
中国化药注册分类(旧分类、新分类)Classification of Registration of Chemical Drugs in China (The Old Classification and the New Classification) 旧的注册分类是来源于2007年10月1日实施的《药品注册管理办法》(局令第28号)的附件2《化学药品注册分类及申报资料要求》(此注册分类实际在28号令之前就实施的,早期历史文件不再追溯)。
The old classification of registration dated from the Annex 2 “Registered Classification of Chemicals and Requirements of Application”of “Administrative Provision of Drug Registration” (Board Order No. 28), which implemented on October 1st, 2007 (Actually, this category had been implemented earlier than the date of the implementation of the 28 orders, and the early history file is no longer traceable).旧的药品注册分类如下:/ The old classification of registration of drug is as follows:进口化学药品申报,申请未在国内外获准上市销售的药品,按照注册分类1的规定报送资料;其他品种按照注册分类3的规定报送资料。
也可以报送ICH 规定的CTD资料,但“综述资料”部分应按照化学药品《申报资料项目》要求报送。

大梁girder 复式桁架complex truss 承受withstand 拉伸 stretch屈曲 buckle 断裂brea k可行的feasible 地基土subsoil 面板deck柔性的flexible 索 cable 桥台 abutment 传递 transmit 相交 intersect推力 thrust The amount of bridge traffic 桥梁交通流量 jammed traffic交通堵塞cost 费用financing 筹款Acquire 获取survey 勘察Tide 潮汐 Flood洪水 current 水流 Bore 钻孔samples of soil and rock 岩土试样 Girder大梁cantilever 悬臂梁truss 桁架arch 拱suspension 悬索location地理位置 purposes 功用Span length 跨度Strength 强度harmony协调 Alloy steels 合金钢 Steel wires 钢丝tension 拉力compression压力bending 弯曲 shear 剪力torsion 扭矩Static loads 静载 vehicle车辆impact 冲击vibration 振动Dynamic loads 动载live loads活载tremors 地震震动Floating debris 浮物model testing模型测试 Scale-down model test 缩尺模型试验Wind tunnel tests风洞试验 Erect安装 cofferdams 围堰caissons 沉箱piles桩上部结构 superstructureFalse work 脚手架 Floatation 浮运 cantilevering 悬 lifting 提升suspension悬吊 signs 标识 guardrails 护栏 Sea Works海洋工程maritime engineering 海事工程 Fishing ports渔港 marinas码头Reclamation and conservancy填海与保护 Maintenance 维护 estuaries河口Hydraulic水力的 Natural harbor天然海港 artificial harbor人工海港 Tidal cycle潮汐周期 scour冲刷 siltation淤积 breakwater防波堤 Secondary wave次生波 Reflected wave反射波 disturbances干扰 Bay海湾 jetty防波堤mole防波堤 locality地区 conservancy保护 ruin废墟 wharf码头alluvial冲积的 destructive破坏的 bar沙滩 anchorage锚地 littoral drift沿岸漂浮物 coast海岸 maintain保持 beach海滩frailty弱点 craft工艺 indestructibility不可破坏性 implement执行outlast比…经久 durability耐久性 ingress入口 egress出口underpin 支撑 dewater排水 hydraulic cement水硬性水泥 lime石灰dam水坝 retain保持 discharge流量 hydroelectric水电的navigation航行 auxiliary 辅助的 spillways泄洪道 gates闸门 valves 阀门 tunnels隧道pipelines管道 evacuate开挖 reservoir水库multipurpose多功能的 scheme方案 conservation保护 rockfill填石masonry砌体 monolithic整体式的 laterally侧向地 buttresses扶壁horizontal水平的 abutments墩台 Site场地 investigation调查boring钻孔 strata地层 shaft钻杆 elasticity弹性permeability渗透性 stress应力 groundwater地下水 assess评估seismic地震 hydraulic水力的 verify验证 instruments仪器pressure压力 performance性能 emergency紧急情况 confirm印证assumption假设 equation方程 variable变量 strain应变Finite Element Analysis有限单元分析 equilibrium平衡Tensile strength抗拉强度 compressive strength抗拉强度 support支撑vertical垂直的 load荷载 concrete砼 cement水泥 shrink收缩 set凝固harden硬化 crack开裂 cast浇注blend掺和 resistance抵抗 aggregate骨料fine-grained细颗粒的fly ash粉煤灰 filler填充剂 volume量 additive 添加剂surface-active agents表面活化剂 air-entraining agents引气剂water-to-cement ratio水灰比 cool冷却 extract提取 vacuum真空Permeable可渗透的 resistance抵抗 deterioration侵蚀deformation变形 seepage渗透 quick流砂 fluid流体Earthquake地震 seismically active region地震活动带strong ground motion强地动 response响应 predict预言degree of freedom自由度 damping阻尼 Highway公路maintenance维护 financing筹款 traffic交通 assess评估 layout布局capacity容量 route线路 preliminary初步的 alternate备选的detailed design详细设计 terrain地形 traverse横过 photogrammetric摄影测量的stage阶段 phase阶段 evaluation评价 Delay延期 expressway高速公路coordinate协调 preserve保护 propose提议 blueprints蓝图earthwork土方工程 surfacing路面 grading场地平整 excavate 开挖fill填analyze the gradation颗粒分析 compact压缩 Surfacing铺面accommodate容纳frequency频率 roadway路面 sandy clay砂质粘土slag矿碴 crushed stone碎石gravel 砾石 stabilize稳定subgrade路基 roller滚压机 soil-cement水泥土bituminous沥青的 surface drainage地表排水 crown路冠 shoulder路肩open ditches明沟 storm drainage system暴雨排水系catch basin集水井 runoff径流 duration持续时间 ponding积水spacing间距precipitation降水量 flow水流 culvert涵管roughness粗糙度 entrance入口downstream下游 conduit导管outlet出水口 Rest facilities休息设施 rest stops休息站interstate highways州际公路 access入口 noise barriers隔音墙subgrade路基 staking out放样 award授予 contract合同detailed plan详细规划 specifications说明 lay out布置indicate标示settlement沉降 vibratory振动的 maintenance维护signs路标 guard rails护栏 traffic striping交通带retaining walls挡土墙 side slopes边坡supervising监督Soil mechanics土力学 laws of mechanics力学定律hydraulics水力学 aggregate集合 mineral grains矿物颗粒 organic有机的constituents成份 weathering风化 three phases三相composition组成heterogeneity不均匀性 deposits沉积土retaining wall挡土墙 earth pressure土压力 equilibrium平衡cohesion粘聚力 plasticity塑性sand砂土 clay 粘土shearing受剪的 sliding滑动 the surface of rupture破坏面shearing force剪力 approximation近似 cohesive soils粘性土 Curved surface曲面 the surface of slip滑动面 Consolidation固结lag滞后settlement沉降 waterlogged浸水的 samples试样testing on the site现场试验testing in the laboratory室内试验internal friction内摩擦角 cohesion粘聚力compressibility可压缩性elasticity弹性 permeability渗透性capillarity毛细管作用 moisture水份 soil particles土颗粒 Tamping夯打load-bearing strength承载力 elastic soils弹性土 expansible soils可膨胀土flexible柔性的 expand膨胀freezing-thawing cycles冻融循环wetting-drying cycles湿干循环soil grains 土颗粒 plane of free water自由水面volume体积stability稳定性 instrument仪器 stabilimeter稳定计consolidation固结 site investigation场地勘察 survey调查visual investigation肉眼鉴定 elaborate详细的 subsurface 地下的exploration勘探boring钻孔 laboratory testing室内测试Samples试样 identification识别classification分类 grain size颗粒大小 liquid limit液限plastic limit 塑限 Topography地形 geological features地质特征outcrop[岩面]露头 lake bed湖床 weathered remnants风化残积paleontological maps地质年代图 aerial photographs航空拍照 well logs钻井记录excavation开挖 geophysical exploration地质勘探 seismic地震的strata地层 propagation传播 shock waves冲击波 bedrock基岩reflected wave反射波 probe rod探杆penetration resistance贯入阻力water jets喷水式推进器 augers螺旋钻drilling钻孔 chip切片trenches沟 pits坑 Pneumatic drilling气动钻 diamond drilling金刚钻boreholes钻孔 retain保存 inspection验收 in-place density原位密度Foundation基础multistory多层的 footing扩展基础 earth-fill dam填土坝pile桩基础 pile cap桩台 foundation system基础体系reaction反力impose施加 total settlement总沉differential settlement沉降差withstand承受mat foundation筏式基础 slab foundation板式基础caisson沉箱 transfer传递 superstructure上部结构transmit传递substructure下部结构 Spread foundation扩展基础reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土plain concrete素混凝土 masonry砌体combined footing联立基础cantilever footing悬臂基础 building line建筑红线exterior wall外墙continuous footing连续基础 pile tip桩尖 wall footing墙基The allowable bearing pressure允许承载力 building code建筑规范grade beam地梁 brace支承 the retention of earth填土slide滑移overturn倾覆 frost line冻深线 uniform均匀的rigid 刚性的discontinuity不连续性 floating foundation浮式基础Floor slab楼板 the groundwater level地下水位 well points井点[降水]pumping抽水 deep well深井sumps集水坑 dewater降水 electro osmosis电渗[降水] cutoff wall截水墙grout水泥浆periphery周边 subside下沉basement地下室the hydrostatic pressures of the water静水压力 soil backfill回填土uplift上浮的 anchor锚固 infiltrating渗透 joint连接encase包裹impermeable不渗透的 membrane薄膜 coat涂抹 asphaltic mastic沥青胶permeability渗透性 retaining wall挡土墙 abutment墩台weep hole泄水孔 Expansive soil膨胀土 swell膨胀 contract收缩 no expansive非膨胀的 alter替换 admixture 混合物 lime 石灰flexibility 柔性 underpinning托换 remedial补救的 precautionary 预防的defect 缺陷 settle下沉 beneath下面 confined狭窄的 pit 坑sheeting 挡板 caving 坍塌 stratum 地层 form 模板continuous wall连续墙 intermittent 间断的Construction engineering施工工程 scheduling 安排工期 delay 延误allot分配 contractor 承包商 fabrication 安装 inspect 检查formwork模板 cofferdam 围护 Progress control 进度控制cost control本控制 unit cost单位成本 budget预算periodically周期性地 payroll工资 allocation分配 overrun超支labor costs人工费 supervision监管 earthmoving运土foundation treatment地基处理 erection安装 concrete placement砼浇注asphalt paving沥青铺面 electrical 电力的 mechanical 机械的 installation 安装dismantled拆除 Elevation 标高 topsoil 表层土 landscape 景观contamination污染 blasting 爆破 fragment 粉碎 explosive 炸药 defect 缺陷strengthen加强 cavity 洞穴 fissure 裂隙 fault 断层 grouting 灌浆injection注入 fluid 流体 solidify 固化 precipitating 掺入 assembly 安装riveting铆接 bolting 栓接 welding焊接 anchorage锚锭 Forming 支模curing养护 bracing 支撑 slip-forming滑模 lift提升 rod杆 embed埋设aggregate骨料 crusher破碎机 screen粗筛 paving铺设 contraction joint收缩缝roadbed路基 Building materials建筑材料 physical properties物理性质permanently永久地 deform变形 stretch伸长 bend弯曲 elasticity弹性brittle脆性的 plastic塑性的 yield strength屈服强度 fracture 断裂 ultimate strength 极限强度 stiffness刚度 elastic modulus弹性模量 masonry 砌体bonding agent粘合剂 cement mortar水泥浆 bricks of burnt clay烧结粘土砖slate 页岩 concrete block砼块 ultimate compressive strength极限抗压强度masonry unit砌块 Ultimate tensile strength极限抗拉强度along the grain 顺纹 across the grain 横纹 connection 连接 devise 设计connector 连接件 rolling 轧制 I-beam 工字梁 plate 板 sheet 薄片 cast 浇注prestressing concrete 预应力砼 strand索 rope绳 cable缆 embed埋入fireproof material 防火材料 fire resistance 抗火性alloying elements合金元素 silicon硅 manganese锰 Corrosion锈蚀rod杆 foil箔 prefabricated预制的 curtain-wall幕墙 crushed stone碎石harden 硬化 paste浆 component组成 ingredient成份 shrinkage收缩pour 灌注 mold 模型 form模板 fine crack细裂缝 moist潮湿Reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土 steel bar钢筋 reinforcing bar加强筋bond粘结 wire network钢丝网 binder粘合剂 Overall collapse整体倒塌component 构件 stress 应力 strain应变 code规范 stability稳定性reaction支座反力 opposite force 反向力 balance平衡static equilibrium 静力平衡 internal force内力 assumption假设proportional 成比例的 static load静载 live load 活载dynamic load动载 motion运动 random随机的 gravity 重力linear-elastic 线弹性的 statically determinate 静定的statically indeterminate 超静定的 rectangular 矩形的 configuration 布置equivalent 等效的 lateral 侧向的 irregular 不规则的 abrupt change 突变elevation 立面 vibration 振动 complexity 复杂性 equation 方程nonlinear 非线性的 coplanar共面的 non concurrent不共点的component分量 horizontal水平的vertical垂直的 sum总和moment力矩 independent独立的 equation方程 unknown未知数superposition叠加 deflection变形 fixed固定的 degree 自由度approximate近似的 flexible柔性的 restrain约束 curvature曲率midpoint中点 point of contra flexure 反弯点 pin joint铰接portal 门式的 neutral axis中性轴 centre of gravity 重心theoretical理论的 exact精确的 laborious费力的 time-consuming耗时的theorem 定理least work最小功spot-checking抽查 flexibility method柔度法 force method力法 stiffness method刚度法displacement method 位移法 magnitude数量redundant 多余的 matrix 矩阵 algebra代数 format格式compatible displacement condition位移协调条件 rotation转角simultaneous linear equations联立方程组 hand calculation手算inversion of a matrix逆矩阵 multiplication乘法运算 joint节点extreme loading极限加载 management管理 enterprise企业expertise 技能 client客户 presentation演讲 proposal提案 negotiate谈判contract合同 staff职员 Sub-consultant分包商 project manager项目经理contract law合同法 career职业 salary薪水 discipline学科 reward回报senior高级的 expert专家 training培训 bargaining谈价 negotiation谈判accounting会计 personnel人事 home office总公司 overseas海外的attorney代理人 legal法律上的 binding有约束力的 agreement协议address设法解决 recognition认可 compensation补偿 salary薪水discipline 学科 budget预算 supply供应 demand需求 law法则case案例proffessionals职员 vice副的 cadre骨干 stand-alone独立经营的domestically国内地 fulfill履行 ladder梯队 diversified多样的qualified胜任的 submit递交 qualification资质selection committee招标委员会 verbal口头上的 personality个性competence胜任 quality质量 assurance保证 background理由sub professional非主要专业的 credential证书 provision条款liability insurance责任保险 joint-venture合资企业performance bon履约保证书 account帐户 overhead日常开支associate伙伴 mega 大型的 enterprise企业 incentive激励Drawings 图纸 Crude 粗糙的 Clumsy 笨拙的 Not user friendly 界面不友好的These newer systems are packed with features. 这些较新的系统包装得更有特色。

S-N curve for steel
三、弹簧材料的强度和的特性 Strength of materials and material properties
3.1 材料的几个强度定义 Definitions of some strength of materials : 极限抗拉强度 Ultimate tensile strength---Sut(单位unit:MPa) 抗拉强度指材料在拉断前承受最大应力值. 抗拉强度 Ultimate tensile strength is defined as the stress at which a material begins to break. (The maximum stress a material can withstand when subjected to tension, Sut可以通过查询手册得到,也可以通过以下公式计算: The values of Sut can select from some spring handbooks, also can calculate according to the following formulas. Sut=196000/d^0.146 (Unit:psi----单位为英制的) Sut=1351/(d/25.4)^0.146 (Unit:MPa) 其中,d为弹簧材料的线经。d means wire diameter.
torsional stress
对于压簧和拉簧, 它给出的是轴向的力,但是有限元上主要应力为扭转应力。 Tension and compression springs give axial loads, but the wire are loaded in torsional stress.

Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus 肱骨髁上骨折
By a fall The child may stretch out his or her hand and the force from the impact may be enough to cause a break in the bone. But any trauma to the area, such as an injury from a car accident, may also be a cause.
- type I: non-displaced frx - type II: displaced with intact posterior cortex - type III: displaced with no cortical contact
pain in the elbow
Operative Treatment: internal fixation should be reserved for fractures with inadequate reduction or patients with multiple trauma;
IM Nailing of Humeral Shaft Fractures
"no man's land"
Tendon Suture
Scaphoid fractures 舟骨骨折
Xray before two months postop two months postop Xray before
Intraarticular Metacarpal base fractures

classificationClassification is a fundamental task in machine learning and data analysis. It involves categorizing data into predefined classes or categories based on their features or characteristics. The goal of classification is to build a model that can accurately predict the class of new, unseen instances.In this document, we will explore the concept of classification, different types of classification algorithms, and their applications in various domains. We will also discuss the process of building and evaluating a classification model.I. Introduction to ClassificationA. Definition and Importance of ClassificationClassification is the process of assigning predefined labels or classes to instances based on their relevant features. It plays a vital role in numerous fields, including finance, healthcare, marketing, and customer service. By classifying data, organizations can make informed decisions, automate processes, and enhance efficiency.B. Types of Classification Problems1. Binary Classification: In binary classification, instances are classified into one of two classes. For example, spam detection, fraud detection, and sentiment analysis are binary classification problems.2. Multi-class Classification: In multi-class classification, instances are classified into more than two classes. Examples of multi-class classification problems include document categorization, image recognition, and disease diagnosis.II. Classification AlgorithmsA. Decision TreesDecision trees are widely used for classification tasks. They provide a clear and interpretable way to classify instances by creating a tree-like model. Decision trees use a set of rules based on features to make decisions, leading down different branches until a leaf node (class label) is reached. Some popular decision tree algorithms include C4.5, CART, and Random Forest.B. Naive BayesNaive Bayes is a probabilistic classification algorithm based on Bayes' theorem. It assumes that the features are statistically independent of each other, despite the simplifying assumption, which often doesn't hold in the realworld. Naive Bayes is known for its simplicity and efficiency and works well in text classification and spam filtering.C. Support Vector MachinesSupport Vector Machines (SVMs) are powerful classification algorithms that find the optimal hyperplane in high-dimensional space to separate instances into different classes. SVMs are good at dealing with linear and non-linear classification problems. They have applications in image recognition, hand-written digit recognition, and text categorization.D. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)K-Nearest Neighbors is a simple yet effective classification algorithm. It classifies an instance based on its k nearest neighbors in the training set. KNN is a non-parametric algorithm, meaning it does not assume any specific distribution of the data. It has applications in recommendation systems and pattern recognition.E. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)Artificial Neural Networks are inspired by the biological structure of the human brain. They consist of interconnected nodes (neurons) organized in layers. ANN algorithms, such asMultilayer Perceptron and Convolutional Neural Networks, have achieved remarkable success in various classification tasks, including image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing.III. Building a Classification ModelA. Data PreprocessingBefore implementing a classification algorithm, data preprocessing is necessary. This step involves cleaning the data, handling missing values, and encoding categorical variables. It may also include feature scaling and dimensionality reduction techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA).B. Training and TestingTo build a classification model, a labeled dataset is divided into a training set and a testing set. The training set is used to fit the model on the data, while the testing set is used to evaluate the performance of the model. Cross-validation techniques like k-fold cross-validation can be used to obtain more accurate estimates of the model's performance.C. Evaluation MetricsSeveral metrics can be used to evaluate the performance of a classification model. Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are commonly used metrics. Additionally, ROC curves and AUC (Area Under Curve) can assess the model's performance across different probability thresholds.IV. Applications of ClassificationA. Spam DetectionClassification algorithms can be used to detect spam emails accurately. By training a model on a dataset of labeled spam and non-spam emails, it can learn to classify incoming emails as either spam or legitimate.B. Fraud DetectionClassification algorithms are essential in fraud detection systems. By analyzing features such as account activity, transaction patterns, and user behavior, a model can identify potentially fraudulent transactions or activities.C. Disease DiagnosisClassification algorithms can assist in disease diagnosis by analyzing patient data, including symptoms, medical history, and test results. By comparing the patient's data againsthistorical data, the model can predict the likelihood of a specific disease.D. Image RecognitionClassification algorithms, particularly deep learning algorithms like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have revolutionized image recognition tasks. They can accurately identify objects or scenes in images, enabling applications like facial recognition and autonomous driving.V. ConclusionClassification is a vital task in machine learning and data analysis. It enables us to categorize instances into different classes based on their features. By understanding different classification algorithms and their applications, organizations can make better decisions, automate processes, and gain valuable insights from their data.。

航空英语证书考试(PEC)-航空飞行器词汇Acquisition Time: 初始定位时间Active Leg: 激活航线Adapter: 转接器、拾音器、接合器Airborne: 空运的、空降的、机载的、通过无线电传播的Alkaline: 碱性的、碱性Almanac: 历书、概略星历Anti-Spoofing: 反电子欺骗Artwork: 工艺、工艺图、原图ssAtomic Clock: 原子钟Auto-controlling: 自动控制Avionics: 航空电子工学;电子设备Azimuth: 方位角、方位(从当前位置到目的地的方向)Beacon: 信标 Bearing: 方向,方位(从当前位置到目的地的方向)Bug: 故障、缺陷、干扰、雷达位置测定器、窃听器Built-in: 内置的、嵌入的Cellular: 单元的、格网的、蜂窝的、网眼的Cinderella: 水晶鞋、灰姑娘这里特指JAVAD GPS接收机OEM板的选项,能自动在隔周的星期二GPS午夜时刻开始的24小时内让您的Javad接收机和OEM板变为双频双系统。
Coarse Acquisition Code(C/A): 粗捕获码Cold Start: 冷启动Connector: 接头、插头、转接器Constellation: 星座Control Segment: 控制部分Converter: 转换器、交换器、换能器、变频管、变频器、转换反应堆Coordinate: 坐标Co-pilot: 飞机副驾驶Cost-effective: 成本低,收效大的 Course: 路线、路程、航线Course Deviation Indicator (CDI): 航线偏航指示Course Made Good (CMG): 从起点到当前位置的方位Course Over Ground (COG): 对地航向Course To Steer(CTS): 到目的地的最佳行驶方向Crosstrack Error (XTE/XTK): 偏航 De-emphasis: 去矫、去加重Definition: 清晰度Diagonal: 对角线、斜的、对角线的 Distinguishability: 分辨率 Dropping resistors: 减压电阻器、将压电阻器Datum: 基准Desired Track (DTK): 期望航线(从起点到终点的路线)Differential GPS (DGPS): 差分GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP): 精度衰减因子Elevation: 海拔、标高、高度、仰角、垂直切面、正观图manned flight 有人驾驶的飞机aerodynamics 空气动力学cambered surface 弧面,弯曲面characteristic 性能,特性drawing 图纸glider 滑翔机lift 升力model 模型,样机structure 结构,构造transportation 运输;运输工具wing 机翼biplane 双翼机control v. 操纵,控制,驾驶rib 肋,翼肋cloth fabric 布织物lifting surface 升力面girder 桁架,构架,机架,骨架bamboo 竹材strip 带状物,狭片,长条,简易机场,跑道piano wire 钢琴丝auxiliary surface 辅助翼面stability 安定性,稳定性configuration 外形,形状,结构,构造型式,布局truss type structure 桁架式结构strut 支柱,支撑wire-braced wing 张线支撑的机翼cockpit 飞机驾驶舱fabric-covered body 织物覆盖的机体fuselage 机身engine 引擎,发动机tail 尾部strong lightweight structure 坚固的轻型结构resistance 反抗,抵抗,阻力,阻尼,电阻friction 摩擦,摩擦力potential speed 潜在速度strength 强度plane 飞机designer 设计者superstructure 上层结构,上部结构wooden former 木质翼肋,木质隔框stringer 桁条,长桁smooth streamline shape 光滑流线型welded thin-wall steel tubing 焊接的薄壁钢管stressed-skin structure 承力蒙皮结构plywood eggshell-like structure 层板薄壳式结构laminated wood ring 层半框架,胶合板框架landing gear 起落架aluminum-alloy sheet 铝合金板monocoque structure 硬壳结构all-metal aircraft 全金属飞机semi-monocoque structure 半硬壳式结构rigidity 刚度structural challenge 结构方面的困难(挑战)high-altitude flight 高空飞行mysterious adj. 神秘的,费解的fatigue 疲劳pressurization and depressurization cycle 增压减压循环fail-safe construction 破损安全结构rip-stop doubler 止裂加强板strategic location 关键部分crack 裂纹structural component 结构部件stress 应力aviation maintenance technician 航空维修技师aircraft structure 飞机结构control surface 操纵面,舵面stabilizer 安定面flap 襟翼trim tab 调整片spoiler 扰流板,阻流板,气流防护板rudder 方向舵attitude 状态,姿态,姿势compression 压缩,压力tension 拉伸,拉里,张力torsion 扭曲,扭转,扭力,扭转bending 弯曲,挠曲shear 剪切,剪力,切变,切力definition 定义,阐明,确定,明确crush v. 压碎,击碎,牙边,挤压press v. 压缩,冲压,挤,推stretch v. 伸展,伸长,拉紧,延伸cable 钢索bolt 螺栓material 材料layer 层,夹层,薄片,条river 铆钉tensile force 拉力overstressing 过度应力,超限应力permanent deformation 永久变形strain v. 硬变,变形,延伸率,过度使用airworthy adj. 适航的,飞行性能好的assembly 组合,装配,总装组件,部件,装配件stress analysis 应力分析performance 性能,特性,行为,表现,实行,实施,完成,操作specification 详细说明,技术规格,技术条件,说明书danger 危险failure 失败,故障,事故,破坏,断裂nomenclature 术语,专用名称aileron 副翼trailing edge 后翼wing tip 机翼翼端roll v. 滚转,横滚,滑跑lifting force 升力jet airplane 喷气式飞机cruise speed 巡航速度approach speed 进场着陆速度,进近速度landing speed 着陆速度,接地速度chord line 弦线angle of incidence 安装角airfoil 翼型,翼剖面,机翼,翼面,气动力面longitudinal axis 纵轴stabilizer setting angle 安定面安装角horizontal stabilizer 水平安定面vertical stabilizer 垂直安定面sweep angle 后掠角reference line 参考线horizontal axis 水平轴线antidrag wire 反阻力张线(承受与飞行阻力相反的惯性力的对角张线)leading edge 前缘antilift wire 反升力张线balanced control surface 平衡操纵面equilibrium 平衡状态hinge axis 铰链轴static condition 静止状态beltframe 连接隔框skin 蒙皮frame 框,隔框,壁板式隔框boom (tailboom) 尾撑,尾梁built-up structure 组合结构,拼装结构cabin 机舱,客舱helicopter 直升机rotor 转子,叶轮,旋翼tail rotor 尾桨power train 动力系列compartment 隔舱,舱,隔间,室former 隔框,翼肋,维型框,假肋cabane 顶架canard 鸭式飞机,鸭式布局,鸭式翼,前置平尾,前舵cantilever beam 悬臂梁external bracing 外部支撑center section 中翼,中段outer wing panel 外翼段passenger 旅客,乘客cabin airplane 闭舱式飞机cockpit canopy 座舱盖,驾驶舱盖control cable 操纵钢索control lever (control stick) 驾驶杆,操纵杆longitudinal control surface 纵向操纵面lateral control surface 横向操纵面,横侧操纵面elevator 升降舵ruddervator 方向升降舵(V型尾翼的)control wheel 驾驶盘semiwheel 半盘式cowling 整流罩,包皮,防护罩removable cover 可卸口盖decalage 翼差角dihedral angle 上反角drag strut 阻力支柱(在布制蒙皮机翼结构中,用以支持阻力张线的加强肋)阻力杆(起落架前拉杆和后撑杆)drag wire 阻力张线pitching movement 俯仰运动elevon 升降副翼all-wing aircraft 三角翼飞机fairing 整流罩,整流装置streamlined contour 流线型外形fireproof wall (fire-resistant wall) 防火墙gap 间隙,间隔,翼隔superposed airfoil 重叠机翼(双翼机获三翼机)stability 安定性,稳定性inspection door 检查口盖interplane strut 翼间支柱jury strut 辅助撑杆,副支柱,保险撑杆alighting gear 起落架,着陆装置propeller blade 螺旋桨桨叶lift wire (flying wire) 升力张线longeron 大梁(机身或短舱的)plating 重型金属蒙皮,表面镀层的金属板yawing movement 偏航运动pedal 脚蹬shock absorber 减震器,缓冲器slat 缝翼attack angle 攻角,冲角,迎角span 展长spanwise a. adj. 延机翼展向spar 机翼翼梁spinner 螺旋桨整流罩stagger 斜罩角compressor blade 压缩机叶片tandem-rotor helicopter 纵列式(双旋桨)直升机stagger wire 斜罩张线sweepback 后掠角antitorque rotor 尾桨,反扭矩尾桨tail skid 尾撬,尾部保护座tail wheel 尾轮chordwise adj. 弦向auxiliary fuel tank 副油箱,辅助油箱antenna 天线anti-collision light 防撞灯stair door 登机梯舱门engine nacelle 发动机短舱deicer boot 除冰带navigation light 航行灯construction 结构,构造longitudinal member 纵向构件bending stress 弯曲应力landing 着陆,接地,降落__ cantilever wing 悬臂机翼,张臂机翼high-performance aircraft 高性能飞机external strut 外撑杆basic feature 基本特征beam 辆,横梁,柱monospar adj. 单梁,单梁的two-spar adj. 双梁,双梁的multispar 多梁,多梁的web (大梁)腹板,辅助梁,纵墙,肋板shear web 承减腹板spanwise member 翼展方向构件,展向构件high-wing monoplane 上单翼机tie rod 连干,系杆brace wire 张线drag load 阻力,阻力载荷built-up I beam 装配的I型梁,组合的I型梁extruded I beam 挤压成型的I型梁plain rib 普通肋,平面肋chordwise member 弦向构件compression rib 抗压翼肋,加强翼肋cap strip 翼肋缘条solid plywood web 整体的层板(胶合板)腹板cross bracing 交叉撑杆,横撑杆gusset vt. 角撑,角撑板,装角撑板于nail vt. 铁钉,钉住,用钉钉牢stamped rib 模锻翼肋truss-type cross section 桁架式横截面stiffener 加强杆,加强板,加强件fabric covering 布制蒙皮plywood covering 胶合板蒙皮,层板蒙皮tubular member 管型构件formed rib 维型翼肋integral fuel bay 整体油箱attachment fitting 安装街头,连接接头inspection 检查service vt. 服务,使用,维护,维修,检查,保养frontspar 前梁butt-rib 根部翼肋,平端头翼肋flange vt. 翼梁缘条,凸缘,突缘,(在-----上)安装突缘end bow 机翼端部弯曲部分nose rib 前缘翼肋trailing edge strip 后缘条aileron control cable 副翼操纵钢索aileron control bell crank 副翼操纵双摇臂,副翼操纵双摇臂曲板tape v. 布带,带子,用带系扎FWD fuselage fitting 机身前接头washer 垫圈,垫片nut 螺帽retainer 护圈,卡圈,挡板,保持器dowel pin 定位销,和缝销钉,暗钉fuel vent line 燃油系统通气管路door 舱门,口盖,入口plate 板,盘,口盖tab 调整片,补偿片,操纵片,标签aileron tab 副翼调整片position light 航行灯landing and taxi light 着陆滑行灯fuel filler door 燃油注油口pitot tube 空速管,全静压管,全压管stall warning unit 失速警告装置RAM air inlet 冲压空气进口Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空管理局Advisory Circular 咨询通告jet airliner 喷气式班机,喷气式航线客机jet engine 喷气发动机section 剖面,截面,型材,段,区域,部分assembly jig 装配架,型架inboard wing 内翼age hardening 时效硬化dimension 尺寸,大小bending load 弯曲载荷tensional load 扭转载荷stretch press 张拉成型机airfoil surface 翼型表面die vt. 冲切,用模(压)成型,模子,冲模,压模jaw 夹紧装置______________,钳口,夹爪airfoil contour 翼型外形formed 7075 sheet 成型的7075钣tab segment 弓形薄片接头forging adj. 锻造件splice vt. 拼接,绞结,拼接板,绞结处junction 接合,接合处,连接点wing tank 机翼油箱sealing compound 密封剂,密封腻子,封口胶center line 中心线,中线mating adj. 配合,连接,配合的,相连platform 平台hydraulic cylinder 液压做动筒synthetic rubber 合成橡胶center wing 中翼outboard wing 外翼swept-wing 后略翼nacelle 吊舱,发动机短舱production break 工艺分离面wide-bodied airliner 宽机体客机flight control surface 飞行操纵面pylon 吊架main frame 承力构架,主构架,承力隔框torque box 承扭盒段auxiliary structure 辅助结构permanent type fastener 永久式紧固件butt-spliced 平头对接,平头拼装flush fastener 埋头紧固件honeycomb panel 蜂窝板interference-fit 经配合,干涉配合close-tolerance fastener 高精度公差紧固件play 浮动,间隙,游隙tolerance 配合公差,容差,加工裕度flap vane 开缝襟翼导流片exterior plate doubler 外部双重加强板slat track 缝翼滑轨can 筒型壳,密封外壳,包套crew 空乘人员,机组,空勤组cargo 货物controls 操纵系统item 项目,零件,产品(均指已列入清单的项目)streamline form 流线型式accessory adj. 附属的,辅助的,附件,辅助设备,部件carburetor 汽化器,化油器,增碳器magneto 磁电机ignition lead 点火器导线strainer 过滤器fuel line 燃油管道turnover 回转,循环,翻倒,倒置emergency exit 紧急出口capacity 容量,容剂,能力classification 分类,类别,归类assemblage 装配,安装,总装配件bar 杆,棒,条lateral bracing 横向支撑tubular fuselage member 管状机身构件interval 间隔,间隙,距离bay 隔间,隔舱,段diagonal member 斜构件,对角构件percentage 百分比,百分数,比率ring 环,圈,环形隔框bulging 膨胀,凸出,褶皱皮buckling 皱损,皱褶,波纹glue v. 胶,粘结剂,胶合,粘结aircraft-quality plywood 航空质量级的层板reinforcement 加强,加固,加强件,加强部分spar varnish 清光漆waterproof protective material 防水保护材料deterioration 变质,恶化,损坏penetration 尽头,穿透moisture 湿气,潮气,水气protective coating 保护涂层hangar 机库,把-----放入机库中evidence 证据,迹象,形迹rot 腐烂,腐朽fungus 霉菌,真菌wood cell 木材组织,木材微孔cone 圆锥,锥体,锥状物conical shape 圆锥形状cylindrical shape 圆柱形dope 航空用漆,涂布油fiberglass 玻璃纤维stinger 尾不整流锥turbulence 紊流airflow 气流streamlined nose 流线型机头fail-safe feature 破损安全特性tail section 尾部,尾段,尾舱titanium 钛rip-stop doubler 止裂加强板beaded doubler 串珠加强板window belt 窗口地带panel 壁板,地板,板材,仪表板,操纵台,面板,翼段various stage 不同阶段semiautomatic riveting machine 半自动铆接机器shaved riveting 平面铆接dlampong aetion 夹紧力,夹紧作用pounds per square inch (psi) 磅平方英寸kilo-pascals (kpa) 千帕斯卡uniform fastening 均匀一致的连接,均匀一致的紧固件countersunk cavity 埋头窝sealing quality 密封性fatigue life 疲劳寿命longitudinal stiffener 纵向加强件flattened hat section 扁帽型截面stress level 应力水平gauge 规格,尺寸,测量器,量规,卡规,铆钉行距pressure-cabin section 压力舱部分upside-down position 倒置位置dolly 平台车,铆钉顶铁,抵座,圆形锻磨fixture 夹具,卡具,定位装置,安装用具,型架,紧固extruded z transverse frame 挤压成型Z型截面的横向构件mating jig 装配架,总装型架cockpit enclosure 驾驶舱盖subassembly 分装件,部件,局部装配件fuselage shell 机身外壳channel frame 槽型截面构件floor 地板,底面seat track 座椅滑轨carpet 毡层,地毯,铺设地毯expansion beam 伸缩梁flight compartment 机组舱,空勤组舱attachment 廉洁,固定,接头stud bolt 桩螺栓passenger compartment 客舱nut strip 螺帽导板splice plate 拼接板spacer 间隔片,隔离物,垫片,垫圈insulation 绝缘,隔离__aisle panel 通道板freight v. 货物,货运,装货facilities v. 设备,装置,工厂,实验室fabrication 制造,装配,生产individual panel section 单独的壁板区段railroad car 有轨电车handing 处理,加工,操纵,管理,装卸,搬运,吊运handle v. 收兵,把手,处理suction-cup principle 空吸杯装置overhead monorail system 高架单轨吊车系统manufacturing cycle 生产周期sheet-metal holder 钣金夹持器arrangement 排列,布置,安装,构造,布局station number 站位编号distance 距离zero reference point 零参考点floor beam 地板梁keel beam 龙骨梁,底部大梁stretch-formed skin panel 拉伸成型蒙皮板stressed skin 承力蒙皮multiple-element contracture 多元件构造torsional unit 整体部件,组合件advancement 进步,前进,改进state-of-the-art 技术发展水平,目前工艺水平,工艺状态cutaway drawing 剖视图intercostal 加强肋,肋间的material 材料process 过程,流程,工序,步骤,工艺规程,工艺技术,制作方法conclusion 结论fatigue crack 疲劳裂纹corrosion 腐蚀cause 原因,理由,起因stress concentration 应力集中surface corrosion 表面腐蚀galvanic corrosion 电化腐蚀pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀,坑蚀intergranular corrosion 晶界腐蚀exfoliation 剥离,剥落stress corrosion 应力腐蚀fretting corrosion 磨损腐蚀,擦伤腐蚀dissimilar metal 不同金属metal bonding 金属粘结seam 接缝,接口,接合面damage 损伤,破坏,故障,事故roller 磙子,滚桶,碾压机chemical cleaning 化学清洁etching process 浸蚀加工,酸洗处理corrosion-inhibiting epoxy-type primer 防腐蚀环氧树脂底层涂料curing 处置,处理,固化处理epoxy adhesive 环氧树脂粘结剂Teflon fluorocarbon resin release cloth 特氟隆碳氟化合物树脂防粘布bleed cloth 透气布vacuum bag 真空袋autoclave 蒸压器adhesive 粘性的,粘合剂thermosetting epoxy resin 热固型环氧树脂ultrasonic inspection equipment 超声波探伤设备void 空学,空洞porosity 集气孔,沙眼,松孔cabin altitude 座舱高度pressure differential 压力差flight station 乘员舱,(机组人员)飞行工作位置cabin pressurization load 座舱增压载荷titanium fail-safe strap 钛金属破损安全带clad alloy 包覆金属entrapment 夹带,截留formation 形成,组成,构成lighter-gauge skin 较薄的机身蒙皮heavy-gauge skin 大规格蒙皮,厚蒙皮shot penning 喷丸强化,喷丸处理main frame 主隔框,承力隔框,中部最大隔框,主机架stopper 止动器,限制器channel 槽型型材,沟槽,______________管道,通道cut out 切口,开口attaching-clip angle 固定卡箍的角材overlapping 重迭,搭接overlapping stringer 搭接桁条center line 中心线transverse beam 横梁wing box 机翼翼盒wheel well 机轮舱,轮舱deck 地板,层舱sulfuric acid anodizing 硫酸阳极化处理organic-coated steel fastener 有机物涂层的钢紧固件polyurethane painting 聚氨酯涂料corrosion-prone area 易于腐蚀的部位filled-sealed adhesive 嵌缝密封粘合剂passenger door 客舱门center elevating coat room 中央升运保护涂层位置galley service center (机上) 厨房服务中心radome compartment 雷达无线整流罩舱avionics compartment 电子设备舱cargo compartment 货舱center wing 中央翼,中翼cargo door 货舱舱门accessory compartment 附件舱waste tank compartment 废液容器舱fuel vent collection box 燃油通气集油盒(进入同期管道的油在此集中再抽回油箱)rueling interconnect line 加油互连通管道fuel tank 燃油油箱escape chute 应急离机口,应急离机滑梯,应急脱离滑道pressure fueling/defueling couplings 压力加油/放油接头hydraulic service center 液压服务中心galley lift (机上)厨房升降梯air conditioning duct 空气调节系统管道,空调管first class seating 头等舱座椅lavatory 卫生间,盥洗室weather radar 气候雷达curved windowshield panel 弯曲成型的挡风玻璃Rolls Royce RB211 turbofan 罗—罗,RB211涡轮风扇geared elevator 随动升降舵(可操纵水平安定面的)flying stabilizer 可操纵安定面auxiliary power unit (APU) 辅助动力装置pressure dome 球形气密隔框electronic service center 电子设备服务中心after hold (bulk cargo) 后货舱(散装货物,笨重货物)coach class seating 二等舱座位conteinerised cargo 集装箱货物double slotted flap 双开缝襟翼inner aileron 内副翼outer aileron 外副翼full span slat 全展长缝翼inward retraction main wheel 向内收起的主机轮forward retraction nose wheel 向前收起的前机轮air conditioning bay 空调设备舱scale 规模,比例,标尺fin 鳍,垂直安定面,垂直尾翼,立尾elevator 升降舵empennage 尾翼appearance 外形,外貌,外表,外观,出现,出版,发表span 翼展,跨距,间距auxiliary spar 辅助梁hinge v. 铰链,合页,铰接接头installation 装置,设备,安装,装配dorsal fin 背鳍streamlined fairing 流线型整流罩swept-back vertical stabilizer 后掠式垂直安定面stabilator 全动式水平尾翼primary controls 主操纵系统secondary controls 辅助操纵系统aileron assembly 副翼装配件repair 修理maintenance 维护,维修technician 技术人员,技师,专门人员proof of strength 强度验证,强度试验limit load test 最大使用载荷试验,限制载荷试验horn 角状物,操纵摇臂rigging load 校装载荷,水平调整载荷,装配载荷rational manner 合理的方式conservation manner 保守的方式movable tail surface 可动的尾部翼面adjustable stabilizer 可调节的安定面(安定面的安装角,可以改变)ultimate bearing strength 极限挤压强度mass balance 质量平衡concentrated mass balance weight 集中的质量平衡重量control system operation 操纵系统的工作function 功能,职能,作用confusion 混淆,干扰,混乱primary flight controls 飞行主操纵系统pitch 抚养,绕横轴的运动,桨叶角,桨距,紧固件的间距yaw v. 偏航运动,偏航two-control airplane 双操纵面飞机lateral control 横侧操纵directional control 方向操纵stop v. 停止,制动,止动器,止动块,止动装置wear v. 磨损slackness 松弛度take-up adjustment 拉紧调整trim system 配平系统precaution vt. 预防措施,小心,注意,警惕pilot 驾驶员trim device 配平装置irreversible tab 不可逆调整片reliability 可靠性unmistakable warning 清除无误的警告,明显的警告control system lock 操纵系统锁light twin airplane 轻型双发动机飞机jackscrew attachment point 螺旋千斤顶安装点hinge point 铰接点elevator balance panel bay 升降舵平衡翼板隔间flash beacon 闪光灯标attach bracket 固定支架primary flight control surface 飞行主操纵面cruising operation 巡航操作fabric 织物,织品,布,纤维织品water-proof 放水,不漏水,不透水coating 涂层drain hole 放油孔,排水孔,泄漏孔hinge line 铰链轴线auxiliary control surface 辅助操纵面doubler 加强板balance weight 平衡重量access door 检查口盖,工作窗,舱门access panel 口盖,舱盖honeycomb 蜂窝结构vertical axis 立轴flutter 颤振aerodynamic surface 气动力面bracket 支架,托架hinge bracket 铰链支架,铰链架displacement 位移,偏转,偏度aerodynamic efficiency 空气动力效率,气动效率,升阻比control tab 操纵屏,随动补偿片static balance 静态平衡aerodynamic balance 气动平衡,气动补偿dynamic balance 动平衡,飞行中立或力矩的平衡ruddervator V型尾翼,方向升降舵secondary flight control surface 飞行辅助操纵面straight and level flight 直线水平飞行servo tab 伺服片,随动补偿片,操纵片control wheel 驾驶盘,操纵轮crank 祛病,手柄,摇臂cable system 钢索系统actuating device 致动装置screwjack 螺旋千斤顶,螺旋致动器logical manner 合理的方式top rim 顶部轮缘,顶部轮圈position indicator 位置指示器push-pull rod 推拉杆,传动杆set-back hinge line 后置铰链轴线track fitting 滑轨接头leading edge slat 前缘缝翼scalloped doubler 扇形式样加强板fiberglass trailing edge 玻璃纤维后缘beaded-doubler inner skin 串珠状加强板内蒙皮feedback fitting 反馈接合actuation 致动器damper 阻尼器,缓冲器,减震器hinge pin 铰链销cotter pin 开口销,开尾销bearing 轴承control arm 操纵臂,操纵杆balance-weight arm 平衡重量支撑臂detachable elevator 可拆卸的升降舵,可分开的升降舵copilot 副驾驶员headroom 净空(高度),头上空间visibility 能见度,视野clearance 间隙,间距,惊恐,余地,清理,排除parachute 降落伞provision 准备,预备,设备,装置aerobatics 特技飞行,航空表演demonstration 论证,说明,显示,示范flight test 飞行试验flying ability 飞行技能,飞行员驾驶技术egress 出口,出路,外溢personnel 全体人员,全体职员navigator 导航设备,导航仪,领航员flight engineer 随机工程师,空勤机械师appurtenance (常用复数) 附属设备,附件,配件,辅助工具safety vt. 安全性,安全措施,安全,保险assurance 确信,把握,信心,保证concentration 集中,浓缩,聚集propeller-driven airplane 螺旋桨飞机blade 叶片,桨叶air-transportation service 空运服务seal 蜜蜂,封严,密封装置,密封垫,密封胶windshield 风挡,风挡玻璃single-place airplane 单座飞机accommodation 调节机能,适应____________(w,供应,膳宿供应,座位,铺位agriculture aircraft 农业用机instrument 仪表,仪器furnishing 装备,装置,设备,供给dual controls 双重操纵机构first pilot 正驾驶,机长second pilot 副驾驶statement 叙述,陈述,论点up-to-date information 最新的资料ventilation 通风,排起,换气vision 观测,目击,观测,视线,视力windshield wiper 雨刷,风挡刷storm window 风雨窗,双层窗airstream 气流glare v. 闪光,强烈刺目的光reflection 反射,折射,偏射windshield panel 风挡窗格玻璃,窗格玻璃impact 碰撞,冲击,撞击flight path 飞行轨迹,航迹velocity 速度transparent plastic sheet 透明塑料板flanged doubler 弯边的加强板,带凸缘的加强板retaining strip 固定带waterproof adhesive tape 防水胶布带vinyl channel 乙烯塑料槽型件thickness 厚度stiffness 刚度,刚性,安定性,稳定性contour 轮廓线,外形cowl deck 整流罩平台felt seal 毛毡密封indentation 压痕,凹槽manufacturer 制造厂,生产厂家maintenance manual 维修手册laminated panel 层板forged frame 锻制框架,锻造框架hnoist provision 起重设备gasket seal 垫片密封,填料密封removal 拆卸vinyl interlayer 乙烯塑料中间层phenolic spacer 酚醛垫片,酚醛间隔物phenolic block 酚醛块gasket silicone seal 硅铜填料密封剂semi-tempered glass 半强化玻璃terminal 终端,终止,接线柱,引线接头autopilot engage 自动驾驶仪接通navigation marker light 航行标示灯,导航信标接收机信号灯airspeed indicator 空速指示器,空速表pilot directional indicator 自动驾驶仪航向指示器gyro horizon 陀螺地平议,航空地平议compass card 罗盘刻度盘altimeter 高度表,高度计rate of climb 爬升率emergency pneumatic brake 应急气动刹车,应急冷气刹车autopilot axis indicator 自动驾驶仪接通指示器ice-detector light 积冰探测灯engine pressure ratio 发动机压力比,发动机增压比engine 发动机每分钟转速thrust-reverser operating light 反推力工作指示灯tailpipe temperature 排气温度管,涡轮后温度master warning 主警告gear down, lock light 起落架放下,锁定信号灯fuel flow 燃油流量tachometer 马赫数表,M数表navigation radio selection 导航无线电选择仪glide slope light 下坡滑度指示灯autopilot disengage 自动驾驶仪切断radio and radar control 无线电和雷达控制air-brake handle 气动刹车减速手柄,减速扳手柄weather radar scope 气象雷达显示器thrust lever 推力杆,油门杆parking-brake letch 停机刹车锁engine start lever 发动机启动手柄turn and bank indicator 转弯侧滑仪hydraulic system pressure 液压系统压力stabilizer trim wheel 安定面配平手轮rudder trim 方向舵配平door post 门框aluminum extrusion 铝挤压件outer retainer 外部固定件,外部保持件temperature sensing element 热敏元件five-ply laminated panel 五层层压窗格玻璃insert 垫圈,插入物defog bus bar 清除混蚀汇流条,扫雾汇流条conductive coating 导电敷层chip retarder 碎裂阻聚剂anti-ice bus bar 防冰汇流条air carrier 航空运输公司,空运工具,运输机presence 存在fuel fume 燃油蒸汽,燃油雾气carbon mobixide 一氧化碳dangerous trace 危险的痕迹ventilation system 通风系统heating system 加温系统pressurization system 增压系统first-class section 一等客舱段trijetliner 三发喷气式航线客机airline 航线,航空公司coach section 二等舱客段broad lofty ceiling 宽阔高耸的舱顶spaciousness 宽敞,宽敞度aisle 通道,走廊divider 分配器,分隔器personal effects 个人财物carry-on luggage 随身的行李safety-belt 安全带,保险带cycle pressurization loading 循环增压载荷pressurized airliner 座舱增压式航线客机cabin sidewall lining 座舱侧壁材料fail-safe structure 破损安全结构acrylic plastic 聚丙烯塑料peripheral seal 周边密封,周缘密封sponge rubber 泡沫橡胶,多孔橡胶spring retainer 弹簧座圈shouldered screw 带托肩的螺钉window-frame forging 窗框锻件reveal 窗框半槽边,窗侧retaining bracket 固定架window ring pan 环形窗框clip 夹子,卡箍slit 长缝,裂缝conditioned air 以调节空气condensation 凝聚,凝结acoustical seal 吸音密封window shade 窗户遮光罩,窗帘acoustical pane 吸音窗玻璃side wall panel 侧壁板formed sheet-metal structure 预成型钣金结构hydro press 水压机stamp press 冲压机,模锻压力机drop hammer 落锤entrance 进口upholstered cabin 装饰过的座舱matching upholstered panel 匹装备饰板door latching 门扣locking mechanism 锁机构forward entry door 前登机门hinge gate 铰接活门door opening 舱门口hinging mechanism 铰接机构,门枢机构controlling mechanism 操纵机构,控制机构plug 塞子,孔塞,堵塞物securing mechanism 关紧机构inside handle 内部手柄cam plate 凸轮盘,凸轮板latching-crank assembly 柄锁装配件angular movement 角运动latch rod 锁杆latch roller 锁滚柱cock-crank assembly 竖起的曲柄装配件torque-tube crank 扭转曲柄hinge arm 铰接臂guide arm 导向支臂snubber 缓冲器,消音器assist handle 辅助手柄radius link 摇柄pivot axis 止动销stop pin 止动板latch pin 锁销door-open stowing latch lever 舱门打开收锁杆remainder 剩余部分recessed handle 隐藏式手柄,隐藏在凹坑处的手柄complexity 错综复杂,复杂的事物bogy 小车,转向架normal mode 普通型emergency mode 应急型auxiliary mode 辅助型emergency evacuation slide 应急排空滑块deployment 部署,展开,散开,开伞reveal seal 窗侧密封outer pane spring assembly 外部窗格玻璃弹簧装配件permanently mounted screw 永久性固定螺钉nutplate 托板螺帽ventilation hole 通气孔ventilation slot 通气缝window trim 窗狂细木工件,窗框装饰trim pad 细木窗框衬垫escutcheon plate 锁眼盖,孔罩板handle mechanism housing 手柄机构外壳avionics compartment lower door 电子设备下舱门avionics compartment aft door 电子设备后舱门air conditioning compartment door 空调舱门forward passenger door 前客舱门center accessory compartment door 中央辅助设备舱门overawing passenger door 机翼上方客舱门center cargo door 中央货舱门APU compartment door 辅助电源设备舱舱门tail cone lower door 尾锥下舱门overstress 过大应力,过载,超载overstressing 过应力,超限应力landing load 地面载荷(指起飞,着陆或在地面滑行时,飞机结构承受的载荷)fixed landing gear 固定式起落架retractable landing gear 收放式起落架conventional arrangement 常规配置,正常配置tricycle arrangement 前三点布局,前三点配置tricycle landing gear arrangement 前三点式起落架布局nose wheel 前轮old conventional gear 旧式常规起落架tail-wheel type 尾轮式main gear 主起落架strut 支柱,撑杆,吊架body-gear strut 机身起落架支柱wing-gear strut 机翼起落架支柱nose-gear wheel 前起落架机轮main wheel 主轮axis 轮轴,车轮main beam 主梁caster 脚轮,转向轮swivel 旋转接头,旋转节,旋转shock-absorbing method 减震方法rubber shock cord 橡皮减震绳,缓冲绳rubber disk 橡皮盘coil spring 螺旋弹簧,盘簧hydraulic piston 液压活塞flexible spring steel 柔性弹簧钢oleo 油液减震器,油液减震支柱air-oleo 空气—油液减震器spring-oleo 弹簧—油液减震器flexibility 柔性,韧性,挠性elasticity 弹性alloy steel 合金钢brake 刹车air-oleo strut 油气式减震支柱cylinder 气缸,做动筒,圆筒metering piston 分油活塞,分油柱塞orifice 小孔metering pin 调节油针taxi 滑行cross-sectional drawing 剖视图retracting system 收起系统trunnion 轴颈,枢轴,耳轴retracting mechanism 收起机构electric operated screw 电操纵螺杆hydraulic actuating cylinder 液压致动作动筒civil airplane 民用飞机,民航飞机linking device 连接机构drop-test 着陆重量(起落架)落震试验,冲击试验wheel well door 起落架舱门,轮舱盖supporting structure 支撑结构friction 摩擦力inertia 惯性brake torque 刹车扭矩air load 气动载荷retraction 收回extension 伸出,延伸stalling speed 失速速度approach position 进场着陆位置cruising speed 巡航速度load factor 载荷因数,过载,装载系数(有效载荷与飞机起飞重量比)yawing maneuver 偏航运动,方向动机positive means 可靠的方法safety switch 安全电门,保险开关emergency system 应急系统emergency means 应急方法operational test 使用实验,工作实验retracted position 收上位extended position 放下位landplane 陆上飞机aural warning device 声响报警装置,声响报警器throttle 节流阀,节流油门,节气门manual shutoff 手动关断landing-gear control knob 起落架控制按钮transport-airplane 运输机tire 轮胎,轮箍multiple landing gear 多轮起落架compressed air chamber 压缩空气室piston tube 活塞管inner cylinder 内筒outer cylinder 外筒oil chamber 油室power plant 动力装置,发动机mount 支架座,安装,固定,装配enclosed shelter 封闭的掩蔽所multiengine airplane 多引擎飞机National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NSAS) 国家航空和宇航局stream-lined structure 流线型结构pod 吊舱,短舱,分离舱,可拆卸的货舱pylon 外挂梁,吊架,挂架,支架engine mount 发动机架formed sheet metal 冷弯钣金件welded steel tube 焊接钢管。
漫谈微分几何、多复变函数与代数几何(Differential geometry, functions

漫谈微分几何、多复变函数与代数几何(Differential geometry, functions of complex variable and algebraic geometry)Differential geometry and tensor analysis, developed with the development of differential geometry, are the basic tools for mastering general relativity. Because general relativity's success, to always obscure differential geometry has become one of the central discipline of mathematics.Since the invention of differential calculus, the birth of differential geometry was born. But the work of Euler, Clairaut and Monge really made differential geometry an independent discipline. In the work of geodesy, Euler has gradually obtained important research, and obtained the famous Euler formula for the calculation of normal curvature. The Clairaut curve of the curvature and torsion, Monge published "analysis is applied to the geometry of the loose leaf paper", the important properties of curves and surfaces are represented by differential equations, which makes the development of classical differential geometry to reach a peak. Gauss in the study of geodesic, through complicated calculation, in 1827 found two main curvature surfaces and its product in the periphery of the Euclidean shape of the space not only depends on its first fundamental form, the result is Gauss proudly called the wonderful theorem, created from the intrinsic geometry. The free surface of space from the periphery, the surface itself as a space to study. In 1854, Riemann made the hypothesis about geometric foundation, and extended the intrinsic geometry of Gauss in 2 dimensional curved surface, thus developing n-dimensional Riemann geometry, with the development of complex functions. A group of excellentmathematicians extended the research objects of differential geometry to complex manifolds and extended them to the complex analytic space theory including singularities. Each step of differential geometry faces not only the deepening of knowledge, but also the continuous expansion of the field of knowledge. Here, differential geometry and complex functions, Lie group theory, algebraic geometry, and PDE all interact profoundly with one another. Mathematics is constantly dividing and blending with each other.By shining the charming glory and the differential geometric function theory of several complex variables, unit circle and the upper half plane (the two conformal mapping establishment) defined on Poincare metric, complex function theory and the differential geometric relationships can be seen distinctly. Poincare metric is conformal invariant. The famous Schwarz theorem can be explained as follows: the Poincare metric on the unit circle does not increase under analytic mapping; if and only if the mapping is a fractional linear transformation, the Poincare metric does not change Poincare. Applying the hyperbolic geometry of Poincare metric, we can easily prove the famous Picard theorem. The proof of Picard theorem to modular function theory is hard to use, if using the differential geometric point of view, can also be in a very simple way to prove. Differential geometry permeates deep into the theory of complex functions. In the theory of multiple complex functions, the curvature of the real differential geometry and other series of calculations are followed by the analysis of the region definition metric of the complex affine space. In complex situations, all of the singular discrete distribution, and in more complex situations, because of the famous Hartogsdevelopment phenomenon, all isolated singularities are engulfed by a continuous region even in singularity formation is often destroyed, only the formation of real codimension 1 manifold can avoid the bad luck. But even this situation requires other restrictions to ensure safety". The singular properties of singularities in the theory of functions of complex functions make them destined to be manifolds. In 1922, Bergman introduced the famous Bergman kernel function, the more complex function or Weyl said its era, in addition to the famous Hartogs, Poincare, Levi of Cousin and several predecessors almost no substantive progress, injected a dynamic Bergman work will undoubtedly give this dead area. In many complex function domains in the Bergman metric metric in the one-dimensional case is the unit circle and Poincare on the upper half plane of the Poincare, which doomed the importance of the work of Bergman.The basic object of algebraic geometry is the properties of the common zeros (algebraic families) of any dimension, affine space, or algebraic equations of a projective space (defined equations),The definitions of algebraic clusters, the coefficients of equations, and the domains in which the points of an algebraic cluster are located are called base domains. An irreducible algebraic variety is a finite sub extension of its base domain. In our numerical domain, the linear space is the extension of the base field in the number field, and the dimension of the linear space is the number of the expansion. From this point of view, algebraic geometry can be viewed as a study of finite extension fields. The properties of algebraic clusters areclosely related to their base domains. The algebraic domain of complex affine space or complex projective space, the research process is not only a large number of concepts and differential geometry and complex function theory and applied to a large number of coincidence, the similar tools in the process of research. Every step of the complex manifold and the complex analytic space has the same influence on these subjects. Many masters in related fields, although they seem to study only one field, have consequences for other areas. For example: the Lerey study of algebraic topology that it has little effect on layer, in algebraic topology, but because of Serre, Weil and H? Cartan (E? Cartan, eldest son) introduction, has a profound impact on algebraic geometry and complex function theory. Chern studies the categories of Hermite spaces, but it also affects algebraic geometry, differential geometry and complex functions. Hironaka studies the singular point resolution in algebraic geometry, but the modification of complex manifold to complex analytic space and blow up affect the theory of complex analytic space. Yau proves that the Calabi conjecture not only affects algebraic geometry and differential geometry, but also affects classical general relativity. At the same time, we can see the important position of nonlinear ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations in differential geometry. Cartan study of symmetric Riemann space, the classification theorem is important, given 1, 2 and 3 dimensional space of a Homogeneous Bounded Domain complete classification, prove that they are all homogeneous symmetric domains at the same time, he guessed: This is also true in the n-dimensional equivalent relation. In 1959, Piatetski-Shapiro has two counterexample and find the domain theory of automorphic function study in symmetry, in the 4 and 5dimensional cases each find a homogeneous bounded domain, which is not a homogeneous symmetric domain, the domain he named Siegel domain, to commemorate the profound work on Siegel in 1943 of automorphic function. The results of Piatetski-Shapiro has profound impact on the theory of complex variable functions and automorphic function theory, and have a profound impact on the symmetry space theory and a series of topics. As we know, Cartan transforms the study of symmetric spaces into the study of Lie groups and Lie algebras, which is directly influenced by Klein and greatly develops the initial idea of Klein. Then it is Cartan developed the concept of Levi-Civita connection, the development of differential geometry in general contact theory, isomorphic mapping through tangent space at each point on the manifold, realize the dream of Klein and greatly promote the development of differential geometry. Cartan is the same, and concluded that the importance of the research in the holonomy manifold twists and turns, finally after his death in thirty years has proved to be correct. Here, we see the vast beauty of differential geometry.As we know, geodesic ties are associated with ODE (ordinary differential equations), minimal surfaces and high dimensional submanifolds are associated with PDE (partial differential equations). These equations are nonlinear equations, so they have high requirements for analysis. Complex PDE and complex analysis the relationship between Cauchy-Riemann equations coupling the famous function theory, in the complex case, the Cauchy- Riemann equations not only deepen the unprecedented contact and the qualitative super Cauchy-Riemann equations (the number of variables is greater than the number of equations) led to a strange phenomenon. This makes PDE and the theory ofmultiple complex functions closely integrated with differential geometry.Most of the scholars have been studying the differential geometry of the intrinsic geometry of the Gauss and Riemann extremely deep stun, by Cartan's method of moving frames is beautiful and concise dumping, by Chern's theory of characteristic classes of the broad and profound admiration, Yau deep exquisite geometric analysis skills to deter.When the young Chern faced the whole differentiation, he said he was like a mountain facing the shining golden light, but he couldn't reach the summit at one time. But then he was cast as a master in this field before Hopf and Weil.If the differential geometry Cartan development to gradually change the general relativistic geometric model, then the differential geometry of Chern et al not only affect the continuation of Cartan and to promote the development of fiber bundle in the form of gauge field theory. Differential geometry is still closely bound up with physics as in the age of Einstein and continues to acquire research topics from physicsWhy does the three-dimensional sphere not give flatness gauge, but can give conformal flatness gauge? Because 3D balls and other dimension as the ball to establish flat space isometric mapping, so it is impossible to establish a flatness gauge; and n-dimensional balls are usually single curvature space, thus can establish a conformal flat metric. In differential geometry, isometry means that the distance between the points on the manifold before and after the mapping remains the same. Whena manifold is equidistant from a flat space, the curvature of its Riemann cross section is always zero. Since the curvature of all spheres is positive constant, the n-dimensional sphere and other manifolds whose sectional curvature is nonzero can not be assigned to local flatness gauge.But there are locally conformally flat manifolds for this concept, two gauge G and G, if G=exp{is called G, P}? G between a and G transform is a conformal transformation. Weyl conformal curvature tensor remains unchanged under conformal transformation. It is a tensor field of (1,3) type on a manifold. When the Weyl conformal curvature tensor is zero, the curvature tensor of the manifold can be represented by the Ricci curvature tensor and the scalar curvature, so Penrose always emphasizes the curvature =Ricci+Weyl.The metric tensor g of an n-dimensional Riemann manifold is conformally equivalent to the flatness gauge locally, and is called conformally flat manifold. All Manifolds (constant curvature manifolds) whose curvature is constant are conformally flat, so they can be given conformal conformal metric. And all dimensions of the sphere (including thethree-dimensional sphere) are manifold of constant curvature, so they must be given conformal conformal metric. Conversely, conformally flat manifolds are not necessarily manifolds of constant curvature. But a wonderful result related to Einstein manifolds can make up for this regret: conformally conformally Einstein manifolds over 3 dimensions must be manifolds of constant curvature. That is to say, if we want conformally conformally flat manifolds to be manifolds of constant curvature, we must call Ric= lambda g, and this is thedefinition of Einstein manifolds. In the formula, Ric is the Ricci curvature tensor, G is the metric tensor, and lambda is constant. The scalar curvature S=m of Einstein manifolds is constant. Moreover, if S is nonzero, there is no nonzero parallel tangent vector field over it. Einstein introduction of the cosmological constant. So he missed the great achievements that the expansion of the universe, so Hubble is successful in the official career; but the vacuum gravitational field equation of cosmological term with had a Einstein manifold, which provides a new stage for mathematicians wit.For the 3 dimensional connected Einstein manifold, even if does not require the conformal flat, it is also the automatic constant curvature manifolds, other dimensions do not set up this wonderful nature, I only know that this is the tensor analysis summer learning, the feeling is a kind of enjoyment. The sectional curvature in the real manifold is different from the curvature of the Holomorphic cross section in the Kahler manifold, and thus produces different results. If the curvature of holomorphic section is constant, the Ricci curvature of the manifold must be constant, so it must be Einstein manifold, called Kahler- Einstein manifold, Kahler. Kahler manifolds are Kahler- Einstein manifolds, if and only if they are Riemann manifolds, Einstein manifolds. N dimensional complex vector space, complex projective space, complex torus and complex hyperbolic space are Kahler- and Einstein manifolds. The study of Kahler-Einstein manifolds becomes the intellectual enjoyment of geometer.Let's go back to an important result of isometric mapping.In this paper, we consider the isometric mapping between M and N and the mapping of the cut space between the two Riemann manifolds, take P at any point on M, and select two non tangent tangent vectors in its tangent space, and obtain its sectional curvature. In the mapping, the two tangent vectors on the P point and its tangent space are transformed into two other tangent vectors under the mapping, and the sectional curvature of the vector is also obtained. If the mapping is isometric mapping, then the curvature of the two cross sections is equal. Or, to be vague, isometric mapping does not change the curvature of the section.Conversely, if the arbitrary points are set, the curvature of the section does not change in nature, then the mapping is not isometric mapping The answer was No. Even in thethree-dimensional Euclidean space on the surface can not set up this property. In some cases, the limit of the geodesic line must be added, and the properties of the Jacobi field can be used to do so. This is the famous Cartan isometry theorem. This theorem is a wonderful application of the Jacobi field. Its wide range of promotion is made by Ambrose and Hicks, known as the Cartan-Ambrose-Hicks theorem.Differential geometry is full of infinite charm. We classify pseudo-Riemannian spaces by using Weyl conformal curvature tensor, which can be classified by Ricci curvature tensor, or classified into 9 types by Bianchi. And these things are all can be attributed to the study of differential geometry, this distant view Riemann and slightly closer to the Klein point of the perfect combination, it can be seen that the great wisdom Cartan, here you can see the profound influence of Einstein.From the Hermite symmetry space to the Kahler-Hodge manifold, differential geometry is not only closely linked with the Lie group, but also connected with algebra, geometry and topologyThink of the great 1895 Poicare wrote the great "position analysis" was founded combination topology unabashedly said differential geometry in high dimensional space is of little importance to this subject, he said: "the home has beautiful scenery, where Xuyuan for." (Chern) topology is the beauty of the home. Why do you have to work hard to compute the curvature of surfaces or even manifolds of high dimensions? But this versatile mathematician is wrong, but we can not say that the mathematical genius no major contribution to differential geometry? Can not. Let's see today's close relation between differential geometry and topology, we'll see. When is a closed form the proper form? The inverse of the Poicare lemma in the region of the homotopy point (the single connected region) tells us that it is automatically established. In the non simply connected region is de famous Rham theorem tells us how to set up, that is the integral differential form in all closed on zero.Even in the field of differential geometry ignored by Poicare, he is still in a casual way deeply affected by the subject, or rather is affecting the whole mathematics.The nature of any discipline that seeks to be generalized after its creation, as is differential geometry. From the curvature, Euclidean curvature of space straight to zero, geometry extended to normal curvature number (narrow Riemann space) andnegative constant space (Lobachevskii space), we know that the greatness of non Euclidean geometry is that it not only independent of the fifth postulate and other alternative to the new geometry. It can be the founder of triangle analysis on it. But the famous mathematician Milnor said that before differential geometry went into non Euclidean geometry, non Euclidean geometry was only the torso with no hands and no feet. The non Euclidean geometry is born only when the curvature is computed uniformly after the metric is defined. In his speech in 1854, Riemann wrote only one formula: that is, this formula unifies the positive curvature, negative curvature and zero curvature geometry. Most people think that the formula for "Riemann" is based on intuition. In fact, later people found the draft paper that he used to calculate the formula. Only then did he realize that talent should be diligent. Riemann has explored the curvature of manifolds of arbitrary curvature of any dimension, but the quantitative calculations go beyond the mathematical tools of that time, and he can only write the unified formula for manifolds of constant curvature. But we know,Even today, this result is still important, differential geometry "comparison theorem" a multitude of names are in constant curvature manifolds for comparison model.When Riemann had considered two differential forms the root of two, this is what we are familiar with the Riemann metric Riemannnian, derived from geometry, he specifically mentioned another case, is the root of four four differential forms (equivalent to four yuan product and four times square). This is the contact and the difference between the two. But he saidthat for this situation and the previous case, the study does not require substantially different methods. It also says that such studies are time consuming and that new insights cannot be added to space, and the results of calculations lack geometric meaning. So Riemann studied only what is now called Riemann metric. Why are future generations of Finsler interested in promoting the Riemann's not wanting to study? It may be that mathematicians are so good that they become a hobby. Cartan in Finsler geometry made efforts, but the effect was little, Chern on the geometric really high hopes also developed some achievements. But I still and general view on the international consensus, that is the Finsler geometry bleak. This is also the essential reason of Finsler geometry has been unable to enter the mainstream of differential geometry, it no beautiful properties really worth geometers to struggle, also do not have what big application value. Later K- exhibition space, Cartan space will not become mainstream, although they are the extension of Riemannnian geometry, but did not get what the big development.In fact, sometimes the promotion of things to get new content is not much, differential geometry is the same, not the object of study, the more ordinary the better, but should be appropriate to the special good. For example, in Riemann manifold, homogeneous Riemann manifold is more special, beautiful nature, homogeneous Riemann manifolds, symmetric Riemann manifold is more special, so nature more beautiful. This is from the analysis of manifold Lie group action angle.From the point of view of metric, the complex structure is given on the even dimensional Riemann manifold, and the complexmanifold is very elegant. Near complex manifolds are complex manifolds only when the near complex structure is integrable. The complex manifold must be orientable, because it is easy to find that its Jacobian must be nonnegative, whereas the real manifold does not have this property in general. To narrow the scope of the Kahler manifold has more good properties, all complex Submanifolds of Kahler manifolds are Kahler manifolds, and minimal submanifolds (Wirtinger theorem), the beautiful results captured the hearts of many differential geometry and algebraic geometry, because other more general manifolds do not set up this beautiful results. If the first Chern number of a three-dimensional Kahler manifold is zero, the Calabi-Yau manifold can be obtained, which is a very interesting manifold for theoretical physicists. The manifold of mirrors of Calabi-Yau manifolds is also a common subject of differential geometry in algebraic geometry. The popular Hodge structure is a subject of endless appeal.Differential geometry, an endless topic. Just as algebraic geometry requires double - rational equivalence as a luxury, differential geometry requires isometric transformations to be difficult. Taxonomy is an eternal subject of mathematics. In group theory, there are single group classification, multi complex function theory, regional classification, algebraic geometry in the classification of algebraic clusters, differential geometry is also classified.The hard question has led to a dash of young geometry and old scholars, and the prospect of differential geometry is very bright.。
船舶 部件 英汉词汇汇总

profile 外廓线
railway line 轨道线
reverse frame 内底横骨
rounded lines 转圆线
rudder 舵
rudder post 舵柱
tiller 舵杆
scantling draft 结构吃水
screen bulkhead 轻舱壁
end snip for stiffeners 型材端部削斜
engine casing 机舱棚
engine room 机舱
expansion trunk 膨胀阱
face plate 面板
fairing of lines 型线光顺
fender 护舷材
Fine dash line 细虚线
construction plan 结构图,施工图
corner weld 角焊缝
corridor 通道、走廊
corrugated bulkhead 槽形舱壁
corrugated transverse bulkhead plan
crosstie 撑杆
Dat-and-dask fine line 细点划线
gunwale angle 舷边角钢
gusset plate 菱形板
H bar 工字钢
half beam 半梁
half breadth plan 半宽水线图
hatch coaming 舱口围板
hatch end beam 舱口端横梁
hatch side cantilever 舱口悬壁梁
poop deck center line 尾楼甲板中线

Abelian groupIn abstract algebra, an abelian group, also called a commutative group, is a group in which the result of applying the group operation to two group elements does not depend on their order (the axiom of commutativity). Abelian groups generalize the arithmetic of addition of integers. They are named after Niels Henrik Abel.[1]The concept of an abelian group is one of the first concepts encountered in undergraduate abstract algebra, with many other basic objects, such as a module and a vector space, being its refinements. The theory of abelian groups is generally simpler than that of their non-abelian counterparts, and finite abelian groups are very well understood. On the other hand, the theory of infinite abelian groups is an area of current research.DefinitionAn abelian group is a set, A, together with an operation "•" that combines any two elements a and b to form another element denoted a• b. The symbol "•" is a general placeholder for a concretely given operation. To qualify as an abelian group, the set and operation, (A, •), must satisfy five requirements known as the abelian group axioms: ClosureFor all a, b in A, the result of the operation a• b is also in A.AssociativityFor all a, b and c in A, the equation (a• b) • c = a• (b• c) holds.Identity elementThere exists an element e in A, such that for all elements a in A, the equation e• a = a• e = a holds.Inverse elementFor each a in A, there exists an element b in A such that a• b = b• a = e, where e is the identity element. CommutativityFor all a, b in A, a• b = b• a.More compactly, an abelian group is a commutative group. A group in which the group operation is not commutative is called a "non-abelian group" or "non-commutative group".FactsNotationThere are two main notational conventions for abelian groups — additive and multiplicative.Convention Operation Identity Powers InverseAddition x + y0nx−xMultiplication x * y or xy e or 1x n x−1Generally, the multiplicative notation is the usual notation for groups, while the additive notation is the usual notation for modules. The additive notation may also be used to emphasize that a particular group is abelian, whenever both abelian and non-abelian groups are considered.Multiplication tableTo verify that a finite group is abelian, a table (matrix) - known as a Cayley table - can be constructed in a similarfashion to a multiplication table. If the group is G = {g1 = e, g2, ..., gn} under the operation ⋅, the (i, j)'th entry of thistable contains the product gi ⋅ gj. The group is abelian if and only if this table is symmetric about the main diagonal(i.e. if the matrix is a symmetric matrix).This is true since if the group is abelian, then gi ⋅ gj= gj⋅ gi. This implies that the (i, j)'th entry of the table equals the(j, i)'th entry - i.e. the table is symmetric about the main diagonal.Examples•For the integers and the operation addition "+", denoted (Z,+), the operation + combines any two integers to forma third integer, addition is associative, zero is the additive identity, every integer n has an additive inverse, −n, andthe addition operation is commutative since m + n = n + m for any two integers m and n.•Every cyclic group G is abelian, because if x, y are in G, then xy = a m a n = a m + n = a n + m = a n a m = yx. Thus the integers, Z, form an abelian group under addition, as do the integers modulo n, Z/n Z.•Every ring is an abelian group with respect to its addition operation. In a commutative ring the invertible elements, or units, form an abelian multiplicative group. In particular, the real numbers are an abelian group under addition, and the nonzero real numbers are an abelian group under multiplication.•Every subgroup of an abelian group is normal, so each subgroup gives rise to a quotient group. Subgroups, quotients, and direct sums of abelian groups are again abelian.In general, matrices, even invertible matrices, do not form an abelian group under multiplication because matrix multiplication is generally not commutative. However, some groups of matrices are abelian groups under matrix multiplication - one example is the group of 2x2 rotation matrices.Historical remarksAbelian groups were named for Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel by Camille Jordan because Abel found that the commutativity of the group of an equation implies its roots are solvable by radicals. See Section 6.5 of Cox (2004) for more information on the historical background.PropertiesIf n is a natural number and x is an element of an abelian group G written additively, then nx can be defined as x + x + ... + x (n summands) and (−n)x = −(nx). In this way, G becomes a module over the ring Z of integers. In fact, the modules over Z can be identified with the abelian groups.Theorems about abelian groups (i.e. modules over the principal ideal domain Z) can often be generalized to theorems about modules over an arbitrary principal ideal domain. A typical example is the classification of finitely generated abelian groups which is a specialization of the structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain. In the case of finitely generated abelian groups, this theorem guarantees that an abelian group splits as a direct sum of a torsion group and a free abelian group. The former may be written as a direct sum of finitely many groups of the form Z/p k Z for p prime, and the latter is a direct sum of finitely many copies of Z.If f, g : G → H are two group homomorphisms between abelian groups, then their sum f + g, defined by (f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x), is again a homomorphism. (This is not true if H is a non-abelian group.) The set Hom(G, H) of all group homomorphisms from G to H thus turns into an abelian group in its own right.Somewhat akin to the dimension of vector spaces, every abelian group has a rank. It is defined as the cardinality of the largest set of linearly independent elements of the group. The integers and the rational numbers have rank one, as well as every subgroup of the rationals.Finite abelian groupsCyclic groups of integers modulo n, Z/n Z, were among the first examples of groups. It turns out that an arbitrary finite abelian group is isomorphic to a direct sum of finite cyclic groups of prime power order, and these orders are uniquely determined, forming a complete system of invariants. The automorphism group of a finite abelian group can be described directly in terms of these invariants. The theory had been first developed in the 1879 paper of Georg Frobenius and Ludwig Stickelberger and later was both simplified and generalized to finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain, forming an important chapter of linear algebra.ClassificationThe fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups states that every finite abelian group G can be expressed as the direct sum of cyclic subgroups of prime-power order. This is a special case of the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups when G has zero rank.The cyclic group of order mn is isomorphic to the direct sum of and if and only if m and n are coprime. It follows that any finite abelian group G is isomorphic to a direct sum of the formin either of the following canonical ways:•the numbers k1,...,kuare powers of primes•k1 divides k2, which divides k3, and so on up to ku.For example, can be expressed as the direct sum of two cyclic subgroups of order 3 and 5:. The same can be said for any abelian group of order 15, leading to the remarkable conclusion that all abelian groups of order 15 are isomorphic.For another example, every abelian group of order 8 is isomorphic to either (the integers 0 to 7 under addition modulo 8), (the odd integers 1 to 15 under multiplication modulo 16), or .See also list of small groups for finite abelian groups of order 16 or less.AutomorphismsOne can apply the fundamental theorem to count (and sometimes determine) the automorphisms of a given finiteabelian group G. To do this, one uses the fact (which will not be proved here) that if G splits as a direct sum H Kof subgroups of coprime order, then Aut(H K) Aut(H) Aut(K).Given this, the fundamental theorem shows that to compute the automorphism group of G it suffices to compute the automorphism groups of the Sylow p-subgroups separately (that is, all direct sums of cyclic subgroups, each with order a power of p). Fix a prime p and suppose the exponents eiof the cyclic factors of the Sylow p-subgroup are arranged in increasing order:for some n > 0. One needs to find the automorphisms ofOne special case is when n = 1, so that there is only one cyclic prime-power factor in the Sylow p-subgroup P. In this case the theory of automorphisms of a finite cyclic group can be used. Another special case is when n is arbitrary butei= 1 for 1 ≤ i≤ n. Here, one is considering P to be of the formso elements of this subgroup can be viewed as comprising a vector space of dimension n over the finite field of p elements . The automorphisms of this subgroup are therefore given by the invertible linear transformations, sowhere GL is the appropriate general linear group. This is easily shown to have orderIn the most general case, where the e i and n are arbitrary, the automorphism group is more difficult to determine. It is known, however, that if one definesandthen one has in particular d k ≥ k , c k ≤ k , andOne can check that this yields the orders in the previous examples as special cases (see [Hillar,Rhea]).Infinite abelian groupsТhe simplest infinite abelian group is the infinite cyclic group Z . Any finitely generated abelian group A is isomorphic to the direct sum of r copies of Z and a finite abelian group, which in turn is decomposable into a direct sum of finitely many cyclic groups of primary orders. Even though the decomposition is not unique, the number r ,called the rank of A , and the prime powers giving the orders of finite cyclic summands are uniquely determined.By contrast, classification of general infinitely generated abelian groups is far from complete. Divisible groups, i.e.abelian groups A in which the equation nx = a admits a solution x ∈ A for any natural number n and element a of A ,constitute one important class of infinite abelian groups that can be completely characterized. Every divisible group is isomorphic to a direct sum, with summands isomorphic to Q and Prüfer groups Q p /Z p for various prime numbers p , and the cardinality of the set of summands of each type is uniquely determined.[2] Moreover, if a divisible group A is a subgroup of an abelian group G then A admits a direct complement: a subgroup C of G such that G = A ⊕ C .Thus divisible groups are injective modules in the category of abelian groups, and conversely, every injective abelian group is divisible (Baer's criterion). An abelian group without non-zero divisible subgroups is called reduced .Two important special classes of infinite abelian groups with diametrically opposite properties are torsion groups and torsion-free groups , examplified by the groups Q /Z (periodic) and Q (torsion-free).Torsion groupsAn abelian group is called periodic or torsion if every element has finite order. A direct sum of finite cyclic groups is periodic. Although the converse statement is not true in general, some special cases are known. The first and second Prüfer theorems state that if A is a periodic group and either it has bounded exponent , i.e. nA = 0 for some natural number n , or if A is countable and the p -heights of the elements of A are finite for each p , then A is isomorphic to a direct sum of finite cyclic groups.[3] The cardinality of the set of direct summands isomorphic to Z /p m Z in such a decomposition is an invariant of A . These theorems were later subsumed in the Kulikov criterion .In a different direction, Helmut Ulm found an extension of the second Prüfer theorem to countable abelian p -groups with elements of infinite height: those groups are completely classified by means of their Ulm invariants.Torsion-free and mixed groupsAn abelian group is called torsion-free if every non-zero element has infinite order. Several classes of torsion-free abelian groups have been extensively studied:•Free abelian groups, i.e. arbitrary direct sums of Z•Cotorsion and algebraically compact torsion-free groups such as the p-adic integers•Slender groupsAn abelian group that is neither periodic nor torsion-free is called mixed. If A is an abelian group and T(A) is its torsion subgroup then the factor group A/T(A) is torsion-free. However, in general the torsion subgroup is not a direct summand of A, so the torsion-free factor cannot be realized as a subgroup of A and A is not isomorphic to T(A) ⊕A/T(A). Thus the theory of mixed groups involves more than simply combining the results about periodic and torsion-free groups.Invariants and classificationOne of the most basic invariants of an infinite abelian group A is its rank: the cardinality of the maximal linearly independent subset of A. Abelian groups of rank 0 are precisely the periodic groups, while torsion-free abelian groups of rank 1 are necessarily subgroups of Q and can be completely described. More generally, a torsion-freeis a torsion-free abelian group of finite rank r is a subgroup of Q r. On the other hand, the group of p-adic integers Zpn with different n are non-isomorphic, so this invariant does not abelian group of infinite Z-rank and the groups Zpeven fully capture properties of some familiar groups.The classification theorems for finitely generated, divisible, countable periodic, and rank 1 torsion-free abelian groups explained above were all obtained before 1950 and form a foundation of the classification of more general infinite abelian groups. Important technical tools used in classification of infinite abelian groups are pure and basic subgroups. Introduction of various invariants of torsion-free abelian groups has been one avenue of further progress. See the books by Irving Kaplansky, László Fuchs, Phillip Griffiths, and David Arnold, as well as the proceedings of the conferences on Abelian Group Theory published in Lecture Notes in Mathematics for more recent results. Additive groups of ringsThe additive group of a ring is an abelian group, but not all abelian groups are additive groups of rings (with nontrivial multiplication). Some important topics in this area of study are:•Tensor product•Corner's results on countable torsion-free groups•Shelah's work to remove cardinality restrictionsRelation to other mathematical topicsMany large abelian groups possess a natural topology, which turns them into topological groups.The collection of all abelian groups, together with the homomorphisms between them, forms the category Ab, the prototype of an abelian category.Nearly all well-known algebraic structures other than Boolean algebras, are undecidable. Hence it is surprising that Tarski's student Szmielew (1955) proved that the first order theory of abelian groups, unlike its nonabelian counterpart, is decidable. This decidability, plus the fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups described above, highlight some of the successes in abelian group theory, but there are still many areas of current research:•Amongst torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank, only the finitely generated case and the rank 1 case are well understood;•There are many unsolved problems in the theory of infinite-rank torsion-free abelian groups;•While countable torsion abelian groups are well understood through simple presentations and Ulm invariants, the case of countable mixed groups is much less mature.•Many mild extensions of the first order theory of abelian groups are known to be undecidable.•Finite abelian groups remain a topic of research in computational group theory.Moreover, abelian groups of infinite order lead, quite surprisingly, to deep questions about the set theory commonly assumed to underlie all of mathematics. Take the Whitehead problem: are all Whitehead groups of infinite order also free abelian groups? In the 1970s, Saharon Shelah proved that the Whitehead problem is:•Undecidable in ZFC, the conventional axiomatic set theory from which nearly all of present day mathematics can be derived. The Whitehead problem is also the first question in ordinary mathematics proved undecidable in ZFC;•Undecidable even if ZFC is augmented by taking the generalized continuum hypothesis as an axiom;•Decidable if ZFC is augmented with the axiom of constructibility (see statements true in L).A note on the typographyAmong mathematical adjectives derived from the proper name of a mathematician, the word "abelian" is rare in that it is often spelled with a lowercase a, rather than an uppercase A, indicating how ubiquitous the concept is in modern mathematics.[4]Notes[1]Jacobson (2009), p. 41[2]For example, Q/Z≅ ∑p Qp/Zp.[3]Countability assumption in the second Prüfer theorem cannot be removed: the torsion subgroup of the direct product of the cyclic groupsZ/p m Z for all natural m is not a direct sum of cyclic groups.[4]Abel Prize Awarded: The Mathematicians' Nobel (/devlin/devlin_04_04.html)References•Cox, David (2004) Galois Theory. Wiley-Interscience. Hoboken, NJ. xx+559 pp. MR2119052•Fuchs, László (1970) Infinite abelian groups, Vol. I. Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 36. New York–London: Academic Press. xi+290 pp. MR0255673•------ (1973) Infinite abelian groups, Vol. II. Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 36-II. New York–London: Academic Press. ix+363 pp. MR0349869•Griffith, Phillip A. (1970). Infinite Abelian group theory. Chicago Lectures in Mathematics. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-30870-7.•I.N. Herstein (1975), Topics in Algebra, 2nd edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York) ISBN 0-471-02371-X •Hillar, Christopher and Rhea, Darren (2007), Automorphisms of finite abelian groups. Amer. Math. Monthly 114, no. 10, 917-923. arXiv:0605185.•Jacobson, Nathan (2009). Basic algebra. 1 (2nd ed.). Dover. ISBN 978-0-486-47189-1..•Szmielew, Wanda (1955) "Elementary properties of abelian groups," Fundamenta Mathematica41: 203-71.Article Sources and Contributors7Article Sources and ContributorsAbelian group Source: /w/index.php?oldid=428592415 Contributors:, Aeons, Amire80, Andres, Andyparkerson, Arcfrk, AxelBoldt, Bender2k14,Brighterorange, Brona, Bryan Derksen, CRGreathouse, Charles Matthews, Chas zzz brown, Chowbok, Ciphers, Coleegu, Conversion script, DHN, DL144, Dcoetzee, Diego Moya, Doradus, Dr Caligari, Drbreznjev, Drgruppenpest, Drilnoth, Dysprosia, Fibonacci, Fropuff, GB fan, Gandalf61, Gauge, Geschichte, Giftlite, Gregbard, Grubber,, Isnow, JackSchmidt, Jdforrester, Jitse Niesen, Jlaire, Joe Campbell, Johnuniq, Jonathans, Jorend, Kaoru Itou, Karada, Keenan Pepper, Konradek, Lagelspeil, Leonard G., Lethe, Lovro, Madmath789, Magic in the night,Mathisreallycool, Mets501, Michael Hardy, Michael Slone, Mikael V, Namwob0, Negi(afk), Newone, Oleg Alexandrov, Oli Filth, Pakaran, Patrick, Philosophygeek, Pmanderson, Poor Yorick, Quotient group, R.e.b., Recognizance, Revolver, Rickterp, Romanm, Salix alba, Saxbryn, Schneelocke, SetaLyas, Shenme, Silly rabbit, SirJective, Ste4k, Stevertigo, Stifle, TakuyaMurata, Tango, Theresa knott, Tobias Bergemann, Topology Expert, Trhaynes, Vanish2, Vaughan Pratt, Vipul, Waltpohl, Warut, Zabadooken, Zundark, 91 anonymous editsLicenseCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported/licenses/by-sa/3.0/。

manned flight 有人驾驶的飞机aerodynamics 空气动力学cambered surface 弧面,弯曲面characteristic 性能,特性drawing 图纸glider 滑翔机lift 升力model 模型,样机structure 结构,构造transportation 运输;运输工具wing 机翼biplane 双翼机control v. 操纵,控制,驾驶rib 肋,翼肋cloth fabric 布织物lifting surface 升力面girder 桁架,构架,机架,骨架bamboo 竹材strip 带状物,狭片,长条,简易机场,跑道piano wire 钢琴丝auxiliary surface 辅助翼面stability 安定性,稳定性configuration 外形,形状,结构,构造型式,布局truss type structure 桁架式结构strut 支柱,支撑wire-braced wing 张线支撑的机翼cockpit 飞机驾驶舱fabric-covered body 织物覆盖的机体fuselage 机身engine 引擎,发动机tail 尾部strong lightweight structure 坚固的轻型结构resistance 反抗,抵抗,阻力,阻尼,电阻friction 摩擦,摩擦力potential speed 潜在速度strength 强度plane 飞机designer 设计者superstructure 上层结构,上部结构wooden former 木质翼肋,木质隔框stringer 桁条,长桁smooth streamline shape 光滑流线型welded thin-wall steel tubing 焊接的薄壁钢管stressed-skin structure 承力蒙皮结构plywood eggshell-like structure 层板薄壳式结构laminated wood ring 层半框架,胶合板框架landing gear 起落架aluminum-alloy sheet 铝合金板monocoque structure 硬壳结构all-metal aircraft 全金属飞机semi-monocoque structure 半硬壳式结构rigidity 刚度structural challenge 结构方面的困难(挑战)high-altitude flight 高空飞行mysterious adj. 神秘的,费解的fatigue 疲劳pressurization and depressurization cycle 增压减压循环fail-safe construction 破损安全结构rip-stop doubler 止裂加强板strategic location 关键部分crack 裂纹structural component 结构部件stress 应力aviation maintenance technician 航空维修技师aircraft structure 飞机结构control surface 操纵面,舵面stabilizer 安定面flap 襟翼trim tab 调整片spoiler 扰流板,阻流板,气流防护板rudder 方向舵attitude 状态,姿态,姿势compression 压缩,压力tension 拉伸,拉里,张力torsion 扭曲,扭转,扭力,扭转bending 弯曲,挠曲shear 剪切,剪力,切变,切力definition 定义,阐明,确定,明确crush v. 压碎,击碎,牙边,挤压press v. 压缩,冲压,挤,推stretch v. 伸展,伸长,拉紧,延伸cable 钢索bolt 螺栓material 材料layer 层,夹层,薄片,条river 铆钉tensile force 拉力overstressing 过度应力,超限应力permanent deformation 永久变形strain v. 硬变,变形,延伸率,过度使用airworthy adj. 适航的,飞行性能好的assembly 组合,装配,总装组件,部件,装配件stress analysis 应力分析performance 性能,特性,行为,表现,实行,实施,完成,操作specification 详细说明,技术规格,技术条件,说明书danger 危险failure 失败,故障,事故,破坏,断裂nomenclature 术语,专用名称aileron 副翼trailing edge 后翼wing tip 机翼翼端roll v. 滚转,横滚,滑跑lifting force 升力jet airplane 喷气式飞机cruise speed 巡航速度approach speed 进场着陆速度,进近速度landing speed 着陆速度,接地速度chord line 弦线angle of incidence 安装角airfoil 翼型,翼剖面,机翼,翼面,气动力面longitudinal axis 纵轴stabilizer setting angle 安定面安装角horizontal stabilizer 水平安定面vertical stabilizer 垂直安定面sweep angle 后掠角reference line 参考线horizontal axis 水平轴线antidrag wire 反阻力张线(承受与飞行阻力相反的惯性力的对角张线)leading edge 前缘antilift wire 反升力张线balanced control surface 平衡操纵面equilibrium 平衡状态hinge axis 铰链轴static condition 静止状态beltframe 连接隔框skin 蒙皮frame 框,隔框,壁板式隔框boom (tailboom) 尾撑,尾梁built-up structure 组合结构,拼装结构cabin 机舱,客舱helicopter 直升机rotor 转子,叶轮,旋翼tail rotor 尾桨power train 动力系列compartment 隔舱,舱,隔间,室former 隔框,翼肋,维型框,假肋cabane 顶架canard 鸭式飞机,鸭式布局,鸭式翼,前置平尾,前舵cantilever beam 悬臂梁external bracing 外部支撑center section 中翼,中段outer wing panel 外翼段passenger 旅客,乘客cabin airplane 闭舱式飞机cockpit canopy 座舱盖,驾驶舱盖control cable 操纵钢索control lever (control stick) 驾驶杆,操纵杆longitudinal control surface 纵向操纵面lateral control surface 横向操纵面,横侧操纵面elevator 升降舵ruddervator 方向升降舵(V型尾翼的)control wheel 驾驶盘semiwheel 半盘式cowling 整流罩,包皮,防护罩removable cover 可卸口盖decalage 翼差角dihedral angle 上反角drag strut 阻力支柱(在布制蒙皮机翼结构中,用以支持阻力张线的加强肋)阻力杆(起落架前拉杆和后撑杆)drag wire 阻力张线pitching movement 俯仰运动elevon 升降副翼all-wing aircraft 三角翼飞机fairing 整流罩,整流装置streamlined contour 流线型外形fireproof wall (fire-resistant wall) 防火墙gap 间隙,间隔,翼隔superposed airfoil 重叠机翼(双翼机获三翼机)stability 安定性,稳定性inspection door 检查口盖interplane strut 翼间支柱jury strut 辅助撑杆,副支柱,保险撑杆alighting gear 起落架,着陆装置propeller blade 螺旋桨桨叶lift wire (flying wire) 升力张线longeron 大梁(机身或短舱的)plating 重型金属蒙皮,表面镀层的金属板yawing movement 偏航运动pedal 脚蹬shock absorber 减震器,缓冲器slat 缝翼attack angle 攻角,冲角,迎角span 展长spanwise a. adj. 延机翼展向spar 机翼翼梁spinner 螺旋桨整流罩stagger 斜罩角compressor blade 压缩机叶片tandem-rotor helicopter 纵列式(双旋桨)直升机stagger wire 斜罩张线sweepback 后掠角antitorque rotor 尾桨,反扭矩尾桨tail skid 尾撬,尾部保护座tail wheel 尾轮chordwise adj. 弦向auxiliary fuel tank 副油箱,辅助油箱antenna 天线anti-collision light 防撞灯stair door 登机梯舱门engine nacelle 发动机短舱deicer boot 除冰带navigation light 航行灯construction 结构,构造longitudinal member 纵向构件bending stress 弯曲应力landing 着陆,接地,降落cantilever wing 悬臂机翼,张臂机翼high-performance aircraft 高性能飞机external strut 外撑杆basic feature 基本特征beam 辆,横梁,柱monospar adj. 单梁,单梁的two-spar adj. 双梁,双梁的multispar 多梁,多梁的web (大梁)腹板,辅助梁,纵墙,肋板shear web 承减腹板spanwise member 翼展方向构件,展向构件high-wing monoplane 上单翼机tie rod 连干,系杆brace wire 张线drag load 阻力,阻力载荷built-up I beam 装配的I型梁,组合的I型梁extruded I beam 挤压成型的I型梁plain rib 普通肋,平面肋chordwise member 弦向构件compression rib 抗压翼肋,加强翼肋cap strip 翼肋缘条solid plywood web 整体的层板(胶合板)腹板cross bracing 交叉撑杆,横撑杆gusset vt. 角撑,角撑板,装角撑板于nail vt. 铁钉,钉住,用钉钉牢stamped rib 模锻翼肋truss-type cross section 桁架式横截面stiffener 加强杆,加强板,加强件fabric covering 布制蒙皮plywood covering 胶合板蒙皮,层板蒙皮tubular member 管型构件formed rib 维型翼肋integral fuel bay 整体油箱attachment fitting 安装街头,连接接头inspection 检查service vt. 服务,使用,维护,维修,检查,保养frontspar 前梁butt-rib 根部翼肋,平端头翼肋flange vt. 翼梁缘条,凸缘,突缘,(在-----上)安装突缘end bow 机翼端部弯曲部分nose rib 前缘翼肋trailing edge strip 后缘条aileron control cable 副翼操纵钢索aileron control bell crank 副翼操纵双摇臂,副翼操纵双摇臂曲板tape v. 布带,带子,用带系扎FWD fuselage fitting 机身前接头washer 垫圈,垫片nut 螺帽retainer 护圈,卡圈,挡板,保持器dowel pin 定位销,和缝销钉,暗钉fuel vent line 燃油系统通气管路door 舱门,口盖,入口plate 板,盘,口盖tab 调整片,补偿片,操纵片,标签aileron tab 副翼调整片position light 航行灯landing and taxi light 着陆滑行灯fuel filler door 燃油注油口pitot tube 空速管,全静压管,全压管stall warning unit 失速警告装置RAM air inlet 冲压空气进口Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空管理局Advisory Circular 咨询通告jet airliner 喷气式班机,喷气式航线客机jet engine 喷气发动机section 剖面,截面,型材,段,区域,部分assembly jig 装配架,型架inboard wing 内翼age hardening 时效硬化dimension 尺寸,大小bending load 弯曲载荷tensional load 扭转载荷stretch press 张拉成型机airfoil surface 翼型表面die vt. 冲切,用模(压)成型,模子,冲模,压模jaw 夹紧装置,钳口,夹爪airfoil contour 翼型外形formed 7075 sheet 成型的7075钣tab segment 弓形薄片接头forging adj. 锻造件splice vt. 拼接,绞结,拼接板,绞结处junction 接合,接合处,连接点wing tank 机翼油箱sealing compound 密封剂,密封腻子,封口胶center line 中心线,中线mating adj. 配合,连接,配合的,相连platform 平台hydraulic cylinder 液压做动筒synthetic rubber 合成橡胶center wing 中翼outboard wing 外翼swept-wing 后略翼nacelle 吊舱,发动机短舱production break 工艺分离面wide-bodied airliner 宽机体客机flight control surface 飞行操纵面pylon 吊架main frame 承力构架,主构架,承力隔框torque box 承扭盒段auxiliary structure 辅助结构permanent type fastener 永久式紧固件butt-spliced 平头对接,平头拼装flush fastener 埋头紧固件honeycomb panel 蜂窝板interference-fit 经配合,干涉配合close-tolerance fastener 高精度公差紧固件play 浮动,间隙,游隙tolerance 配合公差,容差,加工裕度flap vane 开缝襟翼导流片exterior plate doubler 外部双重加强板slat track 缝翼滑轨can 筒型壳,密封外壳,包套crew 空乘人员,机组,空勤组cargo 货物controls 操纵系统item 项目,零件,产品(均指已列入清单的项目)streamline form 流线型式accessory adj. 附属的,辅助的,附件,辅助设备,部件carburetor 汽化器,化油器,增碳器magneto 磁电机ignition lead 点火器导线strainer 过滤器fuel line 燃油管道turnover 回转,循环,翻倒,倒置emergency exit 紧急出口capacity 容量,容剂,能力classification 分类,类别,归类assemblage 装配,安装,总装配件bar 杆,棒,条lateral bracing 横向支撑tubular fuselage member 管状机身构件interval 间隔,间隙,距离bay 隔间,隔舱,段diagonal member 斜构件,对角构件percentage 百分比,百分数,比率ring 环,圈,环形隔框bulging 膨胀,凸出,褶皱皮buckling 皱损,皱褶,波纹glue v. 胶,粘结剂,胶合,粘结aircraft-quality plywood 航空质量级的层板reinforcement 加强,加固,加强件,加强部分spar varnish 清光漆waterproof protective material 防水保护材料deterioration 变质,恶化,损坏penetration 尽头,穿透moisture 湿气,潮气,水气protective coating 保护涂层hangar 机库,把-----放入机库中evidence 证据,迹象,形迹rot 腐烂,腐朽fungus 霉菌,真菌wood cell 木材组织,木材微孔cone 圆锥,锥体,锥状物conical shape 圆锥形状cylindrical shape 圆柱形dope 航空用漆,涂布油fiberglass 玻璃纤维stinger 尾不整流锥turbulence 紊流airflow 气流streamlined nose 流线型机头fail-safe feature 破损安全特性tail section 尾部,尾段,尾舱titanium 钛rip-stop doubler 止裂加强板beaded doubler 串珠加强板window belt 窗口地带panel 壁板,地板,板材,仪表板,操纵台,面板,翼段various stage 不同阶段semiautomatic riveting machine 半自动铆接机器shaved riveting 平面铆接dlampong aetion 夹紧力,夹紧作用pounds per square inch (psi) 磅平方英寸kilo-pascals (kpa) 千帕斯卡uniform fastening 均匀一致的连接,均匀一致的紧固件countersunk cavity 埋头窝sealing quality 密封性fatigue life 疲劳寿命longitudinal stiffener 纵向加强件flattened hat section 扁帽型截面stress level 应力水平gauge 规格,尺寸,测量器,量规,卡规,铆钉行距pressure-cabin section 压力舱部分upside-down position 倒置位置dolly 平台车,铆钉顶铁,抵座,圆形锻磨fixture 夹具,卡具,定位装置,安装用具,型架,紧固extruded z transverse frame 挤压成型Z型截面的横向构件mating jig 装配架,总装型架cockpit enclosure 驾驶舱盖subassembly 分装件,部件,局部装配件fuselage shell 机身外壳channel frame 槽型截面构件floor 地板,底面seat track 座椅滑轨carpet 毡层,地毯,铺设地毯expansion beam 伸缩梁flight compartment 机组舱,空勤组舱attachment 廉洁,固定,接头stud bolt 桩螺栓passenger compartment 客舱nut strip 螺帽导板splice plate 拼接板spacer 间隔片,隔离物,垫片,垫圈insulation 绝缘,隔离aisle panel 通道板freight v. 货物,货运,装货facilities v. 设备,装置,工厂,实验室fabrication 制造,装配,生产individual panel section 单独的壁板区段railroad car 有轨电车handing 处理,加工,操纵,管理,装卸,搬运,吊运handle v. 收兵,把手,处理suction-cup principle 空吸杯装置overhead monorail system 高架单轨吊车系统manufacturing cycle 生产周期sheet-metal holder 钣金夹持器arrangement 排列,布置,安装,构造,布局station number 站位编号distance 距离zero reference point 零参考点floor beam 地板梁keel beam 龙骨梁,底部大梁stretch-formed skin panel 拉伸成型蒙皮板stressed skin 承力蒙皮multiple-element contracture 多元件构造torsional unit 整体部件,组合件advancement 进步,前进,改进state-of-the-art 技术发展水平,目前工艺水平,工艺状态cutaway drawing 剖视图intercostal 加强肋,肋间的material 材料process 过程,流程,工序,步骤,工艺规程,工艺技术,制作方法conclusion 结论fatigue crack 疲劳裂纹corrosion 腐蚀cause 原因,理由,起因stress concentration 应力集中surface corrosion 表面腐蚀galvanic corrosion 电化腐蚀pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀,坑蚀intergranular corrosion 晶界腐蚀exfoliation 剥离,剥落stress corrosion 应力腐蚀fretting corrosion 磨损腐蚀,擦伤腐蚀dissimilar metal 不同金属metal bonding 金属粘结seam 接缝,接口,接合面damage 损伤,破坏,故障,事故roller 磙子,滚桶,碾压机chemical cleaning 化学清洁etching process 浸蚀加工,酸洗处理corrosion-inhibiting epoxy-type primer 防腐蚀环氧树脂底层涂料curing 处置,处理,固化处理epoxy adhesive 环氧树脂粘结剂Teflon fluorocarbon resin release cloth 特氟隆碳氟化合物树脂防粘布bleed cloth 透气布vacuum bag 真空袋autoclave 蒸压器adhesive 粘性的,粘合剂thermosetting epoxy resin 热固型环氧树脂ultrasonic inspection equipment 超声波探伤设备void 空学,空洞porosity 集气孔,沙眼,松孔cabin altitude 座舱高度pressure differential 压力差flight station 乘员舱,(机组人员)飞行工作位置cabin pressurization load 座舱增压载荷titanium fail-safe strap 钛金属破损安全带clad alloy 包覆金属entrapment 夹带,截留formation 形成,组成,构成lighter-gauge skin 较薄的机身蒙皮heavy-gauge skin 大规格蒙皮,厚蒙皮shot penning 喷丸强化,喷丸处理main frame 主隔框,承力隔框,中部最大隔框,主机架stopper 止动器,限制器channel 槽型型材,沟槽,管道,通道cut out 切口,开口attaching-clip angle 固定卡箍的角材overlapping 重迭,搭接overlapping stringer 搭接桁条center line 中心线transverse beam 横梁wing box 机翼翼盒wheel well 机轮舱,轮舱deck 地板,层舱sulfuric acid anodizing 硫酸阳极化处理organic-coated steel fastener 有机物涂层的钢紧固件polyurethane painting 聚氨酯涂料corrosion-prone area 易于腐蚀的部位filled-sealed adhesive 嵌缝密封粘合剂passenger door 客舱门center elevating coat room 中央升运保护涂层位置galley service center (机上) 厨房服务中心radome compartment 雷达无线整流罩舱avionics compartment 电子设备舱cargo compartment 货舱center wing 中央翼,中翼cargo door 货舱舱门accessory compartment 附件舱waste tank compartment 废液容器舱fuel vent collection box 燃油通气集油盒(进入同期管道的油在此集中再抽回油箱)rueling interconnect line 加油互连通管道fuel tank 燃油油箱escape chute 应急离机口,应急离机滑梯,应急脱离滑道pressure fueling/defueling couplings 压力加油/放油接头hydraulic service center 液压服务中心galley lift (机上)厨房升降梯air conditioning duct 空气调节系统管道,空调管first class seating 头等舱座椅lavatory 卫生间,盥洗室weather radar 气候雷达curved windowshield panel 弯曲成型的挡风玻璃Rolls Royce RB211 turbofan 罗—罗,RB211涡轮风扇geared elevator 随动升降舵(可操纵水平安定面的)flying stabilizer 可操纵安定面auxiliary power unit (APU) 辅助动力装置pressure dome 球形气密隔框electronic service center 电子设备服务中心after hold (bulk cargo) 后货舱(散装货物,笨重货物)coach class seating 二等舱座位conteinerised cargo 集装箱货物double slotted flap 双开缝襟翼inner aileron 内副翼outer aileron 外副翼full span slat 全展长缝翼inward retraction main wheel 向内收起的主机轮forward retraction nose wheel 向前收起的前机轮air conditioning bay 空调设备舱scale 规模,比例,标尺fin 鳍,垂直安定面,垂直尾翼,立尾elevator 升降舵empennage 尾翼appearance 外形,外貌,外表,外观,出现,出版,发表span 翼展,跨距,间距auxiliary spar 辅助梁hinge v. 铰链,合页,铰接接头installation 装置,设备,安装,装配dorsal fin 背鳍streamlined fairing 流线型整流罩swept-back vertical stabilizer 后掠式垂直安定面stabilator 全动式水平尾翼primary controls 主操纵系统secondary controls 辅助操纵系统aileron assembly 副翼装配件repair 修理maintenance 维护,维修technician 技术人员,技师,专门人员proof of strength 强度验证,强度试验limit load test 最大使用载荷试验,限制载荷试验horn 角状物,操纵摇臂rigging load 校装载荷,水平调整载荷,装配载荷rational manner 合理的方式conservation manner 保守的方式movable tail surface 可动的尾部翼面adjustable stabilizer 可调节的安定面(安定面的安装角,可以改变)ultimate bearing strength 极限挤压强度mass balance 质量平衡concentrated mass balance weight 集中的质量平衡重量control system operation 操纵系统的工作function 功能,职能,作用confusion 混淆,干扰,混乱primary flight controls 飞行主操纵系统pitch 抚养,绕横轴的运动,桨叶角,桨距,紧固件的间距yaw v. 偏航运动,偏航two-control airplane 双操纵面飞机lateral control 横侧操纵directional control 方向操纵stop v. 停止,制动,止动器,止动块,止动装置wear v. 磨损slackness 松弛度take-up adjustment 拉紧调整trim system 配平系统precaution vt. 预防措施,小心,注意,警惕pilot 驾驶员trim device 配平装置irreversible tab 不可逆调整片reliability 可靠性unmistakable warning 清除无误的警告,明显的警告control system lock 操纵系统锁light twin airplane 轻型双发动机飞机jackscrew attachment point 螺旋千斤顶安装点hinge point 铰接点elevator balance panel bay 升降舵平衡翼板隔间flash beacon 闪光灯标attach bracket 固定支架primary flight control surface 飞行主操纵面cruising operation 巡航操作fabric 织物,织品,布,纤维织品water-proof 放水,不漏水,不透水coating 涂层drain hole 放油孔,排水孔,泄漏孔hinge line 铰链轴线飞机常用单词英汉对照4auxiliary control surface 辅助操纵面doubler 加强板balance weight 平衡重量access door 检查口盖,工作窗,舱门access panel 口盖,舱盖honeycomb 蜂窝结构vertical axis 立轴flutter 颤振aerodynamic surface 气动力面bracket 支架,托架hinge bracket 铰链支架,铰链架displacement 位移,偏转,偏度aerodynamic efficiency 空气动力效率,气动效率,升阻比control tab 操纵屏,随动补偿片static balance 静态平衡aerodynamic balance 气动平衡,气动补偿dynamic balance 动平衡,飞行中立或力矩的平衡ruddervator V型尾翼,方向升降舵secondary flight control surface 飞行辅助操纵面straight and level flight 直线水平飞行servo tab 伺服片,随动补偿片,操纵片control wheel 驾驶盘,操纵轮crank 祛病,手柄,摇臂cable system 钢索系统actuating device 致动装置screwjack 螺旋千斤顶,螺旋致动器logical manner 合理的方式top rim 顶部轮缘,顶部轮圈position indicator 位置指示器push-pull rod 推拉杆,传动杆set-back hinge line 后置铰链轴线track fitting 滑轨接头leading edge slat 前缘缝翼scalloped doubler 扇形式样加强板fiberglass trailing edge 玻璃纤维后缘beaded-doubler inner skin 串珠状加强板内蒙皮feedback fitting 反馈接合actuation 致动器damper 阻尼器,缓冲器,减震器hinge pin 铰链销cotter pin 开口销,开尾销bearing 轴承control arm 操纵臂,操纵杆balance-weight arm 平衡重量支撑臂detachable elevator 可拆卸的升降舵,可分开的升降舵copilot 副驾驶员headroom 净空(高度),头上空间visibility 能见度,视野clearance 间隙,间距,惊恐,余地,清理,排除parachute 降落伞provision 准备,预备,设备,装置aerobatics 特技飞行,航空表演demonstration 论证,说明,显示,示范flight test 飞行试验flying ability 飞行技能,飞行员驾驶技术egress 出口,出路,外溢personnel 全体人员,全体职员navigator 导航设备,导航仪,领航员flight engineer 随机工程师,空勤机械师appurtenance (常用复数) 附属设备,附件,配件,辅助工具safety vt. 安全性,安全措施,安全,保险assurance 确信,把握,信心,保证concentration 集中,浓缩,聚集propeller-driven airplane 螺旋桨飞机blade 叶片,桨叶air-transportation service 空运服务seal 蜜蜂,封严,密封装置,密封垫,密封胶windshield 风挡,风挡玻璃single-place airplane 单座飞机accommodation 调节机能,适应,供应,膳宿供应,座位,铺位agriculture aircraft 农业用机instrument 仪表,仪器furnishing 装备,装置,设备,供给dual controls 双重操纵机构first pilot 正驾驶,机长second pilot 副驾驶statement 叙述,陈述,论点up-to-date information 最新的资料ventilation 通风,排起,换气vision 观测,目击,观测,视线,视力windshield wiper 雨刷,风挡刷storm window 风雨窗,双层窗airstream 气流glare v. 闪光,强烈刺目的光reflection 反射,折射,偏射windshield panel 风挡窗格玻璃,窗格玻璃impact 碰撞,冲击,撞击flight path 飞行轨迹,航迹velocity 速度transparent plastic sheet 透明塑料板flanged doubler 弯边的加强板,带凸缘的加强板retaining strip 固定带waterproof adhesive tape 防水胶布带vinyl channel 乙烯塑料槽型件thickness 厚度stiffness 刚度,刚性,安定性,稳定性contour 轮廓线,外形cowl deck 整流罩平台felt seal 毛毡密封indentation 压痕,凹槽manufacturer 制造厂,生产厂家maintenance manual 维修手册laminated panel 层板forged frame 锻制框架,锻造框架hnoist provision 起重设备gasket seal 垫片密封,填料密封removal 拆卸vinyl interlayer 乙烯塑料中间层phenolic spacer 酚醛垫片,酚醛间隔物phenolic block 酚醛块gasket silicone seal 硅铜填料密封剂semi-tempered glass 半强化玻璃terminal 终端,终止,接线柱,引线接头autopilot engage 自动驾驶仪接通navigation marker light 航行标示灯,导航信标接收机信号灯airspeed indicator 空速指示器,空速表pilot directional indicator 自动驾驶仪航向指示器gyro horizon 陀螺地平议,航空地平议compass card 罗盘刻度盘altimeter 高度表,高度计rate of climb 爬升率emergency pneumatic brake 应急气动刹车,应急冷气刹车autopilot axis indicator 自动驾驶仪接通指示器ice-detector light 积冰探测灯engine pressure ratio 发动机压力比,发动机增压比engine r.p.m 发动机每分钟转速thrust-reverser operating light 反推力工作指示灯tailpipe temperature 排气温度管,涡轮后温度master warning 主警告gear down, lock light 起落架放下,锁定信号灯fuel flow 燃油流量tachometer 马赫数表,M数表navigation radio selection 导航无线电选择仪glide slope light 下坡滑度指示灯autopilot disengage 自动驾驶仪切断radio and radar control 无线电和雷达控制air-brake handle 气动刹车减速手柄,减速扳手柄weather radar scope 气象雷达显示器thrust lever 推力杆,油门杆parking-brake letch 停机刹车锁engine start lever 发动机启动手柄turn and bank indicator 转弯侧滑仪hydraulic system pressure 液压系统压力stabilizer trim wheel 安定面配平手轮rudder trim 方向舵配平door post 门框aluminum extrusion 铝挤压件outer retainer 外部固定件,外部保持件temperature sensing element 热敏元件five-ply laminated panel 五层层压窗格玻璃insert 垫圈,插入物defog bus bar 清除混蚀汇流条,扫雾汇流条conductive coating 导电敷层chip retarder 碎裂阻聚剂anti-ice bus bar 防冰汇流条air carrier 航空运输公司,空运工具,运输机presence 存在fuel fume 燃油蒸汽,燃油雾气carbon mobixide 一氧化碳dangerous trace 危险的痕迹ventilation system 通风系统heating system 加温系统pressurization system 增压系统first-class section 一等客舱段trijetliner 三发喷气式航线客机airline 航线,航空公司coach section 二等舱客段broad lofty ceiling 宽阔高耸的舱顶spaciousness 宽敞,宽敞度aisle 通道,走廊divider 分配器,分隔器personal effects 个人财物carry-on luggage 随身的行李safety-belt 安全带,保险带cycle pressurization loading 循环增压载荷pressurized airliner 座舱增压式航线客机cabin sidewall lining 座舱侧壁材料fail-safe structure 破损安全结构acrylic plastic 聚丙烯塑料peripheral seal 周边密封,周缘密封sponge rubber 泡沫橡胶,多孔橡胶spring retainer 弹簧座圈shouldered screw 带托肩的螺钉window-frame forging 窗框锻件reveal 窗框半槽边,窗侧retaining bracket 固定架window ring pan 环形窗框clip 夹子,卡箍slit 长缝,裂缝conditioned air 以调节空气condensation 凝聚,凝结acoustical seal 吸音密封window shade 窗户遮光罩,窗帘acoustical pane 吸音窗玻璃side wall panel 侧壁板formed sheet-metal structure 预成型钣金结构hydro press 水压机stamp press 冲压机,模锻压力机drop hammer 落锤entrance 进口upholstered cabin 装饰过的座舱matching upholstered panel 匹装备饰板door latching 门扣locking mechanism 锁机构forward entry door 前登机门hinge gate 铰接活门door opening 舱门口hinging mechanism 铰接机构,门枢机构controlling mechanism 操纵机构,控制机构plug 塞子,孔塞,堵塞物securing mechanism 关紧机构inside handle 内部手柄cam plate 凸轮盘,凸轮板latching-crank assembly 柄锁装配件angular movement 角运动latch rod 锁杆latch roller 锁滚柱cock-crank assembly 竖起的曲柄装配件torque-tube crank 扭转曲柄hinge arm 铰接臂guide arm 导向支臂snubber 缓冲器,消音器assist handle 辅助手柄radius link 摇柄pivot axis 止动销stop pin 止动板latch pin 锁销door-open stowing latch lever 舱门打开收锁杆remainder 剩余部分recessed handle 隐藏式手柄,隐藏在凹坑处的手柄complexity 错综复杂,复杂的事物bogy 小车,转向架normal mode 普通型emergency mode 应急型auxiliary mode 辅助型emergency evacuation slide 应急排空滑块deployment 部署,展开,散开,开伞reveal seal 窗侧密封outer pane spring assembly 外部窗格玻璃弹簧装配件permanently mounted screw 永久性固定螺钉nutplate 托板螺帽ventilation hole 通气孔ventilation slot 通气缝window trim 窗狂细木工件,窗框装饰trim pad 细木窗框衬垫escutcheon plate 锁眼盖,孔罩板handle mechanism housing 手柄机构外壳avionics compartment lower door 电子设备下舱门avionics compartment aft door 电子设备后舱门air conditioning compartment door 空调舱门forward passenger door 前客舱门center accessory compartment door 中央辅助设备舱门overawing passenger door 机翼上方客舱门center cargo door 中央货舱门APU compartment door 辅助电源设备舱舱门tail cone lower door 尾锥下舱门overstress 过大应力,过载,超载overstressing 过应力,超限应力landing load 地面载荷(指起飞,着陆或在地面滑行时,飞机结构承受的载荷)fixed landing gear 固定式起落架retractable landing gear 收放式起落架conventional arrangement 常规配置,正常配置tricycle arrangement 前三点布局,前三点配置tricycle landing gear arrangement 前三点式起落架布局nose wheel 前轮old conventional gear 旧式常规起落架tail-wheel type 尾轮式main gear 主起落架strut 支柱,撑杆,吊架body-gear strut 机身起落架支柱wing-gear strut 机翼起落架支柱nose-gear wheel 前起落架机轮main wheel 主轮axis 轮轴,车轮main beam 主梁caster 脚轮,转向轮swivel 旋转接头,旋转节,旋转shock-absorbing method 减震方法rubber shock cord 橡皮减震绳,缓冲绳rubber disk 橡皮盘coil spring 螺旋弹簧,盘簧hydraulic piston 液压活塞flexible spring steel 柔性弹簧钢oleo 油液减震器,油液减震支柱air-oleo 空气—油液减震器spring-oleo 弹簧—油液减震器flexibility 柔性,韧性,挠性elasticity 弹性alloy steel 合金钢brake 刹车air-oleo strut 油气式减震支柱cylinder 气缸,做动筒,圆筒metering piston 分油活塞,分油柱塞orifice 小孔metering pin 调节油针taxi 滑行cross-sectional drawing 剖视图retracting system 收起系统trunnion 轴颈,枢轴,耳轴retracting mechanism 收起机构electric operated screw 电操纵螺杆hydraulic actuating cylinder 液压致动作动筒civil airplane 民用飞机,民航飞机linking device 连接机构drop-test 着陆重量(起落架)落震试验,冲击试验wheel well door 起落架舱门,轮舱盖supporting structure 支撑结构friction 摩擦力inertia 惯性brake torque 刹车扭矩air load 气动载荷retraction 收回extension 伸出,延伸stalling speed 失速速度approach position 进场着陆位置cruising speed 巡航速度load factor 载荷因数,过载,装载系数(有效载荷与飞机起飞重量比)yawing maneuver 偏航运动,方向动机positive means 可靠的方法safety switch 安全电门,保险开关emergency system 应急系统emergency means 应急方法operational test 使用实验,工作实验retracted position 收上位extended position 放下位landplane 陆上飞机aural warning device 声响报警装置,声响报警器throttle 节流阀,节流油门,节气门manual shutoff 手动关断landing-gear control knob 起落架控制按钮transport-airplane 运输机tire 轮胎,轮箍multiple landing gear 多轮起落架compressed air chamber 压缩空气室piston tube 活塞管inner cylinder 内筒outer cylinder 外筒oil chamber 油室power plant 动力装置,发动机mount 支架座,安装,固定,装配enclosed shelter 封闭的掩蔽所multiengine airplane 多引擎飞机National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NSAS) 国家航空和宇航局stream-lined structure 流线型结构pod 吊舱,短舱,分离舱,可拆卸的货舱pylon 外挂梁,吊架,挂架,支架engine mount 发动机架formed sheet metal 冷弯钣金件welded steel tube 焊接钢管forged steel 锻制钢reciprocating (position) engine 活塞式发动机overhaul 大修engine change 发动机更换liquid line 液体管路electric cable 电缆control linkage 操纵线系quick-disconnect joint 快速拆卸接头quick engine change (QEC) 快速更换发动机package 组件,部件,成套设备radial engine 星型发动机opposed engine 对置式发动机bushing 衬套,衬筒vibration absorption 震动吸收pad 沉淀,填料,垫片,底座台cushion 垫子,软点,减震垫restraining action 约束作用manufacturer’s handbook 制造厂手册mount bracket 固定托架,安装托架dynamic suspension 非刚性支撑法,减震悬挂,减震吊架the center of gravity (CG) 重心mount link 安装连杆universal joint 万向接头turbine engine 涡轮发动机competent technician 胜任的技术人员,主观的技术人员fuel-burning heating 燃烧燃油的加热器tail-pipe section 尾部排气管段,尾部喷管段fire wall 防火墙shroud 外壳,保护罩grommet 索环,眼圈,金属孔眼closing rib 端部翼肋strut mount fitting 吊架安装接头engine rear mount support fitting 发动机后部安装架支撑接头disconnect point 分解点universal block 万向接合件cone bolt 锥体螺栓support link 支撑连杆thrust link 推力杆atmosphere 大气,空气lift 升力,举力physical mixture 物理混合物nitrogen 氮oxygen 氧weather-marking water vapor 造成气象现象的水蒸气constant 常数,恒定值international civil Aeronautics organization(ICAO) 国际民用航空组织standard atmosphere 标准大气pressure 压力,压强,大气压力temperature 温度density 密度flight test data 飞行试验数据pounds per square inch (psi) 磅/平方英寸Measurement 测量,度量sea level 海平面page pressure = psig 表压,计算压强,剩余压强tank 油箱mercury 汞,水银vacuum condition 真空状态standard sea level condition 标准海平面状态absolute pressure 绝对压力,绝对压强induction system 进气系统piston engine 活塞式发动机fuel-air charge 油-气进料,油-气填料cylinder 气缸manifold pressure gage 进气压力表altimeter 高度表scale 刻度盘,刻度表barometric scale 气压表millibar 毫巴meteorologist 气象学家weather map 天气图constant pressure line 等压线Fahrenheit scale 华氏温标Celsius 摄氏温标absolute temperature 绝对温度centigrade scale 百分温标,摄氏温度division 分刻度,间隔increment 增量degree 度heat energy 热能true reference 真实的基准molecular activity 分子运动Kelvin scale 绝对温标freezing point of pure water 纯水冰点boiling point of pure water 纯水沸点state 状态rankine scale 兰金温标mass 质量volume 体积,容积gravity 重力effect 作用,影响,效果,引起,实现,达到gravitational pull 万有引力weightless 失重的slug 斯勒格(质量单位)cubic foot 立方英寸acceleration 加速度aerodynamic lift 气动升力aerodynamic drag 气动阻力determining factor 决定性因素pressure altitude 压力高度density altitude 密度高度ambient air 周围大气,外界大气the law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律disposal 处理,收拾,整理latitude 纬度,纵坐标,活动余地,范围chemical energy 化学能petroleum 石油产品mechanical energy 机械能relationship 关系Newton’s laws of motion 牛顿运动定律velocity 速度reaction 反作用autogiro 旋翼机,直升飞机,自动陀螺仪Bemoulli’s principle 伯努力原理kinetic energy 动能potential energy 势能position 位置noncompressible fluid 不可压缩流体restricted tube 截流管flow rate 流量,流率specific static pressure 单位静压比,比静压restriction 限制,约束,限流reference pressure 参考压强,基准压强chart 图表metric a. 公制(公斤,米,秒制)mean sea level 平均海平面specific weight 比重speed of sound 音速knot 节(测航速的单位)=1海里小时Km = kilometer 千米,公里Cm = centimeter 厘米mile 英里Lb = pound 磅Hg = mercury 汞venture tube 文氏管subsonic aerodynamics 亚音速空气动力学subsonic airfoil 亚音速翼型supersonic airfoil 超音速翼型transonic airfoil 跨音速翼型realim 领域范围leading edge 前缘maximum thickness 最大厚度trailing edge 后缘asymmetrical airfoil 非对称翼型symmetrical airfoil 对称翼型obstruction 障碍物,障碍chord line 弦线streamline 流线,气流,流线的,流线形的,把——制成流线型的stagnation point 驻点,滞点stall 失速,气流分离deflection 偏转,偏折downwash 下洗流,下洗upwash 上洗流,上洗impending stall 临近失速,即将时速deflection 偏转,偏折lift coefficient 升力系数dynamic pressure 动压,速压factor 系数,因数,要素square feet 平方英寸dimensionless number 无量纲数值formula 公式,方程式variable 变量angle of attack 迎角,攻角,冲角wind tunnel 风洞curve 曲线,弧线relative wind 相对来流critical angle of attack 临界迎角product 产品,生产,制造,乘积feet per second 英尺/秒airspeed 空速,气流速度boundary layer 附面层viscosity 粘性,粘滞度friction drag 摩擦阻力roughness 不平坦度,粗糙度dirt 污物,弄脏,弄污frost 霜,霜冻,下霜,粗糙的,无光泽的local turbulence 尾部旋涡,尾部涡流random flow pattern 紊乱的流线谱laminar flow 层流turbulent flow 紊流,湍流mile per hour 英里/小时kilometer per hour 公里/小时component 部件,组件,分量,分力,成份,部分complex nature 复杂的性质,综合的性质induced drag 诱导阻力parasite drag 废阻力characteristic curve 特性曲线drag coefficient 阻力系数lift/drag ratio (lift over drag ratio) 升阻比separation 分离,分开pressure center 压力中心pitch force 俯仰力aerodynamic center 空气动力中心,焦点axis 轴,坐标轴controls 操纵系统,操纵机构,舵面longitudinal axis 纵轴lateral axis 横轴,侧轴vertical axis 立轴,竖轴,垂直轴roll axis 滚转轴,纵轴pitch axis 俯仰轴,横轴yaw axis 偏航轴,立轴aerodynamic stability 空气动力安定性mechanical stability 机械安定性stable aircraft 安定的飞机,具有安定性的飞机horizon 地平,地平线,地平仪static stability 静安定性dynamic stability 动安定性equilibrium 平衡,平衡状态steady flight 稳定飞行,定常飞行nose-up attitude 抬头姿势,仰角nose-down attitude 低头姿势,俯角restorative force 恢复力,复原力positive stability 正安定性original position 原始位置,初始位置valley 谷,凹地opposite side 对边,相反的一边negative stability 负安定性oscillation 振动,摆动neutral stability 中性安定面,无安定裕度amplitude 振幅,幅度longitudinal stability 纵向安定性lateral stability 侧向安定面directional stability 方向安定性,航向安定性pitch stability 俯仰安定性hands-off flight 松杆飞行straight and level flight 直线水平飞行nose-down moment 低头力矩balance 平衡,配重,衡量,比较rotational force 旋转力,转动力horizontal tail surface 水平尾翼nose-up moment 抬头力矩tendency 倾向,趋势approach 接近,探讨,进近,进场,进场着陆control wheel 驾驶盘,操纵轮control pressure 操纵杆(盘)上的力,操纵系统的力trim control 配平操纵downdraft 下向通风,下洗流,下降气流roll stability 滚转安全性dihedral 两面角的,上反角acute angle 锐角。

模具成形不良用语英汉对照 时间:2005-07-11 14:35 阿里巴巴-机械论坛aberration 色差 atomization ?化bank mark ?料纹 bite 咬入blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking scab 涂料疤blister 起泡 blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔 blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡 burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边 camber 翘曲cell 气泡 center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕 checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷 color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂 crazing 龟裂deformation 变形 edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边 fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑 fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱 flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕 galling 毛边glazing 光滑 gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑 grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂 haze 雾度incrustation 水锈 indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点 necking 缩颈nick 割痕 orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流 peeling 剥离pit 坑 pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕 pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑 resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落 riding 凹陷sagging 松垂 saponification 皂化scar 疤痕 scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞 scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤 seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕 short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔 sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折叠straightening 矫直streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折surging 波动sweat out 冒汗 torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲 waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌 weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化 wrinkle 皱纹组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA开箱检查fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet栈板barcode条形码barcode scanner条形码扫描仪fuse together熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME制造工程师MT制造生技cosmetic inspect外观检查inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝lbs.inch镑、英寸EMI gasket导电条front plate前板rear plate后板chassis |'∫[$aelig]si| 基座bezel panel面板power button电源按键reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS电源电压接柆键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts塑料件SOP制造作业程序material check list物料检查表work cell工作间trolley台车carton纸箱sub-line支线left fork叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |'plein[$#61611]|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床driller钻床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor 副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skr[$aelig]pid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |' ksi'dei[$#61611]n|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embeded lump|in'bed| |l[$#61657]mp|镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓name of a department部门名称administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单screwdriver holder起子插座pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板hydraulic handjack油压板车forklift叉车pallet栈板glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套thumb大拇指forefinger食指midfinger中指ring finger无名指little finger小指band-aid创可贴iudustrial alcohol工业酒精alcohol container沾湿台head of screwdriver起子头sweeper扫把mop拖把vaccum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋chain链条jack升降机production line流水线chain链条槽magnetizer加磁器lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean the floor扫地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管packaging tool打包机packaging打包missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉rust生锈deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质painting peel off脏污shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色scratch划伤poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part事件不良fold of pakaging belt打包带折皱painting make-up补漆discoloration羿色water spots水渍polishing/surface processing表面处理exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露lack of painting烤漆不到位safety安全quality品质delivery deadline交货期cost成本engineering工程die repair模修enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划QC品管die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备to start a press开机stop/switch off a press关机classification整理regulation整顿cleanness清扫conservation清洁culture教养qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品waste废料board看板feeder送料机sliding rack滑料架defective product box不良品箱die change 换模to fix a die装模to take apart a die拆模to repair a die修模packing material包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深to put material in place, to cut material, to input 落料to impose lines压线to compress, compressing压缩character die字模to feed, feeding送料transportation运输(be)qualfied, up to grade合格not up to grade, not qualified不合格material change, stock change材料变更feature change 特性变更evaluation评估prepare for, make preparations for 准备parameters参数rotating speed, revolution转速manufacture management制造管理abnormal handling异常处理production unit生产单位lots of production生产批量steel plate钢板roll material卷料manufacture procedure制程operation procedure作业流程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换engineering, project difficulty工程瓶颈stage die工程模automation自动化to stake, staking, reviting铆合add lubricating oil加润滑油shut die架模shut height of a die架模高度analog-mode device类模器die lifter举模器argon welding氩焊vocabulary for stamping冲压常词汇stamping, press冲压punch press, dieing out press冲床uncoiler & strainghtener整平机feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架cylinder油缸robot机械手taker取料机conveyer belt输送带transmission rack输送架top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程inch寸动to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块reset复位smoothly顺利dent压痕scratch刮伤deformation变形filings铁削to draw holes抽孔inquiry, search for查寻to stock, storage, in stock库存receive领取approval examine and verify审核processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivenry to. to send delinery back to retrn of goods退货registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制to put forward and hand in提报safe stock安全库存acceptance = receive验收to notice通知application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to fill in填写abrasion磨损reverse angle = chamfer倒角character die字模to collect, to gather收集failure, trouble故障statistics统计demand and supply需求career card履历卡to take apart a die卸下模具to load a die装上模具to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to looser a bolt拧松螺栓to move away a die plate移走模板easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑common vocabulary for die engineering模具工程常用词汇die 模具figure file, chart file图档cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die连续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印upsiding down edges翻边to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification设计变化die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条upper die base上模座lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板spare dies模具备品spring 弹簧bolt螺栓document folder活页夹file folder资料夹to put file in order整理资料spare tools location手工备品仓first count初盘人first check初盘复棹人second count 复盘人second check复盘复核人equipment设备waste materials废料work in progress product在制品casing = containerazation装箱quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量quantity of customs count会计师盘,点数量the first page第一联filed by accounting department for reference会计部存查end-user/using unit(department)使用单位summary of year-end physical inventory bills年终盘点截止单据汇总表bill name单据名称This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accounting department together (Those of NHK will be sent to financial department)本表请与盘点清册一起送会计部-(NHK厂区送财会部)Application status records of year-end physical inventory List and physical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表blank and waste sheet NO.空白与作废单号plate电镀mold成型material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料not included in physical inventory不列入盘点sample样品incoming material to be inspected进货待验description品名steel/rolled steel钢材material statistics sheet物料统计明细表meeting minutes会议记录meeting type 会别distribution department分发单位location地点chairman主席present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheetPCE组装厂生产排配表model机钟work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity账面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条形码flow chart流程窗体assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate坐标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕疪shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机模具工程类plain die简易模pierce die冲孔模forming die成型模progressive die连续模gang dies复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模pierce冲孔forming成型(抽凸,冲凸)draw hole抽孔bending折弯trim切边emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线blanking下料stamp letter冲字(料号) shearing剪断tick-mark nearside正面压印tick-mark farside反面压印冲压名称类extension dwg展开图procedure dwg工程图die structure dwg模具结构图material材质material thickness料片厚度factor系数upward向上downward向下press specification冲床规格die height range适用模高die height闭模高度burr毛边gap间隙weight重量total wt.总重量punch wt.上模重量五金零件类inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves=spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套模板类top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模)feature die公母模female die母模(凹模)upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板)stripping plate内外打(脱料板)outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板零件类punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块塑件&模具相关英文compre sion molding压缩成型flash mold溢流式模具plsitive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具cavity型控母模core模心公模taper锥拔leather cloak仿皮革shiver饰纹flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝striper plate脱料板piston活塞cylinder汽缸套chip细碎物handle mold手持式模具移转成型用模具encapsulation molding低压封装成型射出成型用模具two plate两极式(模具)well type蓄料井insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道h=0.02~0.05mmw=3.2mmL=3~5mmwelding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleave套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆)slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口H=F=1/2t~1/5tT=2.5~3.5mmdiaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口subarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口Φ0.8~1.0mmRunner less无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式sprue浇口;溶渣品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认TVR tool verification report 模具确认报告3B 3B 模具正式投产前确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality 合格供货商品质评估OOBA out of box audit 开箱检查QFD quality function deployment 品质机能展开FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析8 disciplines 8项回复内容FA final audit 最后一次稽核CAR corrective action request 改正行动要求corrective action report 改正行动报告FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的AOQ Average Output Quality 平均出厂品质AOQL Average Output Quality Level 平均出厂品质Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度服务MIL-STD Military-Standard 军用标准S I-S IV Special I-Special IV 特殊抽样水准等级P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 特采AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 首件检查报告FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 百万分之一PPM Percent Per Million 批号制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理R Range 全距AR Averary Range 全距平均值UCL Upper Central Limit 管制上限LCL Lower Central Limit 管制下限MAX Maximum 最大值MIN Minimum 最小值GRR Gauge Reproducibility&Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径FREQ Frequency 频率N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理MRB Material Reject Bill 退货单LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品质水准RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可QAN Quality Amelionrate Notice 品质改善活动ADM Absolute Dimension Measuremat 全尺寸测量QT Quality Target 品质目标7QCTools 7 Quality Controll Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notes 工程变更通知(供货商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Specification In Process 制程检验规格SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类QC Quality System 品质系统ES Engineering Standarization 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件H Huston (美国)休斯敦C Compaq (美国)康伯公司C China 中国大陆A Assembly 组装(厂)S Stamping 冲压(厂)P Painting 烤漆(厂)I Intel 英特尔公司T TAIWAN 台湾IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格CMCS C-China M-Manufact C-Compaq S-Stamping Compaq产品在龙华冲压厂制造作业规范CQCA Q-Quality A-Assembly Compaq产品在龙华组装厂品管作业规范CQCP P-Painting Compaq产品在龙华烤漆厂品管作业规范部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制ME Manafacture Engineering 制造工程部PE Project Engineering 产品工程部A/C Accountant Dept 会计部P/A Personal & Administration 人事行政部DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Labratry 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部P Painting 烤漆(厂)A Asssembly 组装(厂)S Stamping 冲压(厂)生产类PCS Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号其它OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PCE Personal Computer Enclosure 个人计算机外设PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器SECC SECC` 电解片SGCC SGCC 热浸镀锌材料NHK North of Hongkong 中国大陆PRC People's Republic of China 中国大陆U.S.A the United States of America 美国A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量VS 以及REV Revision 版本JIT Just In Time 零库存I/O Input/Output 输入/输出OK Ok 好NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许ESD Electry-static Discharge 静电排放5S 希腊语整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,教养ATIN Attention 知会CC Carbon Copy 副本复印相关人员APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认AM Ante Meridian 上午PM Post Meridian 下午CD Compact Disk 光盘CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 只读光盘FDD Floppy Disk Drive 软盘机HDD Hard Disk Drive 碟碟机REF Reference 仅供参考CONN Connector 连接器CAV Cavity 模穴CAD Computer Aid Design 计算器辅助设计ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装MAT'S Material 材料IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路T/P True Position 真位度TYP Type 类型WDR Weekly Delivery Requitement 周出货需求C?T Cycle Time 制程周期L/T Lead Time 前置时间(生产前准备时间)S/T Standard Time 标准时间P/M Product Market 产品市场3C Computer,Commumcation,Consumer electronic's 消费性电子5WIH When,Where,Who,What,Why,How to5M Man,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement4MIH Man,Materia,Money,Method,Time 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证DQA Desigh Quality Assurance 设计品质保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务品质保证LRR Lot Rejeet Rate 批退率BS Brain storming 脑力激荡EMI Electronic Magnetion Inspect 高磁测试FMI Frequency Modulatim Inspect 高频测试B/M Boar/Molding(flat cable)C/P Connector of PCA/P AssemblySPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Vedio DiskVCD Vdeio Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer AID DesignCAM Computer AID ManufacturingCAE Computer AID EngineeringABIOS Achanced Basic in put/output system 先进的基本输入/输出系统CMOS Complemeruary Metoll Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路ISA Industry Standard Architecture 工业标准体制结构MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微信道结构EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 扩充的工业标准结构SIMM Single in-line memory module 单项导通汇流组件DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 双项导通汇流组件LED Light-Emitting Diode 发光二级管FMEA Failure Mode Effectivenes 失效模式分析W/H Wire Harness 金属线绪束集组件F/C Flat Calle 排线PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requiremcnt Planning 物料需计划OC Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Design 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProceduneEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material Size------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------模具技术用语各种模具常用成形方式accurate die casting 精密压铸powder forming 粉末成形calendaring molding 压延成形powder metal forging 粉末锻造cold chamber die casting 冷式压铸precision forging 精密锻造cold forging 冷锻press forging 冲锻compacting molding 粉末压出成形rocking die forging 摇动锻造compound molding 复合成形rotary forging 回转锻造compression molding 压缩成形rotational molding 离心成形dip mold 浸渍成形rubber molding 橡胶成形encapsulation molding 注入成形sand mold casting 砂模铸造extrusion molding 挤出成形shell casting 壳模铸造foam forming 发泡成形sinter forging 烧结锻造forging roll 轧锻six sides forging 六面锻造gravity casting 重力铸造slush molding 凝塑成形hollow(blow) molding 中空(吹出)成形squeeze casting 高压铸造hot chamber die casting 热室压铸swaging 挤锻hot forging 热锻transfer molding 转送成形injection molding 射出成形warm forging 温锻investment casting 精密铸造matched die method 对模成形法laminating method 被覆淋膜成形low pressure casting 低压铸造lost wax casting 脱蜡铸造matched mould thermal forming 对模热成形模各式模具分类用语bismuth mold 铋铸模landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 挤光模landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模loading shoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具loose detail mold 活零件模具chill mold 冷硬用铸模loose mold 活动式模具clod hobbing 冷挤压制模louvering die 百叶窗冲切模composite dies 复合模具manifold die 分歧管模具counter punch 反凸模modular mold 组合式模具double stack mold 双层模具multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroformed mold 电铸成形模multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具expander die 扩径模offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具extrusion die 挤出模palletizing die 迭层模family mold 反套制品模具plaster mold 石膏模blank through dies 漏件式落料模porous mold 通气性模具duplicated cavity plate 复板模positive mold 全压式模具fantail die 扇尾形模具pressure die 压紧模fishtail die 鱼尾形模具profile die 轮廓模flash mold 溢料式模具progressive die 顺序模gypsum mold 石膏铸模protable mold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 热流道模具prototype mold 雏形试验模具ingot mold 钢锭模punching die 落料模lancing die 切口模raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具sectional die 对合模具segment mold 组合模semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper 定型模套single cavity mold 单腔模具solid forging die 整体锻模split forging die 拼合锻模split mold 双并式模具sprueless mold 无注道残料模具squeezing die 挤压模stretch form die 拉伸成形模sweeping mold 平刮铸模swing die 振动模具three plates mold 三片式模具trimming die 切边模unit mold 单元式模具universal mold 通用模具unscrewing mold 退扣式模具yoke type die 轭型模模具厂常用之标准零配件air vent vale 通气阀anchor pin 锚梢angular pin 角梢baffle 调节阻板angular pin 倾斜梢baffle plate 折流檔板ball button 球塞套ball plunger 定位球塞ball slider 球塞滑块binder plate 压板blank holder 防皱压板blanking die 落料冲头bolster 上下模板bottom board 浇注底板bolster 垫板bottom plate 下固定板bracket 扥架bumper block 缓冲块buster 堵口casting ladle 浇注包casting lug 铸耳cavity 模穴(模仁)cavity retainer plate 模穴扥板center pin 中心梢clamping block 锁定块coil spring 螺旋弹簧cold punched nut 冷冲螺母cooling spiral 螺旋冷却栓core 心型core pin 心型梢cotter 开口梢cross 十字接头cushion pin 缓冲梢diaphragm gate 盘形浇口die approach 模头料道die bed 型底die block 块形模体die body 铸模座die bush 合模衬套die button 冲模母模die clamper 夹模器die fastener 模具固定用零件die holder 母模固定板die lip 模唇die plate 冲模板die set 冲压模座direct gate 直接浇口dog chuck 爪牙夹头dowel 定位梢dowel hole 导套孔dowel pin 合模梢dozzle 辅助浇口dowel pin 定位梢draft 拔模锥度draw bead 张力调整杆drive bearing 传动轴承ejection pad 顶出衬垫ejector 脱模器ejector guide pin 顶出导梢ejector leader busher 顶出导梢衬套ejector pad 顶出垫ejector pin 顶出梢ejector plate 顶出板ejector rod 顶出杆ejector sleeve 顶出衬套ejector valve 顶出阀eye bolt 环首螺栓filling core 椿入蕊film gate 薄膜形浇口finger pin 指形梢finish machined plate 角形模板finish machined round plate 圆形模板fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板flanged pin 带凸缘销flash gate 毛边形浇口flask 上箱floating punch 浮动冲头gate 浇口gate land 浇口面gib 凹形拉紧销goose neck 鹅颈管guide bushing 引导衬套guide pin 导梢guide post 引导柱guide plate 导板guide rail 导轨head punch 顶镦冲头headless punch 直柄冲头heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒hose nippler 管接头impact damper 缓冲器injection ram 压射柱塞inlay busher 嵌入衬套inner plunger 内柱塞inner punch 内冲头insert 嵌件insert pin 嵌件梢king pin 转向梢king pin bush 主梢衬套knockout bar 脱模杵land 合模平坦面land area 合模面leader busher 导梢衬套lifting pin 起模顶销lining 内衬locating center punch 定位中心冲头locating pilot pin 定位导梢locating ring 定位环lock block 压块locking block 定位块locking plate 定位板loose bush 活动衬套making die 打印冲子manifold block 歧管档块master plate 靠模样板match plate 分型板mold base 塑料模座mold clamp 铸模紧固夹mold platen 模用板moving bolster 换模保持装置moving bolster plate 可动侧模板one piece casting 整体铸件。
悬架 Suspension

特点: 当车轮跳动、悬架
变形时将改变轮距, 使轮胎产生滑移,破 坏轮胎和地面的附着。 用于转向轮时,引 起主销内倾角和车轮 外倾发生变化。目前 在前悬架中很少采用。 结构简单、紧凑、 布置方便,在车速不 太高的重型越野车上 有采用。
悬架 Suspension
Introduction Function Classification
Function : Keep car’s wheels in firm contact with the road and to provide a comfortable ride for the passengers.
纵臂前端通过橡胶- 金属支承与车身作铰 接式连接,后端与轮 毂、减振器相连。汽 车行驶时,车轮连同 后轴体相对车身以橡 胶-金属支承为支点 作上下摆动,相当于 单纵臂式独立悬架。
当两侧悬架变形不等 时,后轴体的V形断 面横梁发生扭转变形, 由于该横梁有较大的 弹性,可起横向稳定 器的作用。
1、Leaf springs
bolt leaf spring central bolt spring clamp thimble
spring eye
single strip spring and less strip spring
leaf springs with alterable thickness
纵臂式独立悬用的纵臂数目可分为: 单纵臂独立悬架; 双纵臂独立悬架。 根据采用的弹性元件可分为:

tion, pronation-lateral rotation (eversion), lateral rotation (inversion). The first term position and bones of the foot usually at the time occurs
supination-adduction, of this dual designation
from the posterior the tibia (fig. 26)
malleolus as [5-7]. In order results
of medial
of Injury
of occurrence, a pronation-lateral rotation injury Stage I. Rupture of deltoid ligament or avulsion
ligamentous Despite isn’t the
there Received December revision June 3, 1980. ‘Department County-University Center, 1 200 26, 1979; accepted after
injuries this potential Lauge-Hansen
for a precise classification
in the use of
and sophisticated universally used
purely descriptive
radiographic report, why by radiologists? Why is

after peak 尾尖舱base line 基线After perpendicular 尾垂线angle bar 角钢air hole 透气孔molded lines 理论线anchor 锚auxiliary tank 调节水舱ballast water tank 压载水舱beam 横梁berth 码头block division plan 分段划分图bilge keel 舭龙骨blade 桨片after peak bulkhead 尾尖舱壁base plane 基平面bilge (船底)污水oars 桨,橹bow, prow 船首body lines 横剖线buttock line 纵剖线bottom flat line 平底线bulwark 舷墙bridge deck 驾驶甲板bulb plate 球扁钢butt weld 对接焊缝camber 梁拱certer line 船体中心cargo hatch 货舱口bracket 肘板breadth molded 型宽buoy ring 救生圈cabin plan 舱室布置图cabin, stateroom 客舱camber line 梁拱线cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨capacity plan 舱容图captain deck 船长甲板cargo hold 货舱center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁central longitudinal section 中纵剖面chain locker 锚链舱clearance hole 通焊孔cofferdam 隔离舱collision bulkhead 防撞舱壁combination cast and rolled stem混合首柱compass 罗盘bridge deck 驾驶甲板compass deck 罗经甲板connecting line for floor end on top 肋板边线construction plan 结构图,施工图corner weld 角焊缝corridor 通道、走廊corrugated bulkhead 槽形舱壁corrugated transverse bulkhead plan槽形横舱壁图crosstie 撑杆Dat-and-dask fine line 细点划线deadrise 底部升高、船底倾斜度deadrise angle 船底横升角deck girder 甲板纵桁deck house 甲板室deck line at center 甲板中线deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板depth moulded 型深derreck platform 起货机平台design draft 设计吃水designed water line 设计水线Diagonal 斜剖线domed bulkhead 球面舱壁double bottom 双层底doubling plate 复板draft molded 型吃水draught marks 吃水线(美作:plimsoll mark)draftsman 制图员drain hole 流水孔drain well 污水井drawings for metal hull of ships金属船体制图duck keel 箱形中底桁end snip for stiffeners 型材端部削斜engine casing 机舱棚engine room 机舱face plate 面板fairing of lines 型线光顺fender 护舷材Fine dash line 细虚线finished plan 完工图flat bar 扁钢flat section 平面分段floor 肋板fore peak 首尖舱forecastle 首楼forecastle deck center line 首楼甲板中线forecastle deck side line 首楼甲板边线forward perpendicular 首垂线rib 肋骨frame 肋骨frame spacing 肋骨间距midship frame 中部肋骨tweendeck frame 甲板间肋骨frame body plan 肋骨型线图frame line 肋骨线frame number 肋骨号数freeboard 干舷French curve 曲线板front elevation 正视图full thick line 粗实线general arrangement plan 总布置图general structure plan 基本结构图girder of foundation 基座纵桁H bar 工字钢half beam 半梁half breadth plan 半宽水线图hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch end beam 舱口端横梁hatch side cantilever 舱口悬壁梁hatch side girder 舱口纵桁horizontal girder 水平桁horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材ice light water line 冰区轻载水线ice load water line 冰区满载水线imaginary line 虚线、假想线inner bottom plate 内底板inner surface 内表面intermediate frame 中间肋骨keel 龙骨keelson 内龙骨intercostal center keelson 间断中内龙骨keel line 龙骨线keel strake K行板,平板龙骨knuckle lines 折角线Liron 不等边角铁、不等边角钢length between perpendiculars 两柱间长length overall 总长life boat 救生艇life jacket 救生衣life raft 救生筏life-saving suit 救生服lightening hole 减轻孔lines plan 型线图longitudinal bulkhead 纵舱壁transverse bulkhead 横舱壁wash bulkhead 制荡舱壁watertight bulkhead 水密舱壁longitudinal 纵骨longitudinal section plan 纵剖面图longitudinal section 纵剖面longitudinal section in center plane 中纵剖面图upper deck 上甲板lower deck 下甲板orlop 最下层甲板quarter deck 后甲板second deck 第二甲板platform deck 平台甲板strength deck 强力甲板superstructure 上层建筑sponson deck 舷伸甲板weather deck 露天甲板office deck 高级船员甲板main deck center line 主甲板中线main deck side line 主甲板边线poop 尾楼poop deck 尾楼甲板poop deck center line 尾楼甲板中线poop deck side line 尾楼甲板边线main flame 主肋骨manhole 人孔margin plate 内底边板mess deck 餐厅甲板middle-line plane 中线面midship section 中横剖面midship section plan 中横剖面图midstation 中站midstation plane 中站面model frame line plan 肋骨型线图molded hull surface 船体型表面molded line 型线molded surface 型表面、理论表面node detail plan 节点详图offset table 型值表offsets 型值outboard profite 侧面图panting beam 强胸横梁pillar 支柱plan view 平面图plane bulkhead 平面舱壁plate keel 平板龙骨platform 平台profile 外廓线railway line 轨道线reverse frame 内底横骨rounded lines 转圆线rudder 舵rudder post 舵柱tiller 舵杆scantling draft 结构吃水screen bulkhead 轻舱壁seam 边接缝shaft tube 尾轴管port 左舷starboard 右舷sheer 舷弧sheer at after perpendicular 尾舷弧sheer at forward perpendicular 首舷弧sheer line 舷弧线sheer strake 舷顶列板shell bossing 轴包套shell expansion plan 外板展开图shell plate 外板side keelson 旁内龙骨side plate 舷侧外板side stringer 甲板边板single bottom 单底size of collar plate 补板尺寸size of notches 切口尺寸snip end 端部削斜solid floor 主肋板station ordinates 站线stations 站stiffener 加强筋;扶强材T-bar T型材thick dash line 粗虚线thick dash-and-dot twin point line 粗双点划线thick dask-and-dot line 粗点划线topside tank 顶边舱torsion box 抗扭箱transom plate 尾封板transom stern 方型尾tripping bracket 防倾肘板vertical girder 竖桁vertical stiffener 垂直扶强材water lines 水线water plane 水线面watertight floor 水密肋板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 强肋骨;特大肋骨weld size 焊缝尺寸welding symbols 焊缝符号wooden structure 木结构zig-zag welding 交错焊接IMO(Intergovernmental Maritime Organization)国际海事组织IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization)国际海事质询组织International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社协会ABS(American Bureau of Shipping)美国船级社BV(Bureau Veritas) 法国船级社Lloyd's Register of shipping 英国劳埃德船级社RINA(Registo Italiano Navade) 意大利船级社Load Line Convention 载重线公约Lloyd's Rules 劳埃德规范Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船Supervision of the Society's surveyor船级社验船师的监造书Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表BSRA 英国船舶研究协会HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering)计算机辅助工程CAPP(computer -aided process planning)计算机辅助施工计划制定IAGG(interactive computer graphics)交互式计算机图像技术a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船体abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部advance coefficient 进速系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar/plate 角钢angle of attack 攻角angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered at sea在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船base line 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板爱beam knee 横梁肘板bearing 轴承bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli's law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船,双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing)计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow's nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量)design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力爱dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drill ship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计e.h.p 有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/after perpendicular 艏/艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架frame spacing 肋骨间距freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁爱gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞gross ton 长吨(1.016公吨,short for GT)group technology 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖(板)hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling)取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的icebreaker 破冰船immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipment (向水中)投放设备leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient纵向棱形系数longitudinal strength 总纵强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate path 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位middle line plane 中线面midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数ML 物资清单,物料表model tank 船模试验水池monitoring desk of main engine operation主机操作监视台monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂mould loft 放样间multihull vessel 多体船multi-purpose carrier 多用途船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性N/C 数值控制nautical mile 海里naval architecture 造船学navigation area 航区navigation deck 航海甲板near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮net-load curve 静载荷曲线neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴neutral equilibrium 中性平衡non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍normal 法向的,正交的normal operating condition 常规运作状况nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽notch 开槽,开凹口oar 橹,桨oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩ocean going ship 远洋船off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物oil filler 加油点oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距ipitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架爱propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器9rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder horn 挂舵臂rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数section 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shaft coupling 联轴节shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线sheer 舷弧sheer aft/forward 艉/艏舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图sheer plane 纵剖面sheer profile 总剖线,纵剖图shell plating 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学shipway/slipway 船台shipyard 船厂shrouded screw 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨side frame 舷边肋骨side keelson 旁内龙骨side plate 舷侧外板side stringer 甲板边板single-cylinder engine 单缸引擎sinkage 升沉six degrees of freedom 六自由度skin friction 表面摩擦力skirt (气垫船)围裙slamming 砰击sleeve 套管,套筒,套环slewing hydraulic motor 回转液压马达slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台sloping top plate of bottom side tank底边舱斜顶板sloping bottom plate of topside tank顶边舱斜底板soft chine 圆舭sonar 声纳spade rudder 悬挂舵spectacle frame 眼睛型骨架speed-to-length ratio 速长比sponson deck 舷伸甲板springing 颤振stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡starboard 右舷static equilibrium 静平衡steamer 汽轮船steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem 船艏stem contour 艏柱型线stern 船艉stern barrel 尾拖网滚筒stern counter 尾突体stern ramp 尾滑道,尾跳板爱stern transom plate 尾封板stern wave 艉波stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 扶强材,加劲杆straddle 跨立,外包式叶片strain 应变strake 船体列板streamline 流线streamlined casing 流线型套管strength curves 强度曲线strength deck 强力甲板stress concentration 应力集中structural instability 结构不稳定性strut 支柱,支撑构型subassembly 分部装配subdivision 分舱submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口submersible 潜期suction back of a blade 桨叶片抽吸叶背Suez Canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任superstructure 上层建筑supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨surface nozzle 水面式喷口surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面预处理与喷涂surge 纵荡sway 横荡yaw 首摇surmount 顶上覆盖,越过swage plate 压筋板swash bulkhead 止荡舱壁SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船tail-stabilizer anchor 尾翼式锚talking paper 讨论文件tangential 切向的,正切的tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tanker 油船tender 交通小艇timber carrier 木材运输船tugboat 拖船tee T型构件,三通管tensile stress 拉(张)应力thermal effect 热效应throttle valve 节流阀throughput 物料流量thrust 推力thruster 推力器,助推器tip of a blade 桨叶叶梢toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯tonnage 吨位torpedo 鱼雷torque 扭矩trailing edge 随边transom stern 方尾transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim 纵倾trim by the stern/bow 艉/艏倾trimaran 三体的tripping bracket 防倾肘板trough 波谷tumble home (船侧)内倾tunnel wall effect 水桶壁面效应turnable blade 可转动式桨叶turnable shrouded screw 转动导管螺旋桨tweendeck cargo space 甲板间舱tweendedk frame 甲板间肋骨two nodded frequency 双节点频率LCC 大型原油轮ULCC 超级大型原油轮VLCC 巨型原油轮ultrasonic 超声波的underwriter (海运)保险商unsymmetrical 非对称的upright position 正浮位置vapor pocket 气化阱ventilation and air conditioning diagram通风与空调铺设设计图Venturi section 文丘里试验段vertical prismatic coefficient 横剖面系数vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller 直叶(摆线)推进器vessel component vender 造船部件销售商viscosity 粘性Voith-Schneider propeller 外摆线直翼式推进器vortex 梢涡v-section v型剖面wake current 伴流,尾流water jet 喷水(推进)管water plane 水线面watertight integrity 水密完整性wave pattern 波形wave suppressor 消波器,消波板wave-making resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 腹肋板welder 焊工wetted surface 湿表面积winch 绞车windlass 起锚机wing shaft 侧轴wing-keel 翅龙骨(游艇)working allowance 有效使用修正量worm gear 蜗轮,蜗杆yacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yards 帆桁。
韩国浦项 线材

Wire Rod 1POSCO2001Wire rod is one of hot rolled steels classified by shape. In general, wire rod is ring-shaped coiled steel with diameters ranging from 5.5mm to 42mm. Wire rods over 14 mm in diameter are especially called 'Bar in Coil'.POSCO produces wire rods in a variety of sizes and qualities with the help of the state-of-the-art facilities and automated computer systems. Our wire rods are of excellent quality andare currently used in many industrial areas, from basic industrial materials to advancedmanufa cturing facilities.Billet ConditioningTo ensure high surface quality, wire rod surface is to be inspected and any defects, if found, are to be eliminated. After de-scaling with shot blast, billet surface is subject to magnetic particle testing and visual inspection for any defects. If found, defects are removed by a grinding machine. In addition, ultrasonic tests as well as specification and shape tests will follow in order toguarantee superior internal quality.Reheating FurnaceThe reheating temperature and time are strictly controlled to obtain proper quality in accordance with steel types and usage. In particular, to prevent decarburization which determines the surface quality, wire rod is preheated at a low temperature for a sufficient period of time before being rapidly switched over to hot temperature environment for rolling.RollingTo meet customers' demands, such conditions as rolling temperature, rolling reduction and rolling speed are rigorously controlled.CoolingPOSCO produces steel that satisfies different demands made by customers by controlling recoiling temperature, air cooling speed, slow cooling cover and other cooling conditions. For example, in the case of high carbon wire rod, lead patenting is not necessary because rapid cooling makes fine grain structure, enhancing its freshness. As for low carbon alloy steel, the soaking-cooled steel helps our customers avoid the softening annealing process.InspectionTest pieces are collected from cooled rods and the samples undergo several tests involving specifications, surface conditions and other qualities. POSCO manages the entire process, ranging from packaging and labeling to shipment.1. Wire Rod Manufacturing FacilitiesClassification No.1 Wire Rod MillNo. 2 Wire Rod MillNo. 3 Wire Rod MillProductionCapacity(1.000ton/year) 590 350 540 Unit Weight (tons)222MaterialsSize (mm) 120X120X18,000160X160X10,100 160X160X10,100 Size Range5.5~13.0Ø 5.5~20.0Ø 5.5~20.2Ø StrandTwo Single TwoType HorizontalHorizontal, VerticalHorizontal, HV(Converitible)Pass27 29 29 Rolling MillLine Speed (m/sec)75 95 110 Capacity (T/H)100 80 140 Reheating FurnaceTypeWalking HealthWalking Beam Walking Beam Cooling EquipmentStelmorStelmor(Garret)StelmorPiano wire rodWire rod for bearing steelLow carbon steel wire rod Spring steelHigh carbon steel wire rod Wire rod for core wire of covered electrodes High strength steel wire rod Alloy Steel for machine structural useFree-cutting steel wire rodStainless steel wire rod Wire rod for machine structuraluse Free-cutting steelWire rod for tire cordMain ProductsWire rod for cold heading and cold forgingThe entire production line, including steel making, billeting and wire rolling, is inspected by thecomputer system, boosting the specification accuracy. Furthermore inspection for final productsis strengthened to produce high-quality wire rods.Classification/Test PointUp-SetTestTensileStrengthReductionRatioSegregationDepth ofDecarburizationCleannessGrainStructure Low Carbon SteelWire Rod¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û High Carbon SteelWire Rod/WireRod for ColdHeading¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡ÛAlloy Steel WireRod, Piano WireRod¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡ÛWire Rod forMachine StructuralUse¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡ÛFree-Cutting Steel ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û High CarbonChromium BearingSteel¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡Û ¡ÛWire Rod6Spring Steel Wire RodThere are two types of spring steels: coil spring and torsion bar produced through hot forming and used for automobile suspension system; and wire spring made by cold forming and used for electronics, precision machinery and furniture. Wire rod for springs must have high elasticity limits to prevent plastic deformation. It must also possess defect-free surface to ensure high fatigue limits and good dimensional precision for improved operation. The main usage is for coil springs and stabilizer bars.JIS: SUP 3, 6, 7, 8, 9A, 10, 11A, 12, 13SAE: SAE9254, 9260DIN : 50CrV4, 55Cr3Wire Rod for Bearing SteelTo withstand repeated loads and high-speed rotations during operation, bearing steel requires a high degree of durability. This type of steel is used in a variety of industrial machine parts, including ball bearings and ring bearings.JIS : SUJ 1-5SAE: SAE52100Carbon Steel Wire Rod for Cold Heading and Cold ForgingWire rod for cold heading quality is cold headed, forged or extruded to make bolts, nuts or screws used widely in automobile parts and industrial machines. This steel requires strict quality control because the steel is placed under severe working conditions and used for special purposes. Therefore it should be handled with utmost care to prevent surface flaws.POSCO: CH6ASPJIS: SWRCH 6A-22A, 10K-50KSAE: SAE 1006-1050DIN: DIN 1654Piano Wire RodOften used in high strength bead wire, LR PC steel wire and music wire, this type of rod is made from high-carbon steels with excellent filamentary drawability, high strength and fatigue resistance.JIS: SWRS 62-92A/BWire Rod for Tire CordManufactured through drawing (0.4-0.15mm ) and cording of high carbon steel wire rods, steel cord is used to reinforce the durability of automobile tires. This wire rod type requires particularly clean and high-strength steel.POSCO: POSCORD 70, 70S, 80ASTM : AISI1069, 1080Wire Rod for High Strength SteelThis PC bar type steel is used in reinforcing the concrete in telegraph poles and piles. Structural carbon steel containing traces of boron, or a large amount of silicon, undergoes high-frequency heat treatment to produce this type of wire rods. Compared with mild steel, this steel type has higher elastic limits and lower relaxation.POSCO: PSPC30B~35B, PSPC30Si-35SiSAE: SAE10B30-35High Carbon Wire Rod SteelHigh carbon steel products require the micro-structure of fine pearlite to maintain its high strength and to ensure its wire drawability. This steel is used in wire ropes, precision springs, bead wires and general PC steel wires.JIS: SWRH27-72SAE: SAE 1026-1095DIN: D26-2, 95-2Free-Cutting Carbon SteelWith an addition of such free-cutting elements as P, Pb, Bi and S, this steel type is used in precision parts of automobiles and home appliances.POSCO: POSCUT1ASAE: SAE1215, 1146, 1151Wire Rod for Core Wire of Covered ElectrodesPrecise component control is required to ensure weldability and deposit metal quality. The wire rod slow cooling operation as well as the TS deviation control are carried out to guarantee rod drawability. The rods are used for CO2 gas-shielded arc welding wire, submerged arc welding wire and general electrodes.POSCO: POSWELD1A, B, POSWELD 2A, B, C, POSWELD 3D, 4D, 5DJIS: SWRY 11-21, YSW11-41, YGW11-24Low Carbon Steel Wire RodThis type of wire rod is made of low-carbon steel with carbon content under 0.22%. It is used in manufacturing various kinds of steel wires, nails and wire entanglement.JIS: SWRM6-22SAE: SAE1006-1022DIN: D5-1, D9-1ASTM: A510Alloy Steel Wire Rod for Machine Structural UseThis steel is mainly used for the joints of mechanical parts, such as high-strength bolts and nuts. It is also used for the delivery of driving force. It is a high strength steel with an addition of such alloy elements as chromium, nickel and molybdenum.JIS: SCr415-445, SCM415-822, SNCM220-815, SMn420-443, SMnC420-: : 443, SNC236-836SAE: SAE1513-1548, 4118-4161, 5115-5145, 8620-8645ASTM: A2741. High Carbon Steel Wire RodHigh Carbon Steel Wire RodSWRH42SWRH47SWRH52SWRH62SWRH67SWRH72SWRH77SWRH82 ClassificationA B A B A B A B A B A B A B A BTargetValue74 78 78 87 83 88 98 100 101 107 106 110 110 118 115 100TensileStrength ControlRange 67-8171-8571-8580-9480-9083-9792-10694-10895-109100-11499-113103-117113-127113-127113-127115-129Wire Rods for Piano and Tire CordClassificationSWRS80B SWRS82A SWRS92A AISI1069AISI1080 Target Value121 121 125 103 116 TensileStrength Control Range114-128 114-128 120-134 98-108 111-121 Wire Rod for Welding RodsCO2 Gas Shielded Arc Welding Rod Submerged Arc Welding Rod ClassificationTarget Value Control Range Target Value Control Range Tensile Strength¡Â 53 50-63 ¡Â 54 ¡Â 65 R.A.(%)¡Ã 82 ¡Ã 75 ¡Ã 72 ¡Ã 602. De-CarburizationDepth of De-Carburization (mm) Classification Steel Type CategoryUnder 13 mmØ13 mmØand aboveSpecial Carbon Steel Wire Rod ¡Â0.10 -Wire Rods for Tire Cord and Piano ¡Â0.05 - Complete De-CarburizationWire Rod for Bearing Steel ¡Â0.05 ¡Â0.10Wire Rod for Cold Heading ¡Â0.08 ¡Â0.13Spring Steel Wire Rod ¡Â0.05 ¡Â0.08High Carbon Steel Wire Rods for General Purposes ¡Â0.12 ¡Â0.15Alloy Steel ¡Â0.08 ¡Â0.13 Partial De-CarburizationOthers ¡Â0.12 ¡Â0.201.Low Carbon Steel Wire RodJISChemical Composition (%)StandardC Si Mn P S CuSWRM 60.08 max. - 0.60 max. 0.045 max. 0.045 max. - SWRM 80.10 max. - 0.60 max. 0.045 max. 0.045 max. - SWRM 100.08~0.13 - 0.30~0.60 0.045 max. 0.045 max. - SWRM 120.10~0.15 - 0.30~0.60 0.045 max. 0.045 max. - SWRM 150.13~0.18 - 0.30~0.60 0.045 max. 0.045 max. - SWRM 170.15~0.20 - 0.30~0.60 0.045 max. 0.045 max. - SWRM 200.18~0.23 - 0.30~0.60 0.045 max. 0.045 max. - SWRM 220.20~0.25 - 0.30~0.60 0.045 max. 0.045 max. - Remark : In the case of killed steel, a "K" is added at the end of the code (for example, SWRM 10K).SAE/AISIChemical Composition (%)SAE/AISIC Mn P S Si10050.06 max. 0.35 max. 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10060.08 max. 0.25~0.40 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10080.10 max. 0.30~0.50 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10100.08~0.13 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10120.10~0.13 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10130.11~0.16 0.50~0.80 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10150.13~0.18 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10160.13~0.18 0.60~0.80 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10170.15~0.200.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10180.15~0.20 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10190.15~0.20 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10200.18~0.23 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10210.18~0.23 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10220.18~0.23 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10230.20~0.25 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10250.22~0.28 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -10260.22~0.28 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max. -2. High Carbon Steel Wire RodJISChemical Composition (%)SAE/AISIC Si Mn P SSWRH 270.24~0.31 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 320.29~0.36 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 370.34~0.41 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 42A0.39~0.46 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 42B0.39~0.46 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 47A0.44~0.51 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 47B0.44~0.51 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 52A0.49~0.56 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 52B0.49~0.56 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 57A0.54~0.61 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 57B0.54~0.61 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 62A0.59~0.66 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 62B0.59~0.66 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.040 max.SWRH 67A0.64~0.71 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.030 max.SWRH 67B0.64~0.71 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.030 max.SWRH 72A0.69~0.76 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.030 max.SWRH 72B0.69~0.76 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.030 max.SWRH 77A0.74~0.81 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.030 max.SWRH 77B0.74~0.81 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.030 max.SWRH 82A0.79~0.86 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.030 max.SWRH 82B0.79~0.86 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.030 max.Remark :If manufacturer and purchaser can reach an agreement, carbon content can be reduced by 0.01% either from the maximum or the minimum figures given in the above table.SAE/AISIChemical Composition (%)SAE/AISIC Mn P S Si10290.25~0.31 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10300.28~0.34 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10350.32~0.38 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10370.35~0.38 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10380.35~0.38 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10390.37~0.42 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10400.37~0.44 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10420.40~0.47 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10430.40~0.47 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10440.43~0.50 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10450.43~0.50 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10460.43~0.50 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.050 max. 0.10 max.10490.46~0.53 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.0.07~0.1510500.48~0.55 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10530.48~0.55 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.050 max. 0.10~0.20 10550.50~0.60 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.0.15~0.3010590.55~0.65 0.50~0.80 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10600.55~0.65 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max. 0.20~0.4010640.60~0.70 0.50~0.80 0.040 max. 0.050 max.0.30~0.6010650.60~0.70 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10690.65~0.75 0.40~0.70 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10700.65~0.75 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10740.70~0.80 0.50~0.80 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10750.70~0.80 0.40~0.70 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10780.72~0.85 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10800.72~0.88 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10840.80~0.93 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10850.80~0.93 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10860.80~0.93 0.30~0.50 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10900.85~0.98 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.050 max.10950.90~1.03 0.30~0.50 0.040 max. 0.050 max.3. Spring Steel Wire RodJISComposition (%)StandardC Si Mn P S Cr OthersSUP 30.75~0.90 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.035 max. 0.035 max. - -SUP 60.56~0.64 1.50~1.80 0.70~1.00 0.035 max. 0.035 max. - -SUP 70.56~0.64 1.80~2.20 0.70~1.00 0.035 max. 0.035 max. - -SUP 80.52~0.60 0.15~0.35 0.65~0.95 0.035 max. 0.035 max. 0.65~0.95 -SUP 9A0.56~0.64 0.15~0.35 0.70~1.00 0.035 max. 0.035 max. 0.70~1.00 -SUP 100.47~0.55 0.15~0.35 0.35~0.95 0.035 max. 0.035 max. 0.80~1.10 V:0.15~0.25 SUP 11A0.56~0.64 0.15~0.35 0.70~1.00 0.035 max. 0.035 max. 0.70~1.00 B: 0.005 min.SUP 120.51~0.59 1.20~1.60 0.60~0.90 0.035 max. 0.035 max. 0.60~0.90 -SUP 130.56~0.64 0.15~0.35 0.15~1.00 0.035 max. 0.035 max. 0.70~0.90 Mo:0.25~0.35 4. Wire Rod for Bearing SteelJISComposition (%)StandardC Si Mn P S Cr Mo OthersSUP 10.95~1.10 0.15~0.35 0.50 max. 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.90~1.20 0.08 max.SUP 20.95~1.10 0.15~0.35 0.50 max. 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 1.30~1.60 0.08 max. SUP 30.95~1.10 0.40~0.70 0.90~1.15 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.90~1.20 0.08 max. SUP 40.95~1.10 0.15~0.35 0.50 max. 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 1.30~1.60 0.10~0.25 SUP 50.95~1.10 0.40~0.70 0.90~1.15 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.90~1.20 0.10~0.25 Cu : 0.20 max. Ni : 0.25 max.5.Carbon Steel Wire Rod for Cold Heading and Cold ForgingJISComposition (%)StandardC Si Mn P S AlSWRCH 6 A0.08 max. 0.10 max. 0.60 max. 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 8 A0.10 max. 0.10 max. 0.60 max. 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 10 A0.08~0.13 0.10 max. 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 12 A0.10~0.15 0.10 max. 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 15 A0.13~0.18 0.10 max. 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 16 A0.13~0.18 0.10 max. 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 18 A0.15~0.20 0.10 max. 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 19 A0.15~0.20 0.10 max. 0.70~1.00 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 20 A0.18~0.23 0.10 max. 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 22 A0.18~0.23 0.10 max. 0.70~1.00 0.030 max. 0.030 max. 0.02 min.SWRCH 10 K0.18~0.13 0.10~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 12 K0.10~0.15 0.10~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 15 K0.13~0.18 0.10~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 16 K0.13~0.18 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 17 K0.15~0.20 0.10~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 18 K0.15~0.20 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 20 K0.18~0.23 0.10~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 22 K0.18~0.23 0.10~0.35 0.70~1.00 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 24 K0.19~0.25 0.10~0.35 1.35~1.65 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 25 K0.22~0.28 0.10~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 27 K0.22~0.29 0.10~0.35 1.20~1.50 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 30 K0.27~0.33 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 33 K0.30~0.33 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 35 K0.32~0.38 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max.SWRCH 38 K0.35~0.41 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 40 K0.37~0.43 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 41 K0.36~0.44 0.10~0.35 1.35~1.35 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 43 K0.40~0.46 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 45 K0.42~0.51 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 48 K0.45~0.51 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. - SWRCH 50 K0.47~0.53 0.10~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.030 max. -6. Piano Wire RodJISChemical Composition (%)StandardC Si Mn P S CuSWRS 62 A0.60~0.65 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 62 B0.60~0.65 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 67 A0.65~0.70 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 67 B0.65~0.70 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 72 A0.70~0.75 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 72 B0.70~0.75 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 75 A0.73~0.78 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 75 B0.73~0.78 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 77 A0.75~0.80 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 77 B0.75~0.80 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 80 A0.78~0.83 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 80 B0.78~0.83 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 82 A0.80~0.85 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 82 B0.80~0.85 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 87 A0.85~0.90 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 87 B0.85~0.90 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 92 A0.90~0.95 0.12~0.32 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.SWRS 92 B0.90~0.95 0.12~0.32 0.60~0.90 0.025 max. 0.025 max. 0.20 max.7.Free-Cutting Carbon Steel Wire RodJISChemical Composition (%)StandardC Mn P S PbSUM 11 0.08~0.13 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 -SUM 12 0.08~0.13 0.60~0.90 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 -SUM 21 0.13 max. 0.70~1.00 0.07~0.12 0.08~0.13 -SUM 22 0.13 max. 0.70~1.00 0.07~0.12 0.08~0.13 -SUM 23 0.09 max. 0.75~1.05 0.04~0.09 0.08~0.13 -SUM 25 0.15 max. 0.90~1.40 0.07~0.12 0.08~0.13 -SUM 31 0.14~0.20 1.00~1.30 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 -SUM 32 0.12~0.20 0.60~1.10 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 -SUM 41 0.32~0.39 1.35~1.65 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 -SUM 42 0.37~0.45 1.35~1.65 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 -SUM 43 0.40~0.48 1.35~1.65 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 -SAE/AISIChemical Composition (%)StandardC Si Mn P S1108 0.08~0.13 - 0.50~0.80 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1110 0.08~0.13 0.10 max. 0.30~0.60 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1117 0.14~0.20 - 1.00~1.30 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1118 0.12~0.20 - 1.30~1.60 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1137 0.32~0.39 0.10 max. 1.35~1.65 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1139 0.35~0.43 0.10 ~0.20 1.35~1.65 0.040 max. 0.13~0.20 1140 0.37~0.44 0.15~0.35 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1141 0.37~0.45 - 1.35~1.65 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1144 0.42~0.48 - 1.35~1.65 0.040 max. 0.24~0.33 1146 0.40~0.49 - 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1151 0.48~0.55 - 0.70~1.00 0.040 max. 0.08~0.13 1211 0.13 max. - 0.60~0.90 0.070~0.12 0.10~0.15 1212 0.13 max. - 0.70~1.00 0.070~0.12 0.16~0.23 1213 0.13 max. - 0.70~1.00 0.070~0.12 0.24~0.33 1214 0.09 max. - 0.75~1.05 0.04~0.09 0.26~0.35 1215 0.09 max. - 0.75~1.05 0.04~0.09 0.26~0.358. Alloy Steel for Machine Structural UseJISChemical Composition (%)StandardC SiMn PSNiCrMoSNC 236 0.32~0.40 0.500~0.801.00~1.50 0.50~0.90SNC 4150.12~0.18 2.00~2.50 2.00~2.50SNC 631 0.27~0.35 2.50~3.00 0.60~1.00 SNC 815 0.12~0.18 0.70~1.00Ni-CrSNC 8360.32~0.400.15~0.35 0.35~0.650.030 max0.030max 3.00~3.500.60~1.00Cu 0.30 maxSNCM 220 0.17~0.23 0.60~0.90 SNCM 240 0.38~0.43 0.70~1.00 0.40~0.70SNCM 415 0.12~0.18 SNCM 420 0.17~0.23 0.40~0.700.40~0.65SNCM 431 0.27~0.35SNCM 439 0.36~0.43SNCM 447 0.44~0.50 0.60~0.90 1.60~2.00 0.60~1.000.15~0.30SNCM 616 0.13~0.20 0.80~1.202.80~3.20 1.40~1.800.40~0.60 SNCM 625 0.20~0.30 3.00~3.50 1.00~1.500.15~0.30 SNCM 630 0.25~0.35 0.35~0.602.50~3.50 2.50~3.500.50~0.70 Ni-Mo SNCM 815 0.12~0.18 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.600.030 max S 0.030maxCu 0.030max 4.00~4.50 0.70~1.000.15~0.30SCr 415 0.13~0.18 SCr 4200.18~0.23 SCr 430 0.28~0.33 SCr 435 0.33~0.38 SCr 440 0.38~0.43 CrSCr 445 0.43~0.48 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.85 0.030 max 0.030maxNi 0.25 maxCu 0.30 max0.90~1.20Cu 0.30 maxSCM 415 0.13~0.18 SCM 418 0.16~0.21 SCM 420 0.18~0.23 0.60~0.85SCM 4210.17~0.23 0.70~1.00 SCM 430 0.28~0.33 0.60~0.850.90~1.20SCM 432 0.27~0.37 0.30~0.60 1.00~1.50SCM 435 0.33~0.38 SCM 440 0.38~0.43 SCM 445 0.43~0.48 0.15~0.30Cr-MoSCM 822 0.20~0.25 0.15~0.350.60~0.85 0.030 max 0.030max 0.25 max0.90~1.200.35~0.45SMn 4200.17~0.23 SMn 433 0.30~0.36 1.20~1.50SMn 438 0.35~0.41 MnSMn 4430.40~0.461.35~1.65 0.035maxSMnC 420 0.17~0.23 1.20~1.50 Mn-Cr SMnC 443 0.40~0.460.15~0.35 1.35~1.650.030 max0.030max0.25 max 0.35~0.70Cu 0.30 maxSAE/AISIChemical Composition (%)StandardC Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo 15130.10~0.16 - 0.10~1.40 0.040 max. 0.050 max. - - - 15220.18~0.24 0.10 max. 1.10~1.40 0.040 max. 0.050 max. - - - 15240.19~0.25 0.07~0.15 0.35~1.65 0.040 max. 0.050 max. - - - 15260.22~0.29 0.10~0.20 1.10~1.40 0.040 max. 0.050 max. - - - 15270.22~0.29 1.50~0.35 1.20~1.50 0.040 max. 0.050 max. - - - 15360.30~0.37 0.20~0.40 1.30~1.50 0.040 max. 0.050 max. - - - 15410.36~0.44 1.35~0.65 1.35~1.50 0.040 max. 0.050 max. - - - 15480.44~0.52 1.10~0.40 1.10~1.40 0.040 max. 0.050 max. - - - 41180.18~0.23 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.40~0.60 0.08~0.60 41300.28~0.33 0.15~0.35 0.40~0.60 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.80~1.10 0.15~0.25 41350.33~0.38 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.80~1.10 0.15~0.25 41370.35~0.40 0.15~0.35 0.70~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.80~1.10 0.15~0.25 41400.38~0.43 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.80~1.10 0.15~0.25 41320.40~0.45 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.80~1.10 0.15~0.25 41450.43~0.48 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.80~1.10 0.15~0.25 41470.45~0.50 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.80~1.10 0.15~0.25 41500.48~0.53 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.80~1.10 0.15~0.25 41610.56~0.64 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. - 0.70~0.90 0.15~0.25 51150.12~0.17 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.50 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.30~0.50 - 51200.17~0.22 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.70~0.90 - 51300.28~0.33 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.80~1.10 - 51320.30~0.35 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.80 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.75~1.00 - 51350.33~0.38 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.80 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.80~1.05 - 51400.38~0.43 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.70~0.90 - 51450.43~0.48 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.48 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.70~0.90 - 86200.18~0.23 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.25 86220.20~0.25 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.25 86250.23~0.28 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.25 86270.25~0.30 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.25 86300.28~0.33 0.15~0.35 0.70~0.90 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.25 86370.35~0.40 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.25 86400.38~0.43 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.25 86420.40~0.45 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.25 86450.43~0.48 0.15~0.35 0.75~1.00 0.035 maX. 0.040 max. 0.40~0.70 0.40~0.60 0.15~0.259. Carbon Steel Wire Rod for Machine Structural UseJISChemical Composition (%)StandardC Si Mn P SS10C0.80~0.13 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S12C0.10~0.15 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S15C0.13~0.18 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S17C0.15~0.20 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S20C0.18~0.23 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S22C0.20~0.25 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S25C0.22~0.28 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S28C0.25~0.31 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S30C0.27~0.33 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S33C0.30~0.36 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S35C0.32~0.38 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S38C0.35~0.41 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S40C0.37~0.43 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S43C0.40~0.46 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S45C0.42~0.48 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S48C0.45~0.51 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S50C0.47~0.53 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S53C0.50~0.56 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S55C0.52~0.58 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S58C0.56~0.61 0.15~0.35 0.60~0.90 0.030 max. 0.035 max.S09CK0.07~0.12 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max.S15CK0.13~0.18 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max.S20CK0.18~0.23 0.15~0.35 0.30~0.60 0.025 max. 0.025 max. Remark: 1. For standards S09CK, S15CK, and S20CK, the content of Cu, Ni, Cr, and Ni+Cr should not exceed 0.25% 0.20%,0.20%, and 0.30%, respectively. As for other standards, each element should not exceed the content of 0.30%,0.20%, .020%, and 0.65%, respectively.2. .In case customers request product analysis on steel, the analysis tolerance should conform to Table 2 in JIS G0321.。

焊接方面的1. 保护气体shielding gas2. 变形deformation3. 波浪变形buckling distortion4. 补焊repair welding5. 残余应力residual-stress6. 层状撕裂Lamellar Tear7. 插销试验Implant Test8. 常规力学性能convention mechanics performance9. 超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection10. 衬垫焊welding with backing11. 船形焊fillet welding in the flat position12. 磁粉探伤magnetic particle inspection13. 粗滴过渡globular transfer14. 脆性断裂brittlement fracture15. 淬火vt. quench n. ~ing16. 错边变形dislocating distortion17. 搭接lap welding18. 打底焊backing welding19. 单道焊single-pass welding20. 单面焊welding by one side21. 导电嘴wire guide ;contact tube22. 等离子弧焊plasma welding23. 低合金钢low alloy steel24. 点焊spot welding25. 电弧动特性dynamic characteristic26. 电弧焊electric arc welding27. 电弧静特性static characteristic28. 电极electrode29. 电流current30. 电压voltage31. 电源power supply;power source32. 电阻焊resistance welding33. 调修correct34. 定位焊tack welding35. 短路过渡short circuiting transfer36. 段焊tack37. 断续焊intermittent welding38. 堆焊surfacing;build up welding39. 对接butt welding40. 钝边root face41. 多层焊multi-layer welding42. 多道焊multi-pass welding43. 二氧化碳气体保护焊carbon-dioxide arc welding44. 反接reversed polarity;positive electrode45. 返修焊rewelding46. 飞溅splash47. 飞溅spatter48. 分段多层焊block sequence welding49. 分段退焊backstep sequence50. 封底焊back welding;sealing welding51. 缝焊seam welding52. 根部间隙root gap;root opening53. 固体夹杂solid inclusions54. 过热区overheated zone55. 焊道bead56. 焊缝seam welding57. 焊缝凹度concavity58. 焊缝成形系数form factor(of the weld )59. 焊缝代号welding symbols60. 焊缝厚度weld throat thickness61. 焊缝金属weld metal62. 焊缝宽度weld width63. 焊缝凸度convexity64. 焊根root of weld65. 焊后热处理postweld heat treatment66. 焊机welding machine67. 焊剂fluxes68. 焊脚尺寸fillet weld size;size of a fillet weld69. 焊接变位机welding positioner70. 焊接变位机positioner71. 焊接材料welding material72. 焊接残余变形welding residual deformation73. 焊接翻转机welding tilter74. 焊接工艺welding technology75. 焊接工艺参数welding condition(welding parameter)76. 焊接工艺评定evaluation about technology of welding77. 焊接工作台welding bench78. 焊接规范welding norm ;welding specifation79. 焊接机器人welding robot80. 焊接技术welding technique81. 焊接夹具fixture82. 焊接缺陷crack imcomplete penatration83. 焊接热循环weld thermal cycle84. 焊接熔池welding pool85. 焊接顺序welding sequence86. 焊接速度welding speed87. 焊接位置position of welding88. 焊接温度场welding temperature field89. 焊接性weldability90. 焊接性weldability91. 焊接应力welding stress92. 焊瘤overlap93. 焊枪welding gun94. 焊丝welding wire95. 焊条welding rod;electrode96. 焊趾toe of weld97. 横焊horizontal position welding98. 横向收缩变形transverse shringkage distortion99. 后热postheat100.弧长length of arc101.弧坑裂纹crater crack102. 划线criibing103.混合比mixing ratio104.基本尺寸basic dimensions105.激光焊laser beam welding106.夹紧力clamping force107.间隙gap108.减压器pressure regulator109.交流alternating current110.角变形angular distortion111.角接fillet welding112.接头joint113.近缝区Near Weld Zone114. 开焊接坡口bevelling115.快速割嘴nozzle for high-flame cutting116.扩散焊diffusion welding117.冷裂纹Cold Cracking118.立焊vertical position welding 119.连续焊continuous welding120.流量the rate of flow121.流量计flowmetre122.螺旋变形twisting distortion123.埋弧焊submerged arc welding 124.脉冲氩弧焊plused argon arc welding 125.密封性检验leak test126.摩擦焊friction welding127.母材basic material128.内应力internal stress129.耐压检验pressure test130.挠曲变形bending distortion131.扭曲变形distormation132.喷射过渡spray transfer133.喷嘴nozzle134.疲劳性能fatigue property135.平焊flat position welding136.坡口groove137.坡口角度groove angle138.气孔gas cavity139.气密性检验air tight test140.气体保护电弧焊gas shielding arc welding141.钎焊brazing;soldering142.切割cut143.氢致裂纹Hgdrogen induced Crack 144.清根back chipping145.缺陷imperfection146.缺陷分级classification for imperfection 147.热烈纹heat crack148.热烈纹Hot Cracking149.热应力thermal stress150.热影响区Heat Affected Zone金属切削metal cutting机床machine tool金属工艺学technology of metals刀具cutter摩擦friction联结link传动drive/transmission轴shaft弹性elasticity频率特性frequency characteristic误差error响应response定位allocation机床夹具jig动力学dynamic运动学kinematic静力学static分析力学analyse mechanics拉伸pulling压缩hitting剪切shear扭转twist弯曲应力bending stress强度intensity三相交流电three-phase AC磁路magnetic circles变压器transformer异步电动机asynchronous motor几何形状geometrical精度precision正弦形的sinusoid交流电路AC circuit机械加工余量machining allowance变形力deforming force变形deformation应力stress硬度rigidity热处理heat treatment退火anneal正火normalizing脱碳decarburization渗碳carburization电路circuit半导体元件semiconductor element反馈feedback发生器generator直流电源DC electrical source门电路gate circuit逻辑代数logic algebra外圆磨削external grinding内圆磨削internal grinding平面磨削plane grinding变速箱gearbox离合器clutch绞孔fraising绞刀reamer螺纹加工thread processing螺钉screw铣削mill铣刀milling cutter功率power工件workpiece齿轮加工gear mechining齿轮gear主运动main movement主运动方向direction of main movement进给方向direction of feed进给运动feed movement合成进给运动resultant movement of feed合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth前刀面rake face刀尖nose of tool前角rake angle后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志)加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing滑动轴承sliding bearing弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead联轴器coupling链chain (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐) 皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire - cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changes有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop (来源:英语交友) 工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination(来源:英语博客)气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheelGood collection but some corrections below for your reference:频率特性frequency characteristics定位positioning动力学dynamics运动学kinematics静力学statics分析力学analytical mechanics拉伸tension压缩compression磁路magnetic circuit几何形状geometric shape正弦形的sinusoidal直流电源DC electrical power螺纹加工thread machining压模stamping die铸造casting液压离合器fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump腐蚀corrosion集成电路integrated circuit缸cylinder汽缸pneumatic cylinder金属切削metal cutting机床machine tool金属工艺学technology of metals 刀具cutter摩擦friction联结link传动drive/transmission轴shaft弹性elasticity频率特性frequency characteristic 误差error响应response定位allocation机床夹具jig动力学dynamic运动学kinematic静力学static分析力学analyse mechanics拉伸pulling压缩hitting剪切shear扭转twist弯曲应力bending stress强度intensity三相交流电three-phase AC磁路magnetic circles变压器transformer异步电动机asynchronous motor几何形状geometrical精度precision正弦形的sinusoid交流电路AC circuit机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force变形deformation应力stress硬度rigidity热处理heat treatment退火anneal正火normalizing脱碳decarburization渗碳carburization电路circuit半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback发生器generator直流电源DC electrical source门电路gate circuit逻辑代数logic algebra外圆磨削external grinding内圆磨削internal grinding平面磨削plane grinding变速箱gearbox离合器clutch绞孔fraising绞刀reamer螺纹加工thread processing螺钉screw铣削mill铣刀milling cutter功率power工件workpiece齿轮加工gear mechining齿轮gear主运动main movement主运动方向direction of main movement进给方向direction of feed进给运动feed movement合成进给运动resultant movement of feed合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth前刀面rake face刀尖nose of tool前角rake angle后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing 滑动轴承sliding bearing 弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead 联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining 粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor 集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire - cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changes有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械仆?Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant 逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination 气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheel参考资料:/bbs/a/a.asp?B=111&ID=5192回答者:Z赌神- 三级2006-6-8 16:15 机械专业英语词汇(很全)金属切削metal cutting机床machine tool金属工艺学technology of metals刀具cutter摩擦friction联结link传动drive/transmission轴shaft弹性elasticity频率特性frequency characteristic误差error响应response定位allocation机床夹具jig动力学dynamic运动学kinematic静力学static分析力学analyse mechanics拉伸pulling压缩hitting剪切shear扭转twist弯曲应力bending stress强度intensity三相交流电three-phase AC磁路magnetic circles变压器transformer异步电动机asynchronous motor几何形状geometrical精度precision正弦形的sinusoid交流电路AC circuit机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force变形deformation应力stress硬度rigidity热处理heat treatment退火anneal正火normalizing脱碳decarburization渗碳carburization电路circuit半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback发生器generator直流电源DC electrical source门电路gate circuit逻辑代数logic algebra外圆磨削external grinding内圆磨削internal grinding平面磨削plane grinding变速箱gearbox离合器clutch绞孔fraising绞刀reamer螺纹加工thread processing螺钉screw铣削mill铣刀milling cutter功率power工件workpiece齿轮加工gear mechining齿轮gear主运动main movement主运动方向direction of main movement进给方向direction of feed进给运动feed movement合成进给运动resultant movement of feed合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth前刀面rake face刀尖nose of tool前角rake angle后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性stability液压驱动泵fluid clutch 液压泵hydraulic pump 阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing 滑动轴承sliding bearing 弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead 联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor 集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire - cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changes有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械仆?Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant 逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape焊接专业英语(一)(2009-01-12 21:52:18)分类:焊接培训标签:教育Aactual weld-throat thick-ness焊缝厚度all-around weld (整周焊缝)环焊缝angle butt weld斜对接焊angle weld角焊appearance of weld焊缝成形arc-seam weld电弧缝焊arc-spot weld电弧点焊arc-weld电弧焊arc welding 弧焊aspect ratio of weld焊缝成形系数at weld edge在焊缝边上attachment weld连接焊缝automatic spot weld自动点焊法automatic weld自动焊接axis of a weld焊缝中心线; 焊接轴线axis of weld焊缝轴线; 焊接轴线arc seam weld电弧缝焊缝arc spot weld 电弧焊点arc strike 碰弧as–brazed 钎接态as–welded 焊态argon (shielded) arc welding氩弧焊接argon tungsten-arc welding钨极氩弧焊argon-arc welding氩弧焊argonaut welding自动氩弧焊atomic H welding氢原子焊atomic hydrogen welding原子氢焊atomic-hydrogen welding原子氢焊接austenite welding不锈钢焊接autogenous pressure welding自动压合热焊autogenous welding气焊automatic arc welding head自动电弧焊接机头automatic arc welding machine自动电焊机; 自动弧焊机automatic drying line for welding electrode电焊条自动烘焙线automatic slag pool welding自动电渣焊automatic spot welding自动点焊automatic submerged arc welding自动埋弧焊automatic submerged slag welding of rail钢轨自动埋弧电弧焊automatic submerged-arc welding machine埋弧自动焊机automatic transverse welding横向自动焊automatic welding自动焊; 自动焊接automatic welding head自动焊头automatic welding machine自动焊接机automatic welding of circumferential seams环缝自动焊automatic welding process自动焊接工艺规程automation of welding焊接自动化arc-welded pipe弧焊管arc-welded steel pipe电弧焊接钢管around openings for welded attachments环绕焊接附件孔口as welded焊态as-welded焊后状态automatic arc welded tube自动电弧焊缝管air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接argon arc welding 氩弧焊automatic slag-pool welding 自动电渣焊aircomatic welding 自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊aluminothermic welding 铸焊, 铝热剂焊接austenite welding 不锈钢(焊条)焊接automatic submerged arc welding 自动埋弧焊argon shielded arc welding 氩护电弧焊all-welded全焊接all-welded construction全焊结构automatic spot weld 自动点焊法AC & D. C. arc welding machine交直流弧焊机AC arc welding交流电弧焊AC gas metal-arc welding process交流熔化极气保护焊AC gas tungsten arc welding交流钨极气保护焊AC welding set交流焊机; 交流焊接变压器AC-dc welding machine交直流两用焊机acetylene welding气焊; 乙炔焊; 乙炔焊接acetylene welding torch乙炔焊炬; 乙炔接焊吹管air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接all-position welding全位置焊接alloy steel gas welding rod合金钢气焊条alternating current arc welding交流电弧焊alternating current welding machine交流电焊机aluminium alloy arc welding electrode铝合金焊条aluminothermic welding铝热焊; 铸焊angle backwards welding后倾焊axial bend test纵弯试验angle butt welding斜口对接焊angle forwards welding前倾焊annealing welding wave退火焊波antogenous welding氧炔焊apparatus for butt welding平接压焊夹具arc braze welding电弧钎焊arc flash welding电弧闪光焊arc spot welding电铆焊arc stud welding柱钉电弧焊; 螺柱电弧焊arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊arc welding电弧焊; 电弧焊接; 弧焊arc welding electrode电弧焊条arc welding generator电弧焊接用发电机; 弧焊发电机arc welding generator with independent excitation自激弧焊发电机; 他激电焊发电机arc welding generator with self-excitation自激电焊发电机arc welding machine弧焊机; 电焊机; 电弧焊机arc welding mask电弧焊遮罩arc welding process电弧焊接工艺过程arc welding rectifier弧焊整流器arc welding robot弧焊机器人arc welding set电弧焊机组arc welding transformer弧焊变压器arc-welding electrode电弧焊用焊条arc-welding plant电焊厂arcogen welding电弧氧乙炔焊air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接aircomatic welding自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊aluminothermic welding铸焊, 铝热剂焊接argon arc welding氩弧焊argon shielded arc welding氩护电弧焊austenite welding不锈钢(焊条)焊接automatic slag-pool welding自动电渣焊automatic submerged arc welding自动埋弧焊Bback of weld焊缝背面back gouging 背面清根backing 衬垫backing gas 背面保护气base metal 母材backing groove of weld焊缝反面坡口backing weld底焊; 底焊焊缝bare metal arc weld裸焊条电弧焊bead weld珠焊; 堆焊bead-on-plate weld堆焊焊缝beading weld凸焊beam-to-beam weld梁间焊接; 梁式引线焊接block sequence weld分段多层焊bond weld钢轨接头焊接bridge seam weld桥缝焊接; 桥线焊brize weld硬焊braze 钎接接头brazer 钎接工brazing 钎接butt weld对接焊缝butt weld ends对头焊接端butt-weld碰焊; 平式焊接; 对头焊接butt-weld in the downhand position对接平焊butt-weld joint对头焊接butt-weld pipe mill对焊管轧机button spot weld按电钮点焊back hand welding后退焊; 反手焊接back step welding反手焊接back ward welding反手焊接back welding底焊; 退焊法back-step welding分段退焊法backhand welding逆向焊; 右焊法; 后焊法; 向后焊backing welding打底焊backstep welding分段逆焊; 分段退焊; 反向焊; 逐步退焊法; 逆向焊 backstep welding sequence分段退焊次序backward welding后倾焊; 后退焊; 向右焊balanced welding对称焊bare welding rod光焊条bare wire arc welding光焊丝电弧焊bead welding窄焊道焊接bench arc welding machine台式弧焊机bevel welding斜角焊blacksmith welding锻工焊接; 锻焊block sequence welding分段多层焊; 分段连续焊接block welding块焊接big diameter welded tube大口径焊缝管blacksmith welded joint煅接接头butt welded (bw)对焊机butt welded seam对焊缝butt-welded drill对头焊接钻头butt-welded joint对焊接头butt-welded pipe对缝焊接管butt-welded rail ends对焊轨端butt-welded tube对缝焊管; 对焊钢管; 对口焊接钢管butt-welded with square ends方头对焊braze welding硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊butt welding对接焊, 对焊butt weld对接焊缝blasting welding factory爆破焊接厂braze welding 硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊butt welding 对接焊, 对焊butt weld 对接焊缝backing run; backing weld打底焊道block welding sequence分段多层焊body welding machine罐身焊接机both sides welding双面焊接brass welding rod黄铜焊条braze welding钎焊; 钎焊接; 钎接; 铜焊braze-welding钎接焊bridge spot welding带接合板点焊; 单面衬垫点焊; 单面搭板点焊 bridge welding桥接焊; 盖板焊brize welding硬焊build (built) up welding堆焊build-up welding堆焊building-up by welding堆焊butt resistance welding电阻对焊; 对接电阻焊butt seam welding对接滚焊butt seam welding machine对接缝焊机butt welding对接焊; 平对焊butt welding machine对接焊机butt welding process对接焊法butt-welding对接焊butt-welding machine对焊机Ccap weld最后焊层; 盖面焊缝carbon content of weld materials焊接材料的碳含量cast-weld construction铸焊结构caulk weld填缝焊contour weld 特形焊接concave fillet weld 凹角焊carbon arc weld 碳极弧焊capability of welding vertically upwards直上焊接能力capacitor-discharge welding电容放电焊接carbon arc welding碳弧焊; 碳极弧焊carbon in materials for welding焊接用材料中的碳carbon-dioxide arc welding二氧化碳保护焊carriage of automatic welding machine自动焊机走架cascade welding阶梯式焊; 山形多层焊cascade welding sequence串级叠置法cast welding铸焊concave fillet weld凹形角焊缝carbon arc weld碳极弧焊concave fillet weld凹角焊contour weld特形焊接cement-welding金属陶瓷焊接centralized installation of welding machine多站焊接chain intermittent fillet welding并列断续角焊缝; 链式断续角焊chemical welding化学焊circular seam welding环缝对接焊circular seam-welding machine环形滚焊机cleaning before welding焊接前的清理cleaning of welding deposits焊接沉积的清理closed butt gas pressure welding闭式加压气焊cold welding冷焊; 冷压焊cold-pressure welding冷压焊combined cutting and welding torch焊割两用炬combined cutting and-welding blow-pipe焊割两用炬combined thermit welding加压铸焊complete penetraction and fusion in welding全焊透complete fusion 完全熔合caulking weld密实焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld链式分段角焊; 并列间断角焊缝chain intermittent weld并列焊接circular weld环形焊缝circumferential weld环缝; 环焊缝cleft weld裂口焊closed weld底边无缝焊; 无间隙焊缝closed-chamber fusion weld闭室熔焊cluster weld丛聚焊缝coil weld 卷板对接焊; 卷板对接焊; 板卷焊cold weld 冷压接commutator-controlled weld 换向控制焊接complete penetration butt weld 贯穿对焊composite weld 紧密焊缝; 强度密封焊缝concave filled weld 凹形角焊缝concave filler weld 凹角焊concave fillet weld 凹面填角焊concave weld 凹焊缝; 凹面焊; 凹形焊缝; 轻型焊connective weld 联系焊缝continuous butt-weld mill 连续式炉焊管机组continuous fillet weld连续(填)角焊缝; 连续角焊缝; 连续贴角焊continuous weld 连续焊缝continuous weld process连续式炉焊管法contour weld 特形焊接convex fillet weld 凸角焊缝; 凸形角焊缝convex weld 凸焊缝; 凸形焊缝copper weld wire 包铜钢丝corner flange weld 单卷边角焊缝corner weld 角焊corner-flange weld 卷边角焊缝; 卷边角焊缝crack of weld 焊部裂纹cross weld十字交叉焊缝; 横向焊缝cross-wire weld十字焊crotch weld 楔接锻接; 楔接焊接cup weld 带盖板焊缝condenser (discharge) spot-welding machine 电容器放电点焊机condenser discharge spot welding 电容储能点焊; 电容贮能点焊 constant current welding machine 恒流电焊机constant energy welding machine 恒功率电焊机constant voltage welding machine 恒压电焊机constant-current arc welding power source 垂降特性弧焊电源constant-current welding source 恒流式焊接电源constant-power welding source 恒功率式焊接电源constant-pressure pressure welding 恒压压力焊constant-temperature pressure welding恒温压力焊constant-voltage welding machine恒电压焊机constant-voltage welding source恒压式焊接电源; 平特性焊接电源 consumable electrode welding 熔化极电弧焊consumable guide electroslag welding自耗定向电渣焊contact welding 接触焊continuous feed welding 连续送丝电弧焊continuous welding 连续焊; 连续焊接contour welding 绕焊controlled arc welding 可控电弧焊接controlled atmosohere arc welding 充气室电弧焊controlled atmospere arc welding 充气式电弧焊controlled tungsten-arc welding 自动控制弧长的钨极电弧焊controlled-transfer welding 可控过渡电弧焊convex fillet welding 凸面角焊缝copper arc welding electrode 铜焊条copper welding rod 铜焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode 铜合金焊条copper-aluminium welding rod 铜铝焊条copper-nickel welding rod 铜镍焊条copper-silicon welding rod 铜硅焊条copper-tin welding rod 铜锡焊条copper-zinc welding rod 铜锌焊条core welding-wire 焊芯core wire for welding rod 焊条芯线。

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Krishnan Unni, Fredrikwho classification of tumours of the digestive - Summary: WHO Classification of Tumours of the Digestive System is the third volume of the 4th Edition of the WHO series on histological and genetic typing of human pathology and genetics of tumors of endocrine - Pathology And Genetics of Tumors of Endocrine Organs (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours): Iarc, The International Agency for Research on, R. Delellisbooks on diseases: creator barbara l andersen - Outsmart Your Cancer: Tumours of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours) Author: International Agency for Research on Cancer List cinii - pathology and genetics of tumours of - Pathology and genetics of tumours of the lung, pleura, thymus and heart. International Agency for Research on Cancer Classification of Tumours of Lung, Thymus - Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart World Health Organization Classification of Tumours. 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教育经历:2007-2011,南京师范大学,数学与应用数学,本科2011-2016,中科院数学与系统科学研究院,基础数学,理学博士(硕博连读)担任课程:高等数学A研究方向:代数拓扑同伦论联系方式:zhuzhongjianzzj@办公室:南校区3B210论文清单:1.Jianzhong Pan,Zhongjian Zhu,The classification of2and3torsion free polyhedra,Acta Math.Sin.Engl.series31.11(2015)1659-16822.Jianzhong Pan,Zhongjian Zhu,The stable homotopy classification of$A_{n}^{4}$-polyhedra with2-torsion free homology,Science China,Ser.A59.6(2016)1141-11623.Zhongjian Zhu,Jianzhong Pan,The decomposability of smash products of$A_{n}^{2}$-polyhedra,Homology Homotopy and Applications,19(1),2017,pp.293-3184.Haimiao Chen,Yueshan Xiong,Zhongjian Zhu,Automorphisms of metacyclicgroups,Czechoslovak Math.Journal(to appear)。
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THE CLASSIFICATION OF TORSION-FREE ABELIAN GROUPS OF FINITE RANK UP TO ISOMORPHISM AND UP TO QUASI-ISOMORPHISMSAMUEL COSKEYA BSTRACT.We prove that the isomorphism and quasi-isomorphism relations on the p-local torsion-freeabelian groups offixedfinite rank n are incomparable with respect to Borel reducibility.1.I NTRODUCTIONThis paper extends some recent work(contributors include Hjorth,Kechris,Adams and Thomas) on the complexity of the classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups offinite rank.The clas-sification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of rank1was solved by Baer in1937.The rank2 groups resisted satisfactory classification for sixty years,after which Hjorth used the theory of count-able Borel equivalence relations to prove in[Hjo]that the problem for rank2groups is genuinely more complex than that for ing the ideas of Adams-Kechris[AK],Thomas later proved in[Tho2]that the complexity of the classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of rank n strictly increases in complexity with n.Thomas also considered the quasi-isomorphism relation on torsion-free abelian groups.Here,A and B are said to be quasi-isomorphic iff A is commensurable with an isomorphic copy of B.As an interme-diate result,Thomas initially proved in[Tho2]that the classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of rank n up to quasi-isomorphism strictly increases in complexity with n.This left open the question of which of the two classification problems for torsion-free abelian groups offixed rank n is more complex:that up to isomorphism or that up to quasi-isomorphism.In this paper,we prove that if n≥3then the two problems have incomparable complexities.Our result,as well as the others mentioned above,must be expressed using the terminology of countable Borel equivalence relations.Following Friedman-Stanley[FS]and Hjorth-Kechris[HK],in many cases we may regard a“classification problem”as an equivalence relation on a standard Borel space X.1For instance,consider the torsion-free abelian groups offixed rank n.It is easily seen that any such group can be presented as an element of the standard Borel space R(n)consisting of subgroups of Q n that contain a basis for Q n.Studying the complexity of the classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of rank n thus amounts to studying the complexity of the isomorphism equivalence relation on R(n).We shall denote this equivalence relation∼=n.1A standard Borel space is a separable,completely metrizable space equipped only with itsσ-algebra of Borel sets.1There is a growing theory of countable Borel equivalence relations.Here,an equivalence relation E on a standard Borel space X is called Borel iff it is a Borel subset of the product space X×X.The equivalence relation E is called countable iff all of its equivalence classes are countable.For example,let us show that∼=n is a countable Borel equivalence relation on R(n).It is easy to verify that subgroups A,B≤Q n are isomorphic if and only if there exists g∈GL n Q such that B=g(A).This immediately implies that∼=n is countable.Since the action of GL n Q on R(n)is Borel(in the sense that for each g∈GL n Q the map x→gx is Borel),it follows that each∼=n is Borel.The equivalence relation∼=n is called the orbit equivalence relation induced by the action of GL n Q on R(n).Here,when a countable groupΓacts in a Borel fashion on a standard Borel space X(which we compactly denoteΓ X),the orbit equivalence relation induced by the Borel actionΓ X is defined byx EΓy⇐⇒x,y lie in the sameΓ-orbitIt is easy to see that ifΓis countable and acts in a Borel fashion,then EΓis Borel.By Feldman and Moore[FM],any countable Borel equivalence relation on a standard Borel space X arises as the orbit equivalence relation induced by the Borel actionΓ X of a countable group.We remark that the groupΓand its action are not canonically determined by EΓ.The case of∼=n is special in the sense that there is a natural group and action inducing it.We now show how to compare the complexity of two equivalence relations.If E,F are equivalence relations on the standard Borel spaces X,Y,respectively,then we write E≤B F and say that E is Borel reducible to F iff there exists a Borel function f:X→Y such that for all x,x ∈X,x E x ⇐⇒f(x)F f(x )The relationship E≤B F means that elements of X can be explicitly classified up to E using invariants from the quotient space Y/F,considered with its quotient Borel structure.Viewing quotient spaces as spaces of possible complete invariants for classification problems,we can also think of≤B as a complexity comparison on Borel spaces as follows:if E≤B F then structurally X/E is a simpler space of invariants than Y/F.Extending this notation in the obvious fashion,we write E∼B F when both E≤B F and F≤B E, we write E<B F when both E≤B F and E∼B F,and we write E⊥B F when both E≤B F and F≤B E.Returning to torsion-free abelian groups,we can now state Hjorth’s and Thomas’s theorems together as∼=1<B ∼=2<B∼=3<B···This was thefirst naturally occurring example of an infinite≤B-chain.Shortly after this was found, Thomas found an infinite≤B-antichain,again consisting of the isomorphism relations on various spaces of torsion-free abelian groups offinite rank.If p is prime,A is said to be p-local iff it is in-finitely q-divisible for every prime q=p.Let R(n,p)denote the space of p-local groups of rank n and let∼=n,p denote the restriction of∼=n to R(n,p).Thomas’s theorem is that if n≥3and p,q are distinct primes,then∼=n,p is Borel incomparable with∼=n,q.(This was later extended to include the case n=2 by Hjorth-Thomas[HT].)The proof of this theorem motivates much of what follows.In fact,in our comparison of isomor-phism and quasi-isomorphism,it shall be necessary to restrict to p-local groups.We shall actually restrict to a slightly smaller space,that of p-local torsion-free abelian groups offixed divisible rank. Here,the divisible rank of a(finite rank)torsion-free abelian group A is defined as the maximum k of the ranks of the divisible quotients of A.We let R(n,p,k)denote the space of p-local torsion-free abelian groups of rank n and of divisible rank k.Let∼=k n,p denote the restrition of∼=n to R(n,p,k).Our first key result is the following:T HEOREM A.Fix n≥3and p prime.Then for k=l,we have that∼=k n,p is Borel incomparable with∼=l n,p. We next consider the quasi-isomorphism relation on the spaces R(n,p,k).Here,torsion-free abelian groups A,B≤Q n are said to be quasi-isomorphic iff A is commensurable with an isomorphic copy of B(i.e.,there exists B ∼=B such that A∩B hasfinite index in both A,B ).In the case k=n−1, the notion of quasi-isomorphism coincides with that of isomorphism.For k<n−1they are distinct. Thomas found the quasi-isomorphism relation easier to work with in[Tho2],for reasons which will be clear in later sections.However,the next theorem shows that the classification of(local)groups up to quasi-isomorphism is not simpler than that up to isomorphism.Let∼k n,p denote the quasi-isomorphism equivalence relation on the space R(n,p,k)of p-local torsion-free abelian groups of rank n and divisible rank k.Then we have:T HEOREM B.If1≤k≤n−2,then∼=k n,p is Borel incomparable with∼k n,p.It follows easily from these two results,together with Theorem4.7of[Tho1]that for n≥3,the isomorphism and quasi-isomorphism relations on on the space of all local(that is,p-local for any p) torsion-free abelian groups of rank n are incomparable as well.C ONJECTURE.For n≥3,the isomorphism and quasi-isomorphism relations on the space R(n)of torsion-free abelian groups of rank n are Borel incomparable.This paper is organized as follows.In the second section,we introduce the notion of an affine map between homogeneous spaces.Our main example is the k-Grassmann space Gr k Q n p of k-dimensional subspaces of the n-dimensional vector space over the p-adics.We state a lemma(proved in the ap-pendix)characterizing the affine maps between the k-Grassmann spaces.In the third section,we state a cocycle superrigidity theorem of Adrian Ioana,and immediately derive a corollary which roughly states that a homomorphism of SL n Z-orbits between Grassmann spaces is a slight perturbation of an action-preserving map.We use this to prove the auxilliary result that the orbit equivalence relations induced by the action of GL n Q on the Gr k Q n p are Borel incomparable as k varies.In the fourth section, we define the completion of torsion-free abelian groups A≤Q n to Z p-submodules of Q n p.(This method was employed by Kurosh and Malcev in their attempts to classify the torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank.)This will lead us to transfer the domain of discourse from the complicated R(n,p,k)to the space of completed groups and later to the much more reasonable k-Grassmann space.In the last section,we prove Theorems A and B.2.E RGODIC THEORY OF HOMOGENEOUS SPACESIn this section,we define the the notion of ergodicity,which plays an essential role in the theory of countable Borel equivalence relations.Ergodicity and Borel reductions.We now define the notion of ergodicity of a measure-preserving action.LetΓbe a countable group acting in a Borel fashion on the standard Borel space X.If X carries a probability measureµ,then we writeΓ (X,µ)to indicate thatΓacts on X in aµ-preserving fashion.As before,we let EΓdenote the orbit equivalence relation on X induced by the action ofΓ. We say that the actionΓ (X,µ)is ergodic iff everyΓ-invariant subset of X hasµ-measure0or1. Clearly,this property depends only on the orbit equivalence relation EΓand the measureµ.We shall use the characterization thatΓ (X,µ)is ergodic iff for everyΓ-invariant function f:X→Y into a standard Borel space Y,there exists aµ-conull A⊂X such that f|A is a constant function.This notion has a generalization that will arise in our arguments.First,we introduce the notion of homomorphism of orbits,a weakening of Borel reduction.Let E,F be equivalence relations on standard Borel spaces X,Y.A homomorphism of orbits f:E→F is any map satisfying justx E y=⇒f(x)F f(y)A homomorphism of orbits is similar to a Borel reduction but with“collapsing”allowed.This cor-responds to using Y/F as a space of incomplete invariants for the E-classification problem on X.Acountable-to-one homomorphism of orbits E→F is called a weak reduction from E to F.We write E≤w F if there exists a(Borel)weak reduction E→F.Notice thatΓ (X,µ)is ergodic iff every Borel homomorphism of orbits EΓ→Id Y is constant on a conull set.(Here,Id Y represents the equality relation on the standard Borel space Y.)More generally, if F is a Borel equivalence relation on the standard Borel space Y,then we sayΓ (X,µ)is F-ergodic iff for every Borel homomorphism of orbits f:EΓ→F,there exists aµ-conull subset A⊂X such that f(A)is contained in a single F-class.It is worth noting that:E is F-ergodic=⇒E≤w F=⇒E≤B FErgodic components.IfΓ (X,µ)is ergodic andΛ≤Γis a subgroup offinite index,then there exists a partition X=Z1 ··· Z N of X intoΛ-invariant cells,such thatµZ i>0andΛ (Z i,µi)is ergodic.Here,µi denotes the(normalized)measure induced on Z i byµ.The cells Z i(together with the actionΛ Z i)are called ergodic components forΛ;they are determined uniquely up to null sets by Λand the actionΓ (X,µ).Homogeneous spaces.Let K be a compact,second countable group.If K acts transitively on the standard Borel K-space X,then X is said to be a homogeneous space for K.Every homogeneous space for K is thus in K-preserving bijection with K/L for some closed subgroup L≤K.Since K/L carries a unique K-invariant measure(the Haar measure),it follows that X does as well.Now suppose that Γ≤K is a countable dense subgroup.Then the actionΓ K/L is uniquely ergodic,meaning that the Haar measure isΓ-ergodic and moreover it is the unique probability measure on K/L that is preserved byΓ.Now,suppose thatΛ≤Γis a subgroup offinite index.Then the ergodic components for the action ofΛare precisely the orbits of¯Λ(the closure in K)on K/L and each ergodic component is again a homogeneous space for the compact group K0=¯Λ.The action ofΛon the particular component K0L is isomorphic to that on K0/L0,where L0=L∩K0.IfΛ Γis a normal subgroup offinite index,then Γacts as a transitive permutation group on the¯Λ-orbits,i.e.,on the ergodic components forΛ. Finally we define the natural morphisms between homogeneous spaces.For i=0,1let K i be compact and L i a closed subgroup.Then a function f:K0/L0→K1/L1is said to be affine iff there exists an isomorphismφ:K0→K1such that f(kx)=φ(k)f(x)for all x∈K0/L0and k∈K0.In this case,there exists t∈K1with the property that:•φ(L0)=tL1t−1,and•f(kL0)=φ(k)tL1for k∈K0.Example:Grassmann spaces.Let n be a natural number and p a prime.Denote by Q n p the canonical n -dimensional vector space over the field of p -adic numbers.Then the k -Grassmann space of Q n p ,denoted,Gr k Q n p ,is the set of k -dimensional subspaces of Q n p .Since the compact group SL n Z p ≤Aut Q n p acts transitively on Gr k Q n p (see [Tho3],Proposition 6.1)we can view Gr k Q n p as a homogeneousSL n Z p -space.Accordingly,it carries a corresponding Haar measure and the dense subgroup SL n Z ≤SL n Z p acts (uniquely)ergodically on Gr k Q n p .We now describe the “principle congruence components”of the k -Grassmann space.Recall that for any natural number m ,the m th principal congruence subgroup Γm SL n Z is defined by:(2.1)Γm =ker[SL n Z →SL n (Z /m Z )]where the map on the right-hand side is the canonical surjection.It is easily seen that Γm =K m ,where (2.2)K m =ker[SL n Z p →SL n (Z p /m Z p )]Hence,the ergodic components of Gr k Q n p corresponding to the action of Γm are precisely the K m -orbits.We call these the m th principle congruence components of the k -Grassmann space.For example,any V in the K p t orbit of V 0:=Q p e 1⊕···Q p e k can be written as the column space of a matrix a v,where a is congruent to the k ×k identity matrix I k modulo p t ,and v is congruent to 0modulo p t .Since a is clearly invertible,one can use column operations to suppose that a =I k .So wehave:(2.3)K p t .V 0= col I k v:p t |v where p t |v means that for each entry x of v ,we have that x/p t lies in Z p .We close this section with the following lemma,which identifies all affine maps between ergodic components of Grassmann space.The proof is given in the Appendix.2.4.L EMMA .Let n ≥3and X 0=K 0/L 0and X 1=K 1/L 1be ergodic components for Gr k Q n p ,Gr l Q n p ,respectively.Let f :X 0→X 1be an affine map.Then l =k or l =n −k ,and:•In the case l =k =n −k ,there exists h ∈GL n Q such that f satisfies f (x )=hx almost everywhere;•In the case l =n −k =k ,there exists h ∈GL n Q such that f satisfies f (x )=hx ⊥almost everywhere,where x ⊥denotes the orthogonal complement of x .3.A SUPERRIGIDITY THEOREMIn this section,we introduce the following recent cocycle superrigidity theorem of Adrian Ioana(see [Ioa]).We then derive a corollary which will be used in the proofs of our main theorems.Familiarity with Borel cocycles is only needed to understand the statement of Ioana’s theorem,and the proof of the corollary.We remark that it would also be possible to use Zimmer’s cocycle superrigidity theorem in our arguments.To do so would require more techniques,such as induced cocycles andfinite ex-tensions.In this context,Ioana’s theorem is much more powerful and hence our arguments shall not require such maneuvres.3.1.D EFINITION.For i∈N letΓi (X i,µi)andρi:X i+1→X i be a factor map(i.e.,aΓ-invariant measure-preserving map).Then the corresponding inverse limit is aΓ-space(X,µ)together with factor mapsπi:X→X i satisfyingπi=ρi◦πi+1and the usual universal property associated with inverse limits.In case all X i arefinite sets,(X,µ)is called a profiniteΓ-space.3.2.D EFINITION.The action of a countable groupΓon the standard Borel space X is free if it isfixed-point free,meaning that if1=g∈Γthen gx=x for all x∈X.3.3.I OANA’S T HEOREM.Suppose thatΓbe a countable Kazhdan group,and let(X,µ)be a free,ergodic profiniteΓ-space.Letπi:X→X i be the factor maps from Definition3.1.Suppose thatα:Γ X→Λis a cocycle into an arbitrary countable groupΛ.Then there exists i∈N such thatαis cohomologous to a cocycle Γ X i→Λ.More precisely,there exists i∈N and a cocycleαi:Γ X i→Λsuch thatαis cohomologous to the cocycle α defined byα (g,x)=αi(g,πi(x)).The corollary below addresses the case thatαis a cocycle corresponding to a Borel homomorphism of orbits f into an orbit equivalence relation induced by a free action ofΛ.We shall need the following definition.Suppose thatΓ X andΛ Y are Borel actions of countable groups on standard Borel spaces.Then a homomorphism of permutation groups(φ,f):Γ X−→Λ Y is a pair(φ,f),where φ:Γ→Λis a group homomorphism and f:X→Y is a Borel map satisfying f(gx)=φ(g)f(x)for all g∈Γand x∈X.3.4.C OROLLARY.Suppose thatΓbe a countable Kazhdan group,and let(X,µ)be a free,ergodic profinite Γ-space.LetΛbe a countable group andΛ Y a free action.Suppose that f:EΓ−→EΛis a Borel homomorphism of orbits.Then there exists an ergodic componentΓ0 X0forΓ X and a permutation group homomorphism(φ,f ):Γ0 X0−→Λ Y such that for all x∈X0,f(x)is EΛ-equivalent to f (x).P ROOF.Letα:Γ X→Λbe the cocycle corresponding to f.By the theorem,there exists afinite factor(X ,µ )of(X,µ)(say the projection map isπ),and a map b:X→Λsuch that the adjusted cocycleα (g,x)=b(gx)α(g,x)b(x)−1depends only on g,π(x).LetΓ0be the stabilizer of any point s∈X such thatµ {s}>0,so that S:=π−1{s}isΓ0-invariant andµ(S)>0.Then S contains an ergodic component X0for the action ofΓ0.Sinceπis constant on X0,the restriction ofα to the action Γ0 X0is independent of x∈X0.It follows thatα defines a homomorphismφ:Γ0→Λ.Letting f =bf,it is easily seen that(φ,f )satisfies our requirements.(Of course,since the cocycle identity holds almost everywhere,one may need to delete a null set of X0.) Wefirst apply this corollary to establish the following Borel incomparability.It will serve as an auxilliary theorem in the next section,but it is also interesting in its own right.3.5.N OTATION.Fix n∈N and p prime.For the rest of this section,E k SLn Z and E k GLn Qdenote the orbitequivalence relations induced on Gr k Q n p by SL n Z and GL n Q,respectively.3.6.T HEOREM.Suppose that k,l≤n and k=l,n−l.Then E k GLn Q is Borel incomparable with E l GLn Q.We shall see in the next section that this theorem implies that the quasi-isomorphism relations on R(n,p,k),R(n,p,l)are Borel incomparable.Theorem3.6follows immediately from the following slightly stronger statement.The proof offers a preview of the arguments found in the last section.3.7.T HEOREM.Suppose that k,l≤n and k=l,n−l.Then E k SLn Z(together with the Haar measure on Gr k Q n p)is E l∼-ergodic.P ROOF.Let f:E k SLn Z→E l∼be a Borel homomorphism of orbits.Thefirst step is to apply Corollary3.4.While it is not literally true that GL n Q Gr l Q n p is free,in our context it suffices to establish thatf maps a(Haar)conull set into the free part of the action of P GL n Q on Gr l Q n p.Here,if the countable groupΓacts on a standard Borel space X,thenF r(Γ X)={x∈X|1=g∈Γ=⇒gx=x}denotes the free part of the action ofΓon X.The next lemma establishes this precisely.The statement is adapted from that of Lemma5.1of[Tho1],and the proof can be adapted as well.We remark that Zimmer’s superrigidity theorem is used in the proof.3.8.L EMMA(Thomas).Suppose that f:E k SLn Z →E lGL n Qis a Borel homomorphism of orbits.Then either ftakes values in a single GL n Q-orbit,or there is a conull M⊂Gr k Q n p such that f(M)⊂F r(P GL n Q Gr l Q n p). It also follows from the lemma that F r(SL n Z Gr k Q n p)is itself conull.Hence,we may apply Corollary3.4to suppose that there exists an ergodic componentΓ0 X0of SL n Z Gr k Q n p and ahomomorphismφ:Γ0→GL n Q such that(φ,f):Γ0 X0−→GL n Q Gr l Q n p is a homomorphism of permutation groups.The next step is to show that without loss of generality,im(f)is contained in an ergodic component of SL n Z Gr l Q n p.For this,we appeal to Margulis’s superrigidity theorems.3.9.L EMMA.IfΓ0≤SL n Z is afinite index subgroup andφ:Γ0→GL n Q is a homomorphism,then there exists afinite index subgroupΛ≤Γ0such thatφ(Λ)⊂SL n Z.To simplify the proof,let us suppose that n is odd and so SL n R is a simple group.P ROOF.SinceΓ0is Kazhdan,Γ 0:=[Γ0,Γ0]is afinite index subgroup ofΓ0(see[Lub],Corollary1.29). Now since GL n Q/SL n Q∼=Q×is abelian,we have thatφ(Γ 0)≤[GL n Q,GL n Q]≤SL n Q(In fact,the latter≤is an equality.)ReplacingΓ0byΓ 0if necessary,we may suppose without loss of generality that imφ⊂SL n Q.We can also suppose without loss of generality that imφis infinite.By Theorem VIII.3.10of[Mar], the Zariski closure H ofφ(Γ0)in SL n R is semisimple.Letπi:H→H i denote the projections of H onto its simple factors.By the Mostow-Margulis superrigidity theorem(see Theorem5.1of[Zim]), eachφi:=πi◦φextends to a homomorphismΦi:SL n R→H i.Since SL n R is almost simple,there is exactly oneΦi with infinite image.It follows that the corresponding factor H i is actually all of SL n R. Hence we have thatφextends to an automorphismΦof SL n R.Clearly,φ(Γ0)is again a lattice.By IX.4.14of[Mar],sinceφ(Γ0)⊂SL n Q it is commensurable with SL n Z.In particular,there exists afinite index subgroupΛ≤Γ0such thatφ(Λ)⊂SL n Z. Hence,replacingΓ0 X0with a smaller ergodic component,we can suppose thatΓ1:=im(φ)⊂SL n Z.Now,sinceΓ0 X0is ergodic,there exists an ergodic component X1for the action ofΓ1on Gr l Q n p such that im(f)⊂X1.Recall that X i∼=K i/L i asΓi-spaces,where K i is the closure ofΓi in SL n Z p and L i≤K i are closed subgroups.Claim.φextends to an isomorphism K0→K1.We can suppose thatφ:Γ0→Γ1is injective.(If not,then by Margulis’s theorem on normal sub-groups the kernel ofφhasfinite index inΓ0.Hence,φhasfinite image and so passing to an ergodic subcomponent,we would be able to suppose thatφ=1.This implies that f isΓ0-invariant and since Γ0 X0is ergodic,f is almost constant.)By Lemma6.1of the appendix,we can suppose thatφis con-jugation by an element of GL n Q and soφextends to an automorphism of GL n Q p.Sinceφ(K0)is a com-pact group containingΓ1,we have thatφ(K0)⊃K1.The same argument shows thatφ−1(K1)⊃K0,and soφ(K0)=K1.This completes the claim.(It is possible to give a more self-contained argument adapted from Proposition7.2of[Fur].)Now,define a mapβ:K0→K1/L1byβ(k)=φ(k)−1f(kL0)Notice thatβisΓ0-invariant:forγ∈Γ0,we haveβ(γk)=φ(γk)−1f(γkL0)=φ(k)−1f(kL0)=β(k). Hence by ergodicity ofΓ0 X0,there exists t∈K1such thatβ(k)=tL1for(Haar)almost every k∈K0.In other words,we can suppose that f(kL0)=φ(k)tL1is an affine map.Since we have assumed that k=l,n−l,this contradicts Lemma2.4.≤w P ROOF OF T HEOREM3.6.Suppose that f:E k∼≤B E l∼.Then clearly f is a weak reduction E k SLn ZE l∼.By Theorem3.7,f carries a conull set M into a countable set.Since f is a weak reduction,it follows that M is countable.Since the Haar measure or Gr k Q n p is nonatomic,this is a contradiction.4.C OMPLETION OF TORSION-FREE ABELIAN GROUPSThe completion map.Recall that A∈R(n)is p-local iff it is q-divisible for all q=p group.In this section,we summarize some results found in[Fuc]regarding the following completion of A to a Z p-submodule of Q n ly,define(4.1)Λp(A):=A⊗Z pThat is,considering A as a subset of Q n p,Λp(A)is just the set Z p-linear combinations of elements of A. We shall omit the subscript p when it is clear from context.On R(n,p),Λ=Λp takes values in the standard Borel space M(n,p)of Z p-submodules of Q n p with Z p-rank exactly equal to n.In fact,by93.1 and93.5of[Fuc],Λis a bijection of R(n,p)with M(n,p).Suppose now that M∈M(n,p).Then by93.3of[Fuc],M can be decomposed as a direct sum (4.2)M=V M⊕Lwhere V M is a vector subspace of Q n p and L is a free Z p-submodule of Q n p.The vector subspace V M is well-defined from M.There are many possible complementary submodules L,but in any case we have rank L=n−dim V.By exercise93.1of[Fuc],the dimension of VΛ(A)is precisely the divisible rank of A.Letting M(n,p,k) denote the subspace of M(n,p)consisting of just those M with dim V M=k,it follows thatΛis a bijection of R(n,p,k)with M(n,p,k).4.3.D EFINITION .These facts allow us to transfer the domain of the isomorphism relation from the space R (n,p )of p -local subgroups of Q n to the space M (n,p )of Z p -submodules of Q n p .In other words,if M 0,M 1∈M (n,p )and M i =Λ(A i )then we shall write M 0∼=n,p M 1iff A 0∼=n,p A 1.The two uses of ∼=n,p are Borel equivalent ,meaning that there is a Borel bijection between their domains which identifies equivalence classes.Since Λpreserves the action of GL n Q p ,each is induced by the relevant action of GL n Q .Similarly,we write M 0∼n,p M 1iff A 0∼n,p A 1.By Theorem 4.8of [Tho2],the two uses of the ∼n,psymbol are Borel equivalent.Of course,we also write ∼=k n,p ,∼k n,p to denote the restrictions of ∼=n,p ,∼n,pto M (n,p,k ).The adjoining map.Fix V ∈Gr k Q n p and let M ∈M (n,p,k )be an arbitrary module such that V M =V .If W is any complementary subspace of V ,meaning that V ∩W =0and V ⊕W =Q n p ,then M can always be written (uniquely)as V ⊕L where L ≤W .Hence the set {M ∈M (n,p,k ):V M =V }is in bijection with the lattices of W ,i.e.,the free Z p -submodules of W that contain a basis for W .In this section,we will choose a canonical complementary subspace V c ,and list some properties.Still fixing V ∈Gr k Q n p ,let j 1...j n −k be a subsequence of 1,...,n satisfying:(4.4)The Z p span of (V ∩Z n p )∪(Z p e i 1⊕···⊕Z p e i k )is all of Z n p .We will show that such a sequence exists in the next paragraph.To make it so that the j i are determined by V ,we arbitrarily require that j i is the lexicographically greatest sequence satisfying (4.4).DefineV c =Q p e j 1⊕···⊕Q p e j n −k .Then V c is complementary to V and it is canonically isomorphic to Q n −k p.We now show how to find and identify the sequence j i .It is possible to write V as the column space of a n ×k matrix A satisfying:•Each row of the k ×k identity matrix appears as a row of A (call these the pivot rows);and•Every entry of A is in Z p .(To obtain such a matrix,begin wih an arbitrary matrix whose column space is V .Rescale the first column so that all entries are integers and at least one entry is e this 1to zero out the other entries in its row.Repeat for the second column,etc.)It is easily seen that the sequence j i of indices of the non-pivot rows of A satisfies (4.4).For example,we have already seen in (2.3)that any V ∈K p t .V 0can be written as the column space of a matrix of the form I k v,where the entries of v are in Z p .It follows that the canonical complementary subspace is V c =Q p e k +1⊕···⊕Q p e n .Now,for a lattice L ≤Q n −k p,let L [V ]be the isomorphic copy of L inside V c induced by following the obvious map (that is,the linear map defined by the abuse of notation e i →e j i ).Now we define theadjoining of V and L by(4.5)(V,L):=V⊕L[V]Let L(Q n−kp )denote the set of lattices of Q n−kp.The following proposition summarizes our work thusfar,and allows us to identify M(n,p,k)with a product of Gr k Q n p and L(Q n−kp).4.6.P ROPOSITION.The adjoining map(·,·)yields a bijection Gr k Q n p×L(Q n−kp)→M(n,p,k).This means that any M∈M(n,p,k)can be uniquely written M=(V M,L M),where V M is the vectorspace part of M.We shall call L M the lattice part of M.P ROOF.For injectivity,suppose that(V,L)=(V ,L ).Clearly,V=V so that L[V]∩V c=L [V]∩V c, and hence L=L .For surjectivity,let M∈M(n,p,k)be arbitrary.Let V c be as above and letι:Q n−kp→V c be the transfer of bases isomorphism.Then L:=ι−1(V c∩M)satisfies M=(V,L). Lattices and types.Any lattice L∈L(Q l p)may be expressed as the Z p-span of l linearly independant vectors in Q l p.By the discussion of completion in[Ser],section II.1.1,these vectors may be chosen in Q n.In particular,there are countably many lattices.If L is the span of the vectors x1,...,x l∈Q l p,let A be the matrix whose columns are the x i.The type of L is defined as the reduction modulo l ofνp(det A),whereνp denotes the p-adic valuation on Q∗p.(It is easily checked that this is independant of the choice of the x i.)It is immediate that for any s∈GL l Q p,we have tp(sL)≡νp(det s)+tp(L),modulo l.It follows that the group of type-preserving maps is precisely the kernel of the composition(4.7)GL l Q p det−→Q∗pνp−→Z−→Z/l ZUsing this,we can establish:4.8.P ROPOSITION.If g∈SL n Z p and g(V,L)=(gV,L ),then tp(L)=tp(L ).P ROOF.Let V0=Z p e1⊕···⊕Z p e k denote the standard subspace of Q n p.Wefirst treat the case that V,gV=V0.In this case,gV0=V0and it follows that g acts as a linear transformation on V c0= Q p e k+1⊕···⊕Q p e n via its n−k×n−k lower right-hand corner,denote it g c.Clearly,g c∈GL n−k Z p and so it preserves types.Hence,tp(L )=tp(g c L)=tp(L).Now,we treat the case that V=V0but gV is arbitrary(the general case follows by an easy diagram). Let g(V0,L)=(gV0,L ).It suffices to show there exists g1∈SL n Z p such that g1(V0,L )=(gV0,L ). For then,g−1g1(V0,L )=(V0,L)and we are in the previous case.Permuting the standard basis if。