河北工业大学基于PLC的机械手臂的设计院部:专业:班级:姓名: *****学号: ******指导老师:摘要机械手是一种能自动化定位控制并可重新编程序以变动的多功能机器,本文介绍的是机械手模型基于PLC的控制系统设计。
关键字:可编程控制器PLC 机械手步进电机ABSTRACTRobots are a kind of automatic positioning control and can be programmed to change to the multi-function machine are introduced in this paper, the model of the manipulator based on PLC control system design.First, the programmable controller to introduce, make corresponding choice model of the PLC. Then, based on the function of the manipulator realization and control methods are studied, and the scheme of realization of the control system and the equipment. Finally, the PLC control system, the hardware structure and software design.Key words: PLC programmable controller Manipulator Stepping motor目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (IV)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 机械手的定义与分类 (1)1.3 机械手应用及组成结构 (2)1.4 机械手的发展趋势 (3)1.5 总体设计要求 (3)第2章PLC的介绍与选择 (5)2.1 PLC的特点 (5)2.2 PLC的选型 (5)2.3 三菱FX系列的结构功能 (7)第3章各功能实现形式与控制方式 (9)3.1 本机械手模型的机能和特性 (9)3.2 夹紧机构 (9)3.3 躯干 (9)3.4 旋转编码盘 (10)第4章控制系统设计 (11)4.1 控制系统硬件设计 (11)4.1.1 PLC梯形图中的编程元件 (11)4.1.2 PLC的I/O分配 (11)4.1.3 机械手控制系统的外部接线图 (12)4.2 控制系统软件设计 (13)4.2.1 公用程序 (13)4.2.2 自动操作程序 (15)4.2.3手动单步操作程序 (21)4.2.4 回原位程序 (24)4.3 PLC程序的上载和下载 (26)4.3.1 PLC程序的上载 (26)4.3.2 PLC程序的下载 (26)第5章设计小结 (28)致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)第1章绪论1.1 课题背景随着现代工业技术的发展,工业自动化技术越来越高,生产工况也有趋于恶劣的态势,这对一线工人的操作技能也提出了更高的要求,同时操作工人的工作安全也受到了相应的威胁。
关键词:工业机械手,机械手,气动毕业设计(论文)AbstractIn this paper, the mechanical hand the overall scheme design, the manipulator to determine the coordinates of the types and degrees of freedom, determine the technical parameters of the manipulator. At the same time, respectively, the design of the manipulator clamping type hand structure and adsorption type structure of hand; designed the structure of robot wrist, the wrist to calculate the rotation of the driving torque required and a rotary cylinder driving torque; the design of the manipulator arm structure, design of the telescopic arm, a lifting hydraulic buffer and the arm rotary hydraulic buffer.Key Words:industrial robot, manipulator, pump, air pressure drive目录摘要 (III)Abstract..................................................................................................................................... I V 目录 (V)第1章引言 (7)1.1 工业机械手概述 (7)1.2 工业机器人机械手的课题设计要求 (8)1.3 机械手的系统工作原理及组成 (13)第2章机械手的整体设计方案 (8)2.2 机械手的手部结构方案设计 (10)2.3 机械手的手腕结构方案设计 (11)2.4 机械手的手臂结构方案设计 (11)2.5 机械手的驱动方案设计 (11)2.6 机械手的控制方案设计 (11)2.7 机械手的主要技术参数 (11)第3章手部结构设计 (15)3.1 夹持式手部结构 (15)3.1.1手指的形状和分类 (15)3.1.2设计时考虑的几个问题 (15)3.1.3手部夹紧气缸的设计 (16)第4章手腕结构设计 (20)4.1 手腕的自由度 (20)4.2 手腕的驱动力矩的计算 (20)4.2.1手腕转动时所需的驱动力矩 (20)4.2.2回转气缸的驱动力矩计算 (23)4.2.3 手腕回转缸的尺寸及其校核 (24)第5章手臂伸缩,升降,回转气缸的尺寸设计与校核 (27)5.1 手臂伸缩气缸的尺寸设计与校核 (27)5.1.1 手臂伸缩气缸的尺寸设计 (27)5.1.2 尺寸校核 (27)5.1.3 导向装置 (28)5.1.4 平衡装置 (28)5.2 手臂升降气缸的尺寸设计与校核 (28)5.2.1 尺寸设计 (28)5.2.2 尺寸校核 (28)5.3 手臂回转气缸的尺寸设计与校核 (29)5.3.1 尺寸设计 (29)5.3.2 尺寸校核 (29)总结 (31)参考文献 (32)致谢 (33)第1章引言1.1 工业机械人概述随着科技的发展人类的生活也向自动化靠拢,作为自动化中不可缺少的机器人渐渐地融入我们的生活,成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。
机械手完整毕业设计论文毕业论文(设计)(范文)课题名称 ______________________ 学生姓名______________ 学号_______________ 系部 _________________ 专业年级 _________________________指导教师 ___________________________20XX年XX 月在当今大规模制造业中,企业为提高生产效率,保障产品质量,普遍重视生产过程的自动化程度,工业机器人作为自动化生产线上的重要成员,逐渐被企业所认同并采用。
关键词:机器人,示教编程,伺服,制动ABSTRACTIn the modern large-scale manufacturing industry, enterprises pay more attention on 什w automation degree of the production process in order to enhance theproduction efficiency, and guarantee the product quality. As an important part of the automation production line, industrial robots are gradually approved and adopted by enterprises・ The technique level and the application degree of industrial robots reflect the national level of the industrial automation to some extent, currently, industrial robots mainly undertake the jops of welding, spraying, transporting and stowing etc. , which are usually done repeatedly and take high work strength, and most of these robots work in playback way.In this paper I will design an industrial robot with four DOFs, which is used tocarry material for a punch. First I will design the structure of the base, the big arm, the small arm and the end manipulator of the robot, then choose proper drive method and transmission method, building the mechanical structure of the robot. On this foundation, I will design the control system of the robot, including choosing DAQ card, servo control, feedback method and designing electric circuit of the terminal card and control software・Great attention will be paid on the reliability of the control software and the robot safety during running・ The aims to realize finally include: servocontrol and brake of the joint, monitoring 什】e movement of each joint in realtime, playback programming and modifying the program online, setting reference point and returning to reference point・KEY WORDS: robot, playback, servocontrol, brake目录第1章绪论 (3)1.1机器人概述 (4)1.2机器人的历史、现状 (4)1.3机器人的发展趋势 (4)第2章机器人实验平台介绍及机械手的设计 (3)2.1自由度及关节 (4)2.2基座及连杆 (4)2.2. 1 基座 (7)2.2.2大臂 (7)2.2.3小臂 (7)2.3机械手的设计 (4)2.4驱动方式 (4)2.5传动方式 (4)2.6制动器 (4)第3章控制系统硬件 (4)3.1控制系统模式的选择 (4)3.2控制系统的搭建 (4)3.2. 1工控机 (4)3.2.2数据采集卡 (4)3.2.3伺服放大器 (4)3.2. 4 端子板 (4)3.2. 5电位器及其标定 (4)3.2. 6 电源 (4)第4章控制系统软件 (4)4.1预期的功能 (4)4.2实现方法 (4)4. 2. 1实时显示各个关节角及运动范围控制 (4)4. 2. 2直流电机的伺服控制 (4)4. 2.3电机的自锁 (4)4. 2. 4示教编程及在线修改程序 (4)4. 2. 5设置参考点及回参考点 (4)第5章总结 (4)5.1所完成的工作 (4)5.2设计经验 (4)5.3误差分析 (4)5.4可以继续探索的方向 (4)致谢 (4)参考文献 (4)1.1机器人概述在现代工业中,生产过程的机械化、自动化已成为突出的主题。
关键词:工业自动化; 机械化; FMS; FMC; 机械手研究开发目录摘要I一、机械手发展经历及主要构成1(一)发展历史1(二)构成部分1(三)机械手分类1(四)多关节机械手的优势2(五)机械手发展大事记2二、西门子公司及S7-200主要参数功能介绍2 (一)适用围3(二)模拟电位器3(三)脉冲输出3(四)电池模块3(五)各型号的优点3三、机械手设计要求及功能4(一)控制要求4(二)机械手运行方式51. 调整工作方式52. 连续工作方式53. 单周工作方式54. 步进工作方式5(三)程序设计要点5(四)程序结构框图6四、基于S7-200的机械手PLC控制程序6五、分析该设计优缺点6致7参考资料7机械手控制一、机械手发展经历及主要构成机械手是能模仿人手和臂的某些动作功能,用以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的自动操作装置。
第 1 关节
结合机器人机械手的工作状况,选择如表 3-3 所示电机和减速机构。
3.4 机器人结构设计
图 3.3 各关节结构图
4 机器人关键部件的有限元分析
4.1 机器人关键部件有限元模型的建立
4.1.1 基座、大臂、小臂实体模型的简化 通常对于实体模型的细节进行一定的几何简化,尽量忽略一些不必要的细节,去除一些与分析意图影响不大的零件 及特征,以利于有限元分析。
图 3.2 关节的极限位置图 3.2.2 各关节功率估算 电机功率计算采用公式 又有 n=ω×60/2 π 得到如下计算结果(单位 W) : 表 3-2 各关节极限力矩和功率计算结果 关节号 极限力矩(N·m) 计算功率(W) 7 2.400 12.0 6 3.213 32.1 5 3.675 30.6 4 26.435 164.2 3 22.638 189.3 2 51.451 430.1 1 64.345 750.3
机器人技术是现代科学技术高度集成和交融的产物,它涉及机械、控制、电子、传感器、计算机、生物学、人工智 能等众多学科领域,是当代最具代表性的机电一体化技术之一 。随着科技的日益先进,消费者的生活不断的得到提高。 然而,人们对生活的品质要求却越来越高。本课题就是在这样一个背景下展开工作的。 目前,市场上大型工业机器人已经日趋成熟。而对于贴近人们生活层面的小型机器人机械手却很稀少,而我国在这 一方面存在更大的空缺。将工业机器人小型化,引入人们的生活做一些必要的工作,将大大提高人们的生活品质。
极限位置的速度和加速度由表 2-2 所示。 (1) 第 7 关节力矩
图 3.1 第 7 关节传动示意图 -2-
第 6 关传动示意节图
1. 结合机械手设计这方面的知识,在设计过程 中学会怎样发现问题、研究问题、解决问题; 2. 改善了技师的劳动限制,避免由于刀削面技 师操作疲劳而引发的安全事故; 3. 提高刀削面的生产率,降低生产成本,加快 实现食品生产机械化和自动化的步伐; 4. 推广中国山西美食刀削面走向世界,为增强 中国软实力做微薄的贡献;
1:生产中应用刀削面机械手,有利于提高面料的传送、 刀具的更换以及刀削面机器的装配等的自动化程度,从 而可以提高劳动刀削面的生产率,降低生产成本,加快 实现食品生产机械化和自动化的步伐。 2:在高温、高油烟、潮湿等恶劣的环境中,刀削面技师 用手工操作是十分繁琐、辛苦。而刀削面机械手即可部 分或全部代替刀削面技师高效地进行作业,大大地改善 了技师的劳动限制。同时,在一些简单的机械动作作业 的操作中,用刀削面机械手代替厨师操作,可以避免由 于刀削面技师操作疲劳而引发的安全事故。 3:应用刀削面机械手代替人手进行工作,这是直接减少 劳动力的一个方面,同时由于刀削面机械手可以连续地 工作,这是减少劳动强度的另一个方面。
3. 刀削面机械手的机构选择
1.实现机械手小臂的切削动作方案(图) 刀削面机械手图一优点:该方案的空间利用率高,尤其在空间 有限的仿真机械手比较实用。缺点:双曲柄滑块机构的成本比 较高,机构复杂度高,机械效率比较低。刀削面机械手图二: 优点:机械效率高,制造成本低,空间复杂度低,便于安装维 护。缺点:占用比较大的空间。该机械手的设计目的在于降低 其制造成本,由于图二在机械效率和制造成本上都高于方案一 ,故选方案一作为刀削面机械手小臂切削机构
(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 毕业设计(论文)报告设计(论文)题目:自动控制机械手结构设计毕业设计(论文)任务书一、课题名称:自动控制机械手结构设计二、主要技术指标:(1)机械手的抓取物体450g夹取距离30mm(2)手臂行程400mm(3)转台角度100°(4)机械手手臂结构和尺寸满足机械手完成作业所需的工作空间(5)机座要承受机械手全部工作载荷,应保证足够的刚度、强度三、工作内容和要求:(1)合理选择机械手的结构(2)机械手的各零件图及装配图的绘制(3)完成机械手的三维成型设计四、主要参考文献:(1)苏沛群.液压与气动技术[M].电子科技大学出版社.2008(2)史新民、高飞 .常用机构与零件设计[M].清华大学出版.2009(3)张柱香.机电类专业毕业设计指南[M].北京机械工业出版社.2003(4)李正吾等.机电一体化技术及其应用[M].机械工业出版社.1990(5)刘海兰、李小平.机械识图与制图[M].清华大学出版社.2009学生(签名)年月日指导教师(签名)年月日教研室主任(签名)年月日系主任(签名)年月日毕业设计(论文)开题报告自动控制机械手结构设计目录摘要 (IV)Abstract (IV)第一章绪论 (1)1.1机械手的发展 (1)1.2机械手的分类 (1)1.3机械手的组成 (2)1.4机械手的技术参数 (4)第二章机械手的设计要求及尺寸计算 (5)2.1机械手的抓取手指设计要求及尺寸计算 (5)2.2机械手手臂的设计要求及尺寸计算 (6)2.3机械手机身的设计要求及尺寸计算 (7)2.4机械手转台设计要求及尺寸计算 (8)第三章机械手的零件图纸及装配图 (11)3.1机械手腕零件图 (11)3.2机械手臂零件图 (11)3.3机械手机身与连接部分零件图 (12)3.4机械手转台及底座图纸 (14)3.5机械手装配图 (16)第四章机械手的三维成型 (18)4.1机械手的手腕三维成型 (18)4.2机械手手臂三维成型 (18)4.3机械手的机身三维成型 (19)4.4机械手的连杆三维成型 (19)4.5机械手的连接块三维成型 (20)4.6机械手的转台三维成型 (21)4.7机械手的整体三维成型 (21)第五章结束语 (22)参考文献 (24)答谢辞 (25)摘要本设计中研究的是一个三自由度的机械手,文中首先介绍了机械手的分类组成,描述了机械手对现在工业的应用及影响。
关键词:工业机械手,机械手,气动毕业设计(论文)AbstractIn this paper, the mechanical hand the overall scheme design, the manipulator to determine the coordinates of the types and degrees of freedom, determine the technical parameters of the manipulator. At the same time, respectively, the design of the manipulator clamping type hand structure and adsorption type structure of hand; designed the structure of robot wrist, the wrist to calculate the rotation of the driving torque required and a rotary cylinder driving torque; the design of the manipulator arm structure, design of the telescopic arm, a lifting hydraulic buffer and the arm rotary hydraulic buffer.Key Words:industrial robot, manipulator, pump, air pressure drive目录摘要 (III)Abstract..................................................................................................................................... I V 目录 (V)第1章引言 (7)1.1 工业机械手概述 (7)1.2 工业机器人机械手的课题设计要求 (8)1.3 机械手的系统工作原理及组成 (13)第2章机械手的整体设计方案 (8)2.2 机械手的手部结构方案设计 (10)2.3 机械手的手腕结构方案设计 (11)2.4 机械手的手臂结构方案设计 (11)2.5 机械手的驱动方案设计 (11)2.6 机械手的控制方案设计 (11)2.7 机械手的主要技术参数 (11)第3章手部结构设计 (15)3.1 夹持式手部结构 (15)3.1.1手指的形状和分类 (15)3.1.2设计时考虑的几个问题 (15)3.1.3手部夹紧气缸的设计 (16)第4章手腕结构设计 (20)4.1 手腕的自由度 (20)4.2 手腕的驱动力矩的计算 (20)4.2.1手腕转动时所需的驱动力矩 (20)4.2.2回转气缸的驱动力矩计算 (23)4.2.3 手腕回转缸的尺寸及其校核 (24)第5章手臂伸缩,升降,回转气缸的尺寸设计与校核 (27)5.1 手臂伸缩气缸的尺寸设计与校核 (27)5.1.1 手臂伸缩气缸的尺寸设计 (27)5.1.2 尺寸校核 (27)5.1.3 导向装置 (28)5.1.4 平衡装置 (28)5.2 手臂升降气缸的尺寸设计与校核 (28)5.2.1 尺寸设计 (28)5.2.2 尺寸校核 (28)5.3 手臂回转气缸的尺寸设计与校核 (29)5.3.1 尺寸设计 (29)5.3.2 尺寸校核 (29)总结 (31)参考文献 (32)致谢 (33)第1章引言1.1 工业机械人概述随着科技的发展人类的生活也向自动化靠拢,作为自动化中不可缺少的机器人渐渐地融入我们的生活,成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。
【关键词】 SolidWorks 机械手爪三维建模运动仿真【Abstract】 It will useSolidWorks to design structureof Manipulator and to establish theThree-dimensional Modeling based on automated welding robot of Shanghai Bamac Electric Technology Co., Ltd.,then by using the plug of simulation and motion of SolidWorks,it will focus on the Motion Simulation and Finite ElementAnalysis of the Manipulator.Finally the trajectory and the work space of the Manipulate can be received,and provide a basis of manipulator analysis in order to optimize the manipulator for the company.【Key words】 SolidWorks Manipulator Three-dimensional Modeling Motion Simulation机器人手爪是机器人可以实现类似人手的功能部件,用来夹持工件或工具,是一个很重要的执行机构。
目录摘要 (1)一、课程设计概述 (3)1.1 可编程程序控制器(PLC)概述 (3)1.2 SIEMENS S7-200简介 (3)1.3 STEP7-MICRO/WIN 编程软件简介 (3)二、基于PLC 的机械手控制 (4)2.1 设计要求 (4)2.2 机械手控制流程图 (5)2.3机械手各按键作用 (5)2.4基于PLC 的机械手控制程序梯形图 (6)2.5 问题及解决办法 (8)三、基于PLC的刀库捷径方向选择控制 (9)3.1 设计要求 (9)3.2 刀库捷径方向选择控制按钮作用 (9)3.3 刀库捷径方向选择流程图 (10)3.4 刀库捷径方向选择控制梯形图 (11)3.5 问题及解决办法 (14)四、基于EM235 的步进电机调速系统 (14)4.1 设计要求 (14)4.2 基于EM235 的步进电机调速系统按钮作用 (14)4.3 基于EM235步进电机的调速流程图 (15)4.4 基于EM235步进电机的调速程序梯形图 (16)4.5 问题及解决办法 (19)五、课程设计总结 (20)六、参考文献 (21)摘要PLC 是一种专门为在工业环境下应用而设计的数字运算操作的电子装置。
关键词可编程控制器PLC 控制应用AbstractPLC is a specialized in industrial environment and design of the application of the electronic device digital computing operations. It has high reliability and anti-interference ability strong, powerful, flexible, learn, and use, small volume, light weight, price cheap characteristics. build programs used in its internal memory, storage to perform the logic operation, order processing, timing, counting and arithmetic operation instructions, and digital or analog through the input and output, the control various types of machinery or the production process. And the peripheral devices, should according to easy and industrial system into a whole, easy to extend its function of the design principles.PLC application field, at present, PLC has been widely used in the domestic and foreign steel, petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, building materials, machinery manufacturing, automotive, light textile, transportation, environmental protection, and cultural entertainment industries.Keywords plc control application一、课程设计概述1.1 可编程程序控制器(PLC)概述PLC(可编程序控制器)是一种数字运算操作的电子装置,专为工业环境设计。
总结:1. 结构强度分析:有限元分析可以评估机械臂结构的强度,包括对各个连接结点、臂体以及关节等部件进行应力分析和刚度计算,以确保机械臂在工作负载下不会出现过大的变形和破坏。
2. 运动学和动力学分析:有限元分析可以帮助确定机械臂的运动学和动力学性能,包括关节的扭矩、速度和加速度等参数。
3. 模态分析:通过有限元分析,可以获得机械臂的固有频率、振型和模态质量等信息,以评估机械臂结构的稳定性和振动特性,并采取相应的改进措施。
4. 材料选择和优化:有限元分析可以通过对不同材料的力学性能进行模拟和对比,辅助设计人员合理选择材料,以满足机械臂的强度和重量等要求。
展望:1. 多物理场耦合分析:目前的有限元分析主要关注机械力学问题,但随着科技的发展,机械臂的分析问题涉及到多个物理场,如热力学、流体力学等。
2. 精确建模与仿真:精确建模是有限元分析的基础,而对机械臂等复杂结构进行精确建模仍然具有挑战性。
3. 智能化和优化设计:随着人工智能和优化算法的不断发展,将其应用于机械臂的有限元分析中,可以实现机械臂的智能化设计和优化。
4. 大数据和云计算行业:随着大数据和云计算技术的快速发展,将其应用于机械臂有限元分析中,可以加速计算速度、提高数据处理能力和模型的准确性。
机械结构课题研究论文(五篇)内容提要:1、工业机器人应用中机械结构设计方法分析2、机械结构设计中抗磨损的改造措施3、车床机械结构数控化改造探索4、农业机械结构设计中的软件应用5、多功能地坪漆刮涂设备的机械结构设计全文总字数:13686 字篇一:工业机器人应用中机械结构设计方法分析工业机器人应用中机械结构设计方法分析摘要:工业机器人是智能化的制造设备,对工业生产效率的提高具有很大影响。
机器人机构优化设计有限元分析中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述FEM Optimization for Robot StructureAbstractIn optimal design for robot structures, design models need to he modified and computed repeatedly. Because modifying usually can not automatically be run, it consumes a lot of time. This paper gives a method that uses APDL language of ANSYS 5.5 software to generate an optimal control program, which mike optimal procedure run automatically and optimal efficiency be improved.1)IntroductionIndustrial robot is a kind of machine, which is controlled by computers. Because efficiency and maneuverability are higher than traditional machines, industrial robot is used extensively in industry. For the sake of efficiency and maneuverability, reducing mass and increasing stiffness is more important than traditional machines, in structure design of industrial robot.A lot of methods are used in optimization design of structure. Finite element method is a much effective method. In general, modeling and modifying are manual, which is feasible when model is simple. When model is complicated, optimization time is longer. In the longer optimization time, calculation time is usually very little, a majority of time is used for modeling and modifying. It is key of improving efficiency of structure optimization how to reduce modeling and modifying time.APDL language is an interactive development tool, which is based on ANSYS and is offered to program users. APDL language has typical function of some large computer languages. For example, parameter definition similar to constant and variable definition, branch and loop control, and macro call similar to function and subroutine call, etc. Besides these, it possesses powerful capability of mathematical calculation. The capability of mathematical calculation includes arithmetic calculation, comparison, rounding, and trigonometric function, exponential function and hyperbola function of standard FORTRAN language, etc. By means of APDL language, the data can be read and then calculated, which is in database of ANSYS program, and running process of ANSYS program can be controlled.Fig. 1 shows the main framework of a parallel robot with three bars. When the length of three bars are changed, conjunct end of three bars can follow a given track, where robot hand is installed. Core of top beam is triangle, owing to three bars used in the design, which is showed in Fig.2. Use of three bars makes top beam nonsymmetrical along the plane that is defined by two columns. According to a qualitative analysis from Fig.1, Stiffness values along z-axis are different at three joint locations on the top beam and stiffness at the location between bar 1 and top beam is lowest, which is confirmed by computing results of finite element, too. According to design goal, stiffness difference at three joint locations must he within a given tolerance. In consistent of stiffness will have influence on the motion accuracy of the manipulator under high load, so it is necessary to find the accurate location of top beam along x-axis.To the questions presented above, the general solution is to change the location of the top beam many times, compare the results and eventually find a proper position, The model will be modified according to the last calculating result each time. It is difficult to avoid mistakes if the iterative process is controlled manually and the iterative time is too long. The outer wall and inner rib shapes of the top beam will be changed after the model is modified. To find the appropriate location of top beam, the model needs to be modified repetitiously.Fig. 1 Solution of Original DesignThis paper gives an optimization solution to the position optimization question of the top beam by APDL language of ANSYS program. After the analysis model first founded, the optimization control program can be formed by means of modeling instruction in the log file. The later iterative optimization process can be finished by the optimization control program and do not need manual control. The time spent in modifying the model can be decreased to the ignorable extent. The efficiency of the optimization process is greatly improved.2)Construction of model for analysisThe structure shown in Fig. 1 consists of three parts: two columns, one beam and three driving bars. The columns and beam are joined by the bolts on the first horizontal rib located on top of the columns as shown in Fig.1. Because the driving bars are substituted by equivalentforces on the joint positions, their structure is ignored in the model.The core of the top beam is three joints and a hole with special purpose, which can not be changed. The other parts of the beam may be changed if needed. For the convenience of modeling, the core of the beam is formed into one component. In the process of optimization, only the core position of beam along x axis is changed, that is to say, shape of beam core is not changed. It should be noticed that, in the rest of beam, only shape is changed but the topology is not changed and which can automatically be performed by the control program.Fig.1, six bolts join the beam and two columns. The joint surface can not bear the pull stress in the non-bolt joint positions, in which it is better to set contact elements. When the model includes contact elements, nonlinear iterative calculation will be needed in the process of solution and the computing time will quickly increase. The trial computing result not including contact element shows that the outside of beam bears pulling stress and the inner of beam bears the press stress. Considering the primary analysis object is the joint position stiffness between the top beam and the three driving bars, contact elements may not used, hut constructs the geometry model of joint surface as Fig.2 showing. The upper surface and the undersurface share one key point in bolt-joint positions and the upper surface and the under surface separately possess own key points in no bolt positions. When meshed, one node will be created at shared key point, where columns and beam are joined, and two nodes will be created at non shared key point, where column and beam are separated. On right surface of left column and left surface of right column, according to trial computing result, the structure bears press stress. Therefore, the columns and beam will share all key points, not but at bolts. This can not only omit contact element but also show the characteristic of bolt joining. The joining between the bottoms of the columns and the base are treated as full constraint. Because the main aim of analysis is the stiffness of the top beam, it can be assumed that the joint positions hear the same as load between beam and the three driving bars. The structure is the thin wall cast and simulated by shell element . The thickness of the outside wall of the structure and the rib are not equal, so two groups of real constant should he set. For the convenience of modeling, the two columns are alsoset into another component. The components can create an assembly. In this way, the joint positions between the beam core and columns could he easily selected, in the modifying the model and modifying process can automatically be performed. Analysis model is showed Fig.1. Because model and load are symmetric, computing model is only half. So the total of elements is decreased to 8927 and the total of nodes is decreased to 4341. All elements are triangle.3.)Optimization solutionThe optimization process is essentially a computing and modifying process. The original design is used as initial condition of the iterative process. The ending condition of the process is that stiffness differences of the joint locations between three driving bars and top beam are less than given tolerance or iterative times exceed expected value. Considering the speciality of the question, it is foreseen that the location is existent where stiffness values are equal. If iterative is not convergent, the cause cannot be otherwise than inappropriate displacement increment or deficient iterative times. In order to make the iterative process convergent quickly and efficiently, this paper uses the bisection searching method changing step length to modify the top beam displacement. This method is a little complex but the requirement on the initial condition is relatively mild.The flow chart of optimization as follows:1. Read the beam model data in initial position from backup file;2. Modify the position of beam;3. Solve;4. Read the deform of nodes where beam and three bars are joined;5. Check whether the convergent conditions are satisfied, if not, then continue to modify the beam displacement and return to 3, otherwise, exit the iteration procedure.6. Save the results and then exit.The program's primary control codes and their function commentaries are given in it, of which the detailed modeling instructions are omitted. For the convenience of comparing with the control flow, the necessary notes are added.the flag of the batch file in ANSYSBATCH RESUME, robbak.db, 0read original data from the backupfile robbak,.db/PREP7 enter preprocessordelete the joint part between beam core and columnsmove the core of the beam by one :step lengthapply load and constraint on the geometry meshing thejoint position between beam core and columns FINISH exit the preprocessorISOLU enter solverSOLVE solveFINISH exit the solverPOST1 enter the postprocessor*GET ,front,NODE,2013,U,Z read the deformation of first joint node on beam*GET,back,NODE, 1441 ,U,Z read the deformation of second joint node on beam intoparameter hacklastdif-1 the absolute of initial difference between front and hacklast timeflag=- 1 the feasibility flag of the optimizationstep=0.05 the initial displacement from initial position to the currentposition*D0,1,1,10,1 the iteration procedure begin, the cycle variable is I andits value range is 1-10 and step length is 1dif=abs(front-back) the absolute of the difference between front and hack inthe current result*IF,dif,LE,l .OE-6,THEN check whether the absolute difference dif satisfies therequest or noflag=l yes, set flag equal to 1*EXIT exit the iterative calculation*ELSEIF,dif,GE,lastdif,THEN check whether the dif value becomes great or not flag=2yes, set flag 2 modify step length by bisection methodperform the next iterative calculation, use the lastposition as the current position and modified last steplength as the current step lengthELSE if the absolute of difference value is not less thanexpected value and become small gradually, continue tomove top beam read the initial condition from back upfile enter the preprocessorMEN, ,P51X, , , step,, , ,1 move the core of the beam by one step length modify thejoint positions between beam core and column applyload and constraint meshingFINISH exit preprocessorISOLU enter solverSOLVE solveFINISH exit the solver/POST1 exit the postprocessor*GET,front,NODE,201 3,U,Z read the deformation of first joint node to parameter front *GET,back,NODE, 144 1,U,Z read the deformation of second joint node to parameter back lastdif-dif update the value of last dif*ENDIF the end of the if-else*ENDDO the end of the DO cycleMost of the control program above is copied from log file, which is long. The total of lines is up to about 1000 lines. Many codes such as modeling and post-process codes are used repeatedly. To make the program construct clear, these instructions can he made into macros, which are called by main program. This can efficiently reduce the length of the main program. In addition, modeling instructions from log file includes lots of special instructions that are only used under graphic mode but useless under hatch mode. Deleting and modifying these instructions when under batch mode in ANSYS can reduce the length of the file, too.In the program above, the deformation at given position is read from node deformation. In meshing, in order to avoid generating had elements, triangle mesh is used. In optimization, the shape of joint position between columns and beam continually is changed. This makes total of elements different after meshing each time and then element numbering different, too. Data read from database according to node numbering might not he data to want. Therefore, beam core first needs to he meshed, then saved. When read next time, its numbering is the same as last time.Evaluating whether the final result is a feasible result or not needs to check the flag value. If only the flag value is I, the result is feasible, otherwise the most proper position is not found. The total displacement of top beam is saved in parameter step. If the result is feasible, the step value is the distance from initial position to the most proper position. The sum of iterative is saved in parameter 1. According to the final value of I, feasibility of analysis result and correctness of initial condition can he evaluated.4)Optimization resultsThe sum of iterative in optimization is seven, and it takes about 2 hour and 37 minutes to find optimal position. Fig.3 shows the deformation contour of the half-construct. In Fig.3, the deformations in three joints between beam and the three driving bars is the same as level, and the corresponding deformation range is between -0.133E-04 and -0.1 15E-O4m, the requirement of the same stiffness is reached. At this time, the position of beam core along x-axis as shown in Fig. 1 has moved -0.71E-01m compared with the original designed positionBecause the speed of computer reading instruction is much faster than modifying model manually, the time modifying model can be ignored. The time necessary foroptimization mostly depends on the time of solution. Compared with the optimization procedure manually modifying model, the efficiency is improved and mistake operating in modeling is avoided.5)ConclusionThe analyzing result reveals that the optimization method given in this paper is effective and reaches the expected goal. The first advantage of this method is that manual mistakes do not easily occur in optimization procedure. Secondly, it is pretty universal and the control codes given in this paper may he transplanted to use in similar structure optimization design without large modification. The disadvantage is that the topology structure of the optimization object can not be changed. The more the workload of modifying the model, the more the advantages of this method are shown. In addition, the topology optimization function provided in ANSYS is usedto solve the optimization problem that needs to change the topology structure.The better optimization results can he achieved if the method in this paper combined with it.中文译文:机器人机构优化设计有限元分析摘要机器人结构最优化设计,设计模型需要反复的修正和计算。
然后,我们使用ANSYS Workbench软件进行了质量、力学和模态分析,确定了机器人的物理特性和运动特性。
在动态分析中,我们考虑了机器人受到外部载荷和惯性力的作用,运用ANSYS Explicit Dynamics技术进行了瞬态分析,得到了机器人的动态响应和强度情况。
【英文摘要】With the increasing of the population,the mankind face the situation of the resource decreased day by day,and the decreace of the inland resource make people divert the target where to exploit the resource to the space and ocean.The ocean covers an area of 71% on the earth,and theexploiting potential is inestimable.So it is simply a cornucopia in which the sorts of mineral resources are marvelous.It contains a lot of polymetallic nodules and sulphides,which is important to the development of the mankind.In recent years,the scientists discovered such a mineral resources called “Hydrothennal sulfide” which is much worth to be exploited at the bottom of the ocean.It is a promising benthal mineral resource whose shape is lump or soft mud,and the quantity is quite tremendous.But it is urgent to manufacture a mining tool with good performance for the exploitation of it,and the manipulator researched in this context is such a trail tool used to exploit the mineral.This paper will focus on research of the virtual prototype of the trail manipulator based on the research of the ocean exploitation project”visual capturing net for Hydrothennal sulfide in deep sea” which is directed by professor Jinxingof Central-South Research Institute of Mining and Metallugy.The main contents are as follows:firstly gave the analysis of coordinate transformation of space vector in linkage kinematics mathematical theory,and deduced the dynamics equation-Lagrange dynamics equation;Secondly analyzed the structure designing method for manipulator, and modeled and assembled the parts of the manipulator in the SolidWorks soft;moreover,gave a simple analysis of the structure;Thirdly builded the finite element model by the finite element soft Workbench,and check the strength of manipulator by the mises yield strength theory in the extreme work situation of fixing the hands;At last,simulated the rigid-body static and motion of the manipulator by the COSMOSMotion soft,and analysis the kinematic quantities,besides,researched the gravity influence on the motion.【关键词】机械手运动学动力学有限元强度校核仿真【英文关键词】manipulator kinematics dynamics finite element strenght checking simulation 【目录】海洋采矿机械手设计及有限元计算4-5Abstract5第1章绪论9-18摘要1.1 引言91.2 深海热液硫化物的研究现状9-11.2.1 热液硫化物开采价值分析10-111.2.2 热液硫化物国内外研究现状1.3.1 机1.3 机械手的基本组成及分类11-1311-121.3.2 机械手的分类械手结构组成部分12-131.4 机械手研究进展13-151.5 计算机仿真技术简介15-16161.6 机械手运动学、动力学研究概况第2章机械手连杆2.2 连杆位姿矩阵及坐1.7 本文研究主要内容16-182.1 引言18运动学理论18-26标一般变换18-2218-192.2.1 位姿的直角坐标表示2.2.3 一般旋2.3.1 连2.2.2 位姿的欧拉角表示19-21转变换21-22杆运动学的参数描述23-25理论26-31程26-272930-3131分析322.3 连杆运动学 D-H 法22-2522-232.3.2 连杆坐标系转换本章小结25-263.1 引言26第3章机械手连杆动力学分析3.2 拉格朗日—欧拉动力学方3.4 连杆机构势能本章小结4.1 引言4.2.1 机械手功能4.3 机械手3.3 连杆机构动能27-293.5 连杆机构动力学方程的建立29-30第4章机械手结构设计31-494.2 机械手设计原理方案31-344.2.2 机械手设计方案组合32-34的设计过程与机械手结构34-3634-354.3.1 机械手设计过程4.4 4.3.2 机械手结构组成与原理机制35-36机械手零部件三维建模及装配36-394.4.1 机械手零部件建模36-374.4.2 机械手零部件装配37-384.4.3 机械手连杆结构分析38-3939-484.5 机械手材料和质量属性4.5.2 机械手零部第5章机械手强度4.5.1 机械手零部件材料39本章小结48-49件质量特性39-48校核49-5849-515.1 引言495.2 有限元分析基本理论5.2.2 有限元5.2.1 弹性力学基本理论49-505.3 机械手的强度校核分析基本思想50-5151-575.3.1 米塞斯强度理论51-525.3.2 有限元软件ANSYS Workbench 基本介绍52建立52-55结57-58言585.3.3 机械手有限元模型的本章小6.1 引6. 有限元计算结果分析55-57第6章机械手动力学仿真分析58-726.2 SolidWorks 仿真软件简介58-60SolidWorks 简介58-595959-606.2.2 SolidWorks 软件特点6.2.3 运动分析插件COSMOSMotion 分析理论6.3 机械手的静力学接触仿真60-656.3.1 机械手的运动描述60-61析61-656.3.2 不同开度下机械抓手的计算分6.4.1 6.4 机械手的非接触动力学仿真65-7165-66机械手运动条件设置66-6971-7277-786.4.2 运动物理量仿真结果分析69-71本章小结致谢6.4.3 动力学仿真结果分析总结与展望72-74参考文献74-77攻读学位期间所取得的相关科研成果78第二篇:机械手设计的论文摘要:主要从工业机械手的发展现状、机械手的应用、机械部分的设计对工业机械手设计研究等方面进行阐述。
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黄煌 指导老师:何建军 摘要
首先,对七自由度机器人机械手进行了系统总体设计,接着进行了机器人机械手的本体设计。然后,利用三维建模 软件 Soldworks 进行了实体建模及装配,再无缝导入 ANSYS Workbench 软件中。通过对机器人机械手的实体模型进行简 化,建立其有限元模型,并利用有限元方法和振动理论对七自由度机器人进行静力学分析和模态分析。再者,对机器人 机械手的相关控制进行了研究。给出了电源、电机驱动和主控芯片等模块的电路原理图。最后,对机器人机械手三自由 度的手腕进行了样机实验。 关键词:机器人,有限元分析,ANSYS,静力学分析,模态分析,机器人控制
4.2.2 载荷及约束的施加 由于将各部件拆分进行有限元分析,则要模拟在装配好时的约束条件。各部件的约束情况如表 4-2 所示 4.2.3 求解、结果处理及分析 (1)基座总变形与等效应力
图 4.3 关键部件总变形与等效应力 基座的总变形主要集中在电机回转中心。最大变形约为 2.45×10 m,变形程度小。 大臂的等效应力主要集中在第 2 关节的连接板孔,且应力不大,满足强度要求。最大应力约为 1.15×10 Pa,满足 强度要求。 变形主要集中在第 7 关节,最大变形 9.98×10 m。形变不大,满足要求。 小臂等效应力主要集中在第 6 关节连接板,受力变形最大为 0.477mm,形变不大。
P M n
(3-4) (3-5)
3.3 减速器和传感器选型
表 3-3 电机和减速器选型结果 关节序号 第 7 关节 第 6 关节 第 5 关节 第 4 关节 第 3 关节 第 2 关节 电机型号 Power HD 1501MG 舵机 Faulhaber 2342S024CR FHA-8C-30 Maxon-RE30 FHA-11C-100 Maxon-RE35 FHA-17C-160 电机参数 DC 6V1.7 N·m DC 24V 输出功率:17W 连续扭矩:1.05Nm DC24V 3.9 N·m/A DC 24V 输出 2000r/min DC24V 13 N·m/A DC 24V 输出 2000r/min AC220V 减速器型号 同步带减速 电机减速箱 同步带减速 电机自带 CSD-20-100-2UH 电机自带 CSF-25-100 减速器参数 减速比 1.5:1 减速箱速比:66:1 (带)减速比 3:1 减速比:30:1 减速比:100:1 额定转矩 28 N·m 减速比:100:1 减速比:100:1 额定转矩 67 N·m 减速比:160:1 额定转矩 67 N·m
机器人技术是现代科学技术高度集成和交融的产物,它涉及机械、控制、电子、传感器、计算机、生物学、人工智 能等众多学科领域,是当代最具代表性的机电一体化技术之一 。随着科技的日益先进,消费者的生活不断的得到提高。 然而,人们对生活的品质要求却越来越高。本课题就是在这样一个背景下展开工作的。 目前,市场上大型工业机器人已经日趋成熟。而对于贴近人们生活层面的小型机器人机械手却很稀少,而我国在这 一方面存在更大的空缺。将工业机器人小型化,引入人们的生活做一些必要的工作,将大大提高人们的生活品质。
图 3.2 关节的极限位置图 3.2.2 各关节功率估算 电机功率计算采用公式 又有 n=ω×60/2 π 得到如下计算结果(单位 W) : 表 3-2 各关节极限力矩和功率计算结果 关节号 极限力矩(N·m) 计算功率(W) 7 2.400 12.0 6 3.213 32.1 5 3.675 30.6 4 26.435 164.2 3 22.638 189.3 2 51.451 430.1 1 64.345 750.3
第 1 关节
结合机器人机械手的工作状况,选择如表 3-3 所示电机和减速机构。
3.4 机器人结构设计
图 3.3 各关节结构图
4 机器人关键部件的有限元分析
4.1 机器人关键部件有限元模型的建立
4.1.1 基座、大臂、小臂实体模型的简化 通常对于实体模型的细节进行一定的几何简化,尽量忽略一些不必要的细节,去除一些与分析意图影响不大的零件 及特征,以利于有限元分析。
图 4.1 简化后的有限元模型 4.1.2 基座、大臂和小臂的网格划分 采用智能自由网格划分后的结果如下图:
图 4.2 各关键部件的网格划分 基座节点数(Nodes) :102647 单元数(Elements):63722 大臂节点数(Nodes) :264654 单元数(Elements):142673 小臂节点数(Nodes) :146274 单元数(Elements):77298
4.2 机器人关键部件的静力学分析
4.2.1 工况的确定及载荷的计算 基座的材料为 45 #钢,大臂的材料为 6061 硬质铝合金,小臂的材料为 6061 硬质铝合金。七自由度机器人机械手在 家用的工作条件下,拟定负载为 2Kg。将受力进行分解,转换成各个关键部位的受力情况如下表(数据已取整,大于预 算值): 表 4-1 关键部位载荷的确定 关键部位 小臂 大臂 基座 受力大小 20N -100N 100N 300N 方向 重力方向 作用于第 4 连接板 Y 方向 作用于第 4 连接板 Z 方向 垂直与基座表面 基座约束 大臂约束 小臂约束 基座固定约束 大臂与基座相连的第一连接板固定约束 小臂与大臂连接板两边固定约束 表 4-2 各关键部位约束情况
l m6
3 1
2-1 2
l m7
1 2
l m3
l m5
l M j mi glij mi rij2 j mil glij mil rijl 2 j i j i j i j i j n n n n
3 七自由度机器人机械手本体设计
3.1 各关节电机参数计算
各关节电机参数的计算,是电机和减速器选型的依据。为机器人机械手结构设计的基础,更是机器人机械手控制的 关键。确定电动机参数时,必须考虑减速装置的传动比,经过技术、经济全面比较才能确定。 3.2.1 各关节力矩估算 机器人各个关节力矩的有效计算, 不仅在对机械结和控制构设计, 而且在力矩的实时控制, 都起着十分重要的作用。 基于机械手大部分工作处于低速的工况,采用静力学计算方法求其关节所受极限力矩。为估算各关节力矩,假定各 个关节及臂杆的质量集中在各几何中心。根据 Soldworks 软件建模时材料质量分析估算(便于计算,数据已经圆整), 预估算各关节及臂杆质量如表 3-1。 表 3-1 关节和臂杆质量估计 关节号 估值(kg) 质量符号 合计(kg) 负载 2 7 0.5 7-6 2.2 6 0.3 6-5 2.5 5 0.4 5-4 2.6 4 1 4-3 2.5
2 七自由度机器人机械手的系统总体设计
机器人整机基本由机器人本体和控制装置组成。机器人本体结构包括:基座、驱动器和驱动单元、大臂、小臂、 手 腕、末端执行器、移动机构、传感器等。控制装置一般包括:计算机控制系统、伺服控制系统、以及人机交互设备(如 触摸屏、显示器、示教盒、操纵杆)等。
2.2 机器人的结构型式
表 2-1 七自由度机器人机械手关节活动范围 关节号 关节转动范围(°) 工作空间示意简图: 1 -170~170 2 -90~90 3 -90~90 4 -60~90 5 -90~90 6 -60~60 7 -45~45
图 2.2 七自由度机器人工作空间 2.5 机器人机械手的负载能力和速度要求 考虑到实际工作要求,拟定各关节最大速度、最大加速度如表 2-2。 表 2-2 关节号 速度 i (Rad/s) 加速度 j (Rad/s^2) 1 0.524 3.5 机器人机械手速度、加速度参数表 2 0.26 2.62 3 0.875 3.5 4 0.65 3.5 5 0.875 3.5 6 0.875 3.5 7 1.22 3.5
常见的机器人机械手有串联结构、并联结构和串并联混合结构等。本文机器人机械手采用串联结构、关节坐标。 关 节型坐标机器人操作灵活性好、运动速度较高、操作范围大,但精度受手臂姿态 的影响,实现高精度运动较困难。 2.3 机器人机械手的自由度 一台通用机器人机械手能够达到空间的任意点, 并将工具送到相对于工件的 任意位置,最低限度需要 6 个自由度(运动轴) 。本文所设计的机器人在 6 自由度 的基础上再新增了一个自由度。整体自由度分配为:两个自由度的肩关节、两个 自由度的肘关节、三个自由度的腕关节。 2.4 机器人机械手的工作空间 工作空间是评价机器人工作能力的一个重要的指标, 工作空间的大小决定了 串联机构的活动空间。拟定七自由度工业机器人机械手关节活动范围如表 2-1 所 示。 图 2.1 七自由度机器人机械手机构模型
极限位置的速度和加速度由表 2-2 所示。 (1) 第 7 关节力矩
图 3.1 第 7 关节传动示意图 -2-
第 6 关传动示意节图
按照公式 F1 ·d1= F2 ·d2 M = F·d 计算得 M7=2.4 N·m
(3-2) Байду номын сангаас3-3)
(2) 第 6 关节力矩,根据公式(3-3)可计算得: M6Ⅰ= F6·d3 =(2+0.5) ×10×98.5×10 =2.463 N·m M6= F6·(d3+ d4)= (2+0.5) ×10×128.5×10 =3.213 N·m (3) 第 5 关节力矩 M5 =3.675 N·m (4) 第 4 关节力矩 M4 =26.435 N·m (5) 第 3 关节力矩 M3 = 22.638N·m (6) 第 2 关节力矩 M2 =51.451 N·m (7) 第 1 关节力矩 M1 =64.345 N·m