PETS5写作-2nd lesson-王帆




Some Traditional Values / Virtues
modesty, honesty, diligence, respecting the old
and taking care of the children, good manners (li), due concern for rituals and customs, benevolent concern for one’s fellow men (jen) personal conduct, morality, moral standards, Confucianism, Confucius
Analysis of the second Writing Assignment:
Part of speech:
1.) Firstly, traditional values of older generations include thrifty, diligent, and brave, and honest, and so on. 1.) Firstly, traditional values of older generations include working hard, being diligent, brave, honest, and so on. 2.) Although the society is forwarding… 2.) Although the society is developing forward,… 3.) Young people pay much attention to their relax time. 3.) Young people pay much attention to their leisure/spare time. 4.) It’s one aspect of society advances. 4.) It’s one aspect of social advances.



xxPETS5写作流程和模板为了帮助大家更好地复习公共英语五级写作,网为大家提供了PETS-5的写作流程和模版,希望对大家有帮助!Issue1)起始段写法方法(1),先复述原题,表明立场Thespeakerassertsthat_________.Althoughthespeaker’spositionisnotwhollyinsupportable,farmorepellingargumentsca nbemadefor_______.1.复述原题,指出其复杂性,说明自己的立场Theissuethat_______isaplexone,sinceitinvolvesaconflictbetwe en_____and_______.Inmyview,thefinaljudgmentshoulddependonac ase-by-caseanalysisoftwokeyfactors.2.复述两种立场,表明立场Sincethe1960s,therehasbeensomeheateddiscussiononthe________ .Somepeoplemaintainthat__________,whileotherpeoplearguethat _______.Byparison,Itendtofavorlatterpointofview.2)中间段写法方法(1)有让步的同意Tobeginwith,paredwiththepast,greatchangeshavetakenplaceinth e________.Asaresult,________.Withthetimegoesby,itisnaturalt hat________.What’smore,(原因2)thepatternof______asawholealsoundergoescertaindramatictra nsformation.So_________.(原因3)Finally,thecountryhas,forthepastdecades,witnessedanupsurg eof______.Sonowadays,avarietyofmoderntechnicaldevicesareava ilable.Byandby,theyoungpeoplefinditmoreconvenienttocontactt heirparentsthroughtelephoneorE-mailsinsteadofstayingwiththe irparents.Thosewhoadvocate_________mightpointoutthat______. Evenso,thesituationisnotabsolute,norisitthemostcriticalelem ent.Asamatteroffact,______.方法(2)有让步的不同意Admittedly,thosewhopreachabouttheso-calledadvantagesof_____ docontainsomeelementoftruth.Forinstance,__________.Neverthe less,thesearguerstendtoneglectthreeotheressentialfactors,th emostimportantofwhich,Ipropose,isthat________.Additionally, numerousstudieshaveshownthat_________.Finally,suppose______ who______.Surelyenough,____________.方法(3)拒绝选择立场Sincethe1960s,theworldhaswitnessedsomedramaticchangesinthe_ ______.Undersuchconditions,itisnotunmonthat______________.F orexample,________.Insomeotherinstances,however,theabove-me ntionedsituationisnotalwaysadequate.Forinstance,suppose____ _____who_______.Surelyenough,_________.Anotherexceptiontoth isapproachisthecaseof_______.Admittedly,theseareexceptional cases,yettheydoexist.3)结论段方法(1)重申立场Inconclusion,__________.方法(2)重申立场,提一些建议措施Giventheconsiderationsabove,itissafetoconcludethat______has exertedimpactsonthesustainabledevelopmentof_____,butwhatmea suresshouldbetakentoarrestandreversethissituation?______are expectedtolaunchprehensiveprojectsthatattachdueimportanceto ______.Foranotherthing,peopleinurbanareas,______inparticula r,areexpectedtoenhancetheirawarenessthat_______.Manyoptions stillexist,andhumanbeingscanstillhaveabrightfutureunderahar moniousfamilyatmosphere.Asanoldsayinggoes,“______.”ISSUE写作“五不能”1)观点不能缺乏角度2)观点绝对不能化3)专业术语不能过多4)例证陈腐不能陈腐5)不能过度依赖个人经历Argumentation1)起始段方法(1)Sincethe1960s,therehasbeensomeheateddiscussiononthe______.S omepeoplemaintainthat_________.Whattheypreachaboutdoesconta insomeelementsoftruth,however,throughdecadesofobservationan dpractice,itturnsoutthattheirstatementhasmanyrestrictions.方法(2)Theauthorofthisargumentclaimsthat_________.Tosupportthiscla imtheauthorcitescertainevidenceinvolvinghisownexperienceand observationwiththeissue.However,closescrutinyofthisevidence revealsthatitlendslittlecreditfortheauthor’sassertion.方法(3)Thestatementendorsedinthisremarkisthat_______.However,thisargumentinvolvesthesortofgrossoversimplificationandemotional appealtypicalofeloquenceandrhetoric.Forthisreason,itisrathe rconvincing.2)拓展段:首先承认前者观点的合理之处,然后找到至少两点坏处方法(1)Admittedly,thosewhopreachabouttheso-calledadvantagesof_____ docontainsomeelementoftruth.Forinstance,__________.Neverthe less,thesearguerstendtoneglectthreeotheressentialfactors.Fi rst,______.Second,_______.Thirdandlast,_______.Tosumup,then otionheldbytheauthorisnotjustified.方法(2)Themajorproblemwiththisargumentisthat__________.Anotherprob lemthatunderminestheargumentaboveisthat_______.Grantedthat_ _______,itdoesn’tfollowthat__________.方法(3)Admittedly,theideaheldbythosewho__________doescontainanelem entoftruth.Forexample,aordingtothesurvey,_________.Butthese arguerstendtoignoretwootheressentialaspects.First,thearguersfailtotakeintoaountthepossibilitythat__________.Inthissens e,______isnotalwayssynonymousto________.Second,thearguers’assertiondoesn’tprovidesufficientdatatonarrowdowntheexactextentofthefinanc ialloss.Therefore,anyfurtherconclusionaddressingtheproblemo fspaceresearchmustbebasedonthoroughinvestigationAsamatterof fact,___________.Inthisrespect,moneyreturnisnotthesolehallm arkofthespaceresearch.Givenreasonsabove,theargumentabove,un deracarefulexamination,turnsouttobegroundlessinitshastyconc lusion.3)结论段写法方法(1)总结漏洞Inconclusion,thearguers’evidencelendslittlecrediblesupporttoherclaim.Topersuadepeop lethatspaceresearchisawasteofmoney,thearguerswouldneedtopro videclearevidence,sufficientdataandthoroughcost-benefitanal ysisofalternatives方法(2)提出建议措施Giventheconsiderationsabove,itissafetoconcludethat______has exertedimpactsonthesustainabledevelopmentof_____,butwhatmea suresshouldbetakentoarrestandreversethissituation?Foronething,______areexpectedtolaunchprehensiveprojectsthatattachdui mportanceto______.Foranotherthing,peopleinurbanareas,______ inparticular,areexpectedtoenhancetheirawarenessthat_______. Manyoptionsstillexist,andhumanbeingscanstillhaveabrightfutu reunderaharmoniousfamilyatmosphere.Asanoldsayinggoes,“______.”。

PETS5写作-4th lesson-王帆

PETS5写作-4th lesson-王帆
练习 很多中国小孩是在父母的溺爱中成长起来的,他们的行为习惯不 够好。 Many children in China are raised being spoilt by their parents and misbehaved. 改成: 行为不好的往往是那些被父母宠坏的小孩。 Children who misbehave are normally those who have been spoilt by their parents.
弊端一:个体不代表整体,缺乏说服力 弊端二:有捏造的嫌疑
Eg. 几天前,我看了一个描述单亲家庭如何辛苦谋生的新闻报道。 I read a news report days ago describing how a single parent struggles.
One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products. Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development. Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.



PETS-5考试写作PETS-5考试写作精选范文篇一:Write all article titled as “Knowledge Economy”.You should write it according to the following outline.Outline:(1) A new knowledge economy age is coming near.(2) What is “knowledge economy”.(3) The knowledge economy age presents both opportunities and challenges to us.You should write no less than 250 words.Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2.One possible version:Knowledge economy was still something unheard of just a decade a90.But today it has become a household word and is on everybody’s lips.Knowledge economy is not only a concept now,but will be a reality in near future.At the turn of the century,a new knowledge economy age is approaching us.In the l980s,when people talked about the Third Wave and the post-in-dustrial society,knowledge economy remained a concept yet to be crystal-lized.However,in the l990s,with knowledge playing an increasingly vital role in every sphere imaginable of our economic life,a knowledge—based economy is gradually taking shape.Simply stated,knowledge economy is a kind of economic system based on the production,storage,distribution and consumption of knowledge and information products,Knowledge economy is knowledge—intensive,energy—saving as well as environment-friendly.In the knowledge economy era,economic development relies heavily on scienceand technology.For example,the information industry in the US has already ac— counted for l0%of its gross domestic product and is expected to enjoy a further increase in the years to come.This imminent knowledge economy age presents both vast opportunities and immense challenges to every nation.Worldwide competition in knowledge and information,science and technology,inventions and patents,natural and human resources will become even more fierce.As the saying goes,“Knowledge is power”,and so the gap between countries,in the final analysis,is the gap of knowledge.To meet these challenges posed by knowledge economy,our country should raise the overall quality of her labor force and cultivate more and more specialized personnel.。



PETS5 写作要求1-()表示可有可无的话,字不够就加上。



具体表述如下:TOPIC:Some people like A;others like B. Which one do you prefer ——A or B?Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.(2)给出两个对立事物或一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生说明二者为什么不同或比较它们的优缺点,并给出理由。

具体表述如下:TOPIC:Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.对立观点式的三种模板:1. 人们往往看到B的明显优点而忽视了它的缺点,同时A的内在优势没有被重视。

第一段:To choose A or to choose B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B while neglect the genuinely good aspects of A.第二段:[For B,people are often driven to believe that / It is quite easy for common people to CHOOSE B because of the obvious reason that] ____________. (As a proverb says,"Everything has two sides".)Although B does have its seemingly profound advantages,in the meantime [there lie [harmful characteristics/ intrinsic drawbacks] in it such as ____________ / it can be achieved only conditionally because____________] . Some [people/experts] [maintain/warn] that____________. However,it is often overlooked [by the public/most people]. (Therefore we have no complete evidence to suggest that B is always better than A.)第三段:Unfortunately,the innate quality of A is often underestimated.或:What is more,if you notice the invisible benefits of CHOOSING A,you can understand A more deeply. Here I would explain a few of the most important reasons for choosing A. 第一点原因。

pets5 英语作文模板

pets5 英语作文模板

pets5 英语作文模板One possible version:There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not the relationship between familymembers is as close as before. Diverse contributing factors can be identified. in the following,would like to present my point of view.Great changes have taken place in family life along with the development of society. One ofthem is that the once-extended family tends to be-come smaller and smaller. Many childrenhave to leave their parents at an early age to study or work elsewhere. As time passes, childrenbecome emotionally estranged from their parents.Compared with the past, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce. People are urged toconcentrate their efforts upon work, so that they can achieve success, or at least a goodstandard of living. As a result, they can't afford to spend their leisure hours with their families.The importance of bonds of kinship isgradually fading from their minds. In addition, theavailability of various kinds of recreational facilities al-so diverts people from enjoying chats withthe members of their families. Their free time is mostly occupied by watching Ty, surfing theInternet or playing video games. They come to lose interest in communicating with the othermembers of their families.。



原因解释型1. 给出一个事实,要求解释它的原因。

陈述这个事实As is know by all,……Among countless factors which contribute to XXX,there exist three most conspicuous ones:One of the primary causes is that…XXX also results from……is responsible for xxx,as well.To put all into a nutshell,I draw the conclusion that A,B and C are three main contributors to XXX2. What should we do? How do something influence our lives? what are the characters of something.背景描述There are numerous approaches to solving…/impacts on sth. /characteristics of…,and I would explore the most conspicuous ones there.One of the primary method,to my mind,is that…one of the primary impact,to my mind,is that…one of the primary characteristic,to my mind,is that…a more subtle point which we must consider is that…In addition/ furthermore ……In conclusion,Taking into account of all these methods/ affects / aspects,we may reach the conclusion that……给出一个事实,要求解释它的原因。



xx年公共英语pets5写作范文Many technological innovations have been “double-edged swords” with positive and negative effects on society at large. The automobile is one of such innovations. What do you think is the overall impact of automobiles on society? Write an expository essay (about 300 words) expressing your views on it.The issue that the automobile production is a double-edged sword is rather plex, since it involves a conflict between industrial expansion and the strategy ofsustainable development. However, the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of several key factors.Since the 1960s, the world has witnessed some dramatic changes in the automobile technology. As a result, agrowing number of transport vehicles have been manufactured, thus providing citizens with growing convenience and efficiency. Additionally, some economists believe that automobile production contributes to the national economyby paying more tax and providing more job vacancies. For example, In the United States or Japan, automobile industry remains the backbone of their marketing economy, theprimary source of national wealth and the major provider of jobs. However, in some other instances, the above-mentioned situation is not always adequate. For instance, suppose a car that is poorly designed and gives off such poisonousgas as monoxide, methane or acetylene. Surely enough, the more cars a pany manufactured, the more likely automobile production should be responsible for the environmental degradation of urban regions and the worsening health ofthe citizens. Another exception to this approach is thecase of traffic congestion. Admittedly, when vehicles of various kinds rush to the same avenue, traffic jams invariably our, which always gives rise to delays or aidents. These are exceptional cases, yet the do exist.Given the analysis above, it is justified to conclude that a proper use of automobiles has to be emphasized. For one thing, governmental departments are obliged to take concrete measures to boost automobile production while keeping track of the emission of pollutants. For another thing, citizens should be aware of the corresponding side effects while enjoying the leisure of their car ride. Onlyin this way can they benefit greatly from the rapid growthof automobile manufacture. (305 words)With the increasing popularity of the Inter, someone says," The more friends you get on line, the fewer friends you will have around you." Write an essay (about 250 words) expressing your views on the statement.It is generally believe that nowadays, Inter is bee mon stools in people’s lives. First, it give people a way to understand the outside world. But, everything has two sides,puters are sometimes bad. The more frequent we use puters, the less likely we get to know other people. What aterrible scene if we have a puter, but not friends!Why this happened? At the first place, when we use puters, we read from them, learn from them and print them. Therefore we may think: “ Because puters do us a lot, why bother other people.” Last but not the least, when people play on the inter and talk on the inter, they feel lonely because they have no friends in the real life. In addition, inter delivers mails fastly without any hesitation, so people prefer using then again and again. And they are not willing to visit their friends. What is more, when we use puters for a long time, we are tired and want to go to bed to sleep. I am a hardworking student who is specialized with puter application. Once upon a time, I spend ten hours on puters. As last, I tired, and suddenly I lost my mind and dropped down from downstairs. But for help from my roommates, I would not live in physics and spirit. You see, puters almost kill me. I owe greatly to my friends and wish that I could live as long as them.What should we do in this situation? We must control puter. For one thing, we must know that it is not good to spend too much time on puters. Of course, most puters do us good, but some others do us harm, such as helping to cheat on line. As we know, we must use puters to serve our needsrather than falling to a slave to them. Only in this way can we have a better life.(317 words)。

pets5 英语作文模板

pets5 英语作文模板

pets5 英语作文模板英文回答:Having pets can bring so much joy and companionshipinto our lives. I have had several pets throughout my life, including dogs, cats, and even a hamster. Each one has brought something special into my life and has taught me valuable lessons about love and responsibility.One of the pets I had was a golden retriever named Max. He was such a loyal and loving companion. Whenever I was feeling down or stressed, he would always come over and nuzzle me, as if he knew exactly what I needed. Max taught me the true meaning of unconditional love, and I will always be grateful for the time we spent together.Another pet I had was a Siamese cat named Luna. She was feisty and independent, but also incredibly affectionate. Luna would always curl up in my lap when I was watching TV or reading a book, purring contentedly. She taught me thateven the most independent creatures still need love and attention.Having pets has also taught me valuable lessons about responsibility. I had to make sure they were fed, exercised, and taken care of properly. It taught me the importance of being reliable and dependable, as my pets were depending on me for their well-being.Overall, having pets has enriched my life in so many ways. They have brought me joy, companionship, and valuable life lessons. I can't imagine my life without them.中文回答:养宠物可以给我们的生活带来很多快乐和陪伴。









1.写作注意事项(1) 充分运用和体现自己的感官印象。

(2) 确立描写的重点,要精挑那些能够体现所描写对象突出品质和主要特征的细节和实例,抓住最富有感染力的情节来写。

(3) 描写的角度和次序要选择好。

(4) 描写与叙述二者紧密联系。

(5) 使用形象生动的语言,尽量不用特别复杂的.词汇和句子。

2.描写分类(1) 写人。



(2) 写地方。



(3) 写物。



(4) 写景。





写作时需注意:(1) 中心思想和写作目的要明确,一切情节都围绕中心展开。

(2) 要有一定的情景或背景。

(3) 要有充分且生动的事例和细节。

(4) 要合理安排好写作次序。

(5) 发展的角度必须一致。

(6) 文章要短小精悍。

(7) 需结合描写。





1.五段论(一边倒)式写法的结构 五段论(一边倒)
第一段: 第一段:提出观点 第二段:理由段1 第二段:理由段 第三段: 理由段2 第三段: 理由段 第四段: 第四段:让步段 第五段: 结尾段, 第五段: 结尾段,得出结论
♦ 开头段一定要语言精练,并且直接切入主题。
开头段不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证 或叙述应该在理由段进行。一般在开头段写四, 五句即可。
You have read an article in a magazine with the following statement:“ The rapid rise in world population has resulted in the increased consumption of the world’s resources. Population growth is undoubtedly a grim threat to the world’s nonrenewable resources. Countries all over the world have no choice but to compete with one another for the world’s diminishing resources.” Write an essay for the same magazine. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example. You should write no less than 250 words.
一篇较差的作文表现为: 一篇较差的作文表现为:



The rise in the percentage of the Chinese rich deciding to emigrate for the host countries like the USA, Canada, and Australia has been repeatedly reported (has recently aroused the public concern/has been brought to public attention/ has been in the limelight). The majority of the people hold that such a trend should call for a quick measure from the central government. They argue that the present tide of emigration to the United States and many other developed countries will surely lead to the heavy cost of state property or financial assets if permitted to continue, or may even lead to the economic collapse of China.Others claim that the reverse is true. In their view, the decisions by the multimillionaires should not be to blame. In China of the 21st century, they should enjoy the same freedom as the average people to make their own choice and have their personal resources at their own disposal.There is probably some truth in both of the arguments, but I view this issue a bit differently. To me, it is the government that should take on the responsibility for the current problems that have long plagued the nation, such its rigid education system, worsening social environment, high living costs like housing and seeing the doctor and food safety. It is time that the government did some reflections on/ rethought /self-examined these problems.One of the hottest topics many people are talking about now is the rigid or unfair education system, which, to the general public, is not conducive (favorable/encouraging) to the survival of creative talents, but kills the young students’ inclinations (potentials) to be creative/innovate. People like Qian Xuesheng keep asking the same question of why Chinese education fails to produce its own great masters, and the similar question of whyChina doesn’t have its own Steve Jobs, the question triggered by the discussion of millions of Chinese on Apple and its innovation after Steve Job’s death.Another dilemma is the housing problem, which exerts a substantial impact on the lives of most of the citizens. According to a survey released recently, nearly 60 percent of the millionaires surveyed are considering leaving China due to the housing problem or higher living cost, which has aroused the wide concern or even the complaint of the general pubic. It is true that the multimillionaires are capable of buying a house or even more than two in Beijing or in Shanghai, even if the housing price is the same as that in New York, but in China you enjoy no other benefits. To live abroad, the cost is not higher, but you definitely enjoy much more.Certainly there are many other factors that contribute to the Chinese rich considering leaving China. Some people express their worry that the choice of the Chinese rich to emigrate may lead to the economic collapse of China and that the government should take rigid measures to stop this new tide of migration . However, this is not the best solution to this problem. The individuals’ wealth constitutes merely a small proportion of the national wea lth and their emigration will not shake China’s economy.The key point under discussion here is that the government should make a more giant step to reforms and opening-up. Awareness of why there are an increasing number of the Chinese rich choosing to apply for migration is probably the first step toward the solution to the problem. It is suggested that considerable efforts should be made by the government to take more effective actions to tackle the problems that affect the people’s livelihood. The government should place specialemphasis on the present situation of education system, it should improve the social and natural environments, it should narrow down the gap between the poor and the rich by lowering high living costs, and the housing cost in particular, and it should strengthen the rigorous supervision of food safety.Related topics:There has been much of the discussion on the web about the polarization of the poor and the rich. Some argue that the rich should be heavily taxed to narrow down the poor-rich gap, while others claim that the government should place more emphasis on the problems of people’s livelihood such as education and high living cost.Write an article to join the discussion expressing your own opinion about this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument. You should write no less than 250 words.。

PETS5写作-3rd lesson-王帆

PETS5写作-3rd lesson-王帆

One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.
Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.
第二句:有了广告的存在,消费者可以获得市场最新的信息,包 括产品或者服务的特点,由此作出更明智的购买决定。 With the presence of advertising, a consumer is able to acquire the latest information in the market, such as properties of a product or service, and thereby make a wiser buying decision. ——extension的方法阐述广告所具备的作用; example的方法来解释广告可以给消费者提供什么重要信息
第三句:相对而言,如果没有广告的话,消费者因缺乏对市场上 更好产品的认识,有可能购买意见不能够满足自己需要的产品。 By contrast, without advertising, a consumer is at the risk of purchasing a product that fails to meet all of his or her needs, because of lack of knowledge of better alternatives in the market. ——contrasting的手法,阐述如果没有广告消费者会受到影响



With the increasing popularity of the Internet, someone says," The more friends you get on line, the fewer friends you will have around you." Write an essay (about 250 words) expressing your views on the statement.【范文】Recently, there has been heated discussion on the increasing popularity of the Internet. Some people emphasized that individuals are so indulged in Internet browse and surfing that they increasingly feel isolated from the reality. As someone says: “the more friends one gets on line, the fewer he has around him.”The issue above is rather complex, for it involves a conflict between two divergent means of communication. The final judgment, I am afraid, rests upon a combination of three essential aspects.To begin with, great changes have taken place in the scientific technology. As a result, Internet, the gem of the twentieth century, always provides people with the up-to-date information. With time goes by, it is natural that people, teenagers in particular, rely on computers for information rather than turning to their friends and relatives. What is more, the means of communication as a whole also undergoes certain dramatic transformation. Accordingly, the younger generation, with the aid of electric mailboxes, QQ or on-line chats, can successfully contact their parents or colleagues. Gradually, E-mails, the symbol of convenience, tends to replace such traditional means such as weekend dinners and celebrating parties Some observers might point out that the traditional means of communication will not fade away, and sooner or later people will be aware of their importance. Evenso, the situation is not absolute, nor is it the most critical element. As a matter of fact, the distance between two locations, the time spent on transport vehicles as well as exhaustion from jobs will definitely compel people to choose more effective and convenient methods to keep contact with others.To sum up, it is safe to conclude that along with the computer boom, a growing number of people will rely on Internet to communicate with others. However, while they are doing so, it is likely that they have fewer friends around them.。

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C. 社会角度:社会的整体良性发展,环境问题,卫生情况,文化艺术
D. 公众角度:公众利益,个人的利益和便利(衣食住行)
A. 社会能力和工作能力:生存、交际、交流、实践、工作能力 B. 学校表现和学习能力:科技理论只是的掌握、能力的提高、课程
转折关系 nevertheless
/ whereas on the contrary by contrast on the other hand while
因果关系 consequently
therefore / thus
accordingly / hence
The library needs a quiet, clean and tidy
environment. What the library needs is a quiet, clean and tidy environment. It is a quiet, clean and tidy environment what the library needs.
Not only is the flat located …, but also…
Cats always fascinate human beings.
Cats never fail to fascinate human
always, often, usually= never fail to
○ Conciseness-清晰、不过长
○ Topic sentence ○ Supporting sentences (three)
○ 构思 写什么观点 怎么写中心句 怎么支持中心句
I always get up at 6:00 in the morning.
I never fail to get up… . Travel is always a topic between us. Travel never fails to be a topic… .
Eg. Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects?
A. 经济角度:社会的经济利益、经济发展、发展经济的契机 B. 科技角度:科技发展带来的机遇和危机,工业生产,高科技设备,
适合的产品 广告有时候会夸大其词,误导消费者,让消费者购买自己并 不需要的产品
Eg. 2.写成三个中心句
One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.
National Stadium.
The flat stands on Fangcao Street.
On Fangcao Street stands the flat. A beautiful girl sat in front of me. In front of me sat a beautiful girl.
By the side of the Water Cube lies the National Stadium.
The National Stadium lies by the side of
the Water Cube.
By the side of the Water Cube lies the
三点一线 亮点——多
○词 ○句 ○ 有效连词
○ 名人名言、谚语
顺序关系 first
of all / to begin with what is more / moreover in addition / furthermore meanwhile / in the meantime last but not least finally / most importantly
Never ……
Are you …? Do you like …? Can you speak …?
Never have I had this delicious food.
I never dreamt of you alive.
Never did I dream of you alive.
Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.
新东方PETS-5系列课程 之
哈尔滨新东方 王帆
中间段-理由 结尾段-随便
○ Correctness-用词、用句、拼写 ○ Coherence & Consistency-逻辑好
○ Cogency-观点有力,说服改卷
Street, but also it is 25 square meters.
倒装——never, but also …
Are you …?
not only
The flat is not only located on FC Street,
Not only……
Do you like …? Can you speak …?
problem be finally solved.
We can have a clean environment only
when we all concern the health of our human being.
Only when we all concern the health of
Eg. Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects?
1.构思三个观点 题材的分类
①国际问题 ③科技发展 ⑤生活家庭 ⑦教育问题
②经济问题 ④文化娱乐 ⑥环境问题
as a result
in short / to sum up
举例关系 for
instance as an example / illustration let’s take … as an example say
个人观点 in
my opinion to my knowledge as far as I know personally
Eg. Some argue that keeping dogs as pets can disturb the neighbors and dog shits make unsightly scenes. While others argue that keeping dogs as pets is healthy to the elderly.
I will never give up self-confidence.
Never will I give up self-confidence.
倒装-标志 否定词-never, not only only
I realize I am wrong only when you tell
安排、设施配置、教学方法和社会要求接 轨、重视理论还是实践、教学质量、教师 素质
C. 性格和情感健康:健康的业余爱好和活动,性格开朗积极,行为
端正,社会问题(暴力、色情、媒体、犯罪) 家庭教育、单身家庭、贫困、父母影响
D. 身体健康:参加体育活动、好的生活习惯
Who I love is you.
It is you who I love.
We require a clean public place.
What we require is a clean public place. It is a clean public place what we require.
Generally speaking, what economic