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基于DCT的数字水印算法的研究Research of Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Discrete Cosine





关键词:数字水印DCT 攻击测试


In recent years,with the rapid development of the network,more and more multimedia information has been digitized.People can obtain various kinds of information from the Internet more convenient, the work of others will be altered and copied more convenient, copyright protection issues are also increasingly serious. People are more and more concerned about copyright protection, digital watermarking technology is the most effective means to solve these problems, so the digital watermarking technology has become a hot topic now.

This article is to study based on DCT-domain digital watermarking algorithm, introduced the development of digital watermarking and the basic principles etc,completed two design schemes based on DCT-domain digital watermarking algorithm in MATLAB environment. The first one is based on digital image watermarking algorithm global transformation of DCT, while the second one can be considered to improve the first algorithm, which is based on DCT-domain block watermarking algorithm. Then for the robustness of the watermarking system, we performed some attack test, salt noise attack, Gaussian noise attack and spin attack, cropping attack, JPEG compression attack, in order to prove which is better. Although the subject is a relatively simple research for the existing digital watermarking technique , but it let us aware of the importance of digital watermarking technology in our daily life.

Key words:Digital watermarking DCT Robustness Attack test


摘要 ....................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................................................... I I 绪论 .. (1)

1 数字水印的介绍 (3)

1.1 数字水印定义及基本特点 (3)

1.1.1 定义 (3)

1.1.2 基本特点 (3)

1.2 数字水印基本原理 (3)

1.2.1 水印嵌入 (4)

1.2.2 水印提取 (4)

1.3 数字水印分类 (5)

1.4 数字水印的常见算法 (6)

1.4.1 空域算法 (6)

1.4.2 变换域算法 (6)

1.4.3 JPEG压缩域算法 (6)

1.4.4 NEC算法 (7)

1.4.5 生理模型算法 (7)

2 开发工具和环境 (8)

2.1 MATLAB简介 (8)

2.2 MATLAB语言特点 (8)

3 基于DCT域数字水印算法实现 ................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.1 离散余弦变换 (9)

3.2 基于DCT全局变换算法 (9)

3.2.1 水印的嵌入思路 (9)

3.2.2 水印的提取思路 (10)

3.2.3 仿真结果 (10)
