
富士康组织架构富士康科技集团(Foxconn Technology Group)是一家全球领先的电子制造服务公司,总部位于台湾。
以下是富士康科技集团的一般组织架构示例:集团层级(Group Level):集团总部(Group Headquarters):负责总体战略决策、管理和监督各子公司的运营。
行政管理部门(Administrative Departments):包括人力资源、财务、法务、采购等部门,提供集团内部的行政和支持服务。
子公司层级(Subsidiary Level):分地区子公司(Regional Subsidiaries):在不同国家和地区设立的子公司,如富士康(中国)等。
产品事业群(Business Groups):根据产品类型划分的子公司,如富士康科技集团的电子设备制造事业群、通讯设备事业群等。
生产基地(Manufacturing Facilities):位于全球各地的生产工厂,负责实际的产品制造和组装工作。
部门层级(Department Level):研发部门(Research and Development Departments):负责新产品研发、技术创新和工艺改进。
生产部门(Production Departments):包括生产线、制造工程和质量控制等部门,负责生产计划、生产流程和产品质量管理。
销售与市场部门(Sales and Marketing Departments):负责产品销售、市场推广和客户关系管理。
支持部门(Support Departments):如供应链管理、设施管理和IT部门,提供后勤和支持服务。

.“To-Be” UnderstandingGeneral Ledger(FI-GL)Prepared by:XXXVersion ADate:11/24/20XXTotal pageTable of ChangesThe following tabulates changes that were made to the TO BE Document which was delivered on 11/01/2005.版次PDCN NO. 修訂頁次備註A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.APPROVED CHECKED PREPARED ISSUED BYBy:Date:Table of Contents1.INTRODUCTION (5)2.FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING GLOBAL SETTINGS (6)2.1.C OMPANY N AME AND C ORRESPONDENCE A DDRESS (6)2.2.C OMPANY C ODE (8)2.3D ATE F ORMAT (9)2.4B USINESS A REA (9)2.5F ISCAL Y EAR (9)2.6P OSTING P ERIOD V ARIANT (10)2.7F IELD S TATUS V ARIANT (11)F IELD S TATUS V ARIANT (11)F IELD S TATUS V ARIANT (15)3.GL ACCOUNTS (20)3.1C HART OF A CCOUNTS (20)3.2A CCOUNT G ROUPS (21)4.BUSINESS PROCESS (23)4.1.D OCUMENT TYPES (23)4.2.P OSTING K EY (24)4.3.GL A CCOUNT D OCUMENT (24)4.4.R ECURRING E NTRY (26)4.5.S AMPLE D OCUMENT (27)5.PLANNING (28)6.MONTH END PROCESS (28)6.2GR/IR R ECLASSIFICATION (28)6.3M ONTH-END C LOSING (29)7 YEAR END PROCESS (31)8.CONVERSION PROGRAMS AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (33)8.1.C ONVERSION P ROGRAMS ??? (33)8.2.I NFORMATION S YSTEM ----L IST OF R EPORTS (33)C OMPANY C ODE (34)9.GLOSSARY (34)1. IntroductionThis paper will document the To-Be of the General Ledger processes at company CSD Technology INC.SAP is a fully integrated system from Logistic modules to Financial Accounting modules. Company’s activities related to accounting will automatically post to Financial Accounting.GL in the SAP R/3 system is integrated with the sales function in the Sale & Distribution (SD) module, purchasing function in the Material Management (MM), and goods movement function in the Material Management (MM).GL can link up with the Accounts Receivable (FI-AR), Accounts Payable (FI-AP) and Fixed Asset (FI-AA) function in the Financial Accounting (FI) module.General LedgerAsset Management Account Payable Sales and DistributionMaterial Management Account Receivable2. Financial Accounting Global SettingsThis chapter describes the global setting of Financial Accounting e.g. company name, company code, fiscal year, posting period variant, field status variant etc.2.1. Company Name and Correspondence AddressThe detail company name and correspondence address to be defined in SAP system is as follows:Telephone NoShort name Name of Company CorrespondenceAddressUSCS CASEDGETWHH 鴻海精密工業股份有限公司CNHF 鴻富錦精密工業(深圳)有限公司BSGP GLORIOUS PROSPECT ENTERPRISES LIMITED.NLCS CSD EU B.V.2.2.1Enterprise structure–CSD BU (1)2.2.2Enterprise structure–CSD BU (2)2.3 CurrentSystem7 of 342.4 Future System2.5 Company CodeThe company code represents an independent accounting unit. The financial statements of balance sheet and profit and loss account, which are required by law, are prepared at the company code level.The company code to be designed in SAP system is a four characters alphabetical coding systems. The first and second character(ISO country code) represents the country in which the company is located. The third and fourth character, being unique in HH Group, represents the individual company. This will allow for the expansion of a total of 676 company codes within HH Group.Name of Company Country’sCode Company’sCodeCompany’s Code in SAPCASEDGE鴻海精密工業股份有限公司鴻富錦精密工業(深圳)有限公司GLORIOUS PROSPECT ENTERPRISES LIMITED CSD EU B.V. USTWCNBSNLCSHHHFGPCSUSCSTWHHCNHFBSGPNLCS8 of 342.6 Date FormatThere is a 5-date format setting available in the SAP system, namely:DD.MM.YYYYMM/DD/YYYYMM-DD-YYYYYYYY.MM.DDYYYY/MM/DDThe following date format is to be designed in the SAP system:Country System/input date format Report/output date formatCHINA YYYY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DDUSA YYYY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DDTaiwan YYYY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DDBS YYYY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DDNETHERLANDS YYYY/MM/DD YYYY/MM/DD2.7 Business AreaA business area is an organizational unit within accounting that represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities in a business organization. For some data that comes form logistic sometime will lose business area in accounting posting and this will cause the trouble.We use profit center accounting to instead of business area in this project to represent internal management reports in Balance Sheet and Income Statement.2.8 Fiscal YearThere are different fiscal year period being operated for different company located at different country. In SAP system, the fiscal year variant is used to define the fiscal year of each company code.The fiscal year variant define the following:- How many posting periods are in a fiscal year- How many special periods require- How the system determines the posting periods when carry out postingSpecial periods are defined as those posting periods, after the 12-month fiscal year posting period that will be used for audit and other year-end adjustment. There are 4 maximum special periods in the SAP system.The following fiscal year variants are to be configured in the SAP systems:Name of Company Financial Year End Fiscal Period Fiscal YearVariant Description of Fiscal Year variantCSD Technology, INC鴻海精密工業股份有限公司鴻富錦精密工業(深圳)有限公司GLORIOUS PROSPECT ENTERPRISES LIMITED CSD EU B.V. Jan 1, 2xxx to Dec 31, 2xxxJan 1, 2xxx to Dec 31, 2xxxJan 1, 2xxx to Dec 31, 2xxxJan 1, 2xxx to Dec 31, 2xxxJan 1, 2xxx to Dec 31, 2xxx12 months12 months12 months12 months12 monthsK4K4K4K4K4Jan – Dec, 4 specialperiodsJan – Dec, 4 specialperiodsJan – Dec, 4 specialperiodsJan – Dec, 4 specialperiodsJan – Dec, 4 specialperiods2.9Posting Period VariantPosting period variant define the opening and closing of posting periods. Every company code is allocated to this variant with the same name. It is possible to specify, which company codes’ periods are open independent of another company code. Thus, as many company codes that required can use the same variants for open company codes. Separate variants for posting periods need to be defined for every company code. The posting period variants need to be assigned to various sub-ledger account types in order to control the opening and closing of posting periods of them. There must be at least one entry for each variant. This entry must have ‘+’ in column A. The following posting period variants are to be defined:Country Company codes Posting Period Variant Assignment of Account TypesChina CNHF CNHF +,D,K,S,M,AUSA TWHH TWHH +,D,K,S,M,ABahamas BSGP BSGP +,D,K,S,M,ANetherlands NLCS NLCS +,D,K,S,M,ATaiwan USCS USCS +,D,K,S,M,A2.10 Field Status VariantThe field status variant allows for the same field status definition in any number of company codes. At least one field status group for each field status variant needs to be defined. This can be defined in the G/L accounts (company code-dependent area). The field status group determines in which fields’ data can be entered, or whether a field requires entry or is suppressed altogether during business transaction entry. There are 41 types of standard field status group in the SAP systems, which serve different purpose of data entry, i.e. GL entries, assets entries, MM entries and etc. The following field status variant has been defined:Field Status Variant Field Status Group Field Status Group DescriptionsCountry CompanycodesUSA USCS HH G001 B/S account – auto postingTAIWAN TWHH HH G004 Cost accounts – auto postingNLCS HH G005 Bank accounts – auto postingTHENETHERLANDSBS BSGP HH G006 Material accounts – auto postingG007 Asset accts (w/o accumulated depreciation)G011 Clearing accounts (with settlement per.)G012 Receivables/payables clearingG017 Freight/customs provisions/clearing (MM)G019 Other receivables/payablesG025 Inventory adjustment accountsG029 Revenue accounts - auto postingG030 Change in stock accountsG036 Revenue accts (with cost center)G041 Tax office clearing accountsG064 Other cost accounts (obligatory text)G067 Reconciliation accountsThe relevant details of Field Status Group for varies Field Status Variant can be summarized as follows:Field Group G001 G004 G005 G006 G007 G011 G012 G017 G025 G030 G036 G041 G064 G067 General data:Assignment number O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Text O O O O O O O O O O O O R O Invoice reference S S S S O S S S S S S S S O Hedging S S S S O S S S S S S S S S Collective invoice S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Reference specification 1/2 S S S S S S S S S S S S S O Reference specification 3 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Inflation revaluation S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Additional accountassignments:Settlement period S O S S S O S S O O S O S S Material number S O S O O S S S O O O S O S Cost center S O S O O S S S S O O S O O Co/Pp order S O S O S S S S S O O S O S WBS element S O S O S S S S S S O S O S Sales order S O S O S S S S S O O S O S Personnel number S S S S S S C S S S S S S S Network S S S O S S S S S S O S O SField Group G001 G004 G005 G006 G007 G011 G012 G017 G025 G030 G036 G041 G064 G067 Commitment item S S S O S S S S S O O S O S Plant S O S O O S S S O O O S O S Business area S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Trading partner businessS S S S S S S S S S S S S S areaQuantity S O S O S S S S O S O S O S Profit center O O O O O S O S S O R S O O Profitability segment S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Cost object S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Joint venture acctassignmentJoint venture partner S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Joint venture recoveryindicatorFund S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Funds center S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Trading partner profitS S S S S S S S S S S S S S centerS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Joint venture calculationtypeEarmarked funds S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Complete earmarked funds S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Function area S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Insurance add acctassignmentActivity type S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Business process S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Materials management:Vendor goods movement S S S O S S S O O O O S S SField Group G001 G004 G005 G006 G007 G011 G012 G017 G025 G030 G036 G041 G064 G067 S S S O S S S S S O O S S S Customer goodsmovementPurchase order O S S O O S S O S O O S S S Reservation number S S S O S S S S S O O S S S Inventory fields S S S O S S S S O S O S S S Ext. GA amount in LC S S S O S S S S S O O S S S Transfer Order S S S O S S S S S O O S S S Payment transactions:Due date S S S S S S O S S S S O S O Value date S S O S S S S S S O S S S S Payment terms S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Cash discount deduction S S S S S S O O S S S S O O Own bank S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Bank business partners S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Bank reference S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Reason code S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Instruction key for payment S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Payment reference S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Payment currency S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Payment currency amount S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Asset accounting:Asset retirement S S S S O S S S S S S S S SS S S S O S S S S O S S S S Asset number / sub-numberTaxes:Withholding tax code S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Withholding tax amounts S S S S S S O S S S S S S O EC tax data S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Gross income tax S S S S S S S S S S S S S S FOREIGN PAYMENTS:Field Group G001 G004 G005 G006 G007 G011 G012 G017 G025 G030 G036 G041 G064 G067 SCB / supplying country S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Customs data S S S S S S S S S S S S S O Consolidation:Transaction type S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Real estate management:Real estate management S S S S S S S S S O S S O S Financial assetsmanagement:S S S S S S S S S S S S O S Financial assetsmanagementNote: S = Suppress, R = Required entry, O = Optional entryField Status Variant Field Status Group Field Status Group DescriptionsCountry CompanycodesCHINA CNHF FX G001 B/S account – auto postingG004 Cost accounts – auto postingG005 Bank accounts – auto postingG006 Material accounts – auto postingG007 Asset accts (w/o accumulated depreciation)G011 Clearing accounts (with settlement per.)G012 Receivables/payables clearingG017 Freight/customs provisions/clearing (MM)G019 Other receivables/payablesG025 Inventory adjustment accountsG029 Revenue accounts - auto postingG030 Change in stock accountsG036 Revenue accts (with cost center)G041 Tax office clearing accountsG064 Other cost accounts (obligatory text)G067 Reconciliation accountsThe relevant details of Field Status Group for varies Field Status Variant can be summarized as follows:Field Group G001 G004 G005 G006 G007 G011 G012 G017 G025 G030 G036 G041 G064 G067 General data:Assignment number O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Text O O O O O O O O O O O O R O Invoice reference S S S S O S S S S S S S S O Hedging S S S S O S S S S S S S S S Collective invoice S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Reference specification 1/2 S S S S S S S S S S S S S O Reference specification 3 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Inflation revaluation S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Additional accountassignments:Settlement period S O S S S O S S O O S O S S Material number S O S O O S S S O O O S O S Cost center S O S O O S S S S O O S O O Co/Pp order S O S O S S S S S O O S O S WBS element S O S O S S S S S S O S O S Sales order S O S O S S S S S O O S O S Personnel number S S S S S S C S S S S S S S Network S S S O S S S S S S O S O S Commitment item S S S O S S S S S O O S O S Plant S O S O O S S S O O O S O S Business area S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Trading partner businessareaQuantity S O S O S S S S O S O S O S Profit center O O O O O S O S S O R S O OField Group G001 G004 G005 G006 G007 G011 G012 G017 G025 G030 G036 G041 G064 G067 Profitability segment S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Cost object S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Joint venture acctassignmentJoint venture partner S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Joint venture recoveryindicatorFund S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Funds center S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Trading partner profitcenterJoint venture calculationS S S S S S S S S S S S S S typeEarmarked funds S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Complete earmarked funds S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Function area S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S Insurance add acctassignmentActivity type S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Business process S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Materials management:Vendor goods movement S S S O S S S O O O O S S S Customer goodsS S S O S S S S S O O S S S movementPurchase order O S S O O S S O S O O S S S Reservation number S S S O S S S S S O O S S S Inventory fields S S S O S S S S O S O S S S Ext. GA amount in LC S S S O S S S S S O O S S S Transfer Order S S S O S S S S S O O S S S Payment transactions:Field Group G001 G004 G005 G006 G007 G011 G012 G017 G025 G030 G036 G041 G064 G067 Due date S S S S S S O S S S S O S O Value date S S O S S S S S S O S S S S Payment terms S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Cash discount deduction S S S S S S O O S S S S O O Own bank S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Bank business partners S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Bank reference S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Reason code S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Instruction key for payment S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Payment reference S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Payment currency S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Payment currency amount S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Asset accounting:Asset retirement S S S S O S S S S S S S S SS S S S O S S S S O S S S S Asset number / sub-numberTaxes:Withholding tax code S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Withholding tax amounts S S S S S S O S S S S S S O EC tax data S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Gross income tax S S S S S S S S S S S S S S FOREIGN PAYMENTS:SCB / supplying country S S S S S S O S S S S S S O Customs data S S S S S S S S S S S S S O Consolidation:Transaction type S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Real estate management:Real estate management S S S S S S S S S O S S O S Financial assetsmanagement:Field Group G001 G004 G005 G006 G007 G011 G012 G017 G025 G030 G036 G041 G064 G067 S S S S S S S S S S S S O S Financial assetsmanagement3. GL Accounts3.1 Chart of AccountsThe Chart of Accounts is a list of the entire general ledger accounts master record used for posting of accounting transaction. The chart of accounts contains an account number, account name and controlling information for each GL account master record. The GL account master data is divided into chart of accounts area and company code area.The chart of account area contains the general information about the GL account. The company code area contains the company specific information that controls the entry of data to the account and the management of account.Each company code in the SAP system uses GL accounts from one chart of accounts only. However, the chart of accounts can apply to one or more company codes.In this project, we apply two chart of account “CNFX”,”HH” for legal entity CSD Technology INC. .The following functions are available to process GL account master records:- Create- Change- Display- Block/unblock (used to prevent/allow transactions to be posted against a GL account)- Mark for deletion/remove deletion mark (delete - used to permanently remove a GL account master record from the system) Data in the GL account master is stored in two views:Chart of Account data - Data that applies to every company code such as the GL account's code, short text, long text, account group, B/S or P/L account.Company code data - Data that is specific to a company code such as the currency, field status group, open item management, line item display.In CSD, Chart of Account master data creation is centrally control by accounting department.Create Chart of Account Master Record (two step)Accounting->Financial Accounting->General Ledger -> Master Record-> Individual Processing-> Chart of Account-> Company code dataAccounting 1. Request new CoA creation.2. Review the request and approval.3. Create new Chart of Account in SAP.4. Create GL account company code view in SAP.3.2Account GroupsThe purpose of the account group is to simplify the creation of master records and to prevent errors. The account group specifies the screens for entering master records and specifies the number interval from which the account number is selected. Account groups are defined for each chart of accounts.The following account groups are to be defined in the Chart of Accounts:COA Type of General Ledger Account Account Group Number RangeHH 1.Assets Accounts 1 100000-1zzzzzHH 2.Liabilities & Equites 2 200000-2zzzzzHH 3.Operating Revenue 3 300000-3zzzzzHH 4.Cost Acounts 4 400000-4zzzzzHH 5.Manufacturing Expense 5 500000-5zzzzzHH 6.Selling Expense 6 600000-6zzzzzHH 7.G&A Expense 7 700000-7zzzzzHH 8.R&D Expense 8 800000-8zzzzzHH 9.Non-Operating Item &Income Tax 9 900000-9zzzzzCOA Type of General Ledger Account Account Group Number RangeCNFX 10.Cash 10 100000000 - 10zzzzzzzz CNFX11.Receivables 11 110000000 - 11zzzzzzzz CNFX12.Inventories 12 120000000 - 12zzzzzzzz CNFX13.Prepaid expense 13 130000000 - 13zzzzzzzz CNFX14.Long-term Investment 14 140000000 - 14zzzzzzzz CNFX15.Fixed Assets 15 150000000 - 15zzzzzzzz CNFX16.Construction in Process 16 160000000 - 16zzzzzzzz CNFX17.Disposal of fixed assets 17 170000000 - 17zzzzzzzz CNFX18.Intangible Assets 18 180000000 - 18zzzzzzzz CNFX19.Differred Exp/Sus.Gain&Loss 19 190000000 - 19zzzzzzzz CNFX21.Current Liabilities 21 210000000 - 21zzzzzzzz CNFX22.Other Liabilities 22 220000000 - 22zzzzzzzz CNFX23.Long-term Liabilities 23 230000000 - 23zzzzzzzz CNFX31.Owner's Equity 31 310000000 - 31zzzzzzzz CNFX41.Manufacturing Cost/Expenses 41 410000000 - 41zzzzzzzz CNFX51.Operation Revenue 51 510000000 - 51zzzzzzzz CNFX52.Other Income 52 520000000 - 52zzzzzzzz CNFX53.Non-operation Income 53 530000000 - 53zzzzzzzz CNFX 54.Operation Cost 54 540000000 - 54zzzzzzzz CNFX55.Periodic Expense 55 550000000 - 55zzzzzzzz CNFX56.Non-operation Loss 56 560000000 - 56zzzzzzzz CNFX57.Income Tax 57 570000000 - 57zzzzzzzz CNFX58.P&L Adjustment 58. 580000000 - 58zzzzzzzz CNFX99.Auxiliary Account 99. 990000000 - 99zzzzzzzz4.Business ProcessThe business transactions that not only come from logistic or sub-ledger (Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Assets etc.) can also be directly posted in General Ledger.4.1. Document typesDocument types differentiate business transactions and control document filing. Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired number range intervals for each number range key based on the company code.Document types are entered as part of a document into FI. These can be used for a number of purposes including:- Reporting against document types- Identification of documents for enquiry purposesThe following document types will be designed for GL postings:Document Type Sales order type Description Number RangeAB Accounting document 0160000001-0169999999SA G/L account document 1060000000-1069999999SB G/L account posting 1160000000-1169999999SR G/L Reversal Doc. 1460000000-1469999999WA Goods issue 4960000000-4969999999WE Goods receipt 5060000000-5069999999MS MM Reversal Doc. 4460000000-44699999994.2. Posting KeyThe posting key controls how the line item is entered and processed. For each posting key, you define among other things:-which side of an account can be posted to,-which type of account can be posted to, and-which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).The following posting key will be designed for the GL transaction postings:Posting Keys Posting Keys descriptions40 GL postings for debit entry50 GL postings for credit entry4.3. GL Account DocumentGeneral Vouchers are entered and processed as standard SAP documents. When entering the voucher you can copy with;-reference (an existing voucher)-sample documentWhen entering line items, the following options are available before actual posting:Document overview - the system displays the document header and all the items entered in the document so far. It is possible to enter extra line items while viewing the document header, or call up those items already entered for processing, or delete items at this point.1. The entries in fields in a general ledger line item may be changed, apart from the entries in the fields Posting Key andAccount.2. It is possible to hold a document; the document does not need to be complete. The transaction figures are not updated andthe document data is not used in evaluations. No document number is assigned. This function is useful during interruptions when entering a document to save the information temporarily, until completion.3. A document may be parked (ie: preliminary posting), it also does not need to be complete. Again, no transaction figures areupdated but the entered information is used in evaluations. Park a document when account assignments are missing, to be added at a later date.Document entered can be changed except for accounting data such as G/L account, cost center and amount. Document with incorrect accounting data can be reversed and reenter a new document.GL Account DocumentAccounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Document Entry ->Enter GL Account Document (FB50)User dept 1. Manual form and original documentsend to GL.Accounting-GL 2. Review the request and approval.3. Document entry in General Ledgersystem.4. Print General Voucher for managerapproval.Accounting-manager 5. Approve the Voucher and sign off.4.4. Recurring EntryRecurring entries are business transactions that are repeated regularly. Posting keys, account numbers, and line item amounts never change in recurring entries. Recurring entries can be defined to process automatically every month for a specific number of months. Once defined they are posted through a batch process.Documents created from recurring entries are posted directly instead of being parked. However, all documents posted will be included in a log for review.Recurring EntrySAP R/3 -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Postings -> Referencedocuments -> Recurring documentSAP R/3 -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic processing ->Recurring document -> ExecuteSystem -> Services -> Batch input -> EditG/L 1. Identify required recurring postings.2. Identify first run date e.g. 1st Jan1998 and possible Last run date e.g.31st Dec 1998.3. Identify run interval e.g. monthly.4. Identify monthly run date e.g. 30th5. Enter recurring document as enteringa normal invoice for the vendor.6. Record Recurring Document numberentered. 7. Check created recurring entryOK.8. Monthly, execute recurring entriesfor posting.9. Check log file OK.10. R ecord posted document numberon vendor invoice if available.11. R eview recurring entries toensure correct postings toappropriate vendors, P/Laccounts and cost objectswith the correct amount.4.5. Sample DocumentSample documents are business transactions that are repeated regularly, such as rent or insurance. Posting keys, account numbers, and cost objects never change in sample document but line item amounts can be different for each posting. Amount can be changed as well. Sample documents can be posted as often as required. When posting invoice with reference to a sample document, the document must be posted immediately.Sample documentSAP R/3 -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Postings -> Referencedocuments -> Sample documentSAP R/3 -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Postings -> Invoice ->Post with referenceG/L Identify required sample documents.Enter sample invoice with the requiredvendor, P/L account and cost object.Record sample document number. Thiswill be used for future invoice postingreference. S/V checked sample documents OKfor postings.When required, enter newinvoice with reference to asample document number andpost.Record posted documentnumber on vendor invoice.5. PlanningThe planning function is not included in this project.6. Month End Process6.1 ComparisonFinancial Accounting Comparative AnalysisThe program carries out an extended reconciliation within Financial Accounting. As part of G/L month-end closing, the following consistency checks are performed:1. Debit and credit transaction figures from customer, vendor, and G/L accounts are compared with debit and credit totalsfrom posted documents.2. Debit and credit transaction figures from customer, vendor, and G/L accounts are compared with debit and credit totalsfrom application indexes (secondary index).The application indexes are used within the system for accounts managed on an open item basis or for line item display. All reconciliation results are connected to historical data. Therefore, you can establish reports on how accurate comparison processes are and whether they are carried out at the right time.6.2 GR/IR ReclassificationAt the month end, there is a requirement for net balance in the GR/IR clearing accounts to be automatically reclassified into 2 separate accounts for Debit and Credit balance. A Goods in transit account need to be created. The GR/IR reclassification can be summarized as follows:-Debit balance, invoiced received with no goods received-Credit balance, goods received with no invoiced received。

CCPBG事业群(消费电子产品事业群Consumer & Computer Products Business Group)——主要从事游戏机、笔记本电脑、液晶电视、光驱、数码相机、投影机、散热系统及组件、LED光照明、新型界面材料、镁铝合金产品、印刷电路板等产品的研发与生产,是目前全球最大的消费性电子产品研发制造商。
Chimei Innolux (奇美电子Chimei Innolux Corporation)——前身为群创光电,2010年3月与奇美电子、统宝光电正式合并,并更名为奇美电子。
产品横跨各式TFT LCD液晶面板模块与终端液晶显示器,主要包括电视用面板、桌上型监视器与笔记型计算机用面板、中小尺寸面板、桌上型监视器、液晶电视等,供应全球尖端信息与消费电子客户,是世界TFT-LCD(薄膜晶体管液晶显示器)领导厂商。
Chimei Innolux拥有独特的技术、成本、系统整合、市场营销等优势,自整合以来,即以核心技术人才、丰沛产能服务全球不同客户的需求,并进一步整合产品供应链,藉由系统切入、面板扎根、垂直整合之创新经营方式,提供客户完整解决方案。
未来,Chimei Innolux将结合本身的综合优势与世界级客户资源,努力提升人类视觉极致享受和国内显示器产业对世界的影响力。
资讯系统整合与服务产品事业群(Component Module Move Service Group,简称CMMSG) ——主要从事PC准系统、主机板、机箱、零组件及Server主机板、机箱、零组件的研发与生产,产品遍及整个计算机领域,2009年拓展至打印机、墨水盒及笔记本电脑等生产领域。



234富士康global项目_CSD事业群_用户手册_月结步骤_Closing Schedule

CO-CCA Check planning reports to ensure data uploaded,
amended are accurate
By cost center (group) By cost center (group)
CO-PCA Check planning reports to ensure data uploaded,
By cost center (Excel)
CO-PCA Upload plan revenue from Excel to SAP 8
By profit center (Excel)
CO-CCA Forecasting by copying plan to plan or actual to plan
By cost center (group)
CO-CCA Execute actual cost splitting 20
By cost center (group)
CO-PC Execute actual price (activity price) calculation
By cost center
CO-CCA Maintain all cost center Assessment cycles for shared
KSUxecute cost assessment / distribution 19

生产情况富士康科技集团创立于1974年,在总裁郭台铭先生的领导下,以前瞻性的眼光与自创颠覆电子代工服务领域的机光电垂直整合“eCMMS”商业模式,提供客户囊括共同设计(JDSM)、共同开发(JDVM)…… 全球运筹及售后服务等等之全球最具竞争力的一次购足整体解决方案。
026富士康global项目_CSD事业群_蓝图设计_CSD-HH-HFJ -To-Be GL-20051013

業務範圍 (Business Area)
會計角度的一個組織單位. 可以編制獨立的資產負債表與 損益表.
目前此功能未啟用, 以CO模組的Profit Center來實現部門 別的財務報表.
CSD SAP Project
為了開關帳控制的需要, 每個SAP內的公司代碼可以定義 自己的過帳期間變式.
過帳期間變式可以控制各個明細帳的開與關, 包括總帳(S), 客戶(D), 供應商(K), 物料(M), 資產(A). 並可依實際需要, 進一步控制不同科目的開與關.
欄位狀態變式 (Field Status Variant)
不同的會計科目所定義的欄位狀態可能不同, 因此SAP內 可透過欄位狀態變式進一步定義欄位狀態群組(Field Status Group), 以控制會計科目主檔中公司資料的欄位狀 態. 欄位狀態變式可以跨法人使用.
1~12月)與4個特殊期間. 特殊期間僅限年度末調帳之用.
CSD SAP Project
Hon Hai Precision Industry
SAP functions vs. processes and activities -FI GL 重要名詞 (六)
過帳期間變式 (Posting Period Variant)
CSD SAP Project
Hon Hai Precision Industry
SAP functions vs. processes and
activities -FI GL 主要參數 (二)
鴻海 (TWHH)
鴻富錦 (CNHF)

富士康科技(武汉)工业园 CMMSG 事业群 11月25日面试
1. 面试时间/地点:11月25日(09:00-17:30) 湖北工业大学 大学生活动中心 107教室/110会议室
2. 整个面试时间从11/25持续至11/30日,面试名单分批分日公布,请不在名单之列的同学耐心等候

富士康的事业群IDPBG现在主要有3个事业处,第一个是DSD,第二个是DMP,第三个是AIT 第一个主要做的是APPLE 的机箱类产品,主要产品包括mini主机如M40等,M40是机种的代号,大机箱有Q63等,当然了DSD同时也根据产品类别不同而分好几个单位,同时还有个单位做APPLE 的音箱M16.以及ASER的主机.第二个DMP是IDPBG的主要赢利单位了,它主要做的就是APPLE 的IPOD 音乐播放器,包括05年--06年度风靡全球的IPOD NANO 机种代号M26,一直做到06年的9月份才开始停产,因为APPLE推出了新机种M26的下一代N36,目前该事业处一直在忙此专案.第三个事业处可以说是新秀了,并且走的路线和其他事业处不一样,因为该事业处走ODM(original design manufcture)路线,成立时间只有2年,现在已经量产一个机种,当然定单不大,手上正在研发的机种大概有5个,其中最看好的是即将量产的一个便携式VEDIO.在这里和没有进来的新干班说一下,其实主要是看你学的专业和你分的工作类别,不知道楼主是什么专业的,即将做什么工作,这个非常重要.当然了最开始大家都不会觉得做的第一份工作就是自己喜欢的,总会认为别人的工作更加有吸引力,这是很正常的.所以我建议大家可以在某个岗位学习得差不多的时候,可以跳到自己认为应该更加适合自己的那份工作,只有尝试多了,才会发现原来你真正喜欢,真正适合的工作是什么.。

(Component Module Move Group)

富士康科技集团iDPBG事业群(郑州厂区)我事业群生产目前世界上最热销的消费类电子产品,地处“铁公机”的新郑航空港区,是富士康科技集团效益卓著的事业群之一,现因业务的扩展,诚邀各界精英加入我们的团队,我们将为您提供以下职位:一、生产线(组)长/维修线(组)长/PQC线(组)长1.中/技以上学历﹐2年以上大型电子厂生产现场管理经验;2.具较强的团队合作、沟通、协调能力;3.具电子维修、效率及质量改善能力者优先二、主板维修技术员/维修分析工程师/主板维修线(组)长1.中专专以上学历,丰富的电子产品维修分析经验(手机﹑计算机相关不良分析经验优先) ;2.有较强的逻辑思维及沟通协调能力,抗压强三、制造工程师1.大专及以上学历,工业工程/机械专业,1年以上大型电子厂相关工作经验;2.具改善意识,能运用IE改善手法进行制程改善;3.具基本的英语读写能力;4.具团队合作沟通协调能力,有责任心,执行力强四、机构分析工程师1.大专及以上学历,机械/自动化相关专业,1年以上电子/机械相关行业工作经验;2.具机构不良分析/结构设计/机构加工经验者佳;3、熟练使用proe、CAD等软件五、IE工程师/IE厂房规划工程师/IE系统规划工程师1、大专及以上学历, 2年以上消费性电子相关产业工作经验;2、具IE 工作经验,熟悉IE工作执掌;3、英语四级及以上, 具备基本读写与口语沟通能力六、治具维护工程師/自动化设备工程师/组长1. 大专及以上学历,电子/通信专业,1年以上相关工作经验;2.熟悉治具设计、维护;熟悉自动化设备开发、维护;熟悉设备的工作原理; 3.英文听/说/读/写良好七、测试分析工程师/组长1.本科以上学历,相产电子及通讯类专业.2.英文CET4,具备英文听,说,读,写,的能力;3.有3年以上电子产品测试及1年以上管理经验,熟悉手机及相关通讯类设备维护经验者优先八、QE工程师/SQE工程师/组长1.大专及以上学历,机械/电子专业;2.具2年以上手机行业SMT电子/机构类材料供货商质量管理经验;3.掌握电子类等材料特性﹑工艺流程及尺寸量测分析;4.熟练的英语听﹑说﹑读﹑写能力九、质量体系管理工程师 / 组长1.大专及以上学历,质量系统管理专业,3年以上相关工作经验;2.熟知品管知识;具消费电子产品工厂经验3.具需要较强的沟通和管理能力; 4. 英文听说读写能力强十、专案管理工程师/组长1. 大专及以上学历, 工程相关背景,2.具备2 年以上专案管理工作经验;3. CET 英语四级以上,具有良好的英语听/说/读/写能力;4. 沟通协调能力强,有团队合作意识十一、IT工程师/Web开发工程师/组长1.大专及以上学历,计算机相关专业﹐1年以上相关工作经验;2.熟悉制造业网络调试及架设工作经验﹔3熟悉SQL Server或Oracle应用;3、具有网络工具软件编辑及Web应用开发能力十二、系统工程师/资安管理技术员/工程师1.大专及以上学历﹐计算器相关专业﹐1年以上相关工作经验;2.具建置及落实信息安全系统经验(含信息安全标准及流程) ;3. 具信息环境弱点扫描.原始程序代码检测及应用程序防火墙建置经验;4. 具恶意程序检测与分析经验; 5.具黑客行为调查分析/资安事件处理经验;十三、生管工程师/交管工程师1..具有大型电子厂生产计划﹑生产管理相关工作经验;2.工商管理或信息管理相关专业背景;3. 对数据敏感思维逻辑性强4.擅长沟通协调,英语基础良好,英语4级以上.十四、物流工程师/控制员/物流文件管理员1.具备一定的物流知识以及国际贸易知识,货代及空运公司经验者佳2.具有ERP系统操作经验;3.熟练应用英文和计算机操作,简报制作技巧;4.语言表达流利,具备良好的沟通技巧和逻辑思维能力;5.服务意识佳,责任心强,工作细心且抗压能力强十五、采购工程师/组长/课长1.大专及以上学历,英语相关专业,1年以上工厂物料采购经验;2.具电子﹑机构﹑设备采购工作经验均可3.英语六级或专业八级十六、经管工程师/组长1.大专及以上学历,经济类专业;2.具财务背景,具加工制造业(进料加工)财务或内部管理会计经验的优先;3.具成本会计/应收/应付会计/费用会计工作经验均可十七、机电公务工程师/机电技术员1.、中技以上学历,2年工厂水电设备运行﹑保养﹑维修经验;2、有电工或制冷操作证,熟悉办公软件,工厂水电系统,熟知中央空调﹑电梯等机电设备。
066富士康global项目_CSD事业群_集成测试_CSD Project Test Scenarios_01-20051111-MM

Press [Enter] button
MRP Stock/Requirements Lists
CRP Scenario
BTN: HUB Sales,
Process Description
Logistic Execution
Process Details
This scenario will walk through the weekly production planning & execution, including production order & procurement order preparations and operations during and after production
Material Doc:
Create & Print GT ticket
Goods Transfer
Material adjust
Logistics->Materials Management->Inventory Management->Goods Movement->MB1B - Transfer Posting
Company code

Work InstructionCreate a G/L Account Master Record in Company Code Chart of account and G/L account master can create by one-step or two-steps.One-step: create centrally that means create chart of account and G/L account company code data within one transaction.Two-steps: create chart of account by HQ first (one transaction) and create G/L account company code data by subsidiary (another transaction).In Foxconn, we define chart of accounts creation centrally (both HH & CNFX).PurposeBusiness transactions are posted to accounts and managed via accounts. Masterrecords must be created for each account in order to post transactions. The G/Laccounts record the business transactions in totals form.This account must exist in the master chart of accountsIn order to create similar accounts quickly, click on the “Create withReference” button. For example, if you are setting up multiple expenseaccounts, then reference a similar expense account. This will copy all ofthe attributes of the reference account. The user then has the option tochange only the fields that are different from the reference account beforesaving.Menu PathTo go to the Create G/L Account in Company Code: Initial screen, use the followingmenu path:•Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Master Records → Individual Processing → In Company CodeTransaction CodeFSS0Work Steps1.On the screen, the following fields can be entered:Field R/O/C Description/Action Account Number R The account number of the G/L account that youwant to create.Company Code R Key in company code:TWHH: for Hon HaiBSGP: for GPE.USCS: for CASEDGENLCS: for CSDEUCNHF: for HFJ(Note:Press the CREATE or CREATE W/ REFERENCE button2.On tabbed screens, enter information in fields as needed:Field R/O/C Description/ActionField R/O/C Description/Action G/L account texts incompany codeAccount assignment O Text of account assignmentAccounting note O Text of accounting noteSAP account assignment O Text of SAP account assignment Press SAVEResultData Saved3.There are other functions in this transaction.Display: Display an existing G/L accountChange: Change an existing G/L accountLock/Unlock: Lock/Unlock an existing G/L account for document postingDelete: Mark for deletion of an existing G/L account。

CCPBG事业群(消费电子产品事业群Consumer & Computer Products Business Group)——主要从事游戏机、笔记本电脑、液晶电视、光驱、数码相机、投影机、散热系统及组件、LED光照明、新型界面材料、镁铝合金产品、印刷电路板等产品的研发与生产,是目前全球最大的消费性电子产品研发制造商。
Chimei Innolux (奇美电子Chimei Innolux Corporation)——前身为群创光电,2010年3月与奇美电子、统宝光电正式合并,并更名为奇美电子。
产品横跨各式TFT LCD液晶面板模块与终端液晶显示器,主要包括电视用面板、桌上型监视器与笔记型计算机用面板、中小尺寸面板、桌上型监视器、液晶电视等,供应全球尖端信息与消费电子客户,是世界TFT-LCD(薄膜晶体管液晶显示器)领导厂商。
Chimei Innolux拥有独特的技术、成本、系统整合、市场营销等优势,自整合以来,即以核心技术人才、丰沛产能服务全球不同客户的需求,并进一步整合产品供应链,藉由系统切入、面板扎根、垂直整合之创新经营方式,提供客户完整解决方案。
未来,Chimei Innolux将结合本身的综合优势与世界级客户资源,努力提升人类视觉极致享受和国内显示器产业对世界的影响力。
资讯系统整合与服务产品事业群(Component Module Move Service Group,简称CMMSG) ——主要从事PC准系统、主机板、机箱、零组件及Server主机板、机箱、零组件的研发与生产,产品遍及整个计算机领域,2009年拓展至打印机、墨水盒及笔记本电脑等生产领域。

富士康的11大事业群鸿超准产品事业群(Super Precision Mechanical Business Group, 简称SHZBG)------主要从事精密模具设计与制造、精密机械零件加工与制造及手机、显示器、TFT -LCD用导光板、NOTEBOOK外设、光纤连接器等产品制造,是国内首家通过ISO 认证的模具公司。
网络连接产品事业群(New Work Interconnection Business Group, 简称N WInG)------集团旗下专业生产连接系统的事业群,在大陆地区有深圳和昆两大制造基地。
资讯系统整合与服务产品事业群(Component Module Move Service Group,简称CMMSG)--主要从事PC系统、主机板、主机箱、零组件及SERVER机箱、主机板、零组件生产,在捷克、美国、墨西哥、澳大利亚、中国深圳设有制造中心,在北美及亚洲的台北、深圳设有研发中心。
无线通讯机构产品事业群(Wireless Business Group, 简称WLBG)------富士康科技集团涉足无线通讯、全球布局最完整的事业群,主要从事手机零组件制造与组装、手机主板/LCD及整机生产。

郑州富士康招聘职位入驻事业群:SHZBG C次集团iPEBG事业群(鸿超准产品事业群)。

- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
SIDC 事业群(捷达世软件(深圳)有限公司 GDS Software(shenzhen)Co.,Ltd. )
GDSBG是由集团原中央IT单位SIDC及各事业群IT单位整合组建而成的专业IT 服务事业单位,从事IT系统整合规划与导入、软件代工、软件测试、数位内容、专业软件委外、通信网络规划建置、信息安全管控及IT软硬体统购、主机共管
2009年和IBM及IBM全球环保能源信息解决方案伙伴EIM、C-Lock共同签订亚太区技术与服务结盟合约,成为全球第一套精确计算碳排放的监控系统GreenCert在亚太区的总代理, 确定跨足软
CMMSG资讯系统整合与服务产品事业群(Component Module Move Service Group)
机构采购检测中心 ( Mechanical procurement & Testing Center )
SHZBG 事业群(鸿超准产品事业群 Super Precision Mechanical Business Group)
CNSBG 事业群(通讯网络产品事业群 Communication & Network Solution Business Group)
主要从事光纤交换机以及路由器﹑滤波器无线网络设备、PON﹑MID、WiMAX﹑VoIP ﹑STB机顶盒﹑ADSL﹑Cable Modem﹑Wireless Module﹑PND﹑Mobile Phone﹑WLAN ﹑Switch 等网络通讯产品的研发与生产,是位居全球前列的网络通讯产品制造商。
CNSBG在多模智能型手机﹑VoIP Access Gateway﹑IP/Cable 机顶盒﹑WiMAX﹑Wi-Fi Phone﹑VoIP Phone﹑多功能终端设备等新产品领域具有先进的研发能力,在塑模﹑成型﹑压铸技术与进阶供应链专业技术领域具有世界领先水平,ADSL﹑
V.90/Wireless Modem及计算机背光模组等ODM产品的市场占有率世界第一。
IGDBG 事业群(新绿数事业群)