BP公司的Case study
获取外部审计机构出具的审计报告,了解 财务报表的准确性和可靠性。
收集公司的税务申报表,了解公司的税务 状况和合规情况。
收集与公司财务状况相关的其他资料,如 市场分析报告、行业统计数据等。
通过计算流动比率、速动比率、资产负 债率等指标,评估公司的短期和长期偿
通过计算销售毛利率、净利率、总资 产收益率等指标,评估公司的盈利能
通过计算存货周转率、应收账款周转 率等指标,评估公司的资产管理和运 营效率。
通过计算收入增长率、净利润增长率 等指标,评估公司的成长潜力和市场 扩张能力。
1 2 3
采用定量或定性预测方法,如回归分析、时间序 列分析、专家预测等,对公司的未来财务状况进 行预测。
综合考虑解决方案的实施效果、目标达成度、风险控制等方面,对解 决方案进行综合评价,总结其优缺点和改进空间。
在解决方案实施过程中,团队协 作至关重要。总结在团队协作中 遇到的问题和解决方法,以提高
有效的沟通交流是解决方案实施 的重要保障。总结在沟通交流中 遇到的问题和解决方法,以提高 沟通效率和信息传递的准确性。
财管casestudy-1第 六组
• 案例背景介绍 • 财务分析 • 案例问题分析 • 案例总结与反思
公司名称:XYZ公司 公司规模:员工XXX人,年销售额达XXX万美元
如何进500强:联合利华R&D AC面试经验+感想【外企面经】复旦本硕生物专业帅哥 @splendidrex由于做过联合利华的暑期实习,因此可以跳过前面的步骤直接进入AC。
联合利华AC 之前,我很幸运地参加了多场群面和AC面(国民淀粉,妮维雅,bp等),所以基本上AC 的环节都经历过,可能也正是由于这些经验,让我在AC的时候能够比较地游刃有余吧。
Case 的大部分内容是关于两家公司的情况的,从公司文化,产品线,市场情况,工厂,员工情况等多个方面提供资料,看上去比较杂,东西也很多。
a-mab case study
三、A-Mab案例研究分析1. 创新研发A-Mab公司以创新研发为核心竞争力,不断投入资源和精力开展科技创新和产品研发。
2. 产品营销A-Mab公司在A-Lusion上市后,积极开展产品的市场推广和营销活动。
3. 社会责任A-Mab公司秉承“科技为民”的理念,注重企业的社会责任。
case analysis与case study
case analysis与case studyCase Analysis与Case Study一、概述Case Analysis和Case Study都是一种研究方法,用于分析和解决实际问题。
二、Case Analysis1. 定义Case Analysis是一种系统性的方法,用于研究一个特定问题或情境。
2. 设计在进行Case Analysis时,研究者需要有一个清晰的设计,以确保他们能够收集到必要的信息并得出正确的结论。
这通常包括以下步骤:(1) 确定问题:首先,研究者需要明确他们要解决什么问题,并确定该问题所处的情境。
(2) 收集信息:接下来,研究者需要收集尽可能多的信息来了解该情境。
(3) 分析信息:在收集到足够的信息后,研究者需要对其进行分析,以确定最佳的解决方案。
(4) 提出结论:最后,研究者需要根据他们的分析提出最佳的解决方案,并提供相关建议。
3. 数据收集和分析在进行Case Analysis时,研究者通常需要使用多种数据收集和分析工具。
三、Case Study1. 定义Case Study是一种详细的研究方法,用于深入了解一个特定情境或事件。
个案研究法(Case Study)
个案研究法(Case Study)陈姿伶中兴大学农业推广教育研究所早在1870年,美国哈佛大学法学院即创用此一个案研究法来训练学生思考法律的原理原则。
而在这当中几位举足轻重的关键学者,如实验心理学家菲吉纳于1860年创立新物法,针对个别对象,进行有系统的感官研究,建立著名的Fecher’s Law。
在其细心的探求下,使得病人能够回忆自己在儿童及年轻时代所发生的,但却已遗忘良久的,有关创伤性的或与性有关的意外事件,根据弗洛伊德的假设:这些意外事件或可用来解释病人的神经性行为,以所曾研究之Sergei Petrov 的—位狼人(the Wolf Man)的生活史来说,其最后并以「来自婴幼期神经症的生活史」(From the History of an Infantile Neurosis)为标题,将研究结果撰写成书并于1918年出版问世,此书则是弗洛伊德应用个案研究的典型例举之一,且其所归结获致之个案的结果,事实上与其假设一致吻合,这亦使得心理的个案分析因此一时蔚为时尚,且被认定视为一项有效的处理事情的方法。
至于个案分析在社会学上的发展沿革,则可依年代顺序归纳如下:(1)1908年,哈佛大学创设企业管理研究所,由经济学家Edwin F, Gay担任首任院长,他认为企管教学,应仿效哈佛法学院的教学方法,Gay称作「问题方法」(problem method),自此哈佛大学设置个案发展单位。
case study范文
case study范文Case Study: The Success Story of Airbnb。
In the past decade, Airbnb has emerged as a disruptive force in the hospitality industry, revolutionizing the way people travel and find accommodations. This case study will delve into the factors that have contributed to Airbnb's success and examine the strategies that have propelled the company to the forefront of the sharing economy.Founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk, Airbnb started as a simple idea to rent out air mattresses in their San Francisco apartment to travelers attending a local conference. Today, the company boasts millions of listings in over 220 countries and regions, offering a diverse range of accommodations from private rooms to entire homes.One of the key factors behind Airbnb's success is its ability to tap into the growing trend of the sharing economy. By allowing individuals to monetize their underutilized spaces, Airbnb has created a platform that benefits both hosts and guests. This has not only expanded the options for travelers but has also provided a new source of income for hosts, making it a win-win situation for all parties involved.Furthermore, Airbnb's emphasis on creating unique and personalized experiences for guests has set it apart from traditional hospitality providers. The platform allows hosts to showcase their properties in a way that reflects their individual style and personality, offering guests a more authentic and immersive travel experience. This personal touch has resonated with travelers who are increasingly seeking out meaningful connections and local insights during their trips.In addition, Airbnb's innovative use of technology has been instrumental in driving its growth and success. The company has invested heavily in developing a user-friendly platform and mobile app that makes it easy for hosts to list their properties and for guests to find and book accommodations. This seamless and efficient booking process has contributed to Airbnb's popularity and has helped it gain a competitive edge in the market.Another key aspect of Airbnb's success is its focus on building a strong and trusted community. The company has implemented rigorous screening processes and verification procedures to ensure the safety and security of both hosts and guests. This has helped to foster a sense of trust and reliability within the Airbnb community, leading to repeat bookings and positive word-of-mouth referrals.Furthermore, Airbnb has been proactive in adapting to the changing needs and preferences of its users. The company has expanded its offerings to include unique experiences and activities, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the local culture and community. This diversification has enabled Airbnb to cater to a wider audience and has positioned it as a one-stop platform for all aspects of travel.In conclusion, Airbnb's success can be attributed to a combination of factors, including its ability to tap into the sharing economy, its focus on creating personalized experiences, its innovative use of technology, its emphasis on building a strong community, and its proactive approach to meeting the evolving needs of its users. By staying true to its core values and continuously innovating, Airbnb has solidified its position as a leader in the travel and hospitality industry, setting a precedent for other companies in the sharing economy.。
马上就要离开学校了踏入职场了,一直想总结一下自己的求职经历与学弟学妹们分享1来帮化工类专业(化工、材料、化学)学生归纳一下可供求职的外企2来帮大家更新一下企业的招聘流程(应届生上的很多信息早已过时了),帮助大家有的放矢的进行准备,做到心中有数3 来介绍一下各企业对华理学生的偏好程度,避免很多同学投了不招华理的职位,白白浪费机会。
化工学生求职时主要可以关注三类企业,1能源类巨头2 化工化学品公司3 快消类。
一能源化工类公司1 埃克森美孚招聘流程:网申——英文电面——英文群面——英文终面——发offer:11月下旬网申:美孚的网申是比较看学校和专业的,华理化工通过率非常高。
2 Shell招聘流程:网申——电话面试中文——群面中文——SRD中文(case study+群面+技术类面)——部门经理面试英文——发offer:11-3月Shell是让我哭笑不得的一个公司,它在网申阶段把我拒了,但我因为拿到了shell能源调研比赛的二等奖,所以直接进了最后一轮,SRD,最后通过了,也拿到了G-staff offer,坑爹的很,拒了offer。
【海归招聘会】咨询公司面试的Case Study,这样做准能过
【海归招聘会】咨询公司面试的Case Study,这样做准能过●●●想从100个candidate中,脱颖而出?那么,你必须知道如何搞定面试的案例分析环节(Case Study)。
咨询case study 案例及解析
咨询case study 案例及解析咨询案例分析:提高团队绩效的关键因素在现代商业环境中,提高团队绩效是许多组织和企业所追求的目标。
解析:1. 团队目标明确化:首要任务是确保团队成员清楚了解项目的整体目标,并明白各自贡献如何对整个团队产生影响。
2. 促进有效沟通:有效的沟通是团队成功的关键。
3. 培训和发展:提供成员培训和发展机会,以增强其专业技能和知识。
4. 鼓励团队协作:通过鼓励团队成员之间的合作和知识共享,可以提高整个团队的绩效。
5. 反馈和评估:定期评估团队绩效,并提供个体和团队层面的反馈。
case studies 和case study
案例研究(Case Studies)是一种深入研究特定主题的方法,它通常包括对特定个体、组织或事件的详细调查和分析。
case study 英文模板
case study 英文模板Case studies are a popular way of presenting information by businesses, organizations, and educational institutions. As a written or detailed report of a particular event or situation, a case study is an effective means of showcasing successes or describing problems that have been overcome.To help individuals and organizations create high-quality case studies, a standard format is often used. This format includes the following components:1. Introduction: This section provides an overview of the case and sets the context for the rest of the study. It establishes the key problem or challenge that the organization faced and provides background information about the company and industry.2. Objectives: Here, the objectives of the case study are clearly stated. This section should describe the specific problem that the organization sought to address and the goals that were set.3. Methodology: In this section, the means used to investigate the problem or challenge are outlined. This might include surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other research methodologies.4. Results: This section presents the findings of the study. It includes data and analysis related to the problem or challenge, as well as any other essential findings.5. Discussion: In this section, the analysis of the results is elaborated upon. This includes an interpretationof the results, as well as insights gained from the outcomes.6. Conclusion: Finally, a conclusion is reached based on the findings and analysis. The conclusion summarizes the main points of the study and provides recommendations for future action.The structure of a case study is flexible and can be tailored according to the organization or the problem being investigated. However, following a standard format helps to ensure that the study is thorough and provides an accurate representation of the situation at hand.In conclusion, knowing how to structure a case study is essential for effectively communicating a particular event or situation. By following the steps outlined above, anyone can create a compelling and informative case study.。
咨询case study 案例及解析
咨询case study 案例及解析
咨询case study 案例及解析
本文将通过一个实际案例,阐述咨询case study在解决问题中的应用。
马上就要离开学校了踏入职场了,一直想总结一下自己的求职经历与学弟学妹们分享1来帮化工类专业(化工、材料、化学)学生归纳一下可供求职的外企2来帮大家更新一下企业的招聘流程(应届生上的很多信息早已过时了),帮助大家有的放矢的进行准备,做到心中有数3 来介绍一下各企业对华理学生的偏好程度,避免很多同学投了不招华理的职位,白白浪费机会。
化工学生求职时主要可以关注三类企业,1能源类巨头2 化工化学品公司3 快消类。
一能源化工类公司1 埃克森美孚招聘流程:网申——英文电面——英文群面——英文终面——发offer:11月下旬网申:美孚的网申是比较看学校和专业的,华理化工通过率非常高。
2 Shell招聘流程:网申——电话面试中文——群面中文——SRD中文(case study+群面+技术类面)——部门经理面试英文——发offer:11-3月Shell是让我哭笑不得的一个公司,它在网申阶段把我拒了,但我因为拿到了shell能源调研比赛的二等奖,所以直接进了最后一轮,SRD,最后通过了,也拿到了G-staff offer,坑爹的很,拒了offer。
Case Study 案例分析
Praising Japanese in Public Workplaces(在工作场所当众表扬日本人)琼斯先生(美国经理)当众表扬苏琦木拓(日本员工)工作做得很棒,本以为苏琦木拓会高兴的接受,却不料…..Case description:American: Mr. Sugimoto, I have noticed that you are doing an excellent job on the assembly line. I hope that the other workers notice how it should bedone.Japanese: (He is uneasy). Praise is not necessary. I am only doing my job. (He hopes other Japanese workers do not hear.)American: You are the finest, most excellent, dedicated worker we have ever had at the Jones Corporation.Japanese: (He blushed and nods his head several times, and keeps working.)American: Well, are you going to say “thank you,” Mr. S ugimoto, or just remain silent?Japanese: Excuse me, Mr. Jones … May I take leave for five minutes?American: Sure. (He is annoyed and watched Sugimoto exit). I can’t believe how rude some Japanese workers are. They seem to be disturbed by praiseand don’t answer you … just silent.Questions for discussion:1.Why was the conversation between Mr. Jones and Mr. Sugimoto not sopleasant?2.Why did they have such different reactions towards praising in publicworkplaces?3.If you were Mr. Sugimoto, would you accept praise from Mr. Jones in publicworkplaces?4.If you were Mr. Jones, how would you deal with the situation moreappropriately?怎样理解微笑?微笑是友好的表示,理应得到友好的回应理应。
Case Study Of Kimsoong1.Background information of KimsoongKimsoong, a Korean car manufacturer, has its European headquarters near Paris. It has retail sales franchises in most European countries which not only sell cars and motor accessories but also have servicing facilities. The larger outlets also offer fast-fitting of tyres and exhausts, and deal in used cars.Over the last ten years Kimsoong, with its reputation for reliability at low prices, has build up market share at the lower end of the market. Their basic models include many”extras”which other manufacturers charge for. Kimsoong also makes large donations to environmental groups and is seen as an organization with a social conscience. Furthermore, its R&D Department is developing an “eco-car” which uses an alternative power source.Then set our focus on the whole car manufacturing market.For 2009, global vehicle sales remain in the midst of a precipitous fall-off, led by sharp declines in the mature markets of the United States, Western Europe and Japan. We project total cars produced at 51,971,328.In 2006 there were 49,886,549 passenger cars produced in the world, with an increase of 6.45% over the previous year. The increase for 2007 was more modest, and 2008 showed a decline. Analysts from various institutes had in fact pegged the year 2007 as the year which would end the 5-year cycle (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) of recordA third of all cars in the world is produced in the European Union (see chart below).China became the world’s third-largest car market in 2006, as car sales in China soared by nearly 40% to 4.1 million units. China should become the world’s second-largest car market by 2010, as low vehicle penetration, rising incomes, greater credit availability and falling car prices lift sales past those of Japan. Furthermore, vehicle penetration in China stands at only 24 vehicles per 1,000 people, compared with 749 vehicles per 1,000 people in the mature markets of the G7.It is estimated that over 600,000,000passenger cars travel the streets and roads of the world today.In the United States alone, 247,421,120 "highway" registered vehicles were counted in 2005, of which 136,568,083 passenger cars. (Bureau of Transportation Statistics U.S. Department of Transportation)So with the high development of car manufacture, we may face many difficulties. There are so many cars produced in the world, the only thing we can do to keep our position is to become more competitive in this market, or we’ll drive out by its high competition.2. Kimsoong customer profileCustomers are the god of our company, thus the survey of customers’ tastes and basic information is important for us to know better of our shortage, and we’ll also serve more people in the future and gain more profits. The following forms are information we have got from our customers.We can see that the majority of the customers are men who are under 30, they are employed. However, women between 31 and 50 who are self-employed have potential to buy our cars.Our repeated customers only occupy 15% of the whole. People who buy our cars are mostly middle income group. This is a hint that if we want to hold on to existing customers, we must produce cars that are affordable by middle income group. But to attract new customers we should provide different kinds of cars for differentAs the form shows, customers are not satisfied with our service. The competitor’s cars are better in performance and service. These are two main reasons that hinder us to maintain existing customers. The after-sale care is just fair. In a word, customers care more about their price, reliability, after-sales service, etc. We should improve our service and convince customers of the reliability of our cars at the same time.By collecting and analyzing customer profiles, we may conclude that we can make improvement by producing cars suit every age stage, providing reasonable price for middle income group, improving our after-sales service to hold on to existing customers. We should also create cars for women and for self-employed persons and even students. High level cars with high price will attract people of high income group. These may help gain more profits.3.ProblemFacing the intense competition, the company must remain unchanged with its reputation for reliability at low prices and has its excellent office workers and loyal customers, also the skill and cooperation are very important parts. The management should solve these problems.(1).Cutomer profilesThe company’s new strategy is to hold on to existing customers and increase customer loyalty. And the company also hope to develop a more accurate buyer profile. Customers are very important to a company. So the company should know about the customers well so that we can produce the products that fit the customers. Only in this way can our company make profits.(2). The excellent office workersThe excellent office workers in the company is also a big problem. For one hand, the younger office workers have much knowledge but a little experience; on the other hand ,the elder office wor kers don’t have as much knowledge as the young but they have enough experience. They are all excellent, but the company doesn’t ha ve enough money to hire both the young and the elder ones. So the problem is that the company should choose what kind of the officers they need by using less money to make more money.(3).Improving skillsImproving skills is also a big problem to the company. Because of the ever-accelerated science and technology, having a superb skill cansave cost and make profits.(4).CooperationLast but not the least, cooperation is very important to the company. But the company’s staffs are lack of the skills of grasping good communication. So if the company want to do better, they must promote social skills and competence.4.SolutionsAiming at the problems given above, we summarize some solutions to those problems:(1).Building up relationshipsTo builds up long-term customer relationships, thereby increasing profits.To establish long-term cooperation relations, the customer is one of the important factors that assure our company’s long-term and stable development. In the long-term cooperation relations, the company can not only improve enterprise image, enterprise credibility still can bring stability of the interests of the enterprise income. Only in this way, can the enterprise form a security capital chain. Additionally, through this long-term cooperation, we can build trust with each other and win good enterprise image, thus our company will expand more customer groups and win more profits.(2).Increasing customer loyaltyIncreasing customer loyalty is to guarantee the premise of enterprise sales. First, our company shall keep good communication with customers. The price for the customers must be given favorable; we can also use the gifts method to increase satisfaction. Cheap and good things will receive the love of consumers, so we should be radically improve the competitiveness of our enterprise, by improving product s’performance in all aspects so as to reduce the cost. Once the cost reduced, we will not only attract more customers to buy our cars, but also enhance our profit space, that is kill two birds with one stone. (3).Drawing up an accurate buyer profileEnterprise’s accurate understanding of his client group is very important. The company should not only know the customer's age distribution, but have an understanding of what kind of car sales good. At the same time, we must pay attention to customer s’feedback, make market surveys, know what kind of car our customers really want to buy. From these information we will realize our company’s deficiencies, so as to further improve their product, as well as theenterprise’s all aspects of operation.(4).Encouraging staffsTo encourage staffs to be more active in building up good customer relations.It is not enough to just have a good car, a good people who can promote it is necessary. So encourage staffs to establish good relationship with customers is very important. Nowadays, the consumer not only pays attention to the quality of the product itself, but is very concern about enterprise service attitude. First, the company shall encourage the staffs to work hard to establish a good relationship with their clients. For those who have outstanding performance , the company sales should give them full praise and encouragement. For those who not work hard, and have poor work performance, our company shall take appropriate punishment. Everyone must have crisis consciousness. Second, team spirit is very important. The common saying says more people, more powerful. Only we work together can we create more profits for our company.5.ConclusionFrom the report above, we can see that good customer relationships are very important for our further development. Only when we win our customers’ loyalty, can we gain more profits and make a good reputation. Thus, improvement of all aspects, including staff training, survey of customers and potential ones, change of disciplines and politics in our company and so on is of importance. We should also appreciate other competitors strengths and learn to use them for ourselves. I believe that our company will develop well in the future and attract more customers to buy our cars.。
I n t r o d u c t i o nThe volume of data that companies process and store is exploding, along with the cost of managing that data. This unprecedented growth, coupled with companies’ need to focus more on customer service than storage administration, requires organizations to thoroughly analyze their investments in data-storage infrastructures. Data storage is becoming such a vital strategic element of an enterprise’s success that John T. McArthur, Vice President at IDC, recently commented, “Information is the lifeblood of the modern enterprise. Driven by advances in the storage and transmission of information, enterprises can make highly informed business decisions.” Further evidence of this trend comes from a May 2001 Gartner Dataquest report that shows external storage growing at a 104 percent compound annual rate, to over 3.8 million terabytes in 2005. Seventy-two percent of that storagein 2005, according to Gartner, will be Storage Area Network (SAN)-attached.SANs are gaining momentum as a data storage solution.Brocade CommunicationsSystems,Inc.,a leading manufacturer of switches and software for SANs,engagedKPMG Consulting to analyze and quantify the business benefits of SANs that someof its selected customers have realized.T wo of these—Intuit,Inc.and Federal Express Corporation—granted interviews,filled out questionnaires and shared technical documentation,enabling theKPMG Consulting professionals to compile significant data regarding their SANdeployments.The consultants also worked with Brocade to generate a financialmodel that analyzed the return on the companies’investments when compared withthe direct-attached storage architecture that they had prior to the SAN1.The following are the key findings from the study of the two companies:•SANs provide substantial business,financial,and operational benefits•The major benefits of a SAN include:- Reduced capital expenditures- Increased IT staff efficiency- Higher system and application availability- Highly scalable,flexible storage architecture- Enhanced ability to efficiently exploit the full value of a company’sinformation assets•The financial return from implementing a SAN is significant•Companies can use SANs to improve their competitive position11These calculations are generated by a financial model prepared by KPMG Consulting and Brocade.For a full list and explanation of the assumptions and definitions under which this calculation was made,please consult Methodology and General Financial Model for the Evaluation of a Storage Area Network,Brocade, May 2001.SAN Definition and DescriptionA SAN is a networked storage infrastructure environment dedicated solely to storagefor the purpose of providing a scalable,reliable IT infrastructure.SANs are generallycomprised of two components,storage systems and a logically independent network.The storage system includes disk storage,tape libraries,and SAN-managementsoftware.The network includes adapters,wiring,and switches.Host Bus Adaptersattach servers and peripherals to the wiring in the network,while switches providethe central connection point and routing capability—much like a LAN hubor switch.The SAN industry was born of the proliferation and criticality of data.The storageindustry’s response to the dual problem of tremendous growth in data and the costof managing that data leaped forward with the SAN,which offered the first open-standard opportunity to network and centralize storage.SANs can create increasedsystem availability,greater accessibility to data due to greater connectivity,and ascalable,flexible architecture that efficiently meets future growth requirements.The primary alternative to SAN-based storage is direct-attached storage,although many companies use consolidated enterprise storage to make sharingdata easier.These solutions have limited value because they support a singleoperating system and are limited by the number of servers and connections theycan simultaneously support.SANs eliminate direct-attached storage’s limitation on connectivity by utilizing afabric switch,and have rapidly evolved to eliminate limitations on heterogeneousoperating system support.SAN implementations can now support multiple operatingsystems and a variety of storage products,both disk and tape.Summary of Principal FindingsThe data that KPMG Consulting compiled revealed that the companies studiedrealized numerous benefits and were using them to gain competitive advantages.Moreover,these benefits also yielded compelling quantifiable financial return asmeasured by return on investment (ROI) and Payback Period.It is important to notethat the ROI is the annual return generated from the investment in a SANduring the life of the SAN.The Payback Period is the number of months needed torecoup the costs of implementing a SAN and is a measure of how quickly thesefinancial benefits are realized.Table 1 provides a summary of the results from analyzing a number of SANimplementations at Intuit and Fed Ex.Table 2 provides a summary of the key driversof these financial benefits.An ROI of 525 percent means that the SAN provided$5.25 of benefit annually for every $1 of investment required to implement andmaintain the SAN.Measured over a three-year lifecycle,the SAN returned over$15 for every $1 invested.The Payback Period,9 months or less for all projects,is anindication that these financial benefits were realized in a very short period of time.High LowTable 1Annual ROI525%125%Payback Period 2 Months9 Months3The Study Participants Have Translated their SANs intoCompetitive AdvantagesIn addition to providing companies a lower cost structure for their IT organization,SANs are having an even larger impact on the overall business.FedEx and Intuit areusing the availability,connectivity,and scalability features of their SANs to provide acompetitive advantage for their businesses.Here are several examples:•FedEx and Intuit both reported that they are now able to respond to users’requests for large amounts of storage in hours instead of weeks.This enablesthese companies to deliver on key business initiatives with unprecedented speed.•FedEx is bringing new products to market more quickly because the requiredchanges to its billing systems,which are one of the most important aspects ofany new FedEx product offering,are implemented and tested much faster andthoroughly with a SAN.•Intuit’s ability to keep its customer-facing W eb systems up and running 24 x 7 is amajor factor in customer retention and loyalty for this new and strategic channel.For a full explanation of all of the benefits that were noted by the companiesincluded in this study,please consult the following case studies.5The financial consequences of Intuit’s SAN deployment reflect the technical benefits that the SAN achieved.Broken down into the three solutions that Intuit implemented,the company realized the estimated following returns on its investment in SAN technology 1:Solution Annual ROI Payback Period Storage Consolidation 296% 4 months Backup/Restore 123%9 months High Availability Systems 525% 2 months The most significant drivers of these returns included:•Additional revenue generated during backups that prior to the SAN required taking the system offline •Lower IT management costs and increased productivity due to the centralization of Intuit’s storage libraries •Significantly shorter process time for adding and reconfiguring storage •Reduced capital spending through shared storage The following study,prepared by KPMG Consulting,Inc.on behalf of Brocade,provides an in-depth discussion regarding these gains and Intuit’s experiences with its pany and Business Unit Background Intuit,Inc.is an industry-leading developer and marketer of consumer software applications that support personal finance,small-business accounting,and tax preparation.The company also creates W eb-based investment applications and provides related services to better enable individuals and businesses to automate commonly performed financial tasks such as accounting and tax filings.Intuit is the author of such prolific W eb-based and shrink-wrap software applications as Quicken ®,QuickBooks ®,QuickBooks for the W eb,T urboTax ®,T urboTax for the W eb ™,and QuickBase ®.Intuit also offers additional,fee-for-service functionality via its W eb st year,the company performed the electronic filing of federal income tax returns on behalf of 25 percent of the approximately 120 million tax-paying people and entities in the United States.Intuit customers have on-demand access to all of their previously filed data along with a myriad of forms and records that reside in Intuit databases.The growth associated with this business creates a huge demand for storage capacity—up to 500 percent annually in some cases and generally 75 to 100 percent per year.Intuit relies heavily on its Internet facilities to provide revenue from its applications and enhance its shrink-wrap products.Obviously,this business model requires an extensive IT infrastructure—including extremely high levels of scalability,flexibility,security and availability—and manage-ment of a tremendous amount of data.At Intuit,the company’s Storage T eam,part of the T echnology Operations organization,investigated,purchased and implemented the SAN.These individuals are tasked with building and maintaining the entire IT 7Table 31These calculations are generated by a financial model prepared by KPMG Consulting and Brocade.For a full list and explanation of the assumptions and definitions under which this calculation was made,please consult Methodology and General Financial Model for the Evaluation of a Storage Area Network ,Brocade,May 2001.In addition,the IT staff discussed other characteristics they desired in a storage solution but weren’t getting in a direct-attached solution.These included:•Centralized storage •Data redundancy •Standard configurations •Resource sharing •Backup management Marino described the staff ’s priorities much more succinctly:“Why did we go to a SAN? Four reasons–costs,costs,costs and costs–we needed to improve control of them!”Intuit faced a potentially severe data and application availability issue before the SAN deployments.This,coupled with the need to accommodate exploding storage capacity and the capital expenditures of purchasing storage that often goes unused for several months,caused the IT staff at Intuit to begin looking for alternative storage solutions.Marino told KPMG Consulting that the investigation didn’t take long before they decided to turn to a fabric-based SAN technology.The Post-SAN Environment—Significant Improvements in Storage Consolidation, Backup and Restore, and Disaster Tolerance Approximately two years ago,Intuit deployed its first fabric-based SAN.At the time of the decision-making process,Philp commented that Intuit “chose Brocade switches for [our] SAN because the Brocade market presence created a ‘de facto’standard.”The deployment of the SAN enabled Intuit to conduct backups much more quickly and with greatly improved overall application availability.Philp told KPMG that,“the fabric switches increased storage reliability and performance and,most importantly,minimized downtime associated with our backups.”Marino also noted that,“backup and restore became much more efficient,quicker and easier to manage.The net result was much higher availability,less disruptive infrastructure upgrades and much higher levels of data integrity.”Backup Prior to the SAN deployment,Intuit experienced long backups with even longer restore times.Currently,backups conducted each day take only about three hours each.Significantly,Intuit’s system remains available during this time now that the bandwidth of its non-storage network is completely free of this process.Marino noted further that,“W e simply couldn’t have done all of this without a SAN.W e can do our backups in the middle of the day,while providing maximum service to our customers.There is no question that this infrastructure has given us a competitive advantage.”Providing further evidence of the staff ’s increased efficiency is Marino’s comment that the SAN deployment enabled Intuit to significantly reduce the IT personnel required for nightly backups.Storage Consolidation The staff also mentioned that Intuit is working more efficiently due to the SAN’s ability to deliver centralized storage.Philp discussed the cost savings the company has realized as a result of the SAN infrastructure,“The system now performs at a much 9”Since we implementedthe SAN, we havea very centralizedsystem. Further, ourfault tolerance hasimproved so much sothat we stayed availablethroughout the entiretax season this yearwithout even putting astrain on our existingIT staff.”Peter Philp,Senior Systems Manager”The long-range effect of the SAN is the competitive advantage that FedEx gets because of the reduced cycle time that it takes the company to offernew products toits customers.”Darryl Rochester,IT Manager F E D E R A L E X P R E S SC O R P O R AT I O NCase Study SummaryAnother of the selected customers that KPMG Consulting studied was the Federal Express Corporation,one of the largest express delivery and logistics service providers in the world.According to the members of the FedEx product development business unit,the pre-SAN environment at the FedEx testing site was direct-attached storage.However,according to Darryl Rochester,FedEx IT Manager, this infrastructure was not sufficiently flexible to allow for the frequent storage and server configuration changes the staff must do to test functionality enhancements in the company’s billing software.“There are times when we have to completely switch environments from one billing application to another.With direct-attached storage, there was no way to do this quickly or efficiently,”noted Rochester.The direct-attached architecture also did not have the capacity to perform testing with large production databases in a cost efficient manner.The direct-attached environment was also not scalable enough to support the company’s anticipated data growth nor did it provide the company with the connectivity it needed to conserve valuable real estate in their data center. According to Rochester,his staff was constantly working to add or reallocate storage and these processes required significant company and staff time and resources. Further,the pre-SAN environment provided the company with no ability to fail over to an alternate data center.Rochester noted that the problems that his staff encountered prior to the implementation of the SAN had very real affects on FedEx business—they increased the cycle time new FedEx products would take to make their way into production. Any delay caused in testing,“…caused our customers,the company developers and testers to miss deliverables for releases for production.These engineers often worked overtime hours to catch up because they were unable to do any work whatsoever during unscheduled system downtime,”commented Rochester.The lifestyle and morale of the IT staff was also affected.The KPMG Consulting professionals heard comments describing the direct-attached environment as “a nightmare.”T oday,as a result of the SAN,FedEx can change testing environments and increase the sizes of its databases almost immediately,according to Rochester.They have reduced the workload of their IT staff so much so that they are performing the same work that they were prior to the deployment of the SAN with one-third less staff. They have also decreased the number of file servers in their systems by 50 percent in such a seamless fashion that the 600 developers that the servers support were completely unaware of the transition.Remarkably,this entire transition was done in a total of 36 hours spread over three months and resulted in no system downtime. The additional connectivity available in a SAN environment has allowed FedEx to conserve real estate in their data center due to a reduction in the number of servers and storage arrays.Rochester also noted that they have reduced their number of11application infrastructure so that FedEx can simulate a high volume of transactionsto test how system changes react prior to the enhancement entering the productionenvironment.With this system,the IT staff can evaluate proposed changes to itsproduction environment without compromising the service levels they offer to theircustomers.An effective test environment that allows for seamless productionenhancements can be a significant competitive advantage for companies because itwill enable seamless application upgrades and enhancements to the production system.The consultants discussed the problems that FedEx was having with Darryl Rochester,IT Manager,and Vijay Banga,one of Rochester’s System Engineers Consultants.The information that they supplied helped generate both the foundation for thisstudy and an ROI financial model.A Description of the Pre-SAN StateOne of the major problems associated with direct-attached storage that FedExencountered was the lack of manageability that it allowed in their test environment.Because the unit’s job is to test the FedEx billing applications and each of itscomponents,they needed to evaluate different combinations of application modulesboth in performance and volume testing.However,with direct-attached storage,the staff was forced to completely reconfigure each of their test servers every timethey wanted to check a different billing component combination.This led tosignificant system downtime during the reconfiguration periods.Because downtimemeant that their customers,600 highly trained software engineers and testers,couldn’t work,system downtime created significant costs and inefficiencies.Further,the direct-attached connection limitations did not allow them to test theirentire billing application at once.Rochester also told the consultants that it became very clear that the direct-attachedinfrastructure was not delivering the flexibility that FedEx needed to efficientlymanage their data.Rochester felt that,to deliver the level of service requiredby the production group,they needed the ability to combine or change serversconstantly all while maintaining a high level of system availability.The data needs ofFedEx were growing so rapidly that they were outpacing the physical constraintsassociated with a SCSI-based,direct-attached architecture and its limited number ofconnections.They needed an infrastructure that would allow the company to growquickly without requiring a tremendous outflow of resources every time morestorage was to be added.This direct-attached system and its limitations with respect to flexibility,storagemanageability and scalability caused the unit’s customers,who are software developersand testers,to miss deliverables for releases of system enhancements.Rochester notedthat this would happen frequently prior to the SAN deployment:“When this occurs,the developers and testers are forced to work significant overtime to catch up ontheir work.While the system is down or undergoing storage increases,these sameengineers have nothing to do.”One of the other major problems that the group was encountering was the inabilityto use a multi-vendor strategy because of the limited connectivity,Rochester told theconsultants.They wanted the ability to obtain the pricing advantages of using multi-ple storage vendors but felt that they couldn’t achieve a heterogeneous environmentwith the lack of connectivity that a direct-attached architecture offered.13The deployment was completed in just 36 hours over three months.The NFS serverreduction saved significant capital outlays and the costs associated with the IT staff tomanage twice the hardware.High AvailabilityFedEx also implemented a SAN to reduce the costs for its HA systems.In a direct-attached environment,implementing an HA system requires one standby server forevery production server.The connectivity provided by a SAN enables customers toimplement an HA system with one standby server for a number of productionservers.In FedEx’s case,the SAN enabled FedEx to eliminate 75 percent of theirstandby servers along with the associated software license and maintenance costs foreach server.They also realized management savings since there are now fewer serversto manage.ConclusionAccording to Rochester,not only has the SAN produced substantial cost savings andincreased efficiency,it has greatly reduced delays in the time it takes to test enhance-ments in full scale production testing.This ability has a real influence on how quicklyFedEx can get new products and enhancements to existing products to the customer.Reducing cycle time in a business as competitive as package delivery can provide acompany with long-lasting competitive advantages and greater earnings to its share-holders.“Any delay that we experience will be felt throughout the entire companybecause that is a delay in when these applications will be ready for implementationthroughout the rest of the company,”noted Rochester.Rochester also providedthe consultants with an excellent summary of their SAN experience and his visioninto the future of this architecture:“In the last two years,SANs have become a veryhot technology in the company and I would guess outside the company as well.At FedEx,everyone in IT is looking for open solutions using SANs.”KPMG Consulting and Brocade would like to thank FedEx,Darryl Rochester andVijay Banga for their time and participation in our research to document the businessvalue of today’s Storage Area Networks.15© 2001 by Brocade Communications Systems,Incorporated.All Rights Reserved.07/01 GA-CS-133-00If you have questions on how networking your storage can benefit your company,contact info @ or visit our website at .。
大陆面试 case study
大陆面试 Case Study介绍在大陆地区进行面试时,面试官通常会要求应聘者进行一个 Case Study,以评估其解决问题的能力和思维方式。
Case Study 是一种模拟实际问题的方法,应聘者需要通过分析和解决这个问题来展示自己的技能和经验。
本篇文章将介绍大陆面试中的 Case Study,包括其常见形式、注意事项和解决问题的方法。
Case Study 的常见形式在大陆面试中,Case Study 的形式多种多样,以下是一些常见的形式:1. 产品设计在产品设计的 Case Study 中,应聘者需要根据给定的需求和背景信息,设计一个新产品或改进现有产品。
2. 数据分析在数据分析的 Case Study 中,应聘者需要根据给定的数据集,进行数据清洗、探索性分析和建模预测等工作。
3. 运营优化在运营优化的 Case Study 中,应聘者需要分析一个现有业务的瓶颈和问题,并提出相应的解决方案。
4. 市场调研在市场调研的 Case Study 中,应聘者需要根据给定的市场情况和竞争对手分析,进行市场定位、目标用户分析和竞争策略制定等工作。
Case Study 的注意事项在进行 Case Study 时,应聘者需要注意以下几点:1. 深入理解问题在开始解决问题之前,应聘者需要充分理解问题的背景和要求。
2. 结构化思考解决问题的过程应该是有条理的,应聘者可以使用框架或模型来帮助自己进行结构化思考。
例如,可以使用 SWOT 分析、5 Forces 分析等方法来分析问题,并找出解决方案。
Team:4 Teams (two Government and two Opposition).Each team has two speakersGovernment Bench:- Opening Government (Prime Minister & Deputy Prime Minister)- Closing Government (Member of Government & Government Whip) Opposition Bench:- Opening Opposition (Leader of Opposition & Deputy Leader of Opposition)- Closing Opposition (Member of Opposition & Opposition Whip)The two teams on the Government Bench will support the motion, and the two teams on the Opposition Bench must oppose the motion. However, while the two teams on each bench are on the same side, they have to have different reasons for supporting/opposing the motion. So for example, for the Closing Government to come 1st in the debate,they must show two things:(1) that the motion should stand, and (2) that the new perspective (extension) and new reasons they gave for the motion to stand are more important or more convincing than the reasons given by the Opening Government.Why are there 4 teams in a BP debate?Often in the British Parliament, government is formed by a coalition (联合)of two parties. Here’s an example of how it works: imagine if after an election, the Labour Party and the Green Party form a coalition government. Even though they are “on the same side”, they are still competing ag ainst each other for voter support. That means that when an issue is debated, they will to take the same position, but for different reasons. So if the issue of nuclear power is debated, for example, the Green Party will oppose the policy for environmental reasons, whereas the Labour Party might oppose it because it means coal workers will lose their jobs. So they both oppose nuclear power – they have the same stance – they take the stance for different reasons.Speaking order:1st opening government (Prime Minister)1st opening opposition (Leader of Opposition)2nd opening government (Deputy Prime Minister)2nd opening opposition (Deputy Leader of Opposition)1st closing government (Member of Government)1st closing opposition (Member of Opposition)2nd closing government (Government Whip)2nd closing opposition (Opposition Whip)POI:(1)Points of information are impromptu(即席的)questions raised by opposing teams.(2)They may be delivered any time between the 1 minute and 6 minute bells. POIs may only be given to speakers on the other Bench. So if you are on the Opening Opposition, you can only ask POIs to the Opening Government and Closing Government but not to the Closing Opposition. (3)POI’s should not be more than 15 seconds. (4)The chairman may request a speaker to end a POI at his/her discretion.(5)If asked well, a 15 second POI can have a huge impact on the debate. (6)Y ou should address the chair of the debate as Mr. Speaker or Madame Speaker. (7)Y ou can offer as many POIs as you like to each speaker, but if you stand up too often (or just after the speaker rejected a POI) then it can become annoying. Wait until the speaker finishes that point or moves on to another point, before offering another POI.(8)If you accept only one POI –or even no POIs –it looks like you are scared of what the other team has to say. However if you accept more than two, it might look like you have nothing to say yourself and are trying to fill in time!Two is just right.(9)One must respond to a POI once it is accepted. Y ou cannot just ignore it and carry on. If it really is in the material later in your speech, you can state that you will address it in then, but you must come back to it. It is better if you simply address the question briefly immediately.(10)What kind of POI can I ask? Pointing out a fact that disproves her/his pointShowing how her/his reasoning is flawed瑕疵Showing that the point or example that the speaker is making is not relevant Remind the adjudicators评委of a point you made earlier in the debate that is relevant (this is particularly useful if you are an opening team and the closing teams are now speaking)Introduce something that your team will say later in the debate –called “flagging”(if you are a closing team and the opening teams are speaking. Be careful doing this though –clever opening teams will hear this and will steal your arguments!)(11)The key to a good POI is that it is short and sharp. A good POI should be only 2 or 3 sentences long.(12)Confer with your partner (in a quiet whisper), as s/he may have a better POI to ask than youUpper House --- Lower HouseGovernment:Supporting Motion2 upper Government Speakers2 lower Government SpeakersOpposition:Arguing against Motion2 upper opposition Speakers2 lower opposition SpeakersUpper House(Opening)Prime Minister, 1st Government TeamLeader of the Opposition, 1st Opposition TeamDeputy Prime Minister, 1st Government TeamDeputy Leader of the Opposition, 1st Opposition TeamLower House (Closing)Member of Government, 2nd Government TeamMember of Opposition, 2nd Opposition TeamGovernment Whip, 2nd Government TeamOpposition Whip, 2nd Opposition TeamResponsibility:Opening Government (OG)This team’s job is to set up the debate. If the debate sucks, after the debate everyone will blame OG!! Setting up isn’t too hard though: it just means you need to properly define the topic –tell us what the debate is all about –and provide a positive case.- 1st Speaker (Prime Minister): Defines the topic, states what the split willbe between the 1st and 2nd speakers, and then produces arguments and reasons for supporting the motion.The definition should state the issue (or issues) for debate arising out of the motion and state the meaning of any terms in the motion that require interpretation. The Prime Minister should provide the definition at the beginning of his or her speech.The definition should be fair –it should set up the debate, not win it.A definition is not allowed to be:(1)time set, where a debate is set in the past or the future(2)Moral truism自明之理, something to which no real opposition exists (like “Genocide种族灭绝is bad”.)(3)self-proving, when the case is that something should or should not be done and there is no reasonable rebuttal(4)when a motion has an obvious meaning, you can not twist the wording of the motion to debate onto something else.How can the Opening Government set up the debate?Broadly, there are two kinds of motions: those that create policy debates, and those that create principle debates.A policy debate requires the teams to provide a solution to a problem –that means they have to convince us that we should actually do something. In debating, this solution is called a model.An example of a debate where model is needed would be: “This House Believes That We Should Ban Smoking In Public Places”.To set up this debate, the Opening Government team would have to do a few things:(1) tell us what public places are (i.e. the definition) and outline the specifics of such a ban (“we would ban the production, sale, and consumption of tobacco in all forms),(2) tell us exactly how smoking should be banned (the model could be fines, or perhaps jail?); (violators would be subject to criminal and civil sanctions commensurate with the severity of the violation, ranging from simple fines for possession to incarceration for repeated attempts to produce and distribute”); (in some cases, agent, financing, other terms)(3) tell us why smoking should be banned;(4) tell us why the ban should be the kind of ban that they propose (so if the ban they propose would see public smokers are jailed, the Opening Government must explain why this is so).Here’s an easy 4-step guide to setting up a policy debate:Gov Case (4 steps)There is a problem, which is…The cause of the problem is…Our solution (model) is…And it will work because…Should I challenge the proposition’s definition?Only the first speaker of the opposition allowed in theory.But don’t do it because debates about the definition is bad and horrible to watch.It is legitimate合法的,正常的to define where no definitions has been offered.- 2nd Speaker (Deputy Prime Minister): Rebuts the Opposition Leader, produces more positive reasons. Except for POIs, this the last time OG will get to speak in the debate, so the Deputy Prime Minister will normally provide a quick summary of OG’s case.Responsibility:Opening Opposition (OO)OO main just is to respond to OG. They also need to produce their own case. - 1st Speaker (Leader of Opposition): Rebuts the PM, provides the split and produces OO’s arguments.- 2nd Speaker (Deputy Leader of Opposition): Rebuts the Deputy Prime Minister case and produces positive matter, briefly sums up OO’s case. Responsibility:Closing Government (CG)CG rebuts OO and produces a case extension (see section 6: Extensions).- 1st Speaker (Member of Government): Rebuts OO and then outlines their team’s case extension. Then produces positive matter/arguments.- 2nd Speaker (Government Whip):Rebuts OO and CO with particular reference to their team’s case extension. Sum up the case of the Government bench and the debate. The speaker should avoid introducing new matter. Responsibility:Closing Opposition (CO)CO rebuts OO and CG and produces a case extension.- 1st Speaker (Member of Opposition): Rebuts the Government bench and then outlines their team’s case extension. Then produces positive matter/arguments.- 2nd Speaker (Opposition Whip): Rebuts the Government bench with particular reference to their team’s case extension. Sum up the case of the Opposition bench and the debate. Under no circumstances can this speaker of the team introduce new matter.Extension:(1)The role of the Closing Government and Closing Opposition teams in the debate is to provide an “extension”. (2)This means that they must introduce something new into the debate. (3)Don’t forget, your extension has to be consistent with your opening team’s position and arguments! Y ou can’t contradict 反驳their points.(4)The only rules to remember about case extensions is that:(a) Y our case must be clear.(b) It must be different from the 1st team’s case.(c) It must not contradict the 1st team’s case.(5)Extensions can be:a different perspective on the issue&a more in-depth analysis on the opening team’s caseExample 1: “This House Would Not Allow Nuclear Power.”The Opening Government -- nuclear power is dangerous, and that used nuclear material is bad for humans and the environment. This is the environmental concern.The Closing Opposition’s extension -- nuclear power should be opposed because the technology can be easily misused to make nuclear weapons. This extension is the security perspective.So in this example, the Closing Government’s position is consistent withOpening Government –they both oppose nuclear power –but they haveprovided a fresh set of reasons for supporting the OG’s policy.Example 2: This house would abolish the death penalty.OG -- the death penalty is inhumane, and that it is always wrong to take life ; the death penalty does not deter crime.CG -- use of the death penalty in the USA, showing that use of the death penalty there has targeted racial minorities and people from poorer socio-economic background (the race and socio-economic argument).-- highlight some examples in the USA where innocent people wereexecuted, and they quote the maxim that: “It is better that one hundredguilty men go free than that one innocent man is executed”(the possible miscarriage of justice argument).-- show how the predictions made by OG were proved to be true in the USA, by pointing out that, since the introduction of the death penalty in the USA, crime rates had in fact gone upMG&MO:What Tasks to Undertake?Task 1. Refutation-- Be brief (maybe 2 minutes)-- Focus on the most important objectionsTask 2. Extension (new material)-- Should be a major portion of your time-- Should contain much analysisTypes of Extension:(1)New line of argument:A new reason to explain why your side’s centralclaim is correct. This new reason is independent from the other reasonsthat have been given.(2)Deeper analysis of existing argument:More comprehensiveunderstanding of the arguments already discussed.Like onion-peeling,figure out the reason behind each arguments made.Maybe explain the theory behind these arguments.Maybe explain exactly how a vague theory directlyapplies to this situation(3)focused case study:Focus on one typical example and offer detailedanalysis of it.Explain why this typical example is similar (and so is a good guide to what will happen in the situation being debated).Example: The USA tried prohibiting alcohol in the 1930s, and it was a big failure.Looking at the details of banning alcohol shows us why banning smokingwill fail.Criteria of a good extension:New argument / analysisLoyalty (to previous team on your side)Advances the debate (clarifies issues)Whip speeches:(1)GW speech: Give direct refutation of MO extension&Give crystallization具体化:-- Direct comparison of GOV & OPP positions (2)OW speech:Give crystallization:-- Direct comparison;-- Should include indirect refutation to the whole GOV positionOW Should Not Refute GW Directly:(1)A Whip speech should be a reframing job, to highlight advantageous arguments.An experienced whip will reframe the debate by focusing on familiar andfavorable territory.(2)If OW makes direct refutation point by point towards GW, he falls intothe trap of just fighting on their terms.OW refutation of GW should be indirect.Criteria(标准)of a good whip speech:(1)Summarize in an honest & seemingly unbiased manner(2)Summarize in a way that supports your side of the motion(3)Summarize in a way that emphasizes your team’s extensionmaterialStrategy of Whip Speech1) Select the most important issues2) Select the issues at your advantage3) Avoid repeating opponents’remarks4) Analyze from a higher level/perspectiveWhip perspective is like judges’perspectiveMatter&manner:Matter :(1)content of the speech(2)arguments a debater uses to further his/her case and persuade the audience(3)includes arguments and reasoning, examples, case studies, facts and other material that attempts to further the case(4)includes positive material, rebuttals, points of information offered and points of information taken(5)matter should be relevant, logical and consistentManner:(1)presentation of the speech(2)style and structure a debater uses to further his/her case and persuade the audience.style:elements of style include eye contact, voice modulation, hand gestures, language, the use of notes and any other element which may affect the effectiveness of the presentation of the member.structure:Structure includes structure of the speech of the member and the structure of the speeches of the team (1)Individual structure:- elements of structure include the structure of the speech of the member and the structure of the speech of the team- each debater’s speech should include: an introduction, series of arguments and a conclusion- it should also be well-timed in accordance with the time limitations and the need to prioritise and apportion time to matter(2)Team structure:- both members should adopt a consistent approach- positive matter should be allocated to both members of the teamFinding Fundamental Questions:What is the purpose of …?…(government, education, punishment, etc.)What is the best way to …?What is the difference between …?Four-Step Refutation 驳斥Process:1. “They say…”(identify the target argument you will be refuting)2. “But I say…”(state the claim of your own refutation)3. “Because…”(provide support for your refutation)4. “Therefore…”(explain why the argument is important to the debate)Accepting&refusing POI:(1)To refuse a POI, the debater may say something like “No thank you”or “not at this time”or may simply use a hand gesture to indivate the person should take return to their seat(2)To accept a POI, simply say something like, “your point please”(3)Debaters should accept at least 1 and no more than 3 points during their speech(4)Don’t allow the opponent to follow up with additional questionsElements of Arguments:(1)Claim: the main point or conclusion of an argument.Evidence: any information on which the claim rests. Evidence is information that supports the claim.(2)Link: a link is a statement that creates a bridge between the evidence and the claim.(3)Reservation: not present in all arguments, a reservation explains special circumstances when the claim should be set aside.。
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Our valuesWe’re putting in place strong foundations to make BP a safer, moretrusted and more valuable company. As part of this process, we havefive values that express our shared understanding of what we believe,how we aim to behave and what we aspire to be as an organisation.我们实施强大的基础使英国石油公司一个更安全、更可信、更有价值的公司。
We’re putting in place strong foundations to make BP a safer, more trusted and more valuable company. As part of this process, we have five values that express our shared understanding of what we believe, how we aim to behave and what we aspire to be as an organisation.We are BPWhat we doWhat we stand forWe care deeply about how we deliver energy to the world.Above everything, that starts with safety and excellence in our operations. This is fundamental to our success. Our approach is built on respect, being consistent and having the courage to do the right thing. We believe success comes from the energy of our people. We have a determination to learn and to do things better. We depend upon developing and deploying the best technology, and building long-lasting relationships. We are committed to making a real difference in providing the energy the world needs today, and in the changing world of tomorrow. We work as one team. We are BP.What we valueSafetySafety is good business. Everything we do relies upon the safety of our workforce and the communities around us. We care about the safe management of the environment. We are committed to safely delivering energy to the world.RespectWe respect the world in which we operate. It begins with compliance with laws and regulations. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards and behave in ways that earn the trust of others. We depend on the relationships we have and respect each other and those we work with. We value diversity of people and thought. We care about the consequences of our decisions, large and small, on those around us.ExcellenceWe are in a hazardous business, and are committed to excellence through the systematic and disciplined management of our operations. We follow and uphold the rules and standards we set for our company. We commit to quality outcomes, have a thirst to learn, and to improve. If something is not right, we correct it.CourageWhat we do is rarely easy. Achieving the best outcomes often requires the courage to face difficulty, to speak up and stand by what we believe. We always strive to do the right thing. We explore new ways of thinking and are unafraid to ask for help. We are honest with ourselves, and actively seek feedback from others. We aim for an enduring legacy, despite the short term priorities of our world.One TeamWhatever the strength of the individual, we will accomplish more together. We put the team ahead of our personal success and commit to building its capability. We trust each other to deliver on our respective obligations.Business pattenEveryone benefits from business relationshipsbased on trust and honest discussion.They are vital to our success.To make sure our business relationships work toeveryone’s advantage, we need to understand theneeds of our stakeholders and work with themhonestly, respectfully and responsibly. This includesour customers, contractors, suppliers, joint venturepartners and other third parties. While we need tobe competitive, everything we do must always beboth legal and fair. We are a responsible companycommitted to meeting our obligations and buildinglong-lasting relationships.PeopleWe are one team. Whatever the strength of theindividual, we will accomplish more together.We put the team ahead of our personal successand commit to building its capability.We also trust each other to deliver on ourrespective obligations.We are committed to creating a workplacethat is characterised by respect for people’srights, responsibility, excellence and mutual trust.We value diversity of people and thought.We believe everyone should have equalopportunity. We recruit, select and developour people on merit – irrespective of their race,colour, national origin, religion, gender, age,sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status,disability, or any other characteristic protectedby the applicable laws.We work in good faith, within the appropriatelegal framework, with trade unions and otherbodies that our people collectivelyThe role of the Ethics &Compliance FunctionBP has an independentfunction to administerand oversee its ethics and compliance programme under the direction of the Group Ethics & Compliance Officer. Ethics & Compliance• Holds an independent view of the significant ethics and compliance risks faced by BP, where those risks could materialize and the appropriate responses to be applied.• Assesses the BP leadership toneand ethical culture and ensuresthat the highest ethical standardsare followed.• Sets expectations for effective BP ethics and compliance programme elements, including frameworks, standards, processes, systems,tools, training and communications. • Supports BP businesses andfunctions to implement programmesto meet their ethical and legal obligations and effectively manage/ mitigate identified ethics and compliance risks.• Stops any transaction or activity which could be in breach of the BP Code of Conduct or applicable legal compliance requirements.• Provides support to help employees and others resolve ethical dilemmas and comply with the BP Codeof Conduct, BP Standards and applicable laws.• Operates OpenTalk and ensures associated investigations conformto the Group Fraud and Misconduct Reporting Standard.• Conducts independent investigations into ethics and compliance matters, where appropriate.• Retains and instructs legal counsel to conduct investigations and provideother support to the BP ethics and compliance programme.• Supports and assists businessand functional leaders to enforce consistent disciplinary procedures for breaches of the BP Code of Conductand the incorporation of ethicsand compliance into performance appraisal and other HR processes.• Objectively monitors and assesses the adequacy of the BP ethicsand compliance programme tomanage/mitigate the group’s significant ethics and compliancerisks and, where appropriate, makes recommendations for improvement.• Objectively assesses the effectiveness of the BP ethics and compliance programme to meet stakeholder (including regulatory) requirements.• Represents BP with regulators and government officials on matters concerning ethics and compliance.• Provides periodic assessmentsand reports on the BP ethics and compliance programme to theExecutive Team and the Boardof Directors Safety, Ethics and Environment Assurance Committeeand Main Board Audit Committee。