实用翻译教程1 优质课件
遇到有口音或方言的发言人时,译员应保持冷静,通过上下文语境 和语言技巧来理解并传达发言人的意思。
在口译过程中,可能会遇到发言人沉默或停顿的情况,译员应保持 镇定,根据语境和发言人的意图进行合理推测和补充。
遇到模糊表达时,译员应根据上下文语境和自己的理解进行解释和 补充,确保信息的准确传递。
翻译是跨文化交流的桥梁,有助于促 进不同国家和民族之间的相互理解和 合作。
译文应准确传达原文的含义,避免歧义和误 解。
译文应流畅自然,符合目标语言的表达习惯 。
译文应考虑到文化差异,尊重目标语言的文 化背景。
根据原文的含义和语境,选择适 当的翻译方法。直译注重保留原 文的形式和表达方式,意译则更 注重传达原文的含义。
保持原文风格、语言流畅、符合目标语言习 惯
语言和文化是密不可分的,因此在日语翻译中,结合文化 背景进行词义引申是非常重要的。译者需要了解日本文化 、历史和社会背景,以便更准确地引申和传达原文的语义 。
第二章 什么是翻译?
二、语际交流(interlingual munication) ❖ 再现信息(reproduced message, 以Mr表示) ❖ 再现思想(reproduced thought, 以Tr表示) ❖ 原语(source language, 以SL表示) ❖ 译语(target language, 以TL表示) ❖ 语际交流实际上又是不同文化间的交流
小结:翻译课的目的重要不在于解决学生外语水平、汉语水平 和知识水平的提高问题。当然,翻译实践对于提高学生的外语 水平、汉语水平和知识水平会有一些好处,但这毕竟不是翻译 课的目的。翻译课的目的是培养学生的翻译能力。
第一章 导论
1.2 翻译课的性质(nature)
❖ 翻译是一门技巧(technique)课,翻译课必须给学 生足够 的实践练习机会。
❖ 1、外语水平:语音、语法和词汇;在外译汉中,重要体现
在理解上,如:once in a blue moon等;
❖ 2、汉语水平:翻译中最被忽视的问题;在外译汉中,重要
体现在表达上,如:So it is now or never.
❖ 3、知识水平:历地、文化、宗教等对理解和表达有益处;
❖ 4、工作态度以前的英汉(E-C)/汉英(C-E)翻译教程 重要讲翻译技巧。
❖ 本教程重要探讨实用的翻译理论。
第一章 导论
1.4 翻译理论的任务(task) 本实用翻译理论解决以下三方面的问题:
❖ 性质问题(nature) ❖ 标准问题(criterion) ❖ 翻译过程中遇到的各种实际(practical)问题
第 九 章 翻译症(translationese) 第 十 章 语言如何表达思想(expression of ideas) 第十一章 汉英语法对比(grammatical parison) 第十二章 汉英语言对比(lingual parison) 第十三章 翻译技巧与翻译准则(technique and principle) 第十四章 翻译的过程(process) 第十五章 可译性问题(translatability)
新实用英语读写译教程(第1册)最新版教学课件Unit 2 Text A
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Language Points
•5. After the victory a statue was erected right in the centre of the capital for people to look up. 那次胜利以后,人们就在首都的正中 心建了一座雕塑以供瞻仰。
There are as many as sixty students in our class. 我们班的学生多达60 人。 The bridge is as long as over 2,000 metres. 这座桥长达2 000 多米。 The elephant is as weighty as two tons. 这头大象重达两吨。
ups and downs: alternate good and bad luck Examples: 起伏,幸运与不幸运的交替
•He stuck by her through all life’s ups and downs. •他对她始终不渝,与她同甘共苦。
•Everyone has his ups and downs. •每个人都有自己的幸运与不幸。
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Comprehension of Text A
1. Directions: Answer the following questions about Text A.
•(1) How do you understand Britain was an empire “on which the sun never sets”?
大学英语 实用翻译教程 课件
Practice after Class
Too often people set a difficult task, then give up. Goals should be focused on what is achievable. Once you’ve defined your goal, write it down. High achievers trace their accomplishments to the time when they committed their goals to paper. Breaking a goal down into bite-size pieces makes achieving it seems less fearful. A technique called backward planning consists of setting an objective and then retracing the steps needed to achieve it. A goal is a dream with a deadline. Deadlines provide a time frame for action and get us moving in the striving for our dreams. If you are really committed, you will make that goal a reality. Set an ambitious target and commit to it. You'll find you can rally resources you never thought you had. Usually, it’s the anticipation of failure that paralyzes, not failure itself. We survive our failures. We pick ourselves up and try again. We have to. Along the way to any goal, you will be confronted with obstacles. Belief in yourself can act as an anesthetic against these setbacks. Usually, it’s the anticipation of failure that paralyzes, not failure itself. We survive our failures. We pick ourselves up and try again. We have to. Along the way to any goal, you will be confronted with obstacles. Belief in yourself can act as an anesthetic against these setbacks
实用翻译教程(A Practical Coursebook on Translation)
Scope of translation
• In terms of language 1. Native languages into foreign languages 2. Foreign languages into native languages • 1. 2. 3. In terms of the mode Oral interpretation口译 Human Translation Written translation笔译 人工翻译 Machine translation计算计翻译
A Practical Coursebook on Translation
第一章: 翻译概论
• The definition of translation
• 1. I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us at any time. • 2. We grumble (抱怨) a little now and then , to be sure. But there’s no love lost between us. • 1.我向来不大想看到你,我们两人之间 大概什么时候都不曾有过好感。 • 2.当然啦,我们有时也免不了争论几句, 但是我们还是相亲相爱。 • 3. I am afraid photograph is not my cup of tea.
• 从那里,我可以看见下面的整个山谷, 那田野、河流和村庄。这一切非常美丽, 见到后使我心里充满了渴望。 • 从这里望下去,整个山谷一览无遗,只 见那田野、河流和村庄,全都美不胜收, 真叫我心驰神往。
新实用英语读写译教程(第1册)最新版教学课件Unit 3 Text A
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Comprehension of Text A 1. Directions: Answer the following questions about Text A.
•(4) What troubles will computer bring to people when it breaks down? • Computer breakdowns delay transactions, disrupt work, and create inconveniences for consumers. A computer malfunction that occurs at an air traffic control center could cause an air collision. A computer failure at a national defense installation could have even more serious consequences. (5) Why should computer designers safeguard stored information from unauthorized access? •A computer that makes up part of a network resembles a room with many doors. Intruders who slip through these “doors” are difficult to trace.
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Language Points
• 翻译概述 • 英汉语言对比 • 翻译技巧 • 常见翻译错误分析 • 实用翻译案例分析 • 翻译实践与提高
翻译是将一种语言的信息转化为另一种语言的过程, 确保信息准确、流畅地传达。
根据翻译的性质和应用领域,可以分为文学翻译、商 务翻译、科技翻译等。
在翻译实践中,注重反馈和反思,发 现自己的不足之处,及时改进和提高 。
利用现代的在线翻译工具,如谷 歌翻译、有道翻译等,可以帮助 快速进行初步的翻译工作,提高 工作效率。
利用语料库资源,如平行语料库 、可比语料库等,可以帮助了解 不同语言的表达方式和习惯用法 ,提高翻译的准确性。
英语和汉语在修辞手法方面也存在显著差异 。例如,英语中常常使用比喻、拟人等修辞 手法来增强语言的表现力,而汉语中则更多 地使用排比、对仗等修辞手法来达到同样的 效果。在英汉翻译过程中,需要根据目标语
掌握足够的词汇是进行翻译的基础,通 过不断积累和记忆,提高自己的词汇量
通过大量的翻译实践,不断锻炼自己 的语言表达能力,熟悉不同领域的专
了解翻译的基本原则、技巧和方法, 掌握常见的翻译理论和技巧,有助于 更好地指导自己的翻译实践。
(3) 生产生活也是文化意义的一个重要源泉
不同的生产方式和生活方式自然要在语言中有所 反映,从而形成了另一类的文化意义。 例如在中国有这样的说法,“巧妇难为无米之 炊”,因为中国人的主食是米饭,因此对于中国 的主妇来说,如果没有米,自然就很难做出一顿 像样的饭菜来。但这句话如按字面意义译成英语, 由于米饭不是西方人的主食,西方的主妇完全可 以不用米来做一顿像样的晚宴,因而这个熟语的 文化含义就很难翻译出来。
琼州学院外国语学院 9
讲话人不仅传达信息,而且还表达一定的 态度:赞成或反对,请求或命令,威胁或 劝诱,褒扬或贬抑,推荐或命令,等等。 其中有的可见诸字面,有的则隐藏于字里 行间。
示 例
委婉请求 Would you mind passing me the salt? 许诺 I shall return the book tomorrow. 警告 Say that again and I’ll part with you once for all. 你再这样说,我就跟你永远分手 褒与贬 You are stubborn. He is pig-headed. I am strongwilled. 你很执拗,他是头犟驴,而我却意志坚强。
琼州学院外国语学院 22
(2) 中、西方的称谓也不尽相同
英语中对亲属的称谓相当笼统,不论长幼,一律 按名字称呼,对堂、表亲用cousin来概括,而汉 语中对亲属的称谓可谓五花八门,有舅舅、叔叔、 表叔、表嫂、表兄、婶婶、堂兄、堂妹等。 汉语中对比自己年长的人(无论熟悉或不熟悉) 都称为大姐、大哥、叔叔、阿姨,而英语中却直 接称呼其名。此外,汉语中一般称呼姓,比如王 先生、李小姐等,而西方人对此疑惑不解,觉得 直呼其姓是极不礼貌的。他们通常直呼其名,比 如Jack,Rose,Ann等。
is it to make social problems evaporate. • 直译:砸镜子不能使丑八怪变漂亮,也不能使社会问题烟消云散。 • 意译:砸镜子并不能解决实际问题。 I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my
美国 奈达 Eugene Nida: 读者反应论 忠实原文;易于理解;形式恰当;吸引读者 使
译文读者在读译文时,和原文读者在读原文时有 着大体相同的感受 natural / close; dynamic / functional equivalence
苏联 费道罗夫:等值论 与原文作用相符(表达方面的等值)
2.1.1 理解专业知识和文化背景知识 课堂练习 课后作业
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
第一章: 引论
1.1 翻译的概念及其重要性 1.2 翻译的基本标准 1.3 译者的基本素质
钱钟书:化境说 sublimed adaptation 文学翻译的最高标准是‘化’。所谓“化境”,
就是原作向译文的“投胎转世”,文字形式虽然换 了,而原文的思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本 地化到了译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹, 让读者读译作就完全像在读原作一样。
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
新实用英语读写译教程(第1册)最新版教学课件Unit 7 Text A
After her daughter was born, Mary turned her attention to fashion design.
Feeling it boring to study linguistics, he turned his attention to teaching.
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Language Points
•2. I didn’t drink, although occasionally I hung around with them in the pub. •我不喝酒,虽然偶尔也跟他们到酒吧里闲逛一下。
hang around:闲逛,转悠
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Practical Phrases
Practical Phrases
1. happen to someone 2. hang around 3. do... harm = do harm to... 4. turn one’s attention to 5. give up
Four nights a week training. Sometimes alone, other times with Tony. My first real test came when the rain was pouring down and I stood inside the window, running gear on, and a good reason lined up for not running that evening. Once outside and the rain pouring down on me, I was fine.
Written Translation IIIWhy we need translation theory?人山人海A sea of facesRose 玫瑰、月季、蔷薇农业是国民经济的基础Agriculture农林牧副渔Farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sidelines and fishery庐山初识,匆匆五十年矣Two score and ten years have elapsed since our acquaintance at Mt. Lushan.Chapter 1 Sociosemiotic Approach to Translation1. Basic principles of semioticsSaussure initiated the study of sign systems, which he named ―semiology‖, and prophesied its existence in advance. He declared: ―A science that studies the life of signs within society is conceivable; it would be part of social psychology; I shall call it semiology. Semiology would show what constitutes signs, what laws govern them. Since the science does not yet exist, no one can say what it would be; but it has a right to exitence, a place staked out in advance.Signified (concept 所指)Signifier ( sound image 能指)Peirce has given general definition of a sign: A sign, or a reprentamen, is something which stands to somebody, for something in some respect or capacity.Icon (based on identity or likeness, e.g. road signs); index (based on contiguity临近or causality;e.g. Smoke as a sign of fire); symbol (a merely conventional link: e.g. words)SignObjectInterpretantSemantic triangleLinguistic meaning is built on the relationship of the sign with each other in the same systemReferential meaning is built on the relationship of the sign with its referentPragmatic meaning is built on the relationship of the sign and its interpretant2. Sociosemiotic Approach to TranslationSocial semiotics is primarily concerned with human semiosis as an inherently social phenomenon in its sources, functions, contexts, and effects. It is also concerned with the social meanings constructed through the full range of semiotic forms, through semiotic texts and semiotic practices, in all kinds of human society at all periods of human history.Halliday’s model of social semioticsProfessor Chen’s model of Sociosemiotic Approach to TranslationMy model of Sociosemiotic Approach to TranslationChapter 2 General statement of translation1. nature of translationNida out of the date薄薄的夜喇叭2. translation processPreparation; working; checking母亲拧着纺车把他拉扯大,真是要星星不给月亮。
新实用英语读写译教程(第1册)最新版教学课件Unit 1 Text A
Stop the subject and change another one.
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Text A
You should also be prepared to answer questions in a conversation. For example, if you are a student, be prepared to talk briefly and generally about your major, your classes, and your future plans. In addition, it is helpful to keep up with current events—what is going on in your school, your local area, the country, and so on—and be able to talk about them.
be hesitant to do something: 做……犹豫不决
We are often hesitant to start a business that we are not sure about. 我们开展不熟悉的业务的时候往往犹豫不决。
She is hesitant to express her idea when she needs help. 她需要帮助的时候不愿意表达自己的想法。
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超万 分之五。
翻译人员必须做到: 1.严谨的工作态度 2.扎实的语言功底 3.广博的知识面 4.较强的思辨能力和记忆力 5.熟练的翻译技巧
第二章: 翻译的基础知识与技巧
翻译的历史:翻译的历史可以说几乎同语言的历史一样 古老。我们可以肯定地说,什么时候有了一个民族或 部落同另个民族和部落的接触,什么时候就有了翻译。 西方自一世际,中国自商周时期就开始有了跨语言翻 译。
In terms of materials 1. Scientific materials 2. Translation of literary works 3. Translation of political essays 4. Business Translation 5. Translation of practical writing In terms of disposal 1. full-text translation 2. abridged translation 3. adapted translation
使译文读者在读译文时,和原文读者在读原文时 有着大体相同的感受 natural / close; dynamic / functional equivalence
苏联 费道罗夫:等值论 与原文作用相符(表达方面的等值)
早在汉朝和唐朝,中国翻译史就有过关于翻 译标准的“文”与“质”之争,主张“文”的翻 译家们强调翻译修辞和通顺,强调翻译的可读性。 主张“质”的翻家们则强调翻译的不增不减,强 调翻译的忠实性这实际上是意译与直译之争。
Practice in Class
• We wish to establish relations with you. • First, he had to establish his credentials as a
teacher. • It will be essential to establish how the
论述文体、新闻文体和艺术文体 4.翻译活动的处理方式:全译、摘译、编译、
1.2 翻译的基本标准
• 国内: 严复(1853-1921):信、达、雅
Triple Principle of Translation ⊙信:(faithfulness)忠实于原文/忠实准确 ⊙达:(expressiveness)文笔流畅/通顺流畅 ⊙雅:(elegance)文风典雅/文字古雅(士大夫)
A Practical Translation Course for College Students
Translation before class
There was a man who had worked at a factory for twenty years. Every night when he left the plant, he would push a wheelbarrow full of straw to the guard at the gate. The guard would look through the straw, and find nothing and pass the man through. On the day of his retirement the man came to the guard as usual but without the wheelbarrow. Having become friends over the years, the guard asked him, "Charlie, I've seen you walk out of here every night for twenty years. I know you've been stealing something. Now that you're retired, tell me what it is. It's driving me crazy." Charlie simply smiled and replied, "Okay, wheelbarrows!"
1.1 翻译的概念及重要性
Scope of translation
In terms of language 1. Native languages into foreign languages 2. Foreign languages into native languages
In terms of the mode 1. Oral interpretation 2. Written translation 3. Machine translation
• 中国发展职业教育是很重要的。中国劳动力面临着 两个问题:素质低和缺乏熟练的技术工人。这些问 题大大影响了中国的创新,导致产品档次低,能量 消耗高,工业事故频繁发生。
Practice after Class
• A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words. Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked," Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?" The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said, but in a different way. I wrote: 'Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it.'" Both signs told people that the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?
• They hoped to locate in Chicago. • We've simply been unable to locate him. • The head company decided to locate in
Qingdao. • 他们希望在芝加哥定居。 • 我们就是没办法找到他。 • 总公司决定设在青岛。
• 国外 英国 泰特勒 Tytler --《论翻译的原则》 翻译中的三项基本原则: 一、译文应完全复写出原作的思想
(相当于“信”) 二、译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同
(相当于“雅”) 三、译文应和原作同样流畅
美国 奈达 Eugene Nida: 读者反应论 忠实原文;易于理解;形式恰当;吸引读者
2.1 词汇的理解 专业知识、文化背景
What do you see as the future trends for the industry? 你如何看待将来这个行业的发展趋势?
But the industry is not without its problems. 但是,这种产业并不是没有它的问题。
No one doubted his ability, his industry or his integrity. 没人怀疑他的能力、勤奋和正直。
It was Friday and soon they’d go out and get drunk. 星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要上街区喝得酩酊大醉。
这 两条翻译标准,切实做到原文内容与译文形式的辩证 统一。
1.3 译者的基本素质
决定翻译质量的四个因素(factors): 1、外语水平:语音、语法和词汇;在外译汉中,重
要体现在理解上,如:once in a blue moon等; 2、母语水平:翻译中最被忽视的问题;在翻译
中,重要体现在表达上,如:So it is now or never. 3、知识水平:历地、文化、宗教等对理解和表达有
money is being spent. • 我们希望同贵公司建立业务关系。 • 首先,他得证明自己做老师的资格。 • 查清楚这笔钱将作何用途至关重要。
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