



行测真题及答案一、言语理解与表达阅读理解1. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳的一项。

















1) 文章主要表达了什么观点?A. 江南风光别致秀雅B. 古镇体现了淳朴友善的社会素质C. 古镇文化给人独特的体验和机遇D. 古镇旅游受到越来越多游客的欢迎答案:C2. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容完成表格。







A 知识与技能 B知识与兴趣C过程与方法 D情感、态度与价值观2.课程资源指的是( )。

A.教师和学生B.课程标准和教科书C.国家课程、地方课程与学校课程D.有利于实现课程目标的各种因素3.校风、校貌和师生关系都属于( )。

A.显性课程 B.隐性课程 C.活动课程D.综合课程4.构成学校教学系统的基本要素包括教师、学生与( )。

A.教学内容 B.教学方法 C.教学条件 D.教学组织5.“道而弗牵,强而弗抑,开而弗达”所阐明的教学原则是( )。

A.循序渐进原则 B.直观性原则 C.启发性原则 D.因材施教原则6.在教学理论指导下,为实现特定教学目标而设计的较为稳定的教学范型是( )A.教学方法 B.教学策略 C.教学模式 D.教学组织7.教师运用实物与教具进行示范实验,指导学生获取知识的教学方法是( )。

A.练习法 B.演示法C.实验法 D.发现法8.主要凭借评价者的洞察、内省或移情对评价对象做出价值判断的评价方法是A.定性评价 B.定量评价 C.诊断性评价D.形成性评价9、从课程论的视角来看,教室座位的安排、图书角的布置都属于A.活动课程B.综合课程C.显性课程D.隐性课程10、在小学教学教科书中,将“统计与概率”这一内容按照由浅到深、由易到难的方式编排,使关键概念和基本原理得以重复出现,逐步扩展。








2024年注册会计师考试《税法》部分:真题与答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于增值税的说法,正确的是?A. 增值税的纳税人是在我国境内销售货物或者提供加工、修理修配劳务的单位和个人B. 增值税的纳税人是在我国境内销售服务、无形资产的单位和个人C. 增值税的纳税人是在我国境内提供加工、修理修配劳务的单位和个人D. 增值税的纳税人是在我国境内销售货物、服务、无形资产的单位和个人答案:D2. 下列关于企业所得税的说法,正确的是?A. 企业所得税的税率是25%B. 小型微利企业的所得税税率是10%C. 高新技术企业的所得税税率是15%D. 非居民企业的所得,适用20%的简易税率答案:C3. 下列关于个人所得税的说法,正确的是?A. 个人所得税的税率是25%B. 居民个人的综合所得,适用3%至45%的超额累进税率C. 非居民个人的所得,适用20%的固定税率D. 稿酬所得的个人所得税税率是20%答案:B4. 下列关于土地增值税的说法,正确的是?A. 土地增值税的税基是土地转让收入扣除土地取得成本后的余额B. 土地增值税的税率是30%C. 土地增值税的扣除项目包括土地取得成本、开发成本和开发费用D. 个人出售自用住房的土地增值税优惠政策只适用于一次购房答案:C5. 下列关于房产税的说法,正确的是?A. 房产税的税率是1%B. 房产税的计税依据是房产原值C. 个人所有非营业用的房产免征房产税D. 房产税的纳税人是房产的买受人答案:C二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述增值税的征税范围。


2. 请简述企业所得税的税收优惠政策。


3. 请简述个人所得税的计税依据。




教师招聘结构化答辩部分面试真题1 、作为一个新老师,你会如何向老教师请教呢?要点:( 1 )争取多听老教师的课,从中学到相关的教学方法;( 2 )多让老教师去听你讲课,从中发现问题,及时改正;( 3 )积极主动的向老教师请教学科上的知识,注意态度端正。

2 、在课堂上如果发现学生在玩手机,你会怎么处理?要点:( 1 )首先没收手机,继续上课;( 2 )课后单独找该学生谈话,对他进行教育;( 3 )通知家长。

3 、学校组织学生外出活动,你作为组织者,你会怎么做?要点:( 1 )制定一个详细、可行的方案;( 2 )开展动员大会,将你的方案告知学生,并提出注意事项等等;( 3 )活动过程要时刻注意学生的情况;( 4 )活动结束后,让学生写自己的感受或者感言等等;( 5 )总结此次活动,并向领导汇报。

4 、作为班主任,如果你们班的各科成绩都比其他班低,你会怎么处理?要点:( 1 )找各科任课老师了解情况;( 2 )研究每个学生的各科成绩情况,找个别典型的学生进行谈话教育等;( 3 )在全班上开展各种学习活动,如小组互助、一帮一、奖惩制度等。

5 、如果你发现学生早恋,你会怎么处理?要点:( 1 )单独找该学生谈话,对其进行教育,如:早恋的利害关系等;注意语气!( 2 )通知家长,将情况告知家长;( 3 )关心该学生,有必要是跟踪学生。

6 、对于“女生要留短发”这一制度有何看法?要点:( 1 )认同,因为外表美不如心灵美;( 2 )不认同,没有必要,学生的自由。





你作为班主任准备怎么处理这件事?10、案例分析:有一天,你上课的时候,学生向你提出了一个你也不知道怎么解答的问题,你准备怎么办?11、回答问题:什么是“班级文化” ?你当班主任后,准备怎样进行班级文化建设 ?12、回答问题:近几年来,“留守学生”越来越引起人们的关注。



(成语测试,判断+选择,含部分高考真题)班级: [单选题] *○1717○17231.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)赵老师学的是冷门专业,当年毕业时,不少同学离开了该领域,而他守正不阿,坚持致力于该专业的教研工作,最后硕果累累。

[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:“守正不阿”形容处理事情公平正直,不讲情面。





[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:“踌躇满志”形容对自己的现状或取得的成就非常得意。





[判断题] *对(正确答案)错答案解析:“充耳不闻”,塞住耳朵不听,形容不愿听取别人的意见。



[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:“敝帚自珍”,比喻东西虽然不好,自己却很珍视。




[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:“釜底抽薪”比喻从根本上解决问题,与前面的“从根本上”有重复。




浙江省湖州市2020年中考科学(物理部分)真题试题一、选择题1.(2020•湖州)对一些生活常识的认知是科学素养的重要方面下列对一些科学量的估测中,比较贴近事实的是()A.一位中学生受到的重力约50牛B.食用油的密度约0.9千克/米3C.一间教室的体积约200米3D.中学生正常步行的速度约10米/秒2.(2020•湖州)下列4幅图所呈现的情景中,主要利用了流体力学中“流速越大,压强越小”这一原理的是()德清一号卫星升空 C919客机升空复兴号列车高速行驶蛟龙号深潜器下潜3.(2020•湖州)下列4个实验所揭示的原理能直接推动发电机发明的是()4.(2020•湖州)圆柱体先后放入密度为ρ1和ρ2的2种液体中,均处于漂浮状态,如图所示。














2020年司法考试刑法部分的真题与答案一、选择题1. 关于刑法上的犯罪构成要件,下列说法正确的是:A. 犯罪客体是犯罪构成的必要要件B. 犯罪主体是犯罪构成的必要要件C. 犯罪主观方面是犯罪构成的必要要件D. 犯罪客观方面是犯罪构成的必要要件答案:ABCD2. 关于刑法的空间效力,下列说法正确的是:A. 我国刑法对中国领域内的外国人具有效力B. 我国刑法对中国领域外的外国人具有效力C. 我国刑法对我国船舶和航空器内的人具有效力D. 我国刑法对我国驻外使领馆内的人具有效力答案:ACD3. 关于刑法的溯及力,下列说法正确的是:A. 刑法溯及既往的原则是我国刑法的基本原则B. 刑法溯及既往的原则是我国刑法的特有原则C. 刑法溯及既往的原则是我国刑法的独有原则D. 刑法溯及既往的原则是我国刑法的普遍原则答案:D4. 关于刑法的犯罪形态,下列说法正确的是:A. 犯罪预备与犯罪未遂的主要区别在于犯罪对象的不同B. 犯罪预备与犯罪未遂的主要区别在于犯罪结果的不同C. 犯罪既遂与犯罪未遂的主要区别在于犯罪行为的不同D. 犯罪既遂与犯罪未遂的主要区别在于犯罪结果的不同答案:D5. 关于刑法的刑罚体系,下列说法正确的是:A. 主刑包括拘役、有期徒刑、无期徒刑、死刑B. 附加刑包括罚金、剥夺政治权利、没收财产、驱逐出境C. 主刑和附加刑的期限相同D. 主刑和附加刑的期限不同答案:AB二、案例分析题案例一:甲为谋取不正当利益,给予国家工作人员乙10万元。











2019年11月年LEC(试卷一)部分试题1.AbrogateA. A formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.B.To formally repeal or do away with a law, right, or formal agreement.C.To curtail rights or privileges.D.The formal rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or course of action.2.Bail BondA. A notice issued by police to ask a suspect to report a crime.B. A retrial in a district court that is conducted as if no trial had occurred in thelower court.C.Evidence for the prosecution given by a participant in or accomplice to thecrime being tried.D. A financial obligation signed by the accused and those who serve as suretiesto guarantee his or her future appearance in court.3.Bona FideA.Principle to protect consumers from unscrupulous sellers.B.Principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality andsuitability of goods before a purchase is made.C.Good faith. It is often used to refer to a purchaser or holder who takessomething without fraud, deceit, or knowledge of a lien or superior claim byanother.D.Election made by parties to a letter of credit to apply the Uniform Customs andPractice for Documentary Credits.4.Caveat EmptorA.One unreasonably interferes with the use and enjoyment of nearby property.B.The principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality andsuitability of goods before a purchase is made.C.It interferes with a right of the general public and also interferes with aparticular person’s use and enjoyment of his land.D.An acknowledgment by a bank of receipt of money with an engagement torepay it.5.Civil WrongA.Generally, fines or money damages imposed by a regulatory scheme.B.An infringement of a person’s rights, such as a tort or a breach of a contract.C. A term generally designating one who is for purposes of sentencing, older thana juvenile but younger than an adult.D.An agreement between opposing attorneys on any matter relating to theproceedings or trial.6.Clear TitleA. A sentence that gives more punishment than is allowed by law.B.An official order for the execution of a condemned person.C. A title free from any encumbrance, obstruction, burden or limitation thatpresents a doubtful or even a reasonable question of law or fact.D.Any matter appearing in the record of a title to real estate that on its faceappears to reflect the existence of an outstanding claim or encumbrance that, if valid, would defeat or impair the title, but that might be proven invalid by evidence outside the title record.7.ConfessionA. A statement by a person, either oral or written, admitting that he committed acertain offense.B. A temporary remedy awarded before judgment and pending the action’sdisposition.C.The process by which private real estate is taken for public use without theowner’s consent but with just compensation, pursuant to a court order.D. A situation in which regard for one duty leads to disregard of another, or mightreasonably be expected to do so.8.ConveyanceA.Valid until annulled.B.Null and void.C.The transfer of a title to property from one person to another.D. A formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by theverdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.9.De NovoA. A legal term meaning “anew”.B.To set aside a judgment on appeal or proceedings in error.C. A legal term meaning “in fact” or “existing in fact whether with justificationor not”.D.To abrogate or cancel a contract unilaterally or by agreement.10.Direct ExaminationA.The fundamental principle that a person may not be convicted of a crime unlessthe government proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, without any burdenplaced on the accused to prove innocence.B.The questioning of a witness by the party that has called that witness to giveevidence, in the questioning of order to support the case that is being made.C.The doctrine that the holder of a patent is entitled to a statutory presumptionthat the patent is valid and that the burden is on a challenger to prove invalidity.D.The questioning of a witness by the opposing party to test the truthfulness ofthe witness’s testimony, to further develop it or to otherwise expand on it.11.Dissenting OpinionA. A written accusation as presented to a grand jury.B.The criminal law procedural equivalent of a civil action request for a moredefinite statement.C.An opinion written by an appellate judge explaining why he or she disagreeswith the decision reached by the majority of judges considering the case.D.An opinion written by an appellate judge who agrees with the decision reachedin a case on appeal, but who would base this decision on reasons different fromthose expressed by the majority of judges considering the case.12.Exclusionary RuleA.Statutes that allow local courts to obtain jurisdiction over nonresidentdefendants when the cause of action is generated locally and affects localplaintiffs.B. A clause in a legal document which excuses a party from liability for its actsother than those caused by willful neglect or gross negligence.C. A set of principles permitting greater opportunity or greater lenience for oneclass of people than for another, usu. based on a difference such as gender orrace.D.The rule preventing illegally obtained evidence, such as property found duringan illegal search, from being used in any trial.13.Which of the following departments is in charge of the foreign affairs in the United States?A.Department of State.B.Department of Justice.C.Department of Defense.D.Department of Homeland Security.w school in the United States is a postgraduate level program which typically lasts three years and results in the awarding of _____ degree after successful completion of the program.A.LL.M.B.J.S.D.C.S.J.D.D.J.D.15.Which of the following statements is NOT true in the United States?A. A lawyer maybe a law professor or a prosecutor.B.The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.C. A state constitution is the supreme law of that state in the United States.D.The Attorney-General of the United States of America.参考答案:1B 2D 3C 4B 5B 6C7A8C9A10B11C12D13A14D15C2017年5月LEC(试卷一)部分试题plainantA.In a civil case, one who makes a complaint, often referred to as the "plaintiff".B. A voluntary transfer, by a debtor of all his property to a trustee for the benefit of allhis creditors.C. A sworn witness to the innocence or good character of an accused person.D.Someone who gives assistance to the perpetrator of crime,without directlycommitting it, sometimes without being present.2.DiscoveryA.Former term used for gift of personal property by a will.B. A statement that denies something, esp. responsibility.C.The process of gathering and preserving evidence prior to trial in a civil or criminalcase.D.The decision made by a jury as to whether a criminal defendant is guilty or not guiltyor whether a civil defendant is liable or not liable.rmationA. A court order restraining a person from doing or continuing to do something thatthreatens or causes irreparable injury to another.B. A formal accusation (criminal information) of a crime, differing from an indictmentin that it is prepared and signed by the prosecuting attorney instead of the grand jury.C. A thing that persuades or influences someone to do something, especially enter intoa contract.D.Formally, by a grand jury, accuse or charge someone with a crime.4.VexatiousA.legally responsible.B. A defamatory publication in writing.C.Civil responsibility as determined by a judge or jury.D.Denoting an action or the bringer of an action that is brought without sufficient groundsfor winning, purely to cause annoyance to the defendant.5. Judicial ReviewA.Aonther term for default judgment.pensation for the loss directly and necessarily incurred by a breach of contract.C.The authority of a court to review the official actions of other branches ofgovernment.D.The immunity of a judge from civil liability for any acts performed in the judge's officialcapacity.6.Next FriendA. A person convicted of a misdemeanor.B. A human being, as opposed to artificial or fictitious "person":such as corporations.C. A person appointed by the court to appear on behalf of a minor or incompetentperson who is a plaintiff in a civil action.D.The term is used generally with two meaning: nearest blood relations according tolaw of consanguinity and those entitled to take under statutory distribution ofintestates’ estates.7.Probable CauseA.The right to judicial relief.B.Level of suspicion required to justify law enforcement investigation, but not arrest orsearch.C.Basic principles of law generally accepted by the courts or embodied in the statutesof a particular jurisdiction.D.In criminal cases, reasonable grounds for believing that the facts justify issuance ofan arrest or search warrant, or further legal action.8.De Novotin word means to start over from beginning.B.To respond to a civil complaint by filing a demurrer.C. A declaration of a statement truth, which renders one willfully asserting an untruestatement punishable for perjury.D.The rule preventing illegally obtained evidence, such as property found during anillegal search, from being used in any trial.9.Res Ipsa LoquiturA. A plea through which the defendant does not admit guilt, but which has the samelegal effect as a plea of guilty in a criminal case.B. A legal term from the Latin meaning literally, "the thing itself speaks" but is moreoften translated "the thing speaks for itself.”C.The prosecutor declines to prosecute, but may still initiate prosecution within thetime allowed by law.D. A term used to describe permanent and absolute tenure of land or property withfreedom to dispose of it at will.10.Gag OrderA. A civil code.B. A court-imposed order to restrict information or comment about a case.C. A probate court order which names the persons entitled to receive parts of an estateand that share allotted to each.D.Basic principles of law generally accepted by the courts or embodied in the statutesof a particular jurisdiction.11.Which of the following statements is NOT true in the United States?A.In criminal cases, the courts provide legal assistance free of charge to defendantswho cannot afford to pay for it themselves.B.Courts resolve disputes through the adversary process, at both the trial and appellatelevels, and rely on precedents for guidance in making decisions.C.Federal and state courts exist side by side. State courts are courts of generaljurisdiction and decide many more cases than federal court. The federal courts’jurisdiction is much more limited than the state courts, jurisdiction.D.Every individual has an absolute right to bring a case in federal court, along with anabsolute right of appeal for review of the district court's decision. So most of thecases can go as far as the Supreme Court of the United States.12.Sometimes when a higher court reverses the decision of the district court, it will send the case back to the district court for another trial, or in legal terms, ____________ it.A.remandB.revokeC.removeD.retain13.The doctrine of _______ requires that cases with the same fact-situation be treated the same way. But in actual fact, there are simply no two cases exactly alike.A.Mail-box RuleB.Rule against PerpetuitiesC. Stare DecisisD. Mirror Image Rule14.Which of the following statements is NOT true in the United States?A.The Supreme Court begins its annual session or term on the first Monday ofOctober.B.Two requirements are the most important in law school admission: the applicant'sundergraduate GPA and scores on the GRE.w reviews are legal academic journals edited and in part written by students.D.To choose the jurors, the prosecutors and sometimes the lawyers ask prospectivejurors questions to determine if they will be able to decide the case fairly.15.The states may, under the U. S. Constitution, do all of the following EXCEPTA.Maintain educational systems,B.Setup their own police departments.C.Provide for standing armies for self-defense.D.Make their own laws regulating commerce within their borders.参考答案:1A 2C 3B 4D 5C6C7D8A9B10B11D12A13C14B15C2017年5月LEC(试卷二)案例阅读部分Part I. Case Reading Comprehension (25 points)Read the case carefully and briefly answer the questions following the case:CORINTHIAN PHARMACEUTICAL SYSTEMS, INCv.LEDERLE LABORATORIES724 F.Supp. 605 (1989)MCKINNEY, J.This diversity action comes before the Court on the defendant's motion for summary judgment. Defendant Lederle Laboratories is a pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor that makes a number of drugs, including the DTP vaccine. Plaintiff Corinthian Pharmaceutical is a distributor of drugs that purchases supplies from manufacturers such as Lederle Labs and then resells the product to physicians and other providers. One of the products that Corinthian buys and distributes with some regularity is the DTP vaccine. [Under the terms of a settlement agreement in a prior, unrelated dispute, Corinthian] “may order additional vials of [vaccine] from Lederle at the market price and under the terms and conditions of sale in effect as of the date of the order.” …Lederle periodically issued a price list to its customers for all of its products. Each price list stated that all orders were subject to acceptance by Lederle at its home office, and indicated that the prices shown “were in effect at the time of publication but are submitted without offer and are subject to change without notice.” The price list further stated that changes in price “take immediate effect and unfilled current orders and back orders will be invoiced at the price in effect at the time shipment is made.”From 1985 through early 1986, Corinthian made a number of purchases of the vaccine from Lederle Labs. During this period of time, the largest single order ever placed by Corinthian with Lederle was for 100 vials. When Lederle Labs filled an order it sent an invoice to Corinthian. The one page, double-sided invoice contained the specifics of the transaction on the front, along with form statement at the bottom that the transaction “is governed by seller’s standard terms and conditions of sale set forth on back hereof, notwithstanding any provisions submitted by buyer.”“Acceptance of the order is expressly conditioned on buyer’s assent to seller’s terms andconditions.”On the back of the seller’s form, the above language was repeated, with the addition that the “[s]eller specifically rejects any different or additional terms and conditions and neither seller’s performance nor receipt of payment shall constitute an acceptance of them.” The reverse side also stated that prices are subject to change without notice at any time prior to shipment, and that the seller would not be liable for failure to perform the contract if the materials reasonably available to the seller were less than the needs of the buyer. The President of Corinthian admits seeing such conditions before and having knowledge of their presence on the back of the invoices, and Corinthian stipulates that all Lederle's invoices have this same language.During this period of time, product liability lawsuits concerning DTP increased, and insurance became more difficult to procure. As a result, Lederle decided in early 1986 to self-insure against such risks. In order to cover the costs of self-insurance, Lederle concluded that a substantial increase in the price of the vaccine would be necessary.In order to communicate the price change to its own sales people, Lederle's Price Manager prepared “PRICE LETTER NO. E-48.”This document was dated May 19, 1986, and indicated that effective May 20, 1986, the price of the DTP vaccine would be raised from $51.00 to $171.00 per vial. Price letters such as these were routinely sent to Lederle’s sales force, but did not go to customers. Corinthian Pharmaceutical did not know of the existence of this internal price letter until a Lederle representative presented it to Corinthian several weeks after May 20, 1986.Additionally,Lederle Labs also wrote a letter dated May 20, 19860 to its customers announcing the price increase and explaining the liability and insurance problems that brought about the change. Corinthian somehow gained knowledge of this letter on May 19, 1986, the date before the price increase was to take effect. In response to the knowledge of the impending price increase, Corinthian immediately ordered 1,000 vials of DTP vaccine from Lederle. Corinthian placed its order on May 19, 1986, by calling Lederle's “Telgo”system. The Telgo system is a telephone computer ordering system that allows customers to place orders over the phone by communicating with a computer. After Corinthian placed its order with the Telgo system, the computer gave Corinthian a tracking number for its order. On the same date, Corinthian sent Lederle two written confirmations of its order. On each form Corinthian stated that this “order is to receive the $64.32 per vial price.”On June 3, 1986, Lederle sent invoice 1771 to Corinthian for 50 vials of DTP vaccine priced at $64.32 per vial. The invoice contained the standard Lederle conditions noted above. The 50 vials were sent to Corinthian and were accepted. At the same time, Lederle sent its customers, including Corinthian, a letter regarding DTP vaccine pricing and orders. This letter stated that the “enclosed represents a partial shipment of the order for DTP vaccine, which you placed with Lederle on May 19, 1986.” The letter stated that under Lederle's standard terms and conditions of sale the normal policy would be to invoice the order at theprice when shipment was made. However, in light of the magnitude of the price increase, Lederle had decided to make an exception to its terms and conditions and ship a portion of the order at the lower price. The letter further stated that the balance would be priced at $171.00, and that shipment would be made during the week of June 16. The letter closed, “If for any reason you wish to cancel the balance of your order, please contact [us] ... on or before June 13.”Based on these facts, Corinthian brings this action seeking specific performance for the 950 vials of DTP vaccine that Lederle Labs chose not to deliver.…Under Rule 56(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, summary judgment “shall be rendered forthwith if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.”...DISCUSSIONDespite the lengthy recitation of facts, this is a straightforward sale of goods problem resembling those found in a contracts or sales casebook. The fundamental question is whether Lederle Labs agreed to sell Corinthian 1,000 vials of DTP vaccine at $64.32 per vial. As shown below, the undisputed material facts mandate the conclusion as a matter of law that no such agreement was ever formed.A. Lederle Labs Never Agreed to Sell 10 000 Vials at the Lower PriceInitially, it should be noted that this is a sale of goods covered by the Uniform Commercial Code, and that both parties are merchants under the Code.... The starting point in this analysis is where did the first offer originate. An offer is “the manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain, so made as to justify another person in understanding that his assent to that bargain is invited and will conclude it.” Restatement (Second), Contracts §4. The only possible conclusion in this case is that Corinthian's “order” of May 19, 1986, for 1,000 vials at $64.32 was the first offer. Nothing that the seller had done prior to this point can be interpreted as an offer.First, the price lists distributed by Lederle to its customers did not constitute offers. It is well settled that quotations are mere invitations to make an offer, …Corbin on Contracts §§26, 28 (1982), particularly where, as here, the price lists specifically stated that prices were subject to change without notice and that all orders were subject to acceptance by Lederle. Second, neither Lederle's internal price memorandum nor its letter to customers dated May 20, 1986, can be construed as an offer to sell 1,000 vials at the lower price. There is no evidence that Lederie intended Corinthian to receive the internal price memorandum, nor is there anything in the record to support the conclusion that the May 20, 1986, letter was an offer to sell 1,000 vials to Corinthian at the lower price. If anything, the evidence shows that Corinthian was not supposed to receive this letter until after the price increase had taken place. Moreover, the letter, just like the price lists, was a mere quotation (i.e., an invitation to submit an offer) sent to all customers. As such, it did not bestow on Corinthian nor other customers the power to form a binding contract for the sale of one thousand, or, for thatmatter, one million vials of vaccine.Thus, as a matter of law, the first offer was made by Corinthian when it phoned in and subsequently confirmed its order for 1,000 vials at the lower price. The next question, then, is whether Lederle ever accepted that offer.Under the Code, an acceptance need not be the mirror-image of the offer. U.C.C. §2-207. However, the offeree must still do some act that manifests the intention to accept the offerand make a contract. Under §2-206, an offer to make a contract shall be construed as inviting acceptance in any manner and by any medium reasonable in the circumstances. The first question regarding acceptance, therefore, is whether Lederle accepted the offer prior to sending the 50 vials of vaccine.The record is clear that Lederle did not communicate or do any act prior to shipping the 50vials that could support the finding of an acceptance. When Corinthian placed its order, it merely received a tracking number from the Telgo computer. Such an automated, ministerialact cannot constitute an acceptance. Thus, there was no acceptance of Corinthian's offer priorto the delivery of 50 vials.The next question, then, is what is to be made of the shipment of 50 vials and the accompanying letter. Section 2-206(b) of the Code speaks to this issue:[A]n order or other offer to buy goods for prompt or current shipment shall be construed as inviting acceptance either by a prompt promise to ship or by the prompt or current shipmentof conforming or non-conforming goods, but such a shipment of non-conforming goods doesnot constitute an acceptance if the seller seasonably notifies the buyer that the shipment is offered only as an accommodation to the buyer.§2-206 (emphasis added). Thus, under the Code a seller accepts the offer by shipping goods, whether they are conforming or not, but if the seller ships non-conforming goods and seasonably notifies the buyer that the shipment is a mere accommodation, then the seller has not, in fact, accepted the buyer's offer.... The accommodation letter, which Corinthian is sureit received, clearly stated that the 50 vials were being sent at the lower price as an exceptionto Lederle's general policy, and that the balance of the offer would be invoiced at the higher price. The letter further indicated that Lederle's proposal to ship the balance of the order atthe higher price could be rejected by the buyer.... Where, as here, the notification is properly made, the shipment of nonconforming goods is treated as a counteroffer just as at common law, and the buyer may accept or reject the counteroffer under normal contract rules.Thus, the end result of this analysis is that Lederle Lab's price quotations were mere invitations to make an offer, that by placing its order Corinthian made an offer to buy 1, 000 vials at the low price, that by shipping 50 vials at the low price Lederle's response was non-conforming, but the non-conforming response was a mere accommodation and thus constituted a counteroffer. Accordingly,there being no genuine issues of material fact onthese issues and the law being in favor of the seller, summary judgment must be granted for Lederle Labs.... For all these reasons, the defendant's motion for summary judgment isgranted.1.What is the procedural context of this matter heard before the court, and in whichcourt is this matter brought for it?2.Describe the issue for the court to decide.3.Describe the trial court’s holding.4.Was Plaintiff placing an order of 1000 vials on May 19, 1986, for a price of $64.32per vial, an acceptance of Plaintiffs offer? What is the legal effect of Plaintiffsplacement of such an order?5.Describe the legal rule applied to resolve the issue.2019年5月(试卷二)汉译英部分Part Ⅱ. Translation(40 points)1) Please translate the following paragraphs into English:《中华人民共和国外商投资法》(2019年3月15日第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过)第一章总则第一条为了进一步扩大对外开放,积极促进外商投资,保护外商投资合法权益,规范外商投资管理,推动形成全面开放新格局,促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,根据宪法,制定本法。



教育心理学部分历年真题教育心理学(2003年)一选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.中学生利用认知结构中原有的上位概念来学习新的下位概念的学习模式是()A 并列结合学习B 类属学习C 下位学习D 上位学习2.充分利用学生头脑中生动而鲜明的形象来帮助记忆,这是使用了()A 组织策略B 精加工策略C 元认识策略D 复述策略3.教育心理学发展的成熟时期所应对的年代()A 20世纪20年代到50年代B 20世纪80年代以后C 20世纪60到70年代末D 20世纪90年代起4.只能进行自我中心思维的儿童,其认知发展处于()A 前运算阶段B 感知运动阶段C 具体运算阶段D 形式运算阶段5.形状知觉形成的关键期是()A 2岁B 4-5岁C 4岁D 6岁6.“榜样学习”的教育效应最适合的心理学解释理论是()A 强化说B 认知失调论C 从众说D 观察学习理论7.个体倾向于利用自己身体或内部参考作为信息加工依据的学习风格()A 场依存性B 场独立性C 冲动性D沉思性8.先行组织者教学策略是给学习者提供()A 图表B 新知识C 认知框架D 以上都对9.心理学家研究认为,态度的核心成份是()A 认知成份B 情感成份C 行为倾向成份D 认知与情感成份10.以概念同化的学习方式获得概念主要发生在()A 学龄时期B 学前期C 成人D 以上都是11.奥苏泊尔的同化模式中,总括性同化又称()A 下位学习B 上位学习C 并列结合学习D 相关类属学习12.心理定势对解决问题具有()A 积极作用B 消极作用C 既有积极也有消极作用D 没有作用13.儿童能运用表象来表现他们的世界所发生的事并能据此进行想象,从而获得知识。

这种认知表征是()A 动作表征B 符号表征C 映像表征D 表象14.维果斯基的最近发展区是指()A 最新获得的能力B 超出目前水平的能力C 儿童现有发展水平与可能的发展水平之间的距离D 需要在下一发展阶段掌握的能力15.运用符号办事的能力是()A 言语信息B 智慧技能C 认知策略D 动作技能16.学生刚学英语时,对26个字母的记忆两头容易,中间难,这种现象的解释是()A 痕迹消退说B 动机说C 同化说D 前摄抑制与倒摄抑制17.学过高等数学后有利于初等数学的进一步理解和掌握,这属于()A 顺向正迁移B 逆向正迁移C 顺向负迁移D 逆向负迁移18.在哪个阶段,学生的理论道德开始形成但又具有两极分化的特点()A 学前阶段B 小学阶段C 初中阶段D 高中阶段19.“杀鸡吓猴”的教育效应最易被解释的现代心理学理论是()A 强化原理B 认知失调说C 从众说D 观察学习说20.学生学习直角三角形,这种学习属于()A 词汇学习B 符号学习C 概念学习D 命题学习参考答案1C 2B 3C4A5C 6D 7B 8C 9B 10C 11B 12C13C14C 15B 16D 17B 18C 19D 20B教育心理学(2004年)一选择题(每小题1分,共15分)1 有机体学会对条件刺激和条件刺激相似的刺激作出不同的行为反应,巴普洛夫称之为()A刺激泛化B刺激比较C 刺激分化D行为强化2当学生取得好的成绩后,老师家长给予表扬和鼓励,这符合桑代克学习规定中的()A准备率B练习律 C 动机率D效果律3 在学习过程中,学习者本人并没有受到直接的外在强化,但通过观察他人某种行为受到强化,从而在自己身上也产生了类似的强化结果,心理学家班杜拉将这种现象称为()A内在强化 B 负强化C替代强化D无意强化4发现学习理论的提出者是()A布鲁纳B加涅C奥苏泊尔D苛勒5 先于所要学习的新材料呈现的一种引导性材料。




下列说法正确的是A.Ag作原电池正极B.电子由Ag经活性炭流向PtC.Pt表面发生的电极反应:O2+2H2O+4e-=4OH-D.每消耗标准状况下11.2L的O2,最多去除1 mol Cl-129.(2023海南8)利用金属Al、海水及其中的溶解氧可组成电池,如图所示。

下列说法正确的是A.b电极为电池正极B.电池工作时,海水中的Na+向a电极移动C.电池工作时,紧邻a电极区域的海水呈强碱性D.每消耗1kgAl,电池最多向外提供37mol电子的电量130.(2023湖南8)葡萄糖酸钙是一种重要的补钙剂,工业上以葡萄糖、碳酸钙为原料,在溴化钠溶液中采用间接电氧化反应制备葡萄糖酸钙,其阳极区反应过程如下:下列说法错误的是A .溴化钠起催化和导电作用B .每生成1mol 葡萄糖酸钙,理论上电路中转移了2mol 电子C .葡萄糖酸能通过分子内反应生成含有六元环状结构的产物D .葡萄糖能发生氧化、还原、取代、加成和消去反应131.(2023北京5)回收利用工业废气中的CO 2和SO 2,实验原理示意图如下。

下列说法不正确的是A .废气中SO 2排放到大气中会形成酸雨B .装置a 中溶液显碱性的原因是HCO 3−的水解程度大于HCO 3−的电离程度C .装置a 中溶液的作用是吸收废气中的CO 2和SO 2D .装置b 中的总反应为SO 32−+CO 2+H 2O 电解HCOOH +SO 42−132.(2023湖北10)我国科学家设计如图所示的电解池,实现了海水直接制备氢气技术的绿色化。

该装置工作时阳极无Cl 2生成且KOH 溶液的浓度不变,电解生成氢气的速率为x mol ⋅h −1。

下列说法错误的是A.b电极反应式为2H2O+2e−=H2↑+2OH−B.离子交换膜为阴离子交换膜C.电解时海水中动能高的水分子可穿过PTFE膜D.海水为电解池补水的速率为2x mol⋅h−1133.(2023广东13)利用活性石墨电极电解饱和食盐水,进行如图所示实验。



1. 下列选项中,不属于学科前沿发展的是()
A. 人工智能
B. 基因技术
C. 太空科学
D. 传统音乐

2. 小明的身高是150厘米,小华的身高是小明身高的1.2倍,小华的身高是多少?
A. 160厘米
B. 180厘米
C. 140厘米
D. 170厘米
解析:小华的身高是小明身高的1.2倍,所以小华的身高为150 * 1.2 = 180厘米。

1. 一年有365天,一天有24小时,一小时有______分钟。

2. 中国的首都是______。

1. 请简要介绍学生综合素质评价的内容。


2. 请简要描述科学探究教学的重要性。







2023年雅思口语第一部分50道真题1.What is your full name?2.Where are you from?3.What do you do for a living?4.Do you enjoy your job?5.What are your hobbies?6.Have you ever traveled to another country?7.What is your favorite type of food?8.Do you prefer living in a city or a rural area?9.What are your favorite books or movies?10.What is your favorite type of music?11.Do you play any instruments?12.What is your favorite animal?13.Do you have any pets?14.What was the last movie you watched?15.Have you ever been to a concert or music festival?16.What is your favorite sport?17.Do you follow any sports teams?18.What is your favorite season?19.What is your favorite holiday?20.Do you like to cook?21.Have you ever been to a museum or art gallery?22.Do you enjoy hiking or camping?23.Have you ever been to a theme park or amusement park?24.Do you prefer coffee or tea?25.Have you ever gone skiing or snowboarding?26.Do you enjoy going to the beach?27.What is your favorite type of fruit?28.Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?29.What is your favorite type of transportation?30.Have you ever been to a zoo or aquarium?31.Do you enjoy going to the theater or cinema?32.What is your favorite type of movie or TV show?33.Have you ever been on a cruise?34.Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?35.Have you ever been on a road trip?36.Do you prefer hot or cold weather?37.What is your favorite type of snack?38.Have you ever gone scuba diving or snorkeling?39.Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?40.Have you ever been to a fashion show?41.Do you prefer to travel by plane or train?42.Do you enjoy going to the gym?43.What is your favorite type of cookie?44.Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks?45.Have you ever been to a poetry reading?46.Do you prefer to wear pants or skirts/dresses?47.How often do you check your email?48.How often do you use social media?49.What type of phone apps do you use the most?50.What type of weather do you dislike?。



2023年广东省高考真题历史试卷一、选择题1. 考古材料是研究历史地重要依据。

下列选项中,材料与结论之间逻辑关系正确地是材料结论A内蒙古克什克腾旗出土商朝地青铜器商朝统治范围到达内蒙古地区B山西晋国都邑遗址出土春秋早期铁器残片春秋早期已经使用铁器C湖北大冶铜矿冶遗址出土东周时代地陶片大冶铜矿地开采时间不早于东周D西安秦始皇陵兵马俑坑出上铁镞(箭头)秦朝军队主要使用铁制兵器A. AB. BC. CD. D【解析】B【解析】【详解】根据材料可知,B 项材料与结论之间逻辑关系正确,山西晋国都邑遗址出土春秋早期地铁器残片,说明春秋早期已经使用铁器,B 项正确;A 项材料与结论之间逻辑关系错误,内蒙古克什克腾旗出土商朝地青铜器可能是通过贸易等其他方式传入当地地,不一定属于商朝地统治范围,排除A 项;C 项材料与结论之间逻辑关系错误,湖北大冶铜矿冶遗址出土东周时代地陶片,说明大冶铜矿地开采时间不晚于东周,排除C 项;D 项材料与结论之间逻辑关系错误,西安秦始皇陵兵马俑坑出上铁镞(箭头)不代表秦朝军队主要使用铁制兵器,排除D 项。

故选B 项。

2. "奉朝请"是两汉朝廷给予退休大臣和列侯、宗室、外戚地特殊待遇,被授予者特许参加朝会,地位也随之提高。

东汉中叶以后,王、侯多不就国,而是以"奉朝请"地名义留驻京师,封国大权操于国相,这客观上A. 有助于遏制地方豪强势力地扩张B. 埋下了东汉末年军阀割据地隐患C. 为外戚干政提供了便利地条件D. 有利于朝廷对封国地直接控制【解析】B【解析】【详解】根据材料可知,东汉中叶以后,王、侯多不就国,封国地实际控制权到了诸侯国国相地手里,这些诸侯国国相长期把持地方权力,容易演变成地方割据势力,埋下了东汉末年军阀割据地隐患,B 项正确;东汉中叶以后地这种现象不利于遏制地方豪强势力地扩张,排除A 项;此现象与外戚干政无关,排除C 项;国相把持地方大权,不利于朝廷对封国地直接控制,排除D 项。



浙江省金华市、丽水市中考科学(化学部分)真题试题一、选择题1. 如图是微信热传的“苯宝宝表情包”,苯(化学式C6H6)、六氯苯(化学式C6Cl6)都是重要的化工原料,下列有关说法正确的是( )A. 苯分子由碳、氢两种元素组成B. 苯中氢元素的质量分数小于10%C. 六氯苯中碳氯两种元素的质量比为1:1D. 六氯苯由6个碳原子和6个氯原子构成【答案】 D【解析】A、苯由碳、氢两种元素组成,错误;B、苯中氢元素的质量分数=×100%=7.7%<10%,正确;C、六氯苯中碳氯两种元素的质量比为(12×6):(35.5×6)=24:71,错误;D、一个六氯苯分子由6个碳原子和6个氯原子构成,错误。


2. “丹砂烧之成水银”中的“丹砂”指的是硫化汞。

该反应的微观示意图如下,有关说法正确的是( )A. “●”代表非金属单质汞B. 此反应遵循质量守恒定律C. 反应前后原子的种类发生改变D. 反应前后各元素的化合价都不变【答案】 B【解析】根据微观示意图可知,此反应的化学方程式为HgS+O2=Hg+SO2;A、单质汞属于金属,故A错误;B、任何化学反应都遵循质量守恒定律,故B正确;C、反应前后原子的种类、数目、质量都不改变,故C错误;D、根据化学方程式HgS+O2=Hg+SO2,三种元素的化合价都发生了改变,故D错误。


3. 20℃时,在各盛有100克水的烧杯中,分别加入10克甲、乙、丙三种纯净物(不含结晶水,不与水反应),充分溶解后,结果如图。

下列说法正确的是( )A. 所得溶液可能都是饱和溶液B. 20℃时,乙溶液的溶质质量最小C. 溶液溶质的质量分数:甲>丙>乙D. 升高温度,溶液溶质的质量分数一定变大【答案】 A4. 用所给实验器材(规格和数量不限),就能顺利完成相应实验的是( )选项相应实验实验器材(省略夹持装置)A 硫酸铜晶体的制备和生长烧杯、玻璃棒、蒸发皿、量筒B 分离氯化钾和二氧化锰的混合物烧杯、玻璃棒、胶头滴管、滤纸C 用固体氯化钠配制5%的溶液烧杯、玻璃棒、胶头滴管、量筒D 用pH试纸测定溶液的酸碱性强弱烧杯、玻璃棒、pH试纸、标准比色卡A. AB. BC. CD. D【答案】 D【解析】A、硫酸铜溶液的浓缩结晶,应加热蒸发水分,所需实验器材有酒精灯、蒸发皿、玻璃棒、铁架台、坩埚钳等,题目提供的实验器材无法完成该实验,故A错误;B、氯化钾易溶于水,二氧化锰难溶于水,可采取加水溶解、过滤、洗涤、干燥的方法得到二氧化锰,然后对滤液蒸发结晶得到氯化钾,所需实验器材有烧杯、玻璃棒、漏斗、滤纸、铁架台、酒精灯、蒸发皿等,题目提供的实验器材无法完成该实验,故B 错误;C、用固体氯化钠配制5%的溶液,首先计算配制溶液所需氯化钠和水的质量,再称量所需的氯化钠和量取水,最后进行溶解,在这些操作中需要的实验器材:托盘天平、药匙、量筒、胶头滴管、烧杯和玻璃棒,题目提供的实验器材无法完成该实验,故C错误;D、测定溶液的酸碱性可使用pH试纸,所需实验器材有烧杯、玻璃棒、pH试纸、标准比色卡,题目提供的实验器材可以完成该实验,故D正确。







6、按照国家现行标准《承压设备无损检测》<NB/T 47013>的规定,目视检测主要用于()缺陷的检测。

(0.75分)[通用知识题]A.不锈钢B.碳钢C.宏观可见D.氧化腐蚀7、按照现行国家标准《设备及管道绝热技术通则》<GB/T 4272>的规定,为防止0℃以上常温以下的设备管道()的设备、管道及其附件必保冷。

(0.75分)[通用知识题] A.温度升高B.外表面凝露C.温度降低D.保持恒温8、现行国家标准《管道支吊架第1部分:技术规范》GB/T17116.1规定,含碳量大于()的碳钢,含金钢不应用在焊楼结构和采用热切割工艺成的结构上。


(0.75分)[通用知识题]A.刚性连接B.法兰连接C.柔性连接D.对焊连接10、现行国家标准《爆炸危险环境电力装置设计规范》GB 50058的规定,爆炸性粉尘环境中粉尘可分()。

(0.75分)[通用知识题]A.非可燃性飞絮B.可燃性飞絮C.非导电性粉尘D.导电性粉尘11、按照现行国家标准《设备及管道绝热设计导则》〈GB/T 8175〉的规定,保护层有金属及非金属结构,是绝热结构的外护层。





一、民事法律知识1. 以下哪种情形不属于民事主体能力的限制?A. 未成年人B. 精神病人C. 股东D. 酒鬼解析:答案为C。


2. 法律上,以下哪个行为构成违约?A. 甲方未按约定时间支付货款B. 乙方未按约定时间发货C. 甲方未按约定时间交车D. 乙方未按约定时间支付租金解析:答案为B。



二、刑法法律知识1. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,以下哪种情形不属于故意杀人罪?A. 主动暴力伤害他人致死B. 因交通肇事致人死亡C. 一时冲动下伤人致死D. 过失致人死亡解析:答案为D。



2. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,以下哪种情形不属于诽谤罪?A. 在微博上发布不实的言论B. 在公开场合散布谣言C. 通过电视台发布虚假的报道D. 私下中对他人进行诋毁解析:答案为C。



三、行政法律知识1. 以下哪个部门不属于我国政府的垂直管理部门?A. 国家发展和改革委员会B. 国家安全局C. 国家卫生计生委员会D. 国家知识产权局解析:答案为A。


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1.下列情况中,属于正常使用极限状态的情况是【 D 】A强度破坏B丧失稳定C连接破坏D动荷载作用下过大的振动2.应力循环特征值(应力比)ρ=σmin/σmax将影响钢材的疲劳强度。

在其它条件完全相同情况下,下列疲劳强度最低的是【 A 】A对称循环ρ=-1 B应力循环特征值ρ=+1C脉冲循环ρ=0 D以压为主的应力循环3.下列施焊方位中,操作最困难、焊缝质量最不容易保证的施焊方位是【 D 】A平焊B立焊C横焊D仰焊4. 规范规定普通螺栓抗拉强度设计值只取螺栓钢材抗拉强度设计值的 0.8 倍,是因为【 C 】A偏安全考虑B考虑实际作用时可能有偏心的影响C撬力的不利影响D上述A、B、C5. 提高轴心受压构件的钢号,能显著提高构件的【 A 】A静力强度 B整体稳定C局部稳定 D刚度6. 宽大截面轴心受压钢构件腹板局部稳定的处理方法:当构件的强度、整体稳定、刚度绰绰有余时,应采用【 C 】A增加腹板厚度以满足宽厚比要求B设置纵向加劲肋C任凭腹板局部失稳D设置纵向加劲肋、横向加劲肋和短加劲肋7.工字形组合截面吊车钢梁在进行抗弯强度计算时,截面塑性部分发展系数取值为【 A 】Aγx=γy=1.0 Bγx=1.05, γy=1.2Cγx=1.15, γy=1.2 Dγx=1.05, γy=1.158.在其它条件相同情况下,简支钢梁在下列哪种受力情况下对应的临界弯矩值最低【 C 】A全跨匀布荷载 B跨中一集中荷载C纯弯曲 D任意荷载9.型钢构件不需要进行【 C 】A强度验算B总体稳定验算C局部稳定验算 D刚度验算不容许相对滑动的连接是【 C 】10.受剪栓钉连接中,被连板件∙A普通螺栓连接 B铆钉连接C摩擦型高强度螺栓连接 D承压型高强度螺栓连接1.下列中的哪一种元素可以引起钢材出现低温冷脆现象(B)。

A.C B.PC.Mn D.S(热脆)4.在角焊逢连接中有两种形式的焊缝,即端焊缝与侧焊缝,下列哪一项的描述是正确的(B)。



A.螺栓材料的抗拉强度1040N/ mm2;B.螺栓材料的屈服强度900N/mm2;C.螺栓材料的屈服强度1040N/ mm2;D.螺栓材料的屈强比为0.9 。







A.单向一次拉伸试验B.冷弯180°试验C.冲击韧性试验D.疲劳试验3.钢构件最易产生脆性破坏的应力状态是(B )。

A..单向压应力状态B.三向拉应力状态C.二向拉一向压的应力状态D.单向拉应力状态5.受固定集中荷载作用的组合工字形钢梁,其腹板可不计算局部承压的条件是(B )。


8.某截面无削弱的热轧型钢实腹式轴心受压柱,设计时应计算( C )。


A.提高强度承载力B.提高刚度C.提高整体稳定性D.提高腹板局部稳定性10.在计算格构式钢柱(缀条式、缀板式)绕虚轴稳定承载力时,其换算长细比通常大于实际长细比,这主要是由于(A )。

A .格构式钢柱剪切变形的影响B .格构柱轴向变形的影响C .柱肢局部屈曲的影响D .缀材局部屈曲的影响11.某简支钢梁上作用的均布永久荷载标准值为m kN q k /4=,可变荷载标准值为m kN p k /6=,则在计算该钢梁挠度时采用的荷载设计值应是(B )m kN /。

A .13.3B .10C .12D .1412.以下四种厚度的Q235B 钢板中,钢材设计强度值最高的为(A)的钢板。

A .12mmB .24mmC .30mmD .50mm13.现行规范规定,结构钢材的牌号Q345B 是指(D)。

A .2/235mm N f u =B 级碳素结构钢B .2/235mm N f y =B 级碳素结构钢C .2/345mm N f u = B 级低合金结构钢D .2/345mm N f y =B 级低合金结构钢14.一个8.8级的M24高强度螺栓,其设计预拉力为180kN ,则该高强度螺栓的抗拉承载力为( B )kN 。

A .108B .144C .162D .18015.采用手工焊接方法将钢号为Q235B 与钢号为Q345B 的板件相焊接时,应选用( A )进行施焊。

A .E43型焊条B .E50型焊条C .E55型焊条D .其它焊条16.摩擦型高强度螺栓的抗剪连接强度计算时以(D)作为承载能力极限状态。

A .螺杆被拉断B ..螺杆被剪断C .孔壁被压坏D .连接板件间的摩擦力刚被克服18.某简支钢梁,在跨中作用着一个集中荷载,对该集中荷载分别作用于上翼缘和作用于下翼缘的两种情况,梁的整体稳定性承载能力(B)。

A .前者大B .后者大C .二者相同D .不能确定20.规范规定的普通螺栓抗拉强度比其材料的实际抗拉强度(B)。

A .高B .低C .相同D . 没有关系1. 关于建筑结构钢材的特点,下列说法中错误的是( C )。

A. 钢材具有良好的塑性和韧性B. 钢材具有良好的焊接性能,采用焊接结构可以使钢结构的连接大为简化C. 钢结构的耐腐蚀性很好,适合在各种恶劣环境中使用D. 钢结构的耐热性很好,但耐火性能很差2. 我国现行钢结构设计规范进行疲劳设计时采用的是( B )。

A. 概率极限状态设计方法B. 容许应力设计方法C. 极限状态设计方法D. 屈服应力设计方法3. 有时要求钢材应具有Z向收缩率指标的要求,是为了(C)。

A. 检验钢材的塑性变形能力能否达到建筑结构用钢的要求B. 检查金属内部是否有非金属杂质等缺陷C. 防止厚板在焊接时或承受厚度方向的拉力时,发生层状撕裂D. 防止有动力荷载作用时,钢材发生低温脆断4.某单跨简支梁,计算跨度l0=6m,永久荷载标准值g k=16kN/m(含自重),可变荷载标准值q k=7kN/m (可变荷载的组合值系数是0.7),则基本组合时梁跨中最大弯矩设计值为(C)。

A. 103.5kN.mB. 128.07kN.mC. 130.5 kN.mD. 141.3kN.m8. 对于直接承受动力荷载的结构,宜采用( C )A. 焊接连接B. 普通螺栓连接C. 摩擦型高强度螺栓连接D. 承压型高强度螺栓连9. 图示高强螺栓群摩擦型连接受弯后的旋转中心为( A )。

A. a点B. b点C. c点D. d点10. 对于普通螺栓连接,限制端距e≥2d0的目的是为了避免(D)。

A. 螺栓杆受剪破坏B. 螺栓杆受弯破坏C. 板件受挤压破坏D. 板件端部冲剪破坏11. 在下列因素中,对轴心压杆整体稳定承载力影响不大的是( D )。

A. 荷载偏心的大小B. 截面残余应力的分布C. 构件中初始弯曲的大小D. 螺栓孔的局部削弱13. 为保证轴压钢柱腹板的局部稳定,应使其高厚比不大于某一限值,此限值( A )。

A. 与钢材的强度和柱的长细比均有关B. 与钢材的强度有关,而与柱的长细比无关C. 与钢材的强度无关,而与柱的长细比有关D. 与钢材的强度和柱的长细比均无关16. 设计焊接组合截面梁时,通常要事先估计梁的高度取值范围,一般来说梁的最大高度是由建筑高度所决定的,而梁的最小高度一般是由下列哪项决定的? (D)A. 梁的整体稳定要求B. 梁的局部稳定要求C. 梁的强度要求D. 梁的刚度要求17. 当荷载或跨度很大而梁高受到限制,或对截面抗扭刚度要求较高时,宜选用( D )。

A. 热轧型钢梁B. 冷弯薄壁型钢C. 工字形截面组合梁D. 箱形截面组合梁18. 梁支座处或上翼缘受有较大固定集中荷载的地方,应设(D)。

A. 横向加劲肋B. 纵向加劲肋C. 短加劲肋D. 支承加劲肋19. 某简支梁,荷载向下作用于梁的受拉下翼缘,欲提高此梁整体稳定承载力的最有效途径是(C)。

A. 改变荷载作用位置B. 增大受拉翼缘宽度C. 减小梁受压翼缘的侧向计算长度D. 减少受压翼缘宽度二、判断改错题(题意正确者,打√即可;题意错误者,先打×,然后将错误处改正确)1.钢结构的疲劳计算方法为容许应力法。


2. 轴心受压钢构件柱子曲线(φ-λ关系曲线)有多条的原因是因为考虑了回转半径的不同。


3. 任何螺栓连接的构件,由于孔洞对构件截面有削弱,所以,强度验算只需要对净截面进行。


4.焊接组合梁翼缘板与腹板的连接焊缝(侧焊缝)的长度不受60h f的限制。


三、简答题1. 极限状态法按预定功能划分为哪几种极限状态?答:承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态。

3. 钢板厚度如何影响钢材脆性断裂?答:钢板厚度越厚,因应力集中引起的三向同号受力中σ3值越大,主剪应力值越小,越不可能起控制作用,也就是说,主(拉、压)应力越有可能控制,即越有可能发生脆性断裂。

4. 为什么要规定侧面角焊缝的最大长度和最小长度?其值为多少?答:(1)侧焊缝长度过长,焊缝有效截面上的剪应力沿焊缝长度方向的分布越不均匀,按均匀分布计算结构与实际情况出入过大。


(2)l w≤60h f;l w≥8h f及40mm。
