Characteristics of successful speaking tasks
1. Maximum foreign talk: the students talk a lot in the foreign language.( two common problems)
2. Even participation: encourage speaking from as many different students as possible.
1.presentation 1)what to present: grammar,formulas,sentence
structure,functions,conversational techniques 2)objectives:to establish the form
to establish the meaning to present the topic to activate background knowledge to motivate the students 3)ways of presentation: through examples, through explanation; using multi-medium techniques; oral demonstration
III.Teaching Content
1)Pronunciation 2)Vocabulary and grammar 3)Communicative function 4)Speaking strategies
IV. Teaching model of teaching speaking
6. Helping students develop speaking strategies
Characteristics of successful speaking tasks
1. Maximum foreign talk: the students talk a lot in the foreign language.( two common problems)
2. Even participation: encourage speaking from as many different students as possible.
1.presentation 1)what to present: grammar,formulas,sentence
structure,functions,conversational techniques 2)objectives:to establish the form
to establish the meaning to present the topic to activate background knowledge to motivate the students 3)ways of presentation: through examples, through explanation; using multi-medium techniques; oral demonstration
III.Teaching Content
1)Pronunciation 2)Vocabulary and grammar 3)Communicative function 4)Speaking strategies
IV. Teaching model of teaching speaking
6. Helping students develop speaking strategies
If we spend a lot of time on pronunciation exercises, student interest may dwindle. So, teachers should move on to something else when pronunciation exercises no longer produce noticeable progress. Five to ten minutes of class time per meeting for as long as the need and willingness of the students last — this is a golden rule. (Bowen, 1985).
7. Stress and intonation are not important for beginning learners.
8. Students should learn Received Pronunciation (RP).
9. Stress in pronunciation is sometimes as important as grammar.
3. Students need to know phonetics in order to learn English. Factors that decide whether
4. Poor pronuncipartioonnumncaiyatcioanusneeperdosbslpeemcsiafloarttthenetlieoanr:ning of other skills.
Production practice
Listen and repeat Fill in the blanks.
learning this course?
a. To provide learners with some current but basic theories related to language, language learning and language teaching.
b. To help learners develop practical skills and techniques in teaching the language.
e. To help learners develop their own ideas about ELT and the awareness of putting these ideas in their own teaching practice in the future.
3. What do you expect to learn or what do you want to learn from this course?
Teaching is a personal activity, and it is not surprising that individual teachers bring to teaching very different beliefs and assumptions about what constitutes effective teaching.
Howatt, A. P. R. A History of English Language Teaching. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.
Johnson, K. An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.
a. To provide learners with some current but basic theories related to language, language learning and language teaching.
b. To help learners develop practical skills and techniques in teaching the language.
e. To help learners develop their own ideas about ELT and the awareness of putting these ideas in their own teaching practice in the future.
3. What do you expect to learn or what do you want to learn from this course?
Teaching is a personal activity, and it is not surprising that individual teachers bring to teaching very different beliefs and assumptions about what constitutes effective teaching.
Howatt, A. P. R. A History of English Language Teaching. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.
Johnson, K. An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.
英语教学法流派 Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching
Review The Grammar-Translation Method
Definition: It means to translate from mother tongue to target language.That is to say,the method teaches foreign language with grammar explaination and translation exercise.
电子技术为核心的知识、技术技术密集型产业发展很快。 ➢ 听说法是20世纪40年代末在美国形成的外语教学法。二战期间,美国军
队进驻很多国家,军人急需掌握外语,特别是通过军队外语培训等教学 活动,创立了听说法。 ➢ 20世纪60年代末70年代初,随着另一门新兴学科社会语言学的诞生,社 会语言学家提出了“交际能力”的概念,在外语教学界引起了强烈的反 响,交际教学法学派随即迅速崛起。 ➢ 在交际法的带动下,20世纪70年代还兴起了人文主义教学法,主要包括 沉默法(the silent way)、提示法(suggestopedia)、社区式语言学习 (community language learning)和全身反应教学法(the total physical response method)等新型的外语教学法。这些教学法的共同特点是强调 学生是教学的主体。除了分析学生的需要和学习过程外,还注意学生学 习外语的心理特点,努力创造条件,排除学生学习外语时的心理障碍。 4
➢ 15世纪以前,在西欧、拉丁语处于主流地位,不仅用于日常口语
Review The Grammar-Translation Method
Definition: It means to translate from mother tongue to target language.That is to say,the method teaches foreign language with grammar explaination and translation exercise.
电子技术为核心的知识、技术技术密集型产业发展很快。 ➢ 听说法是20世纪40年代末在美国形成的外语教学法。二战期间,美国军
队进驻很多国家,军人急需掌握外语,特别是通过军队外语培训等教学 活动,创立了听说法。 ➢ 20世纪60年代末70年代初,随着另一门新兴学科社会语言学的诞生,社 会语言学家提出了“交际能力”的概念,在外语教学界引起了强烈的反 响,交际教学法学派随即迅速崛起。 ➢ 在交际法的带动下,20世纪70年代还兴起了人文主义教学法,主要包括 沉默法(the silent way)、提示法(suggestopedia)、社区式语言学习 (community language learning)和全身反应教学法(the total physical response method)等新型的外语教学法。这些教学法的共同特点是强调 学生是教学的主体。除了分析学生的需要和学习过程外,还注意学生学 习外语的心理特点,努力创造条件,排除学生学习外语时的心理障碍。 4
➢ 15世纪以前,在西欧、拉丁语处于主流地位,不仅用于日常口语
picture .This kind of activity can be called
an exercise-task.
Examples of the tasks
• Listening to a weather forecast and deciding what to wear
• Look at a set of pictures and decide what should be done
• Responsing to a party invitation • Completing a banking application • Describing a photograph of one's family
The real and unreal tasks in TBLT
• P:Where's the pen ?
Definitions of a task
• A task is an activity which requires learners to arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought, and which allows teachers to control and regulate that process.Prabhu said.
• Tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose in order to achieve an outcome.Willis said.
• S1:Which do you prefer ,tea or coffee ?
• S2:I prefer coffee./I prefer tea./I like them all./I don't like either .
• The activity is not merely reacting to the questions .But it is not a really task .It depends on the teacher's choices.
• Input:Questionnaire on sleeping habits • Activity:1)Reading questionnaire 2)Asking
and answering questions about sleeping habits • Teacher role:monitor and facilitator;to specify what is regarded as successful completion of the task • Learner role :conversational partner
An example in TBLT
• 语言结构:This is ... • 语言功能:指定与介绍(indentification
and introduction) • 1.学生模拟产品讲解员(或商店售货员)向
• This is a thermometer.It is used to measure temperetures.
• 适用于我国英语教学现状的“任务型”教学法
• S1:Which do you prefer ,tea or coffee ?
• S2:I prefer coffee./I prefer tea./I like them all./I don't like either .
• The activity is not merely reacting to the questions .But it is not a really task .It depends on the teacher's choices.
• Input:Questionnaire on sleeping habits • Activity:1)Reading questionnaire 2)Asking
and answering questions about sleeping habits • Teacher role:monitor and facilitator;to specify what is regarded as successful completion of the task • Learner role :conversational partner
An example in TBLT
• 语言结构:This is ... • 语言功能:指定与介绍(indentification
and introduction) • 1.学生模拟产品讲解员(或商店售货员)向
• This is a thermometer.It is used to measure temperetures.
• 适用于我国英语教学现状的“任务型”教学法
Unit 3 The National English Curriculum
• Objectives:
Get the students to know about the background of
the design of the National English Curriculum.
• Linguistic knowledge: Phonetics;
Vocabulary; Grammar; Functions; Topics
• Language skills: Listening; Speaking;
Reading; Writing
• Cultural awareness: cultural knowledge;
The new curriculum is designed to promote students’ overall language ability, which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language skills, language knowledge, affects, learning strategies and cultural understanding. Each component is further divided into a few sub-categories. Language teaching is no longer aimed only for developing language skills and knowledge, but expanded to developing learners’ positive attitude, motivation, confidence as well as strategies for life-long learning along with cross-cultural knowledge, awareness and capabilities.
• Objectives:
Get the students to know about the background of
the design of the National English Curriculum.
• Linguistic knowledge: Phonetics;
Vocabulary; Grammar; Functions; Topics
• Language skills: Listening; Speaking;
Reading; Writing
• Cultural awareness: cultural knowledge;
The new curriculum is designed to promote students’ overall language ability, which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language skills, language knowledge, affects, learning strategies and cultural understanding. Each component is further divided into a few sub-categories. Language teaching is no longer aimed only for developing language skills and knowledge, but expanded to developing learners’ positive attitude, motivation, confidence as well as strategies for life-long learning along with cross-cultural knowledge, awareness and capabilities.
英语教学法教程 课件
There is a Chinese saying that'Teachers are engineers of the soul'. This suggests that we are not just responsible for students' moral development. The word 'education' comes from the Latin verb educare, which means to'bring out'. In other words, teachers should try to bring out the full potential of their students as human beings, so they can live meaningful, fulfilling and responsible lives. At first glance, English language teaching may not seem an important area for moral learning. It is a foreign language and is sometimes associated with social values that are not shared by Chinese people. On the other hand, English lessons can provide excellent opportunities for a focus on moral values
Didactic model: students are explicitly and regelarly taught moral behaviour, as determined by the teacher.
相应地替换成“Teddy Dog,Teddy
就像每个单元的C部分设置了Story time,以巩
把它搬家移到一个教学单元的开头。例如对第 四单元的Animals的导入设计。在进行A部分教
学时,教师可以以一个农场主的身份介绍 “Look! I have a rabbit.”……同时还为后面 的song“Old MacDonald”做了铺垫;而在进行 B部分的导入时,教师又可以改扮成一个动物
understanding is OK.
3.What is Listening?
1) Listening is interactive. watching a comedy, we laugh; listening to a lecture, we process and evaluate
the information it contains; engaging in conversation, we reply. 2) The most effective listening is active. 3) Listening is closely related to the other
To clarify and extend comprehension beyond the literal level to the interpretive and critical levels
Pre-listening activity
•Introduction •Title guessing •Questions •Discussions •Key words •Visual aids
phonemic units are decoded and linked together to form words, words are linked together to form phrases, phrases are linked together to form utterances, and utterances are linked together to form complete meaningful texts
b. The top-down process
the listener actively constructs the original meaning of the speaker using incoming sounds as clues.
3.What is Listening?
1) Listening is interactive. watching a comedy, we laugh; listening to a lecture, we process and evaluate
the information it contains; engaging in conversation, we reply. 2) The most effective listening is active. 3) Listening is closely related to the other
To clarify and extend comprehension beyond the literal level to the interpretive and critical levels
Pre-listening activity
•Introduction •Title guessing •Questions •Discussions •Key words •Visual aids
phonemic units are decoded and linked together to form words, words are linked together to form phrases, phrases are linked together to form utterances, and utterances are linked together to form complete meaningful texts
b. The top-down process
the listener actively constructs the original meaning of the speaker using incoming sounds as clues.
❖ It suggested that language is an intricate rulebased system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.
Constructivist theory
❖ 4. How can one become a good language teacher?
❖ 5. Try to explain “reflective model〞 in your own words.
语法翻译教学法(grammar-translation method〕 听说教学法 (Audio-lingual method) 交际教学法 (communicative language teaching
❖ As a teaching strategy, scaffolding is defined as the process by which an expert provides temporary support to learners to "help bridge the gap between what the learner knows and can do and what he or she needs to accomplish in order to succeed at a particular learning task.“
❖ It suggested language is a form of behavior and language learning involves the same procedure as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli.
Constructivist theory
❖ 4. How can one become a good language teacher?
❖ 5. Try to explain “reflective model〞 in your own words.
语法翻译教学法(grammar-translation method〕 听说教学法 (Audio-lingual method) 交际教学法 (communicative language teaching
❖ As a teaching strategy, scaffolding is defined as the process by which an expert provides temporary support to learners to "help bridge the gap between what the learner knows and can do and what he or she needs to accomplish in order to succeed at a particular learning task.“
❖ It suggested language is a form of behavior and language learning involves the same procedure as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli.
So classroom management involves both decisions and actions. Actions are what is done in the classroom. The decisions are about whether to do these actions, when to do them, how to do them, who will do them, and so on. Thus, the essential basic skill for classroom management is to be able to recognize options available, to make appropriate decisions between the options, and to turn them into effective and efficient actions.
The teacher’s most important job might be to create the condition in which learning can take place. So the skills of creating and managing a successful class may be the key to the whole success of a course. An important part of this is to do with the teacher’s attitude, intentions and personality. However, the teacher also needs organizational skills and techniques.
4. The teacher provides clear instructions. 5. The teacher asks appropriate questions. 6. The students’ errors are treated
What does classroom management involve?
So classroom management involves both decisions and actions. Actions are what is done in the classroom. The decisions are about whether to do these actions, when to do them, how to do them, who will do them, and so on. Thus, the essential basic skill for classroom management is to be able to recognize options available, to make appropriate decisions between the options, and to turn them into effective and efficient actions.
Classroom management
Classroom management is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom. The goal of classroom management is to create an atmosphere conductive to interacting in English in meaningful ways (Gebhard, 1996:69 ). Efficient classroom management can be achieved when the following 6 conditions are met :
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• In total :
• 25 kinds of Verb sentence patterns ; • 5 kinds of Noun sentence patterns ; • 3 kinds of Adjectives in sentence patterns • In short , these sentence patterns provide the
• Language is speech, not writing so that speaking than writing priorities study ;
• Take advantage of contrastive analysis to study.
British Structuralism(英国的结构主义)
evidences for the paraphrasing.
Contextual learning
• United Kingdom anthropologists B. Malinowski(马林若夫斯基)and linguist J. R. Firth(弗斯)proposed ;
• Three features: features related participant 、 relative purpose 、effect of verbal behavior .
Transformational Generative Grammar(乔姆斯基的转换生成语法)
• In the 1950s the school of linguistic thought known as transformational-generative grammar received wide acclaim through the works of Noam Chomsky ;
Features of American Structuralism
• Synchronic VS Diachronic • Descriptive VS Prescriptive • Structuralism VS Traditional Grammar
Advantages of American Structuralism
American Structuralism(美国的结构主义)
• The background of American Structuralism • The three period of American Structuralism • Features of American Structuralism • Advantages of American Structuralism • Problems of American Structuralism • Methods of American Structuralism
Problems of American Structuralism
• Neglected Syntax • Ignored meaning • Bottom –up • Interference of mother tongue
Methods of American Structuralism
The nature of language theory
Structural view of language
Functional language
Structural view of language
American Structuralism
British Structuralism
Transformational Generative Grammar
• A great landmark in the linguistics history and comparing with its predecessor—the traditional grammar;
• Vividly important in documenting the diversity of human languages and vanishing and offering the basic date of developing serious explanatory theories of language.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• The nature of language theory • Language learning theory • The model of foreign language learning • Theory of education related subjects
The background of American Structuralism
• American linguistics developed from the end of the 19th century
The three period of American Structuralism
• Boas-Sapir period(1911-1932) • The Bloomfieldian period(1933-1950) • The Post-Bloomfieldian period(1952-1956)
• British Structuralism was based on LeviStrauss' Structuralism but was more empirical in approach.
• Many famous Linguists (H. Palmer/ A. S.Hornby) analysis and summary of the main English grammatical structure together and summarized them as certain sentential form .