i will send their message,Let they arrange it fast for you,Also i need tell you nowadays Aliexpress11.11th Global Shopping Festival just gone,so too many packages wait to be shipped,It is a little delay,Hope you can be a little patient.Any question,Try to leave me message here,we will reply you ASAP.停止2~3或者更久周没更新(物流查询)思路:第一缓解客户情绪,第二说明你已经跟物流对接查询了Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for the inconvenience,In fact we have already shipped it to Aliexpress Warehouse,Also you can track it on the internet,it shows Shipment information received.Anyway we have let my logistics company to check it for you,if have any updated,we will leave you message ASAP.海关扣关卖家角度原因(无法出具进口国所需文件;产品属于假货仿牌违禁品;申报价值与实际价值不符)思路:第一表明态度积极配合买家清关,第二售后服务举例(因卖家低申报,没有与买家沟通,买家需支付关税)Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for that,We have applied the best service from my company.First you can get it from your custom,and send me the picture of the custom file,we need know how much you pay for your custom,so we can give you part compensation.Second We can give you$**discount in my store if you buy next time, Because you are already my VIP customer,we need do more business with you in future.wait your kindly reply.买家角度原因(无法出具进口国所需文件;进口国限制该货物;不愿意清关,关税过高)思路:第一说明你所有操作是按照买家回答进行的,第二售后服务举例(提前协商好了的,但因买家原因需支付关税)Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for that,In fact we have confirmed it very carefully with you before we shipping.It is your country custom local policy that let you pay the tariff,So we hope you can try you best to clear the customs,and get your parcel fast.But we just talked with my boss,Next time we need give you more discount if you buy in my store,Thanks到达目的国到达当地国家未更新思路:第一延迟收货时间,第二给客户一个可行的承诺举例(特别南美巴西等海关更新超慢)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience,We just help you track the parcel,In fact the package already arrived at your country at the date***.And i also have extended the delivery date by***days for you,So never worry that the protection time is running out,If you still not receive it within***days,Try to leave me message here,we will help you solve it. Best wish.1~2周未更新思路:第一延迟收货时间,第二客户跟当地邮局查询举例(特别南美巴西等海关更新超慢)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience,We just help you track the parcel,In fact the package already arrived at your country at the date***.And i also have extended the delivery date by***days for you,So never worry that the protection time is running out,We hope you can try to give a call to your local post office,Let they help you track it Whether it arrived,Also China post is really a little slow,hope you understand this situation.If you have any problem,Leave me message here,we will reply you within24hours.best wish.1~2个月未更新思路:延迟收货时间,第二:给一个可行的承诺,安慰客户举例(特别大促期间)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience,We just help you track the parcel,In fact the package already arrived at your country at the date***.And i also have extended the delivery date by***days for you,So never worry that the protection time is running out,We hope you can try to give a call to your local post office,Let they help you track it Whether it arrived,Also China post is really a little slow,hope you understand this situation.If you still not receive it within**days,we can apply the refund from my company for you,donot worry that,we are the honest seller,so hope you canbe a little patient,Just becaus nowadays the Aliexpress Shopping festival,so many parcels to be shipped,Anyway if you have any problem,Leave me message here,we will reply you within24hours. best wish.显示退回思路:第一客户再次跟邮局确认,第二确实退回,可以给客户先安排退款举例(显示退回,小包通常在当地呆1个月左右)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience,We just help you track the parcel,In fact the package already arrived at your country already.And i also have extended the delivery date by***days for you,So never worry that the protection time is running out,We hope you can try to give a call to your local post office,Although it shows package returned to seller,Usually it will stay at your country near1month,so try to contact with your post office first,if not stay at your country,we will refund you the money first.Anyway if you have any problem,Leave me message here,we will reply you within24hours.best wish.物流显示成功,客户说未收到思路:第一客户跟邮局确认,第二有问题客户随时联系Dear ValuedCustomerSorry for the inconvenience,In fact we track the parcel,It shows delivered successfully.But as you say still not get it,We hope you can contact with your local post office first.Anyway if you have any problem,Leave me message here,we will reply you within24hours.best wish.妥投不成功思路:提供三张截图,证明地址全部是一致举例(截图下单地址+ERP发货地址+物流发货证明即可)Dear Valued CustomerSorry for the inconvenience,In fact we track the parcel,It shows delivered successfully.But as you say still not get it,We hope you can contact with your local post office first.We can send you all the proof to show that we send the package according to your order address in my store,And we can give you the evidence of my logistics company.Anyway if you have any problem,Leave me message here,we will reply you within24hours.best wish.关于留言问题分类以及方法,你要学会针对不同问题要有自己的一个基本思路,这个才是最重要的,可以总结几个非常重要的小经验。

速卖通寄错了产品回信资金审核未通过订单思路:可能买家第一次或者新买家在AE购物,资金审核不过Dear Valued CustomerReally sorry for that , Just because you are the first time or a new buyer in Aliexpress , so they need check your account very carefully , Anyway donot worry that , They will refund you the money to your account ASAP .We suggest you can place an new order , it will be ok , try to test it , If you have any problem , try to leave me message , Best wish.下单催快点发货思路:产品发货前质检,突出对品质的管控,客户也会很理解Dear Valued CustomerThanks for your order ,In fact we have received your money , Usually my company QC need test it carefully before we shipping , Because we need guarantee better quality and well package for you.Totally we need arrange your package within 2 days , Never worry that , Once we shipped , we need update the tracking number for you , and give you the racking website , so you can know your package where it is going on .If you have any problem , Leave me message here , we will reply you within 24 hours. best wish.填单号催物流信息思路:说明货物已经发出,但是仓库操作需要一点实际处理包裹Dear Valued CustomerThanks for your trust , in fact we have shipped the package to Aliexpress Warehouse , Never worry that , We ship it to you by Aliexpress Standard Shipping.But they need a little time to deal with the package , and will update the tracking information soon , Try to wait for little time , If you have any problem , try to leave me message , Best wish.。

参考模板:Dear buyer,We have got your order of XXXXXX. But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If there’s anything I can help with the price,etc., please feel free to contact me. After the payment is confirmed, I will process the order and ship it out as so as possible. Thanks!Best Regards,6、订单发货后买家订单发货后,客服也要回复买家一条信息,告知买家他购买的产品已经发货,运单号为XXX,货物预计在多少天内可以送到他们手上,让他们注意签收,有任何问题可以联系自己。

目录收到订单 (3)收到订单后不付款 (3)客户询问有没有货 (3)客户询单,因为周末没有及时回复 (3)买家要求样品,我们不支持 (4)客户下订单后砍价 (4)付款后缺货 (4)客户催促发货 (4)发货后留言 (5)发货后无跟踪信息 (5)填单后原来的物流渠道出问题,需要更换渠道导致要改跟踪号 (5)知道出问题的时候先发一封 (5)正式换单号的时候再发第二封 (5)发货后发现漏发或错发 (5)30天后仍然没有收到包裹 (5)第一封主动告知安抚 (5)如果45天左右还没有到达,第二封邮件:说发送的官方查单文件到对方海关 (6)如果2个月还没有到达,第三封邮件:说我们正在等待回复,不要担心 (6)再5天左右,第四封,说再次发送查单 (6)再安抚 (7)如果客户发起了一个纠纷 (7)实在到不了,退款 (7)被中国海关退回 (7)包裹已到达对方海关 (8)货物到达对方邮局 (8)漏回了客户信息,客户没有收到货提交纠纷.要求客户取消纠纷 (8)客户收到包裹但未评价 (8)给客户评价时留言 (8)给客户评价时的模板 (8)好评客户留言模板: (9)中评客户留言模板: (9)差评客户留言模板 (9)推荐收藏或订阅................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
给新买家推荐.. (9)给老买家推荐 (9)客户说材质不对,没有来得急及时回复提交纠纷 (9)客户投诉款式发错的模板: (10)第一封,叫客户发图片过来 (10)第二封:确认是发错了,给予补偿 (10)客户同意再买一件并给他优惠,操作步骤 (10)客户不喜欢,想退换 (10)七草速卖通客服流程要点:扯1.回复要及时、热情,要让客户觉得你主动为他着想。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
速卖通服务回复WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-下单已付款Dear friend,Thank you for paying for your order no. . We are preparing for your order. We will pay more attention to your order and send it asap. Any questions please feel free to contact us, we will help you within 12 hours.Thank you in advance. Have a nice day~Best Wishes~已发货的Dear friend,Thank you for your support. We had sent out your orderPlease trace it by on always takes 15-60 days to arrive. But as you know, now is shopping season, it may delay about 10 more days to arrive. Please understand us. Hope you will like it and offer us positive feedback. If you have any dissatisfaction, please give us the opportunity to resolve the problem before leave us a negative feedback.Thank you in advance. We look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Best Wishes~俄罗斯客户Dear friend,Thank you for your support. We had sent out your order no.Please trace it by on always takes 15-40 days to arrive. But as you know, now is shopping season, it may delay about 10 more days to arrive.But as you know, the China Post is very unstable to Russia, it may take 90 days to arrive.Please understand us. Hope you will like it and offer us positive feedback. If you have any dissatisfaction, please give us the opportunity to resolve the problem before leave us a negative feedback.Thank you in advance. We look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Best Wishes~俄罗斯仓Dear friend,Thank you for your support. We had sent out your order no.we have send it from our Russian warehouse.Please trace it by on always takes 3-15days to arrive. But as you know, now is shopping season, it may delay about 10 more days to arrive. Please understand us. Hope you will like it and offer us positive feedback. If you have any dissatisfaction, please give us the opportunity to resolve the problem before leave us a negative feedback.Thank you in advance. We look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Best Wishes~下单未付款的Dear friend,Thank you for your order. We checked that your order is unpaid. Do you have any requirements on the goods? Any questions please feel free to contact us. we will help you within 24 hours. We will prepare for your order at once after you pay.Thank you in advance. Have a nice day~Best Wishes~Paypal account缺货取消Hi,Would you please choose the first or second cause not by "out of stock" to cancel the order?Please check here:really need your great help.After we check the cause, we will agree the canceling at once, and you will get the refund in 1-7 working days.Nice day^^Hi dearI'm sorry that it is difficult to purchase in marketing.Would you please choose the first or second cause not by "out of stock" to cancel the order?Please check here:really need your great help.After we check the cause, we will agree the canceling at once, and you will get the refund in 1-7 working days.Nice day^^Dear friend,Thank you for your reply.Would you please choose the other cause to cancel the order?We knew it is our fault.But please offer us the big favor.We will offer you some discount in your new order.Hope you can forgive us and change the cause.Please check here:day^^Dear friends,Thank you for your order.But it seems that the order had not still pay it.If there is anything I can help you, such as price, size, color etc.Please feel free to contact me. In terms of payment is confirmed after,We will deal with the order and shipment public as soon as possible. Thank you!Best Regards2.客人未付款邮件(针对无等级买家,客人可能不会付款)亲爱的X,我们感谢你从我们这里购买。
问候,Dear X,We appreciated your purchase from us. But, we noticed that you have no payment yet. You may not know how to pay.This is a detailed payment process links:you have any questions payment, or there any reason that you don't want to go to complete the order, please let us know.We can help you to solve the question of payment or make any changes to the order. Thanks again! We are all looking forward to get your answer as soon as possible.Best regards,3.客人未付款邮件(价高?给点优惠~(3%左右))亲爱的朋友,今天我观察你的订单还是未支付状态,而我认为,如果你看到我给你付款过程,已经知道如何支付。
Dear friend,Today we observe your order or fail to pay the state, and we think that if you see we give you payment process, already know how to pay.But don't know what causes you haven't payment, if you think the price is high, we can give you a discount of 3%.Hope to see you again to my shop, we can long-term cooperation.Best Regards4.客人未付款邮件(其他卖家比你这个便宜~,强调你质量和服务~,列一个你的服务流程~从咨询到收货)亲爱的朋友,已经几天过去了,我想可能你是看到比我更便宜的卖家。