英汉互译八种技巧 ppt课件
![英汉互译八种技巧 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e9320edcc17552706220851.png)
❖ 4. 保留习语中的重复 ❖ Long, long ago… ❖ 很久很久以前,··· ❖ The flower is very ,very beautiful. ❖ 这花可美可美了。 5,英语强势词的译法 Whatever, whatsoever, whoever, whomever,
whichever, whenever, wherever, however.
❖ Such a trifling thing is hardly worth mentioning. ❖ 区区小事,不足挂齿。 ❖ On returning to India, and ever after, he used to
speak of the pleasure of this period of his existence with great enthusiasm. ❖ 他后来回到印度,一提起那一段逍遥自在的日子, 总是眉飞色舞。 ❖ She spoke little and then after long meditation. ❖ 她少言寡语,而且总是在深思熟虑之后才开口。
8. 留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧。 So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood.
3. 减译法
❖ 增译法的反面
❖ 减译法是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来, 因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意,或者在译文 中是不言而喻的;
❖ 别把那点钱挂在心上。你什么时候有什么时 候还我好了。
❖ 6.重复副词 ❖ Nels had it all written out neatly. ❖ 纳尔斯把它写得清清楚楚。 ❖ By and by the building rose up. ❖ 楼房一点一点地升起来了。 7,使用四字词组 Come over and have a rest. 过来休息休息。
英语专业专业课件:英汉翻译技巧课件-------- Amplification Omission Nouns Prepositions Adjectives Adverbs Hypotactic vs. Paratactic Passive vs. Active Restructuring Impersonal vs. Personal Affirmative vs. Negative Nominal Clauses Attributive Clause Adverbial ClauseAssessmentAttendance 10%Assignments 15% 2 30% Final Exam 60%Suggested reading books?-1 A Brief Introduction toTranslationImportant Role of Translation:Coca Cola 、Hacker 、club 、 laser? : laser 、menu 、nylon“” FangfangMokasutu “”. Nature and Scope of Translation Definition :“”//.a “Translating consists inreproducing in the receptor language the closestnatural equivalent of the source language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms ofstyle.”. Nature and Scope of Transla tionPeter Newmark “It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in theway that the author intended the text”J.Catford “”“”Nature and Scope of TranslationNatureTranslation is not a word for word activity1*She is very red nowShe is very popular now.2 *You Give Me Stop!! Stand!3 *Stupid stupid want to moveBe ready to do sth.bad4 *coldly talk for a while to exchange greetings and make small talk5 *"Site of jumping umbrella" paragliding site6 * "Cherishing Flowers and Trees" keep off the grass.Nature and Scope of Translationnativeforeign foreignnativeinterpretation translationMTconsecutive interpretationsimultaneously interpretation. Principles or Criteria of Translation Principle :faithfulness, expressiveness,elegance spiritual conformitysublimed adaptation? Tytler translation equivalence dynamic equivalence. Principles or Criteria of TranslationPrinciple :Yan Fu the first Chinese who made apenetrating and relatively systematicstudy of translation standard in modern times? Evolution and EthicsThe Wealth of NationsPrinciples or Criteria of Translation Principle ::faithfulness/ accuracy /expressiveness/ smoothness /elegancePrinciples or Criteria of TranslationPrinciple :faithfulness/ accuracy /original contentsoriginal meaning and viewsoriginal form and styleexpressiveness/ smoothness / easy, readable rendering idiomatic expression. Literal Translation and Free TranslationProcess :Comprehension comprehend the source textcompletelyExpression render the source text into thetarget language text a rough translationProofreading proofread the roughtranslation & polish. Literal Translation and Free Translation1. semantic system2. context linguistic and nonlinguistic3. background information and specialized knowledge4. LogicLiteral Translation and Free Translation1. Context2. Avoid translationese “ ”“”“”Europeanized“”Chinglish--She then uncrossed her legsLiteral Translation and Free TranslationLiteral Translation and Free Translation. Literal Translation and Free TranslationLiteral Translation :Not to alter the original words and sentences To keep the sentiments and style of theoriginal To reproduce the ideological content and thestyle of the original works and retain as muchas possible the figures of speechLiteral Translation and Free Translationcrocodile tears; armed to the teeth chain reaction ; gentlemen’s agreement one country, two systems ; The three religions and the nine schools of thought ; paper tiger ;go to one’s external rest ;the long sleep ;see Marx ;go west ;go to heaven ;. Literal Translation and Free TranslationFree Translation :an alternative approach generally used to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without tryingto copy its sentence patterns or figures of speech.E.gTo be crude and careless with big branchesand large leavesTo take advantage of every weakness, poke into everynook and corner to get into every hole. Literal Translation and Free TranslationAdam’s apple ; at sixes and sevens It rains cats and dogsDo you see any green in my eye. Literal Translation and Free Translation More Examples1 Little fish does not eat big fish2 There’s no pot so ugly it can’t find a lid /3 What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!Literal Translation and Free Translation word for word translation How are you? * How old are you? * He is lying on his backheart flower angry open[to be wild with joy; to be elated; to feelexuberantly happy; to burst with joy ]. Literal Translation and Free TranslationDifference between word-for-word translation andliteral translationWord-for-word translation: translate word by word without making any adjustment, starchy, stiff,unintelligible unacceptable, unqualified translationLiteral translation: make some necessaryadjustment; smooth, clear & natural. Can havealmost the same feeling as the SLR acceptable, good translation. Literal Translation and Free Translation Free translation wishful translation toadd or delete the content of the original,or add personal emotion Literal Translation and Free Translation Relationship between literal translation andfree translationComplementary, instead of contradictoryLiteral translation and free translation may bealternatively used in the process of translationLiteral Translation and Free Translation1 Don't lock the stable door after the horses has been stolenLiteral translation: ,Free translation:2 Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly personbeautiful, nor it is a way to make social problem evaporate Literal translation: ,Free translation: Literal Translation and Free Translation3 Literal translation: There are no waves without wind Free translation: There's no smoke without fire Literal Translation and Free TranslationSome sentences can only be translated freely Our son must go to school. He must break out of thepot that hold us in.Literal translation:Free translation:. Literal Translation and Free TranslationWhen to use free translation?1. When it is difficult to understand if translatedliterally;2. When literal translation can not express thedeep meaning of the original;3. When idioms can be usedLiteral Translation and Free Translation1 Maybe Kino has cut off his own head and destroyed himself Literal translation: * Kino Free translation: Kino2 Cast pearls before swine Literal translation: *Free translation:3 Barbara was born with a silver spoon in her mouth Literal translation: *BarbaraFree translation: Barbara Literal Translation and Free TranslationHow to use them properly and proficiently know source language and target language cultureas much as possible and have extensive knowledgewith the problems which the original wrote ortalked about comprehend source language message correctly andthoroughly practice makes perfectLiteral Translation and Free TranslationDomestication / Foreignization vs. Free / LiteralTranslationFree / Literal Translation is on the linguistic levelDomestication / Foreignization is more concerned with the cultural level?? targetl anguage“ ”?? sourcelanguage Literal Translation and Free Translation All roads lead to RomeTo teach one’s grandmother to eat eggs:show off one’s proficiencywith the axebefore Lu Ban, the master carpenterTranslation Techniques1. Text Types2. Translation Purpose3. Socio-cultural ConstraintsPractice1. He was a dead shot. However, he met hisWaterloo this time 2. After the failure of his last novel, his reputationstands on slippery ground 3. He carried his age astonishingly well 4. She'd never again believe anything in trousers 5. Nixon was pleased by the distinction, but notoverwhelmed 6. "I'll have Lisa where I want her. "7. Yet China was a land of constant surprise andshifting impression.。
• Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为鸡 首,不为牛后。
• Some prefer turnips and others pears. 萝卜白菜,各有所爱。(比译为“有人喜欢萝卜, 有人 喜欢梨”更能为中国读者所理解和接受。 )。
The time was 10:30, and traffic on the street was light. 10点30分的时候,街上来往的车辆稀少了
• 套译就是借用汉语成语来翻译。由于文化 背景不同,原文的形象有时不符合中国习 俗,如直译出来寓意就会颇为费解,或原 文的形象引起另一种联想,从而影响到原 文意思的准确传达,这时大多可以采用套 译。英汉习语形异义似时,有时可采用这 种译法 。例如:
There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the north. 从全国各地来的人中有许多是北方人。
There are many people who want to see the film. 许多人要看这部电影。
• 单词的分译即拆词,将难译的词从句子主干中 拆离出来,另作处理,这种方法常常引起句式 上的调整,英译汉中要拆译的词常常是形容词 和副词。如:
• He unnecessarily spent a lot of time introducing his book, which the student are familiar with. 他花了很长时间介绍这本书,其实没有必要, 因为学生们对它已经很熟悉了。
将长句拆分成若干个短句,按 照中文的表达习惯重新排列,
在翻译长句时,尽量保留原句 的结构和语序,避免过多的改
根据中文的表达习惯,适当增 减词语,使得译文更加流畅自
根据中文的表达习惯,适当调 整语序,使得译文更加符合中
例如,将英文中的“I want to go to the movies”翻译为“我 想去看电影”,将动词“want”
例如,将英文中的“She is beautiful”翻译为“她很漂亮”, 将形容词“beautiful”转换为名
保留原文的文化元素,尽可能 地传达原文的文化信息。
根据原文的大意进行翻译,适 当调整原文的表达方式,以符 合目标语言的表达习惯。
将原文的发音直接转换成目标 语言的发音,保留原文的音韵 美感。
借用目标语言中已有的表达方 式来传达原文的文化信息。
在增译和减译的过程中,要确保译文准确地传达了原文的含义,不能随意添加或删除内容 ,以免造成误解或信息的遗漏。
增译和减译要保证译文的流畅性,使读者能够顺利地阅读和理解。在增译时,要注意添加 的词语或句子与原文的逻辑关系和语义连贯性;在减译时,要确保省略的部分不会影响读 者的理解。
Translate the following into Chinese
The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music and by psychologists and "human-relations" experts; 这种润滑作用是靠 增加工资、改善厂房的 通风状况及播放轻音乐, 以及通过心理学家 的疏导和人际关系专家的指导完成的.
Translate the following into Chinese
In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and "humanrelations" experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue and the white collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.
no enjoyment.
Example 3
• 周末和女友逛水果店, 她挑最红最大的买,生 怕春色不够似的;我则 逗留在顶边上的柜台, 那儿不起眼地堆着我一 个冬天未见的青苹果。
• what can be equivalent and what can not?
• Last weekend my girl friend and I visited one fruit shop. She laid her hands on the biggest and the reddest, as if she had not had enough of the color of spring, whereas I stayed before the farthest counter where green apples were piled inconspicuously, which I had missed for the whole winter.
• 本公司生产的地毯美 丽大方、光彩夺目, 富丽堂皇。
• The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent.
• 目标的轻重缓急、孰 • Target priorities should 先孰后应该仔细研究、 be very carefully 认真考虑和反复推敲。 studied.
• How about using very serious?
Example 2
• 其实中年人是人生盛 • In actual fact, middle
华的开始,不应贪懒, age represents the
prime of one’s life,
1.2 汉语:意合语言 汉语属于分析性语言,或称为意合语言,汉语注重意 形契合而不注重形态或形式,不强调思维赋形与语言时 必须恪守某种以动词形态为主轴的形式程式,句中的语 法关系主要靠语序排列和虚词来实现,句子结构就像一 根竹子,层次分明,严密紧凑。所以,翻译过程中必须 注重意合和形合之间的转换。 6. 学习政治——政治学习 7. 我去上海——我去过上海 8. 天净沙· 秋思
And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point in a couple of hours, has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions, because of the stiff resistance that gets in the way.
4. Brindley had begun on his own account, out of interest, to survey the waterways that he traveled as he went about his engineering projects for mills and mines. 5. His body was perfect, alive with easy suppleness and health and strength. 6. I was addicted to fitness, tennis, golf, curling, hunting and fishing. 7. It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January.
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Many chemical reactions need heat to make them take place.
在科技英语中,在系动词后作表语的形容词常常 转译成汉语的动词。
Organic compounds are not soluble in water.
有机化合物不溶于水。 The design of surface water sewers is
dependent on rainfall intensities and the extent of catchment area(汇流区). 地表水的下水管设计取决于降雨强度和汇流区的 大小。
莫斯科的决策者觉得汇入咸海的两条河流用于灌溉中亚 沙漠区的棉田更有价值,已经决定牺牲掉咸海。
3.专业(professional)——科学性,严谨性,使用 专业术语,不能说行外话。
例:The possible technologies for the separation of the panel and funnel glass in a CRT(Cathode Ray Tube), the removal of the fluorescent coatings from the panel glass and the recycling of the IC(Integrated Circuit) board are presented in this study.
翻译 是用一种语言把用另一种语言表示的内容准确
无误地重新表达出来,翻译不是原文的翻版或者复 制,从某种意义上来说是原文的再创作。其目的是 使不懂原文的读者能够了解原文所表达的科技内容。
1.2 专业英语翻译的要求
普通英语翻译的要求:“信、达、雅”。 ——严复
英语常用后置定语及定语从句,汉语习惯把定语成分 放在修饰的对象前面。
Pollution of the oceans destroys plant life that produces oxygen, and such pollution might eventually reduce the oxygen content of the air we breathe.
英语中大量由动词派生的名词或具有动作意义 的名词以及动名词往往可在汉语中转分子) structure is possible by means of X-ray diffraction(衍射).
Moscow’s planners had decided to sacrifice the Aral sea(咸海), judging that the two rivers feeding it could be put to more valuable use irrigating(灌溉) cotton in the central Asian desert. (因果)
英语里介词很多,而汉语里介词很少,作用也没 有英语中那么多。英语介词多与名词结合构成介词短 语,作句子中的各种附属成分。在翻译时,许多介词 可以翻译成动词。
Tertiary treatment(三级处理) consists of disinfection(消毒) with Cl2 and flocculation(絮凝) with alum(明矾). *
1.2 专业英语翻译的要求
1. 信(true)——忠实,译文和原文是等义的,译文在 内容上准确无误地传达原文的真实含义。
例:Rubber is not hard; it gives way to pressure. give way 撤退,让路,退让,屈服
2.达(smooth)——流畅,通顺,符合中文表达 的习惯,不能逐词死译。 科技英语常用被动语态,汉语习惯用主动态。
例:Measures have been taken to diminish air pollution.
已经采取了一些措施来减小空气污染。(被 动句译成主动)
海洋污染破坏了产生氧气的植物生命,这样的污染 可能最终降低了空气中我们呼吸的氧的含量。
Engine revolution(转数) should not exceed the maximum permissible.
英语习惯将传递主要信息的主句前置,后接若干个有次 要信息的分句。汉语则常按时间和逻辑顺序由先到后、 由因到果、由假设到推论、由事实到结论这样排列。因 此,这就需要对英语的句子通过分解和重组等变通手段 进行灵活处理。
第二章 专业英语翻译技巧
词性转化的译法 词序转变的译法 被动语态的译法 后置定语的译法 长句的译法
1.1 转译为汉语动词
英语句子中常靠词形变化来表达动作的意思;汉 语没有词形变化,重动态描写,所以汉语动词用 得多,表达意思时往往借助动词,按时间及逻辑 顺序交代。在英译汉时,英语中许多意思都可以 用汉语的动词来表达。
panel glass 屏玻璃(面板玻璃);funnel glass 锥 玻璃(漏斗玻璃)
本研究介绍了分离CRT的屏玻璃和锥玻璃、去除屏玻 璃的荧光涂层和回收集成电路板的可行技术。
❖ 掌握一定的专业词汇量 ❖ 具备科技知识,熟悉所翻译专业 ❖ 了解中西方语言的习惯,以及科技英语翻译技巧