2020年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit2 Reading2学案

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八年级上册Unit 2 Reading 2学案

主备:崇明中学张云审核:日期:2020. 8.1 学校________ 班级____________ 姓名__________ 家长签字_______ 【板块要点】


1. 读懂文章,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活。

2. 掌握文章中重点词汇、短语并且能造句。

3. 根据文章中的关键词能流利完整的复述文章。


1. 通过阅读技能技巧的训练,提高自己的阅读能力。

2. 能进行对比及模仿,用类似的语言介绍自己的学校生活。

1. Learning foreign languages is fun. (做主语)

Keeping the classroom tidy ____________ (be) necessary.

2. We can borrow more books from the school library.

borrow sth. from …… (反义) lend sth. to ……

You can __________ an interesting book __________ Lily.

Lily can __________ an interesting book __________ you.

3. seem + adj. seem to do/be….. It seems/seemed that + 从句

4. offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. = provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.

She often to me.

= She often some help.

5. I love this game and practice hard every time.

practise/practice doing sth.

You must practice (speak) English more.

6. tell sb. to do sth. ask sb. to do sth. tell / ask sb. not to do sth.

八年级上册Unit 2 Reading 2学案

主备:崇明中学张云审核:日期:2020. 8.1

学校________ 班级____________ 姓名__________ 家长签字_______


1. Find out the difficult phrases and sentences from the text.

2. Read the text and recite Para X.


Step1. One-minute talk.

Step2. Task 1 课文的整体梳理

Task 2重点词、句的理解、运用

1. Year8 (the Eighth Year) = Grade 8 (the Eighth Grade)

2. mixed adj. a mixed school

Mix v. Oil and water will not mix.

3. how to do things for myself (反身代词, 我自己,独自做某事)

疑问代词who, what. which等和疑问副词when, where, how等加动词不定式,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等成分.E.g. Where to go is a question.(作主语)

The question is how to learn English well.(作表语)

I know where to find the boy.(作宾语)

4. tasty adj. The food is tasty.

taste link.v. The food tastes good. n. The food has a good taste.

Task 3难句分析,同义句等

1.. as well, also, too, either, as well as

a.as well 副词短语,多用于口语,只用于句末. He is a teacher and a writer as well.

b.also 较正式,不用于句末,用语肯定句中. He also plays football.

c.too 多用语口语,通常在句末,也可在句中. He is a worker, too.

d.either 用于否定句中,通常在句末.

Yesterday I didn’t watch TV and I didn’t see the film, either.

e.as well as 用于肯定句中,意为“既……又……; 不仅……而且……”,起连接作用.

He gave me clothes as well as food.

2.have a great time talking to each other

have a great/good time doing sth.=have fun doing sth.

E.g. Mary had a god time dancing at the party. We have fun learning English.

Task 4文章深层理解或拓展(Group work)

1、Fill in the blankets according to John’s composition.

John was in _______ at Woodland School near London. It’s a _____school. His favorite subject is ________________.So he can cook healthy and ___________meals now. His school has a_______ week every year. He and his classmates can read books from the school library. And they can also ________ in books and_________ from home. The reading week is too ______ because he wants to read others’ books __________.

2、Fill in the blankets according to Nancy’s composition.

Nancy is 14 years old. She is in 9th g____ at Rocky Mountain High School. Her brother Denver had d______ lessons last year. It’s great for her because he d______ her to school every day. It’s f_____ than taking a bus. She plays s_______ twice a week. She spends lots of time p____________. Every Monday she goes to a b____ club. Her buddy is Julie. Julie h____ Nancy learn all about her new school. She helps Nancy with her homework and listens to her p_______. Nancy thinks Julie is a h____. During lunchtime, she has a good time t________ with her friends. Sometimes, they go to s_______ malls after school.



1.When I have birthday party,my best friend always gives me a________(特别的)present.2.What is your______________(最喜欢的)TV programmes?

3.LiLei spent two hours__________(练习)speaking English yesterday.

4.We call Grade 9 students________(毕业生).

5.Do you often read___________(文章)written by LuXun?

6.Tom dislikes s __________at all,he likes football best.

7.we take part in after-school a __________from Monday to Friday.

8.YaoMing and LiuXiang are my h________.

9.I can solve the problem by___________(my).

10.Which cake is_________( delicious),this one or that one?


( )1.—Does he know how _________ these maths problem? —Maybe he does.A.to work out B.working out C.work out D.worked out ( )2.The child felt happy ________he could stay at home with his parents.

A.as B.because of C.because D.but

( )3.Our teacher always helps _________our study and life.

A.us to B.we with C.us for D.us with ( )4.I spend 20 dollars ________this pair of sports shoes.

A.buy B.bought C.to buy D.buying

( )5.The students always have a good time _______each other.

A.talk with B.talking to C.to talk D.talking

( )6.I like the TV channel with funnier programmes but _______ advertisements.A.few B.fewer C.1ittle D.1ess

( )7.Children don’t always know________.
