



1.Instead, he hopes that his business will grow better.

2.They were also the best and worse years in my life.

3.At one time, I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them.

4.The dishes that I cooked were Mom’s favoritest.

5.Mom was grateful and moving.

6.Lots of studies have shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.

7.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.

8.Dad and I were terrible worried.

9.My mum makes the better biscuits in the world, so I decided to ask her for help.

10.On the left-hand side of the class, I could easy see the football field.

11.Nearly five years before, and with the help of our father, my sister and planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果)

in our back garden.

12.The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste.

13.We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost!

14.So really friendship should be able to stand all sorts of tests.

15.I had noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people.

16.No one in the carriage had previous spoken to or even noticed the ticket-owner before.

17.That is too much for us, considering how closely the houses are.

18.My uncles immediate jumped up and shot their arrows at the bird.


1.The title will be ________ (official) given to me at ceremony in London.

2.If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify(识别) those of

________ (great ) and less important.

3.Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks ________(regular).

4.Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which _______(gradual) turned into chopsticks.

5.Chinese scientist’s ________ (recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby.

6.She was a very ________(care) mother.

7.The young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help. In short, he’s ________(rely)

8.I have always enjoyed all the events you organized and I hope to attend _______(many) in the coming years.

9. A few hours ________, I’d been at home in Hong Kong, with its choking smog.

10.Abercrombie& Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it _______(regular) arranges quick getaways here

for people living in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

11.Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat ________(slow) during

cool nights, thus warming the house.

12.It was _______(considerately) of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.

13.They gave money the old people’s home either________(personal) or through their companies.

14.Little Tom sat _______(amaze) watching the monkey dancing in front of him. st year was the warmest year on record.

16.While there are ________(amaze) stories of instant transformation.

17.Just be ________(patience).

18.…some of them looked very anxious and ________ (disappoint).

19.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers

________(sudden) became friendly to one another.

20.Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and ________(soft).

21.My legs become ________(pain).

22.The ________(hard) you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit.

23.She was _________ (surprise) helpful.

24.Raymond’s parents wanted him to have the ________(good) possible education.

25.Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a (tolerance) smile and let him go.

26.It’s our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and, ________, supply more jobs.

27.Club sports are less time-consuming than other athletic items, and you can __________ (easy) miss a practice

or even a competition if your academic or work commitments are particularly demanding at a certain point. 28.He was very good-looking, with a very pleasant, sociable manner, and after the introductions, conversation

flowed most ______(enjoy) in the little group.

29.Bingley was clearly most interested in Jane Bennet, and started talking particularly to her. Darcy, _______,

was just determining not to look at Elizabeth, when he suddenly noticed the stranger.

30.Of all living things, human being are the _______(clever).

31.There are _________(amaze) things in the world.

32.It seems that she is _______(thin) than before.

33.Practice some ________(relax) techniques before you go into a social situation.

34._______(curious), I gave him my full attention.

35.There are _________(absolute) no trees anywhere, just low bushes and yellow and brown grass,

36.I’m really _________(surprise) too.

37.The _________(easy) of all ways is to spend less.

38.One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, _______, the eagle was raised to be a chicken.

39._________(obvious), I was doing very badly.

40.A beginner’s wall is usually 15 feet ________ (height).

41.Chopsticks originated in China, but they are _______(wide) used in many Asian countries.

Exercise 1


Over the years I've been teaching kids about a simple but ___1___(power)concept—the ant philosophy(哲学). They have an __2__(amaze)four-part philosophy.

First, ants never quit. They'll climb over, they'll climb under, or they'll climb around. They never quit __3__ (look) for another way. What a neat(了不起的) philosophy it is to never looking for a way to get to where __4__you’re supposed to go! Second, ants think about winter and summer. That’s an important attitude. People __5__ have a little experience are clear that summer will not last forever. So ants are gathering in their winter food

in the middle of summer and __6__third part is that ants think about summer all winter. During the winter, they remind __7__ that won't last long. And on the first warm day, they can’t wait to __8__(get)out. Last, how much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All that it__9__ (possible) can.

What a great philosophy to have—the ant philosophy: never give up, look ahead, atay__10__ (positively) and do all you can.


I'd like to give you some advices on how to learn Chinese well.

First, it was importantly to take a Chinese course, as you'll be able to learn from the teacher

and practising with your fellow students. Then, it also help to watch TV and read books,

newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possibly. It will make you familiarly with

Chinese characters and enlarge your vocabulary even before you notice it!

Besides, it is a good idea learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you'll learn

and remember Chinese words more easy. You can also make more Chinese friends, they will tell

you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try to speak Chinese as many as possible.

Exercise 2


As more and more Chinese tourists travel abroad, some of their behaviors are ___1___(surprise).

According to the latest Living Social survey, Chinese ___2___(tourist) were recently ranked second behind US citizens in a survey of the___3___(bad) travelers. A researcher said that Chinese visitors often lack an ___4__(aware) of being polite or behaving ___5___(appropriate). “On their first or second time abroad, Chinese visitors tend to forget that they are visiting other people’s homeland and overlook___6___manners of their hosts,” he said. “Oversee travel is a new luxury. Chinese____7___ can afford it compare with each other and want to show off.”Liu said. “Many Chinese tourists are just going abroad, and are often inexperienced and ___8___(familiar) with overseas rules.”

There are many bad behaviors. For example, some disregard rules in local wildlife parks. They disturb koalas in their ___9___(nature) habitats by touching them, even though the local guide has warned them __10__dioing so. “This is far from being eco-friendly,” said Zhang.


Nowadays, many people complain about their poorly achievements in study. Some are

eagerly to know others' secrets to succeed, thinking that they must have mastered some special ability in study. In fact, only practising a lot can we become skillfully at doing anything. Do you

know why a baby learns to speak? He practised his mother tongue day and night and finally

becomes fluent in them. So we should well remember that there is no such a shortcut. No one can

become an expert without practising a lot. We should bear the hardships in our study, then we can

enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

Exercise 3


As the saying___1___(go), chance favors only the prepared mind. I learned this from one of my ___2___(experience) that I went through during Senior One school life.

When news came ___3___ I was not chosen as a member of the volleyball team of our school for my poor performance in the tryout, I was so___4___(frustrate) that I almost decided to give up playing volleyball. However, my best friend Miranda analyzed my problems, ___5___(point) out that my laziness and poor preparation accounted for my failure. From then on, I devoted my spare time___6___ practicing playing and consulting my teacher about skills every day. When another chance of trying out arrived, I got___7___(full) prepared and tried my utmost, as a result of ___8___ I was selected and became one of ___9___most important players on our school team.

From this story, I am definitely convinced that we are able to seize an opportunity as long as we get well prepared, and that the___10___(good) prepared we are, the more likely we are to achieve our goals.


Dear Linda,

How is everything going with you? I've returned to Shanghai,tiredly but happy. I can't

thank you enough for all the kindness you offered during my stay in New Zealand.

When I first got to there. I found hard to use English properly. It was you who always

helped me with patience. Now I have made such a great progress that I can speak English more

fluent. I even have a large vocabulary than before. I am not scared of English any more.

When I am homesick, you kept me company, chatting, playing games or showed me around

the scenic spots. You made me felt as if I were one of your family members. There are so much

wonderful memories fresh in my mind.

In addition, please remember me to your parents.

Best wishes!


Yu Lei

Exercise 4


Every Thanksgiving my family and I,along with others,prepare and serve Thanksgiving meals for the people in our small mountain community.My husband and I also bring meals to elderly people 1________ never leave their homes for 2________ (variety) reasons.

This Thanksgiving we did 3_______ same.After delivering boxed meals to some individual apartments,we went to the 4_______ (centre) dining room and placed the boxes 5______ (fill) with turkey,ham,stuffing,yams,mashed potatoes,gravy and green bean casserole in front of each seat.

People invited us to stay,and thanked us,6________ we had other deliveries and ha7_______ (watch) us.Then I asked,“Would anybody like a hug?”They lined up.There was so much 8_______ (warm) in each hug.

My eyes were filled with tears and my heart with love.I now visit 9___________(occasional) chat and,of course,hug.Next year at my Thanksgiving delivery,when they line up for their hugs,I am going to have them turn around and hug each other.These people have no family at Thanksgiving—what could be 10________(good) for them than hugs!


My favorite sport is playing basketball. In the middle school, I joined in the basketball team. All the teammate

practised hardly after school. Once our team had match against another school's. At the very beginning, we were so

nervous that we couldn't cooperate very good, because this was the first time for us to compete with the school

honor. In the half match they fell behind. Our team leader calls us together and said that we must get united in

order to beat them. Then we tried our well and won the game at last. Play basketball makes me realize the

importance of union and team work.



Many students may feel 1_______ (stress) because of their parents. Most parents have good intentions, but some of them aren’t very 2_______ (help) with the problems their so ns and daughters have in 3_________ (adjust)to college, and a few of them seem to go out of their way to add to their children’s difficulties.

For one thing, parents are often not aware of the kinds of problems their children face. They don’t realize that the 4________ (compete) is stronger, that the required standards of work are 5________(high), and that their children may not be prepared for 6_________ change. They may be upset by their children’s poor grades. At their kindest, they may 7________ (gentle) ask why John or Mary isn’t doing better, whether he or she is trying as hard as he or she should, and so on. At their 8_________ (bad), they may threaten to take their children out of college or cut off living expenses.

Sometimes parents think it right and 9_______ (nature) that they determine their children do with their lives. They forget that everyone is different and that each person must develop 10_________ his or her own way.


Once, as I was getting ready for the school, my mother accidentally handed me my father's shirt instead of me.

I was very upset that I violently ripped it apart!

The evening, my mother shared my father her own frustration, “See what your son had done.” Instead of scolding me, my father calm asked my mother to sew up the shirt. He then wore it to works the next day.

When my mother told me about my father's response late, I immediately felt ashamed, knowing that he was spending the entire day wearing a tearing shirt. At the same time. I was filled with great admiration for my father, whose gently kindness taught me a life lesson I would never forget.

专题二 第二讲 形容词和副词

[综合演练] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.(2019·河南部分重点中学联考)She selflessly (selfless) covered her own coat around his shoulders. 2.(2019·河南八市重点高中质检)He gave me one thing I had lost completely (complete): hope. 3.(2019·湖北沙市中学模拟)I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time—there are more_meaningful (meaningful) things to do. 4.(2019·广东佛山模拟)Films, books, magazines, etc. give us daily (day) amusement. 5.(2019·湖南桃江一中模拟)In some crowded (crowd) cities, the car has polluted the air so badly that people get sick just from breathing it. 6.(2019·河南南阳一中模拟)For example, it is thought that many physical problems and other conditions are made worse (bad) by an increased level of stress. 7.(2019·山东桓台二中模拟)Most computer applications are in English, so you will understand them better (good). 8.(2019·广东清远模拟)The better we get into good eating habits, the happier (happy) our life will become. 9.(2019·江西五市八校联考)The water near the equator is less salty than that found in the mid-latitudes (中纬度) for abundant (abundance) equatorial precipitation (赤道降水) throughout the year. 10.(2019·山东师大附中模拟)Dr. Barone was my doctor when I was a kid, and even though I was probably just another patient to her, to me she was more (much) than just my doctor. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.(2019·河北邯郸模拟)However, just several days late, I began to feel tired and couldn't concentrate in class. ,I began to feel tired and couldn't concentrate in 答案:However, just several days late later class. 2.(2019·河南郑州模拟)Don't panic or get out of line, and try to remain quiet and calmly. . 答案:Don't panic or get out of line, and try to remain quiet and calmly calm 3.(2019·陕西西安长安一中模拟)The more I learn English, the easy it becomes. it becomes. 答案:The more I learn English, the easy easier 4.(2019·山东桓台二中模拟)Since his family was rich than mine, he had more toys than I did. than mine, he had more toys than I did. 答案:Since his family was rich richer


形容词和副词 一.形容词作用与位置 1.形容词作定语。 He is a tall man. The red pencil is mine. It is a beautiful present. There is something wrong with the watch. Is there anything special? There is nothing new. 总结:1. 形容词作定语修饰名词时,放在名词的前面。 2. 形容词作定语修饰不定代词something,anything,everything,nothing 等时,放在代词的后面。 2.形容词作表语 He is very strong. It is getting warm. The soup tastes delicious. What he said proved true. She fell asleep. 总结: 1) 常见系动词有:be,become, get ,turn, grow, go,keep ,remain, stay look, smell , taste, feel, sound, appear , seem ,prove 2)有些成对出现的形容词:interesting/interested, surprising/surprised, exciting/excited, moving/moved 例:The film was so moving that everyone was moved to tears. 3.形容词作状语,表状况、原因、结果等。 He went to bed , cold and hungry. 4.形容词作做宾补 结构:主语+谓语+宾语+形容词(作宾补) Running in the morning makes him strong.


21.【2019 ?湖南省湘西州】—Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?—Yes,I do. It's much _______ than the US. A. the oldest;older B. old;older C. older;older 22.【2019 ?岳阳市】Tina is as ________ as her sister Tara. A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the most outgoing 23.【2019 ?镇江市】Because of the flood, there are _________ tourists in that ancient town this year than last year. A. more B. most C. fewer D. fewest 24.【2019 ?甘肃省天水市】—What do you think of the environment in your hometown? —It's Both the air and the water are badly polluted. A.not bad B.as good as before C.much better than before D.not as good as before 25.【2019 ?广西贵港市】—Frank has changed a lot,hasn't he? —Yes.He is much ______________ because he exercises every day. A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.the strongest 26.【2019 ?广西河池市】Linda is ___ of the three girls, but she is the tallest. A.young B.Younger C.youngest D.the youngest 27.【2019 ?广西柳州市】Peter studies ______________ of all the students in his class. A. hard B. harder C. hardest 28.【2019 ?贵州黔南州、黔西南、黔东南】Does the dish taste as as it looks?A.well B.best C.good D.better 29.【2019 ?海南省】Shanghai has a ______ population than that in many other cities.A.large B.larger C.largest 30.【2019 ?湖北省黄石市】—Do you know Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge(港珠澳大桥)?—Yes,it is ____ cross-sea bridge in the world. A. the longer B. longest C. the longest D. longer 31.【2019 ?湖南省邵阳市】—Shaoyang has changed a lot in the past few years. —Yes.It is getting_________. A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest


1.什么是形容词 ?形容词是用来修饰或描述名词(或代词),表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征的词。 ?如:Li Lei is a good student. ?李磊是一名好学生。 (形容词good修饰名词student) ?China is a great country. ?中国是一个了不起的国家。 (形容词great修饰名词country) ?The coat is black. ?那件上衣是黑色的。(形容词black表示coat的特征. 2.形容词的位置 ?(1)形容词通常用于名词的前面。 ?She is a famous actress. 她是位有名的演员。 ?He is a warm-hearted man. 他是一个热心的人。 ?(2)形容词用在系动词后作表语。 ?Monkey is smart. 猴子很机灵。 ?It’s hot in summer. 夏季,天很热。 ?Y ou look fine. 你们看上去很好。 3.形容词的反义词 beautiful --ugly (美丽,丑陋)thick---thin (厚薄) big---small 大小quick---slow 快慢 old---new 旧新luck---unluck 幸运,不幸运 good---bad 好坏wild---strict 广阔的,狭小的 start-stop 开始,结束hot---cold 冷热 up-down 上下left-right 左右 black-white 黑白important---unimportant 重要,不重要 comfortable---uncomfortable 舒适,不舒适sure---unsure 确信,不确定 thin-fat 瘦胖long-short 长短 many---little 多少much---few 多少 clever---foolish 聪明蠢easy----difficult 容易难 smooth---rough 光滑粗糙friendly----unfriendly 友好,不友好 4.什么是副词 ?副词是用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句的词,表示时间、地点、程度、状态等。如: ?(1)The wind is blowing strongly.风刮的很大。 ?(副词strongly修饰动词blow,表示程度) ?(2)I can see clearly.我能看的清。 ?(副词clearly修饰动词see) ?(3)It is very late.天很晚了。 ?(副词very修饰形容词late) ?(4)Y ou speak too quickly.你说的太快(副词修饰副词) ?(副词too修饰副词quickly) 5.副词的种类


专题三形容词与副词——副词 一、副词的基本用法 1、什么是副词? (1)定义:副词是用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句,在句子中作状语或表语的一类词。 (2)分类:时间副词(now, today, early, sometimes, already等);地点副词(outside, inside, upstairs, here, there, home等);方式副词(quickly, loudly, suddenly, fast, luckily等); 程度副词(very, quite, rather, too, much, so等);疑问副词(when, where, why, how, how long, how often等);关系副词(when, where, why, how等) 2、怎么用副词? (1)用法: 时间副词——确定句子时态的重要标志,牢固掌握不同时态的时间状语。如: Lucy went to school yesterday.(一般过去时时间状语) She has already arrived there.(现在完成时时间状语) 地点副词——与动词连用时不加介词。如: I must go home now.(不是go to home)That boy rushed upstairs.(不是rushed to upstairs)方式副词——大多数由“形容词+ly”构成。(构词法)如: happy—happily bad—badly quick—quickly easy—easily 程度副词——有些程度副词可以修饰形容词原级,有些能修饰形容词比较级。如:Jessica is a very beautiful woman. This bag is much better than that one. 疑问副词——用来构成特殊疑问句。如: When is your mother’s birthday? Where is your home? 关系副词——用来引导从句,如:He works in a bank where there is no money. (2)位置: 地点副词、时间副词和方式副词一般放句末。如: I will wait for you here. Can you meet me tomorrow? Please speak loudly. <注>当强调时间状语时,可以把时间副词放在句首。如: Tomorrow I will meet you. 程度副词修饰动词时,放在be动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实动词之前。如: She is too young. I really like that boy. 修饰形容词、副词时,放在被修饰词前面。如: Harbin is a very big city.(修饰形容词)He studies much harder now. (修饰副词)<注>只有enough特殊,放在被修饰的形容词或副词之后。如: He runs fast enough. (3)形近副词辨析 ★close & closely close“接近”closely“仔细地” He is sitting close to me.“他挨着我坐着。”I watch him closely.“我仔细地打量他。” ★late & lately late“晚”lately“最近” Don’t go to school too late.“上学别太晚了。” Is there anything new lately?“最近有什么新消息么?” ★deep & deeply


睿晋教育辅导讲义 学员姓名:年级:初一 辅导科目:英语学科教师:何秋霞 授课内容专题复习:形容词与副词 授课日期 教学内容 口头表达 假设你是班长,准备组织班上同学这个周六到动物园玩。请你根据下表的提示,向同学们说明这次活动的安排1.8:00 校门口集合 2. 8:00~9:00 坐车 3.9:00~11:30 在动物园 4. 11:30~12:30 吃自己带去的食物 5.14:00 动物园门口集合 6. 15:00 学校门口解散回家 一、形容词和副词 形容词用于修饰名词和代词,表示人和事物的性质和特征。 副词既可修饰动词,又可修饰形容词,其它副词,甚至整个句子。 二、级的变化 1.一般构成规律: 词的特征 变化原级比较级最高级 1.一般单音节词直接加-er, -est high Higher highest 2.以e结尾的词直接加-r, -st nice nicer nicest 3.以单个辅音字母结尾(除r)双写辅音再加er,est fat fatter Fattest Ⅱ.知识梳理Ⅰ.课前热身

4.以辅音字母+y结 变y为i,再加-er,-est happy happier happiest 尾的双音节词 5.少数以-er, -ow结 直接加-er; -est clever cleverer cleverest 尾的双音节词 6.多数双音节词 在原级前加more, most difficult More difficult Most difficult 多音节词和 2.常见的不规则变化: 原级 比较级最高级 good, well better best bad, badly, ill worse worst many much more most little, less least far farther farthest old older/elder oldest/eldest 3、常见的比较级和最高级的基本句型及其用法: 【原级的用法】 ①肯定句型: as + 形容词(副词)原级+ as…意思是“与……一样” 这个男孩和他的哥哥一样聪明。 The boy is as clever as his brother. 露茜写得和莉莉一样认真。 Lucy writes as carefully as Lily. ②否定句型: not so/as + 形容词(副词)原级+as…意思是“不如……“ 猴子不如大象强壮。 Monkeys are not so strong as elephants. 【比较级的用法】 1、比较级+than


形容词比较级 一,用所给词的正确形式填空。 1, I am a little ( tall ) than you. 2, Tom is ( cool ) than Jack. 3, The Great Wall is ( old ) than the Guangzhou Tower. 4, My brother is ( old ) than me. 5, This girl is ( nice ) than that one. 6, It is much ( safe ) to stay at home than to go out at night. 7, Lily is ( thin ) than her classmates. 8, Zeng Zhiwei is ( fat ) than Wang Zulan. 9,This question is ( easy ) than that one. 10, This question is ( difficult ) than that one. 11, Fan Bingbing is ( famous ) than Yangmi. 12, Some day, my hometown will become ( beautiful). 13, I think today is ( tired ) than yesterday. 14, This book is ( interesting ) than that one. 15, Staying in bed is ( boring ) than going to school. 16, Jacky Chan is ( popular ) than Wang Baoqiang. 17, Nothing is ( enjoyable ) than playing basketball. 18, The yellow bag is the ( expensive ) of the two bags. 19, Listening to music is ( relaxing ) than playing computer. 20, Playing football is ( dangerous ) than playing table tennis. 21, Which one is ( exciting ), dog or cat? 22, My pocket money is much ( much ) than yours. 23, He felt bad yesterday. But now he feels a lot ( good ). 24, I am ( bad ) at English than my brother. 25, ① I have got ( little ) money than you. ② I have got ( few) apple than you. 26, My house is ( far ) than yours. 27, Which do you like ( good ), Chen Yixun or TFBOYS? 28, Maomin is not so ( busy ) as Shanghai. 29, I have got money as ( much) as you. 形容词(adj.)和副词(adv.) 一,作用和位置 (1)“形容词”常用来修饰,放在名词的或者be


形容词和副词 单句改错 1.Instead, he hopes that his business will grow better. 2.They were also the best and worse years in my life. 3.At one time, I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them. 4.The dishes that I cooked were Mom’s favoritest. 5.Mom was grateful and moving. 6.Lots of studies have shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. 7.He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop. 8.Dad and I were terrible worried. 9.My mum makes the better biscuits in the world, so I decided to ask her for help. 10.On the left-hand side of the class, I could easy see the football field. 11.Nearly five years before, and with the help of our father, my sister and planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果) in our back garden. 12.The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. 13.We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost! 14.So really friendship should be able to stand all sorts of tests. 15.I had noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people. 16.No one in the carriage had previous spoken to or even noticed the ticket-owner before. 17.That is too much for us, considering how closely the houses are. 18.My uncles immediate jumped up and shot their arrows at the bird. 单句填空 1.The title will be ________ (official) given to me at ceremony in London. 2.If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify(识别) those of ________ (great ) and less important. 3.Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks ________(regular). 4.Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which _______(gradual) turned into chopsticks. 5.Chinese scientist’s ________ (recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby. 6.She was a very ________(care) mother. 7.The young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help. In short, he’s ________(rely) 8.I have always enjoyed all the events you organized and I hope to attend _______(many) in the coming years. 9. A few hours ________, I’d been at home in Hong Kong, with its choking smog. 10.Abercrombie& Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it _______(regular) arranges quick getaways here for people living in Shanghai and Hong Kong. 11.Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat ________(slow) during cool nights, thus warming the house. 12.It was _______(considerately) of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried. 13.They gave money the old people’s home either________(personal) or through their companies. 14.Little Tom sat _______(amaze) watching the monkey dancing in front of him. st year was the warmest year on record. 16.While there are ________(amaze) stories of instant transformation. 17.Just be ________(patience). 18.…some of them looked very anxious and ________ (disappoint). 19.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers ________(sudden) became friendly to one another. 20.Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and ________(soft). 21.My legs become ________(pain). 22.The ________(hard) you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit. 23.She was _________ (surprise) helpful. 24.Raymond’s parents wanted him to have the ________(good) possible education. 25.Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a (tolerance) smile and let him go. 26.It’s our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and, ________, supply more jobs. 27.Club sports are less time-consuming than other athletic items, and you can __________ (easy) miss a practice or even a competition if your academic or work commitments are particularly demanding at a certain point. 28.He was very good-looking, with a very pleasant, sociable manner, and after the introductions, conversation flowed most ______(enjoy) in the little group. 29.Bingley was clearly most interested in Jane Bennet, and started talking particularly to her. Darcy, _______, was just determining not to look at Elizabeth, when he suddenly noticed the stranger. 30.Of all living things, human being are the _______(clever). 31.There are _________(amaze) things in the world. 32.It seems that she is _______(thin) than before. 33.Practice some ________(relax) techniques before you go into a social situation. 34._______(curious), I gave him my full attention. 35.There are _________(absolute) no trees anywhere, just low bushes and yellow and brown grass, 36.I’m really _________(surprise) too. 37.The _________(easy) of all ways is to spend less. 38.One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, _______, the eagle was raised to be a chicken. 39._________(obvious), I was doing very badly. 40.A beginner’s wall is usually 15 feet ________ (height). 41.Chopsticks originated in China, but they are _______(wide) used in many Asian countries. Exercise 1 语法填空 Over the years I've been teaching kids about a simple but ___1___(power)concept—the ant philosophy(哲学). They have an __2__(amaze)four-part philosophy. First, ants never quit. They'll climb over, they'll climb under, or they'll climb around. They never quit __3__ (look) for another way. What a neat(了不起的) philosophy it is to never looking for a way to get to where __4__you’re supposed to go! Second, ants think about winter and summer. That’s an important attitude. People __5__ have a little experience are clear that summer will not last forever. So ants are gathering in their winter food


本代主要介绍形容词和副词的用法,包含形容词的语法功能,形容词的比较等级,副词 的分类,副词的语法功能等内容后面带有练习题内容很多,知识点也比较齐全 一、概述 形容词和副词都是起修饰作用的词类,两者的区别之一就在于它们所修饰的对象不同。形容词主要用来说明或修饰名词或代词,描述名词或代词所代表人或事物的性质,增加或补充其含意,从而限制或缩小其适用范围。副词的主要功能是修饰动词,形容词或其它副词有时也可以修饰全句。 Boris has brains. In fact,I doubt whether any one in the class has a higher IQ. 保利斯有头脑。事实上,我怀疑班上是否有人比他智商高。(形容词修饰名词) 二、形容词 1、形容词的定义 形容词用来修饰和形容名词,表示名词的属性,补充说明它的意思。 a big house 一幢大房子a new bicycle一辆新自行车 2、形容词的语法功能 形容词修饰名词或不定代词,表示人或事物的性质、特征或状态,在句子中主要用作定语、表语、补足语、状语等。 (1)作定语 ①前置定语 a.形容词作定语一般需放在它所修饰的名词之前并尽量靠近被修饰的词。在这种位置上的定语叫前置定语。语序一般为“冠词(或其他限定词)+形容词+名词”。 He is an honest boy.他是个诚实的孩子。 b.若有多个形容修饰名词,它们的位置要由它们与被修饰词的密切程度来决定。关系最密切的形容词靠近被修饰词,而关系较远的离被修饰词则相对较远。其排列顺序通常是:限定词+描绘性形容词+颜色+国籍、地区+用途、类别+名词。 the happy and healthy children幸福而健康的孩子们 -It was great. We vis it ed some friends, and spent the last few sunny days at the seaside. 很好。我们拜访了朋友,在海边度过最后几天阳光明媚的日子。 巧记形容词的排列顺序: “县官行令谢国材”帮你掌握英语里形容词的排列次序。 “县”(限)代表限定词,包括:冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格、数词等。“官”(观)代表表示观点的描绘性形容词。 “行”(形)代表表示大小、长短、高低及形状的形容词。 “令”(龄)代表表示年龄、新、旧的形容词。 “谢”(“色”的近似音)代表表示颜色的形容词等。 “国”代表表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词(名词)等。 “材”则代表形成中心名词的材料的形容词,stone,wooden,silk,plastic等。

形容词和副词 总结归纳

第三单元形容词和副词 知识梳理 A. 考点要义有关形容词和副词的内容较多,本章节只涉及在运用形容词和副词时应注 意的问题,而因为形容词的比较极与副词的比较相近,所以把两者合并起来总结。 B. 模块构建 模块一形容词的位置及用法 1.如形容词修饰由some--, any--, no--, every—与one, body, thing(where)等构成的复合不定代词(副词)时应位于其后 2.少数以a—开头的表语形容词(如alike, alive, asleep, afraid, aware, alone, ashamed, awake, ahead…),以—able, --ible结尾的形容词(如acceptable, available, possible, suitable…)以及absent, present, concerned, involved 这四个词,通常位于其后。3.当几个并列的形容词同时修饰一个名词时,一般采用评价,描述性形容词先于事实性形容词的办法。一般的排列顺序为:数量—好坏—大小—形状—新旧(年龄)—颜色—产地—材料—用途—名词 4.大部分形容词既可作定语也可作表语,但以下形容词只能作表语:上面所罗列的以a—开头的形容词再加上content, glad, ill, poorly, unable, unwell, well. 以下形容词只能作定语:little, weekly, outer, live, inner, latter, golden, right, daily, elder, spare, major, former, minor, sorry,等。 5.大多数以—ly结尾的词是副词,但是有些以—ly结尾的副词也同时是形容词:daily, monthly, deadly, nightly, early, quarterly, kindly, weekly, likely, yearly, lowly 6. 以—ly结尾的不是副词而是形容词的有:brotherly, manly, cowardly, motherly, deathly, silly, friendly, soldierly, lively, ugly, lonely, womanly, lovely 7. 有些形容词既可作形容词也可作副词,使用时要根据它在句中的作用来判断,常见 的词有:clean, late, clear, long, close, low, deep, much, direct, near, enough, quick, far, slow, fast, straight, firm, tight, hard, wide, high, wrong. 模块二副词的位置和用法 1.多数副词位于动词之后,如有宾语则位于宾语之后,但如宾语太长时也可置于宾语之前。有些方式副词well, badly, hard等只能放在句尾。 2.副词的排列顺序为:(1)时间,地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位的在后。(2)方式副词,短的在前,长的在后,并用and或but 等连词连接。(3)多个不同副词排列为:程度+地点+方式+时间副词 3.副词very可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。副词enough要放在形容词的后面,形容词enough放在名词的前后都可。 模块三形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 1.对于形容词和副词的构词法,特别是一些不规则变化的形容词和副词,同学们应该牢记在心,这里不再一一列举。 2.形容词和副词的原级比较有以下三种形式:as…..as / not so ( as) …as…. / no…as…as, 在应用的时候应注意此结构中的第二个as系连词,它后面应是一个从句,但在实际使用中常用它的省略式。如这一省略式是一个代词,这一代词应该用主格形式,但在口语中也可用宾格。 3.在形容词和副词的原级比较中可加入一些表示程度,倍数的词,表示强调。这些词有just, almost, quite, nearly, ….times等。 4.形容词和副词的比较级也有以下三种形式:比较级+than+…. / more + 原级+than /



形容词与副词专题 (一)形容词与副词 形容词通常用来修饰名词。如:beautiful girl. hard work. delicious meal. 副词通常用来修饰动词。如:run quickly. work hard. listen carefully. 形容词是可以转换为副词的,方法如下: 1.一般情况在词尾加-ly sad-sadly quick-quickly warm- warmly 2.辅音字母+le结尾的单词,通常去e加y simple-simply terrible-terribly comfortable-comfortably 3.以y结尾的单词,通常是改y为i,加-ly happy-happily angry-angrily easy-easily 4.本身既是形容词又是副词(雌雄同体) fast-fast hard-hard early-early high-high late-late far-far 5.特殊变化 goo-well true-truly wholly-wholly 6.看似副词的形容词 friendly lively lovely lonely daily

练习1: 将下列形容词变成副词 new slow good late old hungry high true possible hard nice heavy 练习2: 用所给的单词的正确形式填空 ①I like her (beautiful) hat. ②The children are playing football (happy). ③Why did you do so (bad) in your test? ④ ⑤Last night it rained (heavy). ⑥You must study (hard). ⑦It is really a (hard) job. ⑧Look. the boy is doing his homework (careful). ⑨It’s an (easy) job. and I can do it (easy). ⑩The (angry) boss shouted (angry) to his men. ?Why don’t you tell me (early) ? (二)形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成 概要 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级: 1. 原级,即原形。 2. 比较级,表示“较…”或“更…”。 3. 最高级,表示“最…”。 构成
