*本说明书为2.0版本一、 前言承蒙您惠顾HLP 系列多功能,高性能通用变频调速器。
●所订购的规格是否与铭牌相符合(使用电压及KV A数)。
HL-200 型系列气体检测报警仪 说明书
2. 本仪器需由经过培训的人员或专门人员使用与维护。
可测量的气体种类详见后面附表:三、技术性能指标:(不同气体指标见后面附表)1. 报警误差:H2S ±20%报警设置点,CO ±10%报警设置点,SO2±2.5%FS;2. 报警方式:低报:蜂鸣器断续声响,红色发光二极管闪亮高报:蜂鸣器发出急促声响,红色发光二极管闪亮,振动器发出振动报警。
3. 电源电压:DC2.4V(镍氢充电电池二节,并配有专用充电器)4. 电源低电压报警:液晶显示器显示电池容量,当电池欠压时显示电池容量不足符号,同时蜂鸣器发出连续蜂鸣。
5. 连续工作时间:氧气及有毒气体≥500小时(无报警);可燃性气体≥8小时(无报警)6.传感器寿命:保证一年(一年之内如有传感器损坏,本公司负责免费更换传感器,因用户使用不当原因造成损坏除外)7.使用环境条件:温度O℃~40℃,湿度≤85%RH,大气压力86kPa~106kPa8.外形尺寸: (115×62×26)mm (长×宽×高)9.重量:≤120g (可燃性气体≤180g)四、使用方法:1、开机:轻按“On/Off”键,直到液晶屏幕点亮。
二、特性:1. 可控制大电流高电压采用充氮气来熄灭电弧的结构,获得了可切断直流达320V高压的功能。
2. 结构紧凑,工作噪声低由于采用了将触点密封在氮气舱中,即使触点间隙很小,也能确保高效安全切断。
3. 不需预留电弧空间因采用了不让电弧外泄的无电弧间隙结构,使外形可以做到很小。
4. 安全性好触点密封在密封舱内,电弧无法外泄,从而保证产品具有安全性。
5. 触点可靠性高触点单元密封在氮气中,因此不管环境如何,接触电阻都能保持稳定。
6. 安装方式无特别要求可动部分重量轻,同时反力大,产品受重力影响小,有侧面和底部两种安装方式,对安装位置无特别要求。
7. 用途多样性标准用途包括:电池开关及备用设备、直流电压电源控制、电路安全保护等。
8. 符合欧盟RoHS指令(2002/95/EC)三、产品型号含义命名:代码含义产品型号LEV200A4N A A产品系列号:“LEV200”=500A,12-900V直流高压接触器触点形式:“A”=常开;“H”=常开并带辅助触点线圈电压:“4”=12VDC;“5”=24VDC;“H”=36VDC;“6”=48VDC;“7”=60VDC;“K”=72VDC;线圈引出线长度:“A”=15.3英寸(390mm);N=无线圈引出端连接方式:“N”=导线式;“A”=螺柱式,螺纹规格:#10-32安装方式及安装螺钉:“A”=底部安装,采用10mm×M8安装螺钉“F”=侧面安装,采用10mm×M8安装螺钉注意: 客户可以根据需要选择不同的线圈引出方式及安装方式。
四、技术参数:参数名称数据参数名称数据额定值允许负载电压12-900VDC 触点形式一组常开标准带电电流500A(65℃)200mm2导线★1绝缘电阻(500VDC时)≥100MΩ ★3切断电流最大值2,000A 320VDC,1次★2抗电强度断开触点间2,200 Vrms ★5触点压降≤60mV(200A时)触点与线圈间2,200 Vrms ★5预期寿命(最少次数)电气寿命200A 320VDC1000次(L/R≦1毫秒)动作时间(25℃)吸合时间(包括触点弹跳)25ms,Max.机械寿命1,000,00次触点弹跳时间(只计吸合后)7ms,Max. 冲击,11ms,1/2正弦波,峰值,工作时20G释放时间(2,000A下包括电弧)12ms,Max.★4振动,正弦波,80-2000Hz,峰值20G 贮存温度-40~+85℃电源电压波动0.7~1.1 Ue 使用温度-40~+85℃海拔高度<4000m 标准重量1.39Lb (0.60kg)备注:★1:我们推荐的线径。
目录1.技术参数 (2)2.标准配置 (4)3.硬度仪外观,各部分名称及说明 (6)4.工件预处理 (7)5.基本操作 (9)6.其他设置 (17)7.硬度仪的保养和维修 (18)8.里氏硬度仪的原理及应用 (20)1. 技术参数测试范围: 200-900HL换算硬度种类: HV,HB,HRB,HRC,HS精度:±4HL或±0.5% (在800HL范围,取 5个测试点的平均值) 测试方向:任意方向极限抗拉强度: Kgf/mm2(38—267Kgf/mm2)Tons/in2(23—135 Tons/in2)Lbs/in2(54—382 Lbs/in2)温度: 工作温度 14o F—104o F(-10o C—40o C)存贮温度 -4o F—122o F(-20o C—50o C)数据存储: HT-2000A可自动记录500个测试结果,包括测试值、换算值、平均值、硬度、材料、方向、时间和日期。
时钟: 当前时间显示,并储存了10年的日历电源: 硬度仪:2片3V锂电池CR2330打印机:锂充电电池电池寿命: 硬度仪:连续工作80个小时(可进行4000次测试)搁置寿命:2年打印用纸:热敏打印纸宽57-58mm Φ30mm外型尺寸: 165×28×28mm硬度仪重量: 120g2金属硬度仪使用手册十种材料显示硬度种类及测试范围表注:1.当测量结果超出此表范围,显示屏将显示“EE”(Error) 2.表中空白为不可测量范围2. 标准配置2.1 HT-1000A型标准配置:HT-1000A硬度仪标准硬度块13mm支撑环毛刷挂绳CR2330锂电池2个中英文使用说明书携带箱2.2 HT-2000A型标准配置:HT-2000A硬度仪标准硬度块13mm支撑环毛刷挂绳CR2330锂电池2个PORTI-S打印机打印机充电器中英文使用说明书携带箱2.3 可选配件金刚石冲击体:主要用于含有高碳化物的工具钢、高硬度材料(如合金工具钢)的测试或使用频率非常高的用户。
TH 200高速热敏打印机用户指南2004年3月版本本文档中使用的所有品牌和产品名称均为其各自所有者的商标;未经Wincor Nixdorf公司的明示授权,严禁以任何方式,复制、传播或使用本文档的全部或部分内容。
Wincor Nixdorf公司保留所有权利,包括实用模型或设计的专利授权或注册所赋予的权利。
Wincor Nixdorf公司有权修改本使用手册中的产品特性和技术规格,而无需事先声明。
Wincor Nixdorf Pte. Ltd.版权所有。
目录厂商认证8保修8一般安全信息9打印机概览 10特点11安装打印机 12拆封并检查打印机12场所选择12连接电缆13装入凭证纸14调节纸卷限位器14 调节打印纸将耗尽传感器15 装纸15操作控制面板 16状态/错误LED:16自动切纸器 17配置打印机 18配置菜单19菜单示例20 负荷周期限定20打印机养护 21清洗打印头21清洗打印纸耗尽/将耗尽传感器 21清洗压纸卷轴21附录22技术数据22接口连接23钱箱弹出连接器23 电源连接口23 串行接口23 并行口连接(IEEE 1284-B) 24控制序列25厂商认证设备符合EEC指示89/336/EEC关于“电磁兼容性”的要求以及73/23/EEC“低电压指示”的要求。
保修Wincor Nixdorf提供12个月的有限保修约定,从交货之日起计。
由以下原因导致的损坏,不在保修范围之内:* 维护不当或不足;* 产品使用不当或擅自对产品进行改造;* 位置或环境不当;!本产品中的所有易损、易耗件(如打印头或切纸器)均不包含于该保修约定中。
请到Wincor Nixdorf客户服务中心购买原备件。
一般安全信息在安装和使用打印机之前,请仔细阅读以下各条:安全注意事项不得接触打印头,打印头发热并对静电放电(ESD)敏感;不得接触打印机的切纸刀和撕纸器;小心:* 将打印机安置于平稳表面;* 若打印机来自低温度环境,会出现露水珠。
(型号:200L)双通道稀释探头控制器说明书第一章介绍工作原理规格第二章安装开箱安装步骤系统连接启动步骤第三章操作电路继电器板开关板后盖板仪表流量系统组件第四章校准所需NOx浓度标准稀释探头稀释探头技术双通道稀释配置稀释计算第五章维护安全保护继电器板更换开关板更换第8号电磁阀第12号电磁阀第13号电磁阀精度检查标度电磁阀检查检漏备件第六章故障故障向导附录A 保证书附录B 图原理图电子线路图注释列表图表编号2-1前面板2-2双通道探头控制器后面板2-3典型双通道探头控制器系统接线图2-4稀释探头3-1继电器板3-2开关板3-3后背板3-4后背板状态和摇控控制3-5仪表位置3-6双通道探头控制器接线图3-7底板布局4-1音响小孔装置4-2典型双通道探头控制器接线图5-1继电器板5-2开关板5-3第8号电磁阀装置5-4第12号电磁阀装置5-5第13号电磁阀装置5-6后面板装置5-7跨度电磁阀装置表格列表表格编号4-1音速小孔尺寸5-1更换部件5-2推荐备件第一章介绍热电子环境仪器很荣幸地提供200L型号双通道稀释探头控制器,我们承诺我们制造的仪器具有高品质、高工作性能和高质量的工艺和支持人员尽力提供协助。
工作原理200L型控制器可应用在各种各样的稀释探头装置中,200L型控制器通过调节流经稀释探头的有一定压力的零气,使零气与外部烟气相混合,再把稀释了的空气抽回分析仪分析,这种方法符合40 CFR 60和40 CFR 75标准,烟气不断通过稀释探头的过滤器和音速小孔。
当稀释空气以Q1lpm的流速流经探头的真空泵喷嘴时,就会产生真空,这个真空通过放在稀释探头里的一个小孔来吸收烟气,烟气以Q2 lpm的流量流进小孔(根据小巧玲珑孔的设计而决定),当探头里的真空超过大约10英寸汞柱时,流量就会达到Q2,而操作者调节压缩空气时,压力可使流量在一定范围内变化,音速管有50:1,100:1,150:1,200:1等几种比率,这些比率都比较常用。
200 中文说明书
热冷水高压清洗机TOP 200说明书索引1产品介绍2警告提示3使用说明使用说明安装说明喷头的选择冷水使用说明热水使用说明洗洁液喷射使用说明关闭和存放说明4安全保护装置5定期检查6发现并维修故障TOP GUN 200 产品说明书1、产品介绍这说明书手册包含:安全配置、操作描述和维修常识。
强力要求供电电源必须要有漏电装置,当漏电电流在30 MS时间内超过30MA 就切断电源,或者直接接地。
DURAG LX200中文手册
电话: 传真: 邮箱: 网址:
+49 (40) 55 42 18 – 0 +49 (40) 58 41 54 info@durag.de www.durag.de
本文 ● (约 38 页)被精心编制而成。如有问题,概不负责。 ● 不适用于北美市场。满足 ANSI Z535 要求标准。 ● 未经杜拉格集团允许,此文件或者一部分不可以被复制,传递,或者翻译成其它语言。 ● 如果单个的程序模块和装置或者部分备件没有购买,原理上可参考成套设备的手册。 ● 更新本文件时,参考了当前的装置设计情况(见上文)。 ● 可根据情况随时改变,恕不另行通知。
火焰检测器是认证类型的设备,对它们的任何干预和修改都将导致认证的失 效。因此,也应该由制造商或其指定的代表进行对它们进行修理。
原则上,下面的警告和安全指示将被应用于 D−LX200,D−LX720: ● 适用于该系统的法律法规和技术规章在工作的准备执行中必须得到守。 ● 相关工作人员必须考虑到当地的具体情况、与操作有关的危险和有关规
1.2 安全
● DIP 开关 OFF
● DIP 开关 ON
● A (→) 表明下面的术语在详细手册的术语表中将被详细解释 ● 除非另有规定:所有尺寸以 mm 表示
请严格遵守“快速手册”中使用的警告和安全指示。他们将能使您避免对用 户和维护人员的生命和身体损害,并防止财产损失。 为了避免事故和损失,相关危险在快速手册中将被着重强调。 火焰检测器是安全设备,其是为确保锅炉厂的安全操作而设计的。不恰当 使用或处理可能导致健康损害或财产损失。
D−LX 200 D−LX 720
!注意 ● 散热座,刹车电阻等发热元件请勿触摸,以防止烫伤。 ● 变频器可以很容易从低速到高速运转,请确认马达与机械的速度容许范围。 ● 变频器运转中请勿检查电路板上的信号,以免发生危险。 ● 变频器于出厂时均已调整设定,请不要任意加以调整,按所需功能适当调
六、数位操作器说明 (1)、数位操作器说明
(2)、显示项目说明 (3)、操作说明 七、试运行 (1)、运行前检查 (2)、试运行方式 八、功能一览表 九、功能说明 十、保养维护、故障信息及排除方法 (1)、保养检查注意事项 (2)、定期检查项目 (3)、故障信息及排除方法 (4)、故障及分析 十一、周边设施选用及配置 (1)、选件 (2)、配置 十二、附录
●在海拔超过 1000 米的地区,变频
超短焦激光投影机AL-LX200ST AL-LW200ST用户使用说明书
2017-09-08- 使用投影机前,请务必认真阅读“重要安全提示”。
( 第2-5页)执行企业标准:Q/GF 001-2016SysNo.763122重要安全说明♦ 请勿让任何液体溅落到投影机上。
♦ 在雷暴期间或者长期不使用时,为更 好保护投影机,请拔下电源插头。
这 可以防止雷电或电力线路电涌对设备 造成损坏。
本产品为B 级产品。
SysNo.763122017-09-083重要安全说明SysNo.763122017-09-084重要安全说明SysNo.763122017-09-085重要安全说明SysNo.763122017-09-086声明有限保修在正常使用和存放情况下,Appotronics 对本产品的任何材料和工艺缺陷提供保修,保修时必须提供购机日期证明。
如果在保修期内发现本产品有缺陷,Appotronics 唯一的义务和针对您的独家补救办法是更换任何有缺陷的部件(包括劳务费)。
重要事项:如果客户未按照 Appotronics 的书面用法说明使用本产品,将不适用上述保修。
尤其是环境湿度必须介于10% 和90%之间、温度介于0°C 和 40°C 之间,以及避免在多灰尘的环境下操作本投影机。
有关其他信息,请访问 。
Blueair Classic User Manual - 200 seriesBefore using Blueair Classic 200 series, please read this user manual carefully.Note:There may be local variations of these models.ContentsGeneral 4 Overview of unit 5 Adjusting fan (air flow) speed 5 Safety information 6 Placing the unit 8 Getting started 8 Control panel and touch buttons8 Blueair Friend mobile app settings 10 Filters 11 Changing the filters 12 Care and Maintenance 13 Classic 280i/205 technical specifications 14Blueair 200 series air purifiers are Wi-Fi enabledand are available in two models. The 280i mod-els have built-in sensors for PM2.5, VOC, tem-perature/humidity, and the 205 models with nobuilt-in sensors.Adjustments to the air purifiers can be mademanually anywhere and at any time, either viathe touch buttons on the control panel locatedunder the flip-up lid, or remotely via the BlueairFriend TM mobile app.The air purifier can also be automatically regulat-ed based on the air quality readings from thebuilt-in sensors (280i), or the optional external airquality monitor Blueair Aware TM (205)For more information on how to use your airpurifier together with the Blueair Aware airquality monitor, please see the Blueair Awareowner’s manual and the support information.205 model280i model1. Control panel2. Blue LED3. Front cover4. 280i left view withsensor holes5. 205, 280i right view6. Air outlet7. Air inlet (back view)8. Particle filter, or9. Smokestop TM filter10. Kit box- welcome card- user manual- cleaning cloth459Adjusting fan (air flow) speedPlease refer to the table below to see the different options available for controlling your air purifier.Overview of unitMaximum speed is recommended for fast initial cleaning, during the day or when the air is heavilypolluted. Minimum speed is recommended for nighttime use.Safety informationThe Blueair 205 and 280i air purifiers are electrical appliances. Please read the safety instructions before use and take the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock or injury. The Blueair Limited Warranty applies only if the unit is used according to these instructions.GeneralWARNING: To avoid a hazard, a damaged supply cable must always be replaced by the manufacturer, service agent or similarly qualified person.•Use the grounded power cable provided with your Blueair air purifier unit to plug directly into an appropriate, grounded electrical outlet. (Refer to the rating label on your unit)•Do not alter the plug in any way.Intended useCAUTION: Supervise children to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.•This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, un-less they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the applianceby a person responsible for their safety.Warning : Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.FCC: 2AEX3-2XXZ-CC IC: 20267-205However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equip-ment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is con- nected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must ac-cept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement Caution: This Transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons.Step 1Plug the fixed power cable into a grounded wall outlet.Open the flip-up lid and press the air-flow speed touch button. When the Wi-Fi symbol starts to blink, the air purifier can be paired with the Blueair Friend mobile app.Step 2Download the Blueair Friend mobile app to your smartphone from your app store (Apple App Store or Google Play).Step 3Connect your unit to your Blueair Friend mobile app. Start the app and follow the instructions.After connecting your air purifier to the Blueair Friend mobile app, you can use the app to control theunit remotely and adjust settings.Getting startedConnecting your air purifier - 280i and 205Follow the instructions below to connect your air purifier to your Blueair Friend mobile app. You can then enable remote control. Placing the unitControl panel and touch buttonsThe control panel and touch buttons are located under the flip-up lid (see Step 2 “Starting up the unit”). A grey circle around a touch button indicates that it is inactive. When the unit is turned on, all touch buttons on the control panel (except for airflow speed control); will dim down after 20 seconds. Tap the control panel and the touch buttons will light up again.Status “blinking” - no connection.Wi-Fi ready to be connected.Wi-FiStatus grey - OFF (no Wi-Fi)Air flow speed control Status grey - OFFStatus blue and all bars are grey -the power cable is plugged in.Status grey and blue Wi-Fi connected FilterStatus grey and blue -no replacement filter currently needed.Status orange - replace filter and reset by pressing down for 5 seconds.Status 1 blue bar - minimum speedStatus 2 blue bars - medium speedStatus 3 blue bars - maximum speed Classic 205 control panel touch buttonsFiltersGeneral informationThe unit is delivered with one HEPASilent TM filter already installed.Particle filters remove:Dust PM2.5PollenSmokestop TM filters remove all the above pollutants, plus:Smoke VOC Dust mites Bacteria ChemicalsCooking odorsIMPORTANT! Use only genuine Blueair filters to ensure proper function of your unit and to qualify for full warranty coverage.Blueair filter subscription programThis convenient service is available in some countries – contact your local Blueair retailer to find out if you can join.Model number Serial numberRetailer’s name Retailer’s address Date of purchaseTelephone numberFilter checklistTo make it easy to find the right filter in the future, please fill in the customer record below and keep this user manual for reference. The model number and serial number of this product can be found onthe rating label on the bottom of the unit.Auto speedStatus circle blue - unit is onStatus symbol grey - Auto speed OFFStatus symbol blue - Auto speed ON PM2.5 indicatorStatus blue - from excellent to moder-ate pollution levels.Status orange - from slight to high pol-lution levelsVOC indicatorStatus blue - from excellent to moderate pollution levelsStatus orange - from slight to high pollution levelsClassic 280i control panel touch buttonsBlueair Friend mobile app settingsPlease note that you must first add your air purifier unit to the Blueair Friend mobile app before you can control the following settings via the app:Adjust airflow speedChanges the fan speed between speed 1, 2 and 3.Adjust LED intensityChanges the LED intensity for those lamps that are visible.Child lockRegulates your ability to control the air purifier unit via the control panel on the unit.Auto modeAutomatically controls the fan speed based on readings either from the built-in sensors (”i” models only), or from the external air quality monitor Blueair Aware.Night modeAllows the activation/deactivation of certain settings at specific times.See Blueair Friend mobile app for further information regarding pollution and threshold levelsCare and maintenanceWe recommend routine cleaning in order to keep your unit in top condition.When changing filters 1. Wipe clean the underside of the lid after removal.2. Vacuum the air inlet grille from the inside using a soft brush and/or other suitable attachment.3.Vacuum the small air inlets with a soft brush attachment.General 1. Wipe the exterior of the unit with a soft, clean, damp cloth.2.Never clean with gasoline, chemical solvents or corrosive material as these agents may damage the surface.3. Do not allow foreign objects to enter the ventilation or exhaust openings. This may cause elec-tric shock or damage the unit.4.Do not try to repair or adjust any of the electrical or mechanical functions on your Blueair unit yourself. Contact your local dealer or Blueair for warranty information.Help and supportIf you have questions about Blueair Classic series , please visit or contact your local Blueair retailer.Warranty informationThe Blueair Limited Warranty applies only if the unit is used according to the instructions in this manual.Changing the filtersStep 2Pull out the filter.Step 1Open the back door.Step 4Insert the replacement Blueair filter.Step 3Vacuum inside the unit with a soft brush attachment.Step 5Close the back door, plug in the unit and turn on.The unit is now ready for use.IMPORTANT!Always turn off and disconnect the unit from the supply mains before changing filters, cleaning or carrying out maintenance procedures.Classic 280i/205 technical specifications*CADR (cfm)**:Room size279 sq.ft. (26 m2) Air Changes per Hour ***5 Airflow (Speed 1-2-3)75-140-220 cfm Size (HxWxD):21 x 17 x 9 in. (533 x 432 x 209 mm) Product weight:24 lbs (11 kg) Energy consumption(Speed 1-2-3)****20-60-80 WSound pressure levels(Speed 1-2-3)32-44-56 dB(A) Filter replacement indicator YesSpeed control options1-2-3, non-touch, smartphone (Automode)1-2-3, non-touch, smartphone Air quality sensors Built-in sensors for VOC, PM2.5, temperature and humidityNo sensors - optional use with Blueair AwareThe entire unit can be recycled.External network issues affecting the product performance are beyond the control of Blueair. Please contact your Internet service provider for assistance.* ** *** ****Specifications based on U.S. models (120 VAC, 60 Hz with particle filter)The CADR indicates how much filtered air is delivered (airflow) by the air purifier operating at the highest setting, and how well the system removes tobacco smoke, dust and pollen pollutants from the air (efficiency). T ests are performed in accordance with ANSI/AHAM AC-1. The maximum possible CADR ratings according to this standard are: T obacco Smoke: 450 cfm. / Dust: 400 cfm. / Pollen: 450 cfm.Air changes per hour are calculated on the recommended room size, assuming 8-foot (2.4 m) ceilings. For smaller rooms, the air changes per hour will increase.The available electrical power voltage and frequency affects the power consumption of the unit. The power consumption might therefore be different from the stated value.280i205280i205Dust200Pollen200180Smoke Blueair ABDanderydsgatan 11 SE-114 26 Stockholm SwedenTel: +46 8 679 45 00 Fax: +46 8 679 45 45***************Blueair (Shanghai) Trading Co. Ltd.Rm 1005 City Gateway No. 398 North Caoxi Road Xuhui Distr, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 6091 0981 Fax: +86 21 6091 0989***************Blueair Inc.Suite 1900,100 N LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60602Tel: +1 888 258 3247 Fax: +1 312 727 1153****************Blueair India Pvt. Ltd.Embassy of SwedenNyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri New Dehli – 110021Tel: +91 11 4606 7121Fax: +91 11 4606 7120****************。
July 2003 • E-7017TECHNICAL DATA / COLOR NEGATIVE FILMKODAK High Definition 200 Film / 3992 / HD2KODAK High Definition 200 Film is a color negative film that provides a balance of fine grain, sharpness, color reproduction, and contrast to yield results with excellent clarity and enlargement capability. It offers improvedsharpness and reduced grain, optimized accurate skin tone reproduction over a wide range of flesh tones, and improved color consistency over a wide range of exposures. This multi-purpose film is designed for exposure with daylight or electronic flash.DARKROOM RECOMMENDATIONSDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness.FeaturesBenefits•Very fine grain •Pictures that are very clear •Improved enlargements•Excellent sharpness•Improved picture detail•Pictures that are very clear, crisp •Great enlargements•Exposure versatility•Film of choice for very highquality, general use photography over a wide range of situations or lighting conditions.•Designed for exposure by daylight and electronic flash •Excellent color reproduction •Improved color consistency•Bright, vibrant prints•Improved color consistency across a wider range of picture-taking situations•Optimized performance with KODAK EDGE Generations and ROYAL Generations Paper •KODAK ColorPrecision Technology for better skin tones •More natural-looking skin tones for improved "people pictures"•Scan ready•High-quality results from digital output systems•Great prints for digital zoom and crop•Designed for processing in KODAK FLEXICOLOR Chemicals for Process C-41•Processed in the same chemicals as KODAK ROYAL GOLD, KODAK MAX, and KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA FilmsSTORAGE AND HANDLINGStore unexposed film at 21°C (70°F) or lower in the original sealed package . Always store film (exposed or unexposed) in a cool, dry place. Process film as soon as possible after exposure.Protect negatives from strong light, and store them in a cool, dry place. For more information on storing negatives, see KODAK Publication No. E-30, Storage and Care of KODAK Photographic Materials—Before and After Processing .EXPOSUREFilm Speed:Use the speed numbers in the table below with cameras or meters marked for ISO, ASA, or DIN speeds or exposure indexes. Do not change the ISO-speed setting when metering through a filter.1For best results without special printing.Light Source KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter 1ISO Speed Daylight orElectronic Flash None 200/24°Photolamp (3400 K)No. 80B 64/19°T ungsten (3200 K)No. 80A50/18°Daylight Exposure:Use the exposures in the table below for average frontlit subjects from 2 hours after sunrise to 2 hours before sunset.1 Use f /5.6 for backlit close-up subjects.2 Subject shaded from the sun but lighted by a large area of sky.Fluorescent and High-Intensity Discharge LightsFor best results without special printing, use thecolor-correction filters in the table below as starting points when you expose these films under fluorescent andhigh-intensity discharge lamps. Use exposure times of 1/60 second or longer to avoid the brightness and color variations that occur during a single alternating-current cycle.Fluorescent Light SourceHigh-Intensity Discharge Lamp SourceLighting Conditions Shutter Speed (seconds)Lens Opening Bright/Hazy Sun on Light Sand or Snow 1/250f /16Bright or Hazy Sun, Distinct Shadows 1/250f /111Weak, Hazy Sun, Soft Shadows1/250f /8Cloudy Bright, No Shadows1/250f /5.6Heavy Overcast, Open Shade 21/250f /4Fluorescent Lamp TypeKODAK Color Compensating Filter(s)Exposure Adjustment"Daylight"20R + 5M + 1 stop White 50C + 30M + 1 2⁄3 stop Warm White 40B + 50C + 2 stops Warm White Deluxe 90C + 30M+ 2 stops Cool White 30B + 1 stop Cool White Deluxe40C + 10M+ 1 stopHigh-Intensity DischargeLamp Type KODAK Color Compensating Filter(s)Exposure AdjustmentHigh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (2700 K)50B + 70C + 2 2⁄3 stops High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (2200 K)50B + 90C + 3 stops High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (2100 K)20M + 200C+ 4 stops Metal Halide (4300 K)10M + 2⁄3 stop Metal Halide (3200 K)80C + 10M + 1 2⁄3 stops Mercury Vapor (3700 K)20B + 10C+ 1 stopElectronic Flash:Use the guide numbers in the table below as starting-point recommendations for your equipment. Select the unit output closest to the number given by your flash manufacturer. Then find the guide number for feet or metres.To determine the lens opening, divide the guide number by the flash-to-subject distance. If negatives are consistently too dense (overexposed), use a higher guide number; if they are too thin (underexposed), use a lower number.1 BCPS = beam candlepower seconds.Adjustments for Long and Short ExposuresNo filter correction or exposure compensation is required for exposures from 1/1000 second to 10 seconds.PROCESSINGProcess KODAK High Definition 200 Film / 3992 inKODAK FLEXICOLOR Chemicals for Process C-41. For more information, see KODAK Publication No. Z-131, Using KODAK FLEXICOLOR Chemicals .Unit Output (BCPS)1Guide Number for Distances inFeet/Metres35060/1850070/2170085/261000100/301400120/362000140/422800170/504000200/605600240/708000280/85JUDGING NEGATIVE EXPOSURESExpose this film properly for optimum results.Check the exposure level of the color negative with a suitable electronic densitometer equipped with a filter such as the red filter for Status M Densitometry, or a KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter No. 92. Depending on the subject and the light source used for exposure, a normally exposed color negative measured through the red filter should have the approximate densities listed below. These densities apply for the recommended light sources and correct processing of the negative.Densities of Properly Exposed and ProcessedNegatives:1KODAK Publication No. R-272Because of the extreme range in skin color, use these values only as aguide. For best results, use a KODAK Gray Card (gray side).Area on the Negative:Densities:The KODAK Gray Card 1 (gray side) receiving the same illumination as the subject0.80 to 1.00The lightest step (darkest in the negative) of a KODAK Paper Gray Scale receiving the same illumination as the subject 1.20 to 1.40Normally lighted forehead of person with light complexion 21.05 to 1.35Normally lighted forehead of person with dark complexion 20.90 to 1.25PRINTING NEGATIVESThis film is optimized for printing on KODAK EDGE Generations, KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE 8, KODAK ROYAL Generations, KODAK EKTACOLOR ROYAL VIII, KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE 9 AP, and KODAK EKTACOLOR ROYAL IX AP, and KODAKPROFESSIONAL Color Metallic Papers. The film can also be printed on KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE 7 Paper.Make color slides and transparencies by printing the negatives on KODAK VERICOLOR Slide Film, KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency Optical Display Material, or KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Clear Optical Display Material.You can scan an image to a file and print digitally to KODAK PROFESSIONAL ULTRA ENDURA Paper, KODAK PROFESSIONAL Color Metallic Paper, KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Transparency Digital Display Material, KODAK PROFESSIONAL ENDURA Clear Digital Display Material, and KODAK PROFESSIONAL DURAFLEX® Plus Digital Display Material.Make black-and-white prints on KODAK PANALURE SELECT RC Papers for conventional black-and-white processing or on KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Black & White Paper for Process RA-4. Startingrecommendations for KODAK EKTACOLOR EDGE 8 Paper are available online at /go/ photofinishing.RETOUCHINGNegatives on this film can be retouched on the emulsion side with retouching pencils, after applying a retouching fluid, such as KODAK Retouching Fluid.IMAGE STRUCTUREPrint Grain Index Magnification Table:Print Grain Index numbers for diffuse printing illumination.Negative Size: 24 x 36 mm; 135 format or 35 mm Roll Film•This is a new method which replaces rms granularity. It is on a different scale, which cannot be compared to rms granularity.•The scale is a uniform perceptual scale, with a change of 4 units representing a Just Noticeable Difference for 90% of observers.•Index value representing the approximate visual threshold for graininess: 25.•Standardized inspection distance for all print sizes: 35.6 cm (14 inches).•In practice, prints larger than 10.2 x 15.2 cm (4x6inches) will likely be viewed from distances greater than 35.6 cm (14 inches), thereby reducing overall graininess that is perceived.•These Grain Index numbers may not represent graininess observed from more specular printing illuminants, such as condenser enlargers.Sharpness:Extremely High Degree of Enlargement:Extremely HighPrint Grain Index:32Print Size in inches:4x6Print Size in centimeters:10.2x15.2Magnification:4.4X Print Grain Index number:32CURVESCharacteristic CurvesSpectral Sensitivity CurvesSpectral Dye Density CurvesNOTICE: The sensitometric curves and data in this publication represent product tested under the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They are representative ofproduction coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll of photographic material. They do not represent standards or specifications that must be met by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.KODAK High Definition 200 Film / 3992 / HD2KODAK High Definition 200 Film / 3992 / HD2 KODAK Publication No. E-7017New 7-03Printed in U.S.A.Consumer ImagingEASTMAN KODAK COMPANY • ROCHESTER, NY 14650MORE INFORMATIONKodak has many publications to assist you with informationon Kodak products, equipment and materials.Additional information is available on the Kodak websiteat .Many publications are available online, or you can contactKodak in your country for more information.For the latest version of technical support publications forKODAK Products, visit Kodak on-line at:If you have questions about KODAK Products, call Kodak.In the U.S.A.:1-800-242-2424, Monday–Friday9 a.m.–7 p.m. (Eastern time)In Canada:1-800-465-6325, Monday–Friday8 a.m.–5 p.m. (Eastern time)Note: The Kodak materials described in this publication foruse with KODAK High Definition 200 Film / 3992 areavailable from dealers who supply Kodak products. You canuse other materials, but you may not obtain similar results.Kodak, Kodak Professional, Duraflex, Edge, Endura, Ultra Endura, Ektacolor,Flexicolor, Gold, Panalure, Royal, Royal Gold, Vericolor, and Wratten are。
1.5 3.7 7.5 15 22 37 55 93 132 185 220 280
0.75 2.2 5.5 11 18.5 30 45 75 110 160 200 250 315
3.8 9.0 17 32 45 75 112 176 253 355 426 540
控制方式 直线 VF 控制/多点 VF 控制/节能控制/磁通电流控制/转矩控制
转矩提升 手动转矩可调/自动转矩提升
启动转矩 G 型:0.5HzFra bibliotek时 150%的额定转矩
P 型:0.5Hz 时 100%的额定转矩
电压/频率特性 基本电压 10V~440V 可调,基本频率 8Hz~400Hz 可调
加、减速曲线 直线和任意可调曲线,0.1~3200.0 秒连续可调
GS200L-0055G/ GS216L-0075
GS200L-0075G/ GS216L-0110
GS200L-0110G/ GS216L-0150
GS200L-0150G/ GS216L-0185
GS200L-0185G/ GS216L-0220
无传感器矢量控制(SLVC)。 带编码器的矢量控制(VC)。 V/f 控制。 磁通电流控制(FCC),改善了动态响应和电动机的控制特性。 多点V/f 特性。 快速电流限制(FCL)功能,避免运行中不应有的跳闸。 内置的直流注入制动。 加速/减速斜坡特性具有可编程的平滑功能。 具有比例,积分和微分(PID)控制功能的闭环控制。 自动稳压,在输入电压变动的情况下,输出电压基本不变,保持V/F值恒定。 转速追踪,变频器在运行过程时,若发生瞬时停电,电源又立即恢复,此时,变频器将 自动检测电机转速,使电机平滑无冲击地重新运行至输入设定频率。 防过压失速,运行中变频器自动限制直流母线电压的升高。 运行监视功能,运行时可监视输出频率、输出电流、转速、负载率、累计工作时间、直流母线 电压等13个参数。 故障及故障查询监视功能 1.3 键盘外型及安装尺寸 我公司现有两种操控键盘,分别安装在相应型号的变频器上,如客户将键盘安装在自备的柜体 面板上,请按如下尺寸 在面板开孔.注意须分清大小键盘. 1.3.1 大键盘外型及安装尺寸
DURAG LX200中文手册
DURAG GmbH ·Kollaustraße 105 ·22453 Hamburg ·www.durag.de
声明····················································································3 1 概述
的接地导体的中断是危险的,而且这也是不被允许的。 ● 电缆敷设应该规矩,不应绊倒人或者被人轻易碰到。
本手册由 DURAG 整理,为 DURAG 公司生产的 D-LX200,D-LX720 系列产品的简化版手册, 仅供现场调试人员参考使用。如有与原版英文手册不符之处,请以原版英 文手册为准。本手册不作为任何法律依据,本公司对此不承担任何法律责 任。
2012 年 7 月 30 日
1.1 印刷符号惯例
为了使本手册字迹清晰,文字内容,如安全指示,警告,提示,键盘符号, 菜单地址等都以不同方式显示。
来自电气设备的危险 在打开保护外壳或者其它接触保护前,设备必须切断电源。
旋转开关 S1 到 S8 没有停止。开关可以被旋转从位置 F 到位置 O
火焰检测器是认证类型的设备,对它们的任何干预和修改都将导致认证的失 效。因此,也应该由制造商或其指定的代表进行对它们进行修理。
原则上,下面的警告和安全指示将被应用于 D−LX200,D−LX720: ● 适用于该系统的法律法规和技术规章在工作的准备执行中必须得到守。 ● 相关工作人员必须考虑到当地的具体情况、与操作有关的危险和有关规
细长窄槽 测量沟 很小,不 的铸锻
或孔; 槽或凹 破坏硬 件。
D 型用于 入的表 化层,适
常规测量 面 合测量
序 代号
1 03-03.7 Z10-15
2 03-03.8 Z14.5-30
3 03-03.9 Z25-50
4 03-03.10 HZ11-13
1.2.2 适用范围 适用范围见表 1、表 2。
硬度 制
Steel and cast HRA
steel 钢和 HB 铸钢
Steel HB 锻钢
CWT、ST HRC 合金 工具钢 HV
HRB Stainle ss steel HB 不锈钢
GC. IRON 灰铸铁
1 概述 1.1 产品特点
z 依据里氏硬度原理,可以对多种金属材料进行高精度检测。 z 支持“锻钢(Steel)”材料,当用 D/DC 型冲击装置测试
“锻钢”试样时,可直接读取 HB 值,无需人工查表。 z 方便切换至所有的硬度制式(HL、HB、HRB、HRC、HRA、HV、
2 结构特征与工作原理----------------------- 10 2.1 结构特征--------------------------- 10 2.2 工作原理--------------------------- 12
3 技术特性-------------------------------- 12 3.1 技术参数-------------------------- 12 3.2 尺寸重量-------------------------- 13
The AT-HDVS-200-TX-WP is a 2×1 wall plate switcher for HDMI and VGA inputs with HDBaseT output. It features a US, two-gang, Decora form factor with one HDMI and one VGA input with an always-on 3.5mm audio connector. HDMI signals up to 4K/UHD @ 60Hz (YUV 4:2:0 color sub-sampling), VGA input signals up to 1920×1200, embedded audio, and control signals can be extended up to 328 feet (100 meters). The switcher receives power from the AT-HDVS-200-RX scaler via Power over Ethernet and together they create a standalone AV switching and control system with scaling for classrooms and huddle rooms. Display control and volume commands are transmitted via CEC, IP, or RS-232 to any display, control system, switcher or other controllable device.• 1 x AT-HDVS-200-TX-WP (w/face plate - LAN port exposed)• 1 x Captive screw connector (3 pin: RS-232)• 1 x Face plate (w/LAN port covered)• 1 x Installation GuidePackage ContentsAT-HDVS-200-TX-WP Installation GuidePlease check /product/AT-HDVS-200-TX-WP for the most recent firmware update or manual .Two-Input Wall Plate Switcher for HDMI and VGA with Ethernet-Enabled HDBaseTOutputPanel Description1. INPUT button: Use to switch between VGA and HDMI sources2. DISPLAY button: Can be programmed to perform different functionsDefault action will turn video output on/off for the switcherSend on/off command to CEC, RS-232, or TCP/IP controllable displays or other connecteddevicesSends RS-232 or TCP/IP trigger command when used with a compatible switcher(e.g. CLSO PoE series)3. PW LED: Will illuminate when receiving powerLINK LED: Illuminates when receiving signal from the receiver4. VOLUME buttons: Adjust output volume of the switcher or connected device when programmedNote: To mute or unmute output audio, press both volume buttons together. LED will turn red when muted5. AUDIO IN port: Connect analog audio here6. HDMI IN port: Connect HDMI source here7. LAN (black)port: Connect network switch or router to this port for Ethernet, TCP/IP, orwebGUI control8. VGA IN port: Connect VGA source here9. RS-232 port: Connect control system to RS-232 port10. HDBaseT(blue)port: Connect to an HDBaseT PoE receivere.g. AT-HDVS-200-RX or UHD-CLSO PoE series switcher/scalersNote: To ensure compatibility, please be certain both transmitter and receiver have blue or blue bordered HDBaseT ports. This ensures both products are PoE (48V) compliant. The HDVS-200-TX is not compatible with PoCC (black RJ45, 24V) devicesConnectingThe captive screw connectors havea contact bar that is adjusted tocompress the wire against the top contact plate. Use the screws at the top of the connector to compress the wire against the contact plate.When connecting the cables to the female captive screw connector it is important that the wires be terminated correctly. The female captive screw connector has a contact plate at the top and must have the wires touching it for signal to pass. When wired correctly (see picture A) the signal will pass, incorrectly (see picture B) no signal will pass.ClockwiseCounter ClockwiseTurn the screws clockwise toraise the contact bar to theupper contact plate and hold the wires in place.Turn the screws counter clockwise to lower the contact bar to release thewires.RS-232 captive screw connector is included. RS-232 pin out will be determined by the RS-232 cable and will connect as Rx (receiver), Tx (transmitter), and(ground). (See picture 1)RS-232Typical pin out:2 - TX - Transmitter3 - RX - Receiver 5 - GND - GroundPin out color will differ per RS-232 cable.1543298761RS-232RS-232RX TX The captive screw connectors allow you to cut cables to a suitable length, reducing cable clutter while providing a more reliable connection.Captive ScrewNote: IP addresses may also be found using common free IP scanner software such as “Advanced IP Scanner”*Atlona does not assume responsibility for damage caused by other programs installed onto a computer, verify programs before installing *webGUIAtlona has created an easy to use webGUI for setup and changes to the configuration of the HDVS-200-TX-WP.To begin, plug a LAN cable into the LAN port of the HDVS-200-TX-WP and the network switch, then type the IP address of the unit into a web browser of a PC connected to the same network (as seen below).Important: If any stability issues are experienced, disable any anti-virus or firewall that may interfere with network communication to the switcher. Once set up is done and the switcher webGUI is no longer being used, the firewall and anti-virus can be re-enabled.A login screen will appear (this is the same log in for admin and general users). For the first log in (and future admin changes) the username is “root” and password is “Atlona”.Only the admin password can be changed (see User Manual). The username will always remain “root”. Note:Connection Diagram (with HDVS-200-RX)HDBaseTAudioDry CCRouterConnection Diagram (with PoE UHD-CLSO series)Troubleshooting1. The Auto-Switch feature isn’t working. How do I enable it?You can enable Auto-switching by using the AutoSW on command via TCP/IP or RS-232, orthrough the WebGU.2. I want to pass only analog audio without video. How do I do this?Place the unit in “standalone” mode. This mode can be enabled using the FreeRun oncommand via TCP/IP or RS-232, or through the webGUI.3. How do I update the firmware?The firmware can be updated using the USB port or through the webGUI.4. How do I find the IP address?Run the IPCFG command using either RS-232 or TCP/IP. You can also get the IP addressthrough the webGUI and AMS.5. How do I switch between DHCP and Static IP modes?For the AT-HDVS-200-TX, DHCP can be turned on/off by pressing the INPUT button for 15seconds. For the AT-HDVS-200-RX, DHCP can be turned on/off by pressing the AUTO button for 15 seconds. You can also toggle between DHCP and Static IP modes using the IPDHCPcommand via TCP/IP or RS-232, or by using the webGUI or AMS.6. What is the default IP address?The default static IP address is Please note that the default static IP for both the wall plate/transmitter (HDVS-200-TX-WP) and the receiver (HDVS-200-RX) are the same.7. I can’t control my display. What’s wrong?First, check that the desired control method is selected (TCP/IP, RS-232, or CEC). If you areusing RS-232, make sure that the baud rate for RXZone 1 (found under the webGUI)matches your display settings. The baud rate can be set through the webGUI or by using the RxRSparaZ1 command via TCP/IP or RS-232. When using the RxRSparaZ1 command, use the following syntax: RxRSparaZ1[baudrate,data-bits,parity,stop-bits].Example: RxRSparaZ1[115200,8,0,1]。
MEAN WELL HBG-200系列常压常流LED驱动器用户手册说明书
Home » MEAN WELL » MEAN WELL HBG-200 Series Constant Voltage Constant Current LED Driver Owner’sManualMEAN WELL HBG-200 Series Constant Voltage Constant Current LED Driver Owner’s ManualContents1 HBG-200 Series Constant Voltage Constant Current LEDDriver2 Product Information:3 Product Usage Instructions:3.1 Documents / ResourcesHBG-200 Series Constant Voltage Constant Current LED DriverProduct Information:The HBG-200 series is a 200W Constant Voltage + Constant CurrentLED Driver. It is designed for DA type only and has an IP65 IP67rating. The LED driver supports DALI.Model: HBG-200-36Model: HBG-200-48DC Voltage: 36VDC Voltage: 48VConstant Current Region: 21.6 ~ 36V (for HBG-200-36)Constant Current Region: 28.8 ~ 48V (for HBG-200-48)Rated Current: 5.5A (for HBG-200-36)Rated Current: 4.1A (for HBG-200-48)Rated Power: 198W (for HBG-200-36)Rated Power: 196.8W (for HBG-200-48)Ripple & Noise (max.): 250mVp-pCurrent Adjustment Range: Adjustable for A-Type and AB-Type (viabuilt-in potentiometer)Line RegulationLoad RegulationSetup, Rise Time: 2500ms, 200ms /115VACSetup, Rise Time: 500ms, 200ms /230VACHold Up Time (Typ.): 12ms /115VAC, 230VACVoltage Range: 90 ~ 305VAC, 127~417VDCFrequency Range: 47 ~ 63HzPower Factor: PF>0.98/115VAC, PF>0.95/230VAC,PF>0.92/277VAC@full loadTotal Harmonic Distortion: THD< 20%(@load60%/115VC,230VAC; @load75%/277VAC)Efficiency (Typ.): 92% (for HBG-200-36)Efficiency (Typ.): 93% (for HBG-200-48)AC Current (Typ.): 1.9A / 115VAC (for HBG-200-36)AC Current (Typ.): 1A / 230VAC (for HBG-200-48)Inrush Current (Typ.): 0.9A / 277VACMax. No. of PSUs on 16A Circuit Breaker: 4 units (circuit breaker of type B) / 7 units (circuit breaker of type C) at230VACLeakage CurrentNo Load / Standby Power ConsumptionProduct Usage Instructions:1. Make sure to read the user manual before using the HBG-200series LED driver.2. Ensure that the LED driver is suitable for the specificapplication and LED lighting system.3. Connect the input power source to the LED driver using thespecified voltage range (90 ~ 305VAC, 127~417VDC).4. Connect the LED load to the output terminals of the LEDdriver.5. For models HBG-200-36 and HBG-200-48, adjust the constantcurrent region within the specified range (21.6 ~ 36V forHBG-200-36 and 28.8 ~ 48V for HBG-200-48) using the built-inpotentiometer.6. Ensure that the total load connected to the LED driver does notexceed the rated power (198W for HBG-200-36 and 196.8W forHBG-200-48).7. Take note of the ripple & noise specification (max.250mVp-p) to ensure proper operation of the LED lightingsystem.8. Consider the line regulation and load regulation factors forstable performance of the LED driver.9. Follow the setup and rise time specifications (2500ms, 200ms/115VAC or 500ms, 200ms /230VAC) for reliable operation.10. Refer to the hold up time specification (12ms /115VAC, 230VAC)to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the LED system.11. Pay attention to the power factor (PF) characteristic forefficient energy usage.12. Observe the total harmonic distortion (THD) specification tomaintain good power quality.13. Check the efficiency rating (92% for HBG-200-36 and 93% forHBG-200-48) for optimal performance.14. Consider the AC current and inrush current specifications forproper circuit breaker sizing.15. Take note of the maximum number of PSUs allowed on a 16Acircuit breaker to prevent overload.16. Ensure that the leakage current and no load/standby powerconsumption are within acceptable limits.200W Constant Voltage + Constant Current LED Driver HBG-200 seriesUser’s ManualFeaturesConstant Voltage + Constant Current mode output ApplicationsGTIN CODEDescriptionModel Encoding1. Function mode option2. Rated output voltage(36/48/60V)3. Rated wattage4. Series nameType IP Level Function Note Blank IP67lo fixed.In Stock A IP65lo adjustable through built-in potentiometer.In Stock B IP67 3 in 1 dimming function (0-10Vdc, 10V PWM signal and resistance)In Stock AB IP65lo adjustable through built-in potentiometer with 3 in 1 dimming function In Stock DAIP67DALI control technology.In StockSPECIFICATIONMODELHBG-200-36 HBG-200-48HBG-200-60OUT PUTDC VOLTAGE 36V 48V 60V CONSTANT CURR ENT REGION Not e.221.6 ~ 36V 28.8 ~ 48V 36 ~ 60V RATED CURRENT 5.5A 4.1A 3.3A RATED POWER 198W 196.8W 198W RIPPLE & NOISE (max.) Note.3250mVp-p250mVp-p350mVp-pCURRENT ADJ. R ANGEAdjustable for A-Type and AB-Type (via built-in potentiometer)3.3 ~ 5.5A 2.46 ~ 4.1A1.98 ~ 3.3AVOLTAGETOLERANCE Note .4±2.0%LINE REGULATIO N±0.5%LOADREGULATION ±1.0%SETUP, RISE TIME Note.62500ms,200ms /115VAC 500ms,200ms /230VACHOLD UP TIME (Typ.)12ms /115VAC, 230VACINP UT VOLTAGE RANGENote.590 ~ 305VAC 127~417VDC(Please refer to “STATIC CHARACTERISTIC” section)FREQUENCY RANGE47 ~ 63HzPOWER FACTORPF>0.98/115VAC, PF>0.95/230VAC, PF>0.92/277VAC@full load(Please refer to “POWER FACTOR (PF) CHARACTERISTIC” section)TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIONTHD< 20%(@load≧60%/115VC,230VAC; @load≧75%/277VAC)(Please refer to “TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION(THD)” section) EFFICIENCY (Typ.)92%93%93.5%AC CURRENT (Typ.)1.9A / 115VAC 1A / 230VAC 0.9A / 277VACINRUSH CURRENT (Typ.)COLD START 85A(twidth=600μs measured at 50% Ipeak) at 230VAC; Per NEMA410MAX. No. of PSUson 16ACIRCUIT BREAKER4 units (circuit breaker of type B) / 7 units (circuit breaker of type C) at 230VACLEAKAGE CURRENT<0.75mA / 277VACNO LOAD / STANDBY POWER CONSUMPTIONStandby power consumption <0.5W for B/AB/DA-TypeBlank/A-Type please refer to Note.8PRO TEC TIO N OVER CURRENT95~108%Constant current limiting, recovers automatically after fault condition is removed SHORT CIRCUITHiccup mode or constant current limiting, recovers automatically after fault condition is removedOVER VOLTAGE41 ~ 47V 54 ~ 62V65 ~ 75VShut down o/p voltage with auto-recovery or re-power on to recoveryOVER TEMPERATUREShut down o/p voltage, recovers automatically after temperature goes downENV IRO NME NT WORKING TEMP.Tcase=-40 ~ +85℃ (Please refer to “ OUTPUT LOAD vs TEMPERATURE” section)MAX. CASE TEMP.Tcase=+85℃WORKING HUMIDITY20 ~ 95% RH non-condensingSTORAGE TEMP.,HUMIDITY-40 ~ +80℃, 10 ~ 95% RHTEMP. COEFFICIENT±0.03%/℃ (0 ~ 50℃)VIBRATION10 ~ 500Hz, 5G 12min./1cycle, period for 72min. each along X, Y, Z axesSAF ETY & E MC SAFETY STANDARDSUL8750(type”HL”),CSA C22.2 No.250.13-12,ENEC BS EN/EN61347-1,BSEN/EN61347-2-13 independent, BS EN/EN62384; GB19510.14, GB19510.1; EAC TP TC 004,IP65 or IP67 approvedDALI STANDARDS Compliance to IEC62386-101, 102, 207 for DA type onlyWITHSTAND VOLTAGEI/P-O/P:3.75KVAC I/P-FG:2KVAC O/P-FG:0.5KVACISOLATION RESISTANCEI/P-O/P, I/P-FG, O/P-FG:100M Ohms / 500VDC / 25℃/ 70% RHEMC EMISSIONCompliance to BS EN/EN55015, BS EN/EN61000-3-2 Class C (@load≧60%) ; BS EN/EN61000-3-3; GB17625.1, GB17743,EAC TP TC 020EMC IMMUNITYCompliance to BS EN/EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11, BS EN/EN61547,light industry level (surge immunity:Line-Earth:4KV,Line-Line:2KV),EAC TP TC 020OTH ERS MTBF2042.7K hrs min. Telcordia SR-332 (Bellcore) ;207.4K hrs min. MIL-HDBK-217F(25℃)DIMENSION Refer to mechanical specificationPACKING 1.53Kg; 8pcs/13.8Kg/1.61CUFTpoint (or TMP, per DLC), is about 70°C or less.Please refer to the warranty statement on MEAN WELL’s website atProduct Liability Disclaimer : For detailed information, please refer torviceDisclaimer.aspxBLOCK DIAGRAM1. EMI FILTER & RECTIFIERS2. PFC CIRCUIT3. POWER SWITCHINGDRIVING METHODS OF LED MODULEThis series is able to work in either Constant Current mode (a direct drive way) or Constant Voltage mode (usually through additional DC/DC driver) to drive the LEDs.1. (A)Constant Voltage area2. (B)Constant Current area3. (C)Hiccup Protection4. In the constant current region, the highest voltage at the output of the driver depends on the configuration ofthe end systems.Should there be any compatibility issues, please contact MEAN WELL.5. Typical output current normalized by rated current (%)6. Vo(%)DIMMING OPERATION* DIM+ for B/AB-TypeDA+ for DA-Type* *DIM- for B/AB-TypeDA- for DA-Type1. *DIM+(Purple)2. **DIM-(Pink)3. SVT 18AWG*2C4. AC/L(Brown)5. AC/N(Blue)6. FG (Green/Yellow)7. SVT 18AWG*2C8. Vo+(Red)9. Vo-(Black)10. SJTW 18AWG*2C3 in 1 dimming function (for B/AB-Type)– Output constant current level can be adjusted by applying one of the three methodologies between DIM+ and DIM-: 0 ~ 10VDC, or 10V PWM signal or resistance.– Direct connecting to LEDs is suggested. It is not suitable to be used with additional drivers.– Dimming source current from power supply: 100A (typ.)Applying additive 0 ~ 10VDC1. Additive Voltage2. “DO NOT connect “DIM- to -V”1. Output current (%)2. Dimming input: Additive voltageApplying additive 10V PWM signal (frequency range 100Hz ~ 3KHz):1. Additive PWM signal2. “DO NOT connect” DIM- to -V”1. Output current (%)2. Duty cycle of additive 10V PWM signal dimming input◎ Applying additive resistance:1. Additive Resistance2. “DO NOT connect” DIM- to -V”1. Output current (%)2. (N=driver quantity for synchronized dimming operation)Dimming input: Additive resistanceNote :1. Min. dimming level is about 8% and the output current is not defined when 0%< Iout<8%.2. The output current could drop down to 0% when dimming input is about 0kΩ or 0Vdc, or 10V PWM signal with0% duty cycle.Note: In the case of turning the lighting fixture down to 0% brightness, please refer to the configuration as follow, or please contact MEAN WELL for other options.1. 10K/N~100K/N Ohms resistance1~10V DC Voltage10V PWM Signal2. LED Lighting Fixture3. HBG-200B-TypeUsing a switch and relay can turn ON/OFF the lighting fixture.DALI Interface (primary side; for DA-Type) OUTPUT LOAD vs TEMPERATURE(Note.11)1. LOAD (%)2. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)1. LOAD (%)2. Tcase (°C)STATIC CHARACTERISTIC1. LOAD (%)2. INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 60HzDe-rating is needed under low input voltage.POWER FACTOR (PF) CHARACTERISTICTcase at 75°C1. PF2. LOADTOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (THD)48V Model, Tcase at 75°C1. THD2. LOADEFFICIENCY vs LOADHBG-200 series possess superior working efficiency that up to 93.5% can be reached in field applications. 48V Model, Tcase at 75℃1. EFFICIENCY(%)2. LOADLIFETIME1. LIFETIME(Kh)2. Tcase (℃ )MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONCase No.211 Unit:mm Blank-Type1. M10*P1.5-18h1. AC/L(Brown)2. AC/N(Blue)3. FG (Green/Yellow)4. SJTW 18AWG*3C5. SJTW 18AWG*2C6. Vo+(Red): Max. Case Temperature.(case temperature measured point) Ta: Ambient Temperature measured pointA-Type1. M10*P1.5-18h1. AC/L(Brown)2. AC/N(Blue)3. FG (Green/Yellow)4. SJTW 18AWG*3C5. SJTW 18AWG*2C6. Vo+(Red): Max. Case Temperature.(case temperature measured point) Ta: Ambient Temperature measured pointB/DA-Type1. M10*P1.5-18h* DIM+ for B-TypeDA+ for DA-Type* *DIM- for B-TypeDA- for DA-Type1. *DIM+(Purple)2. **DIM-(Pink)3. SVT 18AWG*2C4. AC/L(Brown)5. AC/N(Blue)6. FG (Green/Yellow)7. SJTW 18AWG*3C8. SJTW 18AWG*2C9. Vo+(Red)10. Vo-(Black): Max. Case Temperature.(case temperature measured point) Ta: Ambient Temperature measured pointAB-Type1. M10*P1.5-18h1. *DIM+(Purple)2. **DIM-(Pink)3. SVT 18AWG*2C4. AC/L(Brown)5. AC/N(Blue)6. FG (Green/Yellow)SJTW 18AWG*3C: Max. Case Temperature.(case temperature measured point)Ta: Ambient Temperature measured pointINSTALLATIONSHanger ChainCautionPlease inspect the appearance of the driver if the package is damaged. There should not be any cracks. Please do not drop or bump the driver.All screws including the suspension screw should be paired with a spring washer and locked tight.The entire luminaire, including the driver, should be limited to 10Kg or less.The luminaire should be cautiously protected from damage due to shock throughout packaging and transportation.Please thoroughly follow the preceding cautionary notes to prevent the luminaire from falling, leading to injuries.INSTALLATION MANUALDocuments / ResourcesMEAN WELL HBG-200 Series Constant Voltage Constant Current LED Driver [pdf] Owner's ManualHBG-200 Series Constant Voltage Constant Current LED Driver, HBG-200 Series, Constant Voltage Constant Current LED Driver, Constant Current LED Driver, Current LED Driver, LED Driver, DriverManuals+,。
Extech IR200 红外额温计使用说明书
User ManualNon-contact Forehead IR ThermometerModel IR200Additional User Manual Translations available at IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of the Model IR200 IR Thermometer. This thermometer is intended for scanning groups of individuals or monitoring an individual for elevated temperatures. It is not a substitute for a clinical thermometer. Always use a clinical thermometer when high accuracy body temperature measurements are required.Considerations and WarningsRead all instructions before using this product.Do not use rechargeable batteries in this device. Ensure that batteries are installed in theproper polarity orientation before use. Failure to observe these precautions can result inproduct overheating.For the most accurate results, make reading with an ambient (room) temperature of 23 to27°C (73 to 82°F).Make sure the skin is dry and that no hair interferes with the measurement.Do not immerse the meter in water.Avoid touching and/or scratching the infrared sensor lens.Always use a clinical thermometer to verify any abnormal temperature measurements.Clean the lens area by gently blowing with compressed air and use a damp swab to wipethe lens. Do not use any solvents to clean the lens.Measurement Notes1. If the meter has been stored in a cold or hot environment, allow it at least 20 minutes toacclimate to room temperature before making measurements.2. To prevent transmission of disease, avoid direct contact with the skin.3. After heavy exercise always wait at least 10 minutes before taking forehead temperaturereadings.Meter Description1. IR sensor2. Body/Surface switch3. ▼ button4. ▲ button5. MODE button6. Measurement trigger7. LCD display8. Battery compartmentDISPLAY1. Surface mode2. Body mode3. Temperature display4. Memory location5. Alarm active6. Temperature units7. Low battery icon8. Memory temperature displayOperating InstructionsBody Temperature Measurements1. Set the Body-Surface- switch for “Body” for accurat e measurements in the range of 32.0 to42.5°C (89.6.0 to 108.5°F).2. Hold the meter by its handle and point it toward the surface to be measured. Measurementdistance should be 5 to 15cm (2 to 6”).3. Press the trigger to turn the meter on and take a temperature reading. The temperaturereading appears in the large display and the logged data number and value appear in thesmaller display.4. Release the Trigger and the reading will hold for approximately 7 seconds after which themeter will automatically shut off. Trigger presses can occur up to a rate of one a second toquickly log samples.5. If the temperature goes above 43°C (109°F), Hi will appear in the display.If the temperature goes below 30°C (86°F), Lo will appear in the display.Body Temperature Mode settings1. With the meter OFF, press the MODE button once to set the C/F temperature units. Thetemperature units will flash. Press the ▲ or ▼ buttons to change the units.2. Press the MODE button a second time to set the alarm temperature limit. Press the ▲ or ▼buttons to change the value.3. Press the MODE button a third time to enter the long-term calibration drift correction mode. Onentering the mode, the previous temperature correction factor will appear on the display. Tomake a correction, measure a known, fixed temperature source. Enter the correction mode and press the ▲ or ▼ buttons to change the correction value and minimize the difference inreadings. Repeat and adjust the correction value as needed until the measurement on theIR200 matches the known temperature.4. Press the MODE button a fourth time to set the alarm buzzer status. Press the ▲ or ▼ buttonsto switch from ON to OFF.Surface Temperature Measurements1. Set the Body-Surface- s witch for “Surface” for wide range surface measurements of mostmaterials.2. Hold the meter by its handle and point it toward the surface to be measured.3. Press the trigger to turn the meter on and take a temperature reading. The temperaturereading appears in the large display and the logged data number and value appear in thesmaller display.4. Release the Trigger and the reading will hold for approximately 7 seconds after which themeter will automatically shut off. Trigger presses can occur up to a rate of one a second toquickly log samples.5. If the temperature goes above 60°C (140°F), “Hi” will appear in the display.If the temperature goes below 0°C (32°F), “Lo” will appear in the display.Surface Temperature Mode settings1.With the meter OFF, press the MODE button once to set the C/F temperature units. The temperature units will flash. Press the ▲or ▼ buttons to change the units. 2.Press the MODE button a second time to set the alarm temperature limit. Press the ▲or ▼ buttons to change the value. 3. Press the MODE button a third time to set the alarm buzzer status. Press the ▲or ▼ buttonsto switch from ON to OFF.Data memoryThe meter can store up to 32 readings in the memory. To review the logged data points, press both the ▲ and ▼ buttons while the unit is OFF. Use the ▲ or ▼ buttons to scroll through the memory locations. To clear logged data, selec t the “0” memory location and press the MODE button. The unit will beep twice to indicate memory has been cleared.Battery ReplacementWhen the low battery symbol appears on the display, replace the meter’s batte ries. The batterycompartment is located on the bottom of the handle. Open the compartment by removing one screw and sliding the cover off. Replace the (2) “AA” batteries and close the battery compartment cover.Never dispose of used batteries or rechargeable batteries in household waste.As consumers, users are legally required to take used batteries to appropriate collectionsites, the retail store where the batteries were purchased, or wherever batteries are sold.Disposal: Do not dispose of this instrument in household waste. The user is obligated totake end-of-life devices to a designated collection point for the disposal of electrical andelectronic equipment .IR Measurement Notes1. Before measuring, be sure to clean surfaces that are covered with frost, oil, grime, etc.2. If an object's surface is highly reflective, apply masking tape or flat black paint to the surfacebefore measuring. Allow time for the paint or tape to adjust to the temperature of the surface it is covering.3. Measurements through transparent surfaces such as glass may not be accurate.4. Steam, dust, smoke, etc. can obscure measurements.5. The meter automatically compensates for deviations in ambient temperature. However, it cantake up to 30 minutes for the meter to adjust to extremely wide changes.IR200 Thermometer Cleaning InstructionsThe IR200 Non-Contact Forehead IR Thermometer is a non-critical Reusable Medical Equipment (RME) device.Please clean and disinfect the housing and lens of this device before and after each use. To clean and disinfect this device please read and understand these instructions.Equipment RequiredPlease obtain Isopropyl Alcohol or a mild antiseptic solution (70% alcohol concentration or higher) and low-lint soft cloths or cotton swabs.Housing cleaningGermicidal wipe products may be used to clean the housing if they contain at least a 55% alcohol concentration and a 2-minute contact time rule is followed.Lens cleaningFor lens cleaning please use 70% alcohol concentration only.Procedure and Notes1. To clean the meter housing, moisten a cotton swab, cotton tissue, or cotton cloth lightly withalcohol and gently wipe the device. Alternatively, use a germicidal wipe as described in the‘Equipment Required’ section above2. Do not use an excessive amount of alcohol while cleaning; do not allow moisture to seepthrough the button access areas3. To clean the IR lens, lightly moisten a cotton swab with a 70% Isopropyl alcohol basedsolution and swab the lens. Please allow 10 to 15 minutes drying time before use aftercleaning the lens4. Never submerge the device in liquid, or place it in an autoclave device, or subject it to harshsolvents or abrasives5. Allow the device to dry for at least 10 to 15 minutes after cleaning before useSpecificationsEmissivity 0.95 fixedField of View D/S = Approx. 8:1 ratio (D = distance; S = spot or target)IR Spectral response 6 to 14 m (wavelength)Display Backlit LCD display with function indicatorsMemory store up to 32 readingsResponse time 500msOver range indication Hi or LoOperating Temperature 0o C to 50o C (32o F to 122o F)Relative Humidity 10% to 90%RH operating; <80%RH storage.Storage Temperature -20 to 60o C (-4 to 140o F)Power Supply (2) AA” Batteries (do not use rechargeable batteries)Automatic Power Off 7 seconds (approx.),Weight 177g (6.24oz.)Dimensions 160 x 82 x 42mm (6.3 x 3.2 x 1.7”)Two-year WarrantyFLIR Systems, Inc. warrants this Extech brand instrument to be free of defects in parts and workmanship for two years from date of shipment (a six-month limited warranty applies to sensors and cables). To view the full warranty text please visit: https:///warranty.Calibration and Repair ServicesFLIR Systems, Inc. offers calibration and repair services for the Extech brand products we sell. We offer NIST traceable calibration for most of our products. Contact us for information on calibration and repair availability, refer to the contact information below. Annual calibrations should be performed to verify meter performance and accuracy. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Please visit our website for the most up-to-date product information: .Contact Customer SupportCustomer Support Telephone: U.S. (866) 477-3687; International +1 (603) 324-7800 Calibration, Repair, and Returns email:*****************Technical Support: https://Copyright © 2020 FLIR Systems, Inc.All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form。
双酚 A 型环氧树脂是由双酚 A、环氧氯丙烷在碱性条件下缩合,经水洗,脱溶剂精制而成的高分子化合物。 因环氧树脂的制成品具有良好的物理机械性能、耐化学药品性、电气绝缘性能,故广泛应用于涂料、胶粘 剂、玻璃钢、层压板、电子浇铸、灌封、包封等领域。 双酚 A 型环氧树脂在防腐蚀领域中常用的几种形式: ◆环氧类涂料 ◆环氧树脂玻璃钢 ◆环氧树脂胶泥、砂浆 ◆环氧树脂整体地坪 ◆环氧-酚醛、环氧-呋喃树脂复合玻璃钢
浅黄色透明粘稠液体 0.96-1.00 ≥100 600-700 --23-28 --
1.15-1.17 20-30s 涂-4 杯℃
-3-5 16-20 -8-10
胺 # 聚酰 树脂 650、651、300
# 二 植 肪 肪胺 胺 优 增韧 650、651、300 是 聚 物油脂 酸和脂 缩聚而成的低分子聚酰 树脂,是 良的环氧树脂 固化
与 配 环氧树脂 合使用,广泛应用于涂料和粘合剂等。
与 ( ) 配 参考比例 E-44 6101 型环氧树脂 合
( ) E—44 6101
# 300
100 40—100
—— ——
100 —— 30—70 ——
100 —— —— 30—50
耐蚀性 耐 耐
尚耐 尚耐
耐 耐 不耐 尚耐 不耐
钠交替作 5%硫酸和 5%氢氧化
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上海高致精密仪器有限公司目 次1 概述------------------------------------- 31.1 产品特点--------------------------- 31.2 主要用途及适用范围----------------- 41.3 工作条件--------------------------- 72 结构特征与工作原理----------------------- 102.1 结构特征--------------------------- 102.2 工作原理--------------------------- 123 技术特性-------------------------------- 123.1 技术参数-------------------------- 123.2 尺寸重量-------------------------- 134 使用------------------------------------ 144.1 使用前的准备和检查---------------- 144.2 测量------------------------------ 155 特别提示-------------------------------- 186 操作详解-------------------------------- 196.1 开机------------------------------ 196.2 关机------------------------------ 196.3 测量------------------------------ 196.4 菜单结构图------------------------ 226.5 测量条件设置---------------------- 236.6 打印功能-------------------------- 266.7 存储管理器------------------------ 286.8 浏览界面-------------------------- 306.9 系统设置-------------------------- 306.10 软件信息------------------------- 326.11 软件校准------------------------- 326.12 背光----------------------------- 336.13 自动关机------------------------- 336.14 电池的更换----------------------- 346.15 数据传输电缆连接----------------- 347 故障分析与排除-------------------------- 348 保养和维修------------------------------ 358.1 冲击装置-------------------------- 358.2 正常维修程序---------------------- 359 检定周期------------------------------- 3610 用户须知------------------------------- 3611 贮存条件、运输及注意事项--------------- 361概述1.1 产品特点z依据里氏硬度原理,可以对多种金属材料进行高精度检测。
z USB2.0通信接口,可以方便、快捷的与PC机进行数据交换和参数设定。
z设计依据标准:《里氏硬度计技术条件》 JB/T 9378-2001。
1.2 主要用途及适用范围1.2.1主要用途z已安装的机械或永久性组装部件。
表1冲击装置 材料硬度制 D/DCD+15C GEDLHRC 17.9~68.5 19.3~67.9 20.0~69.5 22.4~70.7 20.6~68.2 HRB59.6~99.647.7~99.9 37.0~99.9 HRA59.1~85.861.7~88.0 HB127~651 80~638 80~683 90~646 83~663 81~646 HV 83~976 80~937 80~996 84~1042 80~950 Steel and cast steel钢和 铸钢HS30.1~110.133.3~99.331.8~102.1 35.8~102.6 30.6~96.8 Steel锻钢HB143~650HRC 20.4~67.1 19.8~68.220.7~68.2 22.6~70.2 CWT、ST合金工具钢 HV80~898 80~935 100~94182~1009HRB 46.5~101.7HB 85~655Stainless steel 不锈钢HV 85~802HRCHB 93~33492~326 GC. IRON 灰铸铁 HVHRCHB 131~387127~364NC、IRON球墨铸铁HVHB 19~16423~21032~168C.ALUM铸铝合金HRB 23.8~84.622.7~85.023.8~85.5HB 40~173BRASS铜锌合金(黄铜)HRB 13.5~95.3 BRONZE铜锡合金 (青铜)HB60~290COPPER 纯铜 HB45~315表2序号 材料 里氏硬度HLD 强度σb(MPa)1 C低碳钢 350~522 374~7802 C高碳钢 500~710 737~16703 Cr铬钢 500~730 707~18294 CrV铬钒钢 500~750 704~19805 CrNi铬镍钢 500~750 763~20076 CrMo铬钼钢 500~738 721~18757 CrNiMo铬镍钼钢 540~738 844~19338 CrMnSi铬锰硅钢 500~750 755~19939 SSST超高强度钢 630~800 1180~265210 SST不锈钢 500~710 703~16761.3 工作条件工作温度:-10℃~+55℃;存储温度:-20℃~+75℃;相对湿度≤90%;周围环境无振动、无强烈磁场、无腐蚀性介质及严重粉尘。
表3异型冲击装置 DC(D)/DL D+15 C G E冲击能量 冲击体质量11mJ5.5g/7.2g11mJ7.8g2.7mJ3.0g90mJ20.0g11mJ5.5g球头硬度 球头材料 球头直径1600HV3mm碳化钨1600HV3mm碳化钨1600HV3mm碳化钨1600HV5mm碳化钨5000HV3mm金刚石冲击装置直径 冲击装置长度 冲击装置重量20mm86(147)/75mm50g20mm162mm80g20mm141mm75g30mm254mm250g20mm155mm80g试件最大硬度 940HV 940HV 1000HV 650HB 1200HV试件表面平均粗糙度Ra:1.6μm 1.6μm 0.4μm 6.3μm 1.6μm 试件最小重量:可直接测量 需稳定支撑 需密实耦合>5kg2~5kg0.05~2kg>5kg2~5kg0.05~2kg>1.5kg0.5~1.5kg0.02~0.5kg>15kg5~15kg0.5~5kg>5kg2~5kg0.05~2kg试件最小厚度密实耦合硬化层最小深度5mm≥0.8mm5mm≥0.8mm1mm≥0.2mm10mm≥1.2mm5mm≥0.8mm球头压痕尺寸 DC(D)/DL D+15 C G E硬度300HV 压痕直径压痕深度0.54mm24μm0.54mm24μm0.38mm12μm1.03mm53μm0.54mm24μm硬度600HV 压痕直径压痕深度0.54mm17μm0.54mm17μm0.32mm8μm0.90mm41μm0.54mm17μm硬度800HV 压痕直径压痕深度0.35mm10μm0.35mm10μm0.35mm7μm----0.35mm10μm冲击装置适用范围DC型测量孔或园柱筒内;DL型测量细长窄槽或孔;D型用于常规测量D+15型接触面细小,加长,适宜测量沟槽或凹入的表面C型冲击力小,对被测表面损伤很小,不破坏硬化层,适合测量小轻薄部件及表面硬化层。
E型测量硬度极高材料表4序号代 号 型 号 异型支承环简图备 注 1 03-03.7 Z10-15 测外圆柱面R10~R152 03-03.8 Z14.5-30 测外圆柱面R14.5~R303 03-03.9 Z25-50测外圆柱面R25~R504 03-03.10 HZ11-13 测内圆柱面R11~R135 03-03.11 HZ12.5-17 测内圆柱面R12.5~R176 03-03.12HZ16.5-30测内圆柱面R16.5~R307 03-03.13 K10-15 测外球面SR10~SR158 03-03.14 K14.5-30测外球面SR14.5~SR309 03-03.15 HK11-13 测内球面SR11~SR1310 03-03.16 HK12.5-17 测内球面SR12.5~SR1711 03-03.17 HK16.5-30测内球面SR16.5~SR301203-03.18 UN测外圆柱面, 半径可调R10~∞22.1结构特征2.1.11外壳 2通信插座(USB) 3冲击装置插座 4键盘 5液晶显示屏 6电池仓盖(负极) 7 电池位置2.1.3 D型冲击装置1 2 3 4 5 6 71 释放按钮2 加载套3 导管4 线圈部件5 导线6 冲击体7 支承环 2.1.4 异型冲击装置DC DL C D+15 E G2.2工作原理用规定质量的冲击体在弹力作用下,以一定速度冲击试样表面,用冲头在距试样表面1mm处的回弹速度与冲击速度的比值计算硬度值。