国际会议交流用PPT Poster模板
equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Right aligned if it refers to a figure on its right. Caption starts right at the top
Tips for making a successful poster… ▪ Re-write your paper into poster format ie.
Simplify everything, avoid data overkill. ▪ Headings of more than 6 words should be in upper
space around you text. Don’t overcrowd your poster. ▪ Try using photographs or coloured graphs. Avoid long numerical tables. ▪ Spell check and get someone else to proof-read.
Just highlight this text and replace with your own text. Replace this with your text.
edge of the picture (graph or photo).
Notes about graphs… For simple graphs use MS Excel, or do the graph directly in PowerPoint. Graphs done in a scientific graphing s (eg. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistica) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF if possible. For more information see MIU.
Notes about graphs…
For simple graphs use MS Excel, or do the graph directly in PowerPoint.
Graphs done in a scientific graphing programs (eg. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistica) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF if possible. For more information see MIU.
The best type of image files to insert are JPEG or TIFF, JPEG is the preferred format.
Be aware of the image size you are importing. The average colour photo (13 x 18cm at 180dpi) would be about 3Mb (1Mb for B/W greyscale). Call MIU if unsure.
Importing / inserting files…
Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster.
To insert scanned images into your poster, go through the menus as follows: Insert / Picture / From File… then find the file on your computer, select it, and press OK.
▪Findings from this longitudinal study suggest that infants’ social looking to their mothers during interactions may provide an opportunity to explore and percept others’ emotions.
Through social referencing, infants figure out how to feel and behave with respect to the many new events encountered everyday situations. As a spontaneous action for gathering social information, infants’ attention to others’ faces is expected to play an important role in the development of social cognition.
Fifty-one 12-month-old infants and their mothers participated in a larger 3-year longitudinal study.
▪Procedure & Measures
1. 标题页:包括poster的标题、作者姓名、所在单位等信息。
2. poster主体:这是展示研究成果或实验数据的主要部分。
3. 问题与答案部分:在poster展示过程中,观众可能会提出疑问,因此留出空间和准备答案非常重要。
4. 引用和参考文献:在poster的末尾,需要列出所有引用的文献和参考文献。
5. 作者信息:在poster的下方或背面,可以提供作者们的联系方式,如电子邮件、电话、地址等,以便感兴趣的专家和学者与作者联系,进行进一步交流和合作。
6. 布局和设计:poster的布局应该简洁、明了,易于阅读。
7. 使用标签和标题:使用简洁明了的标题和标签,可以帮助观众更快地理解poster的内容。
国际学术会议海报模板32-academic conference poster model
![国际学术会议海报模板32-academic conference poster model](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a97fa2d07cd184254a353542.png)
Nicole Keon, Daniel Brabander (MIT)
In a similar project, this group is studying a Superfund site (Wells G+H wetland)
that gained notoriety in A Civil Action, with
N. Keon, D. Brabander, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT
The Distribution of Toxic Metals in Roots
Colleen Hansel, Scott Fendorf (Stanford University)
The raw fluorescence tomograms consists of elemental fluorescence (uncorrected for self-absorption) as a function of position and angle: a sinogram. This data is reconstructed as a virtual slice through the sample by a coordinate transformation of (x,) (x, y). The process could be repeated for different slices to give threedimensional information.
DOE DE-FG02-94ER14466.
M. Newville, S. R. Sutton, M. L. Rivers, and P. J. Eng, Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources, University of Chicago
国际会议交流英语ppt博士会议Unit 2
![国际会议交流英语ppt博士会议Unit 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe38c3e019e8b8f67c1cb9cf.png)
'ex. 2-2 A letter of, inquiry for meeting information details Dear Mr. Jannotta, I have learned from Progress in Physics, No.12, 1997 that the International Conference on Thermodynamics will be held in Sydney, Australia, from December 4 to 12,1999.1 would appreciate receiving the call for papers, circulars and other details of the conference. I thank you in anticipation of an early reply. Yours sincerely, (signature) printed name
2) Letters for Invitation
A letter inviting someone to attend a conference should be written with warmth and courtesy. The inviter's purpose, the status of the invitee, the specific arrangement of the conference, etc. should be clearly stated in the letter.
Dear Dr. Jef Verschueren, I have received your letter dated November 15,1997, inviting me to attend the 6th International Conference on Pragmatics to be held in Reims, France, July 19 — 22,199.8. Thank you for your kind invitation. I am pleased to accept your invitation and will send my paper entitled Pragmatic Features on International Academic Conferences to the Paper Committee before the required date. Thank you once again for your kind invitation and for your effort in making the conference a successful one. I am looking forward to meeting you soon in Reims. Faithfully yours, (signature) printed name
Table 1. Heading of the Table left justified. Do not use vertical lines within the table, use horizontal lines only to separate headings from table entries Xxxx Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx _________________________________________________________________ X X XXX XX X XX XXX XX X XX XXX X X XXX XXX XXXX XX X X X X XX XXX XX XXX XXXXX _________________________________________________________________
Paper ID:
Contact email:
(a) P rediction of chaotic time series
1.5 1 0.5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Actual output
Model prediction
Fig. X. Title of figure, central justified
Others 2
•请按上述要求填写Poster模板,并转成PDF,提交给会务组。会务组将统一 打印、张贴。 •根据文章结构合理安排Poster内容,力求简练,清楚,最好分条目撰写, 避免大段落文字论述。 •请严格控制Poster版面内容(共一页),不足的地方请留白,切勿将引导文字 留在版面内。 •基金支持和作者信息请置于Poster底部。 •请严格按照上述模版格式排版,poster中所附的图和表的总数限制在5幅以 内。由于文字较多,无法按规定格式完成的,可做适当调整。 •Poster的PDF文档请统一于5.6前发至iswrep2011bqsc@
国际会议poster 模板
![国际会议poster 模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/99d8946cc5da50e2534d7f04.png)
Notes about graphs…
For simple graphs use MS Excel, or do the graph directly in PowerPoint.
Graphs done in a scientific graphing programs (eg. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistica) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF if possible. For more information see MIU.
Printing and Laminating… Once you have completed your poster, bring it down to MIU for printing. We will produce a A3 size draft print for you to check and proof read. The final poster will then be printed and laminated. Note: Do not leave your poster until the last minute. Allow at least 5 working days before you need to use it. Simply highlight this text and replace.
The best type of image files to insert are JPEG or TIFF, JPEG is the preferred format.
Be aware of the image size you are importing. The average colour photo (13 x 18cm at 180dpi) would be about 3Mb (1Mb for B/W greyscale). Call MIU if unsure.
Pulse Duration
0.035 0.03
OTDR Saturation at Increased Pulse Durations
1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds
Travel Distance from Source (m)
Fiber optic characterization using a simulated Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
Robb P. Merrill
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Utah
Figure 5: Reflection patterns using various connectors (reduced Fresnel magnitudes inside yellow box)
Short fiber optic cables present many challenges that must be overcome in order to accurately detect fiber damage using OTDR. Pulse durations shorter than 1 microsecond, and Angled Physical Contact (APC) fiber connectors are recommended to provide the greatest reduction in Fresnel reflection. By performing OTDR simulations, an optical systems engineer could understand the behavior of a fiber network and detect potential problems before actual production.
You can add your content here. Brief introduction of your report will be preferred to balance the graphic design.
Introduction to Our Team Annual Training Plan Project Management
Descriptio Tnhis analysis covers all departments and defined by all
managers and supervisors. The shared space is the basic requirements chosen by samplers.
Schedule all training classes according to the need analysis with instructors and students.
Finish all three out of four levels of evaluation and record the
July Organization development of the new branch
Key milestones could be added in the charts. Further explanation could be written in the new text box and combine them with the arrow chart.
Doctors Technician Training Module
Natoque penatibus er Nulla facilisi Checklist ▪ A Morbi id ligula ▪ Magnis ▪ Cam sociia natoque ▪ Penatibus et magnis dis ▪ Montes, nascetur idiots ▪ Curabitur in metyus
faucibus sit amet, mollis eu, molestie a, erat. Donec magna
nibh, ultrices facilisis, dignissim at, mollis ut, diam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient
Insert Your Two Line Poster Title Here
Your Name Goes Here Your Institution Name Can Go Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam in diam consectetuer odio blandit elementum.
nibh, ultrices facilisis, dignissim at, mollis ut, diam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient
montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi tristique erat at ligula. Curabitur in metus. Donec consequat. Quisque porta.
职务、学术成果、社会活动、其他个人信 息) • 3. 发言顺序 • 4. 邀请第一位演讲人
Task 1 介绍发言人
• Ⅰ Before listening, please read the useful patterns and expressions often used in introducing a a speaker in the data bank.
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• 1.回顾常用的会议用语
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• 1.会议用语
• Meeting
• 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于 各种场合。
• e.g. •
• 峰会 • a summit meeting • 参加会议 • attend a meeting
• a farewell meeting
• 联欢会
• a convivial meeting
• 筹备会议
• preparatory meeting
Unit Three 会议发言
• Ⅰ常用词汇:
• Conference
• (通常持续几天的大型正式)会议, 如政府工作会 议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈 等。
• 研讨会、专题报告 symposium (pl.
• is a kind of meeting, but if refers exclusively to the meetings for specialized academic discussion.
• The symposium on AIDS research lasted two days.
Linear fits to data give :
Wb Wub 46nm H b 0.7 H ub 3nm
W = width (FWHM) H = height b = baked ub = unbaked
→ 30% vertical shrinkage → Outer layers collapse a fixed 20-25 nm around the edge (not dependent on lateral dimension)
(Left) Arrays of pillars defined in r-F8Ox from a ~200 nm film using a 60 nm probe aperture. Exposure decreases from A (200 ms) to B (50 ms) to C (20 ms). (Right) Confocal photoluminescence images of the same areas.
Sub-wavelength aperture
x y z
200 nm
• Structure of 65,000 pixels. • Minimum resolution 60 nm.
Log (Intensity)
→ Integrity of aperture maintained.
PXT UV activation PPV
Optical fibre probe
• The SNOL probe: a sharpened, metal-coated optical fibre with a sub-wavelength aperture defined at the apex • 325nm HeCd laser launched into the fibre.
国际学术会议幻灯片制作及演讲技巧Slides幻灯片: 1. 幻灯片的标题页里要包含所有作者们的名字和联系方式不要用“等等…”来代替。
2. 幻灯片的标题页里可以有你的名字和联系方式包括单位但是太具体的信息不用一一列出。
3. 一般10分钟的演讲时间最好控制在9分钟左右810分钟之间留些时间回答问题幻灯片建议控制在12-25张范围内。
4. 幻灯片的背景不要太显眼背景图片要与主题有关。
5. 所有幻灯片的文字与背景要有很好的对比—亮色的文字在暗色的背景上或暗色的文字在亮色的背景上显示。
6. 恰当使用明显的颜色来标记重要的文字但不要过多使用。
7. 幻灯片不要出现过于花哨的动画不要出现声音录像长度不要超过30秒。
8. 幻灯片不要出现拼写错误不要出现语法错误例如“How to do this” 就是一种语法错误不要出现格式上的错误。
例如字词间或句点前不要有多余的空格9. 幻灯片不要出现大段的文字—一般来说一个段落不应超过20个字英语单词。
10. 6-15个英文单词汉语可能为20个字的长句子尽少用或不用幻灯片上的文字应该仅仅是列出要点。
11. 一张幻灯片上不要有太多的内容最好不要看上去很拥挤。
12. 除非特殊情况幻灯片上的文字大小不要小于28号字体标题用32号字。
13. 每4-5张幻灯片中至少要有一张图片、图示、表格或者是其他非文字的幻灯片。
14. 图示和或图片是用来帮助你更清楚表达你的想法或是实验步骤的。
15. 复杂的化学式和数学公式如果有的话最好写在幻灯片上这样的话演讲者就不用把它读出来了。
16. 幻灯片主要用来归纳实验细节、公式细节和或论点如果有的话地。
17. 结论部分的第一张幻灯片要有“结论”字样标注在上面。
18. 结论部分至少要有三张幻灯片。
19. 不要在幻灯片结尾打上“谢谢”字样但是演讲者在结束后必须要说“谢谢”。
Introduction简介: 20. 在演讲的开始要有一些“妙语”以吸引听众。
20 10 0
b a
20 10
• Contingent responses are additions, modifications and deletions of specific behaviors • We allow for settings with multiple caretakers to guarantee ecological validity (there were either 1 (11.5%) or 2-3 (4.8%) other persons besides the mother)
80 70
d a b/d
a a
contingency rate in %
60 c/d/e
n.s .
n.s .
b/c a/c a/c a/b b
analysis of caretakers’ behavior
b/d a/b/c/ d a
Percentages of child events
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND • To react contingently toward a baby’s signals is part of the universal intuitive parenting repertoire (Papoušek & Papoušek, 1991). In two recent studies vocalizing was the dominant modality followed by touching (Hsu & Fogel, 2003; VanEgeren et al., 2001) • Furthermore, there are culture-specific modulations: • Gusii mothers from rural Kenya predominantly reacted by holding and touching whereas Boston middle-class mothers reacted primarily by looking and vocalizing (Richman et al., 1992) • Japanese mothers reacted more by touching as compared to Euro-American mothers who used facial expressions and vocalizing more often (Fogel et al.,1988) Our study addresses the general occurrence of contingent responsiveness as well as the specificity of reactions using a multicultural design with mothers who differ with respect to their interactional preferences: • Mothers with an independent model of parenting (Berlin and Los Angeles) should use distal modalities more often, • Mothers with an interdependent model of parenting (rural Nso) should use proximal modalities more often, and • Mothers with an autonomous relational model of parenting (Beijing, Delhi, urban Nso) should use both distal and proximal modalities equally often PROCEDURE • Families were visited at home • 10 minutes free play interaction between the caretaker and her 3-month old baby was videotaped METHODS – modalities for contingent responsiveness: 1.Body contact (holding) 2.Body stimulation (touching) 3.Gaze (looking) 4.Smile 5.Facial expression (raised eyebrows, mouth open) 6.Vocalization (talking) 7.Object stimulation (toys) 8.Acoustical stimulation (flipping, rattling)
▪ Italian Physical Society
▪ American Chemical Society
▪ French Physical Society
▪ French Chemical Society
SESAME Opening Ceremony with King Abdullah II of Jordan
scientific inventions ▪ Address IP protection, tech transfer,
commercialization, etc.
Classroom Science Kits in Pakistan
▪ “PhysicsQuest” kits for middle school students ▪ Comic Book Superhero stories with classroom experiments ▪ Partnerhship with ICTP ▪ Exploring partnership with IAEA
▪ Members: Israel, Palestinian Authority, Iran, Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan
SESAME Travel - Training Award: Partnership among 11 Major Scientific Societies
▪ Education: Teacher training (high school teachers & professors)
▪ Outreach: Excite K-12 students about physics
国际会议poster 模板
![国际会议poster 模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/99d8946cc5da50e2534d7f04.png)
Author’s Name/s Goes Here, Author’s Name/s Goes Here, Author’s Name/s Goes Here
Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here
Printing and Laminating… Once you have completed your poster, bring it down to MIU for printing. We will produce a A3 size draft print for you to check and proof read. The final poster will then be printed and laminated. Note: Do not leave your poster until the last minute. Allow at least 5 working days before you need to use it. Simply highlight this text and replace.
Don’t overcrowd your poster. ▪ Try using photographs or coloured graphs. Avoid long numerical
tables. ▪ Spell check and get someone else to proof-read.
Importing / inserting files…
Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster.