TXZK-1型密集烤房控制器使用说明书深圳市派沃新能源科技有限公司目录一、密集烤房控制器简介: (1)二、控制器面板功能说明 (3)三、控制器的工作模式 (5)四、按键功能与操作说明 (6)五、高级设置与手动操作 (9)六、安装指导........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
七、注意事项........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
八、技术指标........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
九、售后服务承诺及免责声明.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
十、环境保护倡议.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
十一、保修卡.. (18)一、密集烤房控制器简介:密集烤房控制器是为烟叶烘烤设计的一款自动控制产品,适用于各种密集型烤房。
二、操作准备1. 确保烘干机周围没有易燃、易爆物品,并保持通风良好的工作环境。
2. 检查烘干机的电源线是否正常,确保接地良好。
3. 检查烘干机的各个部件是否完好无损,如热风系统、电气系统、控制系统等。
4. 根据所需干燥物质的性质和要求,调整烘干机的温度、湿度和时间等参数。
三、操作步骤1. 将需要干燥的物质均匀地放置在烘干机的干燥室内,注意不要过度堆积,以免影响干燥效果。
2. 打开烘干机的电源开关,并根据需要选择适当的工作模式。
3. 根据干燥物质的要求,调整烘干机的温度和时间等参数。
4. 启动烘干机,观察运行情况,确保热风系统正常工作,温度和湿度等参数稳定。
5. 在干燥过程中,定期检查烘干机的运行状态,确保没有异常情况发生。
6. 干燥完成后,关闭烘干机的电源开关,待烘干机冷却后方可进行下一步操作。
四、安全注意事项1. 在操作烘干机之前,必须熟悉烘干机的使用说明书,并接受相关培训。
2. 在操作烘干机时,应穿戴好个人防护装备,如安全帽、防护眼镜、耳塞等。
3. 禁止将手或者其他物体伸入烘干机内部,以免发生意外事故。
4. 禁止在烘干机周围堆放杂物,以免影响热风系统的正常工作。
5. 在烘干机运行过程中,严禁随意更改温度、湿度和时间等参数,以免影响干燥效果和设备安全。
6. 在发现烘干机有异常情况时,应即将停机检修,并及时报告相关负责人。
五、维护保养1. 定期对烘干机进行清洁和维护,保持设备的干净和良好状态。
2. 检查烘干机的电气系统和控制系统,确保电线接头坚固,电器元件正常工作。
3. 定期检查烘干机的热风系统,清理热交换器、过滤器等部件,确保通风畅通。
三、操作流程1. 准备工作a. 确保烘干机周围无杂物,通风良好。
b. 检查烘干机的电源温和源是否正常,并确保烘干机的开关处于关闭状态。
c. 检查烘干机的过滤装置是否清洁,如有需要,进行清理或者更换。
2. 开机操作a. 按照烘干机的电源启动程序,打开电源开关。
b. 检查烘干机的温度控制装置是否正常,设定合适的烘干温度。
c. 按照烘干机的气源启动程序,打开气源开关。
d. 检查烘干机的风机和加热器是否正常运转。
3. 物料或者产品装载a. 将待烘干的物料或者产品按照规定的装载方式放入烘干机内。
b. 注意物料或者产品的均匀分布,避免堆积过高或者过于密集。
4. 烘干过程监控a. 观察烘干机内的物料或者产品的烘干情况,确保烘干效果良好。
b. 定期检查烘干机的温度和湿度,确保设定的烘干条件符合要求。
c. 如发现异常情况,及时停机检修或者报告相关人员。
5. 烘干结束a. 根据烘干时间设定,等待烘干过程结束。
b. 关闭烘干机的电源开关温和源开关。
c. 将烘干机内的物料或者产品取出,进行下一步工艺处理或者包装。
四、注意事项1. 操作人员必须熟悉烘干机的工作原理和操作流程,严禁未经培训的人员操作烘干机。
2. 在操作烘干机时,应穿戴好防护用品,如安全帽、防护眼镜、防护手套等。
3. 禁止在烘干机周围堆放易燃、易爆物品,确保烘干机周围环境的安全。
4. 在烘干机运行过程中,严禁将手或者其他物体伸入烘干机内部,以免发生意外伤害。
5. 定期对烘干机进行维护保养,清理烘干机内部和过滤装置,确保设备的正常运行。
6. 如遇停电、气源中断等突发情况,应即将关闭烘干机的电源温和源开关,并及时报告相关人员。
电动烘干机操作说明书一、安全注意事项1. 在使用电动烘干机之前,请务必认真阅读本操作说明书,并遵守以下安全事项。
2. 请将电动烘干机置于平稳的地面上,并确保周围没有障碍物。
3. 使用电动烘干机前,请确保电源插座稳定,并接地良好。
4. 不要将湿漉漉的物品放入烘干机中,以免引发火灾或电击的风险。
5. 请勿在使用过程中将手或其他物体伸入烘干机内部,以防止可能的伤害。
6. 如果出现烘干机异常响声或电源线故障,请立即停止使用并联系维修人员。
二、烘干机操作步骤1. 打开烘干机门,确保烘干室内部干净整洁,没有残留物。
2. 将需要烘干的衣物装入烘干机内,并确保衣物均匀分布。
3. 关闭烘干机门,并调整烘干时间和温度。
4. 按下电源按钮,烘干机即可开始工作。
5. 等待烘干周期结束后,打开烘干机门,取出烘干好的衣物。
6. 关闭电源按钮,将烘干机置于通风良好的地方待机。
三、烘干机控制面板及功能介绍1. 烘干时间调节按钮:用于调节烘干时间的长短,通常以分钟为单位进行设定。
2. 温度调节按钮:用于调节烘干温度的高低,根据衣物材质选择合适的温度。
3. 开始/暂停按钮:用于启动或暂停烘干机的工作。
4. 照明灯:显示烘干室内的照明状态。
5. 故障指示灯:当烘干机遇到故障时,指示灯会亮起,提醒用户检修。
四、衣物烘干建议1. 不同材质的衣物使用不同的烘干温度和时间,建议查阅衣物洗标上的指导信息。
2. 对于易褪色的衣物或者内衣等私密物品,建议选择低温烘干。
3. 在烘干前,将衣物摊开,并仔细检查有无金属、纸片等可能导致火灾的物品,以确保安全。
五、清洁和维护1. 在每次使用后,清理烘干室内的纤维、毛发等杂物,保持烘干机内部干净。
2. 定期清洗烘干机的滤网,并确保其无堵塞和磨损。
3. 不要使用任何酸性、碱性或腐蚀性溶剂来清洁烘干机,以免损坏。
4. 如需进行维修或保养,请联系专业维修人员,并在断电状态下进行操作。
六、常见问题解答1. 为什么衣物在烘干过程中出现起皱或变形?答:这可能是由于衣物材质选择错误或选用了过高的温度导致的。
二、安全须知1. 在使用烘干机之前,请确保电源插头已正确接入电源插座,并确保接地可靠。
2. 请将烘干机放置在平稳的地面上,确保其稳定性。
3. 不要将烘干机安装在潮湿或易燃的地方,以免造成故障或安全事故。
4. 使用烘干机时,请勿将湿漉的衣物直接放入烘干机内,以免引发火灾。
5. 请勿用湿手触摸烘干机的电源线或插头,以免触电。
三、操作步骤1. 打开烘干机门,将待烘干的衣物均匀地放入烘干机内。
2. 关闭烘干机门,并合上烘干机门锁。
3. 打开电源开关,启动烘干机。
4. 通过操作面板上的触摸按钮选择适当的烘干模式和设置烘干时间。
5. 此时,烘干机将自动启动,并根据您的设置进行烘干。
6. 在烘干结束后,烘干机会自动停止运行,您可以打开烘干机门取出干燥的衣物。
四、操作技巧1. 您可以根据衣物的不同类型和厚度,选择合适的烘干模式和时间。
2. 为了更好地保持衣物的柔软和光亮,建议将衣物摊放整齐放入烘干机内,以免出现皱折。
3. 在烘干大件衣物时,如床单、被子等,请确保将其稍微折叠,以促进热风的流通,提高干燥效果。
五、清洁与维护1. 在使用烘干机之前,请务必清空滤网。
2. 清洁滤网的方法:a) 打开烘干机门,找到滤网位置。
b) 将滤网取出,并用水冲洗,以去除附着的纤维和灰尘。
c) 将滤网晾干后,放回原位即可。
六、故障排除在使用烘干机过程中,如果出现故障或异常情况,请参考以下故障排除方法:1. 烘干机不能启动:a) 检查电源是否正常连接。
目录安全总则 (2)1.0工作原理及流程 (3)2.0安装 (4)2.1位置 (4)2.2配管 (4)2.3电源及配线 (4)3.0运行 (5)3.1冷冻部分 (5)3.2吸附部分 (7)3.3电器及控制部分 (7)4.0维护 (9)4.1冷冻部分 (9)4.2吸附部分 (10)5.0常见故障及处理方法 (12)5.1冷冻部分 (12)5.2吸附部分 (14)安全总则◆组合式干燥器是带有压力容器的设备,工作压力必须在铭牌上标明的工作压力范围之内。
1.0 工作原理及流程组合式干燥器是合理的将冷冻干燥器和吸附干燥器结合在一起,通过冷干器处理后的压缩空气,压力露点在5℃左右,含水量相当少约5.6 g/m3,温度比进口温度低约10℃,此时进吸附干燥器继续进行深层吸附。
2.0 安装2.1位置1.组合式干燥器应安装在环境温度为2~40℃,四周通风良好、空气洁净的建筑物内。
当室内通风条件不良时,需在机房内安装换气排风设备;2.组合式干燥器与空压机之间应保持一定距离,以防止空压机产生的振动影响组合式压缩空气干燥器的正常运行;3.组合式干燥器应水平安装在平整的水泥地面上; 4.组合式干燥器在压缩空气系统中的布置可参考下图固体尘<μ1m≤./01P P M w w 残余含油量固体尘<μ2m ≤ /P P M w w2残余含油量组合式干燥器2.2 配管1. 注意压缩空气接入口和出口的接口位置是否正确;2. 组合式干燥器串接在气源系统中,最好在空气入口和出口之间并联旁路管道,中间设截止阀以供调试、维修时使用;3. 管径配置不要太小,尽量减少管路弯头,选用全开型阀门等,皆可减少压降,避免引起大的压降;4. 管道安装完毕后,最好能通入压缩空气,检查空气管道、法兰接口和排水器有无空气泄漏,若有泄漏,及时排除故障; 2.3 电源及配线1.应按铭牌上标定之电压、相数、容量配置电源,电源线勿使用太细; 2.电压波动范围不得超过额定电压的10%,其值如下:220V 时,电压的范围208-230V ; 380V 时,电压的范围342-418V 。
产品特点1. 快速烘干:烘干机采用高功率加热元件,能迅速产生大量热风,快速烘干湿衣物,节省用户时间和精力。
2. 大容量设计:烘干机内部空间宽敞,可容纳多件衣物,满足大家庭或多人使用的需求。
3. 多种烘干模式:烘干机内置多种烘干模式,可根据不同衣物材质和湿度选择合适的模式,确保烘干效果和衣物品质。
4. 智能控制系统:烘干机具备智能控制系统,可根据实际情况自动调节温度、烘干时间和风速,保护衣物不受热损坏。
5. 安全可靠:烘干机内置多重安全保护措施,如过热保护、漏电保护等,确保使用过程安全可靠。
使用方法1. 将湿衣物均匀放置在烘干机内。
2. 选择合适的烘干模式。
3. 调节烘干时间。
4. 启动烘干机。
5. 等待烘干完成。
维护保养1. 清洁烘干机内部。
2. 定期清洁过滤器。
3. 定期检查排气管道。
4. 避免过度烘干。
日常维护要点:Daily maintenance:1.新设备投入运行一个月后,应检查并填补一次吸附剂,视实际情况(6-12月)全部更换吸附剂。
The absorbent should be checked and added after one month operation of the new equipment. The absorbent should be completely changed after 6-12 months, depending on the actual situation of the equipment.2.定期清洗、吹扫电磁切换阀,并检查阀门运动情况。
The electro-magnetic switch should be regularly cleaned, and the valve should be checked.3.前置过滤器上的自动排水器应定期清洗,确保滤筒体内不积液体。
To make sure that liquid will not be trapped in the cylinder, the automatic water drainer on the pre-filter should be regularly cleaned.4.前置过滤器滤芯寿命为8000H,到时(或滤芯压力降达0.07MPa时)就更换滤芯。
The life time of the core of the pre-filter is 8000 hours, the core should be changed after 8000 hours (or when the pressure drop reaches 0.07MPa).5.定期检查管线接头、法兰、阀门有无泄气现象。
Regularly check the joints, flange and valves for leakage.6.干燥器停用期间,请半闭好所有阀门,防止泄漏,以免吸附剂受潮。
PDV556HQWA EN ZH滚筒式干衣机用户手册说明书
![PDV556HQWA EN ZH滚筒式干衣机用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e3b02a3e30b765ce0508763231126edb6f1a76b8.png)
PDV556HQWAEN ZH Tumble Dryer滾筒乾衣機User Manual使用指南2152CONTENTSCUSTOMER CARE AND SERVICEIMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT MAY IMPACT YOUR MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTYAdherence to the directions for use in this manual is extremely important for health and safety. Failure to strictly adhere to the requirements in this manual may result in personal injury, property damage and affect your ability to make a claim under the Philco manufacturer’s warranty provided with your product. Products must be used, installed and operated in accordance with this manual. You may not be able to claim on the Philco manufacturer’s warranty in the event that your product fault is due to failure to adhere to this manual.We recommend the use of original spare parts. When contacting Service, ensure that you have the following data available. The information can be found on the rating plate. Model, PNC, Serial Number.Subject to change without notice.Warning / Caution-Safety information.General information and tips.Environmental information.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 3PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 7CONTROL PANEL 7USE 10HINTS 11TROUBLESHOOTING & ACCESSORIES 12TECHNICAL DATA 13INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 14ENGLISH 3WARNING! The appliance must not be supplied through an external switching device, such as timer, or connected to a circuit that is regularly switched on and off by utility.In the interest of your safety and to ensure the correct use, before installing and first using the appliance, read this user manual carefully, including its hints and warnings.To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the appliance are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features.Save these instructions and make sure that they remain with the appliance if it is moved or sold, so that everyone using it through its life will be properly informed on appliance use and safety.1. 1.1 Conditions Of Use1.2 Child SafetyThis appliance is intended to be used in household andsimilar applications such as:• staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environment;• farm houses;• by clients in hotels, motels, and other residential type environment;• bed and breakfast type environtments;• areas for communal use in blocks of flats or in launderettes.• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience andknowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS4• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.• The packaging components (e.g. plastic film,polystyrene) can be dangerous to children - danger of suffocation! Keep them out of children’s reach.• Make sure that children or pets do not climb into the drum.1.3 Dryer Safety1.4 Fire HazardsFailure to follow these safety instructions could damage the dryer or your clothes.You may then not be covered by warranty for this damage.Only plug this appliance directly into an AC power supply, which is properly earthed and has the correct voltage.Some fabrics are not suitable for tumble drying. The following MUST NOT be placed in your dryer due to the risk of a fire or an explosion:• Items that have been spotted orsoaked with vegetable oil, cooking oil, suntan oil, linseed oil, salad oil,lubrication oil or grease. Oil affected items can ignite spontaneously, especially when exposed to heatsources such as in a tumble dryer.The items becomce warm, causing as oxidation reaction in the oil.See the serial number sticker located on the bottom of the door opening for voltage information.For Safety reasons we strongly advise against the use of double adaptor, extension cords or power boards.if this appliance is supplied form a cord extension set or electrical portable outlet device, the cord extension set or electrical portable outlet device must be positioned or that it is not subject to splashing or ingress of moisture.• If the electrical cord of thisappliance is damaged, it must be replaced by the Manufacturer,Authorised Service Agent in order to avoid a hazard.• These dryers are for drying clothes, towels and linen at home. Do not use them for any other purpose.• Lint must not be allowed to accumulate around the tumble dryer.• Do not dry unwashed items in the tumble dryer.Never stop a tumble dryer before the end of the drying cycle unless allitems are quickly removed and spread out so that the heat is dissipated.CAUTIONIMPORTANTWARNINGENGLISH 5Oxidation creates heat. If heat cannotescape, the items can become hot enough to ignite. Pilling, stacking or storing oil-affected items can prevent heat from escaping and create a fire hazard. If it is unavoidable that fabrics that contain vegetable or cooking oil, or have been contaminated by hair care products be placed in a tumble dryer, they should first be washed is hot water with extra detergent - this will reduce, but not eliminate the hazard.The final part of tumble dryer cycle occurs without heat (Cooling cycle) to ensure that the items are left at the temperature that ensures that the items will not be damage.For your safety, and to reduce the risk of fire or an explosion, DO NOT store or use petrol or otherinflammable vapours and liquids near your dryer.• Item that have previously beencleaned in, washed in, or spotted with petrol/gasoline, industrial chemicals used only for cleaning, dry-cleaning solvents or other flammable or explosive substances are highly flammable. Highly flammable orexplosive commonly found around the house include acetone, (nail polish remover) denatured alcohol, petrol/gasoline, kerosene, some spotremovers, turpentine, waxes and wax removers should not be put in the dryer. Items containing foam rubber (also known as latex foam) or similarly textured rubber-like materials. Foam rubber materials can produce fire by spontaneous combustion when heated.• Rubber-backed articles, clothes fitted with foam rubber pads, pillows, rubber boots and rubber-coated sports shoes.1.5 Cleaning The Lint FilterLINT BUILD-UP IS A FIRE HAZARD A clean lint filter reduces drying times, saves energy and avoids overheating. Overheating may also damage your clothes.What happens If I forget to clean the lint filter?The lint filter is located at the front of your dryer at the bottom of the door opening.To remove the lint filter open the doorYou must clean this lint filter after every load.61.6 Drying GuideYour load, when dry must not exceed the rated capacity Always check your labels for the drying symbol which this international Care Labelling Code now uses.• Permanent press and synthetics take out as soon as the dryer stops to reduce wrinkles.• Woollen articlesnot recommended. Pull them to their original shape, then dry them flat.• Woven and loop knit materials may shrink, by varying amount,depending on their quality. Do not use the “Extra” setting for these fabrics, Always stretch them out immediately after drying.• Fibre or leather materialsalways check the manufacturer’s instructions.• Baby clothes and night gownsacrylic clothing or sleepwear use only on the “Iron” setting.• Rubber and plasticsDo not dry any items made from or containing rubber or plastics, such as aprons, bibs, babies’ water proofnapkins, curtains, tablecloths, shower caps, clothes fitted with foam rubber pads, pillows, galoshes, or rubber coated tennis shoes.• Fibreglassnot recommended, glass particles left in the dryer could be picked up by your clothes the next time you use the dryer and irritate your skin.Fabric softeners or similar products should not be used in a tumble dryer to eliminate the effects of static electricity unless this practice is specifically recommended by the manufacturer of the fabric softener or product.May be tumble driedDo not tumble dryDo not tumble dryNormal drying(high temp.)(See page 12 for a table of average weights of laundry items)• 5.5 kgLint filter can only be inserted one way.We strongly advise against the use of fabric conditioners of the sheet type that are added to the clothes in the drum. These products may lead to rapid blockage of the lint filter and inefficient operation of your dryer.Ensure the lint filter “Clicks” when replacing.• Never operate your dryer without the lint filter.• Do not allow lint to build around your dryer.• A torn or damaged lint filter must be replaced immediately.• Overloading can increase lint build-up because the airflow is reduced.To avoid potential fire hazards, we recommend that you pay withauthorized service agent periodically clean your dryer. You must do this also when you change your mounting from upright to inverted, or vice versa.ENGLISH 72. 3.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CONTROL PANELParts1Program Selector Knob Turn the Program Selector knob to choose a drying program. The table “Program Guide” shown on page 9 will help you in selecting the right program.The Program Selector knob is not a timer. Once you select a drying program, the Program Selector knob will stay at that position for the whole drying cycle.NOTES3.1 Control Panel Description832Start/Pause ButtonEnable/Disable BuzzerIndicatorsThis button allows you to start or pause the dryer to check the contents or perhaps add more clothes.If selector knob is turned while dryer is running or paused mid cycle 3 beeps is heard to indicate operation is not allowed. Cycle will not continue ifselector knob is not returned to original selected program.To Enable/Disable the Buzzer select “Airing 60” then press and hold Start/Pause button for 3 seconds (buzzer is enabled by default).Select program“Airing 60”“Start/Pause” 3 SecondsThe dryer will not start unless the door is closed. (If door is not closed you will hear 6 beeps followed by DRY LED blinking 4 times.)NOTESENGLISH 9 3.2 Program Guide10For best results we recommend to sort out your laundryLoad your dryer loosely until it is no more than TWO THIRD FULL.Clothes must tumble freely in a dryer. Don’t cram them in. Wet clothes fluff up when dry.not operate close.Turn the Program Selector knob to choose the drying program you want.Turn the Program Selector knob to “OFF” When you have finished using the dryer to turn off the power, then switch off at the power point. It is recommended to power off the appliance when not in use.To check the dryness or add clothes during the cycle, simply open the door. The dryer will beep several times indicating the door is open. If further drying is required, close the door and then press the Start/Pause button to continue.For the best drying performance, only add or remove clothes at the beginning of the drying cycle.After every load clean the lint filter to reduce drying time and avoid overheating.Clean Lint FilterChecking the LoadTo start a program, press the Start/Pause button.• Reduce efficiency • Increase drying time• Increases the risk of creasingOverloading will:• Do not select the “Extra Dry” option for delicate fabrics such polyester as shrinking may occur.• To obtain the best drying results with small loads it is recommended to use “Time drying” program.NOTESEOperating Sequence • Step 1• Step 2• Step 3• Step 4• Step 5Do not load clothes or otherarticles which are dripping wet or have sand and grit on them into your dryer.Never stop a tumble dryer before the end of the drying cycle unless all items are quickly removed and spread out so that the heat is dissipated.Switch On CAUTIONWARNINGENGLISH 11 5.HINTS• Never tumble dry the following: Delicate items such as net curtains,woollen, silk, fabric with metal trim,nylon tights, bulky metarials such asanoraks, blankets, eiderdown,sleeping bags, feather quilts and anyitem containing rubber foam ormaterials similar to foam rubber.• Do not place in your dryerundergarments such as bras andcorsets that contain metalreinforcements.Your dryer may bedamaged if metal part were to comeloose for the garment. Place suchitems in a bag designed for thispurpose.• Check and empty pockets. Clip, pens, nails and pins can damage both thedryer and your clothes. Other itemsuch as matches or cigarette lighterswill cause a fire.• Close all press studs, hooks, eyes and zips that may catch on something else. Tie all belts and apron string toprevent tangling.• Drying time will depend on fabric type and construction, load size andwetness. Save time and money andalways spin the load as dry aspossible your washing machine.• Always clean the lint filter-this will reduce drying time and save youmoney.• The laundry must be thoroughly spin before tumble drying.• Easy-care items eg shirt, should be briefly pre-spin before drying(depending on the crease resistanceapproximately 30 seconds).• To avoid static charge when drying is completed, use either a fabric softener when you are washing the laundry ora fabric conditioner specifically fortumble dryers.• Remove the laundry when the dryer has finished drying.• Do not over-dry laundry, this avoids creasing and saves energy.• Clothes or towels containing sand or grit should be washed first.• Due to variations in dryer load fabric texture and thickness it is possiblethat not all items will be dried evenly.It you experience uneven dryness onCupboard program please use eitherExtra Dry or Timer Program but bemindful of the type of fabric beingdried to avoid overdrying certain types of fabric. Always follow dryinginstructions attached to the itemsintended to be dried in a clothes dryer.• Drying time will also be effected by voltage fluctuations,room temperature and humidity. Clothes will dry moreslowly on a cool or humid day.• For best results, sort the loadaccording to fabric. Such as heavyitems which may take longer to dry,eg. towels, flannelette sheets, etc.than ones which dry quickly, eg. poly/cotton shirts and and sheets.• Avoid drying dark clothes with light coloured items such as towels as lintwill show on the dark clothes.• Note: Some fabrics will collect lint from other clothes and items.Separate the lint “gives” and the lint“collectors” to minimise this problem.• Clothes that give lint include towels, nappies, chenille. Clothes that collect lint include corduroy, synthetics andpermanent press garments.• If individual items are still damp after drying, set a 30 minutes post dryingtime. This will be necessaryparticularly for multilayered items (eg.collars, pockets, etc).126.TROUBLESHOOTING & ACCESSORIES• To help you, here is a list of the average weights of some common laundry items.• Sheet• Tablecloth • Kitchen towel • Table napkin • Towelling hand towel • Bathrobe • Men’s shirt • Pillowcase • Men’s pyjamas • Ladies nightdress • Bath towel 700 - 1000 g400 - 500 g 70 - 120 g 50 - 100 g 150 - 250 g 1000 - 1500 g 200 - 300 g 100 - 200 g 400 - 500 g 200 - 250 g 300 - 400 g6.1 Troubleshooting6.2 Possible FailuresCheck the points listed here before you call for help, and make sure that you havefollowed the Important safety Instructions on page 3.Certain problems are due to lack ofsimple maintenance or oversights, which can be solved easily without calling out an engineer.Before contacting your local Service Centre, please check possible cause of malfunction and solution listed.Once the problem has been eliminated, press the Start/Pause button to restart the program. If after all checks, the problem persists, contact your local Service Centre.ENGLISH 13Alarm Code Indicator:Deactivate the appliance before youdo the checks.WARNING!To operate efficiently the clothes dryer must have an unrestricted air supply and exhaust ventilation.Service calls resulting from installation where ventilation is restricted are not covered by warranty.THE COST OF THIS TYPE OF CALL WILL BE CHARGED TO THE CUSTOMERShould you require further instructions in the use and care of your clothes dryer please contact the CUSTOMER CENTER.Dimensions (Height / Width / Depth) 795 mm x 600 mm x 560 mmPower Supply (Voltage / Frequency) 220 - 240 V / 50 HzHeater Power (Watt) 2100 W Fuse Installation 10 AMaximum CapacityIMPORTANT7.TECHNICAL DATAExtra Cottons Dry 5.5 kg Cupboard Cottons Dry 5.5 kg Iron Cottons Dry 5.5 kg Extra Mixed Dry 3 kg Cupboard Mixed Dry 3 kg Iron Mixed Dry 3 kg Airing 30 1 kg - 1.5 kg Airing 60 3 kg Airing 90 4 kg Time dry 30 1 kg - 1.5 kg Time dry 60 3 kg Time dry 90 4 kg Time dry 120 5 kg Time dry 150 5.5 kg14You can choose to put your dryer:The appliance must not be installed behind a lockable door, a sliding door or a door with a hinge on the opposite sideIf you choose to use the optional vent kit, the exhaust grille at the front of the dryer will need to be replaced with the outlet cover from the back of the dryer. Gently prise open the grille, using a thin bladed tool. Next, remove the cover from the back and clip it into the grille space at the front. The exhaust grille is not required when using a vent kit.The exhaust duct must not exceed 2 meters in length at 100 mm diameter. If connecting the dryer to a commonducting system, safety advice should be requested from the manufacturer.Inlet and outlet points need clear airflow to prevent overheating, so ensure there is adequate ventilation. (i.e. open window or external door.)If a venting kit is used and the exhaust is discharged out of the room, there must be adequate ventilation to avoid the backflow of gases into the room from appliances burning other fuels, including open fires, when operating the tumble dryer. This is not applicable where a venting hose is discharged into a flue which is used for exhausting fumes from appliances burning gas or other fuels.You can position the vent kit at the backof the dryer to remove air upwards or sideways.There are 2 VENTING OPTIONS • front• rear-using a venting kit (optional extra)• on the floor• on a work bench• on a wall, upside down or upright, using the included mounting kit.• on top of a front load washing machine using a stacking kit available as an optional extra (not available for all washing machine models).8.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSDo not install your dryer in a cupboard or small un-vented laundry unless you using a venting kit.中文 15 目錄安全信息 16產品圖解 20用途 20使用 23提示 24疑難排解與配件 25技術參數 26安裝說明 27可能會影響製造商保養的重要資訊遵照本使用手冊的指示使用,對您的健康與安全至關重要。
TXZK-1型密集烤房控制器使用说明书深圳市派沃新能源科技有限公司目录一、密集烤房控制器简介: (1)二、控制器面板功能说明 (3)三、控制器的工作模式 (5)四、按键功能与操作说明 (6)五、高级设置与手动操作 (9)六、安装指导....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
七、注意事项....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
八、技术指标....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
九、售后服务承诺及免责声明......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
十、环境保护倡议................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
十一、保修卡.. (18)一、密集烤房控制器简介:密集烤房控制器是为烟叶烘烤设计的一款自动控制产品,适用于各种密集型烤房。
Whirlpool WTW85480GB 自清洗冷凝器蒸发干衣机说明书
![Whirlpool WTW85480GB 自清洗冷凝器蒸发干衣机说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6af92b5617fc700abb68a98271fe910ef02dae49.png)
Serie | 6, heat pump tumble dryer, 8 kgWTW85480GBOptional accessoriesWTZ20410 : Stacking kitThe dryer with SelfCleaning Condenser™:the only life-long A++ dryer that cleans thecondenser for you.SelfCleaning Condenser™: no more manual cleaning, plusenergy savings in class A++ for the life of the dryer.Energy efficiency class A++Noise Level 65 dB: dries quietly.Sensitive Drying system: soft, even drying thanks to theunique drum structure.Technical DataBuilt-in / Free-standing : Free-standingRemovable top : NoDoor hinge : RightLength electrical supply cord (cm) : 145.0Height of removable worktop (mm) : 842Dimensions of the product (mm) : 842 x 598 x 599Net weight (kg) : 50.612Fluorinated greenhouse gases : YesType of refrigerant : R134aHermetically sealed equipment : YesQuantity of fluorinated gases (kg) : 0.220The quantity expressed in CO2 equivalent (t) : 0.315EAN code : 4242005039234Connection Rating (W) : 1000Current (A) : 10Voltage (V) : 220-240Frequency (Hz) : 50Approval certificates : CE, VDECapacity cotton (kg) - NEW (2010/30/EC) : 8.0Standard cotton programme : Cotton cupboard dryEnergy efficiency class (2010/30/EC) : A++Energy consumption electric dryer, full load - NEW (2010/30/EC)(kWh) : 1.80Standard cotton programme time at full load (min) : 203Energy consumption electric dryer, partial load - NEW (2010/30/EC) (kWh) : 1.04Standard cotton programme time at partial load (min) : 122Weighted annual energy consumption, electric dryer - NEW(2010/30/EC) (kWh) : 232.0Weighted programme time (min) : 157Average condensation efficiency full load (%) : 86Average condensation efficiency partial load (%) : 86Weighted condensation efficiency (%) : 86'!2E20A F-a d j c d e!1/2Serie | 6, heat pump tumble dryer, 8 kg WTW85480GBThe dryer with SelfCleaning Condenser™:the only life-long A++ dryer that cleans the condenser for you.Performance-Energy Efficiency Class: A++ at a range of energy efficiency classes from A+++ to D-Capacity: 8 kg-Energy consumption 232.0 kWh per year, based on 160drying cycles of the standard cotton programme at full and partial load, and the consumption of the low-power modes.Actual energy consumption per cycle will depend on how the appliance is used-Energy consumption of the standard cotton programme at full load 1.8 kwh and energy consumption of the standard cotton programme at half load 1.04 kwh-The programme Cottons cupboard dry used at full andpartial load is the standard drying programme to which the information in the label and the fiche relates, this programme is suitable for drying normal wet cotton laundry and is the most efficient programme in terms of energy consumption for cotton.-Programme time of the standard cotton programme at full load 203 min and programme time of the standard cotton programme at partial load 122 min.-Weighted programme time of the standard cotton programme at full and partial load: 157 min.-Condensation efficiency class B on a scale from G (least efficient) to A (most efficient).-Average condensation efficiency of the standard cottonprogramme at full load 86 % and average condensationefficiency of the standard cotton programme at partial load 86%.-Weighted condensation efficiency for the standard cotton programme at full and partial load: 86 %.-Power consumption in off-mode 0.1 W and in left-on mode 0.75 W-Duration of left-on mode: NO_FEATURE -Noise level: 65 dB (A) re 1 pWProgrammes/functions-Fully electronic control dial for sensor drying programmes andtimed programmes-Special programmes: Woollens, Mixed Load, Towels, Timed programme warm, Timed programme cold, Sportswear, Down,Super Quick 40, shirts/blouses-Touch control buttons: Low heat, Buzzer, Reduced ironing,Drying time, start/pause, Fine-tuning for drying level, 24 h end Time DelayKey features-ActiveAir Technology-Heat Pump with self cleaning condenser-Sensitive drying: large stainless steel drum with textile careand revolution drying system-AntiVibration design: for greater stability and quietnessAdditional features-Large LED display for remaining time and 24 hours time delay,programme progress indication and special functions-Anti crease cycle 120 minutes at the end of the programme -Full container tank indicator -Child Lock-Buzzer to indicate the end of cycle -Door hinge: right-hand-Container for condensed waterTechnical Information-Dimensions (H x W x D): 84.2 x 59.8 x 59.9 cm -slide-under installation-Glass door, Alu-Look, white2/2。
4additional information (ʑDrum light(depending on model) –goes out automatically when the washing machine door is opened or closed and after the programme Do not trap any items of washing!ServiceflapWashing machine door with handleEnd of programme ...When the display button.Rinse holdIf Rinse hold –select Terminating the programme––Select Washing1.To prevent unused detergent from flowing into the outlet2.Consumption valuesProgramme Load Current***Water***Programme Programme Additional function Load consumption consumption–Insert laundry–––SoakingDose detergent with i-DOS or pour into dispenserinstructions. Select the required programme. SelectStarchingSelectaccording to manufacturer's specifications (if required clean beforehand). SelectLoad displayThe load sensor detects the load level in the washing machine. The washing is not balanced.Load adjustIndependently of the load display, the load adjust. uses other sensors to optimally adjust thewater and power consumption and the programme duration in each programme – dependingon textile type and load.ReloadSelectstarts. The machine checks whether a top-up is possible. Follow the information on the displaypanel#11Filling dispenserWhen selecting your detergent and care product, follow the manufacturers instructions.We recommend the use of standard, universal and color liquid detergents for all machine-washable, coloured textiles made of cotton and synthetic materials.Do not use any solvent-based, corrosive or gas-emitting products (e.g. liquid beach).To prevent product from drying, do not leave the fill cover open for a long time.Changing dosage strength:setting isThe selection (OFF/light/normal/strong) of i-DOS1 and i-DOS2 is retained for eachprogramme until the next change occurs, even if the machine is switched off.ʑTo adjust the basic dosages:13Intelligent Dosage System (i-DOS)ʑConverting i-DOS2 dispenser contentsInstead of softener, a second liquid detergent can also beused in dispenser i-DOS2.1.PressÙOptions button to select i-DOS2: content.2.Press / Change buttons to switch between softener anddetergent.finished in 2:26Ēi-DOS2: content®)c softener–An additional changeable insert for a second detergent is enclosed and can be fitted in thefill cover. a Page 11–When the dispenser contents are changed, the basic dosage is reset to the correspondingfactory setting. If required, adjust the basic dosage.Manual dosage in dispenser B/C1.Set intelligent dosage to – (OFF). a Page 122.Dose in dispenser B/C according to amount of washing,manufacturer’s specifications and existing water hardness.B/C = Powder/liquid detergent–Do not manually dose liquid detergent for programmes with Prewash and/or withend time programme option.–For programmes with Prewash pour in detergent. a Page 9Do not open detergent drawer while water is being supplied.Customer serviceʑIf you cannot rectify the fault yourself (a separate Installation/Maintenance instructions,What to do if ...), please contact our customer service. We will always finds a suitable solutionto avoid unnecessary visits by technicians.ʑYou can find the contact data for your nearest customer service here or in the customerservice list (depending on model).–GB–IE***********(Calls from a BT landline will be charged at up to 3 pence per minute. A call set-upfee of up to 6 pence may apply.)01450 2655ʑPlease give customer service the product number (E-Nr.) and the production number (FD)of the appliance.Product number Production numberThese instructions can be found on:inside of washing machine door */openservice flap * and rear of the appliance.* depending on modelʑRely on the competence of the manufacturer. Contact us.You can therefore be sure that the repair is carried out by trained service technicians whocarry original spare parts.en operating instructionsWashing machinewith Intelligent Dosage SystemWAS32890EUObserve the safety instructions on page 8.Read these instructions and the separate installationinstructions before operating the washing machine.12Buttons, display panela Page 6Handle of the detergent drawerYour washing machineCongratulations – You have opted for a modern, high-qualitydomestic appliance manufactured by Bosch. The washing machine is distinguished by its economical consumption of water, energy and detergent.Each appliance which leaves our factory is inspected thoroughly to ensure that it functions properly and is in perfect condition.Every machine has been preset at the factory for the intelligent dosage system. You can start washing immediately!Changes to the standard settings. a Page 12, 13Further information on our products, accessories, spare parts and services can be found at: °C Select the temperature – – (cold) up to 90°; by pressing i-DOS1Select the detergent dosage. a l = light, ll = normal, lll = strong, – i-DOS2Select the softener or detergent d l = light, ll = normal, lll = strong, –Select the spin speed (revolutions p 0 to 1600 * (* depending on modÙ Options Select standard settings. a Page Options Select programme options. a Pa / Change Change settings in the options. ai-DOS1i-DOS1 selected/reload display.a Page 11 – 13Detergent i-DOS2i-DOS2 selected/reload display.a Page 11 – 13Softener or Detergentʋfor household use only,ʋfor washing machine-washable textiles and hand-washable wool in the apropriate detergent,ʋwhen dosage any detergents/cleaning aids andcleaning agents, always follow manufacturer’s instructions,ʋto be operated with cold drinking water andcommercially available detergents and care products which are suitable for use in washing machines.–Do not leave children unattended near the washing machine!–Children must not use the washing machine!–Keep pets away from the washing machine!Intended useIntelligent Dosage System (i-DOS)Your washing machine features an intelligent dosage system for liquid detergent and softener. Dispensers i-DOS1 and i-DOS2 (1.3 l/0.5 l) in the detergent drawer are used for this. You can select whether you want to use one liquid detergent and one softener or two liquid detergents. a Page 13Automatic programmesAutomatic adjustment of the wash programme and intelligent dosage depending on the detected washing type and soiling. a Page 10ContentsPageʋIntended use.......................................................................................1ʋPreparing your washing machine...................................................2ʋBefore 1st wash..............................................................................2/3ʋBefore each wash..........................................................................3/4ʋAfter each wash..............................................................................4/5ʋSelect options and change settings/Display panel.....................6ʋOverview of programmes.................................................................7ʋSafety instructions..............................................................................8ʋConsumption values..........................................................................8ʋImportant information........................................................................9ʋInformation on programmes/options ...........................................10ʋIntelligent Dosage System (i-DOS)........................................11–13ʋManual dosage.................................................................................13ʋCustomer service (13)Protection of the environment/conservation tips–Utilise the maximum load of washing for each particular programme.–Wash normally soiled fabrics without prewash.–The selectable temperatures apply to the care labels on thetextiles. The temperatures in the machine may deviate from this so that you get the optimum mix of energy-saving and washing results.–Detergent dosage using the intelligent dosage system helps save detergent and water.–Energy saving mode: The display panel light goes out after several minutes, $Start/Reload flashes. To activate the light, select any button.–If the washing is then dried in the tumble dryer, select spin speed according to the instructions of the dryer manufacturer.Automatic stain treatmentSpecial treatment of 16 different stain types is possible.No pretreatment of the stains is required – washing machine adjusts the washing process. a Page 10Preparing your washing machineCorrect installation according to separate Installation/Maintenance instructions.Checking the machine–Never switch on a damaged machine!–Inform your customer service!Insert mains plug–With dry hands only!–Take hold of the plug only!Turn on the tap34Start/ReloadProgramme selectorDrum light(depending on model) –goes out automatically when the washing machine door is opened or closed and after the programme starts.Open the washingmachine door 1.Sort the washing2.According to the information on the care labels.According to type; colour; soiling and temperature.Follow manufacturer’s care information!Do not exceed maximum load. a Page 7Follow important instructions! a Page 9Select a programme3.Programme selector for switching the machine on and offand for selecting the programme. Can be rotated in either direction.If childproof lock active, a Deactivate, Page 9Follow the information on thedisplay panel!Max. 8kg Cottons Insert laundryInsert laundry4.Observe load display on the display panel.a Page 90 Load: Max. 8kgCottons Insert laundryClose the washing machine door5.Do not trap any items of washing!finished in 2:26Cottonsi-DOS1: II i-DOS2: IIIntelligent dosage has been preset at the factory:i-DOS1 : ll = Detergent dosage : normal i-DOS2 : ll = Softener dosage : normalChange dosage a Page 12Select programme settings6.All buttons are sensitive, they only need to be touched gently!Temperature/Spin speed a Page 2Programme options (menu) a Page 6Stain selection a Page 10Manual dosage a Page 13Start programme7.B /C dispenser for manuali-DOS1 dispenser fo liquid detergenti-DOS2 dispenser for in softener or liquid detergWashinDetergent drawer with:/ Change buttons.Page 12= OFF; by pressing / Change buttons.dosage. a Page 12= OFF; by pressing / Change buttons.per minute, 0 = no spin while the programme is running). del); by pressing / Change buttons.e 6age 6a Page 6Before each washHandle of the detergentdrawerWashinFill dispensers i-DOS1 and i-DOS2a Page 11Wash once without any washing1.To prevent unused detergent from flowing into the outletduring the first wash: Pour 1 litre of water into dispenser B /C and start the >Empty programme.2.Wash once using L Cottons 90 °C programme withoutany washing .Before 1stwashadditional information (ʑServiceflap Washing machine door with handle End of programme ...When the displaybutton.Rinse holdIf Rinse hold–selectTerminating the programme––Selectng56–Insert laundry–––Soaking Dose detergent with i-DOS or pour into dispenser instructions. Select the required programme. Select Starching Select according to manufacturer's specifications (if required clean beforehand). Select Load displayThe load sensor detects the load level in the washing machine. The washing is not balanced.Load adjustIndependently of the load display, the load adjust. uses other sensors to optimally adjust the water and power consumption and the programme duration in each programme – depending on textile type and load.ReloadSelect starts. The machine checks whether a top-up is possible. Follow the information on the display panel #When selecting your detergent and care product, follow the manufacturers instructions.We recommend the use of standard, universal and color liquid detergents for all machine-washable, coloured textiles made of cotton and synthetic materials.Do not use any solvent-based, corrosive or gas-emitting products (e.g. liquid beach).To prevent product from drying, do not leave the fill cover open for a long time.11Changing dosage strength:setting is The selection (OFF/light/normal/strong) of i-DOS1 and i-DOS2 is retained for each programme until the next change occurs, even if the machine is switched off.ʑTo adjust the basic dosages:13Intelligent Dosage System (i-DOS)ʑConverting i-DOS2 dispenser contentsInstead of softener, a second liquid detergent can also be used in dispenser i-DOS2.1.Press ÙOptions button to select i-DOS2: content .2.Press / Change buttons to switch between softener anddetergent.finished in 2:26Ēi-DOS2: content®)c softener–An additional changeable insert for a second detergent is enclosed and can be fitted in the fill cover. a Page 11–When the dispenser contents are changed, the basic dosage is reset to the corresponding factory setting. If required, adjust the basic dosage.Manual dosage in dispenser B /C1.Set intelligent dosage to – (OFF). a Page 122.Dose in dispenser B /C according to amount of washing,manufacturer’s specifications and existing water hardness.B /C = Powder/liquid detergent–Do not manually dose liquid detergent for programmes with Prewash and/or with end time programme option.–For programmes with Prewash pour in detergent. a Page 9Do not open detergent drawer while water is being supplied.Customer serviceʑIf you cannot rectify the fault yourself (a separate Installation/Maintenance instructions, What to do if ...), please contact our customer service. We will always finds a suitable solution to avoid unnecessary visits by technicians.ʑYou can find the contact data for your nearest customer service here or in the customer service list (depending on model).–GB –IE***********(Calls from a BT landline will be charged at up to 3 pence per minute. A call set-up fee of up to 6 pence may apply.)01450 2655ʑPlease give customer service the product number (E-Nr.) and the production number (FD) of the appliance.Product number Production numberThese instructions can be found on: inside of washing machine door */open service flap * and rear of the appliance.* depending on model ʑRely on the competence of the manufacturer. Contact us.You can therefore be sure that the repair is carried out by trained service technicians who carry original spare parts.enoperating instructionsObserve the safety instructions on page 8.Read these instructions and the separate installationinstructions before operating the washing machine.。
干燥机控制面板说明书一、 直面图,接线图,尺寸图直面图 接线图尺寸图电源灯风机运行灯加热动作灯故障灯实际温度设定温度24小时时间二、功能说明①.测、控温范围:0-400度②.加热、为PID控温方式③.24小时实时时间显示④.九段定时开,关机功能⑤.开机延时和关机延时⑥.一周七天预约时间设定方法:在上电情况下,长按“时间设定键”3S,设定灯亮,则在PV上显示“1ON”星期一开机时间,此时可以通过按“加键”或“减键”和“移位键”可修改当前设定值,再按一下“时间设定键”,则在PV上显示“1OF”星期一关机时间,此时可以通过按“加键”或“减键”和“移位键”可修改当前设定值,如此类推在“1ON-1OFF~7ON-7OFF”之间循环显示,按照上述操作,可设置周一至周七的开、关机的时间。
5)根据清洗物品设备程序,程序设定好以后,不需要经常改动,使用过程中sop-sb1002-00 2/2如需要更改某一数据,直接按“←”,使电脑显示在某一状态的反字体,然后按“+”或“-”健进行更改。
5) 严禁用硬物磕碰操作屏,以免造成设备损坏.6.2维修1)检修设备时一定要切断电源,确认无误后方可进行检修。
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word格式文档TXZK-1型密集烤房控制器使用说明书深圳市派沃新能源科技有限公司专业整理word格式文档专业整理目录一、密集烤房控制器简介: (1)二、控制器面板功能说明 (3)三、控制器的工作模式 (5)四、按键功能与操作说明 (6)五、高级设置与手动操作 (9)六、安装指导....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
七、注意事项....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
八、技术指标....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
九、售后服务承诺及免责声明......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
十、环境保护倡议................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
十一、保修卡.. (18)word格式文档一、密集烤房控制器简介:密集烤房控制器是为烟叶烘烤设计的一款自动控制产品,适用于各种密集型烤房。
7)具有RS485组网通信接口,使用工业标准Modbus RTU通讯协议,可以通过计算机读取控制器的工作过程记录,包括烤房内干湿球的温度记录、时间记录、停电记录等,为用户总结烘烤经验提供依据。
word格式文档二、控制器面板功能说明word格式文档1.面板功能说明1) 段码式液晶显示,烘烤时显示上下棚状态、控制棚的干湿球温度、当前目标控制的干湿球温度、阶段时间、总时间、当前控制曲线全部数据、工作模式、输出状态(助燃、排湿、循环风速)、电压测量值、烤次、当前日历时钟。
2) 2个发光管分别用于指示控制器运行状态和参数设置状态。
3) 8个按键,分别为2.按键的功能定义word格式文档三、控制器的工作模式控制器内置两种工作模式,分别为曲线模式和自设模式,为了方便操作,在非烘烤过程中按键3秒可以直接进行曲线模式的下部叶工作方式和自设模式之间的转换。
多段工作方式操作方法:1) 在测量显示状态,按键3秒进入。
2) 反复按动键,设定数据会在“曲线数据、工作模式、日期时钟选择”三组参数中第一个数据之间跳动,形成闭环操作。
3) 按键使屏上数据逐个切换激活,被激活的数据会闪动。
4) 按键来修改激活后的参数。
5) 按键保存本次数据设置。
6) 按键将取消本次数据设置。
2)停止烘烤:运行过程中按住 3秒以上待运行指示灯灭,退出烘烤过程。
4)查询:按可以查看另一棚的温湿度值和风机电流值,长按 3秒以上进入历史烘烤记录查询状态,在此状态下可以通过和浏览烘烤的历史数据。
八、技术指标1.控制器工作电源:AC380V±20%2.温度测量范围:0~99.9℃分辨率0.1℃3.温度测量误差:±0.5℃4.电压测量误差:±5V5.电流测量误差:±0.5Aword格式文档7.电池规格:5号电池,1.5V,3节8.外型尺寸:415mm×295mm×127mm9.外壳材料:阻燃ABS塑料V-1级10.输出容量:助燃鼓风机AC220V 0.7A ,排湿风门DC12V 0.8A,循环风机AC380V 5A11.控制器功耗:5W12.空气开关容量:AC400V 32A/3A九、售后服务承诺及免责声明我公司系列密集烤房控制器均应在说明书规定或相关行业产品规范许可的条件下使用,仅在承诺或本身质量原因范围内,且在质保期内,提供免费维修服务;如在保质期内属于我方责任而我方无法进行有效维修的产品,可以进行更换;超出质量保证期的,维修、服务时仅收取实际发生成本费用。