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1. —Who’s _______ woman in red over there?

—Tu Youyou,_______ excellent scientist in our country.

A. the; a

B. the; an

C. 不填; an

D. 不填; a

2. A 90-minute documentary about Confucius was screened on CCTV ______Friday night.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

3. — Which of the shirts do you like better?

—I’ll take _____. They are expensive and out of fashio n.

A. neither

B. either

C. none

D. both

4. —Do you know ________ Mr. Li went to see the new film “The Mermaid” ?

—I’m not sure. I only remember it was a Saturday.

A. when

B. how

C. why

D. whether

5. — What took you so long?

— I got lost. I have no _________ of direction.

A. feeling

B. ability

C. knowledge

D. sense

6. —We’ll visit the Summer Palace_______ there is a heavy rain tomorrow.

— OK! Boating on the lake must be great fun.

A. unless

B. since

C. until

D. if

7. It’s said that there are plenty of rooms in Tyrant King (土豪金)Hotel in Haian.

There ____________ be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay.

A. oughtn’t

B. shouldn’t

C. needn’t

D. mustn’t

8.My little cousin is a (an)_____boy and he always stays up late but gets up early.

A. creative

B. curious

C. energetic

D. organized

9. —Are you going to the City of Sansha(三沙市)for vacation?

—Yes. I want you to ________ me with some information about it.

A. offer

B. provide

C. show

D. give

10. — What should we do for the disabled children in the Children’s Home?

— You are supposed to ______ a study group to help them

A. take up

B. fix up

C. set up

D. stay up

11. —When shall we go to watch the basketball match?

—Tomorrow, only if the work ________.

A. will be finished

B. is finished

C. finishes

D. has finished

12. — Our school is so big. We must clean it up as soon as possible.

—Don’t worry. ________.

A. Better to be safe than sorry

B. It’s raining cats and dogs

C. Each dog has its day

D. Many hands make light work

13. —Can you understand what I said, Ben?

—No problem. I can _______ follow you.

A. slowly

B. easily

C. hardly

D. probably

14. —Shall we watch the popular TV programme “Super Brain” now?
