


I. 音标。从四个单词中,选出所标出的字母组合与所给音标读音相同的单词。(5’)

Notes: 1注意发音规则与单词读音积累2复习语音,尤其是元音因素。

/e?/take bed bag fat

II. 根据描述选出正确的单词,E项涂成AB (5’)

1.Mrs. Taylor works at a cash register. She’s a _ ____ D _.

2.-- He’s a __ E _______. He can play the piano.

3. Laura works for an airline, but she isn’t a flight attendant. She’s a ___ C.______.

4. Ricardo takes people on tours to Mexico City. He’s a _____ B ___.

5. His job is cutting trees. He’s a ___ A.______.


(C )1. What kind of TV shows do you prefer? A. I think it’s a talk show.

(E )2. Do you like news programs? B. There aren’t many.

( D )3. Are there a lot of movie theaters in your C. I love game shows.

neighborhood? D. Yes. That’s a great idea.

(A )4. What’s showing now on Channel 7?

(B )5. Would you like to watch a football game E. They’re OK.

with me?

IV. 单项选择(15’)


1人称代词(I, you, he, she, they, we; my, your, his, her, their, our; me, you, him, her, them, us)2一般现在时(主系表am/ is/ are,主谓宾do/ does)&现在进行时(be doing)


4课文中的重点句型(conversation, grammar)

V. 完成对话。根据前后文选择最佳选项完成对话,E项涂成AB。(5分)Eillen: Hi, Bob! _______ C ________________________

Bob: Pretty good, thanks! How about you?

Eileen: Fantastic. ________________________ B ______ Would you like to go with us?

Bob: Yes,I ’d love to, but ____________ E ________________.

Eileen: OK. __________ A _________________________

Bob: _____________________ D _____________ How about you?

Eillen: Me too. Good luck with your exam! Bye!

Bob: Good luck! Bye!

VI 。完形填空(10分)

Notes: 先读文章,根据前几句与时间状语判断时态。再根据语法知识、前后文逻辑细读文章,认真答题。



第二卷 笔答题(40分)

VIII. 根据音标完成下列句子 (10*1)

Notes: 1. 根据音标确定单词 2.通读整句话确定名次单复数、动词三单形式和动词ing 形式

3. 注意首字母大写等

1. Do you have a ______/t ?k ?t/ to Jay ’s concert 。

2. He ____________/ pr ?'f ?z/ the black ________________ /s ?n,gl?s ?z/better.

3. _____/r?p/, gospel and R&B are ______ /'p ?pjul ?/ in that country.

IX. 选词填空 (5*1)

I live in a nice neighborhood in a big city. There are _________ nice shops and restaurants near my house. It ’s busy during the day, but there isn ’t _________ traffic in the evenings and nights. There is a ________ crime, but ___________ worries about it. Nearly ________ the people who live in my neighborhood like it.

X. 根据要求改写句子(10*0.5)

1. What ’s the price of the cotton pants? (同义句)

_________ ________ ______ the cotton pants?

2. He wants to buy a pair of leather shoes. (同义句)

He ________ _________ _______ buy a pair of shoes.

3. The red T-shirt is $23. The blue T-shirt is $12.(合并为一句)

The red T-shirt is __________ ____________ __________ the blue one.

4. She really likes pop music.

_____ _____ _____ music _____ she ____?

5. I think their music is very interesting. (否定句)

I________ ________ their music________ very interesting.



A一般现在时(am, is, are/ do, does):always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, on Thursday, on weekends

B.现在进行时(am/ is/ are doing): now, right now, at the moment, this week, this month, these days

2 例题

Sam is a middle school student in JFLS. He _________(get) up early and _________(take) a bus to school every day. He _________(work) hard and ____________(study) late every night. Final exam is coming.

He’s busy getting ready for it. Look! He____________(have) an English class, and ___________(listen) to his teacher carefully. What a hard-working student he is!

XII 完成对话。有5个空,有选项,区分Do you like和Would you like。(5分)

A: There’s a French film tonight at 11:00. ________to go? (Do you like/ Would you like) B:______________, but I have to study. (I like to/ I’d like to)

A: Well, _____Brazilian films? (do you like/ would you like)

B: Yes,_______. I love them. (I do/ I would)

A: There’s a great movie tomorrow. ________to watch it with me? (Do you like/ Would you like)

B: __________. Thanks. (I like to/ I’d love to)



A格式正确B书写认真C审题明确,内容全面D时态正确:一般现在时和现在进行时2. 例文:

Dear Sunny,

I’m very glad to tell you about my family.

I _____(come) from a typical family of China. There_____ (be) three people in my family, my parents and _____(I).

My father _______(work) in a police office. He____(be) a policeman, and he is tall and strict. But he_____________ (travel) in the United States these days.

My mother is a nurse. She _____ (have) long hair and _____ (her) is really kind. She always _____ (care) patients very well, and she___________ (look) after them right now.

I am ____(a) only child, but I don’t feel _______(alone), because I have many friends and I can get all my_________ (parents) attention.

Everyone in my family _____(be) friendly. My parents love me so much and I love __________(they), too.

This is my happy and warm family!

Yours, Kelly


大学英语期末考试题型 Part One: In this part, there are 15 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. (15%) 1.Where to find him and how to find him _______ known to us. A. aren’t B. isn’ t C. won’t D. will 2. That was the only object _____ interested him most. A. which B. that C. who D. whom 3. We were all _____ to hear about your new job. A. pleasant B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasing 4. Mary doesn’t remember ______ the man anywhere. A. to see B. saw C. seeing D. have seen 5. The police _____ him $50 for parking on that street. A. were fined with B. fined to C. fined D. gave fine to 6. She was ______ that the film would be shown on Oct. 12. A. said B. told C. spoken D. reported 7.His noble example inspired her _____ greater effort. A. making B. to make C. make D. makes 8 The people in that region ______ survived in the earthquake. A. success B. successful C. unsuccessful D. successfully 9.Class monitor said, “Everyone ______ to meet at the gate of our school at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning.” A. expected B. expects C. will be expected D. is expected 10.A: I’ve got an email, but I can’t open it now. B: Why don’t you go to Ben? He will be able to ____it _____. A.make/up B. do/out C. figure/out D. figure/up keys 1B2.B3.B4.C5.C6.B7.B8.D9.D10.C Part Two: Choose the definition from Column B that best matches the word in Column A. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. (10%) Part Three: Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Then you should write your answer on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. (10%) 1. (real ) She refuses to face the __________ reality _____. 2. (person) I’d like to speak to Mr. Davis about a ________ personal __ matter. 3.(fulfill) Being responsible for so many people gave her a great sense of ____ fulfillment ____________. 4. (broad) We all agree that his experience __has broadened __________ his


一.中古英语时期 ?Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. ?The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. ?Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. ?Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance ?Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. ?It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. ?Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. ?This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth reigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England ? ?“Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. ?Thomas More ——Utopia ?Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 ? 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? ? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene ? C. Beowulf D. Hamlet ? 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. ? A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare ? C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer ? 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. ? A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer ? C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare ?“All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”——William Shakespeare ?William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


第一章五四文学革命 1、1917年1月《新青年》刊出胡适的《文学改良刍议》,从“八事”入手(须言之有物、不摹仿古人、须讲究文法、不作无病之呻吟、务去滥调套语、不用典、不讲对仗、不避俗字俗语) 2、1917年2月《新青年》发表陈独秀《文学革命论》,明确提出“三大主义”,陈独秀把晚清以来的文学革命运动推向了高潮。 3、钱玄同在致《新青年》的信中,以语言进化的角度说明白话取代文言的历史必然性,刘半农与钱玄同(化名为王敬轩)在《新青年》上发表了“双簧信”。 4、周作人发表《人的文学》,从人性、人道主义的角度来要求新文学的内容,倡导新文学内容要从“肉”与“灵”的统一中去表现“人”;在另一篇《平民文学》中提出“人生的艺术派主张”,又提出“以真为主,美即在其中”的创作准则。 5、文学革命的实绩最主要在于创作,文学革命带来文学观念、内容、语言载体、形式各方面全面的革新与解放。 【《学衡》派: 1、发起人及时间地点:1922年,南京东南大学的梅光迪、胡先骕、吴宓等创办了《学衡》杂志,因诸人观点态度相近,被称为《学衡》派 2、主张:尊崇中国的古圣贤者,以融贯中西古今的姿态,标榜“昌明国粹,融化新知,以中正之眼光,行批评之职事”,反对新文化运动和文学革命,思想稳健保守,是“穿西装的复古派”。 3、代表作:梅光迪《评提倡新文化者》;吴宓、胡先骕《论新文化运动》《评<尝试集>》】(3)新文化阵营与章士钊《甲寅》上的复古论调的论争。 13、五四文学革命的历史意义: (1)自晚清以来的被压抑着的现代性获得了最大的生机,形成了新的文化与文学观念,开创了新的主题领域与人物形象谱系; (2)五四文学革命全面革新文学语言、文体形式,奠定了20世纪中国文学的基本审美价值取向和多元并存的接受心理基础; (3)五四文学增添了世界维度,建立了中国文学与世界文学的密切关系,自觉的借鉴、吸收外国文学及文化的营养,形成了面向世界而又有本土特点的开放性现代文学; (4)五四形成的现代作家队伍是以后半个多世纪的文学创作的主体力量,这批作家和他们开创的文学内容及形式形成了新的现代传统,这一传统的赓续是文学现代性的基本保证。第二章20年代小说(一) 1、问题小说代表作家:叶绍钧、许地山、冰心、王统照、庐隐等 (1)冰心:“爱的三部曲”《超人》、《烦闷》、《悟》,其中《超人》(1921)标志着冰心对社会问题开出了她的“药方”,这就是“爱的哲学”(爱、童心、自然是“爱的哲学之鼎的三足”)(2)庐隐:中篇《海滨故人》《或人的悲哀》;短篇《丽石的日记》;长篇《象牙戒指》《女人的心》《归雁》《云鸥情书集》《庐隐自传》等,风格感伤,基调悲戚,与郁达夫同为新文学抒情小说开拓者。 (3)王统照:最重要的长篇小说《山雨》(1933) (4)叶绍钧:20年代出版了《隔膜》《城中》等5个短篇小说集;《倪焕之》(1928)是其唯一长篇小说,显示现实主义趋向,被誉为“扛鼎的工作”。 叶绍钧小说以灰色人生的冷静观察和客观描写,表现了写实主义特征。同时与讽刺兼备,是叶绍钧对小市民知识分子用笔的基本特色。 叶绍钧还是现代中国童话的开山者。鲁迅对其评价:“叶绍钧先生的《稻草人》是给中国的童话开出了一条自己的创作的路的。”


考试题型分布 1.Directions:Add the affix to each word according to the given chinese ,making changes when necessary .(8%) 2.Directions:Fill in the blanks,each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(12%) 3.Directions:Fill in each blanks with a suitable word given below .(10%) 4.Directions:after filling the gaps ,translate the above paragaph into chinese .(15%) 5.Directions:Translate the following paragaph into English.(25%) 6.Directions:Read through the following passages,choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket.(20%) 7.Directions:Read the following passages,and fill in the table with the infomation based on the passage.(10%) 1.方向:根据给定的汉语将词缀添加到每个词,必要时进行更改(8%) 2.方向:填写空格,每个空格使用下面给定的单词或短语之一(12%) 3.方向:使用下面给出的合适词填充每个空格(10%) 4.方向:填补空隙后,将上述段落翻译成中文(15%) 5.方向:将以下列章节翻译成英语(25%) 6.方向:阅读以下段落,选择最好的答案,把字母放在括号中(20%) 7.方向:阅读下面的段落,并用信息填充表格(10%)


试卷编号: 一、名词解释题(本大题共3小题,每小题3分,总计9分) 1.Bioseparation Engineering:回收生物产品分离过程原理与方法。 2.双水相萃取:某些亲水性高分子聚合物的水溶液超过一定浓度后可形成两相, 并且在两相中水分均占很大比例,即形成双水相系统(two aqueous phase system)。 利用亲水性高分子聚合物的水溶液可形成双水相的性质,Albertsson于50年代 后期开发了双水相萃取法(two aqueous phase extraction),又称双水相分配法(two aqueous phase partitioning)。 3.电渗:在电场作用下,带电颗粒在溶液中的运动。 二、辨别正误题并改正,对的打√,错的打×(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,总计30分) 1.壳聚糖能应用于发酵液的澄清处理是由于架桥作用。错(不确定) 2.目前国内工业上发酵生产的发酵液是复杂的牛顿性流体,滤饼具有可压缩性。错 3.盐析仅与蛋白质溶液PH和温度有关,常用于蛋白质的纯化。错 4.超临界流体是一种介于气体和液体之间的流体,可用于热敏性生物物质的分离。 对 5.膜分离时,当截留率δ=1时,表示溶质能自由透过膜。错 6.生产味精时,过饱和度仅对晶体生长有贡献。对 7.阴离子纤维素类离子交换剂能用于酸性青霉素的提取。对 8.卡那霉素晶体的生产可以采用添加一定浓度的甲醇来沉淀浓缩液中的卡那霉 素。 9.凝胶电泳和凝胶过滤的机理是一样的。错 10.PEG-硫酸钠水溶液能用于淀粉酶的提取。对 11.乙醇能沉淀蛋白质是由于降低了水化程度和盐析效应的结果。对 12.冷冻干燥一般在-20℃—-30℃下进行,干燥过程中可以加入甘油、蔗糖等作为保 护剂。对 13.反相层析的固定相和流动相都含有高极性基团,可用来分离生物物质。错 14.大网格吸附剂由于在制备时加入致孔剂而具有大孔径、高交联度,高比表面积 的特点。错(不确定) 15.PEG沉淀蛋白质是基于体积不相容性。错 三、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,总计20分) 1.对于反胶束萃取蛋白质,下面说法正确的是:A A 在有机相中,蛋白质被萃取进表面活性剂形成的极性核里 B 加入助溶剂,可用阳离子表面活性剂CTAB萃取带正电荷的蛋白质 C 表面活性剂浓度越高越好 D 增大溶液离子强度,双电层变薄,可提高反胶束萃取蛋白质的能力 2.能进行海水脱盐的是:C A 超滤 B 微滤


《财会专业英语》期终试卷 I.Put the following into corresponding groups. (15 points) 1.Cash on hand 2.Notes receivable 3.Advances to suppliers 4. Other receivables 5.Short-term loans 6.Intangible assets 7.Cost of production 8.Current year profit 9. Capital reserve 10.Long-term loans 11.Other payables 12. Con-operating expenses 13.Financial expenses 14.Cost of sale 15. Accrued payroll II.Please find the best answers to the following questions. (25 Points) 1. Aftin Co. performs services on account when Aftin collects the account receivable A.assets increase B.assets do not change C.owner’s equity d ecreases D.liabilities decrease 2. A balance sheet report . A. the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity on a particular date B. the change in the owner’s capital during the period C. the cash receipt and cash payment during the period D. the difference between revenues and expenses during the period 3. The following information about the assets and liabilities at the end of 20 x 1 and 20 x 2 is given below: 20 x 1 20 x 2 Assets $ 75,000 $ 90,000 Liabilities 36,000 45,000 how much the owner’sequity at the end of 20 x 2 ? A.$ 4,500 B.$ 6,000 C.$ 45,000 D.$ 43,000


《中国现代文学史》上学期复习习题集 一、填空题 1.1917年1月,《新青年》发表胡适的《文学改良刍议》这是倡导文学革命的第一篇理论文章。 2.鸳鸯蝴蝶派的主流是言情小说,还有一个坏的支流,就是黑幕小说。专以揭露阴私、进行人身攻击为能,钱玄同、周作人曾撰文加以批判。 3."五四"时期是郭沫若的诗情爆发期,诗集《女神》便是它喷发出来的璀璨珠玉。 4.梁启超的《论小说与群治之关系》一文提升了小说的社会地位和社会作用。 5.1921年成立的创造社是新文化运动高潮期出现的浪漫主义文学社团。 6.湖畔诗社是1922年成立的新诗团体,主要成员有应修人、潘漠华、冯雪峰、汪静之等。 7.《昨日之歌》是冯至在诗坛上确立地位的第一部诗集。 8.1918年周作人发表《人的文学》和《平民文学》,反对非人的文学,强调平民文学要写世间普通男女的悲欢成败。 9.1921年1月成立于北京的文学研究会,是文学革命后出现的第一个新文学社团。 10.在初期象征诗派诗人中,李金发是全面探索象征主义诗歌理论,并全力创作、实验象征主义诗歌的探路者。 11.1925年“五卅”运动之后,是为创造社后期,主干人物思想发生变化,宣传和倡导无产阶级革命文学。 12.郭沫若历史剧创作的黄金时期是在抗日战争时期,在短短的几年内,他连续创作了《棠棣之花》、《屈原》、《虎符》、《高渐离》、《孔雀胆》、《南冠草》六部大型历史剧,引起了极大的轰动。 13.浅草(沉钟)社1922年成立于上海,主要成员有林如稷、陈炜谟、陈翔鹤、冯至等。 14、如果说《女神》是郭沫若诗歌的“呐喊”,那么写于1921、1922年间的《星空》就是郭沫若诗歌的“彷徨”。 15.《野草》中的《腊叶》“是为爱我者的想要保存我而作的”(鲁迅自语)。 16.冰心的散文比她的小说、诗歌更有成就。1926年出版的《寄小读者》,为她赢得了很大的声誉,15年间发行了36版。 17.《弃妇》是李金发在国内最早发表的一首象征主义诗歌,为其代表作。 18.文学革命始于1917年,它是晚清文学改良运动在新的历史条件下的发展,是适应以思想革命为主要内容的新文化运动而发生的。 19.“五四”时期,处于新文学对立面的有两股文学思潮,一为以鸳鸯蝴蝶派为代表的游戏的消遣的文学思潮,一为封建复古主义思潮。 20.被“五四”的惊雷震上文坛的冰心,是以“问题小说”起步,表现了她探究人生意义的热忱的。 23.郁达夫《沉沦》集中的小说都以留日学生生活为题材,是“青年忧郁病的解剖”,奏出了作家此后一系列类似之作的感伤抒情基调。 24.1915年《新青年》的创刊,标志着反对旧思想旧道德、提倡民主和科学的新文化运动的开始。 25.鲁迅的散文诗集《野草》写于1924-26年间,是鲁迅思想矛盾加剧,进行上下求索时候的作品。


大学英语预备阶段练习(一) (Unit 1~4) ⅠWord Building Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets. 1.Thank you very much for your ____ advice. I followed it and succeeded at last. (value) 2.His business has ____ rapidly since his brother came to help. (development) 3.After a two-day discussion, we finally found a ____ to the difficult problem. (solve) 4.Prices ____ high for quite a while .People began to complain about it. (remaining) 5.I don’t think it ____ to finish all the work today. We can go on with it tomorrow.(necessity) 6.It is obviously not ____ to leave a 3-year-old boy alone at home. (properly) 7.The tourists saw a beautiful ____ when they climbed onto the top of the mountain.(scene) 8.Traveling in the desert is a challenging ____ to most people. ( inexperience) 9.____, I don’t think it possible to finish the task in two days. (person) 10.The government must make sure that the economy is developed in the right ____.(direct) ⅡVocabulary and Structure Directions: Choose the best one from the four choices to complete the sentence. 11.The temperature ____ throughout the day in that part of the country. A. very B. remains C. differs D. varies 12.The game is full of violence and will certainly have a bad ____ on young players. A. meaning B. pain C. loss D. influence 13.The warm-hearted elderly lady downstairs is always ____ to help others. A. real B. ready C. practical D. polite 14.The question is ____ difficult in the exam today. Don’t you think so? A. therefore B. since C. rather D. otherwise 15.She used to live in a lovely ____ building near the sea. A. 3-story B. 3-stories C. 3-classed D. 3-classes 16.There are different ____ of transport in big cities for you to choose when you go out. A. means B. mean C. meanings D. meaning 17.They did not take a rest until the job was ____ finished. A. straightly B. specially C. completely D. fairly 18.The bookstore owner ____ the old magazines with a new ones to attract more readers. A. required B. reviewed C. repeated D. replaced 19.Would you like to buy the book? It is ____ reading. A. worthy B. firm C. further D. worth 20.She wears sunglasses to ____ her eyes from the sunshine in summer. A. prepare B. produce C. protect D. provide 21.We all like her very much for her pleasant ____: kind, gentle and warm-hearted. A. character B. chance C. chairman D. skills 22.All the students enjoyed the wonderful ____ by the professor that afternoon. A. discussion B. lecture C. advice D. solution 23.If you have confidence in yourself first, you will not be _______ by others easily. A.won B. doubled C. defeated. D. delayed 24.The little girl developed a strong _______ on her new friends.


2007 —2008 学年第1、2学期分离工程课程期末考试试卷(A 卷)答案及评分标准 二、选择题(本大题20分,每小题2分) 1、由1-2两组分组成的混合物,在一定T 、P 下达到汽液平衡,液相和汽相组成分别为 11,y x ,若体系加入10 mol 的组分(1),在相同T 、P 下使体系重新达到汽液平衡,此时汽、液相的组成分别为 ' 1'1,y x ,则 ( C ) (A )1'1x x >和 1'1y y > (B )1'1x x <和1'1y y < (C )1'1x x =和1'1y y = (D )不确定 2、对于绝热闪蒸过程,当进料的流量组成及热状态给定之后,经自由度分析,只剩下一个自由度由闪蒸罐确定,则还应该确定的一个条件是 ( D ) (A )闪蒸罐的温度 (B )闪蒸罐的压力 (C )气化率 (D )任意选定其中之一 3、某二元混合物,其中A 为易挥发组分,液相组成5.0=A x 时泡点为1t ,与之相平衡的气相组成75.0=A y 时,相应的露点为2t ,则 ( A ) (A )21t t = (B )21t t > (C )21t t < (D )不能确定 4、用郭氏法分析可知理论板和部分冷凝可调设计变量数分别为 ( A ) (A )1,1 (B )1,0 (C )0,1 (D )0,0 5、如果二元物系有最高压力恒沸物存在,则此二元物系所形成的溶液一定是 ( A ) (A )正偏差溶液 (B )理想溶液 (C )负偏差溶液 (D )不一定 6、用纯溶剂吸收混合气中的溶质,逆流操作,平衡关系满足亨利定律。当入塔气体浓度y 1上升,而其它入塔条件不变,则气体出塔浓度y 2和吸收率的变化为 ( C ) (A )y 2上升,下降 (B )y 2下降,上升 (C )y 2上升,不变 (D )y 2上升,变化不确定 7、逆流填料吸收塔,当吸收因数A 1且填料为无穷高时,气液两相将在哪个部位达到平衡 ( B ) (A) 塔顶 (B)塔底 (C)塔中部 (D)塔外部 8、平衡常数较小的组分是 ( D ) (A )难吸收的组分 (B )较轻组份 (C )挥发能力大的组分 (D )吸收剂中的溶解度大 9、吸附等温线是指不同温度下哪一个参数与吸附质分压或浓度的关系曲线。 ( A ) (A) 平衡吸附量 (B) 吸附量 (C) 满吸附量 (D)最大吸附量 10、液相双分子吸附中,U 型吸附是指在吸附过程中吸附剂 ( A ) (A) 始终优先吸附一个组分的曲线 (B) 溶质和溶剂吸附量相当的情况 (C) 溶质先吸附,溶剂后吸附 (D) 溶剂先吸附,溶质后吸附


A类问题 ①吴荪甫是半封建半殖民地这一特定历史环境中具有封建性的中国民族资产阶级的一个失败了的英雄形象,他 在几重挤压的环境下为求生存而形成的性格的多重性使得形象有多侧面的立体感:一,吴荪甫具有刚强和软弱这两个方面的性格,似强实弱,外强中干,他有英雄性的一面:在与帝国主义经济侵略的斗争中,表现出果敢、自信法兰西资产阶级式的性格。有发展中国独立的民族工业的雄才大略,有着活跃的生命力,刚毅顽强,果断的铁腕与魄力,更有现代科学管理的经营之才,也有非英雄的自私,怯弱甚至残酷。二,吴荪甫的性格充分显示出民族资产阶级的两重性:一方面对帝国主义、买办资产阶级、封建主义的不满;另一方面对工农运动和革命武装极端恐惧与仇视。一方面对统治阶级的腐败制度与军阀混战的局面不满;另一方面又依靠反动势力镇压工人农民运动它既有被压迫的一面也有压迫者的以一面。两重性使得他处在一个非常微妙的夹缝中,同时也决定了他命运的必然悲剧结局 ②觉慧是封建家庭大胆而勇敢的叛逆者,满怀热情的不成熟的革命者。大胆表现在:他受五四思想影响,以改 造天下为己任,积极参加社会活动,他热爱国家,追求科学与民主,不信神,反对专制主义,具有很强的民主精神,在学校里参加了反对军阀的学潮,和同学一起办反封建的刊物,在家里中,和鸣凤恋爱,支持觉民抗婚,怒斥“捉鬼”闹剧。他极端憎恨这个家庭,第一个冲出封建家庭的牢笼,成为封建家庭的叛逆者,代表着青年人追求真理的道路。幼稚表现在:他以个性解放为武器,对封建家庭的认识是个逐渐的过程,他的思想性格带有“五四”时期一般小资产阶级的知识分子的狂热性的弱点。他并不是彻底树立了无产阶级世界观,彻底背叛地主阶级的英雄,思想仍有少数剥削阶级的东西。觉慧是五四时期具有民主主义觉悟的知识青年形象,旧家庭礼教叛逆者的形象。 ③《日出》话剧剧本,四幕话剧,曹禺作于1935年,曾获《大公报》“文艺奖金”。《日出》是曹禺先生以30年 代初期半殖民地半封建社会中国大都市生活为背景的现实主义力作。《日出》以鲜明的时代性和深广的历史内容在曹禺剧作中居于领衔地位。剧本没有主角,而是以陈白露和方达生为中心,以陈的客厅和三等妓院宝和下处为活动场所,把社会各阶层各色人等的生活展现在观众面前,揭露剥削制度“损不足以奉有余”的本质。在艺术创作上,作者采用横断面的描写,力求写出社会生活的真实面貌,因而《日出》具有纪实性特点,一切都像生活本身而不像“戏”。《日出》的思想是暴露半殖民地大都市黑暗糜烂面,控诉“损不足以奉有余”的社会。主题:一、剧本通过对半殖民地都市群丑的出色描绘暴露社会的黑暗糜烂揭露金钱社会对人的毒化吞噬与残杀。 二、描绘“不足”者的备受欺凌。剧本描写了许多弱小者的悲惨命运,也描写了他们善良、忠厚和倔强的品性。 把“鬼”似的人们生活的天堂与“可怜的动物”生活的地狱加以强烈对照,揭露出这个现代社会的畸形,不公正。作品“用多少人生的零碎来阐明一个观念”,并且使戏剧冲突尽可能地趋于自然贴近生活本身,暴露了整个社会制度的罪恶,并表现出对光明未来的某种理解和向往,在《日出》中,要证明一个根本观念:在金钱欲望无孔不入的腐蚀之下,社会几人的精神本质都产生了极大的差异,任何人的命运乃至整个社会的命运都被金钱疯狂操纵着,“人道”与“天道”完全背离。 ④《北京人》1941年出版的三幕剧,显示了曹禺的戏剧创作艺术在40年代打到新的高度,《北》以曾家的经济衰 落为串联全局矛盾冲突,并透过这些冲突,深入封建家庭这一躯体深处,着力反映出封建主义精神统治对人的吞噬,人们在这种精神统治下对人生的追求,以及这种精神统治的破产。人物语言简洁凝练,具有委婉深长的抒情诗意,剧本运用了独具蕴涵的象征意象和手法,以“北京人”命名,囊括史前社会现实社会理想社会三种“北京人”,象征剧本主题的丰富含义。全剧吸收了中国古典文学的营养又具有契诃夫戏剧的现实主义特色,“平淡的人生的铺述”是该剧的主要特征,它标志着曹禺戏剧的民族风格达到了新的美学境界,是由“戏剧化的戏剧”生命向“生活化(散文化)的戏剧”生命的转变。 ⑤《月牙儿》是老舍根据自己被毁于战火的长篇小说《大明湖》的主要情节改写的,小说展示了母女两代相继被 沦为暗娼的悲剧,发出了对非人世界的血泪控诉。小说结构精致玲珑,描写精致入微,贯穿全作的“月牙儿” 犹如一首乐曲的主旋律,是主人公命运的诗意象征,具有渲染气氛,烘托意境,组织素材,含蓄点题等多重作用,既加强了情节的韵律感,又使小说从头至尾洋溢着一种凄清哀婉的情愫,颇有散文诗之风,其艺术魅力震撼人心,历久不衰,《月牙儿》还显示出老舍表现人物心理活动的功力,是新文学的短篇小说中的精品。


苏科大期末英语必考题,附【答案及作文,题型补充!】【不要再自己没弄懂题目随便说答案错。确定之后再来留言。考试期间没空争辩,不解释。】 1.You would be __D__ a risk to let your child go to school by himself. A) omitting B) attaching C) affording D) running 2.He is always It's _B___ you've never met him. A) unique B) strange C) rare D) peculiar 3.There has been a great increase in retail C___﹖ A) does there B) isn't there C) hasn't there D) isn't it 4. We'd like to __B__ a table for five for dinner this evening. A) preserve B) reserve C) retain D) sustain 5. Although a Fred could resist _A___ what to do and what not to do. A) being told B) telling C) to be told D) to tell 6. The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have _D___ supplies of petroleum. A) proficient B) efficient C) potential D) sufficient 7. In Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than _B___ in New York. A) to stay B) stayed C) staying D) having stayed 8. He soon received promotion for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerab le _A___. A) ability B) future C) possibility D) opportunity 9. Britain has the highest _B___ of road traffic in the world—over 60 cars for every mil e o f road. A) popularity B) density C) intensity D) prosperity 10. __B_____ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much bett er. A) For B) Now C) Since D) Despite 11. Not having a good command of English can be a serious __A___ preventing you fro m achieving your goals. A) obstacle B) fault C) offense D) distress 12. It's very __D___ of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep. A) concerned B) careful C) considerable D) considerate 13. Many a player who had been highly thought of has __B___ from the tennis scene. A) disposed B) disappeared C) discouraged D) discarded


填空题 1. .根据吸附剂与吸附质之间存在的吸附力性质的不同,可将吸附分为物理吸附、化学吸附和交换吸附; 2. 比表面积和孔径是评价吸附剂性能的主要参数。 3. 层析操作必须具有固定相和流动相。 4. 溶质的分配系数大,则在固定相上存在的几率大,随流动相的移动速度 小。 5. 层析柱的理论板数越多,则溶质的分离度越大。 6. 两种溶质的分配系数相差越小,需要的越多的理论板数才能获得较大的 分离度。 7. 影响吸附的主要因素有吸附质的性质,温度,溶液pH值,盐的浓度和吸附物的浓度与吸附剂的用量; 8. 离子交换树脂由网络骨架(载体),联结骨架上的功能基团(活性基)和可交换离子组成。 9. 电泳用凝胶制备时,过硫酸铵的作用是引发剂(提供催化丙烯酰胺和双丙烯酰胺聚合所必需的自由基);甲叉双丙烯酰胺的作用是交联剂(丙烯酰胺单体和交联剂甲叉双丙烯酰胺催化剂的作用下聚合而成的含酰胺基侧链的脂肪族长链);TEMED的作用是增速剂(催化过硫酸胺形成自由基而加速丙烯酰胺和双丙烯酰胺的聚合); 10. 影响盐析的因素有溶质种类,溶质浓度,pH 和温度; 11. 在结晶操作中,工业上常用的起晶方法有自然起晶法,刺激起晶法和晶种起晶法; 12. 简单地说离子交换过程实际上只有外部扩散、部扩散和化学交换反应三步;

13. 在生物制品进行吸附或离子交换分离时,通常遵循Langmuir 吸附方程,其形式为c K c q q 0+= 14. 反相高效液相色谱的固定相是 疏水性强 的,而流动相是 极性强 的; 15. 等电聚焦电泳法分离不同蛋白质的原理是依据其 等电点 的不同; 16. 离子交换分离操作中,常用的洗脱方法有 静态洗脱 和 动态洗脱 ; 17. 晶体质量主要指 晶体大小 , 形状 和 纯度 三个方面; 18. 亲和吸附原理包括 配基固定化 , 吸附样品 和 样品解析 三步; 19. 根据分离机理的不同,色谱法可分为 吸附、离交、亲和、凝胶过滤色谱 20. 蛋白质分离常用的色谱法有 免疫亲和色谱法, 疏水作用色谱法 , 金属螯合色谱法 和 共价作用色谱法 ; 21. SDS-PAGE 电泳制胶时,加入十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS )的目的是消除各种待分离蛋白的 分子形状 和 电荷 差异,而将 分子量 作为分离的依据;加入二硫叔糖醇的目的是 强还原剂,破坏半胱氨酸间的二硫键 ; 22. 影响亲和吸附的因素有 配基浓度 、 空间位阻 、 配基与载体的结合位点 、 微环境 和 载体孔径 ; 23. 阳离子交换树脂按照活性基团分类,可分为 强酸性阳离子交换树脂 、 弱酸性 和 中强酸性 ;其典型的活性基团分别有 3 、 COOH - 、2)(OH PO -; 24. 阴离子交换树脂按照活性基团分类,可分为强碱性、 弱碱性 和 中强碱 性 ;其典型的活性基团分别有-+OH CH RN 33)(、2NH -、兼有以上两种基团; 25. 影响离子交换选择性的因素有 离子水合半径 、 离子价 、 离子强度 、 溶液pH ,温度 、溶液浓度 、 搅拌速率 、和 交联度、膨胀度、颗粒大小 ;
