Boron-doped Ketjenblack based high performances ca




形成是AS进程中最重要的病理学标志,ox—LDL易被 巨噬细胞表面的清道夫受体识别、摄取并降解,促使 泡沫细胞形成。普罗布考可有效抑制LDL氧化形成 ox.LDL,抑制ox—LDL引起的单核细胞黏附和迁移。 研究证实,普罗布考在体内外可抑制由cu“诱导的 巨噬细胞脂质氧化,使由巨噬细胞介导的LDL氧化 降低68%,同时抑制丙二醛的生成,而且此作用与其 浓度成正比¨引。②抑制烟酰胺辅酶氧化酶NAD(P)
摘要:早期大量的药理及临床实验发现,普罗布考具有降低血脂、抗氧化、抗炎等作用,但由于其 可降低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDI,C),使其在临床上的应用受到影响。近年的研究证明,普罗布考 虽然降低血HDL—C浓度,但并不降低其转运胆固醇酯的作用,甚至增加其转运能力,并可稳定和消 退动脉粥样硬化斑块,改善血管内皮功能,减少动脉粥样硬化的发生、发展。现就普罗布考抗动脉粥 样硬化作用机制的研究新进展予以综述。 关键词:普罗布考;动脉粥样硬化;抗氧化;抗炎症
(ABcAl),又称胆固醇流出调节蛋白,可促进细胞内 游离胆固醇及磷酯转运至细胞外,与结合在细胞表
面的载脂蛋白A I结合形成新生的HDL.C,使外周 细胞内脂质降低。普罗布考可明显上调ABCAl的 表达。④卵磷酯胆固醇酰基转移酶,使颗粒表面的 游离胆固醇脂化为胆固醇酯,进入颗粒内部,而形成 与外周细胞游离胆固醇的浓度差,促进了胆同醇从 脂肪组织细胞的流出。普罗布考使卵磷酯胆固醇酰 基转移酶活性增强。⑤B族I型清道夫受体(class
because it

J. Comput. Chem.

J. Comput. Chem.

2D Depiction of Nonbonding Interactions forProtein ComplexesPENG ZHOU,1FEIFEI TIAN,2ZHICAI SHANG11Institute of Molecular Design&Molecular Thermodynamics,Department of Chemistry,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou310027,China2College of Bioengineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing400044,ChinaReceived7May2008;Revised25June2008;Accepted22July2008DOI10.1002/jcc.21109Published online22October2008in Wiley InterScience().Abstract:A program called the2D-GraLab is described for automatically generating schematic representation of nonbonding interactions across the protein binding interfaces.The inputfile of this program takes the standard PDB format,and the outputs are two-dimensional PostScript diagrams giving intuitive and informative description of the protein–protein interactions and their energetics properties,including hydrogen bond,salt bridge,van der Waals interaction,hydrophobic contact,p–p stacking,disulfide bond,desolvation effect,and loss of conformational en-tropy.To ensure these interaction information are determined accurately and reliably,methods and standalone pro-grams employed in the2D-GraLab are all widely used in the chemistry and biology community.The generated dia-grams allow intuitive visualization of the interaction mode and binding specificity between two subunits in protein complexes,and by providing information on nonbonding energetics and geometric characteristics,the program offers the possibility of comparing different protein binding profiles in a detailed,objective,and quantitative manner.We expect that this2D molecular graphics tool could be useful for the experimentalists and theoreticians interested in protein structure and protein engineering.q2008Wiley Periodicals,Inc.J Comput Chem30:940–951,2009Key words:protein–protein interaction;nonbonding energetics;molecular graphics;PostScript;2D-GraLabIntroductionProtein–protein recognition and association play crucial roles in signal transduction and many other key biological processes. Although numerous studies have addressed protein–protein inter-actions(PPIs),the principles governing PPIs are not fully under-stood.1,2The ready availability of structural data for protein complexes,both from experimental determination,such as by X-ray crystallography,and by theoretical modeling,such as protein docking,has made it necessary tofind ways to easily interpret the results.For that,molecular graphics tools are usually employed to serve this purpose.3Although a large number of software packages are available for visualizing the three-dimen-sional(3D)structures(e.g.PyMOL,4GRASP,5VMD,6etc.)and interaction modes(e.g.MolSurfer,7ProSAT,8PIPSA,9etc.)of biomolecules,the options for producing the schematic two-dimensional(2D)representation of nonbonding interactions for PPIs are very scarce.Nevertheless,a few2D graphics programs were developed to depict protein-small ligand interactions(e.g., LIGPLOT,10PoseView,11MOE,12etc.).These tools,however, are incapable of handling the macromolecular complexes.Some other available tools presenting macromolecular interactions in 2D level mainly include DIMPLOT,10NUCPLOT,13and MON-STER,14etc.Amongst,only the DIMPLOT can be used for aesthetically visualizing the nonbinding interactions of PPIs. However,such a program merely provides a simple description of hydrogen bonds,hydrophobic interactions,and steric clashes across the binding interfaces.In this article,we describe a new molecular graphics tool, called the two-dimensional graphics lab for biosystem interac-tions(2D-GraLab),which adopts the page description language (PDL)to intuitively,exactly,and detailedly reproduce the non-bonding interactions and energetics properties of PPIs in Post-Script page.Here,the following three points are the emphasis of the2D-GraLab:(i)Reliability.To ensure the reliability,the pro-grams and methods employed in2D-GraLab are all widely used in chemistry and biology community;(ii)Comprehensiveness. 2D-GraLab is capable of handling almost all the nonbonding interactions(and even covalent interactions)across binding Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.Correspondence to:Z.Shang;e-mail:shangzc@interface of protein complexes,such as hydrogen bond,salt bridge,van der Waals(vdW)interaction,hydrophobic contact, p–p stacking,disulfide bond,desolvation effect,and loss of con-formational entropy.The outputted diagrams are diversiform, including individual schematic diagram and summarized sche-matic diagram;(iii)Artistry.We elaborately scheme the layout, color match,and page style for different diagrams,with the goal of producing aesthetically pleasing2D images of PPIs.In addi-tion,2D-GraLab provides a graphical user interface(GUI), which allows users to interact with this program and displays the spatial structure and interfacial feature of protein complexes (see .Fig.S1).Identifying Protein Binding InterfacesAn essential step in understanding the molecular basis of PPIs is the accurate identification of interprotein contacts,and based upon that,subsequent works are performed for analysis and lay-out of nonbonding mon methods identifyingprotein–protein binding interfaces include a Voronoi polyhedra-based approach,changes in solvent accessible surface area(D SASA),and various radial cutoffs(e.g.,closest atom,C b,andcentroid,etc.).152D-GraLab allows for the identification of pro-tein–protein binding interfaces at residue and atom levels.Identifying Binding Interfaces at Residue LevelAll the identifying interface methods at residue level belong toradial cutoff approach.In the radial cutoff approach,referencepoint is defined in advance for each residue,and the residues areconsidered in contact if their reference points fell within thedefined cutoff ually,the C a,C b,or centroid are usedas reference point.16–18In2D-GraLab,cutoff distance is moreflexible:cutoff distance5r A1r B1d,where r A and r B are residue radii and d is set by users(as the default d54A˚,which was suggested by Cootes et al.19).Identifying Binding Interfaces at Atom LevelAt atom level,binding interfaces are identified using closestatom-based radial cutoff approach20and D SASA-basedapproach.21For the closest atom-based radial cutoff approach,ifthe distance between any two atoms of two residues from differ-ent chains is less than a cutoff value,the residues are consideredin contact;In the D SASA-based approach,the SASA is calcu-lated twice to identify residues involved in a binding interface,once for the monomers and once for the complex,if there is achange in the SASA(D SASA)of a residue when going from themonomers to the dimer form,then it is considered involved inthe binding interface.In2D-GraLab,three manners are provided for visualizing thebinding interfaces,including spatial structure exhibition,residuedistance plot,and residue-pair contact map(see .Figs.S2–S4).Analysis and2D Layout of NonbondingInteractionsThe inputfile of2D-GraLab is standard PDB format,and the outputs are two-dimensional PostScriptfile giving intuitive and informative representation of the PPIs and their strengths, including hydrogen bond,salt bridge,vdW interaction,desolva-tion effect,ion-pair,side-chain conformational entropy(SCE), etc.The outputs are in two forms as individual schematic dia-gram and summarized schematic diagram.The individual sche-matic diagram is a detailed depiction of each nonbonding profile,whereas the summarized schematic diagram covers all nonbonding interactions and disulfide bonds across the binding interface.To produce the aesthetically high quality layouts,which pos-sess reliable and accurate parameters,several widely used pro-grams listed in Table1are employed in2D-GraLab to perform the core calculations and analysis of different nonbonding inter-actions.2D-GraLab carries out prechecking procedure for pro-tein structures and warns the structural errors,but not providing revision and refinement functions.Therefore,prior to2D-GraLab analysis,protein structures are strongly suggested to be prepro-cessed by programs such as PROCHECK(structure valida-tion),27Scwrl3(side-chain repair),28and X-PLOR(structure refinement).29Individual Schematic DiagramHydrogen BondThe program we use for analyzing hydrogen bonds across bind-ing interfaces is HBplus,23which calculates all possible posi-tions for hydrogen atoms attached to donor atoms which satisfy specified geometrical criteria with acceptor atoms in the vicinity. In2D-GraLab,users can freely select desired hydrogen bonds involving N,O,and/or S atoms.Besides,the water-mediated hydrogen bond is also given consideration.Bond strength of conventional hydrogen bonds(except those of water-mediated Table1.Standalone Programs Employed in2D-GraLab.Program FunctionReduce v3.0322Adding hydrogen atoms for proteinsHBplus v3.1523Identifying hydrogen bonds and calculatingtheir geometric parametersProbe v2.1224Identifying steric contacts and clashes at atomlevelMSMS v2.6125Calculating SASA values of protein atoms andresiduesDelphi v4.026Calculating Coulombic energy and reactionfield energy,determining electrostatic energyof ion-pairsDIMPLOT v4.110Providing application programming interface,users can directly set and executeDIMPLOT in the2D-GraLab GUI9412D Depiction of Nonbonding Interactions for Protein ComplexesFigure1.(a)Schematic representation of a conventional hydrogen bond and a water-mediated hydro-gen bond across the binding interface of IGFBP/IGF complex(PDB entry:2dsr).This diagram was produced using2D-Gralab.The conventional hydrogen bond is formed between the atom N(at the backbone of residue Leu69in chain B)and the atom OE1(at the side-chain of residue Glu3in chain I);The water-mediated hydrogen bond is formed between the atom ND1(at the side-chain of residue His5in chain B)and the atom O(at the backbone of residue Asp20in chain I),and because hydrogen positions of water are almost never known in the PDBfile,the water molecule,when serving as hydrogen bond donor,is not yet determined for its H...A length and D—H...A angle,denoted as mark ‘‘????.’’In this diagram,chains,residues,and atoms are labeled according to the PDB format.(b)Spa-tial conformation of the conventional hydrogen bond.(c)Spatial conformation of the water-mediated hydrogen bond.hydrogen bonds)is calculated using Lennard-Jones 8-6potential with angle weighting.30D U HB¼E m 3d m 8À4d m6"#cos 4h ðh >90 Þ(1)where d is the separation between the heavy acceptor atom andthe donor hydrogen atom in angstroms;E m ,the optimum hydro-gen-bond energy for the particular hydrogen-bonding atoms con-sidered;d m ,the optimum hydrogen-bond length for the particu-lar hydrogen-bonding atoms considered.E m and d m vary accord-ing to the chemical type of the hydrogen-bonding atoms.The hydrogen bond potential is set to zero when angle h 908.31Hydrogen bond parameters are taken from CHARMM force field (for N and O atoms)and Autodock (for S atom).32,33Figure 1a is the schematic representation of a conventional hydrogen bond and a water-mediated hydrogen bond across the binding interface of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF)complex.In this dia-gram,abundant information about the hydrogen bond geometry and energetics properties is presented in a readily acceptant manner.Figures 1b and 1c are spatial conformations of the cor-responding conventional hydrogen bond and water-mediated hydrogen bond.Van der Waals InteractionThe small-probe approach developed in Richardson’s laboratory enables us to detect the all atom contact profile in protein pack-ing.2D-GraLab uses program Probe 24to realize this method to identity steric contacts and clashes on the binding interfaces.Word et al.pointed out that explicit hydrogen atoms can effec-tively improve Probe’s performance.24However,considering calculations with explicit hydrogen atoms are time-consuming,and implicit hydrogen mode is also possibly used in some cases;therefore,in 2D-GraLab,both explicit and implicit hydrogen modes are provided for users.In addition,2D-GraLab uses the Reduce 22to add hydrogen atoms for proteins,and this programis also developed in Richardson’s laboratory and can be wellcompatible with Probe.According to previous definition,vdW interaction between two adjacent atoms is classified into wide contact,close contact,small overlap,and bad overlap.24Typically,vdW potential function has two terms,a repulsive term and an attractive term.In 2D-GraLab,vdW interaction is expressed as Lennard-Jones 12-6potential.34D U SI ¼E m d m d 12À2d md6"#(2)where E m is the Lennard-Jones well depth;d m is the distance at the Lennard-Jones minimum,and d is the distance between two atoms.The Lennard-Jones parameters between pairs of different atom types are obtained from the Lorentz–Berthelodt combina-tion rules.35Atomic Lennard-Jones parameters are taken from Probe and AMBER force field.24,36Figure 2a was produced using 2D-GraLab and gives a sche-matic representation of steric contacts and clashes (overlaps)between the heavy chain residue Tyr131and two light chain res-idues Ser121and Gln124of cross-reaction complex FAB (the antibody fragment of hen egg lysozyme).By this diagram,we can obtain the detail about the local vdW interactions around the residue Tyr131.In contrast,such information is inaccessible in the 3D structural figure (Fig.2b).Desolvation EffectIn 2D-GraLab,program MSMS 25is used to calculate the SASA values of interfacial residues at atom level,and four atomic radii sets are provided for calculating the SASA,including Bondi64,Chothia75,Li98,and CHARMM83.32,37–39Bondi64is based on contact distances in crystals of small molecules;Chothia75is based on contact distances in crystals of amino acids;Li98is derived from 1169high-resolution protein crystal structures;CHARMM83is the atomic radii set of CHARMM force field.Desolvation free energy of interfacial residues is calculated using empirical additive model proposed by Eisenberg andFigure 2.(a)Schematic representation of steric contacts and overlaps between the residue Tyr131in heavy chain (chain H)and the surrounding residues Ser121and Gln124in light chain (chain L)of cross-reaction complex FAB (PDB entry:1fbi).This diagram was produced using 2D-Gralab in explicit hydrogen mode.In this diagram,interface is denoted by the broken line;Wide contact,close contact,small overlap,and bad overlap are marked by blue circle,green triangle,yellow square,and pink rhombus,respectively;Moreover,vdW potential of each atom-pair is given in the histogram,with the value measured by energy scale,and the red and blue indicate favorable (D U \0)and unfav-orable (D U [0)contributions to the binding,respectively;Interaction potential 20.324kcal/mol in the center circle denotes the total vdW contribution by residue Tyr131;Chains,residues,and heavy atoms are labeled according to the PDB format,and hydrogen atoms are labeled in Reduce format.(b)Spatial conformation of chain H residue Tyr131and its local environment.Green or yellow stands forgood contacts (green for close contact and yellow for slight overlaps \0.2A˚),blue for wide contacts [0.25A˚,hot pink spikes for bad overlaps !0.4A ˚.It is revealed that Tyr131is in an intensive clash with chain L Gln124,while in slight contact with chain L Ser121,which is well consistent with the 2D schematic diagram.9432D Depiction of Nonbonding Interactions for Protein Complexes944Zhou,Tian,and Shang•Vol.30,No.6•Journal of Computational ChemistryFigure2.(Legend on page943.)Maclachlam,40and the conformation of interfacial residues is assumed to be invariant during the binding process.D G dslv¼Xic i D A i(3)where the sum is over all the atoms;c i and D A i are the atomic solvation parameter(ASP)and the changes in solvent accessible surface area(D SASA)of atom i,respectively.Juffer et al.41 found that although desolvation free energies calculated from different ASP sets are linear correlation to each other,the abso-lute values are greatly different.In view of that,2D-GraLab pro-vides four ASP sets published in different periods:Eisenberg86, Kim90,Schiffer93,and Zhou02.40,42–44As shown in Figure3,the D SASA and desolvation free energy of interfacial residues in chain A of HLA-A*0201pro-tein complex during the binding process are reproduced in a rotiform diagram form using2D-GraLab.In this diagram,the desolvation free energy contributed by chain A is28.056kcal/ mol,and moreover,the D SASA value of each interfacial residue is also presented clearly.Ion-PairThere are six types of residue-pairs in the ion-pairs:Lys-Asp, Lys-Glu,Arg-Asp,Arg-Glu,His-Asp,and ually,ion-pairs include three kinds:salt bridge,NÀÀO bridge,and longer-range ion-pair,and found that most of the salt bridges are stabi-lizing toward proteins;the majority of NÀÀO bridges are stabi-lizing;the majority of the longer-range ion-pairs are destabiliz-ing toward the proteins.45The salt bridge can be further distin-guished as hydrogen-bonded salt bridge(HB-salt bridge)and nonhydrogen-bonded salt bridge(NHB-salt bridge or salt bridge).46In2D-GraLab,the longer-range ion-pair is neglected, and for short-range ion-pair,four kinds are defined:HB-salt bridge,NHB-salt bridge or salt bridge,hydrogen-bonded NÀÀO bridge(HB-NÀÀO bridge),and nonhydrogen-bonded N-O bridge (NHB-NÀÀO bridge or NÀÀO bridge).Although both the N-terminal and C-terminal residues of a given protein are also charged,the large degree offlexibility usually experienced by the ends of a chain and the poor structural resolution resulting from it.47Therefore,we preclude these terminal residues in the 2D-GraLab.A modified Hendsch–Tidor’s method is used for calculating association energy of ion-pairs across binding interfaces.48D G assoc¼D G dslvþD G brd(4)where D G dslv represents the sum of the unfavorable desolvation penalties incurred by the individual ion-pairing residues due to the change in their environment from a high dielectric solvent (water)in the unassociated state;D G brd represents the favorable bridge energy due to the electrostatic interaction of the side-chain charged groups.We usedfinite difference solutions to the linearized Poisson–Boltzmann equations in Delphi26to calculate the D G dslv and D G brd.Centroid of the ion-pair system is used as grid center,with temperature of298.15K(in this way,1kT50.593kcal/mol),and the Debye-Huckel boundary conditions are applied.49Considering atomic parameter sets have a great influ-ence on the continuum electrostatic calculations of ion-pair asso-ciation energy,502D-GraLab provides three classical atomic parameter sets for users,including PARSE,AMBER,and CHARMM.51–53Figure4is the schematic representation of four ion-pairs formed across the binding interface of penicillin acylase enzyme complex.This diagram clearly illustrates the information about the geometries and energetics properties of ion-pairs,such as bond length,centroid distance,association energy,and angle. The ion-pair angle is defined as the angle between two unit vec-tors,and each unit vector joins a C a atom and a side-chain charged group centroid in an ion-pairing residue.54In this dia-gram,the four ion-pairs,two HB-salt bridges,and two HB-NÀÀO bridges formed across the binding interface are given out. Association energies of the HB-salt bridges are both\21.5 kcal/mol,whereas that of the HB-NÀÀO bridges are all[20.5 kcal/mol.Therefore,it is believed that HB-salt bridge is more stable than HB-NÀÀO bridge,which is well consistent with the conclusion of Kumar and Nussinov.45,46Side-Chain Conformational EntropyIn general,SCE can be divided into the vibrational and the con-formational.55Comparison of several sets of results using differ-ent techniques shows that during protein folding process,the mean conformational free energy change(T D S)is1kcal/mol per side-chain or0.5kcal/mol per bond.Changes in vibrational entropy appear to be negligible compared with the entropy change resulted from the loss of accessible rotamers.56SCE(S) can be calculated quite simply using Boltzmann’s formulation.57S¼ÀRXip i ln p i(5)where R is the universal gas constant;The sum is taken over all conformational states of the system and p i is the probability of being in state i.Typical methods used for SCE calculations, include self-consistent meanfield theory,58molecular dynam-ics,59Monte Carlo simulation,60etc.,that are all time-consum-ing,thus not suitable for2D-GraLab.For that,the case is sim-plified,when we calculate the SCE of an interfacial residue,its local surrounding isfixed(adopting crystal conformation).In this way,SCE of each interfacial residue is calculated in turn.For the20coded amino acids,Gly,Ala,Pro,and Cys in disulfide bonds are excluded.57For other cases,each residue’s side-chain conformation is modeled as a rotamer withfinite number of discrete states.61The penultimate rotamer library used was developed by Lovell et al.,62as recommended by Dun-brack for the study of SCE.63For an interfacial residue,the potential E i of each rotamer i is calculated in both binding state and unbinding state,and subsequently,rotamer’s probability dis-tribution(p)of this residue is resulted by Boltzmann’s distribu-tion law,then the SCE in different states are solved out using eq.(5).The situation of rotamer i is defined as serious clash or nonclash:serious clash is the clash score of rotamer i more than a given threshold value,and then E i511;whereas for the9452D Depiction of Nonbonding Interactions for Protein Complexes946Zhou,Tian,and Shang•Vol.30,No.6•Journal of Computational ChemistryFigure3.Schematic representation of desolvation effect for interfacial residues in chain A of HLA-A*0201complex(PDB entry:1duz).This diagram was produced using2D-GraLab.In this diagram,the pie chart is equally divided,with each section indicates an interfacial residue in chain A;In a sec-tor,red1blue is the SASA of corresponding residue in unbinding state,the blue is in binding state,and the red is thus of D SASA;The green polygonal line is made by linking desolvation free energy ofeach interfacial residue,and at the purple circle,desolvation free energy is0(D U50),beyond thiscircle indicates unfavorable contributions to binding(D U[0),otherwise is favorable(D U\0);Inthe periphery,residue symbols are colored in red,blue,and black in terms of favorable,unfavorable,and neutral contributions to the binding,respectively;The SASA and desolvation free energy for eachinterfacial residue can be measured qualitatively by the horizontally black and green scales.[Colorfigure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at .]Figure4.Four ion-pairs formed across the binding interface of penicillin acylase enzyme complex (PDB entry:1gkf).In thisfigure,left is2D schematic diagram produced using2D-GraLab,and posi-tively and negatively charged residues are colored in blue and red,respectively;Bridge-bonds formed between the charged atoms of ion-pairs are colored in green,blue,and yellow dashed lines for the hydrogen-bonded bridge,nonhydrogen-bonded bridge,and long-range interactions,respectively;The three parameters in bracket are ion-pair type,angle,and association energy.The right in thisfigure is the spatial conformations of corresponding ion-pairs.[Colorfigure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at .]Figure5.(a)Loss of side-chain conformational entropy of chain B interfacial residues in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase complex(PDB entry:1rt1).This diagram was produced using2D-GraLab.In this diagram,the pie chart is equally divided,with each section indicates an interfacial residue in chain B; In a sector,side-chain conformational entropies in unbinding and binding state are colored in yellow and blue,respectively;The green polygonal line is made by linking conformational free energy of each interfacial residue;The conformational entropy and conformational free energy for each interfa-cial residue can be measured qualitatively by the horizontally black and green scales,respectively;In the periphery,residue symbols are colored in yellow,blue,and black in terms of favorable,unfavora-ble,and neutral contributions to binding,respectively.(b)The rotamers of chain B interfacial residues Lys20,Lys22,Tyr56,Asn136,Ile393,and Trp401in HIV-1reverse transcriptase complex.These rotamers were generated using2D-GraLab.[Colorfigure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at .]9472D Depiction of Nonbonding Interactions for Protein Complexes948Zhou,Tian,and Shang•Vol.30,No.6•Journal of Computational ChemistryFigure5.(Legend on page947.)Figure6.The summarized schematic diagram of nonbonding interactions and disulfide bond across the interface of AIV hemagglutinin H5complex(PDB entry:1jsm).Length of chain A and chain B are321and160,represented as two bold horizontal lines.Interface parts in the bold lines are colored in orange,and residue-pairs in interactions are linearly linked;Conventional hydrogen bond,water-mediated hydrogen bond,ionpair,hydrophobic force,steric clash,p–p stacking,and disulfide bond are colored in aqua,bottle green,red,blue,purple,yellow,and brown,respectively;In the‘‘dumbbell shape’’symbols,residue-pair types and distances are also presented.[Colorfigure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at .]9492D Depiction of Nonbonding Interactions for Protein Complexescase of nonclash,four potential functions are used in2D-Gra-Lab:(i)E i5E0,a constant61;(ii)statistical potential,the poten-tial energy E i of rotamer i is calculated from database-derived probability61;(iii)coarse-grained model,E i of rotamer i is esti-mated by atomic contact energies(ACE)64;and(iv)Lennard-Jones potential.58Loss of binding entropy of chain B interfacial residues in HIV-1reverse transcriptase complex is schematically repre-sented in Figure5a.Similar to desolvation effect diagram,loss of binding entropy is also presented in a rotiform diagram form. This diagram reveals that during the process of forming HIV-1 reverse transcriptase complex,the total loss of conformational free energy of chain B is9.14kcal/mol,indicating a strongly unfavorable contribution to binding(D G[0),and the average loss of conformational free energy for each residue is about0.3 kcal/mol,much less than those in protein folding(about1kcal/ mol56).Figure5b shows the rotamers of six interfacial residues in chain B.Summarized Schematic DiagramFigure6illustrates nonbonding interactions and disulfide bond formed across the binding interface of avian influenza virus (AIV)hemagglutinin H5.This protein is a dimer linked by a disulfide bond.In this diagram,conventional hydrogen bond, water-mediated hydrogen bond,ion-pair,hydrophobic force, steric clash,p–p stacking,and disulfide bond are represented in different colors.Hydrogen bonds,colored in aqua,are calculated by program HBplus.23Data in this diagram are the separation between the acceptor atom and the heavy donor atom.Water-mediated hydrogen bonds are colored in bottle green, also calculated by HBplus.23Ion-pairs,colored in red,include salt bridge and NÀÀO bridge,determined by the Kumar’s rule.45,46Data in this dia-gram are centroid distance of ion-pair.Hydrophobic forces are colored in blue.According to the D SASA rule,if the two apolar and/or aromatic interfacial resi-dues(Leu,Ala,Val,Ile,Met,Cys,Pro,Tyr,Phe,and Trp)are within the distance d\r A1r B12.8(r A and r B are side-chain radii,2.8is the diameter of water molecule),they are considered in hydrophobic contact.Data in this diagram are centroid–cent-roid separation between the two residues.Steric clashes are colored in purple.Here,only bad overlaps calculated by Probe24are presented.In2D-GraLab,explicit and implicit hydrogen modes are provided,hydrogen atoms in explicit hydrogern mode are added using Reduce.22Data in this diagram are the centroid–centroid separation when the two atoms are badly overlapped.p–p stacking are colored in yellow.Presently,studies on pro-tein stacking interactions are in lack.In2D-GraLab,p–p stack-ing is identified using the McGaughey’s rule,65i.e.,if the cent-roid–centroid separation between two aromatic rings is within 7.5A˚,they are regarded as p–p stacking(aromatic residues are Phe,Tyr,Trp,and His).This rule has been successfully adopted to study the p–p stacking across protein interfaces by Cho et al.66Besides,2D-GraLab also sets the constraints of stacking angle(dihedral angel between the planes of two aromatic rings).Data in this diagram are centroid–centroid separations between two aromatic rings in stacking state.Disulfide bonds are colored in brown,taken from the PDB records.Data in this diagram are the separations of two sulfide atoms.ConclusionsMost,if not all,biological processes are regulated through asso-ciation and dissociation of protein molecules and essentially controlled by nonbonding energetics.67Graphically-intuitive vis-ualization of these nonbonding interactions is an important approach for understanding the mechanism of a complex formed between two proteins.Although a large number of software packages are available for visualizing the3D structures,the options for producing schematic2D summaries of nonbonding interactions for a protein complex are comparatively few.In practice,the2D and3D visualization methods are complemen-tary.In this article,we have described a new2D molecular graphics tool for analyzing and visualizing PPIs from spatial structures,and the intended goal is to schematically present the nonbonding interactions stabilizing the macromolecular complex in a graphically-intuitive manner.We anticipate that renewed in-terest in automated generation of2D diagrams will significantly reduce the burden of protein structure analysis and make insights into the mechanism of PPIs.2D-GraLab is written in C11and OpenGL,and the output-ted2D schematic diagrams of nonbinding interactions are described in PostScript.Presently,2D-GraLab v1.0is available to academic users free of charge by contacting us. 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Revised 07/2023 Issue 1HIGH SOLIDS, SURFACE-TOLERANT EPOXY PRIMER A 2-pack epoxy primer coat for steel and galvanized surfaces.Economically and high-performance corrosion protection also for manually prepared surfaces and surfaces prepared by high-pressure water jetting. Low solvent content according to Protective Coatings Directive of German Paint Industry Association (VdL-RL 04).▪ Surface tolerant▪ H igh film thickness and diffusion resistance combined with very good surface wetting properties and adhesion result in a very high safety margin for good corrosion protection▪ Fast initial drying and full curing▪ High build application▪ Very economical due to high volume solidsCan be used as a robust versatile overcoatable primer for corrosion protection on steel exposed to atmosphere. Especially suitable for use onsurfaces where only manual preparation (wire brushing or power tool cleaning) or high-pressure water jetting is feasible or economic.Volume Solids:Aluminium shade: 67 ± 2%Red-brown/sand-yellow: 80 ± 2% (ISO 3233-3) Weight Solids:Aluminium shade: 71 ± 2%Red-brown/sand-yellow: 83 ± 2%VOC:255 g/l determined practically in accordance withProtective Coatings Directive of German PaintIndustry Association (VdL-RL 04).307 g/l calculated from formulation to satisfyEC Solvent Emissions Directive.205 g/kg calculated from formulation to satisfyEC Solvent Emissions Directive (UK).Colours:Aluminium, material no. 694.01Red-brown, material no. 694.06Sand-yellow, material no. 694.02 and 650.02Flash Point:Base: 30°C, Hardener: 27°CCleaner/Thinner:Cleaner 26 (for cleaning).Thinner EG for thinning with max. 5% to adapt theviscosity.Thinning will affect VOC compliance, sag toleranceand dry film thicknesses.Pack Size: A two component material supplied in separatecontainers to be mixed prior to use:Aluminium shade: 28 kg (21.5 litre), 14 kg (10.7 litre)and 4 kg (3.0 litre) units when mixed.Red-brown/sand-yellow: 28 kg (18.6 litre), 14 kg(9.3 litre) and 4 kg (2.6 litre) units when mixed.Volume will vary with colours and density.Mixing Ratio:82 parts base to 12 parts hardener by weight.4.3 parts base to 1 part hardener by volume. Density:Aluminium shade: 1.3 kg/lRed-brown/sand-yellow: 1.5 kg/l(may vary with colours)Shelf Life: 2 years from date of manufacture, stored in originallysealed containers in a cool and dry environment.Recommended Application Methods:Airless Spray, Conventional Spray, BrushTypical Thickness:Recommended Spreading Rate Per CoatAluminium shade Typical Maximum SagDry100 µm240 µmWet149 µm358 µm TheoreticalConsumption*0.194 kg/m²0.149 l/m²TheoreticalCoverage*5.15 m²/kg6.70 m²/lRed-brown/sand-yellow Typical Maximum SagDry100 µm240 µmWet141 µm338 µm TheoreticalConsumption*0.211 kg/m²0.141 l/m²TheoreticalCoverage*4.73 m²/kg7.10 m²/l* T his figure makes no allowance for surface profile, uneven application, overspray or losses in containers and equipment.Film thickness will vary depending on actual use and specification.Pot Life:+ 5°C+ 20°C6 hours 4 hoursPot life is dependent on temperature and volume.Revised 07/2023 Issue 1HIGH SOLIDS, SURFACE-TOLERANT EPOXY PRIMERFor 100 μm Dry Film Thickness:+ 5°C+ 20°C + 30°C Dry to handle (Drying Stage 6*)12 hours 6 hours 3 hours To Recoat12 hours6 hours3 hours*ISO 9117Maximum recoat time is 1 year. Prior to further applications allcontamination must be removed. In the case of extended recoating times consult Sherwin Williams customer service.Final cure: 1-2 weeks, depending on film thickness and temperature.These figures are given as a guide only. Factors such as airmovement, film thickness and humidity must also be considered.• A pproved according to German standard ‘TL KOR-Stahlbauten, Blatt 94’.• A pproved according to German standard ‘TL KOR-Stahlbauten,Blatt 50’.Ensure surfaces to be coated are clean, dry and free from all surface contamination such as oil, grease, dirt and corrosion products to achieve satisfactory adhesion.For contaminated and weathered surfaces e.g. primed areas we recommend to clean with Cleaner Wash.Steel surfaces shall be blast-cleaned to Sa 2½ according to ISO 8501-1 (ISO 12944-4) in case of permanent condensation.Hot-dip galvanized surfaces shall be prepared by degreasing or, in case of permanent condensation, sweep blasting according to ISO 12944-4 with a non-ferrous blasting abrasive.Manually prepared surfaces shall be prepared by wire brush or power tool to surface preparation grade St 2 according to ISO 8501-1 (ISO 12944-4), in case of atmospheric exposure. Even ultra-highpressure water jetting according to ISO 8501-4 Wa 2 with a maximum flash rust grade M is also acceptable.Old coatings: In case of well adhering coating systems, careful cleaning (e.g. by water jetting) is sufficient. Loose particles must be removed, damaged areas should be minimum prepared in accordance with PSa 2, PMa or PSt 2 and primed with Macropoxy ® Primer HE N.The required surface preparation/cleaning and compatibility of thesystem should be determined with trial areas.Stir component A very thoroughly using a mechanical paint mixer (start slowly, then increase up to approx. 300 rpm). Add component B carefully and mix both components very thoroughly (including sides and bottom of the container). Mix for at least 3 minutes until a homogeneous mixture is achieved. We recommend to fill the mixed material into a clean container and mix again shortly as described above to avoid incorrect mixing. During mixing and handling of the materials always wear protectivegoggles, suitable gloves and other protective clothing.Substrate temperature shall be above + 5°C and at least 3°C above the dew point.Material temperature shall be above + 5°C.Relative air humidity shall be below 85%.The following is a guide. Changes in pressures and tip sizes may be needed for satisfactory application characteristics. Always purge spray equipment before use with listed cleaner. Any reduction must be compliant with existing VOC regulations and compatible with the existing environmental and application conditions.Airless SprayUnit: Efficient airless equipmentTip Size: 0.38 – 0.53 mm (0.015 – 0.021 inch)Fan Angle: 40° - 80°Operating Pressure: min. 180 bar (2600 psi)Spray hoses: Ø ⅜ inch (10 mm), max. 20 m+ 2 m with reduced Ø of ¼ inch (6 mm)The airless spray details given above are intended as a guide only.Details such as fluid hose length and diameter, paint temperature and job shape and size all have an effect on the spray tip and operating pressure chosen. However, the operating pressure should be the lowest possible consistent satisfactory atomisation.As conditions will vary from job to job, it is the applicators responsibility to ensure that the equipment in use has been set up to give the best results.If in doubt consult Sherwin-Williams customer service.Conventional SprayAtomising Pressure: 3 - 5 bar (43 - 73 psi)Tip Size: 1.5 – 2.5 mm (0.06 – 0.10 inch)Brush and Roller• Surface preparation St 2 or St 3• With brush application best penetration and surface wetting is achievedRevised 07/2023 Issue 1HIGH SOLIDS, SURFACE-TOLERANT EPOXY PRIMERSteel resp. patch up of spots on hot-dip galvanized surfaces 2 x Macropoxy ® Primer HE NOvercoatable with 1- and 2-pack coatings e.g Macropoxy ®, Acrolon ® and Kem Kromik ®, provided the surface to be coated is clean, dry and free from contamination.Example Blatt 941 x Macropoxy ® Primer HE N 1 x Macropoxy ® EG-1 VHS1 x Acrolon ® EG-4 or Acrolon ® EG-5Old coatingsMacropoxy ® Primer HE N can be used on a variety of sound 1-pack and 2-pack coats for refurbishment.Note: Macropoxy ® Primer HE N is not recommended for permanentimmersion.Drying times, curing times and pot life should be considered as a guide only.Epoxy Coatings - Tropical UseEpoxy coatings at the time of mixing should not exceed a temperature of 35ºC. Use of these products outside of the pot life may result in inferior adhesion properties even if the materials appear fit for application. Thinning the mixed product will not alleviate this problem. If the air and substrate temperatures exceed 40ºC and epoxy coatings are applied under these conditions, paint film defects such as dry spray, bubbling and pinholing etc. can occur within the coating.Chemical resistance:Resistant to weathering, de-icing salts, oils and grease and short term exposure to fuels and solvents.Temperature resistance:Dry heat up to + 150°C, short term up to + 200°C.Increased humid ambient temperature up to + 40°C.Numerical values quoted for physical data may vary slightly from batchto batch.Consult Product Health and Safety Data Sheet for information on safestorage, handling and application of this product.Whilst all statements made about our products (whether in this data sheet or otherwise) are correct and accurate to the best of our knowledge, we have no control over the quality or the condition of the substrate, the application conditions or the many other factors affecting your use and application of our product.The appropriateness of the product under the actual conditions ofapplication or intended use must be determined exclusively by you. The content of this document, and of any oral or written statements already made or to be made in relation to the subject matter of this document, including any suggestions as to appropriate products and any proposed application methods, technical details and other product information represent only test results or experience obtained under controlled or defined circumstances, and is therefore provided for general information purposes only.Unless we agree specifically in writing to do so, we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage whether in contract, tort (includingnegligence), breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation, misstatement or otherwise, arising under or in connection with this document or such statements.We disclaim any express or implied representations, warranties orguarantees (including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose), though nothing in this disclaimer excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law.All products supplied and technical advice given are subject to ourStandard Terms and Conditions of Sale which you should request a copy of and review carefully.This document may be modified and updated from time to time, and is uncontrolled once printed. It is the users responsibility to ensure they are using the most up to date version – this can be found at: /protectiveEMEA .If this datasheet has been translated, then it has been done using the English version as the source. In case of any queries, please refer to the master English version which can be found at: /protectiveEMEA .。



化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2024 年第 43 卷第 4 期具有烷基磺酸侧链的凝胶型聚苯并咪唑质子交换膜的制备与表征朱泰忠1,张良1,黄泽权1,罗伶萍1,黄菲1,薛立新1,2(1 浙江工业大学化工学院膜分离与水科学技术中心,浙江 杭州 310014;2温州大学化学与材料工程学院,浙江 温州 325035)摘要:磷酸(PA )掺杂聚苯并咪唑(PBI )以其优异的热化学稳定性和高玻璃化转变温度成为高温质子交换膜燃料电池(HT-PEMFCs )的首选材料。







其中,PA/PS-PBI 展现出了在宽温域范围内均优于目前所报道的其他工作的质子传导性能。

特别是常温下,其质子传导率从原膜的0.0286S/cm 提升至0.0694S/cm 。

80℃下,其质子传导率从原膜的0.1117S/cm 提升至0.1619S/cm 。

200℃下,其质子传导率从原膜的0.2609S/cm 提升至0.3578S/cm 。

此外,该膜在80℃和0%相对湿度(RH )条件下仍可具有与Nafion 膜在100%RH 时相当的质子传导率,为打破质子交换膜经典定义、实现宽温域(25~240℃)运行提供新的方案。


第 19 卷 第 4 期 2007 年 4 月
化 学 进 展
Vol . 19 No. 4 Apr. , 2007
卟啉化合物的合成 3
王周锋 邓文礼 3 3
(华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院 广州 510640)
摘 要 卟啉化合物在自然界中广泛存在 ,它作为辅基普遍存在于血色素 、肌球素 、细胞色素 、接触酶 素 、过氧物酶 、叶绿素和细胞叶绿素中 。本文主要介绍吡咯与醛酮缩合环化合成卟啉化合物的两种方法 :吡 咯与醛酮直接缩合环化法和模块法 ,分别论述近年来四苯基卟啉型 ( meso2取代) 和八乙基卟啉型 (β2取代) 合 成方面的研究进展 。对模块法中模块单体的合成制备给予较为详细的介绍 。
© 1994-2007 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
王周锋等 卟啉化合物的合成
·521 ·
图 1 不同种类的卟啉化合物 Fig. 1 Different kinds of porphyrins
收稿 : 2006 年 5 月 , 收修改稿 : 2006 年 6 月 3 国家自然科学基金项目 (No. 20643001) 资助 3 3 通讯联系人 e2mail :wldeng @scut. edu. cn
发展非常迅速 ,关于卟啉的著名专著就有 Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins [3 , 4] 、The Porphyrin Handbook [5] 和 The Porphyrins[6] 等 。在过去的二十年间 ,卟啉化学 经历了一个飞速发展阶段 ,其主要的突破口就是卟 啉类化合物种类的增多和合成方法的改进 。






1.嗜热毛壳菌外切葡聚糖纤维二糖水解酶的纯化和部分性质研究 [J], 李亚玲;李多川;滕芳超
2.具有高外切葡聚糖纤维二糖水解酶I活力的新型黄单胞工程菌的构建 [J], 王春
3.由拟康氏木霉Trichoderma Pseudokoningii S—38菌株中分离得到的一个新的外切葡聚糖纤维二糖水解酶(CBH) [J], 薛伯忠;王冬;高培基
4.真菌和细菌纤维素酶的差别及内、外切葡聚糖苷酶的底物专一性 [J], 阎伯旭;曲音波;高培基;孙迎庆
5.突变型环酰亚胺水解酶的底物专一性研究 [J], 陈云霞;钮利喜;袁静明;石亚伟因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



张璇,赵文,高哲,等. 果胶与多酚相互作用机制及其对食品加工特性影响的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(1):378−386.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030201ZHANG Xuan, ZHAO Wen, GAO Zhe, et al. Research Progress on the Interaction Mechanism of Pectin and Polyphenol and Their Effect on Food Processing Characteristics[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(1): 378−386. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030201· 专题综述 ·果胶与多酚相互作用机制及其对食品加工特性影响的研究进展张 璇1,赵 文1,2,高 哲1,李美娇1,吴梦颖1,周 茜1,*(1.河北农业大学食品科技学院,河北保定 071000;2.河北省农产品加工工程技术研究中心,河北保定 071000)摘 要:果胶和多酚共存于植物性食品体系中。



本文总结了果胶与多酚相互作用的机制、内部和外部多重影响因素、主要的研究方法并结合 Langmuir 和Freundlich 常见的等温吸附模型对果胶与多酚之间的吸附行为进行描述和定量表征。


关键词:果胶,多酚,相互作用,等温吸附模型,生物可利用性本文网刊:中图分类号:TS255.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002−0306(2024)01−0378−09DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030201Research Progress on the Interaction Mechanism of Pectin and Polyphenol and Their Effect on Food Processing CharacteristicsZHANG Xuan 1,ZHAO Wen 1,2,GAO Zhe 1,LI Meijiao 1,WU Mengying 1,ZHOU Qian 1, *(1.College of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China ;2.Engineering Technology Research Center for Agricultural Product Processing of Hebei, Baoding 071000, China )Abstract :The pectin and polyphenols that co-exist in plant-based food systems form complexes in natural conditions and interact quickly and spontaneously during food processing due to external forces, such as heating, high pressure, and drying.The interaction can affect the physicochemical properties and functional properties of foods. This review summarizes the mechanisms, multiple internal and external influencing factors, and main research methods involved in pectin and polyphenol interaction, while their adsorption behavior is described and quantitatively characterized using the isothermal adsorption model commonly used by Langmuir and Freundlich. In addition, the impact of pectin and polyphenol interaction on food processing characteristics and polyphenol bioavailability is also discussed, and the future research prospects and development trends in this field are analyzed.Key words :pectin ;polyphenol ;interactions ;isothermal adsorption models ;bioavailability果胶是一种酸性杂多糖,广泛存在于蔬菜、水果和谷物等植物细胞壁中,在人类健康中发挥着重要的作用[1]。


c l a b e h a v i o r o f r u t i n a t t h e mo d i i f e d e l e c t r o d e w a s s t u d i e d, a n d he t e x p e ime r n t l a r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e d ha t t t h e p r o p o s e d s e n s o r e x h i b i t s
m e t h o d . T h e s u r f a c e m o r p h o l o g y o f m di o i f e d e l e c t r de o w a s c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y s c a n n i n g e l e c t r o n mi c r o s c o p y ( S E M) . T h e e l e c t r o c h e mi -
De t e r mi na t i o n o f r ut i n by po l y do p a mi ne - na no Au
mo d i ie f d g l a s s y c a r b o n e l e c t r o d e
ZHANG Yi n g , “
2. Ke y L a b o r a t o r y o f Gr e e n C a t a l y s i s o f S i c h u n a I n s t i t u t e s o f HJ i s h E d u c a i t o n, Z i g o n g 43 6 0 0 0, C h i n a ;
3 . C o H e g e o f Ma t e i r ls a a n d C h e m i c l a E n g i n e e i r n g , S i e h u n a U n i v e si r y t o f S c i e n C e nd a E n i g n e e i f n g , Z i g o n g 43 6 0 0 0, C h i n a )

An Energy-Based Excess Pore Pressure Generation Model for cohesionless soils

An Energy-Based Excess Pore Pressure Generation Model for cohesionless soils

J.K. Mitchell
University Distinguished Professor, Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
work, the simplicity and accuracy of their stress-based pore pressure generation model still warrants its use today (e.g. Dickenson & Yang 1998). Alternatively to the stress-based model used by Booker et al. (1976), the authors have developed a single parameter, energy-based pore pressure generation model, denoted as the GMP model. The motivation for the development of this model was to enable the use of dissipated energy as a measure of soil liquefaction resistance and for development of energy based methods for design of ground improvement by soil densification. The GMP model is an empirical relation between dissipated shear energy and the residual excess pore pressure ratio, ru. The GMP model has accurately approximated ru in cyclic triaxial samples, cyclic torsional samples, and large-scale shake table samples consisting of a variety of silt-sand mixtures at various densities. In addition, a preliminary correlation between the GMP model’s single calibration parameter and relative density is presented for Yatesville silt-sand mixtures. A comparison of measured ru values in cyclic triaxial samples with those computed using both the GMP model and the stress-based model used by Booker et al. (1976) shows both models give good results. Because the GMP model has a simple mathematical form and a single calibration parameter, it is easy to implement and calibrate. 2 STRESS-BASED MODEL Two kinds of pore pressures are generated in soils during seismic shaking: transient and residual. In saturated sands, the transient pore pressures are equal to the changes in the applied mean normal stresses during seismic excitation. Accordingly, transient pore pressures have little influence on the effective stresses in the soil. On the other hand, the residual pore pressures that result from plastic deformations in the sand skeleton can exert major influences on the strength and stiffness of the sand (Finn 1988). During stress-controlled cyclic tests, the residual pore pressures are assumed to be those at the time when the applied deviator stress equals (or crosses) zero. By observing the rate of pore pressure development in stress-controlled cyclic tests on sands of various densities, Lee and Albaisa (1974) showed that the rate of excess pore pressure build-up generally falls within a narrow band when plotted in a normalized fashion as shown in Figure 1. In Figure 1, the vertical axis is the residual excess pore ratio, ru = uxs/σ′co, and the horizontal axis is the cycle ratio, N/Nliq; uxs is the residual pore pressure in excess of hydrostatic conditions, σ′co is the initial effective confining stress, N is number of loading cycles in a stress-controlled cyclic test, and Nliq is the number of loading cycles in a stress-controlled cyclic test required to cause initial liquefaction, defined as the point when ru = 1.0. The upper and lower bounds of the observed residual excess pore pressure build-up as a function of the cycle ratio for cohesionless soils are shown as the solid lines in Figure 1. Seed et al. (1975b) developed an empirical expression for ru as a function of cycle ratio. This expression was subsequently simplified by Booker et al. (1976) and is given as Equation 1 below. When θ is set equal to 0.7, Equation 1, shown as the dashed curve in Figure 1, provides a reasonable average of the upper and lower bounds of the observed residual pore pressure generation curves.



血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VD)是一种由脑血管病变导致的疾病,其临床症状包括引起记忆和执行功能障碍等。


目前,在亚洲和发展中国家的痴呆病例中,VD 约占30%,高于北美和欧洲(15%~20%)[2-3]。


研究表明,我国约有1507万人60岁以上的痴呆患者,其中约有392万人为VD 患者[6]。

VD 会造成日常生活质量不断下降,而且不能扭转,给家庭和社会带来极大的冲击和负担。


Progress of compound ciYizhi capsule in the treatment of vascular dementia Di Shuai, Zhang Jiapeng, Liu Yixuan, LiYanan, Zhang Jiang, Zhou Fuling. The Affiliated Hospital of North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063000, China【Abstract 】Compound ciYizhi capsule has the effect of nourishing liver,promoting turbidity and activating blood, and increasing wisdom and brain. It is suitable for mild to moderate vascular dementia with liver and kidney deficiency and phlegm stasis blocking collateral syndrome. Recently, it has been widely used in the long-term and synergistic treatment of vascular dementia with remarkable efficacy.To summarizes the clinical and experimental studies of compound ciYizhi capsule. It is found that compound ciYizhi capsule can treat vascular dementia by reducing the expression of MARKS mRNA in hippocampus, inhibiting oxidative stress in brain tissue, protecting mitochondria, reducing the range of cerebral infarction, protecting cerebral ischemic injury and pound ciYizhi capsule combined with other anti-dementia drugs can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of patients with vascular dementia and improve the self-care ability and quality of life.In order to provide some reference for the subsequent study of compound cistanche qianyi capsule.【Key words 】Vascular dementia; Compound ciYizhi capsule; Dementia; Clinical application 复方苁蓉益智胶囊治疗血管性痴呆的研究进展邸帅 张佳朋 刘乙璇 李亚楠 张江* 周福玲作者单位:063000 河北省唐山市,华北理工大学附属医院神内二、四病区*通讯作者【摘要】 复方苁蓉益智胶囊具有益智养肝,化浊活血和增智健脑的功效,适用于肝肾亏虚兼痰瘀阻络证的轻中度血管性痴呆。
























介孔聚多巴胺 介导 催化

介孔聚多巴胺 介导 催化


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专利名称:HIGH PRESSURE LOW THERMAL BUDGEHIGH-K POST ANNEALING PROCESS发明人:Qiuming Huang申请号:US15429194申请日:20170210公开号:US20180175195A1公开日:20180621专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method of embedding SiGe when fabricating a PMOS device is provided.Multiple layers of SiGe layers with different Ge contents may be formed such that the Ge content increases to from bottom layer(s) to middle layer(s), and decreases from themiddle layer(s) to top layer(s). In some embodiments, the embedded SiGe can have a SiGe seed layer over a substrate, a first SiGe transition layer over the SiGe seed layer, a SiGe milled layer over the first SiGe transition layer, and a second SiGe transition layer over the SiGe middle layer. The first SiGe transition layer can have a Ge content increasing from a bottom of the first SiGe transition layer to a top of the first SiGe transition layer. The second SiGe transition layer can have a Ge content decreasing from a bottom of the second SiGe transition layer to a top of the second SiGe transition layer.申请人:Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Corporation地址:Shanghai CN国籍:CN更多信息请下载全文后查看。



·综 述·抗氧化制剂普罗布考的临床研究现状朱冰坡 综述 范利 审校(解放军总医院老年心内科,北京 100853)[关键词] 抗氧化; 氧化型低密度脂蛋白; 动脉粥样硬化; 药物疗法[中图分类号]R972.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-1913(2005)04-0252-03收稿日期:2004-06-22作者简介:朱冰坡,男,1978年8月生,河南省孟津市人,住院医师,硕士,从事老年心血管内科专业。

普罗布考(probuco l ),又名丙丁酚,化学名:4,4′-[(1-甲基亚乙基)双(硫)]双[2,6-双(1,1-二甲基乙基)苯酚],于1977年首先在美国上市,最初以降脂药应用于临床,主要降低血清胆固醇。

近几年发现其有抗氧化及抗动脉粥样硬化作用,能够从多个途径降低氧化低密度脂蛋白(o x -LDL )水平,预防或延缓动脉粥样硬化的发生和发展,减少心肌梗死及脑卒中的发病率,同时还可预防P T CA 术后的再狭窄。


1 普罗布考的药代动力学普罗布考经胃肠道吸收有限且不规则,如与食物同服可使其吸收达最大。

一次口服后18h 达血药浓度峰值,T 1/2为52~60h 。






2 血脂调节作用普罗布考对非家族性高胆固醇血症和家族性纯合子及杂合子型高胆固醇血症都有明显的降低作用。

短期用药(<3个月)降低血清总胆固醇(T C )10%~20%,降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL -C )10%~20%。

长期用药(>3年)可降低血清T C 20%~25%。



布朗硼氢化反应英语The Brown hydroboration reaction, discovered by Herbert C. Brown in the 1950s, revolutionized organic synthesis by offering a versatile method for selectively adding hydroxyl groups to alkenes. This reaction, which involves the addition of borane complexes to alkenes followed by oxidation, has found widespread applications in pharmaceuticals, materials science, and fine chemical manufacturing.The key to the Brown hydroboration reaction lies in its ability to provide anti-Markovnikov selectivity, where the hydroxyl group attaches to the less substituted carbon of the double bond. This selectivity contrasts with traditional acid-catalyzed hydration reactions, which typically follow Markovnikov's rule, favoring attachment to the more substituted carbon.The mechanism of the reaction proceeds in two mainstages. Initially, the alkene coordinates with the borane molecule to form a cyclic transition state, facilitating the addition of boron to the double bond. This step occurs rapidly and selectively due to the electron-deficient nature of borane. Subsequently, oxidation with hydrogen peroxide or other oxidants converts the borane complex into a hydroxyl group, yielding the final alcohol product.The Brown hydroboration reaction offers several advantages over alternative methods. Firstly, it provides a straightforward route to synthesizing alcohols with predictable regioselectivity, which is crucial in the pharmaceutical industry for controlling biological activity. Secondly, the reaction tolerates a wide range of functional groups, including esters, ketones, and nitriles, enhancing its utility in complex molecule synthesis. Additionally, the mild reaction conditions and high functional group tolerance make it compatible with sensitive substrates,reducing side reactions and improving yield.Applications of the Brown hydroboration reaction abound in drug discovery and development. It has been instrumental in the synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates and natural product derivatives, where precise control over stereochemistry and regiochemistry is paramount. Furthermore, its versatility extends to the preparation of polymers and advanced materials, where tailored functional groups are essential for optimizing material properties.In conclusion, the Brown hydroboration reaction represents a cornerstone of modern organic chemistry, offering chemists a powerful tool for synthesizing complex molecules with high selectivity and efficiency. Its impact spans from fundamental research to industrial applications, driving innovation in fields as diverse as medicine, materials science, and beyond. As research continues to refine reaction conditionsand expand substrate scope, the Brown hydroboration reaction remains at the forefront of organic synthesis, poised to shape the future of chemical innovation.。

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Journal of Energy Chemistry25(2016)131–135/journal-of-energy-chemistry/Contents l i sts a v ai l a ble a t Sc i enceD i rectJournal of Energy Chemistryj ourn a l ho m ep a ge:www.elsev i m/loc a te/j eche mBoron-doped Ketjenblack based high performances cathode for rechargeable Li–O2batteriesYueyan Li a,Li Wang b,Xiangming He b,∗,Bin Tang c,Yunxue Jin a,∗,Jianlong Wang ba Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang212003,Jiangsu,Chinab Institute of Nuclear&New Energy Technology,Tsinghua University,Beijing100084,Chinac Jiangsu Huadong Institute of Li-ion battery,Zhangjiagang215600,Jiangsu,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received28April2015Revised23June2015Accepted23June2015Available online3September2015Keywords:Li–O2batteryRechargeableDischarge capacityBoron-doped KetjenblackOxygen reduction a b s t r a c tBoron-doped Ketjenblack is attempted as cathode catalyst for non-aqueous rechargeable Li–O2batteries.The boron-doped Ketjenblack delivers an extremely high discharge capacity of7193mAh/g at a current density of 0.1mA/cm2,and the capacity is about2.3times as that of the pristine KB.When the batteries are cycled with different restricted capacity,the boron-doped Ketjenblack based cathodes exhibits higher discharge platform and longer cycle life than Ketjenblack based cathodes.Additionally,the boron-doped Ketjenblack also shows a superior electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction in0.1mol/L KOH aqueous solution.The improvement in catalytic activity results from the defects and activation sites introduced by boron doping.©2015Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionNon-aqueous rechargeable Li–O2batteries are promising for en-ergy storage systems because of their excellent energy density[1,2]. However,the practical specific capacity is very limited when com-pared with the theoretical due to the high irreversibility and poor kinetics of the cathode reaction.Many factors,such as electrolyte, structures of carbonaceous materials and oxygen reduction catalysts, show great effect on the deliverable energy density of a Li–O2battery [3,4].The porous oxygen cathode plays an important role in the oxy-gen reduction reaction(ORR)during discharge process[5],however the ORR is too sluggish[6],that it usually requires metal oxides or noble metal catalysts to enhance the kinetics.The noble metal cat-alysts like Pt is confirmed to be effective,however its widespread use is impeded due to its high cost and limited nature resource [7].Therefore,there is a great incentive tofind cheap,stable and more effective metal-free ORR catalysts to retain a high discharge voltage.To date,various carbon materials have been prepared for air cath-odes,including Super P,Ketjen Black(KB),carbon nanotubes and graphene.However,their pristine forms are deficient to satisfy spe-cific demands for lots of different applications[8–10].It has been∗Corresponding authors.Tel:+861062794226;Fax:+861089796031.E-mail addresses:hexm@(X.He),jinyunxue@(Y.Jin).proved that substitutional doping of heteroatoms in the graphitic lat-tice is an effective way to optimize the material properties[11,12]. Since B and N have small size mismatches,they are the most pop-ular heteroatoms when compared with the other doping elements (P,S,Si)[13].For instance,N-doped carbon materials have drawn much attention because conjugation between the nitrogen lone-pair electrons and grapheneπ-systems can significantly enhance the ORR activity[14].More recently,Zhang and co-workers have success-fully prepared B-doped graphene(BG)by a thermal annealing ap-proach[15].The product BG has been demonstrated to show bet-ter ORR electrocatalytic activity than pristine graphene.Furthermore, Zhang and co-workers synthesized B/N co-doping graphene(BCN), which exhibited superior electrocatalytic activities to the commer-cial Pt/C electrocatalyst[16].The excellent electrochemical perfor-mance of BCN could be attributed to the defects and functional groups as active sites arising from the N and B co-doping doping. Taken together,the above doped materials have been widely used as metal-free catalysts for fuel cells and metal–air batteries.We no-ticed that there were only a few reports focusing on the perfor-mance improvement of B-doped carbon materials as cathode ma-terials for Li–O2batteries,such as the discharge platform and rate capability.Herein,for thefirst time,we successfully prepared B-doped KB (B-KB)and employed the material as cathode catalyst for Li–O2bat-tery.The result showed that the B-KB not only exhibited excellent electrocatalytic activity for ORR but also delivered an extremely high discharge capacity and stable discharge platform./10.1016/j.jechem.2015.08.0112095-4956/©2015Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics.All rights reserved.132Y.Li et al./Journal of Energy Chemistry 25(2016)131–135V o l t a g e (V )Capacity (mAh/g)V o l t a g e (V )Capacity (mAh/g)Fig.1.(a)Initial discharge curves of the KB and B-KB cathodes between 2.3and 4.3V at various current densities,(b)full discharge/charge curves of B-KB between 2.0and 4.3V at 0.1mA/cm 2.2.Experimental 2.1.MaterialsInitially,commercial Ketjenblack (KB)EC600JD was washed with 6mol/L HCl solution for the removal of metal impurities.Then,the carbon materials were oxidized with 70wt%HNO 3for 6h and then rewashed and filtered,followed by drying in an oven at 80°C.To prepare B-KB,the oxidized KB and boric acid (H 3BO 3)in a weight ratio of 1:5were mixed and ground in a mortar,and the mix-ture was then placed in the center and heated at 900°C for 4h.After being cooled down to room temperature in Ar atmosphere,the prod-ucts were refluxed in deionized water at 85°C for 6h to extensively remove excessive boric oxides and were then filtered and finally dried in vacuum.2.2.Physical characterizationsMorphologies of the KB and the B-KB were examined using scan-ning electron microscopy (SEM,JSM-6701F,JEOL,Japan).The X-ray diffraction (XRD)spectra were recorded using Rigaku D/MAX2400diffractometer (Japan,Cu K αradiation).The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS,PHI-5702,Physical Electronics,USA)was used to confirm the composition and the state of boron and carbon in the samples.The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)spec-tra were collected on NicoletMAGNA-560,using KBr pellets.The de-fects,ordered and disordered structures were characterized by Ra-man spectroscopy (Jobin Yvon LabRam HR800,excited by 632.8nm He–Ne red laser).2.3.Electrochemical measurementsA catalyst paste was prepared by casting a slurry mixture of B-KB,KB and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)in a ratio of 8:1:1,and the mixture was roller-pressed into a stainless steel parative electrodes made with KB and PTFE in a weight ratio of 9:1were also prepared in a similar way.Swagelok type cells were employed for charge/discharge tests.The electrolyte was 1mol/L LiTFSI (99.995%pure)in TEGDME (Triethylene glycol dimethyl ether,Aldrich).The cells were cycled using LAND-CT2001A testers in a voltage range of 2.3–4.3V at different current densities.All the electrochemical mea-surements were carried out in a dry and pure oxygen atmosphere at 25°C.3.Results and discussionThe discharge and charge measurements of KB and B-KB elec-trodes were performed in the voltage range of 2.3–4.3V.As shown in Fig.1(a),the initial discharge capacity and average operating volt-age at the current density of 0.1mA/cm 2were 7193mAh/g and 2.8V for B-KB cathode,while 3202mAh/g and 2.6V for the pris-tine KB.With the current density increasing,the achieved capaci-ties dropped significantly.The discharge capacities of both samples decreased to 2752and 1979mAh/g for B-KB and KB at the cur-rent density of 0.2mA/cm 2,respectively.B-KB electrodes not only delivered higher discharge capacity but also exhibited higher av-erage discharge plateau than KB electrodes at different discharge current densities,demonstrating a superior ORR activity.Fig.1(b)shows the cycling performance of Li–O 2battery at a current density of 0.1mA/cm 2using B-KB as the cathode supporting material.The cathode delivered an initial discharge capacity of 7193mAh/g,and then the capacity rapidly decayed to 1894mAh/g within three cycles.The electrode exhibited unsatisfactory cycleability under this condi-tion,which could be attributed to the accumulation of the discharge products and instability of the electrolyte in the deep discharge process.In order to avoid the over-growth of discharging products,the bat-teries were tested with a limited capacity at the current density of 0.1mA/cm 2.The KB cathodes were tested for comparison,and it showed only 9cycles with a cycling capacity of 600mAh/g (Fig.2a).The discharge platform and cutoff voltage of the cell at the discharge state obviously dropped in every cycle,as shown in Fig.2(b).When cycled with different limited capacities (600mAh/g,1000mAh/g and 2000mAh/g)at a current density of 0.1mA/cm 2,as shown in Fig.3,the cells exhibited more excellent cycle ability than those of KB cath-odes.In detail,the reversible capacity kept well for 23cycles with 600mAh/g capacity limitation,14cycles with 1000mAh/g capacity limitation and 7cycles with 2000mAh/g capacity limitation.More-over,B-KB cathodes also showed higher average operating voltage and lower overpotential than KB.The discharge platform and cut-off voltage of the B-KB cathode based cells at the discharge state showed a similar trend to those of KB,although the voltage still de-creased,the decreasing rate was slower.This phenomenon also sug-gested that by limiting the depth of discharge,the cycle ability of the Li–O 2battery could be improved.The main reason is that the increas-ing rate of the electrode resistance is slower by restricting discharge capacity,and which means the charge process could overcome the partially chocked air cathode and the decomposition of Li 2O 2and Li 2O recovers the porosity and makes the subsequent cycle possible [3].To further confirm the superior catalytic activity of B-KB to KB,ORR in aqueous solution is investigated.Cyclic voltammograms of the electrochemical reduction of O 2at KB/GCE and B-KB/GCE in O 2saturated 0.1mol/L KOH aqueous solution were collected in a three-electrode system (GCE or modified GCE as the working electrode,a Pt wire as counter electrode,and an Ag/AgCl as the reference).AsY.Li et al./Journal of Energy Chemistry 25(2016)131–135133V o l t a g e (V )Capacity (mAh/g)V o l t a g e (V )Cyclenumber, nFig.2.(a)The limited depth of discharge/charge at 600mAh/g at 0.1mA/cm 2of the KB cathode,(b)the variation of cutoff voltage with cycles when the discharge capacity is limited to 600mAh/g.V o l t a g e (V )Capacity (mAh/g)V o l t a g e (V )Cyclenumber, nV o l t a g e (V )Cyclenumber, nV o l t a g e (V )Capacity (mAh/g)V o l t a g e (V )Capacity (mAh/g)V o l t a g e (V )Cyclenumber. nFig.3.The limited depth of discharge/charge and the cutoff voltage with the limited discharge capacity at 0.1mA/cm 2of the B-KB cathodes:(a,b)the cases when the discharge capacity is limited to 600mAh/g;(c,d)the cases when the discharge capacity is limited to 1000mAh/g;(e,f)the cases when the discharge capacity is limited to 2000mAh/g.134Y.Li et al./Journal of Energy Chemistry 25(2016)131–1352θ(o )C u r r e n t d n e s i t y (m A /c m 2)Potensive (Vvs.Ag/AgCl)Fig.4.(a)The cyclic voltammograms of KB and B-KB electrodes in O 2-saturated 0.1mol/L KOH solution at a scan rate of 10mV/s,(b)XRD patterns of KB and B-KB.Fig.5.(a)SEM image of KB,(b)SEM image of B-KB.shown in Fig.4(a),the onset potential of ORR on the B-KB/GCE oc-curred at –0.19V vs.Ag/AgCl,which was about 50mV higher than on KB/GCE.The higher electrocatalytic activity of B-KB/GCE indicates faster electron transfer kinetics for ORR.Even compared with other B-doped carbon materials in previous reports,the B-KB exhibited better electrocatalytic activity.For instance,Zhang and co-workers reported that B-doped graphene showed an ORR peak located at -0.34V [17].The excellent ORR performance of B-KB could be due to the B-doping.When boron is bonded with a carbon lattice,it introduces a shift in Fermi level to the conducting band and a defect in the nearby sites [18],which may not only increase the electronic conductivity but also benefit in stabilizing active intermediates,and consequently enhance the electrocatalytic activity.Fig.4(b)provides the XRD patterns of KB and B-KB.The XRD spec-tra of these carbons reflect a weak diffraction peak around 43°corre-sponding to the (100)plane of graphite.However,the XRD pattern of B-KB shows a broad and strong peak indexed to (002)around 24.6°,while KB’s locates at 2θ=23.9°,and the observable shift could be attributed to the incorporation of boron into the carbon layers.Fig.5shows the high magnification SEM images of KB and B-KB.The mi-crostructures of both KB and B-KB revealed the presence of highly dense fibrous and displayed no obvious difference.The Raman spectra of B-KB and KB are shown in Fig.6(a).The peaks around 1336cm −1and 1585cm −1are corresponding to the D and G bands,respectively.The G band is attributed to the bond stretching of all sp 2carbon domains,while the D band is related to the sp 3defect sites and disordered carbon [18].Generally,the inten-sity ratio of D and G bands (I D /I G )provides the indication of the disor-der degree of carbon materials.No significant shift in the position of D and G bands is observed,but the I D /I G values increase from 1.15forTable 1.Atomic percentage of KB and B-KB.(%)B-KB KB C 95.2299.11O 3.480.89B1.3KB to 1.21for B-KB,confirming that the B-KB possesses many more defects than the KB after the boron-doping.XPS analysis was carried out to reveal the elemental composition and boron bonding configurations in B-KB.As shown in Fig.6(c),the survey scan of the B-KB sample showed B 1s peak centered at 191.2eV besides the existence of C 1s and O 1s peaks.Three peaks can be iden-tified (Fig.6d)according to the curve fitting.A distinct peak is found at a binding energy of 191.7eV,characteristic of BC 3.Two shoulders centered at 190.8eV and 192.7eV may be assigned to the structure of boron atoms bonding to carbon and oxygen atoms (BC 2O)and B–O bonds,respectively [19].In addition,The C–B and B–O chemical bonds were observed in the corresponding FTIR spectrum shown in Fig.6(b).All these results illustrate B atoms have been successfully incorporated into the carbon lattice.Table 1displays the atomic percentages of KB and B-KB.It is in-teresting to see that the percentage of oxygen is lower in the pris-tine KB than in the B-KB.The increased oxygen may be due to the low-concentration boron doping,which generates catalytic effect on oxygen chemisorptions.Moreover,the redistribution of πelec-trons in the doped boron weakens C–C bonding and strengthens C–O bonding [20].Hence,the B-KB materials possess higher oxygen concentrations.Y.Li et al./Journal of Energy Chemistry 25(2016)131–135135I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)-1I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)-1I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)Bindingenergy (eV)I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)Bindingenergy (eV)Fig.6.(a)Raman spectra of B-KB and KB,(b)FTIR spectrum of B-KB,(c)XPS survey spectra of KB and B-KB,(d)high resolution B 1s XPS spectrum.4.ConclusionsThe boron-doped Ketjenblack (B-KB)electrode can deliver a larger discharge capacity and higher discharge platform than undoped KB,which is attributed to the defects and activation sites introduced by boron doping.To avoid the over-growth of discharged products in-duced by deep discharge,the battery is cycled at a restricted depth of discharge.Then the cell with B-KB cathodes exhibits good capacity retention.This result provides a reasonable approach to cathode of high performance for Li–O 2batteries.AcknowledgmentsThis work is supported by the MOST (Grant nos.2013CB934000and 2014DFG71590),Beijing Municipal Program (Grant no.YETP0157).References[1]K.Abraham,Z.Jiang,J.Electrochem.Soc.143(1996)1.[2]M.Armand,J.M.Tarascon,Nature 451(2008)652.[3] 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