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• Which is more of a friend, someone______ or someone________? • If you need help, who can help you better, someone_______ or someone_________?
Para 4-5:
★Relationships are often quite_s_h_a_ll_ow___. ★Real relationships are often__sa_c_r_if_ic_e_d_, and personal peace is_d_e_st_r_o_y_ed__.
The structure of the passage.
No personal value seeing each other face to telephones face
Para 3:
Main point
Supporting details
There is something important about being together and sharing life that cannot be found over a telephone wire.
Careful Reading
Para 1-2:
Famous Reasons
No cars
like having tight communities where everyone lives close together
No TVs or have no electricity, do not think it refrigerators necessary and dislike dealing with
Main points
Supporting Details
• d_i_s_t_u_rb__ family No matter what the circumstances,
time • _d_e_s_tr_o_y__ the
when the phone_r_i_n_g_s__,
everything stops so that the call can be_a_n_s_w__e_re_d_ .
book or tries to rest.
★When __h_a_v_in_g__ a face-to-face
talk with a friend.
Para 6:
Main points
Supporting Details
Using the mobile phonபைடு நூலகம் for text messages is the worst.
But the Amish r_e_j_ec_t__ cars because they like having _t_ig_h__ communities. They do not think it is necessary and dtislike _d_e_a_li_n_g__w_i_th_ strangers. They _o_p_p_o_s_e_ seeing each other face to face and __v_a_lu__e__ having telephones in their houses.
Reading comprehension
1. What’s the author’s attitude with “maybe”?
He is doubtful about those solutions.
2.What is the tone of the last sentence?
A. Hopeful.
B. Humorous. C. Depressed.
3. What might be the author’s attitude towards the
use of modern technology?
A. Approving
B. Acceptable
C. Disapproving D. Contradictory(矛盾的)
Part 1(Para1-2) _I_n_tr_o_d__u_c_t_io_n__to the Amish way of life
Part 2(Para3-6) _D_i_s_a_d_v__a_n_t_a_g_e_s_of the telephone
Part 3(Para7-8) Possible _S__o_lu__ti_o_n_s_ to the problem of using phones
1. How many of you have a mobile phone? 2. What can you do with mobile phones? 3. What life will be like without mobile phones?
Predict Title:_To_p_h_o_ne__or_n_o_t t_o_p_h_on_e_?__
In __g_en__er_a_l theyh_a_v_e__a_h_i_g_h_e_r_d_e_g_r_e_e_o_f_ mental health than most people and have very calm and s_t_a_b_le___ lives because they value community and living _in__p_e_a_c_e___ above all else, especially new technology.
Use key words to fill in the blanks:
The telephone is very _c_o_n_v_e_n_ie_n_tfor communication, and most people in the world today can’t l_i_v_e_w_i_t_h_o_utit,
peace one has • _w_a_s_t_e__ your
precious time.
★ When the family are__e_a_ti_n_g_ dinner or_c_h_a_tt_i_n_g_ together. ★When one is _a_b_s_o_r_b_e_d_ in a