
对外经济贸易大学2007─2008学年第一学期《国际贸易》期末考试试卷(A卷)课程代码及课序号:ITR 301-0学号: 姓 名: 成 绩:班级: 课序号: 任课教师:题号一二三四五合计得分I. Briefly answer the following questions.(20 points) Grade1. What were the pillars of Mercantilist thought? Why was regulation of theeconomy so important for the Mercantilists? (10 points)2. Explain how classical economists- David Hume and Adam Smith, had challengedMercantilist ideas. (10 points)II. The following question will test your understanding Adam Smith’s theory ofabsolute advantage. (30 points) GradeThe table below shows the hours of labor required to produce on unit of eachcommodity in each country:Clothing WheatUnited States 3 hours 9 hoursUnited Kingdom 4 hours 4 hours1. Which country has an absolute advantage in wheat? Explain why. (3 points)2. Which country has an absolute advantage in cloth? Explain why. (3 points)3. If trade takes place between the United States and the United Kingdom at a barterprice of 1 clothing for 2 wheat(or 1 wheat for 1/2 clothing ), why does each countrygain from trade? Explain. (5 points)4. Suppose the United Kingdom has 500 hours of labor available. Prior to trade, thecountry is using 300 of those labor hours to produce clothing and remaining 200labor hours to produce wheat. How much wheat and how much clothing will theUnited Kingdom be producing in this Pre-trade situation? (5 points)5. Now suppose the United Kingdom enters into international trade with (or 1 wheatfor 1/2 clothing). The United Kingdom devotes all its labor hours to clothingproduction and hence produces 125 units of clothing and 0 units of wheat , Explainwhy this is so .Suppose the country exports 40C (and therefore receives 80W in exchange)and keeps the remaining 85C for its own consumption, What will be theUK consumption of wheat and clothing in the trading situation? By how much hasthe United Kingdom, because of trade, been able to increase its consumption ofwhet and its consumption of clothing? (5 points)6. Now suppose the United States has 600 hours of labor available and that. Prior totrade, it is using 330 of those labor hours for producing wheat and the remaining270 hours of labor for producing clothing. How much wheat and how muchclothing will the United States be producing in this pre-trade situation? (5 points)7. Assume that trade between the UK and the United States takes place as in Question5 above. With trade, the United States devotes all of its labor hours to wheatproduction and produces 200 units of wheat. Consistent with the United Kingdom’strade in Question 5 above the United States then exports 80W and imports 40C.What will be the U.S consumption of wheat and clothing in the trading situation?By how much has the United States, Because of trade. Been able to increase its consumption of wheat and its consumption of clothing? Looking at your answers toQuestion 5 above, can you conclude that trade is indeed a positive-sum game? Whyand why not? (4 points)III. The export condition can indicate if a country is a potential exporter of agood. Suppose there are two countries (country I and country II )in a tradingworld . (16 points) Grade1. Please write down this export condition for country I exporting commodity j.(8 points)2. Discuss how changes in wage rates, productivity and exchange rate may affect thecountry’s ability to export. (8 points)IV.Consider the following labor requirements: (18 points) GradeShoes Wine4hours/pair Italy 6hours/pairspain 8hours/pair4hours/pair 1. Why is there a basis for trade? (6points)2. With trade, Italy should export and Spain should export ,because . (4 points)3. The international terms of trade must lie between and . (4 points)4. If the wage rate in Italy is 4 lire/hour, the wage rate in Spain is 3.5 pesetas/hour andthe exchange rate ins 1 peseta/1 lire, what are the commodity terms of trade?(4 points)V. Please briefly describe five types of ideal trade policies. (16 points) Grade。
外贸英语 (A)试卷答案

外贸英语(A)I Tick off the ones that fit the sentences best (1point *15, 15points)1Mr. Jim hedges is _________to us ________the general manager of the Austin Advertising Agency.A. represented, withB. introduced, asC. presented , atD. introduced, in (B)2 If you are interested, a sample lot will be sent to you _________charge.A. withinB. atC. outD. free of (D)3 As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would _________you to place your order ___________delay.A. advise, withoutB. suggest, inC. advise, out ofD. suggest, of (A)4 We are in receipt of your letter ____________March 21.A. datedB. onC. be datedD. at (A)5 We are regretful that nothing you required ____________is available _______stockA. for, inB. about, forC. off, atD. concerning, from (A)6 Although we appreciate the quality of your goods, we are sorry to say that your price appears to be _____________.A. of the high standardB. in the high endC. on the high sideD. at the high level (C)7 I hope you would let us have your most ____________firm offers.A. favoriteB. favorC. unfavorable D favorable (D)8 We think the above changes will _________you and hope you will confirm above changes by telex.A. be agreeable toB. be agree atC. be agreefulD. be agree on (A)9 The goods under contract No. 7210 left here _____________.A. in the good conditionB. in a good conditionC. in good conditionD. in good conditions (C)10. Please make necessary preparations so that we ___________of the goods smoothly.A. make shipB. can shipC. can take deliveryD. delivery ( C)11. We should be much ____________if you would inform us of the number of the L/C you have opened.A. obligeB. satisfiedC. obligedD. pleased ( C)12. They made a _______________on us for inferior quality.A. communicationB. discountC. referenceD. claim (D)13. This rule is only ____________to marine insurance.A. suitedB. applicableC. appropriateD. fixed (B)14. We will request our bank to open an L/C _________upon receipt of your confirmation of this order.A. with youB. in your favorC. for youD. for your account ( B)15. Our contract stipulates that payment should be made by irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft, so you must act _________.A. in advanceB. advanceC. accordingD. accordingly (D)II Fill in the blanks with appropriate words and then translate the sentence into Chinese. (filling blank: 0.5 point /each, sentence translation: 2 points, total 20 points)1 Please try your best to push the sale ________ machine tools ________your end. ( for, at ) 32 To trade _______ the people of all countries _________ the basis ________equality and mutual benefit is our established policy ( with, on, of) 3.53 Owing ________ the delay _______the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to ______the date of shipment from September 10th to October 10th. (to, on , extent) 3.54 Our terms _______payment are _________ irrevocable letter of credit, on which we have agreed during negotiation. (of, by) 35 Would you please draw ___________us ________sight for the above mentionedamount? (on, at) 36 Please see to ______ (注意到)that the above –mentioned goods are shipped _______(左右)15th. May and insured ____________War risk ____________110% of invoice value.(it, on or about, against, for) 4III. Translate the following into English ( 2 points each , 20 points total)1. 取消定单cacel an order2. 通知行advising bank 3 . 跟单信用证documentary L/C4 优惠价格favorable price 5. 实盘firm offer 6. 承兑交单D/A document against acceptance7. 即期信用证sight L/C 8 付款条件terms of payment 9.撤回索赔withdraw a claim10.清洁海运提单clean on board bill of ladingIV. Business letter writing (3 * 15, 45 points total)1敬启者:你5月15日的来函收悉。

外贸英语函电期末考卷答案版(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)一、选择题(10题,每题2分,共20分)1. 在外贸英语函电中,关于建立业务关系的常用表达是:A. We are interested in your products and wish to establish business relations with you.B. We are sorry to inform you that we cannot establish business relations with you.C. We have received your products and wish to establish business relations with you.D. We have terminated our business relations with you.A. send the sampleB. send for the sampleC. send out the sampleD. send off the sample3. 在外贸英语函电中,关于报价的常用表达是:A. We would like to offer you our best price.B. We are unable to offer you our best price.C. We have received your offer and find it unacceptable.D. We have accepted your offer and look forward to further cooperation.A. letter of creditB. credit letterC. credit cardD. letter of guarantee5. 在外贸英语函电中,关于订单确认的常用表达是:A. We confirm the order as per your terms and conditions.B. We regret to inform you that we cannot confirm the order.C. We have received your order and will process it immediately.D. We have cancelled your order due to unforeseen circumstances.A. shipmentB. transportC. deliveryD. distribution7. 在外贸英语函电中,关于索赔的常用表达是:A. We wish to claim for the damage of the goods.B. We refuse to accept your claim for the damage of the goods.D. We have received your claim and will investigate the matter immediately.二、填空题(10题,每题2分,共20分)8. ________ is a written document issued a buyer to a seller, authorizing the seller to transport goods to a specified destination.9. The term ________ refers to the process of sending goods from the seller to the buyer.10. In international trade, ________ is a widely used payment method to ensure the seller receives payment and the buyer receives the goods as agreed.11. When a buyer receives defective goods, they may filea ________ against the seller.12. The ________ is responsible for arranging the transportation of goods and ensuring they are delivered to the buyer.13. In a sales contract, the ________ clause specifies the terms and conditions of the shipment.14. The ________ is a document issued the carrier, acknowledging receipt of the goods for transportation.15. ________ insurance provides coverage for loss or damage to goods during international transportation.三、翻译题(5题,每题4分,共20分)四、简答题(5题,每题6分,共30分)21. 简述外贸英语函电中建立业务关系的常用表达。

1 绍兴文理学院元培学院2013学年02学期 英语专业11级《进出口英语函电》期末试卷(A )考试形式:闭卷Part I Translate the following terms into English or Chinese: (20%)(每题1分) 1. additional risks 2. validity extension 3. freight collect 4. standing order 5. size specification 6. neutral packing 7. production sample 8. snake loading 9. purchase confirmation 10. countersign 11. 订单12. 适合海运的包装 13. 数量折扣 14. 正本提单 15. 即期付款交单 16. 续订单 17. 装运须知 18. 短装 19. 汇率 20. 押金Part II Complete the word with the first letter given in each sentence.(10%)(每题1分)1. With r_____ to your inquiry of March 10, we are pleased to quote without e______ as follows.2. If you decide to take a_____ of our offer, please cable your acceptance.3. All quotation are s______ to our final confirmation.4. We are a_______ your early reply.5. We take p______ in making you , as per your r______, the following offer.6. Thank you for your enquiry of May 5, requesting our o_____ for bags.7. We expect the s_____ of the goods to arrive in a few days.8. The offer is f_____, subject to your reply reaching us within one week. 9. We shall be o______ if you can adopt our terms.10. Our shipment terms are shipment with 30 days after r_______ of workable L/C.Part III Translate the following sentences: (30%) (每句3分) 1.关于所附的这种型号,我们的目标价位是每台9.5美元。

外贸英语试题a及答案外贸英语试题A及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common mode of payment in international trade?A. Cash on deliveryB. Letter of CreditC. ConsignmentD. Barter2. Which of the following is not a term of international trade?A. FOBB. CIFC. EXWD. COD3. What does "CIF" stand for?A. Cost, Insurance and FreightB. Cost, Insurance and Freight to the PortC. Cost, Insurance, and Freight to the Port of DestinationD. Cost, Insurance, Freight, and Commission4. In which situation would a seller be most likely to use a Letter of Credit?A. When the buyer is a well-known company with a good reputationB. When the buyer is a new customer with no established credit historyC. When the buyer prefers to pay in cashD. When the buyer is in the same country as the seller5. What is the meaning of "T/T" in international trade?A. Trade TermsB. TelecommunicationC. Transfer of TitleD. Telegraphic Transfer6. The term "L/C" refers to:A. Land CertificateB. Letter of CreditC. License CertificateD. Legal Contract7. Which of the following is a document required for export?A. Bill of LadingB. Purchase OrderC. InvoiceD. All of the above8. What does "B/L" stand for?A. Bill of LoadingB. Bill of LandingC. Bill of LadingD. Bill of Lading and Landing9. The term "D/P" in international trade refers to:A. Document against PaymentB. Direct PaymentC. Discounted PaymentD. Draft Payment10. Which of the following is not a risk associated with international trade?A. Currency fluctuationB. Political instabilityC. Quality of goodsD. Market demand答案:1. B2. D3. A4. B5. D6. B7. D8. C9. A 10. D二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The term "EXW" means the buyer takes over the goods at the seller's premises, and the _______ is responsible for all the costs and risks from that point.2. When a seller agrees to "FOB" terms, it means the goods are considered delivered when they pass over the ship's rail at the port of _______.3. A "Proforma Invoice" is a document that serves as a preliminary invoice, providing details of the goods, agreed prices, and _______ terms.4. The "B/L" is a contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier, which is evidence of the receipt of goodsfor transportation and specifies the terms of the _______. 5. The "L/C" is a document issued by a bank at the request of the buyer, which guarantees payment to the seller upon fulfillment of the _______ terms.6. When a buyer requests "D/P" terms, it means that thedocuments will be released to the buyer only upon receipt of the _______.7. The "CIF" term includes the cost of the goods, insurance, and all transportation costs to the _______ port of destination.8. The risk of loss or damage to the goods passes from the seller to the buyer when the goods have been delivered on board the vessel, which is referred to as "passing of_______."9. The "T/T" payment method is often used for smaller transactions where the buyer and seller have a good business relationship and trust each other, allowing for a quick and _______ payment method.10. In international trade, "COD" stands for "Cash on Delivery," which means the buyer pays for the goods in cash upon _______.答案:1. seller2. shipment3. payment4. carriage5. credit6. payment7. named8. risk9. convenient 10. delivery三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a Letter of Credit in international trade transactions?2. Explain the difference between "FOB" and "CIF" terms in international trade.3. What is the purpose of a Bill of Lading, and why is it considered a crucial document in international trade?4. Describe the process of a typical international trade transaction from the perspective of the seller。

外贸英文函电期末考试复习题及参考答案-专升本《外贸英文函电》复习题AⅠ.Fill in the following blanks with appropriate prepositions.1. The middleman receives a commission ______ 5%.2. To trade _____ the people of all countries _____ the basis of equality and mutual benefit is our established policy.3. Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are _____ exact accordance _____ the terms of the Sales Contract.4.Our foreign trade policy is based ______ equality and ______ our mutual benefit.5. We prefer payment by D/P ______ draft at 60-day's sight6. _____ view of the long-standing business relations _____ us , we wish to settles this dispute amicably.7._____ orders _____ 500 pieces or more , we give a special discount ____ 2%.8. Insurance will cover All Risks and War Risk for 10% _____ the total invoice value.9. We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you ______ sound condition.10. We are glad that in the past few years, ______ joint efforts, we have greatly promoted both business and friendship11. I'd like to direct your attention ______ the quality ______ the goods which is superior_____ that of other makes.12. We refer _____ your offer _____ 16th March.13.If you could make a reduction ___10% ______ quotation ,we have confidence___ securing large order ___ you.14.Thank you _____ your quotation _____ October 8th ___ 1000 pieces _____ the captioned goods.15. Please be assured _____ our attention _____ your order.16. _____ request of your previous letter, we enclose our Sales17. If you could make a reduction ____ 10% ___ quotation ,we have confidence ____ securing large orders ____ you.18. The letter of credit has been opened ____ your favor.19. Thank you ___ your quotation ____ October 8th ___ 1,000 pieces ____ captionedgoods.20. We offer you 300 cartons ____ candle ___ US$3 ____ carton _____ the usual terms. Ⅱ.Choose the best answer from A, B, C andD.1..An offer may be made in reply to ___or made voluntarily with a view to expanding business.A. bidB. counter-offerC. inquiryD. counter-counter-offer2.When the seller receives the buyer’s counter-offer, and he finds some terms and conditions unacceptable to him, he will state his own opinions in a letter, which is called as_____A. bidB. offerC. inquiryD. counter-counter-offer3. _____ refers to signing a document which has been signed by the counterpart.A. “Countersign”B. “Sign”C. “write”D. “rewrite”4.In order to start a concrete transaction between us , we takepleasure in making you a special offer , ___our final confirmation.A. under the conditionB. in respect toC. subject toD. with reference to5.If a new firm , or ____ a certain corporation of ours ,wishes to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from firms in foreign countries ,the person in charge must first of all find out____ he is going to deal with .A. rather…whomB. such…asC. such…thatD. as…whom6.An offer made by the buyer is usually called as _____.A. inquiryB. offerC. bidD. order7.____ is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated.A. An offerB.A bidC. An inquiryD.A reply8.An order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods, which may result from ____or ___with subsequent quotations.A. an offer…a bidB. an offer…an inquiryB. C. a bid…a counter-offer D. a counter-offer…a counter-offer9.A contract is an agreement , enforceable by law,____ two parties mutually agree to carry out a trade ___after negotiation or exchanges of correspondence.。
大学外贸英语期末考试 a

镇江高等专科学校2007—2008学年第二学期期末考试试卷级专业外贸英语试卷(A卷)命题尹昕审核审批班级学号姓名Part One. Translate the following into English(10×1ˊ=10ˊ)Example: 牛市bull market1. 初级产品2. 资本货物3. 零售贸易4. 保付商行5. 期货市场6. 进口订货行7. 报关代理行8. 首席战略家9. 清洁提单10. 存货控制Part Two. What do the following abbreviations stand for(10×1ˊ=10ˊ)Example: WTO World Trade Organization1. G. O. B2. GATT3.GDP4. F. A. Q5. NGO6. CEO7. CIF 8. IPO9. EU 10.ERMPart Three. True or False (10×1ˊ=10)1.The economic prosperity of individual countries has nothing to do with the economic prosperity in the world as a whole. ( )2. The relative size of trade is often measured by comparing the size of a country ’s exports with its gross national product. ( )3. Advertising aims to make a product or service known to the public in order to sell it.( )4. Immediate deliery is known as a future contract.( )5. A open indent is one which names the supplier of the goods required.( )6. It is a kind of knowledge to know where to find information upon a subject.( )7. The Financial Times in UK caters for general public.( )8. Hotel, transport, storage and insurance all belong to trade in services. ( )9. The EU is one of the largest economic entities in the world. ( )10.Hedging is an operation adopted by merchants and others in the commodity markets who deal in futures to protect themselves against risk of loss, causedby future changes in price.( )Part Four. Complete each sentence with the best choice (10×1ˊ=10)1. At localization has led many central governments to grant political, fiscal, and administrative powers to local goverments.a. the national levelb. the subnational levelc. sea leveld. the supranational level2. Which is true?a. Globalization and localization are indeed countervailing forces.b. Globalization and localization are not countervailing forces, but they do not stem from the same source.c. Globalization and localization do not stem from the same source, neither dothey reinforce each other.d. Globalization and localization seem to be countervailing forces, but actually they are not.3. Terms like F.A.Q or G .M.Q have exact meanings, established by associations of over several hundreds of years.a. importersb. exportersc. dealers.d. agents4. The Wall Street Journal is published in .a. Britainb. Canadac. the United Statesd. HongKong5. The international economic order is evolving into a highly intergrated and electronicallya. cubic systemb. automatic systemc. philosophical systemd. networked system6. Development economics was born after .a. The First World Warb.The second World Warc. The Great Depressiond. The Millenium7. Tea and wool and certain spices cannot be accurately .a. namedb. labeledc. classifiedd. graded8. A buyer may place a closed indent which names the .a. importerb. agentc. supplierd. principal9. Raw materials can be bought and sold under a standard description and according to standard contract terms developed by .a. the stock exchangeb. the commodity exchangesc. the merchandising housesd. the customs10. We have the taking immediate legal action to recover the amount to us.a. action forb. option ofc. option withd. function onPart Five Translate the following passage into Chinese ( 10+5 =15)1. ( 10’ )A letter of credit is a very important document in international trade. It is safe and convenient for the seller, who is sure to receive payment. It is also helpful to the buyer, because the seller must carry out his instructions.The buyer asks hisbank to issue the letter ofcredit. The bank writes to its agent or correspondent bank in the seller ’s country. The letter of credit will ask the seller to hand the bill of lading, copies of the commercial invoice, and the insurance certificate or policy to the negotiating bank. A letter of credit which demands this is called a documentary letter of credit.2. Some commodites cannot be accurately graded because the quality varies from year to year, and from consignment to consignment. These have to be sold on a tale quale basis. The buyer has to inspect a consignment for himself and then make an offer according to his own judgement of the quality.( 5 )Part Six. Translate the following sentences into English ( 5+10+10 =25 )1. 通常的信用证要求提交“凭托运人指示的空白背书的全套已装船海运提单”(5)2.对外直接投资增长的一个主要原因是派生需求(derived demand)的增长。

《外贸英语函电》试题册(A卷)开卷()闭卷()考试时长:120分钟使用班级:命题教师:主任签字:I. Match the English words and phrases in the left column with their Chinese translation in the right column.将左列的英语单词表达与右列相应的中文表达连线。
(每题1分,共10分)1.REGESTERED A.分批装运2.confirmed letter of credit B.保险费3.counter-offer C.侵权4.processing according to supplied samples D.保兑信用证5.in duplicate E.挂号6.irrevocable L/C F.来样加工7.partial shipment G.请回复8.premium H.还盘9.infringement I.一式两份10.R.S.V.P J.不可撤销信用证II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F as your answer. 判断以下句子的正误,答案用T或F表示。
(每题2分,共10分)1.In business letter writing, you should use straightforward, simple and appropriate English in correctsentence structures to convey your meaning, avoiding ambiguous language and misunderstanding.2.When writing a reply to a letter seeking cooperation, one should not indicate clearly whether he acceptsthe proposal or not.3. A firm offer, once accepted, cannot be withdrawn or revised within the validity date.4.To avoid mistakes or misunderstanding in terms of trade, it’s necessary and important to send lettersconfirming purchase or sales.5.Collection can be divided into clear collection and documentary collection.III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 用给出词的正确形式填空。

)1. voluntary export restraints2. Europe Union3. Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation4. multinational companies5. foreign direct investment二、请翻译以下术语,英译中 (每小题2分,共20分。
)1. 非关税壁垒2. 新兴工业3. 税务减免4. 国际收支5. 贸易顺差6. 经常账户7. 资本账户8. 要素流动9. 国民收入10. 知识产权三、请翻译以下术语,中译英 (每小题2分,共20分。
)1. Budget deficit2. command economy3. international trade4. joint venture5. trade balance6. home market7. central bank 8. tax revenue9. trade investment 10. money supply四、阅读:Reading Comprehension(共30分,两篇阅读每小题题2分,第三篇10分。
)Passage 1:1-5 CADBCPassage 2:1-5 DBCDDPassage3: 1. China's surplus, foreign companies benefit,55.9 percent of China's exports were produced by foreign companies last year. 2. Big surplus, small profit,Ironically, the rising profits go into foreign bosses' pockets and China is left to take the blame for the trade imbalance 3. Hi-tech export controls,the country's trade imbalance would be much smaller if the US would approve more high-tech exports to China.五、英译中(共20分。

外贸英语试题a及答案外贸英语试题A一、词汇与语法(共20分,每题2分)1. The company has been ________ in the international market for many years.A. competingB. competedC. competitionD. competitor答案:A2. We are looking for a reliable ________ to handle our export business.A. agentB. agencyC. agency'sD. agents答案:A3. The ________ of the product is very important for our company's reputation.A. qualityB. quantityC. priceD. brand答案:A4. Please send us your ________ for the new order.A. quotationB. questionC. informationD. suggestion答案:A5. The ________ of the goods has been delayed due to bad weather.A. shipmentB. shippingC. shipD. shipped答案:A6. We are ________ to negotiate the terms of the contract.A. willingB. unwillingC. unableD. unabled答案:A7. The ________ of the trade agreement will be announced next week.A. signatureB. signC. signingD. signed答案:C8. Our company has a ________ policy regarding late payments.A. strictB. strictedC. stricterD. strictest答案:A9. The ________ of the shipment is expected to be completed by the end of this month.A. loadingB. loadC. loadedD. loads答案:A10. We need to ________ the contract before we can proceed with the transaction.A. signC. signedD. signing答案:A二、阅读理解(共30分,每题3分)阅读下列短文,然后回答后面的问题。

一、单项选择题:(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)1. Which of the following says that any dollar of gain or loss will be equally valued, regardless of who experiences it?A.Consumer surplusB.Producer surplusC.ArbitrageD.One-dollar, one-vote metric2. Consider a typical two-country model. In the exporting country, consumers will be ______ and producers will be______ with the opening of international trade. A. Happy; happy B. Unhappy; happy C. Unhappy; unhappy D. Happy; unhappy3. The author of the Wealth of Nations was:A. David RicardoB. Paul SamuelsonC. Adam SmithD. Karl Marx4. The theory of comparative advantage was first presented by: A. Adam Smith B. Karl MarxC. David RicardoD. Eli Heckscher5. The theory that predicts that trade occurs because of differences in the availability of factor inputs across countries and the differences in the proportions in which the factor inputs are used in producing different products is called:A. The Stolper-Samuelson theoryB. The Heckscher-Ohlin theoryC. Comparative advantageD. Absolute advantage6. The Stolper-Samuelson theorem would predict that trade between the United States, a capital-abundant country, and Mexico, a labor-abundant country, should lead to:A. Higher wages in both countriesB. Lower wages in both countriesC. Higher wages in MexicoD. Lower wages in Mexico7. If the domestic country is labor abundant, which of the following groups will gain in the short-run, but lose in the long-run? A. Domestic landowners in the farming sectorB. Domestic landowners in the cloth-making sectorC. Foreign landowners in the farming sectorD. Foreign workers in the cloth-making sector 8. Immiserizing growth effect can occur when:A. A large country experiences a growth in the production of its export-oriented goods.B. There is a decline in the research and development investments in a large country.C. The terms of trade of a small country decline.D. The import-competing goods are overproduced in a large country.9. Which of the following is the value of the difference between exports and imports for a product? tradeB.Intra-industry tradeC.Product differentiationD.Returns to scale 10. China is a net importer of:A. Shoes and other footwearB. Scientific equipmentC. ToysD. Clothing and accessories11. The clustering of some industries, such as banking and finance in New York City and high-technology computer production in Silicon Valley, can be explained by: A. External scale economies. B. Monopolistic competition. C. Intra-industry trade. D. The demand for variety. 12. If a small country imposes a tariff on imported motorcycles, the world price of motorcycles will _____ and the domestic price of motorcycles will _____. A. Rise; rise B. Fall; riseC. Stay constant; riseD. Stay constant; fall13. If a country with monopsony (买方垄断) power imposes a tariff on imported farm equipment, the world price of farm equipment will: A. Fall B. Rise院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线C. Be unaffectedD. Become equal to the domestic price of farm equipment. 14. A nontariff barrier operates by: A. Limiting the quantity of imports.B. Increasing the cost of getting imports to market.C. Creating uncertainty about the conditions under which imports will be permitted.D. All of the above.15. One of the reasons that protectionists and government officials may favor using a quota instead of a tariff is:A. Quotas generate more revenue for the government than do tariffs.B. A quota ensures that the quantity of imports is strictly limited.C. Quotas create less market distortions than do tariffs.D. Quotas give less power to politicians than do tariffs.16. Which of the following subsidies is prohibited under WTO rules? A. Subsidies to research and development.B. Subsidies to assist disadvantaged regions within the exporting country.C. Subsidies that are used to assist firms in meeting environmental regulations.D. Subsidies that are used to encourage firms to export more.17. Which of the following allows member countries to import from other member countries freely, but imposes trade barriers against imports from outside countries? A. A trade embargo B. A trade bloc C. The most favored nation principle D. Trade creation 18. Which of the following features does a customs union have? I. Free trade among the members. II. Common external tariffs.III. Free movement of factors of production. IV. Harmonization of all economic policies.A. IB. I and IIC. I, II, and IIID. I, II, III, and IV19. Which of the following is a free-trade area that includes the United States, Mexico, and Canada?A. NAFTAB. MERCOSURC. EUD. ASEAN 20. When a large country imposes an import quota:A. World prices rise.B. World prices fall.C. Domestic prices fall.D. Domestic production falls.21. Which of the following countries provides government supports to its farmers? A. The United States B. JapanC. The European UnionD. All of the above22. Which of the following states that any trade concession given to any foreign country must be given to all other countries having the same status? A.A trade embargo B.A trade bloc C.The most favored nation principle D.Trade creation23. China’s policies towards FDI _____ inv estments that bring in advanced technology, _____investments that use old technologies and_____ investments in traditional Chinese crafts.A. Encourage; encourage; prohibitB. Discourage; encourage; encourageC. Encourage; discourage; prohibitD. Discourage; discourage; encourage24. ______ is the movement of people from one country to another country in which they plan to reside for some noticeable period of time.A. Domestic tradeB. International tradeC. Internal migrationD. International migration25. Which of the following has overseen the global rules of government policy toward international trade since 1995?A. World Trade OrganizationB. General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeC. International Monetary FundD. World Bank二、判断题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. The value of foreign trade is the total amount of a nation’s foreign trade, i.e. the total amount of import and export (of goods) within a certain period. Then the value of international trade is the total value of foreign trade of all countries throughout the world.2. While international trade will benefit both the importing and exporting country in a two-country world, the gains from trade in the exporting country will usually be greater than the gains from trade in the importing country.3. Free trade is a zero-sum activity. That is, one county always gains and the other always loses from free trade.: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线4. Mercantilists believe that when one country benefited from international trade it was at the expense of another country or countries.5. In the two-country, two-good model, both countries can gain from trade as long as their relative advantages and disadvantages in producing different goods are different.6. Factor-price equalization theory predicts that the price of labor and land within a country will equalize.7. In the short-run after trade opens, wages and land rents can be expected to rise in the expanding sector.8. It is possible for a large country to be better off, worse off, or no better off/no worse off as a result of a tariff being imposed.9. The use of a trade restriction by one country can cause other countries to retaliate, and may lead to a trade war in which all countries use high import barriers.10. Antidumping duties increase economic well-being in the United States by protecting import-competing firms.三、计算分析题(共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)(1) For each product for Japan, calculate the IIT share.(2) Japan is an importer of large civilian aircraft. What economic theory or concept best explain s this aspect of Japan’s trade?2. Suppose that $80 of imported wool (input) goes into the domestic production of a suit(final commodity). Suppose also that the free trade price of the suit is $100, but thenation imposes a 10% nominal tariff on each imported suit. The price of suits to domestic consumers would be $110.(a) Suppose that no tariff is imposed on the imported wool. (b) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 10%. (c) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 12%. (d) Suppose that the tariff rate on the imported wool is 20%. (1) Calculate the ERP for the domestic suits industry. (2) Interpret the meaning of this calculated ERP.四、简答题(共4小题,每小题8分,共32分)1. “According to Ricardo’s analysis, a country exports any good whose production requires fewer labor hours per unit than the labor hours per unit needed to produce the good in the foreign country. That is, the country exports any good in which its labor productivity is higher than the labor productivity for this good in the foreign country.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?2. A free-trade equilibrium exists in which the United States exports machinery and imports clothing from the rest of the world. The goods are produced with two factors: capital and labor. The trade pattern is the one predicted by the H-O theory. An increase now occurs in the U.S. endowment of capital, its abundant factor.a. What is the effect on the shape and position of the U.S. production-possibility curve?b. What is the effect on the actual production quantities in the United States if the product price ratio is unchanged? Explain.3. What are the two official definitions of dumping? Under the Anti-Dumping Agreement, under what circumstances, WTO Members can impose anti-dumping measures?4. How are trade creation and trade diversion defined, and what roles do they play in the world gains and losses from a trade bloc?五、论述题(共1小题,共13分)1. A country currently prohibits any FDI into the country. Its government is considering liberalizing this policy. You have been hired as a consultant to a group of foreign firms that wants to see the policy loosed. They ask you to prepare a report on the major arguments for why the country should liberalize the policy. What will your report say?专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线2020-2021《国际贸易学》(双语)期末课程考试试卷A 答案二、判断题:(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)三、计算分析题(共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)1. (1) Here is the calculation for perfumes: M X IIT --=||1=016.0|2422|1=--(2) The theory based on substantial scale economies, for the world, two firms produce large civilian aircraft. Boeing produces most of its aircraft in the U.S., and Airbus in Europe. It would be very difficult for a Japanese firm to achieve sufficient scale if it tried to enter into aircraft production. With no local production, Japan imports large civilian aircraft. (3分)2. (1) According to the formula ERP=[(t-a i t i )/(1-a i )]×100%, or ERP=[(V’-V)/V]×100%, we can get the following answers:(a) If t i =0%, we have ERP=50%(2分);(b) If t i =10%, we have ERP=10% (2分);(c) If t i =12%, we have ERP=2%(2分);(d) If t i =20%, we have ERP=-30%(2分)(2) ①If t>t i , ERP>t; ②If t=t i , ERP=t; ③If t<t i , ERP<t ; ④If t i becomes extremely high, then ERP will become negative. (2分)四、简答题(共4小题,每小题8分,共32分)1. Disagree. This statement describes absolute advantage. It would imply that a country that has a higher labor productivity in all goods would export all goods and import nothing.(2分)Ricardo instead showed that mutually beneficial trade is based on comparative advantage —trading according to maximum relative advantage.(3分)The country will export those goods whose relative labor productivity (relative to the other country and relative to other goods) is high, and import those other goods whose relative labor productivity is low.(3分)2. a. The entire U.S. production-possibilities curve shifts out, with the outward shift relatively larger for t he good that is intensive in capital. If the U.S. trade pattern follows the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, then this good is machinery. Growth is biased toward machinery production. (4分)b. According to the Rybczynski theory, the quantity produced of machinery increases and the quantity produced of clothing decreases if the product price ratio is unchanged. The extra capital is employed in producing more machinery, and the machinery industry must also employ some extra labor to use with the extra capital. The extra labor is drawn from the clothing industry, so clothing production declines. (4分)3. One definition of dumping is selling an export at a price lower than the price charged to domestic buyers of the product within the exporting country. This definition emphasizes international price discrimination.(2分)The second definition is selling an export at a price that is lower than the full average cost of the product plus a reasonable profit margin.(2分)(1) Dumping is occurring;(1分) (2) The domestic industry producing the like product is suffering material injury or threat of material injury.(2分) (3) There is a causal link between the two.(1分)4. (1) Trade creation is the increase in total imports resulting from the formation of a trade bloc. Trade creation occurs because importing from the partner country lowers the price in the importing country, so that some high-cost domestic production is replaced by lower-priced imports from the partner, and because the lower price increased the total quantity demanded in the importing country. (2分)Trade diversion is the replacement of imports from lower-cost suppliers outside the trade bloc with higher-cost imports from the partner. It occurs because the outside suppliers remain hindered by tariffs, while there is no tariff on imports from the partner. (2分)(2) Trade creation creates a gain for the importing country and the world. Trade diversion creates a loss for the importing country and the world.(2分)The importing country and the world gain from the trade bloc if trade creation gains exceed trade diversion losses. (2分)五、论述题(共1小题,共13分)1. Key points that should be included in the report.(1) FDI brings new technologies into the country.(1分)(2) FDI brings new managerial practices into the country.(1分)(3) FDI brings marketing capabilities into the country. These can be used to better meet the needs of the local market. They may be particularly important in expanding the country’s exports by improving the international marketing of products produced by the multinational firms that begin production in the country.(3分)(4) FDI brings financial capital into the country, and expands the country’s ability to invest in domestic production capabilities.(2分)(5) The local affiliates of the multinationals raise labor skills by training local workers.(1分)(6) Technological spillover benefits accrue to the country as it hosts FDI, because some of themultinationals’ technology, managerial practices, and marketing capabilities spread to local firms as they learn about and imitate the multinational’s intangible assets. Taken together, these first six items serve to increas e the country’s supply-side capabilities for producing (and selling) goods and services.(3分)(7) In addition, the country’s government can gain tax revenues by taxing the profits of the local affiliates established by the foreign multinationals.(2分)。

镇江高等专科学校2007-2008学年第二学期期末考试标准答案级专业外贸英语试卷答案(A卷)Part One. Translate the following into English(10×1ˊ=10ˊ)1. primary goods2. capital goods3. retail trade4. confirming house5. futures market6. indent house7. clearing agent8. chief strategist9. clean bill of lading 10. inventory controlPart Two. What do the following abbreviations stand for(10×1ˊ=10ˊ)1. Good Ordinary Brand2.General Agreement on Tafiffs andTrade3. Gross Domestic Product4.Fair Average Quality5. Nongovernmental organization6. Chief Executive Officer7. Cost Insurance and Freight8. Initial Public Offering9. European Union 10. Exchange Rate MechanismPart Three. True or False(10×1ˊ=10)1. F2. F3. T4.F5.F6.T7. F8. T9.T 10. TPart Four. Complete each sentence with the best choice(10×1ˊ=10)1. b2.d3. c4. c5. d6. b7. d8. c9. b 10. bPart Five Translate the following passage into Chinese (15+5=15 )1.信用证是国际贸易中非常重要的单据。

外贸英语试卷AⅠ、Give the equivalents for the following terms (40’)1、仲裁n.2、投标n.,v.3、对销贸易4、争议n.5、不可抗力6、期货贸易7、招标8、投保9、国内贸易10、货币转换11、贸易术语12、单据交易13、进口许可14、出口许可15、商业发票16、合同17、海关手续18、保险费19、使简单化v. 20、到达合同21、装运合同22、散装货23、约定重量24、公量25、收货人26、发货人27、对等样品28、承兑n.29、毛重30、裸装货31、品质机动幅度32、品质公差33、以说明买卖34以样品买卖35、光船租船36、分批装运37、定程租船38、定期租船39、运价表,海关n. 40、超长度附加费41、停泊期,受载期n. 42、背书,签注(文件)n. 43、速遣费44、滞期费n.45、租船合同46、提单47、包机运输48、班机运输49、实际全损50、平安险51、推定全损52、水渍险53、共同海损54、一切险55、单独海损56、保险单57、意外事故58、海上损失59、搁浅n.,v. 60、佣金n.61、CIF liner terms 62、the ship’s rail 63、symbolic delivery 64、CFR Ex tackle 65、packing clause 66、additional mark 67、warning mark 68、MT 69、shipping marks 70、clean B/L 71、Order B/L 72、F.P.A 73、W.P.A 74、EXW 75、open policy 76、flexible pricing 77、clean credit 78、D/D 79、M/T 80、T/TⅡ、Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.(15’)1、_______ represents the minimum obligation undertaken by the seller, while ______ representsthe minimum obligation undertaken by the buyer.2、_______ refers to the average level of the export commodity within a certain period of time.3、Preference of people, their custom and tradition _______ a very important role in the packingof goods for consumption.4、________ means that the seller may deliver the goods with a certain percentage more or lessin quantity according to the agreed quantity latitude.5、We’d like to designate Hong Kong as the ________port, because it’s easy to for us to arrangethe vessels.6、The most obvious advantage of air freight is of course the _______ of delivery.7、The basic insurance under the PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses is classified into threeconditions: _______, ________, and ________.8、__________ means that the insured cargo is totally and irretrievably lost and damaged.9、__________ is the currency used for price calculation in contract.10、Money of payment is the currency for _________.11、The unit price is composed of the following parts: measuring unit, unit price figure, money of account, ________, discount and ________.Ⅲ、Calculation (10’+15’)1、A set of instruments are to be exported from Dalian to London, gross weight is 10 metric tons,USD200 per freight ton, calculating on WT. Port surcharge is USD20 per freight ton and 30% heavy lift additional is charged for the set. Please calculate the liner freight.2、A Chinese company exported his goods to an American trader. The contract stipulated: quantityis 100M/TS, and USD1000 per metric ton CIF New York. The seller covered W.P.A and shortage for the invoice value plus 10%. The premium rate is 0.3% and 0.2% respectively.Please calculate the insurance amount and the premium payable to the insurer.Ⅳ、Case analysis (10’+10’)1、One import and export company exported a batch of goods under CIF term. The sellerdelivered the goods on board the vessel on time and made out all necessary documents. But the vessel stranded and sank in a few hours after departure. The next day, when the seller asked for payment with all set of documents in conformity with the contract, but the buyer refused to accept the documents and rejected payment because his goods have been lost.Question: is it reasonable for the buyer to do so? Why?(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)Helpful hints: The case is mainly about the CIF term.2、In a sales contract of tinned goods, the contract stipulateds:24,000tins of goods shall bepacked in 1000 cases, 500 grams each tin and 24 tins in a wooden case. When the buyer received the goods, he found the goods were packed in 500 cases, 48 tins each case, and 500 grams each tin. The buyer rejected the goods.Question: does the buyer have the right to do so?(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)Helpful hint: the case is mainly about packing clause in a contact.外贸英语A 答案Ⅰ、Give the equivalents for the following terms (40’)1. arbitration2.bid3. counter trade4. dispute5. force majeure6. future trading7. invitation for bids8. take out insurance9. domestic trade 10. monetary conversion 11. trade terms 12. document transaction 13. import license 14. export license 15. commercial invoice 16. contract 17. customs formality 18. insurance premium 19. simplify 20. arrival contract 21. shipment contract 22. bulk commodity23. computed tare 24. conditioned weight 25. consignee 26. consignor27. counter sample 28. acceptance 29. gross weight 30. nude packed goods31. quality latitude 32. quality tolerance 33. sale by description 34. sale by sample 35. bareboat charter 36. partial shipment 37. voyage charter 38. time charter39. tariff 40. over length additional 41. laydays 42. endorsement43. dispatch money 44. demurrage 45. charter party 46. bill of lading47. chartered airline 48. scheduled airline 49. actual total loss50. free from particular average 51. constructive total loss 52. with particular average 53. General average 54. all risks 55. particular average 56. insurance policy 57. fortuitous accident 58. marine loss 59. strand 60. commission61. CIF 班轮条件62. 船舷63. 象征性交货64. CFR 吊钩下交货65. 包装条款66. 附加标志67. 警示性标志68. 公吨69. 嘜头70. 清洁提单71. 指示性提单72. 平安险73. 水渍险74. 工厂交货75.预约保险76.灵活定价77.光票信用证78.即付汇票79.信汇80.电汇Ⅱ、Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.(15’)10、EXW, DDP11、 F.A.Q.12、play13、More or less clause14、loading15、speed16、 F.P.A., W.P.A., and All risks.17、Actual total loss18、Money of account10、settlement.11、trade terms, commission.Ⅲ、Calculation (10’+15’)1、Solution: The basic freight : 200 x 10 = USD2000Additional fees : 2000 x 30% + 20 x 10 = USD800Total freight : 2000 + 800 =USD28002、Solution: The insurance amount = CIF x (1+ makeup percentage)= 1000 x 100 x (1+ 10%)= USD 110000Premium = insurance amount x premium rate= USD110000 x (0.2%+0.3%)= USD550Ⅳ、Case analysis (10’+10’)1、翻译:一进出口公司按照CIF 条件出口一批货物。

《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷(英文版)(doc7页)(精美版)广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A卷)考核对象:‘4+0’国贸084班‘4+0’国贸085班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________Ⅰ. Put T for true or F for false in the brackets at the end of each statement. ( 15% )1.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, if the seller exports ceramicsusing CIF term, he must insure the goods against All Risks plusRisk of Clash and Breakage.2.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, under CIF Liner Terms Hamburg,the buyer must pay the discharging fees in the port ofdestination.3.()International customs and practice is the international standardwhich is of some guiding significance to international businessmen. So all the international business men should abide by theinternational customs and practice.4.()When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within thestipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to theship-owner.5.()In order to avoid complications, we should try our best to usemuch more kinds of methods to stipulate the quality of the goods.6.()According to CISG, if the package of the goods is not in acordancewith the terms and conditions of the contract, the buyer couldlodge claims, but h e couldn’t reject the goods.7.()According to CISG, if the seller delivers a quantity of goods greaterthan that provided for in the contract, the buyer may takedelivery or refuse to take delivery of all the quantity (includingthe excess quantity and the contracted quantity).8.()A chinese company exports 1500 bags of cement using CIF termin the contract and has insured the goods against F.P.A. beforeshipment. However five bags fall into water when loading in theport of shipment. Because the five bags have not been on board yet, the insurance company is not responsible for the loss of the five bags.9.()According to UCP 600, if there isn’t any other stipulation, thetransshipment is allowed.10.()The clause of “ CIF London, New York or Tokyo, at buyer’soption” is reasonable and we could agree when exporting goods.11.()According to UCP 600, the L/C is independent of the underlyingtransactions.12.()According to CISG, the offeror can withdraw his offer, but he cannot revoke it no matter what happened.13.()The colletcing bank should promise to get the money from thebuyer under Collection.14.()According to UCP 600, the beneficiary should present full setclean on board B/Ls if the L/C requires B/Ls with no special terms and conditions.15.()Under Collection, the payer of the draft should be the buyer’sbank.Ⅱ. Please choose the best answer from the following choices of each question. ( 20% )1. An exporter in Guangzhou has agreed to sell goods to a company inNew York. The exporter is responsible for arranging transport but not insurance. Which of the following shipping terms is correct? ( )A. CIF New YorkB. FOB New YorkC. CFR New YorkD. FOB Guangzhou2. According to UCP 600, if there is no special descriptionabout the form ofthe L/C in it, then this L/C is ( )A. irrevocable and non-transferableB. revocable and transferableC. irrevocable and transferableD. revocable and non-transferable3. Which term means the minimum cost coverage by the seller? ( )A. EXWB. FCAC. FASD.FOB4. According to CISG, when sale by sample and there are not any otherdetailed stipulations in contract, the goods delivered by the seller should be ( )A. About same as the sampleB. same as the sampleC. different a little from sampleD. A, B, C are all right.5. A B/L acts as ( )A. a receipt of goods by the carrierB. an evidence of the contract of carriageC. a document of title for the goodsD. A, B, C are all right.6. Under D/A, the draft must be ( )A. sight draftB. time draftC. banker’s draftD. clean draft7. According to CISG, the offer can be submitted ( )A. in written formB. orallyC. in written form or be sent orally8. The shipping Mark usually does n’t contain ( )A. the code name of shipper or consigneeB. number of packagesC. name of destinationD. chemical characteristics9. In the following payment terms, ( ) is the safest term to the seller.A. sight payment L/CB. D/P at sightC. Payment at 30 days after delivery of goodsD. Cash with order10. In the following statements about loading and discharging charges incharter party, ( ) is correct.A. F.I. means the shipper should unload the goods by himself.B. F.O. means the shipper should load the goods by himself.C. The time charter party shouldn’t stipulate terms about these charges.D. The ship-owner i sn’t responsible for these charges in tramp shipping.Ⅲ. Calculation ( 25% )1. A Company in Guangzhou quotes its exporting price, USD950 Per MetricTon FOB Guangzhou, to a German company. But the German company requires the exporter to offer CIF Hamburg price ( with the goods insured W.P.A. plus War Risk). If the freight from Guangzhou to Hamburg is USD180 Per Metric Ton, the insuredamount is 110% of CIF value and the premium rate is 1.3% of W.P.A. plus War Risk.(1) Please calculate how much this exporting company should offer CIFHamburg price per Metric Ton with the same profit. ( 10% )(2) If the German company requires the exporter to offer CIFC5%Hamburg price ( with the goods insured W.P.A. plus War Risk).Please calculate how much this exporting company should offerCIFC5% Hamburg price per Metric Ton with the same profit. ( 5% )2. A company in Shanghai exports some garments to a foreign company.the total exporting amount is USD 70000 FOB Shanghai. If the domestic purchasing price of these garments is 450000 RMB. The domestic total charges (including all kinds of domestic fees and taxes) are 40000 RMB.And the export tax rebate is 3000 RMB. And the exchange rate is USD1:RMB7. Please calculate the rate of profit or loss of this export transaction. ( 10% )Ⅳ. Fill in the contract form in English with the following particulars (40%)。

实用外贸英语试卷 卷A适用考试日期:试卷所需时间:120分钟; 闭卷;试卷总分:100分。
I. Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.(70%)1. QTY_______2. PCS___________MODITY________4. STYLE NO.__________5. Shipmen______________6. Destination______________7. Loading Por___________8. Payment______________9. Packing_________________ 10. Insurance_____________ 11. Marks________________ 12. Remarks________________ 13. PURCHASE DEPA TMEN__________14. Unit __________________ 15. Detailed Specification_______ e of Commodity_________ 17. Time of delivery_________ 18. L/C NO___________________ 19. Value date____________ 20. Beneficiary a/c with Bank_________________21. Beneficiary Custome__________ 22. Commission____________ 23. Ordering Customer__________ 25.. CONTRACT SHIP/CXL___________ 27. ANTICIPA TED SHIP____________________28. ORIGIN_________ 29. SHIP MODE____________ 30. QUOTA TERMS____________ 31. CIF____________________ 32. ENV#(ISA#)______________ 33. REVISION#_______________ 34. IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICA TION _________________________35. Contract No._________ 36. Partial shipments_____ 37. Transshipment_______ 38. PRICE_________ 39. TOTAL AMOUNT ______ 40. FOB_______________41. CFR___________ 42. Commercial Invoice____________ 43. Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading ____________________ 44. Weight Memo_________ 45. Certificate of Quality____________ 46. Beneficiary ’s Certificate _______ 47. Certificate of Origin_____________ 48. TRANSMITTING BANK______ 48. Trade Method _________________ 49. Foreign Exchange Collecting Form________________________50. Means of Transportation_____________ 51. P.O. No.___________________________________ 52. Total Sales Amount_________________ 53. Unit Price__________________________________ 54. B/L No.__________________________ 55. Ocean Vessel Voy. No_________________________ 56. Port of Discharge __________________ 57. Gross Weight________________________________ 58. Measurement____________ 59. Prepaid__________________ 60. Collect_____________________ 61. Per Conveyance S.S.________________ 62. Slg on or Ab_________________________________ 63. Premium___________________ 64. Claim payable at______________ 65. Coverage__________________ 66. N/A___________ 67. Handled by___________________ 68. Underwritten by_____________ 69. SPECIAL CUSTOMS INVOICE___________________ 70. EXCH. RATE____________II. . Complete the following tables according to the given information.(30%)Happy Life Trading Co.NO.634 PANDA ROAD NEW YORK N.Y.10015-1238 U.S.A.Tel : 1-458-573-6252 Fax: 1-458-573-6288 Email:markdpt@ Purchase OrderOrder. No .:2009042568 Date :Apr. 26. 2009To: Hongyuan Trading Co. Ltd.No. 356 Lushan Road Nanchang Jiangxi China TEL: 0086-791-3843676 FAX: 0086-791-3843878院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号装 ……… 订 线Bank of AmericaAmerica Bank Public Company Limited.New York Br.Please effect the following remittance by CABLE NORMAL URGENT(Subject to conditions printed overleaf)Payment by:Cashmy/our Cheque numberdebiting my/our accounHandled by Underwritten byDate: May. 12. 200920Ref: F978568213* Not necessary for U.S. Customs purposes. Customs Form 5515 (12—20—76)Form ApprovedO.M.B. No. 4B —R0342DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURYUNITED STAES CUSTOMS SERVICE19 U.S.C. 1481. 1482. 1484 SPECIAL CUSTOMS INVOICE (Use separate invoice for purchased and non-purchased goods.)。

大学英语期末考试(A)第一部分:单选题1. The starting current of an a.c. motor is_____ the rated current.A. the same asB. much larger thanC. less thanD. equals2. With a_____ load the voltage and current are in phase.A. pure resistanceB. capacitiveC. inductiveD. None of the above3. The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to_____ on most large ships.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boards4. Switchboards may be of the dead-front type in which all live parts are installed behind_____ and only the operation handles and instruments are on the front.A. the capstanB. the collectorC. the panelsD. the surface5. Remote control means that_____.A. the system is manned manuallyB. the system is situated remotely from the operatorC. the system is controlled automaticallyD. all the above6. The difference between measured and desired values is called_____.A. make-upB. desired valueC. deviationD. set value7. Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are_____.A. liveB. deadC. excitedD. on line8. Before starting an engine by air ,the engine must _________A. be turned by a turning gear for at least one minuteB. be turned by a turning gear for at least two minutesC. be turned at least one complete turnD. be turned at least two complete turns9. Shore power must be_____ during dock repair.A. disconnectedB. switched offC. cut offD. connected10. The switchboards for a.c. systems differ from the d.c. switch gear in that the open type panels are generally_____ and the dead-front switch gear is the common rule.A. permissiblyB. permissibleC. no permissibleD. not permissible11. Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is_____.A. A.C.B. D.C. C. generatorD. fresh water generator12. The separate supplies are connected in either star or delta formation. The star formation is most commonly used and requires_____ slip-rings on the alternator.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five13. The difference between measured and desired values is calledA. offsetB. errorC. deviationD. set value14. After the trouble of the automatic control system has been completely eliminated, assistance is_____ required.A. remainedB. stillC. no longerD. much mere15. The field coils_____ and the armature is_____. This is in fact the arrangement adopted for large, heavy duty alternators.A. stationary/rotateB. stationary/stationaryC. rotate/stationaryD. rotate/rotate16. An a.c. switchboard is usually_____ the corresponding d.c. board because of the higher voltage and lower currents and smaller bus-bars.A. larger and heavier thanB. as much asC. smaller and lighter thanD. more dangerous than17. In_____ the control action is independent on(of) the output.A. a closed loop control systemB. an open loop control systemC. a boiler control systemD. a steering gear control system18. It_____ for an emergency generator to require paralleling.A. is usualB. is not usualC. is necessaryD. is not impossible19. Which of the motors for the devices listed below is fitted with an instantaneous overload relay?A. FanB. PumpC. WinchD. Machine tool20. An electrical device which prevents an action from occurring until all other required conditions are met is called a/an_____.A. limitB. monitorC. modulatorD. interlock21. A circuit breaker and a fuse have a basic similarity in that they both_____.A. can be reset to energize the circuitB. should open the circuit when overloadedC. will burn out when an over current flow developsD. All of the above22. A constant output voltage from an AC generator is maintained by the_____.A. prime mover governorB. exciter generatorC. voltage regulatorD. reverse power relay23. What will be the phase angle relationship of a six-pole, three-phase, rotating field generator _____.A. 60B. 120C. 180D. 36024. Copper is often used as an electrical conductor because it_____.A. has high resistance at low temperaturesB. has a highly polished surfaceC. is able to pass current with little oppositionD. holds insulation together well25. In a series circuit, which value will remain unchanged at all places in the circuit?A. V oltageB. CurrentC. ResistanceD. Inductance26. The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always_____.A. larger than the greatest branch resistanceB. smaller than the lowest branch resistanceC. equal to the sum of the individual branch resistancesD. one-half the sum of the individual branch resistances27. _____ means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.A. AssemblyB. OrganizationC. CompanyD. Administration28. The part of the shipboard electrical system used to control the distribution of power to the branch circuits, is the_____.A. bridge control panelB. disconnect linksC. governor relay boxD. main switchboard29. The port state control inspection is carried out on the basis of the following international conventions. Among them, which one was not set by IMO?A. LL66B. ITC69C. ILO No. 147D. SOLAS 74r30. Possible phase relationships between voltage and current in an alternating current circuit include which of the following conditions?A. Current and voltage may be in phase.B. Current may lead the voltage.C. Current may lag the voltage.D. All of the above.31. An ammeter should be used to measure_____.A. the voltage between two points in a circuitB. circuit continuityC. current flow in a circuitD. total or partial circuit resistance32. The International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate required by MARPOL is issued to China flagby the_____.A. IMOB. CCSC. USCGD. PICC33. When voltage and current developed in an AC circuit reach their peak values at the same time, the power factor is_____.A. laggingB. leadingC. maximumD. minimum34. V oltage will always lead current in a/an_____.A. capacitive circuitB. inductive circuitC. magnetic circuitD. resistive circuit35. When paralleled, AC generators must have the same_____.A. frequencyB. number of phasesC. phase rotationD. All of the above36. Prior to closing the breaker when paralleling two AC generators, the recommended practice is to have the frequency of the incoming machine_____.A. slightly less than the line frequencyB. the same as the line frequencyC. slightly greater than the line frequencyD. All of the above37. A person on a fixed or floating platform engaged in oil exploration MAY discharge food waste intothe sea when the distance from the nearest land is at leastA. 3 nautical milesB. 5 nautical milesC. 12 nautical milesD. 25 nautical miles38. The unit of electrical power is the_____.A. ampereB. kilovoltC. wattD. farad39. _____is a precaution which contributes to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.A. Constant inspectionB. Keeping constant loadC. Remaining constant temperatureD. Varying speed40. _____ should not undertake any task which will interfere with the supervision duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment.A. The watch keeping personnelB. The chief engineerC. The person on a bunker bargeD. The duty deck officer41. Bridge orders must be_____ and a record of any required changes in speed and direction should be kept.. A. slowly carried away B. carried out with a period of delayC. promptly carried outD. paid by the captain42. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with the maneuvering of the ship can immediately be placed in the_____ of operation when notified that the ship is in congested waters.A. manual modeB. automatic modeC. remote modeD. follow-up mode43. While loading bunkers, you notice oil on the water near the vessel. What should you do first.A. Stop loadingB. Notify the harbour administrationC. Determine if the vessel is the source of the pollutionD. Start the main engine and put them in gear to disperse the spill44. The basic training in fire prevention and fire fighting should include the practical elements which should allow the trainees to acquire the ability to_____.A. use self-contained breathing apparatusB. use various types of portable fire extinguishersC. effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space wearing breathing apparatusD. All of the above45. The order “_____” means “Maximum maneuvering engine revolution for aheadpropulsion.”A. Full AheadB. Half AheadC. Full AsternD. Half Astern46. Why ship repair is an inherently difficult business to manage in the conventional sense?A. Because it is difficult to plan and manageB. Because it is cannot be will categorizedC. Because it is a difficult work for people to undergoD. Because it is seldom researched by researcher47. The fire-fighting practical training should take place in spaces which provide truly realistic training conditions, and whenever possible and practical should be carried out in_____.A. darknessB. daylightC. simulated engine-roomD. all of the above.48. The distance between the bottom of the hull and the waterline is called_____.A. tonnageB. reserve buoyancyC. draftD. freeboard49. The approval period for a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan expires after _____.A. one yearB. two yearsC. four yearsD. five years50. A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of_____.A. all vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationB. any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in anyform can be carried aboardC. an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveD. an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above51. To prevent the spread of fire by conduction, you should_____.A. cool the bulkheads around the fireB. remove combustibles from direct exposureC. close all openings to the areaD. shut off all electric power52. Burning diesel oil should be treated as which class of fire?A. Class "A"B. Class "B"C. Class "C"D. Class "D"53. If your vessel has a starboard list after taking on fuel, you would transfer fuel_____.A. to starboardB. to portC. forwardD. aft54. Convection spreads a fire as a result of_____.A. transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship's metalB. burning liquids flowing into another spaceC. heated gases flowing through ventilation systemsD. the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space55 The International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate is valid for a period of_____.A. one year from the date of issueB. two years from the date of issueC. three years from the date of issueD. four years from the date of issue56. A class "B" fire would most likely occur in the_____.A. main switchboardB. engine room bilgeC. breathing compartmentD. electric fresh water transfer pump57. If an oil spill occurs on deck, you should_____.A. cover the area with foamB. cover the area with absorbent materialC. wash down immediately with a fire hoseD. wash down immediately with an oil dispersing solvent58. A class "C" fire would occur in_____.A. beddingB. pipe insulationC. paintD. a generator59. At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with_____ whether or not to maintain an underway watch.A. the engineer officer in charge of watchB. the deck officer in charge of watchC. the masterD. the chief mate60. The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire is_____.A. class AB. class BC. class CD. class D61. Which of the listed classes of fire would most likely occur in the engine room of a vessel?A. Classes A and BB. Classes B and CC. Classes C and DD. Classes A and D62. One of the methods NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the United States is_____.A. skimmersB. strawC. dispersantsD. sawdust63. A class "D" fire would be considered as burning_____.A. woodB. oilC. electrical equipmentD. magnesium64. The use of sinking and dispersing agents for the removal of surface oil is_____.A. the most common method used in the United StatesB. too expensive for common useC. generally safe to sea lifeD. generally harmful to sea life65. Fires involving combustible metals are classified as_____.A. class "A" firesB. class "B" firesC. class "C" firesD. class "D" fires66. A tank which has been sealed for a long period of time can be dangerous because_____.A. steel surfaces consume oxygen by rustingB. sealed tanks usually form a vacuumC. moisture condenses in the tank, displacing the oxygenD. most tank coatings give off poisonous vapors in the presence of moisture67. A tank has been sealed and unventilated for a long period of time. Which of the following conditions does this indicate?A. The tank is safe to enter.B. The tank is especially dangerous to enter.C. Carbon monoxide is present.D. Water vapor present when the tank was sealed has oxidized.68. With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched,_____ will control the main engine.A. the bridge officer on watchB. the chief engineerC. the duty engineerD. the duty motorman69. An example of class "A" fire is a/anA. electrical fire in the engine roomB. oil fire in the engine room bilgesC. oil fire involving a grade "A" petroleum productD. mattress fire in a stateroom70. Why is it necessary to warn engine room personnel before activating the fixed CO2 system?A. To make them aware there is a fire.B. To let them know they should leave the engine room.C. To prevent possible injury from frostbite.D. To make them aware that ventilation will automatically stop.71. Your assigned emergency stations aboard your vessel can be found on the ship's_____.A. muster listB. certificate of inspectionC. clearance papersD. permit to proceed72. The process that occurs when heat is generated by a chemical reaction within a substance and continues to a point of ignition is known as_____.A. chemical ignitionB. spontaneous combustionC. chemical combustionD. radiation ignition73. The term "discharge", as it applies to the pollution regulations, meansA. spillingB. leakingC. dumpingD. All of the above74. If a fire ignites in the engine room as a result of a high pressure fuel oil leak, you should FIRST_____.A. secure the ventilationB. find a soda acid extinguisherC. shut off the fuel oil supplyD. secure the generator75. The FIRST step to take in fighting an engine room fire resulting from a ruptured fuel oil service line, is to_____.A. evacuate all engine room personnelB. fight the fire with hand portable extinguishersC. activate the main CO2 bankD. stop the flow of leaking fuel oil76. The necessity for administering artificial respiration may be recognized by the victim's _____.A. vomitingB. blue color and lack of breathingC. irregular breathingD. unconscious condition77. All personnel should be familiar with the lifeboats_____.A. boarding and operating proceduresB. maintenance scheduleC. navigational systemsD. fuel consumption rates78. Which of the precautions listed should be observed when taking on diesel fuel?A. Secure all lighting to the main deckB. Provide a portable fan to blow away fumesC. Prohibit smoking in the areaD. Display a black triangle during daylight hours79. To avoid excessive pressures in the fuel oil filling system during bunkering, you should _____.A. close the tank filling valves quicklyB. top off all tanks at the same timeC. rill completely all tanks to less than 95 % fullD. reduce the loading rate when topping off80. During fueling operations, which of the listed precautions should be taken when topping off fuel tanks?A. Reduce the pumping rate by closing the deck filling valve.B. Close all overflow valves.C. Place 5 gallon containers under all flange connections in the fuel line.D. Reduce the pumping rate and sound tanks frequently as the level rises.81. After the order “_____” is given, the air system is shut down, the turning gear put in, all drains and indicator cocks opened, and the cooling water and lubricating oil systems kept running.A. Stand-by EngineB. Stop EngineC. Finished With EngineD. Dead Slow Ahead82. The Port Authorities, in accordance with the IMO resolutions have been carrying out_____ to enhance safety of ships.A. CPPB. FPPC. PSCD. FSC83. If you must enter a room or compartment to combat the fire , keep an escape path_____.A. openB. closeC. opensD. closes84. Additives_____ protective layers on metal surfaces guarding them against corrosion.A. damageB. formC. dissolveD. contaminate85. When a vessel is in dry-dock, the vessel's engineers should_____.A. examine the condition of the propellerB. chip and paint all hull protection zincsC. install new docking plugs in all cofferdamsD. inspect the hull for hogging or sagging86. The lengthening of a crack formed in the shell plating of a ship may be prevented by_____.A. welding brackets across both ends of the crackB. chipping out and slot welding the entire crackC. drilling a hole at each end of the crackD. cutting a square notch at each end of the crack87. A(n)_____ is a mechanical attack on the metal surface which may be due to a disturbance in the flowof the water over the blade of the propeller.A. erosionB. corrosionC. pittingD. dezincification88. Which one of the following repair will cost the least cost? ______A. routing docking repairB. voyage repairC. damage repairD. convention第二部分:关联题1.The control officer may determine if all operational requirements of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 have been met, taking into account:(1) the quantity of oil residues generate;(2) the capacity of sludge and bilge water holding tank(s);and(3) the capacity of the oily water separator.including the inspection of the oil record book. The control officer may determine if reception facilities have been used and note any alleged inadequacy of such facilities.The control officer may determine whether the responsible officer is familiar with the handling of sludge and bilge water. The relevant items from the guidelines for systems for handling oily wastes in machinery spaces of ships may be used as guidance. Taking into account the above, the control officer may determine if the ullage of the sludge tank is sufficient for the expected generated sludge during the next intended voyage. The control officer may verify that, in respect of ships for which the Administration has waived the requirements of regulation 16( 1 ) and (2) ,all oily bilge water is retained on board for subsequent discharge to a reception facility.When reception facilities in other ports have not been used because of inadequacy, the control officer should advise the Master to report the inadequacy of the reception facility to his own flag State, in conformity with MEPC/Circ.215 of April. 1989.89. All the following factors should be considered by the control officer except_____.A. the quantity of oil residues generateB. the capacity of sludge holding tanksC. the capacity of bilge water holding tanksD. the capacity of the oil separator90. The control officer may determine if the ullage of the sludge tank is sufficient for the expected generated sludge during the next intended voyage. According to this sentence, which of the following statements is true?A. The control officer has known that the sludge tank is too small.B. The next voyage has been decided.C. The sludge generated during the voyage is too much to be filled into the sludge tank.D. The ullage of the sludge tank is enough.91. MARPOL Convention is formulated by_____.A. the Flag StateB. the Port StateC. the IMOD. the ILO92. The word "waive" is closest in meaning to_____.A. wait for willinglyB. suggest in willinglyC. insist on willinglyD. give up willingly2. At appropriate intervals inspection should be made of the main propulsion plant, auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces. Any routine adjustments may then be made and malfunctions or breakdowns can be noted, reported and corrected. During these tours of inspection bilge level should be noted, piping and systems observed for leaks, and local indication instruments also be observed.Bridge orders must be promptly carried out and a record of any required changes in speed and direction should be kept. When under standby or maneuvering conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console should be continuously manned,.Certain watchkeeping duties will be necessary for the continuous operation of equipment or plant the transferring of fuel for instance.in addition to these regular tasks other repair or maintenance tasks may be requiredof the watchkeeping personnal.however,no tasks should be undertaken which will interfere with the supervisory duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment.During the watch a log or record will be taken of the various parameters of main and auxiliary equipment. Fuel consumption figures are used to determine the efficiency of operation, in addition to providing a check on the available bunker quantities. Lubrication oil tank levels to some extent indicates engine oil consumption. If the sump level were to rise this would indicate water leakage into the oil and an investigation into the cause must be made. The engine exhaust temperature reading should all be about the same to indicate an equal power production from each cylinder. The various temperature and pressure values for the cooling water and lubrication oil should be at, or near to, the manufacturer's designed values for the particular speed or fuel lever settings.(The following questions are based on the passage above)93. The first paragraph mainly about_____.A. what should be done during the watchB. what should be done during tours of inspectionC. what the duty personnel should do when they begin their watchD. all of the above94. The watchkeeping personnel_____.A. should note bilge levelB. should observe piping for leaks11C. should undertake required tasks not affecting their supervisory dutiesD. All of the above are tree.95. Fuel consumption figures are used to_____.A. determine the efficiency of operationB. provide a check on the available bunker quantitiesC. Both A and B are true.D. Neither A nor B is true.96. Which of the following can best substitute the word "figures" (underlined in the fourth paragraph)?A. charactersB. valuesC. contentsD. bunkers12大学英语期末考试(A)班级:姓名:分数:13。

广州市广播电视大学荔湾分校2012年上半年期末考试《外贸英语》试卷A卷答案班级:学号:姓名:第四部分. 英译中(共计10分)66.This firm specializes in textile.这家公司专营纺织品。
67.It’s in our mutual interest to cooperate with each other.合作对我们双方都有利。
68.W e should try to gain the most profit at a minimum cost.我们应该努力以最低的成本争取最大的利润。
69.As long as you quote us a reasonable price, we will immediately place orders with you.只要贵方的报价合理,我们就会向你们提交订单。
70.This shop sold off all the stock at a discount of 15%.这家商店按八五折廉价出售存货。
第五部分. 填空及判断正误(共计14 分)将下列内容分类填入空格property tax, , rent, cost of materials, cost of fuel and power,cost of direct labor, executive salaries71. fixed cost: property tax, rent, executive salaries72. variable cost:cost of materials, cost of fuel and power, cost of direct labor填写出口程序四要素:73. Exporting is the process of providing the right product(产品), at the right price(价格), in the right place(地点)and at the right time(时间).判断正误(True or False)(T)74. Competition in international markets stimulates exporters to adapt their products to the needs of the market.(T)75. The most important goal of export is the earning of profit.(F)76. Accurate caculation implies right export pricing.(F)77.Pricing objectives can be divided into two kinds: long term-objective and short-term objective. Long term-objective is usually specified in annual budgets developed by the firm.第六部分. 将商品标签内容进行搭配(共计6分)阅读下列产品标签,在相应括号内填写相关内容序号1.Physical composition of the product( including weight and volume)2.What the product will do3.What it is made of (ingredients or analysis)4.How it is made5.How to care for it6.Recommended uses of the manufacturer8.Country of origin9.W arning or cautions (including the validity of the product or the side effect of it)10.Registeration number of the product。
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大学外贸英语期末考试a Newly compiled on November 23, 2020镇 江 高 等 专 科 学 校2007—2008学年第二学期期末考试试卷级 专业 外贸英语 试卷(A 卷)命题 尹昕 审核审批 班级 学号 姓名Part One. Translate the following into English (10×1ˊ=10ˊ)Example: 牛市 bull market1. 初级产品2. 资本货物3. 零售贸易4. 保付商行5. 期货市场6. 进口订货行7. 报关代理行 8. 首席战略家9. 清洁提单 10. 存货控制Part Two. What do the following abbreviations stand for (10×1ˊ=10ˊ) Example: WTO World Trade Organization1. G. O. B2. GATT 4. F. A. Q5. NGO6. CEO7. CIF8. IPO9. EUPart Three. True or False (10×1ˊ=10)economic prosperity of individual countries has nothing to do with the economic prosperity in the world as a whole. ( )2. The relative size of trade is often measured by comparing the size of acountry ’s exports with its gross national product. ( )3. Advertising aims to make a product or service known to the public in order to sell it.( )4. Immediate deliery is known as a future contract.( )5. A open indent is one which names the supplier of the goods required.( )6. It is a kind of knowledge to know where to find information upon a subject. ( )7. The Financial Times in UK caters for general public.( )8. Hotel, transport, storage and insurance all belong to trade in services. ( )9. The EU is one of the largest economic entities in the world. ( )is an operation adopted by merchants and others in the commodity markets whodeal in futures to protect themselves against risk of loss, caused by futurechanges in price.( )Part Four. Complete each sentence with the best choice (10×1ˊ=10)1. At localization has led many central governments to grant political, fiscal, and administrative powers to local goverments.a. the national levelb. the subnational levelc. sea leveld. the supranational level2. Which is truea. Globalization and localization are indeed countervailing forces.b. Globalization and localization are not countervailing forces, but they do not stem from the same source.c. Globalization and localization do not stem from the same source, neither do they reinforce each other.d. Globalization and localization seem to be countervailing forces, but actually they are not.3. Terms like or have exact meanings, established by associations of over several hundreds of years.a. importersb. exportersc. dealers.d. agents 4. The Wall Street Journal is published in .a. Britainb. Canadac. the United Statesd. HongKong5. The international economic order is evolving into a highly intergrated andelectronicallya. cubic systemb. automatic systemc. philosophical systemd. networked system 6. Development economics was born after .a. The First World Warsecond World Warc. The Great Depressiond. The Millenium 7. Tea and wool and certain spices cannot be accurately .a. namedb. labeledc. classifiedd. graded 8. A buyer may place a closed indent which names the .a. importerb. agentc. supplierd. principal9. Raw materials can be bought and sold under a standard description and according to standard contract terms developed by .a. the stock exchangeb. the commodity exchangesc. the merchandising housesd. the customs 10. We have the taking immediate legal action to recover the amount to us. a. action for b. option of c. option with d. function onPart Five Translate the following passage into Chinese ( 10+5 =15)1. ( 10’ )A letter of credit is a very important document in international trade. It is safe and convenient for the seller, who is sure to receive payment. It is alsohelpful to the buyer, because the seller must carry out his buyer asks his bank to issue the letter of credit. The bank writes to its agent or correspondent bank in the seller ’s country. The letter of credit will ask the seller to hand the bill of lading, copies of the commercial invoice, and the insurance certificate or policy to the negotiating bank. A letter of credit which demands this is called a documentary letter of credit.2. Some commodites cannot be accurately graded because the quality varies from year to year, and from consignment to consignment. These have to be sold on a tale quale basis. The buyer has to inspect a consignment for himself and then make an offer according to his own judgement of the quality.( 5 )Part Six. Translate the following sentences into English ( 5+10+10 =25 )1. 通常的信用证要求提交“凭托运人指示的空白背书的全套已装船海运提单”(5)2.对外直接投资增长的一个主要原因是派生需求(derived demand)的增长。
(10)3. 关税和非关税壁垒是全球范围内不断引起争论和对抗的话题。