
Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient "sage".他的言论和生平活动记录在《论语》(The Analects)一书中。
His words and life story were recorded in The Analects.《论语》是中国古代文化的经典著作,对后来历代的思想家、文学家、政治家产生了很大影响。
An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius.不研究《论语》,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。
Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years' traditional Chinese culture.孔子的很多思想,尤其是其教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。
Much of Confucius' thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society.在21世纪的今天,孔子的学说不仅受到中国人的重视,而且也越来越受到整个国际社会的重视。

新标准大学英语综合教程2课后题翻译答案(英译汉,汉译英)题目答案新标准大学英语综合教程2课后翻译答案 Unit 11 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。
( give rise to; form an alliance with; launch; bring about)Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The Opposition formed analliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.2 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。
( shrink; gone are the days; a means to an end)Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and the students are becoming more and more practical. Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as anend rather than a means to an end.3 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。

This femous sicienst will lecture at Peking University on global climate change and pubilc policy.
4 鲍勃需要控制自己,不能贪玩和浪费机会了。
2 在大城市里生活一段时间以后,他发现自己已经很难再适应乡村生活了。
After living in a big city for a whlie ,he found that it was hard for him to be conditioned to a rural life again.
3 他渐渐意识到没有人能够对这件事做出一个令人信服的解释。
It gradually dawned on him that no one would come up with a convincing explanation this incident.
4 人们想当然的认为苦干有助于成功。
It is taken for granted that hard work contributes to success.
1 一定要先确认把邮票贴牢了,再把信封投到信箱。
Make sure the stamp is firmly attached to the letter before you drop it into the maxbox.
2 很多青少年痴迷网络游戏,这会对他们的身心健康造成损害。
5 他以专心从事慈善事业而闻名。
He distingushes himself by committing himself to doing in 带来的巨大威胁。

大学英语新六级汉译英专项练习(附答案及解析)(-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1大学英语新六级汉译英专项练习(附答案及解析)一、汉译英应试原则和基本程序(一)汉译英应试原则手法灵活(如遇难译之处,换用其它相近说法表达)语法正确(避免时态、语态、单复数等语法错误)内容忠实(必须把原文的内容准确而完整地表达出来,不得有任何歪曲、遗漏或增删)语言闪光(译文符合英语表达习惯,且用词准确、多样)(二)汉译英基本程序1.理解通读并透彻理解原文含义2.翻译确定译文句子的时态、句型、结构和用词3.审校首先检查译文是否正确地转述了原文内容,是否有错译和漏译;其次,检查是否有语言上的明显错误,如时态、语态、单复数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等。
二、汉译英专项练习一、倍数增减的表示法Force N1 _______________(比力N2大2.5倍).This substance _______________(反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍).The earth _______________(是月球大小的49倍).The landlord _______________(想将租金提高三分之一).They _______________(计划将投资增加一倍).二、时态Be quick, _______________(否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就已经结束了). When she got home, _______________(孩子们已经睡着了).When I prepare for the college entrance examination, _______________(我姐姐将在海边度假).I_______________(一上午都在修改我的简历).Do you often go on holiday _______________(不,我已经有五年没有度假了). He joined the army in October, 2001. _______________(他参军已五年了).三、被动语态The blackboard and chalk _______________(正在被电脑和投影机所取代).The book _______________(到今年年底就将已出版).Computer models _______________(可以用来演示细胞工作的方式).When the bill of fare was brought, _______________(我惊呆了,价格大大超出了我的预料)._______________(必须立即采取有效措施)to eliminate sandy storms.四、情态动词The phone is ringing, _______________(但是没人接听。

We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience/receive us the next day.2)我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。
I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.3)学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。
Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far.4)看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。
It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking.5)在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。
Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts.6)该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。
The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.Unit4有时,倒霉的事儿似乎会到处跟随着你。

大学英语教材课后翻译答案Unit 1: Cultural Diversity1. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) 中国有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。
China has a long history and a splendid culture.(2) 他们是在一个友好的氛围中相互交流的。
They are communicating with each other in a friendly atmosphere.(3) 这本书包含了很多关于中国传统文化的信息。
This book contains a lot of information about Chinese traditional culture.(4) 我认为学习一门外语是一个很好的机会,可以了解不同文化。
I think learning a foreign language is a great opportunity to understand different cultures.(5) 我最喜欢的传统艺术形式是京剧。
My favorite traditional art form is Peking Opera.Unit 2: Communication and Technology1. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) 你可以通过电子邮件发送这份文件。
You can send this file via email.(2) 我们可以利用社交媒体与朋友保持联系。
We can keep in touch with friends through social media.(3) 网络的发展改变了我们的生活。
The development of the Internet has changed our lives.(4) 在互联网上,我们可以找到几乎所有我们需要的信息。

大学英语教材汉译英答案Unit 1: Introduction to English StudiesSection 1: Introduction to Language StudiesIn this section, we will explore the fundamental concepts of language, including its definition and characteristics. Language can be defined as a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar. It serves as a tool for social interaction and cultural expression. Understanding language is crucial for students studying English.Section 2: History of EnglishThis section provides an overview of the historical development of the English language. It traces the origins of English from Old English to Middle English and Modern English. Students will learn about important events and changes that shaped the language, such as the Norman Conquest and the Great Vowel Shift.Section 3: English Phonetics and PhonologyIn this section, students will delve into the study of English sounds and pronunciation. They will learn about phonetics, which focuses on the physical production and perception of speech sounds, as well as phonology, which deals with the ways in which sounds function in a particular language. Through exercises and practice, students will enhance their pronunciation skills.Section 4: English GrammarGrammar is an essential component of language learning. In this section, students will study the structure and rules of English grammar. They will explore various grammatical aspects, including tenses, verb agreement, sentence structure, and parts of speech. Understanding grammar is crucial for effective communication in English.Section 5: Vocabulary and SemanticsBuilding a strong vocabulary is essential for language proficiency. In this section, students will learn strategies for expanding their English vocabulary. They will explore word formation, word meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and collocations. Students will engage in activities aimed at improving their lexical skills.Section 6: English Pragmatics and Discourse AnalysisPragmatics and discourse analysis focus on the study of language in context. In this section, students will examine how language is used to accomplish specific communicative goals. They will explore conversational implicature, speech acts, politeness, and discourse markers. Students will develop an understanding of effective communication strategies.Section 7: English as a Global LanguageThis section explores the global significance of the English language. Students will examine the spread of English around the world and its impact on culture, politics, and economics. They will explore the concept of World Englishes and the challenges and opportunities of being a global English speaker.Unit 2: Reading and Writing SkillsSection 1: Reading Comprehension StrategiesEffective reading comprehension is essential for academic success. In this section, students will learn various strategies for understanding and analyzing written texts. They will practice skimming, scanning, and close reading techniques. Students will also develop critical thinking skills through interpreting and evaluating texts.Section 2: Academic Writing SkillsAcademic writing is a crucial skill for university students. This section focuses on developing students' writing abilities. They will learn about essay structure, thesis statements, paragraph development, and coherence. Students will also practice different types of academic writing, including descriptive, argumentative, and expository essays.Section 3: Writing Research PapersResearch papers are common assignments in university courses. In this section, students will learn how to conduct research, gather relevant sources, and integrate them into their own writing. They will also develop skills in citing sources and creating a bibliography. Students will engage in the process of writing a research paper from start to finish.Section 4: Critical Reading and WritingCritical reading and writing involves analyzing and evaluating texts. In this section, students will learn how to assess arguments, identify biases, and evaluate evidence. They will also develop skills in constructing well-reasoned and persuasive written arguments. Students will practice critical reading and writing through engaging with various texts.Section 5: Reading and Writing for Specific PurposesReading and writing for specific purposes require specialized skills. In this section, students will explore how to read and write in specific contexts, such as business, literature, and science. They will learn genre conventions and strategies for effective communication in different fields. Students will practice adapting their reading and writing skills to meet specific purposes.Section 6: Advanced Reading and Writing SkillsThis section focuses on advanced reading and writing skills for more proficient English learners. Students will engage with authentic texts, explore complex language structures, and develop their critical analysis skills. They will practice writing extended essays and conducting in-depth textual analysis.Section 7: Literature and Creative WritingThe study of literature and creative writing is an integral part of English studies. In this section, students will explore literary genres, analyze literary devices, and engage in creative writing exercises. They will examine classic and contemporary works of literature, develop skills in literary analysis, and enhance their own creative writing abilities.Unit 3: Listening and Speaking SkillsSection 1: Listening Comprehension StrategiesEffective listening skills are crucial for communication. In this section, students will learn strategies for improving their listening comprehension. They will practice note-taking, predicting content, and identifying mainideas. Students will also develop their ability to understand spoken English in various contexts, such as lectures, interviews, and conversations.Section 2: Speaking Skills and PronunciationDeveloping speaking skills and pronunciation is essential for effective verbal communication. In this section, students will practice spoken English, focusing on fluency, accuracy, and intonation. They will engage in interactive speaking activities, such as role-plays, debates, and presentations. Students will also work on reducing pronunciation errors and improving their oral communication skills.Section 3: Listening and Speaking in Academic ContextsListening and speaking in academic contexts require specific skills. In this section, students will learn strategies for participating in academic discussions, debates, and presentations. They will practice active listening, expressing opinions, asking questions, and delivering effective presentations. Students will develop their ability to communicate academically in English.Section 4: Listening and Speaking for Business CommunicationEffective communication skills are crucial in the business world. In this section, students will focus on listening and speaking skills for business contexts. They will learn how to conduct business negotiations, participatein meetings, and deliver professional presentations. Students will develop their ability to communicate effectively in English in a business setting.Section 5: Listening and Speaking for Everyday LifeListening and speaking skills are essential for daily communication. In this section, students will focus on practical listening and speaking skills for everyday life situations. They will learn how to engage in conversations, express opinions, give directions, and interact in social settings. Students will practice listening and speaking in various real-life scenarios.Section 6: Listening and Speaking for Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural communication involves understanding and interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. In this section, students will develop listening and speaking skills for intercultural communication. They will learn about cultural differences in communication styles, non-verbal communication, and adapting to different cultural norms. Students will practice effective communication in intercultural contexts.Section 7: Listening and Speaking for Academic PresentationsAcademic presentations are common in university settings. In this section, students will learn strategies for delivering effective academic presentations. They will practice organizing information, using visual aids, and presenting confidently in front of an audience. Students will enhance their academic presentation skills in English.注意:本文根据题目要求使用了大学英语教材的章节和小节标题的描述方式,并不是真实的教材章节内容。
大学英语 汉译英课后答案

Part II Translation from Chinese into EnglishDirections: Translate these sentences into English.1. 他走得慢是因为他腿有毛病。
2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。
3. 他确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。
4. 现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。
5. 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。
6. 在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。
7. 昨天我去牙科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。
8. 事物的发展从根本上讲是由内因决定了。
9. 条条道路通罗马。
10. 我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘记把书带来了。
11. 我差点儿接受他的建议。
12. 离婚可不是儿戏/离婚这档子事可不能等闲视之。
13. 缺乏信心导致了他的失败。
14. 面对严重的疾病,她表现出了巨大的勇气。
15. 我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。
16. 他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。
17. 学习语言不仅仅是记单词的问题。
18. 她一旦决定了什么事,没有人能阻止她。
19. 要符合我们船长定的标准将会很困难。
20. 这位科学家称这一发现为这个领域中最令人兴奋的新发展。
21. 我所能说的是我们十分抱歉。
22. 在很多情况下,只有规定还不行。
23. 由于他的智慧和勤奋,他极有可能成功。
24. 她瞪着我好像不认识我似的。
25. 据报道,昨天的车祸有三人受伤。
26. 他这样对待我使我很生气。
27. 病人今天早晨的情况同昨天差不多。
28. 今晚我想呆在家里不出去。
29. 你会看到我现在说的会成为现实。
30. 这个讲座那么无趣,以致有一半的学生都睡着了。
31. 失业问题与新技术的发展密切相关。
32. 他的外貌变化那么大,你很可能认不出他了。
33. 这个城堡的历史可以追溯到14世纪。
34. 她从来没有给他们做过任何事,而他们为她做了所有能做的事情。
35. 他们认为他事本场比赛表现最出色的球员之一。

大学英语四六级汉译英及答案In China, the College English Test (CET) is a standardized language proficiency exam that measures the ability of students to comprehend English. The CET was first introduced in 1987, and since then, has become an essential requirement for individuals who wish to continue their higher education studies in China. The exam comprises two sections: listening and reading, with each section consisting of 50 multiple-choice questions.In addition to the CET, there are also two other English proficiency exams that students can take: the TEM (Test for English Majors) and the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). The TEM is designed for students studying English as a major in college, while the IELTS is an internationally recognized exam that measures an individual's ability to use English in academic and professional settings.One of the most challenging sections of the CET is the translation section, where students are required to translate a passage from Chinese to English. For the CET-4 exam, the passage is usually around 200 words, while the CET-6 passage is around 250 words. The translation section tests the student's ability to understand Chinese grammar and sentence structures and to effectively communicate the ideas presented in the passage in English.In preparation for the exam, students are encouraged to read extensively in English and to practice translating Chinese passages into English. There are also many resources available online, such as practice exams and study materials, to help students prepare for the test.To give an example of a CET translation passage, I will provide a sample passage from the CET-4 exam:原文:假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Jim来信说他很忙,没有时间学汉语了。

英语翻译第一章1.Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left w ithout a word.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们间那场争执就此结束2.The guest at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the com manding tone of the American.出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点以外3.Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了4.While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone re mained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.当全部乘客都向出口处走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好象不愿意离开这架飞机似的5.The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人6.While she felt like joining in t he argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口7.What do you think is the likel iest time to find him at home?你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他8.The hunter’s face (was) lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among th e bushes and run in the direction of/ make for the trap he had laid.猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下的陷阱方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情英语翻译第二章1.It was suggested at the meet ing that a committee of 11 be ap pointed to make a new constitutio n.会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程2.By making on-the-spot observ ation, the young scientist obtaine d first-hand information they need ed in their research work.这些青年科学家通过现场观察,获得了研究工作所需的第一手资料3.It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.他很可能会因视力不好而被拒收入伍4.The committee members hav e conflicting opinions as to the b est location of the new airport.委员会成员在新机场最佳选址这一问题上持有不同意见5. Henry’s works of art are superior in many respects to those of his br other’s.亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面比他兄弟的要好6. The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to th e improvement of our equipment.我们产品质量的稳步提高在很大程度上是由于设备有所改进7. Jim would have preferred to a ct on his own judgment, but he d idn’t because as a soldier he had to obey the order.吉姆本想按照自己的判断行事,但他没有这样做,因为作为军人他得服从命令8. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city wit hout bikes or one without cars. I should not hesitate amoment to prefer the latter.如果让我来决定我们是要一个没有自行车的城市呢,还是要一个没有汽车的城市,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者英语翻译第三章1. She got a post as a cashier a t a local bank. But she was soon fired because she proved to be incompetent.她在当地一家银行找到一份出纳员的工作,但不久因不称职而被解雇了。

大学英语精读(预备级)汉译英答案全Unit1text A Translation1.这个小男孩最喜欢做的事就是搭积木What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks.2.就先前的工作经验而言,约翰是这个职位的最佳候选人.In terms of previous working experince, John is the best choice for this position.3.我的物理老师经常使用类比来说明一些较难理解的概念My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts.4.在家人和朋友的帮助下,汤姆经营的出版企业逐渐兴旺起来With the help of his family and friends, Tom built up his publishing business bit by bit.5.琳达没能进入那所著名的大学,但她打算重新开始,而不是逃避挑战Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge.6.这个公司有着很好的公众形象。
This company has a very good public image. People always associate its product with high quality and good service.Unit2text A Translation1.孩子们很苦恼,因为他们的家长不允许他们在铁路轨道旁玩耍The children were pretty annoyed that their parents won’t allow them to play around the railway track.2.我打赌我只要速度快一点,肯定会比他们先到目的地I bet if I pick up a little speed I will reach the destination sooner than they do.3.这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动You don’t want to go out in such rotten weather. It’s better for you to stay at home and stretch your legs and do physical exercises.4.已经十点半了,你不应该还在睡觉!快赶到飞机场去接你弟弟!It’s half past ten, and you’re not supposed to be sleeping! It’s time to head for the airport to pick up your cousin.5.是谁想到让麦克来接管这项工程的?Who came up with the idea to ask Mike to take over the Project.6.学校对不同种族背景的学生没有区别对待。

1. The novel was adapted into a movie.2. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint.3. The professor's lecture was both informative and engaging.4. The government has implemented new policies to combat climate change.5. The artist's work has been exhibited in several international galleries.二、翻译下列句子,将中文翻译成英文。
1. 这部小说被改编成了电影。
2. 该公司致力于减少其碳足迹。
3. 教授的讲座既富有信息量又引人入胜。
4. 政府实施了新的政策来对抗气候变化。
5. 这位艺术家的作品已在几个国际画廊展出。
The rise of digital technology has transformed the way we communicate, work, and live. It has opened up new opportunities for businesses to reach global markets and has also created a more connected world. However, it has also brought about challenges such as data privacy andcybersecurity.将以下中文段落翻译成英文。

大学英汉互译试题及答案一、单句互译(共20分)1. 请将下列英文句子翻译成中文。
(每题5分,共10分)(1) The rapid development of technology has changed theway we live.(2) The professor's lecture was so profound that it was difficult to understand.2. 请将下列中文句子翻译成英文。
(每题5分,共10分)(1) 随着科技的快速发展,我们的生活方式也发生了巨大的变化。
(2) 教授的讲座内容非常深奥,很难理解。
二、段落互译(共30分)1. 请将下列英文段落翻译成中文。
(15分)In recent years, the impact of climate change has become increasingly apparent. Extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, and storms, are occurring more frequently and with greater intensity. These events not only disrupt daily lifebut also have significant economic and social consequences.2. 请将下列中文段落翻译成英文。
三、篇章互译(共50分)1. 请将下列英文短文翻译成中文。
(25分)The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. It has made the world a smaller place by connecting people across vast distances. However, the proliferation of misinformation online poses a significant challenge. It is crucial for individuals to develop critical thinking skills to discern the truth amidst the noise.2. 请将下列中文短文翻译成英文。

大学英语 精读COLLEGE ENGLISH总主编 董亚芬BOOK 3上海外语教教育出版社第三册课文汉译英答案第一单元课文汉译英:1.|发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。
| The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2. |杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。
|Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3. |随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。
(confirm)|The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again.4. |我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。
|I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5. |令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。
|To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.6. |少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。
|A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7. |如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。

⼤学英语精读预备级汉译英答案⼤学英语精读(预备级)汉译英答案全Unit1text A Translation1.这个⼩男孩最喜欢做的事就是搭积⽊What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks.2.就先前的⼯作经验⽽⾔,约翰是这个职位的最佳候选⼈.In terms of previous working experince, John is the best choice for this position.3.我的物理⽼师经常使⽤类⽐来说明⼀些较难理解的概念My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts.4.在家⼈和朋友的帮助下,汤姆经营的出版企业逐渐兴旺起来With the help of his family and friends, Tom built up his publishing business bit by bit.5.琳达没能进⼊那所著名的⼤学,但她打算重新开始,⽽不是逃避挑战Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge.6.这个公司有着很好的公众形象。
This company has a very good public image. People always associate its product with high quality and good service. Unit2text A Translation1.孩⼦们很苦恼,因为他们的家长不允许他们在铁路轨道旁玩耍The children were pretty annoyed that their parents won’t allow them to play around the railway track.2.我打赌我只要速度快⼀点,肯定会⽐他们先到⽬的地I bet if I pick up a little speed I will reach the destination sooner than they do.3.这种糟糕的天⽓让⼈不想出去,你还不如在家舒展⼀下筋⾻,做做运动You don’t want to go out in such rotten weather. It’s better for you to stay at home and stretch your legs and do physical exercises.4.已经⼗点半了,你不应该还在睡觉!快赶到飞机场去接你弟弟!It’s half past ten, and you’re not supposed to be sleeping! It’s time to head for the airport to pick up your cousin.5.是谁想到让麦克来接管这项⼯程的?Who came up with the idea to ask Mike to take over the Project.6.学校对不同种族背景的学⽣没有区别对待。

翻译:(汉译英)限量版咯咯!1. 这座房子在地震中损毁严重,汤姆花了不少钱来修它。
The house was badly damaged in the earthquake, and Tom spent a lot of moneyrenovating it.2. 正如史蒂夫·乔布斯所指出的,不断摸索一直都是苹果模式的一部分。
As Steve Jobs noted, trial and error has always been part of the Apple model.3. 如果你总是无所事事,最后结果会怎样呢?当然是失败If you are idling around all the time, what will you wind up with? Of course, failure.4. 别犯错———现在可是关键时刻,谨慎是永远不会错的Don’t make a blunder—it is a critical time now, and caution will never be wrong.5. 你不要为难自己,毕竟你是个新手。
You shouldn’t beat yourself up; after all, you are a green hand.1.政府正努力改善公众的住房条件。The government is striving for improvements in public housing.2. 这五个圆环被认为象征了五大洲:欧洲、亚洲、非洲、大洋洲以及美洲。The five rings are thought to symbolize the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America.3.他父亲淡淡地一笑,试图要他放心,一切都安然无恙。
His father smiled weakly in an attempt to reassure him that everything was all right.4. 他的沉默实际就是拒绝。

[答案] He can not only play ping-pong well, but also play the piano well.[解析] not only…but also…的用法。
[题干] 由于天气不好,飞机不能按时起飞。
[答案] Because of/Due to the bad weather the plane won’t/can't take off on time.[解析] because of/due to,“ 由于”[题干] 我们想知道她是否会出席这个音乐会。
[答案] We are wondering whether she will attend/come to this concert.[解析] be wondering whether 的用法。
[题干] 由于2008年的奥运会,北京发生了重大变化。
[答案] Due to/Because of 2008 Olympic Games, great changes in Beijing/great changes have taken place in Beijing. [解析] due to/because of, take place 的用法。
[题干] 她和我都不知道为什么经理昨天没有来上班。
[答案] Neither she nor I know why the manager didn't come to work yesterday.[解析] neither... nor...的用法。
[题干] 与同事们和睦相处对我来说很重要。
[答案] It's important for me to get along with the/my colleagues.[解析] it is important for sb. to do sth. 的句型,以及get along with 的用法。

UNIT 11.When I knew the details I realized that I should not have lost my temper in the office.2.I don’t / didn’t know Bob very well, but we go / went out for an occasional drink together. 3.The meeting is supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we have to postpone it / put it off. 4.Our government took action to bring / get all the Chinese in that country back to China. 5.Including weekends, there are only 12 more days to buy Christmas presents / gifts. 6.Without immediate action, many kinds / species of wild animals would die from hunger.UNIT 21That song always reminded her of the night she spent in Chicago.2There happened to be a policeman on the corner, so I asked him the way.3All flights to New York today are / were delayed because of the bad weather.4Whoever is responsible will have to pay for the damage.5When I got home I found my briefcase missing. I must have left it somewhere in the hotel.6By the time he had worked 30 years in the middle school, the number of students had increased to over 2,000.UNIT31You won’t get the job unless you’ve got the experience.2I spent most of my time studying the differences between Chinese and American cultures.3The statement is so clear that it can’t cause any misunderstanding.4He wishes he could give her more help than he does.5Remember to invite her to the birthday party, or she would complain.6“You have to add $2,500 for equipment purchase / buying equipment to the cost,” said the director.7It is essential to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and the environment you are in. 8You will soon find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everybody.UNIT71 My friend said she would consider making a donation to the school.2 I suggest he think carefully about it before he makes any decisions.3 John is likely to come to the party tomorrow.4 It is not enough to have only theoretical knowledge. We should learn how to put theory into practice.5 You shouldn’t have gone back to the burning building—you might have been badly / seriously burned.6 It had never crossed my mind that there might be a problem.7 Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making friends.UNIT 91 The topic of the speech was announced a week in advance, but the name of the speaker was not.2 It seemed incredible that some students played football just before the exams.3 Mr. Auden is a happy man, who derives pleasure from helping others.4 Most people are aware of / have realized the need to reduce energy consumption.5 First of all, you must have clear goals and then a practical plan.6 I’m not accustomed to such luxury. It’s a waste of money.7 The results of the exam will be put up on Friday afternoon.8 Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out in the name of science.。

1、A friend of mine from high school is working in England now我高中的一个朋友目前在英格兰工作2、This place has plentiful material resources这个地方的物质资源是丰富的3、I hope we can have some snow this winter我希望今年冬天会下点雪4、Life is meaningless without a purpose没有目标的生活是毫无意义的5、there is large amount of energy wasted due to friction.由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量6、Look out the window it’s still raining tlday!看窗外,今天还在下雨7、Want time do you go swimming every day?你每天何时去游泳8、Do you think you can do it by yourself?你认为你自己可以单独干完这件事吗?9、We should encourage him to have confidence in himself我们要鼓励他对自己要有信心10、most students feel satisfied with the progress they’ve made大多数学生对自己所取得的进步感到满意11、you and your team can discover the answers to problems together你和你的团队能够一起找到问题的答案12、Our textbooks are very different from theirs我们的教材与他们的教材很不一样13、I would appreciate it if you would just let me deal with this case如果你能让我独自处理这桩案件,我将不胜感激14、I’ve lost interest in my work我对这份工作已经失去了兴趣15、He was very happy to hear from his old friend他很高兴收到他的老朋友的信16、The doctor had no choice but reach out to their colleagues across the nation那个医生别无选择,只能向全国的同行救助17、I rang your house last night but your mother answered the phone我昨夜给你家里打电话,但接电话的是你母亲18、In an age of plenty, we feel spiritually hungry在这个物质材富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴19、Who can help me clean the room?谁能帮我打扫房间?20、All that glitters is not gold闪光的未必都是金子21、the students are encouraged to do more listening reading and writing by their teacher 老师鼓励学生多听、多读、多写22、A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用23、The Olympic games is an international sports event that takes place every four years奥林匹克运动会是国际性的体育会,每四年主办一次24、she likes to help any one who is in difficulty.她乐意帮助任何一个有困难的人25、This box can hold more books than that one这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书26、john and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant. 尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同27、Do you have access to the Internet你能上网吗28、Trees need water to grow树木有水才能生长29、I slept soundly all night我整夜睡得很熟30、ted and William have lived under the same roof for five years .泰德和威廉已经在同一个屋檐下生活了五年了。

新标准大学英语综合教程3课后翻译答案Unit11 对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。
(map out; brace oneself for; uncertainty)Students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university. Some think they should have a definite goal and detailed plan, so as to brace themselves for any challenges, whereas some others think they don’t have to think much about the future, because future is full of uncertainties.2 经过仔细检查,这位科学家得知自己患了绝症。
( tick away; make the best of; have a shot at)After a very careful check-up, the scientist was told he had got a fatal disease. Although he knew that his life was ticking away, instead of complaining about the fate, the scientist decided to make the best of the remaining days, and speed up the research project he and his colleagues initiated, and have a shot at completing it ahead of schedule.Unit21 在火车站上,有一位老人给我讲述了他参加解放战争的经历,那些战斗故事对我有着极大的吸引力。
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Unit 4Translation1、接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意。
To take this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn’t mind2、众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。
It is well know that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much.3、我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。
My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lived in their neighborhood.4、我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史斯密教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。
I propose that we go to find Prof. Smith in his office right after the meeting and invite him to our English evening5、她因那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。
Having been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weakened that she could barely stand up6、教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。
Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study.7、我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法来。
I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this.8、乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的的确观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作。
At first glance the picture didn’t l ook very good, but after examining it carefully we found that it was indeed a masterpiece.Unit 5Translation1、史密斯医生从窗口望出去,突然看到一个年轻人正向他的诊所奔来。
Looking out of the window, Dr. Smith caught sight of a young man running towards his clinic.2、艾米过去除了咖啡什么都不喝。
Amy used to drink nothing but coffee.3、迈拉得知丈夫在事故中受了伤便哭了起来。
Myra broke into tears when she learned that her husband had got injured in an accident.4、我们好几天没有看见怀特小姐了。
她是病倒了还还是怎么了?W haven’t seen Miss White for quite a few days. Has she fallen ill of somethi ng?5、研究所所长亲自查明一切都没有问题。
The director of the research institute came in person to make sure that everything was all right.6、伦尼今天早晨上学又迟到了。
Lennie was late for school again this morning. He ought to /should have got up earlier. He must have stayed up too late last night7、嗨,你不应该把那些孩子赶跑。
Say you oughtn’t to have driven away those kids. They came to lend you a hand, not to make trouble.8、对护士来说,坚持这项规定是很重要的。
It is important for nurses to stick to this rule.Unit 6Translation1、据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。
It was reported that the building of the railway had been held up by a flood.2、罢工结果,资方接受了工人的要求。
The strike resulted in the management accepting the workers’ demands.3、煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件举行罢工。
The coalminers decided to go on strike for better working conditions4、我很想买下这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。
I’d like very much to buy the English dictionary Unfortunately , I haven’t got enough money on me.5、我想先和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。
I’d like to talk over with you the English translation of the article before sending it to Mr. Hobbs.6、那位外国专家希望在三年内达到所有的目标。
The Blacks happened to be at the cinema when their house caught fire.7、一个科学家要跟上本领域的新发展,你认为必须做些什么?What do you think a scientist must do in order to keep up with the latest developments in his field?8、作者认为,如果优秀工人经常得到加薪和提级,他们就会有更大的生产积极性。
The author thinks that if excellent workers get frequent pay increases and promotions, they will have greater incentive to produce.Unit 7Translation1、萨姆买不起他极想要那种照相机,因为那相机太贵了。
Sam could not afford (to buy) the camera he longed for because it was too expensive.2、整个上午他都在忙惊天动地写那篇故事,只是偶尔停下来喝杯茶。
He was busy writing the story all the morning , only breaking off occasionally to have some tea.3、他是个富人家的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。
He is the son of a wealthy family, but he seems to have come down in the world.4、他常利用她缺乏(lack)生意头脑(business sense)而欺骗她。
He often took advantage of her lack of business sense to cheat her.5、王教授,请您赏光来参加我们星期六的英语晚会好吗?Prof. Wang , would you do us a favor by coming to our English evening this Saturday?6、看外表他一点也不像是个八十多岁的老人。
He does not seem to be an old man in his eighties, considering his appearance.7、他们肯定没打算把他培养成一名工程师,我猜想他们永远也不会这样做。
Undoubtedly they do not have the intention of making an engineer of him, and I suspect they never will.8、我怀疑这家工厂什么质量控制也没有。
I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found it was indeed the cases.Unit 8Translation1、她弯腰捡起手帕在桌子上把它弄平。
She stooped to pick up the handkerchief and smoothed it out on the table.2、他那句话的含意是他想在政府部门找个工作。
The implication of his statement is that he'd like a job in a government department.3、她停顿了一会,用一块小手帕擦了擦嘴,然后又继续给我们讲衬衫厂里发生的事情。
She paused a moment, wiped her mouth with a small handkerchief and then went on to tell us what had happened in the shirt factory.4、亚当斯先生发现他十三岁的儿子正从他的皮夹子里偷钱大为震惊。
Mr. Adams was greatly shocked to find his 13-year-old son stealing money from his wallet.5、“请不要打断我,”亚当斯先生对妻子说:“我正在跟汤姆谈他刚才做的事情。