
分类词汇homoge neous同质的homo + gene +ous(<> hetero geneo us)^ homo***ual, hetero***ual mainst ream主流主流的dialec t 方言 (v.s. accent)discre pancy差异miscon cepti on 误解 (mis + concep t + ion)= misund ersta ndingbarrie r 障碍(物)~ bar, = barric adediscri minat ion 区别,歧视raci al/***ual discri minat ion? discri minat e (+agains t)hierar chy 等级制度he ir + arch(govern) + yinsula rity岛国性质 (? insula r, ^island)Britis h indust ry has oftenbeen critic izedfor its lingui sticinsula rity.microc osm 小天地 micro+ cosm(os)nostal gia = homesi cknes spatrio t 爱国者 (<> traito r)à patrio tic, patrio tismnotori ety 恶名 (? notori ous)counte rpart对应人,对等物Who’sGeorgeBush’scounte rpart in China?^ counte rcult ure, counte rbala ncepeer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)subord inate下级下级的<> superi ortactic s 战术,技巧v.s. strate gy (战略,策略)market ing strate gy v.s. sellin g tactic snuance a subtle differ encein meanin gcompat riot同胞同胞的com + patrio tvernac ular本地的,本国的本地话,本国话the vernac ularlangua ges of IndiaHispan ic An Americ an whosefirstlangua ge was Spanis himmigr ation移入~ immigr ant, immigr atev.s. emigra tion (~ emigra nt, emigra te)antipo des Any two places or region s on diamet rical ly opposi te sidesof the Earth“fromNorthAmeric a to the Antipo des”permea te 渗透,弥漫Smok e permea ted the house.entrep reneu r 企业家 (~ enterp rise)à entrep reneu rshippracti tione r 开业者,从业者pra ction(practi ce) + ercelebr ity a famous person= lumina ry, VIPproxy代理人anecdo te 轶事 (à anecdo tal)benchm arkin g 类比分析punctu al 准时的,守时的 (à punctu ality)absent eeism旷工abse nt à absent ee à absent eeismflexti me 弹性工作时间flex(flexib le) + timeharass骚扰 (à harass ment)Mary said that Gary had ***uallyharass ed her.redund ancy冗余,冗员netw ork redund ancydownsi ze 裁员 (~ lay off)ballot投票(= vote)impart ial 不偏不倚的(<> partia l)lobby大堂(n.) 游说(v.)dubbin g 配音录制vogue时尚^ chicbizarr e 奇异的v.s. weird(怪异的)medioc re 平庸的dietit ian 饮食学家 (~ diet)connoi sseur行家,鉴赏家^ entrée, a la carteshortl ist (BE) a list of applic antswho have been deemed suitab le and from whichthe succes sfulperson will be chosen à (v.)equili brium平衡,均衡questi onnai re 调查表,问卷quanti tativ e 定量的 (<> qualit ative)contin gency偶然性,偶然事件incur招致incu r debts/hatred/danger v.s. occur, concur, recurethica l 伦理的,符合伦理的~ ethics, <> unethi caldubiou s 疑惑的,可疑的 (~ doubt)People were dubiou s aboutthe result.manife stati on 显示,证明 (? manife st)subtit le 字幕,副标题(sub + title)^ subsid iary,submar ine, subway(BE: underg round, tube), suburb(~ downto wn, uptown, outski rts考博英语翻译中可能涉及的热点词汇总裁助理assist ant presid ent综合治理compre hensi ve treatm ent安居工程housin g projec t for low-income urbanreside nts信息化inform ation-based;inform ation izati on智力密集型concen trati on of brainpower;knowle dge-intens ive外资企业overse as-funded enterp rises下岗职工laid-off worker s分流reposi tionof redund ant person nel三角债chaindebts素质教育educat ion for all-rounddevelo pment豆腐渣工程jerry-builtprojec ts社会治安情况law-and-ordersituat ion民族国家nation state台独"indepe ndenc e of Taiwan"台湾当局Taiwan author ities台湾同胞Taiwan compat riots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。

考博词汇总表(10000词汇完整版)abate [ə'beit] v.减轻,减退;废除aberrant[æ'berənt] a.畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的ablate [æb'leit] v.切除,摘除abortion[ə'bɔ:ʃən] n.流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折abrade [ə'breid]v.擦伤;磨损abscess ['æbsis] n.脓肿abstain [əb'stein] v.戒、避免;弃权abstinence ['æbstinəns]n.节制;禁欲absurd [əb'sə:d]a.荒唐的accent ['æksənt, æk'sent] n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号v.加重读accessory[ək'sesəri] n.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶a.附属的,附加的accordance [ə'kɔ:dəns] n.一致,给予accountant [ə'kauntənt] n.会计accuse [ə'kju:z]v.谴责,指控,告发achromatopsia[ə,krəumə'tɔpsiə] n.色盲acidosis[,æsi'dəusis] n.酸中毒acknowledge[ək'nɔlidʒ] v.承认;致谢acknowledgement [ək'nɔlidʒmənt] n.承认,感谢;收到的通知acne ['ækni] n.痤疮,粉刺acoustic [ə'ku:stik]a.声学的;听觉的acquaint[ə'kweint] v.使认识,使了解,通知acupuncture ['ækju,pʌŋktʃə, ,ækju'pʌŋktʃə] n.针刺,针刺疗法addict [ə'dikt,'ædikt] v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾n.有瘾的人,吸毒成瘾adduce [ə'dju:s]v.引证;提出adequate['ædikwit] a.足够的;恰当的admonish[əd'mɔniʃ] v.告诫advisory [əd'vaizəri] a.咨询的,劝告的advocate['ædvəkeit, 'ædvəkət] n.拥护者,提倡者v.拥护, 提倡aerobic [,eiə'rəubik] a.需氧的afebrile [æ'fi:brail]a.无热的affection[ə'fekʃən] n.爱;感情;病afferent ['æfərənt] a.传入的affiliate [ə'filieit, ə'filiit, -eit]v.使附属;隶属affinity [ə'finəti]n.亲和力;密切关系afflict [ə'flikt] v.使苦恼,折磨aggressive [ə'ɡresiv]a.爱寻衅的,侵略的;有进取心的agile['ædʒail] a.敏捷的,灵活的agitate ['ædʒiteit]v.搅动;激动, 焦急不安agony['æɡəni] n.苦恼,痛苦ague ['eiɡju:]n.疟疾;寒颤alga ['ælɡə]n.水藻,海藻alleviate [ə'li:vieit]v.减轻(痛苦),缓和alliance [ə'laiəns] n.联盟,同盟,联合,联姻allowance [ə'lauəns] n.允许;津贴,补助(费) v.定量供应alloy ['ælɔi, ə'lɔi]n.合金v.合铸allude[ə'lju:d] v.暗指,提到allure [ə'ljuə] v.引诱,吸引almighty [ɔ:l'maiti]a.全能的;n.全能的神alphabet ['ælfəbit]n.字母表aluminum[ə'lju:minəm] n.铝alveolus [æl'viələs]n.小窝,牙槽;肺泡amateur ['æmətə, ,æmə'tə:]a.业余的n.业余爱好者ambassador [æm'bæsədə]n.大使ambient ['æmbiənt]a.周围的,包围着的;环境的ambiguous [æm'biɡjuəs]n.模棱两可的ambulance ['æmbjuləns]n.救护车ambulant ['æmbjulənt]a.走动的;适宜于下床活动的ameliorate [ə'mi:ljəreit]v.改善,改良,转好amenable[ə'mi:nəbl] a顺从的,有义务的; 经得起检验的amend [ə'mend]v.改正,修正;改好amiable ['eimjəbl]a.亲切的,和蔼可亲的amid [ə'mid] prep.在…中,在…当中ammonia [ə'məunjə] n.氨ample['æmpl] a.充分的,富裕的;宽敞的amputate ['æmpjuteit]v.切断,截(肢)amuse [ə'mju:z]v.逗…笑,给…以娱乐,给以消遣amusement [ə'mju:zmənt]n.娱乐,消遣,娱乐活动analogue ['ænəlɔɡ]n.类似物a.类似的analogy [ə'nælədʒi] n.类似,相似;比拟; 类推analysis [ə'næləsis]n.分析,解析analyze ['ænəlaiz]v.分析,分解anatomy [ə'nætəmi]n.解剖学ancestor ['ænsestə]n.祖宗,祖先ancestral [æn'sestrəl] a.祖先的,祖传的ancestry ['ænsestri] n.祖先,家世ancient ['einʃənt]a.古代的,古老的n,古代人,老人anemia [ə'ni:miə]n.贫血症anesthesia [,ænis'θi:ziə] n.感觉缺失;麻醉anesthetic [,ænis'θetik]a.麻木的n.麻醉剂anguish['æŋɡwiʃ] n.极度的痛苦v.感到极度痛苦anhydrous [æn'haidrəs] a.脱水的,无水的animate ['ænimeit, 'ænimət] v.使有生气,使活泼;激励animation[,æni'meiʃən] n.生气,活泼,兴奋;动画片annoy [ə'nɔi]v.使烦恼,使生气,打搅annoyance [ə'nɔiəns]n.烦恼,烦扰anonymous [ə'nɔniməs]a.匿名的anorexia [,ænə'reksiə]n.食欲缺失;厌食anoxia [æ'nɔksiə]n.缺氧(症)antacid [,ænt'æsid]n.解酸药,抗酸剂1antenna[æn'tenə] n.触角;天线antibiotics[,æntibai'ɔtiks] n.抗生素(抗菌素) anticipate[æn'tisipeit] v.预料,预期;抢…之先;提前使用antifebrile[,ænti'fi:brail] a.退热的n.退热药antique[æn'ti:k] a.古时的,古式的; n.古物,古玩antiseptic [,ænti'septik]a.防腐的,抗菌的n.防腐剂;抗菌剂antitoxin[,ænti'tɔksin,-si:n, -sin] n.抗毒素antiviral[,ænti'vaiərəl, ,ænti'vairəl] a.抗病毒的antivirus[,ænti'vaiərəs] n.抗病毒素,反病毒程序anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]n.挂念,焦虑;渴望appalling[ə'pɔ:liŋ] a.令人震惊的,骇人听闻的apparatus[,æpə'reitəs] n.器械,仪器,装置,器官apparent[ə'pærənt] a.明显的;表面的;貌似的appendicitis [ə,pendi'saitis]n.阑尾炎appendix[ə'pendiks] n.附录;阑尾appetite ['æpitait]n.食欲,胃口,要求,欲望applaud [ə'plɔ:d]v.喝彩,鼓掌,称赞applause[ə'plɔ:z] n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞,赞成appliance[ə'plaiəns] n.器具;用具;器械appoint [ə'pɔint]v.任命,委派;约定appointment[ə'pɔintmənt] n.约会,约见;任命,选派appraisal[ə'preizəl] n.估价,评价appraise [ə'preiz]v.估价,评价,鉴定appraiser [ə'preizə]n.评价人,鉴定人appreciable[ə'pri:ʃiəbl] a.可以估计的,可以看到的appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]v.感激,感谢;评价,欣赏,赏识appreciation [ə,pri:ʃi'eiʃən]n.欣赏,鉴赏正确评价;感谢,感激appreciative[ə'pri:ʃiətiv] a.有眼力..的,有欣赏力的; 感激的apprehend [,æpri'hend]v.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘押;畏惧,忧虑approach [ə'prəutʃ]v.接近,走近n.途径,方法,探讨appropriate[ə'prəuprieit, ə'prəupriət] a.适当的,恰如其分的vt.占用,拨出approval [ə'pru:vəl]n. 赞同,批准approve [ə'pru:v]v. 赞成,同意,批准,审定,通过approximate [ə'prɔksimit]a. 近似的,大约的,v.近似,接近apron['eiprən] n.围裙v.用围裙围住apt [æpt]a.恰当的,贴切的;聪明灵巧的;易于…的,有…倾向的arbitrary['ɑ:bitrəri] a.任意的,专横的,武断的arch[ɑ:tʃ] n.拱,拱门,弓形结构,半圆形v.使成弓形,拱起archaeology[,ɑ:ki'ɔlədʒi] n.考古学architect ['ɑ:kitekt]n.建筑师architectural [,ɑ:ki'tektʃərəl]a.关于建筑的,建筑上的architecture['ɑ:kitektʃə] n.建筑,建筑学ardent['ɑ:dənt] a.热情的,热烈的;强烈的,烈性的arduous ['ɑ:djuəs]a. 艰巨的;勤奋的arena [ə'ri:nə]n. 竞技场地argue['ɑɡju:] v. 辩论,争论;主张,论证argumentation [,ɑ:ɡjumen'teiʃən]n. 推论, 论证; 争论, 辩论, 辩论文armament['ɑ:məmənt] n. 军队, 武装力量; 军械; 武器, 备战aroma[ə'rəumə] n. 芳香; (艺术品的) 风味; 韵味arrangement [ə'reindʒmənt]n.整理,排列,布置,安排,准备;商定,调解array [ə'rei]v.使排列成阵势;装扮n.列阵;衣服,盛装arrest [ə'rest]n.逮捕,拘留;vt.逮捕,阻止,吸引arrhythmia[ə'riðmiə] n.心律不齐;心律失常arrogance['ærəɡəns,-si] n.骄傲自大,傲慢arrogant ['ærəɡənt]a.骄傲自大的,傲慢的artery['ɑ:təri] n.动脉,干线arthritis [ɑ:'θraitis]n.关节炎articular[ɑ:'tikjulə] a.关节的articulate [ɑ:'tikjulət, ɑ:'tikjuleit]v.接合;清晰地发出音来;a.接合起来的;关节联接的ascertain[,æsə'tein] v. 查明, 弄清, 确定aseptic [æ'septik]a.无菌的; 防腐的; 冷漠的ashamed [ə'ʃeimd]a.惭愧的, 害臊的asphyxia[æs'fiksiə] n.窒息aspirate['æspəreit, 'æspərət] v.吸出;抽出n.送音器,抽出物assassinate [ə'sæsineit]v.暗杀,行刺assault [ə'sɔ:lt]v./n.袭击,攻击assemble[ə'sembl] v.集合,集会;装配,组装assembly[ə'sembli] n.集会,会议;装配assert[ə'sə:t] v.断言,宣称assertion [ə'sə:ʃən]n.主张,断言,维护assess[ə'ses] v.估价,评价assessment [ə'sesmənt]n.估价,评价asset ['æset]n.财产;宝贵的人(或物)assiduity[,æsi'dju:əti] n.刻苦,勤奋assign [ə'sain]v.分配,委派,指定assignment[ə'sainmənt] n.分配,委派,任务,(课外)作业assimilate[ə'simileit] v.吸收;同化assistance[ə'sistəns] n.帮助,援助assistant[ə'sistənt] n.助手,助教associate [ə'səuʃieit, ə'səuʃiət, -eit]v.联想,联系,联合,交往,n.合作人,伙伴,同事,adj.同伙的,副的association [ə,səusi'eiʃən, ə,səuʃi'ei-]n.协会,团体;联合,联系,交往,交际;联想assort[ə'sɔ:t] v.把…分类;为…配备各种物品asthma ['æsmə, 'æz-]n.气喘,哮喘astonish [ə'stɔniʃ]v.使惊讶,使吃惊astound [ə'staund]v.使震惊,使大吃一惊2astronaut['æstrənɔ:t] n.宇航员astronomy [ə'strɔnəmi]n.天文学asymmetric(al) [,æsi'metrik,-kəl]a.不对称的;偏位的atrium ['ɑ:triəm]n.心房atrophy['ætrəfi] n.萎缩,虚脱atropine['ætrəpin, -pi:n,-pin] n.阿托品attach[ə'tætʃ] v.贴上,系上,附上; 使依附,使属,使依恋attachment [ə'tætʃmənt]n.连接物,附属品附件;依恋attempt[ə'tempt] v./n.试图,努力attendant [ə'tendənt]n.服务员a.在场的;护理的;伴随的attenuate[ə'tenjueit, ə'tenjuit, -eit] v.变细(小);减弱减毒; 稀释attic['ætik] n.顶楼,屋顶室attorney [ə'tə:ni]n.辩护律师attract [ə'trækt]v.吸引,招引,引诱attraction[ə'trækʃən] n.吸引(力),吸引人的事物attractive[ə'træktiv] a.有吸引力的,有魅力的,动人的atypical [, ei'tipikəl,-ik]a.非典型的;不规则的;不正常的auction['ɔ:kʃən] v. /n. 拍卖audible ['ɔ:dəbl]a.听得见的audience n.['ɔ:diəns]听众,观众;谒见,会见audiometer [,ɔ:di'ɔmitə]n.听度计,听力计auditorium [,ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm]n.礼堂;听众席augment[ɔ:ɡ'ment, 'ɔ:gmənt] v.扩大;增长aural ['ɔ:rəl]a.听觉器官的;耳的auscultate ['ɔ:skəlteit]v.听诊auspice ['ɔ:spis]n.预兆,先(前)兆;吉兆Austria ['ɔstriə]n.奥地利authentic[ɔ:'θentik] a.可靠的,权威性的,有根据的,真正的authoritarian[ɔ:,θɔri'tεəriən] a.独裁主义的n.独裁主义者authoritative[ɔ:'θɔritətiv] a.有权威的,可相信的authority[ɔ:'θɔrəti] n.权力,威信,权威,权威者,(p1.)当局,官方authorize['ɔ:θəraiz] v.授权,委任;批准,认可autoclave ['ɔ:təkleiv]n.高压消毒锅autonomy[ɔ:'tɔnəmi] n.自治,自治权autopsy ['ɔ:təpsi]n.尸体解剖;尸检auxiliary [ɔ:ɡ'ziljəri]a.辅助的,从属的n.辅助者,补助者,助动词avail[ɔ:ɡ'ziljəri] v.有利,有益,有助availability [ə,veilə'biləti]n.可用性,有效性,可得性,可得到的人(或物)available[ə'veiləbl] a.可用的,可得到的,可达到的;有效的avenge[ə'vendʒ] v.替…报仇avenue['ævənju:] n.林荫路,大街;途径,手段avert [ə'və:t]v.转移,防止aviation [,eivi'eiʃən]n.航空;航空学;飞行术awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]a.粗笨的,笨拙的,不灵活的;棘手的,为难的,尴尬的axilla [æk'silə]n.腋(窝)bachelor['bætʃələ] n.单身汉;学土bacillus[bə'siləs] n.(芽胞)杆菌bacon ['beikən]n.咸肉,熏肉bacterial [bæk'tiriəl]a.细菌的bactericidal [bæk,tiəri'saidəl]a.杀菌的bacteriology[bæk,tiəri'ɔlədʒi] n.细菌学bacterium[bæk'tiəriəm] n.细菌badge['bædʒ] n.徽章baffle ['bæfl]v.使挫折,阻碍,使困惑n.迷惑;缓冲板;遮护物bait [beit]n.诱饵v.引诱bakery ['beikəri]n.面包房,面包店balcony ['bælkəni]n. 阳台balm [bɑ:m]n.香油,香脂;止痛药膏bankrupt['bæŋkrʌpt] n.破产者,丧失了名誉的人a.破产的v.使破产bankruptcy['bæŋkrəptsi] n.破产banner['bænə] n.旗(帜)banquet ['bæŋkwit]n.宴会v.宴请bar [bɑ:]n.棍,横木;障碍;酒吧v.栓上,阻挡,拦住,妨碍barbarian[bɑ:'bεəriən] a.野蛮人的,不文明的barber n.理发师barbiturate [,bɑ:'bitjurət]n.巴比妥盐bargain['bɑ:ɡin] v.讨价还价n.廉价货;交易,合同barley ['bɑ:li]n.大麦barn [bɑ:n]n.谷仓,仓库barrel['bærəl] n.桶;枪管,炮管barren ['bærən]a.贫瘠的,不毛的,不育的barrier ['bæriə]n.障碍,屏障batch[bætʃ] n.一批,一炉baton['bætən] n.棍棒;指挥棒;警棍battalion[bə'tæljən] n.营;部队;大队(的人)battery ['bætəri]n.电池(组);一套,一组bay[bei] n.海湾;a.赤褐色的BCG 卡介苗beak[bi:k] n.(鸟的)嘴;(器皿的)鸟嘴形口beam[bi:m] n.横梁;一束,一道v.(喻) 微笑;发射;发光bean[bi:n] n.豆,菜豆beancurd ['bi:nkə:d]n.豆腐beard [biəd]n.胡子behalf[bi'hɑ:f] n.利益;方面;支持behavior [bi'heivjə]n.行为,举止belly['beli] n.肚,腹部bellyache['belieik] n.腹痛belly-button n.脐belt[belt] n.带,腰带3benign [bi'nain]a.慈祥的,温和的;良性的beriberi [,beri'beri]n.脚气病berth[bə:θ] n.(车,船)卧铺;座位beset [bi'set]v.镶嵌;困扰;围绕bestow [bi'stəu]v.赠予,给予;花费;安置bet [bet]v.赌,打赌n.打赌,赌注betray [bi'trei]v.背叛,出卖;泄露,暴露beverage ['bevəridʒ]n.饮料bewilder [bi'wildə]v.使迷惑,难住bewilderment [,bi'wildəmənt]n.迷惑,混乱bias ['baiəs]n.偏见,偏心;倾向性;爱好Bible['baibl] n.圣经bibliography[,bibli'ɔɡrəfi] n.目录学;文献目录bicarbonate[bai'kɑ:bənit] n.碳酸氢盐bid[bid] v.命令,吩咐v/n.报价,投标bilateral[,bai'lætərəl] a.两边的,双侧的bile [bail] n.胆汁biliary ['biljəri]a.胆汁的bind [baind]v.绑,包扎,束缚binocular[bai'nɔkjulə, bi'n-] a.双眼的;双筒的n.双目镜bioactive[,baiəu'æktiv] a.生物活性的biochemistry [,baiəu'kemistri]n.生物化学biographer[bai'ɔɡrəfə] n.传记作者biopsy ['bai,ɔpsi]n.活组织检查,切片检查法biostatistics[,baiəustə'tistiks] n.生物统计学biotic[bai'ɔtik,-kəl] a.生命的;生物的biscuit ['biskit]n.饼干bit[bit] n.一片,一点,一些bite [bait]v./n.咬,叮n.一口bitter ['bitə]a.苦的,痛苦的bizarre[bi'zɑ:] a.稀奇古怪的,异乎寻常的blackmail['blækmeil] n./v. 敲诈;勒索bladder ['blædə] n.囊,膀胱blade[bleid] n.叶片,刀片,刀锋;剑blanch [blɑ:ntʃ, blæntʃ]v.漂白;使变白;使(植物)不见日光而变白;a.漂白的;银白色的blast['baiəu,blæst] v. 炸掉,摧毁n. 爆炸,一阵(风);管乐器或汽笛声blaze [bleiz]n. 火焰,火光v. 燃烧bleach [bli:tʃ]v. 漂白n. 漂白剂blend [blend]n.混合物v.混合blister ['blistə]n.水疱v.起疱bloat[bləut] v.肿胀;n.肿胀病人blonde [blɔnd]n.金发碧眼的人a.金发碧眼的blot[blɔt] n.污渍,污点blouse [blauz]n.女装衬衫;vi.宽松下垂blunder['blʌndə] n.大错v.犯大错;慌乱地走blunt[blʌnt] a.(迟)钝的v.使(迟)钝;减弱blur [blə:]v.弄脏;(使)模糊不清blush [blʌʃ]v. 脸红;羞愧boast [bəust] v.夸口,夸耀n.自夸,大话bold[bəuld] a.大胆的,冒失的bolt [bəult]n.螺栓,插销v.闩门;脱口说出bombard[bɔm'bɑ:d, 'bɔmbɑ:d] n.射石炮v.炮击;轰炸;攻击, 痛斥bond [bɔnd]n.结合;契约;债券bondage ['bɔndidʒ]n.奴役,束缚bonus['bəunəs] n.额外津贴,奖金boom[bu:m] n. 繁荣,激增,迅速发展boost[bu:st] v. 升;提高booster['bu:stə] n. 支持者;升压器,激发剂booth[bu:ð, bu:θ] n.电话亭,货摊border['bɔ:də] n.边界,边境v. 交界;近似;接近boredom['bɔ:dəm] n.厌烦,乏味,无趣bosom['buzəm] n.胸;内心;胸怀botanical[bə'tænikəl] a.植物学的,植物的botany['bɔtəni] n.植物学bounce [bauns] v.弹起,跳起;反跳bound [baund]v./n.跳,跳跃a.必定的boundary['baundəri] n.界线,边界bouquet [bu'kei]n.花束bout [baut]n.回合;较量;发作bow[bəu] v./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓;船头bowel['bauəl] n.肠;内部boycott['bɔikɔt] v./n.抵制bracelet ['breislit]n.手镯bracket['brækit]n.支架,托架; 括号v.把…括号内brake [breik]v./n.闸,刹车bran[bræn] n.麸;糠brass[brɑ:s, bræs] n.黄铜,铜器breach[bri:tʃ] n.破坏;破裂breakdown['breikdaun] n.故障;衰竭;崩溃breathtaking ['breθ,teikiŋ]a.惊人的,激动人心的breed[bri:d] v.生殖;繁殖;饲养;引起brew [bru:]v.酿造;调制;煎(药)bribe [braib]n./v. 贿赂bride[braid] n.新娘brilliant['briljənt] a.光辉的;卓越的brim [brim]n. 边,缘brink[briŋk] n. 边;边沿brisk [brisk] a. 活泼的;敏捷的bronchitis[brɔŋ'kaitis] n.支气管炎bronchus ['brɔŋkəs]n.支气管bronze [brɔnz]n.青铜;古铜a.青铜色的broom[bru:m] n.扫帚,金雀花;vt.扫除broth [brɔθ]n.肉汤、液体培养基bruise [bru:z]n.伤痕,青肿v.碰伤, 使成青肿brutal['bru:təl] a.残忍的,不讲理的;令人难受的buccal['bʌkəl] a.颊的;口腔的bucket['bʌkit] n.吊桶,水桶bud[bʌd] n.芽,花苞v.发芽,含苞欲放buffer['bʌfə] n.缓冲;缓冲剂;缓冲器v.缓冲bug[bʌɡ] n.虫,臭虫v.窃听bulge[bʌldʒ] n.v.肿胀;膨出;隆起(物)bumble['bʌmbl] v.犯大错;结巴地讲话;踉跄n.错误4buoy [bɔi, 'bu:i]n.浮标,救生圈bureau['bjuərəu] n.署,局burglar ['bə:ɡlə]n.窃贼burial['beriəl] n.埋葬,葬;埋藏bushel['buʃəl] n.蒲式耳butcher['butʃə] n.屠夫,卖肉者buttock ['bʌtək]n.屁股;臀部button ['bʌtən]n.扣子,按钮v.扣紧cabbage['kæbidʒ] n.洋白菜,卷心菜cable ['keibl]n.缆,索;电缆;电报,v. 拍电报cadre['kɑ:də] n.干部;基础结构;骨干cafeteria[,kæfi'tiəriə] n.自助餐厅cage[keidʒ] n.笼,鸟笼calamity[kə'læməti] n.灾害,祸患,不幸事件calcity v.钙化calcium['kælsiəm] n.钙calf [kɑ:f, kæf]n.小牛;腓;小腿callous ['kæləs]a.起老茧的;无感觉的;冷淡的callus['kæləs] n.老茧,愈合组织;v.起茧calorie ['kæləri]n.卡(热量单位)camphor['kæmfə] n.樟脑cancellation ['kænsə'leiʃən]n.取消,删除cancellous['kænsələs] a.网眼状的;多孔的candid['kændid] a.公正的, 正直的;坦率的candidate ['kændideit, -dət]n.候选人, 报考者cane [kein]n.茎;甘蔗;手杖vt.以杖击canine['keinain] n.犬齿canker['kæŋkə] n.溃疡;口疮cannula['kænjulə] n.套管,插管canteen [kæn'ti:n] n.食堂;小卖部canvas ['kænvəs]n.粗帆布,油画布capacitor[kə'pæsitə] n.电容器cape[keip] n.海角,岬;披肩capillary [kə'piləri, 'kæpi-]n.毛细血管capitalism['kæpitəlizəm] n.资本主义capitalist['kæpitəlist] n.资本家a.资本主义的capsule['kæpsju:l] n.胶囊;封壳;密闭小舱caption ['kæpʃən]n.(章节,文章等)标题;(图片的)解说词;(电影片)字幕capture ['kæptʃə] v.捕获,攻占n.俘虏,战利品carbohydrate [,kɑ:bəu'haidreit]n.碳水化合物;糖类carbonate['kɑ:bəneit] n.碳酸盐carcinogen [kɑ:'sinədʒən]n.致癌物carcinogenesis [,kɑ:sinəu'dʒenisis]n.致癌作用;癌发生cardiac ['kɑ:diæk]a.心脏的cardinal['kɑ:dinəl] a.主要的,基本的;深红的n.红衣主教cardiogram['kɑ:diəɡræm] n.心电图cardiology[,kɑ:di'ɔlədʒi] n.心脏病学cardiovascular [,kɑ:diəu'væskjulə]a.心血管的caries ['kεərii:z, -ri:z]n.龋;骨疡;骨疽carrot ['kærət]n.胡萝卜cart [kɑ:t]n.大车,手推车cartilage ['kɑ:tilidʒ]n.软骨cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n]n.草图;动画片cartridge['kɑ:tridʒ] n.弹药筒;子弹;软片,胶卷castor['kɑ:stə] n.蓖麻casual['kæʒjuəl] a.偶然的, 碰巧的;临时的,非正式的n。

博英语词组共同学习,请多补充!考博英语词组(1)a matter of 几(分钟,里路,块钱等)的事;大约,左右;是个...问题,事关... about of 即将;打算absent from 不在;缺席absorbed in 吸引;专心于...account for 说明(原因);解释;占...adhere to 粘附在...上;坚持,遵守;依附adjust to 调整以适应after all 还是;终于;毕竟aim of 瞄准;致力于...;旨在all but 几乎,差点;除...之外的全部all the while 一直地;始终all the more 更加越发all the same 尽管如此,仍旧allow for 酌量;考虑到and vice versa 反过来也一样anything/nothing but 一点也不/只是;仅仅是anything but 一点也不,决不是nothing but 只是,只不过是.apart from 除了;且不说appeal to 要求;上诉;引起...注意approve of 赞赏,同意;获准,认可around the corner 在拐角处;即将到来as a matter of course 当然,理所当然的(事)as a result/consequence 结果;因此as fellows 如下as for/to/regards 至于,说到就...而言/关于as it is (was) 实际上;按照原样as it were 似乎;实际上可以这么说;简直是;可谓as opposed to 和...相反;与...相对比as well 也...;和as/so far as 就...而言;至于; 到...程度;在...范围内ask after/for 问候,询问,探问/请求;找某人;要求at a stretch 不休息地,一口气地at a time 一次at all 一点也不,完全不(用于否定句)at (the) best/worst 顶多,充其量也不过/最坏也就是at (all) time 总是;无论何时,一直at a loss 不知所措at all/any cost(s) 不惜一切代价at all events 不管怎样,反正at any moment 随时at any rate 不管怎样;总而言之at first 起初;开始at first sight 乍一看,一见就at intervals (of) 不时,时时;每隔...at large 一般的;普遍的;详尽地;在逃;逍遥自在地at leisure 有空闲,闲着的;从容地,慢慢地at liberty 自由,有权(做某事);闲着at (the) most/least 至多/至少at stake 关系到...的得失;在危险中at that 就这样;而且at sea 茫然,不知所措at the mercy of 完全受...支配,听命于at the moment 此刻at the risk of 冒...的危险attach to 附上;贴上;使隶属attend to 处理,办理;照看,照料;注意,专心于back up 支持;倒退be bent on (upon) 一心想做(某事)be better of 处境更好;情况转好be bound to 肯定,注定;一定要; 决心be composed of 由...组成be concerned with 关于...,与...有关;参与...be determined to 坚定;坚决;决心be fed up with/about 对...厌烦了;讨厌be fit for 适合be inclined to 倾向于...;想要be obliged to (do) 被迫,不得不be obliged to 感谢be related to 与...相关的,同...有亲戚关系be/get tired/sick of 对...失去兴趣;厌烦be/get used/accustomed to 习惯于bear/keep in mind 记住;牢记bear on/upon 对...施加压力;与...有关;对...有影响before long 很快;不久以后blow out (使火)熄灭;(轮胎)爆裂blow up 炸毁;充气;放大(照片);勃然大怒boil/narrow down (to) 压缩成;归结为;简化为...break down (机器)发生故障;(计划,谈判等)失败;分析;分解;破除;战胜;(感情)失控,(身体)垮了break in 闯入;打断;训练;使驯服;使习惯于;break into 闯入;打断;突然开始...;突然...起来break out 突然暴发;逃脱break through 突破;冲破;克服;挤过break up 使粉碎;弄破;解散;结束;解体解散;中断;终止;(学校)放假使苦恼;恳(地) bring down 使垮台;失败;击落,打下;降低(物价,温度等)bring forward 把...提前;提议;建议;(会计)把(账目)结转到(次页)bring in 带来;引进;提出;挣得(报酬等);生产,产生;收获;(陪审团)下(判决)bring out 出版;上演;显露出;现出;使人有勇气开口bring up 抚养,教育;提出(问题等);呕吐bring/come/put/carry into effect 开始生效;实行build up 积累;聚集;增进(健康);增强(体格);确立(信誉);吹捧burn down 烧光;把...烧成平地burst out/into 突然发生;突然...起来,怒放but for 除...以外;如果没有by accident/chance (纯粹)偶然地;碰巧;无意by all means 务必,一定,千方百计by no means 决不,一点,也不by and large 大体上;基本上;总的说来by for 更加...得多;尤其;最...by means/way of 用;以;依靠(某种方法,工具,工艺等)/作为;当作;经由by reason of 因为;由于by the way 顺便说一句by virtue of 因;靠;由于;借助于call for 去接人;取(物件);要求;提倡call off 宣告终止;取消;(使注意力)转移开;放弃call on/upon 指名要(某人)去干(某事);请求;号召;动用call up 打电话;召集,召唤;征召(服役);使人回忆起;从计算机中调出(资料)calm/cool down 平静下来;使(人)冷静下来capable of (人)敢于;能...的;易于做出...的;(事)能...的;易...的care for/about 照顾;关照;喜欢;喜爱/关心;在意carry away 使激动得失去控制,使入迷,使倾倒carry back (to) 使回忆起carry forward 发扬;推进;转入下一页下期等carry off 夺走,诱拐;夺去...生命;获得(奖品等)carry on 继续;喧闹,起哄;从事;处理;经营;开展carry out 完成;落实;贯彻;实现;执行carry through 贯彻到底;度过难关;支持到底cast doubt (on) 使人怀疑change for the better/worse 改进;改善;好转/恶化;每况愈下change/speak one''s mind 改变决定或主意/直抒己见charge (sb.) with 使负...罪名;托付,使负担check in/out 签到;报到;办理(住宿,乘机等)手续;退房登记;办清手续后离开;检查,核对check up 体格检查;核对,检查clean up 扫除,清洗干净;收拾干净;搬空;肃清;扫除;clear away 消除;收拾clear up 整理;解决,澄清,说明白;转晴;变好close up 关闭;阻塞;(人)互相靠紧;(伤口)愈合come about 发生,(风等)改变方向come across (无意中)碰到,找到,想到come along/on 来呀;赶快;一道来;赞成;进步/赶快;登台;(病,痛苦)加重,加深;来临;接着开始come back 回到原来的(地方,话题等);突然想起;重新流行;恢复,复原,复苏;复辟come down 下降,跌价come down to 归根结底;实质上是;实际意味着come in 到来,出现;进入;兴起;到成熟期;上台执政;其作用come/get/keep in (to) contact/touch 与...联系,接触;交往come off 松开;脱落;剥落;(如期)发生;实现;奉行;应验come out 现出,露出;出版;发行;结果是...;取得(第...名);罢工;解答出来;消失褪去;源于;来自;发表,讲出come (a)round 来访;转而同意某看法;恢复知觉;苏醒come to (a standstill/an end/light/no harm/the rescue of) 苏醒过来;恢复知觉(停止/结束/发现;显露/无害;无碍/营救;救援)come up with/to 提出;赶上;达到...标准;到达;不辜负(众望)compete with/against 同...竞争;与...相匹敌;竞赛;竞争complain about/of 抱怨;叫屈;申诉;投诉/自诉有...病痛concern about 关心;担心count on 指望;期待(某人)相助critical of 对...持批评态度的;对...苛求的cross out 删除;划掉cut down 削减;减少;砍伐cut off 切断;截止;中断供应(疾病等)使(人)死亡;叫(人)闭口无言cut out 割掉;删去;戒掉;省掉cut short 剪短;削短;(突然)中止;打断;缩短;从简deal/cope with 办理;处理;对付;论述;与...打交道,做买卖,妥善;处理;对应付devote to 献身于...;致力于die away 消逝;减弱;渐息die down 平息;平静下来;熄灭die from/of 由于...而死/因(患)...而死,...死于die for 迫切想要(某物);渴望die off 相继死亡;绝种die out 熄灭,绝种,不复存do away with 除去;废除;干掉;杀死do/try one''s best/utmost 努力;尽力而为do/go without 没有也行do wrong/justice (to) 对待(某人)不公平;冤枉某人/逼真;出色;处置公道;公正对待draw back 退回,往后退;不履行draw in 拉入,吸人; (火车,汽车)进站,到达;吸收参加;(日子)逐渐变短;收(网);紧缩开支draw on 接近;靠近;临近;利用;依赖;凭借;(紧身衣物)穿,戴draw out 取出;拔出;(火车,汽车)缓缓开出;(白天)逐渐变长;拉长,延长;拟订draw up 起草;拟订;(使车、马)停下dress up 化装;装饰;打扮drop in (over) 顺访;串门drop off 睡着;(客人)一个个地散去;(兴趣等)减弱drop out 逃(学);离队出走dry up 干瘪;干涸;(思路等)枯竭engage in 从事;进行equal to 相等;相同;敌得过;担得起;胜任even if/though 即使;甚至every other 每隔...一(天、周等);所有其他except for/that 除...之外;只是fall back (on) 撤退;退缩(求助于;投靠;转而依靠)fall behind 落后;被甩在后面,拖欠fall on/upon 碰到,看到;降临;落到;袭击;适逢(日期)fall out (头发,牙齿)脱落;掉;掉下来;掉队;(队伍)原地解散;不和;吵翻了fall through 落空;失败famous for 以...著称,闻名;驰名far from 远离,远非;根本谈不上;决不是;差得远feel like 想做(某事);感到像是...的样子fill in 填写;填充;填满;对...提供最新情况;fill out/up 填写;长丰满,长胖;变粗装满;填写;充满;占掉(地方或时间)find fault (with) 找...岔子;挑剔find out 发现;找出;弄清楚;认识到;查明follow up 继而进行...;追踪,跟踪fond of 爱好;喜欢for all (that) 尽管;如此, 还是for ever/good 永久;永远for/in fear (of) 唯恐;以免为...而担心for the sake of 为了;为了...的好处,利益free of/from 不受...影响的;摆脱了...的from time (door/side) to time (door/side) 时时;不定期地(挨家挨户/左右摇摆;晃动)get across (使人)了解;讲清楚get/go ahead 赶过;胜过;有进展/开始;进行中;继续下去;走在前面,先走get around/round (to) 克服(困难);避开;(消息)传开;(终于有时间)做某事get at 够得着;拿得到;弄清,了解;意指,暗示get away (with) 逃脱;逃跑get/learn by heart 牢记,熟记;背得出get down (to) (使人)不快;沮丧;写下;咽下(to)开始认真做...get even (with) 报复,和...算账get/take/catch hold of 弄到手;掌握;了解;知道(去向)get in the way 妨碍,阻碍get off (with) 下车;出发;离去;不涉足,避开;脱下(衣服等);使免遭处罚get on (with) 相处;继续做;进行下去;顺利发展;上车;穿(衣);上年纪get out/into 离去;逃走;退出;出去;取出;拿出;拨出;出版;谈话吃力;(消息)走漏;泄露/进入;穿上;成癖;陷于;研究;从事于;变成get over 越过;恢复;完成,结束;克服(困难);解决难题get rid of 除去;丢弃;扔掉;摆脱;消灭get the better 胜过,超过;占上风;左右;支配get through 完成;到达;渡过;用光;(使人)明白;通过;接通(电话)get together 集会;聚会get up 起床;站起;举办;安排;化装;打扮get up to 到达;赶上give away 背弃;出卖;泄露;散掉,给掉(钱财)give in/way (to) 屈服;让步;递交;交上;让位于,转变为;听任支配give out 分发;分配;失灵;报废;用尽;耗光give rise to 引发;导致;产生given that 只要是,考虑到;假定,已知go after 寻找;追求go by 通过;经过;依照...行事;根据...的说法go down 去某地;下去;跪下;咽下;(日)落;(船)沉;病倒;垮台;(计算机)停机(故障) go down with 为...所接受,为...所相信,为...所心服go for 去(做某事);去请,去找,去拿;想要,愿做,喜欢;可应用于;赞成;被认为go in for 从事;参加(考试;竞赛);喜欢上(业余爱好)go into 调查;研究加入;从事;投入;进人...状态;撞车go off 离开;消失;昏过去;睡着;爆炸;爆发出;开始;(食品)变质;进行go out 出去;熄灭;公布,发表;过时,不再流行go over 越,渡,转向;仔细检查;仔细推敲go through 遭遇;经历;熬过;用光(钱);获准,通过go up 升高;提高;涨高;增长;盖起;建造起;被烧(炸)毁;(舞台幕布)拉起go with 连带;带有;伴随;与...匹配;同...协调grow away from 与...疏远起来grow from 由...长大,由...发展起来grow in 在...方面成长;增加(力量等)grow into 成长为,发展为grow on 使越来越感兴趣,渐渐成为习惯;加深对...的影响grow out of 由...产生;长高大了(衣服等)穿不上;抛弃;戒除(恶习)grow up 长大成人;成长;发展hand down (财产,技术或知识)往下传,传给(后人)hand in 交进来(去);交上去;递交;面呈hand out 派送;分发;(乱)给(批评,处分,忠告等)hand over/on to 捐赠;移交;让与;将...移交给;交出;将...送交,依次传递hang about/around 闲逛;转悠;观望/闲逛;缠(人);与...泡在一起hang back 畏缩不前;迟疑(不肯做某事)hang behind 迟迟不离开,落在后面hang on/to 稍等;坚持住;赖着不走;抱(推,抓)住不放hang out 晾衣服;居住,呆(在某处);停留hang together 团结合作,互相支持;一致,不矛盾hang up 挂起来;挂上话筒;耽搁,搁置have/give access to 得以进入;可以接近have/give an/the advantage over 比...占上风;有利/优于...have to do with 与...有关系hit on/upon 无意中找到;偶然想出hold back 犹豫(该不该做某事);阻止;阻碍;隐瞒;忍住hold in 抑制(情绪等),控制住hold on (to) 坚持下去;等一等;别挂电话hold on to 抓住不放hold out 坚持要求;坚持到底;守住;提出;伸出;主张;坚持;维持hold out for 坚持(得到...)而不肯妥协hold together (合在)一起;团结在一起hold up 举起;托住;支撑;使停滞;耽搁;提出;阻挡;列举,推举;(理论等)经得住hunt for 搜索;探求hurry up 赶快;快点if only 只要;哪怕;要是...就好了;真希望in a sense/way 在某种意义上;有一点儿/在某些方面;有几分;稍微in a word 总而言之;一言以蔽之in accordance with 照;根据;与...一致;合乎in addition (to) 加之;另外;除...之外又in advance (of) 比...先进;提前;提早;预先;事先;在...之前in any case/event 而且;总之;无论如何;好歹in case (of) 如果;万一;倘;以便;以防;以备;如有in charge of 主持;领导;主管...的;照看...的in common (with) 共同;相通;与...同样in conclusion 最后;总之in confidence 私下里;秘密地;暗中in conflict (with) 和...矛盾;和...发生冲突;与...相抵触in connection with 关于...;与...有关;有联系in consequence (of) 因此;结果;...结果;因为...的缘故in/by contrast/comparison to/with 与...对比;对照;和...大不相同/和...比起来;与相比in debt 负债;欠钱in defense 保卫;保护in detail 详细;详尽in disguise 伪装;乔装;假装;隐瞒;掩饰;假象;貌似in exchange for 交换;调换in favor (of) 支持;赞成;对...有利;偏向in force/effect 有效;生效;在实施中在有效期中/实际上;事实上有效;生效;在实施中in front of 在...的正对面;在...前边;对面;当...的面in general/particular 总之;大体上;一般;普遍/尤其;特别in honor of 向...表示尊敬;为祝贺...in (the) light of 考虑到;依照;根据in line 排队;排列;同意;准备就绪;按顺序; 受约束in control 由...控制;管理in office 执政;在位in/within sight 看得见;在眼前;在望;不远了in a way 有点;稍微;在某种意义上in a big/small way 大/小规模地in memory of 为纪念...in need/want of 需要;急需in order (that/to) 以便;为了in other words 换句话说;换言之in place of 代替;而不是;更换; 顶替in progress 在进行中;尚未完工in proportion (to/with) 和...成比例;和...相关;和in question 讨论中的;谈及的;争论中的in/with respect of/to 关于in return 回报;付给in search of 寻找;搜寻;查究in secret/private/public 私下;暗地/不公开; 私下;秘密地/当众;公开地in short/brief/sum 简言之;总之in spite of 虽然;不管;不顾;纵使in support of 维护...;支持...;证实...in that 因为in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下;考虑到这种情况in the course of 在...期间;在...的过程中in the end 最后;最终;结果;终归in the face of 面临;不顾(反对等)in the first place 起初;首先;早先(not) in the least/the least bit 一点(也不);丝毫(不); (常用于强调否定)in the long/short run 结果;最后/暂时:目前in the name of 在...的名下;以...的名义;为...的缘故in no/good time 立刻;马上,一转眼工夫;迅速地;恰好in vain 徒劳;无益in view of 鉴于;考虑到independent of 独立于...之外;不依赖...的;不受...支配的inform of 告诉;报告;通知insist (on/upon) 坚决主张;坚决要求;坚持认为;定要;坚持要instead of 代替;而不是interfere with 干涉;干预;妨碍;干扰;影响involve in 涉及;卷入;陷入;使进入;使连累join in 参加;加入jump to a conclusion 草率决定;贸然断定keep down 控制,限制,;低下;蹲下;躺下;压住;压制;镇压;忍住了呕吐;缩减keep from 隐瞒,瞒住;避开;使免于keep off 驱散;避开;防止,挡住;不接近keep on 继续...;不停地...keep to 恪守;遵守;遵循;按...办;坚持(做)keep to the (a) minimum 控制到最低限度;尽可能短(少)keep under control 控制(监视等)keep up (with) 跟上;赶上;保持;不落在后面;及时了解(情况)knock down 拆除;拆卸;打倒,撞倒;使减价knock off 下班,停止工作;减低,扣掉;匆忙做完(写完)knock out 敲出;击倒;击昏;使失效;匆匆做好;(药物)使入睡knock over 打翻know of/about 知道;听说lack of 不够;不足;没有laugh off 一笑置之;把...当儿戏lay down 放下;放弃(想法态度等);拟订(计划等);兴建;规定;制定lay off 暂时解雇;休息;休养lay out 展开;铺开;摆开;说明,表达(想法等);设计;布置;准备人殓lead the way 向导;领路;引路lead to 领;带;导向;通向;通往;导致;造成leak out 走漏(消息等);(水,煤气等)泄露lean on 对...施加压力;讹诈;逼迫;倚靠;依靠leave behind 抛弃;忘记带;把...拉下;落后leave out 遗漏;省去;删去;不考虑lead to 把...借给;把钱贷给;使...增添了...,使...有了let alone 更不用说;更别提let down 使(人)失望;放下;放(长)衣服;不支持let off 免除;放过;放掉(气);放(枪);引爆(炸弹);准许...暂时停止工作let out 释放;放走;放(水,气);出租(房屋);把(衣服)放大level off/out 稳定;持平;整平;弄平;水平飞行line up 排队;列队;整顿;排列整齐;排成行;安排妥当;与...站在一起live on/by 继续活着;靠...生活;以食...为生/按照或遵循...(准则)而生活;靠...过活live through 渡过;熬过live up to 配得上。

考博英语高频词汇详解01historical [hɪˈstɒrɪkl] adj.adj. (有关)历史的;有关历史研究的;历史学的#一、例句You must place these events intheir historical context.必须把这些事件同它们的历史环境联系起来看。
The building is of historicalimportance.这栋建筑有重要的历史研究价值。
#二、拓展同:historically 有关历史事件02hospitality [ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti] n.n. 好客;殷勤;(款待客人、顾客等的)食物,饮料,服务;款待构词:hospit 客人+ ality 状态,性质→好客#一、例句Thank you for your kind hospitality.感谢你的友好款待。
We were entertained in the company’s hospitality suite.公司款待我们住进他们的迎宾套间。
03host [həʊst] n./v.n. 主人;东道主;主办国(或城市、机构);(电视或广播的)节目主持人v. 主办,主持(活动);作为主人组织(聚会);做东;主持(电视或广播节目等)#一、常用搭配a host of 许多#二、例句Apart from my host, I didn’t know asingle person there.除了主人,那儿的人我一个也不认识。
The college is playing host to agroup of visiting Russian scientists.学院正在接待一批来访的俄罗斯科学家。
Germany hosted the World Cup finals.德国主办了世界杯决赛。
#三、拓展派:hostess 女主人04 household [ˈhaʊshəʊld] n.n. 一家人;家庭#一、例句Most households now own at leastone car.大多数家庭现在至少有一辆汽车。

全国博士入学考试英语词汇annoy;vt.使苦恼, 骚扰annual;n.一年生植物, 年刊, 年鉴adj.一年一次的, 每年的, 一年生的anonymous;adj.匿名的antenna;n.天线a;art.一n.字母Aabdomen;n.腹, 腹部abide;vi.坚持, 遵守vt.忍受, 容忍abound;vi.多, 大量存在, 富于, 充满abrupt;adj.突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的accessory;n.附件, 零件, 附加物, 从犯, 同谋者adj.附属的, 补充的, 同谋的, 副的accidental;adj.意外的, 非主要的, 附属的n.非本质属性, 次要方面acclaim;n.喝彩, 欢呼v.欢呼, 称赞accommodate;vt.供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳, 调和vi.适应accommodation;n.住处, 膳宿, (车, 船, 飞机等的)预定铺位, (眼睛等的)适应性调节, (社会集团间的)迁就融合accountant;n.会计(员), 会计师accumulate;v.积聚, 堆积accuracy;n.精确性, 正确度accurate;adj.正确的, 精确的accustomed;adj.通常的, 习惯的, 按照风俗习惯的acknowledge;vt.承认, 答谢, 报偿acquaint;vt.使熟知, 通知acquaintance;n.相识, 熟人acquire;vt.获得, 学到acquisition;n.获得, 获得物acrobat;n.(走钢丝的)杂技演员, 随机应变者, 翻云覆雨者activate;vt.刺激, 使活动vi.有活力actual;adj.实际的, 真实的, 现行的, 目前的acute;adj.敏锐的, [医]急性的, 剧烈addict;vt.使沉溺, 使上瘾n.入迷的人, 有瘾的人adequate;adj.适当的, 足够的adjacent;adj.邻近的, 接近的adjective;n.形容词adjoin;v.邻接, 毗连administer;v.管理, 给予, 执行administration;n.管理, 经营, 行政部门admission;n.允许进入, 承认某事之陈述, 供认adolescent;adj.青春期的, 青春的n.青少年adore;v.崇拜, 爱慕, (口语)喜爱advent;n.(尤指不寻常的人或事)出现, 到来advocate;n.提倡者, 鼓吹者vt.提倡, 鼓吹aerial;adj.航空的, 生活在空气中的, 空气的, 高耸的n.天线aesthetic;adj.美学的, 审美的, 有审美感的affiliate;v.(使...)加入, 接受为会员affluent;adj.丰富的, 富裕的agency;n.代理处, 行销处, 代理, 中介agenda;n.议程agent;n.代理(商)aggravate;vt.使恶化, 加重aggressive;adj.好斗的, 敢作敢为的, 有闯劲的, 侵略性的agitate;v.搅动, 摇动, 煽动, 激动agony;n.苦恼, 极大的痛苦aircraft;n.航行器aisle;n.走廊, 过道album;n.集邮本, 照相簿, 签名纪念册alert;adj.提防的, 警惕的n.警惕, 警报alien;n.外侨adj.外国的, 相异的, 不同, 背道而驰allege;vt.宣称, 断言alleviate;vt.使(痛苦等)易于忍受, 减轻alliance;n.联盟, 联合allocate;vt.分派, 分配allowance;n.津贴, 补助, 宽容, 允许vt.定量供应alloy;n.合金vt.使成合金, 减低成色ally;v.结盟, 与...(在血统, 性质等上)有关联, 同盟n.同盟国, 支持者alongside;adv.在旁prep.横靠alter;v.改变alternate;adj.交替的, 轮流的, 预备的v.交替, 轮流, 改变alternative;n.二中择一, 可供选择的办法, 事物adj.选择性的, 二中择一的aluminium;n.[化]铝adj.铝的aluminum;n.[化]铝ambassador;n.大使ambiguous;adj.暧昧的, 不明确的ambitious;adj.有雄心的, 野心勃勃的ambulance;n.战时流动医院, 救护车amend;v.修正, 改进, 改正amiable;adj.亲切的, 和蔼可亲的amid;prep.在...中ample;adj.充足的, 丰富的amplifier;n.[电工]扩音器, 放大器amplify;vt.放大, 增强v.扩大analogue;n.相似物, 类似情况, 对等的人analogy;n.类似, 类推analyse;vt.分析, 分解n.分析analysis;n.分析, 分解analytic;adj.分析的, 解析的analyze;vt.分析, 分解anchor;n.锚v.抛锚, 锚定ancient;adj.远古的, 旧的anecdote;n.轶事, 奇闻anguish;n.痛苦, 苦恼vt.使极苦闷, 使极痛苦vi.感到痛苦anticipate;vt.预期, 期望, 过早使用, 先人一着, 占先v.预订, 预见, 可以预料antique;n.古物, 古董adj.古时的, 过时的anxiety;n.忧虑, 焦急, 渴望, 热望apology;n.(为某种思想, 宗教, 哲学等)辩解, 道歉appal;v.惊骇appall;vt.使胆寒, 使惊骇apparatus;n.器械, 设备, 仪器apparent;adj.显然的, 外观上的appeal;n.请求, 呼吁, 上诉, 吸引力, 要求vi.求助, 诉请, 要求vt.控诉appendix;n.附录, 附属品, [解]阑尾appetite;n.食欲, 胃口, 欲望, 爱好applaud;v.拍手喝彩, 称赞, 赞同applause;n.鼓掌欢迎, 欢呼appliance;n.用具, 器具applicable;adj.可适用的, 可应用的application;n.请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用, 施用, 敷用应用,应用程序,应用软件appraisal;n.评价, 估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税), 鉴定appreciate;vt.赏识, 鉴赏, 感激vi.增值, 涨价appropriate;adj.适当的approval;n.赞成, 承认, 正式批准approve;vi.赞成, 满意vt.批准, 通过v.批准approximate;adj.近似的, 大约的v.近似, 接近, 接近, 约计apt;adj.易于...的, 有...倾向的, 灵敏的, 灵巧的, 适当的, 切题的, 敏捷, 倾向是arbitrary;adj.任意的, 武断的, 独裁的, 专断的arch;n.拱门, 弓形结构, 拱形v.(使)弯成弓形adj.主要arithmetic;n.算术, 算法array;n.排列, 编队, 军队, 衣服, 大批vt.部署, 穿着, 排列arrogant;adj.傲慢的, 自大的artery;n.动脉, 要道articulate;adj.有关节的, 发音清晰的vt.用关节连接, 接合, 清晰明白地说artistic;adj.艺术的, 有美感的, 风雅的ascend;v.攀登, 上升ascertain;vt.确定, 探知ashore;adv.向岸地, 在岸上地aspect;n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面aspire;vi.热望, 立志assassinate;vt.暗杀, 行刺assault;n.攻击, 袭击v.袭击assemble;vt.集合, 聚集, 装配vi.集合assembly;n.集合, 装配, 集会, 集结, 汇编assert;v.断言, 声称assess;vt.估定, 评定asset;n.资产, 有用的东西assimilate;v.吸收assist;v.援助, 帮助assistance;n.协助, 援助, 补助, <英>国家补助assistant;n.助手, 助教adj.辅助的, 助理的associate;vt.使发生联系, 使联合vi.交往, 结交n.合作人, 同事adj.副的 association;n.协会, 联合, 结交, 联想assumption;n.假定, 设想, 担任, 承当, 假装, 作态assurance;n.确信, 断言, 保证, 担保assure;vt.断然地说, 确告, 保证, 担保astonish;vt.使惊讶astronaut;n.太空人, 宇航员astronomy;n.天文学athlete;n.运动员, 运动选手attempt;n.努力, 尝试, 企图vt.尝试, 企图attendant;n.服务员attorney;n.<美>律师, (业务或法律事务上的)代理人attribute;n.属性, 品质, 特征, 加于, 归结于auction;n.拍卖vt.拍卖audit;n.审计, 稽核, 查帐vt.稽核, 旁听vi.查账auditorium;n.听众席, 观众席, <美>会堂, 礼堂augment;v.增加, 增大n.增加aural;adj.听觉的authentic;adj.可信的authority;n.权威, 威信, 权威人士, 权力, 职权, 典据, 著作权威auto;n.<美口>汽车automatic;n.自动机械adj.自动的, 无意识的, 机械的automation;n.自动控制, 自动操作automobile;n.<主美>汽车(=<英>motor car,car)autonomy;n.自治auxiliary;adj.辅助的, 补助的avail;vi.有益于, 有帮助, 有用, 有利vt.有利于n.效用, 利益available;adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的avert;v.转移aviation;n.飞行, 航空, 航空学, 航空术aware;adj.知道的, 明白的, 意识到的awe;n.敬畏vt.敬畏awkward;adj.难使用的, 笨拙的axis;n.轴bachelor;n.单身汉, 文理学士, 幼雄兽badminton;n.羽毛球bait;n.饵, 诱惑物vt.以饵引诱(动物), 把饵装上, 欺负, 折磨vi.中途休息bald;adj.光秃的, 单调的, 枯燥的ballet;n.芭蕾舞, 芭蕾舞剧, 芭蕾舞乐曲ballot;n.选举票, 投票, 票数vi.投票bandage;n.绷带banquet;n.宴会barbecue;n.吃烤烧肉的野餐barn;n.[农]谷仓, 畜棚, 畜舍, 机器房barrel;n.桶vt.装入桶内barren;adj.不生育的, 不孕的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的, 无聊的, 空洞的n.荒地barrier;n.(阻碍通道的)障碍物, 栅栏, 屏障baseball;n.棒球, 棒球运动basement;n.地下室, 墙脚basin;n.盆, 盆地, 水池basis;n.基础, 基本, 根据, 主要成分(或要素), (认识论中的)基本原则或原理bat;n.蝙蝠, 球棒v.用球棒击球[计] 批处理文件的扩展名abbr.[军] Basic Armor Training, 装甲兵基础训练batch;n.(面包等)一炉, 一批battery;n.电池, 殴打battle;n.战役(指大规模会战), 战争vi.作战, 战斗, 搏斗, 斗争bay;n.海湾, 狗吠声, 绝路vt.吠, 使走投无路vi.吠bearing;n.轴承, 关系, 方面, 意义, 方向, 方位beast;n.兽, 畜牲, 人面兽心的人behalf;n.为, 利益behave;vi.举动, 举止, 运转v.行为表现belly;n.腹部, 胃vi.涨满beloved;adj.心爱的n.所爱的人, 爱人bench;n.长椅子benign;adj.(病)良性的, (气候)良好的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的betray;vt.出卖, 背叛, 泄露(秘密), 露出...迹象beware;v.小心, 谨防bewilder;vt.使迷惑, 使不知所措, 使昏乱bias;n.偏见, 偏爱, 斜线vt.使存偏见bibliography;n.(有关一个题目或一个人的)书目, 参考书目bid;vt.出价, 投标, 祝愿, 命令, 吩咐n.出价, 投标v.支付billion;n.adj.十亿(的)bin;n.箱柜[计] 二进制文件的扩展名bind;v.绑, 镶边, 装订, 凝固, 约束biography;n.传记bit;n.小块, 少量, 片刻, 马嚼子, 辅币vt.上马嚼子, 控制vbl.咬n.[计]位, 比特bizarre;adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)blackmail;n.勒索, 勒索所得之款vt.勒索blanket;n.毯子vt.覆盖blast;n.一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波vt.爆炸, ,毁灭, 使枯萎, 损害blaze;n.火焰, 光辉, 情感爆发vi.燃烧, 照耀, 激发vt.在树皮上刻路标, 公开宣布bleak;adj.寒冷的, 阴冷的, 荒凉的, 凄凉的, 黯淡的blend;vt.混和n.混和block;n.木块, 石块, 块, 街区, 印版, 滑轮, 阻滞, (一)批vt.防碍, 阻塞blossom;n.花(尤指结果实者), 花开的状态, 兴旺期vi.开花, 兴旺, 发展blueprint;n.蓝图, 设计图, 计划vt.制成蓝图, 计划blunder;v.跌跌撞撞地走, 犯大错, 做错n.大错, 失误blunt;adj.钝的, 生硬的blur;v.涂污, 污损(名誉等), 把(界线,视线等)弄得模糊不清, 弄污n.污点blush;v.脸红, 羞愧, 呈现红色, 使成红色n.脸红, 红色, 红光boast;n.自夸, 值得夸耀的事物v.自夸, 以有...而自豪bold;adj.大胆的n.粗体bolt;n.门闩, 螺钉, 闪电, 跑掉v.上门闩, 囫囵吞下, 逃跑bond;n.结合(物), 粘结(剂), 联结, 公债, 债券, 合同v.结合bonus;n.奖金, 红利boom;n.繁荣, 隆隆声v.发隆隆声, 兴隆, 大事宣传boost;v.推进boot;n.<美> (长统)靴, 靴子v.导入booth;n.货摊, 售货亭, 棚border;n.边界, 国界, 边, 边沿, 边境vt.与...接壤, 接近v.接壤bosom;n.胸部, 胸, 胸怀, 内心, 内部, 中间, 任何温暖、舒适而熟悉的地方vt.怀抱, 隐匿bounce;v.(使)反跳, 弹起, (指支票)被银行退票, 弹跳n.(球)跳起, 弹回bound;n.跃进, 跳, 范围, 限度adj.正要启程的, 开往...去的, 被束缚的, 装订的v.跳跃, 限制boundary;n.边界, 分界线bowel;n.肠adj.内部, 同情心bowl;n.碗, 碗状物, 木球v.滚, (板球)投球bowling;n.保龄球boycott;n.vt.联合抵制, 联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交brace;n.支柱, 带子, 振作精神vt.支住, 撑牢, 振作起来, 奋起adj.曲柄的v.支持bracket;n.墙上凸出的托架, 括弧, 支架v.括在一起branch;n.枝, 分枝, 分部, 分店, (学科)分科, 部门, 支流, 支脉v.出现分歧brand;n.商标, 牌子, 烙印vt.打火印, 污辱brass;n.黄铜, 黄铜制品, 厚脸皮breach;n.违背, 破坏, 破裂, 裂口vt.打破, 突破breadth;n.宽度, (布的)幅宽, (船)幅breed;v.(使)繁殖, 教养, 抚养n.品种, 种类breeze;n.微风, 煤屑, 焦炭渣, 轻而易举的事, 小风波vi.吹微风, 逃走bribe;n.贿赂vt.贿赂, 向...行贿brick;n.砖, 砖块, 砖形物(如茶砖,冰砖等), <口>心肠好的人bride;n.新娘briefcase;n.(扁平的, 柔韧的, 装文件, 书报的)公文包brim;n.(杯, 碗等)边, 边缘, (河)边vt.注满, 使满溢vi.满溢brisk;adj.敏锐的, 凛冽的, 轻快的, 活泼的vt.使活泼vi.活跃起来brittle;adj.易碎的, 脆弱的brochure;n.小册子bronze;n.青铜(铜与锡合金), 铜像adj.青铜色的brook;n.小溪vt.容忍broom;n.扫帚, [植]金雀花vt.扫除brow;n.眉毛, 额, (面部)表情brush;n.刷子, 毛刷, 画笔vt.刷, 掸, 拂brutal;adj.残忍的, 兽性的bubble;n.泡沫, 幻想的计划vi.起泡, 潺潺的流bucket;n.桶, 一桶的量, [桶壮物]铲斗bud;n.芽, 蓓蕾vi.发芽, 萌芽budget;n.预算vi.做预算, 编入预算buffet;n.餐具柜, 小卖部, 殴打, 打击v.打击, 搏斗bulb;n.鳞茎, 球形物bulk;n.大小, 体积, 大批, 大多数, 散装vt.显得大, 显得重要bulletin;n.公告, 报告bully;n.欺凌弱小者vt.威吓, 威逼bump;n.撞击, 肿块v.碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸bunch;n.串, 束v.捆成一束bundle;n.捆, 束, 包v.捆扎bureau;n.办公桌, 衣柜<美>局, 办公署bureaucracy;n.官僚, 官僚作风, 官僚机构burglar;n.夜贼burst;v.爆裂, 炸破, 急于, 爆发n.突然破裂, 爆发, 脉冲butcher;n.屠夫, 屠户vt.屠宰, 屠杀bypass;n.旁路vt.设旁路, 迂回by-pass;旁通; 旁通道; 绕流管; 分路迂回cab;一种压缩文件格式n.出租马车, 出租汽车, 计程车, (机车, 卡车, 起重机的)司机室, 驾驶室vi.乘出租马车cabin;n.小屋, 船舱cabinet;n.(有抽屉或格子的)橱柜, <美>内阁adj.<美>内阁的, 小巧的cable;n.电缆, 海底电报, 缆, 索v.打(海底)电报cafeteria;n.自助餐厅calcium;n.[化]钙(元素符号Ca)calculate;v.计算, 考虑, 计划, 打算v.<美>以为, 认为calendar;n.日历, 历法camel;n.骆驼, [船](打捞用的)浮筒camera;n.照相机camp;n.露营地, 阵营vi.露营, 扎营campaign;n.[军]战役, (政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动vi.参加活动, 从事活动, 作战canal;n.运河, 小道, 导管, 槽, 沟渠vt.开运河candidate;n.候选人, 投考者canoe;n.独木舟, 轻舟canteen;n.小卖部, 食具箱, 饭盒, (军用)水壶canvas;v.彻底讨论探究n.帆布cape;n.海角, 岬capital;n.首都, 首府, 大写字母, 资本, 资金, 资产adj.首都的, 重要的, 死罪的, 大写的, <口>极好的capitalism;n.资本主义capsule;n.(植物)蒴果, 胶囊, 瓶帽, 太空舱captive;n.俘虏, 被美色或爱情迷住的人adj.被俘的, 被迷住的carbohydrate;n.[化]碳水化合物, 醣类carbon;n.[化]碳(元素符号C), (一张)复写纸cardinal;n.枢机主教, 红衣主教adj.主要的, 最重要的caress;n.爱抚, 接吻vt.抚爱carpet;n.地毯carriage;n.马车, 客车, 运费, 姿态, (机械)车架carrier;n.运送者, 邮递员, 带菌者, (自行车等)行李架, 搬运器, 航空母舰n.[电]载波(信号)cart;n.大车, 手推车vt.用车装载carve;v.雕刻, 切开cassette;n.盒子, 盒式磁带cast;n.投掷, 铸件, 脱落物, 一瞥, 演员表v.投, 抛, 投射, 浇铸, 计算, 派(角色) casual;adj.偶然的, 不经意的, 临时的casualty;n.伤亡catalog;n.目录, 目录册v.编目录catalogue;n.目录catastrophe;n.大灾难, 大祸category;n.种类, 别, [逻]范畴cater;vi.备办食物, 满足(需要), 投合cathedral;n.大教堂catholic;n.天主教徒adj.天主教的cattle;n.牛, 家养牲畜caution;n.小心, 谨慎, 警告vt.警告cautious;adj.谨慎的, 小心的cease;v.停止, 终了ceiling;n.天花板, 最高限度celebrity;n.名声, 名人cement;n.水泥, 接合剂vt.接合, 用水泥涂, 巩固vi.粘牢cemetery;n.墓地, 公墓census;n.人口普查centigrade;adj.分为百度的, 百分度的, 摄氏温度的central;adj.中心的, 中央的, 重要的, 主要的, 中枢的, 走中间道路的n.<美>电话总机cereal;n.谷类食品, 谷类ceremony;n.典礼, 仪式, 礼节, 报幕员certificate;n.证书, 证明书vt.发给证明书, 以证书形式授权给...certify;v.证明, 保证chalk;n.粉笔, 白垩vt.用粉笔写, 和以白垩challenge;n.挑战vt.向...挑战chamber;n.室, 房间, 议院, 会所, (枪)膛champagne;n.香槟酒, 香槟色champion;n.冠军, 拥护者, 战士vt.拥护, 支持chancellor;n.长官, 大臣channel;n.海峡, 水道, 沟, 路线vt.引导, 开导, 形成河道信道,频道chaos;n.混乱, 混沌(宇宙未形成前的情形)chap;n.<俗>伙伴, 家伙, 小伙子, 颚, 颊v.(使)皲裂chapter;n.(书籍)章charge;n.负荷, 电荷, 费用, 主管, 掌管, 充电, 充气, 装料v.装满, 控诉, 责令, 告诫, 指示, 加罪于, 冲锋, 收费charity;n.慈善, 施舍, 慈善团体chart;n.海图, 图表vt.制图charter;vt.租, 包(船、车等)n.宪章chase;n.追赶, 追击vt.追赶, 追逐, 雕镂cheat;n.欺骗, 骗子v.欺骗, 骗取cheer;n.愉快, 欢呼v.(使)快活, (对)欢呼chef;n.厨师cheque;n.支票cherish;vt.珍爱, 怀抱(希望等)cherry;n.樱桃, 樱桃树, 如樱桃的鲜红色, <俚, 鄙>处女膜, 处女chess;n.国际象棋chin;n.下巴, 下颚chip;n.碎片, 筹码v.削成碎片, 碎裂芯片chop;n.砍, 排骨, 官印, 商标vt.剁碎, 砍, (风浪)突变chorus;n.合唱, 合唱队, 齐声chronic;adj.慢性的, 延续很长的cinema;n.电影院, 电影circuit;n.电路, 一圈, 周游, 巡回circular;adj.圆形的, 循环的n.函件通知circulate;v.(使)流通, (使)运行, (使)循环, (使)传播circumstance;n.环境, 详情, 境况circus;n.马戏团, 杂技团, 马戏场, 杂技场cite;vt.引用, 引证, 提名表扬civil;adj.全民的, 市民的, 公民的, 国民的, 民间的.民事的, 根据民法的, 文职的, 有礼貌的civilian;n.平民, 公务员, 文官adj.民间的, 民用的civilisation;n.<主英>=civilizationclaim;n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要clap;n.拍手声, 霹雳声v.鼓掌, 轻拍clarify;v.澄清, 阐明clarity;n.清楚, 透明clash;n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触v.(使)发出撞击声, 猛撞, 冲突clasp;n.扣子, 钩, 紧握, 抱住v.扣紧, 紧握, 搂抱, 密切合作clause;n.子句, 条款clay;n.粘土, 泥土, 肉体, 人体, 似黏土的东西, 陶土制的烟斗clergy;n.(集合称)圣职者, 牧师, 僧侣, 神职人员clerk;n.职员, 办事员, <美> 店员click;v.发出滴答声n.滴答声client;n.[计]顾客, 客户, 委托人cliff;n.悬崖, 绝壁climate;n.气候, 风土, 思潮climax;n.高潮, 顶点climb;v.攀登, 爬n.攀登, 爬cling;vi.粘紧, 附着, 紧贴, 坚持(意见), 墨守(习惯)clinic;n.门诊部, 临床clip;n.夹子, 回形针, 子弹夹vt.夹住, 剪短, 修剪cloak;n.斗蓬, 宽大外衣, 掩护vt.用外衣遮蔽, 披斗篷clumsy;adj.笨拙的cluster;n.串, 丛vi.丛生, 成群clutch;v.抓住, 攫住n.离合器coach;n.四轮大马车, 长途汽车, 教练v.训练, 指导coalition;n.合并, 接合, 联合coarse;adj.粗糙的, 粗鄙的cocaine;n.古柯碱,可卡因cognitive;adj.认知的, 认识的, 有感知的coherent;adj.粘在一起的, 一致的, 连贯的cohesive;adj.粘着的coil;v.盘绕, 卷coincide;vi.一致, 符合coincidence;n.一致, 相合, 同时发生或同时存在(尤指偶然)的事coke;n.可乐, 焦炭v.(使)成焦炭collaborate;vi.合作, 通敌colleague;n.同事, 同僚collection;n.收藏, 征收, 搜集品, 捐款collective;adj.集体的n.集体collide;vi.碰撞, 抵触collision;n.碰撞, 冲突colonel;n.陆军上校, 团长colonial;adj.殖民的, 殖民地的 n.殖民地居民colony;n.殖民地, 侨民, (聚居的)一群同业, 一批同行, (生物)群体column;n.圆柱, 柱壮物, 专栏, 纵队comb;n.梳子, 梳, 鸡冠, 蜂巢vi.梳(发), 搜索combat;n.战斗, 格斗v.战斗, 搏斗, 抗击combination;n.结合, 联合, 合并, 化合, 化合物combine;v.(使)联合, (使)结合n.联合企业, 联合收割机n.联合收割机comedy;n.喜剧, 喜剧性的事情comic;n.滑稽演员adj.滑稽的, 喜剧的command;n.命令, 掌握, 司令部v.命令, 指挥, 克制, 支配, 博得, 俯临commemorate;vt.纪念commence;v.开始, 着手commend;vt.称赞, 表扬, 推荐, 委托, 吸引comment;n.注释, 评论, 意见vi.注释, 评论commerce;n.商业commercial;adj.商业的, 贸易的commission;n.委任, 委托, 代办(权), 代理(权), 犯(罪), 佣金vt.委任, 任命, 委托, 委托制作, 使服役commit;vt.犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把...交托给, 提交, 答应负责committee;n.委员会commodity;n.日用品commonplace;n.平凡的事, 平常话adj.平凡的commonwealth;n.国民整体, 共和国, 联邦communicate;v.沟通, 通信, (房间、道路、花园等)相通, 传达, 感染communication;n.传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯communism;n.共产主义community;n.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体, (生物)群落commute;v.交换, 抵偿, 减刑, <电工>整流compact;adj.紧凑的, 紧密的, 简洁的n.契约, 合同, 小粉盒companion;n.同伴, 共事者compartment;n.间隔间, 车厢compass;n.罗盘, 指南针,圆规v.包围compassion;n.同情,怜悯compatible;adj.谐调的, 一致的, 兼容的compel;vt.强迫, 迫使compensate;v.偿还, 补偿, 付报酬compensation;n.补偿, 赔偿competent;adj.有能力的, 胜任的competition;n.竞争, 竞赛compile;vt.编译, 编辑, 汇编complain;v.抱怨, 悲叹, 控诉complaint;n.诉苦, 抱怨, 牢骚, 委屈, 疾病complement;n.补足物, [文法]补语, [数]余角vt.补助, 补足complex;adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的n.联合体complicate;v.(使)变复杂complicated;adj.复杂的, 难解的complication;n.复杂化, (使复杂的)因素n.[医]并发症compliment;n.称赞, 恭维, 致意, 问候, 道贺vt.称赞, 褒扬, 恭维comply;vi.顺从, 答应, 遵守component;n.成分adj.组成的, 构成的composite;adj.合成的, 复合的n.合成物compound;n.混合物, [化]化合物adj.复合的v.混合, 配合comprehensive;adj.全面的, 广泛的, 能充分理解的, 包容的comprise;v.包含, 由...组成compromise;n.妥协, 折衷v.妥协, 折衷, 危及...的安全compulsory;adj.必需做的, 必修的, 被强迫的, 被强制的, 义务的conceal;vt.隐藏, 隐蔽, 隐瞒v.隐蔽concede;vt.勉强, 承认, 退让vi.让步conceive;vt.构思, 以为, 持有vi.怀孕, 考虑, 设想concentrate;v.集中, 浓缩concept;n.观念, 概念conception;n.观念, 概念concert;n.音乐会, 一致concession;n.让步concise;adj.简明的, 简练的conclude;v.结束, 终止, 决定, 作出结论vt.推断, 断定, 缔结, 议定conclusion;n.结束, 缔结, 结论concrete;adj.具体的, 有形的n.混凝土v.用混凝土修筑, 浇混凝土, 凝结condense;v.(使)浓缩, 精简condition;n.条件, 情形, 环境, 社会地位vt.以...为条件, 使达到要求的情况confer;vt.授予(称号、学位等), 赠与, 把...赠与, 协议v.协商, 交换意见conference;n.会议, 讨论会, 协商会confidential;adj.秘密的, 机密的conflict;n.斗争, 冲突vi.抵触, 冲突conform;vt.使一致, 使遵守, 使顺从vi.符合, 相似, 适应环境adj.一致的, 顺从的 confront;vt.使面临, 对抗congress;n.(代表)大会, [C~] (美国等国的)国会, 议会conjunction;n.联合, 关联, 连接词connexion;n.联系, 连结conscientious;adj.尽责的consecutive;adj.连续的, 联贯的consensus;n.一致同意, 多数人的意见, 舆论consent;vi.同意, 赞成, 答应n.同意, 赞成, 允诺consequence;n.结果, [逻]推理, 推论, 因果关系, 重要的地位consequently;adv.从而, 因此conservation;n.保存, 保持, 守恒conservative;adj.保守的, 守旧的n.保守派consist;vi.由...组成, 在于, 一致consistent;adj.一致的, 调和的, 坚固的, [数、统]相容的console;vt.安慰, 藉慰n.[计] 控制台consolidate;v.巩固conspicuous;adj.显著的conspiracy;n.共谋, 阴谋constant;n.[数、物]常数, 恒量adj.不变的, 持续的, 坚决的constituent;n.委托人, 要素adj.有选举权的;有宪法制定[修改]权的constitute;vt.制定(法律), 建立(政府), 组成, 任命constitution;n.宪法, 构造, 体质, 体格, 国体, 章程, 惯例constrain;vt.强迫, 抑制, 拘束construct;vt.建造, 构造, 创立construction;n.建筑, 建筑物, 解释, 造句consult;v.商量, 商议, 请教, 参考, 考虑consultant;n.顾问, 商议者, 咨询者contact;n.接触, 联系vt.接触, 联系contaminate;v.污染contemplate;v.凝视, 沉思, 预期, 企图contemporary;n.同时代的人adj.当代的, 同时代的contempt;n.轻视, 轻蔑, 耻辱, 不尊敬, [律]藐视法庭(或国会)contend;v.斗争, 竞争, 主张content;n.内容, 容量, 目录, 满足adj.满足的, 满意的, 愿意vt.使满足contest;n.论争, 竞赛v.,争论, 争辩, 竞赛, 争夺context;n.上下文, 文章的前后关系continent;n.大陆, 陆地continual;adj.连续的, 频繁的, 持续不断的continue;v.继续, 连续, 延伸continuous;adj.连续的, 持续的contract;n.合同, 契约, 婚约v.使缩短, 感染, 订约contradict;vt.同...矛盾, 同...抵触contradiction;n.反驳, 矛盾contrary;adj.相反的, 逆的, <口语>执拗n.反面adv.相反地contrast;vt.使与...对比, 使与...对照vi.和...形成对照n.对比, 对照, (对照中的)差异contrive;v.发明, 设计, 图谋controversial;adj.争论的, 争议的controversy;n.论争, 辩论, 论战convenience;n.便利, 方便, 有益, 有用的, 方便的用具、机械、安排等convenient;adj.便利的, 方便的convention;n.大会, 协定, 习俗, 惯例conventional;adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的conversation;n.会话, 交谈conversely;adv.倒地,逆地conversion;n.变换, 转化convert;n.皈依者vt.使转变, 转换...,使...改变信仰convict;vt.证明...有罪, 宣告...有罪n.罪犯conviction;n.深信, 确信, 定罪, 宣告有罪convince;vt.使确信, 使信服cooperative;adj.合作的, 协力的coordinate;n.同等者, 同等物, 坐标(用复数)adj.同等的, 并列的vt.调整, 整理cop;n.警官, 巡警, [纺]管纱vt.抓住copper;n.铜, 警察cord;n.绳索, 束缚cordial;n.兴奋剂, 兴奋性饮料adj.热忱的, 诚恳的, 兴奋的corner;n.角落, (街道)拐角处, (遥远的)地区, 偏僻处, 困境, 绝路vt.迫至一隅, 垄断, 使陷入绝境, 把...难住vi.相交成角, 囤积(in)corporation;n.[律]社团, 法人, 公司, 企业, <美>有限公司, (市, 镇的)自治机关, <口>大肚皮correspond;vi.符合, 协调, 通信, 相当, 相应correspondence;n.相应, 通信, 信件correspondent;n.通讯记者, 通信者corresponding;adj.相应的, 通讯的corridor;n.走廊corrode;v.使腐蚀, 侵蚀corrupt;adj.腐败的, 贪污的, 被破坏的, 混浊的, (语法)误用的vt.使腐烂, 腐蚀, 使恶化vi.腐烂, 堕落cosmic;adj.宇宙的costume;n.装束, 服装cosy;adj.舒适的, 安逸的cottage;n.村舍, 小别墅couch;n.(文学)床, 睡椅 v.(用语言)表达council;n.政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会, 讨论会议, 顾问班子, 立法班子counsel;n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师vt.劝告, 忠告counter;n.计算器, 计数器, 计算者, 柜台, 筹码adv.prep.相反地counterpart;n.副本, 极相似的人或物, 配对物coupon;n.息票, 商家的优待券courage;n.勇气, 精神course;n.过程, 经过, 进程, 方针, 路线, 跑道, 课程, 一道菜v.追猎, 急行, 运行, 流动学业court;n.法院, 庭院, 朝廷, 宫庭, 球场, 奉承, 求爱, 殷勤vt.向...献殷勤, 追求, 设法获得(他人的支持等), 博得(喝彩), 招致(失败、危险等)vi.求爱courtesy;n.谦恭, 允许, 礼貌coward;n.懦弱的人, 胆小的人crab;n.螃蟹, 类似螃蟹的动物, 脾气乖戾的人, 吹毛求疵vi.捕蟹, 偏航, 发牢骚vt.使偏航, 发脾气, 破坏crack;n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的cradle;n.摇篮, 发源地, 支船架vt.将...放在摇篮内craft;n.工艺, 手艺crane;n.起重机crash;n.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声v.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台crawl;vi.爬行, 蠕动, 徐徐行进n.爬行, 蠕动, 缓慢的行进credentials;n. 信任状credit;n.信任, 信用, 声望, 荣誉, [财务]贷方, 银行存款vt.相信, 信任, 把...归给creep;vi.爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延crew;n.全体人员, (工作)队vbl.crow的过去式cricket;n.[昆]蟋蟀, [运动]板球criminal;n.罪犯, 犯罪者adj.犯罪的, 犯法的, 罪恶的cripple;n.跛子v.削弱crisis;n.疾病的转折点(或转好或恶化), 决定性时刻, 危机, 危险期, 历史上的紧要关头, [医]危象, 转换期crisp;adj.脆的, 易碎的criterion;n.(批评判断的)标准, 准据, 规范critic;n.批评家, 评论家, 吹毛求疵者critical;adj.评论的, 鉴定的, 批评的, 危急的, 临界的criticise;v.批评, 吹毛求疵, 非难criticism;n.批评, 批判criticize;v.批评, 责备crow;n.乌鸦, 似乌鸦的鸟, 撬棍vi.啼叫, 报晓, (婴孩)格格地笑crowd;n.人群, 群众, 一堆(东西), 一伙v.群集, 拥挤, 挤满crown;n.王冠, 花冠, 顶vt.加冕, 顶上有, 表彰, 使圆满完成crucial;adj.至关紧要的cruel;adj.残酷的, 悲惨的, 使痛苦的crush;vt.压碎, 碾碎, 压服, 压垮, 粉碎, (使)变形crust;n.外壳, 硬壳, 面包皮vt.盖以硬皮vi.结硬皮cube;n.立方体, 立方cultivate;vt.培养, 耕作cunning;adj.狡猾的, 巧妙的, <美>漂亮的, 可爱的n.狡猾, 诡诈curb;n.路边curiosity;n.好奇心curious;adj.好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的, 爱挑剔的curl;v.(使)卷曲currency;n.流通current;adj.当前的, 通用的, 流通的, 现在的, 草写的, 最近的n.涌流, 趋势, 电流, 水流, 气流curriculum;n.课程curse;n.诅咒, 咒语, 祸根, 祸因vt.诅咒, 咒骂, 降祸, 使受罪curtain;n.窗帘, 门帘v.装上门帘curve;n.曲线, 弯曲, [棒球]曲线球, [统]曲线图表vt.弯, 使弯曲vi.成曲形customary;adj.习惯的, 惯例的cyberspace;n.电脑空间cylinder;n.圆筒, 圆柱体, 汽缸, 柱面dairy;n.牛奶场, 奶品场, 售牛奶, 奶油, 鸡蛋等的商店, 奶制品damp;n.湿气adj.潮湿的vt.使潮湿, 阻尼, 使衰减, 使沮丧, 控制, 抑止dash;n.少量(搀加物), 冲撞, 破折号, 锐气, 精力, 干劲vi.猛掷, 冲撞vt.泼溅, 使猛撞,搀和, 使破灭, 使沮丧, 匆忙完成datum的复数, [计] 资料, 数据database;n.[计] 数据库, 资料库dazzle;v.(使)眼花, 眩耀n.耀眼dean;n.(大学)院长, 主持牧师, (基督教)教长deceit;n.欺骗, 谎言deceive;v.欺骗, 行骗decent;adj.正派的, 端庄的, 有分寸的, (服装)得体的, 大方的adj.<口>相当好的、象样的decimal;adj.十进的, 小数的, 以十为基础的, 十进制n.小数decisive;adj.决定性的declaration;n.宣布, 宣言, 声明declare;vt.断言, 宣称, 宣布, 宣告, 声明, (向海关)中报进口应纳税之货物decline;vi.下倾, 下降, 下垂v.拒绝, 衰落n.下倾, 下降, 下垂, 斜面, 斜坡, 衰败, 衰落decorate;v.装饰, 为...做室内装修decrease;n.减少, 减少之量v.减少dedicate;vt.献(身), 致力, 题献(一部著作给某人)deduce;vt.推论, 演绎出deduct;vt.扣除, 演绎deed;n.行为, 事实, 功绩, 实行, 契约vt.立契转让(旧产等)deem;v.认为, 相信defeat;n.击败, 战胜, 失败vt.击败, 战胜, 使失败, 挫折v.击败defect;n.过失, 缺点defence;n.防卫, 防卫设备n.[律](被告的)答辩、辩护defend;vt.防护, 辩护, 防卫, [律]作...的辩护律师defense;n.(D-)(美国)国防部, 防卫, 防卫物vt.谋划抵御deficiency;n.缺乏, 不足deficit;n.赤字, 不足额define;vt.定义, 详细说明definite;adj.明确的, 一定的definition;n.定义, 解说, 精确度, (轮廓影像等的)清晰度defy;vt.不服从, 公然反抗, 藐视, 挑衅, 违抗, 使...难于n.挑战degenerate;adj.退化的v.退化delegate;n.代表vt.委派...为代表deliberate;adj.深思熟虑的, 故意的, 预有准备的v.商讨delicate;adj.精巧的, 精致的, 病弱的, 脆弱的, 微妙的, 棘手的, 灵敏的, 精密的delight;n.快乐, 高兴, 喜悦v.(使)高兴, (使)欣喜demand;n.要求, 需求(量), 需要v.要求, 需要, 要求知道, 查询democracy;n.民主政治, 民主主义democratic;adj.民主的, 民主主义的, 民主政体的, 平民的demonstrate;vt.示范, 证明, 论证vi.示威denial;n.否认, 否定, 谢绝, 拒绝denote;vt.指示, 表示。

分类词汇:homogeneous同质的反义词:heterogeneousdialect方言 (v.s. accent)discrepancy差异misconception误解 (mis + concept + ion)= misunderstanding barrier障碍(物) bar, = barricadediscrimination区别、歧视 racial ~, discriminate (+against) hierarchy等级制度 heir(继承人) + arch(govern) + yinsularity岛国性质 (insular, island)British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.microcosm小天地 micro + cosm(os)nostalgia=homesickness, patriot爱国者 patriotic, patriotism notoriety恶名 (notorious)counterpart 对应人,对等物 counterculture, counterbalance peer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)subordinate下级下级的 superiortactics战术,技巧 v.s. strategy(战略,策略)marketing strategy v.s. selling tactics nuance ﹦ a subtle difference in meaning compatriot同胞 , 同胞的 com + patriotvernacular本地的,本国,本地话,本国话 the vernacular languages of India . Hispanic whose first language was Spanish immigration移入 immigrant, immigrate;emigration迁出 (emigrant, emigrate)antipodes: opposite sidespermeate渗透,弥漫 Smoke permeated the house. entrepreneur企业家 enterprise entrepreneurship practitioner开业者,从业者 praction (practice) + er celebrity: a famous person= luminary, VIPproxy代理人anecdote轶事 (anecdotal)benchmarking类比分析punctual准时的,守时的 ( punctuality) absenteeism 旷工 absent absentee 缺席者flextime 弹性工作时间 flex(flexible) + time harass 骚扰 (harassment)redundancy 冗余,冗员 network redundancy downsize 裁员 ( lay off)ballot 投票 (= vote)impartial 不偏不倚的 (partial)lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)dubbing 配音录制vogue 时尚bizarre 奇异的 weird (怪异的)mediocre 平庸的dietitian 饮食学家 (diet)connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家equilibrium 平衡,均衡questionnaire 调查表,问卷quantitative 定量的contingency 偶然性,偶然事件incur 招致 debts/hatred/danger occur 发生, concur 同意一致, recur 复发ethical 伦理的,符合伦理的 ethics, unethicaldubious 疑惑的,可疑的 (doubt) be dubious about manifestation 显示,证明 ( manifest)subtitle 字幕,副标题 subsidiary 辅助的, submarine 潜水, subway 地铁, suburb 乡镇考博英语翻译中可能涉及的热点词汇总裁助理: assistant president综合治理: comprehensive treatment安居工程: housing project for low-income urban residents信息化: information-based; informationization智力密集型: concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业: overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工: laid-off workers分流: reposition of redundant personnel 过剩人员的重新定位三角债: chain debts素质教育: education for all-round development豆腐渣工程: jerry-built projects 草率的社会治安情况: law-and-order situation民族国家: nation state台独: independence of Taiwan台湾当局: Taiwan authorities台湾同胞: Taiwan compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分: Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.西部大开发: Development of the West Regions可持续性发展: sustainable development风险投资: risk investment通货紧缩: deflation扩大内需: to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学: computer-assisted instruction (CAI)网络空间: cyberspace虚拟现实: virtual reality网民: netizen (net citizen)电脑犯罪: computer crime电子商务: the e-business网上购物: shopping online应试教育: exam-oriented education学生减负: to reduce study load下岗: laid-off workers下海: plunge into the commercial sea下网: off line小康之家: well-off family; comfortably-off family新秀: up-and-coming star, rising star新新人类: New Human Being; X Generation信息港: info port形象小姐/先生: image representative of a product or a brand虚拟网: virtual net学生处: students' affairs division (分配、分派)研究生毕业证/学位证: graduate diploma/ graduate degree's diploma 摇钱树: cash cow以人为本: people oriented; people foremost义务教育: compulsory education易拉罐: pop can应试教育: examination-oriented education system舆论导向: direction of public opinion运球: dribble在职博士生: on-job doctorate早恋: puppy love招生就业指导办公室: enrolment and vocation guidance office (职业)证券营业部: stock exchange; security exchange知识产权: intellectual property rights中专生: secondary specialized or technical school student中流砥柱: mainstay, chief corner stone专卖店: exclusive agency; franchised store (营业权)自我保护意识: self-protection awareness综合国力: comprehensive national strength综合业务数字网: integrated service digital network (ISDN)公正、公平、公开: just, fair and open好莱坞大片: Hollywood blockbuster (大轰动)黄金时段: prime time假唱: lip-synch(同步)劲射: power shot拉拉队: cheering squad(小组、班级)来电显示电话机: caller ID telephone论文答辩: (thesis) oral defense泡沫经济: bubble economy票贩子: scalper, ticket tout (兜售)拳头产品: competitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster三角恋爱: love triangle三维动画片: three-dimensional animation"扫黄"、"打非": eliminate pornography and illegal publications (色情)申办奥运会: bid for the Olympic Games实现中华民伟大复兴: bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation (复兴,中华民族)市场疲软: sluggish market (停滞的,萧条的)素质教育: education for all-around development筒子楼: tube-shaped apartment脱贫致富: cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity (繁荣、昌盛)网吧: Internet bar网恋: online love affair网上冲浪: surf the Internet网上交易平台: online trading platform网友: net friend无人售票: self-service ticketing无绳来电显示电话: cordless telephone with caller ID无线应用协议: WAP (wireless application protocol )附录:英语翻译与写作常用动宾词组一、政治类:把…捐给慈善机构:donate …to charities把…看成社会公敌:look upon … as a threat to society把…列为基本国策:list… ..as fundamental national policies把…作为指导:take… as the guide把理论和实际结合起来:integrate theory with practice …把握大局: grasp the overall situation摆脱贫穷落后: get rid of poverty and backwardness保护妇女权利不受侵犯:guarantee (protect) women’s rights against infringement采取各种措施: adopt various measures参政、议政: participate in the management of State affairs充满信心和力量: be filled with confidence and strength打破僵局: break the deadlock打破禁区: break off a forbidden zone得出结论: draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion锻造一支人民军队:forge a people’s army对…具有深远的影响: have a far-reaching impact on对…做出重要(巨大)贡献: make important (great, major )contributions to反对各种形式的恐怖主义: be opposed to all forms of terrorism反腐倡廉: combat corruption and build a clean government高举伟大旗帜: hold high the great banner (旗帜)给…带来机遇和挑战: present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to根除 (防止,消除)腐败: root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption观察当今世界: observe the present-day world缓和紧张状况: ease the tension回顾奋斗历程: review the course of struggle加快改革步伐: accelerate the speed of reform加强舆论监督: ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion坚持改革开放政策: adhere to the reform and open policy坚持统一,反对分裂,增加:persist in reunification,,oppose separation, increase了解,化解歧见: understanding and iron out differences减轻农民负担:alleviate farmer’s burden解放思想: emancipate our minds (解放)解决温饱问题: solve the problem of food and clothing解决新问题: resolve new problems进入世界先进行列: edge into the advanced ranks in the world进入新时期: enter a new period进行和谈: hold peace talks进行战略性调整: make strategic readjustment就…接受妥协: accept a compromise on开发西部: remake the west (再制,改造)开始生效: go into effect (enter into force)开拓前进: open up new ways forward科教兴国:rejuvenate our country through science and education (恢复) 理顺关系:rationalize the relationship (使合理化)履行权利和义务:perform the responsibilities and obligations迈出重要的一步:make an important step热爱和平:love peace深化改革:deepen the reform审时度势:size up the situation (打量,估计)实现发展繁荣:bring about development and prosperity实现民族独立:realize national independence实现夙愿:fulfill the long-cherished wishes实现小康目标:achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relative comfortable life (确保)实现中华民族伟大复兴:bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation实行新政策:practice new policies受到全世界广泛关注:attract extensive attention worldwide缩小差别:bridge (narrow) the gap完成中华民族的振兴大业:implement the revitalization of our nation 维护世界和平:maintain world peace吸收各国文明的先进成:absorb what is advanced in other civilizations 下放权力给:delegate the management of ... (to ...) (委托,代表,授权;管理)退还大量钱款:give back an amount of money脱贫致富:cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity完善服务:perfect services为… 带来多种经济和社会效益:bring multiple economic and social benefits to…为…提供巨大商机:present huge business opportunities吸收游资:absorb idle fund吸引外商投资:attract foreign investment下海:plunge into the commercial sea陷入困境:land oneself in deep trouble向…投资巨额资金:invest huge amounts of money into消灭假冒伪劣产品:wipe out fake products以经济建设为中心:focus on the central task of economic construction 以质量求生存、求发展、求效益:strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of equality (努力,反抗)优胜劣汰:select the superior and eliminate the inferior优先发展公共运输:give priority to the development of public transportation有巨大潜力:have huge potential for与国际市场接轨:integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market在… 建立分公司:set up branches in造成很大压力:pose a big pressure on造成损失:cause a loss to增加农业投入:invest more in agriculture占领市场10%:occupy (take,account for ) 10 percent of the market (占;考虑)招商引资:attract (bid for, invite) investments (from overseas)制订… 法律:make a law of制定优惠政策:work out favorable policy制造假象:create smoke screens to do阻碍… 的经济发展:handicap(hamper) the economic development 阻止人才流失:stop the talent flight (brain drain)遵循市场经济的规律:follow the law of market economy三、文化生活类不注重历史:neglect history把… 列为世界自然文化遗产:list …as a world natural heritage site摆架子(摆谱儿):put on airs (show off,keep up appearances)(外表) 保护文化遗产:protect cultural heritage (relics)(遗物,文物)博采各国文化之长:draw on strong point of the cultures of other countries (优点)采取保护态度:take protective attitude承担应有的义务:undertake the due obligations承前启后,继往开来:build on the past and prepare for the future,inherit the past and usher in the future(引导,引入)充分发挥知识分子的积极性和创造性:give full play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals触击现行法律的盲区:touch a blank area of the existing law (现存的) 创建卫生城市:build a nationally advanced clean city辞旧迎新:bid farewell to the old and usher in the new (ring out the old year and ring in the new) (命令,吩咐;宣布离去,包围)从事电子商务工作:conduct e-commerce (引导,实施)促进儿童身心健康发展:promote the healthy development of children both physically and mentally(身心)促进交流:promote the communication促进文化市场健康发展:facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products( 推进,促进)促进相互了解:enhance (further) mutual understanding得到群众的广泛支持:enjoy grass-root support抵住… 的诱惑:resist the temptation of对…持欢迎态度:take a welcoming attitude to对…情有独钟:show special preference (favor) to发挥…的聪明才智:develop one’s own talents and wisdom发挥潜力:tap one’s potential繁荣文学艺术:enable literature and art to flourish;promote flourishingliterature and art反映中国的灿烂文化:reflect the rich culture of China放下架子:relinquish haughty airs (get off one’s high horse;throw off one’s airs) (松开,放开;傲慢的,自大的)腐蚀人的灵魂:poison one’s mind (毒物,有害之物)改进教学:improve teaching and learning给学生减负:alleviate the burden on students和… 持相同观点:share views similar to互派访问学者:exchange visiting scholars激发旅游热情:stimulate enthusiasm for traveling继承历史文化优秀传统:carry on the fine cultural traditions handed from history;carry on the fine historical and cultural traditions加强文化基础设施建设:build more cultural establishments讲诚信,反欺诈:honor credibility and oppose cheating (可信性) 交换意见:exchange views (ideas, opinions)教书育人:impart knowledge and educate people (传授,告知)经受住暴风雨的考验:weather the storm(处境,境遇)精心编写教材:compile the textbooks with great care净化因特网:purify the Net举办文化节( 展览会):hold (conduct, give) cultural festivals (an exhibition)举行学术会议:hold an academic meeting开创假日经济:initiate Holiday Economy开发潜力:exploit one’s potential开阔视野:widen one’s vision (horizon)开设课程:offer courses开展对外文化交流:conduct cultural exchange with other countries开展群众性文化活动:carry out mass activities on culture攀登事业的高峰:climb one’s career ladder评估学业成绩:evaluate academic scores (achievements)破除迷信:eradicate superstition (根除,消灭;迷信,盲目崇拜) 普及九年制义务教育:make nine-year compulsory education universal 普及科普知识,传播科学思想,倡导科学精神:popularize scientific and technological knowledge,spread scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit启发学生:enlighten the students容纳三千名旅客:accommodate 3000 passengers扫除文盲:eliminate (wipe out) illiteracy上网:get on (have access to , be wired to) Internet实施以德育为核心来挑选选手:carry on the quality education centering on moral education to choose players同教练反应一致:share the same reaction with their coach为奥林匹克运动和世界和平做出贡献:make contribution to the Olympics movement and world peace卫冕世界冠军:regain world champion(收复,恢复;蝉联冠军) 吸引中国大学生优秀选手:attract China’s top university players向世界顶级球队学习:learn from the world’s top teams与对手较量: take on an opponent与强队竞争: compete with strong teams增进友谊: strengthen friendship展示技能:demonstrate their skills展示中国足球的最新发展:demonstrate(show) the latest development of China’s soccer支持北京申办 2008 年奥运会:support Beijing’s bid for the 2008 Olympic Games主办奥运会:host the Olympic Games主办中国大学生篮球联赛:sponsor the China University Basketball Association league抓住练习和学习的机会:grasp the chance to practise and learn响应号召:respond to the call修改法律:amend the laws宣布… 召开:announce the opening of徇私枉法:bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends依法治国:govern the country according to law引起全国的关注:arouse the concern of the whole nation引起全世界广泛关注: attract extensive attention worldwide赢得一个又一个胜利:win one victory after another在… 中起(至关)重要作用: play a major(crucial, an important ) role in 增强凝聚力:enhance the rally power(重整,集合)增强综合国力和国际竞争: enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and international competitiveness展望伟大征程: look into the great journey展现生机和活力:display one’s vigor and vitality战胜无数的困难: overcome numerous difficulties振兴西部:revive the west振兴中华民族:rejuvenate(revitalize) our nation政企不分: mix up the functions of the government and enterprises政企分开:separate government functions from enterprise management 政务公开: make government affairs public主张各国政府采取行动:urge governments of all countries to takeaction抓住机遇:seize the opportunity转变政府职能:transform(shift) the government functions追求进步:pursue progress追求真理:seek the truth走进新时代:march(stride) into the new era.遵纪守法、廉洁奉公: observe the relevant code of conduct and the lawand honestly perform one's official duties (规则,惯例;指挥,引导;执行,履行,完成)遵循规则: follow the principles二、经济类爱岗敬业: cherish posts and devote wholeheartedly to work (全神贯注地,把…奉献给…)保持国民经济发展的良好势头: maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy (动力,势头)保持国有股: keep the State-held shares保证下岗职工的基本生活:guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers被指控接受贿赂: be accused of accepting bribes采取不同的办法:adopt various methods采取反垄断措施: take anti-monopoly measures承担风险:bear(take) risk筹集足够的资金:raise enough funds (capital, proceeds) (收益,收入) 创收外汇:earn foreign exchange (currency) (货币,流通)刺激国内经济需求:spur domestic demand刺激国内需求:stimulate domestic demand从粗放经济转变为集约经济:shift from extensive economy tointensive economy从国外引进先进技术和管理经验:introduce from abroad the advanced technology and management expertise促进地区间的合作:promote regional cooperation促进改革: promote reform促进全球经济一体化:foster integration with the global economy打黑:crack down on speculation and profiteering (制裁;思索,投机;倒卖;投机倒把)打假:take strong measures against fake and shoddy products(crack down on counterfeit goods) (伪劣的,假冒的)打破垄断: break the monopoly对…提出控告(投诉):lodge complaints against…对…造成(构成)威胁: form (pose) a threat to…夺回失去的市场:take back lost market发挥自身优势:give full play to one’s advantages (小心,谨慎)防范和化解金融风险: take precautions against and reduce financial risks 改善投资环境:improve the environment for investment赶超先进:surpass the advanced给… 带来积极影响: bring a more positive impact on…根据市场作出调整:gear ourselves to the market orientation公证财产:notarize the properties (对…公正)和…达成(签订)协议:reach(sign) an agreement with (签字) 和…进一步合作:further cooperation with和…有合作关系: have cooperative ties with活跃市场:enliven the market集中精力把经济建设搞上去:go all out for economic development (全力以赴)计算出准确的工资水平: figure out an exact salary level加快经济发展和结构调整:speed up economic development and restructuring加快竞争步伐:accelerate the competition加快努力: speed up efforts加强风险防范:prepare oneself against possible risks加强管理:reinforce the management减缓通货紧缩的压力:ease the seriousness of deflation减轻… 的负担: reduce (lighten) the burden of (on)减员增效: downsize for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency(效能,功效;薪金总额)剪彩: cut the ribbon(缎带,丝带)解除劳动关系:sever labor relation(断绝,中断)解放生产力:emancipate the productive forces ( free the productivity) 精简机构:streamline government organs (使简单化)竟争上岗: compete for the post举报非法行为:disclose any illegal activities (揭露,公开)开辟更多渠道: open more channels开发(青睐)中国市场:tap(favor) the Chinese market开拓市场:exploit markets控制通货膨胀: control inflation(keep inflation under control)扩大贫富差距:widen the gap between the rich and the poor扩大消费市场:expand consumption market留职停薪:retain the job but suspend the salary(维持,悬挂,中止) 面对可能的压力和竞争:face possible pressure and competition牟取暴利:seek excessive profits平衡经济(的发展): balance economy取缔非法收入: ban unlawful incomes (illegal earnings)让…处于同一起跑线:put… on the same platform and at the same starting point让位于竞争需要:give way to the need for competition申请专利: apply for a patent实现目标: realize the goal适应… 的发展: adapt oneself to the development of损失惨重: suffer great losses缩小不平衡状态: decrease the imbalance缩小… 间的距离: narrow the gap between提高公务员工资: raise the salaries of civil servants提高管理水平:raise the management level提高居民生活:improve residents’standard of living调整产业结构:adjust the industrial structure推广科研成果精神:turn laboratory achievements into commercial以创新和实践为重点:emphasizing creativity and practice使英语达到更高水平:push one’s English to a higher level受到… 的关注:receive attention from疏导游客:divert tourists疏通关系:lubricate relationships (给…加润滑油)树立企业良好形象:foster a good and healthy company image刷卡, 划卡:punch the card; stamp the card(用力按;邮戳)陶冶情操:cultivate one’s taste(temperament)提倡文明的生活方式:advocate civilized lifestyle (way of life)提高公务员的综合素质: improve the overall quality of civil servants 提高全民反毒品的意识: raise the consciousness of the entire people vs. drugs提高知名度:raise one’s prestige提供受教育机会:offer a chance of education通过资格考试:pass qualification examinations透过现象看本质:see through the appearance to perceive the essence 推动人类文明进步:push forward human civilization挖墙脚:undermine the foundation of sth. (cut the ground from under sb’s feet)物质文明,精神文明一起抓: pay equal attention to (place equal emphasis on) the material progress and cultural(ethical) progress相互促进: help each other forward向世界展示中国文化建设的成就:introduce China’s achievements of cultural advancement to the world向学生传授知识:impart knowledge to students消除误解:clear up misunderstanding消除愚昧:eliminate ignorance形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的社会风尚: form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice以全新的面貌进入新世纪: enter the new century with a brand-new colorful look因材施教: teach students according to their aptitude(倾向,天资) 引起激烈争论:spark a hot debate营造良好的文化环境:create a healthy cultural environment影响身心健康:affect physical and psychological health有力地推动教育的发展:give a big push to the development of education与各国人民交往:communicate with people of all countries增强自我保护意识:strengthen one’s awareness of protecting one’s right 找工作:hunt for a job值得重视(关注):deserve one’s attention制止盗版软件: control the pirated software重视(优先考虑)教育发展:give priority to the development of education 重视实用性:place stress on practicality尊重知识,尊重人才:respect knowledge and respect competent people 四、科技环保类帮助减缓全球变暖速度: help slow down the pace of global warming 保持生态平衡: keep ecological balance保持水土:preserve soil and water保护和改善生活环境,保护珍稀野生动植物: protect and improve the living environment and the protect rare wild animals and plants保留为自然耕地:reserve as natural farmland采用环保技术:adopt environmental protection technique采用新的开采方法:apply new exploitation methods参加城市重建: participate in the reconstruction of the city参加环保运动:take part in environmental protection activities产生巨大的水文效应: produce great hydrological effects崇尚绿色生活方式:pursue a“green”life创造良好的生态环境:create a pleasant ecological environment促进城市可持续发展:promote the sustainable development of the city 发展太阳能: develop solar energy防治污染:prevent and control pollution非常注重保护森林: pay great attention to the conservation of forest 改善生态环境: improve the eco-environment(ecological environment) 关闭化工厂:close chemical plants加大污染治理力度:strengthen pollution control加强城市绿化: strengthen the greening of the city加强环境保护: strengthen environmental protection加强生态建设: improve the eco-construction加强水土保持: reinforce the conservation of water and soil坚持门前三包制度: adhere to “the three responsibilities in the gate area”减少机动车辆: reduce the number of vehicles减少浪费: reduce waste揭开人类生命的奥秘:decode the secret of human life进一步加快环保规划: further speed up environmental protection plans 禁止露天焚烧:prohibit burning out in the open开展保护野生动物宣传教育:advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals开展绿色活动: advocate green activities扩建管道网络: expand the pipe network普及环保知识:popularize environmental protection knowledge窃取密码:snatch password窃取知识产权:lift intellectual property实行严格的机动车排放标准:implement strict vehicle emission standards使电脑死机: crash computers使用再生纸: use recycle paper探索… 的奥秘:probe the mysteries of淘汰或改造燃煤锅炉:eliminate or convert coal-burning boilers提高环境管理水平:raise the environmental management level提高居民的环保和生态意识:improve residents’ environmental and ecological awareness提高清洁能源的比重:increase the supply of clean energy resources 投放电脑病毒:unleash viruses完善城市基础设施建设:perfect the construction of urban infrastructure 为大量野生动植物提供栖息地:provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants为人类提供水和食物:supply water and food for human beings享受国家一级保护:enjoy first-class protection of the State削减污物排放:decrease the disposal of pollutants抑制传染病的传播:strain the spread of infectious diseases引发一系列的问题:result in a series of problems预防爱滋病蔓延:prevent the widespread of AIDS增强环境意识:enhance the awareness of the importance of (raise the consciousness about) environmental protection战胜非典:defeat SARS治理沙地和水土流失问题:tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion 注重节约资源:attach importance to saving resources五、人口类不服从父母:disobey their parents倡导人力资源管理:advocate the management of human resources调查性和婚姻状况:conduct a survey on sex and marriage对子女寄予厚望:pin great hopes on their children反映人们的私生活:reflect people’s private lives鼓励创建文明家庭:encourage the idea of “Civilized Families”过孤独的生活:lead an isolated life坚持计划生育的基本国策:stick to the basic state policy for family planning进行全国人口普查:carry out national population census禁止他人作克隆人的实验:inhibit others from doing human cloning experiments开辟人类历史新纪元:start a new chapter in the history of human控制人口数量(增长):control the population size (growth)实现向低出生、低死亡、低:bring about a transition to the modern population reproduction自然增长的现代人口再生产类型的转变:pattern characterized by a low birth rate, low death rate and low natural growth rate损害人类社会的道德观:damage the morality of human society缩小代沟:narrow the gap提倡晚婚晚育:encourage late marriage and late childbirth提出离婚:ask for a divorce提高人口素质:improve the population quality维护和促进人民的生存权和发展权:safeguard and promote the peo ple’s rights to subsistence and development维护人权和不断改善人权状况:safeguard human rights and steadily improve the human rights situation享受优越的生活条件:enjoy good living condition显示明显的差异:display a marked difference优化人口结构:optimize the population structure优生优育:bear and rear better children占总人口的10%:account for 10% of the total population造成不同的思想和观念:result in a different ideology and concepts造福人类和科学:benefit mankind and science正确处理经济发展同人口、资源、环境的关系:correctly handlethe relationship of economic development versus (with) population,natural resources and environment征求父母的意见:ask for her parents’ opinion挣零花钱:earn their pocket money重视人口老年化问题:pay attention to the problem of an aging population逐渐削弱长辈的权威:undermine the authority of the older generation 尊重和保障人权:respect and guarantee human rights六、体育类避开与… 比赛:avoid playing against标志一个历史时刻:mark a historic time表现完美:give some very good performance剥夺冠军:strip the gold medal of somebody采取新的计分方法:adopt a new scoring system参加火炬接力:participate in the torch-relay参加热身赛:take part in a key warm-up game参加申办活动:articipate in the bidding campaigns超过世界记录:surpass the world record成为国家的骄傲:ecome the pride of the nation创新世界纪录:set a new world record到国际体育标准:reach the standard for international games打败比利时队:defeat Belgium打破恶性循环:break the wretched cycle打破世界纪录:beat (break, cut) the world record (for …)担任中国国家队主教练:serve as the head coach of the Chinese national team夺冠:take the crown反对使用兴奋剂:oppose the use of performance-enhancing drugs符合举办奥运会的要求:meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games更具进攻性:become more aggressive鼓舞队员的士气:boost the morale of the team members获得认可:gain recognition获得团体冠军:win the team title激发中国青年的雄心壮志:fuel the ambitions of Chinese youths急于获胜:gain an eagerness to win建立职业联赛和俱乐部:set up a professional league and clubs角逐世界杯:compete for the World Cup满意抽签结果:satisfy with the draw面对强手:face strong rivals鸣笛终止比赛:blow a whistle to stop the end of the match配备各种设施:furnish and equip with all facilities取得经验:gain experience取得世界杯决赛资格:qualify for the World Cup finals确保中国进入决赛:ensure China’s appearance in the final申奥:bid (apply) for being the host country of the Olympics失去男子单打冠军:miss out on men’s singles gold实现零的突破:fulfill the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough 使其他选手相形见绌:dwarf other athletes使生命焕发活力:wake up one’s life使中国以3 ∶2 取胜:give the Chinese a 3-2 victory提出比赛建议:make comments on the contests提高中国队的水平:raise the level of the Chinese team。

为了帮助大家,了一些考博,希望能帮到大家!产生宏大的水文效应 produce great hydrological effects崇尚绿色生活方式pursue a “green” life创造良好的生态环境 create a pleasant ecological environment促进城市可持续开展 promote the sustainable development of the city开展太阳能 develop solar energy防治污染 prevent and control pollution非常注重保护森林 pay great attention to the conservation of forest改善生态环境 improve the eco-environment (ecological environment)关闭化工厂 close chemical plants加大污染治理力度 strengthen pollution control加强城市绿化 strengthen the greening of the city加强环境保护 strengthen environmental protection加强生态建立 improve the eco-construction加强水土保持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil坚持门前三包制度adhere to “the three responsibilities in the gate area”减少机动车辆 reduce the number of vehicles减少浪费 reduce waste揭开人类生命的奥秘 decode the secret of human life进一步加快环保规划 further speed up environmental protection plans制止露天燃烧 prohibit burning out in the open易拉罐 pop can应试教育 examination-oriented education system舆论导向 direction of public opinion运球 dribble在职博士生 on-job doctorate早恋 puppy love招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office证券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange知识产权 intellectual property rights中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student中流砥柱 mainstay, chief corner stone专卖店 exclusive agency; franchised store自我保护意识 self-protection awareness综合国力 prehensive national strength综合业务数字网 integrated service digital work (ISDN) 公正、公平、公开 just, fair and open好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster黄金时段 prime time假唱 lip-synch劲射 power shot拉拉队 cheering squad来电显示机 caller ID telephone论文辩论 (thesis) oral defense泡沫经济 bubble economy票贩子 scalper, ticket tout拳头产品 petitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster三角恋爱 love triangle三维动画片 three-dimensional animation" 扫黄 " 、 " 打非 " eliminate pornography and illegalpublications申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games实现中华民伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinesenation市场疲软 sluggish market素质教育 education for all-around development筒子楼: tube-shaped apartment脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road toprosperity网吧 Inter bar网恋 online love affair网上冲浪 surf the Inter网上交易平台 online trading platform网友 friend无人售票 self-service ticketing无绳来电显示 cordless telephone with caller ID 无线应用协议 WAP ( wireless application protocol ) 引发一系列的问题 result in a series of problems。

2023年考博英语重点词汇4L/M/N/Olacen. 鞋带, 花边landscapen. 地貌;风景largelyad.大部分;大量地ad.大规模地latea. 迟的 a. 去世不久的latentadj.潜伏的, 潜在的lathen. 车床,陶器,镟床latituden. 纬度, 范围,(用复数)地区, 行动或言论的自由latticen. (做篱笆或爬藤架等的)格子架laundryn.洗衣房, 洗衣店n.送洗衣店去洗的东西leafletn. 传单leakagen. 渗漏, 漏出leasen.租约, 租期, v.出租legislationn. 立法;法规lengthn.长, 长度;一段n.限度, 范围lengthenvt. 使延长vi.变长leopardn. 豹lessenvt. 减少;减轻levern.杆, 杠杆;控制杆n.途径, 工具, 手段liabilityn. 责任,债务,倾向liableadj. 易于((的, 有(还债)责任的lightern.打火机, 引燃器likelihoodn. 也许(性)likenessn. 同样;类似, 相似lilyn. 百合, 百合花, 睡莲limbn.肢(手或脚), 翼limestonen. 石灰石limpv. 跛.adj. 无力的,松软. linearadj. 线的, 成直线的linern.班船, 班机n.班船, 定期班机lingerv. 逗留, 闲荡, 迟延, 游移liningn. (衣服里的)衬里lipstickn.唇膏, 口红literaladj. 精确的、忠实原义的literallyad. 字面上,的确地,真正. literarya. 文学(上)的littern. 垃圾, 一窝(动物), v. 乱丢lobbyn. 大厅, 休息厅localityn. 位置, 地点, 发生地locationn. 位置, 场地;外景拍摄地locomotiveadj. 运动的, n. 机车locustn. 蝗虫, 贪吃的人lodgingn.寄宿, 住宿;住所loftyadj. 高的,高超的,傲慢的,高级的logn.v.日记,longingn. 渴望 a.显示渴望的longituden. 经度looseadj.宽松的, 散漫的looselyad.松松地, 松散地loosenvt. 解开;使松驰vi.变松loungev.懒散地斜. n. 休息.lubricatevt. 使润滑vi.加润滑油luminousadj. 发光的, 易懂的lumpn.一块, 肿块, v.形成块状lunara. 月球的,有关月球的luncheonn. 午宴, 午餐, 便宴luxuriousadj.爱好奢侈的, 豪华的magiciann. 魔法师;变戏法的人magistraten. 地方保安官magnetn. 磁铁, 磁石, 磁体n. 有吸引力的人(或物) magnetismn. 磁性, 吸引力magnifyv. 放大, 赞美magnituden. 重要, 星球的光亮度maidn. 女佣, 女仆;少女n. 少女;处女maidenn. 少女, 未婚女子maina.重要的, 最重要的n.总管道, 干线maintenancen. 保养;维持majestyn.威严, 尊严;陛下makeupn. 组织;性格;化装品malicen. 恶意mammaln. 哺乳动物manifest1.n.载货单,运货单,旅客名. 2.adj. 显然的,明白. manipulatevt. *纵,运用,假造,应付mansionn. 大厦,邸manuscriptn. 手稿,原稿,底稿maplen. 枫树marginn. [商]成本与售价的差额,赚头,保证金marginaladj.书页空白处的, 不重要的marketvt. 销售;出售Marsn. 火星;战争marshn. 沼泽,湿地marshaln. 元帅. 典礼官. 执行官. 司仪官;vt. 整顿. 配置. . martyrn.烈士, 殉道者marveln. 奇迹v.惊奇masculinea. 男性的;强壮的massacren. 大屠杀, 大败massiveadj. 巨大的, 粗重的mastn.船桅, 旗杆maturea. 成熟的vt.使成熟vi.成熟measurementn. 测量;衡量(方法)mechanismn. 机理;机制meditatevi. 沉思,反省melancholyadj.忧郁的, 令人悲哀的melodyn. 曲子,美的音乐,曲调membershipn. 会员身份menacevt. vi. 威吓,胁迫mendvt. 修改,改善,加快,修理merchandisen. 商品, 货品mercifula. 仁慈的, 宽敞的mercuryn.水银, 汞n.水星n.汞, 水银;水银柱meritn. 价值;优点meshvt. 以网捕获, 啮合, 编织messn. 混乱, 混杂, 肮脏vt.弄脏, 弄乱, 搞糟messagen.信息, 消息;启示n.启示, 要旨, 教训metallica. 金属的metallurgyn. 冶金术;冶金学metropolitana. 大城市的microprocessorn. 微信息解决机microscopicadj.极小的, 显微镜的microwaven. 微波mightya. 强大的;巨大的migratevi.迁移, 移居milda. 温和的milkya. 牛**;乳白色的millionairen.百分富翁, 巨富minglevt. vi. (使)混合miniaturen.小画像, 缩影minimizevt. 最小化mint1.vt. 铸造,铸币,伪. 2.n. 薄荷,造币厂,巨. mirrorn. 镜子n. 反映, 借鉴misern. 守财奴, 吝啬鬼miseryn.痛苦, 悲惨, 不幸misfortunen. 不幸,灾祸,坏运气mishiefn.调皮, 捣蛋, 胡闹missionaryn. 传教士mistn. 薄雾n. 薄雾vi.下薄雾mistressn.女主人;夫人n.情妇, 情人mittenn. (四指套在一起姆指分开的)手套mixern.混合者, 搅拌器mobvi. 聚众闹事mobilizevt. 动员mockv. 嘲笑, 模仿地嘲弄moderatelyad.适度地, 适中modestyn. 谦逊;端庄;羞怯modificationn. 修改, 修饰modulatev.调整(音的强弱), 变调modulen. 模数;模;组件moleculara. 分子的;克分子的momentaryadj. 短暂的, 瞬间的monarchn. 君主, 帝王monkn. 和尚, 僧侣, 修道士monopolyn. 专利权, 垄断monstern. 庞然大物, 怪物monstrousadj. 巨大的, 可怕的moorn. 旷野地, 荒野v. 使(船)停泊mopn. 墩布, 洗碗刷moralityn. 道德, 美德, 品行mortgagen.抵押贷款, 抵押证书v.抵押Moslemn. &a. 穆斯林(的)mosquen. 清真寺mossn.苔藓, 地衣moteln. 汽车游客旅馆motiven. 动机, 目的 a.发动的, 运动的motorwayn.汽车道, 快车路mountainousa. 多山的;山一般的multiplicationn. 乘法multituden.多数, 大众, 平民municipala. 市(政)的murmurn. 低语,低声的怨言musculara. 肌肉发达的, 强健的musev. 沉思, 冥想mustardn. 芥子, 芥末mutevt.减弱...的声音adj.无声的, 沉默的mysteryn. 神秘napkinn. 餐巾(纸)narrationn. 叙述negativea. 悲观的;负面的negligibleadj.可忽略的, 无关紧要的negotiatevi. 商议,谈判,交涉neighbourn. 邻.neighbouringa. 邻近的, 接壤的nestn.巢, 窝, 穴vi.筑巢vt.为(筑巢neta. 纯的;净的networkn. 网络neutronn. 中子nicea.美好的, 令人快乐的a.细微的, 微妙的nickeln. 镍nicknamen. 绰号;nightmaren. 恶梦, 可怕的事nominatevt. 提名, 推荐;任命normn. 规范, 准则normalizationn.正常化, 标准化northward(s)ad.向北方 a.向北的nosen. 鼻子;突出部分n. 突出部分(如船头等) notableadj. 值得注意的, 显著的, 著名的noteda.著名的, 知名的notifyv. 告知notionn. 概念;想法notoriousadj. 臭名昭著的, 著名的notwithstandingprep. 尽管, 虽然noughtn.无, 零nourishvt. 滋养, 使健壮, 怀有(希望,仇恨等) nourishmentn. 食物;营养品noveln.小说 a.新的, 异常的noveltyn. 新奇,新鲜,新奇的事物nucleusn.核, 核心;(原子)核n.原子核;细胞核numericala. 数字的nunn. 修女, 尼姑nurseryn. 托儿所;苗圃n. 苗圃, 养鱼池nutn. 坚果, 干果;螺母n. 螺帽, 螺母oarn. 橹, 桨, v. 划(船)oathn. 誓约, 誓言obediencen.服从, 顺从;管辖obedientadj. 服从的,顺从的,孝顺的objectivea. 客观的;真实的,n. 目. obligationn.责任, 债务obligevt. 强制,施恩惠于,束缚,使感激obscureadj.暗的. 朦胧的. 模糊. v. 使阴暗,隐藏,使模. observationn. 观测observevt. 注意;观测obstinateadj. 固执的;倔强的occurrencen. 发生,事件,发现offencen. 犯罪, 犯规;冒犯offensiveadj.令人不快的, 得罪人的offervt. 提供;提出vt. 呈现出vi.出现offsetv.抵销, 补偿offspringn. 后代ohmn. 欧姆oliven. 橄榄, 橄榄树onward(s)a. 向前(的), 在前面opaqueadj.不透明的, 难懂的operationn. 运转;*作opiumn. 鸦片;麻醉剂opticala. 眼的;光学的 a. 光的;光学的optimismn. 乐观主义optimumadj. 最佳的, 最有利的optionn.选择, 选择权n.选择, 取舍orchardn. 果园orchestran. 管弦乐队ordinarilyad.通常, 大约orientvt. 使朝东, 使适应, 拟定方向orientationn. 定向originatevt. 创始ornamentn. 装饰物;装饰n. 装饰物vt.装修ornamentala. 装饰的otherwisead.此外;要不然ad.此外;在其他方面oughtv. aux.应当, 应当v. aux 早应当, 本应outbreakn. 爆发outcomen. 结果;结局outermosta. 最外的;离中心最远的outlawn. 歹徒. 逃犯. 丧失公权者;v. 将...放逐. 宣布.... outletn.出口, 出路;排遣n.发泄(感情等)的方法outlinevt. 描绘;画出...的轮廓outsiden.外部;外表a.外部的prep.在(外, 向(外ovala. 卵形的n.卵形overalla. 总的;全面的overestimatevt. 过高估计overflowvt. 从(中溢出overhangvt. 悬于(之上vi.悬垂overhearvt. 偶尔听到;偷听overlapvt. 重叠,反复overloadvt. 使超载overlookvt. 忽视overseasad.海外ad.在海外, (向)国外overtakevt. 追上, 赶上;压倒vt. 忽然袭击, 压倒overthrown.推翻. 打倒. 扔得过远得球;vt. 打倒. 推翻. 颠. overwhelmvt. 淹没,受打击,制服,压倒overwhelminga.压倒的, 势不可挡的oxiden. 氧化物oxidizev.氧化, 生锈oystern. 牡蛎。

为了帮助大家,店铺整理了一些考博英语词汇,希望能帮到大家!pave the way for: 为铺平道路pay off: 成功tear up: 毁坏concede vt. ①(不情愿地)承认,承认…为真(或正确)②(在结果确定前)承认(失败)③让与convey vt. ①表达,传达,传递②运送,输送cope vi. (with) (成功地)应付,(妥善地)处理counter n. ①柜台②计数器③筹码④相反的事物⑤(拳击、击剑等)还击countryside n. 农村,乡下couple n. ①一对,一双②两三个,(少数)几个③夫妻 vt. 连接,使成对cover vt. ①覆盖,掩盖②范围为③包括,涉及,适用于④报道,采访⑤掩护 n. 盖子,封面,掩蔽(物)creativity n. 创造(力)creativity n. 创造(力)well off: 富有的acquire vt. ①取得,获得②学到cult: 邪教figure out: 想出,领悟commute: 经常长途来往allergy: 过敏a better buy: 较便宜call- in show: 访谈节目car – talk program:维修保养汽车节目take – into account: 考虑到drag: 另人厌倦pits: 很糟糕act n. ①行为,行动,动作②法令,条例③(戏剧的)(一)幕admit vt. ①承认,供认②接纳,准许…进入(加入) vi. 承认adoptive a. ①收养关系的,过继的②采用的,采纳的adult n. 成年人(或动物) a. ①成年人的,适宜于成年人的②成年的,成熟的adv. ①向后②回原处,回原状③回,还④以前vt. ①使后退②支持 vi. 后退,倒退advancement n. ①前进,进步②推进,增进,促进nose to nose: 面对面mediate: 调停be entitled: 具有……权利other than: 除…… 之外fumble around: 摸索breach of conventions: 违反习俗adventure n. ①奇遇,异乎寻常的经历②冒险,冒险活动advocate vt. 拥护,提倡,主张 n. 拥护者,提倡者,辩护者age n. ①年龄②老年③时代,时期④[常pl.]很长的一段时间v. ①(使)变老,(使)变陈旧②(使)成熟aging n. ①老化②成熟的过程③时效alter v. 改变,改动,变更analyse / analyze vt. ①分解,分析,解析②细察,细查analysis n. 分析,分析报告annoy vt. ①使烦恼,使生气②骚扰,打扰anxiety n. ①忧虑,焦急,焦虑②渴望,热望appointment n. ①约会,约定②指定,委任③职位,职务appreciation n. ①感谢,感激②评价③欣赏,赏识④(价格)上涨,增值appropriate a. 适当的,恰如其分的vt. ①私占,侵吞,挪用②拨出(款项等)供专用approve vt. ①赞成,同意②批准,核准,对…表示认可 vi. (常与of连用)赞成,同意arms n. pl. ①武器,兵器②兵种artistic a. 艺术的assemble vt. ①召集,使集合,使聚集②装配 vi. 集合,聚集asset n. ①有价值的人(或物),优点,长处②[常pl.]资产,财产assignment n. ①(分派的)任务,(指定的)作业②分配,指派association n. ①协会,联盟,社团②联合,结合,交往③联想assume vt. ①假定,假设,设想②承担,担任,就职③呈现,具有,采取attach vt. ①系,贴,连接②使依恋,使喜爱③认为有(重要性、责任等)④使附属on sb’s guard: 警惕,提防on the understanding that: 以什么为条件pull off: 将车停靠在路旁pull up: 减速停车out of condition: 不健康attend vt. ①出席,参加(会议等),上(学等)②照料,看管,关心 vi. 专心于,致力于(to)automated a. 自动化的automatic a. ①自动的②无意识的 n. 自动机械automobile n. 汽车available a. ①可用的,可得到的②有用的,有效的③可接受探访的award n. 奖,奖品,奖金vt. ①授予,给予②判给,裁定back n. ①背,背部②后面,反面③后卫a. ①后面的,背后的②向后的`,反向的ban n. 禁止,禁令 vt. 禁止,查禁,取缔battle n. ①战役,战斗②斗争,决斗 vi. 作战,斗争bind vt. ①捆,绑②使结合,使粘合③使受(法规或诺言的)约束④装订boast vi. (of, about)自夸,夸耀vt. ①夸口,吹嘘②以拥有…而自豪n. 自吹自擂,自夸的话boom n. ①激增,繁荣,迅速发展②隆隆声,嗡嗡声vi. ①激增,繁荣,迅速发展②发出隆隆声boost vt. ①提高,使增长②推动,激励③替…做广告,宣传n. ①提高,增长②推动,激励branch n. ①树枝,分枝②(机构的)分部③(学科的)分科,分支④支流,支线 vi. 分支,分出来,出现分歧breed n. 品种,种类vt. ①饲养,繁殖②抚养,培育③酿成,产生,造就vi. 繁殖,产仔budget n. 预算,预算拨款 vi. (for)编预算,做安排 vt. 规划,安排 a. 低廉的,收费公道的calculate vt. ①计算,核算②推算,推测③计划,打算,蓄意④[美]以为,认为 vi. 指望,期待(on, upon)campaign n. 战役,(政治或商业性)活动,运动vi. 参加活动,从事活动,作战cancel vt. ①取消,废除②抵消,对消③删去,划掉candidate n. ①申请求职者②投考者③候选人capture vt. ①俘获,捕获②占领,夺得n. ①俘获,捕获,夺得②俘虏,战利品career n. 生涯,职业casual a. ①偶然的,碰巧的②随便的,非正式的③漫不经心的,不经意的④临时的,不定期的chain n. ①链,链条②一连串,一系列③联号,连锁店④[pl.]枷锁,镣铐vt. 用链条拴住channel n. ①频道②[常pl.]渠道,途径③沟渠④海峡,水道,航道characteristic n. 特性,特征 a. 特有的,典型的charm n. ①魅力,吸引力②[pl.]妩媚,风韵③护身符,符咒,咒文 vt. 吸引,迷住chart n. ①图,图表②航图,海图 vt. 用图表表示,在图上表示下载文档。

考博英语高频词汇1.a b i d e b y(=b e f a i t h f u l t o;o b e y)忠于;遵守。
2.b e a b s e n t f r o m….缺席,不在3.a b s e n c e o r m i n d(=b e i n g a b s e n t-m i n d e d)心不在焉4.a b s o r b(=t a k e u p t h e a t t e n t i o n o f)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):b e a b s o r b e d i n 全神贯注于…近:b e e n g r o s s e d i n;b e l o s t i n;b e r a p t i n;b e c o n c e n t r a t e d o n;b ef o c u s e d o n;b e c e n t e r e d o n5.(b e)a b u n d a n t i n(b e r i c h i n;b e w e l l s u p p l i e d w i t h)富于,富有6.a c c e s s(t o)(不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解7. b y a c c i d e n t(=b y c h a n c e, a c c i d e n t a l l y)偶然地,意外. Wi t h o u ta c c i d e n t(=s a f e l y)安全地,8.o f o n e’s o w n a c c o r d(=w i t h o u t b e i n g a s k e d;w i l l i n g l y;f r e e l y)自愿地 ,主动地9.i n a c c o r d w i t h与…一致 .o u t o f o n e’s a c c o r d w i t h同….不一致10.w i t h o n e a c c o r d(=w i t h e v e r y b o d y a g r e e i n g)一致地11.i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h(=i n a g r e e m e n t w i t h)依照,根据12.o n o n e’s o w n a c c o u n t1)为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益2)(=a t o n e’s o w n r i s k)自行负责3)(=b y o n e s e l f)依靠自己o n a c c o u n t赊账;o n a c c o u n t o f因为;o n n o a c c o u n t不论什么原因也不;o f…a c c o u n t有…..重要性.13.t a k e…i n t o a c c o u n t(=c o n s i d e r)把...考虑进去14.g i v e s b.a n a c c o u n t o f说明,解释 (理由)15.a c c o u n t f o r(=g i v e a n e x p l a n a t i o n o r r e a s o n f o r)解释,说明.16.o n a c c o u n t o f(=b e c a u s e o f)由于,因为.17.o n n o a c c o u n t(=i n n o c a s e,f o r n o r e a s o n)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)18.a c c u s e…o f…(=c h a r g e…w i t h;b l a m e s b.f o r s t h.;b l a m e s t h.o n s b.;c o m p l a i n a b o u t)指控,控告19.b e a c c u s t o m e d t o(=b e i n t h e h a b i t o f,b e u s e d t o)习惯于.20.b e a c q u a i n t e d w i t h(=t o h a v e k n o w l e d g e o f)了解;(=t o h a v e m e t s o c i a l l y)熟悉21.a c t o n奉行,按照…行动;a c t a s扮演;a c t f o r代理22.a d a p t o n e s e l f t o(=a d j u s t o n e s e l f t o)使自己适应于23.a d a p t…(f o r)(=m a k e s t h.S u i t a b l e f o r a n e w n e e d)改编,改写(以适应新的需要)24.i n a d d i t i o n(=b e s i d e s)此外,又,加之25.i n a d d i t i o n t o(=a s w e l l a s,b e s i d e s,o t h e r t h a n)除…外26.a d h e r e t o(=a b i d e b y,c o n f o r m t o,c o m p l y w i t h,c l i n g t o,i n s i s t o n,p e r s i s t i n, o b s e r v e,o p i n i o n,b e l i e f)粘附;坚持,遵循27.a d j a c e n t(=n e x t t o,c l o s e t o)毗邻的,临近的28.a d j u s t..(t o)(=c h a n g e s l i g h t l y)调节;适应;29.a d m i t o f(=b e c a p a b l e o f,l e a v e r o o m f o r)…的可能,留有…的余地.30.i n a d v a n c e(b e f o r e i n t i m e)预告,事先.31.t o a d v a n t a g e有利的,使优点更加突出地.32.h a v e a n a d v a n t a g e o v e r胜过.h a v e t h e a d v a n t a g e o f由于…处于有利条件h a v e t h e a d v a n t a g e o f s b.知道某人所不知道的事33.t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f(=m a k e t h e b e s t o f,u t i l i z e,m a k e u s e o f,p r o f i t f r o m,h a r n e s s)利用.34.a g r e e w i t h赞同(某人意见)a g r e e t o同意35.i n a g r e e m e n t(w i t h)同意,一致36.a h e a d o f在…之前,超过…;…………….a h e a d o f t i m e提前.37.i n t h e a i r1)不肯定,不具体.2)在谣传中.38.a b o v e a l l(=e s p e c i a l l y,m o s t i m p o r t a n t o f a l l)尤其是,最重要的.39.i n a l l(=c o u n t i n g e v e r y o n e o r e v e r y t h i n g,a l t o g e t h e r)总共,总计40.a f t e r a l l毕竟,到底;(n o t)a t a l l一点也不;a l l a t o n c e(=s u d d e n l y)突然;o n c e a n d f o r a l l只此一次;ab o v e a l l最重要的;f i r s t o f a l l首先;a l l i n a l l大体上说;b e a l l i n累极了;a l l b u t几乎.41.a l l o w f o r(=t a k e i n t o c o n s i d e r a t i o n,t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t)考虑到,估计到.42.a m o u n t t o(=t o b e e q u a l t o)总计,等于.43.a n s w e r f o r(u n d e r t a k e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r,b e l i a b l e f o r,t a k e c h a r g e f o r)对…负责.44.a n s w e r t o(=c o n f o r m t o)适合,符合.45.b e a n x i o u s a b o u t为…焦急不安;或a n x i o u s f o r46.a p o l o g i z e t o s b.f o r s t h.为…向…道歉47.a p p e a l t o s b.f o r s t h.为某事向某人呼吁.a p p e a l t o s b.对某人有吸引力48.a p p l y t o s b.f o r s t h.为…向…申请 ;a p p l y f o r申请;a p p l y t o适用.49.a p p l y t o与…有关;适用50.a p p r o v e o f(=c o n s e n t t o,b e i n f a v o r o f,f a v o r,a g r e e t o,c o n s i d e r g o o d, r i g h t)赞成,a p p r o v e v t.批准51.a r i s e f r o m(=b e c a u s e d b y)由…引起.52.a r r a n g e f o r s b./s t h.t o d o s t h.安排…做…53.a r r i v e o n到达;a r r i v e a t到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;a r r i v e i n到达某地(大地方);54.b e a s h a m e d o f(=f e e l s h a m e,g u i l t o r s o r r o w b e c a u s e o f s t h.d o n e)以…为羞耻55.a s s u r e s b.o f s t h.(=t r y t o c a u s e t o b e l i e v e o r t r u s t i n s t h.)向…保证,使…确信.56.a t t a c h(t o)(=t o f i x,f a s t e n;j o i n)缚,系 ,结57.m a k e a n a t t e m p t a t d o i n g s t h.(t o d o s t h.)试图做…58.a t t e n d t o(=g i v e o n e’s a t t e n t i o n,c a r e a n d t h o u g h t)注意,照顾;a t t e n d o n(u p o n)(=w a i t u p o n,s e r v e,l o o k a f t e r)侍候,照料59.a t t i t u d e t o/t o w a r d…对…的态度.看法60.a t t r i b u t e…t o…(=t o b e l i e v e s t h.t o b e t h e r e s u l t o f…)把..归因于..,认为..是..的结果61.o n t h e a v e r a g e(=o n a v e r a g e,o n a n a v e r a g e)平均62.(b e)a w a r e o f(=b e c o n s c i o u s o f,h a v i n g k n o w l e d g e o r c o n s c i o u s n e s s)意识到,知道.63.a t t h e b a c k o f(=b e h i n d)在…后面64.i n t h e b a c k o f在…后部(里面);o n t h e b a c k o f在…后部(外面);b e o n o n e’s b a c k(=b e i l l i n b e d)卧病不起.65.a t o n e’s b a c k(=s u p p o r t i n g o r f a v o r i n g s b.)支持,维护;h a v e s b.a t o n e’sb ac k有…支持,有…作后台66.t u r n o n e’s b a c k o n s b.(=t u r n a w a y f r o m s b.i n a n i m p o l i t e w a y)不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃67.b e h i n d o n e’s b a c k背着某人(说坏话)68.b e b a s e d o n/u p o n基于69.o n t h e b a s i s o f根据…,在…基础上70.b e a t…a t在…运动项目上打赢71.b e g i n w i t h以…开始.t o b e g i n w i t h(=f i r s t o f a l l)首先,第一(经常用于开始语)72.o n b e h a l f o f(=a s t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f)以…名义73.b e l i e v e i n(=h a v e f a i t h o r t r u s t i n;c o n s i d e r s t h./s b.t o b e t r u e)相信,依赖,信仰.74.b e n e f i t(f r o m)受益,得到好处.75.f o r t h e b e n e f i t o f为了…的利益(好处)76.f o r t h e b e t t e r好转77.g e t t h e b e t t e r o f(=d e f e a t s b.)打败,胜过.78.b y b i r t h在出生上,论出身,按血统 a t b i r t h在出生时;g i v e b i r t h t o出生79.b l a m e s b.f o r s t h.因…责备某人 .b l a m e s t h.o n s b.把…推在某人身上80.i n b l o s s o m开花(指树木)b e i n b l o s s o m开花(强调状态)c o m e i n t o b l o s s o m 开花(强调动作)81.o n b o a r d到船上,在船上,上火车或飞机82.b o a s t o f(o r a b o u t)吹嘘83.o u t o f b r e a t h喘不过气来84.i n b r i e f(=i n a s f e w w o r d s a s p o s s i b l e)简言之85.i n b u l k成批地,不散装的86.t a k e t h e f l o o r起立发言87.o n b u s i n e s s出差办事.88.b e b u s y w i t h s t h.于某事 。

考博英语高频词汇1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。
24. in addition(=besides) 此外, 又, 加之2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在 25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在除…外焉 26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, 4.absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion,(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be 27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on 28. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的富于,富有可能,留有…的余地.6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 30. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. 31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.Without accident(=safely) 安全地, 32. have an advantage over 胜过.8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地 have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事9. in accord with 与…一致 . 33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize,out of one’s accord with 同….不一致 make use of, profit from, harness)利用.10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致34. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意地 35. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,36. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;…………….根据 ahead of time 提前.12. on one’s own account 37. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中.1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 38. above all (=especially, most important of all) 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责尤其是, 最重要的.3) (=by oneself)依靠自己 39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no altogether) 总共, 总计account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重40. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;要性. all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此13. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in 14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由) all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎.15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into解释, 说明. account) 考虑到, 估计到.16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为. 42. amount to (=to beequal to) 总计, 等于.17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,43. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable 无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装) for, take charge for) 对…负责.18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; 44. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合.blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告 45. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used 46. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉to)习惯于. 47. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁.20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力(=to have met socially) 熟悉 48. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请 ;21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act apply for申请; apply to 适用.for 代理 49. apply to 与…有关;适用22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自50. approve of(=consent to, be in favor of, favor,己适应于 agree to, consider good, right) 赞成, approve vt. 23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 批准改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) 51. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起.1考博英语高频词汇52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做… 80. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强53. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方); 81. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机 54. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow 82. boast of (or about) 吹嘘because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻 83. out of breath 喘不过气来55. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust 84. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信. 85. in bulk 成批地,不散装的56. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系 ,结 86. take the floor 起立发言57. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图87. on business 出差办事.做… 88. be busy with sth.于某事。

考博英语词汇大全〔完全免费版〕adore vt.崇拜,热爱advantageous a.有利的,有助的aerial adj.空中的,航空的,空想的,空气的aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间agitation n.鼓动,焦虑badge n.徽章,标记baffle vt.困惑,阻碍,为难bait n.饵;引诱物v.使生气,欺负balcony n.阳台;楼厅,楼座bald adj.秃头的bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒bank v.<车或飞机>倾斜转变n.岸banker n.银行家bankrupt adj.破产的banquet n.盛宴丰盛、豪华的筵席barometer n.气压计,晴雨表baron n.大财主,大老板barren adj.不生育的,不孕的,贫瘠的,没有结果的,无益的,单调的,无聊的,空洞的bazaar n.集市,商店集中区beetle n.甲虫;近视眼的人beforehand ad.预先;提前地bestow v.给予,赐赠bewilder vt.迷惑,把…弄糊涂bid v.①致意,吩咐②出价bishop n.<基督教的>主教bleach vt.漂白blond n.白肤金发碧眼的人blunder v.跌跌撞撞地走,犯大错,做错n.愚蠢之举bourgeois n.中产阶级,商人,资产阶级;adj.中产阶级的,平庸bridegroom n.新郎bridle v.限制,阻止bronze n.青铜;青铜制品n.青铜色brood n.一窝幼鸟v.孵蛋,闷想buffalo n.水牛;水陆坦克bug n.臭虫,窃听器bugle n.军号;喇叭,号角bump n.撞击,肿块;v.碰<伤>,撞<破>,颠簸bureaucracy n.官僚政治burglar n.夜盗,窃贼burner n.灯头,煤气头buzz vi.<蜂等>嗡嗡叫C、D字母的cable n.缆,索;电缆;电报n.海底电报catalyst n.催化剂,促使事情发展的因素cater vi.迎合,投合,备办食物,满足<需要>cavity n.〔牙齿等的〕洞、腔cement n.水泥;胶粘剂censor vt.检查,审查,删改charcoal n.炭,木炭;生物炭charter n.〔公司〕执照,宪章chatter vi.&n.喋喋不休chestnut n.栗子;栗树;栗色chop n.<用斧头等>砍,<风>突然改变方向chord n.弦,和音,情绪cigar n.雪茄烟,叶卷烟circus n.马戏;马戏团clamp n.螺丝钳clash v.冲突,撞击clasp n.扣子,钩,紧握clatter n.得得声,卡嗒声cloak n.斗篷;覆盖<物> vt.掩盖,覆盖,掩饰clown n.小丑,粗鲁愚蠢的人clutch vt.抓住vi.掌握,攫cock n.公鸡;雄禽;旋塞n.旋塞,开关,龙头coffin n.棺材,柩coke n.焦炭vt.&vi.炼焦combustion n.燃烧comedy n.喜剧commence v.开始,倡导commend vt.委托给,推荐,嘉奖commission n.委任状;委员会n.委托,委任;委托状complement n.补足物;<数>余数;血清中的补体vt.补充,补足compliment vt.称赞,褒扬,恭维conceit n.自负,自大concentrate v.集中,专心,浓缩concession n.让步,特许权console vt.安慰,藉慰consolidate vt.巩固,使联合,统一constituent n.成份,选区内的选民constitute vt.构成,组成,任命constitution n.章程,宪法constraint n.强逼,压抑,拘束,紧X状态consul n.领事contend vt.声称,主X,认为controversy n.争论,辩论conviction 1. n.确信,信服,深信2. n.定罪corrosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈.corrupt vt.贿赂a.腐败的couch n.##发,睡椅v.表达,措辞counsel n.商议;忠告;律师courageous a.勇敢的,无畏的courteous a.有礼貌的,谦恭的courtesy n.礼貌,谦恭,允许crab n.蟹,蟹肉vi.捕蟹cradle n.摇篮,发源地crank n.曲柄,古怪的人crisp a.脆的;卷曲的crooked a.弯的,歪的;畸形的curly a.卷曲的;有卷毛的cutter n.用于切割的器械cylinder n.圆筒;柱<面>;汽缸damn v.谴责datum n.资料;数据;已知数dazzle v.<使>眼花,眩耀;n.耀眼deafen vt.使聋;使隔音dealer n.商人,贩子;发牌者dean n.系主任decisive a.决定性的;果断的decompose v.〔使〕腐烂decorative a.装饰的decree n.命令,法令,v.颁布命令,公告deem v.认为,视为deepen vt.加深vt.加浓deficiency n.缺乏,不足delegate n.代表deliberately ad.审慎地,故意地denote vt.指示,意味着denounce v.指责,揭发desert vt.放弃,遗弃,逃跑dessert n.甜点心detach vt.分离,分遣detain v.拘留,留住,阻止deviate v.越轨,脱离deviation n.背离devour v.吞食,〔一口气〕读完dictator n.独裁者diesel n.柴油发动机,内燃机dignity n.尊严,高贵dioxide n.二氧化物disastrous adj.灾难性的discern v.〔费劲〕识别,看出discourse n.演讲;论文disillusion n.觉醒vt.使觉醒dismay n.惊慌,沮丧,灰心dispatch v.派遣,一下做完、吃完n.迅速disperse vi.分散dissipate vt.散失,驱散,浪费dissolve vt.vi.溶解,解散distort vt.扭曲,歪曲divert vt.使转向vi.转移dizzy vt.使头昏眼花dock v.剪短,扣除…的一部份dome n.圆屋顶domestic a.<动物的>非野生的,驯养的drain vt.排出沟外,喝光,耗尽drainage n.排水,污水dreadful a.可怕的;令人敬畏的duke n.公爵dwarf n.侏儒,矮小的植物v.阻碍…的正常发育dynamo n.发电机echo n.回声,反响vt.反射<声音等>eclipse n.〔日,月〕蚀,名声缺落,失势vt.引起日蚀,引起月蚀,使黯然失色editorial n.社会;重要评论Egyptian a.埃与的n.埃与人eject v.喷出、逐出elbow n.肘,肘部;弯管vt.用肘挤,挤进electrode n.电极;电焊条embroidery n.刺绣<品>,润色empirical adj.经验的、实证的enchant v.使迷醉,施魔法于endeavor n.努力,事业,vi.试图;努力endow vt.资助;赋予,授予energize vt.使活跃,给予精力,加强,给与...电压;vi.用力,engage vt.施展;吸引;占用<时间,精力等>entitle v.使有权<做某事>entreat v.恳求episode n.一段情节, [音]插曲,插话,有趣的事件epoch n.纪元,划时代的大事equivalent adj.相等的,等值的errand n.差使,差事escort v.护送n.护送者essential a.必要的,本质的a.特发的;自发的estate n.等级,地产evil n.邪恶;祸害n.邪恶,罪恶;祸害exclamation n.惊呼,惊叹词exclusive adj.<人>孤僻的,<物>专用的exert vt.发挥,运用,施以影响expedition n.远征,探险队,迅速expel v.排出,开除explicit adj.外在的,清楚的,直率的exposition n.阐释,博览会extraction n.抽出;提取法;摘要extravagant adj.奢侈的无节制的fabrication n.制作,构成;捏造facilitate vt.帮助,使容易,促进feminine a.女性的;女子气的fence n.栅栏n.击剑<术> vi.击剑ferrous adj.含铁的ferry n.渡船,渡口,v.运送fertile adj.多产的,肥沃的filament n.灯丝,细丝filter vt.过滤n.滤纸filth n.肮脏,粗语firmness n.坚固,坚定,稳固first-rate a.第一流的,优秀的fission n.裂开;分裂生殖fitness n.适应性flake n.片,薄片;肌膈flannel n.法兰绒;法兰绒衣服flap vt.&n.拍打vi.拍动float vi.漂浮flock n.群,一群人,大量v.聚结flutter n.摆动,鼓翼,烦扰;vi.鼓翼,飘动,悸动,乱跳,烦flux n.变迁,不断的变化foam n.泡沫;泡沫塑料forge n.铁匠铺,v.锤炼,伪造v.〔迎着困难〕稳步前进forsake v.遗弃,放弃fortress n.堡垒,防御工事forum n.辩论的场所,讲坛foul adj.恶臭的,邪恶的,v.弄脏n.〔体育等〕犯规fowl n.家禽;禽肉fragrant a.香的,芬芳的frail adj.脆弱的,不坚实的fret v.<使>烦恼, <使>焦急, <使>腐蚀, <使>磨损fringe n.〔窗帘等〕须边,边缘frock n.上衣,外衣,工装,僧衣garage n.车库;加油站n.汽车修理站;飞机库garment n.衣服;服装,衣着generosity n.慷慨、大方geology n.地质学;<某地>地质gigantic a.巨大的;巨人似的ginger n.姜,精力,淡赤黄色vt.使活泼,使有生气gleam n.亮光,闪光,v.发闪光glider n滑翔机pamphlet n.小册子panic n.恐慌,惊惶pant n.气喘;心跳vi.气喘panther n.豹,黑豹;美洲狮pantry n.食品柜,餐具室pants n.裤子;男用短衬裤parachute n.降落伞;风散种子parade n.游行;检阅vt.夸耀<才能等>paralyse vt.使麻痹,使瘫痪parameter n.参数,参量, <口>起限定作用的因素participant n.参加者a.有份的passport n.护照n.达到目的的手段pasture n.牧场;牲畜饲养patent adj.专利的,显著的,新奇的pathetic adj.引起怜悯的,令人难过的peacock n.孔雀peak v.憔悴,消瘦peck n.啄痕,啄食,许多,轻吻peculiarity n.特性;特质pedal n.踏板peddler n.小贩,传播者pedestrian adj.徒步的,缺乏想像的呆板的n.行人pedlar n.<挨户兜售的>小贩peel vt.剥<皮>,削<皮> n.果皮,蔬菜皮penalty n.刑罚,罚款,报应pendulum n.摆,钟摆.penetration n.穿透,洞察力perch v.〔鸟〕栖息n.鲈鱼perfection n.尽善尽美;无比精确peril n.危险perimeter n.周长,周界periodic n.周期的;一定时期的perpetual adj.永久的,不断的perplex vt.迷惑,困惑,难住persevere vi.坚持不懈;不屈不挠persistence n.坚持;持续,存留personnel n.全体人员,全体职员n.人事部门persuasion n.劝说,说服;主Xpertinent adj.相关的,中肯的,切题的petty adj.小的,不重要的,小规模的,小型的,细微的,小器的,卑鄙的photoelectric a.光电的photography n.摄影术pickle n.腌制食品,泡菜pier n.桥墩,码头pierce v.刺透,穿过pineapple n.凤梨,波萝pirate n.海盗,剽窃者v.盗印,掠夺piston n.活塞pitch n.沥青,柏油n.音调<音符之高低>plague n.瘟疫,讨厌的人或物v.烦扰pluck 1. n.猛拉,动物内脏,弹奏2. n.勇气,胆量在困难面前足智多谋的勇气和胆量;精子plump adj.丰满的;鼓起的,直率的vt.突然放下,使丰满,使鼓起plunder v.抢劫,掠夺pneumatic a.空气的;气动的poke v.刺,戳,嘲弄polarity n.极端性,二极分化polymer n.聚合物,多聚物porcelain n.瓷,瓷器pore n.毛孔,气孔,细孔vi.熟读,凝视,细想,沉思postal a.邮政的,邮局的poultry n.家禽prairie n.大草原,牧场precede v.在…之前,早于predecessor n.前任,先辈,以前的东西predominant adj.有势力的,显著的pregnant adj.怀孕的,充满的,含蓄的preset vt.预先装置prestige n.声望,威望,威信presumably ad.推测起来,大概prevalent adj.流行的,普遍的prey n.被捕食的动物,牺牲者prick n.小刺,刺痛v.刺伤,戳穿prism n.棱柱<体>;棱镜prohibition n.禁止;禁令,禁律projector n.投影仪;探照灯promotion n.促进;提升;创立promptly ad.立即propaganda n.宣传;宣传机构propagate vt.繁殖;传播,普与propagation n.繁殖;传播;蔓延prophecy n.预言,预言能力prophet n.预言家,先知propulsion n.推进力proverb n.谚语,格言,箴言provision n.供应,〔法律等〕条款provoke vt.激怒,惹起,驱使psychology n.心理学,心理状态pumpkin n.南瓜,南瓜藤punch n.结论,点睛之笔, <故事,戏剧,笑话等中的>妙语puppy n.小狗,幼犬qualitative a.定性的quantify vt.确定…的数量quarterly a.季度的a.季度的ad.季度地quartz n.石英quench vt.熄灭,结束,冷浸,淬火quest v.n.搜寻,探求radius n.<复数为radii radiuses>X围;半径raise vt.养殖;培育raisin n.葡萄干rally v.n.召集,集会ramble vi.漫步,漫谈,漫游,蔓延ranch n.农牧场,v.放牧rap v.严厉指责rapture n.狂喜,极高兴rascal n.流氓,恶棍,无赖rash adj.轻率的;鲁莽的rattle n.拨浪鼓rebuke v.指责,谴责recipe n.菜谱,烹饪法;处方reciprocal adj.相互的,互惠的recognition n.承认;认可reconcile vt.使和解,调停,使和谐,使听从,使顺从,使一致reef n.礁,礁石,暗礁reel n.卷轴,一卷,蹒跚,旋转,纺车referee n.裁判员,仲裁者refinery n.精炼厂,提炼厂refrain v.抑制,避免n.歌曲的反复句,叠句regime n.政体,政权,政权制度regiment n.〔军队〕团v.严格控制reign n.执政,君主统治,统治,支配religion n.##,信仰remainder n.剩余物reptile n.爬虫动物,卑鄙的人requisite n adj.必需物,必要的reservation n.保留;预定,预订residual adj.残余的,剩余的respectable a.可敬的;人格高尚的restrain vt.抑制,制止,遏制resultant a.因而发生的retail v.n.零售retard vt.妨碍,延迟,迟缓retort vi.反驳,回嘴,反击revive vi.苏醒,复活,复兴,恢复精神revolve vt.&vi.<使>旋转ridicule n .v.嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄rim n.边;边缘,<眼镜>框rinse v.以清水冲洗,漂洗riot vi.参加暴动,纵情,放荡,挥霍ripple n.涟漪,细浪,波纹roam vi.漫游;流浪roundabout adj.绕远道的,转弯抹角的ruby n.红宝石ruthless adj.无情的,残忍的S字母的safeguard n.保护措施;护照salmon n.大麻哈鱼,鲜肉色salute n.招呼,行礼vt.迎接,欢迎sardine n.沙丁鱼satellite n.人造卫星satisfaction n.满意;快事;赔偿n.快事,乐事;愉快saturation n.饱和<状态>;浸透Saturn n.农神;土星scandal n.丑闻,恶意诽谤scar vt.使有疤痕scarcity n.缺乏,不足,萧条scarlet n.猩红色a.猩红的scheme n.阴谋,〔作品等〕体系,结构scoff v.嘲笑,狼吞虎咽scorch v.烧焦,枯萎scramble v.攀登,争夺scratch vt.划破;擦伤scrub n.矮树丛,身体矮小的人v.用力擦洗sculpture n.雕刻seam n.缝、接缝seaport n.海港,港市n.海港,港口,港市senator n.参议员;评议员sensation n.感觉,知觉;轰动senseless a.愚蠢的,无意义的sensor n.传感器,灵敏元件sequence n.顺序,系列;次序sermon n.说教,训诫,布道serpent n.蛇<尤指大蛇或毒蛇>severe adj.严格的,凶猛的,严肃的,朴素的shabby adj.破烂的,卑鄙的shadowy a.有影的;幽暗的shaft n.轴,箭杆,矛,杆状物sham v.佯装n.伪品adj.虚假的shark n.鲨鱼;贪婪狡猾的人shatter vt.粉碎,破碎;毁坏sheriff n.县治安官shipbuilder n.造船专家shipwreck n.船遇难<失事>shortage n.缺少;不足shovel n.铲子、铁锨v.铲shrill adj.尖锐的、剌耳的shrimp n.<复数shrimp<s><小>虾shrine n.神龛,圣地shrub n.灌木shrug vt.vi.耸肩siege n.包围,围攻sift v.筛、过滤simplicity n.简单;简易simultaneous adj.同时发生的sincerity n.真诚,诚意;真实skeleton n.骨骼skyscraper n.摩天大楼slack n.松弛,静止,淡季,闲散,家常裤;adj.松弛的,不流畅的,懒散的slander v.诽谤,中伤slang n.俚语;行话,黑话slim a.细长的;微小的slit v.撕裂n.裂口,裂缝slumber n.v.睡眠,沉睡状态smash vt.打碎,打破,粉碎smuggle v.走私,私运sneer n.冷笑,嘲笑vt.轻蔑sneeze vi.打喷嚏sniff vi.用鼻子吸vt.嗅snob n.势利的人,假内行snobbish adj.势利眼的snore vi.打鼾,打呼噜sociology n.社会学sodium n.钠solidify v.<使>凝固, <使>团结,巩固solo adj.单独的,n.独唱souvenir n.纪念物,纪念品sovereign n.最高统治者,元者soy n.酱油;大豆,黄豆spectrum n.光,光谱,型谱spice n.香料,调味品;香气spill vt.使溢出n.<人>摔下,跌下split v.n.分裂,裂开squash v.压碎,挤压,n.南瓜squat v.蹲下,adj.矮胖的stability n.稳定,稳定性,巩固n.坚定stagger v.蹒跚,摇晃stainless a.纯洁的;不锈的stalk v.暗中追踪stammer v.口吃,结巴standardize vt.使与标准比较steak n.大块牛肉;牛排stem n〔植物的〕茎,叶柄,v.阻止,遏制〔水流等〕stereo n.立体声a.立体声的stern n.船尾stew vt.炖vi.炖着n.炖肉stitch n.〔缝纫时的〕一针,一钩v.缝合storage n.储存;仓库strait n.海峡,困境streamline a.流线型的strip v.脱衣,剥夺n.条带stroll v.漫步,闲逛stubborn adj.顽固的,不听话的,执拗的,棘手的subsidiary adj.补助的,次要的,津贴的subtle adj.微妙的;精巧的successor n.继承人,继任者suffice v.足够,〔食物〕满足sullen adj.愠怒的,沉沉不乐的, <天气等>阴沉的summon vt.召集,号召;鼓起<勇气>;<法律>传唤出庭supersonic a.超声的,超声速的superstition n.迷信,盲目恐惧supplement n.补充物,增刊,补充sweeten vt.使变甜vi.变甜sweetness n.甜蜜;新鲜;温和tabulate vt.制表;列表显示tack n.大头钉,图钉tact n.机智,圆滑tactics n.策略;战术,兵法tease vt.逗乐,戏弄,强求telex n.电传,用户电报tempt vt.诱惑,吸引terrace n.一层梯田,阳台terrorism n.恐怖主义theater n.剧场,阶梯教室theorem n.定理;原理,原则thermal adj.热的,热量的thigh n.大腿thorough a.完全的thrash v.鞭打,乱蹦乱跳tickle n.搔,胳肢,发痒;vt.胳肢,逗笑,使高兴,使发痒;v tighten vt.&vi.<使>变紧tile n.瓦片,瓷砖tilt v.〔使〕倾斜n.倾斜,斜坡toad n.蟾蜍,癞哈蟆torment n.痛苦vt.折磨torpedo n.鱼雷,油井爆破筒;v.用鱼雷进攻,破坏torque n.转矩,项圈track n.轨道;路径;进程,一片土地;地带,vt.跟踪<观察> tragic a.悲剧性的,悲惨的tramp v.重步走,长途跋涉tranquil adj.宁静的,安静的tread n.步伐,轮胎纹trench n.沟,壕沟tribute n.贡物;颂词trolley n.手推车;无轨电车troop vi.成群而行tropic n.热带地区;回归线trot vi.&n.<马>小跑,慢跑tug vi.用力拖n.猛拉,拖tulip n.郁金香tuna n.金枪鱼turtle n.海龟,玳瑁;甲鱼肉twist vi.旋转tyranny n.暴政,苛政,专治tyrant n.暴君,残暴之人U/V/W/X/Y/Zultrasonic a.超声的n.超声波ultraviolet a.紫外的n.紫外线辐射unanimous adj.全体意见一致的unpaid a.未付的;不支薪水的untie vt.解开,松开;解放uproar n.喧嚣,骚动uranium n.铀utensil n.工具,〔厨房〕用具vaccinate vt.vi.预防接种valve n.活门,阀门vault n.窖,地下室,撑竿跳,圆顶vengeance n.报仇,报复ventilate vt.使空气流通,使通风,宣布,公开verge v.濒临;n.边缘versatile adj.多才多艺的,万用的,万向的vicinity n.附近,接近vicious adj.邪恶的,堕落的,品性不端的viscous adj.粘滞的,粘性的vision n.视力;视觉volunteer n.志愿者vt.志愿vow vt.立誓要做;X重地宣告vulgar adj.粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的,通俗的,普通的wag n.摇摆,小丑walnut n.胡桃,核桃树wardrobe n.衣橱,衣室,全部衣服warrant vt.保证,辩解,使有正当理由,批准wasp n.黄蜂,蚂蜂watertight a.不漏水的,防水的watery a.水的;湿的;乏味的weaver n.织布工,编织者wharf n.码头wield v.支配,掌权willow n.柳树windmill n.风车witty a.机智的;风趣的woe n.悲痛,苦难woodpecker n.啄木鸟wrath n.愤怒,大怒wrench v.扭,拧,n.板钳,板手yacht n.帆船,游艇yearn v.盼望,渴望yeast n.酵母,兴奋yolk n.蛋黄。

西北大学考博英语核心词汇集锦1.sniff[snif]vi.嗅…味道;抽鼻涕;对嗤之以鼻,蔑视2.snow[snəu]n.雪,下雪vi.下雪;如雪一般地落下3.snowstorm['snəustɔ:m]n.暴风雪4.so"['səu,弱sə]"ad.那么;非常;也;不错conj.因此;以便5.soak[səuk]"v.浸泡,浸湿,浸透"6.soap[səup]n.肥皂7.soar[sɔ:]vi.(指鸟等)高飞,翱翔;飞涨;高耸8.sob"[,səu'bi:]""v./n.哭泣,呜咽"9.sober['səubə]"a.清醒的;认真的,冷静的,适度的"10.so-called['səu'kɔ:ld] a.(贬)所谓的,号称的11.soccer['sɔkə]n.足球需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。
12.sociable['səuʃəbl] a.好交际的,友好的,合群的13.social['səuʃəl] a.社会的;交际的14.socialism['səuʃəlizəm]n.社会主义15.society[sə'saiəti]"n.社会;社团,协会,社;社交界,上流社会"16.sociology"[,səusi'ɔlədʒi,-ʃi-]"n.社会学17.sock[sɔk]n.(pl.)短袜18.soda['səudə]"n.苏打,汽水"19.sofa['səufə]n.长沙发,沙发20.soft"[sɔft,sɔ:ft]""a.软的;温柔的;细嫩的,光滑的;不含酒精的"21.software"['sɔftwεə,'sɔ:-]"n.软件22.soil[sɔil]"n.泥土,土地,土壤v.弄脏,(使)变脏"23.solar['səulə]"a.太阳的,日光的"24.soldier['səuldʒə]"n.士兵,军人"25.sole[səul]"a.单独的,唯一的n.脚垫,鞋底"26.solemn['sɔləm]"a.庄严的,隆重的;严肃的"27.solid['sɔlid]"a.固体的;结实的,稳固的,可靠的n.固体"28.solidarity"[,sɔli'dæriti]"n.团结;休戚相关29.solitary['sɔlitəri] a.(好)孤独的;偏僻的;单一的,唯一的30.solo['səuləu]n.独奏 a.&ad.单独的(地);独唱的(地)31.soluble['sɔljubl]a.可溶的32.solution[sə'lju:ʃən]"n.解答,解决办法;溶解,溶液"33.solve"[sɔlv,sɔ:lv]""v.解决,解答"34.some"[sʌm,弱səm,sm]"a.几个;一些;有些;某(人或物)pron.一些35.somebody"['sʌm,bɔdi,-bʌ-]"pron.某人,有人n.重要人物36.somehow['sʌmhau]ad.以某种方式,用某种方法;不知怎么地37.someone"['sʌm,wʌn,-wən]"pron.某人(=somebody)38.something['sʌmθiŋ]pron.某事,某物;被视为有意义的事物39.sometime['sʌmtaim]ad.将来(或过去)某个时候a.以前的40.sometimes['sʌmtaimz]ad.不时,有时,间或41.somewhat"['sʌmhwɔt,-hwət]"pron.&ad.一点儿,几分42.somewhere['sʌmhwεə]ad.某地,在某处;在附近,前后,大约43.son[sʌn]n.儿子;孩子(长者对年青或年幼男子的称呼)44.song"[sɔŋ,sɔ:ŋ]"n.歌唱,(虫、鸟等)鸣声;歌曲,歌词45.soon[su:n]ad.不久,即刻;快,早46.sophisticated[sə'fistikeitid]"a.尖端的,复杂的,先进的;老练的,老于世故的"47.sophomore(中学、大学)二年级学生48.sore[sɔ:]"a.疼痛的;痛心的n.痛处,疮口"49.sorrow"['sɔrəu,'sɔ:-]""n.悲衰,悲痛"50.sorry"['sɔ:ri,'sɔ-]" a.对不起,抱歉的;难过,悔恨的;使人伤心本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。

考博英语高频词汇解析01career [ka 'ria(r)] n./adj./v.n.生涯;职业;事业;速度,全速adj.作为毕生职业的v.全速前进,猛冲一.常用搭配career advancement 职业晋升Professional career 职业生涯二.例句Getting a job in marketing was a good career move.找份市场营销的工作是一个不错的职业选择。
The runaway car careered into a bench, hitting an elderly couple 那辆失控的车猛冲到一条长椅上,撞伤了一对老夫妇。
It is our client's contention that the fire was an accident..我们当事人的看法是这场火灾属于意外。
拓展:同:consumer, customer, user派:clientele客户;诉讼委托人cliff [klif] n.n.悬崖,峭壁例句:They made their way in single file along thecliff path.他们一个接着一个沿悬崖小径前进。
They lowered him down the cliff on a rope.他们用绳索把他放下悬崖。
拓展:同:precipice, escarpment派:cliffy陡峭的;多悬崖的climax ['klaimaeks] n./v.n.高潮,极点,顶点v.达成(或形成)极点常用搭配:climax with/in sth.达成(或形成)极点例句:The business in hand was approaching some kind of climax.手头的生意似乎快到紧要关头了。
The festival will climax on Sunday with a gala concert.星期天的音乐盛会将把这次会演推向高潮。

1 、 abide, adhere, conform, comply“遵守”。
abide[??baid]v. 后接 by 表示“遵守,同意”。
I will abide by the director' decision.我将遵从主任的决定。
adhere[ ?d ?hi ? ] v.后接to表示“遵守”。
)Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。
conform[k ? n?f?:m] v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。
All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。
comply[k ?m?plai]v. 后接 with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。
Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。
2 、 abnormal, uncommon, disordered“反常的”abnormal[?b?n ?:m ?l] a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象 ( 如气候 ) 的异常。
His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days,the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。
( 尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。
)uncommon[?n?k?m ?n] a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。

Whisper 小声细语Proclaim大声宣告reclaim纠正,收回acclaim欢呼,喝彩claim 要求,声称Deteriorate使土地变坏,恶化Criticize批评object反对不及物动词objectto/against oppose反对,及物动词,直接跟宾语反对某种观点或计划frown皱眉frownon不同意Renown声誉名望prominence卓越,显著的地位authority权威,专家,当局Intensify加剧enforce迫使Feasible可行的appropriate合适的apt有……倾向的,恰当的Countenance面容,表情Hindrance阻碍Patriotisms爱国主义Reproach斥责beyond reproach无可指责的reprehend斥责Plague 瘟疫,灾害,折磨Avail 利用,效益,有利于availoneselfofsth 利用Indulge沉溺于,放纵indulgeinLaudatory赞美的lascivious好色的,淫荡的languish憔悴的lethargic昏睡的,无生气的Fill one’s prescription 给某人开处方Tobeblamefor主动结构表示被动意义,不能采用blame的被动形式Bechargedwith被控告denounce公然抨击Identical同一的,完全相同的superficial表面的,肤浅的Atbest最多allength最后,详细的inbulk大量的,详细的ineffect实际上Getby过得去,过活getaround出行V oluntarily自动的,以自由意识的compulsorily强制的Eliminate 消除,淘汰dispose处理,处置exclude排除extinguish熄灭,扑灭abolish 对法律习俗的废除Accommodate提供住宿/房间,迎合,迁就furnish提供生活或某种用途需要的东西Admit说服,再三追问下承认confess坦白,招认concede勉强不得不承认Affiliate加入,成为……的一部分Stretch延展,延伸stretchone’smind绞尽脑汁reinforce加固,增援Bewilder使困惑,茫然perplex使疑虑不安Compel 强迫,迫使,使用权力/力量迫使Constrain力劝,强迫更强调内心的情感的迫使Force强迫(暴力威胁)常用被动语态Oblige(法律/习俗)强迫常用被动语态Confinement限制,囚禁restraint克制,抑制Credible可信的,可靠的credulous轻信的plausible似乎可信Transcend超出,超越(一般经验/常识)难以为大众理解Feasible可行的practicable可行的practical实用的pragmatic 实用的,务实的Refrain抑制,禁止不及物动词正式refrainfromRestrain限制及物动词restrainsbfromdoingsthconstrain限制,力劝及物动词subordinate次要的,从属的,下级的acquire经过努力逐渐获得的知识/才能/习惯等attain经过努力获得不曾预料的结果,达到某一目标obtain获得,买到,正式语体gain通过较大努力获得某种利益或好处,或军事武力夺取adjust微小的改变或技术调整amend正式修改法律文件等alter使事物在外观/性质/用途方面稍作改变striveforsuperiorityovertheirpeers力争优于同龄人plight困境polarization极化,对立plague 折磨tentative实验性的decisive决定性的soar飙升mutate突变plummet暴跌fluctuate波动sophisticated复杂的,世故的shrink收缩inscribe雕刻decorate装饰maintain保持BIMequalsbodymassdividedbythesquareofheight. 公式BIM=体重/身高的平方Inessence事实上inturn依次Qualityas被认为Groundedinhealthconcerns基于对健康的关注Aroundthe corner 在拐角处,迫在眉睫,即将到来Takeover接管Withdraw有“提款,取款”的含义fundsa re withdrawn from the issuer’s accounts. Copewith处理,解决fightagainst对抗,抵制Concernwith关心,挂念concernfor关心,对……的关心Controlover控制,支配Taketo喜欢takeafter与……相像takeon承担takewith将……带上Becapableof能够Down-trodden被压迫的Explosivepopulationgrowth人口爆炸A torrentofmigration移民潮Bytheturnsofthe century在世纪之交Miracle奇迹miseries痛苦,灾难Makelifelessthan complete使人生不完整因果关系thus表示结果for表示原因Utterly十分,完全的arrogant傲慢amusingepisode有趣的插曲drawn疲惫的whimsical 异想天开,古怪edict法令,告示Pass around by word of mouth 口头相传Improviseout of ……即兴而发Deduce 推断,演绎Time-honored 历史悠久的Aninflated ego 膨胀的自我pant喘气,气喘吁吁的讲panttoBrim边缘fulltothebrim满满当当sortout整理Forallthat尽管grantedthat即使despitethe fact that 不管(引导让步状语从句)Conformto 遵照,顺从Proponent支持者,提倡者predecessor前辈belittle贬低Improvisation即兴创作dogged顽固的prodigious惊人的jettison抛弃Elaborate精心制作的watershed分水岭,流域astounding令人震惊的Raucous喧闹的Dogmaticexplanation教条的解释indignantdenial愤怒的拒绝Enthusiasticpraise热情的赞扬speculativestudy思辨的研究Proposition 命题demographic人口统计学Dropout退出groundless毫无根据,莫须有Spectacularly壮观的Emit排放greenhousegases温室气体Protest抗议politicking政治活动Holistic整体的Be fascinatedwith sth. 对……很是着迷Inbad shape一团糟pastime消遣,娱乐Liveoff住在……外,靠……生活AearnB’s living A 争钱养活B,B靠A养活Takein接受,接待;吸收,理解;包括;轻信;注意到;欺骗Ontheside兼职,另外Contend竞争,主张,声明Bringin引进,带来,生产Multifarious五花八门Perception感知,观念perspective观点Miscellaneous杂项miscellaneousdomains多项领域Foritsown sake 为了其自己的利益pursuit追求knowledge pursuit Orient东方的,标定方向,使……成为东方oriented导向的,定向的CareerorientedaspectDestination目标workingskill-orienteddestinationPrevailing盛行的,普遍的prevailingsenseCradle摇篮nurture培育,滋养be taken as the cradle tonurture dreams Chaseup 追求survive in the fierce competition在激烈的竞争中生存下去broadeneyes拓宽眼界satisfythe natural curiosity 满足好奇心cultivate acreativemindexplore the answers for the meaning of lifegive rise to lead toprevail over 战胜prevailing 流行prevail取胜,占优势,盛行prevailon/upon劝说,诱使I’m not a believer in the agreement that ……practicalneed实际需要offersatisfiedanswerto the practical need of each studenta case in point 一个例子letalone更不用说notto mentionfind themselves in an awkward situation whereinvariably 不变的carrya duel role 扮演双层角色arousedby激起,引起run into difficult 遇到困难tackle解决to tackle this problemtake priority over 优先taketheupperhand占上风business prosperity商业繁荣indispensable 不可或缺的mutual相互的mutualrelationshipbetweenAandBtake severe measures 采取严厉的措施adept熟练,内行,老手averse不喜欢的,厌恶的affectation假装,做作aptitude才能,天资denounce告发,斥责renounce正式放弃pronounce宣告,断言apprise通知,告知appraise评估,鉴定assent同意dissent不同意ascent上升descent下降retire退休retreat后退,撤退retract收缩,收回retard延迟,迟缓refrain抑制,禁止optimal最优,最佳oppressed压迫的takepriorityover优先于segregation种族隔离,分离specification说明书subscription捐献,订阅dispense发放dispose处理disperse分散,驱散dispatch调度,派遣contaminate污染culminate达到高潮contract合同incentive激励fugitive逃亡equality平等equation方程式equivalent等价物equity公平concise简洁的decisive决定性的,果断的decline减少incline俯身recline躺下,靠reflect反应inflect曲折变化deflect偏离inflexible灵活的affluent富足的fluent流畅的fluctuate波动,欺负affirm坚定不移的肯定或声称assert不管事实如何,主观自信的宣称或清楚有利的支持allege无凭无据的情况下宣称断定claim要求声称,断言,多指根据某种规定提出的要求或主张aggravate加重(负担,罪行,病情等)reinforce增援,一般用于军队或警察活动detach拆开组合的物体,远离,疏远divide将整体分为若干部分ambiguous意义含糊,有歧义的指因字词句有歧义而使人感到模糊不清,难以理解和把握obscure 因光线不足而看不清,引申为语法文字记忆因复杂深奥模棱两可而使人难以理解vague含混不清楚的,因逻辑不清言辞笼统而导致意义不清楚轮廓形状不清楚unclear句意字迹不清楚blame 责怪,归咎于blamesb for ding sth condemn谴责,用于正式严肃的场合reproach(书面语)责备,表不满scold责骂,训斥brittle易碎的,易损坏的指坚硬的东西fragile必须小心使用才不会碎的东西,引申为体弱虚弱frail体弱的虚弱的或东西易碎的invalid不正确的,无效的boundary边界,界线多指作为界线的标志物border较宽的边缘两国分界附近边缘地带frontier边界,边疆引申为未开发的领域学术前沿verge道路花坛边缘,某事即将发生之际on the verge of warbrief 简明扼要简短的时间短暂,办事利索,态度明了虽短却不失体面concise简要精炼保留主要部分curt三言两语,简短的,草率的succinct简明的,简洁的,简练的用词简练component零部件(某事物)组成部分element元素,组成部分,方面factor因素,要素ingredient原料,成分,要素abideby遵守,同意adhereto遵守conformto遵守,符合complywith遵守,服从(正式)comprise包含,包括,组成compose构成be composed of (被动语态) consist构成consistof主动语态constitute构成conserve保存保藏保护(节约)reserve保留,储备订座位preserve保护维持保养continual连续不断频繁时有发生continuous连续不断的中间不停顿constant 不断经常始终如一的经常出现incessant不停的持续不断的令人厌烦的不断出现中间可能有停顿convert转换,转变(观点)invert使颠倒反向(位置方向)revert归还,回复原状transform改变转变(外观,性质)reproach责备reprehend斥责plague瘟疫灾害折磨avail有利于,利益availsbofsth利用deprive剥夺indulge放任,沉溺于at best 最多atlength最后,详细的inbulk 整批,大批get by 过得去,过活getaway逃脱,离开getaround出行getalong和睦相处get through 被理解向…讲清楚strivefor力争ascertain查明plight困境plague瘟疫tentative暂时的,实验性的soar飙升mutate突变plummet骤跌fluctuate波动negligent懈怠的edible食用的fabulous难以置信的,惊人的,极好的disproportionate 不成比例的passup错过repeal废止,撤销resent怨恨clarity透明的slack使缓慢shrill尖锐torrent连续不断的tensile拉长的textured特征显著的wither枯萎catastrophic灾难性的by virtue of 由于,凭借forthesake of 为了……利益advent到来,出现subsidize资助cast a shadow over 给……罩上阴影soak to the skin 湿透chat away 闲谈in no mood 没心情in the course of 在……的过程中in linewith 与……一致be a match for 配得上,可匹敌的agreeby受到认同resonate with 得到回应none the better for it 不会因为……变得更好,依然如故to the core 彻底的,完全的to the end 到底in custody (法庭审判前)被拘留监禁in jeopardy 处于危险中in suspicion 被怀疑in probation 被缓刑amount to 相当于contributeto 促使……发生dedicate to 将(时间精力)奉献给(工作事业)add to 增添recite prayers 诵经jointly-acquired property 共同获得的财产by account 相反的insidious潜伏的,阴险的thrive兴盛,茁壮成长humiliation羞辱subtle微妙的dozingoff打瞌睡self-reliant独立的self-sufficiency 自给自足bleak昏暗的,凄凉的depict 描绘trail拖沓而行,跟在……后面flinchback退缩desolate荒凉的bustling繁忙的thriving兴旺的fraudulenthappiness虚假的幸福fraudulent欺骗的deluding欺骗euphoric欣快的繁荣昌盛prosperity崎岖不平rough惊天动地earth-shaking典雅大方elegant and graceful轻柔松软soft and light立场坚定firm in stand(将四字词组译为介词/副词/不定式短语)目光远大broad in vision 头脑敏捷swift in wit 业务熟练qualified in profession 才华出众outstanding in talent 风格高尚noble in character思想正确、办事公道correct in their thinking and fair挑拨离间fomentdissensionfoment煽动dissension纠纷兴风作浪stir up disorder纵目眺望as far as sight could reach农民工migrant workers guest workers奢侈无度extravagant 挥金如土spend money like water老黄牛hard-working men水深火热in deep water风驰电掣as quick as lighting捕风捉影to run after shadows人山人海a sea of people摇唇鼓舌to set tongues wagging敲门砖an open sesameHorizon 视野,眼界Publicize 宣传丰富知识、开阔视野enrich one’s knowledge, broaden one’s horizon留学生overseas students人才流失brain drain汉语热Chinese language craze据统计according to statistics高等学校institution of higher education开设汉语课程offer courses of Chinese language主要目的是for the main purpose of从事贸易活动engage in trade activities传达……信息convey a message that低碳生活low carbon life减少二氧化碳排放reduce the emission of carbon dioxideExpenditure 花费,开销Conduct行为,举止;实施be conducted in …manner如今,这股风潮逐渐在中国一些大城市兴起,不知不觉中改变了人们的生活方式Nowadays, this fashion prevails in some big cities of China, altering people’s life before they realize it.Practice 实行节约用电saveelectricity塑料袋plasticbags一次性产品disposableproducts Disposable一次性的,用后即弃的乘坐公共交通工具take public transport节能环保energy-efficient and environmental-friendly大大有利于contribute tremendously to …全球气候变换及环境恶化global warming and environment deterioration Inevitably 不可避免的Stick to traditional principles and beliefsTurn blind eye to keep pace withBe labeled as 被贴上……的标签mutual communication 互相沟通Narrow the generation gapPessimist 悲观者optimist 乐观者gloomy阴郁的distressing惨的,令人痛心的Pessimistic 悲观的optimistic 乐观的Judge the situation from opposite perspective 角度Bring into public view 引入公众视野Engage in employment 从事就业Misconception 误解holdthe misconceptionSpoiltheirchildrenEnrollment注册,报名the expansion of university enrollment 大学扩招Flood into job-hunting marketTake measures to 采取措施Cultivatetheir children independenceTestify 证明Shoulder their obligation 承担他们的义务Real-estate 房地产Reconciled调和,妥协consolidate综合deteriorate恶化Reconcile to 顺从于be reconciled with sb于某人和解reconcilesthwithsth Interrupt 打断某项正在进行的动作bother打扰(语气较轻)interfere未经允许/无权而妨碍,阻挠,干涉他人之事(语气较轻)intervene介入,调停(语气重)Invocation祈祷,符咒obsession痴迷,困扰obsession withVulnerable 易患病的allergic 过敏的Obsolete过时的obscene 猥亵oblique斜的Provision供应provisional临时的sensational轰动的sentimental感情的,多愁善感的Integral完整的instinctive直觉的intangible难以理解的触摸不到的无形的ingenious巧妙地有独创性的Insideandout彻底的Practitioner从业者forerunner 先行者,先驱Come to light 曝光,泄露Turn in 缩小turn over 反过来turn up 找到,出现turn out 结果是Inertness惰性光盘行动“ClearYourPlate” CampaignPropose 建议diner用餐者食客leftover残余的,剩菜take leftover home 将剩菜打包回家全国粮食总产量the national total grain output人为灾害man-made disasterRestraint 限制withoutrestraint无限制,大肆饥饿至死die of starvation资源短缺shortage of resourcesConfronted with 面对Implement实施implementpoliticsofMeans doing sthRequire sb to do sth随着人们的生活水平和消费水平日益提高with the increasing development of people’ living standard and consumption levelTrash cans 垃圾桶处理成本disposing costEntertain热情招待款待娱乐entertain friends at home去临近的景点游览take a trip to nearby tourist attractions家庭预算紧张tight family budget出游成本不断攀升rising travel cost节假日期间景区人山人海,高速公路(expressway)、城市道路拥堵(congestion),是促使他们家中度假的两大原因overcrowded tourist sites, congestion of expressways and city roads are the two major factors contributing to their staycation. Conspicuous明显的,突出的Bottomline底线reducetheir bottom lineRoba child of his/her childhood 掠夺From my own perspective for my partCeremoniously隆重地gather ceremoniously 隆重集会Obligations 义务,债务(可数名词)履行权利与义务perform the responsibilities and obligations建立社会主义制度establish a socialist systemCorruption 腐败,贪污root out a corruption 根除腐败rootout根除,肃清Vigor生机vitality活力展现生机与活力display vigor and vitality Comprehensive综合的,广泛的,有理解力的comprehensivenational strength 增强综合国力competitiveness 竞争力增强综合国力和国际竞争力enhance comprehensive national strength and international competitivenessEdge into 慢慢挤进,慢慢取得rank等级,行列进入国际先进行列edge into advanced ranks in the world解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and clothing与日俱增increase every day实现夙愿fulfill the long-cherished wishes fulfill履行(诺言),达到(目的)Forge锻造,捏造forgea people’s army 锻造一支人民军队国防national defense build a strong national defense 建立巩固的国防进行和谈hold peace talks修改法律amend the laws遵循规则follow the principles principle 原则,准则把理论与实际结合起来integrate theory with practiceRally 召集,集合增强凝聚力enhance the rally powerResume继续,重新开始,摘要,概略,建立结束暴力,开始和平谈判end the violence and resume peace talksStrategic 战略性的readjustment调整进行战略性调整make strategic readjustmentBackwardness 落后摆脱贫穷与落后get rid of poverty and backwardnessBring about 实现实现发展繁荣bring about development and prosperity Infringement 侵犯,违反,违背保护妇女的权利不受侵犯guarantee women’s right against infringement把……看作社会公敌look upon…as a threat to society恐怖主义terrorismTap 开发,汲取,割,轻声走,阀门,塞子Favor欢心,支持,照顾,促成开发/青睐中国市场tap/ favor the Chinese market有巨大潜力have huge potential for…阻碍handicap/hamperInvest投资,调查,授予有望达到be expected to reach造成很大压力pose a big pressure onAccount for 说明原因,导致,引起(在数量/比例上)占,对……负责Occupy占领,使用,从事占市场的10% occupy /take /account for 10 percent of the market加快经济发展和结构调整speed up economic development and restructuringAnti-monopoly 反垄断采取反垄断措施take anti-monopoly measures to加速努力speed up efforts to建立分公司set up branches inPolicy 政策,策略把……列为基本国策list……as fundamental national policies发挥自身优势give full play to one’s advantages开拓市场exploit market扩大消费市场expand consumption market扩大/缩小贫富差距expand /narrow the gap between the rich and the poor提供巨大商机present huge business opportunities赶超先进surpass the advanced遵循市场经济的规律follow the law of market economyOrientation 方向,定位,方针,任职培训gear接上,调和,使适应根据市场做出调整gear oneself to the market orientation牟取暴利seek excessive profits excessive 过分的,极度的提高公务员工资raise the salaries of civil servants计算出准确的工资水平figure out an exact salary level从国外引进先进技术和管理经验introduce from abroad the advanced technology and management expertise优胜劣汰select the superior and eliminate the inferior下岗职工laid-off workers通货膨胀inflation损失惨重suffer great losses制造假象create smoke screens to do陷入困境land oneself in deep trouble被指控接受贿赂be accused of accepting bribesDisclose 公开,揭露举报非法行为disclose illegal activities活跃市场enliven the market十分重视attach importance to大力发展strive to developDomestic 国内的刺激国内需求stimulate domestic demand打破垄断break the monopoly调整产业结构adjust industrial structure开展对外文化交流conduct culture exchange with other countriesStrong point 长处,特长draw on 利用,借鉴博采各国文化之长draw on strong point of cultures of other countriesMass大量的,集中的,群众的mass media 大众传媒mass production 大规模生产mass organization 社团开展群众性文化活动carry out mass activities on culture继承carry onCompetent 有能力的,能干的,称职的,胜任的,适合的competent people 人才Achievement of culture advancement 文化建设的成就加强文化基础设施建设build more culture establishment提倡文明的生活方式advocate civilized lifestyle推动人类文明进步push forward human civilization改进教学improve teaching and learning文化遗产culture heritage /relicsBrand-new 全新的,崭新的以全新的面貌进入新世纪enter the new century with a brand-new colorful look通过资格考试pass qualification examinationsCompulsory 义务的,必须做的普及九年义务教育make nine-year compulsory education universalPopularized普及,使流行make…universalCompile编制,编辑,收集编写教材compile the textbooks承担应有的义务undertake the due obligations促进相互了解promote mutual understanding相互促进help each other forward互派访问学者exchange visiting scholarsAccommodate 容纳,适应,提供住处,帮忙发挥聪明才智develop one’s own talent and wisdomIntellectuals 知识分子initiative 主动性n.自发的,初步的adj.充分发挥知识分子的积极性与创造性give full play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals开设课程offer courses重视实用性place stress on practicalityPirate 海盗船,盗版者,强盗n. 抢劫,剽窃,盗用v.pirated software 盗版软件有力地推动教育发展give a big push to the development of education承前启后,继往开来build on the past and prepare for the future / inherit the past and user in the future物质文明,精神文明一起抓pay equal attention on material progress and mental progress形成文明/健康/崇尚科学的社会风尚form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practiceEcological environment 生态环境eco-environmentEco-construction 生态建设防治污染prevent and control pollution加强水土保持reinforce the conservation of water and soil加强城市绿化strengthen the greening of the city保护森林conservation of forest帮助减缓全球变暖的速度help slow down the pace of global warming Infrastructure 基础设施完善城市基础设施建设perfect the construction of urban infrastructure Sustainable 可持续的,可忍受的促进可持续性发展promote sustainable developmentSolar 太阳的,日光的,利用太阳能的solar energy 太阳能清洁能源clean energy resourcesFuel 燃料,食物,加油,激起使用清洁能源burn clean fuelImplement 实施,执行v. 工具器械,手段实行严格的排放标准implement strict vehicle emission standardsTackle 用具,装备,阻挡n. 着手处理,解决,应付v.治理沙地和水土流失问题tackle the problem of sand and soil erosion注重节约资源attach importance of saving resourcesExploitation 开发,剥削,利用,广告推销采用新的开采方法apply new exploitation methods削减污染物排放decrease the disposal of pollutionsCensus 人口普查,统计进行全国人口普查carry out national population census总人口为have a population ofPrivate life 私生活Transition过渡,转变,变迁Bring about 实现,造成,引起,使船掉头实现向低出生,低死亡,低自然增长的现代人口再生产类型的转变bring about the transition of modern population reproduction pattern characterized by a low birth rate, low death rate and low natural growing rate过孤独的生活lead an isolated lifeUrban residents 城市居民Ideology意识形态,思想思想和观念ideology and concepts对子女寄予厚望pin great hopes on their childrenUndermine 逐渐削弱,从根基处破坏,挖墙脚逐渐削减长辈的权威undermine the authority of the older generation倡导人力资源管理advocate the management of human resourcesMorality 道德,道德观,品德高尚的行为损害人类社会的道德观damage the morality of human society提高人口素质improve the population quality优化人口结构optimize the population structure优生优育bear and rear better children rear 养育尊重和保障人权respect and guarantee human rightsSubsistence存活,生计Safeguard 维护,防护措施维护和促进人民的生存权和发展权safeguard and promote people’s rights to subsistence and development坚持计划生育的基本国策stick to the basic state policy for family planning取得世界杯决赛的资格qualify for the World Cup finals qualify for 有资格,晋级展现技能demonstrate their skillsTeam title 团体冠军win the team title急于获胜gain an eagerness to winRecognition 认可Wretched恶劣的,不幸的,悲惨的打破恶性循环break the wretched cycleEngender 产生,造成,引起Spur刺激,加速促使spur us on to doLay a solid foundation on 打下基础Make a first draft of 打草稿Bring our talent into full playGive full play to 充分发挥Conscientious认真负责的,本着良心的,谨慎的be conscientious for Publicize 宣传Attach great importance to /take the matter seriously 重视Numerous 无数的,数不清的Indispensable 不可或缺的Migrantworkers农民工Urbanization城市化Irreversible process不可逆过程Unprecedented 前所未有的,史无前例的Insightful富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的insightful perspective Conspicuously 显著的,明显的Dweller居民city dwellersIn all walks of life 在各行各业Industriously努力的,辛勤的labor industriously 辛勤劳动Despise鄙视,看不起Once in a while 时不时,偶尔Deferring 推迟,拖延Penalty处罚financial penalty 罚款Moral denouncement 道德谴责Incur招致,引起be incurred toOffenders 犯罪者,犯规者,妨碍的人Painstaking不辞辛劳地painstakingeffortsRepression压迫recession萧条Have access to (抽象的)进入Haveenough scope for 有足够的余地/机会Snatch抽空做,抓紧机会做scratch擦,刮scrap扔弃,摔毁seize抓住Exhaustible 用的尽的exhaustive 无遗漏的Plaudit拍手喝彩称赞plenary十足的完全的platitude陈词滥调平凡Erosion侵害侵蚀depletion损耗violation违背delusion错觉Eclectic折中的Sensation感觉知觉激动轰动exaggeration夸大Excessive过多的exclusive 专有的独占的除外的distractfrom分散注意力discern辨别分清dissuadesb. From doing 劝阻facet方面小平面format构成设计formula方案规则prevail流行盛行获胜preside主持perish毁灭使麻木死persecute迫害counterfeit 伪造假冒discourteous失礼的无礼貌的prudent节俭的谨慎的benevolent善意的慈善的obstinate倔强的顽固的be reconciled to sth. 甘于consolidate巩固sanction同意许可warrant 证明保护malignance 恶意有害shroud覆盖遮蔽unveil显露除去面纱decay腐烂deprive剥夺notorious声名狼藉的superfluous过剩的countenance面容脸色concession让步curse诅咒echo 随声附和hail 欢呼欢迎sophisticated尖端的复杂的先进的老练的scrupulous小心谨慎的细心的clamorous吵闹的大喊大叫的camouflaged 掩饰的伪装的edible可食用的fabulous传说的神话的disproportionate 不均衡的不相称的extravagance奢侈铺张opulence富裕asceticism禁欲主义苦行byandlarge一般来说大体上callon看望拜访召唤break out 爆发突然发生break in 插嘴闯入训练break through 突破克服挣脱而出break off 突然停止中断脱落暂停forall尽管虽然cometo苏醒达到总数为继承停止comearound 再现恢复知觉回来改变看法comethrough 经历获得成功脱险传出捐助come into 进入继承…起来加入come across 来到偶遇come round 来过访绕道而来苏醒转变改主意笼络comeby从旁边过得到取得经过come about 发生产生转变方向comeout in 以…方式出来live up to 不辜负make a fuseof 小题大做大惊小怪fall back to 求助于转而依靠at its core 从根本上be entitled to 授权给……权力给……定名be assigned to 指派go back on 违背诺言go in for 从事爱好参加考试go through with 经历仔细检查用完参加履行搜查go along with 支持赞同随行hand in 交上递交hand out 分发散发hand down 传递下去hand over 交出移交in honor of 为纪念……庆祝in accordance with 与…一致按照根据lay out 设计安排展示lay off 解雇休息lay down 放下拟定规定lay aside 放一旁收起积累makefor快速走向向前进促进make out 理解辨认出书写填写说明设法应付make up to 巴结讨好make up for补偿in the light of 鉴于由于按照根据by virtue of 由于因为run over 匆匆看一眼浏览碾过run into 偶然碰到与相撞run through 浏览匆匆读完rundown耗尽撞到衰退减少说坏话贬低run across 撞见碰见run out 用完耗尽setout动身出发开始陈述测定宣布移植set about 开始散步攻击着手set forth 阐明宣布提出陈列出发set aside 留出不顾取消驳回putout熄灭关灯生产出出版precaution 预防警惕concession让步transaction 办理处理学报交易事务处理事物give away 送掉分发放弃泄露出卖让步pass away 去世while away 消磨fade away 逐渐凋谢慢慢减弱induce 劝诱促使导致deduce 推论演绎出seduce 诱使Heartiness诚实热心harshness 粗糙的事物严肃刺耳uprightness 正直的Be absorbed in 全神贯注于专心于Detach 分开分离分遣Conform to符合遵照answer to 适应符合attribute to 归因于Collide with 冲突comply with 照做coincide with 符合cope with 竞争应付Perpetual永久的pathetic 可怜的悲惨的Resolutely 毅然坚决的indecisively 优柔寡断的prematurely过早的早熟地Fall out 争吵发生fall behind 落后fall in 排队到期fall through 未能实现Getoff下来出发被容忍逃脱惩罚get in 进入收回get on 骑上进展get on one’s nerves 令人不安get through 完成度过get across 越过通过被理解get over 克服爬过熬过恢复原谅get along 生活相处融洽进展有起色Go for 选择袭击适用于go by 从旁边走过依照顺便走访go up 上升增长go off 离开去世消失睡去爆炸发射进行变质Add up to 合计达stand up to 勇敢地抵抗Conclude结束终止决定seclude隔离exclude排除include 包括Wear off 逐渐减少wear out 穿破磨损疲乏耗尽wipeout消灭垮台Proficiency 熟练精通Bring out 使显示出版生产bring to 使恢复知觉bring into force 使生效实施bringin生产挣得介绍引进V oid空的无人的无效的无用地没有的voidof 缺乏void of interestedOn the fly 在飞行中不工作闲混in the issue结果on the sly 秘密地偷偷地Infect 感染传染inflict 造成afflict 使痛苦折磨Substitution代替Respecting 关系到说到with respect to 关于至于as regards 关于至于Play around 玩耍come around 恢复知觉回来talk sb. around 说服Precede领先于在…之前proceed 进行继续下去accede 同意继任recede 后退Aversion厌恶adherence 忠诚坚持黏着incentive 刺激鼓励动机Fancy想象设想认为爱好自负At a disadvantage 处于不利地位Leave over 留下leave out 省去遗漏不考虑leave behind 留下遗留超过leave off 停止不再穿Let go 放开释放发射let loose 释放放出放任let off 放出饶恕准许暂停工作let out 放掉泄露放大出租解雇释放let down 失望let alone 不打扰更别提let on 泄露假装See off 送行see to 负责注意Obedient服从的孝顺的obstinate 顽固的倔强的elaborate 精心制作的详细阐述的精细Outlook 展望outbreak 战争爆发疾病发作outcome 结果output 出产Look up 向上看尊敬仰视查询拜访好转look up to 尊敬仰望look on 观看面向旁观看待look through 看穿审核浏览温习从中显露look into 调查观察Fragrance芬芳香气flavor 风情风味香料sour酸的In amount to 总计Aptitude才能天资恰当智能altitude高度高等attitude姿势态度看法Substitute 替代substitute A for B 用A替代BTackle 固定应付处理解决抓住tickle胳肢逗笑使高兴使发痒Exquisite 精致的extravagant 奢侈的exotic 异国情调的eccentric 古怪的Repel拒绝抵制排斥逐退Curb控制约束put /place a curb onParadox矛盾paradise 天堂Impart传授告知portray描写Divert转移转向Alert sb. to the fact that 提醒某人注意…的事实Manifest明显的显然的体现显现Articulate清楚地说(发音清楚的)明确地说anticipate 预期期望Alternate轮流交换Conceive设想以为怀有构思conceive ofEndeavour 努力endeavour to doSustainable可持续的feasible 可行的eligible合格的Subsidiary附属的次要的Revenge 报仇revengeoneselfon sb. 向某人报仇remedy 药补救治疗beyondremedy 不可救药reproach责备revive苏醒复活复兴Explicit清晰的明确的obscure模糊的baffle难住使挫折阻碍mingle混合mingle with /in provoke煽动激怒驱使divert 转向改道eject喷出射出incidence发病率emergence 紧急情况rupture 破裂绝交impetus推动力in search of 寻找in pursuit of 追求in view of 鉴于由于in light of 根据credit信赖assure 确保certify 确认impose征收强加imposetaxes收税twinkle/glitter因高兴而发光sparklewithtears闪烁着泪光overtake追上surpass 胜过nourish滋养transaction交易turnover营业额tempo进度速度mediate斡旋mediate betweentrench 壕沟pavement 人行道junction 道路交叉点collision相撞collaboration合作corrosion 腐蚀confrontation 对抗successive连续的succession连续继承后裔consecutive连续不断的顺序的eternal 永恒的insistent坚持的重复的snatchup夺取snatch at 一把抓住summon召唤summonup振作鼓起watchout当心警觉embark上传着手从事embark on 着手开始做commence开始着手获得学位commence in 起始于commence doing sth. 着手做某事reservation预定保留convention 大会习俗惯例incompatible不相容的矛盾的invalid有病的无效的subtract减去扣除combat格斗战斗conflict冲突cruise巡航Pacific太平洋glide滑行悄悄的走patrol 巡逻penalty处罚financialpenaltyblunder跌跌撞撞地走犯大错愚蠢之举scandal丑闻恶意诽谤commonplace平凡的陈腐的generalized广义的普遍的conform遵守一致conform with /to 符合遵守inspiration 灵感intuition直觉incentive刺激鼓励sentiment思想感情情绪情操revenue收入国家的税收financial revenue 财政收入be proficient at / in doing sth. 熟练精通feeble虚弱的薄弱的无效的trivial琐碎的日常的轻微的toss扔抛tow拖拉hoist升起吊起compatible和谐共处的相容的一致的compact紧密的结实的简洁的concise简洁的简要的resign辞职放弃顺从resignfrom辞职resignto使顺从vulgar粗俗的通俗的本土的elections选举grope探索摸索grope one’s way to 摸索gropefor/ around 搜索暗中摸索intrigue阴谋激起好奇心intrigueagainstsb. 密谋反对某人intriguing 迷人的elicit得出引出诱出induce诱导exclusively专门的排外的extraordinarily非凡的特别的a man of integrity 正直的人rebellion叛乱suppress rebellion 平定叛乱negotiation商议谈判negotiate协商交涉谈判rectify改正校正reconcile调停和解obscure遮掩模糊的consolidate巩固合并统一intensify强化加剧增强expire期满终止开始无效passport护照eternal永恒的无穷的不灭的eternallife永生eternaltruths/verities永恒的真理offensive无理的冒犯的唐突的extinguish熄灭扑灭灭绝v.extinct灭绝的a. extinction灭绝n.arbitrary武断的专横的任意的。


考博英语重点词汇考博英语重点词汇大全每年初级博士研究生考试(考博)时在3月份,留给大家备考的时间已经不多,为了帮助大家备考,店铺分享了一些重点英语词汇,欢迎阅读!handy a.手边的;便于使用的 a.方便的;便于使用的hardy adj.耐寒的、强壮的harmonious adj.和睦的,调和的,和谐的,协调的harp n.竖琴harsh adj.粗糙的,刺耳的,严厉的hatch n.船舱盖haughty adj.傲慢的,自大的.comhaul vt.拖曳;拖运haunt [hC:nt] vt. 常到,常去,(思想)萦扰,(鬼魅等)常出没于 n. 常到的地方hazard n.危险headlong adj.莽撞的;轻率的headquarter v.以...为总部,设公司于hearth n.壁炉地面;炉边hearty a.衷心的;丰盛的heater n.加热的人,加热器heave v.用力拉,举heaven n.天堂;天,天空 n.上帝,神heighten vt.提高hemisphere n.半球;半球地图henceforth ad.今后,从今以后herald vt.预报,宣布,传达,欢呼herb n.草本植物;香草herd n.兽群。
v.聚集,放牧hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇;含糊 vi.含糊,支吾;口吃hide n.兽皮hike v.使高涨,拉起 n.提高,增加hindrance n.妨碍,阻碍hinge n.铰链,关键hip n.臀部,髋;屋脊hiss v.作嘘声,(蛇等)发出嘶嘶声historian n.历史学家;编史家historic adj.历史上著名的, 有历史性的hitherto ad.迄今,到目前为止hoarse adj.嘶哑的,粗嗄的hoe vt.&vi.锄地hoist vt.升起 vi.扯起来homely adj.家常的, 朴素的;不漂亮的homogeneous adj.同类的,相似的hook n.钩、钓钩hop vi.跳舞;(人)单足跳horizon n.地平线,(思想之)眼界horn n.角,角质,喇叭hose n.长筒袜;软管hospitality n.好客,殷勤hostage n.人质hostess n.女主人;空姐 n.女主人;旅馆女老板hostile adj.敌对的,敌意的hound n.猎狗。