【推荐】2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 11 The Media写作园地-建议信 北师大版必修4.doc




2019北师大版高中英语选择性必修二单词默写表UNIT 4 HUMOUR 默写2 默写1 Topic Talk1n.喜剧.喜剧.2phr.相.3ⅵ..vt.假装.装作4adj.幽默的.诙谐的5n.(书、电影、戏剧的)情.6n.口.7vt.模仿*8adj.面部的.脸上.9vi.交流.交往.相互作用10n.焦虑.不安.担心11n.舒适.健康.幸.12adj.重要的.重大的13vt.增强.改进.提.14n.裁判(员..15adj.极度惊恐的*16adj.头晕目眩.17adj.不平衡的18 n.挥动.挥舞.秋千.vi..vt.(使)摆动.(使)转动.朝……打去.荡秋千19adj.难堪的.尴尬.20vt.消耗.吃.消.21adj.困惑.22n.潜力.潜能.adj.潜在的.可能的23Lesson 1 WHAT’S SO FUNNY?n.杯托24n.门口.出入口25n.古董.adj.古时制造的26adv.漫不经心地.非正式地.27adv.装作若无其事地.无辜.28n.胃口.食.29adj.忠诚.30vt.推论.推断.31n.天文.32n.星.33adv.可能地.潜在.34n.土星*35n.狮子.3637 adj.科学(上).38n.大气(层).气氛.氛围.环.39vt.预测.预.40adj.中年的41n.诊所.外科手术42vi.流血.出血43ⅵ..n.打喷嚏44vi.尖声大叫.n.尖叫.45n.就诊.咨询46n.危难时刻.危.47vt.检.48vt.宣布.宣.49adv.随后.后来50n.马戏.51n.小丑*52vt.应得.应受到53Lesson 2 WHY DO WE NEED HUMOUR?n.紧张.焦虑.焦.54n.肌.5556 adj.身体的.肉体的.phr.血管.57adj.心理的.精神的58n.心情.情绪59adj.影响深远.60vt.使充满活力.使增强决心61adj.有免疫力.62n.细.63n.感染.传.64vt.把……并入.包含.65vi..vt.悄声说.低语.耳.66vi.脸红.67n.窘迫.尴.68adv.偶然地.意外.69n.费用.花费70phr.嘲笑某人71Lesson 3 MY FAVOURITE COMEDIANn.喜剧演.72n.国.73n.名誉.名.7475 vt.遇到vt.使开心.逗笑76ⅵ.依赖77phr.依赖.信赖78adv.完全地.纯粹地.仅.79adj.广泛适用的.共同的.普遍.80n.一.81adj.吃惊的.惊讶.82n.牛.83adj.生的84vi..vt.咀嚼85n.花瓶86n.女用手提包.女式钱.87adj.当代.88n.影视剧本作家.编剧89adv.主要地.大部分90adj.笨拙的.不灵活的*91adj.好笑的.有趣.92n.创造物.作品93n.正相反.恰恰相.94adj.学术.95n.奖学金96phr.寄宿学.97vt.得到.获.98vt.获得.得到99phr.电力(电气)工程学100n.结巴.口吃*101n.天资.天賦.才.102n.镜子103n.制作人.制片.104adv.很少.难得105n.天才.天赋.天才人.106adj.确信的.信服.107Writing Workshop A FUNNY STORYadj.不幸的.倒霉的.108n.代理人.109vt.要求110Reading Club 1adv.不严谨.111vi..vt.批评.指责112Reading Club 2n.大木头.原木.(事件的)正式记.113n.成.114n.政治家115n.浴室.ⅵ.洗澡116UNIT 5 EDUCATION 默写2 默写1 Topic Talkn.重要性.意.1vt.促进.增.2vt.促进.使便.3adj.一贯的.一致.4vt.培养.养成(技能、态度或素质)*5n.同情.同情.6phr.人.7vt.分析.剖.8n.哲学.9n.教育工作者10vt.坚称.坚持主.11vt.评估.评价12Lesson 1 ENLIGHTENING A MINDvt.启迪.指导.教.13adv.极其.非常14adj.很严重.15n.限制.规定.约.16adj.难以忍受的.承受不住.17adj.引起麻烦的.令人烦恼的18adj.固执的.执拗的.倔强.19n.倾向20adj.极好的.卓越.21n.视力22vi.理解.相联.23n.技巧.手.24adj.简单的.易懂的.诚实的.坦率.25n.玩偶.26adv.起.27n.兴奋.激.28n.模仿.仿效29n.水流30n.液.31adj.宝贵的32vt.理解.领会3334 adj.逐渐的.逐步.adj.令人痛苦的.困难的.疼痛.35adj.热心的.热衷.36n.词汇.37vi..vt.(使)扩大.增.38adj.复杂的.难以理解.39n.紫罗兰*40adv.轻柔地.温和地.平缓地41vt.使困惑.使迷惑.42adj.显而易见的.明白的43n.(太阳或月亮的)光.44adj.失望的.沮丧.45adj.抽象.46n.概念.想.47n.突破.重大进.48n.项链*49n.额.前额50adj.生动的.逼真.51Lesson 2 THE OBJECTIVES OF EDUCATIONn.目的.目标.adj.客观的5253 vt.获得.赢得.取得.受益adj.多面的.全面.54vt.追求55adj.批评的.批判.56n.认识.认知.57adj.核心的58n.洞察力.顿悟59adj.文明的.有礼貌的.公民的60n.正直.诚实.完.61n.拉丁语*62vt.教育.教导.指.63adj.道德(上).64n.获得.习.65ⅵ..vt.奉献.捐献66n.金融.财.67n.经济学68ⅵ.使接触.使体验.使暴露.揭露69adj.四周的.附近.70adv.无鉴别力地.不加批评.71n.判断力.意见.评价.判.72adv.不管.不.73vi.表现74n.境况.状况.情况.情.75n.公民.市.76n.结.77phr.最.78n.定义.释.79adv.各自.80n.责.81n.优先处理的事.优先权82vt.刺激.促使.促.83n.主动.84adj.自主的.自治的85adj.聪颖的.才华横溢.86vt.展示.说明87vt.评价88Lesson 3 UNDERSTANDINGadj.显然的.明显的.易理解的89n.分.90n.等级91adj.皇家的.王室.92adj.效率低.93adj.有价值的.值得尊敬的94n.教会.教.95n.宇.96adj.原始.97phr.公元.98vt.赞成.赞许.批准99vt.强烈要求.敦.100n.监.101vt.放弃.抛弃102n.假定.假.103adj.受尊敬的,受敬重.104n.智慧105vt.有……是由于.把……归功于106n.阴.107adj.守旧的.传统.108n.王.109n.文明110111 adj.极其重要的.必不可少.adj.有利的.有帮助.112n.人类113Writing Workshop A PICTURE DESCRIPTIONn.围裙114vt.名为…….使有权.115vt.意味着……116n.惯例.常规.例行公.117n.运.118adj.全部.119n.时间表.日程表.时刻.120adj.全神贯注的121Reading Club 1n.设施.设备122n.思想体系.哲学123vt.约束.限.124vt.排列.布置125UNIT 6 THE MEDIA 默写2 默写1 Topic Talkn.用微博分享、传播信息1adv.因此.由此.所以2n.广播节目;电视节目.vi..vt.广播.播.3prep.通过(某人、某机器等)传送4adj.经济(上)的5adj.政治的.政府的6adj.各种各样的7n.选.8n.(政治、商业或社会性)运动.ⅵ.发起运动.参加活. 9n.候选人.考生10n.新闻报道.覆盖范围11n..vi..vt.讨论.辩论12adj.可获得的.可用的.有空的13vt.解释.vi..vt.口译14vt.承.15vt.否定16adj.包含最新信息的.新式的.时髦的17vt.概述.n.纲要.外形18n.混合19adv.确实如此;精确地20vt.查阅.vi..vt.咨询.商.21adj.难懂的.复杂的2223 adj.可替代的.另外的.n.可供选择的事.n.锦标.24vt.购买.n.购买(物)25Lesson 1 FROM PAGE TO SCREENn.期待.预期.预.26adj.悲观.27adj.经典的.n.名著.经典作.28n.(长篇)小说29n.连环漫画.adj.滑稽的30n.非小说类文学作.31n.传记.3233 n.自传*phr.代笔.34n.改编版.适应35n.评论家.批评家36n.(电影、电视的)收视率榜.等级.程.37adj.恰当的.合适的38n.自由.自由权39n.演员阵容.全体演员.vt.投射(光或影.40vt.设想.想象41adj.清楚的.明确.42adj.技术上.43vt.产生.创.44n.版本45n.类别.种类.范.46n.证明47Lesson 2 QUESTIONS ABOUT MEDIAvi..vt.为……做广.48n.录制品49adj.高清晰度的50ⅵ..vt.(使)上载.上传.n.上载(上传)的信息51n.大型公司.企业集.52adj.互动的.交互的.合作的53vt.亲身经历.目击.n.目击者.证.54n.地.55n.广告(业)56Lesson 3 THE ADVERTISING GAMEn.广.57n.自.58adj.根本的.基本的.基础.59n.代理.6061 adj.商业的.商务.adj.技术的.科技的.工艺.62vt.创始.创造63ⅵ..vt.缝.缝纫.缝制.缝补64vt.位于65adj.合适的.适宜.66vt.吸引67phr.由……构.68n.广告商69n.预算.vi..vt.把……编入预算70adj.视觉的.视力的71n.增长.vt.促进.推动72adj.竞争性强的.有竞争力.73vi..vt.(使)结合.(使)组合74adv.真正地75vt.把……系起来.n.联系.关.76vt.预期.预料77n.利润.收益.盈利78n.幸福.健康.福.79vi.参加.参.80n.社区.住宅小区.街坊81vt.赞助.资助.为……担保.n.赞助商.资助.82Writing Workshop A FILM REVIEWn.美人.美丽.美.83n.野兽*84n.仙子.小精灵*85n.故事.传说86phr.童话.神话87n.王子.亲.88n.仆人.佣.89n.城堡.堡.90adj.不正常.91n.生物.动.92n.犯人.囚犯93vt.困住.使陷入危险.94n.主.95n.外表.外观.出.96vt.使转化.使改.97adj.令人害怕的.吓人的98n.缺点.缺陷.责任.过错99adj.极好的.壮丽.100vt.表达.传达*101Reading Club 2n.脱瘾(过程).取消.取款102。

2020_2021学年高中英语北师大版必修四 Unit 11 课时作业含解析

2020_2021学年高中英语北师大版必修四 Unit 11 课时作业含解析

课时作业(十二) Unit 11 The MediaSection ⅥGrammarⅠ.单句语法填空1.More efforts,as reported,________(make)in the years ahead to accelerate the supply­side structural reform.2.This book ________________(translate) into many languages.3.To my delight,I________(choose)from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.4.Some top students________(send)to study in foreign countries once a year.5.More and more schools________(build) here later.6.________(ignore)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.7.His arm was not in a sling,and showed no sign of ________________(damage).8.The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without ________________(recognize).9.We would appreciate ________(inform) about the matter promptly.10.How much I have regretted________(not take)his advice!Ⅱ.单句改错1.E­mail English is a new kind of written English that is used at present to save time.2.By the end of last month,all of his works have been published.3.With the world changing fast,we have something new to dealt with all by ourselves every day.4.I want to buy that kind of cloth because I have been told the cloth washed well.5.In the last few years thousands of films had been produced all over the world.6.Your composition is good but your handwriting still requires to improve.7.When I got there,I saw the famous star surrounding by some girls.8.When I walked across the square,I noticed a group of children play musical instruments there.9.We met a group of children returned from school.10.His work had a surprised effect on the technology of producing cars.Ⅲ.阅读理解Adam Sandler,born in Brooklyn,New York,is an American comedian,actor,musicianand film producer.When he was six,his family moved to Manchester.New Hampshire,where he attended Manchester Central High School.There he first performed at a stand­up comedy club at age 17.Following high school,Sandler found he was a natural comic and developed his talent while at New York University by performing regularly in clubs and on campus.Later in his career,he would often draw_on his earliest memories for material for his comedy and movies.In the movie Click,Sandler goes to Lake Winnipesaukee,the largest lake in New Hampshire,where he went to a summer camp.Early in his career,Sandler performed in comedy clubs,taking the stage at his brother’s encouragement when he was only 17.He was discovered by comedian Dennis Miller,who caught Sandler’s act in Los ler introduced him to Saturday Night Live (SNL) producer Lorne Michaels.Sandler was employed as a writer for SNL in 1990 and became a player the following year,making a name by performing amusing original songs on the show.He left the show in 1995 to focus on his film career.Sandler’s first starting role was in 1989,in the film Going Overboard.Although his earlier films did not receive praise,his more recent films,beginning with Punch -Drunk Love (2002),have received almost positive (积极的) reviews.Audiences have remained faithful to Sandler’s humor.Sandler star red in Bedtime Stories (2008),a film directed by Bringing Down the House director Adam Shankman,about a stressed real estate (房地产) developer whose bedtime stories he reads to his niece and nephew begin to come true,which marked Sandler’s first family film.On June 22,2003,Sandler married actress Jacqueline Samantha Titone and they are the parents of two daughters.At present,Sandler lives with his family in Los Angeles,though he also has a home in Florida.1.What can we know about Adam Sandler from Paragraph 1?A.He found his talent in comedy at university.B.He attended high school in Brooklyn,New York.C.He performed frequently in clubs during high school.D.He set up a stand­up comedy club at New York University.2.What do the underlined words “draw on” me an in Paragraph 2?A.Make up. B.Make use of.C.Come up with. D.Take down.3.What happened to Adam Sandler after meeting Dennis Miller?A.He got a role in the movie Click.B.He joined a comedy club in Los Angeles.C.He was asked to make performances by audience.D.He got a chance to work on Saturday Night Live.4.Which of the following is mentioned in the fourth paragraph?A.Adam Sandler was highly thought of in Going Overboard.B.All the audience doesn’t think Adam Sandier is a good actor.C.Most of the audience has recently accepted Adam Sandier.D.Bedtime Stories is a film about Adam Sandler’s family stories.Ⅳ.完形填空According to a Chinese saying,he who doesn’t reach the Great Wall of China is never a great man.Growing up in Beijing I__1__historical sites and natural attractions perfectly well.However,I’d__2__climbed the Great Wall before until recently.I,along with my friends,__3__for the top.We soon discovered that the hike was much more__4__than we had imagined.But we didn’t__5__.It took us about two hours to finally__6__where we had wanted to get to.As I__7__at the top of the Great Wall,I looked back at the waves of__8__walking to the top.At that moment,I saw an amazing__9__that would forever change my opinion on humans’ limits.I saw young couples carr ying their children,walking__10__but surely towards the top.They would stop once in a while to take a__11__under the hot sun.As I stood there,I began to__12__words that can describe us humans.If one would like to describe Giraffes (长颈鹿),he/she would use words such as__13__and long­necked.But what about us?I took another look down below and my__14__began to gather,persevering (坚持不懈的),determined,and__15__...As these words came into my mind,I__16__that it was not appearance or physical characteristics that should define (定义) us humans,but the__17__that we share.I don’t know if I became a__18__man after returning from this__19__according to the Chinese saying,__20__I surely returned as a more thoughtful person.1.A.show B.knowC.imagine D.accept2.A.still B.alsoC.never D.already3.A.waited B.allowedC.searched D.aimed4.A.expensive B.interesting C.difficult D.important 5.A.break up B.give up C.keep up D.look up 6.A.reach B.understand C.clean D.cover7.A.shook B.stood C.walked y8.A.children B.sights C.people D.foreigners 9.A.book B.photo C.future D.view10.A.dangerously B.slowly C.worriedly D.strangely 11.A.break B.tipC.step D.note12.A.care about B.make up C.tell about D.think of 13.A.healthy B.tallC.fat D.scary 14.A.thoughts B.emotions C.rules D.plans 15.A.funny B.normal C.strong zy16.A.worried B.argued C.feared D.realized 17.A.dreams B.qualities C.concerns D.experiences 18.A.boring B.humorous C.great D.serious 19.A.trip B.country C.vacation D.risk20.A.but B.asC.unless D.soⅤ.短文改错Once a man got on a bus for New York.He hid herself in the toilet,because he did not want to pay.But the passenger saw him.She tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder and say,“There’s a bum (流浪汉) in the toilet.Tell the bus driver.” The message was pass from person to person.But anywhere along the way,it was changed.The bus driver told that there was a bomb in the toilet.He immediate stopped the bus and telephoned the police.When the police came,they told the passengers to get off the bus or stay far away.Then they closed the highway,which resulted from a traffic jam.The police searched for several hour.Of course they found no bomb at all!课时作业(十二) Unit 11 TheMediaSection ⅥGrammarⅠ.单句语法填空1.More efforts,as reported,________(make)in the years ahead to accelerate the supply­side structural reform.答案:will be made2.This book ________________(translate) into many languages.答案:has been translated3.To my delight,I________(choose)from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.答案:was chosen4.Some top students________(send)to study in foreign countries once a year.答案:are sent5.More and more schools________(build) here later.答案:will be built6.________(ignore)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.答案:Ignoring7.His arm was not in a sling,and showed no sign of ________________(damage).答案:having been damaged8.The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without ________________(recognize).答案:being recognized9.We would appreciate ________(inform) about the matter promptly.答案:being informed10.How much I have regretted________(not take)his advice!答案:not takingⅡ.单句改错1.E­mail English is a new ki nd of written English that is used at present to save time.答案:used前加being2.By the end of last month,all of his works have been published.答案:have→had3.With the world changing fast,we have something new to dealt with all by ourselves every day.答案:dea lt→deal4.I want to buy that kind of cloth because I have been told the cloth washed well.答案:washed→washes5.In the last few years thousands of films had been produced all over the world.答案:had→have6.Your composition is good but your handwriting still requires to improve.答案:improve→be improved或to improve→improving7.When I got there,I saw the famous star surrounding by some girls.答案:surrounding→surrounded8.When I walked across the square,I noticed a group of children play musical instruments there.答案:play→playing9.We met a group of children returned from school.答案:returned→returning10.His work had a surprised effect on the technology of producing cars.答案:surprised→surprisingⅢ.阅读理解Adam Sandler,born in Brooklyn,New York,is an American comedian,actor,musician and film producer.When he was six,his family moved to Manchester.New Hampshire,where he attended Manchester Central High School.There he first performed at astand­up comedy club at age 17.Following high school,Sandler found he was a natural comic and developed his talent while at New York University by performing regularly in clubs and on campus.Later in his career,he would often draw_on his earliest memories for material for his comedy and movies.In the movie Click,Sandler goes to Lake Winnipesaukee,the largest lake in New Hampshire,where he went to a summer camp.Early in his career,Sandler performed in comedy clubs,taking the stage at his brother’s encouragement when he was only 17.He was discovered by comedian Dennis Miller,who caug ht Sandler’s act in Los ler introduced him to Saturday Night Live (SNL) producer Lorne Michaels.Sandler was employed as a writer for SNL in 1990 and became a player the following year,making a name by performing amusing original songs on the show.He left the show in 1995 to focus on his film career.Sandler’s first starting role was in 1989,in the film Going Overboard.Although his earlier films did not receive praise,his more recent films,beginning with Punch -Drunk Love (2002),have received almost positive (积极的) reviews.Audiences have remained faithful to Sandler’s humor.Sandler starred in Bedtime Stories (2008),a film directed by Bringing Down the House director Adam Shankman,about a stressed real estate (房地产) developer whose bedtime stories he reads to his niece and nephew begin to come true,which marked Sandler’s first family film.On June 22,2003,Sandler married actress Jacqueline Samantha Titone and they are the parents of two daughters.At present,Sandler lives with his family in Los Angeles,though he also has a home in Florida.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了美国知名喜剧演员Adam Sandler.1.What can we know about Adam Sandler from Paragraph 1?A.He found his talent in comedy at university.B.He attended high school in Brooklyn,New York.C.He performed frequently in clubs during high school.D.He set up a stand­up comedy club at New York University.解析:细节理解题。

高中英语 Unit 11 The Media课时跟踪练(二)Warm up Lesson 1—La

高中英语 Unit 11 The Media课时跟踪练(二)Warm up  Lesson 1—La

课时跟踪练(二) Warmup & Lesson 1 — Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高Ⅰ.单词拼写1.They made an announcement (宣布) to the whole country that the flight had crashed.2.Since the earliest civilizations, people have controlled rivers to meet society’s demands (需求).3.The incident (事件) has further increased the tension between the two countries.4.She was delighted (高兴的) that her son had returned safely.5.After several years of hard work, the couple finally paid all their debts (债务) off.6.Our teacher tells us that we should be concerned about state affairs (事务).7.We regret to inform you that your application (申请) has not been successful.8.I found further scientific evidence (证据) for the theory.9.An important step for developing countries towards advanced ones is to wipe out poverty (贫穷).10.He gives an explanation (解释) of how sound travels in water.Ⅱ.单句改错1.The boss demanded that Mary finished it within a week.finished→(should)_finish2.Over the years, he has applied himself to improve the living conditions of the migrant workers.improve→improving3.As time going by, we became good friends.As→With或going→went4.John didn’t pass the final exam. That was because he seemed upset.because→why 5.A quiet student as he may be, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.去掉A6.It’s time for us to take measures to prevent the earth from get warmer.get→getting7.If you ring the doorbell when visiting our home, you are greeted by our dog.are→will_be8.As we all know, the railway was built this time last year.was后加being Ⅲ.完成句子1.Poor_as_they_are,_they feel very happy.(as引导的倒装)尽管他们穷,但感到很快乐。



□agenda n.□self-employed adj.□humour n.□tyre n.□committee n.□bush n.□niece n.□ankle n.□quiz n.□classic adj.□nephew n.□ambulance n.□opera n.□sew v t.□spokesman n.□strawberry n.□paparazzi n.□beer n.□greengrocer n.□ex-husband n.□bomb n.□corporation n.□fiction n.□district n.□sex n.□brand n.□trolleybus n.□faithfully ad v.□administration n.□budget n.□southwest ad v.□tobacco n.□reform n.□boom n.□fog n.□astronomer n.□self n.□concept n.1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ) The likables' plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships,jump-start interpersonal skills and,when tapped early,are employed ever after in life and work.使用;采用2.(2019·北京卷)She also approached dentists to learn more about teeth cleaning.联系;接洽3.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)Over the years,there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point.着手处理[单词拼写·运用]1.demand vt.要求,请求;需要n.要求;需求(量),需要(1)be in (great) demand (迫切)需求on demand 一经需求meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的需求(2)demand sth.of/from sb. 向某人要某物demand of sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事demand to do sth. 要求做某事demand that...(should) do sth. 要求……demand an immediate explanation 要求立刻做出解释demands for services 要求提供服务make demands on his time 占用他的时间[名师点津]sth.demand doing/to be done“某物需要被……”。

Unit 1 The mass media 教学设计-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册

Unit 1 The mass media 教学设计-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册









Why: 本版块旨在围绕单元话题,引导学生分析语篇中含有的目标语法知识,在情境中学习理解、运用过去完成时,并最终在新的具体语境中实现知识的迁移创新,进行创造性的表达。



How: 本课的明线为介绍美国新闻工作者、出版家普利策的生平事迹(感知注意目标语法)、了解普利策奖(学习理解、运用实践),最终学生自主叙述中国新闻工作者、出版家邹韬奋的生平(迁移创新)。



(学习理解:感知)Step 1 Lead-inT leads Ss to review what theyhave learnt about how to be agood journalist and then talkabout the following questions:·What famous prizes arethere in the world foroutstanding journalists?·What had Joseph Pulitzerdone that contributed tothe birth of the PulitzerPrizes?学生能够完成上节课的作业,并讨论新闻界的“诺贝尔奖”—普利策奖相关话题。



河南省驻马店市正阳县第二高级中学2018-2019学年高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、选择题1. Among the young people, there is a growing tendency _____ money more highly than quality of life.A. regardingB. to regardingC. to regardD. regarded参考答案:C2. —Dr. Jackson is not in his office at the moment.—All right. I____ him later.A.will callB.have calledC.callD.will be calling参考答案:A3. -- Are you going to Jane's party tonight?-- ________ I wouldn’t miss it for the world.A. Why?B. No problem!C. Why not?D. What for?参考答案:C4. ------We ___ that you would fix the TV set this week.------I’m sorry.I ___ to fix it this week,but I’ve been too busy.A.had expected;had intended B.are expecting;had intended C.expect;intend D.expected;intend参考答案:32.A考察时态, had expected和had intended表示过去未曾实现的愿望和打算。

略5. —We’d better go downstairs right now for lunch.—____ They serve food 24 hours a day.A. Hurry up!B. Take your time.C. It doesn’t matter.D. No way!参考答案:B略6. The traffic administration indicates that airline passengers are only allowed to carry their luggage _______ less than 5 kilograms with them.A. weighedB. being weighedC. weighingD. to weigh参考答案:C7. ---What were you saying just now?----_______. Let’s get down to the English speaking contest tomorrow.A. Don’t mention itB. Take it easyC. That’s all rightD. Forget it参考答案:D略8. — Do you think George has passed the driving test?— No. If so, he ____ _his car to our college yesterday.A. would driveB. droveC. would have drivenD. had driven参考答案:C9. Mr. Black, as well as his wife and children, _____ invited to the dinner party last night.A. wasB. wereC. has beenD. have been参考答案:A10. The US federal government has released 252 applications so far, ______ fields including education and health care.A. coveredB. to coverC. coveringD. having covering参考答案:C11. The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to_____.A.make it out B.make it off C.make it upD.make it over参考答案:A12. 2009marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of Mei Lanfang, as one of the greatest PekingOpera artists in modern history.A.consideringB.consideredC.who considersD.consider参考答案:B略13. —How was the weather during your trip in England?— Strangely fine! It _____ much.A. doesn’t rainB. didn’t rainC. hasn’t rainedD. hadn’t rained参考答案:B14. Today the public is much concerned about the way ________.A. of nature to be ruinedB. which nature is ruinedC. nature is being ruinedD. on which to ruin nature参考答案:C15. 25.Close the door of fear behind you, and you _____ the door of faith open before you.A.saw B.have seen C.will see D.are seeing 参考答案:C略16. — As a weight-lifting athlete, Thomas is indeed too large, I think.— But ________ that, he is still one of the best athletes at present.A. in case ofB. in spite ofC. thanks toD. in response to参考答案:B17. The Chinese mainlanders from selected cities are allowed to visit Taiwan______ individual tourists.A. withinB. asC. forD. like参考答案:B略18. Determining where we are _______ our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.A. in contrast toB. in defense ofC. in face ofD. in relation to参考答案:D试题分析:考查介词短语的辨析。

高中英语 Unit 11 The Media Section Ⅱ Language Points (Ⅰ)(Warm-up

高中英语 Unit 11 The Media Section Ⅱ Language Points (Ⅰ)(Warm-up

亲爱的同学:这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获,我们一直投给你信任的目光……学习资料专题Section ⅡLanguage Points (Ⅰ)(Warm­up & Lesson 1)[语言基础自测]Ⅰ.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1.Since the earliest civilizations,people have controlled rivers to meet society's demands(需求).2.The incident(事件) has further increased the tension between the two countries.3.We regret to inform you that your application(申请) has not been successful.4.I found further scientific evidence(证据) for the theory.5.He gives an explanation(解释) of how sound travels in water.6.They made an announcement to the whole country that the flight had crashed.7.She was delighted that her son had returned safely.8.Our teacher tells us that we should be concerned about state affairs.9.We believe that every man has a right to his own belief because that's the way God wants it.10.While a bomb did explode on the day when the Cyprus banks ended their two­week closure,the explosion actually happened in Greece.Ⅱ.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1.belief n.信仰;信心;信任→believe v.相信,认为2.demand vt.要求,请求→demanding adj.过分要求的,苛求的,严格的3.announce vt.宣布,宣告→announcement n.宣布,宣告4.application n.申请(书);应用→apply v.申请,应用5.photographer n.摄影师→photograph vt.拍照,摄影→photography n.摄影[寻规律、巧记忆]根据提示补全下列短语1.stand for 是……意思,代表;支持2.react to 对……做出反应3.be made up of 由……组成4.in detail 详细地5.prevent...from... 阻止……做……6.in the end 最后,终于7.come down to 归结于8.look forward to 盼望9.be responsible for 对……有责任,负责10.take care of 照看,照顾Ⅳ.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1.These two expressions come down to much the same.2.In the end,we all decided to organize a concert for Easter. 3.The Bull Team is made up of 15 players.4.We'll discuss the problem later in detail.5.What do the letters “UN” stand for?[寻规律、巧记忆]affair n .事情;事件(教材P 21)current affairs 时事我们要关心国家大事。

高中英语上教版 必修第三册 Unit 1 The media 课后练习、课时练习

高中英语上教版 必修第三册 Unit 1 The media 课后练习、课时练习

一、根据首字母填写单词(单词拼写)1. It is important for us to stay c_________ while we are in the face of difficulties. (根据首字母单词拼写)2. During the outbreak of Covid-19, many companies adopted f______ working hours to ensure the safety. (根据首字母单词拼写)3. When I asked his n________ he said Italian. (根据首字母单词拼写)二、根据汉语意思填写单词(单词拼写)4. We can get our car battery ________ (充电) in the parking lot. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)5. China exports all kinds of products to markets _____(遍及) the world. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)6. I noticed a woman ________________ (挑选) desserts of different kinds. (根据汉语提示完成句子)三、根据中英文提示填写单词(单词拼写)7. It is difficult to get used to another country’s c________ (风俗). (根据中英文提示填空)8. Parents spend an a ________ (平均) of $220 a year on toys. (根据中英文提示填空)四、完成句子9. 她早知道那些孩子打算胡闹,果然她发现他们正在把花挖出来。

She knew the children were up to mischief, and she found them ________the flowers.10. 动植物都要呼吸空气,所以我们完全可以断言月球上没有生命。



to be...
to do 假装做
pretendto be doing
to have done 假装做过
that... 假装……
①He didn't want to analyse the data, so he pretended to be ill. 他不想分析那些数据,所以他假装生病了。 ②He pretended to be doing(do) his lessons when his mother cam 母亲进来的时候,他假装正在做功课。 ③She pretended that she didn't know me when we met in the str =She pretended not to know(not know) me when we met in the 我在街上见到她时,她装作不认识我。
1.It is likely to be just the name of a
company,part of which may be a be likely to do 朋友,我记不 sth.
general location.
意 为 “ 可 能 做 He is likely
[名师点津] pretend to do 的否定形式为:pretend not to do 假装没做某事。
respect vt.尊敬,尊重 n.尊敬,敬意;细节,方面
(教材 P25)The media should respect famous people's privacy. 媒体应该尊重名人的隐私。
[寻规律、巧记忆] un­+adj.→adj.(反)



全国通用2023人教版高中英语必修一Unit1TeenageLife名师选题单选题1、The media________ the trade-unions for years and the unions have called for a change.A.has been attackingB.has been attackedC.had attackedD.had been attacked答案:A考查动词时态。


根据for years及have called可知,此句的时态应是现在完成时;根据句意可知,动作一直持续下去,故用现在完成进行时。


2、—Excuse me, would you mind answering a few questions?—Well, I don’t know. I’m in rather a hurry ________.A.seriouslyB.actuallyC.immediatelyD.anxiously答案:B考查副词。



A. seriously 严肃地;B. actually 事实上;C. immediately 立即; D. anxiously焦急地。


3、Compared with his brother, Bob is even more________to emotional and relationship problems. A.skepticalB.addictedC.sensitiveD.available答案:C考查形容词词义辨析。


A. skeptical怀疑的;B. addicted沉迷的;C. sensitive敏感的;D. available可以得到的。

Unit 1 The mass media Reading听写 Grammar usage高中英语

Unit 1 The mass media Reading听写 Grammar  usage高中英语
• I had hardly entered the classroom when the bell rang .--升
Hardly had I entered the classroom when the bell rang.
• _____ _____ _____ _____ got to the station _____ the bus arrived .他刚到汽车站,公交车就来了。
Unit 1 The mass media
Reading dictation
1.Firefighters quickly ____ ____(扑灭) the Henderson Tower fire last night .
2.The fire , which ___ ______ ___ (被认为)have started from the 8th floor , spread quickly through the ____ ____(大楼)on Sunday night , ____ people on the upper floors ____ ____(让...被困).
12. It is advisable to remember that journalists may have different priorities , which would influence how they report an event . 13. When we read more than one report , we come to understand an event in a more comprehensive way . 14. Even if news reports are written from basically the same perspective , they may contradict each other in terms of factual details , as events in the real world are usually complicated and constantly changing . 15.We also need to be critical about the information we receive and remember not to blindly trust what we have read .

Unit1-The media单元知识点讲解(上教版必修三)

Unit1-The media单元知识点讲解(上教版必修三)
8. focus on集中(注意力、精力等)于(to give attention,effort,etc. to one particular subject,situation or person)
1. announce /əˈnaʊns/
announce sth to sb
9.illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/
illustrate sth with sth
“A writer’s job is to tell the truth,” said Hemingway in 1942. No other writer of our timehadso fiercely stated, or so consistently illustrated the writer’s duty to speak truly.<2021年虹口区二模阅读理解C篇>
11.outline /ˈaʊtlaɪn/
outline sth to sb
Several funding agencies, meanwhile, have asked that researchers outline theirplans for sharing data before they can receive a government grant. <2019年松江区一模阅读理解C篇>

高中英语Unit 1 The mass media Integrated skills 2

高中英语Unit 1 The mass media Integrated skills 2
online news media. ➢ Main body: state the advantages and disadvantages of online
news media. ➢ Conclusion: predict the future of online news media.
• Learning about writing techniques
Unit 1 The mass media
Welcome to the unit
• Acquire knowledge about the online news media; • Write an article about online news media.
Are you reading news on your smartphone or newspaper?
are. ➢ You are more likely to spend money on advertisements. ➢ You must spend a lot of time on online news media. ➢…
How will online news media change in the future?
media? How will online news media change in the future? Why?
Discussing advantages and disadvantages
One of the strengths/problems…is that… Another positive/negative aspect is that… On the one hand, … On the other hand, … There are more advantages than disadvantages when it comes to... … has more advantages over …

高中英语真题:Unit11 TheMedia_3

高中英语真题:Unit11 TheMedia_3

Unit11 TheMediaⅠ.阅读理解AThere are so many wonderful and fun ways to enjoy the outdo ors with your family and spring is one of the best times to get started!BirdwatchingBirdwatching is educational and fun.It does n’t take a lot of mo ney.A pair of binoculars and a bird guide are helpful but not n ecessary.Birds can be found in your backyard,in the park or deep in the woods.Keep a birdwatching diary,see how many species you can come up with and take notes of the differences.Make it a challenging,learning experience for you and your kids!PicnicPicnics are great fun and very relaxing.Go to the park,the lake or hike into the woods,etc.One of our favorite things to do is packing some goodies ,getting in the car and seeing what new things and new placeswe could find to explore.When we got hungry we would stop and have a picnic!Great way to spend a family day.FishingKids love fishing!Pack a lunch,drive down to the lake or river and have a day of fishing.Make a contest of it just to add to the fun.Whoever wins gets to pick _out the family movie and whoever loses has to make all the popcorn(爆米花)—simple interests to add to the sport of it. Nature walksGet your backpacks and get on the trails.Teach your children about nature and the importance of treating it with respect.Wa tch for wildlife,birds and interesting flowers,trees and other wonders of nature.1.Which is the best title of this passage?A.The kinds of activities in springB.Do as much exercise as you canC.It’s spring—get outside!D.Which activity is better?答案C解析标题归纳题。

Unit 11 The Media 北师大版高中英语单词检查

Unit 11 The Media 北师大版高中英语单词检查
unemployment n.
unemployment n.
interrupt v.
interrupt v.
tobacco n.
tobacco n.
somehow adv.
somehow adv.
bravery n.
bravery n.
fiction n.
fiction n.
ex-husband n.
ex-husband n.
district n.
district n.
Unit 11 CW
Unit 11 CW
Unit 11 CW
Unit 11 CW
explode v.
Unit 11 Lesson 2
Unit 11 Lesson 2
Unit 11 Lesson 2
Unit 11 Lesson 2
analyse v.
analyse v.
arise v.
arise v.
blame v.
blame v.
Unit 11 Lesson 4
Unit 11 Lesson 4
*consideration n.
*consideration n.



2019年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语模拟试卷iREAD中学英语测评(命题)研究中心I. Listening ComprehensionSection A Short ConversationsDirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Understandable. B. Pointless.2. A. Gather more information from others.C. Ask a professor to help them3. A. Find a different hotel.C. Pay for the conference in advance.4. A. Study her notes over the weekend.C. Take the quiz before the man does.5. A. The man looks very nice in a suit and tie.B. The man needn‟t have changed his clothes.C. She likes the sweater the man is wearing.D. She does not think jeans are appropriate.6. A. He cannot walk because his foot is broken. C. He feels relieved about his injury.7. A. He cannot afford to buy a computer.B. He was the last person to leave the computer lab.C. He is worried about turning in his paper late.D. He used a typewriter for his paper.8. A. Look for another job.C. Ask his boss for a raise in pay.9. A. His grade was not as good as the woman's. C. He had hoped to get a better grade.10. A. He does not want to continue on the project today.B. He will work on the project without the woman.C. He does not know when the project is due.D. He will need five more hours to finish the project.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. A lifeboat. B. A lucky personC. A sea storm.D. A shipwreck12. A. When the boat started to rock violently. B. When he saw someone in the waterC. When his wife screamed for life. C. When he found no life belt13. A. When it turned dark.B. When another ship found them.C. When they found the crew on a life boat.D. When a film was shot based on his experience.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Why American industries grew rapidly in the nineteenth century.B. How advances in transportation helped American cities develop.C. Transportation between the cities of the United States.D. Great American inventors of the nineteenth century.15. A. They could be controlled independently. B. They were resistant to fire.C. They could keep working for longer.D. They offered more room for passengers.16. A. It made the subways much quieter.B. It brought electric light to the tunnels.C. It enabled passengers to breathe cleaner air.D. It allowed subways to be repaired inexpensively.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. He found he had consumed too much fast food.B. People spent little time looking for organic food.C. A fast food restaurant opened near the Spanish Steps.D. The most well-known monuments in Rome were destroyed.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Pay as you sitWhat‟s the appeal of coffee shops? It‟s been said that JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books (21)________ (sit) in one in Edinburgh.Many people spend hours in these places nursing a coffee as they work away on their laptops.But if you‟re spending all day buying one expensive coffee after another and (22) ________ (not sell)your first novel yet, the costs can really add up. For those who work outside of a traditional office or just want to take time out, there‟s a new alternative in London: a pay-per-minute cafe.Y ou can stay for as long as you like in the Ziferblat coffee shop. Y ou'll be given a clock when you come in to keep time. When you leave, you return the item and pay the bill. The cost of hanging out, eating, working and meeting new people in the place is 3 pence per minute—or£1.80an hour. The shop‟s owner, Ivan Meetin, says: ……Everything is free, (23) ________the time you spendthere”. Customers help (24) ________to coffee and cookies. They can also bring their own food to eatwhen (25) ________ (connect) to the Internet through Wi-Fi.Meetin‟s customers clearly are not the types who rush t o work with a paper cup (26) ________ (drink) from at their desks. They are there for the atmosphere. Informality is at the heart of Meetin‟s concept. He‟s always loved the idea of building his own house. “With my mates,we were building treehouses (27) ________rules of society didn't exist, he says.Meetin believes his coffee shop is a bit like “social media”, but with a face. Like-mindedpeople go there to socialize. Some feel so much at home (28) ________they wash the dishes.I'd like to try it at least once. Who knows---I (29) ________even start writing my own novel. (30) ________coffee shops are good enough for JK Rowling to spend quality time in, why can't I? Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Snow school closures ‘no harm to learning’Closing schools on occasional days because of bad weather does not damage learning, research shows. The research wanted to find an answer to the winter argument about whether schools should _____31____ to stay open in heavy snow or shut their doors. Seven years of school test data showed no evidence that snow closures negatively affected results. The worst disruption was caused when schools tried to stay open but many staff and pupils were____32_____. The study, carriedout by Joshua Goodman, assistant professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School in Massachusetts in the US, was an attempt to ____33_____ the impact of school days lost to bad weather.Almost as soon as the first winter snowflake falls, there are debates about whether schools should be kept open. The study suggests there are _____34____ arguments for them being closed. Prof Goodman was asked by the Massachusetts education department to find out whether there really was any loss to learning from snow closures. Looking at test results in the US state between 2003-10, he found no evidence that pupil _____35____ had been affected when schools were occasionally shut. A former high school teacher himself, Prof Goodman says schools can easily adapt to short-term closures, ____36_____their plans for the rest of the term. Such a clean break seemed to cause less disruption than trying to stay open, when many pupils might not be able to get into school. This creates a knock-on effect of pupils trying to catch up, he says. And this does seem to have a negative impact on results. Prof Goodman says that arguments over a few days of snow closures can often become very “emotional”---and they_____37____ that many pupils miss a greater number of school days through other types of absenteeism, such as ____38_____. Suchabsenteeism by individuals does negatively affect their results, he says, morethan an occasional _____39____ closure by the whole school. This good news for pupils wanting an authorised day off was ____40_____ by Prof Goodman: “Closures have no impact. Absences do.”III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Obviously, I did not feel so ready for the early races in my career as the races we‟ve done recently. There is a lot to be said for just gaining experience—just getting out there and getting your feet wet teaches you the right skills and ____41_____ .It‟s often not the most____42_____ prepared or the fittest teams but the teams who race intelligently and adapt to unexpected situations that win. To achieve this you have to be_____43____and patient. The only way to develop those _____44____is to get out and race or do long training trips with your team-mates and friends.Adventure races are such a huge ____45_____that when you enter a race you always think, “Am 1 ready? Did I train enough? Did I forget something?” I remember one race in particular, my very first Eco-Challenge and only my second race ever. When I did it, I felt totally _____46____ and unprepared. Most of my fear was due to lack of_____47____ and knowledge. I really had no idea what I was getting in to because I had never done a 24-hour race before. Even so, we won it somehow, and were invited to compete in the Eco-Challenge in Australia.Then we went to Australia and entered the race. We didn‟t plan a _____48____ at all, but just ran as fast as possible from the start. Keeping my mouth shut and following my team-mates, I just tried to keep up with my team, who were more experienced than I was. Although we arrived at a few of the check points in first place and were among the top five, I knew we didn't ____49_____ there.______50___ , two of my team-mates decided not to continue the race after just a day and a half. One was feeling ill—he was just too tired to carry on, while another had severe problems with his feet but we had been going so fast that he felt ____51_____asking us to stop so he could take care of his blisters (水泡). The other two of us, feeling fresh still, had to ____52_____ with the rest of our team. Four days later, we watched in____53_____as the winners crossed the finishing line. I knew that our team had not been prepared or realistic about the pace we could keep, but not finishing that race was the most ___54______ lesson I could have learned.I _____55____ then to come back one day and finish the race, which was seven years—and thousands of race miles---ago.41. A. attitude B. decision C. timing D. behaviour42. A. partially B. mentally C. folly D. physically43. A. strong B. diligent C. intelligent D. flexible44. A. qualities B. ideas C. talents D. interests45. A. investment B. challenge C. step D. increase46. A. anxious B. afraid C. alone D. abnormal47. A. accessibility B. information C. experience D. equipment48. A. strategy B. goal C. campaign D.backup49. A. pause B. live C. belong D. appear50. A. To make the matters worse B. To cut a long story shortC. To sum upD. To start with51. A. obliged B. uncomfortable C. justified D. unfortunate52. A. move about B. keep up C. look on D. drop out53. A. annoyance B. excitement C. relief D. disappointment54. A. unexpected B. costly C. valuable D. specific55. A. promised B. requested C. offered D. agreedSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Who wants to be a millionaire? has been one of the most popular television quiz shows in Britain. In the show, the host asks a question and gives the contestant four possible answers. If the contestant gets the right answer, they win the money say £100—and then go on to the next question for, say, £250. The money increases for each question until, if the contestant has answered all the other questions correctly, the prize for the final question is one million pounds.In this extract from a show some years ago, the host of the show is television personality Chris Tarrant. Answering the questions is an ex-army officer, Charles Ingram.TARRANT: What kind of garment is an …Anthony Eden‟?An overcoat, hat,shoe,tie?INGRAM: I think it is a hat.A cough from the audience.INGRAM: Again Tm not sure. I think it is ...Coughing from the audience.INGRAM: I am sure it is a hat. Am I sure?Coughing from the audience.INGRAM: Yes, hat, ifs a hat.In that show, Charles finally won a million pounds. But something wasn‟t quite right. Charles Ingram didn't really seem very sure of himself; he obviously didn't know the answer at first. To many in the audience that night, it seemed as if he frequently repeated an answer as if waiting for a signal.He was.Charles Ingram's wife Diana was in the audience, and so too was a man with the extraordinary name of Tecwen Whittock. He had a bad cough. But a man sitting next to him in the audience noticed that there was something strange about the cough. It was too loud, and it wasn'tvery regular. It only happened occasionally, almost as if he was coughing on purpose.He was.The three of them, Charles Ingram, Diana Ingram and Tecwen Whittock, had planned the whole thing. Whittock coughed to tell Charles when he had the correct answer. They began to notice it in the television control room, but at first they didn't believe it. In the end, though, it was just too obvious, and when tapes from the programme were played to a court in London a year later, there was no doubt. Charles and Diana Ingram were guilty of cheating on a game show. They were given prison sentences of 18 months and fined £15,000 each. Tecwen Whittock was sentenced to 12 months in prison and fined £10,000.Did the Ingrams and Tecwen Whittock get an appropriate sentence? How …bad' is it to cheat a television quiz show in which winning money is a matter of chance anyway? It is crimes like this that challenge our concepts of what is right and what is wrong, and since administering justice in the courts means that we have to decide on how serious something is (is robbery more or less serious than driving too fast, for example), the case of the cheating Ingrams is an excellent one to consider.56. We can learn from the extract of the show that Charles was his answer.A. pleased withB. surprised atC. sure ofD. hesitant over57. The pronoun “He”(in paragraph 7) refers to__________.A. Charles IngramB. Tecwen WhittockC. the man sitting next to Charles IngramD. the man sitting next to Tecwen Whittock58. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The three people were given the same fine and sentence. 'B. Diana Ingrain let Tecwen know which choice was correct.C. Tecwen told Charles which answer was right by coughing.D. It was the Ingrams that made the first plan for the cheating.59. According to the writer, what is the point of the case?A. It can offer a perspective to judge the severity level of crimes.B. It has been the first cheating case that is related to reality shows.C. It achieved the purpose of having the court reconsider the sentencing.D. It may serve as a warning for those who also want to do the same thing.(B)Read the two people‟s quotes below and answer the questions that follow.Dr Michio KakuPhysicist and professor40,000 people will work in spaceDr Michio Kaku is a professor at the City College of New Y ork and a graduate of Harvard University. His book, The Physics of the Impossible, is about how science fiction technology may be possible in the future.…By 2030, space tourism will almost certainly be common and around 40,000 people will work in space. A company called the Space Island Group is planning to build an internationalspace station with hotels, research facilities, restaurants and sports arenas (for new zero-gravity sports). Other companies are working on similar projects. And what language will people speak in space? Well, it probably won‟t matter because there is likely to be a tiny computer that fits in your ear and translates what you hear into your own language/Ray KurzweilScientist, inventor, author and entrepreneur (企业家)Our brains will merge with machinesMany of Ray Kurzweil‟s predictions about the future have come true. For example, in the early 1990s he predicted the growth of the Internet. Now Kurzweil believes that robots and humans will one day merge."The future will be far more surprising than most people realise. By the end of the 2030s, robots will be more intelligent than humans. Before that time, humans and machines will start to merge. We have 100 trillion very slow connections in our brain. Tiny robots (nanobots) will be implanted in our brains to improve our memory and our thinking skills. These nanobots will allow our brains to talk directly to computers, and they will also allow our brains to communicate wirelessly with other brains. Billions of nanobots will also travel through our bodies. They will keep us healthy. As a result, we will be able to live forever.'60. According to Dr Michio Kaku, what will no longer be a barrier for people working in space?A. Time.B. Internet.C. Language.D. Gravity.61. According to Ray Kurzweil, what will nanobots do?A. They will help save some of our memories.B. They will help some parts in our brain work better.C. They will help us develop a logic way of thinking.D. They will help detect what disease we are down with.62. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. The future will surprise usB. The development of scienceC. Scientists worried about technologyD. Famous quotes about computers and the Internet(C)Digital assistants with anthropomorphic(拟人的)features, such as Siri, are increasinglycommon on phones and computers. Developing an emotional relationship with a piece of software can. However, cut both ways. As a study published in Psychological Science by Park Daeun, of Chungbuk National University in South Korea, and her colleagues, shows, one emotion sometimes involved in machine-human interaction is embarrassment.Dr Park and her team recruited 187 participants into their study. To start with each was presented with a series of statements on the changeability of intelligence. These included, “you have a certain amount of intelligence, and you can‟t really do much to change it”,and “you can always substantially change how intelligent you are‟, . Participants rated their responses to these statements on a six-point scale,on which one m eant “strongly disagree,‟ and six meant “stronglyagree'\ The reason for this initial test was that Dr Park knew from previous work that those who believe intelligence to be changeable are comfortable asking for assistance while those who believe it to be fixed often feel ashamed to do so.The initial test done, the researchers presented their volunteers with a second, which involved looking at 16 sets of three words and trying to think of a fourth word that linked them. Sometimes the first three words were accompanied by an unrequested hint. Sometimes they were not.Hints appeared as the written form of the word in question, accompanied by a computer-shaped icon (图标). For half of participants this icon had a humanlike face, and the hint was placed inside a speech bubble originating from that face. For the other half the icon lacked a face and there was no speech bubble. After the final set of words had been displayed, participants were asked to agree or disagree with follow-up statements about their experience, such as 4tit was embarrassing to receive help during the task”, and “others might think I am incompetent(无能的) because I received help during the task”. This time, they quantified their feelings on a seven-point scale, with higher scores representing greater feelings of unease.The researchers found that participants who believed intelligence to be unchangeable felt more embarrassed and more incompetent after the tests. Specifically, those who tended to believe that intelligence is unchangeable were more likely to feel ashamed and embarrassed if the computer icons they had seen giving the hints had had faces and speech bubbles. In contrast, people who strongly believed that intelligence could be changed over time felt the same level of discomfort whether or not the icons had been anthropomorphized.A second experiment, in which a different set of participants were allowed to ask for help rather than having it offered to them at random had similar results. Dr Park therefore concludes that some people do, indeed, seem to wish to avoid losing face by seeking help from an icon that has, well, a face.63. Dr Park and her team‟s initial test was intended to__________.A. find out the participants1 opinion of whether intelligence is fixedB. prove the findings of previous work that intelligence changes with ageC. choose from the participants those who are intelligent enough for the testD. highlight those who tend to feel ashamed to reveal how intelligent they are64. Which of the following is TRUE of Dr Park an d her team‟s second test?A. The participants were asked to sort out the different one among the given words.B. The participants were tested on how they felt about getting help in this way.C. The hints would appear as long as the participants hesitated for some time.D. The hints were given to help the participants how competent they were.65. The first experiment and the second experiment are different in .A. whether participants held the similar beliefs about intelligenceB. whether participants could decide if they need any helpC. whether the help was offered regularly or at randomD. whether the icons are computer-shaped or not66. What can be concluded from the passage?A. More should be done to make digital assistants more human-like.B. People‟s idea of intelligence needs to be updated at the moment.C. Embarrassment is among most common emotions people have.D. Digital assistants are sometimes too human to appeal to users.Section CDirections: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Quantitative EatingAre you keen on QE (quantitative eating)? Do you have a high marginal propensity(边际倾向)to consume chocolate? Then you might be angered by the diet book, The Econ omists‟ Diet:The Surprising Formula for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off^ from two self-described “formerly fat economists” on how to lose weight.__________A diet is described as a “self-imposed eating-austerity (艰苦朴素)p rogramme”. There is some discussion of people‟s general failure to give enough weight to the long-term consequences of their actions. And there is some neat use of the concept of diminishing returns (收益递减).Eat a wide variety of foods and you may always get pleasure from trying something different. But limit your diet and you will soon tire of eating more. 68 The authors think this is more important than exercise since the latter tends to make you hungry; it is easy to undo all the good work of a cycle ride with a snack.Eating less requires you to limit yourself to one square meal (defined as some meat and two side portions of vegetables) a day. The other meals should be very light; a non-creamy soup, a salad or a bowl of non-sugary cereal. If you do end up having a big meal or a treat, then the other meals should be skipped altogether.But the authors are not too prescriptive(规定的) The aim is to find a diet that works for eachindividual.___________. Only then can you see whether the diet is working.The book is full of perfectly sensible advice, such as avoiding unusual diets, the appeal of “low-fat” foods and the temptation to drink all your calories in the form of fancy drinks, alcohol and sugary coffees. 70 But, as experienced economists, the authors may have realised that, when it comes to diet plans, demand is almost infinite.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea ofthe passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.The dangers of safetyTravelling by road is widely accepted as being the most dangerous way to travel with far more deaths per kilometer than rail, sea or air. In fact, while road traffic injuries represent about 25% of worldwide injury-related deaths, deaths on the road in the UK have been decreasing for some time. We take a look at why the number is decreasing, but why it seems impossible to avoid deaths completely.Over the years, different methods of reducing the number of crashes have been tried. The Locomotive and Highways Act of 1865 introduced the idea of speed limits to the motoring world. Since then, more and more ways of controlling the behaviour of drivers have been introduced, such as one-way streets and traffic signals, as well as compulsory driver testing and licensing. These days, there are many more methods of enforcement, including speed cameras and fines for breaking motor laws.Another solution is to make cars themselves safer in case of an accident. This means the main focus has been on passive safety or crash survival rather than active safety or avoiding crashes. There are many innovations by motor manufacturers, which have made cars safer, such as seat belts, anti-lock brakes and airbags. These improvements have tended to make the driver feel more in control and isolated him/her from the fast-moving and dangerous environment outside the car. It seems strange that as improvements have been made the number of crashes continues to increase.Actually, it is wrong to talk about safe and dangerous cars in this way. The key to this problem is not actually the car, but the driver. In fact, making drivers feel safer is not the solution to the problem, but it is the cause of the problem. As drivers feel safer, it encourages them to drive aggressively and to ignore other road users and therefore increases the number of crashes.V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.请调整一下这张桌子,以适应这个孩子的身高。



Part II
Repaper articles and match them with the headlines.
Text A 1) Bad language on TV not ok for kids.
Text C 2) Mum finds her four girls.
Text B 3) Astronomers’ amazing escape.
2. Match the Key Words below with the three articles.
Key Words escape, crash, bravery, incident, attitude, consideration, innocent, cry with happiness, contact Text A: consideration, attitude,
Business, World, Entertainment, Sports, Tech, Politics, Science, Health, Opinion CDC’s swine flu toll: 4,000 dead, 22 million ill
Business, World, Entertainment, Sports, Tech, Politics, Science, Health, Opinion ‘Star Trek Online’ to beam gamers to the bridge
Do you often read newspapers? What kind of papers do you usually read?
What is often reported in the newspapers?

北师大版高中英语必修四 Unit11 The Media-词汇篇1(学生版)

北师大版高中英语必修四 Unit11 The Media-词汇篇1(学生版)

北师大版高中英语必修四Unit11 The Media-词汇篇1(学生版)Unit 11 The Media 词汇篇1____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________1、掌握第十一单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。


1.affair n. 事情,事件常用结构:①foreign affairs 外交事务②settle one’s affairs 安排好某人的事情③mind one’s own affairs/business 少管闲事2. stand for 代表,支持The initials, WWF, stand for World Wide Fund for Nature. 缩略词WWF“世界自然基金会”。

归纳拓展:①stand by 袖手旁观,支持(某人)He could not stand by and watch the boy being beaten. 他不能袖手旁观这个男孩被打。

②in name 名义上③in order 按次序,秩序井然5. demand vt. & n. 要求,请求常用结构:①demand to do sth. 要求做某事He demanded to be told everything. 他要求什么事都得让他知道。

②demand + that从句(should+动词原形)③in demand 有需要④meet/satisfy the demand 满足需要,符合要求⑤make demands on 对…提出要求6. debt n. 债务,欠款常用结构:①be in sb’s debt 欠某人情I am greatly in your debt for all these help. 我非常感谢你的这些帮助。

2020学年高中英语 Unit 11 The Media Section Ⅱ Language Points (Ⅰ)(Warm-up & Lesson 1)学案 北师

2020学年高中英语 Unit 11 The Media Section Ⅱ Language Points (Ⅰ)(Warm-up & Lesson 1)学案 北师

Section ⅡLanguage Points (Ⅰ)(Warm­up & Lesson 1)[语言基础自测]Ⅰ.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1.Since the earliest civilizations,people have controlled rivers to meet society's demands(需求).2.The incident(事件) has further increased the tension between the two countries.3.We regret to inform you that your application(申请) has not been successful.4.I found further scientific evidence(证据) for the theory.5.He gives an explanation(解释) of how sound travels in water.6.They made an announcement to the whole country that the flight had crashed.7.She was delighted that her son had returned safely.8.Our teacher tells us that we should be concerned about state affairs.9.We believe that every man has a right to his own belief because that's the way God wants it.10.While a bomb did explode on the day when the Cyprus banks ended their two­week closure,the explosion actually happened in Greece.Ⅱ.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1.belief n.信仰;信心;信任→believe v.相信,认为2.demand vt.要求,请求→demanding adj.过分要求的,苛求的,严格的3.announce vt.宣布,宣告→an nouncement n.宣布,宣告4.application n.申请(书);应用→apply v.申请,应用5.photographer n.摄影师→photograph vt.拍照,摄影→photography n.摄影[寻规律、巧记忆]根据提示补全下列短语1.stand for 是……意思,代表;支持2.react to 对……做出反应3.be made up of 由……组成4.in detail 详细地5.prevent...from... 阻止……做……6.in the end 最后,终于7.come down to 归结于8.look forward to 盼望9.be responsible for 对……有责任,负责10.take care of 照看,照顾Ⅳ.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1.These two expressions come down to much the same.2.In the end,we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.3.The Bull Team is made up of 15 players.4.We'll discuss the problem later in detail.5.What do the letters “UN” stand for?[寻规律、巧记忆]贫穷国家的债务以防止事态恶化。

2018-2019学年高中北师大版英语必修四同步检测:Unit 11 The Media11-1b Word版含答案

2018-2019学年高中北师大版英语必修四同步检测:Unit 11 The Media11-1b Word版含答案

04课后演练提能[夯实·基础知识]Ⅰ. 单词拼写1. Philosophers did not use to make a ________(区别) between arts and science.答案:distinction2. There wasn't enough ________(证据) to prove his guilt.答案:evidence3. There is a general ________ (信念) that things will get better.答案:belief4. When are you going to ________ (出版) this work of yours?答案:publish5. The ________ (委员会) is mainly made up of lawyers.答案:committee6. Brazil is the h________ of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.答案:host7. The boy enjoys taking photos and wants to be a p________ when he grows up.答案:photographer8. Her e________ certainly sounds believable.答案:explanation9. The story of her sufferings was p________ to listen to.答案:painful10. English is a w________ language.答案:widespreadⅡ. 单句改错1. Your mother should have sent to hospital yesterday afternoon._______________________________________________________ 答案:have后加been2. In the unusual hot summer, air conditioners were in greatly demand._______________________________________________________ 答案:greatly→great3. It announced that there will be no school this afternoon._______________________________________________________ 答案:It后加is4. Strange although it might sound, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting._______________________________________________________ 答案:although→as/though5. Do you really believe the existence of God?_______________________________________________________ 答案:believe后加inⅢ. 完成句子1. VIP ____________ the very important person.VIP代表很重要的人。

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Word文档,精心制作,可任意编辑Unit 11 The Media写作园地-建议信[感悟范文]假如你是大学一年级新生李华。

开学之初,你的英语老师Ms. Li希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况,并征求教学建议。




Dear Ms. Li,I'm_very_happy_to_have_you_as_our_English_teacher.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you!Li Hua [范文]Dear_Ms._Li,I'm_very_happy_to_have_you_as_our_English_teacher.①As the world is becoming a global village, English is getting more and more important, so ②mastering English means we can see the worldthrough a new window.My English is just OK and the two main problems in my study are ③that I feel it difficult④to learn words by heart, and that I often feel nervous when speaking English. ⑤I really hope that you can give me some good advice on how to memorize new words. Another suggestion is⑥to give us more chances to practise speaking. I believe we can make much progress in English with your help.Thank_you!Li_Hua [技法讨论]建议信是向收信人对某事提出建议和忠告的一类书信。








[黄金表达]1. 建议信开头常用句式(1)I am very glad to hear that you want to...(2)I am writing to share some advice with you.(3)I am grateful to you for...(4)I am truly sorry to have done...2. 表达建议(1)I think it would be beneficial if you could...(2)In my opinion, it would be wise to take the following action.(3)When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest that you can...(4)You may consider doing...(5)It would seem to me that...3. 建议信结尾常用句式(1)I believe you will take my advice into account/consideration.(2)I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.(3)In the end, I will be glad if you find my suggestions useful.[亮点分析]亮点一:本文是表达个人观点的建议信,首段引入话题,直接命中要点。





如:②动名词短语作主语,④it 作形式宾语,不定式作真正的宾语,⑥不定式作表语等。







Dear Mr. President,It's come to my attention that...______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours sincerely,Li Hua [联想词汇]1. 娱乐休闲中心 ________答案:leisure center2. 和,也,除……之外(还有) ________答案:as well as3. 考虑到,顾及 ________答案:in consideration of/take account of/take...into consideration4. 在业余时间 ________答案:in one's spare time5. 充分利用 ________答案:make good/full use of[连词成句]1. 我认为如果您在修建娱乐中心时能顾及那些喜欢打乒乓球和羽毛球的同学,那会大有好处。

I think it will ____________ if you can ____________ those students ____________playing table­tennis or badminton.答案:do great good; have the center built in consideration of; who are interested in2. 娱乐中心可以在业余时间开放吗?Could the center ____________?答案:open in our spare time3. 如果那样的话,我们将有充足的时间来使用它。

If so, we will have enough time to ________ it.答案:make full use of4. 如果该中心是免费的,我们将非常高兴。

We will be ____________ if the center ____________.答案:more than happy; is free[连句成章]________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Dear_Mr._President,It's_come_to_my_attention_that our school is going to build a new leisure center. I'm writing to ask you to consider the following suggestions.First, I'd like to suggest that there should be a table­tennis room as well as a badminton court. I think it will do great good if you can have the center built in consideration of those students who are interested in playing table­tennis or badminton. Second, could the center open in our spare time? If so, we will have enough time to make full use of it. Third, we will be more than happy if the center is free. As we all know, not every student can afford the extra expense.Thank you for reading my letter. I hope you will consider my suggestions. If the center is built, it will greatly improve the students' life here on campus.Yours_sincerely,Li_Hua。
