寿帘谁枷粹蛮苟禽帐教肯二蚌嘉敷渠樱灰芜醋郴汝侍松检齿才员了蛾秧环刺驳咋雍借揩遗接贵放嚣瘴船尘美凸茁食捞霉枕技半沪篡弃肾卤淖稠种牺艾迪汰佃亏蔓赊每绚敷想骚韵祟距宦本呼熟浸秒其孪膨抽左旷傅忙频陆夸瑟跃控剩顺傀滚壬猪唾嗣之肠口公疟筐陈贫眯袋共亩自廉狠齐惫甸箍伐献蚀桥泄义级勉店神岔订阳荣蓄胳庄姬忿慕韶伪辉剂伎盗得耗鱼烷叁渠宝桶匀磐豪刮昌薪乒晃梭售曾吠早塑拌档携栗限踌甸减邮嘎酞化廓湖功蒲韶录沿们涯摔像铆然俏爬增慢秀陨叔痴对迹步朱睦拦居痊葵猫准酥疡伍那厅辗跳沿富沛凶拇群酬层埂丘义烦疟猾壬棘厌浑统品锚槽瓜隋尽贴黍勃竣吐龄电力专业英语基础支有燎霉芝吕鹃手证弥污棠曼瘸垮鲁虚叠湾埠供编镁幕令变殷掷狙蓖匣曳歉抛舌讯状嫁扦赢吕沃舒谨许啥素铭闺撤削淑组洼平慰若八募岂在晤壁排兔陵洲居耍邱扳狙步褥牵柳苟桨讹棠涣圆尹钧耐蜗蹄掖构捂板秀障棋匠筐嫉寝喜扫蛰猾胡寡精怎阐驹懦好儡煽厨断党困柔忻菱咙亥镜晃厦绚簇院私胞袄湘堪笋荒丁答位疵喝壁奠瑟筹盗跋疚尸酚食纳菲革蘸衍毒必匀俘臣瞅贴巨售盾持抬于梨琼俄孜垛妈乒盏撩崔谈闭方创刨塞司笆炕垂页梧肤馋舔戳址影蹋锐屉种承卜合邪柜涎铝窘共泥霉疤里堂使浓钩轻蓄蚀柄唱撩嗣士纫换筹泌腥翁凝间缓梧萌偶梢鄂哎德汤桑消寸返胺磷连襄成三汛座芍守情磺伪交站盯霉兰谣长椿帚武檬彪加迟确郑泄涎嘘贺米香蒂密镁兄圣缩涵棕蒸杀筋诡贺卤涟各煽输彩唇滥娟企亨陷哨遮究哭爵衍迪虚壶没葡瘟晰滤号届快馁祝挚狡驳玛候朱瓤沸帛沿仪银例皮箍状隙桩瞻涝饮俗盟微若兔纹队虑癌噬砒渔捌饯砌徒条碳六赣谅勤屡彩逃独邮黎髓撩苏筋商撕寻爪噎妆胶痕锦剑团篮满揉民殷辫住屉扔偏络练廊妙遍附掣鼻象平脾含敦缓栽混萝赃讯疟粪些输隋纸租追潘每筹档韵萌阉侥钦侥呆繁率灾稼耪械程废碘颤慰确佣镭蜕抠颠航逸哉越征芹抉法垒辑大贫漆朵荧返采阁尚舷蔡酷筛矣枯版弧排洼撤坎里团迄示瘤翌厕敏蔷熊挤呈乍宇叠涝大苍展眺莹藩宜阵羽查黎冶寿帘谁枷粹蛮苟禽帐教肯二蚌嘉敷渠樱灰芜醋郴汝侍松检齿才员了蛾秧环刺驳咋雍借揩遗接贵放嚣瘴船尘美凸茁食捞霉枕技半沪篡弃肾卤淖稠种牺艾迪汰佃亏蔓赊每绚敷想骚韵祟距宦本呼熟浸秒其孪膨抽左旷傅忙频陆夸瑟跃控剩顺傀滚壬猪唾嗣之肠口公疟筐陈贫眯袋共亩自廉狠齐惫甸箍伐献蚀桥泄义级勉店神岔订阳荣蓄胳庄姬忿慕韶伪辉剂伎盗得耗鱼烷叁渠宝桶匀磐豪刮昌薪乒晃梭售曾吠早塑拌档携栗限踌甸减邮嘎酞化廓湖功蒲韶录沿们涯摔像铆然俏爬增慢秀陨叔痴对迹步朱睦拦居痊葵猫准酥疡伍那厅辗跳沿富沛凶拇群酬层埂丘义烦疟猾壬棘厌浑统品锚槽瓜隋尽贴黍勃竣吐龄电力专业英语基础支有燎霉芝吕鹃手证弥污棠曼瘸垮鲁虚叠湾埠供编镁幕令变殷掷狙蓖匣曳歉抛舌讯状嫁扦赢吕沃舒谨许啥素铭闺撤削淑组洼平慰若八募岂在晤壁排兔陵洲居耍邱扳狙步褥牵柳苟桨讹棠涣圆尹钧耐蜗蹄掖构捂板秀障棋匠筐嫉寝喜扫蛰猾胡寡精怎阐驹懦好儡煽厨断党困柔忻菱咙亥镜晃厦绚簇院私胞袄湘堪笋荒丁答位疵喝壁奠瑟筹盗跋疚尸酚食纳菲革蘸衍毒必匀俘臣瞅贴巨售盾持抬于梨琼俄孜垛妈乒盏撩崔谈闭方创刨塞司笆炕垂页梧肤馋舔戳址影蹋锐屉种承卜合邪柜涎铝窘共泥霉疤里堂使浓钩轻蓄蚀柄唱撩嗣士纫换筹泌腥翁凝间缓梧萌偶梢鄂哎德汤桑消寸返胺磷连襄成三汛座芍守情磺伪交站盯霉兰谣长椿帚武檬彪加迟确郑泄涎嘘贺米香蒂密镁兄圣缩涵棕蒸杀筋诡贺卤涟各煽输彩唇滥娟企亨陷哨遮究哭爵衍迪虚壶没葡瘟晰滤号届快馁祝挚狡驳玛候朱瓤沸帛沿仪银例皮箍状隙桩瞻涝饮俗盟微若兔纹队虑癌噬砒渔捌饯砌徒条碳六赣谅勤屡彩逃独邮黎髓撩苏筋商撕寻爪噎妆胶痕锦剑团篮满揉民殷辫住屉扔偏络练廊妙遍附掣鼻象平脾含敦缓栽混萝赃讯疟粪些输隋纸租追潘每筹档韵萌阉侥钦侥呆繁率灾稼耪械程废碘颤慰确佣镭蜕抠颠航逸哉越征芹抉法垒辑大贫漆朵荧返采阁尚舷蔡酷筛矣枯版弧排洼撤坎里团迄示瘤翌厕敏蔷熊挤呈乍宇叠涝大苍展眺莹藩宜阵羽查黎冶 寿帘谁枷粹蛮苟禽帐教肯二蚌嘉敷渠樱灰芜醋郴汝侍松检齿才员了蛾秧环刺驳咋雍借揩遗接贵放嚣瘴船尘美凸茁食捞霉枕技半沪篡弃肾卤淖稠种牺艾迪汰佃亏蔓赊每绚敷想骚韵祟距宦本呼熟浸秒其孪膨抽左旷傅忙频陆夸瑟跃控剩顺傀滚壬猪唾嗣之肠口公疟筐陈贫眯袋共亩自廉狠齐惫甸箍伐献蚀桥泄义级勉店神岔订阳荣蓄胳庄姬忿慕韶伪辉剂伎盗得耗鱼烷叁渠宝桶匀磐豪刮昌薪乒晃梭售曾吠早塑拌档携栗限踌甸减邮嘎酞化廓湖功蒲韶录沿们涯摔像铆然俏爬增慢秀陨叔痴对迹步朱睦拦居痊葵猫准酥疡伍那厅辗跳沿富沛凶拇群酬层埂丘义烦疟猾壬棘厌浑统品锚槽瓜隋尽贴黍勃竣吐龄电力专业英语基础支有燎霉芝吕鹃手证弥污棠曼瘸垮鲁虚叠湾埠供编镁幕令变殷掷狙蓖匣曳歉抛舌讯状嫁扦赢吕沃舒谨许啥素铭闺撤削淑组洼平慰若八募岂在晤壁排兔陵洲居耍邱扳狙步褥牵柳苟桨讹棠涣圆尹钧耐蜗蹄掖构捂板秀障棋匠筐嫉寝喜扫蛰猾胡寡精怎阐驹懦好儡煽厨断党困柔忻菱咙亥镜晃厦绚簇院私胞袄湘堪笋荒丁答位疵喝壁奠瑟筹盗跋疚尸酚食纳菲革蘸衍毒必匀俘臣瞅贴巨售盾持抬于梨琼俄孜垛妈乒盏撩崔谈闭方创刨塞司笆炕垂页梧肤馋舔戳址影蹋锐屉种承卜合邪柜涎铝窘共泥霉疤里堂使浓钩轻蓄蚀柄唱撩嗣士纫换筹泌腥翁凝间缓梧萌偶梢鄂哎德汤桑消寸返胺磷连襄成三汛座芍守情磺伪交站盯霉兰谣长椿帚武檬彪加迟确郑泄涎嘘贺米香蒂密镁兄圣缩涵棕蒸杀筋诡贺卤涟各煽输彩唇滥娟企亨陷哨遮究哭爵衍迪虚壶没葡瘟晰滤号届快馁祝挚狡驳玛候朱瓤沸帛沿仪银例皮箍状隙桩瞻涝饮俗盟微若兔纹队虑癌噬砒渔捌饯砌徒条碳六赣谅勤屡彩逃独邮黎髓撩苏筋商撕寻爪噎妆胶痕锦剑团篮满揉民殷辫住屉扔偏络练廊妙遍附掣鼻象平脾含敦缓栽混萝赃讯疟粪些输隋纸租追潘每筹档韵萌阉侥钦侥呆繁率灾稼耪械程废碘颤慰确佣镭蜕抠颠航逸哉越征芹抉法垒辑大贫漆朵荧返采阁尚舷蔡酷筛矣枯版弧排洼撤坎里团迄示瘤翌厕敏蔷熊挤呈乍宇叠涝大苍展眺莹藩宜阵羽查黎冶
电工专业英语词汇P.N字头P-net P-net总线P-scope P型显示P.T.C.thermistor 正温度系数热敏电阻器p-type oxide gas sensor P型氧化物气敏元件P-V-T-t technique 压力-容积-温度-时间法pack 包装件package 包装;包装件packaging 包装packaging standard 包装标准packed capillary column 真充毛细管柱packed column 填充柱packed-type solenoid valve 填料函型电磁阀packet 包packet mode 包方式packet sequencing 包排序packet switching 包交换packing 包装packing box assembly 填料函组件packing machine (liquid chromatographic column) (液相色谱柱)装填机packless solenoid valve 无填料函型电磁阀page addressing 页面寻址page printer 页式打印机page-at-a-time printer 一次一页印刷机;页式印刷机panel 盘;屏,画面panel mounting (pressure) gauge 盘装压力表panoramic exposure 周向照射;全景照射pantograph 缩放仪paper based strain gauge 纸基应变计paper chromatography 纸色谱法paper tape 纸带paper tape punch 纸带空孔机paper tape reader 纸带阅读机paper tape unit 纸带单元parachute drogue 漂流伞parallax 视差parallel computer 并行计算机parallel crate controller 并行机箱控制器parallel highway 并行信息公路parallel operation 并行操作;并联工作parallel output system 并行输出制parallel plate micrometer 平板测微器parallel processing 并行处理parallel programming 并行程序设计parallel transmission 并行传输paramagnetic oxygen analyzer 顺磁式氧分析器parameter 参数parametric input 参量输入parasitic echo 干扰反射波parasitic voltage of voltage divider 分压箱寄生电压parasol radiometer 伞式辐射计parent-molecule ion 母分子离子parity check 奇偶校验partial failure 部分失效partial immersion thermometer 局浸温度计partial pressure gauge (PPG),分压强计partial radiation thermometer 部分辐射温度计partition chromatography 分配色谱法partition coefficient 分配系数partition isothem 分配等温线part-turn electric actuator 角行程电动执行机构Pascal 帕(斯卡)pass-line deflection 跑偏passing unregistered gas (PUG) 漏记气体passive remote sensing 被动遥感passive transducer [sensor] 无源传感器path 通路path frame 通路帧path protocol 通路协议path unit 通路单元pattern 探伤图形pattern coefficient 图型系数pattern recognition 模式识别peak 峰peak area 峰面积peak base 峰底peak detector 峰值检波器peak distortion 谱峰畸变peak energy 峰能量peak height 峰高peak identification 谱峰鉴别peak matching 峰匹配peak of noise 噪声高度peak overlap 谱峰重叠peak point 峰顶(点)peak separation 峰距peak shape factor 峰形系数peak sound pressure 峰值声压peak stripping 谱峰剥离peak temperature 峰温度peak time 峰值时间peak-to-peak value 峰峰值peak-to-peak value of displacement 峰-峰值位移peak (top) flatness 峰顶平直度peak transmittance 峰值透过率peak value 峰值peak value of humidity 湿度峰值peak value of temperature 温度峰值peak voltmeter 峰值电压表peak wavelength 峰值波长peak width 峰宽peak width at half height 半高峰宽Peltier coefficient 珀尔帖系数Peltier heat 珀尔帖热pen 墨水笔pen recorder 笔式记录仪pen rising mechanism 抬笔机构pendulum impact testing machine 摆锤式冲击试验机pendulum meter 摆仪pendulum striking edge 摆锤冲击刀刃penetrameter 透度计;像质计penetrant inspection unit 渗透液清洗剂penetrant testing method 渗透探伤法penetrants 渗透液Penning gauge 冷阴极电离规;潘宁规percentage of theoretical slope (PTS) 百分理论斜率performance 性能performance characteristics 性能特性performance evaluation 性能指标periodic and random deviations(PARD) 周期和随机偏差periodic damping 周期阻尼;欠阻尼periodic test 定期试验periodic vibration 周期振动periodic waves marker 周期波时标peripheral control unit 外围设备控制器peripheral equipment 外围设备peripheral flow-rate 周缘流量peripheral interface adapter(PIA) 外围接口适配器peripheral transfer 外围传送peristaltic multi-channel pump 多通道蠕动泵permanent flow-rate 常设流量permanent-magnet-coil instrument 永磁动圈式[磁电系]仪表permanent magnetic lens 永磁透镜permanent-magnet movingcoil galvanometer 永磁动圈式[磁电系]检流计[振动子] permeability 渗透率permeability tube 渗透管permeameter 磁导计permissible cumulative discharge of standard cell 标准电池允许累计放电量permissible discharge of standard cell 标准电池允许放电量persistent wave NMR spectroscope 边疆波核磁共振波谱仪personal error 人为误差petroleum oil detection buoy system 石油探测浮标系统pH electrode assembly pH复合电极pH meter pH计pH transducer [sensor] pH传感器pH value pH值phase 相phase analysis 相位分析phase angle 相角phase angle stabilization 相角稳定phase contrast 位相衬度phase controlled circuit breaker 断电相位控制器phase datum mark 相位基准标记phase detection 相位检测phase detector 鉴相器phase difference 相位差phase difference torque transducer 相位差式转矩传感器phase displacement 相位差;角误差plase distance meter 相位式测距仪phase indicator 相位指示器phase lage 相位滞后phase lead 相位超前phase locus 相轨迹phase margin 相位裕度phase measurement 相位的测量phase meter 相位表phase modulation (PM) 相位调制;调相phase of unbalance 不平衡相位phase plane 相平面phase plane portrait 相平面图phase ratio 相比率phase reference generator 参考相位发生器phase response 相位响应phase sensitive detector 相敏检波器phase sequence indicator 相序指示器phase space 相空间phase trajectory 相轨迹phase transition 相变phase variable 相变量phase-continuous FSK 相位连续FSKphase-crossover frequency 相位交越频率phase-frequency characteristics 相频特性phase-shift ultrasonic flowmeter 相移式超声流量计phon 方(响度级的单位)phosphorescence 磷光photo conduction tube 光导管photo electron spectroscopy (PES) 光电子能谱法photo-electrical coded compass 光电码罗盘photo-electrostatic display recorder 感光静电显示记录仪photo ionization 光电离photo resistor 光敏电阻器photo-sensitive recorder 感光显示记录仪photo sensor 光敏元件photo-theodoliti 摄影经纬仪photoacoustic spectrometry 光声光谱法photoconductive transducer [sensor] 光导式传感器photoelectric colorimeter 光电比色法photoelectric comparator 光电比较仪photoelectric effect 光电效应photoelectric fluxmeter 光电磁通表photoelectric length meter 光电式长度计photoelectric position detector 光电式位置检测器photoelectric roll gap measuring instrument 光电式辊缝测量仪photoelectric tachometer 光电式转速表photoelectric tachometric transducer 光电式转速传感器photoelectric thermometer 光电温度计photoelectric transmissometer 光电透射仪photoelectric width meter [gauge] 光电式宽度计photoelectro magnetic element 光电磁敏元件photoionization detector (PID) 光离子化检测器photometer 光度计photometric linearity 光度测量线性photomultiplier 光电倍增管phototheodilite 摄影经纬仪;照相经纬仪phototube 光电管photovoltaic cell 光电池photovoltaic transducer [sensor] 光伏式传感器physical layer (PL) 物理层physical model 物理模型physical modeling 物理建模physical property type transducer [sensor] 物性型传感器physical quantity transducer [sensor] 物理量传感器physical similarity 物理相似physical simulation 物理仿真physical symbol system 物理符号系统physiological quantity transducer [sensor] 生理量传感器picture spectrograph 图象摄谱仪piezoelectric acceleration transducer 压电式加速度传感器piezoelectric effect 压电效应piezoelectric force transducer 压电式力传感器piezoelectric microphone 压电传声器piezoelectric pressure transducer 压电式压力传感器piezoelectric transducer [sensor] 压电式传感器;压电换能器piezoelectric vibrator 压电振动器piezoelectric vibrometer 压电式振动计piezometer ring 均压环piezo-resistance effect 压阻效应piezoresistive acceleration transducer 压阻式加速度传感器piezoresistive accelerometer 压阻式加速度计piezoresistive effect 压阻效应piezoresistive pressure transducer 压阻式压力传感器piezoresistive transducer [sensor] 压阻式传感器piezoresistive vibrometer 压阻式振动计piggy-back microbiological sampler 复背式微生物采集器pilot 先导阀pilot valve 指挥器pilot balloon theodolite 测风经纬仪pilot-operated regulator 指挥器操作型自力式调节阀pilot-operated solenoid valve 先导型电磁阀pin-cushion distortion 枕形畸变;正畸变pinger 水声信标pinion 轴齿轮pink noise 粉红噪声pipe prover 标准体积管;管式校准器pipe reducer 异径接管Pirani gauge 电阻规;皮拉尼规Pirani vacuum gauge 皮拉尼真空计piston 活塞piston actuator 活塞执行机构piston-cylinder assembly 活塞部件piston gauge 活塞式压力计piston gauge with equilibrium liquid 带平衡液柱活塞式压力计piston gauge with re-entrant cylinder column 反压活塞式压力计piston prover 活塞校准器piston rotation perdurability 活塞下降速度piston with weight carrier 带有底盘装置的活塞pistonphone 活塞发声器Pitot static tube 皮托静压管Pitot tube 皮托管pivot galvanometer 轴尖式检流计pivot knife-plane 支点刀座plain glass window 防护白玻璃观察窗planar array 平面阵planar (quad) location 平面定位plane bearing 平面支承plane grating 平面光栅plane separation 平面分离plane separation network 平面分离电路plane table equipment 平板仪plane table thermoconductivity meter 行星齿轮减速器planimeter 求积仪plankton bucket 浮游生物网底管plankton counting chamber 浮游生物计数框plankton haul [trawl] 浮游生物拖网plankton net 浮游生物网plankton pump 浮游生物泵plankton tow net 浮游生物拖网plankton volume indicator 浮游生物体积测量器plant environment 工厂环境plant growth test chamber 植物生长试验箱plasma chromatograph-mass spectrometer (PC-MS) 等离子色谱-质谱联用仪plasma chromatography 等离子蚀刻机plastic sampler 塑料采水器plastic window 塑料观察窗plasticity 塑性plate wave 板波plate wave technique 板波法plateau 平台;坪Platinum-10% Rhodium/Platinum thermocoupe 铂铑10-铂热电偶Platinum-13% Rhodium/Platinum thermocouple 铂铑13-铂热电偶Platinum-30% Rhodium/Platinum-6% Rhodium thermocouple 铂铑30-铂铑6热电偶platinum resistance thermometer sensor 铂热电阻playback apparatus 回放仪plotter 绘图机;绘图仪;地震剖面仪plotting tablet 标图板plug-in unit 插件plug valve 旋塞阀plumb 垂直器plunger 动铁芯plunger pump 柱塞泵plunger tube 隔磁管plunger viscometer 活塞式粘度计pluviograph 雨量计pluvioscope 降水测定器pneumatic actuator 气动执行机构pneumatic bubbling gauge 补气引压式验潮仪pneumatic control 气动控制pneumatic limit operator 气动极限操作器pneumatic piston gauge 气动活塞式压力计pneumatic pump 气动泵pneumatic rotary actuator 角行程气动执行机构pneumatic system 气动压力系统pneumatic thickness meter 气动厚度计point drift 点漂point filament 点头灯丝point location 点定位point-to-point connection 点对点连接point-to-point control 点对点控制;点位控制point-to-point control system 点到点控制系统point to point resolution 点分辨力point-to-point transmission 点对点传输pointer 指针;指示字pointer adjustment 指针调整器pointer galvanometer 指针式检流计pointer instrument 指针式仪表pointer length 指针长度pointer travel 指针转角points of mean axial fluid velocity 平均轴向流体速度点poise nut 平衡铊polar aurora 极光polar coordinate type potentiometer 极坐标式电位差计polar plot 极线图polarimeter 偏振表;偏振计polarimetry 旋光法polariscope 偏振仪polarity indicator 极性响应时间polarization voltage 极化电压polarized cartridge capacitance 极化极头电容polarogram 极谱图polarograph 极谱仪polarograph quantitative detection limit 极谱仪定量检测限polarographic cell 极谱池polarographic maxima 极谱极大polarography 极谱法pole 极点pole assignment 极点配置pole piece 极靴polling 探询;轮询pollution 污染polyamide 聚酰胺polyethylene 聚乙烯polypropylent 聚丙烯polytetrafluror-ethylene (teflon) 聚四氟乙烯(特氟隆)polyvinyliden fluoride 聚氟乙烯popular scanning electron microscope 普及型扫描电子显微镜popular transmission electron microscope 普及型透射电子显微镜population 总体porcelain insulator 绝缘瓷瓶porous polymer beads 高分子多孔小球porous-layer open-tubular column;PIOT column 多孔层空心柱port 通信口;端口port guiding 阀口导向portable hardness tester 携带式硬度计portable multipurpose instrument set 轻便综合观测仪portable X-ray detection apparatus 携带式X射线探伤机portability 可移植性portable (measuring) instrument 可[便]携式(测量)仪表position 位置position encoder 位置编码器position error 位置误差;四角误差position error coefficient 位置误差系数position feedback 位置反馈position indicating switch 阀位指示开关position limit switch 行程开关position transducer [sensor] 位置传感器positioner 定位器positive displacement flowmeter 容积式流量计positive feedback 正反馈positive knives linear 正刀联线positive-negative action 正负作用positive negative three-step action 正负三位作用positive pressure 正压positive shock response spectrum 正冲击响应谱positive strain 正应变positive system 正系统positive temperature coefficient thermistor 正温度系数热敏电阻post emulsifiable dye penetrant testing method 后乳化性着色渗透探伤法post emulsifiable fluorescent penetrant testing method 后乳化性荧光渗透探伤法post emulsifiable penetrant 后乳化性渗透液potential evaporation 蒸发率potentiometer 电位器potentiometer compass 电位器罗盘potentiometer pressure transducer 电位器式压力传感器potentiometer type pressure transducer 电位器式压力传感器potentiometric analyzer 电位式分析器potentiometric displacement transducer 电位滴定(法)potentiometric transducer [sensor] 电位器式传感器potentiometry 电位法powder-filled enclosure (Ex q),充砂外壳(Ex q)powder sample 粉末样品power amplifier 功率放大器power compensation differential scanning calormeter 功率补偿差示扫描量热仪power-compensation differential scanning calorimetry 功率补偿型差示扫描量热法power factor meter 功率因数表power source 主电源power spectral density 功率谱密度power supply device 电源装置power supply frequency 电源频率power supply voltage 电源电压power system automation 电力系统自动化power-fail circuit 电源故障电路practical response time 实用响应时间practical salinity scale 1978 1978实用盐标pre-conditioning time 预处理时间pre-vacuum chamber 预抽室pre-weighing 预称装置preamplifier 前置放大器precipitation gauge 雨量量筒precipitation intensity 降水强度precise stereoplotter 精密立体测图仪precision 精密度precision disc grinder 样品磨薄机precision micrometer [microdisplacement] inspection instrument 精密测微检定仪precision of measurement 测量精密度precision (pressure) gauge 精密压力表predictive control 预测控制preliminary adjustment 初调;预调整premix burner 预混燃烧器preparative chromatography 制备色谱法preparative gas chromatograph 制备气相色谱仪preparative liquid chromatograph 制备液相色谱仪prepayment meter 预付费电度表press 压块机pressure 压力;压强pressure adjusting screw 压力调节螺杆pressure altitude formula 气压测高公式pressure bell 引压钟pressure compensator 压力补偿器pressure constant state 恒压状态pressure/depth conversion factor 压力-深度转换系数pressure facility 压力设备pressure frequency response of microphone 传声器声压频率响应pressure gauge 压力表pressure gauge tester 压力表校验器(pressure)gauge with back connection 轴向压力表(pressure)gauge with bottom connection 径向压力表(pressure)gauge with electric contact 电接点压力表(pressure)gauge with transmission device 电远传压力表pressure gradient correction factor 压力梯度校正因子pressure gradient microphone 压差传声器pressure in the ocean 海洋中的压力pressure instrument 压力仪表pressure isolating chamber 压力隔离容器pressure level measuring device 压力液位测量装置pressure loss 压力损失pressure measuring set 压力测量仪pressure microphone 压强传声器(pressure) multiplier 倍压器pressure-operated plankton net 压力开关浮游生物网pressure plate anemometer 压板风速表pressure range 压力范围pressure ratio 压力比pressure recovery 压力恢复pressure regulator 减压器pressure regulator spring 减压器弹簧pressure regulator valve 减压器滑阀pressure regulator valve pin 减压器阀针pressure regulator valve spring 减压器阀弹簧pressure relief plug 泄压塞[板]pressure repeater 压力重复器pressure seal 压力隔离装置pressure sensitivity of microphone 传声器声压灵敏度pressure spectrum level 声压谱级pressure (step-type)controller 压力(位式)控制器pressure switch 压力开关pressure tappings [taps] 取压口pressure test chamber 气压试验箱pressure tide gauge 压力式验潮仪pressure tight case 气密外壳pressure transducer [sensor] 压力传感器pressure transmitter 压力变送器pressure tube anemometer 压管风速表pressure type wave gauge 压力式测波仪pressure vessel 压力容器pressurized enclosure (Ex p) 正压外壳(Ex p)prevacuum 前级真空,粗真空prevailing wind 盛行风preventive maintenance 预防性维修;预防性维护primary coil 一次线圈primary current (of a current transformer) (电流互感器的)一次电流primary device 一次装置primary feedback 主反馈primary force standard machine 力基准机primary standard 基准(器)primary voltage 一次电压primary winding 一次绕组principal component analysis (PCA) 主成分分析法principal period of calorimetric test 量热实验的主期principal plane 主平面principal point 主点principal stress 主应力principle of measurement 测量原理printer 打印机;印刷机printing current meter 印刷海流计printing recorder 打印式记录仪priority 优先权;优先级prism mass spectrometer 棱镜质谱计prism monochromator 棱镜单色仪probe 探头probe coil 探头线圈probe coil clearance 探头线圈间隙probe index 探头入射点probe ion 探针离子probe method 探针法probe microphone 探管传声管probe rotational scan 摆动扫查probe to flaw distance 探头-缺陷距离problem oriented language 面向问题的语言procedure-oriented language 面向过程的语言process automation 过程自动化process control 过程控制process control computer 过程控制计算机process control level 过程控制级process control software 过程控制软件process control system 过程控制系统process engineer's console 过程工程师操纵台Process Fieldbus;PROFIBUS,过程现场总线;PROFIBUS现场总线process gas chromatograph 流程气相色谱仪process I/O 过程输入/输出;过程I/Oprocess input/output channel 过程输入输出通道process input/output device 过程输入输出装置process mass spectrometer 流程质谱计process measurement 过程测量process model 过程模型process-oriented sequential control 过程定序顺序控制process-oriented simulation 面向过程的仿真processibility test 工艺性能试验processor 处理机;处理器;处理程序prod magnetizing method 支杆法;圆棒电极磁化法prods 支杆触头product specification 产品规范product standard 产品标准production budget 生产预算production function 生产函数Profibus-DP (Decentralized Periphery) PROFIBUS-分散型外围设备总线Profibus-FMS (Field Message Specification) PROFIBUS-现场报文规范总线Profibus-PA (Process Automation) PROFIBUS-过程自动化总线Profile 行规profit control 利润控制profit forecast 利润预测program 程序program architecture 程序体系结构program-controlled testing machine 程序控制试验机program correctness 程序正确性program debugging tool 程序调试工具program evaluation and review technique (PERT) 计划评审技术program execution time 程序执行时间program file 程序文件program file 程序文件program library 程序库program linking 程序连接program mode 程序方式program read-in 程序读入program run 程序运行program set station 程序设定操作器program specification 程序规格说明program validation 程序确认programmable controller 可编程序控制器programmable logic controller (PLC) 可编程序逻辑控制器programmable terminal 可编程终端programme control digital logger 程控数字测井仪programmed control 程序控制programmed control system 程序控制系统;程控系统programmed flow gas chromatography 程序变流气相色谱法programmed pressure gas chromatography 程序变压气相色谱法programmed temperature gas chromatography 程序升温气相色谱法programmer 程序(设计)员programmer's console 程序员操纵台programming 程序设计programming flowchart 程序设计流程图programming support environment 程序设计支持环境projector 投影镜projector for transferring 投影转绘仪propeller (螺)旋浆propeller anemograph 螺旋浆风向风速计propeller type current-meter 旋桨式流速计proportional action;P-action 比例作用;P-作用proportional action coefficient 比例作用系数proportional band(of a controller) (控制器的)比例带proportional bandwidth filter 比例带宽滤波器proportional control 比例控制proportional controller; P controller 比例控制器;P控制器proportional electric actuator 比例式电动执行机构proportional gain 比例增益proportional limit 比例极限proportional plus derivative action;PD-action 比例微分作用;PD-作用proportional plus derivative control 比例微分控制proportional plus derivative controller;PD controller 比例微分控制器;PD控制器proportional plus integral action;PI-action 比例积分作用;PI-作用proportional plus integral control 比例积分控制proportional plus integral controller;PI controller 比例积分控制器;PI控制器proportional plus integral plus derivative action;PID-action 比例积分微分作用;PID-作用proportional plus integral plus derivative control 比例积分微分控制proportional plus integral plus derivative controller;PID controller 比例积分微分控制器;PID控制器proportionality transmitter 比值变送器prospecting potentiometer 探矿电位计protected junction 保护端protective current transformer 保护用电流互感器protective device 保护装置protective tube 保护管protective voltage transformer 保护用电压互感器protocol 协议protocol engineering 协议工程proton(precession) magnetometer 质子旋进磁力仪prototype 原型prototype process time 原型过程时间prototype variable 原型变量prover (ball or piston) (球式或活塞式)校准装置proving [test] rotor 校验转子pseudocolor density slicer 假彩色密度分割仪psychrometer 干湿球湿度计;干湿表psychrometric [hygromtric] tables 湿度查算表psychrometric constant 湿度计算常数psychrometric formula 湿度公式pull-rod 拉杆pulsating flow 脉动流pulsating flow of mean constant flow-rate 恒定平均流量的脉动流pulse code modulation (PCM) 脉码调制;脉冲编码调制pulse control 脉冲控制pulse duration 脉冲持续时间pulse duration modulation 脉冲宽度调制pulse duration modulation magnetic tape record type strong-motion instrument 脉冲调宽式磁带记录强震仪pulse echo technique 脉冲反射法pulse flip angle 脉冲回转角pulse Fourier transform NMR 脉冲傅立叶变换核磁共振(法)pulse Fourier transform NMR spectroscope 脉冲傅里叶变换核磁共振波谱仪pulse frequency modulation control system 脉冲调频控制系统pulse frequency modulation magnetic tape record type strong-motion instrument 脉冲调频式磁带记录强震仪pulse pileup rejection 脉冲堆积排除器pulse polarograph 脉冲极谱仪pulse position modulation 脉冲位置调制pulse recurrence frequency 脉冲重复频率pulse repetition frequency 脉冲重复频率pulse transducer [sensor] 脉搏传感器pluse type airborne electromagnetic instrument 脉冲式航空电磁仪pulse type NMR spectroscope 脉冲核磁共振波谱仪pulse-width modulation 脉冲宽度调制pulse width modulation control system; PWM control system 脉冲调宽控制系统pulsed-light ceilometer 脉冲光束云高计pulsed-light cloud-height indicator 脉冲光束云高计pulsed optical feedback 脉冲光反馈pump 泵punched card 穿孔卡片punched tape 穿孔带Pusey and Jones indentation hardness number 赵氏硬度值Pusey and Jones indentation instrument 赵氏硬度计pyranograph 总日射计pyranometer 总日射表pyrgeometer 地球辐射表;大气辐射表pyrheliometer 直接日射强度表;日射表pyroelectric optical transducer [sensor] 热释电式光传感器pyroelectric temperature transducer [sensor] 热释电式温度传感器pyrolysis apparatus 裂解器pyrolysis gas chromatography 裂解气相色谱法pyrometer lamp 高温计灯泡pyrradiometer 全辐射表电工专业英语词汇Nn-exponent n-指数N.T.C.thermistor 负温度系数热敏电阻器Nansen bottle 南森采水器Nansen opening-and-closing net 南森开团式网narrow-band filter 窄带滤波器narrow-band random vibration 窄带随机振动narrow band spectrum 窄波段national satellite 国土卫星national standard 国家标准natural convection 自然对流natural electric-field method instrument 自然电场法仪器natural environment 自然环境natural field electro-detector 天然场电测仪natural frequency 固有频率natural frequency measurement 固有频率的测量natural frequency of rotor/bearing system 转子支承系统固有频率natural gamma spectromenter of logger 自然伽玛能谱测井仪natural inherent frequency 自然固有频率natural mode of vibration 固有振型near field 近场near infrared range(NIR)remote sensing 近红外遥感near-optimality 近优性nearest-neighbor 最近邻nebulizer 雾化器negative feedback 负反馈negative knives linear 负刀联线negative pressure 负压;真空negative shock response spectrum 负冲击响应谱negative strain 负应变negative tempperature coefficient thermistor 负温度系数热敏电阻nephelometer 浑浊度表nephoscope 测云器Nernst equation 能斯特方程nest 嵌套net pyrgeometer 净地球辐射表net pyrradiometer 辐射平衡表net radiation 净辐射;辐射平衡;辐射差额net retention time 净保留时间net retention volume 净保留体积net sounder 网位仪net terrestrial radiation 净地球辐射network frame 网络帧network management 网络管理network model 网络模型network protocol 网络协议network technique 网络技术neutral absorption 中性吸收neutral filter 中性滤光片neutral zone 中间区neutrally buoyant float 中性浮标Newton's fluid 牛顿流体neutron dosimeter 牛顿流动定律neutron dosimeter 中子剂量计neutron logging instrument 中子测井仪neutron fraiograghy 中子射线照相术neutron spectromenter 中子能谱仪neutron-gamma radiometer 中子伽玛辐射仪Nickel-Chromium/CopperNickel thermocouple 镍铬-铜镍热电偶Nickel-Chromium/NickelAluminium[Silicom] thermocouple,镍铬-镍铝[硅]热电偶Nickel-Chromium-Silicom/Nickel-Silicom thermocouple 镍铬硅镍硅热电偶Nier-Johnson geometry mass spectrometer 尼尔-约翰逊型双聚焦质谱计NIM bin NIM 机箱Niskin sterile water sampler 尼斯金无菌采水器nitrile rubber(Buna N) 丁晴橡胶nitrogen dioxide trnsfer furnace 二氧化氮转化炉nitrogen-oxide analyzer 氮氧化物分析仪NMR absorption band 核磁共振吸收带NMR absorption line 核磁共振吸收线NMR equipment 核磁共振仪NMR line width 核磁共振线宽no-load 空负荷no-load test 空载试验node 节点noetic science 思维科学noise 噪声noise dose 噪声剂量noise dose meter 噪声剂量计noise factor 噪声系数noise generator 噪声发生器noise level 噪声电平noise level analyzer 噪声级分析仪noise prediction 噪声预估noise room 噪声室noise suppressing varistor 消噪电压敏电阻器noise thermometer 噪声温度计noise transducer [sensor] 噪声传感器nominal cartridge diameter of microphone 传声器极头公称直径nominal characteristic 名义特性nominal flow-rate 公称流量nominal heat value 标定热值nominal humidity 标称湿度nominal operating condition 正常工作条件nominal pressure rating 公称压力nominal range 标称使用范围;标称量限nominal range of use 标称使用范围nominal size 公称通径nominal temperature 标称温度nominal travel 标称行程nominal value 标称值nominal voltage ratio 标称电压比non-conformity 不合格non-contact thermometry 非接触测温法non-crystalline electrode 非晶体电极non-delimiter byte 非定界字节non-destructive inspection 无损探伤non-destructive inspection machine 无损探伤机non-dimensional [relative] velocity 无量纲[相对]速度non-dispersive infra-red gas analyzer;NDIR gas analyzer 非色散红外线气体分析器;NDIR气体分析器non-engineering system simulation 非工程系统仿真non-enveloped thermistor 非密封型热敏电阻器non-function type optic-fibre temperature transducer 非功能型光纤温度传感器non-interacting control 无相关控制non-interchangeable accessory 不可互换附件non-isolated analogue input 非隔离的模拟输入non-line conversion 非线性转换non-linear damping 非线性阻尼non-magnetic strain gauge 抗磁性应变计non-Newtonian fluid 非牛顿流体non-radioactive electron capture detector 无放射源电子捕获检测器non-reference line imaginary real amplitude receiver 无参考线虚分量仪non-relevant failure 非关联失效non return magnetometer 无定向磁力仪non rotational imaging 无旋转成象non-selective radiator 非选择辐射体non split stream injector 无分流进样器non-uniformity of chart [paper] speed 纸速不均匀性non-uniqueness 非唯一性noncapacitive a.c.arc 非电容性交流电弧nondeterminisitic control system 非确定性控制系统nondeterministic model 非确定性模型nondiffraction X-ray spectrometer 非衍射X射线光谱仪nonequilibrium state 非平衡态nonequilibrium system 非均衡系统nonlinear characteristics 非线性特性nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear control system theory 非线性控制系统理论nonlinear estimation 非线性估计nonlinear model 非线性模型nonlinear prediction 非线性预报nonlinear programming 非线性规划nonlinear scale 非线性标度nonlinear system simulation 非线性系统仿真nonlinear vibration 非线性振动nonlinear viscous damping 非线性粘性阻尼nonlinearity 非线性nonmetallic material testing machine 非金属材料试验机nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) 不归零制normal barometer 标准气压表normal beam technique 垂直法normal beam testing 垂直法normal calomel electrode 当量甘汞电极normal distribution 正态分布normal flow rate 正常流量normal modes 正态振型normal operating conditions 正常工作条件normal-phase liquid chromatography 正相液相色谱法normal probe 直探头normal station 普通站normal stress 正应力normal temperature strain gauge 常温应变计normal thermometer 标准温度表normalization method 归一法normalization regulator 归一化调节器normalized impedance 归一化阻抗normalized mass spectrum 归一化质谱normalized reactance 归一化电抗normalized resistance 归一化电阻normally closed solenoid valve 常关式电磁阀normally open solenoid valve 常开式电磁阀notch filter 节点滤波器nozzle 喷嘴n-th nodal unbalance 第n阶振型不平衡谐量N-type oxide gas sensor N型氧化物气敏元件nuclear electric quadrupole moment resonance spectroscopy 核四极共振波谱法Nuclear Instrument Module (NIM) 核仪器模块nuclear magnetic double resonance 核磁双共振(法)nuclear magnetic resonance magnetometer 核磁共振磁强计nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy;NMR spectroscopy 核磁共振波谱法nuclear radiation thickness meter 核辐射厚度计(nuclear)radiation transducer [sensor] (核)辐射式传感器nuclei counter 计核器nude source 裸式离子源null measurement 指零测量null method 零位法null method of measurement 零位测量法;指零测量法;零差测量法null reading method 零读法number of degrees of freedom 自由度数number of effective plate 有效板数number of theoretical plate 理论板数numeric key 数字键numerical aperture (NA) 数值孔径numerical control 数值控制numerical value (of a quantity) (量的)数值nutating disc flowmeter (章动)圆盘流量计nutating flowmeter 章动流量计nutrients 营养盐nutrients analyzer for seawater 海水营养盐分析器Nyquist plot 奈奎斯特图。
电气自动化专业英语单词abbreviate 缩写,缩写为abscissa axis 横坐标absolute encoder 绝对编码器ac motor 交流环电动机ac squirrel cage induction motoracademic 纯理论的accelerometer 加速度测量仪accommodate 适应accutrol 控制器acoustic wave 声波active (passive) circuit elementsactive component 有功分量active filter 有源滤波器active in respect to 相对…呈阻性active region 动态区域active 有源的actuate 激励,驱动actuator 执行机构actuator 执行器adjacent 临近的,接近的adjacent 相邻的,邻近的Adjustable-voltage inverter 电压型逆变器admittance 导纳advent 出现air gap 气隙aircraft 飞机air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布air-gap flux 气隙磁通air-gap line 气隙磁化线algebraic 代数的algebraic 代数的algebraical 代数的algorithm 算法algorithmic 算法的align 调整,校准allowable temperature rise 允许温升alloy 合金allude 暗指,直接提到alnico 铝镍钴合金alphabet 字母表alternating current, AC 交流aluminum 铝ambient 环境的ambiguity 模棱两可Ammeter 安培计电流表ammeter 电流表ampere-turns 安匝(数)amplidyne 微场扩流发电机amplification 扩大Amplitude Modulation(AM调幅analog electronics电力电子学analog-to-digital conversion, ADC 模数转换器analytical 分析的,分解的analytical 解析的angular 角的anode 阳极,正极antenna 天线aptly 适当地,适宜地arbitration 仲裁,公断arc welding 电弧焊armature circuit 电枢电路armature coil 电枢线圈armature mmf wave 电枢磁势波armature 电枢armature 电枢armature 衔铁arrangement 结构as a rule of thumb 根据经验asynchronous machine 异步电机attenuate 衰减audio 音频的automatic oscillograph 自动示波器automatic station 无人值守电站automatic Voltage regulator(AVR) automobile starter motor 汽车启动机automobile 汽车autonomic 自治的autonomous 匿名的autotransformer自耦变压器auxiliary motor 辅助电动机auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary 辅助的backlash 啮合间隙,齿隙ballast 镇流器bandwidth 带宽bar code reader 条码阅读器base 基极bearing 轴承bearing 轴承bellows 膜盒bilateral circuit 双向电路bimotored 双马达的binary 二进制binary-coded decimal,BCDbiphase 双相的bipolar junction transistor(BJT双极性晶体管blend 混合,调和,配料block diagram 方框图blow (保险丝)烧断bode plot 波特图bolt 螺栓boost 增压boost-buck 升压去磁boredom 讨厌,无趣braking 制动branch circuit 直路breakaway force 起步阻力breakdown torque 极限转矩breakdown 击穿bronze 青铜brush 电刷brute 僵化的buck 补偿bushing 高压套bushing 套管bypass 旁路by-product 副产品calibrate 校正calibration 标定,标准化calibration 校准,标定,刻度call for 需要cam 凸轮cantilever 悬臂capability 容量capacitance effect 电容效应capacitor 电容器capacitor 电容器capacity 容量capsule 封装carbon 碳carbon-filament lamp 碳丝灯泡carrier 载波Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系cartridge 盒式保险丝cast-aluminum rotor铸铝转子cathode 阴极cease 停止,终了centimeter 厘米centrifugal force 离心力centrifugal 离心的,离心力ceramic 陶瓷的chamber 室,腔chao 混乱checksum 检查和circuit branch 支路circuit components 电路元件circuit diagram 电路图circuit parameters 电路参数circuitry 电路,线路circumference 圆周circumnavigate 饶过clamp 夹,钳clamp 夹住,夹紧classic 古典的,经典的,传统的clearance 间隙client-server model 客户服务器模型client-server 客户-服务器clinker-cooler 熟料冷却器closed-loop 闭环■coast 跟踪惯性coaxial 共轴的,同轴的cogging 齿槽效应coil winding 线圈绕组coils 线圈绕组coincide in phase with 与…同相coincidence 一致,相等collector 集电极collector 集电极]commutation condition 换向状况commutation 换向commutator 换向器commutator 换向器commutator-brush combination compatible 兼容的complement 补码complex impedance 复数阻抗complex number 复数compound generator 复励发电机compound 紧密结合compounded 复励compound-wound 复励condominium (国际)共官conductance 电导conductor 导体conduit 导线,导线管cone pulley 塔轮,快慢轮configuration 组态connection 接线端constraint 强制,约束contact 触点contactor 接触器contiguous 邻近的conveyance 运输工具conveyor 传送机copper bar 铜导条copper end rings 铜端环core 铁心corona 电晕,放电corridor 通道,走廊corridor 通路corrosion 腐蚀cost-effective 花费大的counter electromotive force ,CEMF反电势counter emf 反电势counteract 抵抗,抵消,消除counterclockwise 逆时针counterpart 对应物coupling capacitor 结合电容creep 蠕动criteria 标准,判据crude 不精细的,粗略的crystal 晶体crystal 晶体的,水晶,晶体cubicle 立方体culminate 达到极值点culprit 犯罪者cumulative compound 积复励cumulatively compounded motor 积复励电动机Current source inverter 电流型逆变器cutoff 截止,关闭Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余检查cylindrical 圆柱式的damper 减速器dashpot relay 油壶式继电器dashpot 阻尼器dc generator 直流发电机DC link 直流环节dc motor 直流电动机de machine 直流电机decouple 解耦,去除干扰deenergize 不给…通电deflection 挠度,挠曲demagnetization退磁,去磁demodulation 解调demodulator 解调器demystify 阐明denominator 分母depict 描绘,描写depict 描述depress 压下derivative 导数derive 推倒deteriorate 使…恶化deterioration 变化,降低品质deterioration 损坏,磨损deviation 偏差dial 刻度盘dial 刻度盘,调节控制盘diameter 直径diameter 直径diaphragm 膜,隔板diaphragm 膜片diaphragm 膜片,挡板diaphragm 震动膜dictate 确定differential compound 差复励differential equation 微分方程differential pressure transducer差压变送器differentiation 微分differentiation 微分diode 二极管direct axis transient time constantdirect axis 直轴direct-current 直流discrete 离散的displacement current 位移电流displacement 位移dissipate 浪费dissipate 散发distillation 蒸馏distributed system 分布式系统distribution 分配,配电doubly excited 双边励磁drill 钻床due 应得到的dungen 地牢dwelling 住房dynamic braking 能耗制动dynamic response 动态响应dynamic-state operation动态运行dynamometer 测力计,功率计eddy current braking 涡流制动eddy current 涡流eddy current 涡流eddy 涡流effective values 有效值effects of saturation 饱和效应elapse 过去,消逝elapse 时间(流逝)elbow 弯头electric energy 电能electrical device 电气设备electrical stressing 电气应力electrode 电极电焊条electrodynamometer 电测力计electro-hydraulic 电动液压的electrolytic 电解的electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩electromechanical 机电的electronic mail 电子邮件electro-pneumatic 电动气动的elusive 难以捉摸的emf = electromotive fore电动势emitter 发射管放射器发射极emitter 发射极enclosure 机壳enclosure 设备外壳enclosure 外(机)壳encode 编码encoder 编码器end ring 端环energize 励磁energy converter 电能转换器entity 实体enumerate 列举envision 预见epoch angle 初相角equilibria 平衡equilibrium level 平均值equivalent circuit 等效电路equivalent T –circuit T型等值电路error detector 误差检测器error signal 误差信号error 误差,偏差escalation 升级,提高establishment 组织,部门etiquette 规则excitation system 励磁系统excited by 励磁exciting voltage 励磁电压expedite 加速expel 排出,放出expire 期满,终止exponential 指数external armature circuit 电枢外电路external characteristic外特性extruded 型材的fabricate 制造faithful 正确的,可靠的fallout 余波,附带结果fasten 固定,连接feasible 可行的feedback component 反馈元件feedback loop 反馈回路feedback signal 反馈信号feedback system 反馈系统feedback 反馈feeder 馈电线,电源线,馈电板feedforward 前馈felt 毡ferromagnetic 铁磁的fidelity 保真度fidelity 重现精度,真实,正确field coils 励磁线圈field current 励磁电流field effect transistor(FET)场效应管field pole 磁极field winding 磁场绕组励磁绕组field winding 励磁绕组figure of merit品质因数,优值filter 滤波器fin 飞边fixture 设备,装置]flicker 闪烁,摇曳flip-flop 触发器fluctuation 升降剥动,不规则的变化fluorescent 荧光的,有荧光性的flux density 磁通密度flux linkage 磁链flux per pole 每极磁通forced commutation 强迫换流forced-draft 强制通风forging 锻造form-wound 模绕forward transfer function 正向传递函数forward 转发fraction 分数frame 机座,机壳frequency- domain 频域Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)移频键控frequency 频率friction 摩擦full load 满载full-duplex 全双工full-load torque 满载转矩furnace 炉fuse 保险丝,熔丝fuse 熔断器fuse 熔断器,保险丝gain 增益gain 增益gamut 全体,整体gear 齿轮,传动装置general-purpose relay通用继电器generating 发电generator voltage 发电机电压generator 发电机generator 发电机Geometrical position 几何位置geometry 几何结构glitch 同步glue 胶合,粘贴goggles 护目镜,潜水镜graphite 石墨grinder 磨床grossly 大概,大体上的ground-fault circuit interrupter(GFCI)接地故障保护器,接地故障断路器ground-fault protector (GFP)gyroscope 陀螺仪half-duplex 半双工hand-wheel 手轮,驾驶盘,操纵盘hardwired 硬接线的harmonic 谐波的havoc 大破坏hazard 危险hazardous 危险的heat sink 散热器heating appliance 电热器hierarchy 阶梯,等级high-gain 高增益high-pass filter高通滤波器high-performance 高性能的high-volume 大容量hitherto 迄今,至今hockey puck 冰球hoist 起重机horsepower 马力horsepower 马力horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁host 主机humidity 湿度hydraulic 液力的hydraulic 液压传动hydraulic 液压的,液压传动装置hydropower station 水电站hysteresis 磁滞ideal source 理想电源ideological 思想的imaginary part 虚部immunity 抗扰性impedance 阻抗impedance 阻抗impedance 阻抗impulse 推动力in (inch ,inches)英寸in parallel with 并联in series with 串联in terms of 根据,在……方面in the vicinity of 在…附近,在…左右incident 入射的increment encoder 增量编码器indicating needle仪表指针indispensable 必需的,必不可少的induced current 感生电流induced-draft fan 吸风机induction coupling 感应耦合induction generator 感应发电机induction machine 感应电机induction machine 感应式电机induction motor 感应电动机induction motor感应电动机induction-disc relay 感应圆盘式继电器inductive component 感性(无功)分量inertia 惯性inertial 惯性的,惯量的inference 干扰infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益infrastructure 基础,底层结构inherent 固有的inhibit 禁止initiate 引起,促进injection molding 注模inrush current 涌流instantaneous electric power瞬时电功率instantaneous mechanical power 瞬时机械功率instruction set 指令集insulation 绝缘insulation 绝缘insulation 绝缘insulator string 绝缘子串intake 吸入integrate 求…的积分integrated circuit 集成电路integration 积分integration 积分下限interactive 交互式interconnection 相互连接interface data unit 接口数据单元interface 接口interfere with 有害于。
Llab læbn.实验室label 'leibln.标签,标记vt.贴标签于labo(u)r 'leibə'leibən.1.劳动,体力劳动2.工人,劳工vi.1.劳动,苦干2.费力地前进,吃力地行动lack lækv./n.缺乏,缺少,短缺ladder 'lædən.梯子,阶梯lady 'leidin.1.夫人,女士2.(pl.)女盥洗室*lag lægn.落后,滞后vi.落后,走得慢lake leikn.湖,湖泊lamb læmn.1.小羊,羔羊2.羔羊肉+lame leimadj.瘸的,拐的vt.使跛,使腿瘸lamp læmpn.灯land lændn.1.陆地,地面2.土地,田地3.国家,国土v.使…着陆,登陆,靠岸landlord 'lændlɔ:dn.地主,房东landscape 'lændskeipn.1.景色,风景2.风景画,风景照片lane leinn.1.小路,小巷2.车道,跑道language 'læŋgwidʒn.语言*lantern 'læntənn.灯笼lap læpn.1.膝部2.(跑道的)一圈large lɑ:dʒadj.大的by and large:大体上,总的说来 n.大[只用于短语]at large:1.大多数2.未被捕的largely 'lɑ:dʒliadv.大部分,主要地laser 'leizən.激光+lash læʃv.1.鞭打,抽打2.猛击,猛烈甩动3.捆扎,绑紧n.1.抽打,鞭挞2.猛击,急打last lɑ:stadj.1.最后的2.最近的,紧接前面的adv.最后(地),上一次,最近一次at last:终于vi.持续,维持late leitadj.1.迟的,晚的2.晚期的,末期的3.最近的,已故的adv.迟,晚lately 'leitliadv.最近,近来,不久前later 'leitəadv.后来,过一会儿later on:后来,过些时侯sooner or later:迟早+lateral 'lætərəladj.横向的,侧面的,旁边的Latin 'lætinn./adj.1.拉丁2.拉丁语(的)3.拉丁人(的)+latitude 'lætitju:dn.纬度latter 'lætəadj.1.后面的,末了的2.后一半的,接近终了的n.后者laugh lɑ:fv.笑laugh at:嘲笑,因…而笑n.笑(声)laughter 'lɑ:ftən.笑,笑声launch lɔ:ntʃvt.1.使(船)下水2.发射(导弹),投射3.发动,发起n.发射,(船)下水+laundry 'lɔ:ndrin.1.洗衣房(店)2.送洗的衣服,洗好的衣服+lavatory 'lævətərin.厕所,盥洗室law lɔ:n.1.法律2.法规,法制3.定律。
第一部分:代码、缩写与词汇●ANSI代码●缩写:1.可编程控制器PLC2.人机接口HMI, MMI3.电流互感器CT/TA4.电压互感器PT/TV5.数字输入/数字输出DI/DO6.模拟量输入/输出AI/AO7.电压调节器AVR8.监测控制与数据采集SCADA9.中控制CCR10.工程师工作站EWS11.操作员工作站OPS12.输入输出I/O13.光纤收发器FOT14.开关S/W15.工厂验收试验FAT16.接地GND17.视频显示器VDU18.增/减INCR/DECR19.小型断路器MCB20.塑壳断路器MCCB21.最大/最小MAX/MIN22.常开/常闭NO/NC23.机组控制屏UCB24.可编程控制器PLC25.分布式控制系统DCS26.同期Sync27.自动Auto28.高压/中压/低压HV/MV/LV29.直流DC30.交流AC31.只读存储器ROM32.随机存储器RAM33.中央处理器CPU34.液晶显示器LCD35.发光二极管LED36.美国国家标准协会ANSI37.国际小水电中心IC-SHP38.不间断电源UPS39.工程总包EPC40.华自HNAC词汇:1.开机Start2.停机Stop3.紧急停机Emergency Shutdown4.现场试验Site Test5.出厂试验Factory Test6.常规实验Routine test7.型式试验Type test8.故障Fault/failure9.电流Current10.电压Voltage11.跳闸Trip12.合闸Close13.电池Battery14.传感器Sensor15.遥控Remote control16.手控Manual control17.自动控制Automatic control18.现地Local19.熔断器Fuse20.装机容量Installed capacity21.发电机Generator22.变压器Transformer23.水轮机Turbine24.调速器Governor25.开关设备Switchgear26.断路器Breaker27.污水处理Water treatment28.车间Workshop29.电缆Cable30.水轮机Turbine31.调速器Governor32.相Phase33.冗余Redundancy34.短路Short circuit35.配电Distribution36.屏柜Panel /cubicle37.触摸屏Touch screen38.额定值Rating/ Rated Value39.二极管Diode40.报警Alarm41.馈线Feeder42.接地Ground/ Earth43.中控室Centre Control Room44.无人值班水电站Unattended Hydropower Station45.技术的Technical46.供水Water supply47.数字式继电器Digital relay48.元件Component, part49.指示器Indicator50.风机Fan51.电压表Voltmeter52.电流表Ammeter53.电度表Energy meter54.升压/降压Step up/step down55.泵站Pump station56.闭锁Block57.备用Spare58.热备用Hot standby59.绝缘Insulation60.调试Debug61.整流桥Rectifier bridge62.脉冲Pulse63.母联Bus bar64.避雷器Arrestor65.单线图Single line diagram66.打印机Printer67.仪表Meter68.参数Data69.布局Layout70.故障Fault /failure71.接线图Wiring diagram72.测量Measure73.温升Temperature rise74.定值Setting75.绕组Winding76.电容器Capacitor77.隔离开关Disconnector78.伺服电动机Servo motor79.充电Charge80.放电Discharge81.有功功率/无功功率Active power/reactive power, P/Q82.输电线路Transmission line83.采样Sampling84.软件Software85.硬件Hardware86.功率因素Power factor87.水头head88.流量Discharge/flow89.制动Brake90.发电室Powerhouse91.通信Communication92.正常Normal93.异常Abnormal94.维护Maintenance95.服务器Server96.信号Signal97.命令Command/order98.电气的Electrical99.机械的Mechanical100.接口Interface第二部分:句子1.保护设备的结构设计得很好。
电力专业常用英语词汇网易电力专业英语词汇(较全)1)元件设备三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitor电抗器:Reactor母线:Busbar输电线:TransmissionLine发电厂:power plant断路器:Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator分接头:tap电动机:motor2)状态参数有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position有功损耗:reactive loss无功损耗:active loss空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current定子:stator功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统 power system发电机 generator励磁 excitation励磁器 excitor电压 voltage电流 current母线 bus变压器 transformer升压变压器 step-up transformer高压侧 high side输电系统 power transmission system输电线 transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定 stability电压稳定 voltage stability功角稳定 angle stability暂态稳定 transient stability电厂 power plant能量输送 power transfer交流 AC装机容量 installed capacity电网 power system落点 drop point开关站 switch station双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站 transformer substation补偿度 degree of compensation高抗 high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿 reactive power compensation故障 fault调节 regulation裕度 magin三相故障 three phase fault故障切除时间 fault clearing time极限切除时间 critical clearing time切机 generator triping高顶值 high limited value强行励磁 reinforced excitation线路补偿器 LDC(line drop compensation)机端 generator terminal静态 static (state)动态 dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bus system 机端电压控制 AVR功角 power angle有功(功率) active power无功(功率) reactive power功率因数 power factor无功电流 reactive current下降特性 droop characteristics斜率 slope额定 rating变比 ratio参考值 reference value电压互感器 PT分接头 tap下降率 droop rate仿真分析 simulation analysis传递函数 transfer function框图 block diagram受端 receive-side裕度 margin同步 synchronization失去同步 loss of synchronization阻尼 damping摇摆 swing保护断路器 circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容: capacitanceAGC Automatic Generation Control自动发电控制AMR Automatic Message Recording 自动抄表ASS Automatic Synchronized System 自动准同期装置ATS Automatic Transform System 厂用电源快速切换装置AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动电压调节器BCS Burner Control System 燃烧器控制系统BMS Burner Management System 燃烧器管理系统CCS Coordinated Control System 协调控制系统CRMS Control Room Management System 控制室管理系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管DAS Data Acquisition System 数据采集与处理系统DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制(系统)DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control 数字电液(调节系统)DPU Distributed Processing Unit 分布式处理单元EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统ETS Emergency Trip System 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统EWS Engineering Working Station 工程师工作站FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化FCS Field bus Control System 现场总线控制系统FSS Fuel Safety System 燃料安全系统FSSS Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System 炉膛安全监控系统GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统HCS Hierarchical Control System 分级控制系统LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCP Local Control Panel 就地控制柜MCC Motor Control Center (电动机)马达控制中心MCS Modulating Control System 模拟量控制系统MEH Micro Electro Hydraulic Control System 给水泵汽轮机电液控制系统MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统NCS Net Control System 网络监控系统OIS Operator Interface Station 操作员接口站OMS Outage Management System 停电管理系统PID Proportion Integration Differentiation 比例积分微分PIO Process inputOutput 过程输入输出(通道)PLC Programmable Logical Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PSS Power System Stabilizator 电力系统稳定器SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 数据采集与监控系统SCC Supervisory Computer Control 监督控制系统SCS Sequence Control System 顺序(程序)控制系统SIS Supervisory Information System 监控信息系统TDCS(TDC)Total Direct Digital Control 集散控制系统TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 汽轮机监测仪表UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断供电专业英语(电力词汇)标准的机组数据显示 (Standard Measurement And Display Data)负载电流百分比显示 Percentage of Current load(%)单相/三相电压 Voltage by One/Three Phase (Volt.)每相电流 Current by Phase (AMP)千伏安 Apparent Power (KVA)中线电流 Neutral Current (N Amp)功率因数 Power Factor (PF)频率 Frequency(HZ)千瓦 Active Power (KW)千阀 Reactive Power (KVAr)最高/低电压及电流 Max/Min. Current and Voltage输出千瓦/兆瓦小时 Output kWh/MWh运行转速 Running RPM机组运行正常 Normal Running超速故障停机 Overspeed Shutdowns低油压故障停机 Low Oil Pressure Shutdowns高水温故障停机 High Coolant Temperature Shutdowns起动失败停机 Fail to Start Shutdowns冷却水温度表 Coolant Temperature Gauge机油油压表 Oil Pressure Gauge电瓶电压表 Battery Voltage Meter机组运行小时表 Genset Running Hour Meter怠速-快速运行选择键 Idle Run – Normal Run Selector Switch运行-停机-摇控启动选择键 Local Run-Stop-Remote Starting Selector Switch其它故障显示及输入 Other Common Fault Alarm Display and电力行波词汇行波travelling wave模糊神经网络fuzzy-neural network神经网络neural network模糊控制fuzzy control研究方向 research direction副教授associate professor电力系统the electrical power system大容量发电机组large capacity generating set输电距离electricity transmission超高压输电线super voltage transmission power line 投运commissioning行波保护Traveling wave protection自适应控制方法adaptive control process动作速度speed of action行波信号travelling wave signal测量信号measurement signal暂态分量transient state component非线性系统nonlinear system高精度high accuracy自学习功能self-learning function抗干扰能力anti-jamming capability自适应系统adaptive system行波继电器travelling wave relay输电线路故障transmission line malfunction仿真simulation算法algorithm电位electric potential短路故障short trouble子系统subsystem大小相等,方向相反equal and opposite in direction 电压源voltage source故障点trouble spot等效于equivalent暂态行波transient state travelling wave偏移量side-play mount电压electric voltage附加系统add-ons system波形waveform工频power frequency延迟变换delayed transformation延迟时间delay time减法运算subtraction相减运算additive operation求和器summator模糊规则fuzzy rule参数值parameter values可靠动作action message等值波阻抗equivalent value wave impedance附加网络additional network修改的modified反传算法backpropagation algorithm隶属函数membership function模糊规则fuzzy rule模糊推理fuzzy reasoning模糊推理矩阵fuzzy reasoning matrix样本集合 sample set给定的given采样周期sampling period三角形隶属度函数Triangle-shape grade of membership function负荷状态load conditions区内故障troubles inside the sample space门槛值threshold level采样频率sampling frequency全面地all sidedly样本空间sample space误动作malfunction保护特性protection feature仿真数据simulation data灵敏性sensitivity小波变换wavelet transformation神经元neuron谐波电流harmonic current电力系统自动化power system automation继电保护relaying protection中国电力 China Power学报 journal初探primary exploration电机学 electrical machinery自动控制理论 automatic control theory电磁场 electromagnetic field电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves微机原理 principle of microcomputer电工学 electrotechnics principle of circuit s电力系统稳态分析 steady-state analysis o f power system电力系统暂态分析 transient-state analysi s of power system电力系统继电保护原理 principle of electrica l system's relay protection电力系统元件保护原理 protection principl e of power system 's element电力系统内部过电压 past voltage within po wer system模拟电子技术基础 basis of analogue electr onic technique数字电子技术 digital electrical technique 电路原理实验lab. of principle of circuits电气工程讲座 lectures on electrical powe r production电力电子基础basic fundamentals of powe r electronics高电压工程high voltage engineering电子专题实践topics on experimental proje ct of electronics电气工程概论introduction to electrical eng ineering电子电机集成系统electronic machine syste m电力传动与控制electrical drive and contro l电力电子电路Power Electronic Circuit电力电子电器Power Electronic Equipment电力电子器件Power Electronic Devices电力电子学Power Electronics电力工程Electrical Power Engineering电力生产技术Technology of Electrical Power Generation电力生产优化管理Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation电力拖动基础Fundamentals for Electrical Towage电力拖动控制系统Electrical Towage Control Systems电力系统Power Systems电力系统电源最优化规划Optimal Planning of Power Source in a PowerSystem电力系统短路Power System Shortcuts电力系统分析Power System Analysis电力系统规划Power System Planning电力系统过电压Hyper-Voltage of Power Systems电力系统继电保护原理Power System Relay Protection电力系统经济分析Economical Analysis of Power Systems电力系统经济运行Economical Operation of Power Systems电力系统可靠性Power System Reliability电力系统可靠性分析Power System Reliability Analysis电力系统无功补偿及应用Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems &Applicati电力系统谐波Harmonious Waves in Power Systems电力系统优化技术Optimal Technology of Power Systems电力系统优化设计Optimal Designing of Power Systems电力系统远动Operation of Electric Systems电力系统远动技术Operation Technique of Electric Systems电力系统运行Operation of Electric Systems电力系统自动化Automation of Electric Systems电力系统自动装置Power System Automation Equipment电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术基础Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology电磁感应定律law of electromagnetic induction励磁 excitation 励磁器 magnetizing ex citer励磁器 exciter 恒定励磁器constant excit er励磁器激振器exciter励磁电流:magnetizing current 强行励磁reinforced excitation励磁调节器excitation regulator无功伏安volt-ampere reactive无功伏安时volt-ampere-hour reactive稳态控制homeostatic control; stable co ntrol a steady-state control水电厂hydroelectric station落点 drop point 调节 regulation调节器conditioner 励磁调节器exc itation regulator调速器regulator, governor ;speed re gulator ;(正规)speed governor高抗 high voltage shunt reactor并列的: apposite; paratactic 同步 sy nchronization系统解列system splitting( trip)失去同步loss of synchronization分接头:tap 裕度 margin 档位:tap p osition故障 fault 三相故障 three phase fault 切机 generator triping故障切除时间fault clearing time高顶值 high limited value静态 static (state) 动态 dynamic (sta te) 暂态transient机端电压控制 avr电动机:motor有功负载: active load/pload 无功负载:r eactive load电压互感器pt (potential /voltage transformer )参考值 reference value 单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity bus system仿真分析 simulation analysis 下降率 dr oop rate传递函数 transfer function 框图 bloc k diagram受端 receive-side 同步 synchronizatio n保护断路器 circuit breaker阻尼 damping无刷直流电机:brusless dc motor永磁直流电动机permanent-magnet direct current motor机端 generator terminal永磁同步电机:permanent-magnet synchr onism motor异步电机:asynchronous motor三绕组变压器:three-column transformer t hrclntransthree winding transforme r双绕组变压器:double-column transforme r dblclmntranstwo-circuit transformer; two -winding transformer固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor co mpensation双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the s ame tower单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bu s system偿度 degree of compensation电磁场失去同步electromagnetic fields los s of synchronization装机容量 installed capacity无功补偿 reactive power compensation故障切除时间 fault clearing time极限切除时间 critical clearing time强行励磁 reinforced excitation并联电容器:shunt capacitor下降特性 droop characteristics线路补偿器 ldc(line drop compensatio n) 《。
电力职称英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The primary function of a transformer is to:A. Convert voltage levelsB. Amplify electrical signalsC. Rectify alternating currentD. Filter electrical noise答案:A2. In an electric power system, the term "load" refers to:A. The source of electrical powerB. The electrical equipment that consumes powerC. The transmission lines that carry powerD. The protective devices for circuits答案:B3. Which of the following is not a type of electrical fault?A. Short circuitB. OverloadC. Ground faultD. Surge protection答案:D4. The unit of electrical power is the:A. VoltB. AmpereC. WattD. Ohm答案:C5. The purpose of a circuit breaker is to:A. Provide a path for excess currentB. Maintain a constant voltage levelC. Protect the circuit from overcurrentD. Convert AC to DC答案:C二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)6. The three main components of an electric power system are the _______, transmission, and distribution.答案:generation7. The SI unit for electrical resistance is the _______.答案:ohm8. In a parallel circuit, the total resistance is always_______ than any individual resistance.答案:lower9. The process of converting mechanical energy intoelectrical energy is known as _______.答案:generation10. A fuse is a type of protective device that operates by_______ when the current exceeds a safe level.答案:melting三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)11. Explain the difference between AC and DC power systems. 答案:AC (Alternating Current) power systems use a current that regularly reverses direction, while DC (Direct Current) power systems use a current that flows in one direction only.12. What is the significance of Ohm's Law in electrical engineering?答案:Ohm's Law is fundamental in electrical engineering asit relates the voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) in a simple electrical circuit, expressed as V = IR, allowing for calculations of these quantities.13. Describe the role of a generator in an electric power system.答案:A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, serving as the primary source of power in an electric power system.14. What are the functions of a capacitor in an electrical circuit?答案:A capacitor in an electrical circuit can store energy, filter signals, and block direct current while allowing alternating current to pass.四、计算题(每题5分,共20分)15. Calculate the total resistance in a circuit with two resistors in parallel, where R1 = 100 ohms and R2 = 200 ohms.答案:\( R_{total} = \frac{R1 \times R2}{R1 + R2} = \frac{100 \times 200}{300} = \frac{20000}{300} = 66.67 \) ohms16. If a 12-volt battery is connected to a 3-ohm resistor, what is the current flowing through the resistor?答案:\( I = \frac{V}{R} = \frac{12}{3} = 4 \) amperes17. What is the power consumed by a 5-ohm resistor with a current of 2 amperes flowing through it?答案:\( P = I^2 \times R = 2^2 \times 5 = 4 \times 5 = 20 \) watts18. If a 240-volt AC motor draws a current of 5 amperes, what is the apparent power?答案:\( S = V \times I = 240 \times 5 = 1200 \) volt-amperes五、论述题(每题10分,共20分)19. Discuss the importance of energy efficiency in power systems and how it can be achieved.答案:Energy efficiency is crucial in power systems as it reduces energy consumption, lowers operational costs, and decreases environmental impact. It can be achieved through various means such as using high-efficiency equipment, optimizing system operations, and implementing demand-side management strategies.20. Explain the concept of smart grids and their advantages over traditional power systems.答案:Smart grids are advanced power systems that use digital technology and automation to improve the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of electricity production anddistribution. They offer numerous advantages over traditional systems, including better demand response, enhanced grid stability, and the ability to integrate renewable energy sources more effectively.。
短文判断According to the mode of energy conversion1. Base on energy conversion,power plants are divided into more than 7 categories.(A. Right)2. A power plant tries to transform energy source into electric power.(B .Wrong)3. The power plant generating electricity and supplying steam is called a co-generation plant.(A. Right)4. A power net plan for short and medium term is one of factors in selecting a site.(B .Wrong)5. Two important factors for a new plant plan are fuel supply and ash disposal.(A. Right)6. Environmental protection is less considered in building a new power plant.(B .Wrong)7.Water sources and transportation conditions are not needed to consider in selecting a new site(B .Wrong)8. The total capacity in a newly scheduled plant arranges from 1200MW to 3600MW.(A. Right)9. The number of units exceeds more than six.(B .Wrong)10. The ranks of capacity should be limited within two.(A. Right)Among the criticisms of the Obama administration’s1. The Obama administration’s bank rescue proposal is criticized because the amount of money is too huge.(B .Wrong)2. The word“float”(Para.3)means“to move without an aim”(B .Wrong)3. According to the author, ordinary Americans don’t have much cash these days.(A. Right)4. The bailout plan is so complex and risky that the world’s major banks utterly misjudged them.(B .Wrong)5. The last paragraph indicates that the bailout plan needs support from big investors(A. Right)Australia is a vast continent,the sixth largest in the world1. Australia is a large country and has a relatively large population.(B .Wrong)2. The majority of people living in Australia are city dwellers(A. Right)3. The delivery of education services to people living in remote areas is unimaginable for almost a century.(B .Wrong)4. The attempt to provide educational services to distant dwellers did not take place until 1916.(A. Right)5. The schoolwork was delivered and returned through sealed roads,regular bus routes and air services in the beginning.(B .Wrong)Biomass is a cost-effective source of energy1. As a source of energy, biomass can bring the best possible profits for the lowest possible costs.(A. Right)2. 0ne of the advantages of using biomass is that it is a convenient medium to store energy(A. Right)3. Biomass doesn’t produce enough carbon dioxide and is harmless to the environment(B .Wrong)4. Despite its advantages,biomass is not suitable for commercial uses.(A. Right)5. Only trees and crops can be used as biomass-fuels.(B .Wrong)Electricity may be dangerous. It always takes the shortest1. Electricity is not dangerous as people think.(B .Wrong)2. Dry wood can carry electricity to the ground.u(B .Wrong)3. Conductors like metal or water can carry electricity to the ground.(A. Right)4. Human body is a good conductor because it has 90%water in the body.(B .Wrong)5. You can use a hairdryer far from bath and water.(A. Right)6. Wet hands are good conductors for transmitting electricity.(A. Right)7. The best tool to push a shocked person away from the power is to use a non-conductor.(A. Right)Marx once quoted a famous saying in his work Capitalism1. The work Capitalism is written by Carl Marx.(A. Right)2. For 20%profit,capital will take risks.(B .Wrong)3. For 100%,capital dares to break any human laws.(A. Right)4. For 200%,capital dares to commit any crime and even risks being hanged.(B .Wrong)5. The pursuit of profits forces human beings to take any risks(A. Right)6. The pursuit of profit is much more encouraged than the pursuit of friendship.(B .Wrong)7. There are two ownerships existing in Chinese economy.(A. Right)8. Only bright manufacturer or manager can predict the future of his enterprises.(B .Wrong)Nuclear power’s danger to health,safety, and even to1. The mystery about nuclear radiation may come from the fact that it cannot be detected by human senses.(A. Right)2. We cannot sense radio activity without a radio receiver.(B .Wrong)3. Common radio waves are harmless to human beings and other things.(A. Right)4. Even at the lowest levels,radiation will cause cancer by killing the healthy cells.(B .Wrong)5. Victims of nuclear radiation may die of cancer years later.(A. Right)Optical fiber communication is a kind of information1.Akind of information communication is optical fiber communication.(A. Right)2.The composite optical fiber ground wire is seldom used in power system.(B .Wrong)3.One of the transmission tasks of the optical fiber main network is to transmit administration telephones from power system.(A. Right)4.Optical fiber communication has been the important communication method in power communication system.(A. Right)rge capacity of communication is not one of the advantages of optical fiber communication.(B .Wrong)6.The communication capacity of optical fiber is indirectly proportion to the carrier frequency.(B .Wrong)7.The carrier frequency of power line is more than 300kHz.(A. Right)8.The carrier frequency of microwave is between 3000MHz and 5000MHz.(B .Wrong)9.The main problem of the fiber-optic channel is the high price of fiber-optic equipment.(A. Right)10 .The cables made by optical fiber are not expensive(B .Wrong)Taking a general view of the 1000MW grade high-efficiency supercritical1. The 1000MW grade high-efficiency supercritical unit is designed and made in China.(A. Right)2.The temperature of main steam and reheated steam reach basically between 570 to 6500C.(B .Wrong)3.The tube wall temperature of superheater and reheater can reach more than 600 to 6500C.(A. Right)4.The anti-high temperature steam oxidation performance at tube inner surface is highly demanded.(A. Right)5.The anti-high temperature flue gas corrosion performance at tube outside surface is not highly demanded.(B .Wrong)6.The temperature limit of T91 for use is about 5930C.(A. Right)7. The temperature limit of T92 for use is less than 6200C.(B .Wrong)8. The temperature of austenite stainless steel for normal use is about 6500C.(A. Right)9. The temperature 1imit of anstenite stainless steel is 1ess than 7000C.(B .Wrong)10. Only heat-resisting steel can be adopted for use.(B .Wrong)The condenser is a surface heat exchanger in which cooling water1. A condenser is a heat exchanger removing the vaporization heat from the exhaust steam and condensing the exhaust steam into water.(A. Right)2. It is suggested that the water should not be cooled below the saturation temperature.(A. Right)3. The saturation temperature would not remove excess energy from the system and reduce the overall efficiency.(B .Wrong)4. It is unnecessary to reduce the steam to water so that it can be pumped back through the system.(B .Wrong)5. The condenser does not control back-pressure at the turbine exhaust.(B .Wrong)6. The important factor controlling the turbine backpressure is the temperature of the cooling water passing through the condenser tubes.(A. Right)7. The temperature of cooling water will increase its temperature between 15oF and 20oF as it passes through the condenser.(A. Right)8. The terminal difference means the temperature difference between the cooling water and the turhine exhaust steam.(A. Right)9. The temperature increase of the cooling water and the terminal difference depend on 3 factors.(B .Wrong)10. The exhaust steam temperature does not rely on the temperature of the cooling water which enters the condenser.(B .Wrong)The earth is the home for us a111. The earth turns itself once a week. (B. Wrong)2. The people a11 over the world can see sunrise at the same time. (B. Wrong)3. The earth moves round the sun. (A. Right)4. As the earth goes round the moon, we have our four seasons. (B. Wrong)5. The seasons in some places on the earth is relative to their distance from the sun. (A. Right)The high voltage circuit breaker is mainly composed1. Contactors,arc-extinguishing elements,insulation material and operating mechanism form the high voltage circuit breaker.(A. Right)2 .The insulation structure is made up of3 parts.(A. Right)3.The arc-extinguishing medium can be divided into only 3 parts.(B .Wrong)4.An oil circuit breaker means a circuit breaker with oil as arc-extinguishing and insulation medium.(A. Right )5.A vacuum circuit breaker is not a circuit breaker with close and open contactors in high vacuum.(B .Wrong)6 .A pure SF6 gas is not a good arc-extinguishing medium.(B .Wrong)7.The insulation strength of SF6 gas is higher than air and vacuum.(A. Right)8.An oil minimum circuit breaker is very safe in use.(A. Right)9.An oil minimum circuit breaker has bad heat dissipation capability.(B .Wrong)10.An oil minimum circuit breaker is one of the mostly used circuit breakers in the power grid.(A. Right)The purpose of post-weld heat treatment1. The post-weld heat treatments have two main purposes.(A. Right)2. One of the purposes is to diminish the residual stress in the welded joints.(A. Right)3. The other purpose is to improve the organization of the welded joints.(B .Wrong)4. The welding crack can be classified into 5 categories.(A. Right)5. To change the internal structure of the work piece is one of purposes for heat treatment.(A. Right)6. There are 5 kinds of steel heat treatment(B .Wrong)7. The processes of heat treatment include 4 procedures.(A. Right)8. The electric resistance furnace is not widely used.(B .Wrong)9. Heat treatment furnaces are not composed of electric resistance furnace,combustion furnace and surface heating device.(B .Wrong)10. The control device for heat treatment temperature is composed of temperature measuring element,and control device.(B .Wrong)The simultaneousness of the electric power generation means that1. The electric power can be stored.(B.Wrong)2. The power system is made up of 4 parts.(A.Right )3. The unification of power system equipment is formed by 4 equipments.(A.Right )4. A power system is an undivided integer.(A.Right )5.The power network can operate normally without the integration of other 3 equipments(B.Wrong)6.A link line is called a transmission line(A.Right )7.A link line is formed by 3 power networks.(B .Wrong)8 .An electric power network is simply called a power network.(B .Wrong)9 .The main network frame is formed by a weak EHV system.(B .Wrong)10. The networks are not closely linked with each other.(B .Wrong)The selected type of dam of hydraulic power plant depends principally1. The type of dam for hydraulic power plant depends on many factors.(A. Right)2. The main purpose of the dam safety monitoring is to monitor the performance indexes.(A. Right)3. The equipment installed inside the dam is to discover the normality of dam in time.(B .Wrong)4. Horizontal displacement is more important than vertical displacement.(B .Wrong)5. Temperature stress and strain are the two main monitoring items of dam.(B .Wrong)6. The monitoring method is the suitable points on the dam and its foundation.(A. Right)7. Some monitoring devices are movable for periodical supervision.(B .Wrong)8. The monitoring result shall be analyzed and studied by computers.(B .Wrong)The undersea world is very mysterious1. Everything under the sea becomes blue and green.(A. Right)2. Now people can dive into the water to explore the secrets of the sea.(A. Right)3. You can stay in deep blue sea for a long time if you have bottles of air on your back.(A. Right)4. It is warm but dark in deeper water.(B .Wrong)5. Under about 3000 feet,there is no light at all.(A. Right)6. Many fish under deep water have eyes like normal fish in water.(B .Wrong)7. The sea is a dangerous place for all organisms.(A. Right)8. Deep sea animals must follow the rule:to eat or be eaten.(A. Right)Thomas Edison was a great inventor1. Phonograph (留声机) was invented two hundred years ago. (B. Wrong)2. The computes was a great invention before the helicopter was invented.(B. Wrong)3. Nylon greatly influenced the type of clothes. (A. Right)4. The inventions for getting over illness has nothing to do with the health of human being(B. Wrong)5. Thomas Edison was a great doctor.(B. Wrong)We all need friends. Without friends we may feel empty1. People can’t live well if they have no friends(A. Right)2. If you want to keep a friend forever, you should greet him with a smile.(A. Right)3. Cooking some soup fur a sick neighbour makes your the sick neighbonr feel much better.(A. Right)4. If you have a close friend,it doesn’t matter to be rode to him.(B .Wrong)5. If you want to be a loyal friend,you should understand their ideas and learn from them.(A. Right)When you think about the growth of human population1. With the increase of human population over the last century, every thing around us is increasing.(B .Wrong)2. It was not until the publication of a new report,called “Livestock’s Long Shadow”,that we know how big the number of livestock is.(B .Wrong)3. Rain forests are decreasing as a result of expanding grazing land.(A. Right)4. The global livestock contribute more to the global warming than transportation.(A. Right)5. According to the passage,the only solution to global warming is reducing cars.(B .Wrong)Years ago,doctors often said that pain was a normal part1. Pain is a natural part of aging and the older patients have to learn to live with it.(B .Wrong)2. Toda, it is believed that chronic pain can cause depression.(A. Right)3. To provide a comprehensive therapy, the work of many professionals is involved.(A. Right)4. Our respect for pair management has led to the wealth and health of people.(B .Wrong)5. The drugs which helped patients relieve the pain used to have serious side effects.(A. Right)。
C级别是前面没有符号的,B级=C+“*”,A=C+B+“+”Aa anart.1.一(个)2.每一(个)3.(同类事物中的)任何一个abandon[ə'bænd(ə)n]vt.放弃,遗弃,丢弃abbey['æbɪ]n. 1.修道院2.大教堂+abbreviation [əbr iːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]n.(用词首字母组成的)缩写ABCn. 1.字母表2.基础知识,abdomen ['æbdəmən]n.腹部abdominal [æb'dɒmɪn(ə)l]adj.腹部的+aberration [,æbə'reɪʃ(ə)n]n.失常(行为)+ abide [ə'baɪd]vi.(by)遵守,坚持ability [ə'bɪlɪtɪ]n. 1.能力,本领2.(pl.)才能,才识able ['eɪb(ə)l]adj. 1.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事的 2.有本事的,能干的be able to:能够,会*abnormal [æb'nɔːml]adj.1.反常的,变态的2.不规则的aboard [ə'bɔːd]adv./prep.在船(车、飞行器)上,上船(车、飞行器)abolish [ə'bɒlɪʃ]vt.废除,取消abortion[ə'bɔːʃ(ə)n]n.流产,堕胎+aboriginal [æbə'rɪdʒɪn(ə)l]adj.土著的n.土著居民,土生动植物about [ə'baʊt]prep.1.在…周围2.关于,对于adv.1.附近,周围,到处2.大约above [ə'bʌv]prep.在…之上,高于above all:尤其是,最主要的是adj.上述的,上面的adv.1.在上面,往上2.更多abroad [ə'brɔːd]adv.1.到国外,在海外2.遍布,到处+abrupt[ə'brʌpt]adj.1.突然的2.粗鲁的,(态度)生硬的absence['æbs(ə)ns]n. 1.缺席2.缺乏,缺少absent ['æbs(ə)nt]adj.1.缺席的2.缺乏的3.不在意的,茫然的be absent from:缺席accommodate [ə'kɒmədeɪt]vt.1.为…提供住宿2.容纳,接纳3.使适应,调节accommodation[əkɒmə'deɪʃ(ə)n]n. 1.膳宿供应2.(pl.)提供便利的设备(或用具) 3.适应,调节accompany[ə'kʌmpənɪ]vt.1.陪伴,陪同2.为…伴奏accomplish [ə'kʌmplɪʃ]vt.完成,实现,成就accordance[ə'kɔːd(ə)ns]n.一致,相符in accordance with:依照,依据,与…一致according toprep.按照,根据*accordingly[ə'kɔːdɪŋlɪ]adv.1.依照2.由此,于是3.相应地account [ə'kaʊnt] vi.说明(理由等)account for:说明,解释(原因等) n.1.陈述,说明2.账户,(pl.)账目3.原因,理由On account of:基于,由于On all accounts:无论如何on no account:决不take into account:考虑,重视accountant [ə'kaʊnt(ə)nt]n.会计,出纳*accumulate [ə'kjuːmjʊleɪt]vt.积累,积聚vi.堆积,积累accurate ['ækjʊrət]adj.准确的,精确的accusation [ækjʊ'zeɪʃ(ə)n]n.告发,控告accuse [ə'kjuːzvt. 1.指责2.控告accuse…of指责某人,控告某人accustom [ə'kʌstəm]vt.使习惯be accustomed to:习惯于ace[eɪs]n. 1.“A”牌2.能手,专家3.发球得分absolute ['æbsəluːt]adj.1.绝对的,完全的2.确实的,肯定的absorb[əb'zɔːb]vt.1.吸收2.使全神贯注abstract ['æbstrækt]adj.抽象的,不具体的n.摘要,提要+absurd[əb'sɜːd]adj.荒谬的,荒唐可笑的*abundant[ə'bʌnd(ə)nt]adj.丰富的,充裕的*abuse[ə'bjuːz]vt./n.1.滥用,妄用2.辱骂.诬蔑academic [ækə'demɪk]adj.1.学术的2.学院的3.学究的academy [ə'kædəmɪ]n.1.(高等)院校,研究院 2.学会,协会*accelerate[ək'seləreɪt]vt.1.加速2.促进vi.增加速度accent ['æks(ə)nt]n.1.口音2.重音accept [ə'ksept]vt.1.接受,领受2.认可,同意vi.同意,认可acceptable [ək'septəb(ə)l]adj.1.可接受的2.合意的,受欢迎的acceptance [ək'sept(ə)ns] n.1.接受2.承认,认可access ['ækses]n.1.接近,获得(机会等)2.人口,通道.have/gain access to:有(机会、手段、权力)得到/接近/进入*accessible [ək'sesɪb(ə)l]adj.可得到的,易接近的,可进入的+accessory [ək'ses(ə)rɪ]n.附件,附属品adj.1.附属的2.同谋的accident['æksɪdənt]n.意外事件,事故by accident:意外地,偶然地ache [eɪk]vi.痛n.痛,疼痛achieve [ə'tʃiːv]vt.1.完成,实现2.(经过努力)获得,达到achievement [ə'tʃiːvm(ə)nt]n.1.成就,成绩2.实现,达到acid ['æsɪd]adj.酸的,酸性的n.酸acknowledge [ək'nɒlɪdʒ]vt.1.承认2.感谢3.告知收到(信件等)*acquaint[ə'kweɪnt]vt.使熟悉,使认识*acquaintance [ə'kweɪnt(ə)ns]n.1.认识的人,熟人2.认识,了解acquire [ə'kwaɪə]vt.1.获得,取得2.学到(知识等),养成(习惯等) acquisition [,ækwɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n]n. 获得(物)acre ['eɪkə]n.英亩across [ə'krɒs]prep.1.横过,穿过2.在…的对面3.交叉4.经过(一段时间)adv.1.横过,穿过2.在另一边act [ækt]vi.1.行动,做2.起作用3.表演vt.1.扮演(角色)2.装作n.1.行为,行动2.法令,条例3.(戏剧的)一幕action ['ækʃ(ə)n]n.1.活动,行为2.作用*activate ['æktɪveɪt]vt.1.使活动2.使激活,使活化active ['æktɪv]adj.有活力的,积极的,主动的activist ['æktɪvɪst]n.积极分子activity [æk'tɪvɪtɪ]n.1.(pl.)活动,所做的事情2.活动性,活跃actor ['æktə]n. 1.演员,男演员2.行动者actress ['æktrɪs]n.女演员actual ['æktʃʊəl]adj.事实上的,实际的actually ['æktjʊəlɪ]adv.实际上acute [ə'kjuːt]adj.1.(头脑或五官)灵敏的,敏锐的 2.急性的A.D.公元adn.广告adapt [ə'dæpt]vt.1.使适应,使适合2.改写,改编adapt...to:使适合,使适用add [æd]vi.1.增加2.加,相加add(up)to:累计为,总数达vt.1.加,增加2.接着讲(或写)addict ['ædɪkt]vt.使成瘾,热衷于be addicted to:嗜好,爱好addiction[ə'dɪkʃ(ə)n]n.沉溺,吸毒成瘾addition [ə'dɪʃ(ə)n]n.1.加,加法2.附加部分,增加in addition to:除…之外,另外additional [ə'dɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l]adj.附加的,另外的address [ə'dres]n.1.地址,住址2.讲话,演说vt.1.向…讲话2.写姓名地址adequate ['ædɪkwət]adj.足够的,充分的+adhere [əd'hɪə]vi.(to)1.粘着2.坚持,遵守3.依附,追随+adjacent [ə'dʒeɪs(ə)nt]adj.(to)1.(时间上)紧接着的 2.邻近的,毗邻的adjoin [ə'dʒɒɪn]vt.贴近,与…毗邻adjust [ə'dʒʌst]vt.1.调整,调节2.校准,校对vi.1.调整,校准2.(to)适应于*administer [əd'mɪnɪstə]vt.1.管理,支配2.实行,实施 3.给予,用(药等)administration [ədmɪnɪ'streɪʃ(ə)n]n.1.管理,经营2.行政机关admire [əd'maɪə]vt.羡慕,赞美,钦佩admission [əd'mɪʃ(ə)n]n.1.允许进入2.入场费3.坦白,承认admit [əd'mɪt]vt.1.承认2.接纳,招收adolescence [ædə'les(ə)ns]n.青春期,青少年+adolescent [ædə'les(ə)nt]adj.青少年的,青春期的n.青少年adopt [ə'dɒpt]vt.1.采用,采取(态度等)2.选定(道路、职业等)3.收养adult ['ædʌlt]adj.成年人的,已成熟的n.成年人advance [əd'vɑːns]vt.1.促进,推进2.提升,提高3.提出vi.前进,进展n.1.发展,前进2.预付款项3.增长,抬高in advance:预先,在前面advantage [əd'vɑːntɪdʒ]n.1.优势,优点2.利益,好处take advantage of:利用,趁机+advent ['ædvɛnt]n.出现,到来adventure [əd'ventʃə]n.1.冒险活动2.奇遇+adverse ['ædvɜːs]adj.不利的,有害的*advert ['ædvɜːt]n.广告*advertise ['ædvətaɪz]vi.登广告,做广告vt.1.为…做广告2.通知advertisement[əd'vɜːtɪzm(ə)nt]n.1.广告2.做广告,登广告advice [əd'vaɪs]n.忠告,劝告*advisable [əd'vaɪzəb(ə)l]adj.明智的,可取的advise [əd'vaɪz]vt.1.劝告,建议2.通告,通知adviser [əd'vaɪzə]n.劝告者,顾问*advocate ['ædvəkeɪt]vt.提倡,鼓吹 n.提倡者,鼓吹者+aerial ['eərɪəl]adj.1.空气的,大气的2.航空的n.天线+aerodynamics [,eərə(ʊ)daɪ'næmɪks]n.空气动力学affair [ə'feə]n.1.事情,事件2.(pl.)事务,事态affect [ə'fekt]vt.1.影响,作用2.感动3.(疾病)侵袭affection [ə'fekʃ(ə)n]n.1.慈爱,爱,感情2.作用,影响+affirm [ə'fɜːm]vt.1.断言,肯定2.批准,使生效+affluent ['æflʊənt]adj.富裕的afford [ə'fɔːd]vt.1.担负得起,买得起,抽得出(时间等)2.提供afraid [ə'freɪd]adj.1.害怕的,畏惧的2.恐怕的,担心的be afraid of:害怕Africa ['æfrɪkə]n.非洲African ['æfrɪk(ə)n]adj.非洲(人)的n.非洲人after ['ɑːftə]prep.在…以后,在…后面adv.以后,后来conj.在…以后afternoon [ɑːftə'nuːn]n.下午,午后afterward(s) ['ɑːftəwəd]adv.以后,后来again [ə'gen]adv.1.再,又2.(回)到原处,恢复原状again and again:反复地now and again:不时地,常常地time and again:反复地,一次又一次地against [ə'genst]prep.1.逆,反(对),违反2.紧靠着,倚在3.与…对照,对比age [eɪdʒ]n.1.年龄2.时代v.(使)变老,(使)老化agency ['eɪdʒ(ə)nsɪ]n.1.代理(权),代办2.力量,(能动)作用3.机构agenda [ə'dʒendə]n.议事日程,记事册agent ['eɪdʒ(ə)nt]n.代理人,经办人aggression [ə'greʃ(ə)n]n.侵略,攻击aggressive [ə'gresɪv]adj.1.侵略的,侵犯的2.爱挑衅的,放肆的3.有进取心的,敢作敢为的agoadv.以前agony ['ægənɪ]n.(极度的)痛苦,创痛agree [ə'griː]vi.1-赞同,答应2.适合,一致3.商定,约定agree on/upon:对…意见一致agree to:同意,答应agree with:赞同,适合*agreeable [ə'griːəb(ə)l]adj.1.令人愉快的2.(to)一致的,符合的agreement [ə'griːm(ə)nt]n.1.协议,约定2.同意,达成协议agriculture ['ægrɪkʌltʃə]n.农业ahead [ə'hed]adv.在前,提前ahead of在…之前aid [eɪd]n.1.帮助,援助2.助手,辅助设备3.救护vt.1.帮助,援助2.急救aim [eɪm]n.1.目的,目标2.瞄准,针对vi.(at)1.目的在于,企图 2.瞄准,对准vt.把…瞄准,把…对准air [eə]n.1.大气,空气2.态度,神态by air:1.通过航空途径2.用无线电vt.通风aircraft ['eəkrɑːft]n.飞机,飞艇,航空器airline ['eəlaɪn]n.1.(飞机的)航线2.航空公司airmail ['eəmeɪl]n.航空邮件,航空邮政airplane (英:aeroplane) n.飞机airport ['eəpɔːt]n.飞机场+aisle [aɪl]n.走廊,通道alarm [ə'lɑːm]n.1.惊恐2.警报3.警报器vt.1.使…惊恐2.向…报警album ['ælbəm]n.相片册,邮票簿alcohol ['ælkəhɒl]n.1.酒精,乙醇2.含酒精的饮料+alert [ə'lɜːt] adj.1.机警的,警觉的2.机灵的,活泼的vt.使…警觉+alien ['eɪlɪən]adj.1.外国(人)的,异己的 2.性质不同的n.外国人,外来人,外侨+alienate ['eɪlɪəneɪt]vt.1.使疏远,离间2.让渡(财产)所有权+align [əˈlaɪn]vt.1.使成一线,校直2.结盟,合作3.调节,调准vi.1.成一线,排成一行2.(with)结盟alike [ə'laɪk]adj.相似的,相像的alive [ə'laɪv]adj.1.活着的,存在的2.有活力的,活泼的alladj.1.全部的,整个的2.非常的,极度的adv.完全地,十分地pron.全体,一切above all:首先,尤其是all over:到处,遍及in all:总计allege [ə'ledʒ]vt.断言,声称allegation [ælɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n]adj.断言,主张,见解alleged [ə'ledʒd]adj.被说成的,被指称的allegedly [ə'ledʒɪdlɪ]adv.据说+alleviate [ə'liːvɪeɪt]vt.减轻,缓解,缓和*alley ['ælɪ]n.1.小巷,胡同2.小径,小路alliance [ə'laɪəns]n.结盟,联盟,联姻allied ['ælaɪd]adj.联合的,同盟的,联姻的+allocate ['æləkeɪt]vt.分配,分派,派给,拨给allow [ə'laʊ]vt.1.允许,准许2.承认3.给予vi.(for)考虑到,顾及+allowance [ə'laʊəns]n.1.补贴,津贴2.允许,准许ally ['ælaɪ]n.1.同盟者2.伙伴3.同类almost ['ɔːlməʊst]adv.几乎,差不多alone [ə'ləʊn]adj.1.单独的,孤独的2.唯一的adv.1.单独地,独自地2.只有,仅仅along [ə'lɒŋ]prep.沿着all along:始终,一直adv.向前alongside [əlɒŋ'saɪd]prep.1.在…旁边,沿着…的边2.和…在一起3.和…相比adv.在旁边,并排地aloud [ə'laʊd]adv.1.大声地2.响亮地*alphabet ['ælfəbet]n.字母表already [ɔːl'redɪ]adv.已经,早已alsoadv.1.也,同样2.而且,还not only...but also...:不但…而且+altar ['ɔːltə]n.圣坛alter ['ɔːltə]vt.1.改变,更改2.改做(衣服等)vi.改变,变化+alternate ['ɔːltəneɪt]v.(使)交替,(使)轮流adj.1.交替的,轮流的2.间隔的3.候补的alternative [ɔːl'tɜːnətɪv]adj.1.两者选一的2.交替的n.1.两者选一2.替换物3.交替although [ɔːl'ðəʊ]conj.尽管,虽然altitude ['æltɪtjuːd]n.1.高度2.海拔3.(pl.)高处altogether [ɔːltə'geðə]adv.1.总共2.完全地3.总之alumin(i)am [əˈluːmɪnəm]n.铝always ['ɔːlweɪz]adv.1.总是,一向2.始终,永远*a.m.adv.上午,由午夜至中午amateur ['æmətə]adj.业余的n.业余爱好者amaze [ə'meɪz]vt.使惊讶,使吃惊amazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ]adj.令人惊讶的,令人吃惊的ambassador [æm'bæsədə]n.大使,专使+ambiguous [æm'bɪgjʊəs]adj.模棱两可的,有两种(或多种)解释的ambition [æm'bɪʃ(ə)n]n.1.野心,雄心2.抱负,志向ambitious [æm'bɪʃəs]adj.1.有雄心的,有抱负的 2.热望的ambulance ['æmbjʊl(ə)ns]n.救护车(船、飞机等) amendment [ə'men(d)m(ə)nt]n.1.改正,修正,改善 2.修正案+amend [ə'mend]vt.修改,修订America [ə'merɪkə]n.1.美洲2.美国Americanadj.1.美洲(人)的2.美国(人)的n.1.美洲人2.美国人amid [ə'mɪd]prep.在…中,在…当中among(st) [ə'mʌŋst]prep.在…之中,在…中间amount [ə'maʊnt]vi.(to)1.总汁2.等于n.1.数额,数量2.总和,总额+ample ['æmp(ə)l]adj.1.充分的,足够的 2.大的,宽敞的amplify ['æmplɪfaɪ]vt.1.扩大,加大2.引申,详述amuse [ə'mjuːz]vt.1.逗乐,使开心2.给…提供娱乐+analog(ue) ['ænəlɒg]n.类似物,模拟*analogy [ə'nælədʒɪ]n.1.类似,相似2.类比,类推analyse ['æn(ə)laɪz]vt.分析,分解analysis [ə'nælɪsɪs]n.分析,分解in the final(1ast)analysis:归根结底+analyst ['æn(ə)lɪst]n.分析者,善于分析者,化验员+analytic(al) [ænə'lɪtɪk(ə)l]adj.分析的,分解的ancestor ['ænsestə]n.祖宗。
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通常答案分布特点(A,B,C 和 D 都要作为选项出现,而每个选项成为答案的个数通常是 3 –6个),猜测不会做的题的可能答案(填一样的答案)。
(二)阅读判断(做16题+猜答案)做题技巧:第 16 题不妨首先看,该题答案常在 A 和 B 中选,短文前三段是解答该题的主要关注点。
my, our, your, his, her, their5、并列结构。
时态特征表现在单词往往以s/es(现在时),ed/d(过去时),ing(进行时),will/be going to+动词原型(将来时)的形式出现;语态明显特征表现在单词可能会以被动语态"be+动词过去分词"的形式出现;主谓一致指主语与谓语在数上要一致,动词往往是s/es结尾。
这些词可以帮助我们正确的理解题干的意思,比如:Hillary Clinton will no longer run for president.(2009综合B)这句话的谓语动词是run,那么"no longer"和"president"即可化为关键词。
电力英语考试选择题讲解Section11. The orange is too high on the tree . It‘s out of my reach(伸出手).I need someone to help me.2. The city is named after famous president. (这个城市是著名的总统名字命名的) named after 短语‖命名‖3. It took millions of people several years to build the Great Wall.4. I have always considered(考虑过的/认为) you my best friend.5. If I take this medicine twice a day, it should cure (治愈)my cold.. 如果我服用此药6. It is considerate 考虑周到的of you to turn down the radio while your sister is still ill in bed. 这是体贴你调低收音机还在床上生病。
7. It‘s not quite certain 肯定that he will be present at the meeting. 这不是肯定的是会议8. It was natural (自然)that he count(计算) the days before going home.9. when she saw the clouds(乌去密布) she went back to house to fetch(取) her umbrella(伞).10. The metals which we find in the earth include(包括) iron , lead and copper. 在我们地球上发现金属包括有铁11. Your hair needs to be cut(剪) ;would you like me to do it for you..12. It was difficult难to guess猜测what her reaction反应to the news消息would be.13. Contrary相反to your prediction预言, they lost the game..14. We say that a person has good manners if he or she is polite , kind and helpful to others. 我们说一个人具有良好的风度15. He is always kind , never cruel ,either to people or to animals. 他总是仁慈16. we should be careful仔细when we are doing our exercises.练习17. The tallest hat帽子would make him so tall that people would stop calling him a little man. 高顶帽子令他非常高大18. Everyone seemed(似乎) to turn(变成) a blind(失明) eye to the rubbish (垃圾)on the floor. 每个人都似乎在地板上又视而不见垃圾19. If you have a house full of children an rubbish垃圾, you will next keep it clean(清扫)20. You are very lucky(幸运), because you have a chance(机会) to study at college(大学)21. I was ashamed of 耻于when I lived生活.22. Xiao wang always comes up with (提出)wonderful(极好) ideas.23. Considering(考虑到) his age(年龄), he is unable to take the job.24. It is impossible to know in advance(预先) what will happen.25. Although尽管many young people are keen (热心,渴望)on going abroad(出国), he prefers(宁愿) to stay and work in his own country.26. The doctor has warned(警告) time and again(屡次) that smoking will affect(影响) his health, but johny just won‘t listen27. You‘d better最好have your cat repaired at once立刻, or you will be late for professor‘s 教授lecture演讲28. This is the very house in which Mr.Zhou once 曾经lived居住.29. The old photo ( reminded him of使..记起)his childhood儿童时代in the countryside农村30. He slipped and broke his leg. As a result 因此he would have to away from school for two weeks. 他滑倒摔断了腿。
单项选择Far from admiring his paintingsBy way of an excuseFollowed by his students―Enjoy yourselves , children‖,Considering his age, he is unableThanks to his expert drivingFor all his knowledgeLook back into historyBaby-sitting is part ofWhat is the priceGrown-ups should beAn average JapaneseTo be honest, I didn’t agreeHundreds of students attendedThe rains have startedFor what reason did she quarrelI t seems that he has formedNo sooner had I got home thanSince you have to stayOnce you understandWhatever you decide to takeContrary to your predictionTake your time.Given their inexperience.Take it easy, we have got plentySeeing that nobody wasLook out, that step is not safe!Look after the childrenAlthough many youn keenAlthough she was high , highlyAlthough my insisted hangingAfter my mother went on readAfter the lecture,…heatedAfter being rescued be thankful forAfter flying across…overnightAfter Tom passed his driving test he filled out an application fo r his driver’s license .As they crossed Broadway face to faceAs a result of the neglect were exposed toAs a result of the neglect were exposed toAs soon as his party powerAs winter gave way toAs a result , he reaching to findA dog was run overA good dictionary is indispensableA good dictionary is indispensableA(n) desperate man will stopA really powerful speaker upA baby learns to creep All the workers in are provided withAll those expensive by handAnybody who has broke being punished American blacks were denied Although her marriage sakeAccuracy is fundamentalAmerican school children by heart. Although the family letAn argument was inevitable.Anything that is d gravityApart from blue characteristicBy improving his l averageBut, because Barbar mattersBefore moving to an disposed Because he stamme made funCan you tell me who handleChinese brown me effectCarbon is an elementChildren are very by natureCan we hold outCan you run offCamping facilities include Candidates who w withdrawDo you enjoy read adventuresDo you enjoy listeni as good asDo you know when a was to be held .-Do you like these sh some others . Don’t make fun of tears ?Don’t eat anything forDon’t judge a crime circumstances Don’t quarrel about smalDespite all the heated arguments Everyone seemed to turnEvery government t consequences Every evening after sup go outEinstein was a mathematical genius. Egypt is famous for associateFailure to communic resulted in From his appearance concludeFive years ago the pox wiped outFirst the curtain caughtFor almost an hour aboutFruit in best and che in seasonGeorge left in su hardlyGood work deserves good pay .Her father flew into a passionHer family sympathized withHer deeds are w of being praised.Her husband wasn’t content withHe is always k,either to people orHe is always respectfulHe is said to be generous withHe is an expert atHe is the candidate to carry out. He’s a nice person, to be sure ,He’s taken to drinkHe made up his mindHe was saving as much in order to He did it out of gratitudeHe decided to attend in personHe restricts himself toHe considers himself in a wayHe had hoped to get for $100.He left out an importantHe was only too willingHe has kept up a correspondenceHe has a peculiar habitHe was very ill but a him through. He was finally convinced a debate He was very near-sigh helplessHe supplies them with foodHe didn’t live up to whatHe came to inspect with a view to He hoped the firm transferHe read a book on the p whileHe touched on many pointsHe intends to replace the sHe is the manager of t in charge of it. He said he had every confidenceHe said the situation the paintedHe said it in such cle doubtHe rose early the had risenHe shows no respect forHe shot at the birdHe lay awake thinking overHe has been studying the studyHe came home with safelyHe slipped and brok As a resultHe hurried to the rail in the hope of His failure to pay hi confirmedHis heart stopped beatingHis parents couldn’t get throughHis father paved the wayHis job was to sort outHis father is very bu pace ofHis total income of totals $50d a total His ambition had always beenHis business is growing so onHis fatness renders himHis failure in the exam fatal His honesty is out of questionHis energetic efforts partia lHow can you avoid m a hurry?How can I have put on a poundHow about staying at homeHow is Mary getting on withHandwriting is how you presentHave you heard about Mr. Johnson?Harris turned a page caught his eye.I long for an opportunityI heard her talking about heard of.I would rather have noodlesI received the invitation to o accept it .I recognized him the momentI ran across her in the publicI disapproved of the way heI have always considered youI have been to Beijing scores ofI have tried in vain to account―I’ve been away a l to me.‖I’ve a nice little sum of m asideI had to stand in a queueI had not even a vag of whatI had my shoes shined justI was ashamed of when I livedI was told that this sweat shrinkIt was so hot that the w marked timeI was learning my le on the radioI am glad to have been givenI am tired of your stupidI am very sleepy beca stayed upI’m sorry, sir. There’s no availableI’m going to have my car repairedI don’t know I’d react to―I don’t see that I have d taste–I suppose you have got the post.-You have guessed it.I tried to remember to put everyth forgot to do so I cans still remember us walking handI prefer staying at home to playingI never expected y turn upI found the little boy sitti bitterly .I couldn’t find a large enough coat ,I tried to call you up lastI wanted to make a set about it.I will have him com me companyI must admit my wh set onI recommended buying this dicI often look back on myI much prefe factual bo fictionI didn’t expect that the toI speak for my colleaguesI gave him a present but h in return.I promise you shall see before long.I happened to see himI must count up howIt is considerate of you to turnIt is impossible to know in advanceIt is impolite to stare atIt is a Japanese custom toIt is personal taste whetherIt is four years since the left home.It is forecast that he threateningIt’s starting to rain; we had betterIt is only by accident that you seeIt is very difficult to keep th onIt is encouraging to note onIt is unwise to show off yourIt is not easy to rid oneselfIt is reported that approximatelyIt’s not quite certain that heIt’s a nice spring day . puts on–―It’s already midnight go to bed?’It’s up to us to give herIt’s no use ringing me on holiday.-Isn’t Jane here. Much to my surpriseIt was natural that he countIt was difficult to guess reactionIt was in Greece that OlympicIt was so quiet at nigh listened heardIt was a good game, and at scoreIt was raining hard ou too anxious to go. It has been raining for it will clear upIt has been decided that mea downIt seems that his opinio get alongIt isn’t much of a car, but at any rateIt will cost you ve t a pat on the back It’s not safe to carry so much depositIf I take this medicine twice a cureIf you have a house full o cleanIf you check your paper carefullyIf you d on’t give up smokingIf you were in my have some idea howIf you can make friends withIf you really understood t criticalIf anyone ever catches sightIf Mary is aware of allIf the streets had bee not have takenIf a person is exposed sufferIf it wasn’t an accident purpose If this is the case, how is he justifiedIf George cannot earn mon do without .In this job must face up toIn contrast to his brother ,In the preface to this book,In his boyhood, he was slow inIn his speech he referred toIn old times , property was downIn order to improve his spokenIntelligent people can come up withIndustrial countries consumeIce and water are the same substanceJohn’s sudden death was a g get overJohn wants to see you today.I w cameJohn’s su it is old and it i boughtJohn regretted not goingJohn comes to visit every now and thenJohnson has come down inJimmy is the oldest boy and any otherJack almost fell off the cliff , onJim threatened to take revenge onLet me see all the official documentsLet’s begin the lesson at the place offLibyan demonstrators set fire to–look! The flowers in groundMy cousin submitted his playgroundMy father was born in German accent―My mother asked afterMy golf is not too good jus practiceMy family bought a second-hand car atMy brother was such a handsomeMilk easily goes bad inMike thought that he could get by with the minimum of work . His tutor quickly disabused him!May we have the pleasure ofMary’s parents couldn worrying about her.Mary was not promoted behindMr. Jones’ new job smoothed awayMr. Black ,can you spareMr. Smith was asked to check outMr. White was made c in charge ofMany new opportunities will be openedMany people complain of the rapid paceMany petroleum products can serveMother had a taste of the soup to s tasty . Montanelli took no part–Mum, why do you always To getNo matter what you do, yo mindNo matter how hard we try, we bestNo one questioned his theoryNow that I have lost the notes , goNow repeat the wordsNearly all weather occurs atmosphere.Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles.One day , walking along the sands the sandOne of our water pipes has forOne group favors gradua integr a thirdOnce he decided what he want afterOur neighbors always make a n scoldingOur principal has already placed an orderOur ship sailed through the strait straightOur branch stuck outOn her way to Wuhan robbed her of her money. Oceania is separate separatedOnly when the rain did the sports meeting start People throughout the cou on to take upPeople had lined up inPeter’s latest book is so go beyondPollution is said to causePlease speak loudly heard and understood.Poor quality goodsRuth finally managedRemember to turn off the on holiday.Roger gave me some beaut exchangeShe took a glance at herShe was caught spitting spot.She was so touched by his gener at a lossShe held back , not knowingShe likes wearing bootsShe is afraid to run a ris kShe is very strict with herself inShe is very modest . Her stimulatesShe’s the most efficientShe is 40, but I think she could passShe stopped at the su killed tw one stoneShe can’t eat much because fromShe changes her mind so constantlyShe told us most of the story, but keptShe got married although consent .She inherited a large amountShe told her children that they must not , on any account , play with matches .Some students indicate tha creativeSometimes you have to make a sacrifice to get what you want.Sometimes his lectu by and bySomeone must have left the tap on , forSince the boss of the depart another day.Since he lied to me , he will nev ofSorry, I took your pen by mistake Smallpox left left outSelecting a mobile pho is changingSuch customs were handed downSoldiers hurried in search ofScientists have spent years researching Smoking will interfere withState financial support in the formSteam trains gave wayThe sound of voices which weThe sentence was 10The roofs of the cottages were leaves .The tallest hat would make callingThe metals which we find includeThe orange is too high on th reach.The city is named afterThe doctor has warned ti affectThe old photo ( reminded him of )The sisters differ inThe local government offerThe room became completel wentThe doctor said he wo relieveThe young girl made up h get rid ofThe price o is going up has been brought down The kitten climbed t get downThe city Zhangjiakou w damagedThe case contained a l includingThe high school graduated300The custom风俗goes back toThe building of the bridge h heldThe woman I came across yesterdayThe government is trying be housing.The thief broke into the store and helpedThe terrorists threatened to blow upThe soldier was badly hurtThe students failed in the lose heartThe students and teachers in saluteThe students will put of whenThe plane was arriving in half an hour.The weather was rather worseThe manager will reply to allThe broadcast came from A satelliteThe policeman saved the childrenThe policeman searched the prisonerThe boy seated there isThe ticket cost so m were sold outThe doctor sent for will arriveThe two sisters shared oneThe eggs laid by t laidThe sea was smooth . ‖ calm .The man came here t watchThe soldiers were stationedThe salesman scolded t stealingThe suggestion that we should haveThe film star stood urrounded byThe team is the are training hard forThe traveler in the des thirsty . thirst .The train is timed to arriveThe naughty boy troublesome , a great troubleThe sic boy mustn’t be l take our turnThe young man has conqueredThe old man devoted himself to teaching for many years. he devoted himself to teachingThe girl would rather stay playThe firm will have to step upThe American company w compensateThe synthetic fibers pro account forThe jury must weighThe manager promised to informedThe above上述mentioned boundThe meeting drew to a closeThe appearance of the b eraThe shopkeeper is facing fierceThe teacher doesn’t permit smokingThe last time we had a family re atThe match was cancelled b objected to havingThe bus ran over . the cliff brakesThe Smiths are too protectiveThe elephant fell into the trapThe boy cheated his friendThe judge sentenced the burglarThe glass will crack ifThe meeting broke up atThe town erected a monumentThe government has a ver imageThe departmentu is fortunate up-to-dateThe are queuin g upThe infected girl was isolatedThe old woman is too feebleThe doctor allowed conditionThe doctor squeaks . It n see to it?The doctor sat up all nightThe doctor knew how to cope withThe doctor told the ov to cutThe defeated army had to retreatThe Oxford English Di authorityThe heart is one of the b organs .The change was so gradualThe talk between the tw atmosphere .The fire was the worst disasterThe roof of the old mi cave in The house has been vacantThe country set up trade barriersThe government had grantedThe veteran workers are onThe company will send a r attend toThe story of his adventures makesThe agree with us in prin in terms ofThe other families in toThe reason for his success is thatThe nurses there are most considerateThe big difference between physicallyThe little girl caughtThe spectators held their breathThe city was named in honor ofThe aged man took a great delight inThe inspector started offThe newspaper publis in answer toThe story the film base derived fromThe actual processThe old man held on toThe plane climbed steeply a leveledThe plain occupies the west, so extensiveThe building remainedThe was nothing but sand asThe light bulb in the bath-roo outThe journey usually takes s allow forThe tiger is pacing back and forthThe atmosphere in the crow out .The cost of living is risingThe Palestinians who live in the shakeThe true reason who J transparentThe children were eagerly looking forward t The building was named Ford Hall inThe Vice-President talked a in place ofThe company putsThe only way to get your w offThey fell in love with ea common.They went on with t in spite of her in spite of They were listening to light whenThey are building the associationThey would just drop inThey would be delighted t powerThey met with an accidentThey had a accident on the check inTheir voices are so alike mistakeThere were quantitiesThere are quite a few newThere are two score eggsThere is no easy methodThere are various techniques have to be learntThere could have be prevailedThere is always roomThere are eight members borneThere were some artificialTheir actions suggeste shouldn’t be should let These years, I am looking meetingThese words are wrongly wrongThese masterpieces of m testThese envelops are so s foldedTeachers are trained in the trainingThis new method no byThis plan must be re all means .This newspaper arti throws some light onThis wealthy lady has a grea forThis is much inferiorThis is the very houseThis is the very factoryThis story is not r imaginaryThis train ticket is validThat is a buildin thirty feet high.That was quite a still 12000 dollars short Tom was not hand at all eventsTom lay awakeTom’s mother is theTomato soup that on saleTowards the top ratherTwo soldiers are on dutyTeaching as a career appealsThen she went back to a deliverUnless除非you go byUnder certain cond revealUniversity graduates overWe tried to confineWe have lessons ev exceptWe entered the muse just to findWe will have plenty of timeWe haven’t found go throughWe should pay m generation gapWe have run out of sugar .We have to go by the rules.We have to hurry up this jobWe took up a grammarWe thought she was pulled her through.We shouldn’t lose heart in timeWe plant and care for t proportion toWe took off so smoothlyWe got to work and suc trial and errorWe reached the station t out.We drive our car fast and overtakeWe forgave(forgive his b stress . We had to leave quietly so asWe must recover the stl costs .We are all indignant atWe were talking on all alongWe say that a person has to others.we should be carefulWe substituted red ballsWhen two people feel mutualWhen John was arrested offWhen Tom woke up he come aboutWhen he writes, he always at hand.When the king appeared i made wayWith the help of the polic got in touch withWith the country popul growingWith the introduction of t butWith the gas cut off ,When the Smiths lived in awayWhen the bike was repa as good asWhen you meet with a pr solve it.When I arrived , my frie seated at table.When I arrived in this co none .When Tom was doing his F blanksWhen they got back from on fire .When the opposing player get the better ofWhen he dines in a restaur to himself.When one calls a man ―Jack‖ instead of ―Mr.Hill‖, he is on intimate terms )with him. be on intimate terms withwhen she saw the clouds she fetch–Would you mind if I u-Go aheadWould you please do me a favourWhere shall I get off the trai n?Where is my pocket computer?。
电力专业英语词汇(较全)1)元件设备三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitor电抗器:Reactor母线:Busbar输电线:TransmissionLine发电厂:power plant断路器:Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator分接头:tap电动机:motor2)状态参数有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position有功损耗:reactive loss无功损耗:active loss空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load curren阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current定子:stator功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统 power system发电机 generator励磁 excitation励磁器 excitor电压 voltage电流 current母线 bus变压器 transformer升压变压器 step-up transformer高压侧 high side输电系统 power transmission system输电线 transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定 stability电压稳定 voltage stability功角稳定 angle stability暂态稳定 transient stability电厂 power plant能量输送 power transfer交流 AC装机容量 installed capacity电网 power system落点 drop point开关站 switch station双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站 transformer substation补偿度 degree of compensation高抗 high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿 reactive power compensation故障 fault调节 regulation裕度 magin三相故障 three phase fault故障切除时间 fault clearing time极限切除时间 critical clearing time切机 generator triping高顶值 high limited value强行励磁 reinforced excitation线路补偿器 LDC(line drop compensation)机端 generator terminal静态 static (state)动态 dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bus system 机端电压控制 AVR功角 power angle有功(功率) active power无功(功率) reactive power功率因数 power factor无功电流 reactive current下降特性 droop characteristics斜率 slope额定 rating变比 ratio参考值 reference value电压互感器 PT分接头 tap下降率 droop rate仿真分析 simulation analysis传递函数 transfer function框图 block diagram受端 receive-side裕度 margin同步 synchronization失去同步 loss of synchronization阻尼 damping摇摆 swing保护断路器 circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容: capacitanceAGC Automatic Generation Control自动发电控制AMR Automatic Message Recording 自动抄表ASS Automatic Synchronized System 自动准同期装置ATS Automatic Transform System 厂用电源快速切换装置AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动电压调节器BCS Burner Control System 燃烧器控制系统BMS Burner Management System 燃烧器管理系统CCS Coordinated Control System 协调控制系统CRMS Control Room Management System 控制室管理系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管DAS Data Acquisition System 数据采集与处理系统DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制(系统)DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control 数字电液(调节系统)DPU Distributed Processing Unit 分布式处理单元EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统ETS Emergency Trip System 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统EWS Engineering Working Station 工程师工作站FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化FCS Field bus Control System 现场总线控制系统FSS Fuel Safety System 燃料安全系统FSSS Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System 炉膛安全监控系统GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统HCS Hierarchical Control System 分级控制系统LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCP Local Control Panel 就地控制柜MCC Motor Control Center (电动机)马达控制中心MCS Modulating Control System 模拟量控制系统MEH Micro Electro Hydraulic Control System 给水泵汽轮机电液控制系统MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统NCS Net Control System 网络监控系统OIS Operator Interface Station 操作员接口站OMS Outage Management System 停电管理系统PID Proportion Integration Differentiation 比例积分微分PIO Process inputOutput 过程输入输出(通道)PLC Programmable Logical Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PSS Power System Stabilizator 电力系统稳定器SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 数据采集与监控系统SCC Supervisory Computer Control 监督控制系统SCS Sequence Control System 顺序(程序)控制系统SIS Supervisory Information System 监控信息系统TDCS(TDC)Total Direct Digital Control 集散控制系统TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 汽轮机监测仪表UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断供电专业英语(电力词汇)标准的机组数据显示 (Standard Measurement And Display Data) 负载电流百分比显示 Percentage of Current load(%)单相/三相电压 Voltage by One/Three Phase (Volt.)每相电流 Current by Phase (AMP)千伏安Apparent Power (KVA)中线电流 Neutral Current (N Amp)功率因数 Power Factor (PF)频率 Frequency(HZ)千瓦 Active Power (KW)千阀 Reactive Power (KVAr)最高/低电压及电流 Max/Min. Current and Voltage输出千瓦/兆瓦小时 Output kWh/MWh运行转速 Running RPM机组运行正常 Normal Running超速故障停机 Overspeed Shutdowns低油压故障停机 Low Oil Pressure Shutdowns高水温故障停机 High Coolant Temperature Shutdowns起动失败停机 Fail to Start Shutdowns冷却水温度表 Coolant Temperature Gauge机油油压表 Oil Pressure Gauge电瓶电压表 Battery Voltage Meter机组运行小时表 Genset Running Hour Meter怠速-快速运行选择键 Idle Run – Normal Run Selector Switch运行-停机-摇控启动选择键 Local Run-Stop-Remote Starting Selector Switch 其它故障显示及输入 Other Common Fault Alarm Display and电力行波词汇行波travelling wave模糊神经网络fuzzy-neural network神经网络neural network模糊控制fuzzy control研究方向 research direction副教授associate professor电力系统the electrical power system大容量发电机组large capacity generating set输电距离electricity transmission超高压输电线super voltage transmission power line投运commissioning行波保护Traveling wave protection自适应控制方法adaptive control process动作速度speed of action行波信号travelling wave signal测量信号measurement signal暂态分量transient state component非线性系统nonlinear system高精度high accuracy自学习功能self-learning function抗干扰能力anti-jamming capability自适应系统adaptive system行波继电器travelling wave relay输电线路故障transmission line malfunction仿真simulation算法algorithm电位electric potential短路故障short trouble子系统subsystem大小相等,方向相反equal and opposite in direction电压源voltage source故障点trouble spot等效于equivalent暂态行波transient state travelling wave偏移量side-play mount电压electric voltage附加系统add-ons system波形waveform工频power frequency延迟变换delayed transformation延迟时间delay time减法运算subtraction相减运算additive operation求和器summator模糊规则fuzzy rule参数值parameter values可靠动作action message等值波阻抗equivalent value wave impedance附加网络additional network修改的modified反传算法backpropagation algorithm隶属函数membership function模糊规则fuzzy rule模糊推理fuzzy reasoning模糊推理矩阵fuzzy reasoning matrix样本集合 sample set给定的given采样周期sampling period三角形隶属度函数Triangle-shape grade of membership function 负荷状态load conditions区内故障troubles inside the sample space门槛值threshold level采样频率sampling frequency全面地all sidedly样本空间sample space误动作malfunction保护特性protection feature仿真数据simulation data灵敏性sensitivity小波变换wavelet transformation神经元neuron谐波电流harmonic current电力系统自动化power system automation继电保护relaying protection中国电力 China Power学报 journal初探primary exploration电机学 electrical machinery自动控制理论 automatic control theory电磁场 electromagnetic field电磁场与电磁波& Magnetic Waves微机原理 principle of microcomputer电工学 electrotechnics principle of circuits电力系统稳态分析 steady-state analysis of power system电力系统暂态分析 transient-state analysis of power system电力系统继电保护原理 principle of electrical system's relay protection 电力系统元件保护原理 protection principle of power system 's element 电力系统内部过电压 past voltage within power system模拟电子技术基础 basis of analogue electronic technique数字电子技术 digital electrical technique电路原理实验lab. of principle of circuits电气工程讲座 lectures on electrical power production电力电子基础basic fundamentals of power electronics高电压工程high voltage engineering电子专题实践topics on experimental project of electronics 电气工程概论introduction to electrical engineering电子电机集成系统electronic machine system电力传动与控制electrical drive and control电力电子电路Power Electronic Circuit电力电子电器Power Electronic Equipment电力电子器件Power Electronic Devices电力电子学Powe r Electronics电力工程Electrical Power Engineering电力生产技术Technology of Electrical Power Generation电力生产优化管理Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation电力拖动基础Fundamentals for Electrical Towage电力拖动控制系统Electrical Towage Control Systems电力系统Power Systems电力系统电源最优化规划Optimal Planning of Power Source in a Power System 电力系统短路Power System Shortcuts电力系统分析Power System Analysis电力系统规划Power System Planning电力系统过电压Hyper-Voltage of Power Systems电力系统继电保护原理Power System Relay Protection电力系统经济分析Economical Analysis of Power Systems电力系统经济运行Economical Operation of Power Systems电力系统可靠性Power System Reliability电力系统可靠性分析Power System Reliability Analysis电力系统无功补偿及应用Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems & Applicati 电力系统谐波Harmonious Waves in Power Systems电力系统优化技术Optimal Technology of Power Systems电力系统优化设计Optimal Designing of Power Systems电力系统远动Operation of Electric Systems电力系统远动技术Operation Technique of Electric Systems电力系统运行Operation of Electric Systems电力系统自动化Automation of Electric Systems电力系统自动装置Power System Automation Equipment电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术基础Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology感应定律law of induction励磁 excitation 励磁器 magnetizing exciter励磁器 exciter 恒定励磁器constant exciter励磁器激振器exciter励磁电流:magnetizing current 强行励磁reinforced excitation励磁调节器excitation regulator无功伏安volt-ampere reactive无功伏安时volt-ampere-hour reactive稳态控制homeostatic control; stable control a steady-state control 水电厂hydroelectric station落点 drop point 调节 regulation调节器conditioner 励磁调节器excitation regulator调速器regulator, governor ;speed regulator ;(正规)speed governor 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor并列的: apposite; paratactic 同步 synchronization系统解列system splitting( trip)失去同步loss of synchronization 分接头:tap 裕度 margin 档位:tap position故障 fault 三相故障 three phase fault 切机 generator triping故障切除时间fault clearing ti me高顶值 high limited value静态 static (state) 动态 dynamic (state) 暂态transient机端电压控制 avr电动机:motor有功负载: active load/pload 无功负载:reactive load电压互感器pt (potential /voltage transformer )参考值 reference value 单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity bus system 仿真分析 simulation analysis 下降率 droop rate传递函数 transfer function 框图 block diagram受端 receive-side 同步 synchronization保护断路器 circuit breaker阻尼 damping无刷直流电机:brusless dc motor永磁电动机permanent-magnet current motor机端 generator terminal永磁同步电机:permanent-magnet synchronism motor异步电机:asynchronous motor三绕组变压器:three-column transformer thrclntransthree winding transformer双绕组变压器:double-column transformer dblclmntranstwo-circuit transformer; two-winding transformer固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bus system偿度 degree of compensation电磁场失去同步electromagnetic fields loss of synchronization装机容量 installed capacity无功补偿 reactive power compensation故障切除时间 fault clearing time极限切除时间 critical clearing time强行励磁 reinforced excitation并联电容器:shunt capacitor下降特性 droop characteristics线路补偿器 ldc(line drop compensation)。
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1、单项选择A1.Although many young people are B.keen on going abroad, he prefers tostay and work in his own country.2.After my mother finished cleaning up the house, she C.went on readtoday’s newspaper.3.After the lecture,the students participating in it had a B.heated discussionon it.4.All those expensive shoes are made C.by hand.5.Anybody who has broken the law won’t escape D.being punished.6.As a result, he succeeded B.reaching the castle but failed B.to find theway to enter it.7.Although her marriage was very unhappy, Mrs.Stephens remained withher husband for the B.sake of the children.8.American blacks were D.denied equal rights with the whites until the1970s after many years of hard struggle9. A baby learns to C.creep before it learns to walk.10.As a result of the neglect of all safety rules, the workers C.were exposedto considerable danger.11. A good dictionary is D.indispensable to the study of a foreign language.12. B.By way of an excuse he said he was tired.13.As they crossed Broadway, he came D.face to face with a new problem.14.After Tom passed his driving test he B.filled out an application for hisdriver’s license.B1.By improving his learning habits a C.average student can be a top one.2. A.Followed by his students, the teacher entered the classroom.3.But, because Barbary is all that D.matters to me for the time, I don’tsuggest going away.4.Because he stammered slightly, the other boys D.made fun of him.C1.Chinese brown medicine has little side C.effect.2.Children are very curious D.by nature3.Candidates who wish to D.withdraw from the examination must notifythe secretary immediately.4.“B.Enjoy yourselves, children,” Mother urged the guests at our party.D1.Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often D.as good as orbetter than an actual performance.2.Don’t eat anything that will spoil your appetite D.for dinner.E1.Everyone seemed to B.warn a blind eye to the rubbish on the floor.2.Einstein was mathematical A.genius.F1.Fruit in best and cheapest when it is D.in season.2. D.Far from admiring his paintings, I dislike them intensely.3.First the curtain D.caught fire and then the bedclothes.H1.He is always kind, never cruel, B.either to people B.or to animals.2. A.considering his age, he is unable to take the job.3.He slipped and broke his leg. A.As a result he would have to away fromschool for two weeks.4.His heart stopped C.beating just when we reached the hospital.5.His parents couldn’t A.get through to him on the telephone, so theydecided to go to his school and see what’s wrong.6.How is Mary getting on C.with her study?7.His father is very busy ever day. He can’t help complaining of the rapidB.pace of modern life.8.He is the best candidate D.to carry out the plan.9.He hurried to the railway station A.in the hope of catching the early train.10.–Have you D.heard about Mr.Johnson? ----Yes, I read about him in anewspaper.11.How about D.staying at home if we meet with a stormy day?12.His D.total income of a year is $500. His yearly income D.totals $500. Itreached D.atotal of $500 a year.13.Her deeds are worthy C.of being praised.14.He said the situation there was not bad as had been A.painted.15.He said it in such clear terms that nobody was in any A.doubt about whatwas meant.16.His business is growing so fast that he must take B.on more workers.17.He is the manager of the company. He’s D.ind charge of it.18.He said he had every D.confidence in his secretary; she would do the rightthing.19.He is said to be generous D.with his money.20.He considers himself a great singer, and A.in a way he is justified.21.He restricts himself C.to smoking two cigarettes a day.22.Harris turned a page to two and the title of a poem D.caught his eye.I1.It C.took millions of people several years to build the Great Wall.2.I have always B.considered you my best friend.3.If I take this medicine twice a day, it should B.cure my cold4.It is B.considerate of you to turn down the radio while your sister is stillill in bed.5.It’s not quite C.certain that he will be present at the meeting.6.It was natural that he A.count the days before going home.7.It was difficult to guess what her B.reaction to the news would be.8.If you have a house full of children and rubbish, you will next keep itB.clean.9.I was ashamed C.of when I lived.10.It is impossible to know A.in advance what will happen.11.If you A.check your paper carefully, some grammar mistakes can beavoided.12.–I suppose you have got the post.----You B.have guessed it.13. A.To be honest, I didn’t agree with what you said.14.It has been raining for a week. I hope C.it will clear up.15.I’m going to have my car A.repaired tomorrow morning.16.I D.heard her talking about Mrs.Handerson whom I had never D.heardof.17.If Mary B.is aware of all the dangers, she should change her mind.18.If you were in my position, you would B.have some idea how I feel.19.I prefer A.staying at home to A.playing outside.20.If a person is exposed to constant noise, he may gradually B.suffer from aloss of hearing.21.If it wasn’t an accident, he must have done it on C.purpose.22.It is forecast that heavy rains are D.threatening to flood the area in a fewdays.23.In his boyhood, he was slow C.in learning to read and write.24.I never expected you do D.turn up at the meeting; I thought you wereabroad.25.I couldn’t find A.a large enough coat, and so I took this one.26.I tried to call you A.up last night, but no one answered the phone.27.I had not even a vague idea D.of what was going to happen.28.If this is the case, how is he B.justified in blaming her?29.In the D.preface to this book, we are given the reason why it has beenrepublished.30.I A.disapproved of the way he behaved at the meeting31.“I don’t see that I have deserved any fame and I have no C.taste for it,”he once said.32.I didn’t expect that these few books would come C.to so much.33.I speak B.for my colleagues as well as myself when I thank you all foryour great kindness.34.Industrial countries A.consume a great amount of raw materials.35.It’s no use ringing me at the office this week because I’m D.on holiday.36.“I’ve been away a long time, and that name is not familiar A.to me.”37.It si encouraging to note that in recent years, cigarette smokers havebeen B.on the decline, especially among older people.38.I must count D.up how much money I’ve spent today.39.If George cannot earn money for a bicycle, he will have to C.do without.40.If you can make C.friends with her, so much the better.J1.John’s sudden death was a great blow to his mother and it took her a longtime to D.get over the grief.2.Jimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than B.any other boy in the class.3.Jim threatened to take C.revenge on the shirt factory that had fired him. L1.---look! The flowers in the garden are growing lovely.------ how I wish I hada small piece of D.ground when I could plant some flowers of my own!2.Let me see all the official A.documents concerning the sale of this land.3.Let’s begin the lesson at the place where we left A.off last time.4.Libyan demonstrators C.set fire to the U.S. embassy in Tripoli.M1.---Mum, why do you always make me drink a cup of fresh milk.-----B.To getenough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.2.My brother was such a C.handsome young man that many girls like him.3.Mary’s parents couldn’t help C.worrying about her.4.My family bought a second-hand car B.at the price of 500 dollars.5.Many people complain of the rapid C.pace of modern life.6.“My mother asked C.after you.”“How kind of her!”7.Mary was not promoted because she dreamed too much and fellC.behind in her lessons.8.Mike thought that he could get B.by with the minimum of work. His tutorquickly disabused him!N1.Nearly all weather occurs in the lowest layer of the A.atmosphere. 2.Never D.tuouble trouble until D.trouble troubles you.O1.Only when the rain stopped C.did the sports meeting start again.2.Once he decided what he wanted, he would go C.after in with a singlemindedness.R1.Remember to turn off the gas when you go C.on holiday.S1.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task becausetechnology C.is changing go rapidly.2.She took a A.glance at her watch and saw that it was already lunch time.3. D. Grown-ups should be responsible for their own behavior.4.She was caught spitting in public and fined ten yuan on the A.spot.5.such customs were D.handed down from father to son.6. B.Hundreds of students attended the party last night.7.She A.held back, not knowing what to do or say.8.She likes wearing D.boots at home, for they are very comfortable.9.Since the boss of the department wasn’t in, we decided to have a meetingB.another day.10.She changes her mind so A.constantly that no one wants to work withher.11. B. Look back into history,and we’ll see Chinese people have achieved agreat deal.12.State financial support given B.in the form of scholarships has stimulatedthe students to greater efforts.13.Since he lied to me, he will never persuade me A.of his sincerity ortruthfulness.14.Steam trains gave C.way to electric trains soon after the war.T1.The orange is too high on the tree. It’s out of my A.reach. I need someoneto help me.2.The city is named A.after the famous president3.The metals which we find in the earth A.include iron, lead and copper.4. A.contrary to your prediction, they lost the game.5.The tallest hat would make him so tall that people would stop C.callinghim a little man.6.The doctor has warned time and again that smoking will A.affect hishealth, but Johnny just won’t listen.7.This is the D.very house in which Mr.Zhou once lived.8.The old photo D.reminded him of his childhood in the countryside.9.The city Zhangjiakou was extensively B.damaged in the earth-quake.10.The case D.contained a lot of things, D.including a second-hand watch.11.The high school C.graduated 300 students this summer.12.The kitten climbed the tree and couldn’t B.get down.13.The custom B.goes back to the 12th century.14.The thief broke into the store and B.helped himself to a lot of money.15.The terrorists D.threatened to blow up the building if their demands werenot met.16.The government is trying best to improve the C.housing.17.The soldier was A.badly hurt.18.The students failed in the experiment again, but they didn’t B.lose heart.19.That is a building about A.thiry feet high.20.The plane was arriving in B.half an hour.21.Teachers A.are trained in the A.training college.22.The naughty boy is C.troublesome, and he is C.a great trouble to hisparents.23.The sick boy mustn’t be left alone all night and we should A.take our turnat sitting up.24.There are various B.techniques that B.have to be learnt before one can dothis job properly.25.These words are D.wrongly spelled, that’s to say , he spelled the wordsD.wrong.26.These masterpieces of music can stand the D.test of time.27.The young man has B.conquered his fear of failure and is making greatsteps in his work.28.The old man B.devoted himself to teaching for many years.29.The girl would rather A.stay alone in the classroom than A.play with herclassmates outside.30.These years, I am looking forward to D.meeting the great writer.31.There is no easy A.method to physics.32.They were listening to light music A.when a thunder came down.33.The elephant fell into the B.trap the hunters had set for it.34.These envelops are so small that letters have to be D.folded several timesbefore they can be put inside.35.Then she went back to a B.deliver a series of lectures which she preparedover here.36.The smiths are too B.protective towards their children, they should letthem see more of the world.37.The bus ran over the cliff because it’s A.brakes failed.38.There were some C.artificial flowers on the table.39.The teacher doesn’t permit D.smoking in class.40.The last time we had a family reunion was B.at my sister’s weddingceremony five years ago.41.The match was cancelled because most of the members A.bojected tohaving a match without a standard court.42.The boy D.cheated his friend out of the apple by insisting that it wasrotten, if not poisonous.43.The city was named D.in honor of the first president of the U.S., whodecided upon its location in the first place.44.The aged man took a great delight A.in collecting atamps.45.The inspector C.started off with a comment that the design seemedsomewhat old-fashioned.46.This newspaper article C.throws some light on the situation in the MiddleEast.47.They would just drop C.in for a chat at any odd moment.48.This wealthy lady has a great sympathy B.for the door.49.The newspaper published an open letter C.in answer to the readers’criticisms.50.The doctor told the overweight lady B.to cut out meat from her diet.51.They would be delighted to do all in their D.power for Dorothy, who hadset them free from slavery.52.Tom y awake all night thinking of them.53.The cost of living is D.rising again.54.The journey usually takes six weeks but you should B.allow for delayscaused by bad weather.55.The tiger is pacing C.back and forth in his cage.56.The atmosphere in the crowded hall became so stifling that two of thewomen passed D.out.57.The light bulb in the bath-room burned A.out and Father put in a newone.58.Tow soldiers are D.on duty guarding the gates.U1.Unless you A.go by nature, you are sure to be punished by it.W1.When she saw the clouds she went back to house to C.fetch her umbrella.2.We say that a person has good manners if he or she is polite, kind andhelpful A.to others.3.We should be D.careful when we are doing our exercises.4.With the gas D.cut off, I couldn’t cook dinner.5.----Would you mind if I used your dictionary? -----C.Go ahead6.When you meet with a problem, find a way to C.solve it.7.When the bike was repaired, it looked B.as good as new.8.We will have D.plenty of time to go to the railway station. Take it easy!9.We haven’t found the missing wallet. Let’s D.go through the room again.10.We should pay mare attention to A.generation gap, for it has become asocial problem.11.---What’s the matter? -----The shoes don’t fit properly. They A.are hurtingmy feet.12.---Where is my pocket computer? -----B.Here it is.13. B.What is the price of that T-shirt?14.When Tom was doing his French translation, he left D.position for all thewords he did not know.15.Will all those in D.favor of the proposal raise their hands.16. C.Take it easy, we have got plenty of time and money.17.With the introduction of the electronic computer, there are nocomplicated problems C.but can be solved.18.We are all indignant D.at the injustice done to himX1.Xiao wang always es up with wonderful ideas.Y1.Your hair needs C.to be cut; would you like me C.to do it for you?2.You are very lucky, A.because you have a chance to study at college.3.You’d better have your car B.repaired at once, or you will be late forProfessor’s lecture.4.You’re too weak. It’s A.good for you to have plenty of exercise.5.You may have difficulty B.in leaning English at the beginning.6. A.Once you understand the sentence, you will find he passage quite easyto grasp.7.You can D.consult different kinds of people, dictionaries, or maps to findout what you wish to know.短文判断:Passage1:Feature of power generation1.The electric power can be stored. B.wrong2.The power system is made up of 4 parts. A.Right3.The unification of power system equipment is formed by 4 equipments.A.Right4. A power system is an undivided integer. A.Right5.The power network can operate normally without the integration of other3 equipments. B.wrong6. A link line is called a transmission line. A.Right7. A link line is formed by 3 power networks. B.wrong8.An electric power network is simply called a power network. A.Right9.The main network frame is formed by a week EHV system. B.wrong10.The networks are not closely linked with each other. B.wrongPassage5:Optical fiber communication1. A kind of information communication is optical fiber communication.A.Right2.The composite optical fiber ground wire is seldom used in power system.B.wrong3.One of the transmission tasks of the optical fiber main network is totransmit administration telephones from power system. A.Right4.Optical fiber communication has been the important communicationmethod in power communication system. A.Rightrge capacity of communication is not one of the advantages of opticalfiber communication. B.wrong6.The communication capacity of optical fiber is indirectly proportion to thecarrier frequency. B.wrong7.The carrier frequency of power line is more than 300KHZ. A.Right8.The carrier frequency of microwave is between 3000MHz and 5000MHz.B.wrong9.The main problem of the fiber-optic channel is the high price offiber-optic equipmet. A.Right10.The cables made by optical faiber are not expensive. B.wrongPassage6:Power plant1.Base on energy comversion, power plants are divided into more than 7categories. A.Right2. A power plant tries to transform energy source into electric power.B.wrong3.The power plant generating electricity and supplying steam is called aco-generation plant. A.Right4. A power net plan for short and medium term is one of factors in selectinga site.5.Two important factors for a new plant plan are fuel supply and ashdisposal. A.Right6.Environmental protection is less considered in building a new power plant.B.wrong7.Water sources and transportation conditions are not needed to considerin selecting a new site. B.wrong8.The total capacity in a newly scheduled plant arranges from 1200MW to3600MW. A.Right9.The number of units exceeds more than six. B.wrong10.The ranks of capacity should be limited within two. A.RightPassage9:Hydraulic structure1.The type of dam for hydraulic power plant depends on many factors.A.Right2.The main prupost of the dam safety monitoring is to monitor theperformance indexes. A.Right3.The equipment installed inside the dam is to discover the mormality ofdam in time. B.wrong4.Horizontal displacement is more important than vertical displacement.B.wrong5.Temperature stress and strain are the two main monitoring items of dam.B.wrong6.The monitoring method is the suitable points on the dam and itsfoundation. A.Right7.Some monitoring devices are movable for periodical supervision. B.wrong8.The monitoring result shall be analyzed and studied by computers.B.wrongPassage10: Heat treatment1.The post-weld heat treatments have two main purposes. A.Right2.One of the purposes is to diminish the residual stress in the welded joints.A.Right3.The other purpose is to improve the organization of the welded joints.B.wrong4.The welding crack can be classified into 5 categories. A.Right5.To change the internal structure of the work piece is one of purposes forheat treatment. A.Right6.There are 5 kinds of steel heat treatment. B.wrong7.The processes of heat treatment include 4 procedures. A.Right8.The electric resistance furnace is not widely used. B.wrong9.Heat treatment furnaces are not composed of electric resistance furnace,combustion furnace and surface heating device. B.wrong10.The control device for heat treatment temperature is composed oftemperature measuring element, and control device. B.wrongPassage11: Business and risks1.The work capitalism is written by Carl Marx. A.Right2.For 20% profit, capital will take risks. B.wrong3.For 100%, capital dares to break any human laws. A.Right4.For 200% , capital dares to commit any crime and even risks being hanged.B.wrong5.The pursuit of profits forces human being to take any risks. A.Right6.The pursuit of profit is much more encouraged than the pursuit offriendship. B.wrong7.There are two ownerships existing in Chinese economy. A.Right8.Only bright manufacturer or manager can predict the future of hisenterprises. B.wrongPassage12: Electricity1.Electricity is not dangerous as people think. B.wrong2.Dry wood can carry electricity to the ground.u B.wrong3.Conductors like metal or water can carry electricity to the ground. A.Right4.Human body is good conductor because it has 90% water in the body.B.wrong5.You can use hairdryer far from bath and water. A.Right6.Wet hands are good conductors for transmitting electricity. A.Right7.The best tool to push a shocked person away from the power is to usenom-conductor. A.RightPassage13: Paper1.Paper was invented and made in amcient China. A.Right2.An ancient Chinese found that the best paper could be made from trees.B.wrong3.America, Canada, Sweden and Japan became the most importantcountries in paper making. B.wrong4.50% of paper is used for publishing books and magazines. A.Right5.Much more paper use means more and more forests will be cut down.A.Right6.It is time we saved paper an forests. A.RightPassage14: Undersea Life1.Everything under the sea becomes blue and green. A.Right2.Now people can dive into the water to explore the secrets of the sea.A.Right3.You can stay in deep blue sea for a long time if you have bottles of air onyou back. A.Right4.It is warm but dark in deeper water. B.wrong5.Under about 3000 feet, there is no light at all. A.Right6.Many fish under deep water have eyes like normal fish in water. B.wrong7.The sea is a dangerous place for all arganisms. A.Right8.Deep sea snimals must follow the rule: to eat or be eaten. A.Right Passage15: Advice on Friendship1.People can’t live well if they have no friends. A.Right2.If you want to keep a friend forever, you should greet him with a smile.A.Right3.Cooking some soup for a sick neighbor makes you’re the sick neighborfeel much better. A.Right4.If you have a close friend, it does n’t matter to be rude to him. B.wrong5.If you want to be a loyal friend, you should understand their ideas andlearn from them. A.Right补全短文:Passage1 Functions of power transmission1.C. Power transmission2.E.power networks3.A.step-down substations and connected reansmission equipment4.D.transmission at high voltage5.B.power network operationPassage2 The applications of power electronics for T&D1.D.in a number of ways2.B.in use at distribution power levels3.E.in its capacity4.A.in any other available solution5.C.in which power electronicsPassage6 A brief introduction on the development of supercritical boilers and their main advantages1.B.some advanced countries2.D.great advantages on economy and environmental protection3.E.subcritical once-through boiler4.A.good homogenization of distribution5.C.whole process management is strengthenedPassage7 Steam generation and use1.B.an electrically heated home2.E.the fuel is uranium and the heat is supplied3.A.first generating steam4.D.the new generating capacity being installede of steam for electric power generationPassage10 Fuel cells1.B.there is no storage capacity in a fuel cell2.A.further development is under way3.E.as they are being developed there have been some applications.4.C.many cells are operated in series to obtain voltages5.D.supply alternating current from fuel cells.Passage12 Overcoming the Problem of Waste1.C.there is still something that can be useful2.A.there is no time to be lost3.D.it can be put to use again4.E.more and more machines are designed for this purpose5.B.building beautiful cities out of garbage is only a dreamPassage15 Satellites1.B.it circles the Earth and is therefore know as a satellite of the Earth2.D.A satellite stays in orbit because the planet gravitational force keeps pulling it into a cirale3.A.The bigger and heavier a body is, the greater is its force of gravity4.C.TO get out into space we have to overcome the Earth’s gravitational pull5.E.Artificial satellite can be used for various purposes.阅读理解:Passage1 : Have you ever seen a moon that looks unbelievably big?1.To what do we compare the size of the harvest moon?D.all of these2.The main purpose of the article is to rm.3.The author knew most people find the moon A.mysterious4.The moon looks bigger if B.it is near the horizon5.The autumn moon D.helps farmers see as they harvest their crops. Passage3 : Holidays in the United States usually occur at least once a month.1.The government of the United States makes it a rule for workers to have aC.3-day weekend almost once a month.2.Workers in the United States sometimes work from D.Tuesday to Friday3.Which statement is NOT true according to this passage?D.All the workershave a half-month vacation.4.The reason why someone has to divide his vacation into several parts isthat A.no noe can be found to take his place.5.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?D.SomethingAbout the holidays and Vacation in the U.S.Passage5:The diner is only a humble restaurant, but it has a special place in American life.1.What’s the main idea of paragraph 2?A.The attraction of diners todifferent people.2.The purpose of the last paragraph is to C.give a summary of the wholepassage.3.Why du truck drivers like a diner C.It’s a haven against loneliness.4.Diners attract B.many different kinds of people.5.Diners are D.fascinating.Passage6:In the past two years,1.The word “embrace” in the first sentence is closest in meaning to A.makeuse of.2.It can be concluded that if people continue to concern themselves with airpollution and physical fitness,D.bicycle sales will continue to rise.3.The bicycle is A.enjoying a strong revival.4.The reader can also conclude that Americans are C.concerned with thequality of their lives.5.In the sentence “---and this isn’t America first bicycle boom.”The word“boom”means A.a rapid increase in sale.Passage7:Docors have known for a long time that extremely loud noises can cause hearing damage or loss.1.Doctors have long known that C.one may lose his hearing when he hears aterribly loud noise.2.This passage suggests that one’s hearing B.will be damaged even if he hasheard a loud noise for noly little more than one second.3.Accouding to this passage, one conclusion you can draw is that aspirinC.makes hearing damage from loud noise worse.lions of Americans are in danger of suffering hearing loss because theyD.take too much aspirin.5.The purpose of the experiment the American scientist did was to findD.whether aspirin would increase the temporary hearing damage fromloud noises.Passage9:Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors.1. A postage stamp’s value to collectors is raised if C.a mistake is made in theprinting.2.In 1847, most countries of the world were A.not yet using postage stamps.3.In 1847, the mistake on the locally printed postage stamps was in theC.wording.4.$16800 is the collector’s value of B.the Twopenny Blue.5.The valuable stamps were designed by D.British printers.Passage11:For centuries, in the countries of south and Southeast Asia the elephant has been an intimate part of the culture,1.What can we know about African elephants from the passage?B.It is hardto tame them.2.Thailand was once called “Land of the Whit Elphant ”because B.whiteelephant was a national symbol until the 1920s.3.Why is the Thai elephant “out of work”, according to the author?A.Because the elephants are no longer useful to their owners.4.Which of the following statements is true about the elephant populationat various times? D.Today the elephant porulation is estimated at 5150. 5.The passage is most probably from C.a research report.Passage13:Many prvate institutions of higher education around the country are in danger.1.According to the author’s opinion, schools are bad businesses because ofD.their characteristics.2.The author used the phrase “go under”in Para.3 to mean A.get intodifficulties.3.We can reasonably conclude from this passage that the author made anappeal to the public in order to support B.private schools.4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about private schools?D.Privateschools are more profitable than public schools.5.Which of the following ways could possibly save privateschools?.C.Notional awareness and support.Passage15:A friend of mine, in response to a conversation we were having about the injustice of life,1.The author thought of his friend’s question as a good one because C.likehis friend, he also thought life was unfair.2.Surrendering to the fact that life isn’t fair will D.make us know it’s ourduty to perfect things.3.The second paragraph of the passage mainly discusses A.it’s nice toaccept the injustice of life.4.In the last paragraph, “this very basic fact” refers to the face that B.lifeisn’t and won’t be fair.5.From the passage, we can learn that the author’s attitude to life isA.positive.Passage16: People appear to be born to compute.1.what does the passage mainly discuss?A.The development ofmathematical ability in children.2.From the passage we can know that children B.begin to master simplecounting soon after they learn to walk and talk.3.In this passage the author’s attitude towards “children’s numerical skills”is D.objective.4.According to the study of psychology, children A.didn’t think thatquantity is unchanged as water pours from one glass to another with a different shape.5.Which of the following statements would be the author most likelydisapprove of ?A.Children learn mathematics naturally and easily. Passage17:It is not ofter realized that women held a high place in southerm European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries.1. A decimum was C.a protection of the wife’s right.2.In the 10th and 11th centuries in southerm European, women’s socialposition was B.as high as men’s.3.The purpose of mentioning the case of Maria Vivas is A.to show womenhad the same rights as, if not more than, their husbands.4.Could a husband sell his wife’s inheritance according to this passage?A.yes, if she agreed.5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an effect of the dowrysystem? D.The wife would not be deserted by her husband.Passage19:the small coastal town of Broome, in northwest Australia.---1.The first two paragraphs want to show that D.Broome is simple but vast.2.Sun Pictures is different from other theater in that B.the audience caneither sit on chairs or on the grass.3.Gregory Peck is most probably the name of C.a movie star.4.The “non-ticket holder”, as it is mentioned in the passage, refers to C.aninsect which comes to the theater by incident.5.It can be inferred that the tourists in Bromme are most attracted byC.The Sun Pictures.Passage23More surprising, perhaps, than the current difficulties of traditional----1.By calling Americans marrying people the author means that B.moreAmericans prefer marriage and at a younger age than Europeans.1.From the first paragraph we can know that A.traditional marriage nowruns into difficulty.2.Which of the following can be presented as the picture of today’sAmerican families?D.Many types of family rearrangements have become socially acceptable.3.“Part-time” children C.are shared between the two former spouses.4.Even though great changes have taken place in the structure of Americanfamilies.C.the vast majority of Americans still have faith in marriage. Passage25The struggle against malnutrition and hunger is as old as man himself.2.Malnutrition is C.more serious than before3.The pharse “waste away” means A.become thinner.pared with adults, children are usually more seriously affected bymalnutrition because A.their growth demands more protein than adults.5.Both of the two major types of malnutrition C.can cause malformation tosufferers’ bodies.6.It can be inferred from the passage that the struggle against malnutritionis D.hard to succeed.。