

NPort 6150 6250 Series Quick Installation Guide

NPort 6150 6250 Series Quick Installation Guide

P/N: 1802061500016 *1802061500016*NPort 6150/6250 Series Quick Installation GuideEdition 9.0, November 2016Technical Support Contact Information/supportMoxa Americas:Toll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Tel: 1-714-528-6777 Fax: 1-714-528-6778 Moxa China (Shanghai office): Toll-free: 800-820-5036 Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505 Moxa Europe:Tel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99 Moxa Asia-Pacific:Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231 Moxa India:Tel: +91-80-4172-9088 Fax: +91-80-4132-10452016 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe NPort 6150/6250 series secure serial device servers provide reliable serial-to-Ethernet connectivity for a wide range of serial devices. The NPort 6150/6250 support TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP, andPair-Connection operation modes to ensure the compatibility of network software. In addition, the NPort 6150/6250 also support Secure TCP Server, Secure TCP Client, Secure Pair-Connection, and Secure Real COM modes for security critical applications such as banking, telecom, access control, and remote site management.Package ChecklistBefore installing a NPort 6150/6250 secure device server, verify that the package contains the following items:• 1 NPort 6150 or NPort 6250•Power adapter (does not apply to -T models)• 2 wallmount ears•Documentation and software CD•Quick installation guide (this guide)•Warranty cardOptional Accessories•DK-35A: DIN-rail mounting kit (35 mm)•DIN-rail power supply•CBL-RJ45M9-150: 8-pin RJ45 to male DB9 cable•CBL-RJ45M25-150: 8-pin RJ45 to male DB25 cableNOTE: Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.Hardware IntroductionNPort 6150NPort 6250Reset Button—Press the Reset Button continuously for 5 sec to load factory defaults. Use a pointed object, such as a straightened paper clip or toothpick, to press the reset button. This will cause the Ready LED to blink on and off. The factory defaults will be loaded once the Ready LED stops blinking (after about 5 seconds). At this point, you should release the reset button.LED IndicatorsAdjustable pull high/low resistor for RS-422/485 (150 K Ω or 1 K Ω)Jumpers are used to set the pull high/low resistors. The default is 150 kΩ. Short the jumpers to set this value to 1 kΩ. Do not use the 1 kΩ setting with RS -232 mode, since doing so will degrade the RS-232 signals and shorten the communication distance.Hardware Installation ProcedureSTEP 1: Connect the 12-48 VDC power adaptor to the NPort 6150 andthen plug the power adaptor into a DC outlet.STEP 2: For first-time configuration, use a cross-over Ethernet cable toconnect the NPort 6150 directly to your computer’s Ethernet cable. For connecting to a network, use a standardstraight-through Ethernet cable to connect to a hub or switch.STEP 3: Connect the NPort 6150’s serial port to a serial device.Placement OptionsThe NPort 6150/6250 can be placed flat on a desktop or other horizontal surface. In addition, you may use the DIN-rail or wallmount options, as illustrated below.WallmountDin RailSoftware Installation InformationThe Documentation and software CD contains the user’s manual, NPort Search Utility, and the PComm Lite Suite. Insert the CD into yourcomputer’s CD-ROM drive and follow the on-screen instructions. Please refer to the user’s manual for additional details on using the NPort Search Utility and PComm Lite.Pin Assignments and Cable WiringTwo serial cables for connecting the NPort 6150 to a serial device can be purchased separately. The wiring diagrams for the two cables are shown below.。

DoD UII Guide V2.0 美国国防部唯一标识符导则

DoD UII Guide V2.0 美国国防部唯一标识符导则

Department of Defense Guide to UniquelyIdentifying ItemsAssuring Valuation, Accountability and Control of Government PropertyVersion 2.0October 1, 2008Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense(Acquisition, Technology & Logistics)PrefaceThis Version 2.0 of the Department of Defense Guide to UniquelyIdentifying Items replaces all previous versions.Summary of Changes from Version 1.6 (Dated June 1, 2006) toVersion 2.0:a. Content changes were incorporated in the basic document:• To include Department of Defense (DoD) Directive8320.03, Unique Identification (UID) Standards for a Net-Centric Department of Defense, March 23, 2007, whichprovides for UID data standards development andimplementation of the Department’s UID strategy.• To include DoD Instruction 8320.04, Item UniqueIdentification (IUID) Standards for Tangible PersonalProperty, June 16, 2008, which provides for IUID policyimplementation.• To update terminology and references associated with theDoD Business Enterprise Architecture.• To include program manager and item manager roles in theitem management discussion.• To incorporate changes in DoDI 5000.64, Defense PropertyAccountability, November 2, 2006.• To clarify applicability of DFARS 252.211-7003 to newequipment, major modifications, and reprocurements ofequipment and spares.• To clarify that alternative implementation is permittedprovided that the acquired items are marked and registeredno later than 30 days after receipt.• To emphasize that embedded items that require IUID mustbe listed in the contract.• To clarify the distinction among the concatenated UII, theUII data set, and the mark or data string containing the UIIdata set.• To emphasize that Construct 2 contains an original partnumber or, when serialization is within a lot or batch,contains a lot or batch number in lieu of the original part number.• To provide additional guidance on the use of data qualifiers for single data elements that are sufficient to derive UIIs. • To further clarify that the Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) must contain a unique serial number for DoD recognized IUID equivalent application.• To emphasize the responsibility of the entity in the enterprise identifier to ensure the uniqueness of the UII at the time of its assignment and to emphasize the continuing nature of the responsibility.• To further emphasize that the enterprise identifier in the UII is the entity that is responsible for compliance with the UII rules. An entity cannot commit another entity to that responsibility without authority. The fundamental principle is: Never use another entity’s enterprise identifier in the UII without permission or direction from the competent authority for that enterprise identifier.• To clarify and expand references to the enterprise identifier NCAGE.• To remove redundant descriptions of UII Constructs #1 and #2.• To remove guidance language related to evaluating items meeting the mission essential and controlled inventory criteria for possible exclusion. This guidance was inconsistent with IUID policy language associated specifically with mission essential and controlled inventory. Related annotations in Figure 2 and Figure 3 were removed.• To clarify that the parent item of an embedded item may be chosen at any appropriate level of configuration above the level of the embedded item.• To clarify that Sets, Kits and Outfits (SKO) may qualify for IUID based on the criteria applied to delivered items and that individual items in the SKO may qualify for IUID as embedded items in the parent SKO.• To update the reference for the Coded Representation of the North American Telecommunications Industry Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Related Service Companies Number from ANSI T1.220 to ATIS-0322000. Table 3 was revised accordingly.• To clarify that the issuing agency code (IAC) for the GS1 Company Prefix need not be derived because it is containedin each GS1 Company Prefix. The IAC should not berepeated when forming the concatenated UII.• To clarify that the IAC for the data qualifiers 3V, 18V, 25S, EUC and UID need not be derived because it is containedin each data element. The IAC should not be repeatedwhen forming the concatenated UII.• To provide a method for identifying a traceability number that is not part of the UII. Table 4 was revised accordingly.• To incorporate marking quality provisions ofMIL-STD-130N in Figure 5.• To clarify discussion of when to mark items.b. Appendix A definitions were updated and edited forcompatibility with original part number and lot or batch number usage, and other UII clarifications and distinctions as emphasized in the basic document.c. Appendix B references were updated.d. Appendix C was updated to version 4.0 of the Business Ruleswith content changes incorporated:• To emphasize that both classified and unclassified contracts require IUID.• To clarify that the concatenated UII may be derived from a single data element when using certain data qualifiers.• To require that the marking of component data elements in addition to the concatenated UII be selected and specifiedexplicitly.• To clarify that an encoded UII data string may contain the component data elements in any order. The ordering of theelements into a valid UII is done after the decoding of thesymbol.• To emphasize that the enterprise identifier in the UII is the entity that is responsible for compliance with the UII rulesand that an entity cannot use another entity’s enterpriseidentifier in the UII without permission or direction fromthe competent authority for that enterprise identifier.• To clarify that original part numbers and lot or batch numbers are mutually exclusive in the UII. In order toavoid ambiguity, only one of those three types of original numbers may appear in the mark.• To clarify that AIT devices determine the UII Construct from the specific set of data qualifiers.• To allow the UII Construct #2 requirement to maintain the original part number or lot or batch number on the item for the life of the item to be satisfied by maintaining the data element containing the original part number or lot or batch number on the item for the life of the item (e.g., TEI UID ). • To emphasize that added data elements must not introduce ambiguity in the concatenation of the UII and must conform to all other business rules.• To allow enterprise identifiers as added data elements provided that any additional enterprise identifier does not introduce ambiguity in the concatenation of the UII.• To require that single data elements that are sufficient to derive UIIs (i.e., 18S, 25S, UID , UST , USN , and DoD recognized IUID equivalents) always be interpreted as the UII regardless of any apparent ambiguity introduced by additional data elements in the symbol.• To clarify that ISO/IEC 15434 syntax is required for the Data Matrix ECC 200 symbol.• To require that the concatenated UII not exceed 50 characters in length. Maximum field lengths for individual data elements are not changed, however the overall length limitation must be met.• To prescribe the use of dashes(-) and slashes(/) in MH10.8.2 Data Identifiers (DIs) as significant characters for part numbers, lot or batch numbers, and serial numbers, and in DIs that are composed from these numbers (i.e., S, 18S, 25S, 1P, 30P and 30T).• To prohibit the use of dashes and slashes as separators between component parts in a single data element that is formed from component parts.• To caution users on practical limitations of implementing free text formats.• To emphasize that prior to derivation of UIIs from backup information the existence of a UII shall be checked by querying the IUID Registry for confirmation of any identifiable information already marked on the item.• To clarify that existing databases may use a combination of the UII component data elements to retrieve data records.• To prohibit assigning more than one UII to an item.• To clarify that Business Rules for Items in Operational Use or in Inventory apply in addition to Business Rules #1-#27.• To clarify that the enterprise identifier used in marking a legacy item must be the enterprise identifier of the entityassigning and registering the UII of the item.• To clarify that the choice to use or not use the existing part number and/or existing serial number of a legacy item aspart of the UII under their EID is the responsibility of theentity assigning the UII as is the uniqueness of the resultingUII.• To require that the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) enterprise identifier and manufacturer assigned serialnumber, if marked on the item and not a part of the UII, beregistered.• To clarify that an item that is not sufficiently identifiable to confirm serviceability should not be assigned a UII.• To clarify that support contracts shall specify the extent to which IUID Business Rules for items in operational use orin inventory apply.• To clarify that IUID is required for Government property in the possession of a contractor.• To clarify that Business Rules for Items in Operational Use or in Inventory apply in addition to Business Rules #1-#32.e. Appendix D was updated with content changes incorporated:• To replace interim format indicator “DD” with the newly assigned format indicator “12” for use with Text ElementIdentifiers (TEIs). Items that have been marked with theformat indicator “DD” do not have to be re-marked butfurther use of “DD” is not permitted.• To update Table 5 to remove Application Identifiers (AIs)95 and 10 which are no longer used to construct UIIs.These Application Identifiers may continue to be used asadditional data elements. Data qualifiers for single dataelements that are sufficient to derive UIIs were reorderedand IUID equivalents were grouped together. The DI 30Twas introduced to provide a method for identifying atraceability number that is not part of the UII.• To clarify the distinction among TEIs LOT , LTN and BII . • To expand the AI 8004 Global Individual Asset Identifier(GIAI) to include new GS1 procedures to convert a serialized Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN™) toa GIAI.• To clarify the distinction between DIs 1P and 30P.• To clarify the distinction between DIs 1T and 30T.• To replace Figure 6 with new figures—Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8. The new figures contain the required data qualifiers and the resultant concatenated UII for the UII constructs and the IUID equivalents. A separate figure is provided for each format indicator.• To replace Table 6 and the accompanying examples for Construct #1 using DIs. The component data elements were eliminated from the previous examples. Selected component data elements are required when they are specified explicitly.• To update Table 7 and the accompanying example for Construct #2 using DIs. New Table 7 uses the previous example for serialization within the original part number. • To insert new Table 8 with a new example for serialization within the lot number.• To update Table 9 and accompanying example for constructing the UII from the component elements of a serialized Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN™). • To update and move Table 8 (renumbered new Table 10) and to clarify the accompanying example using the AI for the IUID equivalent GIAI. The example uses a GIAI using the individual asset reference number.• To insert new Table 11 and the accompanying example introducing new GS1 procedures to convert a serialized Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN™) to a GIAI. • To incorporate the replacement of the interim format indicator “DD” by format indicator “12” in the appropriate tables and figures. Items that have been marked with the format indicator “DD” do not have to be re-marked but further use of “DD” is not permitted.• To update the examples for Construct #1 and Construct #2 using TEIs and the new format indicator “12”. The example for serialization within original part number was annotated to clarify that LOT , LTN or BII should besubstituted for PNO for serialization within the lot or batchnumber, as appropriate.• To renumber Tables 10, 11 and 12 to Tables 12, 13 and 14 respectively.f. Appendix E was updated and the unused CLEI was deleted.g. Changes for compatibility with the changes reflected above, aswell as various typographical, grammatical and format corrections, were made throughout.Table of Contents Preface (ii)Chapter 1: The Environment (1)The Government Property Management Challenge (1)The Definition of Items (2)The Objectives (2)Item Management (3)The Players (3)Processes, Activities and Actions (5)Chapter 2: The Need to Uniquely Identify Items (7)Differentiating Items Throughout the Supply Chain (7)Accounting for Acquired Items (7)Contractor-acquired Property on Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts (8)Establishing Item Acquisition Cost (8)Using Contract Line Items (8)Valuation of Items for the IUID Registry (10)Chapter 3: Requirements for Item Unique Identification (12)What is an Item? (12)Deciding What Items are to be Identified as Unique (12)Items Delivered Under Contracts and Legacy Items in Inventory and Operational Use (12)Unit Acquisition Cost Threshold (14)IUID of Items Below the $5,000 Threshold (14)DoD Serially Managed (14)Mission Essential (15)Controlled Inventory (15)Other Compelling Reasons for Items Below the $5,000 Threshold (16)IUID of Embedded Items Regardless of Value (16)IUID of Sets, Kits and Outfits (16)Legacy Items in Operational Use and Inventory (17)Chapter 4: Determining Uniqueness of Items (19)Defining the Data Elements for the Unique Item Identifier (19)What is the Unique Item Identifier (UII)? (19)The Notion of an Enterprise (19)Unique Identification of Items (20)Serialization Within the Enterprise Identifier (20)Serialization Within the Part, Lot or Batch Number (21)Issuing Agency Codes for Use in Item Unique Identification (21)Including Unique Item Identifier (UII) Data Elements on an Item (22)Derivation of the Concatenated UII (22)Concatenated UII Derivation Process (24)Deciding Where to Place Data Elements for Item Unique Identification on Items..25 DoD Recognized IUID Equivalents (26)Compliant Unique Item Identifier (26)Considerations for Suppliers (26)Deciding When to Place IUID Data Elements on the Item (28)Use of the Unique Item Identifiers in Automated Information Systems (29)Roles and Responsibilities for Property Records (30)Appendix A - Definitions (31)Key Definitions (31)Appendix B - Where Does the Guidance Exist Today? (41)Appendix C - Business Rules (Version 4.0) (42)What are Business Rules? (42)IUID Business Rules (42)Contracts and Administration (43)UII Construction and Physical Marking (43)Items Considered Part of a New Solicitation (43)Items in Operational Use or in Inventory (48)Items Considered Tangible Personal Property Owned by the Government in thePossession of a Contractor that Have Not Been Previously Marked (49)Appendix D - The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification (50)Structuring the Data Elements for Item Unique Identification (50)Semantics (50)Syntax (52)Examples of Semantics and Syntax Constructions for Item Unique Identification (57)Using ANS MH 10 Data Identifiers (57)Using GS1 Application Identifiers (62)Historic Use of Text Element Identifiers (67)The Collaborative AIT Solution (67)Using Text Element Identifiers (68)Appendix E - Glossary of Terms (73)Chapter 1The EnvironmentT HE G OVERNMENT P ROPERTY M ANAGEMENTC HALLENGEThe Government Accountability Office (GAO) aptly describes thechallenge faced by today’s managers of Federal Government property:“GAO and other auditors have repeatedly found that the federalgovernment lacks complete and reliable information for reported inventoryand other property and equipment, and can not determine that all assets arereported, verify the existence of inventory, or substantiate the amount ofreported inventory and property. These longstanding problems withvisibility and accountability are a major impediment to the federalgovernment achieving the goals of legislation for financial reporting andaccountability. Further, the lack of reliable information impairs thegovernment’s ability to (1) know the quantity, location, condition, andvalue of assets it owns, (2) safeguard its assets from physical deterioration,theft, loss, or mismanagement, (3) prevent unnecessary storage andmaintenance costs or purchase of assets already on hand, and (4)determine the full costs of government programs that use these assets.Consequently, the risk is high that the Congress, managers of federalagencies, and other decision makers are not receiving accurate informationfor making informed decisions about future funding, oversight of federalprograms involving inventory, and operational readiness”.1 Further, theCongress has demanded greater fiscal accountability from managers offederal government property.21 GAO-02-447G, Executive Guide, Best Practices in Achieving Consistent, Accurate Physical Counts of Inventory and Related Property, March 2002, page 6.2 Ibid., page 5: The GAO observes that “In the 1990s, the Congress passed the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 and subsequent related legislation, the Government Management Reform Act of 1994, the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, and the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996. The intent of these acts is to (1) improve financial management, (2) promote accountability and reduce costs, and (3) emphasize results-oriented management. For the government’s major departments and agencies, these laws (1) established chief financial officer positions, (2) required annual audited financial statements, and (3) set expectations for agencies to develop and deploy modern financial management systems, produce sound cost and operating performance information, and design results-oriented reports on the government’s financial position by integrating budget, accounting, and program information. Federal departments and agencies work hard to address the requirements of these laws but are challenged to provide useful, reliable, and timely inventory data, which is still not available for daily management needs.”T HE D EFINITION OF I TEMSFor the purposes of this guide, an item is a single hardware article or asingle unit formed by a grouping of subassemblies, components, orconstituent parts.3T HE O BJECTIVESDepartment of Defense (DoD) Directive 8320.03, Unique Identification(UID) Standards for a Net-Centric Department of Defense, March 23,2007, provides for UID data standards development and implementationof the Department’s UID strategy. It establishes policy and prescribes thecriteria and responsibilities for creation, maintenance, and disseminationof UID data standards for discrete entities to enable on-demandinformation in a net-centric environment, which is an essential element inthe accountability, control, and management of DoD assets and resources.It also establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the establishmentof the Department’s integrated enterprise-wide UID strategy and for thedevelopment, management, and use of unique identifiers and theirassociated authoritative data sources in a manner that precludesredundancy. Item unique identification (IUID) is the fundamental elementof the Department’s strategy for the management of its tangible items ofpersonal property. A corresponding DoD Instruction 8320.04, ItemUnique Identification (IUID) Standards for Tangible Personal Property,has been issued for policy implementation.DoD Instruction 5000.64, Defense Property Accountability, requires thataccountability records be established for all property (property, plant andequipment) with a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, and items thatare sensitive or classified, or items furnished to third parties, regardless ofacquisition cost. Property records and/or systems are to provide acomplete trail of all transactions, suitable for audit.4DoD 4140.1-R, DoD Supply Chain Material Management Regulation,requires accountability and inventory control requirements for all propertyand materiel received in the wholesale supply system.A key component of effective property management is to use sound,modern business practices.3 DFARS 252.211-7003(a).4 Property accountability records and systems shall contain the data elements specified in DoD Instruction 5000.64, paragraph 6.6, including part number, cost, national stock number, unique item identifier (UII) or DoD recognized item unique identification (IUID) equivalent, and other data elements listed.In terms of achieving the desirable end state of integrated management ofitems, the collective DoD goal shared by all functional processes involvedin property management is to uniquely identify items, while relying to themaximum extent possible on international standards and commercial itemmarkings and not imposing unique Government requirements. Uniqueidentification of items will help achieve:• Integration of item data across the Department of Defense(hereafter referred to as the Department), and Federal andindustry asset management systems, as envisioned by the DoDBusiness Enterprise Architecture (BEA)5, to include improveddata quality and global interoperability and rationalization ofsystems and infrastructure.• Improved item management and accountability.• Improved asset visibility and life cycle management.• Clean audit opinions on item portions6 of DoD financialstatements.I TEM M ANAGEMENTThe acquisition, production, maintenance, storage, and distribution ofitems require complete and accurate asset records to be effective, and toensure mission readiness. Such records are also necessary for operationalefficiency and improved visibility, as well as for sound financialmanagement. Physical controls and accountability over items reduce therisk of (1) undetected theft and loss, (2) unexpected shortages of criticalitems, and (3) unnecessary purchases of items already on hand.T HE P LAYERSProgram managers and item managers lead the coordinated efforts ofvarious stakeholders. The principal functional stakeholders in itemmanagement are Engineering Management; Acquisition Management;Property, Plant and Equipment Accountability; Logistics Management andAccountability, and Financial Management. Asset visibility is crosscuttingto these five functions. Their interests involve the following:5 On March 15, 2007, the DoD Business Transformation Agency (BTA) released the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA 4.1), which defines the processes, roles, data structures, information flows, business rules, and standards required to guide improvements in the Core Business Missions (CBMs) of the Department.6 These financial statement portions are (1) Property, Plant and Equipment and (2) Operating Materials and Supplies.Engineering Management. DoD Directive 5000.1, DefenseAcquisition System, requires that acquisition programs be managedthrough the application of a systems engineering approach that optimizestotal system performance and minimizes total ownership costs. A modular,open-systems approach is employed, where feasible. For purposes of itemmanagement, engineering plays a crucial role in the documentation oftechnical data that defines items and the configuration management ofthese items throughout their useful life.Acquisition Management. The Federal AcquisitionRegulation (FAR) Part 45, Government Property, prescribes policies forfurnishing Government property to contractors including the use,maintenance, management and reporting of Government-furnishedproperty and contractor-acquired property, and for the return, delivery, ordisposal of Government-furnished property and contractor-acquiredproperty.Property, Plant and Equipment Accountability.DoD Instruction 5000.647 provides a comprehensive framework for DoDproperty accountability policies, procedures, and practices; and assistsDoD property managers, accounting and financial officers, and otherofficials in understanding their roles and responsibilities relating toproperty accountability. It establishes accountability policy for property,plant, and equipment (PP&E); and contains concepts useful for assetmanagement throughout the Department, particularly for property in thepossession of individual military units and end-users. It excludes propertyand materiel for which accountability and inventory control requirementsare prescribed in DoD 4140.1-R and DoD 4000.25-2-M.8Logistics Management and Accountability. DoDDirective 4140.1, Materiel Management Policy, specifies policies formateriel management. It is the Department’s policy that:• Materiel management is responsive to customer requirementsduring peacetime and war.• Acquisition, transportation, storage, and maintenance costs areconsidered in materiel management decisions.7 DoDI 5000.64 integrates the broad requirements of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Actof 1949, as amended (Act of 30 June 1949, 63 Stat. 372), and the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 into an overarching property accountability policy for property, plant and equipment. This instruction complements the accounting and financial reporting requirements contained in DoD 7000.14-R.8 Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures (MILSTRAP).• Standard data systems are used to implement materielmanagement functions.• The secondary item inventory is sized to minimize theDepartment's investment while providing the inventory neededto support peacetime and war requirements• Materiel control and asset visibility are maintained for thesecondary item inventory.DoD 4000.25-M, Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS)Manual, prescribes logistics management policy, responsibilities,procedures, rules, and electronic data communications standards for theconduct of logistics operations in the functional areas of supply,transportation, acquisition (contract administration), maintenance, andfinance.9Financial Management. DoD Instruction 7000.14, DefenseFinancial Management Regulation, specifies that all DoD Componentsshall use a single DoD-wide financial management regulation foraccounting, budgeting, finance, and financial management education andtraining. That regulation is DoD 7000.14-R. It directs financialmanagement requirements, systems, and functions for all appropriated,non-appropriated, working capital, revolving, and trust fund activities. Inaddition, it directs statutory and regulatory financial reportingrequirements.Joint Total Asset Visibility. Joint total asset visibility is thecapability that provides Combatant Commanders, the Military Services,and the Defense Agencies with timely and accurate information on thelocation; movement; status; and identity of units, personnel, equipment,and supplies.10P ROCESSES, A CTIVITIES AND A CTIONSItem management involves many functional processes, activities andactions, all focused on operations involving items. These operations mustbe integrated and flow smoothly so that the needs of warfighters for items9The DLMS is a system governing logistics functional business management standards and practices rather than an automated information system.10 “In every troop deployment this century, DoD has been plagued by a major difficulty—the inability to see assets as they flow into a theater and are in storage. This situation has led to direct and significant degradation in operational readiness. When assets in the pipeline are not visible, they are difficult to manage. Property is lost, customers submit duplicate requisitions, superfluous materiel chokes the transportation system, and the cycle continues. Assets at the retail level that are not visible and, therefore, not available for redistribution, further compound the degradation of operational readiness.” Joint Total Asset Visibility Strategic Plan, January 1999, Joint Total Asset Visibility Office, DoD.。

Additel ADT681数字压力仪说明书

Additel ADT681数字压力仪说明书

ModelADT681: Regular gaugeADT681IS: ATEX certified intrinsically safe Accuracy681(IS)-02: 0.025% of full scale 681(IS)-05: 0.05% of full scale 681(IS)-10: 0.1% of full scale 681(IS)-20: 0.2% of full scale(For detailed accuracy, please see pressure range table)Gauge TypesGauge pressure Compound pressure Absolute pressure Differential pressureFan-shaped Graph ScaleSimilar to analog dials, including pressure swing, % indication with fan-shaped graph scale for visual reference, low/high alarm.DisplayDescription: 5 full digit FSTN LCDDisplay rate: 3 readings per second (Default setting).Adjustable from 10 readings per second to 1 reading every ten secondsNumeral display height: 16.5mm (0.65")OVERVIEWGauge pressure Differential pressureWith advanced microprocessor technology and state-of-the-art silicon pressure sensors, the 681 series digital pressure gauges provide an accurate, reliable, and economic solution for a wide range of pressure applications. They are loaded with functionality and remarkably easy to use. To reach the best performance, every silicon pressure sensor in our gauges is specially aged, tested and screened before assembly. The 681 series digital pressure gauges are unmatched in performance and reliability. Best of all, they are very affordableFEATURESPressure ranges to 36,000 psi (2500 bar) 0.025% full scale accuracy (681-02) 0.05% full scale accuracy (681-05) 0.1% full scale accuracy (681-10) 0.2% full scale accuracy (681-20)Fully temperature compensated accuracy from 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C) Up to eleven selectable pressure unitsLarge, easy to read display with 5-digit resolution Backlit display% pressure indication with fan-shaped graph scale for visual referenceDisplay flash warning when pressure over 120% of FSBottom mount or panel mountATEX certified intrinsically safe (Model 681IS) NIST traceable calibration with data(included)9V battery power or AC adapter (optional)SPECIFICATIONSPressure ranges to 36,000 psi (2500 bar)0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1% or 0.2% FS accuracy% pressure indication with fan-shaped graphscale for visual referenceFully temperature compensated accuracy Panel mount gauges are availableDigital Pressure GaugesAdditel 681Pressure RangesNote: [1]. Sealed gauge pressure for above 1000 psi[2]. G=Gas, L=Liquid (please specify media type when place order) [3]. 0.025% FS for gas media onlyPressure UnitsPa, kPa, MPa, psi, bar, mbar, kgf/cm 2, inH 2O@4°C mmH2O@4°C, inHg@0°C, mmHg@0°CEnvironmentalCompensated Temperature: 14°F to 122°F (-10°C to 50°C)Operating Temperature*: 14°F to 122°F(-10°C to 50°C)*0.025%FS accuracy guaranteed only over the ambient temperature range of 68°F to 79°F (20°C to 26°C)Storage Temperature: -4°F to 158°F (-20°C to 70°C)Humidity: <95%SPECIFICATIONS681 with rubber bootSPECIFICATIONSORDERING INFORMATIONPressure Port1/4NPT male, 1/4BSP male, M20×1.5 male (≤15,000 PSI)1/4HP female or 1/4HP male(≥15,000 PSI)*1/4HP female: Autoclave F-250-C, 9/16" - 18 UNF-2B *1/4HP male: Autoclave M-250-C, 9/16" - 18 UNF-2A0.236 inch (Ø6 mm) test hose (for differential pressure)Other connections available per requestPowerBattery: One 9V alkaline battery (included)Battery life: 300 hours (10 readings/s), 600 hours (3 reading/s), or 6000 hours (1 reading/10s)Power auto-off: 60 minutes power auto-off. Auto-off may be disableExternal power: 110/220V external power adapter (optional)*(Do not use the external power adapter in a hazardous atmosphere)Model NumberModel:ADT681ADT681ISAccuracy:02-0.025% of full scale 05-0.05% of full scale 10-0.1% of full scale 20-0.2% of full scaleRange type:PSI-range by psi BAR-range by bar H 2O-range by inH 2OPressure port type:N- 1/4NPT male N2- 1/2NPT male B-1/4BSP male M-M20X1.5 maleAF-Autoclave F-250-C female AM-Autoclave M-250-C malePressure range P/N:See pressure range table PB:Panel mount with back pressure portEnclosureCase material: Aluminum alloy Wetted parts: 316L SS Dimension:Ø110mm X 35mm depth X 176mm height(panel mount gauge: Ø140mm X 86mm depth)Weight: 0.6kgIntrinsic Safety and European Compliance CE markedATEX certified intrinsically safe (ADT681IS)Communication: RS232*(Do not use the RS-232 connector in a hazardous atmosphere)Warranty: 1 yearAccessories includedRubber boot (Except panel mount gauges)9V alkaline battery (1 pc)ManualNIST traceable calibration certificateOptional AccessoriesGP300PSI PB02N 681 Panel mount with back pressure port。



1IntroductionThe device reference manual provides a list of all supported SerDes protocols.Only SerDes options that have been validated on silicon are documented in the reference manual. Custom SerDes configuration may be supported by reconfiguring the lanes for the desired settings if validated and approved by NXP. Any changes to configuration of default SerDes options require software reconfiguration.This document describes the sequence to reconfigure SerDes lanes from SGMII to USXGMII/XFI and two PCIe x2 lanes at Gen 1 or Gen 2 speeds for the LX2160A device. Subsequent reconfiguration from SFI/XFI to 10GBase-KR or USXGMII shall follow the sequence described in the LX2160A Reference Manual.2SerDes configuration requirementsThis document describes a use case requirement of four lanes of USXGMII/XFI and two PCIe x2 lanes at Gen 1 or Gen 2 speeds,shown as SerDes 1 protocol number 31 in Table 1. Protocol 31 is not one of the default SerDes options for the LX2160A, therefore,it is not documented in the LX2160A Reference Manual. However, standard MC firmware versions 10.24.1 and later add support for protocol 31.This document describes the sequence that results in the target configuration which can be summarized as:1.Start with SerDes protocol 11, which supports four lanes of SGMII on lanes F, E, B, and A, and two PCIe x2 lanes at Gen 3 speed on lanes H, G, D, and C.2.Reconfigure the SGMII lanes to USXGMII/XFI and limit the PCIe lanes to Gen 2 speed.3.Change the PLL assignment for USXGMII/XFI to PLLS since 10G Ethernet only runs on PLLS.4.Change the PLL assignment for PCIe to PLLF since it runs on 5 GHz VCO frequency so it cannot run on the same PLL as USXGMII/XFI.Table 1.SerDes 1 reconfigurationThe reconfiguration sequence assumes the following starting RCW settings:•SRDS_PRTCL_S1 = 5'b01011 to select protocol 11.Contents 1Introduction......................................12SerDes configuration requirements ........................................................13Software sequence.........................24RCWSR29 override. (65)Revision history (7)AN13022LX2160A SerDes 1 Lane Reconfiguration from 11 to 31Rev. 0 — 10/2020Application Note•SRDS_DIV_PEX_S1 = 2'b10 to configure PCIe to train up to a max rate of 5G (Gen 2).•SRDS_PLL_REF_CLK_SEL_S1 = 2'b mn, where m selects the reference clock for the PCIe lanes on PLLS and n selects the reference clock for USXGMII/XFI lanes on PLLF. Example:—m = 0 for 100 MHz PCIe reference clock—n = 1 for 161.1328125 MHz USXGMII/XFI reference clock•SRDS_PLL_PD_PLL1 = 0 and SRDS_PLL_PD_PLL2 = 0 so both PLLF and PLLS are powered up.•SRDS_REFCLKF_DIS_S1 = 0 to keep SD1_PLLF_REF_CLK enabled.•SRDS_INTRA_REF_CLK_S1 = 0 intra reference clock is not used.3Software sequenceThe reconfiguration sequence must be implemented in PBI and is shown below.1.Disable SGMII for lanes A, B, E, and F.•SD1: PCC8 (offset 0x10A0) = 0x0000_0000—SGMIIA_CFG = 0 disable SGMIIa—SGMIIB_CFG = 0 disable SGMIIb—SGMIIE_CFG = 0 disable SGMIIe—SGMIIF_CFG = 0 disable SGMIIf2.Enable XFI mode for lanes A, B, E, and F•SD1: PCCC (offset 0x10B0) = 0x9900_9900—SXGMIIA_XFI = 1 PCS operates in XFI/SFI mode—SXGMIIA_CFG = 001b enable SXGMIIa—SXGMIIB_XFI = 1 PCS operates in XFI/SFI mode—SXGMIIB_CFG = 001b enable SXGMIIb—SXGMIIE_XFI = 1 PCS operates in XFI/SFI mode—SXGMIIE_CFG = 001b enable SXGMIIe—SXGMIIF_XFI = 1 PCS operates in XFI/SFI mode—SXGMIIF_CFG = 001b enable SXGMIIf3.Assume 100 MHz reference clock for PLLF for the PCIe lanes•SD1: PLLFCR0 (offset 0x0404) = 0x0000_0000—REFCLK_SEL = 00000b for 100 MHz4.Configure 5G clock net frequency for PLLF•SD1: PLLFCR1 (offset 0x0408) = 0x9030_0008—SLOW_VCO_EN = 1 to enable the slower VCO—FRATE_SEL = 10000b for PCIe on PLLF—HI_BW_SEL = 1 to select higher PLL bandwidth—CLKD_RCAL_SLW_EN = 1 to enable resistor calibration for clock driver—RTMR_BYP = 1 to bypass retimer to clock driver and SSC phase interpolator—EX_DLY_SEL = 00b5.Set the recommended PLLF settings for PCIe 5G•SD1: PLLFCR3 (offset 0x0410) = 0x0000_3000—SSC_SEL = 00b no PLL modulation—SSC_SLP_OFF = 0000000000b for no slope offset—Bit 13 = 1—Bit 12 = 16.Set the recommended PLLF settings for PCIe 5G•SD1: PLLFCR4 (offset 0x0414) = 0x0000_0000—SSC_BIAS_BST = 000b SSC bias boost—SSC_SAW_MIN = 0000000000b SSC minimum sawtooth frequency offset—SSC_PI_BST = 00000b SSC phase interpolator Iqdiv2 boost—SSC_SAW_MAX = 0000000000b SSC maximum sawtooth frequency offset7.Assume 161.1328125 MHz reference clock for PLLS for 10GE operation•SD1: PLLSCR0 (offset 0x0504) = 0x0004_0000—REFCLK_SEL = 00100b for 161.1328125 MHz8.Configure 10.3125G clock net frequency for PLLS•SD1: PLLSCR1 (offset 0x0508) = 0x8610_0008—SLOW_VCO_EN = 1 to enable the slower VCO—FRATE_SEL = 00110b for XFI/SFI on PLLS—HI_BW_SEL = 0 to do not select higher PLL bandwidth—CLKD_RCAL_SLW_EN = 1 to enable resistor calibration for clock driver—RTMR_BYP = 1 to bypass retimer to clock driver and SSC phase interpolator—EX_DLY_SEL = 00b9.Set the recommended PLLS settings for XFI•SD1: PLLSCR3 (offset 0x0510) = 0x0000_3000—SSC_SEL = 00b no PLL modulation—SSC_SLP_OFF = 0000000000b for no slope offset—Bit 13 = 1—Bit 12 = 110.Set the recommended PLLS settings for XFI•SD1: PLLSCR4 (offset 0x0514) = 0x0000_1000—SSC_BIAS_BST = 000b SSC bias boost—SSC_SAW_MIN = 0000000000b SSC minimum sawtooth frequency offset—SSC_PI_BST = 00010b SSC phase interpolator Iqdiv2 boost—SSC_SAW_MAX = 0000000000b SSC maximum sawtooth frequency offset11.Change the PLL assignment for PCIe on the transmitter for lanes C, D, G, H from PLLS to PLLF•SD1: LNmTGCR0 (offsets 0x0A24 for lane C, 0x0B24 for lane D, 0x0E24 for lane G, 0x0F24 for lane H) = 0x0100_0200—USE_SLOW_PLL = 0 transmit uses PLLF—BY_N_RATE_SEL = 001b PCIe is half rate—CM_DLY_MATCH = 1 changes in LNmTRSTCTL[OUT_CM] are delay matched to changes in transmit data 12.Change the PLL assignment for PCIe on the receiver for lanes C, D, G, H from PLLS to PLLF•SD1: LNmRGCR0 (offsets 0x0A44 for lane C, 0x0B44 for lane D, 0x0E44 for lane G, 0x0F44 for lane H) =0x0100_0001—USE_SLOW_PLL = 0 receive uses PLLF—BY_N_RATE_SEL = 001b PCIe is half rate—PTRM_VCM_SEL = 01b Common mode is HiZ if PLLnRST[EN] or LNmRRSTCTL[EN] is negated.13.Change the protocol for lanes A, B, E, F from SGMII to XFI•SD1: LNmGCR0 (offsets 0x0800 for lane A, 0x0900 for lane B, 0x0C00 for lane E, 0x0D00 for lane F) =0x0000_0052—Bit 28 = 0 Must be 0 for all protocols—PORT_LN0_B = 0 Single-lane protocol—PROTO_SEL = 01010b for XFI—IF_WIDTH = 010b 20-bit interface width14.Set the PLL assignment for XFI on the transmitter for lanes A, B, E, F to PLLS•SD1: LNmTGCR0 (offsets 0x0824 for lane A, 0x0924 for lane B, 0x0C24 for lane E, 0x0D24 for lane F) =0x1000_0000—USE_SLOW_PLL = 1 transmit uses PLLS—BY_N_RATE_SEL = 000b 10G is full rate—CM_DLY_MATCH = 0 changes in LNmTRSTCTL[OUT_CM] are not delay matched to changes in transmit data15.Configure the transmit equalization for lanes A, B, E, F for XFI•SD1: LNmTECR0 (offsets 0x0830 for lane A, 0x0930 for lane B, 0x0C30 for lane E, 0x0D30 for lane F) =0x1080_8307—EQ_TYPE = 001b for 2-tap equalization—EQ_SGN_PREQ = 1 for positive sign for pre-cursor—EQ_PREQ = 0000b for 1.0x drive strength of transmit full swing transition bit to pre-cursor—EQ_SGN_POST1Q = 1 for positive sign for first post-cursor—EQ_POST1Q = 00011b for 1.14x drive strength of transmit full swing transition bit to first post-cursor—EQ_AMP_RED = 000111b for 0.585x overall amplitude reduction16.Set the PLL assignment for XFI on the receiver for lanes A, B, E, F to PLLS•SD1: LNmRGCR0 (offsets 0x0844 for lane A, 0x0944 for lane B, 0x0C44 for lane E, 0x0D44 for lane F) =0x1000_0000—USE_SLOW_PLL = 1 receive uses PLLS—BY_N_RATE_SEL = 000b 10G is full rate—PTRM_VCM_SEL = 00b Common mode impedance is always calibrated to SD_GND17.Set the recommended XFI settings for lanes A, B, E, F•SD1: LNmRGCR1 (offsets 0x0848 for lane A, 0x0948 for lane B, 0x0C48 for lane E, 0x0D48 for lane F) =0x1000_0000—RX_ORD_ELECIDLE = 0 Do not put into ordered idle state—Bit 28 = 1—ENTER_IDLE_FLT_SEL = 00b Bypass unexpected entrance into idle—EXIT_IDLE_FLT_SEL = 000b Force immediate exit from idle state AFTER order idle released and min time in idle—DATA_LOST_TH_SEL = 000b Disable loss of signal detection18.Disable receive equalization gain overrides for lanes A, B, E, F•SD1: LNmRECR0 (offsets 0x0850 for lane A, 0x0950 for lane B, 0x0C50 for lane E, 0x0D50 for lane F) =0x0000_000019.Set the recommended the receive equalization for XFI for lanes A, B, E, F•SD1: LNmRECR2 (offsets 0x0858 for lane A, 0x0958 for lane B, 0x0C58 for lane E, 0x0D58 for lane F) =0x8100_0020—Bit 31 = 1—EQ_BLW_SEL = 01b baseline wander for 10G—Bits 5:4 = 10bThe PBI sequence is shown below:.pbiwrite 0x01EA10A0,0x00000000write 0x01EA10B0,0x99009900write 0x01EA0404,0x00000000write 0x01EA0408,0x90300008write 0x01EA0410,0x00003000write 0x01EA0414,0x00000000write 0x01EA0504,0x00040000write 0x01EA0508,0x86100008write 0x01EA0510,0x00003000write 0x01EA0514,0x00001000write 0x01EA0A24,0x01000200write 0x01EA0A44,0x01000001write 0x01EA0B24,0x01000200write 0x01EA0B44,0x01000001write 0x01EA0E24,0x01000200write 0x01EA0E44,0x01000001write 0x01EA0F24,0x01000200write 0x01EA0F44,0x01000001write 0x01EA0800,0x00000052write 0x01EA0900,0x00000052write 0x01EA0C00,0x00000052write 0x01EA0D00,0x00000052write 0x01EA0824,0x10000000write 0x01EA0924,0x10000000write 0x01EA0C24,0x10000000RCWSR29 override write 0x01EA0D24,0x10000000write 0x01EA0830,0x10808307write 0x01EA0930,0x10808307write 0x01EA0C30,0x10808307write 0x01EA0D30,0x10808307write 0x01EA0844,0x10000000write 0x01EA0944,0x10000000write 0x01EA0C44,0x10000000write 0x01EA0D44,0x10000000write 0x01EA0848,0x10000000write 0x01EA0948,0x10000000write 0x01EA0C48,0x10000000write 0x01EA0D48,0x10000000write 0x01EA0850,0x00000000write 0x01EA0950,0x00000000write 0x01EA0C50,0x00000000write 0x01EA0D50,0x00000000write 0x01EA0858,0x81000020write 0x01EA0958,0x81000020write 0x01EA0C58,0x81000020write 0x01EA0D58,0x81000020.end4RCWSR29 overrideThe Reset Configuration Word Status Registers (RCWSR1:RCWSR32) are written with the RCW information that are read from flash memory by the device at power-on-reset. The RCWSR register values are read-only after exiting reset.Software (U-boot) reads the selected SerDes protocol from RCWSR29. It looks at the SerDes configuration table to find the entry for protocol 31 and its corresponding interfaces. In order for software (U-boot) to read the updated SerDes 1 protocol value of 31, the following steps must be performed:1.Add an entry for SerDes 1 protocol 31 in the SerDes configuration table in U-boot2.Override the RCWSR29 with the updated SerDes 1 protocol value of 31•Write to address 0x7_00100170 the new protocol SRDS_PRTCL_S1 = 31.•The SerDes 2 and SerDes 3 configuration fields should remain unchanged.•Note: The RCWSR29 cannot be updated from the PBI phase. The update must be done in the initial stages of the the board-specific U-boot code so that the correct SerDes protocol is read as U-boot continues execution.Table 2.Address 0x7_0010017031302928272625242322212019181716 SRDS_PRTCL_S3SRDS_PRTCL_S2SRDS_PRTCL_S1SRDS_REFCLKF_DIS_S11514131211109876543210Table continues on the next page...Table 2.Address 0x7_00100170 (continued)ReservedSRDS_PLL_P D_PLL6SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL5SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL4SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL3SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL2SRDS_PLL_P D_PLL1Any support, information, and technology (“Materials”) provided by NXP are provided AS IS, without any warranty express or implied, and NXP disclaims all direct and indirect liability and damages in connection with the Material to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law. NXP accepts no liability for any assistance with applicationsor product design. Materials may only be used in connection with NXP products. Any feedback provided to NXP regarding the Materials may be used by NXP without restriction.5Revision historyThe table below summarizes the revisions to this document.Table 3.Revision history Revision historyHow To Reach Us Home Page: Web Support: /support Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementersto use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunderto design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the applicationor use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, includingwithout limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,”must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions.Security — Customer understands that all NXP products may be subject to unidentifiedor documented vulnerabilities. Customer is responsible for the design and operation of its applications and products throughout their lifecycles to reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’s applications and products. Customer’s responsibility also extends to other open and/or proprietary technologies supported by NXP products for use in customer’s applications. NXP accepts no liability for any vulnerability. Customer should regularly check security updates from NXP and follow up appropriately. Customer shall select products with security features that best meet rules, regulations, and standards of the intended application and make the ultimate design decisions regarding its products and is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory, and security related requirements concerning its products, regardless of any information or support that may be provided by NXP. NXP has a Product Security Incident ResponseTeam(PSIRT)(************************)thatmanagestheinvestigation, reporting, and solution release to security vulnerabilities of NXP products.NXP, the NXP logo, Freescale, the Freescale logo, CodeWarrior, Layerscape, and QorIQ are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Arm and Cortex are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere. The related technology may be protected by any or all of patents, copyrights, designs and trade secrets. All rights reserved. The Power Architecture and word marks and the Power and logos and related marks are trademarks and service marks licensed by .© NXP B.V. 2020.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: Forsalesofficeaddresses,pleasesendanemailto:**********************Date of release: 10/2020Document identifier: AN13022。


July 2006
© 2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
目 录

概述和技术指标 ................................................................................................. 1-1 概述 ...................................................................................................................1-3 用户文件 ...........................................................................................................1-3 关于本手册 .......................................................................................................1-3 安全信息 ...........................................................................................................1-4 通用安全事项 ...............................................................................................1-4 符号和标记 ...................................................................................................1-6 仪器安全程序 ...................................................................................................1-6 易失性存储器 ...............................................................................................1-6 非易失性存储器 ...........................................................................................1-7 存储介质(仅限 8846A) ...........................................................................1-7 附件 ...................................................................................................................1-7 通用技术指标 ...................................................................................................1-9 电源 ...............................................................................................................1-9 尺寸 ...............................................................................................................1-9 显示屏 ...........................................................................................................1-9 环境 ...............................................................................................................1-9 安全 ...............................................................................................................1-9 电磁兼容(EMC) ......................................................................................1-9 触发 ...............................................................................................................1-9 存储器 ...........................................................................................................1-10 计算功能 .......................................................................................................1-10 电气 ...............................................................................................................1-10 程控接口 .......................................................................................................1-10 质量保证期 ...................................................................................................1-10 电气技术指标 ...................................................................................................1-10 直流电压技术指标 .......................................................................................1-10 交流电压技术指标 .......................................................................................1-11 电阻 ...............................................................................................................1-13 直流电流 .......................................................................................................1-15 交流电流 .......................................................................................................1-16 频率 ...............................................................................................................1-18



主板侦错卡代码表一、示灯功能速查表:灯名中文意义说明CLK 总线时钟不论ISA或PCI只要一块空板(无CPU等)接通电源就应常亮,否则CLK信号坏。

BIOS 基本输入输出主板运行时对BIOS有读操作时就闪亮。

IRDY 主设备准备好有IRDY信号时才闪亮,否则不亮。

OSC 振荡 ISA槽的主振信号,空板上电则应常亮,否则停振。

FRAME 帧周期 PCI槽有循环帧信号时灯才闪亮,平时常亮。

RST 复位开机或按了RESET开关后亮半秒钟熄灭必属正常,若不灭常因主板上的复位插针接上了加速开关或复位电路坏。

12V 电源空板上电即应常亮,否则无此电压或主板有短路。

-12V 电源空板上电即应常亮,否则无此电压或主板有短路。

5V 电源空板上电即应常亮,否则无此电压或主板有短路。

-5V 电源空板上电即应常亮,否则无此电压或主板有短路。

(只有ISA槽才有此电压)3V3 电源这是PCI槽特有的3.3V电压,空板上电即应常亮,有些有PCI槽的主板本身无此电压,则不亮。

二、数码管停滞代码速查表:代码 Award BIOS Ami BIOS Phoenix BIOS或Tandy 3000 BIOS00 已显示系统的配置;即将控制INI19引导装入。

01 处理器测试1,处理器状态核实,如果测试失败,循环是无限的。



02 确定诊断的类型(正常或者制造)。




03 清除8042键盘控制器,发出TESTKBRD命令(AAH)通电延迟已完成。

ROM BIOS检查部件正在进行或失灵。

04 使8042键盘控制器复位,核实TESTKBRD。



05 如果不断重复制造测试1至5,可获得8042控制状态。


产品应具有蠕虫检测功能产来自应具备反IDS攻击技术,如stick 攻击、whisk,以及IP分片攻击等
产品可对多种网络协议进行分析,至少支持以下常见协议:ip、icmp、 tcp、udp、http、smtp、pop3、dns、finger、ftp、telnet、tftp、irc、login、netbios、snmp、ssh等;

ICDPPCNEXUS MPC55xx MPC56xx In-Circuit Debugger

ICDPPCNEXUS MPC55xx   MPC56xx In-Circuit Debugger

ICDPPCNEXUSMPC55xx / MPC56xx In-Circuit DebuggerQuick Start GuideCopyright 2009, P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Visit us on the web at Document Version HistoryVersion Date Notes1.0 21 Sep 2009 Initial versionCONTENTS1 Introduction (4)1.1 P&E Compatible Hardware (4)2 Getting Started (5)2.1 Connecting to your Target (5)2.2 Reset Script (6)2.3 Loading Data and Debug Information (7)2.4 CPU and Memory Windows (8)3 Debugging (10)3.1 GOTIL command (10)3.1 Stepping through C instructions (11)3.3 Setting and Reaching Breakpoints (12)3.4 Using Code Window Popup Debug Evaluation Hints (13)3.5 Using the Variables Window (15)3.6 Modifying a Variable (16)3.7 Using the Register Interpreter (17)3.8 Adding Register Field Descriptions to the Variables Window (20)1 IntroductionThis document is a step-by-step guide to using the P&E ICDPPCNEXUS in-circuit debugger software, which is compatible with Freescale MPC55xx / MPC56xx processors. This guide covers the most commonly used features of the debugger: loading binary & debug information, accessing CPU registers & memory, stepping code, setting breakpoints, and monitoring variables.1.1 P&E Compatible HardwareThe following lists the P&E hardware compatible with the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger software.P&E Part Number Interface to host PCCABPPCNEXUS Parallel (LPT) portUSB-ML-PPCNEXUS USB 2.0 (Backwards compatible with USB 1.1 ports) Cyclone MAX Serial (RS232) portUSB 1.1 (Upwards compatible with USB 2.0 ports)Ethernet2 Getting Started2.1 Connecting to your TargetUpon starting the debugger, the connection assistant dialog appears:•Use the “Interface” and “Port” drop-down menus to choose the P&E hardware interface connected between the PC and your target board.•The “Target CPU” setting can safely be left at the “Autodetect” setting for most users. If you experience problems connecting, you can try specifying the exact Freescale device that you are connecting to.• A BDM_SPEED parameter between 2 to 4 can typically be used.Processors running at slower clock speeds will require higher values.Click the Connect button, and ICDPPCNEXUS will attempt to contact the processor. Using the default debugger settings, ICDPPCNEXUS will establish communications and reset the processor.After establishing communications, the main debugger screen will appear, and a debugger reset script macro should automatically execute and complete.2.2 Reset ScriptThis section explains the initialization that the debugger, using a reset script macro file, performs on the processor. The user can view and modify all of the macro file's initialization tasks.The processor Boot Assist Module (BAM) would normally initialize the memory of the processor. However, when running the target application from the debugger, the BAM functionality is disabled. To account for this, the debugger must run a script file on reset. The script initializes the memory of the processor similar to the way in which the BAM would initialize the processor.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched from the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE, the correct reset script file is automatically selected.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched stand-alone, the reset script file may need to be configured. Several reset script macros are included with the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger and have a .mac extension. For detailed information, you can view each macro file using a simple text editor such as Notepad. The macro contents will contain useful comments, such as which devices are supported by that particular macro.To configure the debugger reset script macro, select the debugger Configuration menu, Automated Script Options dialog, shown here:2.3 Loading Data and Debug InformationIf ICDPPCNEXUS is launched from the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE, your code will automatically be downloaded to the processor.•RAM projects are loaded into the processor’s internal SRAM.•FLASH projects will invoke the CPROGPPCNEXUS Flash programming software to burn the code into the processor’s internal FLASH.The debug information is also automatically loaded from CodeWarrior, which will allow you to debug using your high level source code and variables.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched stand-alone, you will need to manually download the code and debug information. Launch the Load Dialog by clicking on the High Level Load button on the debugger tool bar:This dialog allows you to specify the binary/debug file and whether to load into RAM or FLASH. Once you are satisfied with your settings, press the “Process Load Command” button to begin the download process. This step will also load the debug information.2.4 CPU and Memory WindowsThe CPU Window displays all CPU core registers, including the Program Counter (PC) and all general purpose registers.•To modify CPU register contents, double-click the register value. You will be prompted for a new value.The Memory Window displays data at any given memory address. It can be used to view RAM contents, FLASH contents, and values of peripheral registers.•To change the memory address, right-click inside the Memory Window and select “Set Base Address”. You will be prompted for a new address to begin displaying data.•To change the contents in memory, double-click the value in memory that you would like to change. You will be prompted for a new value.3 DebuggingThis section outlines the different debugging capabilities available in the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger once the debug information has been loaded.3.1 GOTIL commandAt this point, your source window will show the assembly language startup code generated by the compiler:If you do not need to debug this section and would like to run the processor until the beginning of your “main” function, you can use the “GOTIL” command.•Type “GOTIL main” in the Status window to tell the debugger to run code until it reaches the “main” function of your code.The “GOTIL” command works with any function in your code.3.1 Stepping through C instructionsStep through the initialization code, or any source code, using the high-level language source step command. Use this feature by typing “HSTEP” in the Status window or by clicking the high-level step button on the debugger tool bar:Each time the HSTEP command executes, the debugger will rapidly single step assembly instructions until it encounters the next source instruction, at which point target execution will cease. When the debugger reaches the next source instruction, all visible windows will be updated with data from the board. After reaching the main function, step through several C language instructions. Notice that some instructions will take longer to step through than others because each C instruction may consist of a greater or fewer number of underlying assembly instructions.3.3 Setting and Reaching BreakpointsIn the source code window, there will be a small red dot and a small blue arrow next to each source instruction that has underlying object code. If a large blue arrow appears on a source line, this indicates that the program counter (PC) currently points to this instruction. If a large red stop sign appears on the source line, this indicates that a breakpoint exists on this line.•Set a breakpoint at an instruction by double-clicking the tiny red dot.•To remove a breakpoint, double-click the large red stop sign.Execution will begin in real-time when you issue the HGO command or click the high-level language GO button on the debugger tool bar:If the debugger encounters a breakpoint, execution will stop on this source line. If it does not encounter a breakpoint, target execution will continue until you press a key or use the stop button on the debugger tool bar:•By double clicking the small blue arrow, you will be issuing a GOTIL command to the address of this source line.A GOTIL command will set a single breakpoint at the desired address, and the processor will begin executing code in real-time from the current program counter (PC). When the debugger encounters the GOTIL address, execution stops. If the debugger does not encounter this location, execution continues until you press akey or use the stop button on the debugger tool bar. Note that all user breakpoints are ignored when the GOTIL command is used.You may also double-click the red and blue symbols in the disassembly window. The disassembly window may display an additional symbol, a small, blue "S" enclosed in a box. This indicates that that a source code instruction begins on this disassembly instruction.3.4 Using Code Window Popup Debug Evaluation HintsWhen debugging source code, it is convenient to view the contents of a variable while viewing your source code. The in-circuit debugger has a feature, debug hints, which displays the value of a variable while the mouse cursor is held over the variable name. The hint may be displayed in any of three locations, as shown below.The three locations for the debug hints are the code window title bar, the status window caption bar, and a popup hint that appears over the variable in source code. You can configure the hints to display in any combination.•Set the locations of debug hints in the configuration menu of the debuggerThe information in the popup hint box is similar to the information displayed in the variables window.The information includes the variable name (i), value ($1), and type (signed long).3.5 Using the Variables WindowThe variables window displays the current value of application variables. The following window shows a display of variables from the example application.Variables that are pointer or reference types are displayed in red. Normal variables are displayed in black.•Add a variable by typing the VAR command, by right clicking the variables window and choosing “Add a variable”, or by hitting the "Add Variable"button in the variables window.When adding a variable using the pop-up menu, the debugger displays the following screen.In the variable field, type the address or name of the variable. Typically, set the type of the variable to “Default”, which means that the variable will be displayed as it is defined in the debugging information. When adding a variable, you may specify the numeric display base of the variable.3.6 Modifying a Variable•To modify the current value of a variable, right-click the variable name in the variables window and select “Modify Variable” to display a dialog.Check the “Modify value” checkbox, and type the variable’s new value. After you click the OK button, the debugger updates the variable value on the target, and the debugger refreshes the variable window to display the new value. Note that the debugger will not edit certain user-defined types, such as enumerated types.•You may also modify a variable’s display properties, such as the type or numeric display base using this dialog.3.7 Using the Register InterpreterThe register interpreter provides a descriptive display of bit fields within the processor’s peripheral registers. The register interpreter allows you easily to change the value of these registers. You may quickly check the current state of a peripheral and examine the configuration of the target device.When you use the register interpreter within the debugger, it reads the current value of the peripheral register, decodes it, and displays it.To launch the register interpreter in the debugger, either use the “R” command or click the view/edit register button on the tool bar:A window will appear that allows you to select a peripheral block to examine.Double clicking the module of choice will launch the register selection window.Double clicking a specific register will launch the edit/display window for that register.The window lists the keystrokes and mouse actions, allowing you to modify the values of each of the fields. After right clicking on a specific field, the register interpreter will display all options for that field.When you quit the register view/edit window by hitting the ESC key, you will be given the opportunity to write the new value into the register, as shown in the following window.3.8 Adding Register Field Descriptions to the Variables WindowAdd register bit fields to the variables window by using the “_TR” command in the debugger or by clicking the "Add Register" button in the variables window. After selecting the register field, the field appears in the debugger variables window, and the debugger will continually update its value.。

Nipro 产品数据册:单用途翼型肾脏细胞注射器说明书

Nipro 产品数据册:单用途翼型肾脏细胞注射器说明书

H O S P I T A L P R O D U C T WING CATHSTERILE, SINGLE-USE WINGED CATHETER WITH INJECTION PORT FOR IV INFUSIONPRODUCT DATA SHEET2PRODUCT COMPLIANCE• CE-marked, Class IIa Medical Devices, Rule 7, MDD 93/42/EEC, UMDNS 10727• Complies with the following norms, directives, and regulations: ―ISO 594-1: 1986 ―EN 980:2008 ―EN 1041:2008 ―EN 1707:1996 ―ISO 7864:2016―ISO 9626:2016 ―EN ISO 10555-1:2013 ―EN ISO 10993-1/4/5/7/11 ―ISO 10993-10:2010 ―EN ISO 11135-1:2014―EN ISO 11607-1:2009 /AMD 2014 ―EN ISO 13485:2016 ―EN ISO 14971: 2012• Labels contain 12 languagesMANUFACTURING DETAILSLegal manufacturer: Nipro Corporation Country of origin: ThailandSTERILIZATION AND SHELF LIFESterilizationSingle-use only Indicator stickerShelf lifeEtO (Ethylene oxide)Each outer box (or shipping carton) contains a chemical indicator that indicates sterility. This indicator comes in the form of a [blue] sticker that turns[red] when sterilized.5 yearsWING CATHSTERILE, SINGLE-USE WINGED CATHETER WITH INJECTION PORT FOR IV INFUSION• Ultra sharp three-beveled needle to minimize discomfort • Radiopaque• Injection port with universal luer fitting • Flexible wings for easy grip• Color-coded wings and hub to indicate gauge• Siliconization of needle minimizes penetration and gliding force• T ransparent ETFE catheter tube for quick visualization of blood in the flashback chamber to facilitate insertion • Flashback in hub means the needle is correctly in the vein • Flashback in catheter means the catheter is correctly in the vein • Latex-free, DEHP-free, PVC-free • Available in 16-18-20-22-24 G• IV infusion duration: hours to several days • For use by healthcare professionals onlyClass IIa Medical DevicesRule 7MDD 93/42/EEC UMDNS 1072701233MATERIALS USEDDEHP-free Latex-free PVC-free PRODUCT RANGE OVERVIEWPACKAGING DETAILSLanguages12 languages on inner and outer box:English (EN), French (FR), Dutch (NL), German (DE), Spanish (ES), Italian (IT), Portuguese (PT), Greek (EL), Swedish (SV), Danish (DA), Norwegian (NO), and Finnish (FI)GlueMaterial: Acrylic resinNeedle (cannula)Material:Stainless steel SUS-304Needle hub Material:Polycarbonate (PC)Catheter hubMaterial: Polypropylene (PP)Port capMaterial: Polyethylene (PE)Catheter tubeMaterial: Ethyltetrafluoroethylene (ETFE)Cutting angleThree-beveledLuer capMaterial: Polypropylene (PP)Cap connectorMaterial: Polypropylene (PP)Caulking pinMaterial: Stainless steel SUS-304One-way valveMaterial: Silicone tubeLubricantMaterial: Silicone PolydimethylsiloxaneMembrane filterMaterial: Random micro glass filterVent fittingMaterial: Polypropylene (PP)Catheter wingMaterial: Polypropylene (PP)Nipro Medical Europe : European Headquarters, Blokhuisstraat 42, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium T: +32 (0)15 263 500 | F: +32 (0)15 263 510 |***********************| D a t a s h e e t - W i n g _C a t h - T H A - 27.N o v 2019Label detailsTransport conditionsClosed and dryStorage conditions Open the packaging only immediately before use to guarantee sterility.。

NCS36000 Passive Infrared (PIR) Detector Controlle

NCS36000 Passive Infrared (PIR) Detector Controlle

NCS36000Passive Infrared (PIR)Detector ControllerThe NCS36000 is a fully integrated mixed−signal CMOS device designed for low−cost passive infrared controlling applications. The device integrates two low−noise amplifiers and a LDO regulator to drive the sensor. The output of the amplifiers goes to a window comparator that uses internal voltage references from the regulator.The digital control circuit processes the output from the window comparator and provides the output to the OUT and LED pin.Features•3.0 − 5.75 V Operation •−40 to 85°C•14 Pin SOIC Package•Integrated 2−Stage Amplifier •Internal LDO to Drive Sensor•Internal Oscillator with External RC •Single or Dual Pulse Detection •Direct Drive of LED and OUT •This is a Pb−Free DeviceTypical Applications•Automatic Lighting (Residential and Commercial)•Automation of Doors•Motion Triggered Events (Animal photography)VREF OP1_P OP1_N OP1_O OP2_N OP2_O VSS VDDOSC OUTLED xLED_ENMODE Figure 1. Simplified Block Diagram14SOIC−14D SUFFIXCASE 751A1See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 7 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONPIN CONNECTIONS(Top View)A = Assembly Location WL = Wafer Lot Y = YearWW = Work WeekG= Pb−Free PackageMARKING DIAGRAMOP2_O OP2_N OP1_O OP1_N OP1_P VREF VSSVDD OSC MODE NC xLED_EN LED OUTPIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin Name Description1OP2_O Output of second amplifier2OP2_N Inverting input of second amplifier3OP1_O Output of first amplifier4OP1_N Inverting input of first amplifier5OP1_P Non−inverting input of first amplifier6VREF Regulated voltage reference to drive sensor7VSS Analog ground reference.8OUT CMOS output (10 mA Max)9LED CMOS output to drive LED (10mA Max)10xLED_EN Active low LED enable input11NC No Connect12MODE Pin used to select pulse count mode13OSC External oscillator to control clock frequency14VDD Analog power supplyABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit Input Voltage Range (Note 1)V in−0.3 to 6.0V Output Voltage Range V out−0.3 to 6.0 V or (V in + 0.3),whichever is lowerV Maximum Junction Temperature T J(max)140°C Storage Temperature Range T STG−65 to 150°C ESD Capability, Human Body Model (Note 2)ESD HBM2kV ESD Capability, Machine Model (Note 2)ESD MM200V Lead Temperature SolderingReflow (SMD Styles Only), Pb−Free Versions (Note 3)T SLD260°CStresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.1.Refer to ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS and APPLICATION INFORMATION for Safe Operating Area.2.This device series incorporates ESD protection and is tested by the following methods:ESD Human Body Model tested per AEC−Q100−002 (EIA/JESD22−A114)ESD Machine Model tested per AEC−Q100−003 (EIA/JESD22−A115)Latchup Current Maximum Rating: v150 mA per JEDEC standard: JESD783.For information, please refer to our Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/DTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSRating Symbol Value Unit Thermal Characteristics, DFN6, 3x3.3 mm (Note 4)Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Air (Note 5) Thermal Reference, Junction−to−Lead2 (Note 5)R q JAR Y JLWill be Completed oncepackage and powerconsumption is finalized°C/WThermal Characteristics, TSOP−5 (Note 4)Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Air (Note 5)R q JA See note above.°C/W4.Refer to ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS and APPLICATION INFORMATION for Safe Operating Area.5.Values based on copper area of 645 mm2 (or 1 in2) of 1 oz copper thickness and FR4 PCB substrate.OPERATING RANGES (Note 6)Rating Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Analog Power Supply V DD 3.0 5.0 5.75V Analog Ground Reference V SS0.00.1V Supply Current (Standby, No Loads)I DD170m ADigital Inputs (MODE)V ih0.7 *V DD V DD V DD +0.3VV il VSS V DD *0.28Digital Output (OUT, LED)Push−Pull Output (10 mA Load)V oh0.67 *V DDV DD VV ol VSS V DD *0.3OP1_P (Sensor Input) (Note 7)AMP 1 IN0.1V DD −1.1V Ambient Temperature T A−4085°C6.Refer to ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS and APPLICATION INFORMATION for Safe Operating Area.7.Guaranteed By Design (Non−tested parameter).ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS V in = 1 V, C in = 100 nF, C out = 100 nF, for typical values T A = 25°C; unless otherwise noted.Parameter Test Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit LDO Voltage ReferenceOutput Voltage V DD = 3.0 V to 5.75 V VREF 2.6 2.7 2.8V Supply Current V DD = 3.0 V to 5.75V IREF2050m A Comparator High Trip Level V h 2.413 2.5 2.588V Comparator Low Trip Level V l 1.641 1.7 1.760V Reference voltage for non−inverting input ofsecond amplifierV m 2.007 2.1 2.174V System OscillatorOscillator Frequency V DD = 5.0 VR3 = 220 k WC2 = 100 nFOSC62.5HzWindow ComparatorLower Trip Threshold See Vl aboveHigher Trip Threshold See Vh aboveDifferential Amplifiers (Amplifier Circuit)DC Gain V DD = 5.0 V (Note 8)Av80dB Common−mode Input Range V DD = 5.0 V (Note 8)CMIR0.1V DD −1.1V Power Supply Rejection Ratio V DD = 5.0 V (Note 8)PSRR60dB Output Drive Current V DD = 5.0 V (Note 8)I out125m A PORPOR Release Voltage V POR 1.35 2.85V 8.Guaranteed By Design (Non−tested parameter).APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONOscillatorThe oscillator uses an external resistor and capacitor to set the system clock frequency. Multiple clock frequencies can be selected using different combinations of resistors and capacitors. Figure 2 shows a simplifier block diagram for the system oscillator.Figure 2. Block Diagram of System Oscillator Circuit LDO RegulatorThe LDO regulator provides the reference voltage for the sensor and all other analog blocks within the system. The nominal voltage reference for the sensor is 2.7 V ±5%. An external capacitor is needed on the VREF pin to guarantee stability of the regulator.Differential AmplifiersThe two differential amplifiers can be configured as a bandpass filter to condition the PIR sensor signal for the post digital signal processing. The cutoff frequencies and passband gain are set by the external components. See Figure 5.101010Figure 3. Plot Showing Typical Magnitude Responseof Differential Amplifiers When Configured as aBandpass FilterWindow ComparatorThe window comparator compares the voltage from thesecond differential amplifier to two reference voltages fromthe LDO regulator. COMP_P triggers if OP2_O is greaterthan the Vh voltage and COMP_N triggers if OP2_O islower than the Vl voltage. See Figures 4 and 5.VhVlVssVssVmFigure 4. Plot Showing Functionality of Window Comparator for an Analog Input OP2_OVmVhVl Figure 5. Figure Showing Simplified Block Diagram of Analog Conditioning StagesDigital Signal Processing Block (all times assume a 62.5 Hz system oscillator frequency)The digital signaling processing block performs three major functions.The first function is that the device toggles LED during the start−up sequencing at approximately two hertz regardless of the state of the XLED_EN pin. The startup sequence lasts for thirty seconds. During that time the OUT pin is held low regardless of the state of OP2_O.The second function of the digital signal processing block is to insure a certain glitch width is seen before OUT is toggled. The digital signal processing block is synchronous with the system oscillator frequency and therefore the deglitch time is related to when the comparators toggle within the oscillator period. A signal width less than two clock period is guaranteed to be deglitched as a zero. A signal width of greater than three clock cycles is guaranteed to be de−glitched. It should be noted that down−sampling can occur if sufficient anti−aliasing is not performed at the input of the circuit (OPI_P) or if noise is injected into the amplifiers, an example would be a noisy power supply.The third function of the digital signal processing block is to recognize different pulse signatures coming from the window comparator block. The device is equipped with two pulse recognition routines. Single pulse mode (MODE tied to VSS) will trigger the OUT pin if either comparator toggles and the deglitch time is of the appropriate length. (See Figure 6). Dual pulse mode (MODE tied to V DD) requires two pulses with each pulse coming from the opposite comparator to occur within a timeout window of five seconds or 312 clock cycles (See Figure 7). If the adjacent pulses occur outside the timeout window then the digital processing block will restart the pulse recognition routine. xLED_EN PinThe xLED_EN pin enables the LED output driver when motion has been detected. If xLED_EN is tied high the LED pin will not toggle after motion is detected. If the xLED_EN is tied low the LED pin will toggle when motion is detected. During start-up the LED pin will toggle irrespective of how the xLED_EN pin is tied. (See Figure 6).V H V L V MFigure 7. Timing Diagram for Dual−Pulse Mode DetectionV H V L V MC1C2Figure 8. Typical Application Diagram Using NCS36000R1 = 10 k W C1 = 33 m F J1 (Jumper for xLED_EN)R2 = 560 k W C2 = 10 nF J2 (Jumper for Mode Select)R3 = 10 k W C3 = 33 m F D1 (LED)R4 = 560 k W C4 = 10 nF R5 = 43 k W C5 = 100 nF R6 = 1 k W C6 = 100 nF R7 = 220 k WC7 = 100 nF9.R1, C1, R2, C2, R3, C3, R4, C4 setup bandpass filter characteristics. With components as shown above the passband gain is approximately 70 dB with the 3 dB cutoff frequency of the filter at approximately 700 mHz and 20 Hz.10.R4 can be replaced by a potentiometer to adjust sensitivity of system. Note dynamically changing R4 will also change the pole location for the second amplifier.11.R5 and C5 are sensor dependant components and R6 may need to be adjusted to guarantee the AMP 1 IN parameter outlined within the Operating Ranges section of this document.12.R7 and C7 may be adjusted to change the oscillator frequency. R7 may not be smaller than 50 k W .ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Package Shipping†55 Units / RailNCS36000DG SOIC−14(Pb−Free)NCS36000DRG SOIC−143000 / Tape & Reel(Pb−Free)†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.PACKAGE DIMENSIONSSOIC−14D SUFFIX CASE 751A−03NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER.3.DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION.4.MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006)PER SIDE.5.DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127(0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION.SBM0.25 (0.010)AST SEATING PLANEDIM MIN MAX MIN MAX INCHESMILLIMETERS A 8.558.750.3370.344B 3.80 4.000.1500.157C 1.35 1.750.0540.068D 0.350.490.0140.019F 0.40 1.250.0160.049G 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC J 0 7 0 7 P 5.80 6.200.2280.244R0.250.500.0100.019____DIMENSIONS: MILLIMETERS*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks,copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at /site/pdf/Patent−Marking.pdf. SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly,any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。

NuDAQ user's guide

NuDAQ user's guide



1.00 2004年2月12日配件编号50-11034-100本文档中的信息如有更改恕不另行通知为提高可靠性,设计和功能,并且不代表承诺的一部分,制造商。







凌华获取服务(忽略之)目录表................................................. . (III)图................................................. ....................................四如何使用本手册............................................. ............第七第1章介绍............................................... (1)1.1特点................................................ .. (1)1.2应用程序................................................ . (2)1.3规格................................................ .. (2)1.4软件支持............................................... . (9)1.4.1编程库............................................. . (9)1.4.2 D2K-LVIEW:使用LabVIEW®驱动器........................................ .. 91.4.3 D2K-OCX:ActiveX控件......................................... .. (10)第2章安装............................................... (11)2.1包含的内容............................................... (11)2.2开箱................................................ .. (12)2.3 DAQ-2213/2214布局........................................... (12)2.4 PCI配置............................................... (13)第3章信号的连接 (15)3.1连接器引脚分配.............................................. . (15)3.2模拟输入信号的连接............................................. . (21)3.2.1类型的信号源........................................... . (21)3.2.2输入配置............................................. . (22)单端连接........................................... .. (22)差分输入模式............................................ .. (24)第4章的工作原理.............................................. 。

巴鲁夫 工业 RFID系统 产品手册说明书

巴鲁夫 工业 RFID系统 产品手册说明书

Industrial RFID systems MANAGING ALL YOUR DATABalluff offers you a wide selection of data carriers and read/write heads for LF, HF and UHF applications. With the BIS V multi-frequency processor unit, all systems can be combined with each other. This adds flexibility and saves costs through lower inventory levels.Industrial RFID systems – managing all your dataAutomatic identification and tracking in productionTHE PERFORMANCE RANGEYour Balluff solutionsn HF RFID system (13.56 MHz) BIS M n LF RFID system (70/455 kHz) BIS C n LF RFID system (125 kHz) BIS L n UHF RFID system (860/960 MHz) BIS UGo online to individually configure your own system www.balluff.de/go/rfid-configuratorIO-LINK ALL-IN-ONE BIS V PROCESSOR UNIT1 Network block2 Read/write heads with IO-Link3 Data carriers4 Read/write heads with integrated processor unit5 Universal processor unit6 Read/write heads2266433315UHF by country-specific frequencies1 South Korea LF: 125 kHz HF: 13.56 MHzUHF: 917...920.8 MHz 2 JapanLF: 125 kHz HF: 13.56 MHzUHF: 916.7...920.8 MHz 3 ChinaLF: 125 kHz HF: 13.56 MHzUHF: 840.5...844.5 MHz 4 AustraliaLF: 125 kHz HF: 13.56 MHz UHF: 920...926 MHz5 South Africa LF: 125 kHz HF: 13.56 MHzUHF: 865.6...867.6 MHz 6 EuropeLF: 125 kHz HF: 13.56 MHzUHF: 865.6...867.6 MHz 7 USA/Canada/Mexico LF: 125 kHz HF: 13.56 MHz UHF: 902...928 MHz 8 BrazilLF: 125 kHz HF: 13.56 MHzUHF: 902...907.5 MHzWHAT ARE THECONSEQUENCES OF THE DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES?Briefly stated, different frequencies mean different working ranges, since the frequency determines the range. The frequency also affects the coupling behavior (see: How the system components communicate).LF is best suited for close range and for difficult conditions such as metallic surroundings. LF is therefore often used in tool identification.HF is ideal for parts tracking at close range up to 400 mm. With HF you can process and store larger quantities of data at high transmission speeds.UHF typically communicates at a range of 6 m distance. UHF allows simultaneous reading of multiple data carriers (multi-tagging).System frequenciesWorking range of the Balluff BIS RFID systemsSYSTEM STRUCTURERFID requires three main components. These form an RFID system:–■Data carrier (data storage)–■Read/write head (data transmission)–■Processor unit (data processing and communication)The system components in detail–■Data carrier (Tag/Data Carrier)Stores all kinds of data which is read or written by computers or automation equipment. The data carrier antenna sends and receives the signals. Read/write versions are available in various memory capacities and with various storage mechanisms.– Passive data carriers: without power supply – Active data carriers: with power supply–■Read/write headProvides power to the data carrier, reads its data and writes new data to it. It sends this data to the processor unit where the data is further processed. –■AntennaTransmits the power.– HF-/LF systems: Antenna is integrated in the read/write head– UHF systems: Usually passive antennas without read/write head electronics (integrated into the processor unit).–■Processor unitUsed for signal processing and preparation. It typically includes an integrated interface for connecting to the controller/PC system.UHF system: The read/write function can be integrated into the processor unit, so that only a passive antenna and the data carrier are required.How the system components communicateThe data carrier and read/write head connect via the frequency-dependent coupling.With UHF the coupling is via electromagnetic waves, and for LF and HF the coupling is inductive.Components of a HF/LF systemData carrier Read/write head Processor unitUsed at close range, the data carrier must be placed exactly within the read range of the read/write head.Components of a UHF systemData carrier Antenna withProcessor unitread/write head electronicsData carrier Passive antennaProcessor unit withread/write head electronicsIn UHF systems close placement of the data carrier in front of the antenna is not necessary because of the large working range. Still, there are a few rules (see: What to know about UHF systems).Various industry standards are in place both for theLF/HF range and for UHF for communication between the system components. These specify how the information is transmitted. There are also proprietary manufacturer-specific solutions available (see: What you need to know about LF/HF systems/UHF systems).SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICSWhy data storage is importantSelection of the data storage determines where data can be processed and with which components. You can use either of two storage concepts: the central database and decentralized data retention.Central data storage–■All data records are stored in a central database –■Data carrier is simply an identifier –■Mainly for reading informationCan be LF, HF or UHF systems, but mainly used with UHF systemsDecentralized data retention–■All data records are stored on data carriers –■The data carrier stores the identifier and all data records (no central database)–■For both reading and writing informationMainly used with HF/LF systemsWHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LF/HF SYSTEMSIn brief, the read/write distance in LF/HF systems is affected by the antenna shape and the traverse speed.When installing the data carriers the installation conditions and close proximity of metal play a role.Antenna shapeData carriers and read/write heads are constructedwith a rod or round antenna. To achieve the best results the antenna shape must be identical to that of the read/write head. This means: Use rod antenna with rod antenna or round antenna with round antenna.The antenna shape determines different field distributions and read distances. It also determines the active communication field.Ideal working rangeRound antenna–■The lobe of the antenna field is distributed evenly and symmetrically–■No polarization or directionality, even offset.This means the data carrier and read/write head Rod antenna–■The lobe of the antenna field is distributed unevenly and has additional sidelobes–■The is polarization and directionality, which allows greater read distances than with a round antenna–■Identical orientation of the data carrier and read/write head is important in order to achieve greater read distancesInstalling data carriersAccount for distance to metalTo reach the specified read/write distance, a data carrier in a metallic environment must be mounted at a certain distance from metal and within a certain metal-free clear zone. The exact specifications can be found in the data sheets. The following distinctions are made:–■Flush in metalThe sensing surface can be mounted flush on the surface of steel so that it is even with adjacent areas. The range here is less than for differently constructed/installed data carriers of the same size.–■On metalThe sensing surface must not be in contact or surrounded by steel.–■Metal-free (clear zone)The entire area of the data carrier must be kept clear of any type of metal.12365874Data carriers with various memory types are available Traditional memory chips are EEPROM and FRAM.Both types use inductive coupling for power supply and data transmission. They differ in the maximum number of write cycles.–■EEPROM (Electrical erasable programmableread only memory): 100,000 to 1,000,000 write cycles –■FRAM (Ferro-electrical random access memory): 1010 write cyclesHow traverse speed, read/write distance and data transmission time relate to each otherFor reliable data transfer between read/write head andDynamic read/write modeThe data carrier passes by the read/write head without stopping. This should be as close as possible to achieve a long read/write path.How to calculate the traverse speed for dynamic applications Traverse speed (v)Offset (s)=At least 315 mm of offset is required to read the data within a dwell time of 45 ms. Assuming the maximum offset is 340 mm, the read distance must be configured to be very short. The greater the offset of the read/write head, the greater the distance between data carrier and read/write head can be.Important industry standards–■ISO 15693International series of standards for non-contacting chip cards, identification systems and access controls. Operates at a frequency of 13.56 MHz and is the prevailing standard in automation.ISO 15693 defines the protocols for communication between data carrier and read/write head. The datacarriers and read/write heads from different suppliers are generally compatible if they adhere to the same standard. –■ISO 14443International series of standards for non-contact chipcards. These are used in identification systems and access controlling, but also for payment applications such as credit cards, public transportation tickets, etc. Operates at a frequency of 13.56 MHz.In contrast to the ISO 15693 standard, ISO 14443specifies that the data carrier and read/write head carry a manufacturer-specific identifier. Only if the identifiers agree can they communicate with each other.Balluff uses the most commonly accepted contactless chip technology NXP Mifare. This complies with ISO-Standards ISO 7816 and ISO 14443A.High performance solutions from BalluffIn addition to the industry standards there are proprietary systems that are not described by any standard. For example, high-performance solutions from Balluff that are faster and process more data than these industry standards allow. Here the following components are used:–■High-memory data carriers: Data carriers with a memory capacity > 8 kilobytes.–■High-speed data carriers: Combined with the associated read/write heads you can achieve up to eight times greater read speeds than applications that fall under DIN ISO 15693.WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT UHF SYSTEMSPower transmission between data carrier and read/write head is essential for optimal function of a UHF RFID system. Whether and how the antennas need to be aligned with each other depends on the type of polarization of the antennas.Relationship between antenna polarization and data carrier orientationThe polarization of a UHF antenna is determined by the direction of the electrical field of the wave.–■Linear polarized antennasThe electrical field runs either vertical or horizontal to be identically aligned in order to transmit power.–■Data carrier antennaIn UHF systems the coupling is electromagnetic. To transmit data the data carrier‘s antenna converts electromagnetic waves and high-frequency alternating current into each other. Here the polarization direction of the sending antenna and the orientation of the data carrier must be selected correctly. (See illustration for how to achieve optimal power transmission).Construction of a UHF data carrierUHF data carriers with a dipole antenna are often selected (see illustration above). Many other antenna shapes are available as well. These offer particular properties and determine the form factor of the data carrier.Other form factors for UHF data carriersTypical UHF industry standards–■ISO/IEC 18000-6:2013International series of standards that provide the general description of the air interface and signal transmission. The latest standard ISO 18000-63 was published in 2015.–■EPC Class1 Gen2Was published by the standardization organization EPC global, which develops voluntary standards. EPC Class 1 Gen2 Version 2.0.1 is fully compatible with ISO 18000-63.This compatibility mans you can use the same hardware infrastructure and the same data carriers both in an ISO standard environment and an EPC environment.Both standards are suitable for worldwide use. You must however take note of the various national RF regulations.UHF antenna field requires specific test scenariosIn brief: Since the surroundings affect the antenna field, you must perform the closest possible simulation of the ambient conditions.The UHF antenna beams its signal in a wide opening angle. Undesired reflections and absorption in a UHF RFID system Typical ideal antenna fieldin overlapping of wavetrains. Overall it can result in local fields with higher and lower field strengths, or even field collapses (read holes).If a data carrier finds itself in such a read hole, it can no longer communicate with the read/write head.Headquarters Balluff GmbHSchurwaldstrasse 973765 Neuhausen a. d. F.GermanyPhone +49 7158 173-0Fax +49 7158 5010******************D o c . n o . 949747E N · I 20 · S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e s .CONTACT OUR WORLDWIDE SUBSIDIARIES。



UNI-T使用说明书UT3510微欧计系列通信协议(SCPI&MODBUS)-V1.02020年7月UNI-T TECHNOLOGY(China) Co.,Lt保证和声明版权2019 优利德科技(中国)股份有限公司商标信息UNI-T是优利德科技(中国)股份有限公司的注册商标。









例如:合法的命令串:AAA:BBB CCC;DDD EEE;:FFF仪器命令解析器负责所有命令解析和执行,在编写程序前您必须首先对其解析规则有所了解。


2.SCPI命令串必须以NL(‘ \n’ ASCII 0x0A)为结束符,命令解析器在收到结束符后或缓冲区溢出才开始执行命令串。












UNI-T UT620系列 说明书

UNI-T UT620系列 说明书

UT622型双通道交流电压表是立体声测量的必备仪 器,它采用二个通道输入,由一只同轴双指针电表指示 ,可以分别指示各通道的示值,也可指示出两通道之差 值,对立体声音响设备的电性能测试及对比最为方便, 广泛用于立体声收录机,立体声电唱机等立体声音响测 试,而且它还具有独立的量程开关,可代作两只灵敏度 高、稳定性可靠的晶体管毫伏表。
尊敬的用户: 您好!感谢您选购全新的优利德仪器,为了正确使用本仪器,请您在使用本仪器之前仔细阅读本说明书全文,特
别是有关“安全注意事项”的部分。 如果您已经阅读完本说明书全文,建议您将此说明书进行妥善的保管,与仪器一同放置或者放在您随时可以查阅
UT620系列 使用说明书
UT621 单通道 /UT622 双通道 交流毫伏表 使用说明书
UT620系列 使用说明书
UT620系列 使用说明书
一、 概述---------------------------3 二、 安全须知-----------------------3 三、 技术参数-----------------------4 四、 使用和维护---------------------5 五、 附件---------------------------6
2.测量电压的频率范围:10Hz-2MHz 3.基准条件下的电压误差:±3%(400Hz) 4.基准条件下的频响误差:(以 400Hz 为基准)
频率 20Hz-100kHz
10Hz-2MHz误Fra bibliotek ±3% ±8%
5.在环境温度 0℃-40℃,湿度≤80%,电源电压为 220V±10%,电源频率为 50Hz±4% 时的工作误差。



USER GUIDENI USB-622x /625x OEMM Series USB-6221/6225/6229/6251/6255/6259 OEM DevicesThis document provides dimensions, pinouts, and informationabout the connectors, switch, LEDs, and chassis ground of the National Instruments USB-6221 OEM, USB-6225 OEM, USB-6229 OEM,USB-6251 OEM, USB-6255 OEM, and USB-6259 OEM devices. It also explains how to modify the USB device name in Microsoft Windows.CautionThere are no product safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), orCE marking compliance claims made for the USB-622x /625x OEM devices. Conformity to any and all compliance requirements rests with the end product supplier.Figure 1 shows the USB-6221/6251 OEM and USB-6225/6229/6255/6259 OEM devices.Figure 1. USB-6221/6251 OEM and USB-6225/6229/6255/6259 OEM DevicesRefer to the NI 622x Specifications document for USB-6221/6225/6229 specifications and the NI 625x Specifications document forUSB-6251/6255/6259 specifications. Refer to the M Series User Manual for more information about USB-622x /625x devices. You can find all documentation at /manuals.DimensionsFigure2 shows the dimensions of the USB-6221/6251 OEM device.NI USB-622x/625x OEM User Figure 2. USB-6221/6251 OEM Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters)© National Instruments Corporation3NI USB-622x/625x OEM User GuideFigure3 shows the dimensions of the USB-6225/6229/6255/6259 OEMdevice.Figure 3. USB-6225/6229/6255/6259 OEM Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters) NI USB-622x/625x OEM User I/O Connector PinoutsFigures4 through9 show the connector pinouts for the USB-6221 OEM,USB-6225 OEM, USB-6229 OEM, USB-6251 OEM, USB-6255 OEM,and USB-6259 OEM devices.Refer to the M Series User Manual at /manuals for moreinformation about USB-622x/625x signals and how to connect them.© National Instruments Corporation5NI USB-622x/625x OEM User GuideFigure 4. USB-6221 OEM Connector PinoutNI USB-622x/625x OEM User Figure 5. USB-6225 OEM Connector Pinout© National Instruments Corporation7NI USB-622x/625x OEM User GuideFigure 6. USB-6229 OEM Connector PinoutNI USB-622x/625x OEM User Figure 7. USB-6251 OEM Connector Pinout© National Instruments Corporation9NI USB-622x/625x OEM User GuideFigure 8. USB-6255 OEM Connector PinoutFigure 9. USB-6259 OEM Connector PinoutAttaching External LEDsUSB-622x/625x OEM devices have two LEDs that reflect the device state.The green READY LED indicates when the device is powered on andconfigured as a USB device. The yellow ACTIVE LED indicates USB busactivity.Three connectors on the device allow you to connect an external LEDcircuit to the device, as shown in Figure10. To connect an external READYLED, use E1 as the positive connection (+3.3 V) and E2 as the negativeconnection. To connect an external ACTIVE LED, use E1 as the positiveconnection and E3 as the negative connection. E1 is current limited witha100 Ω resistor to the 3.3V internal supply. This configuration limitsthe current to approximately 16mA into a single external LED orapproximately 8 mA each when both LEDs are lit. You also can limit thiscurrent further by using external resistors, also shown in Figure10.Figure 10. Schematic for External LED CircuitsPower SwitchThe power switch on the USB-622x/625x OEM device powers the deviceon and off. Figure11 shows the pins on the power switch and circuitry.Figure 11. Schematic for the Power SwitchPin1, VDC In, is connected to VDC through the fuse (reference designatorXF1). The VDC is the voltage provided by the power supply through thepower connector (reference designator J4/J6/J81) and must be 11–30VDC,20W.Pin2, VDC Out, provides power to the circuitry on the device. When theswitch is in the On position, the VDC power supply from pin1 is routed topin2.Pin3, 100 kΩ to Ground, connects pin2 to ground through a 100kΩresistor when the switch is in the Off position.1 The power connector is designated as J4 on USB-6225/6255 OEM devices, J6 on USB-6221/6229 OEM devices, and J8 on USB-6251/6259 OEM devices.Connecting the USB-622x /625x OEM Device to Your ChassisThe USB-622x /625x OEM device includes several plated mounting holes that are designed for customer grounded connections, as shown in Figure 12.CautionDo not use the holes labeled A in Figure 12 as mounting holes.Figure 12.Customer Mounting Holes (USB-6225/6229/6255/6259 OEM Shown)Device ComponentsTable 1 contains information about the components used for interfacing and interacting with the USB-622x /625x OEM device.Modifying the USB Device Name in Microsoft WindowsYou can change how the USB-622x /625x OEM device name appears when users install the device in both the Found New Hardware Wizard that appears when the device is initially installed and in the Windows Device Manager.Table 1. USB-622x /625x OEM ComponentsComponent Reference Designator(s)on PCB Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number LEDsDS1Dialight 553-033234-pin connectors(USB-6221/6251 OEM) J13MN2534-6002RB(USB-6225/6229/6255/6259 OEM)J1, J250-pin connectors(USB-6221/6251 OEM) P13M N2550-6002UB(USB-6225/6229/6255/6259 OEM)P1, P2USB connector J3AMP 787780-1Power connector(USB-6221/6229OEM) J6Switchcraft722RA(USB-6225/6255OEM) J4(USB-6251/6259OEM) J8Power switch SW1ITT Industries, Cannon E101J1A3QE2F 2A L 250V fuse XF1Littelfuse 217.00268-pin connectors *(USB-6221 OEM) J8HondaPCS-E68RLMD1+(USB-6225/6229/6255 OEM) J7, J8(USB-6251OEM) J7(USB-6259OEM) J6, J7* Optional mass termination connectors. These are not populated by default.Windows Vista/XP UsersFigure13 depicts how a USB-6251 (OEM) device name appears in theFound New Hardware Wizard and Windows Device Manager.Figure 13. USB-6251 OEM Device in the Found New Hardware Wizard andDevice Manager (Windows Vista/XP)To modify the device name in the Found New Hardware Wizard andWindows Device Manager in Microsoft Windows Vista/XP, complete thefollowing steps.Note You must have NI-DAQmx 8.6 or later installed on your PC.1.Locate the OEM x.inf file in the y:\WINDOWS\inf\ directory,where x is the random number assigned to the INF file by Windows,and y:\is the root directory where Windows is installed.Note New security updates to Microsoft Vista and NI-DAQ 8.6 create random INF filesfor NI hardware. Windows assigns random file numbers to all INF files, which causes theuser to search through several INF files until the correct file is located.If you want to revert back, save a copy of this file asOEM x_original.inf in a different location.2.Edit the device INF file by opening OEM x .inf with a text editor. At the bottom of this file are the descriptors where Windows looks to identify the device. Locate the two lines of text that contain in quotes the descriptors for the device name you are modifying. Change the descriptor on both lines to the new device name, as shown in Figure 14.Figure 14. INF File Descriptors Changed to “My Device” (Windows Vista/XP)3.Save and close the INF file.4.Go to the Windows Device Manager.(Windows Vista) In the Device Manager, notice that the OEM device now appears as My Device , as shown in Figure 15.(Windows XP) In the Device Manager, right-click the OEM device underData Acquisition Devices, and select Uninstall . Power down the OEM device and disconnect the USB cable from your PC.When you reconnect and power on the device, it appears as My Device in the Found New Hardware Wizard and Windows Device Manager, as shown in Figure 15.Note When the device is initially installed, the Windows alert message may display the following: Found New Hardware: M Series USB 62xx (OEM). This message appearsfor a few seconds until the custom name appears and the Found New Hardware Wizard is launched. This alert message device name cannot be changed.Original FileModified FileFigure 15. “My Device” in the Found New Hardware Wizard andDevice Manager (Windows Vista/XP)Note Modifying the INF file will not change the USB-622x /625x OEM device name inMeasurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).Windows 2000 UsersFigure16 depicts how a USB-6251 (OEM) device name appears in theFound New Hardware Wizard and Windows Device Manager.Figure 16. USB-6251 OEM Device in the Found New Hardware Wizard andDevice Manager (Windows 2000)To modify the device name in the Found New Hardware Wizard andWindows Device Manager in Windows 2000, complete the following steps.Note You must have NI-DAQmx 8.6 or later installed on your PC.1.Locate the nimioxsu.inf file in the x:\WINNT\inf\ directory,where x:\ is the root directory where Windows is installed.If you want to revert back, save a copy of this file asnimioxsu_original.inf in a different location.2.Edit the device INF file by opening nimioxsu.inf with a text editor.At the bottom of this file are the descriptors where Windows looks toidentify the device. Locate the two lines of text that contain in quotesthe descriptors for the device name you are modifying. Change thedescriptor on both lines to the new device name, as shown in Figure17.NI USB-622x/625x OEM User Guide Figure 17. INF File Descriptors Changed to “My Device” (Windows 2000)3.Save and close the INF file.4.Go to the Windows Device Manager, right-click the OEM device under Data Acquisition Devices, and select Uninstall .5.Power down the OEM device and disconnect the USB cable fromyour PC.When you reconnect and power on the device, it appears as My Device inthe Found New Hardware Wizard and Windows Device Manager, as shownin Figure 17.Note When the device is initially installed, the Windows alert message may display thefollowing: Found New Hardware: M Series USB 62xx (OEM). This message appearsfor a few seconds until the custom name appears and the Found New Hardware Wizard is launched. This alert message device name cannot be changed.Original FileModified FileNational Instruments, NI, , and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.Refer to the Terms of Use section on /legal for more information about NationalInstruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or tradenames of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to theappropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or /patents.© 2006–2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.371910C-01Jul07Figure 18. “My Device” in the Found New Hardware Wizard andDevice Manager (Windows 2000)Note Modifying the INF file will not change the USB-622x /625x OEM device name inMeasurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).。

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2.0上限许可差+3 dB
1.5+1.5 dB
—3—CNS 8218,C 6140


应牢固地夹于夹具上,且尽可能地仿照实际使用情况安装。在连接器两边这接线最少各留20.32厘米(8 in)
30=70 / 125K+375 / 500K+1500 / 2000K
(1)频谱密度曲线:振动机之输出,用功率频谱密度对频率之变化曲线来表示(注)。频谱密度值在一规定低频与1000Hz之间应该在+40及-30%(±1.5dB)之间,在1000Hz与一规定高频之间应该在+100及-50%(±3 dB)之间。滤波器之频宽最大值为1/3八度或25Hz,视何者较大。以线性频率变化代替对数频率变化的试验程序。下列条件之下可用线性频率变化。
CNS 8218,C 6140—2—
Ⅱ高—10至500 10
Ⅲ高—10至2000 15
Ⅳ高—10至2000 20谐振:当试验上任何一点之最大振幅在于支架点的两倍以上时,此时的振幅频率为临界谐振频率。如有规定时,
f1G2/ fdf
—5—CNS 8218,C 6140
式中Gr2/ f为一功率频谱密度参考值,通常为一规定之最大值。
(1)振幅:试样承受简谐振动,其振幅双峰值1.5mm(0.06 in)或15个重力g(峰值),视何者较小。振
—4—CNS 8218,C 6140
应该使用参数诸如接点断路等监测或谐振检测器来检查有无谐振现象。试验条件I:试样条件Ⅰ:试样承受简谐振动,振幅0.76mm(0.03in)(来回最大振距1.5mm)(0.6in)),频率自10Hz平均地变至55Hz。频率自10Hz变至55Hz再变回10Hz,所需时间约为1 min。除非另有规定,在互相垂直的三个方向上,每一方向振动2小时(共6小时)。如有规定,此振动试验应在有电负载情况下试验。
6 dB/八度指定曲线6 dB/八度
功1.00Байду номын сангаас
0.1024 dB/八度24 dB/八度
—6—CNS 8218,C 6140
dB=10log G2f/G2r/f = 20log G / f/Grf
(1)振幅:试样承受简谐振动,其振幅双峰值1.5mm(0.06 in)或20个重力g(峰值),视何者较小。振幅值之许可差为±10%。
12 dB/八度
Method of Test for Low Frequency (Below 3MHz) Electrical Connectors
(TR-28 Vibration Test)