Spectral interferometric optical coherence tomography with nonlinear b-barium borate time g




Characterization techniques:(A) XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy):Hydrothermally deposited epitaxial thin films are characterized by XPS to retrieve useful information like composition, chemical structure and local arrangement of atoms that make up few layers of surface of film and also the interfacial layer between the film and substrate.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was developed in the mid –1960s by Kai Siegnahm and his research group at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.Surface analysis by XPS involves irradiating a solid in vacuum with monoenergetic soft x-rays and analyzing the emitted electrons by energy. The spectrum is obtained as a plot of the number of detected electrons per energy interval versus their kinetic energy. The principle on which the XPS technique is based can explained with the help of figure 1 as shown below. [27]Figure 1. An energy level diagram showing the physical basis of XPS technique.The energy carried by an incoming X-ray photon is absorbed by the target atom, raising it into excited state from which it relaxes by the emission of a photoelectron. Mg Kα(1253.6eV) or Al Kα (1486.6 eV) x-rays are generally used as a source of monoenergetic soft x-rays. These photons have limited penetrating power in a solid on the order of 1-10 micrometers. They interact with atoms in the surface region, causing electrons to be emitted by the photoelectric effect. The emitted electrons have measured kinetic energies given by:KE=hγ-BE -φsWhere hγ is the energy of the photon, BE is the binding energy of the atomic orbital from which the electron originates and φs is the spectrometer work function. The binding energy may be regarded as the energy difference between the initial and final states after the photoelectron has left the atom. Because there are a variety of possible final states of the ions from each type of atom, there is corresponding variety of kinetic energies of the emitted electrons. Photoelectrons are emitted from all energy levels of the target atom and hence the electron energy spectrum is characteristic of the emitting atom type and may be thought as its XPS fingerprint. Each element has unique spectrum .The spectrum from a mixture of elements is approximately the sum of peaks of the individual constituents. Because the mean free path of electrons in the solids is very small, the detected electrons originate from only the top few atomic layers making XPS a unique surface sensitive technique for chemical analysis. Quantitative data can be obtained from peak heights or peak areas and identification of chemical states often can be made from exact measurement of peak positions and separations as well from certain spectral features.The line lengths indicate the relative probabilities of the various ionization processes. The p,d and f levels split upon ionization leading to vacancies in the p1/2,p3/2,d3/2,d5/2,f5/2 and f7/2.The spin orbit splitting ratio is 1:2 for p levels ,2:3 for d levels and 3:4 for f levels .Because each element has a unique set of binding energies, XPS can be used to identify and determine the concentration of the elements in the surface. Variations in the elemental binding energies (the chemical shifts) arise from the differences in the chemical potential and polarizibilty of compounds. These chemical shifts can be analyzed to identify the chemical state of the materials being analyzed.The electrons leaving sample are detected by an electron spectrometer according to their kinetic energy. The analyzer is usually operated as an energy window, referred to as pass energy. To maintain a constant energy resolution, the pass energy is fixed. Incoming electrons are adjusted the pass energy before entering the energy analyzer. Scanning for different energies is accomplished by applying a variable electrostatic field before the analyzer. This retardation voltage may be varied from zero upto and beyond the photon energy. Electrons are detected as discrete events, and the number of electrons for the given detection time. And energy is stored and displayed.In general, the interpretation of the XPS spectrum is most readily accomplished first by identifying the lines that almost always present (specifically those of C and O), then by identifying major lines and associated weaker lines.(B) Auger electron spectroscopy:Auger electron spectroscopy is a very useful technique in elemental characterization of thin films. In the current project this technique has been utilized not only for elemental compositional analysis but also for understanding nucleation and growth mechanism. Auger electron effect is named after the French physicist Pierre Auger who described the process involved in 1925.Auger is process is bit more complicated than the XPS process.The Auger process occurs in three stages. First one being atomic ionization. Second being electron emission (Auger emission) and third being analysis of emitted auger electrons .The source of radiation used is electrons that strike in the range of 2 to 10 kev. The interatomic process resulting in the production of an Auger electron is shown in figure 2 below.Figure 2 showing the interatomic process resulting in production of the Auger electrons. One electron falls a higher level to fill an initial core hole in the k-shell and the energy liberated in this process is given to second electron ,fraction of this energy is retained by auger electron as kinetic energy.X-ray nomenclature is used for the energy levels involved and the auger electron is described as originating from for example ,an ABC auger transition where A is the level of the original core hole,B is the level from which core hole was filled and C is the level from which auger electron was emitted. In above figure 2 shown above the auger transition is described as L3M1M2, 3.The calculation of energies of the lines in the Auger electron spectrum is complicated by the fact that emission occurs from an atom in an excited state and consequently the energies of the levels involved are difficult to define precisely.Each element in a sample being studied gives rise to characteristic spectrum of peaks at various kinetic energies. Area generally scanned is 1 mm2.To understand the variation in the concentration with the distance from the surface depth profiling can also be carried out. For depth profiling the surface has to be etched away by using argon beam.The principle advantage that AES hold over XPS is that the source of excitation in case of AES is electrons which allows it to take a spectra from micro-regions as small as 100 nm diameters or less instead of averaging over the whole of the surface of the sample as is done generally in XPS.(C) Atomic force Microscope:Atomic Force Microscope (AFM ) is being used to solve processing and materials problems in a wide range of technologies affecting the electronics, telecommunications, biological, chemical, automotive, aerospace, and energy industries. The materials being investigating include thin and thick film coatings, ceramics, composites, glasses, synthetic and biological membranes, metals, polymers, and semiconductors.In the current work AFM was used to understand the nucleation and growth mechanism of the epitaxial thin films and to understand the surface morphology of totally grown films in terms of surface coverage and surface roughness.In the fall of 1985 Gerd Binnig and Christoph Gerber used the cantilever to examine insulating surfaces. A small hook at the end of the cantilever was pressed against the surface while the sample was scanned beneath the tip. The force between tip and sample was measured by tracking the deflection of the cantilever. This was done by monitoring the tunneling current to a second tip positioned above the cantilever. They were able to delineate lateral features as small as 300 Å. This is the way force microscope was developed. Albrecht, a fresh graduate student, who fabricated the first silicon microcantilever and measured the atomic structure of boron nitride. The tip-cantilever assembly typically is microfabricated from Si or Si3N4. The force between the tip and the sample surface is very small, usually less than 10-9 N.According to the interaction of the tip and the sample surface, the AFM is classified as repulsive or Contact mode and attractive or Noncontact mode. In contact mode the topography is measured by sliding the probe tip across the sample surface. In noncontact mode, topography is measured by sensing Van de Waals forces between the surface and probe tip. Held above the surface. The tapping mode which has now become more popular measures topography by tapping the surface with an oscillating probe tip which eliminates shear forces which can damage soft samples and reduce image resolution. 1. Laser2. Mirror3. Photo detector4. Amplifier5. Register6. Sample7. Probe8. CantileverFigure 3 showing a schematic diagram of the principle of AFM.Compared with Optical Interferometric Microscope (optical profiles), the AFM provides unambiguous measurement of step heights, independent of reflectivity differences between materials. Compared with Scanning Electron Microscope, AFM provides extraordinary topographic contrast direct height measurements and unobscured views of surface features (no coating is necessary). One of the advantages of the technique being that it can be applied to insulating samples as well. Compared with Transmission Electron Microscopes, three dimensional AFM images are obtained without expensive sample preparation and yield far more complete information than the two dimensional profiles available from cross-sectioned samples.(D) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy:Infrared spectroscopy is widely used chemical analysis tool which in addition to providing information on chemical structures also can give quantitative information such as concentration of molecules in a sample.The development in FTIR started with use of Michelson interferometer an optical device invented in 1880 by Albert Abraham Michelson. After many years of difficultiesin working out with time consuming calculations required for conversion intereferogram into spectrum, the first FTIR was manufactured by the Digilab in Cambridge Massachusetts in 1960s .These FTIR machines stared using computers for calculating fourier transforms faster.The set up consists of a source, a sample and a detector and it is possible to send all the source energy through an interferometer and onto the sample. In every scan, all source radiation gets to the sample. The interferometer is a fundamentally different piece of equipment than a monochromater. The light passes through a beamsplitter, which sends the light in two directions at right angles. One beam goes to a stationary mirror then back to the beamsplitter. The other goes to a moving mirror. The motion of the mirror makes the total path length variable versus that taken by the stationary-mirror beam. When the two meet up again at the beamsplitter, they recombine, but the difference in path lengths creates constructive and destructive interference: an interferogram:The recombined beam passes through the sample. The sample absorbs all the different wavelengths characteristic of its spectrum, and this subtracts specific wavelengths from the interferogram. The detector reports variation in energy versus time for all wavelengths simultaneously. A laser beam is superimposed to provide a reference for the instrument operation.Energy versus time was an odd way to record a spectrum, until the point it was recognized that there is reciprocal relationship between time and frequency. A Fourier transform allows to convert an intensity-vs.-time spectrum into an intensity-vs.-frequency spectrum.The advantages of FTIR are that all of the source energy gets to the sample, improving the inherent signal-to-noise ratio. Resolution is limited by the design of the interferometer. The longer the path of the moving mirror, the higher the resolution.One minor drawback is that the FT instrument is inherently a single-beam instrument and the result is that IR-active atmospheric components (CO2, H2O) appear in the spectrum. Usually, a "Background" spectrum is run, and then automatically subtracted from every spectrum.(E) Scanning Electron Microscopy:Scanning electron microscopy is one the most versatile characterization techniques that can give detailed information interms of topography, morphology, composition and crystallography. This has made it widely useful in thin film characterization.The scanning electron microscope is similar to its optical counterparts except that it uses focused beam of electrons instead of light to image the specimen to gain information about the structure and composition.A stream electron is accelerated towards positive electrical potential. This stream is confined and focused using metal apertures and magnetic lenses into a thin, focused, monochromatic beam. This beam is focused onto the sample using a magnetic lens. Interactions occur inside the irradiated sample, affecting the electron beam. These interactions and effects are detected and transformed into an image. The electron detector collects the electrons and then image is created. Scanning with SEM is accomplished bytwo pairs of electromagnetic coils located within the objective lens, one pair deflects the beam in x-direction across the sample and the other pair deflects it in the y direction. Scanning is controlled by applying an electric signal to one pair of scan coils such that the electron beam strikes the sample to one side of theFigure 4 Schematic view of a SEM instrument.center axis of the lens system. By varying the electrical signal to this pair of coils as a function of time, the electron beam is moved in a straight line across the sample and then returned to its original position. Thus by rapidly moving the beam the entire sample surface can be irradiated with the electron beam. The output signal consists of backscattered and secondary electrons which generally serve as basis of scanning electron microscope and whereas the x-ray emission serves as the basis of the energy dispersive spectroscopy as shown in figure 4.Figure 5.Schematic presentation of the interaction of the electron with the sample.Energy dispersive spectroscopy is analytical method which is used in determination of elemental composition of the specimen.EDS uses the electrons generated characteristic x-radiation to determine elemental composition. The SEM/EDS combination is a powerful tool in inorganic microanalysis, providing the chemical composition of volumes as small as 3 m3.(F) Transmission Electron microscopy:Transmission electron microscopy was used to analyze the interface between the BaTiO3 on SrTiO3 single crystals.For TEM specimen must be specially prepared to thicknesses which allow electrons to transmit through the sample, much like light is transmitted through materials in conventional optical microscopy. Because the wavelength of electrons is much smaller than that of light, the optimal resolution attainable for TEM images is many orders of magnitude better than that from a light microscope. Thus, TEMs can reveal the finest details of internal structure - in some cases as small as individual atoms. Magnifications of 350,000 times can be routinely obtained for many materials, whilst in special circumstances; atoms can be imaged at magnifications greater than 15 million timesThe energy of the electrons in the TEM determine the relative degree of penetration of electrons in a specific sample, or alternatively, influence the thickness of material from which useful information may be obtained.Cross-sectional specimens for TEM observation of the interface between the film and the substrate were prepared by conventional techniques employing mechanical polishing, dimpling and ion beam milling.TEM column is shown in figure 6 consists of gun chamber on the top to the camera at the bottom everything is placed under vacuum.Figure 6. Main components of TEM system. [28]At the top of the TEM column is the filament assembly, which is connected to thehigh voltage supply by insulated cable. In standard TEM, normal accelerating voltagesranges from 20,000 to 100,000V.Intermediate-voltage and high voltage TEMs may use accelerating voltages of 200,000 V to 1000000 V.The higher the accelerating voltage, the greater the theoretical resolution. Below the filament tip and above it the anode is a beam volume called crossover. In this area of the filament chamber, the electron beam volume iscondensed to its highest density. There are more electrons per unit area at the cross over than at any other place in the microscope. Crossover is the effective electron source for image formation. In a TEM, the diameter of the electron beam at crossover is approximately 50 μm.The anode or positively charged plate, is below the filament assembly.Electron beam then travels to the condenser –lens system.TEMs has two condensers lenses. Condenser system lens system controls electron illumination on the specimen and on the viewing screen for such functions as viewing, focusing and photography. Condenserlenses are fitted with apertures which are usually small platinum disks or molybdenum strips with holes of various sizes ranging from 100 to 400 μm and it protects specimen from too many stray electrons which can contribute to excessive heat and limit X-ray production farther down the columnObjective lens is the first magnifying lens and the specimen is inserted into the objective lens, which must be designed so that the specimen can be moved in both X and Y directions and have tilting and rotating capabilities. As the electron beam interacts with the specimen, a number of signals useful in the formation of the TEM image occur: absorption, diffraction, elastic scattering and inelastic scattering.(H) X-ray Diffraction (XRD):X-ray diffraction is the most commonly known technique which I used to determination of the phase formed in films and also to assess texture and crystallinity.X-rays were discovered in 1895 by the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen - in some languages x-rays are called Röntgen-rays - and x-ray diffraction was discovered in 1912.The X-rays used in diffraction experiments all have a wavelength of 0.5-2.5 Å. The intensity of a beam of x-rays is the rate of transport of energy flow through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of propagation. To produce x-rays, a source of electrons, a high accelerating voltage and a target are needed. To get the voltage, the metal target is grounded and a cathode is at 30-50 kV. To get the electrons a metal filament is resistively heated (the tube is called a filament tube). The filament current is 3-5 amps. The cathode and the filament is one and the same thing and surrounding the target and the filament is an air evacuated envelope.The electrons from the filament are accelerated towards the target. They bombard the target in a rectangular shaped area called the focal spot. From there the x-rays are emitted in all directions. The walls of the tube are impenetrable for the x-rays except where beryllium windows are inserted. Beryllium has a very low absorption coefficient for the x-rays.The amount of x-rays produced depends on the number of electrons emitted and their energy when they reach the target. The number of electrons in turn depends on the filament temperature, and thus the filament current. The current of electrons from the filament to the target is measurable and usually 25-55 mA. This current can be chosen freely as a feedback loop will feed the filament with the current needed. The energy ofthe electrons depend on the accelerating voltage. Thus the total intensity emitted by thex-ray tube depends on both the operating voltage and the tube current.In general, diffraction is possible when the length of the wave is of the same order of magnitude as the distance between the regularly spaced scattering objectsTwo scattered rays are in phase, if their path difference is equal to a whole number n of wavelengths. Scattered rays emerging from a plane surface as a result of a beam incident on that surface, have a path difference equal to a whole number of wavelengths, if n l = 2 d' sinq (The Bragg Law),where d' is the distance between the diffracting planes in the crystal and q is the angle between the incident beam and the surface. n is the order of reflection and n can be any integral number as long as sin q < 1. n is also equal to the number of wavelengths in the path difference of two rays scattered from adjacent planes (e.g. If n = 2 then a ray scattered from one plane will have a path that is two wavelengths shorter than a ray scattered from a deeper lying neighbor plane).The basis for phase analysis is that the crystal of a certain phase will have interatomic distances peculiar to that phase and these different distances will cause a series of reflections as the detector are shifted through 2theta.Two phases can have similar or almost similar structures and hence interatomic distances. This makes identifying phases in an unknown sample very difficult, but knowing what elements are present in the sample will narrow the possibilities down quite a bit. Also crystallite size using XRD .X-ray pole figure measurements are used to characterize the film with respect to any preferred orientation with which growth has taken place. Rocking curve is another application to characterize the film with respect to its quality ofcrystallinity comparing to the single crystals or polycrystalline materials.。



《光电技术》专业英语词汇1.Absorption coefficient 吸收系数2.Acceptance angle 接收角3.fibers 光纤4.Acceptors in semiconductors 半导体接收器5.Acousto-optic modulator 声光调制6.Bragg diffraction 布拉格衍射7.Air disk 艾里斑8.angular radius 角半径9.Airy rings 艾里环10.anisotropy 各向异性11.optical 光学的12.refractive index 各向异性13.Antireflection coating 抗反膜14.Argon-ion laser 氩离子激光器15.Attenuation coefficient 衰减系数16.Avalanche 雪崩17.breakdown voltage 击穿电压18.multiplication factor 倍增因子19.noise 燥声20.Avalanche photodiode(APD) 雪崩二极管21.absorption region in APD APD 吸收区域22.characteristics-table 特性表格23.guard ring 保护环24.internal gain 内增益25.noise 噪声26.photogeneration 光子再生27.primary photocurrent 起始光电流28.principle 原理29.responsivity of InGaAs InGaAs 响应度30.separate absorption and multiplication(SAM) 分离吸收和倍增31.separate absorption grading and multiplication(SAGM) 分离吸收等级和倍增32.silicon 硅33.Average irradiance 平均照度34.Bandgap 带隙35.energy gap 能级带隙36.bandgap diagram 带隙图37.Bandwidth 带宽38.Beam 光束39.Beam splitter cube 立方分束器40.Biaxial crystal双s 轴晶体41.Birefringent 双折射42.Bit rate 位率43.Black body radiation law 黑体辐射法则44.Bloch wave in a crystal 晶体中布洛赫波45.Boundary conditions 边界条件46.Bragg angle 布拉格角度47.Bragg diffraction condition 布拉格衍射条件48.Bragg wavelength 布拉格波长49.Brewster angle 布鲁斯特角50.Brewster window 布鲁斯特窗51.Calcite 霰石52.Carrier confinement 载流子限制53.Centrosymmetric crystals 中心对称晶体54.Chirping 啁啾55.Cladding 覆层56.Coefficient of index grating 指数光栅系数57.Coherence连贯性pensation doping 掺杂补偿59.Conduction band 导带60.Conductivity 导电性61.Confining layers 限制层62.Conjugate image 共轭像63.Cut-off wavelength 截止波长64.Degenerate semiconductor 简并半导体65.Density of states 态密度66.Depletion layer 耗尽层67.Detectivity 探测率68.Dielectric mirrors 介电质镜像69.Diffraction 衍射70.Diffraction g rating 衍射光栅71.Diffraction grating equation 衍射光栅等式72.Diffusion current 扩散电流73.Diffusion flux 扩散流量74.Diffusion Length 扩散长度75.Diode equation 二极管公式76.Diode ideality factor 二极管理想因子77.Direct recombinatio直n接复合78.Dispersion散射79.Dispersive medium 散射介质80.Distributed Bragg reflector 分布布拉格反射器81.Donors in semiconductors 施主离子82.Doppler broadened linewidth 多普勒扩展线宽83.Doppler effect 多普勒效应84.Doppler shift 多普勒位移85.Doppler-heterostructure 多普勒同质结构86.Drift mobility 漂移迁移率87.Drift Velocity 漂移速度88.Effective d ensity o f s tates 有效态密度89.Effective mass 有效质量90.Efficiency 效率91.Einstein coefficients 爱因斯坦系数92.Electrical bandwidth of fibers 光纤电子带宽93.Electromagnetic wave 电磁波94.Electron affinity 电子亲和势95.Electron potential energy in a crystal 晶体电子阱能量96.Electro-optic effects 光电子效应97.Energy band 能量带宽98.Energy band diagram 能量带宽图99.Energy level 能级100.E pitaxial growth 外延生长101.E rbium doped fiber amplifier 掺饵光纤放大器102.Excess carrier distribution 过剩载流子扩散103.External photocurrent 外部光电流104.Extrinsic semiconductors 本征半导体105.Fabry-Perot laser amplifier 法布里-珀罗激光放大器106.Fabry-Perot optical resonator 法布里-珀罗光谐振器107.Faraday effect 法拉第效应108.Fermi-Dirac function 费米狄拉克结109.Fermi energy 费米能级110.Fill factor 填充因子111.Free spectral range 自由谱范围112.Fresnel’s equations 菲涅耳方程113.Fresnel’s optical indicatrix 菲涅耳椭圆球114.Full width at half maximum 半峰宽115.Full width at half power 半功率带宽116.Gaussian beam 高斯光束117.Gaussian dispersion 高斯散射118.Gaussian pulse 高斯脉冲119.Glass perform 玻璃预制棒120.Goos Haenchen phase shift Goos Haenchen 相位移121.Graded index rod lens 梯度折射率棒透镜122.Group delay 群延迟123.Group velocity 群参数124.Half-wave plate retarder 半波延迟器125.Helium-Neon laser 氦氖激光器126.Heterojunction 异质结127.Heterostructure 异质结构128.Hole 空穴129.Hologram 全息图130.Holography 全息照相131.Homojunction 同质结132.Huygens-Fresnel principle 惠更斯-菲涅耳原理133.Impact-ionization 碰撞电离134.Index matching 指数匹配135.Injection 注射136.Instantaneous irradiance 自发辐射137.Integrated optics 集成光路138.Intensity of light 光强139.Intersymbol interference 符号间干扰140.Intrinsic concentration 本征浓度141.Intrinsic semiconductors 本征半导体142.Irradiance 辐射SER 激光144.active medium 活动介质145.active region 活动区域146.amplifiers 放大器147.cleaved-coupled-cavity 解理耦合腔148.distributed Bragg reflection 分布布拉格反射149.distributed feedback 分布反馈150.efficiency of the He-Ne 氦氖效率151.multiple quantum well 多量子阱152.oscillation condition 振荡条件ser diode 激光二极管sing emission 激光发射155.LED 发光二极管156.Lineshape function 线形结157.Linewidth 线宽158.Lithium niobate 铌酸锂159.Load line 负载线160.Loss c oefficient 损耗系数161.Mazh-Zehnder modulator Mazh-Zehnder 型调制器162.Macrobending loss 宏弯损耗163.Magneto-optic effects 磁光效应164.Magneto-optic isolator 磁光隔离165.Magneto-optic modulator 磁光调制166.Majority carriers 多数载流子167.Matrix emitter 矩阵发射168.Maximum acceptance angle 最优接收角169.Maxwell’s wave equation 麦克斯维方程170.Microbending loss 微弯损耗171.Microlaser 微型激光172.Minority carriers 少数载流子173.Modulated directional coupler 调制定向偶合器174.Modulation of light 光调制175.Monochromatic wave 单色光176.Multiplication region 倍增区177.Negative absolute temperature 负温度系数 round-trip optical gain 环路净光增益179.Noise 噪声180.Noncentrosymmetric crystals 非中心对称晶体181.Nondegenerate semiconductors 非简并半异体182.Non-linear optic 非线性光学183.Non-thermal equilibrium 非热平衡184.Normalized frequency 归一化频率185.Normalized index difference 归一化指数差异186.Normalized propagation constant 归一化传播常数187.Normalized thickness 归一化厚度188.Numerical aperture 孔径189.Optic axis 光轴190.Optical activity 光活性191.Optical anisotropy 光各向异性192.Optical bandwidth 光带宽193.Optical cavity 光腔194.Optical divergence 光发散195.Optic fibers 光纤196.Optical fiber amplifier 光纤放大器197.Optical field 光场198.Optical gain 光增益199.Optical indicatrix 光随圆球200.Optical isolater 光隔离器201.Optical Laser amplifiers 激光放大器202.Optical modulators 光调制器203.Optical pumping 光泵浦204.Opticalresonator 光谐振器205.Optical tunneling光学通道206.Optical isotropic 光学各向同性的207.Outside vapor deposition 管外气相淀积208.Penetration depth 渗透深度209.Phase change 相位改变210.Phase condition in lasers 激光相条件211.Phase matching 相位匹配212.Phase matching angle 相位匹配角213.Phase mismatch 相位失配214.Phase modulation 相位调制215.Phase modulator 相位调制器216.Phase of a wave 波相217.Phase velocity 相速218.Phonon 光子219.Photoconductive detector 光导探测器220.Photoconductive gain 光导增益221.Photoconductivity 光导性222.Photocurrent 光电流223.Photodetector 光探测器224.Photodiode 光电二极管225.Photoelastic effect 光弹效应226.Photogeneration 光子再生227.Photon amplification 光子放大228.Photon confinement 光子限制229.Photortansistor 光电三极管230.Photovoltaic devices 光伏器件231.Piezoelectric effect 压电效应232.Planck’s radiation distribution law 普朗克辐射法则233.Pockels cell modulator 普克尔斯调制器234.Pockel coefficients 普克尔斯系数235.Pockels phase modulator 普克尔斯相位调制器236.Polarization 极化237.Polarization transmission matrix 极化传输矩阵238.Population inversion 粒子数反转239.Poynting vector 能流密度向量240.Preform 预制棒241.Propagation constant 传播常数242.Pumping 泵浦243.Pyroelectric detectors 热释电探测器244.Quantum e fficiency 量子效应245.Quantum noise 量子噪声246.Quantum well 量子阱247.Quarter-wave plate retarder 四分之一波长延迟248.Radiant sensitivity 辐射敏感性249.Ramo’s theorem 拉莫定理250.Rate equations 速率方程251.Rayleigh criterion 瑞利条件252.Rayleigh scattering limit 瑞利散射极限253.Real image 实像254.Recombination 复合255.Recombination lifetime 复合寿命256.Reflectance 反射257.Reflection 反射258.Refracted light 折射光259.Refractive index 折射系数260.Resolving power 分辩力261.Response time 响应时间262.Return-to-zero data rate 归零码263.Rise time 上升时间264.Saturation drift velocity 饱和漂移速度265.Scattering 散射266.Second harmonic generation 二阶谐波267.Self-phase modulation 自相位调制268.Sellmeier dispersion equation 色列米尔波散方程式269.Shockley equation 肖克利公式270.Shot noise 肖特基噪声271.Signal to noise ratio 信噪比272.Single frequency lasers 单波长噪声273.Single quantum well 单量子阱274.Snell’s law 斯涅尔定律275.Solar cell 光电池276.Solid state photomultiplier 固态光复用器277.Spectral intensity 谱强度278.Spectral responsivity 光谱响应279.Spontaneous emission 自发辐射280.stimulated emission 受激辐射281.Terrestrial light 陆地光282.Theraml equilibrium 热平衡283.Thermal generation 热再生284.Thermal velocity 热速度285.Thershold concentration 光强阈值286.Threshold current 阈值电流287.Threshold wavelength 阈值波长288.Total acceptance angle 全接受角289.Totla internal reflection 全反射290.Transfer distance 转移距离291.Transit time 渡越时间292.Transmission coefficient 传输系数293.Tramsmittance 传输294.Transverse electric field 电横波场295.Tranverse magnetic field 磁横波场296.Traveling vave lase 行波激光器297.Uniaxial crystals 单轴晶体298.UnPolarized light 非极化光299.Wave 波300.W ave equation 波公式301.Wavefront 波前302.Waveguide 波导303.Wave n umber 波数304.Wave p acket 波包络305.Wavevector 波矢量306.Dark current 暗电流307.Saturation signal 饱和信号量308.Fringing field drift 边缘电场漂移plementary color 补色310.Image lag 残像311.Charge handling capability 操作电荷量312.Luminous quantity 测光量313.Pixel signal interpolating 插值处理314.Field integration 场读出方式315.Vertical CCD 垂直CCD316.Vertical overflow drain 垂直溢出漏极317.Conduction band 导带318.Charge coupled device 电荷耦合组件319.Electronic shutter 电子快门320.Dynamic range 动态范围321.Temporal resolution 动态分辨率322.Majority carrier 多数载流子323.Amorphous silicon photoconversion layer 非晶硅存储型324.Floating diffusion amplifier 浮置扩散放大器325.Floating gate amplifier 浮置栅极放大器326.Radiant quantity 辐射剂量327.Blooming 高光溢出328.High frame rate readout mode 高速读出模式329.Interlace scan 隔行扫描330.Fixed pattern noise 固定图形噪声331.Photodiode 光电二极管332.Iconoscope 光电摄像管333.Photolelctric effect 光电效应334.Spectral response 光谱响应335.Interline transfer CCD 行间转移型CCD336.Depletion layer 耗尽层plementary metal oxide semi-conductor 互补金属氧化物半导体338.Fundamental absorption edge 基本吸收带339.Valence band 价带340.Transistor 晶体管341.Visible light 可见光342.Spatial filter 空间滤波器343.Block access 块存取344.Pupil compensation 快门校正345.Diffusion current 扩散电流346.Discrete cosine transform 离散余弦变换347.Luminance signal 高度信号348.Quantum efficiency 量子效率349.Smear 漏光350.Edge enhancement 轮廓校正351.Nyquist frequency 奈奎斯特频率352.Energy band 能带353.Bias 偏压354.Drift current 漂移电流355.Clamp 钳位356.Global exposure 全面曝光357.Progressive scan 全像素读出方式358.Full frame CCD 全帧CCD359.Defect correction 缺陷补偿360.Thermal noise 热噪声361.Weak inversion 弱反转362.Shot noise 散粒噪声363.Chrominance difference signal 色差信号364.Colotremperature 色温365.Minority carrier 少数载流子366.Image stabilizer 手振校正367.Horizontal CCD 水平CCD368.Random noise 随机噪声369.Tunneling effect 隧道效应370.Image sensor 图像传感器371.Aliasing 伪信号372.Passive 无源373.Passive pixel sensor 无源像素传感器374.Line transfer 线转移375.Correlated double sampling 相关双采样376.Pinned photodiode 掩埋型光电二极管377.Overflow 溢出378.Effective pixel 有效像素379.Active pixel sensor 有源像素传感器380.Threshold voltage 阈值电压381.Source follower 源极跟随器382.Illuminance 照度383.Refraction index 折射率384.Frame integration 帧读出方式385.Frame interline t ransfer CCD 帧行间转移CCD 386.Frame transfer 帧转移387.Frame transfer CCD 帧转移CCD388.Non interlace 逐行扫描389.Conversion efficiency 转换效率390.Automatic gain control 自动增益控制391.Self-induced drift 自激漂移392.Minimum illumination 最低照度393.CMOS image sensor COMS 图像传感器394.MOS diode MOS 二极管395.MOS image sensor MOS 型图像传感器396.ISO sensitivity ISO 感光度。



傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer)是一种常用于分析物质结构和化学成分的仪器。
















常用仪器中英文对照原子发射光谱仪Atomic Emission Spectrometer AES电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer ICP直流等离子体发射光谱仪Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer DCP紫外-可见光分光光度计UV-Visible Spectrophotometer UV-Vis 原子吸收光谱仪Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy荧光光谱仪Fluorescence Spectroscopy傅里叶变换红外光谱仪FT-IR Spectrometer FTIRFourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪FT-Raman Spectrometer FTIR-Raman气相色谱仪Gas Chromatograph GC高效液相色谱仪High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC凝胶渗透色谱仪Gel Permeation Chromatograph GPCX射线荧光光谱仪X-Ray Fluorescence SpectrometerX射线衍射仪X-Ray Diffractomer XRD广角X射线衍射WAXRD (wide angle)小角X射线散射SAXRS能谱仪Energy Disperse Spectroscopy EDS质谱仪Mass Spectrometer MSICP-质谱联用仪ICP-MS气相色谱-质谱联用仪GC-MS液相色谱-质谱联用仪LC-MS核磁共振波谱仪Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer NMR电子显微镜Electro Microscopy扫描电镜scanning electron microscopy SEM透射电镜transmission electron microscopy TEM光学显微镜Optical Microscopy扫描探针显微镜Scanning Probe Microscopy SPM隧道扫描显微镜Scanning Tunneling Microscopy STM原子力显微镜Atomic Force Microscopy AFM物性分析Physical Property Analysis热分析仪Thermal Analyzer微分扫描量热器Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC热重分析仪thermal gravity analyzerTGA粘度计Viscometer流变仪Rheometer粒度分析仪Particle Size Analyzer离心机Centrifuge超声破碎仪Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor超低温冰箱Ultra-low Temperature Freezer恒温循环泵Constant Temperature Circulator超滤器Ultrahigh Purity Filter冻干机Freeze Drying Equipment紫外检测仪Ultraviolet Detector电解质分析仪Electrolytic Analyzer常用理化仪器对照玻璃漏斗Glass funnel long stem试管test tube ,test tube brush ,test tube holder ,test tube rack 蒸发皿evaporating dish small烧杯beaker量筒grad cylinder洗瓶plastic wash bottle勺皿casserole ,smallstoppered flask分液漏斗separatory funnelwater bath/oil bathstirring barmagnetic stirrer冷凝器condenserBallast bottle圆颈烧瓶Round-buttom flask试剂瓶reagent bottles托盘天平platform balance 台秤0.1g 托盘pan 指针刻度表pointer and scale crossbeams and sliding weights 游码分析天平two-pan/single-pan analytical balance滴定管burette glass bead(basic) nozzle移液管pipette胖肚elongated glass bulb洗耳球rubber suction bulb玻棒glass rod玻璃活塞stopcock容量瓶(volumetric flask比重瓶(one-mark)volumetric flasks胖肚吸管one-mark pipette刻度吸管graduated pipettes实验仪器清单1、柜子中四、抽屉中:锥形瓶(conical flask) 250ml×4 药匙(medicine spoon)×1 (Erlenmeyer flask) 100 ml×3 滴管(drip tube;dropper)×2烧杯(beaker) 500 ml×1 玻棒(Glass stic)×2250 ml×3 木试管夹(test tube clamp;test tube holder)×1容量瓶(volumetric flask) 100 ml×2 乳钵(morta)×150 ml×4 洗耳球(ear washing bulb)碘量瓶(iodineflask) 500 ml×3试剂瓶(reagent bottle) (无色)×2(棕色)×2 配洗液:量筒(cylinder)100 ml×1 K2Cr2O72g+5ml水→65mlH2SO4 (graduated cylinder)10ml×1 边加边搅拌(stir)。



荧光分光光度法英文Fluorescence SpectrophotometryFluorescence spectrophotometry is a widely used analytical technique in the fields of chemistry, biology, and medicine. It is based on the emission of light by certain molecules that have been excited by absorbing light of a specific wavelength. This emitted light is known as fluorescence and can be measured by a spectrophotometer.Principles of Fluorescence SpectrophotometryThe basic principle of fluorescence spectrophotometry is the excitation of a molecule by absorbing light at a specific wavelength. The molecule becomes excited and reaches a higher energy state. This energy is released in the form of emitted light at a longer wavelength. The emitted light is detected by a photodetector, and the signal is amplified and recorded by a computer.Advantages of Fluorescence SpectrophotometryFluorescence spectrophotometry has several advantages over other analytical techniques, such as absorbance spectrophotometry. One major advantage is high sensitivity. Fluorescence spectrophotometry can detect trace amounts of substances, which makes it ideal for research and analysis. Another advantage is selectivity. Fluorescence spectrophotometry can selectively measure certain molecules, which makes it useful in identifying specific compounds in a mixture.Applications of Fluorescence SpectrophotometryFluorescence spectrophotometry has numerous applicationsin various scientific fields. It can be used to study the structure and function of biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. It is also used in the pharmaceutical industry to develop and analyze drugs. In addition, fluorescence spectrophotometry is used in environmental monitoring, food analysis, and forensic science.ConclusionIn conclusion, fluorescence spectrophotometry is a powerful analytical technique that has revolutionized many scientific fields. Its high sensitivity and selectivity make it an indispensable tool in research and analysis. With the development of new instruments and methods, fluorescence spectrophotometry will continue to play an important role in advancing scientific knowledge.。



普雷斯特光谱共焦概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述在现代科学研究中,光谱共焦技术是一种非常重要且强大的工具。


普雷斯特光谱共焦技术(Preston spectral confocal)作为一种新型的光谱共焦技术,在生物医学研究和材料科学等领域取得了广泛应用。

1.2 文章结构本文将对普雷斯特光谱共焦进行详细的介绍和解释。





1.3 目的本文的目的是为读者提供对普雷斯特光谱共焦技术有一个深入了解的机会。



2. 光谱共焦技术概述:2.1 什么是光谱共焦技术光谱共焦技术是一种结合了光学共焦成像和光谱分析的高级显微镜技术。



2.2 发展历程随着近年来生命科学领域对于细胞、组织和生物分子研究需求的增加,光谱共焦技术逐渐得到了广泛应用并取得了显著进展。


赛默飞世尔 ARL iSpark 系列光学发射光谱仪 可靠的金属质量 创新的OES 铁和钢

赛默飞世尔 ARL iSpark 系列光学发射光谱仪 可靠的金属质量 创新的OES 铁和钢

T hermo Scientific ARL iSpark Series Optical Emission SpectrometersThe ARL iSpark Seriesis a high performance OES spectrometer platform based on the best PMT (photomultiplier tube) optics. It features the most sensitive CCD (charge-coupled device) optics, enhanced degree of functionality and other innovative technologies, including:•Unique PMT or dual CCD/PMT optics • Revolutionary digital spark generator • Innovative spark stand design• Advanced acquisition technologies and processing algorithms for PMT and CCD signals• Single Spark Acquisition with diffuse spark intensity removal algorithm to improve accuracy on PMTs • Most advanced analysis of micro-inclusions• Smart argon management with argon saving modesSpark optical emission spectrometry (OES)is the most widely used technique for elemental concentration analysis of solid metallic samples. With industry leading quality and performance, Thermo Scientific OES spectrometers excel in every aspect of this process with:•Very fast elemental analysis of most metals and alloys • Analysis of all necessary elements from trace to percentage level• Outstanding accuracy, precision and stability • Simple instrument operation and maintenance • Low capital investment and operating costsFor over 75 years, our company has set the standard of quality for spectrochemical analysis of metals. Throughout these years, performance, stability, reliability and longevity have been the key attributes of our optical emission spectrometers. The Thermo Scientific ™ ARL iSpark ™ metals analyzers combine these guiding principles with our experience and technical innovation to bring our customers the complete value based solution they have come to expect from our company.The ARL iSpark spectrometer can analyze all the elements necessary in your current and future applications. It is the answer to your analytical needs, whether for incoming material or metal quality control and production analysis. Working 24/7, the ARL iSpark metals analyzers deliver reliable performance year after year.Thermo Scientific ARL iSpark Series Optical Emission Spectrometers2ARL iSpark Series3Fullautomation Small samplesPrecious metalsNon metallic micro-inclusionsMetals and alloysARL iSpark 8880Experience and versatility• Dual CCD/PMT optics• Single and multi-matrix configurations • Ideal for metal recycling industries,laboratories or any companies that need high analytical versatility• Inclusion analysis available • Spectral investigation• Flexibility to accommodate future needsARL iSpark 8820Experience and innovation• Dual CCD/PMT optics• Single and multi-matrix configurations • Excellent performance on a widerange of elements• For foundries and metals processors and any companies wanting aneconomical solution allowing efficient quality control• Spectral investigationARL iSpark 8860Experience and performance• PMT optics• Single and multi-matrixconfigurations• Best performance for trace analysis • Instrument of choice for metal producers and refiners • Inclusion analysis availableThe ARL iSpark Series consists of three models meeting the needs of the various metals industries and processes.Made-to-measure spectrometers to answer a variety of needsUltimate optical designoffering the best solution to all your needsThe ARL iSpark Series is designed around the world’s most famous one-meter focal length PMT optics of the ARL 3460 and ARL 4460 OES spectrometers. With the addition of a high performance flat field CCD module on some models, the ARL iSpark Series addresses the requirements of all market and application segments. Its unique optical design concept offers an optimum solution for everyone.Dual CCD/PMT versus all PMT opticsThe CCD detector of the ARL iSpark allows outstanding analysis for a majority of the elements. PMTs are generally preferred for the determination of the critical elements and the analysis of traces, mainly in pure and ultra-pure metals. They are also required for the analysis of micro-inclusions.The dual optics offers the opportunity to select a PMT or CCD type of detector for each element according to the principle of “best of both technologies”. Applied with the ARL iSpark 8820 model, this principle ensures optimal analysis on all elements.The continuous spectral coverage of the CCD detector also provides unique capability for spectral investigations, making it a powerful tool for metals research.Thermo Scientific ARL iSpark Series Optical Emission Spectrometers4Photomutiplier tubesExcitation standPMT spectrometerCCD spectrometerDual CCD/PMT optical mountingGratingCCD spectrometerEntrance slitGratingCCD detectorVertical cross-section through the dual CCD/PMT opticsHorizontal cross-section through the PMT opticsSpectrometer bodyVacuum regionSecondary optics including slits and mirrorsPrimary slitArgon flushed light pathExcitation standGratingPMT opticsThe one-meter spectrometer in Paschen-Runge mounting with PMT detectors has the best resolving power on the market. Direct view ensures highest possible sensitivity. The spectrometer body is made of cast iron and operates under vacuum for ultimate stability. PMTs with the most advanced signal acquisition and processing technologies offer the best possible performance available on the market.The main modules of the spectrometer have been newly designed, leading to improved instrument performance, reliability, ease of use, as well as a reduction in maintenance and argon consumption.IntelliSourceThe Thermo Scientific intelliSource isa double current controlled source (CCS) and the most innovative spark source on the market. More flexible and precise than the other digital sources, it allows discharge shapes to be tailored for most efficient sample surface Smart Argon Management (SAM) interface allowingstarting or programming argon saving modesArgon managementThanks to an innovative computer controlled argon circuit design, the argon consumption has been significantly reduced.•The argon flows are optimized for each phase of the analytical sequence (flush, pre-burn, integration), allowing best performance while requiring the minimum argon consumptionTechnological breakthroughs to your benefitno tools are needed7The ARL iSpark was designed for increased safety, convenience and ease of use in daily operations:• The stand cover allows simple operation with maximal operator security. A hydraulic cylinder makes the opening easy and acts as a braking system that allows a smooth and unassisted closing• Samples to be analyzed, among other things, can be placed on the worktop located next to the stand• The setting-up samples and other accessories can be placed in the storage compartment• Front access to all modules of the instrument (e.g. vacuumWorktopStorage compartmentEasy opening/smooth closingFront access for easy maintenanceSpace savingHigh degree of functionality delivering many advantagesSpectra Viewer display showing a zoom on the analytical Cu line in the spectra of a pure iron sample (blue) and a CrNi steel sample (red).Innovative signal acquisition and processing for unequalled performancePMT signal acquisition and processingThe PMT signal is integrated during TGA (Time GatedAcquisition) windows, i.e. time windows synchronized with the single sparks. TGA is an ultra-high precision version of TRS (Time Resolved Spectroscopy) that allows improving sensitivity and accuracy by collecting the signal with minimal noise, background emission and spectral interference. In addition, PMT acquisition features include Single Spark Acquisition (SSA) and low noise integrator to suppress dark current and offset.The following features also contribute to the quality and the reliability of the analysis:The ARL iSpark spectrometer has several innovative signal acquisition and processing features that contribute to the superb performance and stability of the instrument, and make it a totally unique OES spectrometer.Thermo Scientific ARL iSpark Series Optical Emission Spectrometers8Our quality systemyour best guaranteeThe quality of our instruments is recognized by thousands ofcustomers around the world. This quality is ensured by ourmany comprehensive protocols and tools that compose ourmanufacturing process, some of which are outlined below.Calibration curve established with CARLApplicationsThe ARL iSpark spectrometers are delivered as turn-key systems with ready-to-use applications, pre-configured and calibrated in our factory. Analytical conditions, parameters and calibrations optimized by our specialists provide the best accuracy and performance at the highest speed with the lowest argon consumption. Element coverage and calibration CalibrationAccuracy, which depends on the calibration of the instrument, is the most important figure of merit required for a spectrometer. The ARL iSpark metal analyzers are individually calibrated in our factory. The calibrations are performed using certified reference materials (CRMs) and reference materials (RMs) validated in the factory. The calibration curves are established with CARL (Calibration ARL), a highly sophisticated multi-variable regression (MVR) software tool that corrects for matrixAnalysis of micro-inclusions a rapid analysis for a quick returnDetail of OXSAS display showing the result of simultaneous elemental concentration and inclusion analysis of a low alloy steel sample. The top results in % are fromelemental analysis. All other results are from Spark-DAT methods. They include Al sol, Al insol and total oxygen (TO), peaks and coincidental peaks, and inclusion size.• Quantitative determination of total oxygen content down to a few ppm in killed steels (Advanced Inclusion Analysis)See the dedicated application notes for more details.Optional methods using the Spark-DAT algorithms allow ultra-fast analysis of micro-inclusions, such as Al 2O 3, CaO, Al 2O 3-CaO, MnS and CaS in steel, or TiB 2, oxides, carbides, nitrides and chlorides in aluminum. Theinclusion information can be obtained simultaneously without any change in operation or maintenance compared to standard OES analysis. The Spark-DAT methods offer powerful tools for quality improvement, ideallycomplementing the OES analysis when metal cleanness is a concern. The Spark-DAT methods offer the quickest return on investment.Thermo Scientific ARL iSpark Series Optical Emission Spectrometers10Single Spark Analysis charts allowing visualization of the inclusion signals of the two elements Al and Ca in steelThermo Scientific OXSAS analytical software provides virtuallyunlimited analytical capacity and flexibility, and includes allthe features allowing data management, instrument control,calibration, instrument set-up and diagnostic.OXSAS gives the ability to work at various functional levelsfrom simple operations for routine analysis to a wider accessfor managers or users performing more critical operations (e.g.of their analytical methods. It also includes a comprehensive set of tools for quality and maintenance management. The Maintenance Management module assists the operator in the management of routine and preventive maintenance. This simple and efficient tool helps to guarantee the performance all through the life of the instrument.Thanks to regular free Internet software updates, OXSAS will OXSAS analytical software simple, flexible and powerfulTypical OXSAS display showing the result of a two-run analysis in concentration in termsof average, standard deviation, measurement uncertainty and the two individual runs Display of a calibration curve using OXSAS MVR toolMaintenance Management tool showing status of the maintenance tasksprogrammed in function of the instrument usage. The image on the rightillustrates the operation to be performed.Worldwide customer support Excelling in optical emission spectrometry since 1934, we provide you the support of a major international corporation:• A comprehensive worldwide after-sales service network assists with resolution of day to day queries and ensures that the ARL iSpark series spectrometer achieves the very high standards of reliability and durability it is designed for • Operational performance validation and possible online support with diagnostic helpThe ARL iSpark models are not limited to manual operation: if you wish to achievemore, meet tighter and tighter product specifications and time schedules withoutincreasing overhead costs, then our automation solutions will help you bringingyour quality control operations a step ahead with fully automated samplepreparation and analysis.Thermo Scientific series of SMS automation solutions meet the range of industryrequirements, from large aluminum smelters to modern steel works, includingfoundries and metals processors with varied capacities and needs.A choice of automation solutions for unmatched productivity。






关键词:光纤传感器;光纤干涉仪;白光干涉测量术;AbstractFiber optic interferometric sensor is an important branch of the fiber optic sensor. White-light interferometry is a widely used technique of the optical interferometry. The white-light interferometry, which is applied to fiber optic interferometric sensor can measure the absolute optical path difference (OPD) and possess the abilities to provide large dynamic measurement range and high measurement resolution.In this dissertation, the principles and research status of scanning white-light interferometry and spectral-domain optical fiber white-light interferometry are described respectively. The structures and characteristics of different optical fiber white-light interferometry are analyzed and summarized.Keywords:Fiber optic sensor;fiber optic interferometer; white-light interferometry;1、绪论光纤传感技术是20世纪70 年代末新兴的一项技术,近年来,光纤传感技术在当代科技领域及实际应用中占有十分重要的地位。

可见光光谱 英文

可见光光谱 英文

可见光光谱英文The visible light spectrum, encompassing wavelengths ranging from approximately 400 nanometers (nm) to 700 nm,is a narrow slice of the electromagnetic radiation that our eyes are capable of perceiving. This band of wavelengths, although relatively small compared to the vast expanse of the electromagnetic spectrum, plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, shaping our perception of the world around us. At the shorter wavelength end of the visible spectrum, we encounter violet light. Violet waves, with their frequencies exceeding 668 THz, are the highest in energy among all visible colors. As we move towards the red end of the spectrum, wavelengths increase, resulting in lower frequencies and consequently, lower energy levels. Red light, with wavelengths exceeding 700 nm, has the lowest energy among all visible colors.The visible spectrum is not just a random assortment of colors; it is a carefully crafted array of hues that enables us to perceive a wide range of colors. The human eye is equipped with photoreceptors called cones, which are sensitive to specific wavelengths within the visiblespectrum. These cones are primarily sensitive to blue, green, and red light, allowing us to perceive the full range of colors visible to the naked eye.The importance of the visible light spectrum extends beyond our ability to see colors. It plays a crucial role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. Chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants, is highly absorbent of blue and red light wavelengths, which are essential for photosynthesis. Without the visible light spectrum, photosynthesis would not be possible,严重影响着整个生态系统的运转。



iatrochemistry 医疗化学ice calorimeter 冰量热器ice color 冰染料ice point 冰点iceland spar 冰洲石ichthyol soap 鱼石脂皂ideal elasticity 完全弹性ideal fluid 理想铃ideal gas 完美气体ideal solution 完美溶液identification 证实iditol 艾杜醇idonic acid 艾杜糖酸idose 艾杜糖igneous rock 火成岩ignitability 可燃性igniter 点火器ignition 点火ignition delay 点火延迟ignition loss 灼烧损失ignition point 着火点ignition residue 灼烧残渣ignition temperature 着火点ignition test 灼热试验ilang ilang oil 衣兰油illuminating gas 照螟illuminating oil 灯油illumination 照明illuminometer 照度计ilmenite 钛铁矿image processing 图象处理imbibition 吸液imidazole 咪唑imide 亚胺imido acid 亚氨酸imino base 亚氨碱iminodiacetic acid 亚氨乙酸imipramine 丙咪嗪imitation leather 人造革immersion 浸润immersion electrode 浸液电极immersion method 液浸法immersion plating 浸镀immersion refractometer 浸没折射率计immiscible 不相混的immiscible solutions 不溶混溶液immobilized enzyme 固定化酶immunity 免疫性immunization 免疫法immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白immunomodulator 免疫第剂immunoregulatory drug 免疫第剂impact 冲击impact elasticity 冲化性impact grinder 冲慧碎机impact resistance 冲还力impact screen 冲桓impact strength 冲豢度impact test 冲辉验impedance 全电阻impenetrability 不可渗透性imperfect combustion 不完全燃烧imperfect fungi 不完全菌imperfect gas 非理想气体imperial red 朱红色impermeability 不渗透性impervious carbon 不渗透性碳implicit function 隐函数implosion 内爆impregnant 浸渍剂impregnation 浸渍impregnation machine 浸渍机improved wood 改性木材impulsive force 冲沪impurity 杂质impurity conduction 杂质传导impurity level 杂质能级inactivation 钝化inactive filler 非活性填充剂incandescence 白炽incendiary agent 燃烧剂incineration 焚化inclination 倾斜inclined retort 斜式甑inclusion 夹杂物inclusion compound 包含化合物inclusion polymerization 笼形包合incommensurate structure 不相称结构incompatibility 不相容性incomplete combustion 不完全燃烧incomplete reaction 不完全反应incompressibility 不可压缩性incompressible fluid 不可压缩铃incongruent melting 异成分熔融incubation 孵化incubator 孵化箱indamine 吲达胺indanthrene 阴丹士林indanthrene dye 阴丹士林染料indazole 吲唑indene 茚independent component 独立组分independent migration law 独立迁移定律index of unsaturation 不饱和指数india paper 印度纸india rubber 橡胶indian red 印度红indican 尿蓝母indicating instrument 指示仪表indicator 指示剂indicator current 指示电流indicator error 指示剂误差indifferent electrolyte 协助电解物indigo 靛indigo blue 靛蓝indigo carmine 蓝胭脂红indigo vat 靛蓝瓮indigoid dye 靛类染料indigosol dye 印地科素染料indigotin 靛蓝indirect analysis 间接分析indirect arc furnace 间接电弧炉indirect determination 间接测定indirect fertilizer 间接肥料indirect oxidation 间接氧化indirect reduction 间接还原indirect substitution 间接取代indispensable amino acid 必需氨基酸indispensable fatty acid 必需脂肪酸indium 铟indium chloride 氯化铟indium hydroxide 氢氧化铟indium nitrate 硝酸铟indium oxide 氧化铟indium sulfate 硫酸铟indium sulfide 硫化铟indogen 靛元基indogenide 靛元化物indole 吲哚indoleacetic acid 吲哚乙酸indolebutyric acid 吲哚丁酸indoline 二氢吲哚indolylacetic acid 吲哚乙酸indophenine 靛吩咛indophenol 靛酚indoxyl 吲羟indoxylic acid 吲羟酸induced electromotive force 感应电动势induced precipitation 诱导沉淀induced reaction 辐射化学反应inducible enzyme 诱导酶inductance 感应系数induction 感应induction coil 感应线圈induction furnace 感应电炉induction heating 感应加热induction period 诱导期induction period of polymerization 聚合反应诱导期inductive effect 感应效应inductor 诱导物indulines 引杜林industrial alcohol 工业用酒精industrial analysis 工业分析industrial chemistry 工业化学industrial gasoline 工业汽油industrial solvent 工业溶剂industrial water 工业用水industrialization 工业化ineffectiveness 无效inelastic scattering 非弹性散射inelasticity 非弹性inert atmosphere 惰性气氛inert filler 惰性填料inert gas 惰性气体inertia 惯性inertial system 惯性系infiltration 渗透infinite dilution 无限稀释inflammability 易燃性inflammation 点火inflation 膨胀information processing 信息处理information retrieval 信息检索information theory 信息论infrared absorption spectrum 红外吸收光谱infrared dichroism 红外二向色性infrared lamp 红外线灯infrared photography 红外线摄影infrared radiation 红外线infrared rays 红外线infrared spectrophotometry 红外分光光度法infrared spectroscopic analysis 红外线分光分析infrared spectrum 红外光谱infrared transmitting glass 透红外线玻璃infrared transparent material 透红外线材料infusion 浸剂infusorial earth 硅藻土ingrain color 显色染料ingredient 拼份inhibition 抑制inhibition of reaction 反应抑制inhibitor 抑制剂initial boiling point 初镏点initial charge 首次充电initial condition 初条件initial product 最初产品initial set 初凝initial value problem 初值问题initiation 开始initiation reaction 引发反应initiator 引发剂injection 喷射injection condenser 喷射冷凝器injection molding 注入成型injector 喷射器ink 墨水ink blue 墨水蓝inner anhydride 内无水物inner complex salt 内络盐inner flame 内焰inner quantum number 内量子数inner salt 内盐inner shell electron 内壳层电子inner shell excitation 内壳电离inner shell ionization 内壳电离inoculation 接种inorganic 无机的inorganic acid 无机酸inorganic analysis 无机分析inorganic base 无机碱inorganic chemistry 无机化学inorganic compound 无机化合物inorganic ferment 无机酶inorganic indicator 无机指示剂inorganic peroxide 无机过氧化物inorganic pigment 无机颜料inorganic polymer 无机高分子inorganic precipitant 无机沉淀剂inorganic substance 无机物inosine 肌苷inosinic acid 肌苷酸inosite 肌醇inositol 肌醇inoxidability 不可氧化性inoxidizability 不可氧化性input 输入insecticide 杀虫剂insertion 插入insolubility 不溶性insoluble anode 不溶性阳极insoluble azo dye 不溶性偶氮染料insoluble matter 不溶解物质insoluble residue 不溶残渣inspection 检查inspissation 浓缩instability 不稳定instability constant 不安定常数instant adhesives 瞬间粘着剂instantaneous exposure 快速曝光instantaneous load 瞬时负荷instrument 仪器仪表instrument oil 仪泼油instrumental analysis 仪浦析instrumental error 仪企差instrumentation 仪表装置insulating brick 隔热砖insulating fire brick 隔热耐火砖insulating oil 绝缘油insulating paper 绝缘纸insulating power 绝缘能力insulating varnish 绝缘清漆insulation 绝缘insulation resistance 绝缘电阻insulator 绝缘体insulin 胰岛素insulinase 胰岛素酶integral 积分integral procedure decomposition temperature 积分过程分解温度integrated circuit 集成电路integrated intensity of reflection 反射累积强度integrating ionization chamber 积分电离室integrating wattmeter 累计瓦特计intensity factor 强度因子intensity of spectral lines 谱线强度intensive property 示强性intensive variable 示强变量interaction 相互酌interatomic distance 原子间距intercalation compound 夹层复合物interchange of heat 热交换interchangeability 互换性intercooler 中间冷却器intercrystalline corrosion 晶间侵蚀interdiffusion 相互扩散interesterification 相互酯化interface 界面interface chemistry 界面化学interface mixing 界面混合interface reaction 界面反应interface resistance 界面抗阻interfacial energy 界面能interfacial film 表面层interfacial free energy 界面自由能interfacial phenomenon 界面现象interfacial polycondensation 界面缩聚interfacial potential 界面位能interfacial tension 界面张力interference 干涉interference filter 干涉滤光片interference fringe 干涉条纹interference spectrometer 干涉光谱仪interfering line 干扰线interfering substance 干扰物质interferometer 干涉仪interferometric analysis 干扰分析interferon 干扰素interfibrillar substance 纤维间质interlayer 间层intermediary metabolism 中间代谢intermediate 中间体intermediate compound 中间化合物intermediate reaction 中间反应intermedin 中叶激素intermetallic compound 金属间化合物intermicellar reaction 胶束间反应intermixture 混合物intermolecular condensation 分子间缩合intermolecular forces 分子间力intermolecular rearrangement 分子间重排internal compensation 内消旋internal conversion 内转换intern(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。


• 由于这些光都是从同一列光分得的,所以 是相干的。
• 这些光是将原入射光的能量(振幅)分为 几部分得到的,被称为分振幅的干涉。
• 仅仅从一个点光源发出的光波,经过薄膜不同表 面的多次反射就可以在各处进行干涉
• 所以,要采用一定的方法或装置,观察某一类光 波的干涉
r t
A3 Atr3t Attr3 Ar3(1 r2 )
A1 ~ A2
t r
An1 Anr2 Anr 2 (n 2)
A1 Att A(1 r 2 ) 振幅相差太大
1 2 345 6 A2 A1r2 A(1 r2 )r2 干涉效果不显著
An1 Anr2 Anr 2
R h R h rj 2Rh
亮条纹的 光程差
rj R( j / 2)
第j级条纹(圆环)的直径 Newton Ring 半径
反射光 rj R( j / 2)
透射光:一列直接透过,另一列在平面和球面间反射后透过, 由于两次反射,无半波损失。
5.1 干涉装置
• 最典型的是杨氏装置 • 将每一列光波分为两列,或多列 • 这些光波列之间有相关联的相位,因而是
相干的 • 所有的干涉装置都是按照这一思路设计的
5.2 分波前的干涉装置
• 一.杨氏干涉 (双孔干涉或双缝干涉) • 每一孔或狭缝都是从光源发出的波场中的
一点,相当于将波前分割,然后相遇、交 叠,进行相干叠加。 • 称为分波前的干涉。 • 关键是设法获得两个或更多个相干的波列。



光热相位光学相干层析成像技术理论说明1. 引言1.1 概述光热相位光学相干层析成像技术,简称光热OCT(Optical Coherence Tomography),是一种利用光的干涉原理进行高分辨率显微成像的无损检测技术。



1.2 文章结构本文将首先介绍光热相位光学相干层析成像技术的基本原理,在此基础上探讨其技术发展历程,并分析其在不同领域中的应用前景。



1.3 目的本文的目的是全面阐述光热相位光学相干层析成像技术及其应用领域,在理论上提供相关知识和深入了解该技术在各领域中所取得的突破和发展。




2. 正文光热相位光学相干层析成像技术是一种基于光学相干层析成像(OCI)和光热效应的新型成像技术,具有非接触、无辐射、高分辨率等特点,并且适用于多种材料的表面和内部结构成像。


2.1 基本原理光热相位光学相干层析成像技术是通过照射样品表面的激光束,利用光热效应产生的温度变化来探测样品内部结构信息。




光电英语词汇(I2)光电英语词汇(I2)光电英语词汇(I2)integrating capaciotor 积分电官integrating circuit 积分电路integrating detector 积分探测器integrating exposure meter 积分曝光计integrating filter 积分滤波器integrating motor 积分电动机integrating photmeter 积分光度计integrating photometer 积分光度计integrating sphere 积分球integrating spheres 积分球integration circuit 积分电路integration constant 积分常数integration filter 积分滤波器integrator (1)积分器(2)积累器intelligence (1)智能(2)情报,信息intenisty of spectral line 谱线强度intense colour 强色intense laser radiation 强激光辐射intense light pulse 强光脉冲intense light source 强光源intense tunable ir source 强可调红外源intensification 增强,强光intensified vidicon 增强视像摄影管intensifier 增强器intensifying foil 箔制增光屏intensity 强度intensity control 强度控制intensity convolution integral 强度卷积积分intensity diffration pattern 强度衍射图样intensity distriubtion 强度分布intensity fluctuation 强度起伏intensity impulse response 强度脉冲响应intensity interferometer 光强干涉仪intensity level 强度级intensity modulation 强度调制intensity of color 色强度intensity of ilumination 照明强度,照度intensity of pressure 压强intensity scale esneitometer 光强感光度计intensity spectrum 强度谱intensity transfer function 强度传递函数intensive reflector 强光反射镜inter-frame redundancy 帧间多余信息inter-image effect 像界效应inter-relation 相互关系interactive 交互作用的interacvity (1)内共振腔,内腔(2)腔内interatomic collisions 原子间碰撞interaxial angle 轴间角interaxial mode beat frequency 轴间模拍频interband transition 带间跃迁intercalibration 相互校准intercept ground-based optical recorder 监听地面光记录仪interchangable lens 可换镜头interchangeability 交换性,互换性interchangeable lens 可互换透镜interchangeable mirror 可换反射镜interconersion 相互转化intercorrelation 相互关intercoupling 寄生耦合intercrystalline 晶粒间的intercrystalline barrier 晶间势垒interdiffusion 相互扩散interelectrode 极间的interelectrode capacitance 极际电容interelectronic 电子间的interface (1)界面(2)相互关系interface energy 分界面能interface scattering 界面散射interfacial angle 晶面角interfacial film 界面膜interference (1)千涉(2)干扰interference absorber 干涉吸收体interference color 干涉色interference colors 干扰色interference condition 干涉条件interference contrast 干涉对比interference contrast microscopy 干涉对比显微术interference drag 干涉曳力,干涉阻力interference figure 干涉图形interference filter 干涉滤光器interference filters 干涉滤光镜interference fit 干涉配合interference fringe 干涉条纹interference function 干涉函数interference grating 干涉光栅interference inverter 干涉反演器interference microscope 干涉显微镜interference microscopy 干涉显微术interference modulation 千涉调制interference of equal inclination 等倾干涉interference of equal thickness 等厚干涉interference of light 光的干涉interference of overlapping of orders 叠级干涉interference order 千涉级interference path difference 干程程差interference pattern 干涉图形interference reflector 干涉反射镜interference ring 干涉环,干涉圈interference spectrometer 干涉光谱计interference spectroscope 干涉分光镜interference spectroscopy 干涉分光光谱学interference spectrum 干涉光谱interference surface micrscope 表面干涉显微镜interference tube 干涉管interference wave 干涉波interference-free (1)无干涉的(2)无干扰的interferences/differential interference contrast microscopes 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对interferend refractometer 干涉折射计interfermetric micrscopy 干涉测量显微术interfermetric radiometer 干涉辐射计interferogram 干涉图interferogram technique 干涉图技术interferography 干涉像术interferometer 干涉仪interferometer modes 干涉仪类型interferometer optics 干涉仪光学interferometer spectroadimeter 干涉分光辐射计interferometric calorimetry 干涉测热术interferometric filter 干涉滤光片interferometric null method 干涉测量零点法interferometry 干涉量度学interferoscope 干涉镜interfringe 条纹间的intergalactic space 星系际空间intergating gyroscope 积分回旋器,积分陀螺interior focusing 内调焦interior screw 内螺旋interior sub-multiple angles 内等分角interiror focusing telescope 内调焦望远镜interlaced scanning 隔行扫描interlayer 界层,隔层interlayer effect 界层效层interleave scanning 隔行扫描interlock (1)联锁,闭锁(2)连接interlocking device 联锁装置intermediary image 中间像intermediate axle 中间轴intermediate fequency 中频intermediate frequency (if)中频intermediate frequency transformer 中频变压器intermediate gear 中速齿轮,二档齿轮intermediate herschek effect 中度赫谢效应intermediate image 中间成像intermediate infrared region 中红外区intermediate level 中间能级intermediate wae 中波intermediate-index layer 中间折射率层intermeshed scannning 隔行扫描intermetallic compound semiconductor 金属间化合物半导体intermittency effect 断续效应intermittent camer 断续式摄影机intermittent exposure 断续曝光intermittent illumination 断续照明intermittent noise 断续噪声intermittent sprocket 断续链轮intermode beats 模间拍intermode spacing frequecny 模间间隔频率intermodulation 互调intermodulation distortion 互调变失真,模间失真intermodulation effect 互调制效应intermodulation interference 互调干扰internal 内部的internal absorptance 内吸收比internal absorption factor 内吸收因数internal adjustment scope 内调式瞄准镜internal calibration 内校准internal caliper gage 内径卡规internal conical refraction 内锥形折射internal conversion 内转换internal defocusing 内散焦internal dial gage 内径千分表internal diamteter 内径internal exposure (1)内曝光(2)内照射internal field 内场internal focusing 内调焦internal focusing telescope 内调焦望远镜internal gating 内选通,内开关作用internal gauge 内径规internal measuring instrument 内径测量仪器internal photoeffect 内部效应internal photoelectric effect 内部光电效应internal photolectric effect 内光电效应internal quanntum efficiency 内量子效率internal reflection 内反射internal reflective cavity 内反射腔internal reflector 内反射镜internal scanned laser 内扫描激光器internal self-defocusing 内自散焦internal self-focusing 内自聚焦internal standard 内标准internal standard line 内标准线internal stress 内胁强,内应力internal surface 内表面internal transmittance 内透射比internal-standard line 内标线internally loss modulated laser 内损耗调制激光器internally modulated gas laser 内调制气体激光器internally phase modulated laser 内相位调制激光器internation standard 国际标准international bureau of weights and measures 国际计量局international coulomb 国际库仑international organization for standardization (iso)国际标准化组织international organization of legal metrology 国际法制计量组织international prototype 国际原型international standard atmosphere 国际标准大气压international standardization association (i.s.a)国际标准化协会international system of units (si system)国际单位制international telecommunication satellite consortium (intelsat)国际通信卫星组织internnational candle 国际烛光interocular distance 瞳孔间距离interocular kistance 眼珠间距interorder distance 干涉带间距interphako interference microscopy 显微剪切干涉术interphase transformer 相间变压器interplanar distance 晶面间距interplanetary 行星际的interplanetary communication 行星际通interplanetary navigtion 行星际导航interplanetary space 太空interplanetrary flight 行星际航行interplay 相互作用interpolating coding area 插值编码区域interpolation 插值法,插值,内插法interpolation error 插值误仪interpolation formula 插值公式interpolation function 插值函数interpole 间极interpretation (1)解释,翻译(2)译码interpreter 直译程式,转译程式interpreter code 伪码interpretoscope 判读机interpupillary adjustment 光瞳间距调节interpupillary distance 瞳间距离interpupillary distance (ipd)光瞳间距调节interpupillometer 光瞳间距仪interrupt 中断,岔断interrupt flip-flop 中断触发器interrupted wae 间歇波interrupter (1)断续器(2)斩波器interrupter disk 斩光盘interruption (1)中断(2)阻挡interscan 中间扫描intersecting axle 交叉轴intersecting line 交叉线intersection (1)交叉(2)交叉intersection point 交点interspace (1)间隙(2)星际interstage 级际的,级间的interstellar absorption lines 星际吸收线interstellar gas 星际气体interstellar line 星际谱线interstellar spectrum 星际谱interstellar vehicle 星际飞船interstital site 填隙座interstitial fibre 隙间光纤intersymobl interference 码间干扰intersystem crossing tansition 系际交叉跃迁interval (1)间隔(2)区间intervalometer 曝光控制器intesifying cscreen 增光屏intraacvity loss modulation 腔内损失制intraband photoconductivity 带内光电导性intrabeam viewing 光束内视intracavity acoustic modulation 腔内声调制intracavity diffraction grating 腔内衍射光栅intracavity electroptic modulator 内腔式电光调解制器intracavity gas laser 内腔式气体激光器intracavity laser modulation 腔内激光调制intracavity prism 内腔式棱镜intracity dye-laser 内腔式染料激光器intracvavity resonantor 内腔式共振器intracvity image converter 内腔式变像管intralens reflection 透镜内反射intramodal distortion 模内畸变intramode 模内intraocular 眼内的intraocular fluid 眼内充填用液体intraocular gas 眼内充填用气体intraocular lens 人工水晶体intraocular lens guide 人工水晶体导引器intraocular pressure measuring device 眼内压测试装置intraretional 视网膜内的intravity phase modulation 腔内相调制intrinsic 本徵的,固有的,内禀的intrinsic brighness 固有亮度intrinsic carrier 本徵载流子intrinsic crystal 本徵晶体intrinsic defect 内在缺陕intrinsic detector 本微探测器intrinsic error 固有误差intrinsic flux density 本质通量密度intrinsic germanjum photodiode 本徵锗光电二极管intrinsic impedance 固有阻抗intrinsic linewidth 本徵线宽intrinsic loss 本徵损失intrinsic photoconductior 本徵光电导体intrinsic photoconductivity 内禀光电导性intrinsic photoemission 内禀光电发射intrinsic scattering 本徵散射intrinsic semiconductor 本徵半导体intrinsic transistor 本征晶体管introscope 内窥镜,内视镜intrusion detector 插入式探测器invar 殷钢invar tape 殷钢带invariance (1)不变性(2)不变式invariance of liner systemm 线性系统不变性invariant 不变量invariant scalar 不变标量inverse 倒逆,反向,倒置inverse bremsstrahlung 逆轫致辐射inverse compton effect 倒康普顿效应inverse correlation 逆相关inverse feedback 贫反馈inverse fllter 逆滤波器inverse fourier transform 傅里叶逆变换inverse matrix 逆矩阵inverse peak voltage 逆向峰值电压inverse piezoelectric effect 光电逆效应inverse problem 可逆问题,倒问题inverse proportion 反比例inverse raman effect 倒喇曼效应inverse raman scattering 反转喇曼散射inverse ratio 反比inverse relaxation 反弛豫inverse square law 平方反比率inverse stark effect 倒斯塔克效应inverse transform 逆变换inverse trigonometrical function 反三角函数inverse voltage 反转电压inverse zeeman effect 侧塞曼效应inverse-frequency spectrum 反转频谱inversion level 反转能级inversion mechanism 反转机制inversion prism 倒像棱镜inversion pump rate 反转抽运速率inversion symmetry (1)反向对称(2)镜面对称invert unit 倒相器inverted image 倒像棱镜inverted lamb dip 倒兰姆凹陷inverted microscope 倒显微镜inverted population density 反转粒子数密度inverted spectral term 倒光谱项inverted t-slot 倒丁字槽inverted telectphoto objective 倒远摄物镜inverted telphoto lens 倒远距照相镜inverter (1)变换器(2)倒相器(3)转换开关invertibility 可逆性invertible matrix 可泄矩阵inverting eyepiece 倒像目镜inverting parametric device 倒反参变装置inverting prism 倒像棱镜inverting range finder 倒像测距仪invesrsion spectrum 反转谱invisible chromatogram 不可见色谱图invisible light filter 不可见光滤波器invisible light filters 不可见的光滤器invisible line (1)隐线,虚线(2)不可见谱线invisible radiation 不可见辐射invisible ray 不可见射线invisible spectrum 不可见辐射谱involute 渐开线,渐伸线involute curfe 渐开线齿轮involute gear 渐开线齿条involute rack 渐开线齿条involute tester 渐开线检查仪involute worm 渐开线蜗杆involution (1)乘方(2)对立inwall 内壁inward curving field 向内弯曲场iodide 碘化物iodine (i)碘iodine cycle 碘循环iodine laser 碘激光器iodine photodissociation laser 碘光解激光器iodine stabilized laser 碘稳频激光器iodine tungste filament lamp 碘钨灯ion 离子ion activity electrode 离子活性电极ion avalanche 离子雪崩ion beam 离子束ion bombardment 离子虫击ion chamber 离子室ion choncentration 离子浓度ion contamination 离子污染ion emission 离子发射ion exchange 离子交换ion exchange chromatorgraphy 离子交换色谱法ion exchange resion 离子交换脂ion exchange technique 离子交换技术ion focujsing 离子聚焦ion gas laser 离子气体激光器ion grid theory 离子栅极说ion image 离子像ion implantation 离子注入ion implantation equipment 离子植入机ion laser 离子激光器ion microprobe mass spectrometer 离子探针质谱仪ion microscope 离子显微镜ion mobility 离子迁移率ion pair 离子对ion polishing 离子抛光ion tarnsition 离子跃迁ion-acoustic fluctuation 离子声起伏ion-acoustic turblence 离子声湍流ion-diple bond 离子偶极键ion-exchange electrolyte cell 离子交换电解电池ion-heated cathode 离子加热阴极ionic birefringence 离子双折射ionic bonding force 离子链合力ionic crystal 离子晶体ionic focusing 离子聚焦ionic link 离子键ionic polarizaton 离子极化ionium (io)锾ionization 电离,离子化ionization chamber 电离室,游离室ionization energy 电离能ionization gauge 电离规ionization potential 电离电位ionization spectrometer 游离分光计ionization time 电离时间ionization vacuum gauge 游离真空计ionization voltage 电离电压ionized acceptor 离子化受主ionized argon laser 氩离子激光器ionized gas 电离气体,离子化气体ionized laser plasma 电离激光等离子体ionized layer 电离层ionized stratum 电离层ionizing radiation 致电离辐射ionogam 电离圆ionography 离子摄影ionosphere 电离层ionospheric storm 电离层风暴ionospheric wave 电离层波iontegration (1)积分法(2)集成iosotope mixture 同位素混合物ir airglow 红外大气光辉光ir camouflage-dectection camera 假目标红外探测相机ir detector 红外探测器ir diode laser 红外二极管激光器ir filter 红外滤光片ir fringe computer 红外条纹计算机ir guided warhead 红外制导弹头ir horizon sensor 红外地平传感器ir imaging senor 红外热像仪ir laser tracker ranger 红外激跟踪测距仪ir modulated ellipsometry 红外调制椭圆测量术ir optical component 红外光学部件ir phosphor 红外磷光体ir picture 红外图像ir recording equipment 红外记录仪ir response 红外响应ir scanning camera 红外扫描照相机ir seeker 红外寻的器,红外搜索器ir senor 红外传感器ir window 红外窗ir-aimed lidar 红外瞄准激光雷达ir-radiometer 红外辐射计ir-transmission glass 透红外玻璃iraser (1)红外激射(2)红外激射器irdome 红外整流罩iridescence 虹彩iridescent color 彩虹色iridium (ir)铱irirs change mechmaism 可变光阑变化机制iris (1)虹膜(2)可变光阑iris aperture 可变光阑孔径iris blade 可变光阑片iris diaphragm 可变光阑iris diaphrams (stops),apertures 虹膜光阑,孔径iris mount 可变光阑套iris photometer 可变光阑光度计iris ring 可变光阑环iron (fe)铁iron arc 铁电弧iron oxidfe 氧化铁iron sulfide film 硫化铁膜irradiance 辐照度irradiant (1)光照的(2)光亮的irradiated gas 受辐照气体irradiated surface 受辐照表面irradiation (1)发光(2)辐照(3)光渗irradiation bomb 照明弹irradiator 辐照器irradome 红外整流罩irrationa dispesion 无理色散,不规则色散irrational (1)无理数(2)无理的irreducible matricx 不可约阵irreflexive 漫反射的irregar array irrelevant image 不相关像irreqularity 不规则性irreueible componet 不可射成分irreversibility 不可逆性irreversible circulation 不可逆循环irreversible laser damage 不可逆激光损伤irreversible reaction 不可逆反应irrgular movement 不规则运动irrgular reflection 不规则反射irrgular refraction 不规院折射irrgular spiking 不规则尖峰irrgularity of inter-ference fringe 干涉条纹不规则性irrotational (1)无旋的,非旋转的(2)非旋光的irrotational vector 无旋矢量irtran-i 艾尔特兰-i irtran-ii 艾尔特兰-ii irtron 红外光雷管ischromtic stimuli 等色剌激iscolinic 等倾线isentropic (1)等熵线(2)等熵的isis wave-beam device 可变光阑波束装置islometer (1)同分异构体(2)同质累能素iso code 国际标准码iso speed standard 国际感光度标准isobar (1)等压线(2)同量异位素isobric line 等压线isocandela diagram 等烛光图isocandla diagram 等烛光图isochromatic 等色的isochromatic (orthochromatic)等色的isochromatic line 等色线isochromatic lines 等色线isochromatics 等色性isochromatics-isopachices patern 等色-等厚线图样isochronis, 等时性isochronous scanning 同步扫描isocmetric projection 等角投影isodiffusion surface 等漫射面isodivs 等布图isoelastic 等弹性的isoelcectronic transition 等电子跃迁isoelectronic sequence 等电子数序isogonic mapping 等角测绘isogonic tranformation 等角变换isogyre 同消色线isohedral 等面的isolation (1)绝绿(2)隔离isolation mounting 隔离装置isolator (1)绝缘体(2)隔离器isoline 等值器isomeride 同分异构体isomerism 同质异能性isometric (1)等轴的,立方的(2)等量的isometric system 立方晶系isometrics 等体积线,等容线isometropia 同等视觉isomrorphis 同晶性,同构性isomrphic substance 同晶型物质isopach 等厚线isopache measurment 等厚测量isopanchromatic film 等全色胶片isophase 等相线isophlanatic image formation 等晕成像isophote 等照度线isophotometer 等光度计isoplanatic 等平面的isoplanatic condition 等晕条件isoplanatic patch 等晕面元isoplanatic region 等晕区isoplanatism 等晕现象isopreference curves 等如曲线isorotation 等旋光度isorphous crystal 同形晶体isospace 同空间isosrbs 等吸收isostaic ajdusment 均衡调整isotemperature line 等温线isotherm 等温线isothermal solid region 等温固态区isotojpic abundance 同位素丰度isotope 同位素isotope enrichment 同位素浓缩isotope excitation 同位素激发isotope lamp 同位素灯isotope separation 同位素分离isotope shift 同位素移动isotrocpic material 各向同性材料isotropic 各自同性的isotropic crystal 各向同性晶体isotropic material 各向同性材料isotropic medium 各向同性媒质isotropic radiator 各自同性辐射体isotropic resolution 各向同性分解isotropic scatterning 各向同性散射isotropism 各向同性现像isotropy 各向同性itensified image 增强像iteration correction 迭代校正iterative method 迭代法itercnnection 互连iterfermetry 干涉量度学itermolecvular 分子间的itersatllite communication 卫星间通信itnersection height 交点高度ito glass substrate 导电膜玻璃基板itracavity modulation 腔内调制itv 工业电视iversion density 反转密度ivory 象牙色光电英语词汇(I2) 相关内容:。



非对称马赫-曾德尔干涉仪型不等带宽光学梳状滤波器章宝歌;李碧琦;鲁彦【摘要】为提高光交错复用器系统带宽的有效利用率,满足系统中不同传输速率对带宽的要求,针对信道间隔为50 GHz的输入信号提出了新的非对称MZI型不等带宽光学梳状滤波器,研究了该系统的输出谱和制作方法.基于光纤传输理论分析了设计构成,给出了输出谱表达式及设计中所需要的实验参量.当滤波器的两对光纤干涉臂长度差相等,各耦合器的耦合系数选取适当时,该器件实现了奇偶信道上不等带宽输出,可分别用于10 Gb/s和40 Gb/s传输,信道间隔为0.8 nm,信道隔离度>25 dB;分析还发现该器件对3个耦合器的耦合参数不敏感.实验表明:该器件不仅能实现不等带宽输出功能,在实际制作过程中还由于器件对耦合器的耦合参数要求不是十分严格而降低了器件实际制作难度,因此具有实用价值.【期刊名称】《光学精密工程》【年(卷),期】2010(018)010【总页数】6页(P2150-2155)【关键词】光纤耦合器;马赫-曾德尔干涉仪;不等带宽;光学梳状滤波器【作者】章宝歌;李碧琦;鲁彦【作者单位】兰州交通大学,自动化与电气工程学院,甘肃,兰州,730070;兰州城市学院,数学学院,甘肃,兰州,730070;西南交通大学,峨眉校区电气工程系,四川,峨眉,614202【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN253;TN7131 引言目前,密集波分复用(DWDM)技术已成为发展高速大容量全光通信网的主流技术之一,而DWDM系统的核心器件之一是光波分复用/解复用器。





太赫兹透镜材料是用于制造太赫兹波段(频率范围在0.1 THz到10 THz之间)透镜的材料。


1. 透过太赫兹波段的高透过率:太赫兹波段的传输特性与其他频段有所不同,因此透镜材料需要具备高透过率来保证太赫兹波的有效传输。

2. 较低的衰减率:太赫兹波段的透射受到材料的衰减影响,因此透镜材料需要具备较低的衰减率,以减少信号损失。

3. 高折射率和低色散:太赫兹透镜材料需要具备适当的折射率来实现光的聚焦,并且需要具备低色散性质,以保持波束的稳定性。

4. 耐热性和化学稳定性:太赫兹透镜材料需要能够在高温环境下稳定工作,并且对化学物质具有良好的稳定性。






photoelectric liquid-level indicator 光电液位指示器photoelectric encoder 光电译码器photocathode 光电阴极photoelectric cathode photoelectric cell 光电阴极光电管photoelectric fluorometer 光电荧光计optical-electronic mail address recognizer 光电邮件地址识别机photoelectric threshold 光电阈photoelectric cell 光电元件photoelement 光电元件photounit 光电元件photoelectric reader 光电阅读器photoreader 光电阅读器photoelectric chopper 光电斩波器photoelectric lighting control 光电照明控制electro-optical rectifier 光电整流器photoelectric direct reading spectrometer 光电直读光谱计photoelectric guidance 光电制导photoelectric transit instrument 光电中星仪photoelectric clock 光电钟photoelectric translating system 光电转换系统photoelectric conversion efficiency 光电转换效率photoelectrical refrigeration 光-电转换制冷photoelectric tachometer 光电转速计photoelectronics 光电装置photoelectric turbidimeter 光电浊度计photonephelometer 光电浊度计photoelectron 光电子photoelectric yield 光电子产额optical electronic reproducer 光电子唱头optoelectronic memory 光电子存储optoelectronic storage 光电子存储optoelectronic storage 光电子存储器photoelectronic 光电子的photoelectric emission 光电子发射photoelectron emission spectroscopy 光电子发射能谱学optoelectronic amplifier 光电子放大器photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子光谱学photoelectron counting 光电子计数angular distribution of photoelectron 光电子角度分布optoelectronic switch 光电子开关energy distribution of photoelectron 光电子能量分布photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子能谱学photoelectron spectroscopy 光电子谱法optoelectronic modulator 光电子调制器photoelectron statistics 光电子统计学photoelectron image 光电子图像photoelectronic phenomena 光电子现象optical electronics 光电子学optoelectronics 光电子学photoelectronics 光电子学optoelectronic 光电子学的optoelectronic shutter 光电子学光闸electrooptical character recognition 光电字符识别light resistance 光电阻optical superposing 光叠加photodynamic inactivation 光动力钝化作用photodynamic substance 光动力物质photodynamics 光动力学photodynamic action 光动力作用photokinesis 光动态photokinesis 光动性photodinesis 光动状态photosensing marker 光读出标记luminosity 光度photometric scale 光度标photometric standard 光度标准photometric parameter 光度参数photometric measurement 光度测量photometry 光度测量method of photometric interpolation 光度插入法photometric unit 光度单位photometric titration 光度滴定photometric titration 光度滴定法photometry 光度法light-distribution photometer 光度分布计photometric pyrometer 光度高温计photometric orbit 光度轨道- 食双星luminosity function 光度函数photometric integrator 光度积分器photometric integrating sphere 光度积分球photometric primary standard 光度基准器luminosity class 光度级optimeter 光度计photometer 光度计photometric computer 光度计算机photometric calibration 光度校准photometric distance 光度距离photometric aperture 光度孔径photometric paradox 光度矛盾luminosity curve 光度曲线photometric parallax 光度视差photometric binary 光度双星- 即食双星photometric bench 光度台overluminous star 光度特大恒星photometric system 光度系统luminosity rate 光度效率luminosity class 光度型γ photometry γ光度学photometry 光度学luminosity evolution 光度演化luminosity paradox 光度佯谬photometric paradox 光度佯谬telephotometry 光度遥测法telephotometry 光度遥测术photometric diameter 光度直径photodimerization 光二聚photodimerization 光二聚作用luminous emittance 光发射度light emitting diode 光发射二极管photoemissivity 光发射能力optical emission spectrography 光发射摄谱学photocell 光发射元件optical transmitter 光发送机light valve 光阀photovalve 光阀light valve display 光阀显示light valve array 光阀阵列photon sail 光帆light reflex 光反射luminous reflectance 光反射比ρ light reaction 光反应photoreaction 光反应photoreactive chlorophyll 光反应性叶绿素light amplifier 光放大器optical amplifier 光放大器photolysis 光分解photovoltaic device 光伏器件photovoltaic sensor 光伏式传感器photovoltaic transducer 光伏式传感器photovoltaic detector 光伏探测器photovoltaic effect 光伏效应solar photovoltaic energy system 光伏型太阳能源系统optical character recognition 光符号识别optical character recognition 光符识别optical character recognition application 光学字符识别应用optical character recognition device 光符识别装置light radiation 光辐射optical radiation 光辐射optical radiation standard 光辐射标准器photoreactivation 光复活photoreactivating enzyme 光复活酶photoreactivating deficient mutant 光复活缺陷突变型photoreactivation repair 光复活修复photoreactivation 光复活作用optical interferometry 光干涉量度学polished rod 光杆stroke of polished rod 光杆冲程polished rod horsepower 光杆功率position of polished rod 光杆位置light sensation 光感sensillum opticum 光感器photoreception 光感受photoreceptor 光感受器photoreception 光感受作用optical lever 光杠杆opto-isolator 光隔离器photoisolator 光隔离器optical tracking satellite 光跟踪卫星optical tracker system 光跟踪系统optical tracking system 光跟踪系统mechanical equivalent of light 光功当量optical soliton 光孤子photo-curing 光固化light-cured composite 光固化复合树脂photocurable polyimide 光固化聚酰亚胺light-cured resin 光固化树脂photocureable coating 光固化涂料light curring unit 光固化装置X-ray tube X光管bare pipe 光管light pipe 光管light-pipe optics 光管光学optical track 光盘轨optical track pitch 光轨间距light-compass reaction 光晷反应smooth roll 光辊photosensitivity 光过敏photosensitization 光过敏bare electrode 光焊条photosynthetic ratio 光合比photosynthetic number 光合比值photosynthate 光合产物photosynthetic product 光合产物photosynthetic unit 光合单位photosynthetic 光合的photosynthetic electron transport 光合电子传递photosynthetic activity 光合活性photophosphorylation 光合磷酸化photophosphorylase 光合磷酸化酶optical combiner 光合路器photosynthetic intensity 光合强度photosynthetic pigment 光合色素photosynthetic quotient 光合商photosynthetic carbon metabolism 光合碳代谢Calvin cycle 光合碳还原环photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle 光合碳还原环photosystem 光合体系photosynthetic bacteria 光合细菌photosynthetic efficiency 光合效率photoheterotroph 光合异养生物photosynthetic active radiation 光合有效辐射photosynthetically active radiation 光合有效辐射photoautotrophic 光合自养的photosynthetic tissue 光合组织photosynthesis 光合作用epipelagic 光合作用带的photosynthesis science 光合作用科学photosynthesis physiology 光合作用生理学photosynthetic bacteria 光合作用细菌photonuclear reaction 光核反应Prunus mira Koehne. 光核桃smooth pit peach 光核桃photonucleon 光核子optically thick medium 光厚介质- 光深τ>1的介质photorespiration 光呼吸photorespiration 光呼吸作用smooth approximation 光滑逼近smooth boundary 光滑边界glare ice 光滑冰smooth invariant measure 光滑不变测度smooth measure 光滑测度smooth hypersurface 光滑超曲面slickens 光滑冲积层glassy 光滑的glossy 光滑的laevigate 光滑的laevigatus 光滑的laevis 光滑的levigate 光滑的sleek 光滑的smooth point 光滑点smooth two-dimensional manifold 光滑二维流形smoothing equation 光滑方程smooth function 光滑函数smoothing function 光滑函数smooth kernel 光滑核smoothing problem 光滑化问题slick joint 光滑接头smooth structure 光滑结构smoothing solution 光滑解smooth colony 光滑型菌落smooth manifold 光滑流形smooth plane curve 光滑平面曲线smooth surface 光滑曲面smooth curve 光滑曲线smoothing operator 光滑算子smooth broach 光滑髓针smooth core rotor 光滑铁心转子smooth type 光滑型smooth sequence 光滑序列smooth map 光滑映射smooth mapping 光滑映射actinic glass 光化玻璃Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence 光化当量的爱因斯坦定律actinic 光化的actinoelectricity 光化电photoionization 光化电离actinicity 光化度actinism 光化度photochemical reaction 光化反应actinic radiation 光化辐射actinic focus 光化焦点actinic green 光化绿actinic green glass 光化绿玻璃actinic rays 光化射线actinicity 光化性actinic chemistry 光化学actinochemistry 光化学actinology 光化学photochemistry 光化学chemosphere 光化学层photochemical rearrangement 光化学重排first law of photochemistry 光化学第一定律photochemical cell 光化学电池photochemical kinetics 光化学动力学photochemical reaction 光化学反应reaction kinetics of photochemistry 光化学反应动力学photochemical process 光化学过程photochemically reactive hydrocarbons 光化学活性碳氢化合物photochemical processing 光化学加工photochemical crosslinking 光化学交联photochemotherapy 光化学疗法photochemical equilibrium 光化学平衡photo chemical vapor deposition 光化学气相沉积Photo-CVD 光化学气相沉积photochemical stability 光化学稳定性photochemical pollutant 光化学污染物photochemical fog 光化学雾photochemical smog 光化学烟雾photochemical smog kinetics 光化学烟雾动力学photochemical oxidant 光化学氧化剂photochemical transformation 光化学转化photochemical smog 光化烟雾photochemical induction 光化学诱导actinism 光化作用photoreduction 光还原ring of light 光环sight reticle camera 光环摄影机halo effect 光环效应photopsy 光幻觉lumiflavin 光黄素light fog 光灰雾mithramycin 光辉霉素photoactivation 光活化photoactive reaction 光活化反应optical active matter 光活性剂optical active polymer 光活性聚合物X-ray machine X光机opto-mechanical scanner 光机扫描器optical-mechanical scanner 光机扫描仪optical-mechanical system 光机系统light distortion 光畸变photothyristor 光激半导体闸流管photostimulated ionization 光激电离optically active material 光激活材料light-activated switch 光激开关light-activated silicon controlled switch 光激可控硅开关light-activated silicon controlled rectifier 光激可控硅整流器photo-SCR 光激可控硅整流器photoexcitation 光激励phototonus 光激性photoluminescence 光激荧光现象photokinesis 光激运动post-maximum spectrum 光极大后光谱optical integrated circuit 光集成电路optical computer 光计算机optical recording 光记录optical recording media 光记录媒体optical relay 光继电器Aglaspida 光甲目Anoplophora glabripennis 光肩星天牛optical detector 光检测器photodetector 光检测器light degradation 光降解photodegradation 光降解photodegradable polymer 光降解聚合物light step 光阶optical receiver 光接收器bareface fabric 光洁不起绒织物bright quenching 光洁淬火clean hardening 光洁淬火finish 光洁度smooth finish 光洁度smoothness 光洁度roughness meter 光洁度计clean thread 光洁螺纹clean-cut timber 光洁木材photodecomposition 光解photolysis 光解作用protolysis 光解反应叶绿素photodissociation 光解离photolytic silver 光解银photomeson 光介子photopion nuclear physics 光π介子核物理学optotransistor 光晶体管optical path 光径radius-luminosity relation 光径关系light microscope 光镜optical moment 光矩optical system 光具组optical bench 光具座bench photometer 光具座式光度计photo polymerization 光致聚合photopolymer 光聚合物photopolymerization 光聚作用optical switch 光开关photoengraving 光刻photoetching 光刻photolithography 光刻photoetching material 光刻材料photoetching 光刻法photolithographic process 光刻工艺photolithography technique 光刻工艺mask aligner 光刻机photolithography limitation 光刻极限photoetch integrated circuit 光刻集成电路photoetching technique 光刻技术photoresist 光刻胶photolithographic diffusion window 光刻扩散窗口photoetch pattern 光刻图案photolithographic mask layer 光刻掩蔽层photolithographic masking operation 光刻掩蔽工序phototched mask 光刻掩摸light writer 光刻字机aperture color 光孔色photophobia 光恐怖Raysistor 光控变阻器photoelectroluminescence 光控电致发光optically controlled gyro compass 光控回转罗盘photorelay 光控继电器photo-thyristor 光控晶闸管light-operated switch 光控开关photoswitch 光控开关photoimpact 光控脉冲light-dependent control element 光控元件optical control 光控制diaphragm 光阑diaphragm setting 光阑定位diaphragm aperture 光阑孔径diaphragm servomotor 光阑驱动伺服电动机diaphragm lens 光阑透镜optical cable 光缆optical fiber cable 光缆optical fibre cable 光缆optical cable distribution system 光缆分配系统optical cable splice 光缆接头optical cable connector 光缆连接器optical cable connector adapter 光缆连接器转接座optical cable driver 光缆驱动器optical cable communication 光缆通信optical cable assembly 光缆组件light aging 光老化lidar 激光雷达optical radar 光雷达photoionization 光离子化photoionization detector 光离子化检测器photomechanics 光测力学optomechanics 光力学granulation 光粒组织optical connector 光连接器optical link 光链路glitter 光亮clean annealing 光亮退火bright quenching oil 光亮淬火油nitid 光亮的nitidum 光亮的bright plating 光亮电镀bright current density range 光亮电流密度范围luminance 光亮度luminance brightness 光亮度bright plating 光亮镀gilding brass 光亮黄铜brightener 光亮剂brightening agent 光亮剂bright pickling 光亮浸蚀bright drawing 光亮拉丝bright coal 光亮煤bright heat treatment 光亮热处理bright heat treatment wire 光亮热处理钢丝bright adaptation 光亮适应luminous quantities 光亮数量bright annealing 光亮退火light annealing 光亮退火bright annealing furnace 光亮退火炉bright stock 光亮油料Lampridiformes 光亮鱼目magnitude of light 光量quantity of light 光量actinography 光量测定法photometry 光量法light control 光量控制light control tape 光量控制带light control characteristic 光量控制特性light quantum 光量子photon 光量子optical quantum counter tube 光量子计数管quantum theory of light 光量子论phototherapy 光疗light therapy 光疗法photophosphorylation 光合磷酸化作用optical homodyne detection 光零差探测light stream 光流photohalogenation 光卤化carnallite 光卤石photographic recording 光录声optical path 光路optical path length 光路长度reversibility of optical path 光路可逆性optical filter 光滤波器smooth millboard 光面纸板smooth-surfaced roofing 光面屋面halo blight 光轮疫病halonate 光轮状light-compass orientation 光罗盘定向blank bolt 光螺栓pulsed light 光脉冲optical pulse generator 光脉冲发生器amplification of light pulse 光脉冲放大photo-impulses counting 光脉冲计数optical pulse counter 光脉冲计数器optical pulse counting 光脉冲记数compression of light pulse 光脉冲压缩compression technique of light pulse 光脉冲压缩技术photogermination 光萌发optical density 光密度light densitometer 光密度计optically denser medium 光密介质streamer 光幂grain side 光面bright steel wire 光面钢丝refacer 光面机plain arch 光面拱skidding tire 光面轮胎smooth tread tyre 光面轮胎smooth endoplasmic reticulum 光面内质网smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum 光面内质网Leiotriletes 光面三缝孢属glossy paper 光面相纸glossy print 光面照片glassy millboard 光面纸板plane ashlar 光面琢石light sensing 光敏photovaristor 光敏变阻器photosensitive glass 光敏玻璃phototropic glass fiber 光敏玻璃纤维photoconductive film 光敏薄膜photosensitizer 光敏材料light sensitive layer 光敏层photodarlington 光敏达林顿放大器light sensitive 光敏的photosensitive 光敏的light sensitive cell 光敏电池photo-potentiometer 光敏电位器photovaristor 光敏电阻photoresistor 光敏电阻light sensitive resistance ceramics 光敏电阻瓷photoresistor ceramics 光敏电阻瓷light sensitive resistor 光敏电阻器ligt resistor 光敏电阻器photo-resistor 光敏电阻器light sensitive diode 光敏二极管photosensitive diode 光敏二极管optical sensor 光敏感器photo-sensor 光敏感器photosensitivity 光敏感性light sensor 光敏感元件photosensor 光敏感元件photosensitivity disorder 光敏感障碍light sensitive seed 光敏感种子light-sensitive tube 光敏管photosensitive tube 光敏管photosensitization 光敏化photosensitizer 光敏剂light sensitive relay 光敏继电器photosensitive relay 光敏继电器photosensitive detector 光敏检波器photosensitive adhesive 光敏胶粘剂actinodielectric 光敏介电的optical transistor 光敏晶体管phototransistor 光敏晶体管phototransistor circuit 光敏晶体管电路phototransistor matrix 光敏晶体管阵列phototransistor 光敏晶体三极管photopolymer 光敏聚合物photosensitive polymer 光敏聚合物light activated switch 光敏开关light-activated silicon switch 光敏可控硅整流器photosensing device 光敏器件photosensor 光敏器件phototransistor 光敏三极管phototriode 光敏三极管phytochrome 光敏色素light-sensitive detector 光敏探测器photaceram 光敏微晶玻璃photosensitive glass-ceramics 光敏微晶玻璃photo document sensor 光敏文件感受器photoinitiator 光敏引发剂light-sensitive cell 光敏元件photosensitive element 光敏元件photosensor 光敏元件photo-thyristor 光敏闸流管photosensitization 光敏作用Guangming 光明lucensomycin 光明霉素optical mode 光模optical analog memory 光模拟存储器optical pattern recognition 光模式识别luminous energy 光能actionoscope 光能测定器actinometry 光能测定学actinometer 光能测定仪photosynthesis 光能合成photoenergetics 光能力学phototroph 光能利用菌efficiency for solar energy utilization 光能利用率phototrophic bacteria 光能利用细菌actinometry 光能强度测定actinogram 光能曲线图photolithotrophy 光能无机营养photolithotrophic bacteria 光能无机营养菌photoheterotrophic bacteria 光能异养菌photoheterotroph 光能异养生物photoorganotrophy 光能有机营养photoorganotrophic bacteria 光能有机营养菌photoautotrophy 光能自养photoautotrophic bacteria 光能自养菌photo-autotroph 光能自养生物light year 光年lyear 光年photo viscoelasticity 光粘弹性photocoagulator 光凝固器photocoagulator 光凝结器light button 光钮optical coupling 光耦合light-coupled semiconductor switch 光耦合半导体开关optically coupled isolator 光耦合隔离器optical coupler 光耦合器optocoupler 光耦合器photocoupler 光耦合器light beating spectroscopy 光拍光谱学optical disc 光盘optical disk 光盘optical disc drive 光盘驱动器optical disc servo control system 光盘伺服控制系统wedge 光劈optical biasing 光偏置light deflection 光偏转optical deflector 光偏转器optodeflector 光偏转器photobleaching 光漂白clean bill 光票clean payment credit 光票付款信用证clean payment letter of credit 光票付款信用证clean remittance 光票汇款clean rate 光票利率clean collection 光票托收collection on clean bill 光票托收clean credit 光票信用证clean letter of credit 光票信用证optical frequency 光频optical frequency standard 光频标optical isolator 光频隔离器optical frequency division multiplexing 光频频分复用optical phonon 光频声子optical double magnetic resonance 光频双磁共振optical branch 光频支optical screen 光屏photomask agent 光屏蔽剂optical screen reader 光屏读数器light spectrum 光谱optical spectrum 光谱spectrum 光谱semiquantitative spectrometric analysis 光谱半定量分析spectral background 光谱背景spectrocomparator 光谱比较仪spectrum variable 光谱变星spectral standard solar cell 光谱标准太阳电池spectrometry 光谱测定法spectral measurement 光谱测量spectrophone 光谱测声器spectral component 光谱成分spectral pure 光谱纯spectroscopically pure 光谱纯spectroscopically pure graphite 光谱纯石墨spectral bandwidth 光谱带宽spectral 光谱的spectroscopic lamp 光谱灯spectroelectrochemistry 光谱电化学quantitative spectrochemical analysis 光谱定量分析quantitative spectrometric analysis 光谱定量分析qualitative spectrometric analysis 光谱定性分析spectral luminous efficiency 光谱发光效率spectral emissivity 光谱发射率spectral reflectance 光谱反射spectral reflectance 光谱反射比spectral range 光谱范围spectral directional reflectance factor 光谱方向反射因子spectrum emission 光谱放射率spectral resolution 光谱分辨率spectral distribution 光谱分布spectral distribution curve 光谱分布曲线spectral distribution graph 光谱分布图spectrum order sorter 光谱分级器spectral classification 光谱分类spectral analysis 光谱分析spectrographic analysis 光谱分析spectrum analysis 光谱分析spectrum analyser 光谱分析器physics of spectroscopic analysis 光谱分析物理学error in spectrochemical analysis 光谱分析误差spectral peak 光谱峰bandwidth of emission spectrum 光谱辐射带宽spectral radiometry 光谱辐射度量学spectrum radiator 光谱辐射计spectral radiance factor 光谱辐射亮度因子spectral radiance 光谱辐射率spectral radiant energy 光谱辐射能spectral radiance energy 光谱辐射能量spectral radiant flux 光谱辐射通量spectral radiant gain 光谱辐射增益spectral radiant illuminance standard lamp 光谱辐射照度标准灯spectral irradiance 光谱辐照度spectral irradiance distribution 光谱辐照度分布spectral interference 光谱干扰spectral photographic plate 光谱感光板spectral sensitivity 光谱感光度spectral pyrometer 光谱高温计spectrophotometric colorimetry 光谱光度测色法spectral-luminosity classification 光谱-光度分类法spectrum-luminosity diagram 光谱光度图- 即赫罗图spectral photometry 光谱光度学spectral luminous efficiency 光谱光视效率spectral luminous efficiency curve 光谱光视效率曲线spectral luminous efficacy 光谱光视效能spectroscopic optics 光谱光学spectral locus光谱轨迹spectrum locus 光谱轨迹spectrochemistry 光谱化学qualitative spectrochemical analysis 光谱化学定性分析spectrochemical analysis 光谱化学分析spectrochemical series 光谱化学系列spectral buffer 光谱缓冲剂spectroscopic buffer 光谱缓冲剂excitation of spectra 光谱激发order of spectrum 光谱级spectrograde 光谱级spectroscopic technology 光谱技术spectrum technology 光谱技术spectral discrimination 光谱鉴别spectral discriminator 光谱鉴别器spectral mirror 光谱镜spectral centroid 光谱矩心spectral width 光谱宽度spectroscopic prism 光谱棱镜quantum theory of spectra 光谱量子理论spectral sensitivity 光谱灵敏度spectrum sensitivity 光谱灵敏度spectral sensitivity characteristic 光谱灵敏度特性曲线spectral filtering 光谱滤波spectral density 光谱密度spectrum-density diagram 光谱-密度图spectral sensitivity 光谱敏感性spectral energy distribution 光谱能量分布spectral power distribution 光谱能量分布spectral mach 光谱配色spectrum matching 光谱匹配spectro-polarimeter 光谱偏光计spectral shift 光谱偏移spectral intensity 光谱强度spectral region 光谱区spectral tristimulus values 光谱三色刺激值spectral tristimulus values 光谱三色激励值spectral color 光谱色spectrum color 光谱色spectrocolorimeter 光谱色度计spectrocolorimetry 光谱色度学spectral chromaticity coordinates 光谱色度坐标spectroscopic entropy 光谱熵spectral photography 光谱摄影学spectrophotography 光谱摄影学spectral discrimination 光谱识别spectrographic laboratory 光谱实验室spectroscopic test 光谱试验spectral character 光谱特性spectral characteristic 光谱特性spectral property 光谱特性spectrum projector 光谱投影仪spectrum transparency region 光谱透明区spectral transmittance 光谱透射比spectrogram 光谱图spectrum chart 光谱图spectroscopic displacement law 光谱位移律spectral line 光谱线spectrum line 光谱线spectral linewidth 光谱线宽度broadening of spectral line 光谱线增宽spectral response 光谱响应spectral responsivity 光谱响应度spectral response range 光谱响应范围spectral response curve 光谱响应曲线spectral response characteristic 光谱响应特性曲线spectral term 光谱项spectroscopic term 光谱项spectral extinction 光谱消色spectral information 光谱信息spectral type 光谱型spectral sequence 光谱序spectrography 光谱学spectroscopy 光谱学spectroscopist 光谱学家optical spectrometer 光谱仪spectrograph 光谱仪spectrometer 光谱仪spectrophotometer 光谱仪spectrofluorometer 光谱荧光计spectroscopic carrier 光谱载体spectral sensitization 光谱增感spectral index 光谱指数day neutral 光期钝感day-neutral plant 光期钝感植物lac varnish 光漆phosgene 光气photon drag detector 光牵探测器light preamplifier 光前置放大器light gun 光枪mode of optical cavity 光腔振荡模式intensity of light 光强light intensity 光强light intensity 光强度luminous intensity 光强度optical power 光强度luminous intensity measurement 光强度测量enhancement of light intensity differences 光强度差增强luminous intensity sensitivity 光强灵敏度intensity modulation 光强调制photoaffinity labeling 光亲和标记photosphere 光球photospheric eruption 光球爆发photospheric facula 光球层光斑ball grinder 光球机actinic focus 光化焦点actinic green 光化绿actinic glass 光化玻璃actinic green glass 光化绿玻璃actinic radiation 光化辐射actinic rays 光化射线actinicity 光化性actinic chemistry 光化学actinic 光化的actinicity 光化度actinism 光化度actinism 光化作用photoreduction 光还原actinochemistry 光化学actinology 光化学photochemistry 光化学actinodielectric 光敏介电的actinoelectricity 光化电actinogram 光能曲线图actinometer 光能测定仪actinometry 光能测定学actinometry 光能强度测定actionoscope 光能测定器amplification of light pulse 光脉冲放大angular distribution of photoelectron 光电子角度分布Anoplophora glabripennis 光肩星天牛optical detector 光检测器aperture color 光孔色ball grinder 光球机bandwidth of emission spectrum 光谱辐射带宽bare electrode 光焊条bare pipe 光管bareface fabric 光洁不起绒织物bench photometer 光具座式光度计blank bolt 光螺栓pulsed light 光脉冲bright adaptation 光亮适应bright annealing furnace 光亮退火炉bright annealing 光亮退火bright coal 光亮煤bright current density range 光亮电流密度范围bright drawing 光亮拉丝bright heat treatment wire 光亮热处理钢丝bright heat treatment 光亮热处理bright pickling 光亮浸蚀bright plating 光亮电镀bright plating 光亮镀bright quenching oil 光亮淬火油nitid 光亮的nitidum 光亮的bright quenching 光洁淬火bright stock 光亮油料brightener 光亮剂brightening agent 光亮剂broadening of spectral line 光谱线增宽Calvin cycle 光合碳还原环carnallite 光卤石photographic recording 光录声chemical equivalence 光化当量的爱因斯坦定律chemosphere 光化学层photochemical rearrangement 光化学重排clean hardening 光洁淬火compression of light pulse 光脉冲压缩compression technique of light pulse 光脉冲压缩技术day neutral 光期钝感day-neutral plant 光期钝感植物diaphragm aperture 光阑孔径diaphragm lens 光阑透镜diaphragm servomotor 光阑驱动伺服电动机diaphragm setting 光阑定位diaphragm 光阑efficiency for solar energy utilization 光能利用率Einstein's law of photoelectrooptical character recognition 光电字符识别electro-optical rectifier 光电整流器energy distribution of photoelectron 光电子能量分布enhancement of light intensity differences 光强度差增强epipelagic 光合作用带的error in spectrochemical analysis 光谱分析误差excitation of spectra 光谱激发finish 光洁度first law of photochemistry 光化学第一定律gilding brass 光亮黄铜glare ice 光滑冰glassy millboard 光面纸板glassy 光滑的glossy paper 光面相纸glossy print 光面照片glossy 光滑的granulation 光粒组织optical connector 光连接器Guangming 光明halo blight 光轮疫病halonate 光轮状halo effect 光环效应photopsy 光幻觉lumiflavin 光黄素intensity modulation 光强调制intensity of light 光强lac varnish 光漆laevigate 光滑的laevigatus 光滑的laevis 光滑的Lampridiformes 光亮鱼目magnitude of light 光量levigate 光滑的light activated switch 光敏开关light aging 光老化lidar 激光雷达light amplifier 光放大器light annealing 光亮退火light control characteristic 光量控制特性light control 光量控制light control tape 光量控制带light curring unit 光固化装置light densitometer 光密度计optically denser medium 光密介质light distortion 光畸变light emitting diode 光发射二极管light fog 光灰雾mithramycin 光辉霉素photoactivation 光活化light gun 光枪light intensity 光强light intensity 光强度light microscope 光镜light pipe 光管light preamplifier 光前置放大器light quantum 光量子light radiation 光辐射light reflex 光反射light resistance 光电阻light sensation 光感light sensitive diode 光敏二极管light sensitive relay 光敏继电器light sensitive resistance ceramics 光敏电阻瓷light sensitive resistor 光敏电阻器light sensitive seed 光敏感种子light sensor 光敏感元件photosensor 光敏感元件light step 光阶light stream 光流photohalogenation 光卤化light valve array 光阀阵列light valve display 光阀显示light valve 光阀light writer 光刻字机light-activated silicon controlled rectifier 光激可控硅整流器light-activated silicon controlled switch 光激可控硅开关light-activated silicon switch 光敏可控硅整流器light-activated switch 光激开关light-compass orientation 光罗盘定向light-compass reaction 光晷反应light-cured composite 光固化复合树脂light-cured resin 光固化树脂light-dependent control element光控元件light-distribution photometer 光度分布计light-operated switch 光控开关light-pipe optics 光管光学light-sensitive cell 光敏元件light-sensitive detector 光敏探测器light-sensitive tube 光敏管ligt resistor 光敏电阻器lucensomycin 光明霉素luminance brightness 光亮度luminance 光亮度luminosity class 光度级luminosity class 光度型luminosity curve 光度曲线luminosity evolution 光度演化luminosity function 光度函数luminosity paradox 光度佯谬luminosity rate 光度效率luminosity 光度luminous emittance 光发射度luminous energy 光能luminous intensity measurement 光强度测量luminous intensity sensitivity 光强灵敏度luminous intensity 光强度optical power 光强度luminous quantities 光亮数量luminous reflectance 光反射比mask aligner 光刻机photolithography limitation 光刻极限mechanical equivalent of light 光功当量method of photometric interpolation 光度插入法mode of optical cavity 光腔振荡模式optical active polymer 光活性聚合物X-ray machine X光机optical amplifier 光放大器optical analog memory 光模拟存储器optical bench 光具座optical cable assembly 光缆组件optical cable communication 光缆通信optical cable connector adapter 光缆连接器转接座optical cable connector 光缆连接器optical cable distribution system 光缆分配系统optical cable driver 光缆驱动器optical cable splice 光缆接头optical cable 光缆optical character recognition application 光学字符识别应用optical character recognition device 光符识别装置optical character recognition 光符号识别optical character recognition 光符识别optical combiner 光合路器optical computer 光计算机optical control 光控制optical electronic reproducer 光电子唱头optical electronics 光电子学optical emission spectrography 光发射摄谱学optical fiber cable 光缆optical fibre cable 光缆optical filter 光滤波器optical homodyne detection 光零差探测optical integrated circuit 光集成电路optical interferometry 光干涉量度学optical lever 光杠杆optical link 光链路glitter 光亮clean annealing 光亮退火optical mode 光模optical moment 光矩optical path 光径optical path 光路optical path length 光路长度optical pattern recognition 光模式识别optical pulse counter 光脉冲计数器optical pulse counting 光脉冲记数optical pulse generator 光脉冲发生器optical quantum counter tube 光量子计数管optical radar 光雷达optical radiation standard 光辐射标准器optical radiation 光辐射optical receiver光接收器optical recording media 光记录媒体optical recording 光记录optical relay 光继电器Aglaspida 光甲目optical sensor 光敏感器optical soliton 光孤子optical spectrometer 光谱仪optical superposing 光叠加optical switch 光开关optical system 光具组optical trackoptical tracker system 光跟踪系统optical tracking satellite 光跟踪卫星optical tracking system 光跟踪系统。

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Fig. 1. Schematic setup of the nonlinear spectral OCT system: BS, beam splitter; CC, corner cube; x-CL, y-CL, cylindrical lenses along the x and y axes, respectively; G, grating of 1800 line pairs͞mm; M’s, mirrors. The light source is a regenerated Ti:sapphire pulse laser with 150-fs duration and 1-kHz repetition. The focal lengths of the cylindrical lenses are 60 mm for x-CL1, 120 mm for x-CL2, 150 mm for x-CL3, and 200 mm for y-CL.
With the aim of overcoming the requirement of a high number of scanning dimensions, several research groups have studied OCT systems that employ spectral interferometry.10,11 These systems read out the depth information of an object that is encoded in the temporal prof ile of a probe light in parallel fashion by use of a spectrometer and thus do not depend on mechanical scanning. This technique reduces, by one, the number of scanning dimensions required. In Refs. 12 and 13, an all-optical version of the spectral interferometric OCT system was proposed that requires fewer scanning dimensions. This improved system requires only one-dimensional mechanical scanning for determination of the three-dimensional structure of an object.
requirement of spectral interferometric OCT systems. In a previous study,13 a CCD camera and a liquidcrystal spatial light modulator were used to convert the spectrum of the probe light into its power spectrum, that is, to cancel the phase term of the spectrum. Although this cancellation is essential, the driving time of the CCD and the liquid-crystal spatial light modulator impedes the further reduction of measurement time. Our next approach, described here, was to replace the CCD camera and the liquid-crystal spatial light modulator with a b-barium borate (BBO) crystal and cancel the phase term of the spectrum by time gating of the BBO crystal, driven by a femtosecond trigger pulse. By using a fast-driven time gate, we remove the limiting factor on the OCT system.
March 15, 2002 / Vol. 27, No. 6 / OPTICS LETTERS 403
Spectral interferometric optical coherence tomography with nonlinear b-barium borate time gating
Y. Yasuno, Y. Sutoh, M. Nakama, S. Makita, M. Itoh, and T. Yatagai
© 2002 Optical Society of America
404 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 27, No. 6 / March 15, 2002
to the plane of the page. The pulse power of the in-
In this Letter we describe our attempts to further reduce the measurement time required by the spectral interferometric OCT system. Cancellation of the phase term of the spectrum of a probe pulse is a fundamental
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tennôdai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan
M. Mori
Japan Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Umezono 1-1-4, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
In the construction of measurement systems that feature these properties, optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems, including broadband light sources, such as white-light sources and superluminescent diodes, have been extensively applied.1 – 6 One of the advantages of the OCT systems is that they are nondestructive, since visible light photons are low-energy particles. Hence, OCT systems are widely applied in the biomedical field.7 – 9 The other advantage is that OCT systems can be used in conjunction with a confocal setup for prof ilometry of highly scattering objects. Although OCT systems have many advantages, they also have a drawback: They require mechanical scanning in a high number of dimensions. To measure the n-dimensional structure of an object, OCT systems demand n-dimensional mechanical scanning. This type of mechanical operation is time consuming, and in some cases it is better to avoid such an operation.
Below, we describe the operation of our OCT system. Figure 1 shows the schematic setup of the nonlinear spectral interferometric OCT system. We define the coordinates in terms of a rectangular Cartesian system to align the beam axis with the chosen z axis; the x and y axes are parallel and perpendicular, respectively,
OCIS codes: 070.4340, 120.3180.
The latest biomedical techniques and industrial processes are dependent on extremely precise prof ilometry of biomedical materials and industrial products. For prof ilometric techniques to be noncontact and nondestructive, and to measure biomedical materials, they need to be capable of measuring highly light-scattering objects.