



UMAT操作过程操作过程:1、CAE建模、定义边界条件、载荷条件2、定义UMATProperty>General>User material✧Mechanical Constants 中为用户输入到子程序中的参数。

这时只能在General栏中定义参数,如密度等,这时不能再在Mechanical中定义杨氏模量等,此时杨氏模量、泊松比等数就需要在Mechanical Constants中输入到子程序中。

✧定义剪切刚度Model>Edit Keywords 中直接输入到inp文件中。

“*Shell Section”后面添加*Transverse Shear5.31e8,5.31e8,0在定义剪切刚度时一定要注意,一定要按帮助文档中公式计算而得并不是任意取值。


Depvar 中的数字与Mechanical Constants栏中定义的参数数量相等。

3编辑.for后缀的子程序3.1 推导出本构关系建立刚度矩阵时最好是直接指定刚度阵的每一项的方法得到刚度阵。





2010年4月 Rock and Soil Mechanics Apr. 2010收稿日期:2009-05-27第一作者简介:潘晓明,男,1979年生,博士研究生,主要从事隧道及地下结构方面。

E-mail: pxm155138@文章编号:1000-7598 (2010) 04-1092-07统一弹塑性本构模型在ABAQUS 中的开发与应用潘晓明1, 2 ,孔 娟1, 2, 杨 钊1, 2, 刘 成1, 2(1.同济大学 地下建筑与工程系,上海 200092;2.同济大学 岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室,上海 200092)摘 要:基于统一弹塑性本构模型的有限元理论格式,根据ABAQUS 的UMAT 格式要求,编制相应的接口程序,将统一弹塑性本构模型引入ABAQUS 中。

采用退化的统一强度模型(0b =时,为Mohr-Coulomb 模型)与ABAQUS 自带的Mohr-Coulomb 模型,对单轴试验和圆形硐室进行弹塑性分析,验证所开发材料子程序的正确性及高效性。

考虑到统一强度模型的一般情况(0b ≠)和屈服面硬化条件,对圆形硐室进行弹塑性计算,得到应力场的变化规律。

所提出的研究思路具有普遍性,为采用ABAQUS 平台进行本构模型的二次开发提供了借鉴和参考。

关 键 词:统一强度理论;屈服面;流动矢量;奇异点;应力拉回算法;ABAQUS 中图分类号:TD 353.6 文献标识码:ASecondary development and application of unified elastoplasticconstitutive model to ABAQUSPAN Xiao-ming 1, 2, KONG Juan 1, 2, YANG Zhao 1, 2, LIU Cheng 1,2(1.Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;2.Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)Abstract: Based on finite element theoretical scheme of unified elastoplastic constitutive model, and according to the UMAT interface requirement of ABAQUS, the corresponding UMAT codes are programmed, which will be called by the main analytical module of ABAQUS. Adopting degenerative model of the unified strength (0b =,Mohr-Coulomb model) and the built-in Mohr-Coulomb model of ABAQUS, the uniaxial tests and circular chamber are analyzed to verify the correctness and efficiency of the developed material subroutine. Finally, considering the general situation form of unified elastoplastic constitutive model (0b ≠) and hard condition of yield surface, which are not available in ABAQUS software, circular chamber is simulated and variational discipline of stress field is obtained. The provided basic procedures and programming essentials of the UMAT redefining in ABAQUS are universal and can offer a reference for other developers.Key words: unified strength theory; yield surface; flow vector; singular points; return stress algorithm; ABAQUS1 引 言我国力学专家俞茂宏教授从多滑移单元体力学模型出发,考虑了作用在双剪应力单元体上的所有应力分量对材料屈服或破坏的不同影响,提出了一个能够适用于各种岩土类材料的统一强度理论和统一形式的数学表达式。



目录摘要.................................................................... ABSTRACT.................................................................1.绪论..................................................................1.1.课题的研究背景 ..................................................1.2.本文的研究内容和方法 ............................................2.基于ABAQUS软件的二次开发.............................................2.1.ABAQUS介绍......................................................2.2.ABAQUS各模块简介................................................2.3.ABAQUS的二次开发平台............................................2.4.ABAQUS的二次开发语言............................................3.用户材料子程序UMAT...................................................3.1.UMAT开发环境设置................................................3.2.UMAT注意事项....................................................3.3.UMAT接口的原理..................................................3.4.UMAT的使用方法..................................................4.材料非线性问题........................................................4.1.材料的弹塑性本构关系 ............................................4.2.非线性有限元算法理论 ............................................4.3.增量理论常刚度法公式推导 ........................................4.4.增量理论切线刚度法公式推导 ......................................5.UMAT程序设计和编码...................................................5.1.本构关系描述 ....................................................5.2.常刚度法程序设计 ................................................5.3.常刚度法程序编码 ................................................5.4.切线刚度法程序设计 ..............................................5.5.切线刚度法程序编码 ..............................................5.6.程序的调试 ......................................................6.程序验证..............................................................6.1.问题描述 ........................................................6.2.本构关系 ........................................................6.3.ABAQUS自带材料模型计算..........................................6.4.常刚度法的UMAT验证 .............................................6.5.切线刚度法的UMAT验证 ...........................................6.6.两种算法的比较分析 ..............................................7.结论与展望............................................................7.1.结论 ............................................................7.2.展望 ............................................................ 致谢.................................................................... 参考文献................................................................. 附1:ABAQUS自带弹塑性材料验证的INP文件................................. 附2:用于算法验证的INP文件..............................................摘要ABAQUS软件功能强大,特别是能够模拟复杂的非线性问题,它包括了多种材料本构关系及失效准则模型,并具有良好的开放性,提供了若干个用户子程序接口,允许用户以代码的形式来扩展主程序的功能。




1. 在ABAQUS中定义一个UMAT子程序,用于计算应力和应变之间的非线性本构关系;
2. 在ABAQUS中定义材料模型,指定使用的UMAT子程序;
3. 在ABAQUS中定义材料参数,并将其传递给UMAT子程序
4. 在UMAT子程序中,根据输入的应力和材料参数,计算应变;
5. 将计算的应变传递给ABAQUS,ABAQUS根据计算的应变计算应力;
6. 将应力传递给UMAT子程序,重复步骤4和5,直到应力和应变收敛为止。



具有友好的用户 界面和易用的操 作流程,方便用 户进行学习和使 用
UMAT子程序是 ABAQUS材料用户 自定义模块,允许 用户根据实际需求 编写材料本构模型。
UMAT子程序采用C 语言编写,用户需要 具备一定的编程基础。
UMAT子程序可以实 现多种材料本构模型 ,如弹性、塑性、蠕 变等。
A B A Q U S 材 料 用 户 子 程 序 U M AT 使 用Fortran语言编写
U M AT 子 程 序 中 可 以 定 义 材 料 属 性 、 本构关系等
U M AT 子 程 序 通 过 A B A Q U S 提 供 的 接口与主程序进行交互
总结:UMAT子程序为用户提供了强大的材料模型描述能力,但使用过程中需要注意其局 限性
开发更高效的材料模型 集成人工智能和机器学习技术 增强与CAD软件的集成 扩展对多物理场模拟的支持
参数选择需符合实际物理模型 参数选择需考虑材料特性 参数选择需经过实验验证 参数选择需注意收敛性和稳定性
收 敛 性 : U M AT 子 程 序 在 迭 代 过 程 中应满足收敛条件,否则可能导致 计算失败或结果不准确。
边界条件:描述模型在边界上的行为,如位移、速度等 初始条件:描述模型在初始时刻的状态,如温度、压力等















新一代波音 787客机将全部采用复合材料。

只有像 ABAQUS这样的软件,才能分析包括多个子系统的产品耐久性能。



在土木工程业, ABAQUS能处理包括混凝土静动力开裂分析以及沥青混凝土方面的静动力分析,还能处理高度复杂非线性材料的损伤和断裂问题,这对于大型桥梁结构,高层建筑的结构分析非常有效。






目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)1.绪论 (1)1.1.课题的研究背景 (1)1.2.本文的研究内容和方法 (2)2.基于ABAQUS软件的二次开发 (3)2.1.ABAQUS介绍 (3)2.2.ABAQUS各模块简介 (3)2.3.ABAQUS的二次开发平台 (5)2.4.ABAQUS的二次开发语言 (6)3.用户材料子程序UMAT (8)3.1.UMAT开发环境设置 (8)3.2.UMAT注意事项 (9)3.3.UMAT接口的原理 (10)3.4.UMAT的使用方法 (12)4.材料非线性问题 (14)4.1.材料的弹塑性本构关系 (14)4.2.非线性有限元算法理论 (17)4.3.增量理论常刚度法公式推导 (20)4.4.增量理论切线刚度法公式推导 (21)5.UMAT程序设计和编码 (25)5.1.本构关系描述 (25)5.2.常刚度法程序设计 (27)5.3.常刚度法程序编码 (29)5.4.切线刚度法程序设计 (32)5.5.切线刚度法程序编码 (36)5.6.程序的调试 (39)6.程序验证 (40)16.1.问题描述 (41)6.2.本构关系 (42)6.3.ABAQUS自带材料模型计算 (42)6.4.常刚度法的UMAT验证 (44)6.5.切线刚度法的UMAT验证 (46)6.6.两种算法的比较分析 (48)7.结论与展望 (52)7.1.结论 (52)7.2.展望 (52)致谢 (54)参考文献 (55)附1:ABAQUS自带弹塑性材料验证的INP文件 (56)附2:用于算法验证的INP文件 (62)摘要ABAQUS软件功能强大,特别是能够模拟复杂的非线性问题,它包括了多种材料本构关系及失效准则模型,并具有良好的开放性,提供了若干个用户子程序接口,允许用户以代码的形式来扩展主程序的功能。























UMATUser subroutine to define a material's mechanical behavior.Product: Abaqus/StandardWarning: The use of this subroutine generally requires considerable expertise. You are cautioned that the implementation of any realistic constitutive model requires extensive development and testing. Initial testing on a single-element model with prescribed traction loading is strongly recommended.References∙“User-defined mechanical material behavior,” Section 25.7.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual∙“User-defined thermal material behavior,” Section 25.7.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual∙*USER MATERIAL∙“SDVINI,” Section 4.1.11 of the Abaqus Verification Manual∙“UMAT and UHYPER,” Section 4.1.21 of the Abaqus Verification Manual OverviewUser subroutine UMAT:∙can be used to define the mechanical constitutive behavior of a material;∙will be called at all material calculation points of elements for which the material definition includes a user-defined materialbehavior;∙can be used with any procedure that includes mechanical behavior;∙can use solution-dependent state variables;∙must update the stresses and solution-dependent state variables to their values at the end of the increment for which it is called;∙must provide the material Jacobian matrix, , for the mechanical constitutive model;∙can be used in conjunction with user subroutine USDFLD to redefine any field variables before they are passed in; andis described further in “User-defined mechanical material behavior,” Section 25.7.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual. Storage of stress and strain componentsIn the stress and strain arrays and in the matrices DDSDDE, DDSDDT, and DRPLDE, direct components are stored first, followed by shear components. There are NDI direct and NSHR engineering shear components. The order of the components is defined in “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual. Since the number of active stress and strain components varies between element types, the routine must be coded to provide for all element types with which it will be used.Defining local orientationsIf a local orientation (“Orientations,” Section 2.2.5 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual) is used at the same point as user subroutine UMAT, the stress and strain components will be in the local orientation; and, in the case of finite-strain analysis, the basis system in which stress and strain components are stored rotates with the material.StabilityYou should ensure that the integration scheme coded in this routine is stable—no direct provision is made to include a stability limit in the time stepping scheme based on the calculations in UMAT.Convergence rateDDSDDE and—for coupled temperature-displacement and coupledthermal-electrical-structural analyses—DDSDDT, DRPLDE, and DRPLDT must be defined accurately if rapid convergence of the overall Newton scheme is to be achieved. In most cases the accuracy of this definition is the most important factor governing the convergence rate. Since nonsymmetric equation solution is as much as four times as expensive as the corresponding symmetric system, if the constitutive Jacobian (DDSDDE) is only slightly nonsymmetric (for example, a frictional material with a small frictionangle), it may be less expensive computationally to use a symmetric approximation and accept a slower convergence rate.An incorrect definition of the material Jacobian affects only the convergence rate; the results (if obtained) are unaffected.Special considerations for various element typesThere are several special considerations that need to be noted. Availability of deformation gradientThe deformation gradient is available for solid (continuum) elements, membranes, and finite-strain shells (S3/S3R, S4, S4R, SAXs, and SAXAs). It is not available for beams or small-strain shells. It is stored as a3 × 3 matrix with component equivalence DFGRD0(I,J) . For fully integrated first-order isoparametric elements (4-node quadrilaterals in two dimensions and 8-node hexahedra in three dimensions) the selectively reduced integration technique is used (also known as the technique). Thus, a modified deformation gradientis passed into user subroutine UMAT. For more details, see “Solid isoparametric quadrilaterals and hexahedra,” Section 3.2.4 of the Abaqus Theory Manual.Beams and shells that calculate transverse shear energyIf user subroutine UMAT is used to describe the material of beams or shells that calculate transverse shear energy, you must specify the transverse shear stiffness as part of the beam or shell section definition to define the transverse shear behavior. See “Shell section behavior,” Section 28.6.4 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual, and “Choosing a beam element,” Section 28.3.3 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual, for information on specifying this stiffness.Open-section beam elementsWhen user subroutine UMAT is used to describe the material response of beams with open sections (for example, an I-section), the torsional stiffness is obtained aswhere J is the torsional constant, A is the section area, k is a shear factor, and is the user-specified transverse shear stiffness (see “Transverse shear stiffness definition” in “Choosing a beam element,” Section 28.3.3 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual).Elements with hourglassing modesIf this capability is used to describe the material of elements with hourglassing modes, you must define the hourglass stiffness factor for hourglass control based on the total stiffness approach as part of the element section definition. The hourglass stiffness factor is not required for enhanced hourglass control, but you can define a scaling factor for the stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom (rotation about the surface normal). See “Section controls,” Section 26.1.4 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual, for information on specifying the stiffness factor.Pipe-soil interaction elementsThe constitutive behavior of the pipe-soil interaction elements (see “Pipe-soil interaction elements,” Section 31.12.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual) is defined by the force per unit length caused by relative displacement between two edges of the element. The relative-displacements are available as “strains” (STRAN and DSTRAN). The corresponding forces per unit length must be defined in the STRESS array. The Jacobian matrix defines the variation of force per unit length with respect to relative displacement.For two-dimensional elements two in-plane components of “stress” and “strain” exist (NTENS=NDI=2, and NSHR=0). For three-dimensional elements three components of “stress” and “strain” exist (NTENS=NDI=3, and NSHR=0).Large volume changes with geometric nonlinearityIf the material model allows large volume changes and geometric nonlinearity is considered, the exact definition of the consistent Jacobian should be used to ensure rapid convergence. These conditions are most commonly encountered when considering either large elastic strains or pressure-dependent plasticity. In the former case, total-form constitutive equations relating the Cauchy stress to the deformation gradient are commonly used; in the latter case, rate-form constitutive laws are generally used.For total-form constitutive laws, the exact consistent Jacobian is defined through the variation in Kirchhoff stress:Here, J is the determinant of the deformation gradient, is the Cauchy stress, is the virtual rate of deformation, and is the virtual spin tensor, defined asandFor rate-form constitutive laws, the exact consistent Jacobian is given byUse with incompressible elastic materialsFor user-defined incompressible elastic materials, user subroutine UHYPER should be used rather than user subroutine UMAT. In UMAT incompressible materials must be modeled via a penalty method; that is, you must ensure that a finite bulk modulus is used. The bulk modulus should be large enough to model incompressibility sufficiently but small enough to avoid loss of precision. As a general guideline, the bulk modulus should be about– times the shear modulus. The tangent bulk modulus can be calculated fromIf a hybrid element is used with user subroutine UMAT, Abaqus/Standard will replace the pressure stress calculated from your definition of STRESS with that derived from the Lagrange multiplier and will modify the Jacobian appropriately.For incompressible pressure-sensitive materials the element choice is particularly important when using user subroutine UMAT. In particular, first-order wedge elements should be avoided. For these elements the technique is not used to alter the deformation gradient that is passed into user subroutine UMAT, which increases the risk of volumetric locking.Increments for which only the Jacobian can be definedAbaqus/Standard passes zero strain increments into user subroutine UMAT to start the first increment of all the steps and all increments of steps for which you have suppressed extrapolation (see “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual). In this case you can define only the Jacobian (DDSDDE).Utility routinesSeveral utility routines may help in coding user subroutine UMAT. Their functions include determining stress invariants for a stress tensor and calculating principal values and directions for stress or strain tensors. These utility routines are discussed in detail in “Obtaining stress invariants, principal stress/strain values and directions, and rotating tensors in an Abaqus/Standard analysis,” Section 2.1.11.User subroutine interfaceSUBROUTINE UMAT(STRESS,STATEV,DDSDDE,SSE,SPD,SCD,1 RPL,DDSDDT,DRPLDE,DRPLDT,2 STRAN,DSTRAN,TIME,DTIME,TEMP,DTEMP,PREDEF,DPRED,CMNAME,3 NDI,NSHR,NTENS,NSTATV,PROPS,NPROPS,COORDS,DROT,PNEWDT,4 CELENT,DFGRD0,DFGRD1,NOEL,NPT,LAYER,KSPT,KSTEP,KINC)CINCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC'CCHARACTER*80 CMNAMEDIMENSION STRESS(NTENS),STATEV(NSTATV),1 DDSDDE(NTENS,NTENS),DDSDDT(NTENS),DRPLDE(NTENS),2 STRAN(NTENS),DSTRAN(NTENS),TIME(2),PREDEF(1),DPRED(1),3 PROPS(NPROPS),COORDS(3),DROT(3,3),DFGRD0(3,3),DFGRD1(3,3)user coding to define DDSDDE, STRESS, STATEV, SSE, SPD, SCDand, if necessary, RPL, DDSDDT, DRPLDE, DRPLDT, PNEWDTRETURNENDVariables to be definedIn all situationsDDSDDE(NTENS,NTENS)Jacobian matrix of the constitutive model, , where are thestress increments and are the strain increments. DDSDDE(I,J) defines the change in the Ith stress component at the end of the time increment caused by an infinitesimal perturbation of the Jth component of the strain increment array. Unless you invoke the unsymmetric equation solution capability for the user-defined material, Abaqus/Standard will use only the symmetric part of DDSDDE. The symmetric part of the matrix is calculated by taking one half the sum of the matrix and its transpose.STRESS(NTENS)This array is passed in as the stress tensor at the beginning of the increment and must be updated in this routine to be the stress tensor at the end of the increment. If you specified initial stresses (“Initial conditions in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit,” Section 32.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual), this array will contain the initial stresses at the start of the analysis. The size of this array depends on the value of NTENS as defined below. In finite-strain problems the stress tensor has already been rotated to account for rigid body motion in theincrement before UMAT is called, so that only the corotational part of the stress integration should be done in UMAT. The measure of stress used is “true” (Cauchy) stress.STATEV(NSTATV)An array containing the solution-dependent state variables. These are passed in as the values at the beginning of the increment unless they are updated in user subroutines USDFLD or UEXPAN, in which case the updated values are passed in. In all cases STATEV must be returned as the values at the end of the increment. The size of the array is defined as described in “Allocating space” in “User subroutines: overview,” Section 17.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.In finite-strain problems any vector-valued or tensor-valued state variables must be rotated to account for rigid body motion of the material, in addition to any update in the values associated with constitutive behavior. The rotation increment matrix, DROT, is provided for this purpose.SSE, SPD, SCDSpecific elastic strain energy, plastic dissipation, and “creep” dissipation, respectively. These are passed in as the values at the start of the increment and should be updated to the corresponding specific energy values at the end of the increment. They have no effect on the solution, except that they are used for energy output.Only in a fully coupled thermal-stress or a coupledthermal-electrical-structural analysisRPLVolumetric heat generation per unit time at the end of the increment caused by mechanical working of the material.DDSDDT(NTENS)Variation of the stress increments with respect to the temperature.DRPLDE(NTENS)Variation of RPL with respect to the strain increments.DRPLDTVariation of RPL with respect to the temperature.Only in a geostatic stress procedure or a coupled pore fluiddiffusion/stress analysis for pore pressure cohesive elementsRPLRPL is used to indicate whether or not a cohesive element is open to the tangential flow of pore fluid. Set RPL equal to 0 if there is no tangential flow; otherwise, assign a nonzero value to RPL if an element is open. Once opened, a cohesive element will remain open to the fluid flow.Variable that can be updatedPNEWDTRatio of suggested new time increment to the time increment being used (DTIME, see discussion later in this section). This variable allows you to provide input to the automatic time incrementation algorithms in Abaqus/Standard (if automatic time incrementation is chosen). For a quasi-static procedure the automatic time stepping that Abaqus/Standard uses, which is based on techniques for integrating standard creep laws (see “Quasi-static analysis,” Section 6.2.5 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual), cannot be controlled from within the UMAT subroutine.PNEWDT is set to a large value before each call to UMAT.If PNEWDT is redefined to be less than 1.0, Abaqus/Standard must abandon the time increment and attempt it again with a smaller time increment. The suggested new time increment provided to the automatic time integration algorithms is PNEWDT × DTIME, where t he PNEWDT used is the minimum value for all calls to user subroutines that allow redefinition of PNEWDT for this iteration.If PNEWDT is given a value that is greater than 1.0 for all calls to user subroutines for this iteration and the increment converges in this iteration, Abaqus/Standard may increase the time increment. The suggested new time increment provided to the automatic time integration algorithms is PNEWDT × DTIME, where the PNEWDT used is the minimum value for all calls to user subroutines for this iteration.If automatic time incrementation is not selected in the analysis procedure, values of PNEWDT that are greater than 1.0 will be ignored and values of PNEWDT that are less than 1.0 will cause the job to terminate.Variables passed in for informationSTRAN(NTENS)An array containing the total strains at the beginning of the increment. If thermal expansion is included in the same material definition, the strains passed into UMAT are the mechanical strains only (that is, the thermal strains computed based upon the thermal expansion coefficient have been subtracted from the total strains). These strains are available for output as the “elastic” strains.In finite-strain problems the strain components have been rotated to account for rigid body motion in the increment before UMAT is called and are approximations to logarithmic strain.DSTRAN(NTENS)Array of strain increments. If thermal expansion is included in the same material definition, these are the mechanical strain increments (the total strain increments minus the thermal strain increments).TIME(1)Value of step time at the beginning of the current increment.TIME(2)Value of total time at the beginning of the current increment.DTIMETime increment.TEMPTemperature at the start of the increment.DTEMPIncrement of temperature.PREDEFArray of interpolated values of predefined field variables at this point at the start of the increment, based on the values read in at the nodes.DPREDArray of increments of predefined field variables.CMNAMEUser-defined material name, left justified. Some internal material models are given names starting with the “ABQ_” character string. To avoid conflict, you should not use “ABQ_” as the leading string for CMNAME.NDINumber of direct stress components at this point.NSHRNumber of engineering shear stress components at this point.NTENSSize of the stress or strain component array (NDI + NSHR).NSTATVNumber of solution-dependent state variables that are associated with this material type (defined as described in “Allocating space” in “User subroutines: overview,” Section 17.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual).PROPS(NPROPS)User-specified array of material constants associated with this user material.NPROPSUser-defined number of material constants associated with this user material.COORDSAn array containing the coordinates of this point. These are the current coordinates if geometric nonlinearity is accounted for during the step (see “Procedures: overview,” Section 6.1.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual); otherwise, the array contains the original coordinates of the point.DROT(3,3)Rotation increment matrix. This matrix represents the increment of rigid body rotation of the basis system in which the components of stress (STRESS) and strain (STRAN) are stored. It is provided so that vector- ortensor-valued state variables can be rotated appropriately in this subroutine: stress and strain components are already rotated by this amount before UMAT is called. This matrix is passed in as a unit matrix for small-displacement analysis and for large-displacement analysis if the basis system for the material point rotates with the material (as in a shell element or when a local orientation is used).CELENTCharacteristic element length, which is a typical length of a line across an element for a first-order element; it is half of the same typical length for a second-order element. For beams and trusses it is a characteristic length along the element axis. For membranes and shells it is a characteristic length in the reference surface. For axisymmetric elementsit is a characteristic length in the plane only. For cohesive elementsit is equal to the constitutive thickness.DFGRD0(3,3)Array containing the deformation gradient at the beginning of the increment. If a local orientation is defined at the material point, the deformation gradient components are expressed in the local coordinate system defined by the orientation at the beginning of the increment. For a discussion regarding the availability of the deformation gradient for various element types, see “Availability of deformation gradient.”DFGRD1(3,3)Array containing the deformation gradient at the end of the increment. If a local orientation is defined at the material point, the deformation gradient components are expressed in the local coordinate system defined by the orientation. This array is set to the identity matrix if nonlinear geometric effects are not included in the step definition associated withthis increment. For a discussion regarding the availability of the deformation gradient for various element types, see “Availability of deformation gradient.”NOELElement number.NPTIntegration point number.LAYERLayer number (for composite shells and layered solids).KSPTSection point number within the current layer.KSTEPStep number.KINCIncrement number.Example: Using more than one user-defined mechanical material modelTo use more than one user-defined mechanical material model, the variable CMNAME can be tested for different material names inside user subroutine UMAT as illustrated below:IF (CMNAME(1:4) .EQ. 'MAT1') THENCALL UMAT_MAT1(argument_list)ELSE IF(CMNAME(1:4) .EQ. 'MAT2') THENCALL UMAT_MAT2(argument_list)END IFUMAT_MAT1 and UMAT_MAT2 are the actual user material subroutines containing the constitutive material models for each material MAT1 and MAT2, respectively. Subroutine UMAT merely acts as a directory here. The argument list may be the same as that used in subroutine UMAT.Example: Simple linear viscoelastic materialAs a simple example of the coding of user subroutine UMAT, consider the linear, viscoelastic model shown in Figure 1.1.40–1. Although this is not a very useful model for real materials, it serves to illustrate how to code the routine.Figure 1.1.40–1 Simple linear viscoelastic model.The behavior of the one-dimensional model shown in the figure iswhere and are the time rates of change of stress and strain. This can be generalized for small straining of an isotropic solid asandwhereand , , , , and are material constants ( and are the Lamé constants).A simple, stable integration operator for this equation is the central difference operator:where f is some function, is its value at the beginning of the increment,is the change in the function over the increment, and is the timeincrement.Applying this to the rate constitutive equations above givesandso that the Jacobian matrix has the termsandThe total change in specific energy in an increment for this material iswhile the change in specific elastic strain energy iswhere D is the elasticity matrix:No state variables are needed for this material, so the allocation of space for them is not necessary. In a more realistic case a set of parallel models of this type might be used, and the stress components in each model might be stored as state variables.For our simple case a user material definition can be used to read in the five constants in the order , , , , and so thatThe routine can then be coded as follows:SUBROUTINE UMAT(STRESS,STATEV,DDSDDE,SSE,SPD,SCD,1 RPL,DDSDDT,DRPLDE,DRPLDT,2 STRAN,DSTRAN,TIME,DTIME,TEMP,DTEMP,PREDEF,DPRED,CMNAME,3 NDI,NSHR,NTENS,NSTATV,PROPS,NPROPS,COORDS,DROT,PNEWDT,4 CELENT,DFGRD0,DFGRD1,NOEL,NPT,LAYER,KSPT,KSTEP,KINC)CINCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC'CCHARACTER*80 CMNAMEDIMENSION STRESS(NTENS),STATEV(NSTATV),1 DDSDDE(NTENS,NTENS),2 DDSDDT(NTENS),DRPLDE(NTENS),3 STRAN(NTENS),DSTRAN(NTENS),TIME(2),PREDEF(1),DPRED(1),4 PROPS(NPROPS),COORDS(3),DROT(3,3),DFGRD0(3,3),DFGRD1(3,3) DIMENSION DSTRES(6),D(3,3)CC EVALUATE NEW STRESS TENSORCEV = 0.DEV = 0.DO K1=1,NDIEV = EV + STRAN(K1)DEV = DEV + DSTRAN(K1)END DOCTERM1 = .5*DTIME + PROPS(5)TERM1I = 1./TERM1TERM2 = (.5*DTIME*PROPS(1)+PROPS(3))*TERM1I*DEVTERM3 = (DTIME*PROPS(2)+2.*PROPS(4))*TERM1ICDO K1=1,NDIDSTRES(K1) = TERM2+TERM3*DSTRAN(K1)1 +DTIME*TERM1I*(PROPS(1)*EV2 +2.*PROPS(2)*STRAN(K1)-STRESS(K1))STRESS(K1) = STRESS(K1) + DSTRES(K1)END DOCTERM2 = (.5*DTIME*PROPS(2) + PROPS(4))*TERM1II1 = NDIDO K1=1,NSHRI1 = I1+1DSTRES(I1) = TERM2*DSTRAN(I1)+1 DTIME*TERM1I*(PROPS(2)*STRAN(I1)-STRESS(I1))STRESS(I1) = STRESS(I1)+DSTRES(I1)END DOCC CREATE NEW JACOBIANCTERM2 = (DTIME*(.5*PROPS(1)+PROPS(2))+PROPS(3)+1 2.*PROPS(4))*TERM1ITERM3 = (.5*DTIME*PROPS(1)+PROPS(3))*TERM1IDO K1=1,NTENSDO K2=1,NTENSDDSDDE(K2,K1) = 0.END DOEND DOCDO K1=1,NDIDDSDDE(K1,K1) = TERM2END DOCDO K1=2,NDIN2 = K1–1DO K2=1,N2DDSDDE(K2,K1) = TERM3DDSDDE(K1,K2) = TERM3END DOEND DOTERM2 = (.5*DTIME*PROPS(2)+PROPS(4))*TERM1II1 = NDIDO K1=1,NSHRI1 = I1+1DDSDDE(I1,I1) = TERM2END DOCC TOTAL CHANGE IN SPECIFIC ENERGYCTDE = 0.DO K1=1,NTENSTDE = TDE + (STRESS(K1)-.5*DSTRES(K1))*DSTRAN(K1) END DOCC CHANGE IN SPECIFIC ELASTIC STRAIN ENERGYCTERM1 = PROPS(1) + 2.*PROPS(2)DO K1=1,NDID(K1,K1) = TERM1END DODO K1=2,NDIN2 = K1-1DO K2=1,N2D(K1,K2) = PROPS(1)D(K2,K1) = PROPS(1)END DOEND DODEE = 0.DO K1=1,NDITERM1 = 0.TERM2 = 0.DO K2=1,NDITERM1 = TERM1 + D(K1,K2)*STRAN(K2)TERM2 = TERM2 + D(K1,K2)*DSTRAN(K2)END DODEE = DEE + (TERM1+.5*TERM2)*DSTRAN(K1)END DOI1 = NDIDO K1=1,NSHRI1 = I1+1DEE = DEE + PROPS(2)*(STRAN(I1)+.5*DSTRAN(I1))*DSTRAN(I1) END DOSSE = SSE + DEESCD = SCD + TDE – DEERETURNEND。

abaqus umat于计算力学之应用

abaqus umat于计算力学之应用

abaqus umat是一种在计算力学中广泛应用的有限元分析软件。


abaqus umat能够有效地模拟材料的机械性能,并在工程领域具有广泛的应用。

1. 什么是abaqus umat?abaqus umat是abaqus软件中用于用户自定义材料本构关系的子程序。


通过abaqus umat,用户可以自定义材料的本构关系和材料参数,以满足对于各种材料行为的精确模拟需求。

2. abaqus umat的实现原理abaqus umat的实现依赖于有限元分析方法。



3. abaqus umat的应用领域abaqus umat在工程领域有着广泛的应用。

例如在航空航天领域,abaqus umat可以用于模拟飞机结构的材料行为,预测飞机在不同载荷下的应力应变分布,进行疲劳分析等。

在汽车工业中,abaqus umat可以用于模拟汽车结构在碰撞时的材料行为,以及进行车身强度分析等。

abaqus umat还被广泛应用于建筑、船舶、能源等领域,在模拟复杂材料行为时发挥着重要作用。

4. abaqus umat的优势相较于其他有限元分析软件,abaqus umat的优势在于其灵活性和精确性。


abaqus umat还具有较强的兼容性和扩展性,可以与abaqus的其他模块结合使用,实现更为全面的分析和模拟。

5. 用户如何编写abaqus umat程序编写abaqus umat程序需要一定的编程和材料力学知识。



用户可以定义包括:边界条件、荷载条件、 接触条件、材料特性以及利用用户子程序 和其它应用软件进行数值交换等等。这些 用户子程序接口使得用户解决一些问题时 有很大的灵活性,同时大大的扩充了 ABAQUS 的功能。
通过用户材料子程序(User-defined Material Mechanical Behavior,简称UMAT) 接口,用户可定义任何补充的材料模型, 不但任意数量的材料常数都可以作为资料 被读取,而且ABAQUS 对于任何数量的与 解相关的状态变量在每一材料计数点都提 供了存储功能,以便在这些子程序中应用。
将这两个文件拷贝到分析目录D:>Temp下,将 子程序的后缀改为.for,然后在D:\Temp下面 用运行 在command中: abaqus job=your job name user=your umat

在cae中调用子程序可以采用以下方法:打开 job下面的edit菜单,点general,点击user subroutine后面的select,即可选择你所需要的 用户子程序。

PROPS(NPROPS)材料常数矩阵,矩阵中 元素的数值对应于关键字“*USER MATERIAL”下面的数据行。 SSE , SPD , SCD分别定义每一增量步 的弹性应变能,塑性耗散和蠕变耗散。 它们对计算结果没有影响,仅仅作为能 量输出。
其他变量: STRAN ( NTENS ) :应变矩阵; DSTRAN ( NTENS ) :应变增量矩阵; DTIME :增量步的时间增量; NDI :直接应力分量的个数; NSHR :剪切应力分量的个数; NTENS :总应力分量的个数, NTENS = NDI + NSHR 。



DSTRAN(NTENS) :应变增量数组。
DSTRAN(NTENS) :应变增量数组。 TIME:当前增量开始时总时间的值。 DTIME:增量步的时间增量 。 TEMP:开始的温度。 DTEMP:增量步的温度增量。 PREDEF:预定场内变量基于节点处的插值值。 DPRED:预定场内变量的增量。 CMNAME:用户定义材料的名称。
此外, 还包括特殊类型用途的子程序, 如定义多点约束的子 程序 MPC, 定义局部坐标的 ORIENT子程序等。上述子程序的分 类仅限于在岩土工程领域,其他领域有不同的分类方法。
用户材料子程序( User-defined Material Mechanical
状态变量主要包括定义场变量、与求解过程相关的状态变量,以 后重新定义材料点的状态变量,主要有 UFIELD 子程序、 SDVINI
子程序和 USDFLD 子程序。 此外还包括定义摩擦接触属性的子程序
,如定义摩擦接触行为的 FRIC 子程序,以及接触面行为定义的 UINTER 子程序等。
实例:最简单的杆件单轴拉伸,材料本构模型采用线 弹性模型,E= 206000MPa, ν=0.3。左端约束,右端施加均 布力 q=1MPa。 分析:这是一个简单的杠杆拉
型,但也可以使用材料用户子程序 UMAT对ABAQUS进行二次开发进 行求解。
NDI:某一点上直接应力组件数。 NSHR:某一点上剪切应力组件数。 NTENS:总应力分量个数,(=NDI+NSHR)。 NSTATV:存储与解有关的状态变量数组个数。 PROPS (NPROPS):材料常数数组。 COORDS:当前积分点坐标。DROT(3,3) :旋转增量矩阵。



各个楼层及内容索引2-------------------------------------什么是UMAT3-------------------------------------UMAT功能简介4-------------------------------------UMAT开始的变量声明5-------------------------------------UMAT中各个变量的详细解释6-------------------------------------关于沙漏和横向剪切刚度7-------------------------------------UMAT流程和参数表格实例展示8-------------------------------------FORTRAN语言中的接口程序Interface9-------------------------------------关于UMAT是否可以用Fortran90编写的问题10-17--------------------------------Fortran77的一些有用的知识简介20-25\30-32-----------------------弹塑性力学相关知识简介34-37--------------------------------用户材料子程序实例JOhn-cook模型压缩包下载38-------------------------------------JOhn-cook模型本构简介图40-------------------------------------用户材料子程序实例JOhn-cook模型完整程序+david详细注解[欢迎大家来看看,并提供意见,完全是自己的diy的,不保证完全正确,希望共同探讨,以便更正,带"?"部分,还望各位大师\同仁指教]1 什么是UMAT???1.1 UMAT功能简介!!![-摘自庄茁老师的书UMAT子程序具有强大的功能,使用UMAT子程序:(1)可以定义材料的本构关系,使用ABAQUS材料库中没有包含的材料进行计算,扩充程序功能。



NDI:某一点上直接应力组件数。 NSHR:某一点上剪切应力组件数。 NTENS:总应力分量个数,(=NDI+NSHR)。
NSTATV:存储与解有关的状态变量数组个数。 PROPS (NPROPS):材料常数数组。 COORDS:当前积分点坐标。DROT(3,3) :旋转增量矩阵。 CELENT:特征元素长度。
载入 输入文件umat.inp,得到如下图形。
按下图所示操作载入umat.for子程序文件 按下图所示创建作业(Job)
果引文力件的可U采T用RAUCRLODAFIDL ;子温程度序场。边界的 UTEMP 。
对于特殊类型的单元,可采用 UEL 子程序进行定义。
几乎可以用于力学行为分析的任何分析过程,几乎可 以把用户材料属性赋予 ABAQUS 中的任何单元。
必须在 UMAT 中提供材料本构的雅可比( Jacobian) 矩阵,即应力增量对应变增量的变化率。
定义了一些相关参数与变量的 精确度,从 ABAQUS 安装目 录下可找到
UMAT 中的应力矩阵、应变矩阵以及矩阵 DDSDDE、 DDSDDT、 DRPLDE 等,都是直接分量存储在前,剪切分 量存储在后。直接分量有 NDI 个,剪切分量有 NSHR 个。 各分量之间的顺序根据单元自由度的不同有一些差异,所以 编写 UMAT 时要考虑到所使用单元的类别。



ABAQUS-⼆次开发资料-UMAT各个楼层及内容索引2-------------------------------------什么是UMAT3-------------------------------------UMAT功能简介4-------------------------------------UMAT开始的变量声明5-------------------------------------UMAT中各个变量的详细解释6-------------------------------------关于沙漏和横向剪切刚度7-------------------------------------UMAT流程和参数表格实例展⽰8-------------------------------------FORTRAN语⾔中的接⼝程序Interface9-------------------------------------关于UMAT是否可以⽤Fortran90编写的问题10-17--------------------------------Fortran77的⼀些有⽤的知识简介20-25\30-32-----------------------弹塑性⼒学相关知识简介34-37--------------------------------⽤户材料⼦程序实例JOhn-cook模型压缩包下载38-------------------------------------JOhn-cook模型本构简介图40-------------------------------------⽤户材料⼦程序实例JOhn-cook模型完整程序+david详细注解[欢迎⼤家来看看,并提供意见,完全是⾃⼰的diy的,不保证完全正确,希望共同探讨,以便更正,带"?"部分,还望各位⼤师\同仁指教]1什么是UMAT1.1 UMAT功能简介[-摘⾃庄茁⽼师的书UMAT⼦程序具有强⼤的功能,使⽤UMAT⼦程序:(1)可以定义材料的本构关系,使⽤ABAQUS材料库中没有包含的材料进⾏计算,扩充程序功能。









弹塑性材料模型ABAQUS中常用的弹塑性材料模型包括:1.von Mises模型 von Mises模型是最常用的塑性材料模型之一,它基于等效应力假设,适用于各向同性的材料。

在ABAQUS中,可以通过指定材料的屈服应力和硬化规律来定义von Mises模型。



3.Mohr-Coulomb模型 Mohr-Coulomb模型也是一种常用的非各向同性材料模型,适用于岩石等材料。

























【UMAT Abaqus】弹塑性力学基础

【UMAT Abaqus】弹塑性力学基础
◆ 绝对标量只需一个量就可确定,而绝对矢量则需 三个分量来确定。
◆ 若我们以r表示维度,以n表示幂次,则关于三维 空间,描述一切物理恒量的分量数目可统一地表 示成:
M r n (Ⅰ—1)
◆ 现令n为这些物理量的阶次,并统一称这些物 理量为张量。
当n=0时,零阶张量,M=1,标量; 当n=1时,一阶张量,M=3,矢量;
阐明了应力、应变的概念和理论; 弹性力学和弹塑性力学的基本理论框架得以确立。
◆ 张量分析是研究固体力学、流体力学及连续介 质力学的重要数学工具 。
◆ 张量分析具有高度概括、形式简洁的特点。
◆ 任一物理现象都是按照一定的客观规律进行的, 它们是不以人们的意志为转移的。
弹塑性力学是固体力学的一个重要分 支 学科,是研究可变形固体受到外荷载或 温度 变化等因素的影响而发生的应力、应变 和位 移及其分布规律的一门科学,是研究固
二、 弹塑性力学的研究对象
在研究对象上,材料力学的研究对象 是固体,且基本上是各种杆件,即所谓一 维构件。
弹塑性力学研究对象也是固体,是 不受 几何尺寸与形态限制的能适应各种工程 技术 造问成题两需者间求这的种物差体异。的根本原因是什么呢?
以受力物 体内某一 点(单元
单元体的受力—— 应力理论;
建立起普 遍适用的理 论与解法。
体)为研 变形几何理论;















新一代波音 787客机将全部采用复合材料。

只有像 ABAQUS这样的软件,才能分析包括多个子系统的产品耐久性能。



在土木工程业, ABAQUS能处理包括混凝土静动力开裂分析以及沥青混凝土方面的静动力分析,还能处理高度复杂非线性材料的损伤和断裂问题,这对于大型桥梁结构,高层建筑的结构分析非常有效。




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摘 要 .........................................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................ II 1. 绪论 ................................................................................................................................... 1
值计算方法。它是力学、计算方法和计算机 技术相结合的产物。在工程应用中,有限元法比其它数值分析方法更流行的一个重要 原因在于:相对与其它数值分析方法,有限元法对边界的模拟更灵活,近似程度更高。 所以,伴随着有限元理论以及计算机技术的发展,大有限元软件的应用证变得越来越 普及。
这种情况已经得到了极大的改善,计算设备的能力变得更加强大、类似 ABAQUS 这 样的产品功能日臻完善,应用日益广泛。
非线性有限元分析在各个制造行业得到了广泛应用,有不少大型用户。航空航天 业一直是非线性有限元分析的大客户,一个重要原因是大量使用复合材料。新一代波 音 787 客机将全部采用复合材料。只有像 ABAQUS 这样的软件,才能分析包括多个子 系统的产品耐久性能。在汽车业,用线性有限元分析来做四轮耐久性分析不可能得到 足够准确的结果。分析汽车的整体和各个子系统的性能要求(如悬挂系统等)需要进 行非线性分析。在土木工程业, ABAQUS 能处理包括混凝土静动力开裂分析以及沥青混 凝土方面的静动力分析,还能处理高度复杂非线性材料的损伤和断裂问题,这对于大 型桥梁结构,高层建筑的结构分析非常有效。
6.1. 问题描述............................................................................................................... 41 6.2. 本构关系............................................................................................................... 42 6.3. ABAQUS 自带材料模型计算 ............................................................................. 42 6.4. 常刚度法的 UMAT 验证 ..................................................................................... 44 6.5. 切线刚度法的 UMAT 验证 ................................................................................. 46 6.6. 两种算法的比较分析........................................................................................... 48 7. 结论与展望 ..................................................................................................................... 52 7.1. 结论....................................................................................................................... 52 7.2. 展望....................................................................................................................... 52 致 谢 ...................................................................................................................................... 54 参考文献 ................................................................................................................................ 55 附 1:ABAQUS 自带弹塑性材料验证的 INP 文件 ........................................................... 56 附 2:用于算法验证的 INP 文件......................................................................................... 62
1.1. 课题的研究背景..................................................................................................... 1 1.2. 本文的研究内容和方法......................................................................................... 2 2. 基于 ABAQUS 软件的二次开发..................................................................................... 3 2.1. ABAQUS 介绍 ....................................................................................................... 3 2.2. ABAQUS 各模块简介 ........................................................................................... 3 2.3. ABAQUS 的二次开发平台.................................................................................... 5 2.4. ABAQUS 的二次开发语言.................................................................................... 6 3. 用户材料子程序 UMAT................................................................................................... 8 3.1. UMAT 开发环境设置 ............................................................................................ 8 3.2. UMAT 注意事项 .................................................................................................... 9 3.3. UMAT 接口的原理 ............................................................................................... 10 3.4. UMAT 的使用方法 ............................................................................................... 12 4. 材料非线性问题 ............................................................................................................. 14 4.1. 材料的弹塑性本构关系....................................................................................... 14 4.2. 非线性有限元算法理论....................................................................................... 17 4.3. 增量理论常刚度法公式推导............................................................................... 20 4.4. 增量理论切线刚度法公式推导........................................................................... 21 5. UMAT 程序设计和编码 ................................................................................................. 25 5.1. 本构关系描述....................................................................................................... 25 5.2. 常刚度法程序设计............................................................................................... 27 5.3. 常刚度法程序编码............................................................................................... 29 5.4. 切线刚度法程序设计........................................................................................... 32 5.5. 切线刚度法程序编码........................................................................................... 36 5.6. 程序的调试........................................................................................................... 39 6. 程序验证 ......................................................................................................................... 40