STP Lab 3-5

名称符号白云母 Mu白钨矿 Sh斑铜矿 Bn赤铁矿 Hm赤铜矿 Cpt磁铁矿 Mt雌黄铁矿Pyr雌黄 Orp单斜辉石 Mp(毒砂 Ars方解石 Cal方铅矿 Gn高岭石 Kl锆石 Zi铬铁矿 Chm硅灰石 Wl褐铁矿 Lm黑钨矿 Wf黑云母 Bit:红柱石 Ad黄铜矿 Cp黄铁矿 Py辉铜矿 Cc辉钼矿Mot辉锑矿Sti辉银矿Arg辉石Prx尖晶石Sp :角闪石Hb金刚石Dm堇青石Cor绢云母 Ser蓝宝石Ind蓝晶石Ky蓝铜矿Az锂辉石 Spo锂云母Lpd铝土矿Bx )绿帘石Ep绿泥石Chl绿柱石 Ber镁铁榴石Mj镁铁闪石Cun明矾石 Aln钠长石 Ab闪锌矿Sph石英 Qz石榴石 Gr :石墨 Gph石膏 Gy铜蓝 Cov透石膏Sel透辉石Di透长石 San微斜长石 Mi斜方辉石 Opx斜长石 Pl}榍石 Sph雄黄 Rar阳起石Act黝帘石 Zo萤石 Fl黝铜矿Thr正长石Or矿物名称矿物英文名称序号%矿物符号1 Ab 钠长石Albite2 Act 阳起石|Actinolite3 Adr 钙铁闪石Andradite4 Aeg 霓石Aegirine5 (碱性长石Alkalifeldspar Afs6 Agt 霓辉石Aegirine-augite7 Ak 镁黄长石\Akermanite8 Alm 铁铝榴石Almandine9 Aln 褐帘石Allanite10 ·铝硅酸盐Alumosilicate Als11 Am 闪石Amphibole12 An 钙长石?Anorthite13 And 红柱石Andalusite14 Anh 硬石膏Anhydrite15 !铁白云母AnkeriteAnk16 Anl 方沸石Analcime17 Ann 铁云母\Annite18 Ant 锐钛矿Anatase19 Ap 磷灰石Apatite20 ]鱼眼石Apophyllite Apo21 Apy 毒砂Arsenopyrite22 Arf 亚铁钠闪石|Arfvedsonite23 Arg 文石Aragonite24 Atg 叶蛇纹石Antigorite25 。

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DPtech FW1000特色总结
1、高端防火墙性能不足:ASA5580服务器架构,宣称20G,实测小包性能不到3Gbps 2、地域性限制多:ASA4~7层功能不支持国内应用识别如迅雷、熊猫烧香病毒等,非国内产 品,资质限制多 3、不支持3G模块和WIFI模块 4、不支持协议库和URL库 5、功能扩展成本高:虚拟防火墙、SSL VPN均需额外收费
目录 一、系列产品介绍 二、应用及案例
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ZEISS Axiolab 5智能研究室微视机说明书

ZEISS Axiolab 5Il vostro microscopio "smart" per attività di routine più efficienti in laboratorioInformazioni sul prodotto Versione 1.0Axiolab 5 è stato concepito per le applicazioni di routine al microscopio che si svol -gono quotidianamente nel vostro laboratorio. I l suo design compatto ed ergonomico vi consente di risparmiare spazio e garantisce la massima semplicità di utilizzo.Axiolab 5 è un vero team player. Utilizzandolo in combinazione con Axiocam 208 color sfrutterete al meglio il concetto di microscopia smart grazie a una forma di documentazione digitale completamente nuova. Vi basterà mettere a fuoco il vostro campione e premere un solo pulsante per avere immagini nitide e di elevata fedeltà cromatica. Sarà come osservare l'immagine digitale attraverso gli oculari: tutti i dettagli e le più lievi differenze cromatiche saranno ben visibili.Axiolab 5 provvede inoltre automaticamente all'aggiunta delle corrette informazioni relative al ridimensionamento in scala delle vostre immagini. Tutto questo grazie a un unico sistema, senza la necessità di ricorrere a un PC o a un ulteriore software. Con Axiolab 5 risparmierete tempo, denaro e spazio prezioso in laboratorio. La documentazione digitale non è mai stata così facile.Il vostro microscopio "smart" per attività di routine più efficienti in laboratorio› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli ›Assistenza tecnicaAnimazionePiù semplice. Più intelligente. Più integrato.Più efficenza nelle attività di routine in laboratorioUna volta individuata un'area di interesse, vi basterà premere il pulsante di acquisizione posto sullo stativo per acquisire l'immagine. Axiolab 5 è intuitivo e offre un sistema ergonomico per l'utente, adattato alle attività di routine delvostro laboratorio. Potrete controllare il micro -scopio e la telecamera connessa senza dover cambiare l'impugnatura : sarà difatti il vostro sistema smart a regolare automaticamente i parametri per voi, documentando il campione esattamente come se lo osservaste attraverso gli oculari, ricco di dettagli e con un'elevata fedeltà cromatica. Il corretto ridimensionamento in scala è sempre regolato automaticamente e non sarà più necessario investire in un ulteriore computer o software. Grazie alla microscopia smart lavorete in maniera più efficiente e potrete concentrarVi meglio sul vostro campione.Più conveniente e affidabileAxiolab 5 vi garantisce una riduzione dei costi e risparmio energetico. Attivando la modalità Eco, Axiolab 5 passa automaticamente in modalità stand-by dopo 15 minuti di inattività. Ciò consente di risparmiare energia prolungando la durata di illumi-nazione dei LED, che già di per sé assicurano una durata maggiore rispetto ai tradizionali sistemi di illu -minazione. Nella modalità a luce trasmessa, il nuovo e potente LED bianco vi consentirà la visualizzazione del vostro campione nei colori naturali. Anche le più lievi differenze cromatiche risulteranno visibili. Per la fluorescenza, i LED integrati in diverse lunghezze d'onda sono più facili e sicuri da utilizzare rispetto, ad esempio, alle classiche lampade al mercurio. Grazie ai LED , i tempi di riscaldamento e raffreddamento saranno eliminati così come la sostituzione e regola -zione delle lampade diverranno un lontano ricordo. Più spazio in laboratorio e contenimento dei costi: Axiolab 5 non richiede computer o software aggiuntivi.Ergonomia intelligente per lavorare con tranquillità in laboratorioI punti forti di Axiolab 5 sono l'ergonomia e l'effi -cienza. Tutti i controlli principali, tra cui il pulsante di acquisizione, la regolazione del tavolino, la rego -lazione della messa fuoco e il controllo della lumi -nosità, sono facilmente raggiungibili con una sola mano. Gli ergotubi e l'impugnatura del tavolino con regolazione dell'altezza e della frizione consentono una postura comoda e corretta nel corso dell'osser -vazione, anche in caso di uso prolungato. Il porta -campioni doppio riduce l'affaticamento: poichè richiede poche sostituzioni dei vetrini (ad esempio quando si esaminano i vetrini IHC). Il nuovo disposi -tivo di gestione della luce garantisce una luminosità uniforme a tutti i livelli di ingrandimento, elimi-nando le regolazioni manuali dell'intensità della lampada durante la sostituzione degli obiettivi. Nel complesso, Axiolab 5 minimizza e facilita i passaggi manuali e vi consente di lavorare in maniera più efficiente e con un comfort superiore.› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli ›Assistenza tecnicaAmpliate le vostre possibilitàL'uso combinato con le fotocamere da micro-scopio Axiocam 202 mono o Axiocam 208 colorvi offrirà tutti i vantaggi di un microscopio "smart" assolutamente autonomo.Le impostazioni della fotocamera, come il bilan-ciamento del bianco, il tempo di esposizione e lefunzioni di miglioramento dell'immagine, sonoregolate automaticamente ed evitano di doverricorrere a un ulteriore software per imaging ocomputer, consentendovi le seguenti attività:Autonomia nell'imaging di routine di base ZEISS Axiolab 5 funziona indipendentemente dalsistema informatico.ZEISS Labscope per imaging di routine avanzatoL'utilizzo di ZEISS Axiolab 5 insieme all'app per imagingZEISS Labscope è ideale per la m icroscopia connessa el'imaging standard in fluorescenza multicanale.ZEISS ZEN per applicazioni di ricercaUtilizzo di ZEN Imaging software per eseguireattività di imaging avanzate con ZEISS Axiolab 5.• acquisire immagini e registrare video direttamentedal vostro stativo;• utilizzare il mouse (e in via opzionale la tastiera)per controllare la fotocamera tramite l'OSD(on screen display);• salvare le impostazioni;• salvare le immagini insieme ai metadati del micro-scopio e della fotocamera nonché le informazionirelative al ridimensionamento in scala;• predefinire il nome oppure rinominare la vostraimmagine.Microscopia smart: per una documentazione digitale più semplice › In breve› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaAmpliate le vostre possibilitàMaggior efficienzacon la microscopia smartEfficienza e qualità sono fattori chiave per il vostro laboratorio, ma l'acquisizione di immagini ad alta fedeltà cromatica e ricche di dettagli potrebbe richiedere molto tempo. La procedura vi è nota: posizionare il campione, mettere a fuoco la regione di interesse, passare al computer, regolare le impo-stazioni come il bilanciamento del bianco, il tempo di esposizione e di acquisizione, e infine acquisirel'immagine, inserire una barra da scala, passare di nuovo al microscopio e così via. Questo è un tipico esempio di workflow di docu-mentazione. Ora, con il sistema Axiolab 5 e grazie alla microscopia smart potete concentrarvi unica-mente sul vostro campione. La documentazione digitale è integrata nel design del sistema: vi basterà premere il pulsante ergonomico di acquisizione sul microscopio ed il gioco è fatto. La procedura si integrerà perfettamente nel vostro workflow di microscopia già consolidato aumentando notevol-mente la vostra efficienza.› In breve› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnicaSu misura per le vostre applicazioni› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaZEISS Axiolab 5 al lavoroVasi sanguigni, luce trasmessa a campo chiaro,obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 40× / 1.4Retina di ratto, sezione, fast red nucleare, luce trasmessaa campo chiaro, obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 20× / 0.8Midollo osseo rosso, luce trasmessa a campo chiaro,obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 40× / 1.4Lingua di ratto, verde acido, luce trasmessa a campo chiaro,obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 20× / 0.8Striscio di sangue, colorazione di Giemsa, luce trasmessaa campo chiaro, obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 63× / 1.4Acaro Varroa, luce trasmessa a campo chiaro,obiettivo: Plan-Apochromat 5× / 0.16› In breve› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaAmpliate le vostre possibilitàLa microscopia a fluorescenza richiede una sorgente di luce intensa che stimoli le colorazioni fluorescenti e le proteine. Axiolab 5 FL è dotato di un'illuminazione LED a risparmio energetico e di lunga durata che non richiede manutenzione e regolazione. Tale illuminazione consente di ottenere una documentazione in fluorescenza fino a un massimo di 3 canali. È possibile regolare l'intensità di ciascun LED. Grazie alla sua codifica, Axiolab 5 riconosce qual è il LED attualmente in uso e ne regola l'intensità luminosa in base all'ultima impostazione utilizzata.› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnicacirca 1,2 m2 personecirca 1,8 m5 persone11 personecirca 1,8 mc i r c a 2 mcirca 2,5 m8 personeIn base allo spazio a disposizione, è possibile configurare le singole combinazioni per garantireche lo spazio venga sfruttato al meglio.Ampliate le vostre possibilitàSistema multidiscussionePanoramica perfetta da qualsiasi posizione Potrete utilizzare il sistema multidiscussione nel corso di sessioni formative e consulti e in campo medico, ad esempio durante le lezioni impartite a studenti e dottorandi, i consulti oppure le analisi congiunte di campioni difficili. Con il sistema multidiscussione di ZEISS l'orientamento delle immagini sarà identico per ogni co-osservatore; ognuno osserverà nello stesso orientamento dell'osservatore principale, indi -pendentemente dalla configurazione e dal numero di osservatori presenti. Potrete impostare qualsiasi tipo di configurazione, realizzata su misura in base al numero di co-osservatori richiesto e allo spazo dispo -nibile. Qualora poi necessitaste di stazioni di lavoro aggiuntive, il sistema può essere facilmente ampliato in qualsiasi momento.Ciascun tubo dispone di un proprio supporto, posizio -nato in modo ottimale in corrispondenza del proprio baricentro. Ciò rende il sistema estremamente stabile. L'altezza di ciascun supporto è regolabile separata -mente e, grazie al giunto sferico, qualsiasi piccola irregolarità del tavolo o del pavimento facilmente compensata.L'indicatore luminoso mobile consente di selezionare strutture interessanti oppure importanti alterazioni istologiche nel campione preparato. Sarete in grado di fornire un'ottima guida di orientamento per i campioni marcati con diverse colorazioni, regolando l'intensità dell'indicatore luminoso e scegliendo tra le diverse impostazioni di colore (bianco, verde, rosso).› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnica125341 Microscopio ZEISS Axiolab 5:• stativo codificato con luce trasmessa • stativo codificato con luce trasmessa e luce r iflessa con fluorescenza 2 ObiettiviClassi di obiettivi raccomandate: • A-Plan • N-Achroplan • EC Plan-NEOFLUAR5 Software• Modalità stand-alone (On Screen Display)• App di imaging Labscope • ZEN Imaging SoftwareUna vasta scelta di componenti3 Illuminazione Luce trasmessa:• illuminazione LED 10 W• illuminazione alogena 35 W (opzionale)Luce riflessa:• fino a 3 LED in fluorescenza 4 FotocamereFotocamere raccomandate:• ZEISS Axiocam 208 color(con s tativo codificato a luce trasmessa Axiolab 5)• ZEISS Axiocam 202 color(con s tativo codificato a fluorescenza Axiolab 5)› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnicaPanoramica del sistema› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaPanoramica del sistema› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaSpecifiche tecniche› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnicaSpecifiche tecniche› I vantaggi› Le applicazioni› Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli› Assistenza tecnica>> /microserviceConsapevoli dell'importanza che riveste il vostro sistema di miscroscopia ZEISS, ci adoperiamo per assicurarvi la sua massima affidabilità d'uso, mettendovi in grado di utilizzare ogni sua opzione disponibile, sfruttandone appieno le prestazioni. Potete scegliere tra una serie di prodotti di assistenza, ciascuno fornito da specialisti altamente qualificati ZEISS che vi supporteranno nell'intera fase di post-acquisto. Il nostro obiettivo principale resta infatti quello di mettervi in condizione di ottenere il massimo dei risultati durante l’intero corso della vostra attività quotidiana.Riparazione. Manutenzione. Ottimizzazione.Prolungate il ciclo di vita del vostro microscopio. Un contratto di assistenza ZEISS Protect vi da modo di prevedere i costi operativi, riducendo i dispendiosi tempi di attesa in caso di fermo macchina e assicurandovi un uso completo del vostro sistema. Scegliete il contratto di assistenza più adatto a voi in base alla gamma di opzioni e ai livelli di supporto offerti. Lavoreremo con voi per selezionare il programma di assistenza che meglio risponde alle esigenze del vostro microscopio ai suoi requisiti d’uso, attenendoci alle disposizioni standard della vostra società.Anche il nostro Service "on demand" vi offre notevoli vantaggi. Il nostro Servizio di Assistenza analizzerà le problematiche specifiche, risolvendole per mezzo di un software di manutenzione in remoto od operando in loco.Ampliate il vostro sistema di microscopia.Il vostro microscopio ZEISS è ideato per poter ricevere una regolare serie di aggiornamenti: le interfacce aperte vi consentiranno di mantenere il sistema costantemente aggiornato. Grazie alle nuove possibilità di update, opererete in modo più efficiente, prolungando il ciclo di vita del vostro microscopio e migliorandone le performance.Approfittate delle prestazioni ottimizzate del vostro sistema microscopio supportato dal Servizi di Assistenza ZEISS, ora e in futuro.Affidatevi al supporto del nostro Servizio di Assistenza Tecnica› In breve › I vantaggi › Le applicazioni › Il sistema› Tecnologia e dettagli › Assistenza tecnicaCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 07745 Jena, Germania ********************/axiolabL e d i s p o n i b i l i t à d i p r o d o t t o p o s s o n o v a r i a r e i n b a s e a l P a e s e i n c u i è c o m m e r c i a l i z z a t o . L 'u s o d e i p r o d o t t i a fi n i m e d i c o -d i a g n o s t i c i , t e r a p e u t i c i o d i t r a t t a m e n t o p u ò e s s e r e l i m i t a t o d a r e g o l a m e n t a z i o n i l o c a l i.C o n t a t t a t e i l v o s t r o r a p p r e s e n t a n t e l o c a l e Z E I S S p e r u l t e r i o r i i n f o r m a z i o n i I T _41_011_204 | C Z 05-2019 | S o g g e t t o a m o d i fi c h e s e n z a p r e a v v i s o n e l d e s i g n e n e l l a d i s p o n i b i l i t à d i p r o d o t t o d o v u t o a l l ’u l t e r i o r e s v i l u p p o t e c n i c o . | © C a r l Z e i s s M i c r o s c o p y G m b H。
洗涤加强剂-Spray'N Wash 亮白与Resolve力说明书

Product Safety Data Sheet1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product NameSpray 'N Wash Bright & White with Resolve powerProduct Identifier Laundry additive liquid for in-wash applications TDS formula code0167353 (R&D Code: Mira Lab-Book 290-54) Validation Date September 10th, 2008Distributor Reckitt Benckiser North America Inc.Morris Centre IV, 399 Interface Parkway (P.O. 225) Parsippany, N.J. 07054-0225Emergency Contact 1-800-228-4722Transport Emergency 1-800 424 9300 (North America) ; 703-527-3887 (outside North America)2. COMPOSITION IngredientsCAS N. Concentration RangeExposure LimitHydrogen Peroxide 7722-84-1 2% - 4% None Alcohol Ethoxylated C12-C16 7EO 68551-12-2 4% - 6% None62338-81761 (44oz) ; 62338-81762 (75 oz)August 13th, 2009Alcohol Ethoxylated C12-C16 3EO 68551-12-2 1% - 3% NoneSodium Alkylbenzen sulphonate 85117-50-6 2% - 4% None3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEW:WARNING. EYE AND SKIN IRRITANT. MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWEDKEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.DO NOT get in eyes, on skin or ingest. May be severely irritating to eyes. wash hands after use. For sensitive skin the use of gloves is recommendedContains Hydrogen peroxide and surfactants4. FIRST- AID MEASURESFirst Aid - Eye Contact In case of eye contact, hold eyes open and IMMEDIATELY, rinse thoroughly with plenty of waterRemove any contact lenses and continue rinsing for at least 15 minutes. I f irritation persists get medical attentionFirst Aid - Skin Contact I n keeping good hygienic practices, wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. I f any irritation occurs get medical attentionFirst Aid - Ingestion If swallowed, rinse mouth and drink a glass of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control centreFirst Aid - Inhalation The product is not volatile. In case of accident, move the person to fresh air5. FIRE- FIGHTING MEASURESFlammability Not flammableFire/Explosion Hazard None knownFire fighting media/Instructions Not a fire hazard. Use exthinguishing media for surrounding materialsSpecial equipment for Fire Fighters As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus, pressure-demand, MSHA/NI OSH (approved or equivalent) and full protecting gearFlash Point (°C) > 93.3°C (based on available information on raw materilas)Autoignition Temperature No information available6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions Avoid contact with skin and eyes.People working on cleaning-up accidental spillages should be using appropriate gloves and eye/body protection Spillages Small splillages: Cordon-off the area. Soak-up spill with adsorben material and dispose off as appropriate. Rinse surface residue and wipe dry to avoid splippery conditionsLarger spillages: Cordon-off the area. Large spill should be collected and disposed according to local regulations7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling Careful handling of chemicals is required. WARNING: EYE AND SKIN IRRITANT. MAY BE HARMFUL IFSWALLOWED. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.Do not ingestStorage Conditions Store the closed packages cool and under dry conditions. Do not freeze. Store in original container in a secure area, inaccessible to children and petsKEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN8. EXPOSURE CONTROL AND PERSONAL PROTECTIONEngineering Control Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areasEye protection Wear safety goggles if the exposure is likely to be prolonged (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection)Skin protection Wear safety gloves if the exposure is likely to be prolonged (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection)Respiratory protection In case of airborne dusting wear dust mask (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection)Body protection Wear suitable protective clothes if the use is likely to be prolonged (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection).Hand protection Protective gloves (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection).9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance Clear liquidColour AmberOdour perfumed (fruity scent)pH (as is)3,4 - 4,4Solubility in water (kg/m3)high solubilityViscosity (cPs, 25°C)< 100 (Brookfield RV, spindle 1, 60 rpm)Specific gravity (g/mL)1,0179 - 1,027910. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYChemical Stability The product is chemically stable under normal conditions. Store away from direct sun-light and from any source of heatConditions to Avoid T > 50°C, product contaminationHazardous decomposition products Carbon oxide and unknown organic compoundsMaterials to Avoid Hypochlorite based bleaches, metal ions11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes contact May be severely Irritating to eyes (based on raw material data)Skin contact Skin Irritant (based on raw material data).Ingestion May be Harmful by ingestion (Oral LD50 > 5000mg/kg, based on raw material data)Sensitization Not expected to be a sensitizer (based on raw material information)Chronic Effects No information availableCarcirogenic Effects Not listed as carcirogenic by OSHA, NTP, or IARCMutagenic Effects No information availableReproductive toxicity No information availableTarget Organ Effects No information availableInformation is based on data on the components and the toxicology of similar products12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONIncorporated surfactants are ultimately aerobically biodegradable according to OECD301 methodsMobility Not Applicable Bioaccumulation Not ApplicableEcotoxicityNot Applicable Aquatic toxicity The liquid contains hydrogen peroxide which decomposes in oxygen and water with no adverse effect For surfactants with EC 50 < 1mg/l no adverse long-term effects to the aquatic environment are foreseen,due to their biodegradability and non-bioacculable properties. the product may exhibit acute effects in case of massive disscharge in watercourses.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSProduct Disposal Disposal should be done in accordance with local/state or federal legislation Do not release in ground or on riverContainer DisposalCleaned to recycling, landfill or incinerator 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONGeneral Remark: Not classified as hazardous for transport.Dot Classification: Not a DOT regulated material (United States)TDG Classification: Not a TDG regulated material (Canada)UN NumberNot applicableProper Shipping Name Not applicable Packaging Group Not applicable Maritime TransportationNot applicable15. REGULATORY INFORMATION FEDERAL and STATE REGULATIONSARA Title III, Section 313 Toxic Chemical Notification Release Reporting: NonePROPOSITION 65 This product contains the following ingredients which require a warning under theSafe Drinking Water & Toxic Enforcement Act: NoneTSCA Listing Raw materials used in this formula are resistered and compliant with TSCA inventory16. OTHER INFORMATIONHMIS (USA) Health Hazard: 2 Fire Hazard: 0 Reactivity: 1Personal Protection: B NFPA Aerosol Level: Not applicable PSDS first issue September 10th, 2008PSDS last revision November 6th, 2008Reason for revisionUPC Code AdditionAugust 13th, 2009September 10th, 2008The information given in this data sheet is believed to be true and correct. This quality is not intended for wuality assurance purposedFinal determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with cautionsAlthough certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist。

Assembly of SMD PackagesFor SHTxx and STSxx Sensirion Humidity and Temperature SensorsPrefaceThe open cavity SMD Packages of Sensirion humidity and temperature sensors are designed for high volume applications and therefore they are compatible with standard assembly and soldering processes.Nevertheless, a humidity sensor is not a normal electronic component and some care has to be taken in to ensure proper and reliable operation of the sensor. This document contains information on soldering process and handling of SHTxx and STSxx sensors in a production environment.1 Soldering InstructionsFor soldering, standard reflow soldering ovens may be used. The sensors are designed to withstand soldering profile according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 with peak temperatures at 260°C during up to30sec for Pb-free assembly in IR/Convection reflow ovens (see Figure 1).Figure 1 Soldering profile according to JEDEC standard. T P ≤ 260°C and t P ≤ 30sec above 255°C for Pb-free assembly. T L < 220°C and t L < 150sec. Ramp-up rate <3°C and ramp-down rate < 6°C/sec for temperatures > T L. The use of “no clean” type 3 solder paste2 is recommended. An appropriate amount of solder paste shall be used, to result in a stand-off height (clearance between the package body and an y part of the substrate) of 50μm to 75μm. Please consult the appropriate sensor data sheet for device specific information on the metal land pattern and recommendations on solder paste printing stencils. Sandard pick & place equipment and vacuum nozzles for standard QFN packages may be used for assembly of SHTxx and STSxx sensors. No board wash shall be applied to SHTxx humidity sensors. Therefore, and as mentioned above, it is strongly recommended to use “no-clean” solder paste. For manual soldering conta ct time must be limited to 5 seconds at up to 350°C.Immediately after the exposure to high temperatures SHTxx humidity sensors may temporarily read a negative humidity offset (typ. -1 to -2 %RH after reflow soldering). This offset slowly disappears again by itself when the sensor is exposed to ambient conditions (typ. within 1-3 days). If RH testing is performed immediately after reflow soldering, this offset should be considered when definingthe test limits. It is important to note that the diced edge or side faces of the I/O pads may oxidise over time, therefore a solder fillet may or may not form. Hence there is no guarantee for solder joint fillet heights of any kind.2 Storage Conditions and HandlingInstructionsIt is of great importance to understand that a SHTxx humidity sensor is not a standard electronic component and needs to be handled with care. Chemical vapors at high concentration in combination with long exposure times may offset the sensor reading. In manufacturing, transport and operation the sensors shall be prevented of high concentration of chemical solvents and long exposure times. Out-gassing of glues, adhesive tapes and stickers or out-gassing packaging material such as bubble foils, foams, etc. shall be avoided. Manufacturing area shall be well ventilated. For more detailed information please consult the document “Handling Instructions” or contact Sensirion.2 Solder types are related to the solder particle size in the paste: Type3 covers the size range of 25 – 45 µm as specified in IPC J-STD-005A . Revision HistoryDate Version Page(s) Changes26.May 2014 1 all Initial versionCopyright © 2014 by SENSIRIONCMOSens®is a trademark of SensirionAll rights reserved。

Spanning-Tree Protocol:简称为STP,该协议可应用于环路网络,通过一定的算法实现路径冗余,同时将环路修剪成无环路的树型网络,从而避免报文在环路网络中“长生不老”。
以太网交换所所实现的快速生成树协议RSTP(Rapid Spanning Tree Procotol)是生成树协议的优化版,其“快速”体现在根端口和指定端口进入转发状态的延时在某种条件下大大缩短,从而缩短了网络拓扑稳定所需要的时间。
MSTP(Multiple Spanning Tree Procotol)是多生成树协议的缩写,该协议兼容STP和RSTP。
注意,仅仅是该接口设置为Block 状态,仅仅是一个状态,而不是真正的将此接口关闭。
因为一旦网络中其他链路出现了问题,这个被block 的接口还可以还原为forwarding(转发)状态。
标准状况 stp ntp 工况 英文表示方法

标准状况stp ntp 工况英文表示方法全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Normal Test Procedures (NTP) in EnglishHey everyone! Do you know what SOP and NTP mean? Let me tell you all about it in a fun and easy way!SOP stands for Standard Operating Procedures. It is like a rulebook that tells us how to do things correctly and safely. Just like when we follow the rules in school to make sure everything runs smoothly, SOP helps us do the same in different situations.NTP stands for Normal Test Procedures. It helps us to know what steps to take when we are testing something, so that we can get accurate and reliable results. It's like following a recipe when we cook or a set of instructions when we play a game!Now, let's see how we can use SOP and NTP in our daily lives. When we are doing an experiment in the science lab, we need to follow the SOP to make sure we handle the equipment properly and stay safe. And when we are conducting a test to check thequality of a product, we use NTP to make sure we follow the correct steps and get the right results.By using SOP and NTP, we can work more efficiently and effectively in different situations. It's like having a guidebook to help us navigate through challenges and tasks. So next time you come across SOP and NTP, remember that they are there to guide and support you in achieving success!Let's all remember to follow SOP and NTP in whatever we do, so that we can do our best and reach our goals. Stay safe, stay focused, and always remember to follow the rules!That's all for now, friends. Remember to keep learning and growing every day. See you next time! Bye-bye!篇2Title: Understanding STP and NTP in a Fun and Easy WayHey there, my fellow students! Today, I'm gonna talk to you about something super cool and important – STP and NTP. But don't worry, I'll explain it in a fun and easy way, so you can understand it better!First off, let's talk about what STP and NTP actually mean. STP stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure, while NTPstands for Normal Temperature and Pressure. Basically, they are specific conditions used to measure and compare the properties of gases.Now, how do we represent these conditions in English? Well, STP is usually represented as 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) and 1 atmosphere of pressure. As for NTP, it is represented as 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) and 1 atmosphere of pressure.So, why are STP and NTP important? These standard conditions help scientists and engineers make accurate measurements and comparisons when working with gases. It provides a common reference point that everyone can use, ensuring consistency in their experiments and calculations.In conclusion, understanding STP and NTP is crucial in the world of science. By knowing how to represent these conditions and why they are important, you can improve your knowledge and skills in various fields. So next time you come across STP and NTP, remember that they are there to make things easier for you!Keep learning, stay curious, and have fun exploring the amazing world of science! See you next time, my friends!篇3Title: How to Understand Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) and Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP) in a Fun WayHey there, fellow students! Today, we're going to talk about something super cool - Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) and Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP). I know these may sound like a bunch of boring words, but trust me, they're actually pretty interesting once you get the hang of it.So, what are STP and NTP, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you in a way that's easy to understand. STP is a standard set of conditions used for measuring and comparing different things, like gases. The temperature at STP is 0 degrees Celsius and the pressure is 1 atmosphere. On the other hand, NTP is pretty similar, but the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius and the pressure is 1 atmosphere. See? Not so bad, right?Now, how do we represent STP and NTP in English? It's actually pretty simple. For STP, we use the abbreviation 0°C, 1 atm. And for NTP, we use 20°C, 1 atm. Easy peasy, right?Now, why is it important to know about STP and NTP? Well, understanding these standard conditions can help us compare different gases and make calculations easier. It's like having auniversal language for scientists and engineers to communicate with each other. Pretty cool, huh?So there you have it, folks - a fun and easy way to understand Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) and Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP). I hope you learned something new today! Keep on exploring and discovering the amazing world of science. See you next time!篇4Title: Learning Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP) in a Fun WayHey friends! Today, I want to talk to you about something super important but also super cool – Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP) in science class! I know it sounds a bit boring, but trust me, I'll make it fun for you.So, let's start with SOP. SOP is like a set of rules or steps that tell us how to do something correctly. It's like following a recipe when you're baking cookies – you have to do things in the right order to get yummy cookies. In science, SOP helps us do experiments properly so we get accurate results. It's superimportant to follow SOP to keep things safe and accurate in the lab.Now, let's talk about NTP. NTP stands for Normal Temperature and Pressure. It's basically like the "normal" conditions that we use when we're doing experiments. Normal temperature is 0 degrees Celsius or 273 Kelvin, and normal pressure is 1 atmosphere. It's like when you're cooking and you follow a recipe that tells you to bake something at 350 degrees Fahrenheit – that's the "normal" temperature for baking.When we write down our experimental results, we always mention the SOP and NTP conditions we used. It helps other scientists understand how we did our experiment and compare our results with theirs.So, remember to always follow SOP and use NTP conditions when you're doing your experiments. It's the key to being a great scientist! Have fun learning and experimenting, my friends!That's all for today. See you next time!篇5Hey guys, today I'm gonna tell you about STP, NTP and standard conditions in a super easy and fun way!So first off, what does STP stand for? STP actually means Standard Temperature and Pressure. The standard temperature is 0 degrees Celsius and the standard pressure is 1 atmosphere. It's like the perfect conditions for scientists to measure and compare stuff.Next up, NTP stands for Normal Temperature and Pressure. The normal temperature is 20 degrees Celsius and the normal pressure is also 1 atmosphere. It's just another set of conditions that scientists use to do their experiments.Now, how do we show STP and NTP in numbers? For STP, we can write it as 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atm. And for NTP, it's 20 degrees Celsius and 1 atm.These standard conditions are super important for scientists because they help us compare different substances and reactions. It's like having a ruler to measure things and make sure we're all talking about the same stuff.So remember, STP is 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atm, NTP is 20 degrees Celsius and 1 atm, and these conditions help scientists do their cool experiments. Cool, right?That's it for today, folks! Thanks for listening and stay curious!篇6Once upon a time, there was a magical world called Standard Conditions, where everything was just perfect and in balance. In this world, there were three main characters: STP, NTP, and Working Conditions.STP, which stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure, was always at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 1 atmosphere. STP was like the cool and chill character in the story, always staying calm and collected no matter what was happening around it.NTP, or Normal Temperature and Pressure, was a bit warmer than STP, with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 1 atmosphere. NTP was friendly and outgoing, always ready to help out whenever needed.And then there was Working Conditions, who was like the busy and hardworking character in the story. Working Conditions varied depending on the situation, and could be anything from high pressure and low temperature to low pressure and high temperature.Despite their differences, STP, NTP, and Working Conditions all coexisted peacefully in Standard Conditions. They understoodthat each of them played a unique role in maintaining order and balance in their world.So, the next time you find yourself in a situation where things seem a bit out of whack, just remember the story of STP, NTP, and Working Conditions, and how they worked together to create harmony in Standard Conditions.篇7I'm gonna tell you about this thing called "Standard Temperature and Pressure" in a really fun and easy way! So, STP stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure. The standard temperature is 0 degrees Celsius, and the standard pressure is 1 atmosphere.When we talk about STP, we're basically talking about the conditions under which we can compare different gases. It's like a reference point that scientists use to make sure they're all on the same page.When we write STP in a scientific equation, we use the symbols "n" and "T" to represent the number of moles and the temperature, respectively. So, STP is written as nTP.For example, if we want to calculate the volume of a gas at STP, we can use the formula V = nRT/P, where V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, and P is the pressure.So, next time you hear someone talking about STP, you'll know what it means and how to use it in a scientific equation. Pretty cool, right? STP is like the secret code that scientists use to understand gases better. Science is so awesome!篇8Hey guys, today I'm gonna talk about something super cool - the Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) and Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP) conditions in chemistry. Sounds complicated, right? But don't worry, I'll break it down for you in a fun and easy way!So, let's start with STP. STP stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure. The standard temperature is 0 degrees Celsius (or 273.15 Kelvin), and the standard pressure is 1 atmosphere (or 101.3 kilopascals). These conditions are used as a benchmark for comparing the properties of gases under different conditions. So, when you see STP in a chemistry problem, it means that the gas is at 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atmosphere of pressure.Now, let's move on to NTP. NTP stands for Normal Temperature and Pressure. The normal temperature is 20 degrees Celsius (or 293.15 Kelvin), and the normal pressure is 1 atmosphere (or 101.3 kilopascals). NTP is often used in industrial and engineering contexts where the conditions are slightly different from STP. So, when you see NTP in a problem, it means that the gas is at 20 degrees Celsius and 1 atmosphere of pressure.In summary, STP and NTP are used as reference points for comparing the properties of gases. STP is at 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atmosphere of pressure, while NTP is at 20 degrees Celsius and 1 atmosphere of pressure. Remember these conditions, and you'll be a pro at chemistry in no time!Hope you guys learned something new today! Stay tuned for more fun science facts!篇9Once upon a time, there were three little bears who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods. The three bears were always busy with their STP and NTP activities. Baby Bear loved to play with his toys, Mama Bear enjoyed cooking delicious meals, and Papa Bear spent his time fixing things around the house.One day, Mama Bear noticed that the STP in their cottage was not working properly. She called Papa Bear to take a look at it. Papa Bear checked the STP and found that it was clogged with dirt and needed to be cleaned. He quickly fixed the STP and the water started flowing smoothly again.Another day, Baby Bear was playing with his toys when he accidentally spilled some water on the NTP. Mama Bear and Papa Bear rushed to check the NTP and found that it was damaged. Papa Bear had to repair the NTP by replacing some parts. After a while, the NTP was back to its normal working condition.The three bears learned an important lesson that day - it is essential to properly maintain and take care of STPs and NTPs to ensure they work efficiently. They made a schedule to regularly check and clean their STP and NTP to prevent any future problems.From that day on, the three bears lived happily ever after in their cozy cottage, knowing the importance of STPs and NTPs in their daily lives. And whenever they faced any issues with their STP or NTP, they knew exactly how to handle it to keep their home running smoothly.篇10Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved learning about science. One day, his teacher taught him about the Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) and Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP) conditions in science class.Timmy was very excited to learn about these conditions because he wanted to understand how different substances behaved under different circumstances. He quickly took out his notebook and started writing down everything his teacher said."STP stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure," his teacher explained. "It is defined as a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 1 atmosphere."Timmy scribbled down the definition in his notebook and asked, "What about NTP?""NTP stands for Normal Temperature and Pressure," his teacher replied. "It is defined as a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 1 atmosphere."Timmy nodded and wrote down the definition for NTP as well. He couldn't wait to conduct some experiments to see how different substances reacted under STP and NTP conditions.After class, Timmy rushed home and set up a little laboratory in his room. He used a thermometer to measure the temperature and a pressure gauge to measure the pressure. He carefully created the STP and NTP conditions and observed how different substances behaved.He was amazed to see how gases expanded and contracted at different temperatures and pressures. He also noticed how liquids changed their boiling points under different conditions.Timmy had so much fun conducting his experiments that he decided to write a report about it for his next science project. He included all his observations and results, making sure to use the proper units and symbols to represent STP and NTP conditions.When he presented his project to the class, his teacher was very impressed. Timmy had truly mastered the concept of STP and NTP conditions and was well on his way to becoming a great scientist.From that day on, Timmy continued to explore the world of science with curiosity and enthusiasm, always remembering the importance of understanding standard and normal conditions in his experiments. And he lived happily ever after, conducting new and exciting experiments every day.。
Lab Facility 高质量连接器和电缆系列说明书

CONNECTORS & CABLES FOR THERMOCOUPLES & RESISTANCE THERMOMETERS Europe’s leading manufacturer of connectors and supplier of cables for thermocouples and resistance thermometers.MINIATURE PLUGS & SOCKETSterminal and contact material to suit the thermocouple type G Socket ideal for general purpose useG All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connectionG Connectors will accept thermocouple cable up to 4mm diameter G Cable clamps available for securing cable to plugs and sockets G Uncompensated copper connectors also available G Maximum continuous operating temperature 220°C GWide range of accessories available, see page 5MINIATURE TWIN CONTACT SOCKET G Range of miniature thermocouple sockets with designed for applications requiring duty cycle use G All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connectionG Connectors will accept thermocouple cable up to 4mm diameter G Cable clamps available for securing cable to socket G Uncompensated copper connectors also available G Maximum continuous operating temperature 220°C G Wide range of accessories available, see page 5MINIATURE QUICK WIRE PLUGS & SOCKETS Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & CopperG These quick connect versions allow rapid terminationG Quick, easy “jab-in ” connection, just push in wire and tighten screw G Will accept wide range of wire sizesG Maximum continuous operating temperature 220°C G Compatible with the other miniature plugs and socketsCONTENTSMiniature Plugs and Sockets ....................2Standard Plugs and Sockets ....................4Connector Accessories ...............................5Cables ...........................................................6Thermocouple Wire Welder ......................8Fine Wire Thermocouples ..........................8Thermocouple Cable Colour Codes .........9Cable Tidy, Spade Terminals &Solder ...9Thermocouple Cable Accuracies ..............9Other Labfacility Products . (10)G Clip mountingG Quick, simple fixing to panel, see page 5GMaximum continuous operating temperature 120MINIATURE PANEL SOCKET WITH MOUNTING BRACKETTypes J,K,T,N,E,R/S & CopperMiniature socket fitted with stainless steel bracket Fully enclosed terminals with cable port seal Quick simple fixing to panelMaximum continuous operating temperature 220MINIATURE QUICK WIRE WITH MOUNTING BRACKET Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & CopperMiniature socket with quick wire facility mounting bracketQuick, easy “jab-in ” connection, just push in wire and tighten screw These quick connect versions allow rapid termination Maximum continuous operating temperature 220G Versatile, high quality, circuit board mounting miniature socket Heavy duty ceramic body for use up to 560°CTYPE J K T N E R/S CopperR/S CopperG Intended for use in more industrial applications G Plugs fitted with solid thermocouple pinsG All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connection G Cable clamps available for securing cableG Maximum continuous operating temperature 220°C G Physically compatible with alternative standard, round pin connectors G These quick connect versions allow rapid terminationG Quick easy “jab-in ” connection, just push in wire and tighten screw G Duplex (Two channel) connectors using thermocouple material contacts and pinsG Bodies supplied coloured black with spacer in IEC thermocouple colour codingG Plugs fitted with solid thermocouple pins G Rugged glass filled polyester bodiesG All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connection G Maximum continuous operating temperature 220°C G Wide range of accessories available, see page 5STANDARD RECTANGULAR PANEL GMaximum continuous operating temperature 120°CSTANDARD PANEL OR QUICK WIRE SOCKET Standard sockets with fully enclosed terminals and cable port seal,GMaximum continuous operating temperature 220°CSTANDARD HIGH TEMPERATURE PLASTIC G All connectors supplied coloured white with coloured dot on body GFor types R,S & Cu compensating alloys limit the maximum usable temperature to 260°CFully enclosedQuick wireTo suit 1.5mm & 3.0mm (BlankMINIATURE AND STANDARD WASHER, MINIATURE & STANDARD 4 – Holes5mm ø 3.2mmEXPOSED WELDED TIP THERMOCOUPLESSensor Type Thermocouple type J,K or T to IEC 60584.Types J,K & T, PFA/PTFE insulatedthermocouple wire with weldedjunction and fitted miniature plugSpecificationsSensor type Thermocouple type J,K or T to IEC 60584.WITH FITTED MINI-PLUGS, GLASSFIBREThe Labfacility Temperature Handbook provides comprehensive data on thermocouple wire and cables, and thermocouple and PRT sensors. Temperature measurement and control techniques are also explained.Can be requested via our website EUROPE’S LARGEST RANGE OF TEMPERATURE SENSORSG Industrial & laboratory thermocouple & PRT probes inconfigurations to suit any application, ranges from –200°C to 1700°C G Custom design versions available G Transmitter-in-head options G Pt100 elements & thermistors G Probe fittings & accessoriesTHE BEST IN THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTORSG Full range of thermocouple connectors – high quality plugs andsockets in IEC 60584, ANSI, JIS, and other colours G Comprehensive range of fittings and accessories includingmounting panelsAll in this brochureWIDE RANGE OF HIGH QUALITY THERMOCOUPLE & PRT CABLESG Extension and compensating cables – a wide range of insulationtypes and configurations in IEC 60584 and BS 1843 colours including PFA, PTFE, PVC and fibreglassAll in this brochureMARKET LEADING TEMPERATURE &PROCESS INSTRUMENTATIONG Precision digital thermometers G Multi function digital thermometers G Calibrators G Multi-way switches G TransmittersG Controllers & Indicators G Loggers and Scanners G Digital test MetersEQUIPMENT & COMPONENT PARTS FOR SENSOR MANUFACTURERSG Compact thermocouple welder and microwelder G MI cables, stainless steel sheaths, pots and fittings G Terminal heads & blocksVERSATILE DRY BLOCK CALIBRATORSG Accurate, stable portable calibrators for –10°C to 1200°C to suitindustrial & scientific temperature sensorsUKAS TRACEABLE CALIBRATIONSG Certified probe calibrations between –10°C and 1200°CAnd our indispensable Temperature handbookPRODUCT FOCUS –LABFACILITY RANGE AT A GLANCELABFACILITY –LEADERS IN TEMPERATUREMEASUREMENTLabfacility market leading products represent more thanthirty years of design and applicationsexperience in industrial and laboratory, temperature and processmeasurement. Labfacility products and services are specified byleading UK and European distributors and manufacturers and arealso exported to more than 85 countries.Quality and Service are key elements in the continuedgrowth of Labfacility; technical support is always freelyavailable from our experienced technical sales teams and thecompany has ISO9001 accreditation.Not only do we manufacture temperature sensors andfittings, thermocouple connectors, precision electronicthermometers and thermocouple welders, we also supplythermocouple cables, temperature transmitters, hand held digitalthermometers and test instruments, dry block calibrators, loggers,scanners and temperature controllers.LABFACILITY – MANUFACTURERAND STOCKISTApplications and Industries include:G AutoclavesG AerospaceG Automotive & MotorsportG EducationG EnergyG FoodG Heat TreatmentG MedicalG MetallurgyG MeteorologyG Metrology,G In particular, R&D, Temperature Calibration, Laboratory andQuality Control departments.G Plastics & RubberG Power Generation11PRODUCT FOCUSProduct availability &specifications may be subject to change. E&OE.To receive our regular email newsletter, please register your details on our websiteSOUTHERN UK & EXPORT DIVISION : Units 5,6 & 7, Block K, Southern Cross Industrial Estate, Shripney Road,Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 9SDExport Sales:tel:+44(0)1243871287fax:+44(0)1243871281email:**************************.ukSouthern UK Sales:tel:+44(0)1243871280fax:+44(0)1243871281email:****************************.ukNORTHERN UK DIVISION : Units 7/8Abbey Way, North Anston Trading Estate, Dinnington, Sheffield S25 4JLNorthern UK Sales:tel:+44(0)1909569446fax:+44(0)1909550632email:****************************.uk 。
Cisco CCNP Switch 专业学习路径单位115教程说明书

Aim and purposeThis unit covers the advanced deployment of switched VLAN, VTP and DOT1Q technologies in a multilayer switched environment. By enabling the learner to develop their network management skills in supporting STP , RSTP , PVSTP and integrating router redundancy via VRRP and HSRP and bandwidth loading on Etherchannel. The learner will address the systems security, wireless infrastructure, voice and data contention requirement of a campus based switched infrastructure.Unit introductionThis unit is a comprehensive exploration of the core principles of multilayer networking. This is one of the three units in the professional study pathway, leading to the Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP) qualification. This unit focuses on Gateway Redundancy, voice over internet Protocol, Spanning T ree, Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and trunking.The unit covers networking sector skills and knowledge that an ICT networking expert would need to successfully complete their work. In particular, learners will be taught how to plan and deploy a complex network infrastructure using more than one switching technology in unison with a routing protocol. This unit involves hands-on, lab-oriented activities that stresses laboratory safety and working effectively in a group environment. Theory aspects are studied and tested online using Cisco’s own electronic curriculum which learners may also access from home. The unit is delivered through a blended learning approach where tutor-led teaching is combined with the electronic materials and testing.This unit is assessed via the Cisco CCNP Switch (CCNP2) online examination. There are further criteria for merit and distinction grades.Learning outcomesOn completion of this unit a learner should:1Understand the analysis of an Enterprise Campus Architecture 2Be able to Implement VLANs in Campus Networks 3Be able to implement Spanning T ree 4Be able to implement inter-VLAN Routing 5Understand High Availability and Redundancy in a Campus Network 6Understand Campus Infrastructure Security 7 Understand the preparation of the Campus Infrastructure for Advanced Services.Unit content in relation to the Merit and Distinction Criteria Switched Network: four or more switches in a mesh with two or more VLANS running trunking and a routing protocolRedundancy: types eg HSRP, VSRP, cable mesh, ether-channelSwitched T echnology: types eg STP, PV-STP, VLAN, dot1q, trunking, VTP, VACL’sBenchmark data: types eg current system throughput, switching table size, switching performance Current standards: types eg quality of service, campus design, address space allocation, vlan sizeAssessment and grading criteriaIn order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit.Assessment and grading criteriaTo achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:To achieve a merit grade theevidence must show that, inaddition to the pass criteria,the learner is able to:To achieve a distinction gradethe evidence must show that,in addition to the pass andmerit criteria, the learner isable to:Pass CCNP Switch (CCNP2) academy examination.The centre will evidence this with a copy of the learner’s class grade book from the assessment system on completion of the course (this must be listed by learner name).A pass grade is a score of 70% or more in the final examination.M1research an existing networkinfrastructure and evaluatecurrent performanceD1justify network design againstcurrent standardsM2plan a switched networkinfrastructure usingredundancy and switchedtechnologyD2research performance ofnetwork design and providebenchmark data.M3manage the deploymentof the planned switchednetwork.PLTS: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills.Key IE – independent enquirersCT – creative thinkers RL – reflective learnersTW – team workersSM – self-managersEP – effective participatorsEssential guidance for tutorsDeliveryCisco CCNP Switch is a proprietary unit within the Cisco Networking Academy program. The curriculum, assessment and support materials are available only to institutions participating in the program.Cisco Systems makes these available at no cost for any non-profit institution; there are some costs for instructor training and support. For detailed information please consult this web link:/web/learning/netacad/get_involved/BecomeAnAcademy.html.If learners are following the Cisco unit in parallel with a BTEC National or Higher National unit then it is recommended that the two aspects of the assessment are integrated. T asks being completed as part of the practical preparation for Cisco Skills Based Exams can then be used to support the BTEC assessment for the merit and distinction criteria.T o view general information about the Cisco CCNP Switch objectives please visit: /web/learning/netacad/course_catalog/CCNP .html. The detailed scope and sequence documents are available to academies on the Cisco internal site.Links to National Occupational Standards, other BTEC units, other BTEC qualifi cations and other relevant units and qualifi cations The learning outcomes associated with this unit are closely linked with:Level 3Level 4Level 5Unit 5: Managing NetworksUnit 2: Computer Systems Unit 43: Networking Infrastructure Unit 9: Computer Networks Unit 24: Networking T echnologies Unit 44: Local Area Network T echnologiesUnit 32: Network Systems Security Unit 25: Routing Concepts Unit 45: Wide Area Network T echnologiesAll Cisco Discovery and Exploration UnitsAll Cisco CCNP Units Unit 46: Network Security This unit has links to the Level 4 and Level 5 National Occupational Standards for IT and T elecoms Professionals, particularly the areas of competence of:IT/T echnology Infrastructure Design and Planning Systems Development IT/T echnology Service Operations and Event Management IT/T echnology Management and Support Change and Release Management.●●●●●Essential RequirementsLearners must have access to a live or ‘detached’ network environment to create the network infrastructure and develop their skills; this may be successfully accomplished using virtual machines.Learners must have access to facilities, which allow them the opportunity to fully evidence all the criteria of the unit. If this cannot be guaranteed then centres should not attempt to deliver this unit.Evaluation of current systems and solutions, commercial practices, social conditions and the culture surrounding the system in use is of as much importance as delivering work supporting potential understanding of the technological systems and the services they offer.Learners must have access to a range of suitable routing hardware as it is important to undertake as many practical activities as possible to reinforce theoretical learning. There are many virtual, emulated and simulated systems that now support delivery.ResourcesFor a list of Cisco resources to assist with this unit, including exam preparation materials, see:/web/learning/netacad/course_catalog/CCNP.htmlBooksMacfarlane J – Network Routing Basics: Understanding IP Routing in Cisco Systems (Wiley, 2006) ISBN-10: 0471772739Xiao Y, Li J, Pan Y – Security and Routing in Wireless Networks: Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing v. 3 (Nova Science, 2005) ISBN-10: 159454316XFroom, R et al, Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH) Foundation Learning Guide: Foundation learning for the ROUTE 642-813 Exam (Cisco Press 2010) ISBN-10: 1-58705-884-7 WebsitesEmployer engagement and vocational contextsThe Cisco CCNA certification is internationally recognized by a diverse range of employers (from SME’s to large corporations) as one of the principal certifications in networking and telecommunications.。
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JOINT INDUSTRY STANDARDAcoustic Microscopy for Non-HermeticEncapsulatedElectronicComponents IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035APRIL1999Supersedes IPC-SM-786 Supersedes IPC-TM-650,2.6.22Notice EIA/JEDEC and IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve thepublic interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturersand purchasers,facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products,and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delaythe proper product for his particular need.Existence of such Standards andPublications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember ofEIA/JEDEC or IPC from manufacturing or selling products not conformingto such Standards and Publications,nor shall the existence of such Standardsand Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA/JEDECand IPC members,whether the standard is to be used either domestically orinternationally.Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA/JEDEC andIPC without regard to whether their adoption may involve patents on articles,materials,or processes.By such action,EIA/JEDEC and IPC do not assumeany liability to any patent owner,nor do they assume any obligation whateverto parties adopting the Recommended Standard or ers are alsowholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims of liabilities forpatent infringement.The material in this joint standard was developed by the EIA/JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the IPCPlastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group(B-10a)The J-STD-035supersedes IPC-TM-650,Test Method2.6.22.For Technical Information Contact:Electronic Industries Alliance/ JEDEC(Joint Electron Device Engineering Council)2500Wilson Boulevard Arlington,V A22201Phone(703)907-7560Fax(703)907-7501IPC2215Sanders Road Northbrook,IL60062-6135 Phone(847)509-9700Fax(847)509-9798Please use the Standard Improvement Form shown at the end of thisdocument.©Copyright1999.The Electronic Industries Alliance,Arlington,Virginia,and IPC,Northbrook,Illinois.All rights reserved under both international and Pan-American copyright conventions.Any copying,scanning or other reproduction of these materials without the prior written consent of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited and constitutes infringement under the Copyright Law of the United States.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Acoustic Microscopyfor Non-Hermetic EncapsulatedElectronicComponentsA joint standard developed by the EIA/JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the B-10a Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group of IPCUsers of this standard are encouraged to participate in the development of future revisions.Contact:EIA/JEDEC Engineering Department 2500Wilson Boulevard Arlington,V A22201 Phone(703)907-7500 Fax(703)907-7501IPC2215Sanders Road Northbrook,IL60062-6135 Phone(847)509-9700Fax(847)509-9798ASSOCIATION CONNECTINGELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESAcknowledgmentMembers of the Joint IPC-EIA/JEDEC Moisture Classification Task Group have worked to develop this document.We would like to thank them for their dedication to this effort.Any Standard involving a complex technology draws material from a vast number of sources.While the principal members of the Joint Moisture Classification Working Group are shown below,it is not possible to include all of those who assisted in the evolution of this Standard.To each of them,the mem-bers of the EIA/JEDEC and IPC extend their gratitude.IPC Packaged Electronic Components Committee ChairmanMartin FreedmanAMP,Inc.IPC Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group,B-10a ChairmanSteven MartellSonoscan,Inc.EIA/JEDEC JC14.1CommitteeChairmanJack McCullenIntel Corp.EIA/JEDEC JC14ChairmanNick LycoudesMotorolaJoint Working Group MembersCharlie Baker,TIChristopher Brigham,Hi/FnRalph Carbone,Hewlett Packard Co. Don Denton,TIMatt Dotty,AmkorMichele J.DiFranza,The Mitre Corp. Leo Feinstein,Allegro Microsystems Inc.Barry Fernelius,Hewlett Packard Co. Chris Fortunko,National Institute of StandardsRobert J.Gregory,CAE Electronics, Inc.Curtis Grosskopf,IBM Corp.Bill Guthrie,IBM Corp.Phil Johnson,Philips Semiconductors Nick Lycoudes,MotorolaSteven R.Martell,Sonoscan Inc. Jack McCullen,Intel Corp.Tom Moore,TIDavid Nicol,Lucent Technologies Inc.Pramod Patel,Advanced Micro Devices Inc.Ramon R.Reglos,XilinxCorazon Reglos,AdaptecGerald Servais,Delphi Delco Electronics SystemsRichard Shook,Lucent Technologies Inc.E.Lon Smith,Lucent Technologies Inc.Randy Walberg,NationalSemiconductor Corp.Charlie Wu,AdaptecEdward Masami Aoki,HewlettPackard LaboratoriesFonda B.Wu,Raytheon Systems Co.Richard W.Boerdner,EJE ResearchVictor J.Brzozowski,NorthropGrumman ES&SDMacushla Chen,Wus Printed CircuitCo.Ltd.Jeffrey C.Colish,Northrop GrummanCorp.Samuel J.Croce,Litton AeroProducts DivisionDerek D-Andrade,Surface MountTechnology CentreRao B.Dayaneni,Hewlett PackardLaboratoriesRodney Dehne,OEM WorldwideJames F.Maguire,Boeing Defense&Space GroupKim Finch,Boeing Defense&SpaceGroupAlelie Funcell,Xilinx Inc.Constantino J.Gonzalez,ACMEMunir Haq,Advanced Micro DevicesInc.Larry A.Hargreaves,DC.ScientificInc.John T.Hoback,Amoco ChemicalCo.Terence Kern,Axiom Electronics Inc.Connie M.Korth,K-Byte/HibbingManufacturingGabriele Marcantonio,NORTELCharles Martin,Hewlett PackardLaboratoriesRichard W.Max,Alcatel NetworkSystems Inc.Patrick McCluskey,University ofMarylandJames H.Moffitt,Moffitt ConsultingServicesRobert Mulligan,Motorola Inc.James E.Mumby,CibaJohn Northrup,Lockheed MartinCorp.Dominique K.Numakura,LitchfieldPrecision ComponentsNitin B.Parekh,Unisys Corp.Bella Poborets,Lucent TechnologiesInc.D.Elaine Pope,Intel Corp.Ray Prasad,Ray Prasad ConsultancyGroupAlbert Puah,Adaptec Inc.William Sepp,Technic Inc.Ralph W.Taylor,Lockheed MartinCorp.Ed R.Tidwell,DSC CommunicationsCorp.Nick Virmani,Naval Research LabKen Warren,Corlund ElectronicsCorp.Yulia B.Zaks,Lucent TechnologiesInc.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 iiTable of Contents1SCOPE (1)2DEFINITIONS (1)2.1A-mode (1)2.2B-mode (1)2.3Back-Side Substrate View Area (1)2.4C-mode (1)2.5Through Transmission Mode (2)2.6Die Attach View Area (2)2.7Die Surface View Area (2)2.8Focal Length(FL) (2)2.9Focus Plane (2)2.10Leadframe(L/F)View Area (2)2.11Reflective Acoustic Microscope (2)2.12Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope (2)2.13Time-of-Flight(TOF) (3)2.14Top-Side Die Attach Substrate View Area (3)3APPARATUS (3)3.1Reflective Acoustic Microscope System (3)3.2Through Transmission AcousticMicroscope System (4)4PROCEDURE (4)4.1Equipment Setup (4)4.2Perform Acoustic Scans..........................................4Appendix A Acoustic Microscopy Defect CheckSheet (6)Appendix B Potential Image Pitfalls (9)Appendix C Some Limitations of AcousticMicroscopy (10)Appendix D Reference Procedure for PresentingApplicable Scanned Data (11)FiguresFigure1Example of A-mode Display (1)Figure2Example of B-mode Display (1)Figure3Example of C-mode Display (2)Figure4Example of Through Transmission Display (2)Figure5Diagram of a Reflective Acoustic MicroscopeSystem (3)Figure6Diagram of a Through Transmission AcousticMicroscope System (3)April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035iiiIPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999This Page Intentionally Left BlankivApril1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035 Acoustic Microscopy for Non-Hermetic EncapsulatedElectronic Components1SCOPEThis test method defines the procedures for performing acoustic microscopy on non-hermetic encapsulated electronic com-ponents.This method provides users with an acoustic microscopy processflow for detecting defects non-destructively in plastic packages while achieving reproducibility.2DEFINITIONS2.1A-mode Acoustic data collected at the smallest X-Y-Z region defined by the limitations of the given acoustic micro-scope.An A-mode display contains amplitude and phase/polarity information as a function of time offlight at a single point in the X-Y plane.See Figure1-Example of A-mode Display.IPC-035-1 Figure1Example of A-mode Display2.2B-mode Acoustic data collected along an X-Z or Y-Z plane versus depth using a reflective acoustic microscope.A B-mode scan contains amplitude and phase/polarity information as a function of time offlight at each point along the scan line.A B-mode scan furnishes a two-dimensional(cross-sectional)description along a scan line(X or Y).See Figure2-Example of B-mode Display.IPC-035-2 Figure2Example of B-mode Display(bottom half of picture on left)2.3Back-Side Substrate View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type IV)The interface between the encapsulant and the back of the substrate within the outer edges of the substrate surface.2.4C-mode Acoustic data collected in an X-Y plane at depth(Z)using a reflective acoustic microscope.A C-mode scan contains amplitude and phase/polarity information at each point in the scan plane.A C-mode scan furnishes a two-dimensional(area)image of echoes arising from reflections at a particular depth(Z).See Figure3-Example of C-mode Display.1IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999IPC-035-3 Figure3Example of C-mode Display2.5Through Transmission Mode Acoustic data collected in an X-Y plane throughout the depth(Z)using a through trans-mission acoustic microscope.A Through Transmission mode scan contains only amplitude information at each point in the scan plane.A Through Transmission scan furnishes a two-dimensional(area)image of transmitted ultrasound through the complete thickness/depth(Z)of the sample/component.See Figure4-Example of Through Transmission Display.IPC-035-4 Figure4Example of Through Transmission Display2.6Die Attach View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type II)The interface between the die and the die attach adhesive and/or the die attach adhesive and the die attach substrate.2.7Die Surface View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type I)The interface between the encapsulant and the active side of the die.2.8Focal Length(FL)The distance in water at which a transducer’s spot size is at a minimum.2.9Focus Plane The X-Y plane at a depth(Z),which the amplitude of the acoustic signal is maximized.2.10Leadframe(L/F)View Area(Refer to Appendix A,Type V)The imaged area which extends from the outer L/F edges of the package to the L/F‘‘tips’’(wedge bond/stitch bond region of the innermost portion of the L/F.)2.11Reflective Acoustic Microscope An acoustic microscope that uses one transducer as both the pulser and receiver. (This is also known as a pulse/echo system.)See Figure5-Diagram of a Reflective Acoustic Microscope System.2.12Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope An acoustic microscope that transmits ultrasound completely through the sample from a sending transducer to a receiver on the opposite side.See Figure6-Diagram of a Through Transmis-sion Acoustic Microscope System.2April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-0353IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 3.1.6A broad band acoustic transducer with a center frequency in the range of10to200MHz for subsurface imaging.3.2Through Transmission Acoustic Microscope System(see Figure6)comprised of:3.2.1Items3.1.1to3.1.6above3.2.2Ultrasonic pulser(can be a pulser/receiver as in3.1.1)3.2.3Separate receiving transducer or ultrasonic detection system3.3Reference packages or standards,including packages with delamination and packages without delamination,for use during equipment setup.3.4Sample holder for pre-positioning samples.The holder should keep the samples from moving during the scan and maintain planarity.4PROCEDUREThis procedure is generic to all acoustic microscopes.For operational details related to this procedure that apply to a spe-cific model of acoustic microscope,consult the manufacturer’s operational manual.4.1Equipment Setup4.1.1Select the transducer with the highest useable ultrasonic frequency,subject to the limitations imposed by the media thickness and acoustic characteristics,package configuration,and transducer availability,to analyze the interfaces of inter-est.The transducer selected should have a low enough frequency to provide a clear signal from the interface of interest.The transducer should have a high enough frequency to delineate the interface of interest.Note:Through transmission mode may require a lower frequency and/or longer focal length than reflective mode.Through transmission is effective for the initial inspection of components to determine if defects are present.4.1.2Verify setup with the reference packages or standards(see3.3above)and settings that are appropriate for the trans-ducer chosen in4.1.1to ensure that the critical parameters at the interface of interest correlate to the reference standard uti-lized.4.1.3Place units in the sample holder in the coupling medium such that the upper surface of each unit is parallel with the scanning plane of the acoustic transducer.Sweep air bubbles away from the unit surface and from the bottom of the trans-ducer head.4.1.4At afixed distance(Z),align the transducer and/or stage for the maximum reflected amplitude from the top surface of the sample.The transducer must be perpendicular to the sample surface.4.1.5Focus by maximizing the amplitude,in the A-mode display,of the reflection from the interface designated for imag-ing.This is done by adjusting the Z-axis distance between the transducer and the sample.4.2Perform Acoustic Scans4.2.1Inspect the acoustic image(s)for any anomalies,verify that the anomaly is a package defect or an artifact of the imaging process,and record the results.(See Appendix A for an example of a check sheet that may be used.)To determine if an anomaly is a package defect or an artifact of the imaging process it is recommended to analyze the A-mode display at the location of the anomaly.4.2.2Consider potential pitfalls in image interpretation listed in,but not limited to,Appendix B and some of the limita-tions of acoustic microscopy listed in,but not limited to,Appendix C.If necessary,make adjustments to the equipment setup to optimize the results and rescan.4April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035 4.2.3Evaluate the acoustic images using the failure criteria specified in other appropriate documents,such as J-STD- the images and thefinal instrument setup parameters for documentation purposes.An example checklist is shown in Appendix D.5IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April19996April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Appendix AAcoustic Microscopy Defect Check Sheet(continued)CIRCUIT SIDE SCANImage File Name/PathDelamination(Type I)Die Circuit Surface/Encapsulant Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type II)Die/Die Attach Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type III)Encapsulant/Substrate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type V)Interconnect tip Number Affected:Average%Interconnect Number Affected:Max.%Length(Type VI)Intra-Laminate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center Comments:CracksAre cracks present:Yes NoIf yes:Do any cracks intersect:bond wire ball bond wedge bond tab bump tab leadDoes crack extend from leadfinger to any other internal feature:Yes NoDoes crack extend more than two-thirds the distance from any internal feature to the external surfaceof the package:Yes NoAdditional verification required:Yes NoComments:Mold Compound VoidsAre voids present:Yes NoIf yes:Approx.size Location(if multiple voids,use comment section)Do any voids intersect:bond wire ball bond wedge bond tab bump tab lead Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:7IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999Appendix AAcoustic Microscopy Defect Check Sheet(continued)NON-CIRCUIT SIDE SCANImage File Name/PathDelamination(Type IV)Encapsulant/Substrate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type II)Substrate/Die Attach Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type V)Interconnect Number Affected:Max.%LengthLocation:Corner Edge Center (Type VI)Intra-Laminate Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center (Type VII)Heat Spreader Number Affected:Average%Location:Corner Edge Center Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:CracksAre cracks present:Yes NoIf yes:Does crack extend more than two-thirds the distance from any internal feature to the external surfaceof the package:Yes NoAdditional verification required:Yes NoComments:Mold Compound VoidsAre voids present:Yes NoIf yes:Approx.size Location(if multiple voids,use comment section)Additional verification required:Yes NoComments:8Appendix BPotential Image PitfallsOBSERV ATIONS CAUSES/COMMENTSUnexplained loss of front surface signal Gain setting too lowSymbolization on package surfaceEjector pin knockoutsPin1and other mold marksDust,air bubbles,fingerprints,residueScratches,scribe marks,pencil marksCambered package edgeUnexplained loss of subsurface signal Gain setting too lowTransducer frequency too highAcoustically absorbent(rubbery)fillerLarge mold compound voidsPorosity/high concentration of small voidsAngled cracks in package‘‘Dark line boundary’’(phase cancellation)Burned molding compound(ESD/EOS damage)False or spotty indication of delamination Low acoustic impedance coating(polyimide,gel)Focus errorIncorrect delamination gate setupMultilayer interference effectsFalse indication of adhesion Gain set too high(saturation)Incorrect delamination gate setupFocus errorOverlap of front surface and subsurface echoes(transducerfrequency too low)Fluidfilling delamination areasApparent voiding around die edge Reflection from wire loopsIncorrect setting of void gateGraded intensity Die tilt or lead frame deformation Sample tiltApril1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-0359Appendix CSome Limitations of Acoustic MicroscopyAcoustic microscopy is an analytical technique that provides a non-destructive method for examining plastic encapsulated components for the existence of delaminations,cracks,and voids.This technique has limitations that include the following: LIMITATION REASONAcoustic microscopy has difficulty infinding small defects if the package is too thick.The ultrasonic signal becomes more attenuated as a function of two factors:the depth into the package and the transducer fre-quency.The greater the depth,the greater the attenuation.Simi-larly,the higher the transducer frequency,the greater the attenu-ation as a function of depth.There are limitations on the Z-axis(axial)resolu-tion.This is a function of the transducer frequency.The higher the transducer frequency,the better the resolution.However,the higher frequency signal becomes attenuated more quickly as a function of depth.There are limitations on the X-Y(lateral)resolu-tion.The X-Y(lateral)resolution is a function of a number of differ-ent variables including:•Transducer characteristics,including frequency,element diam-eter,and focal length•Absorption and scattering of acoustic waves as a function of the sample material•Electromechanical properties of the X-Y stageIrregularly shaped packages are difficult to analyze.The technique requires some kind offlat reference surface.Typically,the upper surface of the package or the die surfacecan be used as references.In some packages,cambered packageedges can cause difficulty in analyzing defects near the edgesand below their surfaces.Edge Effect The edges cause difficulty in analyzing defects near the edge ofany internal features.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999 10April1999IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035Appendix DReference Procedure for Presenting Applicable Scanned DataMost of the settings described may be captured as a default for the particular supplier/product with specific changes recorded on a sample or lot basis.Setup Configuration(Digital Setup File Name and Contents)Calibration Procedure and Calibration/Reference Standards usedTransducerManufacturerModelCenter frequencySerial numberElement diameterFocal length in waterScan SetupScan area(X-Y dimensions)Scan step sizeHorizontalVerticalDisplayed resolutionHorizontalVerticalScan speedPulser/Receiver SettingsGainBandwidthPulseEnergyRepetition rateReceiver attenuationDampingFilterEcho amplitudePulse Analyzer SettingsFront surface gate delay relative to trigger pulseSubsurface gate(if used)High passfilterDetection threshold for positive oscillation,negative oscillationA/D settingsSampling rateOffset settingPer Sample SettingsSample orientation(top or bottom(flipped)view and location of pin1or some other distinguishing characteristic) Focus(point,depth,interface)Reference planeNon-default parametersSample identification information to uniquely distinguish it from others in the same group11IPC/JEDEC J-STD-035April1999Appendix DReference Procedure for Presenting Applicable Scanned Data(continued) Reference Procedure for Presenting Scanned DataImagefile types and namesGray scale and color image legend definitionsSignificance of colorsIndications or definition of delaminationImage dimensionsDepth scale of TOFDeviation from true aspect ratioImage type:A-mode,B-mode,C-mode,TOF,Through TransmissionA-mode waveforms should be provided for points of interest,such as delaminated areas.In addition,an A-mode image should be provided for a bonded area as a control.12Standard Improvement FormIPC/JEDEC J-STD-035The purpose of this form is to provide the Technical Committee of IPC with input from the industry regarding usage of the subject standard.Individuals or companies are invited to submit comments to IPC.All comments will be collected and dispersed to the appropriate committee(s).If you can provide input,please complete this form and return to:IPC2215Sanders RoadNorthbrook,IL 60062-6135Fax 847509.97981.I recommend changes to the following:Requirement,paragraph number Test Method number,paragraph numberThe referenced paragraph number has proven to be:Unclear Too RigidInErrorOther2.Recommendations forcorrection:3.Other suggestions for document improvement:Submitted by:Name Telephone Company E-mailAddress City/State/ZipDate ASSOCIATION CONNECTING ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESASSOCIATION CONNECTINGELECTRONICS INDUSTRIESISBN#1-580982-28-X2215 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-6135Tel. 847.509.9700 Fax 847.509.9798。

STP生成树简介STP(Spanning Tree Protocol)是生成树协议的英文缩写。
STP的基本原理是,通过在交换机之间传递一种特殊的协议报文(在IEEE 802.1D中这种协议报文被称为“配置消息”)来确定网络的拓扑结构。
2. 功能介绍:生成树协议最主要的应用是为了避免局域网中的网络环回,解决成环以太网网络的“广播风暴”问题,从某种意义上说是一种网络保护技术,可以消除由于失误或者意外带来的循环连接。
生成树协议运行生成树算法(STA).生成树算法很复杂,但是其过程可以归纳为以下3个步骤:(1)选择根网桥(2)选择根端口(3)选择指定端口STP生成树原理单点失效(signle point of failure)及其解决方法:当两个Segement之间只有一条物理连接时就有可能出现单点失效→单方面的故障导致全网Down;Segement的三种概念:在STP领域表示一段物理介质(网线/光纤)、在封装领域表示经过L4封装的数据、在路由领域表示被L3设备所分割的逻辑子网;避免单点失效的方法→构建冗余网络。

思科交换机配置命令大全switch>用户模式1:进入特权模式enableswitch>enableswitch#2:进入全局配置模式configure terminalswitch>enableswitch#c onfigure terminalswitch(conf)#3:交换机命名hostname aptech2950以aptech2950为例switch>enableswitch#c onfigure terminalswitch(conf)#hostname aptch-2950aptech2950(conf)#4:配置使能口令enable password cisco以cisco为例switch>enableswitch#c onfigure terminalswitch(conf)#hostname aptch2950aptech2950(conf)#enable password cisco5:配置使能密码enable secret ciscolab以cicsolab为例switch>enableswitch#c onfigure terminalswitch(conf)#hostname aptch2950aptech2950(conf)#enable secret ciscolab6:设置虚拟局域网vlan1interface vlan1switch>enableswitch#c onfigure terminalswitch(conf)#hostname aptch2950aptech2950(conf)#interface vlan1aptech2950(conf-if)#ip address192.168.1.1255.255.255.0配置交换机端口ip和子网掩码aptech2950(conf-if)#no shut是配置处于运行中aptech2950(conf-if)#exitaptech2950(conf)#ip default-gateway192.168.254设置网关地址7:进入交换机某一端口interface fastehernet0/17以17端口为例switch>enableswitch#c onfigure terminalswitch(conf)#hostname aptch2950aptech2950(conf)#interface fastehernet0/17aptech2950(conf-if)#8:查看命令showswitch>enableswitch#show version察看系统中的所有版本信息show interface vlan1查看交换机有关ip协议的配置信息show running-configure查看交换机当前起作用的配置信息show interface fastethernet0/1察看交换机1接口具体配置和统计信息show mac-address-table查看mac地址表show mac-address-table aging-time查看mac地址表自动老化时间9:交换机恢复出厂默认恢复命令switch>enableswitch#erase startup-configureswitch#reload10:双工模式设置switch>enableswitch#c onfigure terminalswitch2950(conf)#hostname aptch-2950aptech2950(conf)#interface fastehernet0/17以17端口为例aptech2950(conf-if)#duplex full/half/auto有full,half,auto三个可选项11:cdp相关命令switch>enableswitch#show cdp查看设备的cdp全局配置信息show cdp interface fastethernet0/17查看17端口的cdp配置信息show cdp traffic查看有关cdp包的统计信息show cdp nerghbors列出与设备相连的cisco设备12:csico2950的密码恢复拔下交换机电源线。

医院各科室中英文对照急诊室——Emergency Room医院——Hospital内科病房——Medical Ward外科病房——Surgical Ward儿科病房——Pediatric Ward接生房——Labor and Delivery手术室——Operation Room(OR)心脏重症室——Coronary Care Unit(CCU)重症室——Intensive Care Unit(ICU)内科重症室——Medical Intensive Care Unit(MICU)初生婴儿重症室——Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU)儿科重症室——Pediatric Intensive Care Unit(PICU)外科重症室——Surgical Intensive Care Unit(SICU)末期护理——Hospice居家健康服务、药疗、物理治疗等——Home Health Service化验所(进行化验研究)——Laboratory门诊手术中心(一般非严重性手术)——Outpatient Surgical Center 药房(药物、医疗用品)——Pharmacy医疗服务——Health Care Provider医生——Physician针灸——Acupuncture过敏性专科——Allergy and Immunology 麻醉科——Anesthesiology心脏科——Cardiology心胸外科——Cardio-Thoracic Surgery脊椎神经科——Chiropractic结肠直肠外科——Colorectal Surgery牙科——Dentistry皮肤科——Dermatology内分泌科——Endocrinology家庭科——Family Practice肠胃科——Gastroenterology普通全科——General Practice普通外科——General Surgery老人病专科——Geriatrics血液科——Hematology肝病专科——Hepatology传染病科——Infectious Disease内科——Internal Medicine肾脏科——Nephrology神经科——Neurology神经外科——Neurosurgery妇产科——Obstetrics-Gynecology癌症专科——Oncology眼科——Ophthalmology验光科——Optometry骨外科——Orthopedic Surgery整骨疗科——Osteopathy耳鼻喉科——Otolaryngology(ENT)病理科——Pathology小儿科——Pediatrics整形外科——Plastic surgery足科——Podiatry精神治疗科——Psychiatry物理康复科——Physiatry物理疗法及恢复正常生活护理——Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 肺科——Pulmonary Medicine癌症放射疗科——Radiation OncologyX光科——Radiology泌尿科——Urology血管外科——Vascular Surgery其它医疗专业人员——Other Health Care Professionals听觉学专家——Audiologist牙医助理——Dental Assistant饮食指导员——Dietitian遗传病辅导员——Genetic Counselor健康技员——Health Technician化验技员——Laboratory Technician医务助理——Medical Assistant医学技师——Medical Technologist护士——Nurse家访护士——Home Visiting Nurse 接生护士——Nurse Midwife营养专家——Nutritionist药剂师——Pharmacist药理学专家——Pharmacologist物理治疗员——Physical Therapist医生助手——Physician's Assistant心理学专家——Psychologist心理辅导员——Psychologic Counselor呼吸治疗员——Respiratory TherapistX光科技员——X-Ray Technician总值班室——general staff on call康复门诊——rehabilitation out-parient神经外科——department of neurosurgery卫生间——rest room男卫生间——toilet(male)女卫生间——toilet(female)开水间——water supply room储藏室——store静——keeping quite医生办公室——doctor office处置室——disposal room换药室——dressing room医务人员洗手间——medical workers toilet盥洗室——laundry room挂号收费处——registration&charge门诊——out-parient急诊——emergency请勿吸烟——no smooking神经内科门诊——neurology consultant room抢救监护室——critical care and monitoring room 神经外科门诊——neurosurgery out-patient clinic 急诊外科——surgery清创手术室——operation room骨科急诊——orthopaedics emergency石膏室——plaster room急诊内科——internal medicine眼科急诊——ophthal mology emergency住院收费——inpatient charging service西药房——pharmacy化验室——laboratory输液室——transfusion roomCT、拍片、B超——X-ray、B ultrasound病理科——department of pathology检验中心——laboratory center emergency急诊ICU病房——ICU ward检验诊断中心——Lab.Diagnosis center急诊手术室——emergency operation room神经内科病房——neurology ward综合病房——general ward康复病房——rehabilitation ward创伤病房——trauma ward急救中心——first aid center急诊化验室——emergency laboratory急诊住院收费处——emergency inpatient charging service 被服室——quilt and clothing room急诊挂号收费——registration&charge emergency拍片室——radiographic room值班室——staff on call内科值班室——physican on call外科值班室——surgeon on call骨科值班室——orthopaedics onwatch护士值班室——nurse staff on call行政办公——administrative office科研中心——scientific research center方便门诊——easy-access clinic骨科1-3——orthopaedics1-3疼痛门诊——pain clinic肿瘤外科(甲状腺乳腺专科——oncology surgery(thyroid&breast)血管外科、肛肠外科——vascular surgery.Anorectal surgery肝胆外科、肝移植外科——hepatobiliary surgery liver transplantation surgery 小儿外科——pediatrics surgery换药室——dressing room肝病门诊——liver disease clinic肠道门诊——intestine clinic1-5号X机房——x-ray room1-5肠道门诊治疗室——treatment room肠道门诊观察室——observation infectious disease room呼吸道传染病门诊——respiratory infectious clinic感染科更衣室——dressing room感染科门诊——infectious disease腹部外科、腹腔镜外科——abdominal surgery laparoscope surgery 洗片室——filming room呼吸内科(哮喘门诊)——respiratory medicine asthma clinic呼吸内科(鼾症门诊)——respiratory medicine snoring clinic放疗科——radiotherapy读片室——diagnosis roomCT2室——CT2room乳腺钼靶机房——mammography room核医学科——nuclear medicine神经内科(失眠门诊)——neurology(insomnia clinic)神经内科(癫痫门诊)——neurology(epilepsy clinic)神经外科——neurosurgery心胸外科微创外科——cardiothoracic surgery 心血管内科高血压门诊——cardiology hypertension clinic心血管内科——cardiology消化一科1-2——gastroenterology1-2血液内科化疗科——hematology chemotherapy clinic数字胃肠——digital gastrointestinal graphy导管室——catheter lab普通内科门诊——medicine消化二科——gastroenterology干部保健门诊——VIPclinic病理质控中心——pathology quality control center学术活动室——academic room暗室——dark room标本存放室——specimen deposit计划生育室(无痛人流室)——family planning高位妊娠门诊——high-risk pregnancy clinic产科宣教室——obstetrics education真菌室——fungus lab肾内科——nephrology男性科——andrology泌尿外科——urology妇科1-4——gynecology1-4产前筛查中心不孕不育遗传病咨询门诊——antenatal screening center inferitillity clinic皮肤病性病科——dermatology STP clinic足病门诊脱发门诊——podiatry clinic trichology clinic光治疗室——phototherapy room内分泌内科、糖尿病科——endocrinology diabetes clinic甲状腺内科、风湿病科——thyroid clinic、rheumatology 冷冻切片室——frozen section room染片室——stain room专家门诊——specialist clinic主任办公室——directors office免疫组化室——immunohistology lab巨检室——cutting room测听室——audiometry room检查室——examination room细菌室——bacteriology lab示教室——conference room免疫室——immunology lab出凝血室——thrombus&hemostasia room生化室——biochemistry lab放射室——radio-immunology roomHIV初筛实验室——HIV screen lab护士站——nurse station护士值班室——on-duty roomB超心电图室——ultrasonography room ECG room被服消毒室——disinfection room配餐室——kitchen病区洗手间——toilet人工肝治疗室——alss room医生办公室——doctor’s office病区淋浴房——bath room抢救室——intensive-care room妇瘤门诊——gynecologic tumour clinic核医学科——nuclear medicine clinic制模室——mould room物理室——physical room热疗室——thermotheraphy room钴60治疗室——CO-60room后装治疗室——brachytherapy room直线加速器机房——accelerator room术中放疗手术室——IORT room操作室——operation room模拟定位机——simulator病房大楼——inpatient building产科——obstetrics ward新生儿护理中心——newborn nursing center 配电室——power station污洗间——washing room隔离产房——isolated delivery room分娩室——labour room产前准备室——antepartum preparation room 电子监护中心——electronic monitoring room。

Show spanning-tree summary ------------------------------------
Switch is in pvst mode
Root bridge for: none
EtherChannel misconfig guard is enabled
Extended system ID
is enabled
Portfast Default
is enabled
PortFast BPDU Guard Default is disabled
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Portfast BPDU Filter Default is disabled
Loopguard Default
is disabled
is disabled
is disabled
Pathcost method used 案例:
is short
conf t spanning portfast default (所有的接入端口)
interface f0/24
spanning portfast trunk
如上图所示,A 和根交换机相连的端口为转发状态,另一个为阻塞状态。当到根交换机的上行 链路断开后,如果配置了 Uplinkfast 到另一台上层交换机的链路将直接转入转发状态,而不需 要经过减听和学习状态,如图,这个转换需要经过大约 1-5 秒。 一旦交换机将以个备用端口转为转发状态,交换机开始在该端口发送伪多播帧,本地桥接标中每
6 vlans

一、实验练习题1:基本配置1. 在思科路由器上配置一个名称为“LabRouter”的主机名。
2. 设置主机名的提示符为“LabRouter>”。
3. 配置控制台口令为“cisco”。
4. 配置虚拟终端口令为“cisco”。
5. 为路由器配置一个管理IP地址为192.168.0.1/24。
6. 启用路由器上的SSH服务,并设置远程管理口令为“cisco”。
二、实验练习题2:静态路由1. 在思科路由器上配置两个接口,分别连接到两个局域网,网络地址分别为192.168.1.0/24和192.168.2.0/24。
2. 配置路由器上的静态路由,将流量从192.168.1.0/24网络发送到192.168.2.0/24网络。
三、实验练习题3:动态路由1. 在思科路由器上启用RIPv2协议,并配置路由器上的网络地址,包括192.168.1.0/24和192.168.2.0/24。
2. 配置路由器上的RIPv2协议,将流量从192.168.1.0/24网络发送到192.168.2.0/24网络。
四、实验练习题4:VLAN1. 在思科交换机上创建两个VLAN,分别为VLAN10和VLAN20。
2. 将端口1-10划分到VLAN10,端口11-20划分到VLAN20。
3. 配置交换机上的端口1为VLAN10的访问端口,端口10为VLAN10的特许端口。
4. 配置交换机上的端口11为VLAN20的访问端口,端口20为VLAN20的特许端口。
五、实验练习题5:STP1. 在思科交换机上启用Spanning Tree Protocol(STP)。
2. 配置交换机上的端口1为根桥接口。
3. 配置交换机上的端口2为备用根桥接口。

认证认证课程必需的考试必备资格RC AM 网络基础FundamentalFundamental Written—RC NA 网络设备互连(IND)Interconnecting Networking DevicesINDWritten —IND LabRC CP 设备调试与网络优化(DOND)Debugging and Optimizing Networking DevicesDONDWritten—DONDLabRC NP构建高级的路由互联网络(BARI)Building Advanced Routing InternetworksBARIWritten具有生效的RCNA或RCCP证书BARI Lab 构建高级的交换网络(BASN)Building Advanced Switched NetworksBASNWrittenBASN Lab 构建优化的互联网络(BOI)Building Optimized InternetworksBOIWrittenBOI Lab 网络服务架构的设计与实施(DINSA)Designing and Implementing Network ServiceArchitecturesDINSAWrittenDINSALabRCI E —RCIEWritten 暂不对外RCIE Lab二、锐捷认证详细介绍锐捷认证网络管理员(RCAM)锐捷网络认证计划的第一步首先从网络管理员级别开始,即RCAM。

矿物单词缩写(共9页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--名称符号白云母 Mu白钨矿 Sh斑铜矿 Bn赤铁矿 Hm赤铜矿 Cpt磁铁矿 Mt雌黄铁矿 Pyr雌黄 Orp单斜辉石 Mp毒砂 Ars方解石 Cal方铅矿 Gn高岭石 Kl锆石 Zi铬铁矿 Chm硅灰石 Wl褐铁矿 Lm黑钨矿 Wf黑云母 Bit红柱石 Ad黄铜矿 Cp黄铁矿 Py辉铜矿 Cc辉钼矿 Mot辉锑矿 Sti辉银矿 Arg辉石 Prx钾长石 Kp尖晶石 Sp2金刚石 Dm堇青石 Cor绢云母 Ser蓝宝石 Ind蓝晶石 Ky蓝铜矿 Az锂辉石 Spo锂云母 Lpd铝土矿 Bx绿帘石 Ep绿泥石 Chl绿柱石 Ber镁铁榴石 Mj镁铁闪石 Cun明矾石 Aln钠长石 Ab闪锌矿 Sph石英 Qz石榴石 Gr石墨 Gph石膏 Gy铜蓝 Cov透石膏 Sel透辉石 Di透闪石 Tl透长石 San微斜长石 Mi斜方辉石 Opx斜长石 Pl3雄黄 Rar阳起石 Act黝帘石 Zo萤石 Fl黝铜矿 Thr正长石 Or序号矿物符号矿物名称矿物英文名称1 Ab 钠长石Albite2 Act 阳起石Actinolite3 Adr 钙铁闪石Andradite4 Aeg 霓石Aegirine5 Afs 碱性长石Alkalifeldspar6 Agt 霓辉石Aegirine-augite7 Ak 镁黄长石Akermanite8 Alm 铁铝榴石Almandine9 Aln 褐帘石Allanite10 Als 铝硅酸盐Alumosilicate11 Am 闪石Amphibole12 An 钙长石Anorthite13 And 红柱石Andalusite14 Anh 硬石膏Anhydrite15 Ank 铁白云母Ankerite16 Anl 方沸石Analcime17 Ann 铁云母Annite18 Ant 锐钛矿Anatase19 Ap 磷灰石Apatite20 Apo 鱼眼石Apophyllite21 Apy 毒砂Arsenopyrite22 Arf 亚铁钠闪石Arfvedsonite23 Arg 文石Aragonite24 Atg 叶蛇纹石Antigorite25 Ath 直闪石Anthophyllite26 Aug 辉石Augite27 Ax 斧石Axinite28 Bhm 软水铝矿Boehmite29 Bn 斑铜矿Bornite30 Brc 水镁石Brucite31 Brk 板钛矿Brookite432 Brl 绿柱石Beryl33 Brs 冻蓝闪石Barroisite34 Brt 重晶石Barite35 Bst 锰硅灰石Bustamite36 Bt 黑云母Biotite37 Cal 方解石Calcite38 Cam 单斜角闪石(闪石)Clinoamphibole39 Cb 碳酸盐矿物Carbonate mineral40 Cbz 菱沸石Chabazite41 Chc 辉铜矿Chalcocite42 Csl 硅孔雀石Chrysocolla43 Ccn 钙霞石Cancrinite44 Clp 黄铜矿Chalcopyrite45 Cel 绿菱石Celadonite46 Cen 斜顽火辉石Clinoenstatite47 Cfs 斜铁辉石Clinoferrosilite48 Chl 绿泥石Chlorite49 Chm 鲕绿泥石Chamosite50 Chn 粒硅灰石Chondrodite51 Chq 斜锂闪石/斜锂蓝闪石Clinoholmquistite52 Chr 铬铁矿Chromite53 Chu 斜硅镁石Clinohumite54 Clc 斜绿泥石Clinochlore55 Cld 硬绿泥石Chloritoid56 Cls 天青石Celestine57 Coe 柯石英Coesite58 Cph 斜锰柱石Carpholite59 Cpx 单斜辉石Clinopyroxene60 Crd 堇青石Cordierite61 Crn 刚玉Corundum62 Crs 方石英Cristobalite63 Cst 锡石Cassiterite64 Ctl 纤蛇纹石Chrysotile65 Cum 镁铁闪石Cummingtonite66 Cv 铜蓝Covellite67 Czo 斜黝帘石Clinozoisite68 Dee 迪尔石Deerite69 Dg 蓝辉铜矿Digenite70 Di 透辉石Diopside71 Dol 白云石Dolomite72 Drv 镁电气石Dravite73 Dsp 硬水铝石Diaspore74 Eck 钙叶绿泥石Eckermannite75 Ed 浅闪石Edenite576 Elb 锂电气石Elbaite77 En 顽火辉石Enstatite78 Ep 绿帘石Epidote79 Fa 铁橄榄石Fayalite80 Fe2-Act 镁阳起石Ferro-Actinolite81 Fe2-Chq 斜铁锂闪石Clinoferroholmquistite82 Fe2-Ed 铁浅闪石Ferro-Edenite83 Fe2-Hbl 铁角闪石Ferrohornblende84 Fe2-Ts 铁钙闪石Ferrotschermakite85 Fl 萤石Fluorite86 Fo 镁橄榄石Forsterite87 Fs 铁辉石Ferrosilite88 Fsp 长石Feldspar89 Gad 硅铍钇矿Gadolinite90 Gbs 三水铝石Gibbsite91 Ged 铝直闪石Gedrite92 Gh 铝黄长石Gehlenite93 Gln 蓝闪石Glaucophane94 Glt 海绿石Glauconite95 Gn 方铅矿Galena96 Gp 石膏Gypsum97 Grp 石墨Graphite98 Gre 铁蛇纹石Greenalite99 Grs 钙铝榴石Grossular100 Grt 石榴子石Garnet101 Gru 铁闪石Grunerite102 Gt 针铁矿Goethite103 Hbl 普通角闪石Hornblende104 Hc 铁尖晶石Hercynite105 Hd 钙铁辉石Hedenbergite106 Hem 赤铁矿Hematite107 Hgb 黑铝镁钛矿Hoegbomite108 Hl 石盐Halite109 Hq 铝闪石Holmquistite110 Hs 绿钙闪石Hastingsite111 Hu 硅镁石Humite112 Hul 片沸石Heulandite113 Hyn 蓝方石Haüyne114 Ill 伊利石Illite115 Ilm 钛铁矿Ilmenite116 Jd 硬玉Jadeite117 Jh 钙镁辉石Johannsenite118 Joe 铅铍闪石Joesmithite119 Kfs 钾长石K-feldspar6120 Kie 水镁矾Kieserite121 Kln 高岭石Kaolinite122 Kln-Srp 高岭石-蛇纹石Kaolinite-Serpentine 123 Kls 钾霞石Kalsilite124 KMg-Sdg 钾镁砂川闪石Potassic-Magnesiosadanagaite125 Koz 铁锰钠闪石Kozulite126 Krn 柱晶石Kornerupine127 Krs 钛闪石Kaersutite128 K-Sdg 钾砂川闪石Potassicsadanagaite 129 Ktp 红钠闪石(红闪石)Katophorite130 Ky 蓝晶石Kyanite131 Laz 天蓝石Lazulite132 Lct 白榴石Leucite133 Lm 褐铁矿Limonite134 Lmt 浊沸石Laumontite135 Lo 斜方砷铁矿Loellingite136 Lpd 锂云母Lepidolite137 Lws 硬柱石Lawsonite138 Lz 利蛇纹石Lizardite139 Mag 磁铁矿Magnetite140 Mar 钠柱石Marialite141 Mic 微斜长石Microcline142 Mi 云母Mica143 Mei 钙柱石Meionite144 Mel 黄长石Melilite145 Mgh 磁赤铁矿Maghemite146 Mg-Hbl 镁角闪石Magnesiohornblende 147 Mg-Ktp 镁红钠闪石Magnesiokatophorite 148 Mg-Rbk 镁钠闪石Magnesioriebeckite 149 Mgs 菱镁矿Magnesite150 Mg-Sdg 镁砂川闪石Magnesiosadanagaite 151 Mns 铁滑石Minnesotaite152 Mnt 蒙脱石Montmorillonite 153 Mnz 独居石Monazite154 Mo 辉钼矿Molybdenite155 Mrc 白铁矿Marcasite156 Mrg 珍珠云母Margarite157 Ms 白云母Muscovite158 Mtc 钙镁橄榄石Monticellite159 Mul 莫来石Mullite160 Mw 黝硅镁钙石Merwinite161 Ne 霞石Nepheline162 Nrb 块硅镁石Norbergite7163 Nsn 黝方石Nosean164 Ntr 钠沸石Natrolite165 Nyb 灰闪石Nyboeite166 Oam 斜方闪石Orthoamphibole 167 Ol 橄榄石Olivine168 Omp 绿辉石Omphacite169 Op 不透明矿物Opaque mineral 170 Opx 正方辉石Orthopyroxene 171 Or 正长石Orthoclase172 Osu 大隅石Osumilite173 Pcl 烧绿石Pyrochlore174 Pct 针钠钙石Pectolite175 Per 方镁石Periclase176 Pg 钠云母Paragonite177 Pgt 易变辉石Pigeonite178 Phg 多硅白云母Phengite179 Phl 金云母Phlogopite180 Pl 斜长石Plagioclase181 Pmp 绿纤石Pumpellyite 182 Pn 镍黄铁矿Pentlandite 183 Po 磁黄铁矿Pyrrhotite184 Prg 韭闪石Pargasite185 Prh 葡萄石Prehnite186 Prl 叶蜡石Pyrophyllite 187 Prl-Tlc 叶蜡石-滑石Pyrophyllite-Talc 188 Prp 镁铝榴石Pyrope189 Prv 钙钛矿Perovskite190 Px 辉石Pyroxene191 Py 黄铁矿Pyrite192 Qtz 石英Quartz193 Rbk 钠闪石Riebeckite194 Rdn 蔷薇辉石Rhodonite195 Rds 菱锰矿Rhodochrosite 196 Rit 钠透闪石Richterite197 Rt 金红石Rutile198 Sa 透长石Sanidine199 Scp 方柱石Scapolite200 Sd 菱铁矿Siderite201 Sdg 砂川闪石Sadanagaite 202 Sdl 方钠石Sodalite203 Sep 海泡石Sepiolite204 Ser 绢云母Sericite205 Sil 夕线石Sillimanite206 Sme 蒙脱石(蒙皂石)Smectite8207 Sp 闪锌矿Sphalerite208 Spd 锂辉石Spodumene209 Spl 尖晶石Spinel210 Spr 假蓝宝石Sapphirine211 Sps 锰铝榴石Spessartine212 Srl 黑电气石Schorl213 Srp 蛇纹石Serpentine214 St 十字石Staurolite215 Stb 辉沸石Stilbite216 Stp 黑硬绿泥石Stilpnomelane 217 Str 碳锶矿Strontianite218 Stv 斯石英Stishovite219 Tlc 滑石Talc220 Tmt 绿闪石Taramite221 Toz 黄玉Topaz222 Tr 透闪石Tremolite223 Trd 鳞石英Tridymite224 Tro 陨硫铁Troilite225 Ts 镁钙闪石Tschermakite 226 Ttn 榍石Titanite227 Tur 电气石Tourmaline228 Usp 钛铁尖晶石Ulvoespinel229 Uvt 钙铬榴石Uvarovite230 Ves 符山石Vesuvianite231 Viv 蓝铁矿Vivianite232 Vrm 蛭石Vermiculite233 Win 蓝透闪石Winchite234 Wmi 白色云母White Mica235 Wo 硅灰石Wollastonite 236 Wrk 斜钙沸石Wairakite237 Wth 碳钡矿Witherite238 Wus 方铁矿Wüstite Wuestite 239 Xtm 磷钇矿Xenotime240 Zeo 沸石Zeolite241 Zo 黝帘石Zoisite242 Zrn 锆英石Zircon243 Zwd 铁锂云母Zinnwaldite244 Ads 中长石Adesine245 Adl 冰长石Aduloria246 Atc 歪长石Anorthoclase 247 Atp 反条纹长石Antiperthite248 Bad 斜锆石Baddelejite249 Byt 倍长石Bytoonite250 Cht 空晶石Chiastolite9251 Crs 青铝闪石Crosstie 252 Dia 金刚石Diamond 253 Eul 尤莱辉石Eulite254 Fuc 铬云母Fuchite255 Fet 中柱石Fulite256 Hy 紫苏辉石Hypersthene 257 Ja 碧玉Jasper258 Lab 拉长石Labradolite 259 Laz 青金石Lazurite 260 Mal 孔雀石Malachile 261 Men 黑榴石Melanite 262 Olg 奥长石Oligoclase 263 Opl 蛋白石Opal264 Pen 叶绿泥石Pennine 265 Pie 红帘石Piedmonlite 266 Pth 条纹长石Perthite 267 Pch 蠕绿泥石Prochlorite 268 She 次透辉石Saheite270 Sek 铁堇青石Sekaninaite 271 Spn 榍石Sphere272 Szb 硼镁石Szaibelyite 273 Urt 纤闪石Uralite10。

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Lab 3-5 Configuring EtherchannelObjectiveThe purpose of this lab is to configure and observe Etherchannel.ScenarioFour switches have just been installed. The distribution layer switches are Catalyst 3560s, and the access layer switches are Catalyst 2960s. There are redundant uplinks between the access layer and distribution layer. Usually, only one of these links could be used, or a bridging loop might occur. However, this utilizes only half of the available bandwidth. Etherchannel allows up to eight redundant links to be bundled together into one logical link.Step 1Start by deleting vlan.dat, erasing the startup configuration, and reloading all your switches. After reloading the switches, give them hostnames. Configure portsf0/7 through f0/12 to be trunks. On the 3560s, you first need to set the trunk encapsulation to dot1q. On the 2960s, only dot1q is supported, so it does not need to be set, but the mode still needs to be changed to trunk. If you do not set the mode of the ports to trunk, the links do not form trunks and remain access ports (default mode on a 3560 or 2960 is dynamic auto; default mode on a 3550 or 2950 is dynamic desirable).DLS1#configure terminal2 - 9 CCNP: Building Multilayer Switched Networks v5.0 - Lab 3-5 Copyright ©2006, Cisco Systems, IncEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.DLS1(config)#interface range f0/7 - 12DLS1(config-if-range)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qDLS1(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunkStep 2The first Etherchannel we create for this lab is aggregating ports f0/11 and f0/12 between ALS1 and ALS2. First, make sure that you have a trunk link active for those two links with the show interfaces trunk command.ALS1#show interfaces trunkPort Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlanFa0/7 on 802.1q trunking 1Fa0/8 on 802.1q trunking 1Fa0/9 on 802.1q trunking 1Fa0/10 on 802.1q trunking 1Fa0/11 on 802.1q trunking 1Fa0/12 on 802.1q trunking 1<output ommitted>On both switches, add ports 11 and 12 to port-channel 1 with the channel-group 1 mode desirable command, where mode desirable indicates that you want the switch to actively negotiate to form a PAgP link. PAgP is an Etherchannel protocol.ALS1(config)#interface range f0/11 - 12ALS1(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode desirable Creating a port-channel interface Port-channel 1Now, you can configure the logical interface to become a trunk by first entering the interface port-channel number command, and then the switchport mode trunk command. Do this configuration on both switches.ALS1(config)#interface port-channel 1ALS1(config-if)#switchport mode trunkVerify that Etherchannel is working by issuing the show etherchannel summary command on both switches. This command displays the type of Etherchannel, the ports utilized, and port states.ALS1#show etherchannel summaryFlags: D - down P - in port-channelI - stand-alone s - suspendedH - Hot-standby (LACP only)R - Layer3 S - Layer2U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregatoru - unsuitable for bundlingw - waiting to be aggregatedd - default port3 - 9 CCNP: Building Multilayer Switched Networks v5.0 - Lab 3-5 Copyright ©2006, Cisco Systems, IncNumber of channel-groups in use: 1Number of aggregators: 1Group Port-channel Protocol Ports------+-------------+-----------+----------------------------------------1 Po1(SU) PAgP Fa0/11(P) Fa0/12(P)ALS2#show etherchannel summaryFlags: D - down P - in port-channelI - stand-alone s - suspendedH - Hot-standby (LACP only)R - Layer3 S - Layer2U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregatoru - unsuitable for bundlingw - waiting to be aggregatedd - default portNumber of channel-groups in use: 1Number of aggregators: 1Group Port-channel Protocol Ports------+-------------+-----------+----------------------------------------1 Po1(SU) PAgP Fa0/11(P) Fa0/12(P)If the Etherchannel does not come up, you may want to try “flapping” the physical interfaces involved in the Etherchannel on both ends. This involves using the shut command followed by a no shut command a few seconds later on those interfaces.The commands show interfaces trunk and show spanning-tree also show the port-channel as one logical link.ALS1#show interfaces trunkPort Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlanFa0/7 on 802.1q trunking 1Fa0/8 on 802.1q trunking 1Fa0/9 on 802.1q trunking 1Fa0/10 on 802.1q trunking 1Po1 on 802.1q trunking 1<output ommitted>ALS1#show spanning-treeVLAN0001Spanning tree enabled protocol ieeeRoot ID Priority 32769Address 000a.b8a9.d680Cost 19Port 11 (FastEthernet0/9)Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 secBridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)Address 0019.0635.5780Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 secAging Time 300Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- ----------------------------4 - 9 CCNP: Building Multilayer Switched Networks v5.0 - Lab 3-5 Copyright ©2006, Cisco Systems, IncFa0/7 Altn BLK 19 128.9 P2pFa0/8 Altn BLK 19 128.10 P2pFa0/9 Root FWD 19 128.11 P2pFa0/10 Altn BLK 19 128.12 P2pPo1 Desg FWD 12 128.72 P2pStep 3Using the commands you have learned above, configure the link between DLS1 and ALS1 on ports f0/7 and f0/8 to be a LACP Etherchannel. You must use a different port-channel number on ALS1 than 1, because you already used that in the previous step. To configure a port-channel to be LACP, use the interfacelevel command channel-group number mode active. Active mode indicates thatthe switch actively tries to negotiate that link to be LACP (as opposed to PAgP). ALS1(config)#interface range f0/7 - 8ALS1(config-if-range)#channel-group 2 mode activeCreating a port-channel interface Port-channel 2ALS1(config-if-range)#interface port-channel 2ALS1(config-if)#switchport mode trunkApply a similar configuration on DLS1. Verify the configuration with the show etherchannel summary command.ALS1#show etherchannel summaryFlags: D - down P - in port-channelI - stand-alone s - suspendedH - Hot-standby (LACP only)R - Layer3 S - Layer2U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregatoru - unsuitable for bundlingw - waiting to be aggregatedd - default portNumber of channel-groups in use: 2Number of aggregators: 2Group Port-channel Protocol Ports------+-------------+-----------+----------------------------------------1 Po1(SU) PAgP Fa0/11(P) Fa0/12(P)2 Po2(SU) LACP Fa0/7(P) Fa0/8(P)Step 4In the previous steps, we configured Etherchannels as Layer 2 trunk connections between switches. We can also configure Etherchannels as Layer 3 (routed) connections on switches that can support it. Since DLS1 and DLS2 are both multilayer switches, they can support routed ports. Use the no switchport command on f0/11 and f0/12 to make them Layer 3 ports. Next, add them to the channel group with the channel-group number mode desirable command. Then, on the logical interface, type no switchport to make it a Layer 3 port. Add the IP address for DLS1 and for DLS2. Configure both with a /24 subnet mask.DLS1(config)#interface range f0/11 - 125 - 9 CCNP: Building Multilayer Switched Networks v5.0 - Lab 3-5 Copyright ©2006, Cisco Systems, IncDLS1(config-if-range)#no switchportDLS1(config-if-range)#channel-group 3 mode desirableCreating a port-channel interface Port-channel 3DLS1(config-if-range)#interface port-channel 3DLS1(config-if)#no switchportDLS1(config-if)#ip address that you have Layer 3 connectivity by attempting to ping the other side of the link:DLS1#ping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:!!!!!Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 msIf you look at the output of show etherchannel summary, you see that it lists the port channel as a routed port, not a switched port. RU in the parentheses next to the name means routed and up, as opposed to switched and up.DLS1#show etherchannel summaryFlags: D - down P - in port-channelI - stand-alone s - suspendedH - Hot-standby (LACP only)R - Layer3 S - Layer2U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregatoru - unsuitable for bundlingw - waiting to be aggregatedd - default portNumber of channel-groups in use: 2Number of aggregators: 2Group Port-channel Protocol Ports------+-------------+-----------+----------------------------------------2 Po2(SU) LACP Fa0/7(P) Fa0/8(P)3 Po3(RU) PAgP Fa0/11(P) Fa0/12(P)Step 5The switches can use different methods to load balance traffic going through a port channel. By default, they load balance using the source MAC address. You can view the current load-balancing configuration with the show etherchannel load-balance command:DLS1#show etherchannel load-balanceEtherChannel Load-Balancing Operational State (src-mac):Non-IP: Source MAC addressIPv4: Source MAC addressIPv6: Source IP addressOther methods of load balancing are based on the destination MAC address, both source and destination MAC addresses, source IP address, destination IP address, and both source and destination IP addresses. For this scenario, we 6 - 9 CCNP: Building Multilayer Switched Networks v5.0 - Lab 3-5 Copyright ©2006, Cisco Systems, Inc configure ALS1 to load balance by both source and destination MAC address using the global configuration command port-channel load-balance method, where the method is src-dst-mac.ALS1(config)#port-channel load-balance src-dst-macVerify the configuration with the show etherchannel load-balance command: ALS1#show etherchannel load-balanceEtherChannel Load-Balancing Operational State (src-dst-mac):Non-IP: Source XOR Destination MAC addressIPv4: Source XOR Destination MAC addressIPv6: Source XOR Destination IP addressChallengeThe topology still has redundant links that you can aggregate. Experiment with the other port-channel modes using the question mark on the interface-level command channel-group number mode ?. Look at the descriptions and implement some port channels in different manners. If you decide to use the “on”mode, you may want to take a look at the interface command channel-protocol ?. This mode statically sets the Etherchannel protocol without negotiation.7 - 9 CCNP: Building Multilayer Switched Networks v5.0 - Lab 3-5 Copyright ©2006, Cisco Systems, IncEND OF LAB FINAL CONFIGSDLS1#show running-config!hostname DLS1!!interface Port-channel2switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunk!interface Port-channel3no switchportip address!!interface FastEthernet0/7switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunkchannel-group 2 mode active!interface FastEthernet0/8switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunkchannel-group 2 mode active!interface FastEthernet0/9switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/10switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/11no switchportno ip addresschannel-group 3 mode desirable!interface FastEthernet0/12no switchportno ip addresschannel-group 3 mode desirable!!endDLS2#show running-config!hostname DLS2!!!interface Port-channel3no switchportip address!!interface FastEthernet0/7switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunk8 - 9 CCNP: Building Multilayer Switched Networks v5.0 - Lab 3-5 Copyright ©2006, Cisco Systems, Inc !interface FastEthernet0/8switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/9switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/10switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/11no switchportno ip addresschannel-group 3 mode desirable!interface FastEthernet0/12no switchportno ip addresschannel-group 3 mode desirable!!endALS1#show running-config!hostname ALS1!!port-channel load-balance src-dst-mac !interface Port-channel1switchport mode trunk!interface Port-channel2switchport mode trunk!!interface FastEthernet0/7switchport mode trunkchannel-group 2 mode active!interface FastEthernet0/8switchport mode trunkchannel-group 2 mode active!interface FastEthernet0/9switchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/10switchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/11switchport mode trunkchannel-group 1 mode desirable!interface FastEthernet0/12switchport mode trunkchannel-group 1 mode desirable!9 - 9 CCNP: Building Multilayer Switched Networks v5.0 - Lab 3-5 Copyright ©2006, Cisco Systems, Inc !endALS2#show running-config!hostname ALS2!!interface Port-channel1switchport mode trunk!!interface FastEthernet0/7switchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/8switchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/9switchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/10switchport mode trunk!interface FastEthernet0/11switchport mode trunkchannel-group 1 mode desirable!interface FastEthernet0/12switchport mode trunkchannel-group 1 mode desirable!!end。